Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 01, 1850, Image 2

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    Mrabforb giteportev.
e Soh. Free Speech, Tree Men!
Pruden* for Pre. Tarrnery.
E. 0. GOODRICH, kamoß.
Towanda, Saturday, June 1, 15 0.
Terms of the Re .orirr.
OS SO per alumni : it mull withini the reale will
lie deducted ~(or coati paid actually in ;Wenner, el U 0 Will be
AUCEITTSVARWri, pPr'pneinre. of ten 1 1 , 1 ..50 cents for the
irPt. end •.S cents for each subset:la/Idt utnen•ntt.
,rjOffice In the UPI worth ' , de of the Public
Fivarr,. next linOT to flte Bradford 11.4e1. Entrance between
M.:•ert. Adatns' and ElWeirg Ittve Offiervi.
KT The absence of the Editor will excuse the
want of editorial this week.
(Correspondence of the Bradford Reporter
send you below a report made by the State
Treasurer and Auditor General of the State of the
finances of the Commonwealti, and an estimate
of the receipts and expenditures,
.for the coming
year, made with a view to ascertain, the probabili
ty of having Puthcient funds to comply with the
recent Act of the Legislature appropriating SMO 000
towards the completion of the North Branch Canal.
It will be gratifying to the people of the North to
learn, thus officially, that there will 'be sufficient
funds in the Treasury to meet rill its demand:), m
eluding the Appropriation to the !North Branch.
Great credit is due to Gen. Pur•iance and Gen.
Bickel for the proniptness With which they pro.
ceeded to the necessary estimate and statement.—
They are both active, efficient and honest publ r
officers. and ardent friends of the North Branch,
believing it as essential to complete the great claim
of improvements originally contemplated, and, that
when completed it will prove one of the most val
uable links in that Main). Hence the prompt action
l'iey had taken, and the anxiety they feel to seethe
work pushed rapidly forward to completion does
not proceed, with them from a selfish desire to
gain a lime transient popularity, but from the pa.
triotic and statesman-like ambition to see the greet
interest pf the State permanently promotei.
Harrisburg, May 21, 1850.
Hon 'Mortals Lom:start - rit, President Board of
Canal Commoisinners: SIR:—By the Act of 10:h
May, 1690. entitled "An act provide for the or
expenses of government. me repair of the
Public Canals and railroads, and other . 6 .eneral and
special appropriations, the sour Of two hundred
and Ii fly thousand dollars is appropriated towards
the completion of the Nonli . licanch
section making the applopliation is as follows:
"Sec. 33 For the completion of the N. Branch
Canal the sun' of two 11w:tiled and filly thousand
dollars. in addition to the sum of Otip hundred and
filly thousand dollars already appropriated, and in
lieu of the appropriations for the current year,
under the provisions of the act 01 the tenth day 01
April. one thousand eight tun ;red and. forty-nine,
in pursuance of the ieport of the Auditor General
and Stat.t Tieaamiter to the Governor, made on the
fourteenth day of A,2:12!,1 last : Provided that 'loth
,. tag herein contained. shall be construed to au hor
me any increase of the State debt, and if in the
opinion of the Auditor General and State Treasur
et. there is likely at any time to be a deficiency in
the revenues of the Comnionwenli, to meet the
interest of the State debt, the ordinary expenses of
,grtvernment, and the repairs of the canals and rail
ro3ds heretofore completed, it shall be their duty
to withhold all or so ronch of the appropriation
made by this act to the said North Branch Canal as
shall be requisite for those objects.'
The undersi2ned. in order to a proper discharge
of the duty required by this act, have made a care
ful e.:amination of the Appropriation act of last
session, and estimate of the revenue for the year
'ending the 31st of May. 1851. %Ve find that by
said act the slim of Three million nine hundred
twenty-six thou and, two hundred anti three dollars
and two cent , . is appropriated to various object s .
To this amount to be added the undrawn bal-
ance appropriated by the Appropriation act of 10th
April. 1319, amounting to 3:155,871 12, exclurqve
of re+ilne of appropriation for avoidance of In•
(lined Plane. There i= al-u In be added the amount
appropriated by special acts during the last session,
which, including z•:15 000 to the mstituttun for the
blind; may be estimated at t. - N'2o.oCo—making the
aggregate demand upon the Treasury, during the
year.ending with the 31st of May. 1851, the eutn
of 84.202,074 14 (1e5i.862,898, paid out since 1004
instant.) •
The means of the Treasury. during the same pe
riod, are stated and estimati d thus:
Balance in the treasury, May 20th, '5O $294,989 50
Deduct for am% thereof of Inclined
Plane loan, $l6O 553 VS
Alm) for sinking Fund, 19,961 70
Available balance applicable to ordina
ry and general purposes, $114,474 46
ZSTIMATL 07 1 •& .
Lands, $lB,OOO 00
Auction Commissions, 22.000 00
Auction Duties. 65,000 00
Tax on Bank Dividends, 165.000 00
do Corporation Stocks. 1 60,000 00
do Real and Personal Estate, 1250,000 00
Tavern Licenses, 100,000 00
Retailers' do 170,000 00
Pedlars' do .3;500 00
Brokers' do 15,000 00
Patent Medicine, 9,500 00
Pamplet-Laws, 600 00
Tax on writs, wills, Deeds, &c., 45,000 00
do Certain Offices, 20,000 ( 1 0
Canal and Railroad Tolls, 1,750,000 00
Canal Fines. &c.. '6,000 00
Tas on Enrolment of Laws, 12,500 00
Premiums on Charters, 45,000 00
Tax on Loans, 121,000 00
Dividends on Turnpike Stock. 2,500 00
Theatre, Circus, and 'Menagerie licen's. 4,000 00
Distillery and Brewery do 3,500 00
Billiard room, Bow ling saloon, and Ten
Pis Alley License,
Eating house, beer house, and Restaur-
ant license, •
Surplus M ilitia Fines.
