Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 13, 1850, Image 2

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Vraforo Mpinttr.
Free 'Soll, - Free Speech, Free nes/
Pruden§ ter Prey rerraerlll.
Towanda, Saturday, July 13, 1850.
Dieni•eneWe INNft aViimilwatliles;
, • POO Gant% COMOOMI2.
WM. T. MORISON, or *dimmers, Co.
roe stirmus emus, ,
vol MOOS Ortatia.
Terms of the Reporter.
SS SO per anneal ; if paid withal", the year' 50 elate will
bdednetsel , for rub raid id
adrantr, 00 will be
per owlet of ten linen. 50 ems fbr lbe
Ent, au/ PS centl >l eaeh subsequent insertion.
ITT sdi the '•
Mork." north side of the Pabbe
=oast door to the Bradford Hotel. Blames between
Adam' sod Blerelre Wee offices.
The news of the decease of our President, wit
fall upon the nation like the shock of a thunder.
bolt. To almost every town s it will come without
a word of warning, With unaffected feelings of
grief. we announce the death of President ZiCHAST
Tanoa. at the Executive Mansion, in Washington,
at 35 minutes past 10 o'clock, on Tuesday evening
last, alter a painted Meese of little more than 'fire
days. His disease begun with Cholera mobile,
which passed into bill ors remittent fever. His
death was calm and peaceful; and his last words
were G I am prepared. I have endeavored to do
my duty ."•
We extract from the Tribune, a short eke lib of
the Me and services of General Taylor t
Z4Cll,lllll' Tartan, the son of a fathee honorably
distingn fthed in the Revolutionary waiiwas born in
Orange Co. Virginia, Nov. 24. 1784. _ Till the age
of 2lhe worked on the farm of his father, but early
developed a taste for military life.. fle was sp.
pointed let Lieutenant in the Seventh *Lifantry on
May 3, 1804. In 1810 he married Mips Margaret
Smith of Maryland. In• 1812 he served as captain
tinder Gen. Harrison in the Indian war of the N.
West, where in September he gained great credit
for bravery an(coolness in defending Fort Harri
son against the pavages, and received the rank of
Brevet-Major in consequence. In the course of the
war he further distinguished himself. When it
ended, being reduced to the rank of; Captain on ac.-
-count of the general redaction of the army. he re
signed and went back to his Carat. He was reinsta
ted a. Majnr in 1816. and commanded for two years
at Green Bay on Lake Michigan. Afterward he
served mostly in the South, being scarcely ever ab
sent from active duty. On April 19.1819 he receiv
ed the commissio tof Lieut. Colonel. After 1826
he was again sent to the North-west. where he re
mained five years. In 1632 he was made Colonel
and served in the Black Hawk War. Afterwards
he was stationed at Prairie du Chien till 1836. when
he was ordered to Florida. whereon Dec.2s, 1837.
he fought. the battle of Okechohee, one of the most
memorable in the annals of oar Indian hostilities,
which virtually put an end to the war; for this he
received the brevet rank of Brigadier General. He
remained in Florida till .1840, when he took cow
mend of the first department of the, Army in the
South-West, his headquarters being at Fort Gibson.
in Arkansas. la 1845 he was ovilered to the Texan
frontier, in anticipation of the Mexican War, and at
the beginning of August had taken up his position
at Corpns Christi. On March 8. 1846. in oomph
anee with the orders of President Polk• he began ti
"march on the Rio Grande. The events which fol
lowed this step are too crellknewn to require recapitn.
lation here. The battle of Palo Alta was fought
May S. 1846. that of Resaca de la Palma the next
day. March 8,1846. in compliance with the orders
of President Polk. he began to march on the Rio
Grande. The events which followed thi• step are
too well known to require recapitulation here. The
battle of Palo Alta was fought May 8, 1818. that of
Resaea de la Palma the nestday. Matamo,o 'sass
takeri May IR ; on the 30th he was made Major
General by brevet, and on June 29 was promoted to
lull rank. The attack on Monterey began Sept.
21, and was closed by the capitulation on the 24th.
His great and final Nettle of Buena Vie:areas fought
on Feb. 22, 1847. In all these affairs be manifest
ed great soundness of judgment, readiness of mind
fertility of resources. mastry of the art of war, power
of inspiring his sabordinates*not only with affec
tion for his person. but with cr..nfidence in his skill
and fortunes, as well as constant humanity toward
the vanquished, and a frank dignity which won the
regard of the hostile people among whom he had to
command an invading army, somewhat incongru
ous in its elements and difficult to be controlled.
In November, 1847. Gen. Taylor the
United States. He was received with the eon/trate
linking end rejoicings of the people wherever he
appeared. The year before he had been nominated
for the Presideecy. in Jane, 1848 he received the
nomination of the 'Whig Convettion at Philadel
phia and in NoVember was elected. receiving 162
electoral votes to 127 for Gen. Cass. He was in
augurated on March 5, 1849, and at his death had
discharged the ditties of President one year. fotir
months and four days. Had he lived, to the 24th of
next November he would have been sixty-six years
The °alphas issisess.
