Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 22, 1850, Image 2

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rabforlY 7. i.L' epnter.
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Vrops,.ssll, Fres Speetia, Wr%s Meat
:ffireelres - ter - Pres "Writer..
E. O. OOODRICH, Eorroa. t
Tonnlikit E. 4,401 1 7, Jet! 2211850.
Aswiwerlitle *Me
poi calm.
WM. T. MORISON, . ... „or MOrnK Co. airlY CC I
iron svimrtoa annum,
J. PORTER BRAWLEY, ' - or Car►wrotn Co
POI &Vine' 013111311 A L,
EPMRATM BANKS,. or Minus Co.
• Terror it flea It epairtee.
ES s. per annum; if laid witkis da rear OS Erma will
be dedseted, in cask paid betaally in einem 11l 00 will be
Aierziarsznawra. per square of tea,lines. 30 cents Ibr,ilie
int and IS cents for each enbeequent inserpea.
GT Mee in dm" thoon Illorkli sank aids of die Public
=Dry door to tbe Bradford Hotel. Entrance bowers
Adams' and iShrelre law 011eilli
Ora Rocsorrea Nuascar.—The agent for this
extensive and celebrated Nursery, Mr. Dextrison,
has placed upon oar table a Catalogue of Trees.
Shrubs, Vines, ko„ for which Win .ready to re
ceive ordets, As a specimen of the thriftiness of
the jqorseq, Mr. D. presented us with some rho
barbstalts, the heigth of many of which measur
ed overfoer feet from the ground. He will spend
some time in this vicinity, and our chitlins will do
well to avail themselves of such an opportunity to
procure rare and valuable shothbery sad fruit trees.
Qtr- From present indications, ,the labors of the
farmers in this County, will be rewarded by about
dant harvests. We are Wonted by those who have
been abroad, that the grain crops look much more
promising in this County than elsewhere. From
the Western Country, there are accounts of a small
crop of wheat, and in some portions of the grain
growing counties of New York, the yield will ,be
below an average. There can , :be no doubt, we
mist, that our farmers will find ready markets and
high prices or the abundance with which there is
every indication to believe they will be blessed.
~THE NtST STATZ Ssimvs.— Th e following dis
tricts elect Senators this faU wider the' new Ap-.
portiorunent Bill: ,
Philadelphia County,_ i V 1
Bradford, Susquehanna 'and Wyoming, 1
Lawrie, Columbia-and Montour, 1
Cumberland and Petty,l
Venumgo, Moron and Warren, 1
Armstrong, Indiana and Clarion, 1
Philadelphia City, 1
Adams an I Franklin, -, . 1
Blair, Cambria, and Huntingdon, 1.
Allegheny, 1
Bader, Beaver sad Lawrence, , 1
Senators holding aver, • 22
of which eleven are Democrats, and eleven Whip.
Of the distriata eleetibg this fall, the first six above
named will undoubtedly by democratic, the other
itur whigs—thus securing the Senate next winter to
the Democrats by a majority of one.
Mr. Wilm•V. Speech.
The following paragraphs will show the estima
tion in which lion. David Wilmot, and his late able
speech are held by the unyielding democracy of
'the west:
" David Wilmot's Speech, which we publish
this week t is a noble defnse of Democrario prin
ciples against the chtims of a Slaveholding Ans.
iocracy. It is calm, logical, eloquent and convinc
ing, and gives assurance that neither bribes nor
threats, party organization nor proffered honors, can
drive him from triii position. His enemies, the
Slaveholders, honor him for his boldness and con
sistency, and his friends bless him for his unbend
' ing integrity and fealty to principle. .Would that
there were more Wilmot'. Friends, show this
Speech to your neighbors J.—Jr:mow. Free De•o.
, vat.
Ma. Wwear.—By many, even of his friends
this gentleman has been regarded as at least a sec
ond or third-rate man,—as having, merely soci •
dent, achieved a kind- of notoriety by having his
name conneeted with a great measure of public
policy. We hope those of our residers who have
been accustomed to place this estimate upon his
capabilities will read the speech by him the fi rst
half of which we give in,the Vilna, oetemlay,
It is able, noble, manly, and its strong, terse sea •
tenoes have &Sinn ring in them equal to anything
that bakbeen said m Congress dining the session.
Mr. Wilmot Will be better known to-the people. at
no distant day, than he is now.—Detroit Daily Di
Irk* lib.* AMMAN
I The National Intellipnce, of Jane,
choritively that there is nothing In the aspect of
Whim between. oar government . and Spain to war
rant any apprehensions of &rupture. ' The Govern
ment has also no knowledge of death or torture in.
on sny of the . Coomy prisonemhythe Nava
nese authorities. This official announcement puts
to rest the remote Of war pudica by M . • special
correspondent of AU North American.
Cr 'Ma Ingestions of our •Correspoodeut
ainmem," in bN"pawilierLoasr,"ard i worthy U
attention of Array young pawn
,in the Comity •--
Worobould like to see his advice adapted and .the
Reporter made the 'inediunt of carving it into eft
ict. •
Meese Y. Eleace.—Tbs &mentor of•Panisyles•
eta her Nodes tegoisittoe op Governor Pub, to the
liver epitome Y. Bee& to the authorities it Le:
high, oe a charge of being etteneeted — with the
'babies badness at dot pine* ions yews 's°.
fitr The Governor bee appointed John Strohm,
of Lancaster, Wm. WiMamma '
of Chaim, an an ds
Wai. Wens; of Cumberland minty, Commis.
