Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 01, 1850, Image 4
- . • 4 al'Allinagemeat-of • „; As the days areliecomawlengerandOccrinnal -. 4e ,yoce mitd,Jbeca.require extm!..cme 4 4hiif they • ItimTheqmt 6hilltrimr . "d•Sticatid•beccl t mingq.hillei ' 'y cold winds, they Will i talt.tipm the snow and pgrisit; they at ,04i1enly uffectg4,by the roldisttew, gild cannot "recover, „ • • The teom,eimpiet mode of pfeveritng this.eyil is •to shade the iilvtei then -the bees' w ill u.tinlly keep nntiViris *drift' enotig for them to go et I.irqe. without danger. a %vat-at lueu.. ion ,le son _will often strike with. a considerable torte Uptiti hive, which, with the natural heat of .the s--arm, will make the hive so warm they are unable to en dure the cold winds. • Without regard- tatbe loss of bees in this_ way, it Is far better to Vee2 them blinded in winter, to a void the extrbines between colii.nir , htsitt tile warm sun of noon-qa . y. By keeping them in an cilia ibrinm of temperature, as far as possible, the bees will be in a more healthy state, and as they will he dormant, they will consume far less honey than will be required they are occ.rionsl .:cure. • By very exact expeirments, in we,i,thiu4 bee hives weekly, we have markt' that a i-warm would consume boifey much faster inshily or august, itt lime of revere drought, when the flowers afford no honey, than in the coldest mnoths of winter. . We have put-feeble'swarms of bees that had no ly a few pounds'of honey, into a cellar early iu win ter, and let them remain till spins!, when the weiloe er -was . sufficienl'y %%arm for them to po abroad;, and the differ -1 c in the wei:.:ht rut the love, at the, time of punin 11 itiio die re , liar and taking it out, Bas not peicepti'Jle without wriLtia..4 Bees require attentom, but they ate of:en-neglec t:it.. A fri •n,l of ours hail F.evelal hive. , of bees. early in the o inter which he nu. unto .t closet in a central of the . house, where the ternlveiticore VaS nearly even :toil they vv,e all in ttotit Con in The svtitt:-. The t.atr,e season, another a; i arias h i ! six. Live-, which stood ant in a 'het' , open at (he the m inter to 01.*- casional hot It„ t', aoil the itio,t its cal.! by tint one extreme of eq f 61,1‘‘ g another iu r j I s icces-ton. The ccii,eiitiecce,i ti! this irnisa% oas a loci at onw halt of the swarms. Matters to bo Attended to low We ropy from the. Arne,icatt Farmer, the frtilow ing excellent i.ia:s to be taken now by evely far mer. TilPy Ole as apply to the tlati . .s of eve cite, ;mid it h..110?.v ed, must have a benefivt 11 rts:•t It. Cure of .1. tn.we .-IVe have so often called tatentwit of hn,b.t.ttlinea to tho-e matters on farms calculate.) to be converted tot° m.unue, Ih ti tt ,t ; i nt tie er ? .sary to p ont what of t•et it: coaverted rly.titlre, but we v. 111 brie the al II .to is of that cliar.te'rt an,l tt rh.ty not to state that ban, :•i.l ot:ivr Li:a ces where 11.eir stork tray t e kedt, should be ell shriperl arr to prevent 1 1 .0 r riches of their titing-,-ti,e the poci:;:s.of it, beit;4 wr <he I 11%% )., aid we itripre-s Ct.- hull upon 11,ett sere t.s con , i it v et! 'kept ruirl prelLetvell, is wordt two to v t.ttelcion I is been par,', Ail manure befwe !tattled out. v ould be greatly tin pt °yea I.y Lam t.tri, one bushel et p :.Ecr mixed with eve-y ttvehty loads of it. rcr:a —lf y , r fe• co sh:ei are is ft wish grownig bramile3 a::d them aowr, and root them mi.• You may hike our wont for it, that such iocumbrancos, wtide they ex. haU 4 l the soil trod tot the fence. never fht! to eau! for those N.% hl toleri:x growth an uneuviaUle name—the s!ratu:er who may pass your tarm w h e sees such i, v i L l eu ee.,, of 110.2.1,.ct mva,iably mak: , the itividrotts remark—see there's a slovenly at.d 'lteitlect hit farmer. Ficids ti.teialcY f r Cornlf 11 ,,, ,! ground yon in lend to put 1,1 ,:fir, is a clmetney, ma nure and i: up !tale it hit:li ju,t he fore you are n 2. to plant your corn, then LatrOw it until you ga t int ,, fine fillh. dunes-out ot, each acre of it two bush,els of salt hallow it in. roll, and plant your corn and )(an Will expeitchce but little'antioytice iron: _rub 811t1 other , dorms. the salt will give them their t,aiems Just as wail 'Ay as though you bud done. it with a bodkin. Be sides this, the salt.will, to a considerable eaten . , act as fixer to the ammonia in the suit as it sully be fornted,.at tact on i-tine lion, the atm,sphete, preserve the coin plants from Wing, and Itotusli t:o iocousiderable yiat.ti7 •of soda and chloritx far there approot rat an., . . Llatt.—As snett as the frost is out.ot the .gtott9(l; is the proper tirrie to uerw ows. We knou" b L , 6 1, e 1 ; t o be tai;O:t 011 d'a„.4oaerei 4 het i l; but ilidt field was In good heart, bad been hme. - *1 cud ached. si t tidl Y cloverley had teen turned uuJer to giv'e pihee to the oats. •- Tit* Fmtmeti's cart:v.—We believe is. *mai c , Jerre eau therm& rultixa %'e believe in large crepe, leave.the lath bet - er than they toned it. Wire going to he•hatioin 'cf things and therefore in deep ploughing. We-believe that the best frnilizerof the:soil is titer sprite of imiuslty, enteriiriAesna inteliaenee, • 'with out this time, m a rl, plaste r bones and ;;teeninsoure, will be of.httle me. DrsTedirons Braitas.,,-.-is writer of meal experi ence gives his views as to bes. mode or destdy. irtg brtere, which prove so great • a pest ao. many other wise eseeleat farms. lie.haairied every con ceivable mode. cutting off and hoeing our he has repealed over and over again,, without the least sue. met- . --tts the mere he vet alia hue the t Ord they sprhn•_ ittit liitzt;iy. he cut the :Iron ill it. with clover. illirk!) - F.6wri. 7'11 , , b,i.its a j yreid next Pea.nit as twu.d. ;but they v. ere .t.eel, were the , t turtle I in the I , a,turi..