The House of Representatives en Monday last,
adopted the resolutions of the Galrhin Investigate
ing Committee, condemning the original el liM as
an onjnst one, and explicitly declaring the payment
of the interest to haie been contrary to both law
and precedent and altogether beyond tne authority
of the Secretary of the Treasury. Though the
Secretary of War is not named in the resolutions,
they bear even more severely upon him than upon
Mr. Meredith. This is evinced by the futile at.
tempt made on Ssinolay by• Mr. Toombs to append
another resolution expressly exonerating Mr. Craw.
lord from blame, and by the *Minn of the House
in connection therewith. Mr. Toombe's motion
was by a large majority amended so as to condemn
4r. Crawford, though in moderit'e terms, arid then
by a party vote rejected, the Democrat preferring
to leave the original resolutions unchanged
The vote of Saturday, censuring ,the President.
was reconsidered and tabled, 99 ,c) 91. An amend-.
ment in Mr. Schencles substitute, declaring that
",this House deridedl): disapproves of and dissents
from, the ()pinion given by the Attorney General,
favor of the allowance of interest on said claim,"
wavalopted by a 'Ate of 119 to 66, and the sills
st:lnte as amended was then rejected, Yeas, 39,
'Nays. 163. and the original resolutions of the Se
lect Committee wete then adopted by a vote of
about 2 to 1.0
"ttrThe Lnenster leeHigenter pebliehed Tome
few weeku-sinee, as, original. a few verseeaddiees.
eel to " Meat." by "H. A. H." if theediter had
ever toad the good fortune to hear tote Baker's he
; would have recognized the piece as being one of
their beat oongs, commencing ° we parted in el.
lence, we parted by night.", Some love4oni swain
baJ belt; as iming tie adored with lexica post 7.
a•tiswil 114 - 0 kir_ l4 l s , _• - the
impowallpgras 4 .11•14 log IlhisterAP
We stated in our lee papery in commenting up
on the knee eddlisseni as by Mr. Waria, that we
Amid tains emordors to memo an allusion made
therein to Dante Wltiatte. Wog our "110 ad
maikr,” and elm to mmaider with what mums the
chaise came from as a some. We shall aim•
meow nth" former part serer proposition, as be.
ing the base, and so on gradually until we arrive
at a Troy small *object, us fume the apex.
Let as now go back some few years. Passing
over former divisions in this County, wherein this
o&nnsiter of this journal, was in direst antagonises
to Mr. Wilmot, we come down to the time of Mr
Wei. unanimous nomination for Congresrlds
election triumphantly over a self-nominated, mo
raine Democrat, now the brains" of the Myth
*Permsylverlais cliqorand when we arrive et hie
o pp os ition to the tariff of 1142, and his ghwkros
vote upon that - question, when be alone of the
Pennsylvania delegation took the groucd,cow ta•
ken by the entire party, we can discover the be-
ginning of that opposition which has since increas
ed more in rancor than numbers, and which then
icelodeil, Openly many. and secretly the most, of
those now so hostile to him. Some, differed bon
estly with him in their support of a high tariff.—
others ! who saw hint rising at once into eminence,
tilt all the pangs of jealousy and•envy, which they
only waited a favorable opportunity to manifest.
Daring Lhe memorable straggle; in this district,
fought upon 'fire Tariff question, Satin 1814 aping
D. M. Btu.; surd in 11116, against Rosur G.
WEerre of Ti e ga l —Ole Bradford Reporter stood up
fur the champion of eizual rights, as it will ever
stand op for those it attempts to vindicate. Though
we came triumphantly out of that contest, and had
the satisfaction of seeing the Democracy of the
Slate finally take station upon our platform, yet
there were those who could not forget the services
the Reporter had rendered in sustaining the man
against whom their hearts were filled with gait,
and front.that period dame their enmity towards
.......or MITTLIN CO
In 1846, Mr. WILXO? (dated his celebrated Pro.
viso ay an amendment to the Two Million bill. In
the election which followed, the question wars not
introduced into the canvass; it bad not then be
come potent for good or (or evil. Subsequent
events--the hostility of a Democratic National
Administration—the recreancy 4Northern states
men bidding for the Ponsidency-l-and the general
ariaation. made it an important one in the election
of 1848. A favorite objyct with the Ala very.prop
aganda,lwas the overthrow of Mr. Wilmot who
had s cod up so firmly against the seductions and
denunciations of a Democratio-National Adenine.
(ration. 6oSspictiona amidst the general recrean
cy, his example towered up, a pillar of light, to
cheer on the friends of Freedom. His downfall
waidetermined on—but the people, whose cause
be had so often defended, stood by the honest
and bold advocate of their rights, and vindicated
and sustained him by returning him to the theatre
of his usefulness.
During this struggle, a most bitter and exciting
one, the Bradford Reporter has represented the
feelingsol the Democracy of Bradfird by sustaining
the cause of Freedom, and as a consequence up•
hol lag its tried standard bearer. In the outset, it
took decided ground against the further extension
of slavery, and in favor of the Wilmot Proviso...