Collateral Inheritance tax.
Interest ou Sinking Fund stock,
Fees of Public Officers,
Accrued Intirest,
Other sources,
Deduct for Sinking Fund,
Am't appropriated per act
In May. 1850, $3,958,203 02
Approp'at l as by spec, act., 20,000 00
Amo'nt undrawn of appro
priations per act of 10th
April, 1848,
Less amount paid,
From this etir)ement Ind estimate; which, it is
believed, will be tally realized, it appears there
will be a surplus in dia.Treasury, after paying the
interest falling due on th st days of August and
February, and all other 1 demonds upon the
Treasury, at twenty-siz th' , 'ern hundred
and ninety-ei4ht dollars and Thirty wo rents It is
then apparent. that the sum of 6250,1 i*„ appropri
ated towards the completion of the No .. Branch
Canal, may be appli:
,said work with. t any .
et a t
increase of the State ,:and withrint ember` ..4-
mcnt to the Treasury-jct . ' e payment of appropri N .
tions to other objecuCi
We, therefore, respectfully inform. you of the re
sat of our examination and estimate—that proper
measures may be adopted early to put under con
tract, so much of the wool; as is authorized by the
We are,-very respectfully, your obedient ser
JOHN A PURVIANCE, Atul. General.
JNO M BICNEL, State Treasurer.
Upon the action of. that Convention will depend
the success : arid I might almost say the perpetuity,
of the Democratic party. If the ICien who com
pose that body will lay aside all local prejudices,
or factional advantages to be gained, and proved
with a singleness of pnrpbse to promote the inter
ests-and prosperity of the Commonweath, by se•
lecting Mr the deficient posts to be filled next tall,
such men only as are endeared to the Democratic
party and to the people for their integrity, their tal
ents, and their devotion to the public good; men
who will sacrifice nothing to sectional prejudices,
WI devote their lime, talents and energies to the
public service, then will the Democratic have a
clear field before them, and need have no. fear
whoever may enter.the track as cornpeletors But,
nn the other hand, if nominations are made to grat
fly individual preferences, or to aid the schemes
of factional, guerrilla or plundering political °per
ators„then we have nothing to expect, and deserve
nothing but defeat. So mote it be. Tutatsru.
180,515 05
9,000 00
15,000 00
10,000 00
165,000 00
20 000 00
. 6.000 00
2.000 00
8.4.00 00
5,000 00
4,333,474 46
267,300 00
4,065,974 46
155'871. 12
4,102,074 14
62,892 00
------- r --44039.176 14
026,7911 3J
presume the Canal Comissioners will, at once
proceed •to place the entire line under contract, as
the prgsent appropriation must be considered as a
gnarantee for the ultimate and. speedy completion
of the work.
All the world " and the rest of mankind " have
gone to Williamsport to attend the State Conven
tion, which is to assemble on Wednesday next—
The Canal Commissioner will be the bone of con
tention, in that assemblag 3, the most strenuous ef
forts will be used, & the moat potent appliances car
ried into requisition to defeat the radical democracy
and place the control of the public works into the
haiuls Cameronian Plunderers. Strickland will
unite the votes of the true democracy, while the
Guerrillas will be divided between Hubley and
Irmisant. This division together with the fact that
Strickland is- the most popular of the three may,
aid I brine will secure his nomination.. The inter-
eats of the Commonwealth would be safe entrusted
to such men. r
There will also b 6 great Ptrile for the other offi
cee especially- for 4itilitor General. '
Sruins.—Jost. N. LEONARD, a son of Eber Leon
ard, of Springfield, aged about 23 years, went ont
into the fields in pursuit of a large bird that had
been seen to light upon his father's farm, and not
returning the family supposed he had gone into the
woods hunting; but night came, and he was still
absent, when his friends went in pursuit, but not
finding him, renewed the search early the nest
morning and found him about sixty, or seventy rods
from the house, with his brains blown out. and the
rifle still clenched in his left hand, and a stick in his
right, which he had used to dischar. , ,e the gun. It
appeared that he had laid down and placed the
rifle against his.forehead, between his eyes, and
discharged it by pushing it off with his stick, which
lie had previously pr3paled fcr the purpose. An
itigne,t was held on the body and the vs:whet of
Cie jury was in accordance with the above facts
The H Account...9f the Taking Of Car.
dents. ,
The Havana papers of the 22d inst. brought by
,the Is "lel. contain accounts of the taking of Cririle
nas. which dater little fmm our telegraphic c'is.
rattlies from Charleston. We take the Journal of
Commerce's traciblatioti :
Re-ernbarkotion of the Pirates —Routed by the:inhabi-
tants of Cararnas and /I few Valuird - Soldier,.