*mere to locale the seat Of Justice of Sullivan
minty, arra* m`the Provision, of - the,. act
Ter &Oilman Oacati,--This toper etude its op.,
panto* en . Monday'', under the editociel ebiqp
; Aim. Maher and Abe 10. eeftelltnallot elf
41IP Mcmfline. B4 4 Allablillall."
, „itt,the Su& of New Yoe>< is ciitne
the was_ st
C.- TasWiielf Mown by
•44it' t'kubemen•'
• •
Gailrialiilliiii -- _
Comeitt Ths =Goverameet
tlitb Mt. I; ' -'/
Major N
441 globora,
thi Texan Comnfrokinar in
New-M • has tanned 'is Anne, offer Me
%done ' tetilealiiithe ininlY it "Rants Pe:
The came nibs fakkAi ', 4 4# 1 1 0 011 44 . : - .
the military inthoritiee edition 71;.
' "Tiorafbrliflkellibbleiliknineng i m ennbb
nave sayocif Mb is ebleseele [Om-most ;import*
Sand gratifying news we have received fora lox
time. ' Trtie; : thongh-i're ling,rimpatinnilf; end for,
a lime confident'', expected jest tech advition; we
cannot yiot onoicileihite withillidrikifGeti:Ta*
lor'a Pew Spain, l %mega ahem quotedlio'
but we ire v!y 'reedy to waive this. If dead
miniboom' is at last Leidy, fully, opted yetteinain-
MI lotto Indepeidensea of New-Ma:km mid' the
maintettinci'of her wortiteriellinTrity, imam with
it beirt and Mal. Much precious time hat been
kik, but by l i trisibtere, Comm and delimitation
all maybe region:MX. Them ' with)! velem bin
new call critter President for information, and we
link Winnower very different in tom sad bear-
I ing from That of Monday. • .'
When it Comes, loot oat for hurricanes in Con
gress ! All we hive fret had ire nothing to them.
If what Col. Monroe is mooed to have done is
avorred and justified by the President, the "divan*
between him and the last remnant of the Slavery
Propaganda will be complete. We await with in
termit, but no longer with bar, the developments
ofthe ensuing month. The sky brightens ! Re
joice friend' Of Freedom tied pram onward !"
Plught will* the loadiase.:o•• Wkite Alas
am& ?we lalltus mUl.b ea.
Bamemia, June
By the Texas papers received by Its night's
mad, we learn that a Bight toot place thirty miles
from Corpus Christi, between Captain Ford's Ran
gers and the Climactic In liana. One man belong
'hitt° the Rangers was killed, named Was. Gilles
pie He Wes a cousin of Mr Gillespie who fell in
the attack an Monterey. Two of the Indians were
killed, three wounded, and one takes prisoner.
The Picrerate learns that several men, deserters
from the Lopez expedition, arrived it Camperwhy.
Also that the cholera prevailed extensively at
Tobseco and Paha, Ma. in Yucatan.
The examination of General Lopez above notk
ing new. It is gonbdul if any testimony can be
had criminating him.
' The Prosecuting Attorney was compelled to' sp.
peal to the Conn to prevent the crowd from ap,
pleading General Lopez in the Coon.
A very, destructive fits broke out at Colombia
ibis morning, about 2 o'clock, and a huge amount
of property was destroyed. A whole block of bud ,
dims, extending from the' bridge down to the
Green Tree Hotel, and west of the railroad depot
are in ashes. The railroad depot, and the Comm.
bill Spy printing office are also burnt down. At
least thirty famdies bare base rendered boaseleas
by this calamity.
The loss will not qA short of 250,000 to 60,000.
A special train arrived here this monitor° proceire
assistance from our firemen, and they bare nobly
responded to the call.
-New Onus% Jam IT. .
The extoomation of Gen Lope, was stopped io
dayt and the ease is to be sent Wrote the UAL Cir.
wit court. The bail iss3,ooo.
The steamer Fashion has amen' ad frogs , Tampa
Bay with fire companiei of troops. 11 is mottled
that Gen. Twiggs left 'for Washington via foavanah
quiet of Washington-moue was extraordinarily
disurbed yesterday afternoon by a most ones
posted-encounter between two men of ertensive
public reputation—Edwin Forret!, the American
tragedian and Nathaniel P. Willis, Editor of the
lbw Adria As near as we can get at the facts,
they are Muse: Mr. Willis we, pease; through the
Square when he was met or overtaken by Mr.
Forms:Air. Stevens, and another; Mr. Willis was
knocked down, whether by Forrest or Mine other
person _we cann ot say, and while down, or while
trying to rice, he was struck several times with a
son of whip or cane made of gatta pecks. We
understand that some pinions endeavored to into
fere, hot were prevented from doing so. °Skim
!Mamie and Girand saw the transiction and ini;
mediately seemed Mr. •Forrest,wbo made no resit
tame to the law, and took also Mr. Willis beim
Justice McGrath, at Jefferson Market Police Court,
where, as Mr. Willis refused to make a complaint,
the officers entered the complaint of breaking the
pesos against both Forrest and Willis, and the lon
tics held them to bail to keep the peace for six
months. Mi:hael Con was bail for Mr. Format,
and a gentleman whose name we did not leans be.