In every phase of the contest it hits pot wavered
or looked back . In the darkest hoar we have
never doubted the ultimate nieces of ; the princi
ple we have advocated, nor the triumphant issue
of Mr. WI .*OT from the persecution which has
been he:tiled upon him for his unflinching devotion,
to the rights of man. A less courageous man, or one
with less confidence in the justice of his cause would
long ago hare sank under the unholy combination
against him. We have been at times, almost the
only journal in the state, which dared speak in his
defence. We have seen ambitious, dishonest and
prominent men, who viewed him as the lion in
the way of their unhallosed ambition, combine
together, and by the strength of their aggregated
influence seek to crush the man, whose only of
fence is that be is honest and independent...-
Against inch attacks, we have interposed our Isl.
ble effort., and of course, have only the more
deeply incensed those who have at bout his down-
Such men, dishonest, corrupt and mercenary
themselvea,have no idea of disinterested support
rendered to any man or principle. They look up.
on party only as a means of mulish" selfish ends,
of contributing to their own personal aggrandize.
ment. They stand ready to accommodate them.
selves to every breeze which will waft them on
their way toward the goal of their ambition
They pot off and on their principles, as they do
their garments. They stick at no artifice, scruple
to use no means, to effect their object, and deem
they are carrying out the legitimate purposes of the
Democratic party. That such men should see some.
thing remarkable in cer continental, unwavering &
waloue support of the Proviso and its author through
the anashine and the ;leant, is not strange. /ads
' ing from their own want of integrity they deem it
mercenary or unjustifiable , And since Mr. Ward,
in the depths of his compaision, took pity upon
the benighted Democracy of Bradford, and estab
lished here the North Pennsylvanian, to enlighten
iheir ignorance and lead them beck from the paths
of error and superstition, this holing has found a
mouth-pieta, to echo the parrotery of matalter."
A. we have heretofore supported, we hereby
pledge our continued uniform and unwavering ad
socaCycf the principle of the Jeflersonian ordi.
' nacre. We nailed the motto to our mast-bead,
months ego, and there it shall wave, defying the
battle ant the breeze, until the question is settled
and the decree gone forth, rear 01.AVIMLY Mau,
MT no MO razz TWITTORT I We do not want
oar position misondenitood. And while Dino
WILMOT continues, as be has heretolore, to main
tain his own honesty, integrity and consistency, we
wilt continue to lend him all the support we can
give him, undismayed by denunciation, unwed
by influence, and heeding not The scornful epithets
of renegade. and: apostates. Oar influence shall
ever be interposed betwixt hint and his traducers,
and combine rascality shall not strike him demi
without an effort on our
.part to avert the b10w....
8o long es he honestly and conscientiously condo
nes in the plain course his duty marks out to him,
we wall support him,not feebly, but with our whole
soul—but no longer. We would do en with any
other man in like circumstances. without expecta
tion of reward, other than we anticipate Dow...lbe
feeling that we have sustained an honest politician
—in these times, an unusual phenomenon.
So much for oar support of Mr. Muter In
lifter Wend west
port war Inneirairo
forehand to see mt
end landed hs
ing hit WeiINAM
nary idosole
lei not ow. still in
MO t What *ow is
present inTretlllo IMO
In this letter Ito ion
style is somewhat chari
sion of the " Regalar C
of " loni." It is 411144
hot weather, to hear
mama? who has
breath in his W
Meal lite, bum moan
who without any used
vitiating Doty tat two
only es to which will m
aggnaidistment, as drat
test degree. Why voter
(to return you to the pti
1 7 delis." you, who •
ly most shinoefolly, and
manhood left, youvoild
hooseifbe ever awed
have allowed this same
to establish wnewspaper
to the principles and
ago. • And re are now
ry out the projects of this
aryls, against men, and
ported. “ Lonl end
who is banded with men
ago be know no terms a
his contempt of, and who
years at a time, constant it
eiple. That such persons
their own necks, should et
ter" to others, is in coalman
though perhaps not wor.h
devoted in them.
Tiro Harrisberfr Keystone'
mica ie at loggerheads.
faithfully, to keep the latter
of troth aid Amiency, but a,
Jesse will open its eyes• to
mendacity, its air, aptness
within the breasuted its
shame for tun poeit:nn an
since hu yet an abiding p:
The Keystone has offends
—the burner of WheatLsil
noble and generous Sucusil
has taken it to task, not gent)
Jesse like a "Crousand of br
fence was stating that rumor
of a certain letter to Mr. Boi
Compromise line. This brt
vision, and Jesse has rejoin
shows that his "back is op,
quarrel with anxiety—tor I ,
of the Keristons - can if he will
matters of history which are a
to the "Favorite Son," or his s
Faun says that tc the
to the democratic party of P
Albany Arles, the Pan Bares
moomoy of New York." W
tents is not literally true—th
to our Democracy what the
racy of New York—the open,,
compromising exponent of
the organ of those who have
Bochanans. the Forney., and
York•rt sentinel on the wa
can silence or corrupt. •
fliacb good—it might do tn.
theparty of this Commonw
of our Croswellv...from the .
and knavish plondirere bay
make it a patty of principle
already done mach towards
though it may meet the host'
Foerrev—..and the rage of t..
fanned off from peblie plan
pent to, it will receive the
and conscientious, the rang
ey of the State, and effect a
erhioh will tell favorably a .
misprints for years moon*.
ripe for the aealpet—end a .