The traitors and vagabonds have already aban
doned our loyal soil. The people of Cardenas have
given them a frightful lesson, atter that which they
received trom the few valiant soldiers who garn
armed the place. scarcely had the population re
covered hom the porpoise prodaced•by the invasion
in the looming, when the noble citizens
. (vecinos)
.threw themselves almost unarmed upon the infa
mous rascals, and obliged them to. reembark, ma
king them pay dearly for their temerity. The late
hour at which the mail arrived prevent. our pub
lishing more than the following lines, written by a
IMENAft. Monday, May 20.—Time does not
permit me to write you_ more than four lines. This
place was selected by the banditti as the scene of
their operations. They landed at 3 o'cliick yes
terday morning, about 400 strong. having been
broitiht by a steamer. They immediately opened
their tire- upon the few troops who garrisoned the
place, who, hOwever, resisted to the utmost. Nev.
eitheletsv, the banditti made themselves masters of
the town and continued in possession until 64 in
the evening, at which time the inhabitants ani the
few soldiers who remained with us. rallied and
gave them anch a drubbing that they re embarked
with all precipitation. They, however,, took with
them the Lieut Governor, a Captain and a Lieu.
tenant, of the small force of one company which
Was here, but put them , ashore at the Keys. There
were many casnalities on both sides but the pirates
received ribupdant proofs of Spanish valor. and of
the digilvy widi which Cuba is determined to res
pond to the infamous traitors and banditti who have
dared to protane their soil.",
No Smarr TILEATT.—A correspondent of the Ex
press. writing from Washington, says:
It is not true, as stated in some of the papers,
that Mere is a secret treaty between England and
Spain. :Ina ran teeing protertion of :he Island of Cuba,
nor is there any nareement between France,
land and .the. United States, securing the Island
from Mrasion
The " rumor" had iii origin, in fact, probably,
that assurance. were given under other rulministra
[ions. to one of the Spanish F,nvoys at Washington,
that this Government would not hermit Cuba to go
into the posses ion of foreign power.
The United States is not committed, however,
one way or the other
THE Befit or Cm:usu.—The c dimity at Corn
ing, by ilesuoying the property of its customers,
has probably ruined the Batik. The Mechanics'
anti Farmers' Rank. at Albany. which is the re
deeming agent, refnses to receive .bs bills. Its cir
culation is $63.34R, secured by $50.000 Illinois
State FlOCkg, 520,000 Michigan, and 245.000 in
bonds and mongat.;es. Traders and business men
generally will do well to follow the example of the
redeeming agency and refuse the bills—Albany
GREAT FOOT RACE.—The foot race that came oil
at Cincinnati, , nn the 18th inst., resulted in lavcr of
Jackson the "American Deer." He ran ten miles
in b 5 minute* and 4 rvondal.
T• ate liessaatle' , 'llimiliamitellhar - 'st
reptinmil.. ' - ' •
This Legislature ° crania : o_ll'u* being - about to
adjourn s the inidersitoid,caupeplum :: without
addressing a 4 rew.lionafto the Donitocracyof th e
Stets, upon thstolatii'iffbitlek. _hick:hal elated at
the nest of gortntiOtikiiilito licdity of jainia!„
roast. ': . • Y•::- . 4t5',.,, ,_:-•-,..-':;:.:-„- -'- - --,
lion .the4leclioefellsited*thi'pecond . .Thri;
1 , . (ktober last, ilte,DetlOOMlekrightfully . laim
have elected seataitintOokthe thirty-three
..- lun!JP3 - ainifiatt at thie . ktmdted rep.
Jativerk,,.....t int true that we hid a whig Gower.
N.• P`
11.4„ ~ , W . A jiiibioia shrewd politician, and not over
scroliii. , '•7,lll4liii..ttiniasisto Which he would resort,
to.--,,.. , r .)- .. , N '.'l*.;anitt. We, hotvever, trusted
~, .
:, •
'; , ~• fidelity enough in our Senators
1 and .4.:4_,.., ... N .. • carry out Democratic prin.
t'll'i -'11? , 'iw,islati and thus leave to the Ex
-1 ttatt... 7:-
•- .:_., sough: -, Thwart the' enachnetes
of ilia ; :.." , ''"tare, the alts the of falsifying all
his , r'' *ls, in regard to the topriety of exerci
sing that power, not on - Cunstituti&s4groundri, but
upon mere party consitletaticms ~,
lii these just expectatirgt* we bare been •disap.
pointed. We have found that one of the Senators,
elected by the Democratic 'party, who had been
loud in his professicins of divot on to the cause of
the people, driving a bargain with our political op
ponents whereby, by the votes of the whig Sena.
taro, uiricil by his own vote, he was placed in the
Speakers chair, of that Senate -for which, as expe
rience has shown, lie had but few qualifications,
save that of subserviency to the whig party.. What
price, it any, was paid beyond this, for deserting
from, andlietraving his own party, we know nut,
but this He a, know, that thencelogh, with one or
two escopriohs of minor matters, to suit his own
purposes, he had acted and voted with the whig
party, the members of which, whilst they might
love the treason, could not but despise the traitor.
The utter shamelessness of this whole transac
tion ought Laplace upon the whig party a load of
ob:mitty, from which theyshould never be relies-.
ed, in the estimation of all honorable and 'honest
men. ,
In the course of our legislation, we passed a bill
districting the'State for Senators and Representa
tives,.which met the approlsititni ol both se:sate
and House of Representatives, but was vetoed by
the Governor for alleged reasons, which were by
no menus satisfactory to a large portion of our lel
citirens, and winch, in a report made to the
House ol Representatives, by the Apportionment
Committee, were shown to tie utieustaitied by the
!acts of the case
Another bill was then prepared and passed
through the Houma Repset.elitatives. It a l so Ne ,.
sed two readings in Senate, and was defeated by a
tie vote on third readisig; tire Speaker retrismg to
vote. This bat, it will be remembered, passed the
Hausa of Representatives by a vote of 72 to 25,
which shows that it was not based or passed upon
mere political considerations.
