. write iirsammilliiiiter7,* • bon W. Foam has joined hands with a squad `et reckless and corrupt pelb,iclans in ikadbrd Com ic an d started a paper, the North Pesenitus (or the pu r pose of breaking does the B r a. 4,mja., and of breaking ',the Democratic pasty i n s",,,ccounty. Oufmaders will see from the 'article in mothercoluma . , hi favor of the Wilmot Proviso, t a ken from the iteporter t the true optima for this ef bit The Ilunkertof the party are'detatmined to give the Purvis° itrdeath blow, or to artnibilatu the par ty. the Birder being'lery much in the way of this amiable arrangement, it has been determin ed by the wire workers, to open their bstteties up: m it, and it is evident are prepared to concentrate their whole force, upon this fearless and truly dem ocrauc journal. In star ting the North Pinmayierantlea in Bradford C o unty, there is no pretence than the Democracy of I t o County, were not entirely satisfied with the R e porter. It is conceded that it fairly and tnithfol- I v r epresented, the withes and principles of the freemen there. No matter, the &porter refused to be l e d—it had got into the dangerous habit, of apes " k in g right out on aft questions u troth and justice require d—and this fre,edom of thought and speech, interfered very much with the prospects of JAMS* BCCHANAN, and his man FIUDAY, and hence the di-. termination to cripple and destroy one of tluiiitt tr uly Democratic papers in the State. We suggest that the old line demi:fords herea bouts, who are constantly whining about refusal to su pport regular nominations, and complain that our On ly object is to divide the Democratic party! had better turn their attention to the condition of things in Bradford. The North Pennsylvanian is a sinion purr Democratic sheet established by leading men . tvf the party every issue of which is an attempt to irsiract and divide the Democracy of Bradford. ' True, we do not believe the emeriti t will anionnt to much. The people of Bradford County, will hardly be induced to abandon their noble position, at the bidding of a hired corrupt press, the money to es. tablish which, was filched from the labouring ,peo ple in their own midst, by a slight of hand known only to Bank Managers. So far however as the conductors of the North p n euy/ranian art concerned they are already guil ty of prostrating the Demoeracy of Bradford County, for they have Clone all they could towards that ob ject—and what Is of still more importance, the De mocratic party of Pennsylvania met dispenee with tire assistance of their brethren in Bradford. If the - leaders have made up their minds to sow dissension there, they are prepared to lose the Pate. Brother Gamma : we never had the pleasure of seeing rout phiz, but there is nc'person within the State, st the present time whose hands we should be so h a ppy to assist in ho,lding up. • Yours is a trying, but a glorious position. We have a comfortable as- F orance. that you will come out of this ccnitest wirellted ; and that liberty will have cause to re vive. that when the emissaries of the Slave Power undertook to aeduce the freemen. of Bradford, they found a sentinel on guard whose vigilance could not be avoided, and whose powers could not be overcome.—Potter County Journal. EITIaORDINARY MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CASE-- Two LARGE SNAKF.S TROM THE BODY OP A LIVE WOMAN —We have to record a most extraordina ry case of disease, and an operation for its relief, j immied with the most extraordinarj real:tits. It has'ium occurred in this city.' A Mrs. Kennedy, a woman of abota forty, the wife of an Irish laborer, living at 111 Broad-st, haS fnr several year.; suffered greatly from ill•health.— Fier symptoms and complaints were siirgular. She *NaS afflicted with almost constant pains, co that —,she could Seldom or never rest in the night. he stated that-she felt something running op and down the abdomen, that she frequently experienced the creeping sensation which is called formation.