Died,• 1 1 , Warren tp., oa.the Ist inst., of inflammation 'of the l u ngs, Moan course, aged 714e1e5.,' orRELIGIOUS NOTICE.—Rev. A. C. TlOlifiS (Universalist) will preinb in Mon. Neon n estSonday. (9th) at 10} o'elnek, A. I4,.aad Towanda, in the Conn House at 4 eilock,P,lL, itie same _ orTHE Biedfard Coady Bible toe4ety wilt bold a meeting it the Presbyterian church ip Uganda on Tuesday evening next, 11th Jane. The friends of the cause are earnestly request de ed to ENOS TOMELNB, Presint. to a. Nov riltmertisancuts. - ANNEXATION OF CUBA ! °onus NEWS TO THE PEOPLE ! TrILLIAM HAYDEN, grateful for the liberal pa rry tron age be bas received since Ede commence. n eat is business, would 'inform the people of Bradford minty that he has just received direct from New York siege suPP I Y of Dry G Drx f - 6, roceries Liquor s, Read 7 y wad nothing, Boots and , Shoes, Cigars, 4"c., e oi ..birb he offers for sale at an exceedingly low „j et , forte Hawing extraordinary facilities of pus , r hp i ng , soduch as few in counlry towns con acquire be sows himself that he can and will make it the in- wrest of those wishing to purchase to lOU him a call N rore purchasing elsewhere. Landlords and Indivi kali wanting a superior article of ILA X 111 - e 11L.T MEL OS would call your special attentio icann to those old OUOur]D gn iae, Champaign. and Anier Brandy ; pure loliand and American Gin ; old 'Jamaica and St-Croix R oo ; fine Port, Sherry. Claret, Madeira, Malaga, Gin. r e sod Rpapberry Wines; ri few baskets Champaign, „ o perior article, still on band. We are determined pat our Liquors down to the lowest figure, being de -00„10 quit the liquor business. Our terms are in Ji cure Cashor Ready Pay-Land no second price.— D o mistake the place--tke west corner of Main and lo d g e sts., in the store formerly occupied by J. Kings fr. WM. HAYDEN. t or ch, June 4,1850. A Stock of Dross for Sale ! , r gE subscribers betngeboat to go West, offer for 1 tale their entire stock, consisting of MEDICINES, PAINTS, OAS, &c. Toin y person wishing to go into the business, we of to argent opportunity, ours being the only Drug Afore ei a very enterprising and thrifty town. N. present opportunity is an escelleot ono for a pikes, se one of the subwibers—Dr. King—leaves f ood practice, which he will reitornment to any one ri bing to take his place. Termeeinade easy. KING & VOSBURG. 'Dos, Bradford co'. Pa. June 3, 1850. fond'o (of He Utica, N. Y.) Pain Destroyer and aling Extract. 4 N, 4trict f.om the,oshrob called Witch-haw-I. and purely from that, with the exception of a little e nrol to preserve it. etticure all local pain and inkmations, old sores, tel wounds and braises, Pitts and all diseases of the bowls oft chionic nature, tooth-ache and ear-ache, is tod for i female complaints dte., &c. Its tally what it professes to be, Me upeook'sfriend" Promlenv has scattered along the lugged paths of life mane things that contribute greatly to teem comfort sod *pines* of every body; hence their great value, ad well may they be called "friends of the People." One word here to guard against imposition. A man dis ode of Spencer, has manufactured rind offered forser a spurious aricle called thet Cpryll Extract,— oat would be extract of the hazel-nut—the genuine is a white sod as pore as water, while the spurious ani s is colored, which enables the public to distinguish. None genuine but those marked Pond's Pain, Hov erer. For sale at Istontanye's & Co. Towands. 8.8. Hin ton Monroeton, Parkhurst & Lamb Leßoy, Horrace Frank lin. J one sth 1850 New Arrangements and New Firm. u & DR. E. H. MASON. having formed a copartnership in the Drag and Medicine business, rnpectfully solicits attention to their fresh supply ibeglal t , French. German and American Drugs, "inn, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints, Oils Dye Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c , 144. Also. whew and horning fluid—and * very bur asson ant of all kinds of Liquors and Groceries, together at an extravagant - quantity of ' Fancy Goods. We lee also, a very general variety 6f Lamps of various isciptions. Hann; received • fresh supply of Goods, they invite • public to examine their stock before purchasing Ilsvhere,promittg oneand all who may feel disposed to mind to them Their ?Wattage, to Bell an as liberal tam, u any other estabAshment this side at New York. One of the proprietors being a regular IPhysicion, &f -ish sop'e guarantee of the genuine quality of all aril. nes sild it their store. Towanda, /one I, 1850 • REMOVAL OF OLD DRUG STORE, To tie South Store in the Ward House. HUSTON & PORTER bays removed their Dog Jur Store to the south store in the Ward House where 61 1 ire pow . receiving , a bulge ,addition to th eir for ae noels, comisting of *EI, Medicines, arocerles, , Liquors, 01k, Mats, Dyetterti, Palsy Goats, ke. ilia will be sold at anusoally low rates. They alas 4 " kw sale the splendid and genuine .Teas of the PE 0. 