A thild bill was then presented to and passed by
the House of Representatives, anti sent to the Sen
ate where it was essentially altered, and the dis
h icts changed without due regard either to proxim
ity of counties or the ratio of Representation, and
see: back to the House of Representatives. These
alterations were nearly all etude to the prejudice
of the Democratic party, and carried by the casting
vote of the Speaker of the Senate. On being trans
mitted to the House of Representatives, that body
refused to concur in the amendments. The Senate
insisted; the House refused to recede from their
noticoncurrence, and Coitimittees of Conference
were appointed on the points in dispute between
the two Houses in relation to the bill.
In that committee the Whig members from the
Senate were bound unwilling to yield any essential
change in the bid, as it had passed that body, ex.
cept the change of one country in a district, most
pasbably affecting its political character by making
a necessary change in the adjoining district, which
effected no political change whatever in it. Brit
they also claimed the tight to take the election of
Senator in the sear MO, from the 10th district
composed of Carbon, Munroe, Wayne, and Pike
countie-, (which has been fixed by all three of the
apportionment bills, anti was so agreed to by both
houses in the bill,) and give it to a Whig district
Else Senator iti - isso belonging, to the 10th district,
as we.l by rest-on of vacancy as of locality, and the
attempt to change it was urged on the ground that
it was right to look, not at those considerations, but
to the political courlitiou the Senate,
This was resisted by the minority of both the
conimittees (Messrs. Frailey and porter) Yet the
majority nt the Senate committee (Messrs Sankey
arid Saddle') ultimately induced the majority of the
House committee, who bad been elected by the
Democratic party, and who, by the rules of the
House, were to be selected from those who had
supported the views of the House on the points of
ditierence, to yield these points, over which the
Commute of Conference had no jurisdiction by
the terms ist the third joint rule of the two Houses
under which they were appointed, a Inch is in the
following words:
Kurd ltd. Wi en either house shall request a
conference, and point a committee, fur that pur
pose, and the othkr house shall also appoints corn
runlet!, to confer"' tic., " And in all cases where
a conference takes place, the committee shall be
composed ol members who voted in the maj or ity,
on the point or points of difference; but Ike comma.
tee shall not have power or control over any port e of a
big or resolution, except such palls urn winch a dif
Terence exists between the two houses.'•
On the reports being made to the two houses, the
minority of the 'House Committee, (Mr. Porter.)
otlereil a counter report, showing the reasons ol
dissent from the report of the majority. This was
objected to by Mr. Ha-tines, of Jefferson; and the
Speaker ruled it out of ord er ; the house, on appeal,
sustained the decision of the chair, by a small ma.
jority. The subject matter of the minority report
was nevertheless placed On the Journals.
In the Senate, the report of the Committee, was
adopted—all the Whig Senators voting for it, to
gether with km Democrats and Speaker Best.
In the House of Representatives, the question of
concurring in the report of the committee of confer
ence came op for coneideration on, the 10th instant,
when the entire Whig vote, with One exception,
wait cast for concurring, and with them voted eight
-of the Democratic members. Ther remaining mem
bers of the Democratic party voted against concur
ing in it, and it was defeated by a vote of 48 to 42.
On the next morning, Dr. Wm. A. Smith, of
Cambria, read a new upportionment bill, in his
place, and on a motion to 'suspend the rules, in or
der to proceed to the consideration of the bail, the
vote stcod 52 to 35—the Democratic members vo
ting in the atfirmative, anal the Whig members to
a man voting to the negative. It requiring two
thirds to suspend the rules, and take up the bill. the
motion failed throutzh the opposition of the Whigs.
On the 13th of May, Mr. David Evans, of Mont
gomery, and Mr. Lewis Roberts, of Green, who
had voted with the majority on the 10th instant moe.
ed to reconsider the vote given on that occasion.
non-concurring in the report of the Committee of
Conference. - As soon as the motion was made, it
was moved by Mr. Cessna, of Berlfonl;to postpone
the motion for reconsideration indefinitely, and the
yeas and nays being taken, that motion was nega.
lived by a vote of 39 to 4is-the Whig members
present voting in the negative, in Which they were
joined by thirteen members of the Democratic par-
As soon as this result was known, the previous
quesion was called by our opponents, which col
oil all debate; they, of course. feeling that a dip
cuvion of the subject woukl not be very pleating
to them. The hour of adjournment having arrived,
the business was suspended until three o'clock. In
the vacation, a lar2e portion of the Cknimenttic
members met for comnilinion in one of the Com
mittee rooms, and in order to have fonher time for
deliberation, determined that the main question
should not be taken that afternoon. and as niece
were but ninety-one members of the House in at
tendatice, they rosolve] not to vote on potting the
main ijoestion. knowing that, by so doing, ther e
would nor be a quorum voting. This-course they
pursued, and'effected their'.object; the House ad.
Joutuinq at half-past 5 o'clock, without hawing or;
dared the main question. The ooarse of the voting
&Maar;disoloirdlbefiet, ,that times ot `th.
Democratic Mellnbeili had lait Abair put/ on this
question, and went yoting Wick* Wiwi.
We deplored ibis wietiwori*dagr Wea r *.
tedihat aitY *lion 0 1 4 1 *., lives . 6 1 the
Democracy oldie Stawr .imm s indaio
ed, - from any came; )o , ,*frarry majority:, of
their breihrent'ind
pneerti in intiictirrAo.4loop , ..mkiiiijorY upon • lbe
bemncratio PanYl.l4lfiri.,l6.-Miwitai_titAor how.
ever, but just to a pitito . nA•thent - to say; that-,the
reasons which they of
for thus conduct Man
their fear that we •iiti• :ilia get ar - batter'iti itd
the great anxiety they had to terminate the attrition;
and return to their families and business, We think
that we have good reasons to know that these fears
were groundless. We were contending for the,
great principles of the Democratic party, and bat ! :
ding for its rights. We sought to do no wrong tet,
our political opprments, and we deemed fear to bi
a very bad counsellor in cases of entergetcy.4
Much as we desired to elate the session, mid return .
to our families and business, we felt ourselves bona
to make any sacrifices of private interest that a pro.