- n it t h e r t j ,„,_.,, id that a+ 1 1 , - te , cogytele .f tri is an ea: l.l'lo,le' fur 7111,,i litriiii., 1., It t:ie nr. cn cottfi.leat that eittrer ts the g...e.t.t, enemy ul the anl a sure extirpator. STF.A3IIXC 11 Farmer : WWI keeps &O !read b(c.tnle anti ho-ses, e-I,:rra•e•s dill he saved t h irty totes-of hay to oto year, by chopOltrilnti steam itig a atiXttna of efillei par!. at hay anti straiy, and earinr 270, trot th. rot '.11a.--. The cost of cutting and Eteogning Igt,s 120. • • . ti That's a pool bird, tram/hut," Fail a little boy, .!• Yee," replied the' old ilarue r "he never iiiiesAf i cOrklit'iljecause he's turret snated,7de .;lo4oll4lbereiagster. y• ' . , Dr. SOlnttllfbt4 llf pitlfilucs • va ire. cif F./. NORETROPP. WErFICACY 0 • • • `• UAL " &V.. • , 1?,5 Composnd Chetty:!:', THE ORIGINAL AND (tENE,., rAft.srio,ct. Conch., COMA, Astlna.ll - Spistinvldlimul, difficulty nentiatilii'gy Pain to ' the biao and Breast, Palpitation of ibe Hort iniluenza. ernisO, t;n3114- . l6oirtitutioirri: : • : ,.` Surs Threit, I oiti•Dellitqf and -an aiitiii•i*.orgh 4 atii k . Itietftiingsaullti I thgt kreerua I ad' - • Pus. o f ." • shave:.!liselet i==l or. Sw.dyne's Coltman(' Syrup or , v.., RELIABLE 1 4 E`StEitO.Nr. . Jno. Milton Ernie, editor of , the Worcester Om gads., was attacked With a severe infinstiotit of 'the tuozs, accompanied with it distressing cout after usit.g various other remedies with little or no benefit. by the use of one h..ttle of Dr. rienryne's Compotind Syrup of liald Cherry, to sras restored to perfect beuhh. Wm. Montelius,a respectable merchant of Si. Clair. Schuylkill county. writrw, January 30, IFl.l9:—...Enelne ed 1 trend you a certifieste of Al. M. Beaumont. a citi teen of our town. 1-34 s case of consumption is well known hete t and of long standing; he attributes 'hie: cure entirety •to yuir Cemiroand Bytiip .of Wiid Cherry. .. IMPORTANT:CAUTION—BEAD! REAPS! There is but one genuine preparation ofWild Cher. ry, and that is lir: Swayllo% , , the. first :we! otrcred to the pul.lic, which has been largely throughout the r . States n.WI, arid grille party u . Ilitrope; and . all prep era tuna celled by the rams of Wild Cherry have been . put 110 Fillic.• I hi., Un irr cover of mottle circuminnticeri, in ..r.ier to erre Currency to their sales. Each brittle of the a:minor is iovvelopiftl With a beautiful s t ee l et ,. it riatots, with the likeniss of Williarri Penn thereon : Oa. lir. :le:ay flier; sirnature end as a further sweatily, the poriniii of Dr. Sil. , ” re will tie added hereafter, an as to di r esiictiirrii his preparations from all n hers. 6. SW 11-NITS CI'IItEBRATED VERMIPI:GE. ' . 1 f safe and effectual nerdy for %% s lilfilr. Dylpetista ' I 7h, tlera Mortara. sie.l.lV Or avepeptic children o% adults nod tho more useful nuttily Medicine ever offered to the tinlitte." - 'Chia tiv_vtr.tiv is one whiegt has proved slicer...Nl fu r a Idlart rime, and it it univeraaby arktidwledged by all whd Wive vied it to be far superior (t.eimt to very trleit-dieit to tie Invte •• the smite time effeefitdl) to at ‘ idlirr meriteine ever erephiyril in diseases for whir+ it i . , 'monied. It flit folly -destroy., worms. hut it in .i.,-....orates the whole evetcm. It is 'irility - ex in ifs of fects, end the he.e.h nt the patient is alwna a improved by Ps rise even when no worms are iliseovered. Mean Go , o, Navas roe Tile Sere A wlerstown. in.liya.---De. Sw t 1 - .‘ r.-1).or Sir: All If. il l r meduritit ...11 welt, and ciie cml salbrfirction. Vier r valuable Cdmientit I Svriiii .6f Will Cherry has been the mean. .1 rem ormg sonic hopelWet ra t ers in this sera in.- 1 - -oir Pllsare mo-t olkcellent. I want you to a rid a sopplv of th.m. • A twin 1 tirchisel a I. ed., of y.tair Vettnifuee the other ...ay for his child, alai ity ita nse it di.,.ltareed 61 of the I,r:era worms he had ever r -ern. It 14 P-I!nert hat iliffieult to eel the peopte to try It. 14 they, hare FO often been culled by nourieritei and w or thless worm merticinev. Youra being so very pleas ant no the taste, at the seine time effectual. I shall he NMr to dispose of a lame guanine. fte.spectuffly. plots, Ate., TcylVeslKNO T. SHARP, P.M. 1 T., Dr. j!warsrat. l'i. W..ctitner of Eighth and liver-ts . rlailirlielpfict. r,l- Retina/bet ! the genuine is DOW put up in vpsart botties. Sw•T:r • • Siuoan CRATV.II RAnctrtiviLLA •ND r. flliCT dr Tan PILI.4.—ThP virtues of these PIP. , apprci fled only by those nho hive use" then"; the,/ aro attOrlacd to avvi.t nature in evrrying otf morbf ma:ter, ri,sirtieff .11.1 impurity of the Se.. Are. The; are a gentle and ive pilfgative. C.111Vel• all the functions of the liver. end a+ an alterative in drop. stcal al e.tion•, they are very valitlttle. and should be ,r; every fyroly They have en Ttytaide cpytinz of White t•ifyzer• whereby ererythithr disagreeable t :be facto or .tneli i• rmtmly removed. ow ho It in the 1 , -s“ afr rtin.y. the excellent utilities of the nmilicine itemetuser they, are now put up inhoars, turned nut of the calk! wood. covered with a red lahel,l , e2ring the signature of Dr Surnyne. None other iv genuine. The above valuahle'tnedicinev are prefrfred only by Dr. SW AYN E. N.W. corner of Eighth and. flee* street, Philadelphia. I AGENTS F6ll ADFORTYCOTT,TFY. Ileeeos h. Pool re. Towanda Pa. Chas. Rathh.mie, CaMnn, ;Drown & Rockwell ,' Mon- Beollentan & Brown, A-I moron, then' shrlles, C. H. Herrick, Athena. ' I). I). Parkhurst. Leßoy. I Kinney & Siderite, She. C, Murphy. Centreville.' sherrln. J. Daniels. Burl noon. IM. Dulluck & Co., Eaet S. W. & D. F. Pomeroy, Smilldiehl: Trot. • '22, & Vouhurt. Troy. A pnArcirr AND NEVER•FAILISOREMRDY FOR Pit£ 6 , A , - A7 II EER Internal. External, Blind or Bleeding, V V Sentrala, White Swelling, Ulcers, and UTeerated Sore Canker Sere Mouth, 'Rheumatism,. Cuta neous' Diseases. Nercurial Affections, fie. Atm for scalds, Darns, Cdfa, Sprains, Braises, Ste. We feel justified in proclafming Tlit FACT TO THE' ORLD - thstof all merlieines ever brought before the Ptedfc. :S ONE hale ever been more beneficial to ef. dieted humanity . then '• Myers' Vlyesid