1 1 TEA cow/IA Y, for which they we agents, and Ava they-d o not hesitate to recommend as being su. PIOr to other imported. They heresies the *gen e, Owlet of the genuine Patent Medicines extant. Towanda, June 4. /850. WOOL WOOL, WOOL Din!' thousand pounds of wool wanted at the Monroe Wooleo Factory in exchange fo'r cloth. etwdu. Cassimeres, Flannel, Blankets (twilled' or Wm) and also a variety of Tweeds, (summer . k we w.) inumeteutred on shares or by the yard as 'weaP uit can be done at the cheapest establish. amt. The - eitixens of Bradford and adjoining "Inlet, will end it to their interests to call at the Monroe Woolen Factory before disposing of their Wool elsewhere • as our cloths are made of wool and warranted, and we also can and will sell them as ON , as the cheapest. Carding and cloth dressing hoe on the shortest notice, and a little cheaper than seer, also warranted if properly prepared. - Don't forget the place known as the Monroe Woolen Factory, situated on the main branch of the Mowandi Cheek, near Mason's mills. Mon May, 30,'50. J. INIMI A M t 40147. NOTICE. T i Tou su ntrgt e! b o a nl g be s 2thaell m •P°l3innttecir otirßrtande ford.. Committee of the estate of MARK C. AR SOT of the boro. of Towanda. Therefore all per ions ire requested to present their accounts against aid Mirk to the subscriber dilly authenticattid for aulement. and they are - requested to pay to him all demands due . to the said Mark, and are eipressly forbidden to pay the same to said Mark or to ady one acting undtr or by his dire.-tions. WILLIS BROWMIIIII, Cpm. • Towanda. May 31, 1850. N. B. The Kooks of M. C. Ardotean be seen a I. D. Goodenitughis Office JUST ARRIVED—Another Ikrge, ascortnient o GOODS of every kind at' MERCURS'. Towanda Miy. 30000. • SRMS.more of those cheaU- L' p:8 GARS, just reeeived,av In3Q MERCURIC - AMMER'S TOOLS • AIT eztensiee seenstmentof Minot eterritogiatt *ft lei deseiiptioe will be Semi aY MISRCURS'.. LEATHEI. 1000 lbs SOle MLPROURS' Seto edbantlemads; arngs *road away;.iald mold slithr* ,have oceffignigtri 4 , qt NRY ARRANGEMENTS, NEW NWIEW - PRICES, • • • NEW FIRM . I: DC. - HALL 10 W:'K. KFALKEROteIog as • sedated ihemselve in the Hardestre,Tin, Sloe, an d Mud Tres business, under *afire of Hatt dr. W, invite the attendee of the eiretens of Heath en Pdnosylvemis to their-Sew ;stock - if goods under their new amusement. In our Hardware. Depefeeld•-we .ehallengi the meld" and all We rest of mankind," loot Telethon any establishment is Towanda) toed aenheapas we ear, shall and will. • ' Our stock of Hardware pansies of every ankle usu ally kept in a Hardware stare--among which maybe finned Iron, Nails. Zig; Tin, Sheet iron, manure sad hey Parks, shovels and spa des, blacksmith's bellows, anvils end vices, serew'phites, steel springs, mill, X cut circular and panel saws, rebinds. augers, log chains, hooka and hinges, shovels and tongs, but a and ernes, hrads and tack., waggowleoxes,ark-ropes, well and cis tern pumps, Lead-Pipes of all give, any quantity of Carpenters end Joiner 'stees, an kinds of Saddlery Hardware, House Trimmings, of all kinds and at prices, in fact every thing that any body ever saw in a Hardware store, or can reasonably expect ever to se. I n our Stove Department. we .bave--oh! there's no use in trying to tell all—,but we have Bandbox stoves, Keystone patent, radiator. parlor. cannon, six plate, air plate stoves, air tight stoves, Buckeye hot air oven with rotary top, premium stoves from No. I to No. 8, central N. Y. stoves, Republican ewers, Albany city stoves, &swans air tight stoves, rough and seedy stoves air tight complete, in fact an kinds and sizes of stoves idr not more. We also bee f and intend to keep,on hand any goon thy of Russia and American stove pipe. A general assortment of Brass,- Copper and Tin ware, from a big brass kettle down to rsmall tin pepperbox. We manufacture all kinds of tin. copper and sheet. iron ware to order, and warrant every snide to give satisfaction.. Our place of business is on the Public Square and Pine street, in;Montso)es New, Brick Block, our store running through from the Squaws to Pine street. As to' peoples finding ns we have no fears. for of wane every body who wants to buy cheap will inquire for Hell fir. Walker's establishment. One of our firm starts this day for N. X. to replenish our siock. and when our New Goods come look out 0 I ye little 4shes. for we eel bound to sell good• a talk cheaper than the next man—for Ready Pay. 07 No credit given over four months. H. & W. Towanda, May 14, 160. • STRAYED. r ROM' the subscriber, on Sunday April 30th, a.brin dle COW, with line back somewhat wbit.3.9 years phi this spring. Also a large red Cow with brindle etre:therm her side, and with eery' large hems. 5 years old. Whoever will return said cows or give me in formation where they way be found, stall be suitably rewarded. DAVID S. MILLER. Franklin. May 15. 