— These feelings were particulatly distinct at the bot run of the adominal cavity, on odcasioti of the dai ly defections. She had been in the trospital, and had been treated successively lorcancer of the womb, worms, contracted hydrant's, and other complaints, but !ound no relief. • Ad her uneasiness and pains continued, so Were the-attempts to relieve her, but nuvariably without sorcess. Not long since, Dr. Wright, whose office -and drag store is at the corner of Purchase and Broad streets, being in atteddance upon her, intro. duced a tube into thesibowels, with a twine loop at 'lobed, With a view to satisfy her fancy, and per. chalice to reach and remove the cause of her tronb. !e Some worms were brought down ;' but her un• cie.inesii and pains reds:titled but only a very partial alter 'anon. About a week agil, she became subject 11 hlcon !rollabte uneabiners, and beggeJ DoCtor Wright to eilorm an operation for her relief. This he was reluctant to chl, thinking. It would I:Mani het fife, without a sufficiently certain prOspect of bringing relief in her to compensate for the hazard. She de. , :lare.,! that life Was a burden, that she must die as she was and speedily, that she was willing to die; death would be a relief; and she might pa well die in an eflort for reliel as in any way. At last Dr. IVtight yielded to her importunities, and having fret been solemnly exonerated from blame by the woman, and her husband, whatever might be the result, he consented to perform the operation. 0.1 Friday eftertiden last, assisted by T. R. Ow ens and Surgeon J. J. M'Sheeby, he p.oceeded to Perform the operation. He first made incision snourseven inches long along the medical line of the abdomen. ' He found a tumor projecting large ly, about six-inches in dierneyer and of irregular form- He opened it and found therein two snakes, one e.gliteen, the other fifteen inches in length .- 7 They were of a bluish green color, striped, the up per part bein g darker than the lower. The tumor -being removed, the.woman was in stantly relieved, and is now doing welt. 'the Doc or calls the snakes colidffa virdis.. They may be seen preeerved in spirits at hie office.— Balton Mad / -*fay 9. Eiricin,—Three boatmen came near being tniffo• sated the other night, while seeping in the 'cabin of their boat, in Which there Was a coal fire in a furnace. Lyman Andrews, committed to -prison for a term ofseien years, has been released on oondition of not appearing in . Northampton county (or dye year*. Measures are being taken to form a permanent Gas Company at Easton. SEDUCTION( AND ADULTS/S.-40h!) W. Baer, has been arrested in Schuylkill Haven, charged with having seduced the daughter of a citizen of Potts ville He was held to bail in $5OO, to answer the eharge ofseductket, and committed in default of bail for adultery. Ofr WORTIBWORTIk the poet, died on the 23d at his residence at Atablasi& England. FLANKS! tostetable i s Salmi. *ltemlin ihtiecontiossies N Receipts, lezieesselcalep , ' ,-, - .. - Attaellsmesiesit Deets. . A 81111111111101111, Mort es, - • .. Subpseetatt Notes, Printed on superior paper, far Wu wide of ce. iisesiites o esery description, printed ei order. Married, In this Borough, on Tuesday morning last, by Rev. Mr. Williams, W K. Wasnza to Miss !im ams Posy, all of this place. In this Borough, on Tuesday evening last, by Rev. Julius Foster, ions K. Br , of Byron, Ogle C 0 .4 Illinois, to Miss MART Airs Fasaa, of this place. In this Borough, on Vireo!nevi'sy evening_last, by the Rev. Philo B. Brown, of Medina, $. Oaviscs H. Pcerr, of Washington, Litchfield Co. Conn:, to Miss issr BOLL, daughter of the rate Col. Jas. P. Bull, of this place. Wirr3L - 111111 MIK • ITACIEIREL. in bbls., half bbls., rinaWer bbls. and 41 1- kites ; dry and pickled Codfish; also • few boxes bet rate Dry Herrinp for.eale at the M Cash Store" of 717 AL 41141 E, 14ERCIJIL BLANKS ! 7vg.fMa Old-Lkings havipasard attayonte behold alttlii ses !MX f 9; • • mEw mamentim _ NEoooo, :, o . paicit,.. ANS ' NEW FIRM t DC. HALL and W. R.