came Intel for Mr. Willis. The came of this af
fair is welFenough known to the podia, wbe ban
bathe long dills of the disagmemeet,hetween
Mr. Forrest and his wiles , laid before them. We
leive the reader to make his own estimaki of the
character of theater. A cm! km' Mr: Willis
appears below. , _
ITtb, stales
Cab ISM 11. P. WILLIS. ..„ ,
Ph tie Dtior 41.71* Tribune :
Sir—As a statement wW doubdess appear, of an
ones. which look plate this liming, and as it
may not be a coma ona,allow IDS 10 MO it, silo
ply as it
While=in Washingloweqmtre, with no
sospieilm that any one was near mi. 1 was sod
denly knocked &wn - , and, Waives thisgramed,
`severely Wimp. Toe first thing 1 Amid altrarre
MN woman, a Ildr. fisersos,old aostlisi, , ir.ass
etragglietto perils poisons Trent interfimagand,
Omni :rose to my 1.0, 1 Tor dm ' fi lm tint, saw
Mr,. Forrest. He was Unbinds of polies oil
ears,inerlds two Mends were eagedy dellanng Is
the crowd that i was** sadmier - of Ilt i :lrerrase's
wifa,.. plowed klmigiod sod.stander. MAW
,lily sissy amtineed to . derlawiat diva Pikes °Mee,
whipmers were taken. `Wiiiiilinfermiailliahnto
that I llid rw mintplimtteinike or mbar webs*
with Mr. Fenswies that plass, the moat bail was
inquired, and I left the °Moe. La my, whole pea .
rogation to this refilaidy assail 'has bees as ea
demi to viadieite the honor of thi_laly, (aad of
cause; squally to show that bit hasboad had. em,
%rowel her, coma to diaboier,) public opinion, as,
far as that mpanition as go, Will readily an. tot,
Pane in lel tea. l
Yours, raspeadelly, N. P. WILLIS.
all LA Mlu bI Sl* ea die 106 boast;
a ba). Waft a boils doe aim; estatooy ,
'towed. 0040 tamed km aria, mad thai alio*
-frigataniat, amasamead raamagokaging
mei awes Uteri ta=el=, kOmad
airrately ilaa ba.died j .-=
x , ,,,fgr **sup *sok arishatiosirbe sem el
s ae gei**•• jet Modipi,in the yard 1 1 4.
digsrOedoLUpon btu! 11 . ! °Obis iiss***
&is*: *ft nowOdgeolly disis
mod 4**lr at* awir ko s dist Ma ious
itio*** *is yeses
. •
1111111111 Se Ski Lope" RapedUtiles.
Nicw 0111.6•3111, lone 11.
!Ire Is Calumnies P..
L►xcuTcy Juas 17
into 71
lerPuls .
gpisOosatiii 0
leo', is owes 'Mat
mew disgressist .
Aids whieissitifiss
Could ta drilled k
ii - gueds to inesistibly .
thrrAtyd sod Week.,
is fivor of the canon*.
tiro, oif I who'pewsima
Sits; irbich has lone
meat for debt ) aka nffi
The rigins of
potion may
rite& mail hi his wodb
so tiontrivakasto rash,
panel; hot beveditary4
ployer to take into serum
aga, without a manta
et nlirngrtiihintg'all claims
her peon, in the ,
is an active operation,
OR. The rose American
fortune, would inevitebly
be redoosid to a miserably ,
out much hops of-release:
dirge/ding land insufferable
SLAVERY ) " which! , ibeo
Or* our people,
lion of human rgttu.
it isnot difficult to
ore of Mt. Walker's
was the 'lanai_ Ice a
Southern Senators, who,
prohibition of black
appeased by clusbing ev.
the bondage of the white
ries. A word from thief
twining, a moat servile
are, perhaps. prepared
others; the coma
pelves driven by the '
mom It isigh
note all theme-incident
tional legislation; for
the true character and
lives can be so clearly
Terrible Blum
&rrrun, Jane, 17.-
Cape. Roby, while on her
tire 'boot five o'clock tbi
twenty miles below at ,
water's edge.
The mate whO swans
boat for help, and who r
that nnlyibirty of there
these bed I swim
vowel neer to render
It is reported that
died room on boar
gums on their way t
rem estimate, the net
mooed two hundred:
The scenes on the
having been agonising.
. is impossible as •
this dimmer, or to
the greeted calamity
Erie, since the destruction
" Us," some yc
The number ot
tad, viz: Steener,
Not a iinili at child
barteet wife. •
The sameber
only ,40. Napa
besot tiff, as
gray asses'
of Iha dissuscand
The Wismar Troy,
furnisher the kW
Among Ibir ion ma
Michael. Jana, id
gliani — T l2l4l / 9
edam kmprnt; the
eons; IL A. Panto'.
tar.; D. Miaow wail
damibans: F. J. Chao
whom Ma bodies of
near the mews ordimmer
Tbenumbst known
waft whom its Mr. '
clerk, Wm. Tinkoom,
The Tiny bio airs'
of the shipping at this Mort
day afternoon is faked ,
That oat
In the Astor Co.
$6,000; Borate Mahan
dam' Mowid,86;000;
bia Co. is,rrs.