Curt." Wd Itiefw that this is saying . e great deal, but :f the Were to wri'e volumes, we.cuuld not say too- muct in praise this Ilit vri-:narrenivo, layr-raer.ovaran Rentnr. knotty le, env thousands, bless :the hslipy hottr when tint they wete acquainted with its trenseendant winces; au:icier present purpose is to : lnform other thbusands, how and wheel, they life, ehtaiti that relief, which the., perhaps, have long sought for n vain. The sulieliihreteelieneelif this prenttiation* over all other inedNinesSfur the suer+ , and permanent:ewe .or ' PILES is well konirri to altwho .towe tented itl It bas'bien proved in thousand , ' of iontotretw, and bit NEVER PAILRD , ' tb cure*" • MOST OBSTINATE CASES, . . and we are confident it NEVER WILL TAIL if totias preperlenkth of time acConlini to tibeetittetii. As a proof of out eau* cmtidence in. Its effiescy. - erit astute ail purcbssent ttifit r i fatter a pry tritil, - itrpeosai inetTeetwil. eke Manky'pefil fur it be Returned; TN:- Liquid Emir is en"r:ffectaal Retnetly •for Ring-worms. Riles, Pi'mpfes Elar(xiss P IteS,' Frosted Lfalls, Oki/begins, gei IA spite Biles, Stings-1)f •Poissnmss Inseees, sc., and fin entaneisin Nacelles of,every descriptibn. • • • ' Ii is( both safeard elle:Anal for • ' ROBB %I A ' giving immediate and permanent ' N.. pn.parati• .. i,nw boire the Predict ran sr:writs .lie ,•f the •• Liquid Cure" Jur SiliSitle. 81.1M3 &t. i:s ' e ff.-.4.4 05 3 RtAI• P %IN KIT.Lr:7I-gre NT Nf;TC --v F oar in lit lend pOnli 1.-.33.1 Iv. w. t'l.4 I:l33'll.llhie P•epar .7.14.1. 113043.,33 of Whial plat es it within the F..:1 sler. - empelly ruh ber,e. 1' ....pie. t 4 e.m...e cett timem. from helve te.tott 'l.eittitl Cure," tevy be had iralia ut our Imtlkof 'sc.! seen... M''• t: 1 r 1541.1 i. prep area finlyliy J I:111 1 14 &21 sprure keel. Few York. For av~F by MIX; Tosembla. 6....vnt for thi. county, id hy C. H. tierriuk. I:taftle Rine. Trey .14eutet.11. - Phir.sty; kf3mruetoti; Orwell 51 041...-r I:... T itltrAlLT . :llW•it4ll:l o ` SAO. . . IL tie felt on hand a large awirtmenL' am, I mode to onlernie shorter under stator less mt, nip than can he pOdurcal at any other estaldithruent Is, the loud. Thom‘t4rO are under the necessity of pro curing that artic-Wiil and shill he acit;stled- A 'grxi , ! iteatielknrpillbeiktirifitiettilaneeirfttnii4ild. •' - 'l34Crikelit; Hid , ' • L. , "31: tirEAdc.:Mtr. . If :Wild Corp MYERS' LIQUID CURE, • • • ead othererise dlaimielqtems heat Rasmus sod CVO= Minaredih.4 l hOUSanaS" who bare need Basires Meru& after haeitufmaed sad tasted Au: the eirrespsesiboandiuther medicines rucommended to ears blood trilialuaux3atta 4=410 thr.-7, Brant's is the 'Cheapest, kw .. 0 ,,,,, :k ik it *is , 4 4,..%detNakidiiratIve Me** utICI Ind. 40 ebsitlutoce; e= ob eareatititelepl t ouc h km Ile. Soil ems beribrerese esker el td If then. OM Beak of After: ?cum= will ears POUR TINES morirdisease thee starbealt of Bass's Fontenot" mould be at amp a t dontra a ns Away. HIM at one Mar. But !MAN ti PURIFIER lit sold for only ONE DOLLAR a tent ma a buttlyiailt has cured. soil ia capable of Oiling. F so teach disesiM ast sea bade a imt . serstpariThiCtherefure s nil; in consequence of ha be. paw. er and Las method e about& be mild at ho inert than Tawity-FOB AAA ata 404. 1 / 2 .10 be as chop eh the AMISS= at Omit Dale. ' One' Drain's Worth i ! n0 .... ce , cA ,,,,,,„„b a .,;„,„,,b Byen n se—bow much Scab me-1,111 Oar Palter martiof Brants PURIFIER runr 1 Read the lolleilsoug stiteuteut. srl4th . . la • specimen of pa imam. CANCEROII4 SCROFULA I ' Thisbe thlepile of a Dying man who yd hum He Ines rend of • warm case of derufula. by wily Tories Souks of Brenta Portlier. Man star we. rurrd by the use of Treks Ortilons of the bra sar-artrillit that was erre made. Paraaparilla low cot ettiftedeal etedpal it hi elfeet the cute Of such a tecoltragly *opals:is GOP. Mr. J B Mooing. of Rees Onadlico.X. r.. bad Ser•falts fetes pecws—vl as ronOotd to hie bid the hair ye-b.. ma. ... much on.iensed cod druiJitutrd a. to be unable to ratan Ls band to hi. head. He Leal the bat nu dad adrice.-linil imeil eil of Ilea Sat ituravorata to no gliOdi Pea•a L—gt 4 ardhe and exam; mid wail row oliton.l to he in • Pvilse State sod cold toe bee treaty four hulas longer.- wen b. coupswtreed musg Bit ASTO HMO Hu neck ea. eaten luxe, d - fron t ear to rae—a Ade raw .m en though hi. windpipe. miter . 111. chip. ait'llud he 'breathed through lb.. Li - We—ht. ale was so Plana around that it could be UfTed up out of it. vie,. it only While: by • email plere—the me of ma mu s ~. drat - royal by two Ulm MI -•RI. tire. u nd er lhe arm as Lees as • m• 0 • hand. hod noar:y taten through hi. •tde two Ha body 'I hu. be riot tathetod with treaty midi putrid acrid. OP. IBC. Laren on swum. plot. of Lb uensm. kor milker aria lull purtsculars ore our r.spisicu. Port 1 'mama ‘VILLIAMP one of 'the most Weal phy.irlaris ot loon, IG. railed 1... f... Malin the lay Wore he commanoed tiding fir oft i Paden Dort. NV ex...muted him. and then told boo rhm ail the incoicisdi m the World .oubl mat ails Lou—that La case wee f Worse than Hopeless ! Wow. hr-sr. Mr. LIASKIM'S ststrawnl sr rank. If. say.l 4 M. tr,h4 prorwra 44n0 twer .41 . RRA.V7 S PtIRTFTEV; EXTRA C 7 —THAT sorrt.• elsni.jol o to get of sty brd—thr across 4444 tle ....1.1...1 ne• to eel Mao/ the hews—ft.. THIATI .n.#.1.11 .wre tit. 104urr ie.t 011.1 u • •t. 1 14.41 h. i I•••. 