- WALBZEI4 h ee l er e ,„ . existed diesaielves ha the Ha atone, The, Stove and &bed bon &Wine* tinder the inn of .Haan: & W , invite the attention of the chime it Not*. era pdonsylvania to their new stock at goods udder their new eriangereent. In our Ifinvlssare Department we challenge " the world " and" all the rest of noteldtd, a (dot forgetting any establishment in Towanda,> to sell as sheep ar we car, shall and wilt.. Our stock of Hardwuteonaista of . eieey middle emu- - ally kept in a Hardware store--among which may be found Iron, Nails, Hine, Tin, Sheet drop., menu,* and hay Forks, shovels and *oleo, blackamiderbellows, anvils and *ices, Keay .‘l6 ato* circular and pand *wa r shank olive% Jorettifiii t , limb and hinges, ditileditiail:bitige, burs and eeresrA r and laths, wagio t bowe s , art-ropes, well and des rn piiinpsi...Lead Pipes, of all Week any qumitittrof Carpenter. and Joiner's weds. all kinds of saddlery Hardware, House Trimmings, of all kinds and sCall prires,.ln feet every thing that any body ever saw,* • Hanbrani dote, or can ressorrebly expert ever top*, In one aleve Departmeirt, we haw--oh! dog% no use in With, to tell all—but we hays-liandbejt stoves, Keystone patens, radiator. parlor, cannon, airrihia, air plate hoax, air . -tight stoves, Buckeye hot : `air oven with rotary top, Remittal stoves from No. 14Iis No. 11, central N. Y. stoves, Republican stove•Alhany city stoves, Stewarts sir tight stoves, rough and toady stoves sir tight complete, hi fact all kinds nod aims of stoves if not more. We also helm undimmed to kelp an bend any quan tity of Russia and An suite . pipe.. A general assortment of Brave . Cojper and Tin ware, from a big brass kettle down to a small;tin pepper box. We manufacture all kindsof tin, copper and sheet. iron ware to order, and mutant every article to give malefaction. . - . , Our place of business is on the Public Square and Pine street, in Moot:nye. New Brisk !B lock, our store running through from tba Square to Pine street. As to' peoples finding as we bate no fears, for of course every body who wants to buy cheap will inquire for Hall & Walker's establishment. Onc of our firm starts fhb day for N. Y. to replenish our stock. and ^when our New Goods coma look oul 0 ye little *Wes, fat Ws are bound to sell goods • little cheaper then the next men. N. & W. Towanda. May 14. 1550. STRAYED. TT ROM the subscriber, on Sunday April 30th, a brio / die COW, with line back somewhat whits, 9 years ad this spring. Also • large red Cow with brindle streaks on her side, and with very large horns, 6 years old. Whoever will return said cows or give me in. fo•mation where they may be found, shill be suitably rewarded. DAVID 8. MILLER. Franklin, M•y 15, 1850. ONE CENT REWARD: RUNAWAY from the subscriber on the 3d day of May, • bound boy, named GEO. CON RAD.-.- said boy is 12 or 14 yesrs of age. I hereby forbid sill persons from harboring or employing him under penalty of the law. taHAS. H. SWEETE. Sheahequin, Msy 13, 1850; WANTED I WANTED!! FORTY Thousand pounds of WOOL is wanted at the Factory in Wya!using. in exchange for cloths. Broad mei narrow cloths; Cassimeres &c.. Flannel Shawls and Blankets, (twilled or plain.) will, be made on shares or'otherlise as is desired. Tbs citizen! of 131-4 7 1 ford. and the adjoining 'Counties, m invited to ca t the Home Factory . before 'disposing of their Woo elsewhere. The iubscriber baring again taken charge of this establi hment, ia-determined to do bust. nese satisfactorily to those who patronise hhn. I:Q' Carding and Cloth Dtessinrdone on short no tice. H. B. INGHAM. Wyaltiiing. May le, 1850. TEEIti 114.41MUIEL miss iliFtfPniV i TI7OI7LD again inform the Ladies that she has just V. received a large assortment of Millinery Goods. straw hats, of every vraiety and description ;Jenny Lind's and Rats for children • a eplendid assortment of Ribbons end Flowers, of the most fashionable styles. Also, a inlay of French needle-work collars, milk caps, &c. Also. capes, black veils,' condo, and many other articles, willed @hi offers fcr sale. cc? Apprentices takes. if applbustien is made soon. 'fawn p a, iday 10. 18150. MILLINERY AND MANTUAMAKING MRS. DOANE, continuing to carry on the above business, asks to be kinAly remembered by her friends and patrons. Rooms betiven Fox's sad King*. buy's stores. !Orgy 10, 1850. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACPBY. S. HATHAWAY, WOULD respectfully inform the ladies and gentle men of Towanda, that he has taken the store immediately opposite the Ward House, one door north of Mix's drug stone, in Main street, wnere be is prepar ed to receive and promptly fulfill all orders *kb which he may he fa . To tho gentlemen be Would say. that his Boots. of whatever description or Wilily, are made under immediate supervision, and will be war ranted foi ddirtbility and neatness. He would eller in form the Ledisilhet he is preceded to make to order Ositers,,Blippers, Dhow" dec. From long espaliered in doziness, end a deternsina tion to glee general detisfation, he etpects to receive • share of poblle patrogiivs. May tO, 1850. ORFC—A" sitperim article aof M.. Pork., Jam no P eared at' my 8 MERC U A SPECIAL , EDICT! PEOPLE who don't want to be refusal. Bed beta not ask me to truitthem. es I hare determined to drop the credit gates, and will ponititely not charge • canto any on, wowits„Or Remember ! May I. 1850. • WM. A CHA MBERLIN. MOW is YOUR TIME TO MY Cheap Watches, Clocks k Jewelry ! T AMES i BULL respectftil informs the citizens J of Towanda and vicinity.tit has lately return' ed from Pidiedelphla. and may „d at the old stand, one door below the Brick _. ; iq tbe room for. merly occupied by Menu?. Net 8 Aare lie offers for side a large and splendid seem ` thecaeof NEW JEWE'LRiti at the following unexamphd prime :- Gold lever Watches, 18 carat cases, 13 jii* .• 540 00 Gold L'Epinee. 4 jewels, - 2 - „, 26 00 Silver Levers, 13 jewels. 'l., 15 00 Silver L'Epimis y g - • 4 10 00 lc •r: 700 Ira i se r tkickii, warranted to keep perfect time Or • monefieftnded, : 260 Beeestpinsi Fingnr-vings, Ear rings, and fierithy of every description ebespl6 gieliedson-Ati„t3e gime ;xi -o'. Particular attention paid to repairing CLOWN, WATCHES & JEWELRY, of every descriptioni' from thelong ttxperienCe which he has had in the . . me, work left in his cans will he dime in a workman. like manner. Towanda. May 1. 1850. - Those Cheap Goods at FOX'S ! Mt7STurd will be sold for cub at th e lowest rates. A bestitifut *rant* of Sager at • cents; fine fresh Tese, warranted good or no sale, at 13711 to 50e.t syrup Molasses at 'Boe. Mao, a loge assortment of Clocker, of the newest patterns, very cheep': and in feet every thing in tbeir liye will be sold as cheap u the cheapest, at thsaeortier and e Pine su April 18, 1850: E. T. FCq. E sass spring style milialiiiistsl also tethant V and Palm leaf Hats at FOre. TRON. STEEL &NA '7 4 : Sooosim • SOMMER io Bfqmitord:conatpit • littltel7RlL PnWIE MMIM yhirCOMMOßlldsiwai for May term and Ms -• 7 0: , ; • - • * wira tr• • - - Magma o MgmiplioieFF/Mithin; '- Anaemia- Israel Mearti: • ' o antoa--Thoinas Witli MilL - Tabmri ' Columbia-Wm. await r Franklin -Hamer Wiley , Bkmaelbinith r - Mranville--Albett Bantier: - Hemek-gdmunit Halpin MiVafl Reelor Eitelineld..Diniel a, Cotton'; • &toy-David White Jr.; Monroe -Abraham For Jr.; Ridgbery--Jaines Crowley f • Bomb Creek-Sobn Pitt* eSpringfieldWakemaa Brooks, C, eampbell. 41. O. Harkness, Ames U. Om* r Miliatfironie To am-Bicion - Henry Bice, Blory Chen Wells-James P. Taylor, ;M • oped ; Wyalusiog-Jacob Strunk. - I - Warren--P. H. Abel. W. Tyrell , • Wysoz-John B. Smith. r' Treasure n Side of Unseated Lands: -Ivories is hereby given, thit agreeably to an ac of' General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th day of . March, 1816, entitled "An alit to amend the act entitled an act directing the mode ofsellieg unseated lands for taxes and for other purposes," and of an act passed the 13th day of March, 181 t entitled; "a further sop. plement to an act entitled an act directing the mode of selling Unseated lands, and for other purposes," the following tracts of UNSEATED LAND will be sold at public 'endue on the 10th day of June nest, (being the second Monday.) at the Coon House. in the borough of rowanda, in the county of Driulfordi for the arrearages of Taxes due, and the cost Sc' trued on each lot respectively I No.of I No of I Warm 1 Acres 1 licnvnibiPs' I Warrantee 1 Amouul Notnro I of 112 xei 175 Albany, Abel Wagoner, 11 37 140 8. Nathan Carry, 946 294 .. Abel Pierce, 19 38 IRO " Phineas Bradley, 10 66 100 " Daniel Shepard. f6O 100 " Thomas Edwards/a 60 418 8. Address , Duckhart. 