A most ezhanrdi
been mint der
r. B. F. Want'
asse . , sad mins
teArs mime
c a t i onlrobi s on
ono bone bog
tronshoisoas More,
sir, and, knowing t
in bo reads
netted esnoos,
catision to help himooll
attains as he ovoid
moor with s bolblo
with him. flo woo
ionqoat of dot
lot , Rs Ina
- ft is ono
moon of
vista Mr..
hsd abundant
ow ns isonoimi aid
Isar;yips has
Write Ilse it par
stud as mom
'TiisXiwnwe Cosy •• • bm wijoomid m.
td snood weeks • odionnosom of Gleigt
Ms fed* of the Olin &nth was oe
mod! oweia7 • ibis toonodno aons:
hinpohot die disowns in posies k were do.
jollied by Mils dem •• • soy weinmatio
owninity vac TM' fedowoos oz.
min i sk ; bomirer, •by Mr. Ceinril, 'fffig
'Sink keel t wiU lbw _en tenni
which ponedoil dos , dad winsb mug% b.,
dmi tif the people wen wdoropmewoos,
pensonif ben Wiwi inn. e l wadi ohne
roorleilhent Ode beasuldlei beNssiones
agekartas. i Mies dont nom* if onol be,
Woke n &OW don •• • :Tinian. Down twor, 'inks . inn wok' file o :
'itto as ahoy fien biek iskeivatioc
VW* ant
• oP
r; IheinvOr Plowilvinkr M. W.
1. at. Pmerhileik. X. W. T.
lac A. L Ilan; of Mass'asam., M. W. Clagisic r
IL V Tnaaev, of New Ilkamaxiek, N. W. Casaltaatar.
trittir "li ptak =tat? ga=
Otaail Diviiisasyribia six 'weska.- Thasiviss
=MO iii=o=rvizt
_ -
- 1,714,04eiiii1 61 t44, - iiimiitiii and
maatinis bead aarassay subsolthaf
Bs* mailidajaadr -1-
-Phew Itera. pupa** tar aim,titan for
solordiaasi WIWI"b I. INksibminse Fay.,
fag pokeitionagas apialoa.
be #lMaitilf Oaf upon aufssi;!
Syrtis. —
whe n
sling .!tsf
•-ean be no
, wits voted
sits honks.
- spiel' at a
mid molift
this: -1:1Wtor,
en! held is non.
moo so Mold as io
now* ad do* oboe do lood dokonno plods*
Wit osoood Tiii Wiidookired Stir to haw'
boom die ipkk it dolididipt, old k 604 al&
eloady do koor oho. '
NEXT SoomooThe eipbtb soood sedan
b" 101 0 1 . 1 : aam g! cf 1 •8 11 Wail 94 the:litii4
Toothy inhoo. "
WhoWoomstko ofio,mbar of Ai ChdOrrlO
On* doom mod *kik "mimeo it oboe 5.00,-
any wO
- b.
th. Prism
to .00,10
cue °flair
*intim, and
elnitition, whh
fn feet, a moot
A GgitAl taxu — Timi sprimithda, TWIN& Sear.
nal, of Walsall/ Week, tomabel the' following
amens of's minas Storm, which passed 'ever a
poriimi of Illinois : I - , • ~ ,
(b Monday allemmit a semi was stmadonsad
over 11111 whole regime Mesmany ! in some_ Places
severely and in ethers lighilly. W. beer; of chin
adssdone in Shelbyville, Jarkeonville, itiebvlllo,
and Alton. helmet swag alma were kit sane •
SO mile* notthwest of this city..
The storm was isisiompeniedby -frightfd wind,
thunder and lightning, and the tam and hail felt in
a perfect amebae:be. Tides MINN broken, twined,
and blown down, femme prostratid, and gammon.
roofed. A stone dwelling was. entirely prostrated.
Hogs were killed in Fed Mambos; tbe fruit hem
were en and Mural, Me bark an the west side
peeled , and entirely denuded of leaves and fruit.
The siii grein . wes entirely cot op, es well as
• in gardens. Fowls were killed, and
hill cranes, plovers, sad prairie Chickens were bond
deed about the prairies. In a word, it seems lit.
lady impossibl . e to describe, trely, the dandelion of
the scene.
AverseUy condo's*.
tO Pgicß'
coons of the kit.
hs introduction
onslaight from the
-, most to fihther
to' exterminate
of the Tenho.
Went to de-
North, who
and _degrado
they are them
-4 insatiable
de should
Of oar na.
.data from which
of our mpresenta-
• Yesterday limning the bail was lying beside the
fences in drift from six to eight inches- deep, be
side the barns three b
et deep, and in a drift in a
ravine four feet deep. .
The striates are now full, and every bridge is
carried oil or injaredi so far as we have learned, in
the trace of the storm.
P77T7'7 1 1
AOT "Griffith,"
the lake, took
when afoot
was bumf bubo
14 5 30
PEMPTIVANIA T he Dmenratic State Conant
lion at Will' completed their nomination*,
with Ephraim he f or Auditor Osmond, and J. 1 0 :'
Brawley, for General: . We last Week an
nounced the noni . • °Wm. T. !godson es Ca
nal Corinnise - . ' The motion of the Convention
was a monny entkinended with atimeins to. bribe
delegates, bombastic deelmnation, persoutal damn
elation, flee ., and winding op with the adoption of
the Baltimore Platfonn!--and a repudiation of the
resolutions of last entr's conventions. ander which
the Democracy gained a signal triumph. What ef.
feet this asp will have upon theirotweess Ibis fell
minas to be seen, bat we shall not be sutprised
at all to see a whig triumph. We doubt wheiher
the insults offered to prominent democrats will be
passed in same. But we hope oar Democratic
friends of Nonbern Pennsylvania will not be driv
en from the support of the notainatimm—whieh we
believe are
. good gees —because their imminent
men and enneiplen are denounced by certain am
bitious boisterous demagogues. We had 'ho to
me that &arises and tried Democrat, Judge &ridr
land, bead the ticket, but we twined hii areseon-
Aimed too iodisel and too honest .to snit rortain
politicians whet make it a point to strike down the
beat men of Pennsylvania, whenever an opportuni
ty elfin. The milieu of Wilmot in the Comm.