1550. ONE CENT RWARD. RUNAWAY trorn the subscriber on the 3d day of May. a bound boy. neared GEO. CONRAD.- said boy is 12 or 4 yews' of age. I hereby forbid all persons from harboring or employing him under penalty of the law. ...HAS. H. SWEETE. bleshequin, May 13,1850. WANTED! WANTED!! FORTY Thousand pounds of t WOOL is wanted at the Factory in 'Wyelosing. E r . , escheat.) for cloths. Brood and narrow cloths; Cassmiere4 Sm., Flannel Aohasels and Blankets, (twilled or plain.) will be made on shares or otherwise as is desired. The citizens of Bradford. and the adjoining Counties, , are invited to call at the Home Factory before disposing of their Wool elsewhere. The subscriber having again taken charge of this esiabli.hment, is determined to do busi ness satisfactorily to those who patronize him. c eirding and Cloth Dressing doneon 'bort no tice. H.D. INGHA M. WYaltaine , May tfr, 1850. 17 2 Z ITT 24:11=1:1100 MISS GRIFFIN, lITOULD. again inform the Ladies that she has jos received a large assortment of Goods. Straw hats, of every vraiety and deacription ; Jenny Linda mild date for children ; • splendid sesortment of Ribbons and Flowers, of the moat fashinnable styles. Also, a variety of French needle-work collars, cuffs, caps, &c. Also. capes, black Yeas, combs, and many other articles,.which she offers fee sale. Two Apprentices taken, if application is made soon. Toerstrda, May 10. 1050. _ _ - MILLINERY AND MANTUAMAKING. /1 1 RS. DOAN'E, continuing to carry on the 'above 11 business, asks to he kindly remembered by her friends and patrons. Roonss between Fox's aad Kings bery's stoma.. May 10, 1850. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. S. HATHAWAY) WOULD respectfully inform *e ladies and gentle. VV men of Towanda, that he has taken the store lmntedlately opposite the Ward Hout,e, one door north of Mix's drug store, in Main street, wnere be is prepar ed to receive and Promptly fulfill all orders with which he may be favored. To the gentlemen he would say. that his Boots, of _whatever description or quality, are made under his immediate supervision, and will be war ranted for durability and neatness. B. would alai in form the Ladies- that he las prepared to. make to order Callers, Slippers, Shoes, &e. From long esperenest in business, and a determine don to give general satisfaction, he expects* receive • shnre4of public patronage. May Id. 11850. DORIC—A superior 'article of Mess Poric, just re eeived at ' my& MER6URS'. A SPECIAL 'EDICT! PEOPLE who don't 'avant to be re fi ned. had hewer not ark ms to trust them. as I have determined to drop the credit system, and will positively not charge a cent to any man, woman or chilli. Remember I May t, 1850, WM.. A CHAMBERLIN. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY Cheap Watches, Clocks & Jewelry ! TAMES P. BULL respectfully inkier*" the citizens a/ of Towanda and. vicinityi•that . ha has bray return' ed horn Philadelphia, and may be found at the old stand, one door below, the Beek Row, in the room for merly occupied by Memel Hat Store, wbers be offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of NEW JEWELRIZ, at the following unexampled prices: ' Gold lever Watche4, 18 meows, 13 jeer. f4O Oft Gold L'Epines, 4 jewels, 25 00 Silver Levers, 13 jewels. 15 00 L'E'A• lo 00 Qualities, 7 00 Brass Cheeks, warranted , to keep perfectdree or money refunded, . 260 Breastpins, Finger rings, Ear riots, and Jewelry of every description cheep in proportion to the above pri ers. Particular attention paid to repairing CLOCKS, WATCHES ik JEWELRY. of every description, and from thelong experienar 4 erhieh he has had in the bnd riesework left in his cane wilt. be done in a workman like manner. Torpedo. May 1. 1850: Those. Cheap Goods aL FOX'S ! UST 'nava be sold for cubit the lowest fetes. IL A beautiful artiste of glow 4'4 cents; Ene fresh - Trio warrantedpod or twilit, it 51 1 to 60e.i: syrup Molseses , st ISOb. Also, ito aeorttaeat of Cideltm or the nirresvpsuenig,:, rye:beep ,fistd . fact 'trim thing in their llye will liereitia s.we the eliespeet. et the comet of Miklisitia als .4410, NW: clam ewe spring Isimetakin Eretiv aler mid Palm 1•4 Hit. at • - MX'S; IRON. STEEL is NAILS-401moit wa. sortopet is Medford ciaty,st MERCUWIL Sladiattbiw.:-Sts. ABEL - TERRELL TVALER in Dings, **inns, Meal Cab. FIRMS Oib, Dye -stilts, Orixieries Dry:Oondii, Hind ware, Stoneware, Obaniware, Cl;ekeeWatches , Jew" elry, B ilverBpoons,-Bpeeinebs; Musical Instru i ff is Lignon, Perfinsety. Mimosa;Swig:4lM; n Shoes. Yankee Notion.. Ike. dm. ,Montrose, A Geld alii*Disidevepied IN THE NEW CLOTHING !STORE, lro 1;'/frif Row. • frirt Subscribers haviug kuit received from New 1. York" a large assonorent of ready made Clods- Hats fic., offer them for sale: cheaper than has ever before been sold in this market; ,Fiae new suits consisdna of a fine .;Broadoloth Coat. Satin Fes!, Captiulere Pants. two Shirts, one Cravat and ti fine Leghorn or Silk Ifith all for Pep. ' Towanda May 30.'60. H. &A. CAMPBELL. CASH PAID FORWOOL. A. NY quantity of wo?irted for which the highestgeoswbed. at the New Clothing Store, No. 1, brick row. 11. &A. C. Towanda. May 30,11150. • The Illuittrated Douseaty Bible. beautiftil Family Bible. by Rev. lunar, 001111171. M. A., Will be published in twenty-five numbers, at 25 cents each, and will' also be put up In Monthly parts at 50 cents. The distinguishing features of thia Bible are, 1. Seven hundred Wood Engravings. 