Is only wanting iss the knits
Osamu ett elm mu
Pursuant to Goy. Doty's
imetediati adm*aien of Cali
en friday evening, Jane IS.
eoneapondene► of the New •,
that then were present . • . •
members. Mr- both, 'et • •
in the chair. Sot boar nort
were present. Among them,
Deny, John Wsatworth, and MI
There was 'a pod deal of disc
dot of business, the roles of
power of the Speaker, under
worth said if these rules coal
their tine pupae to crush a rr
and to pat all power into the
minority, it should be his dot)
the reprobseico of the country
timent were brought to bear 11
Mr. Wilmot said, if there
majority in the Rouse for ad
these rules could not be used
Giro him the nee of such al
posed to aid him, and he w
ty and dignity of the Roust
• manner to grind into the s
of faction, and to shame or
and propriety of conduct, a
than days, he would pus
ats shape or another, set
The into of the mows
the California bill on
it before the House until
sny Wm mann •whits
The following is a list
Brooch Canal, to be lat at
f•ocrrowo..No. 7. to, 13,
34, 36, 27, 41, 47,511, 511,
74.75, 77 , 7s, rap AO , IL I
Loczo—Nos. 1,2, 3,5, 11,
Aotnorocro—No. 1,
sox; No. 3. Dom;
Duce—No. 1, Athena; N.
gebeAteileia. fa bill IMP
riliallati 111 . UP. ThNl be
to ediaire in Kr. Wilma—
hisineeels ,ia sainteia•
spout the eabassil.,
t a beet mama kiianoadier
se imayileabeteimea. Te
mete' Goo the tame am
. Wenii posed for big
lity le Sr. IV limed
uncbtt eetiadenden, lbw
from the Willa gyms
vitiator,* by the aidition
ly refrigerativo, in this
an talk show 18 lord sod
hiembod an intlepondoss
bra since be sat oat
y a tool to somebody, and
ritoriple is constantly vas•
ins of sanction. in doubt
toner most to his personal
his vanity in the greet.
" lord sod , master" now,
,) is a man who Mani
abetted yoonelf said hau
-1 who it your bad a spark of
t summarily from you
• r thyroids:old. Tot you
• mon to use year puha
, in direct opposition
yea advocated on. year
ing your time to era
sed enese7 dom.
principbra you have sop
forsooth, from etre
who less than two years
rose enough to sapless
has never bean for two
his support ot any prin.
feeling the badge gall
not " lord and maw
nee with human ilium,
the attention we have
A *wall?
M raid.
1 the &loth ?must.
We have attempted,
paper within the pale
... Ily. Vice trust
: realizing senor of its
! d venality,and awaken
!doctors some sense of
past comae, if such a
.•be " Favorite Son "
the wholeioaled,
an—i.ear his organ
y. bat comet down on
k." The Fps :list of-
I assigned the wr:fing
hanan in favor of the
i nto out the Porsuyi
• in a manner which
We shall watch this
know that the eJitor
bring to light certain
of entirely creditable
i • pie tool of the Pam
i • • is, in nee word,
•I. nsyl van is, what the
coriput, is to the de
ars sorry this sen.
i t the "gems is not
as is to the Demon.
!fearless, avowed, an
t adical Democracy—.
no affinity with the
he Caramels of New
-tower, which no km
Reysitatie has done
. It could relieve
hh from dictatorship
Mtn which dishonest
entailed upon it—to
of f spoils. It has
Met it do more, and
1 1.'7 of Ilecnasse and
who have already
I ' sr „ or those who ea.
ppent of the bonen
land ardent Democra
woe* of purification
car character and
. wound is already
kl and barter band
at CaStOreiUs.
, tbe friends of the
• is, - held a sum
We learn from the
orb Elwin pen,
haymow Oland SO
, iresplaced
weecern &Weems
• ler, were Mr.
I. s llll o l Pft Of Obi,.
let open the or
• House, end the
thins. Mr. West
, be perverted hem
' •
of the Hoene,
hands of • fictioes
to held them up to
until the public Oen
fome their repeal.
a clear and tree
bolos of Callk:cola,
for any mob purpose.
majority beefily ilis.
Id assert *be umbel -
of Representatives In
sly deal, the IOSOLOSICO
rcm Into correctness
im instruments. In
a bill, own which, in
!an mamba had Wen
a motes to OW op
oeassion, and to keep
• widow rap rd to
wadi ea the Meth
Pl* on *today
, , lit e'r, Mk Mk set
1 10 , $ l , S, etl, 74
7, it, so, 12,14, 15,16,
Croat; No. 2, art
4, Die 2oworovi.
. 2,, liosoods.
-1 1 *A 0001 04. 1 . 60
10 lo' 11111Wrift
too Iliasekimowapj., Tow
Pray WI so NIA pe r
to 60411 Mew
••apprilope bi te .
as-peosy Teo.
Mist Irene altea
Ile bass lista to man 6.66140‘.
His lepers a* mt emu
a a Bellios, say is 7 /*jos.
' Eat tbut pts burble
With esosprosises" so diestettr
• Asd tittles* &se.
woshl be better. betwe. Tea.
To." btp - tbes 1 the Ohre
As Itched Muss waled do his We
Asd Nuke the "wilted" wither.
Tan Illostse. newsy Jo. Tone
Torre siutly is die woes.