1 n-trl; :War feW. sae 110., INT it t. t :sway el— Ih - nti Arian/ IT. on thr e bar*. .444. r. 1W clotted EE4 :1' t USE sod m- to good heal th 4. FOIIIITEEN WITNESSES! • The stow. Gets are enrstird trti4t4 PANTOS T. WILLIAMS. Mr. G. U. 1:1101.1111.,01 . " Was Rome Hord, Mr... 0. it'sr4Fl.l. & I 1.:4" ARIL Druggirds. and ELLIIEN other raper:WA wirstsse• a^ Arras CANCERS CURED. Mr. 0 B. KINNEY. merebart. Mk* owed., emmtv. V. Y.. m t 56341 L 4.a 9 c.mcer-41ut•or in siad c.nro) was st.rt wun. .i• rt. Caectle ti,pm!ti URA \T's Flt ISO evl• • Joasor r..dnefar In tilrretwil county. T.. in tam* wed nest-ids. Lute. Ilfr , .roArery ertm7. N. Y.. Pas infortard ns or on imp:MEDI Cure qf a C of ion, wan.lts •. ssb.rn was ensr 04 no en Lad" ILION pi:we. U. tbefvfore, Ide frittrita Can - aorer,fly nu r urayht q bun .2. ! porr. r . what Impure diseaue of time bond Cm ar sot ca ret Seven refire eiperiestfre and trump my, there ere twee bet weal o wafter*. FEVER-SORE CURED. The Rer. ItlClle RD DUNN/NM Pastor of the IrrenSeiertai chord , . Munn WM, Monroe cowry, tf..Y.'wrote to us: tone Jost ',reeved • letter front Mr. CIIAPOWI Doueu c, /*atom ru the :are of hr. Irevit(:iwire. Tomalley depend on whet it stem, for It. a Chrtensus mad and an eeter at the church. Some yam mei rir Ito.l to hare Wearhr. le;* eta qr. to *nee Ins lire, in twowtPlowe eta Irweereurn. The doer kit bea, now effected. sod &twat to oe ctuputited, / renown. Wed linarres IdEhlCann. flood the re- volt. Ile far . ): • l ht-re lord only Tarr nor rt.ts of TIRANDs 41.EDICANE: I plead ALL HOPE. /rno pmr 1 .0. 0 ;0 •. ia Mtn Neaietiee_, sial run slow. sit ILO. with the Welton; of Owl. W Awl Llsrtsd rity leg.' a See ratophiets fbr fell tonieulara. LIVER•COMPLAINT: Dr. NATHAN RIMBAUD. of Stamford, Co m.. me of Me elan* eel newt eLysmans, W>r anteted eseL Lisentsm Tidier Imes' Ml's, and Ism perfectly erred by using BRANS IT LNTRACT. We cold name Luantrensef other came FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND COMPLAINTS. No remedy altered to the public hew ewer betni k.i treetrteht eed (Petted be reaming ALL the InClaeztuil emdreeme !red trretretartlim of the etm, se BRANT'S PULMONARY B t. It makes no Clam eneombether tbe demn morta bo r zrkes. mem; or Mbar Met Hs—a REGULATES ALL, by st Owning ar ITS ili...ii.e4 lue etammeetos. and tiontAing end NIILIVOCI 111-1117•111.14111 Or Beet dipltkrtn . . CHANGE OF LIFE, from the girl to rife imam awl the seas at aide& ege—the ors ease to areederated, and the other so predeothy eqrperre4 as to pre. rent our thefoasi dame that fnmpaattly.ll.ll/11 aa courequaeco of oath chap r. Deeptda—Sour Stomach ! "Arrow, Otmesee Co. rebevaryl. 1141. ..RI. T. WALLACE Ar. CO.—Qentlesem: 1 was. for morn thee is year. afflicted with a threase of the stomach. I could not eat ImIT fat or meaty wibtooner tar. Atom cam in: treat pain, otclusera. ono . vomitior. and was emu:noon" *!Mewl with * mar mentrelt. I as an erperiment tried one bottle of BRANT'S MEDICINE wh ich, to my timer dualmoittuttout nosed and rellered Lb. mad pont after omens. I therefore used • fel'Und Pemie. +twit Ism completely clued the disease. I am nevi well and hearty, end ono rat almost any thing without beats pained, or the stomach bremuutr wad. " Toms wept-eft liv T. 8. WILCOX "' Mr. WUcuz lnc merchant of Aftio. MIRSING SORE MOOT(!, LUCORROCRI, Re. Gomm Co:. N. T. 09.14. Mfr. Milan. M. T. WALLA( At CO.: Some:dam lam winter wry is become so deldttuded (min tits Weft of /.wear ea and Mem ley 4+tNoah. that she cadence lift ber clold or perfdrro any hems& Her medical treatment ore vartdioceceibre to CM *deice and.prestaiptions of the .most eminent physicians, until ewe, skfti sow exhausted in to efforts. Pe became se weer h stele- Ism dud al the time she cmanseneed rattan Roamers 31riEnal . t *be weitMed no more titan eiclity.fre poundal but by tbe,ttow she bad : taken/awe henna, she became perfeedrirelL • Tilt...omit St sebrrikei. thin She ilk now enable d to-do aU neerollsap bOtirerbold Woe% and maned thirty rounds of flesh in lbw weeks. • Tours mif f C. B. onatfmrsr-^ The reader will chyme that Mr-Ostmermte, says He. we are lammed by E. S. Taw, Esq., of the same plane. ham studMd medicine. MEMCITIL,IAL DIEJZIASAS. , •. !MANTIS rtnetrym IMAM!, • perfnloaddinvep4 'red sat, 4/ tU the OfCCO 41, WU:VIM or MI df the torlol2o press,* .CALOMEIOr Metworrir c.4 ete system : and it mums the Ofesd; made ; ant atiltso poPtt to their ariritui: loratvoor O.ENERAL DEBILITY-OF THE SYSTEM! Ste. A. FICWISTrII meresarit. assume Lerlailt C41,00* verve. Deeetktier lete. e titt nd er *wear steedie bow Mee eibiw PIMMONATI, BALSA?! bad effected the roof I'LeV ' A4;W T:for f aeri bi llig at " my lefteetimetteeketk!titu wine IRO It ie the besentedtethil to eek t : Auer numeacetere Ter Orem" Mu I tarre , teer Pied:. dame/ 'Niece.. we lees.entd -BRANTS-OMB/CM-% dill/- Owed their dime% iteditiitia ease aaterecrtox." • sAvr mituoiG anb4,o4.eawdewialiw ff et, !KAT), ate sways curdle Witgr'S .411:11t4C • . ' , Fur title by .MIsToN lit PORTER, Towimde C. H.'Herrick, 15thens ; C. E. Ratlibeta, Calm's': 1 D. Parkhurst. LePhy'• i Brown & Reek *ll, Mourne ton; E. W, Baird, Rurmiterlield ; 111.11. Welk% Wy 'losing; 7D..Railas z 4 pion, taarnifte Huwphry ei r rioll.Mayofin gi a. Turkel Smithfield ; Coryefl & Gee,,Barlingtea ; 1.. & E.Rue yon, Truy. r, • . ; • • AU renews. OA oMent Wait :be heikeitied to W au - ere& Go., lab Bresilsay; N. I. • 'My'. R'E.i EST-qr.LISTIME IV7' 111 W JIM' VOW *am Zls 31113-156 - -...•— 1v...! olv Fitfoirint , te rompni, at , 1 • 0 . A —..„.-......: -.r . 7.7 - lap , innilipthlci)uhly-sran•ranv, it. ''.. tgt -dsl., Iry hots, r) 4114,prinnurs.p,,, 1-A t 3lll try'eT IVAN& 41i A BIN. , ,' 1 Uzi ' t ' t'ilkttrlit ° f 11- fm4r -' .....„. -....._ c. -_- .r. , . . . . . i.) I P nue. s t -, tiati: and 'iiiikratilltios iitlb It eitur • 0 140.4 0 1111ftlillifillitiliinntfrthr 9ifits. asPoittttimt in entitnry 410•00: we viitlietali.a; hand in make to order 't4LIITAS: - 4 4,1 10 - titin'incfron.ett l iptiwt• p attrmo; gala Itiiettint - Uhaits: ophillithoditi ittrwrits idyl.. and fur trio' and thirithilitfilnitinf h. aurita.or even in on, tintricitlea. ' - Alin, ..: 'et" kill' Frefirttlitv. tilsonay (Plait; haTOitulo.9otOlaterna: it h'elirliid'hai. t:littft niiviiit'nee int irrentirity-teuti i • - /41 wi t h ft • heat haitiratinc: ,l Wet Titter onninfyiir . ;Mak had aturititaratifente irttite hcranakalolitvanakill . a • to aatisfit AI sabti tney li r el'ilispolieftn - stall. Bath' e qii - ility eftl'iiricet anti by sirj#l ikentlnit In hoiiiii. - btifintti meth and *tied the petrnnige Mtiii Mein, en:- n*6l4. ',`,, '— . - , • I:: M. NYVICENI: • • Tewirali Beptiiislieill, 11349 ... . • - i MEI EMI BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY, tn .44 4-1" TORN W. WIT.COX. him removed his Tent to the "hop lertwern I(in,2 , :hery's and Bart awl' where he mill soliens a .here tddic finfronsce. Ile in end:. I , v a careful veleetim 'cock. ntpl by attest,. n to the infere.t. of hie enem iner• to make as neat • 7 d dorahle Ank am can be ma nUrnetUfroi in thiA past therenhiry. lie unit. lierppnatant y on hand. find manofnetnr .1 order. Morocco, Cu/f and romre Boob. andShne, Endre,' Cui..eri. Nowa and SVpa ; Children'a do. CZ-nes Gal . /v.7 anfl rpnqq. 