2. Yany thousand Marginal References. 3. Three dnety executed Steel Naps. ' 4. Numerous Imprcured Readings. I. A Correcied Chronological Order. • Boo! 6. The Poetical Books in Metrical form. - corn 7. An Exposition of each Chapter, containing wtU the essence of the best commentators, with much price or gins! matter by the editor. Al 8. Reflections drawn from the subject of the -flan Chapter, and giving, in a condensed form, its spirit- Nail oal import. Ord 0. Dates affixed to the Chapters for each morning Blocl and evening's reading, comprising the whole Bible Ts in one year. . _ The engravings are never introduced for show, but always to explain the text. illustrating places, manners and customs of the ancients. . A specimen Number, with recommendations from some of oar leading divines, is now ready. The regales issue will begin about the first of July, and a Number will be published on the first and fifteenth of each month, tilt the bonit o is complete. Agents are wanted to procure subscribers for this work, and the opportunity is a must favorable one for them to do well. It will be one of the most hem:din:ll, cotaprehea si ve Bibles ever published,and so cheap as to place it within the reach of all. Apply. post paid, to 8. HUEBTON. IPh 139 Nassau street. New York. Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Lands. i NOTICE is hereby given, that agreeably to an act 4 N of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Lai Pennsyltania. passed the 13th day of March, 1815, ru' entitled "An act to amend the act entitled an act directing the mode ofselling unseated lands for are c "; and for other purposes." and of an act passed the 13th day of March. 1817 entitled; farther sap- SOT plement to an act entitled an act directing the mode of selling Unseated lands, and for other pnrposes," the following tracts of UNSEATED LAND will be sold at public vendee on the 10th day cif June next. (being the second Monday.) at the Court Doric, in the borough of Towanda, in the county of Bradford. for the arrearageit of Taxes due, and the cost ac crued on each lot respectively NA. i;f I No of I Town . wp .. , MI nrritadce Ami.ouut Warns Arr.-. rinmPit ..(ta spa 175 Albany, Abel Wagoner, llt 37 ow 140 " Nathan Carry, 948 o i 294 4 Abel Pierce, 19 38 160 " Phineas Bradley, id 58 100 " Daniel Shepard, V. GO 100 " Thomas Edwards, 6 80 lot 418 " Addrew Buckbart. 27 5s te , 400 " .1. Peter Benson, 28 40 100 " % Sally Fish. 6 ao' b e 60 Asylum, Hannah Hibbard, 3 98 216 " Joel Barrett, 14 24 I s , 89 " Hannah Hibbard, 5 68 5 " William Hibbard, 36 100 " William "nelson, 8 60 col Canton Caspber Shaffner. Jr. 27 12 en d 404 do & Leroy 1.41 n Morgan, 26 76 / 400 Franklin Geo.Castater, 28 40 re, 400 " Joshua Cooky, 28 40 400 a Henry Hardy, 26 40 400 " • Peter Seely. 26 40 237 pt. Monroe John Stevens, 15 69 437} " Ephraim McAdams, 28 88 434} " Thomas Hamilton, 28 68 400 " Peter Hampton, 26 40 400 " ;auks North, 28 40 Al 122 176 pt. Rome James Pope, 4 74 set 124 169 i do & Orwell Job Fell, 456 not 5690 514 South Creek Johnston & Millin 2 3 90 im; 5691 964 " 64 32 5692 128 " 'S 44 it 216 Springhill, Samuel Craft, .14 24 14 69 .• Samuel Porter, 4 54 216,1 Peter Guinip, 14 SO 121 124 Wysox James Pope. 333 JOHN HOR roN, Treasurer. Treasury Office, April 4, 1850. N. NEW SPRING 'GOODS, Pat Pm B. KINOSBERY & CO. Eng HAVE just received a large and well selected as- Hie 11 sortment of 'tiny Goods, Crocerice, Hardure, Liam ire., which will he sold extremely low for Cash.— D m , Among their assortment of Dry Goods, can be i nc h found plain and embroidered Lawns. Linen Lustre's. Ging!lams, DeLatnes &e.. of the latest style, Fi Towada. April 23, issn. K. & CO. CIALICOM—A splendid • assortment of those heap Cache° and Merrimack prints. (colors warranted,) can be found at a2S K. do CO. GRIND STONES, a superior article of Nova Scotia, grind stones; for gale at *24 MERCURS% RCM 7 THE Corning, Elmira and Bari& Lim. hawing rs F doeed the tate frorn'ony port on the Chemong ea- haw, not to Buffalo, afford facilities net berenifirre Offerod to t b, Z rants end others seeking a home and tortoni in ens Gnat West. k A Boatof this ling will leave Corning k Elmira for Buffalo Everj week during the season, in the &Bowing order: Leaves Corning Tunisia?