Yoe do sot arts help the veldt,. •
ponds, ewe dot Wm.
Cslikisis. yos oast Item Tsar
Cu do it whiteout troolds.
lioion dike bold yids Miry. Time
kid us* Mr easy doable.
Old BoMoe, now ay Jo, Ton.
You're hold's Mon scurry.
Opposing any. Ttos‘
Aad twain Way tops terrry
Whirs thee statist* Demos. Tow
lave hook es Web s statics.
Bo Blake lbr dllteelehleh a all.
But for die Risley swim
Tom mesas. 0 1' ay 3., Torn.
Try sew ant be now civil
You Mow yes have one upon. TOIL
0 They7l seat you to the I t
If once they fed yea favor. Tom
D. Wilmot' aid disaster.
They vent mem moil you leek know.TINIA ,
for then they'll bold the teeter.
Wawa et Sail Ceidiranous,
At gimptelt.
apeatitGimetmlease rf VM thaillboillbringE)
Russet, July I, IMO:
Sin Entree :—We hare had stirring times in
nor township, making preparations tocelebrue the
annivetsary of the day on which our fathom de
eland to the world the imkpendenn of our
loved country. And can you imagine a mow
Weariful sight than a whaler townshipcongrepling
themselves with Goer accord . around a public table
to whieb they have elf contributed and like one
great family, renewing not only the remembrance
of the many virtoes of our father, but the kindly'
sympathies anti good feeling which should errs
among neighbors. Each township should have a
celebration within itself; and be independent
enough to stand on its own loundation, if that loon
tlation is not quits go broad as some others. Har
riet is taking tbe lead in this particular, if your
correspondent malady's, and if the festivities which
" our folks " got op kr the OCIOIBiOn can be beat by
any township in the county, in the phrase of the
"suckers," "you can take my hat." We listened
lo a number of speeches, which, if I bad been
sk:llful in phonography, on should have had ler
put..!icraion pre Imo pubbm; but rit b , n a ll t h e
wo r m ,'ill have to be deprived of the pleasure
that they rrcnald certainly have taken in a pineal
of them the rest of mankind" you know
were present upon he occasion. . -
The ladies sissy: &nitwit. part well on such two
ea s i era ; and if you WO saokett apron the long tk
we, spread be n e a th the OE!, of beautiful trees
with every thing good, you won♦ hare acknowl
edged that Herrick ladies were not behind those of
any other place ;—bot if you had partafrea of the
rich repast, with their smiles beaming o r lon you,
and their happy voices enlivening the scene, ) - OP
would have thought it far preferable to many debar
celebrations where all is funnel and nobody - arab
but the "speakers"
Taking it all in all, the like it not enjoyed every
year in this place, and the " whole to " who
staid in their own place, and tried to make some
thing of at because it MI their own plam, ate de
serving of considemble commendation.
Yon may think l have ezarated. but if you
do " ask the neighbors." Tours, over,
It tulles Costs,.
A large number of citizina from Sheellecinin,
Rome and %trysts united in celebrating the 4th inst .
in a style both creditable to themselves anifironhy
of the day. The teachers and scholars ot four Sab
bath schoola,.from the neighboring places of Post
Corners, Pond am, Heirubrook and Client rape .
tinily were present with banners bearing appropri
ate M 61 10.8. giving animation and interest to the
scene. The nonuser of persons who joined in the
oiletwation was estimated at one thousand.
The rendesuous was at Post Comes, where the
children of theueveral schools with their teachers,
parents and guardians were assembled at 10 o'clock
A. M. and arranged in the form of a hollow square.
The nutshell of the day, (oar worthy cities Us
sigh Kilmer) then announced that the spot where
they were standing would thereafter bear thermos
of 1, bAIION CENTRE," instead of the tide by
which it had been hitherto known. this enflames
ment was receive& with spoiled cheery, and four
and warty banners 211 the hands of the 'Sabbath
scholars waved together 112 token that the sentiment
WOW in the sew name was pignut in the hears
of the amembled maple. A procession was then
formed, which marched themes with music, and
beams waving in the biome, to a grove upon the
premises of )Ir. L. D. Post There, under a d
shade, table had been spread, a stage erected
seats prepared for their accommodation. As erecte d
procession entered the grove they were saluted
with a discharge of guns and loud cheers/ After
all were mated the exercises were comnd by
music, instruments' and . vocal ; after which Rev.
Mr. Cook of Rome, who officiated aachaplain, ad.
dressed the Throw of than. in grateful acknowl
edgment of the blessings that we enjoy and in ear
nest supplication that the same may be pSrpetual
"?M pima inn liesves's fit movie +L..