Inngation of the session would occasion, rather than
yield up to our adversaries the rights, the princi
ples, and the interests of the I?emocratio party.
But the deed has - been dours. The report of the
Committee of Conference, upon reconsideration,
and tinder the pressure of the previous question,
has been adopted; and that, too, by votes taken
from the Democratic party snit given to our adver
saries. The action of the committee, and the adop
tion of their report, was as webers already shown,
direct violations of the rules of the two Houses.--
The bill thus pawed, as will be seen in the annex
ed table, is grossly unequal and 'unjust. We see,
that in several of the Senatorial districts, the mem
bers are from 2000 to 3500 short of the ratio of rep
resentation in Whig districts, whilst in Democratic
districts they are as much beyond it. In the Rep
reseutative districts we see the Democracy of Bea
ver and Bader swallowed up by attaching both those
counties to Lawrence. Butler and Beaver have
each more than sufficient taxables.for one member,
whits. Lawrence falls but a few short of the ratio.
The rernvsentation in both the Senate and House
of Representatives, from almost the whole north
and north eiastem portions of the State, is greatly ,
short of the ;number to which their taxables entitle
them • whilst in the Pou . hem tier of counties, es
pecially in the middle and eastern portion of them,
which are thickly populated, as well as in several
of the western counties, the Representatives in lx th
branches are more numerous than they should be
according to the number of taxable,. Again, Union
and Juniata, the former of which had, alone, con
siderably more taxables than would entitle her to
a member, are-joined together and allowed one
member fur 8462 taxables; whilst Cumberland,
with 7554 taxables, and Dauphin with 7685 taxa
bles, are each allowed two members. The giving
ol two members to Cumberland, taking one of
them Iron) Juniata and Union '
was the act of the
majority ol the Committee of Conference; and as
the inct eased representation in Cumberland was an
object of much solicitude to one 61 the members of
that conference, on the part of the HOW the tak
ing away of the member fmm Juniata andi Union,
and giving it to Cumberland. may have had some
influence in iiichicing hint to concur in the report
wino., they made.
We have not deemed it necessary to go into fur•
ther details of the injtiXtice of this bill. We refer
to the bill itself as the best exponent of our just cau
ses of complaint. We' have felt it important to
communicate to our constituents and to the Demo
cratic party at Irge, the foregoit g facts, and ask
them to ponder over them. Our adversaries failing
in their attempts to seduce or corrupt the people at
lame, resort to every means to defeat the people's
o ill, by either crewin,g difficulties and disunion in
the ranks of their representatives, or by other
means seduce.' them to their views. They operate
on their hopes, their fears, or their interest—and
we regret to say that they hay.e too often been suc
We desire to see the Demooratic party present a
bold and unbroken front upon all occasions. To
lay aside all sectional and personal feeling, and
ado itig the maxim that every man owe; more to
dreararty than the party owes to any man. make the
principles of the party not the advancement of the
peculiar viewts and interests of any man, or set of
men. the grand object at'whieh they aim
We have an important eletetion approaching. A
Canal Commissioner. a Survefor General-, and an
Auditor General for the whole Commonwealth, are
to be chosen in October next, besides, Prosecuting
Attomeykand County Surveyors, in each count•,
in addition to the usual officers fa a y ear there.
after, in all probability, the law Jed} es of all your
courts will also nave to be selected. We solemn
ly believe the ascendency of thaDemocratiapany
to be neseenary to the preservation of oar republt•
can institutions in their purity. Hence it becomes
doubly necessary that we'should be a firm and uni
ted party, taking counsel with each other, not with
the enemy. One great means, by which the entire
anion of .he party can be effected, will be great
care in the selection of honest, able and caplible
men for every station of public trust. Men who
have intelligence for •hastations;—integlity ear ugh
to perform the duties faithlully, and moral couraore
enough to do threw duties learless'y. Men emphat
ically without fear, and without reproach. We in
tend no reflection upon any nominations heretofore
made, but we do deem; the present a time when
eve n more than orilimity care and caution should
be exercised in the selection of Senators, Repre
sentatives and all other public officers.
We give you these facts and views as well for
your information as tor our own justification. We
feel a deep interest in the great cause of Democra
cy, and would avert from it all evils, in our power
to prevent. Whilst we would not wish to cast any
reproach upon those who we believe have erred
from honest though mistaken motives, we would,
in deep solicitude, affectionately warn all of the
great necessity there is for firm, united and Calm
geonf action, to prevent the citadel of freedom
from being sapped, undermined, and destroyed by
the insidious and preserving efforts of our ens
Andrew Beaumont, John F. M'Culloch
William Brindle,
John Cessna, John B. Meek,
Sylvester Cridland, Michael Myers,
Wm..l. Dobbins, Joseph C. Molloy,
Jas. P. Downer. John D. Morris, '
William Drum. Wm. T. Morison,
John C. Evans, Ezekiel Mowry,
Alexander 8. Feather, Edward Nickleson,
Thos. K. Finletrer, . John B• Palter,
Alexander Gibbon'', Fayette Pierson,
Thos E. Grier, J. M. Porter,
Joseph E. Grillo, Samuel Robinson,
Joseph Gaffey. Richard Simpson,
William Henry,
.. Win. A. smith,
Henry,Haplet, Win. H. tilooder,
W. J. Jackson, David 'Steward,
Robert Klotz: Charles Stockwell,
Harrison 8. Laird, Tnomas Watson,
Jonathan D.teet, Daniel Zerby,
Members of the
. Pouse of Representatnei.