* at tO o'clock, A. M. Leaves Elmira, Wrdneadafe at 4 o'clock, P. M. Leaves Buena. Thursday's lit P. M. ?Gwu den kale* Lake Friday, Touching at Big Stream, Starkey, Lodi, Dresden, passing Geneva, Watterloo end Sanwa Palls ors Sat urday. Loam Ratio tor - Elmira mid Corning every Sat urday morning, leaves Rochester early Monday mom. 'log. 'Bose CORNING. Capt. E. It CALEB, lost ELMIRA. Capt. R. P PERRIS. Beet RIIPPALO, Captain Tor Freight or Passage apply to the Captain' a orate followitig Agents: W. Mt Mallory, Corning B. Stiong A. O Reynalds,Elmira—.Wni. Reynolds, florsebends, I. Winterrnntir, iforsehesilrE.pi. thaniacr, Havana L. 0.-Toorninovenia. Big .Streanfotalarotth -Ilk No, Lodi--Bastin Clerila—Zirsy ria Stmt. Waterloo—X-Miller. &mita l.;-L. ft.d'o.,kron• , tease L Fisk' lalsliepP.-:11.410 - 1E.' 'Mew: premisidow Isessulli,-**** 4 1. PlPir.a*P7il.4:l444?;. IrMISATINER—RaWiiisa Uppowleadierf,slitiltli .1.1 mid Call skin; tiy"- 1 101111 4110 C-CO. 'MM ME NEM - umnrcon now C IN WISCONSIN I It!IM=EI INME itUecdkuUm _TO ,THE PUBLICI. 6i. . larribero &oil:lenge:ape * donee andobser coareiriag satisfied themselves theta coac t bashiirva can be done more advantageous' for th e v endor and parehaser—for Cash. a credit. have concluded _ to &se all credit trap - on the dist day of April next, and there-. idler cuzbuisteig far , Cash. The . trust that the many good mummers who have b toferexpetrocibett them. will coat:lune their patrol e wider the Inete arrangement, believing theytca satisfy all such, that it wilt be.for theirin terevt to do so. end that very little argument will was& tocosvioce all and every one that oan be .1d cheaper for cash thin on a credit. As e persons may think thee the above Jabot design to include them--at.t. are desiretVto tinetly nderstand that it means precisely what it reads. ad that THEY CAN SELL NO GOODS N A s REDIT TO ANY ONE, after the above Rollo ed date. • is .eemeary that their old business slMold be ed, 11 those indebted will therefore see the pe sky paying up, with as little delay att..at. H. 8. &M. C hIERCW 'OWe de, March IR, lebo. E SPRING GOODS I lust received by a. March 8. BOOKS! BOOKS!! E 8 bscriber is to the weekly receipt (via Rail ' .ad) of New School and Miscellaneous ks an • Stationery, to, which the attention of the mani yis respectftilly invited. These Books be Id cheaper than the New York retail es. so. a large supply of Dry Goods, Groceries, wa - Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. GI . &c. &c., constantly on hand, Cash lealarly attended to. No. 2, New Brick Ir. tar. doors below the public square. ,wan a. Feb. 22d. '5O. JOS. ICINGSBF.RY. OWANDA ACADEMY. nstitution having been placed in charge . Hove. and J. B. Sistret , A. 8., will i ce on Monday the 6th day of October next. cademical year will consist of four terms weeks,each: Commencing respectively, r th, 1849, January 2d. April Ist, and Jour Tuition per Term Ortho, phy, Reading, Writing, Geogra phlyia d Mental Arithmetic. The as e, with Wells' Grammar, Adams' Arith etic and Town's Analysis, 'los° hy, ChemiStry. Rhetoric, Logic, As mno y and Book Keeping. teb - Geometry, Trigonometry. Survey 'mile Section; Analytical Geometry, 4 50 comma The of elevei October 17tb. 18t in, !reek and French Langueges, 6 00 1. I t and 2d terms. 2.5 ho an received at any period of the term, and rge only from the lime or their entrance. :oa ' can be obtained in private families on rea abl. terms. J. D. MONTAN YE. Preet. L Wsaw, Bec'y. of Board of Trustee!. ow- tide. March 20. 1850. TOWANDA CHEAP lOTHING STORE. E . H. BUNTING. respectfully informs the pleb- I e that he is just receiving from New York an rt , rot of ready-made. Clothing, to which be in ter e attention of purchasers. Among his stock ay ie found rer Coats, Sack Coals, Rosiness Cnalt, Frock and, Dr , . Coals, Cloaks, Pantaloon., Vets, Round abouls, ate.. in all slyat and all prigs. He Ia determineil to sell his Clothing at unusually my ices for Caen, and believes he can make it the in ,res of those wishing to purchase to give him a call. ic At the old stand. between Bartlett and Kings cry' Stores up stairs. • C nine. and - making up. done as usual in the most tab shle marmer, promptly and to order. wands, October RO, I Xi 9v. SUGARS & MOLASSES. IFFDS. SUGAR, at very low linces--also, a large stock or Molasses, including Stuart's syrup, just ie..' at upl7 MERCUR'S. TEAS:—From 12i cents to $1 00 pol ponnd. at April 17,1850. /61ERCE118% NOTICE. ' E parasership eiistina between T. tit W. HAY DEN, is this del dissolved by mottle consent.- 11 having :my demands against the firm ere to nd heir accounts, and all persons indebted to them by t fiend of bbot acebout, aie requested to make - iate payment. T. HAYDEN. To ands. April 14. 