4c. cO' of 1, tact dearriptiona, taken i in% ntent frr wfiiit. at the iontliel pnce. Towanda. April 1441. THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE; • ltd NOW IT I. W/E Ma7lll 1137. d. MOMMI)2 r i F. HARDER rrtipettrollylies to itiform the • rilizrn4 of Towanda, end the public rhal he ha,. ommetwe.l die HARNESS AND TRUNK MAINS BUSINESS, .n Tatannarr. an Main street, n few doonishove .trot, where he will keep eonmsent , y nn liana or nuke .n ord-r. p4tha and cnninmn liarnr.ll.Anks and .Think Valierv. and all kinila of•orark it t his nTe. CAR, TRIMMING and MILI f.IMY WOKE done In order. roam his ispertence in .the besine.4. And punctuality in altet.dlß to it he hbpea he meg receive • Aar , etniutliC•Yantranige. • ( 'i' All kinds of work mij he had at his shi3p ehr.sp net tbac'At. sainther shokus this county. , . tune :14R tru.oxed to north side Public Square Ti• af. (71.antSCrillt, AN jug rei timed' from the city Xi of New 1 ark with a later of Watri.ra. Jewelry an.l rihrr ware, cumprivine in part. ei tje inane 'nig ari ir Iry : Lever. f .Mails Waaches4 w ith tt.complete isaprAmenll cif Alkdd Jewehy, such as Ear Sinew, Fin. lee Reap, Dreast rms, Bracelets. Loc)tets. Oak ehainv, 1;014 Pros. Keys, rte. Alen. all SO:to of Silverware, rod any' quantity cif Steel.Ceada--e( of which be off er . ..1r ode rafter/Dryly cheap for Weeklies repaired on short notice, rid aramtated , a ran well, or the money will licr refunded. ends shit. 'en sgreerneni 'riven to that effect if regiiirttd. N. B.—MAPLE SUDAR. anti 600117 Proifeev •aken in payment for work ; and afs . i. learn now, and ,lovrer, that Me l'indace mast lie paid when thiaturk a done—l war against credit in 0 11 its forms. w. - A. ORA VIDER LIN; A s geiit. Tawandsr,,APril VI,„ 1848. . eE.BCCo ?ht Celebrated Oraefenberg 4:4" + . 4,, k ' 1:' 11 Tepidity. Pill! kt r. _ 4. - c" - .t . .,- s —-I e. were introduced into the ,11. 8. V,' ....,.... t-,,;.\1: 1 -. 1: iv.I L -: in the year 1816. Vherr ex ile'.±l4.', '-1" , traordinary virtues, and sup. : . .1::ii4: ,iority over all other PILLS 419......y.-i: 1 .1. A known in this country, has • i' , • 4 - 7 • erostrlished them as M , , stand , • . ' • and Medicine of Me day. . - 4 3 V ' For sale. ttlitillier with the .thir vaiu...Ols preparations of the Orsefenherg Co.. by tittshnt - &. Porte, 4 H. Mix in Toarandkand .1.3 .gentsappointetLin each wen an the county. Also, tor sale, the Grrafenheig Manual of Health, a •omplets RAND sorra for F•milies.,containing informs ion retativevo the treatment of *lmmo every . form of f disease; 300 pages—price, 50 Cents. ' f N. B. A Family 'Newspaper will imeeiven; fee of !writ, for one year, to aft who purchaser Orselenherg ..... eines. A I•congionniestione most be aliteseeti to P. C. hi• aronty. N. Y.,Geneval Aet. . t THE OORYLE EXTRAGT , Dr ltotirei" 1 -Pals-Destropromdlirwrity for Mingo 'TfilirEitnsef Olga Isquid f fern' emih ittetamr,epieni Stlngetour. wilein exthietar hit liKteini is utseriptt tlesery. thing let discovered ; dui as l us tioplication to mita:* ing4twawno. dui Aim n -nankind trithAtihigeil to filial Naturein it. It anathes he Nerviotiplit, ishatn—ibials'aralutals,stqlitA. sprains od cleanses wicses—r..doens aft manners of Attellirigs gni fir r rillfilloll,l &manes Lhuoplaints. "stet', fora t arat k it46ll44.6l the. HON, 14N C. soitlo rt. After what Mamie stated. yuu will not tar, surpebed a the &eland/at of my (Onion sod rum ebiavistido, hat the liquid pepared by yoa is ONIL ins sods? t V ALUAIII4 - 1111roCut KU, its Xlr3l/C41.• MIT. Ur 1110n oil Tt ts ;—zrati that it W. ' prtnli glrWit ; effertpai f. , r all clematis eel lmea.m,rta slurp A:r 1101 tin - Utl. min.! chronic. CO On and prop !y tu.plia3 4 l. 4 riuther jinicriperiiisprii • rstnily to 41144 , 19 . m. 1 h !tusk dor itAtitrieics ~n . extcl;t .lly, awl the 111511,11111% 140,21111111,61. r.:ur ot.'t m Imre C. r rEvelpt. e.' i,•11.• 111,1 h; C•tr,3 it %I ihr kale i .f Rh. relel r 0.41 G-rarfritherit 11.41 a V ., i t . .sr 11.11,1•••1. 44V21) . . Till: mougrribei hos rrtnovrti • - If. !.1 h i e. new , , - 0 .1.,... a frtv r;VI.. 410. • , .• i i 111 : prior! I t 691 two vtrl .ui v. .p. _.) . 7 tovirr Ay f.I thr iorort.; 0 Nrii h.' ._ ..._ • ;/./ ' la fillttitat.seturii 'ar,l'i -',r : .0 1 ..41, - : " V. f titil itirkul. all' kitAv a colw) "' ' v ' ••• ... • . owl (16..'vt,1 '`;it'at f 'fitr6e: l an& I' .. '''‘,. 71 .4,Y. • 16. , , . - ,..5r, - ...ei be:* or 44" .1,.. u ..1.0, \ - ißttisert.4l). , 6t r'Crtk- Allem, - / I - 1 • ...... AL t i tan, 'ertilell IL L . r .i:ir ifi* tu, ~, I A or t46410rr. of, Piny 0r 4114.!ky 0 M • .•;:j4y.i l ift . i,ef . frei;v!4l rof il.t? . ik: ' Trystiu - iloue i..; .ler iri 44.a..44P4 siminre.- .06 '. - .. 4.-- : N 10 CiVEIINET;;MIC) K, . I:._ .. ~ ~ to an d kepi uohaod, or mode it nmer, irn ffitO'hilt . lz r . ' :' - • M3IZ3 SlAin?intii. i • Is. March 9.1949.• -' : : . , :NM .• • Tirx „ - _ _ _,:t. ~4 ''~.~"'`, ~1 ~.pronintstUerr r : up ; arughe,. onOunta, Pain . 4 r l 94 o Aus. Ellotehesaric" kles. Pl74e, The action ortheithlueya ,art:fq . ma lie them, a v alu a ble lithontitptic. Ettopeydaisyet,Sid Fe ma l e Comptaintkairiaing front obytrnetions ct attain krioda, are Me-61., ~the ir , A Uri Expecturtilion yhe rungs, ia, excited by 'the iuse of Wrigin7alndituf TegeFahle ra nidwitig PtilnionaifeOrnplainta; such au Aathrna.Bron 7 . ANIL. Auroral and Tightnesaof the breast. Omaha. -Sore_throit.