MI WOOld have slosh bet* in shame, as they did
on a former occasion, had he been these to, defend
blinself against their =dip,* amok. —7Bliness
leaf dos burning
Cleveland, mons
' Wore saved, and
,being m Gibs:
or three bee
wee easi
If this, is a ax
iom say probady
&scribed as
the ammo 01
°cloned on Lake
fin, of the .teenier
on baud is *or no
45, crow 25-Aotal
era' me** the
en' dm beech aras
were !mai therabas
be gin e.
with a WILMA
_ive awn had, and
to ameenaia *be woe
ot . Aboso wbo wish-
this morning,
,al - particulars
withers! daughier,
Ir.. Month , wheel.
un earl Paulding,
Miler Wm . Tint
. • C. Leonard, *-
Wilkinson mod
all about 150, of
rim= on the beech
n' the Troy lefl.
saved is sheet 40,
Ist. meow; the
Ilin Heath.
earth The flags,
haltmut yore
, this lied dim.
15, as follows:
iorth „ Western,'
Rabin her.
Dasmetts. TNSTISITIA NatneamTbe Taw
Ala of Alamo, meted by thp Mormons, &OW
to 1115,. partially burnt in rkiobsr, 111411, having
bat its four walls Mk—all its tisabarwetis
soommsed by tbs lams—was diattaysti by
Ininicsma Oil the rth ult.
01 striving at Nitivokia Match, 1110, the Ira.
vial Commamty boeiht tbie Temple with'. mew
to :Militia wheels, its modyingeed meeting baby
for a relemety empael• Of mataieime about ow
dons wire steady,
agent bad beet emt - to the pia, tomato otthe North'
to toe' timbale of dimeamoos . mommiery fee MI;
emablignag die met and Gaeta time miter pie.
ma of wood wem reedy . ; a Mess mill, was par.
chased to . Kap a taw mill; the saw mill was sear.
ly finished ,• a met shed Was Weiss near the Taw
pie, to sham the ampeets"; the swam wale
klieg is the Welke the based the pollen, when;
so the ffilt of May *,frighthdhanim% Me 00111.
Wahl esperiereed in the amatry io teeny year%
bine soddenly of the hill of Naavoo where light,
amp, Meader; wled, hail eel ode; eimmaed
le mail the MUMS.
obliquity bus
1; Pik A
ma of bosi.
*king the eiti
41 kiad al Maimsa
barn knataly a for
...thawing coa-
41 took such
unitooned, to nob
his baggy 'and
twaya torrioi
—4 a iaqp
t a is jail.
is , •tits luaus of
be onaft; awl
M bia to.
Os Wilma man,
Ratio, in width lat.
mob it asamitabas
el Gaistel Less;
is iiiisisdly Men inat
buitrammeast It Ammtmes..-As ' mini • at
New Ye*, yemealey„, tram rrawith Pats Rise,
brier iiiipodeat is
. 'wee. Oa the 'Nib allay
the city of et:Tienv, m the' Woad -of ildettiailyee,
was nest es de,. sad ,it Wm 'dimmed that the
blacks had rime spinet the whisk The diet of
the city was 'opposed to ha the simial like rea.
tit inearrectioa. About aim hastired Ileitis .were
timareytiA . The city Was Amid theme tiernee befere,
hat the llama had isatapread.‘ The tiertme: mt.
in gmem
rosaded the city and Amemeitied mime.
AU the white calms eapsbie ol began had
time called eat lad the city *Moder . law.
MIRY terthe imargaii4 mom subdued - Mist
eho prieseem.• -.llwire t dig diet wield be
. ,
Poor. %arm Rican= • New As,.-1•4 1 0
Supremo Judicial Coors yeawday saint_ Lac arse
pronounced tite driendia' of
ehe Cowt am thapititionafPralliosea =%how kr
new trial, dna writ of once.- The Caild mimed
to fiat it, and the OM manna ea bolos ; ; awe
being now ray little palatially of die primer ra.
eigiectiri ezeaudou of the watenra
mno Cormixo.—TMOltio Miss Campution'
ben maks& am deo Widow abidl mut oily
gong two yeila. Thy We 4No iimuniimi is
the Osmond Is, at two, mused at four yam
.1-bsitog tbi swiss Meth r that of the Ilkinnetta<
tine s led to pies; tbe n Vility 2 at , Semen Ned
Ito posies afiv was liosa to- ow
4 11 tille ler lollW. l l-.
Lori bientsinis, orms twit Noe - Ito"
IllimiiridtVN. Ilk=1841:; at
Ml6* Eby Co: hilts* almost thebet
aft gibloglf ths.boisttpodiV,Domisi abso4
ribisklrosbelllolbit.: : ,..l4inerme
mfitOsd Pile: is* vir vis al lifNl I I
i i i rt i t
I it al b
ify i ni s t eir I I
. 11 . 1 " ),-1 7,z%
- r .asra
7) ' s 7 `` , - -Ir. " hos the
- * ' . , le bitc.
-9 4 c ' PrOksear
oi Shl.
- arall ditialgigetingikalb.
ilrelit a ''.'-
AttlitabliS Wad le le whstherbfr.
bins boil' Wed dor XVII* diettersey yet
asellei or tteliegrand and morenises Mother.-
-This rodeo is be sorwered by gorier no.,
IN l ,Ollt of IProlf erpetlitew on ahoy side,botoo
liN 41 4 111 04 1 .410144110. at se& a =lewd
• sosh a Assmer ai to'iliimii eery *OA Josh
Ai Arpensmut oniirsheppy arispre . Aser ashes.