100. W. HAYDEeN'. WATER, Colognes, Hai► Oils, and Perfume , of all kinds. at Igo. 1.13. R. H. & P. Mr.1,82'.19410.31)11.110,81:01 1 111Y Ht institution pleasantly located in the village of .Rayssille, Bradford County, Ps., is now insua ul ration under the supervision of Re*. H. J. EW ; LL, A. M., Principal, and Miss Maria C. She rd, P eceptress. amine. lusty abashes per quarter, glish branches, class coonneneed i o do 4e adTancesl, glum ..nglists branches, ignaa • and Higher Mathematics, mina and Painting: each extra, ideal 1 etpenaes, per quarter, lest %tarter commences ept. 5, 1849. gamete? commenced Noe. 21. 1849. ird trader commences Feb. 13, 1850. on quarter commences Key 1, 1960. if A 1 bills most he staid he the end of the quintet JAMES HODGE, Prest. of Trustees. E. [ILLOGIC, Secretary. 27if E. 1--A quantity of superior Field Peas for sale spill MERCTIRS° k, Periodical and Music Agency. • . T. E. ORIDLEY, Ear CTFCLLY informs ibe public duel all or dem either Hooks. Perk/eta:4 end Musk Ittft BU: ON & PORTER, will tie promptly 'oda, tow rates. eis an prepared to pmeure BINDING, and them e • MIN they wish to haws bound, may leave at t Bradford Reporter office. Er& CHEAP, SPUN& GOODS MONTANYES & CO. RE constantly reesiving by the New York & Erie ' !road, direct from New York ( • large stock of SPRING ANII . BIIOOI son Ida a been bought low, and will be sold cheep.— ir ent is now unusually lwrge.and otters in nent to purchasers rarely to be met with. An en , *ill satisfy the public of this fact. - ows, 1850. i •• • CE TRAL STORE ! N Ow ing at the above ni eltu ent b o i lssue od cle a nable rTlitS I;G ve! .it SUMME '. GOODS, which will be veld at eery low rates. Hu .OW at this establishment conducted upon No sad h . t principles. You have our thanks for pest firms and we hope far • continuance of the cams sews are . and to sell Goads Cheap. Towiod Ju y 4. 184 V. N. N. RETTIa. • r' , t uvritrintwr 40 1 Laying psi Irma and Uliqf DMdhtl 11fessoting rascrty.nibankineiltn. -r EVZI LA testi six' rarely &abseil Iris= es E.iirticoas. Odle* at Risma I pty. Oa IngBll4e. abaft toy arnua: ( Oa a liasra4ayaitia• %Ask haw ' =2l ;". : .-'L':: - ;:, - ', 1 :-. - .. :-:. : : ', - 1 :: : . 1 , ;'''-'-.;.: -- -: . :. , ,j:-.'L::',.;'r- 1: .:::::: - i . l''g;''4?,-,•=3'.:14',r-A:G''4 :.'.ri,,:;.i, EEO • AP, MpIISTRATOWS" NOTICE. ILLPAIMoheia-to tbe gime eete o t r e 44JO SEP odhs Ipt aro &net" osOi-trientlio pryment withoutdelay, and dune basin/164m akallist said estete .1111 please pro. mat to da,penthentiMited foe settlement. 7116EPH HAMILTON. • 80PIIRONIA E. HAMILTON. Adminisuatom J. ICINGSBERY. $2OO 3 00 4 00 $2 00 2 50 2 60 4 00 I 50 25 = legal rditnettiscutcnts. March 22,. 1850. EXECUTOR'S IsVIICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of JONAS P. SMITH, dec'd., tate of Monroe_ tarp, a r e hereby requested to. make payment without delis. and those having claims-against said. estate will please present them ugly atnhenticated for settle ment. A. L. CRANIiI ER. Monroe, March 15,150 EXECUMWS NOTICE beLL persons indebted to the estate of ALONZO GREENOUGH. deed. late of Canton twp.. are trY requested to matte payment without delay. / d those having claims against said estate will please present them duly unheroic:awl for settle ment. IRAD WILSON. A. D. SPALDING.' Executors. Canton, March 81.'50. ADMINISTRATOR'S, NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate• of WILLIAM ROGERS. demised. late of the township of Warren, are hereby requested to make payment with out delay, end those having claims egetnat said estate will please present them duly authentieated for settle ment. MARIA ROGERS, STEPHEN LIOSTWICK, Warren, May 4, MIL Adminisuatora ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL.persons indebted to the estate of STUB LINO HOLCOMB. dee'd, late of Leroy t wp. are ',hereby requested to make payment without delay 'and those having claims against said - estate will please present them duly authenticated for settle ment. . BE'LSEY HOLCOMB, ..Leroy. May MY. WI. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. AFL penning indebted to the estate of JOHN MOR. MON deed late of Granville township, are here by requested to melee payment without delay. and those hawing_ claims against said estate will please present them July authenticated for settlement HARRISON ROSS. Executor. Granite. May If 2, 1850. _ DRINTS, GINGH 4MS, I.A WNd &c., a beau fat assortment can be found at April 24, 1830, "Pit(MT:l4 & SHOES, Mena Women and childrens the best assormsent in town, can be found at April x4.'50. MfRCURSI. New Arrangement AND NEW GOODS. rI'HE subscribers • are now receiving a nets as. .1 nommen( of GOODS. of every kind, which will be sold at very low pricer, and exeltssirdy fur cash. All who wish to purchase goads CHEAP are re= spectlfullv invited to call. and give the " cash sy.tem" a fair trial. H. S. & M. C. MERCUR. Towanda April 4th. 1850. NEW GOODS. A LARtlft and splendid assortment of NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD'S just receiv ed by the subscriber, which he now offers to the public for Cash or Country produce , as cheap as everbefore offered to the -natives," thew wishing to obtain a large quantity