&ts By; their action 'An - BtomaCli and Bowels. the Dyspepsia, Liver 'complaint. Palpitation of the Heart. Aativleviey. Caitlin:nese, Feverg of all kind. Pre.uilsY, Ideadarlig t Oidepilesa, pysenteiy, Pilei, and all di.ootri .r, the inttetineu. , • , smill :doses, WrighCa 'sullen Vegetable `dtviine an A fteraAe lifi;dibine, of e feat searching ef cacy. fur the cum 'orea., of all kinds. Tumors. Jaunffice. l',..4yesse. l Of Spirits. Neuralgia. hash, Paine 'HAP Doses: , , Pills also_ thoroughly', lintalt up Influenza. in phich cupola - int they are extrme'Y !iillihrs,,,pomplainte,these Pill! Tyerciar a complete mastery. flaaceerer and A OUP 1A curril by the use of them. lo the Wes:ern and .10tillietn States where . this ;license nmetly prevails, ti . 4.•re Villa. go like an aval,.nrhe. VI, bile :fry are cheaper alai, the fever end .gue renwilirs ri mrperal. W rights Indian Vegeta. I.te Palo bay*• lwert,pronntincrol sup. rit.r to all ni . thein. it wool., a q rwr thlf if there is one complaint met winch there gills have more power than snowier. it I. Frvolan,l F 44 dent 1..111111 end expelling 'Worms; no eunifugt to itte.c Alltnugh Ake have Ant taken pvitt• to wake this. fret ptildic. the merit of the medicine itto•ll ha. acquite4 ror if vn extensive rept:tin/inn and sale for thn removal of M. oints. to ;Atolls or cltil.brn, the ..lrect of the Pill* ta radical snil decisive, All who •tifTer from ‘‘'ortiss should, by all means. nee Wnglies !what. Vegetable In fart. no one can en amiss in the tier of this mei% eine. They a:e natural to the body /14 food is. A itia will convince the sleep kid that Wrighes Indian Vete ndile P.N. far from being a "quack nostrum: . err decidedly the most valuable medicine ever ofrered to the public: Baw•ria os SUGAR ("MATSUI CGOCAPERPRII 6 II!-- , Remember, that. the originar end only genuine tidier. Vegetable Pills have the wrilen signature of Witham Wright on the top of each box. The genuine is (or gale by Nt . GN TA N & sole agents for Towanda t. end by agents in all, other pe to of the st a t e . 6ffice devoted exclusively to the sale of • Wright's indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail. 169 Race 4 ".• PhilattelPhi•lg. 288' Greenwich at.,. Nina York. end 1914 Tremont. Roston.' A. SOVEUEIGN, BALA!. XI 0 other medicine has ever been introduced to the L public that has met with curb .uoparalleled site• erns. Th. SOcLICR•PriCIIII4 Sovrreign aUba Pal. Ii.TiRZ been hut six Iteirs before the public. sod Aro small, rumpated with most other medicines, %et they have 'nuked their 'way into every state in Op Union and Canadss. They have b e ep / tie,. the Standard Medicine of the day. They are purr!!' vegetabkrand so admirably compounded that When to in lame doaes they rpeedilr cure the Wink delicate, nervous female, stmf have raised munbers from their beds after all other remedies had failed. • BEWARE tsr CiIIINtER#EITS. -A. there are @purioos P11)4 in' circulation called Ori• ental oc,boyercien-Balm. be cure to Pee before you boy that the nameoT " Dr. E. L Soule 4. co." 1c on the fare of the lanea. None others can be genuine. We nre not aware that any one who is makilig a spuriona artlele has yrt dared Co make use of our 113111 P f; ht.t some of them'have had the 'impudence to imitate tun holes rind apr nur Circulars. Certificates, 4-c Unrest the public aro careful When they purchasel, they will hi deceivisit. • The eennine ROST EREIGN D'A PI . I.LS eon he had wbnleaale dial retail or Dr. F 1,. Mottle & Euclid, N.. V., and in TcWranda. by FfIJST.)' & POR TELL, and by. Agents in eeery town in the country. . lity. .To the •letor belongs the Spoils. A,LTOUGH many preparations in the form of" Popes .,•• lerr Medicinal' have been til.fore the public, claim ing to giverelief„ and even cure the most inieterate diseases. yet none have so sell ansahrred the purpose as Dr. Sherman'altledicated Lozenges.. They are agrees-. ble to the taste, Essay admmistered, and from the, un tarcettented success which they hare met with, and the renunkable cures which they have performed, may justly lay claim in the title of Conqueror over the di seases fm. which they have been recommended. Dr. yherman's a COUGH 1.02 N( ES" Cure the otoslr obstinate of lamb in a fe' briars. Thex hace•curedsie ge nuinher of Persons who have tirtheirphyitielans and friend.., hod man) Whwhatirfiten redu'eed'to the wree of the grave tit spitting Wolf, Consurription and Hectic Fever, by the , .. use haTe had - wwirof health restmed to the haggard tlteek and now'iNe'to :peak forth the praise of if*, invaluable mettiiiAP: Sherntn: , • j ' 6 .l4oll) l l . l.(lZEl'Cipir HThers;been,tore4 9nm:116511p : 00R cartes l an*im falliable, in art the onit_glrtain "Worm lh itroyiee . Mirdieipe, .eser,diasesena :fibilikett will oral. them Thet they,cannot,.be fnrceit,so.,taltiatittyellk mediate, ainf Om benefit. atiit:rti front ihe.santinislcstinn of mrtli, clue io them in this form is rid heYnnti conception. . Whkikthelteith of lieeotties offersiee,,and therikis picking:Of the nose. grinding iti the nose. cried, itit of 11 1o,tcotkantkistiep.p : shout the lip ! with Auoitril 0 r v•06.6 I'h 14tite et the '44ietits 'in' frigtoding tiistod. nut. fev.lruhte.... rhi.rt, tett'ele vta e( per t•lfk rt. ea el it', tottOt h 3.1..m5e1l be , :e v4e srA,t i th. .ostft 1 ,1 • MIA raft 'II ...Ito tyll'l4'lli44l.4.7iMi Tit, Y •it yr, betty kn.. t. Ail. Pr - • • (;-1•:"4"1 ttrii.cine ht•odortar-; , to•tton fort/L.olf peritliti. .1 the I par! • 5..1 in • 'I,. ininiat. 5. They i'let htfelleeett .it iii.ifil.olllt:imq!enry.fmtttit4.„e.tde;i 4 ... to , r 0 4 111 . 