.1. Porter Brawley, • - Isaac Ragas,
Thos. S. Fernon, Timothy Ires,
Thos. H. Forsyth, Joshua Y. Jone.t,
Charles Frailey, Maxwell M'Caslie,
Henry Fulton, Wm. F. PaCker,
J. W. Guernsey, F. B. Streeter,
SUPPOSED MURDER IN Dstem.t.e.--A man by the
name of Wood, who came to Danville about three
weeks agu, is supposed to havelifin murdered' in
that place He went home with a person who was
employed in the rolling mill, where it is supposed
he a-as moldered for his money, as he was never
afterwards seen. Some revelations made by a lit
tle boy residing in she house, led to the apprehen
sion of a man also residing there, who left sudden
ly after the disappearance of the stranger, but re
turned again. He was examined before a magis
trate, but was discharged•tar want of sufficient ev.
dence to retain him in custody.
Gams? HAUL —One single seine, says the Mil.
ford Beacon, caught about five hundred bushels of
mint in the Delaware Bay, above the Mouth of MU
sipillon Creek, on Widnesday lasi.
AleZ. C. WCardr.
/latrine Marx,
. MS. iialhlarillqllol4llllol.7 es)
'lt The fallowieg dispeleb.yesterdaylleasheiLea •14'
Ice Wier May 21 '111110:P.:'
,ThfrAnterfeen steemet Ctente t with - 080 Moir
a boat% this day mint° Key West, after baying
'fended at Canlenao, in Cabe; she was chased in
to port by-MS .I 4mM inan.oforat Pittuto . about
15 Americans were left on shore, having, u is sup
posed, none, to sleep froM fatigot. The people
of the Creole Male fast their vessel 'to the wharf,
end delivered her and themselves over to the civil
authorities.. The Collector bas seized the Creole
for vinlition of the revenue laws, and her people ,
have been assigned to the vacant Itnite . States bar.
racks for quarters., Except 18 men in the “Petrel,"
there is co force here, either military or naval.
The cum* mime.
We clip the following from timiTribuee of May
29th :
"Thii afternoon's mail Irons the - South brings us
slips from the offices of the Charleston Courier
and Mercury, containing the same version of the
Lopez fizzle which, we published in •I despatch
from Savannah in Monday's. issue. The slip ,
from the Cornier'', dated May 25, and the dispatch
which it publishes from Savannah, bears the same
date. I After publishing the dispatch the Courier
adds ti •
Thir Isabel has just arrived at Quarantine, and we
have only time to add that she brings* full confr
minion of the above. The Creole, with Gen. Lo
pez,. had a very narrow escape. ft was their in
tention to have blown her up, rather than be taken.
The invaillni are said to have lost but two men
killed ar.d twelve wounded, among the last Gen.
Gonzalez and Cole O'Hara. • -
Capt. Logan, who was wounded died nextiday.
Gen. Lopez is said•le have behaved with the at
most bravery and liiitrepidity.
The steamer Creole, in which Gen. Lopez es
caped, remainedat Key west—the Swish steam
er sailed for Berezina, after rumainintone day off
Key West. . •
Further Part'gears Cosiserudwg ONbS
lavwdoni—De4lig the IPliktiag wad Rs.
treat—Wildwll d Wwasidgd.
The Courier of this morning publishes a letter
from its Havana Correspondent, which states that
even the convicts whom Lopez liberated refused
to join him and that the departure of Lopez and his
followers was hastened by observing country peo
ple arriving with hostile demonstrations against
them. The Bovernmen t have declared the island
-in a stale of blockade, but it is• believed that the
merchant vessels in lawful trade will be exposed
to very little inconvenience. The steamer Georgia
sailed for Charges on the 21st inst. with 800 pas
sengers, none of thsm being allowed to land at Ha
vana. The steamer Falcon sailed oti the 22d for
New Orleans.
At Cardenas, a company of lancers who charged
on Lopez's troops were all killed. All the foreign
ers at Haiana, except the Americans, offered their
services against the invaders. The Governor of
Cardenas, who was captured by Lopez, had return
ed to Havana. .Lopez had possession of Cardenas
16 hours. %When the troops revived from Matan
zas the fighting commenced. The invaders con
tinued fighting and retreating till they reached .the
steamer Creole, when they sailed, closely pursued
by the Spanish steamer Pizarro. Lieut. Jones of
Alabama was one of the wounded. He received
a ball through his right side. He is at Key West,
Another letter states that the- invaders were at
tacked when within ten yards of the Governor's
house by a shower of bullets from the tops of the
houses, piazzas, &c. which wounded:. Col: Wheat,
Capt. O'Hara and a number of men,lione mortally.
The invaders returned the fire, and the battle last
ed over an hour, when a white flag was shown
from the Governor's house. Soon after thecitszeus
renewed the firing, when the invaders set the
house - on fee, causing the Governor to surrender
with his staff, one hundred in all, who were placed
in the barracks. One hundred and fifty rrisoners
were released from tne jail The invadens,rernain•
etl in quiet possession of the city till evening excep
Lopes. and staff and Capt. Logan, or Kentucky,
with twenty-five men who went aboard the Creole
At ibis juncture 200 lancers and cavalry mount
ed anill .
resumed the fight, which lasted nearly one
hour, illiter e and wounding twelve invaders, includ
ing, i Logan, who died on board the Creole
Trot Spaniards, insulin except 12. The invaders re
treated and sailed ' Quartermaster Seizes of Mis
sissippi, has since died ; Major Hawking of Yen
tuck), is seriously wounded; one of Lopez's staff
is missing, and another wounded. .