So says the poet; and wewere,never so strongly
impressed by the beauty of the idea, as when we
saw that multitude under the shadow of the prime
val fared, offering up the tribute of grateful henna
to the Giver of all good, ior liberty obtained and
premerved.- sQuo followed; char which an ad
them was delivered to the leaebent and Wolin of
the Sabbath mho& by Wm. Wadrine Ng of To.
wends. The audience then marched to diner, to
dte wind of initial music. Three tables amen
sive stingts to onoommodate-the whole multitude
and abundantly laden with Good cheer, bare am
ple testimony to the hospitality and patrietirn of
the ladies who bad soperineended this important
part of die ariniinints for the
Mier dinner the people eosin reamed timers
and an oration was delivered upon spire of ipU;s
nd intone cannectsd . with the day, by Henry
1 1 4 1111 5 0 1. 11---- - ''P.2, .4 — .lhiiAlii
waive km ilk* with masse; skit which tbst pea
pie mmehed motet the grove, wore saluted with
.diwitie p eileastW new, and 'kitty stet wins '
diaila :- Ilmili the Ws& day, the Mama de
itimmisad Omasew: prevailed. Wi bows as sne;
Ward' net a profuse wont. The
iimalimat seme keened to with ap, respeatfor and
eameseattention that aloud an internal was kit lit
the sendmenw that tell
_, frost thwirjile• On !he.
slob, we base seldom it ever wended a nekton-
Ides of the 4,11 July eondamed in so rational a man
nor, as well stakelated to leave a good impression
'on the mind or in . which therwww an . ta li' to is
- w r sVkar oar whisk we , have dale .
Oka was wa s 11211311',
Mot itflowirgi lonsr wan is answer or a
colar tabooed by Plbo. F. a Cannet.z, to many
mosboto of Cooper, popootidtog twain low
affueedlik•°' •
Iltrannisers Garr. Jaly S; 111544 ,
Dim* hags Pia is nweipe of your ante of yaw
Wray. sad i. re* to the pepositioa therein laid
dlowa.saswert: That roar Dot aware of anything is
the prom' eemstitatios ororyriailittlea of the Set
am which readers Sesta& dud the Proviso outwit
pan that holy. A leajetity of Seiators are thew
salves bearable ge abpi' prohibitiot against the
tussles of Slimy, or repressor coamitteitacies
kiwi *brio.• The - Proviso passel:Nee Senate
is the Oregon territoriebil at the drsr gossips of
die bat Compose, Akhoigle the Sent.. at the
remit eatable. have sot manifested a disposition
to page it. thesis*. as yet. may Deltoid ofelie Horse
where* is well esdentood • majority was elected
• knows to bet iw its favor.- The desalt. by thodefee
doe of men Named or iestructetto softie. the Pro.
visa is uaderstood'se contain a majority against it.
Firmness on the part of the Moe of Representatives
sad the constitiieseise of lielultbrg, weald reclaim
the Seaelet of chow its members. The history of
that body oa this gaged°a finishes evidence that
Senators theittelies may change.
Immo* consent that the assumption: "that the
Proviso cameo' parr the Senate as at present coo.
stitated.7 shall be made the ground for its abeadoo.
meat tiy the Haase of lepreiwatatives.
It talengoenteltably the defy of Congress to ad-'
mit at onee. ant without condition. the Siete of Cal
ifonsis with her present constitution. Is see Jodi.
ment. Congress should own We government" for the
territories. expressly prohibiting Slavery therein.
and, of coarse. remit° orgsoisegovernments with;
sot sash prohibition:
Tbe eforts of the Meade of Slavery to extend
its area make it the plain add imperative duty of
the frieedg of Freedom to unite in the support' of,
their principles. and to semis only such iteprften
tads, ta as truly aid faihfelly sustain their principles
and measures.
In this free eosin*. the came of liberty and jos: -
tine mast and .1W to•sustained. We must not. be
discouaged ordisheanesed by the defection of ambi
tions and &Wining meet There are such in both
branches ell.lonsress. who would support or *ban
dim this ut any other principle, as they believed'
their personal interest waled:. Oar reliance mast
be upon the righteousness of our cause and the
integriy of a free people. Weshould bireimilant.coe
stant and untiring until the_prineiples we advocate
are firmly established. Van resaecitelly. your,.
L. F. D. Cosessasjoese of Sep&
We understand that the Marshal has appointed'
to take the senors of this county—B. F. , Powait,
editor of the fherfford Argos, and Maj. E. W. HALt.
The ipplicanti for that appointment numbered some.
twenty and we congratulate our editorial brother
upon his metes& He certainly had a claim upon
his party for the post, which we are glad to see re
cognized. What claims our friend, the Major, erg
et', we are not apprised of, though as some whin
was to be the recipient, we are plowed to see him
in such good standing with the " powers that be."
No will make a good officer, and we shall tlembi.
la,•s base from Mai deputies a faithful return of
the =out of population, statistics, be. of SW
Hats Ge t m.--The following, from Tony, re
lates an incident well remembered here:-The mod
el artist man has been doctoral "not guilty, but to
pay the costs," at the philadelphia cowl of Qnar
ter Sessions. -We recollect a ease occurring in
Bradford county, in that sate, whet* a rough old
customer named Holentack was the dekndant.—
When the foreman said not guilty but pay the
costs," old 11. jumped up, and roared out, " Half
Moses 31aoczas
The fallowing is the Camminas at Conespen
dines appinaid at the Williamsport Cams:Won
for this county
The Deuteeratie Standing Committee of Brad.
ford County, will meet at Baldwin's Beofffted Ra
Id, in this boleagb. on Saturday della day of Ao.
gust, *250, at o'clock P. M rho following are
the names of me Committee: Ulysses Meteor,
&When Pieeee, Lufsurto..J. E. Cornfield, Than.
aiSmoad, Join 1161.1 wist, Oise W. SUlott, Nelson
Reynolds, Aronah Wattles.