0 of hf tiw eh stimlnte; At li.osrl Frtwpiaint .hey to p itirtrko rife, Ohdtressiiit Kra ettaide perm. r 11; undeijo galMymen: , (al ut bodly . • •ffl i tlnir.4l,AN'iri r re.VlßTETt7 , T. sertrimafieNtottrfii mitten itark!iven t 4etelf rerh4 ' srteni t tbitkig Plainer tit the,e*nth' end ..s 'pateteig . l. , .rrinedy rus , 144(.1kAnkonskpmet in ilimhiteki•lnins, vide .`sents.meck. ?thenmainni,rtuntlosen. he lOtteciainin.s lest -rust suppi:o the. ilemand,,— .I:l4ntion is - tievy,„.thetreiint.inatty, unprinciplee .ttersons who would force a.,epnrinui :snit-le:upon -the ""mrnunitY. ,- 1 nelsfartini irfen-Shektnan's..Poor Nines rlit‘itli Within "foe simile" of his onitt e nlg alite o n t h r •itek.—/lone ratters:am nenoinecittsi d.• mote hue 'man 014: 1, Pnla t ite.Priicinal - ' fit qustort ! st 11) ft, • 11111,911Ner—' fici6d itlyniiddlrotita oregril No 9 EI • 613110 ' * 4' • PDX'S. Ti!==M ! 4 11 ,4= 1 . 1. 61 1 . 4 tithlo PA* pro die. ;144tttbrii per. tatiteAkido to ae tr, In their atiiittierAttee. li s etiiote a: 400391h*, init trittir Itenclt tlfttb pe 'wilier over die- • --: I : - - - BIM Read this Coltman. c ar e fully - - ~ * elml:r':''::.l74llr".lllPa he a Tu :lllTl : s °'r""l6l :oup: " lkg4ie .r lscl ns illa'ill : t aa :: l 7 .""diwa:""l"4 . 7 u l: a T ::: : 7::E sp a il bPsr'e : a"r : 76 : 4 rid r rllik. T b. .. „. 7 , fhtb: y : niio w-I.*gH :Bra itjliff:llhr"l'etilla.aa:: i :: Nlsi asi l sober : sp : : T i"4l p 7T: io il sT : p ß 7 "l:k" :/::: P:sh"e l ''' ' '''. . ' . ' liorsopondi: vtidielii7l l l4l lofts -4 . 10 . 161 "mtNitited es: b P : r fi fr::: . i at o . A.: - . . 4 717 .ratit5 .74 " Ni cu l ianswewat t. E.g. Editor of As ilikliil4llPereser, esio ion -e s si i ii"'". paystwa, an 11.11.: khl IMAMS. forked, et* I I koya a pp e rly Eeskior .Sisi Tbsaiteirr of - *Ghee Nisi . 114.torittrik 'lt 11.11•511 m. New Jersey. &MIX lIMUAAN sod Wft.blih it THOMPSON. *odes the wow Tihkft. ' 80X, tiItILLASII k. CO.. have eskidisyed kik ow mi - it - 4Q . ainteKbAkyte,anotersuutd, to pay linal woo: dillospew. t i, r , , , , , w e use of 1,. 'essoff. -'These an Invkbiots bat* .1„„i ithaluirssia Japiedbho hope... skid joie. tusk: hod thus lirlo* th edi cad AeiiifecOetioll*lmakik 11,es sit peldits dead, ape. 4be t w o, of thesiSbilitek to .., *IL . • ....., ..1 es .if . lbelk it shirie Tricks. " ' , Tiler swat De Tweeters: hi Befsapseilla_skeni IQ I. j orat.i.atOs is 401s0; as hail kept- k ° 4 l .m.tit di* Mim e ys i r —r i c N..' orkitios; - ,Texee; steziro, cad. &mil Arsisda.' skit. Mite WWI Itedeefer. i•Jort,. she oldet it . frennt I ts b en ,. il beCOaielL - Wiliitit 0 a fek bottles bytoisailte. ha Spia g ,r - ors spoiled. • TIO ii:!y* , l7re . pd, sad ateleinktal i... KM. , pmaildit=' sues. risme I- NOTICE OEM TO DRUGGISTS. Driertirts or others. who will soy Sersaparille for to o , ginanend gennine Dr. Te•naaturs Sewpsolla libel. whotvell SeraaperilLe which is wrapped to envelopes thews.. 1 tabs libels iva our Sigisaparills, we shall hold rwp • vook NOTICE TO THE PRESS. theseirso Dr. *P. Townsend hoe paid the Pr.., fa the 1.4..4 ' , yr . ; evothsethe laefiso,years. at b'n•t 17 , 0 sOb. rht!•no u. tea ite•l.-avoristein resilvthg adrantag- sod h•e•lit of her astir 4 ti•it.Y. by publirtnrig that tio v• the Dr. T... 'Ado Sithaperille. gad WI own feronnita. win. Itr k• .. th eie ere b •• •• fekehnosh and grow Molt end as shah y metier tto De MW{) of holding publishers reapemibis ho di m .t.lhar mayle Aerie is : , tasking eirealattho totem ha report.. obeli are well oelettfined to Injure our tut-roma. PllOO pnoopi” tie. is pole conetartive the Dr. S. P wd'aSarsapa gala is the originak. The it from enure sf tea awn Cespectatile and MA..antis) Papers in tie ktsie_ nett the Whew, kr... 2 e'ku. TovirspeEmogps paA 1144 P &WILLA. There pr Arably him never been so popni.•rs mores,.., tent mullein. as Dr. Towteensirs Fh , hPhreila •ehmt, • orteinally. and continues In he thenefiekool an the no- t 6,1 by it. Doctor himself. and after* soli for snyeokl i , ana to the present fines by Clapy k the propretors. Since the partnership eras formed the Don, ho. resided rS Nine r Tark, where be keeps snon. ►ad soy to the boats:Gs tiritintesintialarkii at that polot. The M. 0., for r vs la OW eit v. aud ts coddneted by tne Jailer pans.. Mt Clarp--here all the medicinere manulactored. f t ti ”C . our CitiZIREVS. have any idea of the amount el eredettve &at. n manufaethred ae I sold. Beodas the nire in thi• country, it os shipped to the Cutoff.... Wien Lehi l leans. South IlfneriCa . and even is Stoops. in coseilwiss quantities. At the ma nufactory they employ • eons eans i , a large number ofthett. women and girls, in tie pr i . parsten of the medicine, making bonen, priatilig. kt t v , and taro nut. reedy for shipment, over 400 doses po or -.early stkio hottlos.. This is an enormous quaer_dy The greet sale the medicine has acquired. bee Mattel evolver of mil to get up imitation: and them teat sent time. tither uiedievaes for acne.. that. are ra.led - fit 'lgor mend'. Sarsaparilla." pie to Wertthelag, warted ease nine ere in New York, isnallea avid Drolorob Towne& Sarsop•rille." wed appareittly wiegrmtrkiew. !Tann of oho month add the usual ageortiithrewooPtid to iar such them approposto the amour illr.'S..lP.,TOWeastre great Mak and thus go ia al. the ad viattige resulting from the pepakm et the WM. whit& b keg inquired forth by 'Mesdames end expeuerre T - ornsead.- Comedy of g in ',fly. as es well known. bawl. Lt, the inventor and withal to primer at she thedit•itia -*Nowa as "Dr Tattoed. , ~.apar.ll." awl we think: those pe'w th who an sump bag to. sell thole athlete ail'aie Origteol. should &lured. F►wtlL [ki lean ;deb hotly Sea _ Da. Trimmer:lgo s estriordinath vidvertietheet abbe e rupees - ate entire page - of - the St-V. will ens escapism,. Dr S. P. Tearoom& who. is. Mt ongigd proprietor of Ike Toeseruds Santaparilli. and whine °Mee he next done tors. where he hos been for several eases.h d , iri.f n IV stewe husinesw die receives se Ina than fink honked does of Soreipat ills per day, eon even this rne=ro ri quantity on not .apply the demand. NO . undid**{ s• got a. p . 