Anemoes* ens is" !or bilito!pe the Amor
Howe by dill preillek ililiritipelieli lialtitiObV.
al tai alVilliiiiiidilliiilllllllN Ile two Weed s
as the mielimileel be piegoni. for ihe'petpose,—
The 4 1 1 ##Iimilat. 1 0..IMisd, Villa* leakill
1 . 8 Moll" . • iithi Of 0011 50 1 - 004 so clianic
liiircwilh - agYiliiiii 6l l l o 1 9 11091 W."Thil Alt
Ind bums ostertieetoor , . rote*
IbcPahmgeouttedmill . pea i will bs
`4l o Allin,l will b." !IA Afigg.o l Alma ibilissura
*yams and *Obeli to die Mw 'OM. 71141 is.,
peploses will bit tookileitc the eye Of ibtroltii‘ -
tOte aid atiwr &same, isid eolleelow or Met wilt
be ispeerible. iSwig sour wilibe taboo se so.
sore a *sir tag, ad dik points* es .bilious it
swam 1011,. Pries or hie foie& can ,be. - 11 it
seetwids, ail taintliin be'isablhilett 'll itio . k.
that will be the sod Of the ellsbn' - ' -,_ , : •:,
IThissurprie to he asseks, titrefiely a elm',
beret highly reeltoolohki sod Isogowlthl
wbo proms to bey * patentsigirtirt eine ef
own.7"Thii - etindialine are that 'Mt. "mint 'AA
brings ineilaimi Obis minskeetion io Nei Task
end, prides:wit anomisialexpettee, my &O. cents-
Pot tomod cubic *tam snoosli so light AD Aa,
tor Nowre:for six enceessive eights. Before biotin
mance*, do parties in geisha' n'are to delimit ,drie
kondekl thousand dollar* with some moon. weep.
6ble to the-proprietor--John Cs Politick: Math of
boston, who has ejdoillit .1!okto ilsoorlYmg ao hilt
orperusenui for the past two years—to be paid rive*
to It; P'. *Damn as the , trialis declined successful.
nit is by way titian= or goareatee, in case there
should be a fallen to pry over to t im the want of
one nightie% which is to render those parties pert
proprietors of the invention. The value of thew
s:lf for the United States, the city of Worcester
excepted, which is Teemed in Mrs. Paine,)' is
fixed at tea million dohs!, sod a jpiot stock. Cunt
piny is to be formed tomamw it. In this Com
pat y, Mr. Pedrick is to bold ,from one-third to one
half the sock ; as the remaining part which hi
sells, tho million handed over immediately on the
somas of gie ruipetiment is to be considered an
instalment. ami the bakerce is to Mimed' op t
sales of rights .Thos, the parties buying in will
receive no diviireads unit Mr. PedriFk shall have
been fillly paid.. -
Such is the arrangement agreed Upon between
Mr. Pedrick aid thesirgetuhresen. It the trial here
should prove successful: it will rio doubt be carried
into Whet ; if net, the - New York spleolidefe will
loss nothing, and the invention ,w ill be heard of no
more et present. We devoutly hope for emcees-.
fol result, though we shag net be very heady die
appointed by a failure.
Tee Wow Ceoz:—A•lotterto u, irldetriedit•
ed at Lyres, in Wisconsin, the id of Unlit-WO
" The weather sentinies dry. Wrilave haat . nie
Min here in five weeks or mow. hare araintett;
gained by fanners %bat th e- *Mat mop •it alreadi I
generic injured, mod slalom wept caste seek* I
will certainly be st leihae.".. -
Caber Wen hem the wet ye* Meet to die
same *Sect. Tti the great-wheal pi Mae* stile
of Ohio, Wiens, 11 Weis, Niebigrat, and Wire/0 ,
rin, the dare& wee seTir more immeystlereevert.
The want al rain has also been felt ditmeghout
Western New York. I
The Donde (Kira)veitieer Mie n , that slleed•
the present . dry semen boldhiarid by ermioaamitat;
it is the opinion of uperie csd fames that net
more than twedltirds of *crop can be realized.
It IS clad9lo ll bat there should have been no rain
oat wool, while 'in these parte, the farmers lasi
complained of die szetmeive and frequent abotests.
A Comm Itaiar.-k Mr. , Thots_psoo4-whoili
sompositor. is th e Oieriwatibm inPfew Yolk city
hie le his resiscias 'As very interesting
relio—S fossil embroidered cambric pocket hand
innehief,-which wee seed' by Chides 1, topon the
scadold, andwriddo ismaited with . his blood. It
came originally Wont Jobs 'Feiwicke who wee
major of cavalry in CfolllllllllllWs army . and ill .that
capecity was required to be mment at the execu
tion of theinhappy inomuch:: The pawed
from his family to that of lamb Lyelloprhosa wife
emigrated to New Limy near the eiosen(the 17th.
annoy, and wow Atonnemed with the r Fprowickoo,
family. poi pee it teher &ultimo* ho kept A
with the; nsa g ' illi o
I le; and at their dea th *peered
into anothe r the family; aid has - 11nallY
COMO into
,1111111.01 . ML - Thouposs. Itr Sl* ,
dim:doily. seism to . bs, clearly traced. and rand
*Mod &SU.