INTLREIRTIIIG FROM HArn.—We have receioed
by the Zulnia, Capt. StArling, advices from Por. an
Prince, the chief port and city of the black em
piret of Hayti, on whir* we can rely.. They are to
the 10th instant. .-
Our cornmetrtal agents on this island have begn
at length, properly recognised by the auth , nities
On the 9th instant, the American flag was hoisted
for the first time, by authority, and saluted with
twenty-one guns from the steamship of war Vixen,
which salute was returned from ;he fort on shore
gun for gun.
We learn by the same reliable source, that the
government is now. in earne-t. making active prep
arations for an attack on the Dominicans.
The American sloops of War, Albany and 'llDrer
mantown, and the steamer Vixin, whjch arrived on
the last day of April—the tatter having on board
B. E. Green, Esq., Special Agent of oar govern
ment—have since left for Weir several death's
tions.—/V. Y. Herald.
la ND TRIALS IN CA Ltrometar—A report has been
Made to the Department of the interior by Wm.—
Carey Jones, who was sent to California as a con
fidential agent of the Government, to inquire into the
condition of the land titles in that country. His re
port, which is contained in a pamphlet of about 40
pager+, makes a very full exposition of the
and character of dome titles and contains a large
amount of valuable and interesting information.—
He declares that the grant. in California are mostly
poled titles. He also thinks the state of land titles
in that country will allow the public land to be as
certained, and the private lands set apart, byjudi
cious measures , with little di ffi culty & where there
may suppose the grant invalid, the - Government
may direct a suit to he instituted for its annulment.
He says:
" I think the rights of the Government will be
fully secured. and the interests and permanent pros
perity of all classes in that cowry best consulted, by
110 other general measure in relation to private prop
erty, than an authorized survey, according to the
grants where the grants are modem, or since the
accession of the Mexican government, reserving the
overplus; or according to ancient passessiens where
it dates from the time of the Spanish government,*
the written evidence of the grant is last does not
afford data for the survey.
RAILROAD Ammar—As the train from the etas
was passer , e' through Pine Valley on Thursday hat
at about I IA. M., the engine' came in contact at
Sexton's crossing with a waggon load of persona
who were in a funeral procession. The wegor
was knocked to pieces and several persons badly
injured, one man by the name of Taylor quite se
riously. The crossing is said to be near a curve,
and could not be discerned by the 'engineer until
the cars were immediately upon it: We under
stand that the bell was rung as usual; but we are
not advised whether any blame is attached to those
in charge of the train.
P. S. Since the above was in type, we team that
a child has since died—that the man had his kg
broken, among other injuries, and that the engineer
ditl not ring his bell until within a lew feet of the
scene of die collision The emulactor stopped the
train and sent for a physician to administer to tt e
sufferens.—Havanna Journal
A man in Albany, whilst having a tooth estrum.
ed, had his lower saw, broken, which created an
inflimation of the throw, and caused bis death.
:c waii~
*e timiaicifilrimi' neriiiiiariiii
uffitteo,r,--ii-(-• „t : _,, :-: ) - 1 ' , = f ' ; . ;''' f.44* ' s t''', ‘,
ot t
W. INlktioned 'Kim twoj.for the * - Ones
di* tbor:bidielleAls& IN*
- - dew •
tedetiimsaur Lerido.": Liituil eilw e ei i i
oka mita**, witaidivend a • 1 i :of gee as -.
the Naas; who tat to their bads loon as be
came itt.sigio, isifintre!erfib . - s -* . . vial of
horses. met caueit diquipege,)' e • two kene e ,,
It being impossible to follow. . . tlieti. Ø.
started hotniklifteiseitiknee , e, and Wm . Imp
do met a - petty a-fifteen Ind , ,wholled mule. ,
diately. ILieut."Hodeon p ibase,takkiikel sof
at Toll speed; and overtook . Indian's . ,_' wile
to i
taken refuge - in ricolsaluel. • - fia Lim. IL ta w
up, accompanied to , only or five men, the k,
duns fired iiiith rifles and ' wit, killingue may
and wounding three Men. liew.-11. attacked s e
Indian,. shooting him throlfimes, mid.'. his hue
becoming unmanageable, h dismounted, whe e l ie
was attacked by four indianal,ilrho shot him whit
three arrows. He cut the of nee bow, l e d
catching another Indian by the throat, higi e w sev. ,
eral wounds with his sword, but being very mach
weakened by his wounds, he raid not do hthe
much injury. The motet his men coming vied .
at this moment, the Indians retreated. They were
punned by Lieut. nudism's men, but, be and his
only non.commissioned officer being too serrerek
wounded to accompany them, they were round
An express was sent immediately to Lonnie, mei
an ambulance was sent to convey Limn. H. and
the wounded men to the itrif Lt. His wands are
-so severe that bat little hope was entertained of
. his recover?. Several Indians were very may
injured, though as fir u could be ascertained none .
were killed. The most energetic measures have
been taken by eral Bfooke All th e kn ee
which could be ar liable, was inuiediataly poi i e
motion, and ordered to scour the whole .etesitry,
and to either kill or capture every Indian to bo
found this side of the Rio Grande.' •
named Lewis Jaubert, bead cook at the Exchang e
Restaurant, was shot yesterdaraftemoon. by a eel.