1 .6 f1 y a• hi. ,prepar a tiou of tife Perasparika- It, oh. tin, of Altnanaes for LSO sort V= ooo o and he bmi Pot Ix Noe York Sae. for advertising. in the last four years. we $lll (NA end he set merledges that it i. [necktie...a whom fine he hes ha i dace. This 113.41C1C3 i. -zrorted to ten Canyttit, • Wmt Indies South America end Eel:Tali no iiiderob:e qietotities. and is coming into gaaer.l area the toonteant, m well as here. - Fres the GoWm Rabe ' ; The Odd Pillows piper publiutses the Hilmar ~,, . SastriaeAtelLl.A.-4moll/. dm .am mow 4wne moms Ar le '.... ilybly medicinal rim. Brother Towusend'ittesirs the ph t. , - 'amperionty., It se indeed au guano( Gamily mediae* hewing sued it le our owe faintly with derided wirsimp,es , caa recorded it . with perfect ascents. , DISIUGGISTiI. - ' la our iipluitiaaa! Demi* eriehopkeeper who. weer id thin epunuite Sarentimilla,..- *manse tery can make spate' prods by It than they cad by senior tee !mows. sar at I far the . Origival asor beibe Dr. Towemnd'i Sinspedi , cud deaden Slink cas te teas. would comet are dud k. money. Bach mom basal co Boner sod shoe* se as .rut* . 111 WIN DLit 1211. Dreggiste or Others that sell Ssr“perf is for the teems and orkjilial br. Tiinnllnenal'S parsaparnia. that 05 sot 04044 by 8 F. Townsend. commus a (nut. sad same, the or Waters. Yea thtit would he ;ate of inch se act .ono cow alit any else. froyi)l.-end ter Drorrist of common ittelltpum but knows the, eurivas tap rutty genuine. °dart JACOB TOW:ISE:VP. i Some people w h o are not sell Istrru,t, and hay. not nil the paper., and not at en our ad serusetnants. hare bees* ' W ar; PP". .ficoh iTbOtltntretult"rott4itmatenuit." Orecrunte.".b.".theule. Must. It t. lass than Use year since they coomeseed tame. tbeithoedier ow Ours has bent it) the market aver tan fern Matey *auk the above language is um ploit.'or /Meg t in the truth ; and we weitlet. Imre it to the luduaral if 1O fair-minded met. it they. de no deserve it We hen bed ear years. mid tiopeeded bemired, of at &We establish the reputsuenof our stediciae. Tbesnlmes we disavornig to apptoppiato thei*profirs to thoutselort. Tlll,B OLIO- JAIDIIIIrIIIIIIIIIIEIfD ' They are endesarckincto palm of on the Woe u si old Physician. tic. Bo 4 not • mauler eihttated.fitiona sat atteMpted to manufacture a sitedielha er•A ,Sues" hired him for the use °lbis mom,. They my they w. gstm the people, to believe that Melt Sarsaparills it sane Or • name--bat.-thietwitterlashaeitathe ;public, ago urns .Ip. after* tairtkiiit's la the Otd Di; Tow mead's id 3 . ertlatialindaedikithaaltalitiika lbe geeple tolirclaust net theyeourefietere, is the DT: Townsend's .: * g that his perfbineetteotilaity Wriatiartui cures for Pa' 7 tea rude , cad which has pined a impotent. wind 0.0 eteoiman ewer ellittifil"l , hali b , a b"..• "I''''''4 Woe teleelrodd. We has . oolunetwed sults *sit.. h!, oho Pre damns. 'Wst week blb b a oad-estood , this an d meals as triune alr_Drp Tome•ead alllltes , r. Is Ins*. tertimmeatn mid cirealirs, they pabh•• a Samba tree. . &settee& respecting Di. Torreseeri, which tie Intl es as WALLIS - lIIIIFIDORTIL • Aher 'epporeeete itarioprblishoe- is die paper. tigki. V. ,Towaseatt ,was dead. , This they seed to tsr.lo . , am* the country; Whit report that we have 11m a ho_. tease. BC. Am.'. The public should be on thstrfald• • not be dso•irsdibrOlbseeteprioriPiha met - ~ 4 ' o ', Till!. ,C11,0113M. ~.Thili . ~.."I " r_, et 141, pressit.i• regarded nut inettlehril 1 - .. ...I"' bli*Kgrig.lia be in our tiosedetr wok. —•"••_,ah .14 Ewa** • : tat,ry p hy.i c i.,, 1,... ied. o f_7 l !h , u, foe ktie !e 10. yet It.ue a ,thttonnt i• ow er• '''' multi- And it ttili..proes here s• on Urns.. th: g . least twee thiniatiCalleaufirsued Irises do --lu' tut a ate.that itaiminit teirCeatrowirted. that there is tio ihrh"7., fit this Not seporg.. One pep-Mimi .ay 5 ids' al.. ored.O.Otiiiitracorots ; souther •ay• that it rec.o la ucitt nd maliZilitt; eini. that blunting to Num.*. h ''.. o owatr ellihrulaalikatip Idani•kitstity isms** *OI L , JPQralcialf• sfold all *minket,. ; and other. 'sal- 004 ,,g7n 4certain *feat* I whilst the Quacks declare den J ';i i . cars dui Cholera ah any milts solge—enith ""' To sePrehhhibid. be certain to kill any Mae or brat d Chola siteenallo gir sail Ay Provident% to tone tae Pt., MAO ,to he ametplutd enter/nu. These ate twhhil h , ' ' , ' PRI:‘ , ENT] V ES. de 4 Kimentleded by all. that our ousel.. "' di 4° ' I ' end , star should be dimmed, and that rimer* , Oro'r' hs isidinpaosable--hat to tare , 4 :Old. the Ist. rs.; . ":: 1 the hint *wit - Willi, beaott.ul .414 twit. 100 t12 ,, - 1 expecte:ly Tfle I.IFE: THE RtfiD. The es,,,t oC all,dte.we ; A cleat tuohi.• 6,„, Chul-ra._.K at The sr-arnt D.'', she:whine, dietutif•ddee physic, but 111,!i S h tr Intl do atone Tectually. It s„t • • ris • the vs surotAht trimmers' rich rio p 01 I.lie. Mire do 11011,.ay thht the d, :01 ..r,. Cla "1" revtut T narmlet ,, 1 4 .1, 1.• n f ro: mut isehuirrthl rlf eh upon - —OlO4 I Iher nearly one-Mao( thr 1h a. ‘,.,••••• abrio*.eafentat benedetel to Ow h,.<l S t r i tt . tlice.raff thu ',articular ith.e. of the 'least. de Ch. .0' to of the : Po of the .Ileac'. The thliosts; hoed - • •s- • Sarong? Co, De; 21141 ',to ° i lc ar Stu: r.aliat unmet peen'tar eddirdiem ,°` „.I : I inteeP renelithl (rem rotir gbh. daro . t.ole thi.loilgatithaett awn Amy tade.49 ..then to inn fort% alelopleiht. , , I Lave been Induced to make du, eusys.7,;; thdhstiti IN those *home allard is ""° l ' ""L violas to tak g saor Sanaparille I ea,. trouhlra with Palpi *Me heart. so much so. that I ".iP1.1.14t (tens t ,eortirrluttot I lo Pitt • If/ , ifpailde t erbigh hargonrely rend of truly, years ta. ts fUS MO I * Adapt .6tot of ' se 1 1,-P. Tow 'e Ntpc, - Yorlt °eke will .eft_ll4 rtaAssa street. whir ), P % co ok moViv *mad will be StiA for the tatter „- .• t the teeseewee4 tke oeblies. 44 1 ° . La? uusrON kpoRTER for Tevratida. • IEI 1:2 .I.'. -. ifEMM