- The hauditircbioif
Of% the Socinishildede is endsoidered mead the
.edps. Upon ens 'Oler* amity snail- figure of
a .rmows. It isl iO ololyMMoted, with, dad( spots;
loom. of which'aii knpo M aidollar—the Others
timor- ''ltssemerlo .have bead-immoni, - WA 'not
. -
Now' tiatittro oil 'Gatti 'loon' loam souk'
off alibi IT; & Milt rag coiothoomrat the otitis
popossi isi dee Diplom bsino. tits UAL <Bootio,
awl mob
UT 01 1,4 111 =sliallitegarintisiiiirOw ' s*".
im'aiswootras II 11111116111111" ter ti topple tioiottow*
isooL It welpirrtintiottlirlosoaltho pOOO
SIMIti eme.beisited sled abilkompa...! It lowa chew
kw bolo in tho _ ~.owtoor. , 111 o: Ono_ oak pimal.
eloposea, 41 qopo.immalmt. silver oat oto•foottk
oppo, ini Wolfed at bo otolOapat fordo; "tips,
lowssoi old osittrow alma* typo; attieltad so'
low aloft oat consow: no =thaw isio
Woods at ottosolmaloo, and ima by weight, olio
not to Whoa a Opid,,loooitogo The -pow
wet& twit:* imd thantoietat proms, and iii - di:
anotor iitiatiaidwarbittrom dolt dims ow
as to
rid dollos. , Thom moist ato y am ado
pot mai tooroolat than Mom all .isilt.
Plonoonnonn itanomooio-om liornmomoos.—Thoo
oess midis Pmonlybanit tailmind :'conoyany am;
limumbditinidmlno Reliably - bon, bit week ? a
Sum 1104 modes ism PlodomilollpiamL - The Wimp
'Mom Pusinelalibbia east ••• loathed miles
cours ii r ai lmftwomboor,lbis mid mid tm coca
io in 10 . 1501111001 with' die
Toed AllOgbony, when dime -woll
bat nibmidammumbation boom - Milani.
Oda liaabsmilm,m, MON mak slay Alin. So kno
tfanOngttlY 4, 111 11 ,1 1 steel te.r • dlobluto - - •
-At Mon' Sill amid by this tail
ad; sad doe — adkinidi mon a n d
bait fi ne froor Pbdiddithis so Telo radomig in 03 boons,
and do fillok Irony mete weedy obortomed
by ob. 11.1111111111011 of obi toad.
Swats Nom—Cla the Mb Aiky of April ?est,
Ile Plii4 ll “ Pain 4 a law wkitlip sato
lanai* ati the glit . of. Asst ' Ellia; nub* it
adawfol for any prim ti tins Stais; teadsel pow
sky of twentrilvs dollars, an hilt to p
wormer, the obit half/albs iisuity_ to.peue limos
of alma dimasimomioil Ave dolling, gat aril
Doi itarallwildamifo* , Caftwols * gat _
jostled le a ilie ea* bad* gni* br
Woe • - '
Rua aa lisiapau_covaaptiemp—.ll. We ow
*adios '4 Listilial pipe ami ft gos a - bed
lam is a rihspraallid Candwill; di-WM has.
Nage samiam
MIL Us' ardeeMlaaiiNe
'tale PION. v•-•;
Itto Ow.' Voila of
• ,11thoirliethdithiririr
his* fiefafeo Mt=l,-6s‘l4
this 000sty p : .wy 11lt , 1,41 A
e aft
and not ass dam, is WA, is so fit
(diodeetsda as to thhistfto *is fors ikofi ti o
lot Legislators, footho, Coops% ths
,„„ Ilowes.eiromulannima" 4 Wisilii— t **he.
anemy trap tossed ie Sod iortai
caDvistion riedifam The i srmarf hee he t
iiestohned fa mane eintoties' ; butt the peeing
eurbitheity the gieetteine uhtse easimfted why
da thlit . dsr.c.Owonip•
_7, .
VA, Seernott..—k itt owed that Rihmead le*
kte 4=i* edition oCibe 3 1 1 1 11*Ikel Volt,
it a fei: the fiaiii th • bee
lle `.`" 5
Deft or. Tertm—te themeileated Mkt
texas was le mud Neesbess#lll3,ooB,Bo6,
dept leittegiid leisteet; •
Sis i i b esirm a4loliith •
s.oa Poiaa lkkthe ' j ut. O ai-a
S* dboid
' 71 4 010 R.
tow woos canfite uhlit, -. A n ith erz i n d
puseiris spy istAlmilOrli*S,:ididiei s
liiihi, for $ll mot& ~-" ':-•-• -r- - 7. • -f -, , ,<, •
Aceoanti ireasi-Pariaatalfobat liiil *flan
bribe loa pnles gi s
during.** pen tiniaiter•diftillilled DOI le ai r
the sans emelt et Bod o :and. itialialnd is**
harvest will worlinsollWientier the abassmo t
' A newepapetAnt* In eh We l ly
Pekin' llotonitir:jt. in distil paper errirpoti
ad the Celsitiallittpied: nithliiir
ed an the lir .haniser het. It it in the gine
lawny, and it diet:
The mothers of foe bniir diarnfielarialt
Fit leotkpear De.
trod, for lkw gri klp f °WIT r
Barnum las dos dria 4 sUralPilikillinl,
Museum. Gliphii's bona' ,in nrnmp,
nedikepeople•Otiliellaked Bum sod *fit
• A genttemati Of &thaws has in his pomace
a watch which wow astriad by lard Comb
iht time of tbetaale of ltadoevra.