for a small amount can do'soby calling at No, 2 Briclt Row. Towanda Mirth 5.1830. WA I. Lts BULL, PARTICULAR NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to me by note or hook tic , count are hereby notified that unless payment is made by the first day of May vent, I shall proceed to collect, This notice is general, and will be strict ly carried ont. It any one has any doubt about it let them watt and see. FAIARDER. Towanda April 5,1850. . ORR, a few barrels of Mess MA for sale br. P Ap. 5, 1850. H. S. & M. 1.. MEJICUII L. B. HYATT, BTETACII(01‘1 ZO:EZITXOT, 017roy, Brantford county, Pa., ROPOSEIA maktng :periodical vbdis at Tavranda P during the session of every court. lie may be found at the house of J. B, CMS; commencing on the 3J of September. Reference can be bad from any part of the county. Alf arrirk,warranteri. an Srn:i J. AVINTOSEI, DENTISTS Late of Ovnexto, N. Y., HAS permanently located himself in Towanda. Office in the Union Block, over Elwell's office next to the Bradford Holed. Ort. IS. 1849. SURVEYING AND MAPPING. TTAVING resumed the business of SURVEYING. all work entrusted to my clue will be done with accuracy and &spa ch. Notices left at the " Ward House" will ensure attention. May 24, 1850. JOS. CAIRN BIMPWTN. Refers F. Mason. r Michael Meylert, C. L. Ward, J. 8. Brydeo. Important to the Public ! Credit System Revived In Tcilvandlit HE subscriber having, after due consideration and T long experience in various kinds of business, be come satisfied that it is impossible to carry on business profitably in this section of country except upon the Credit system, takes this method of giving notice to the public that he will give the usual credit of four months upon any bills of Groceries purchased front him (provi ded that he can purchase such groceries upon-Abe same terms.) The same to he secured to hint either by liens upon aninr•unnbered reel estate, or notes mrde payable at the Bank of Owego, with good endorsers. Call at No. 100. sign of the Red Windows. Main-at. Towanda. m ay 23, t 0150: J. 111 GILLsON IMPORTANT NOTICE. i s, pin Subscriber intending to ll Goods for Ready .1 Pay crelusiady after th e day of April, emald respectfully urge all tho indebted to him by note or book ace.ount, to pa up immediately & save cost. E. T. FOX. Towanda. March Ist 1850, 11/1/ 1 1CAZREL. in bbl:., hall bbls.. quarter bbla. and .I.VI Irina ; dry and pickled Codfish; also a fear boxes first rate Dpy Herrings for sale at the "Cash Store" of 417 a 8. & M. C MERCITR. .111 T MED UT SPRINC.COODS. A Nimble' Sixpence taw& a Slott aiding," pi:lE subscriber is now receiving a fresh stock of spring and slimmer Goods. consisting of his usual' assortment of clesirable styles, which will be sold for READY PAY at the very lowest possible .prices. Raving determined:to sell goods for ready pay exclusively. customers may depend upon get ting goods of all kinds as. cheap as the same can be sold by any living man. aril( I E. T. FOX. rIROCERIES—A large stock of Teas, Sugars. VI - (a good article for 6 cents.) Coffee, Pepper. apie.e, tobacco tkc., can be bought cheap for cash at 12S K. 8. CO. HAlt--/t superior article Vac Ftilk Hats. also palm In( intttegltorn tuna. for sale at , 1125 ft: & CO. TROlif aid Nails. a good - assortment at ass ... - R. & ItiTACKZREL - by the bbl., i:b11114 1 bbl. alta. I.V.Viothieleapesiet eodflik;thisibiloset FIDELIA M. NMITTI. Execotort C. sTootw ELL, Adm'r with will anx'd MERCURS' ~.. ..; .X-.. 9 , ,~1fCCQli1~:0lif. THB WAY Itlit GREAT BARGAINS. 2 - Agialhest the'Wadi: TUN' RECEIVED• splendid assortinstit of Goads. .1' by the subseriber. at ICo. It; Brick Row. width cs be seen at ail bones. end will 'be.seld at the lowest pod . oes. Oor friends will plass, *rot us with s sin, ea teat. We will, charge you notbing foe looking. sof yery little if you buy. Welnferal keeping canstatitly catikand a large assortment of Cloths. Mflateal.4 Cissimeres. W mated dresses, various. &Weed, Sugars, Tweed.; Tess, 'Velma. Coffee. , *ratings. Initerattar DeLainct, Hpices. . . Merinos. - Ginger. &e., Mem a - farge 'assortment of Crockery. W i1.,L1,8 BULL, No. 2, Brick Boer. Toolon 4 s, Norr.6. 1,2411,, . . . .. ADMINISTRA BY Yvirtue of an order , Potter county. "rill be the premises. at the hoes, the 10th day of June next said day. the following ih bounded on the east by tbt by the north half of, warraL._ warrant 1190, and on - the south by, 'mat 1409. Containing five hundred and fifty . gems, on watch is erected two log houses, and about ten acres of lan d has been cleared—late the estate of Winsel Kellogg: The lot is situated is Hector township, `Potter county. Tema of sale—one half cash in hand. and the balane• in one tear with approved socurity. - April It. 1850. L. 8. ARNOLD, Adm t„ J. A. Kane's Clothing Store, Elmira Come listen now 'Phila.! relate A tale I'm bound to tell, Of clothing sold at such a tote That none can übderat 11, • One day I