0:/' his aka. Mime me :••Amens L. Ds-
Weis, .q., was elected County 'Mum by the
Board ofiloperviseWs yesterday. Mr. DeWolf bas
only base a melded of ear city for a short time,
but has bad many years' experience at the tam
in the management of downy affairs, and we are
confident he will make a faithful and effkiellt pub.
lie officer.
GMAT SLainurnras—Washictutan a • political
slaughter-house just now. The voting on that
compromise bill will prove a fatal business to many.
So fir the Senate chamber seems to be but another
name for a slave pen, a majority of six or eight
dough tutees, voting continually against freedom
end the North. We are glad to see certain Sena
tors thus cooped up an I compelled to show their
handslo the people. There will be a fearful reek.
oiling when the State Legislatures next convene
As we have not as yet the ayes and nays, we his.
no censures of criticisms at this time to make We
fear that an unpleasent duty awaits us, but we hope
no conductor of a public journal will shrink from
his responsibility to the people in each a. crisis.—
We have not only a Congress voting-to extend 'lo
vely over the .tenitties now free, bat we have
now a Southern Convention' meembled to dictate
terms to the nation, and are resolving that 'ankles
slavery shall keep pace with freedom in this Ra
pidan country, they, the South, will djmelve the
political bands of this Union. Now the time
" for every man's opinion concerning the Repub.
be to be written upon his torehead.”—Cleateed
Noah Alden
gro The Buten Townwript says that a nasineil
bum - has taken ,pied. between Lintefield and-
Prof Webster, and that a amend wish for an inter
view bas been expresoce, which lb. sheriff has
ormsemed to grittitt
lietier blew ilea 1111ft*t.
Depot, - x•
C..akua. at Cerrespeadissee.
Daseersaki itas4las Cowminis.
of Iliellkiseiriref , llo.lParka aa ,
Boar*, Daly 2, sic
. ..`At talliinetireg of the Council, thin ming% 1
eine . of &Anti* Wagon wee nalemed to a e -
Bohm s einsminee, at IS o'clock, app sd
ill Penman, the spiritual adviso r o f, , lie
iipidemoNt, with alietition hot a anamention e i
pmehment, together with a inehosise that be
ed Dr Parkman.
The Reverend gendemenereficell theme/ t a m
by a few remarks relative to the manna, in whi c h
the confeision was made to him. He otalo'gl it
he bad no previous acquintancesldp w 6 . 6 .
we Webster, before being Weil. to -act ion s ee .
pacitj of his spiritual "advises In the ha f t ,
weehrof his vente r he sought no acknowloop iena
of the• ,' At length, on the Illd of Iguy, he visi 'him *his self, and demanded often, foe
his own wellaning, that be should tell the omit is
regard to the Mailer, and , he accededlothe mo o
by making a statement,. which was Dow saltioni
for the consideration of the Council.
It was kr substance se follows:.- : •
Tale OomateaseS.
Oh Tuesday, Seth November, I sent the nate
to Drr. Parkamt, whistgypsies, was carried by
the boy Showell. I banded it to Littlefield sta.
sealed. It , was *ask Dr Patinas* le call at ay
moms; (*Friday, the 23d, tier r my leetare. H.
-had become ot late, very inaportname- be his pc t.
He had dinimmed me with a salt; - to pet as ill.
ear in my hoomyand *drive ace my lens
sorship, d I did not pay hint. The paten of ray
note was simply to ask he coalereare. I did au
*Ohba in it, what I could do ; or what I but 4 ,
say abatis itie - payment. , }wished toga*, for
few days a orient* ken his 'agitations, to ebeg
I was liable every day; on ascasices, and i n a ,
manner very disagreeable and atoning; % I ge n
to smelt for so long a time, it least, the fulfilment of
recent &maw* severe inemanse. P did as a t ,
pest tar be able to pay hire- when Friday *mid ar ,
nee , lg. purpose was, if brihould wads to tic
proposed interview, to state to him my ellthania
men* arid utter inability twiny him arpressrs..o
apologise for-those things in my conduc t n in eh a id •
o ff en d e d httn....ocithmw mySelf upon his namer.::
to beg for further time and indolgence,for theisks
of my tamilye if lint for myself, and to make es
Rood promises to him as, I could'have any bops of
keeping. I did not' hear from - himanhatday, not
die next, (Wednesday,? bat I , fonad on Thntsday
lite had been abroad in permit of met without find
ing me, I imagined he had forgotten the apt.
meat, or else did not mean to wait for it. I rod
he wenktcome in spew me at my leetorstoor, or
whiie I siseprepanng my exprriments her hones
fore, I called at his boon on doll wornine ! (FridlYl)
between eight and nine o'clock. to remind' hitt a(
my wish rawer him at the -College, at half-pat one
-ony lecture closing at one. I did net stop-nistan
with him. for I espetied the conversation wood
be a long one, and Shad my !octant* peplos kr,
for it was necessary for me to have m time, in
also, to keep my mind free ken ot her
uni t
autumn Dr. %Annan agreed to call on me • I
proposed. I? came, accordingly, between iot.