!folioed id: iblietiejr, pieces of eat iron sed
glass, *de.* sesemble . polished marbii,
been midi taitilYi Rallien; • •
Meese. Pearceo,,Of Baltimore manly, irk kw
'memo= &via im a body, soma iiinesinee,ii(
them all near Sb 4. in- York crothh,
and ben& diem . - ; .
p f
Tan Dimmer .Si adSll,7owerThiri
come of 1000, • Pfir7l,V,::
A dog ( na me, own) gored' Mg of kb*
101111 f, ioniser ' inSowNedr, ila Sundry*
delibmiely ' !from, *Wilmslow, and ki k k
himself , buokantly.l , - ~,
Locenralirwri elide' drib' apireiwome is Arra
gaiety, Virgins, ‘, aim s bps of amnion yam
AT New Orl - earMAiinnigibe week mib k i l k
Mom, iiiimThirrirprilfeea deaths from -mi.
iiiiil 4l al miles
ii braddock's k - tw re from rib
bog, irfor:eale. - ' .
Ws mss i eiW
straithat er ten slam«mol i Mw
d froistNtaspostft Mat s Ora days.
on Wedukeday,tbe 1 . 41 b of/arie; Leo,
wife or Mini 7e dt iaroai, iD die 45111
• leen, :11 large :ebrele oreadeand *Waimea
thbeltenstreateau -
Mrs. liewfolt E beef of lkorsvin perm a
aid ern brio; die wet
pure her Ultra beloved timber-eras baby ,
twin dlutiblrat Ifryabibizig. Actual by tbrear
pious' aura !kith, by chid beam
rift* smut/ guinea. born oa tbe crest Ms*
sueeeediat wan of eldstala nurquise. Nit kr ,
ten desired. Wifewber let bad ben cow to& de
she amid" lindi a -beam ebeirfsily reuadeg
to tbe claims Ifttlespoort , sad the ,reiteWe weft
of is petisliarglwadmes,-her meet shoes rake
wanly hely beww.sithen of kale Mum
es a eltnstalawida, itatitetr, adablaraad (UAW:
asesaory presitmaa. ‘-', - -
With s'elear twaseptisi at ttit Oahu lowa
iasplitit ehiblial coaliminee is bee Italsitur• by
Aegean ef find, abs wart easbied is trim* is be
. 1 r7 0 111Tr• Afisdakately: astsiitate ibe tut
$ ll l.lll fill Ilimedess for doe eauethirbte d her
prettily, expand. ber lam adieu is tliti sitir
tallissistpribat beauteous world to wild de We
puede& and educed a tenfor tbehaereldiwirdi
as luggestivaof best etiawltttiea.for We brewed,
as it was doubtless a:missive et the
oars twellibraos sad glaty. Itnalatiossithebeper
, Ildt rase, "far whealre,wete yet 'Wiest MIL
le due ties Avid died fall* aagodle
, -
cy Ai 'estate of Uric S. Ware, IL
trAlll2lO beimearstatid ea Awlitsx by do (1 "
1.1. plus' eau Iltedierturealy, is NW"
:adlail itbs alwiaiebuise seesast et hub Sol
selitiaistmeter abbewitue erkese IL Winkel
witl imam dicjiida fee thi purpose d
Ake hi Toms& hoisigli;' w thaiday, do=
efialt imuk at * think, 40 Ida& In
hibliwaskdrill take- amiss. 100114.
Joao lON* . Adre
,Auorroas NOTICE.
1 1113 undindo ol l.Arsafris,
00 8 0 11 " 1 "
Marie% isle of inkaslmAisiast sod oil la vois.
st di @W if AMIN* Nail* ler** pow •
drink et Fite it ob. radi i "
Tibutii big AIM 111_ . impuide bagegib TIO"
di Sidi 'ism et Odoek P. Litt
SH pilaus hoist dim owr,
lb. se bsilellinrel 4.. ay i. 21• ••
ameL AMU 800.
I 214.-41 k A
tun ellonoirilmKAAMsek
er Plies, a,dilidistetibemoor P rj
iiiiire ilde ihe nig S e d MAI% r n .
i. iheirittheit:et tio late - c o ma eoe_,lii•
F. MN* *I the lquil
/*/111_011 begoeck;eit
Slefit7:4( Jab! sett, at I Abet, F. 01 " - ,.. 1
time esti ph, .It *pee& In* ciao en ets• -
le wont dem et do be iei.e ed-titee memo ir
ea SIM AWL , HENRY 800%
Joie I% Oro
, -Ajanass Idabel lathe subseriber ars rif.
£ sits soh at Ma lake aid Nide Wilkie del*
'11111111141183 ii s MVO. JOHN E. INGO%
.. • , • .
thisi ta. bouiteCtinsobseAsr ,
/ S i aehmiait..4 AMA T. A
aeeaeii d
*Nit life awl' Avoca, onhamowd " IP
balk koy. WPM with Ws sieoo o 2
41hwasirki lei Ilk. ;Amen was am No - I
ariew,,biollio, 064' No mt. bilidt now
ands *Kai*bet, dffsba
loilliaNw nil with Ail leave A s t ol
mama. : -,,EDwipi WNW&
• J • • ...•
4,,pety st....„taigiNies
Ma t .....mummem kg
Ali awl Cldsiiii t i t
Gikid is dis %NM Oak
st "rig * l l l6 ll_ leo k led
lid Week In*
iv NON kr Tab* ebb%