ored man named Geo. Gaines who was lately em.
ployed in the same establishment, but had bee n
discharged for a revious quarrel with intim—
The latter dared the colored man to finht whine,
they met, but Gaines refused, and was going away,
when the Frenchmen pursued him seized him Ind
struck .him two or three Howe. Gaines wrest e d
himself' from the hold of Sanborn, and shot himwith
a pistol. Jaubertthen puninedGaines half a square
with a pistol and shot at him but missed him
Jaubert-overcome by loss of blood, fell down en d
immediately expired. The testimony.before the
Coroner's Jury goes; to show that the 'colored maa
was acting in self defence Gaines immediately
went to the Mayor's oft e, gave himself up and
was committed to prison to await a legal investigs.
t 1 - n. It is thought that he will be brought out on a
habeas corpus and admitted to bail. Jaupert has a
'ife and child in Philadelphia, who were to leant
yesterday morning to kiln him here.
Jennings' repeating rifle is one of the Most effect.
ice, the most awful weapons of modem days. It
discharges twenty-four balk in aMinnie, wbick
take lull effect at eight hundred yards. Wheume
ball is fired the gnu is again instantly loaded, bye
principle as simple a. 4 it is unfailing. .Think of
such a weapon in the hinds-of a thousand , men.e...
The use of this gun ought to put an end to war, for
surely no army could stand against it.
THE MORTAL RENAME' or Jaime K. Pour, late
President of the United States, were yesterday re.
moved from their temporary reciting place in the
cemetry, with appropriate and impressive ceremo
nies of public solemnity and respect, and deposited
in the beautiful lawn, in front of the family
deuce in this city.—Nashville True Inig.
The number of deaths by cholera, at Havana on
the 9th, was so great that negroes at the city come.
try emploped to bury the dead, took aright and ran
oft, and nothing could induce them to return. The
chain gang" at the prison, numbering about two
hundred and filly, were then brought not„ and an
oiler of pardon made to any sixteen of them who
would supply their.places—•only three excepted!
WIIKAT CROP 121 01110 A . RID Mtunnis.—The De.
iroit papers say there never was a time when the
wheat crop in Michigan gave fairer promise that
at present. The Sanduskiart learns from all direr.
bons that there are prospeets of abundant harvest in
all parts of Ohio.
A Perirma KILLED.—Mr. Joram Petrie killed
panther on Wednesday, three miles north of Little
Falls. Its panthership measured, 9 tees from the
tip of his nose to the end of his tail. His clew*
would be some in a fight, judging tram the speci
men suit us. One fore paw, of very uncomforta
ble dimensions, was handed us by Hiram Green.
man, Esq , of our city, to whom itwas sent by ha
friend Mr. Petrie —Utica Observer.
import (England) Independent publishes the follow
ing extraet from a letter * received by Mr. George
Tucker of Pembroke at Devonport. dated Hoer
Kong, Feb 27, from his son, who is master's ass&
tent on board her Majesty's iship Hastings.
"We have just received intedigence by an Amer
ican whaler of the arrival of Sir John Fcanklie
& his party at the Sandwich islands. They saluted
that place immediately they anchored, aher an slr
sence of five years 'They have . discovered the
north west passage ; most probably they have bees
frozen op in the middle part of that pump be
nearly three years.' , The captain of the whaler m. famed us that Sir John Franklin dispatched hisfirst ,
lieutenant over the Isthmus, to sail imitediatelyis '
England with the intelligence..
Qtr-The crevasse at Roane Carte, La. is said le,
be two miles long. ?rinee the epening of the erer
asse t the waters of Lake Penehartain have lemur
ed eighteen or twenty inches above the former In•
el,. and the entire body of water has been dIK
crollored. • .
A Mourro, named Bob, emancipated by Han•_
James Harlin, of-Kentucky, bits made 612,000
California, in throe months, keeping al . tavem !
Tua EARL or Lustxtue bas obtained a di""
from his Countess. rbe cue was so clear that
opposition was made.
ditelitliate•• Sales* Attu:bit Eseratiesso
de Ribeetpits, gzeelitlemy
Attae\meats, Doodle.
Raibrans% • Notes, Ite.,
Pnntlik on superior paper, for see it this office. Mme'
every description, printed no order.
Constable's indemnifying Bonds just printed: 6l4
fir salt al this site
• Mairrled,
In Monroe, on the 2341 inst.. by the Rev. Johosrw
ter, intatis Billow,' of Wysin, to Miss got
Getswoto, of Mill Town. •
FMTV Thousand pounds-of wool wanted tt '
Monroe Woolen Factory in exchange for cloth
Clothe, Cassimeres, Flannel, Blankets (twilled or
plain) and also a • variety of Tweeds, (solator r
wear,) mattufaciured on shares or by the Yv TI ss
cheap as it can be done at the cheapest esiabllstr
meats. The citizens of Bradford and adio' n ' a g
counties, will find it to their interests to call at the
Monroe Woolen Factory before dispo s ing of tbel , r
Wool elsewhere, as our cloths are made of wool so'
warranted, and we also can and will 9cll Meg o'
cheap as the cheapest. Carding and. cloth dregol
done on the shortest notice, and a Rule chestie r
than ever, also warranted if property prepare d: o
Don't forget ' the place known as the Moo ,
Woolen Factory, situated on •the- main branch
the Mowanda Creek, near Mason's mills.
Monroe. May,.3% 'MP J. INGHAM At tet