called on John.A. Kates A snit of clothes baba'''. They were so cheap that I would fain Persuade you ell to try, Hum fcr John A. Kane, Hum far John A. Kum We'll buy our clothing all of him, For beat him no ons can. His Stick consists of every kind, And-piled, my eyes! how high, You certainly can't help but find • The thing to suit your eye. There's Suits to suit all sorts of men, For Wpfdding Church, or hop Them'. Pants, Vesta, there's Cloaks Of Coats a thunderin lot • Hurry for John A. Kane, Hurry for J. A. Kane. I f once you hay a suit of him • You're sure to cell again. There's Dress end Sack, and frock Coats too Of Cloth the very best. There's under Clothing, Cravats too, Silk, Wool ariPkin Vests. And as fitting toa`fit I need not here to tell* - Ilia clothing on each ;man will set first rate— , none better—for he peisonally oversees the cutting Department, and has his goods made in the beet manner, and the best style. Burrs for John A. Kane, Barra for J. A. gine For when I want a first rate fit, I'll call on him again. Some other time I'll tell you more • But this before I close, Tie ttes on hand now in the Store A tack of first rate clothes, too when you have a little time And cash on hand to spare. Remember that you'll always find John A. Kane ready to give you the worth of your Money at No. 6, Water street, fifth door west of' the Bridge Horns for John A. Kane, Hum for 3. A. Ken. We'll hey our clothing all 'olltin L • For Beat him no one con. • 175 hands wanted for all kinds of work.itntuvdiate• JOHN A. KANE, Edmirs,Ants. 0 0"-71 - 3 ,1 , 1\12):11NL PLEASE call at FOX'. ' and-s ee his essoitment of Dress Goods, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery. Mitts, Laces, &c.; also, a large stock of Prints, Omaha ins, plain, embroidered and chameleon Lawns and Dress Silks, which will be shown with pleasure, and sold, at minimum prices. Corner of slain and Pine sts. April 11, 1850. E. 'l'. FOX. r - N r - bbls. Flour, WOO lbs.Smoked - Hams & Shout- Oki ders. and 100 bushels of Rye & Corn for sale for at tit I. FOX'S IBIREDR011) 10112113 BALDWIN & WALKER, HAVE taken this well known liotel, and give notice that they will be pleased to see their old friends, end most happy to form new acquaintances. It is their intention, and will be their constantsim. to give visitors and orangery such a reception as will be sure to give entire satisfaction. They respectfolly solicit the patron. , age ofthe pohlic. Towsnda. 1850.-41 TROUBLE AHEAD. THE WAR HAS ACTUALLY BEGUN, . Among the Merthaniv in Fadaryrilte 1 • RW. %DA MS, fwmerly of New York city. him . just returned from there -with an entire NEW STOCK and general assortment of GOODS, which hs Offers st the following extremely lour prices :—Calica from 3'to 123 cents per yard, of the latest styles, bath . of English and Armeritan manufacture, and warranted fast colors ; Mon•lin de !sines from 123 to 25 cents per yard ; Scotch finish lawn Gingham of every style, from 123 to 50 cents per yard ; Broadcloths from $1 25 to $5 00 per yard : together with every style of Dress Goods for both ladies sad gentlemen. Also a general assortment of Carpeting and Oil Cloths, at the same rate of low prices.. A complete assortment of Grocer , ies, young hymn') and hyson skin Teas, from 123 to T 5 rents per pound. ll warranted.sound and good. Also Boots and Shoes. Goiters, Hats end Caps, Crockery and Glassware, Hardware, Nails, Building Materials, Cutlery. &e. Also, Farming Utenrits, Wayne Courtly Plows, &e.. together wish every description of merchan• dice, all offered CHEAP at wholesale or retail„ upon the one price, casts or exchange principle. Goods wit alwaya be exchanged for all kind.' of Country Produce on the ihoeenamed earth or one-orice xdan, - lit the new stare known as the Farmer's Exchange, io Factory tilla en.. N. Y. Pleas) call and See for your selves, March 25, 1550.m2" R. W. ADAMS.. DI. A CKSMITSS *ill find Anvils,. Vices, Bello , • Tones &c. ati j , sp I 7 MEROURIr.; SPERM and Tallow Candles, by the box or pound. LI at dl RUSTON & PORTER'S. ORRICK4B VERMIFUGE, by the dozen or vial* I itUsTON & FORTES'S. TIEAD SHOT, for bed bugs, at the Drug store o 1J No. I, Brick Row. H. &P. tIRASIVE SOAP, for removing tar, paint*. oils, &e. 1:4 warranted, at '. d t • H. dc. FS. STJPERIOR Winra and Licinora--30 Idda; that Ina• pPriar - WHISKEY just received at H. &P. DUCIEWHEAT FLOUR, of a superior quality. 1-.) for %ale at Twra. LOOK HERE! A FTER THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, no credit II will be diven by the subscriber—nogoods sold except for lIEADY PAY. Those indebted to him j are requested to call and pay up immediately. Towanda. April 11,1850. 8.8. BAILEY. t7TTER.—A tow firkins of BUTTFR fw► vale at' March 27, .0420. 11tROIM8'. 1000 ri;4282. ; sla w t A r r " ti ~ a 01 :7, 02 . torrintat -1I“:30 10_140,11.111-4 iiitariatitilg s lair tit tba ; bairel at, _ ST a ca. • atSO U _ {.ryts. Eli