past one - anLf two o'clock, entering at the lector
room door. I was engaged in removing some"
glasses from my lecture room table, into the nos
into the rear, called the upper laboratory: Ile rime
rapidly down the imp, and. followed me into the
!laboratory. ire immediately addressed me with
pear . energy... 4 .Am yo o. ready for me, sirl,,Ram
you got the money I" }replied, "No, Dr Putman;'
and I was then- beginning to state my condition,
and my
,appeal to hint; bathe would not Gwen to
me, and interrupt at me owith much vehemence.-
Fi e caged saes scotordrel and liar, and wept re
'heaping on me the most bitter taunts smcapprobri
ontepithen. While be was speaking-, be drew a
handful *Vapors from his pocket, and. nob from
among them any ,two notes, and also an Old letter,
from Dr. Flossack written- many yews ago, en
gratolating him on his animas in 'getting me ap.
pointed Professor. of Chemistry. "Voir see;" he
and, .1 sot yaw into -rat office, and no*l sit
get you out of it." He put back into his pocket all
the mein the letter and the noted. lean.
_ not tell bow long the torrent of threats and non
fir* continued, and I recall to memory train snot
portion of what he said ; at first,
1 kept interposing,
trying to pacify hue, so thatt might obtain the
object for which I. sought the Interview, bat
I could not stop him, and soon my own Ism
per was op; I forgot everything, and felt ,nothing
but the sting of his words. I was 'sinned to the
highest degree of passion , and while hewn speak
iug anal gesticulating ' 'bt most violent and menac
ing manner, throning the letter and hi fin into
my face, in my fury, seized whatever thirty Was
handiest, (it was a stick of wood.). anidealt him
an instantaneons blow with, all the knee that pea
sion could give it. I did not know, or care, cheer
I should his him nor bow hard, nor what the et.
feet would be It was on the side of his bead, and
there was nothing to break the knee of the b10w...
He fell instantly spin the pavement. There we
no second blow ;he did not mown I ramped down
over him, and he wand to be lifeless. Sion
flowed from his mean, and I got - a "poop 'ma
wiped it away. I got some adationis and applied •
,it to his nose, but without( @Beet. Perhaps I nett
I ten minutes . in attempts to neseritatebin nil
foin:d he oas aboolutely duel. In my Muria ont
consternation, I ran instinctively to the dotes of tie_
lecture n..orn arid of the laboratory below. hi
then, what owe Ito doh It neves ineerred tons.
to go out and declare what had been Ilene, and *
fain assistance. I saw nothing bet the shemens
of a successful-movement and concealment of de
body on the me hand, and of infamy and
destruction on the alms The Snit thing lid
as sons as I could do anything. was to haw the
body into the private room adjoining, where I took
1 off the clothes, *ld began puma them into the Ste,
1 which was burning in the tappet !Amboy. They
were all consumed there that...kerne*, win ps•
pora, pocket-Wok, and whatever they contained-
I did not examine the pockets, nor raw* wythild
except the watch. I saw that, or the chain of il,
hanging out. [took it, and threw it Over the be*
es I went to Cambridge. My next mom was to
get the body into the sink, which. stands in Silks
small private roOrni by setting the body p h
enact againet the corner ; and bygginting oP l' 9 ""
sink myself. I sneceeded in drawing it op tiers-
It was entirely dismernbend. It was quickly &Inc
as a work of Nimble and desperate messily. Inta
only instrument was the knife bond by thalami.
in the tea chest; *hieh I kept for cutting corks: l
made no nee of the Turkish knife, as it was called
at the trill That bad long been kept on 1117 Par'
let mantelpiece, in Cambridge, as a urines ono.
moot. My daughters frequently cleansed it ;bow
the marks of oil and whiting found on it. I bed
lately brought it into Boston -tn get the silver shwa
repaired. While dismembering the body, a Weis
of Cochituate was running thronah the sink. cw'r
ing off the blood inn pipe that passed down dwell
the lower laboratory There must have been a
leak in the. pipe, tar the ceiling below was ruined
immediately around it. There was a fire horning
iin the funnier. of the thiver laboratory. Littlefield
was mistaken in thitiking there had never been i
fire there. He had probably never kiedled one,
but I had done it myself several times. - 1 had dries
it that day foithe polemist of maken oxygen Fl""
The head and viscera • were Oat into that boo"
that day, and the fuel heaped on. i did• not ly
amine, at night, to see to what degree they wee
consumed-? Some of the extremities ye/
pin in there, I Ulises, on that day; the poly* cool
some oldie limbs, perhaps, were all pot under the
lid of the lecture room table ; in what is called Ih e
well-a deep sink, lined anb le a d • ke n nel s of
Cochituate was turned into i and kept nweili
through it all Friday night : Imes was pal in
to a.similar well, in the lower lebonitory, who
filled with water, and threw in 'quantity of pow
which I found there. 'This disposition of the le'
mains was not changed till alter the visit of the of
fieers - rm Monday. - When the body had been that
all disposed of, I elesitednway all tmesiof what
bad been dom. I think the stiob with which do
final blow had beenstruck, proved to be a pitta
of the stump °renege grape vine-pay two incho. ,
in dinneter, , ad two feet long. It was one, 1