2? 59 400 " Peter Benson, 26 40 100 " Sally Fish, i 6 60 60 Asylum, Hannah Hibbaid, i S 96 ' 216 " Joel Barrett. (14 24 89 .8 Hannah Hibbard . 5 83 5 - u William 'Hibbard! 36 100 .. William Jackson, ' 6 60 4101 Canton Caspher Shaffner, Jr. k 7 12 4051 do & Leroy John Morgan, 26 76 400 Franklin Geo. Castater, 2 40 400 .. Joshua Cooley, 2 40 400 " Henry Hardy, 2 0 400 .. Peter Seely, 26 0 237 pt. Monroe John Stevens, 15 10 4371 " Ephraim McAdams, 28 )6: 4344 " Thomas Hamilton, 2 8 400 8. Peter HamikOn, 2 0 400 " James North, 2 0 122 176 pt. Rome James Pope, 4 124 169 i do & Orwell Job Fell. 446 5690 514 South Creek Johnston & Mifflin 3 5691 964 " a "61 5692 126 " 0 o : 8 216 Springhill, Samuel Craft. 14 1 69 " Samuel Porter, - 4 2161 8. Peter Guinip, 14 121 134 Wysoz James Pope. 3 JOHN HOR roll, Treasoreri Treasury office, April 4,1850. , GEO. H. BUNTING, respectfully informs the pub lie that he is just receiving from New York an assortment of ready 'made Clothing, to which he in. rites the aUenticin of purchasers; Among his stock i may he found ADMINISTRATOR'S None Es ' I Ocer Coats Sack Coats, A Business Coats Frock and LL persons indebted to the estate ef witxrim . Dress Coats, Cloaks Pantaloons , Vests, Round. ROGERS, deceased, late of this tOwnsbip of a b out., 4c., in all s l ,Vkl and on , Pricer , Warren, are hereby annested to make payment with. He is determined to sell his Clothing at unusually low prices for Cleft. and believes he min mete h the in. out delay. and those having 'claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated he settl,terent of those wishing to purchase to give hint talk went. MARIA ROGERS, 0" At the old stand. between Bartlett and King.. STEPHEN BOSTWICK, _ berfe Storees up sham. Wsnen, May 4, 1.850. Administrators. Cutting and making up, done as usual In the most 1 -- fatshwinaMe manner, promptly and tq order. • ' SPRING GOODS. Towanda, October 20, 1849 y. / " A Nimble Sixpence worth a Slow Aiding." THE subscriber is now receiving a fresh sitck of spring artersummer Goods, consisting o 4 is usual assortment of desirable styles, which wake sold for READY PAY at the very lowest possi prices. Having determined to sell goods for rea ll S . pay eiclusively, customers may depend upon ge ting goods of all kinds as cheap as the same can be sold by any living man. apll 1 E. T. FOX. NEW SPRING GOODS. B KINOSBERY & CC,. IMI HAYE just received a large and well selected al sottment of nry Goods. aroeeries, Arnhem: 4c., which will be sold extremely low for Casiti- Among their assortment of Dry Goods, can se found plain rind embroidered Lawns, Linen Lusts. Ginghams, DeLaines &e, of the latest style, Tosrada. April 25, 1850. K. & CALICOES—A splendid assortment of - tki3e cheap Cocheo and Merrimack prints. (aih wareatrted.y can be found at ' a 25 K. &CO GROCERIDd--A large stock of Teas, 8u (a goad article for 8 cents,) Coffee, Pe f, spice, tobacco &c., can be bought cheap for asb at 525 K. &. 0. HATS—A superior article floe Silk Hawaii° palm leaf and Leghorn hats, for sale at a 25 K. MO. IKON and Nails, a good assortment at t 26 K. £0 MACKEREL by the bbl., 4 bbl 3., bb also, some superior codfish. can be found a 25 E. Pco. GRIND STONES, a superior article ciltiolia i Scotia. grind stones. On sale at a 24 • • Ifiaa 7.41;16L1S BLEOMMIR/ GOLti IN WISCONSIN I ' TEE Coming, r !mini and Buffalo Line. hsvi dueled Ow fare from any port on dm Phlegto nat to Buffalo. afford facilities not heretofore offe to emigrants and others reeking a hoax, and formats in Great West. A Bastof this lies will Nave Corning & Elmira for Buffalo Every week during the season, in the Adhrwing order Leaves Corning Tuesday's at 10 Nock, A. M. Leaves Elmira, Wednesday's at 444 . 4kreft, P. /if: Lamm Havana. ThursdaAat . P. M. ,r• 11 ° 1 ° 1 do - friday, Vitiating at ,41farkey. Lodi, Braden, passing • _ • and Sanaa Falls on Bat ' "terns ,• , • 'For Elmira and Owning emery Bat. nnley morning, lessee Roehakter essay Mends) atone Boat CORNING, Capt. E. H. CALEB. EMI ELMIRA. Capt. R. P FERRIS. Boat BUFFALO, Captain For Freight or Passage apply to the Captains of dm following Agents r W. M. Mallory, Corning—S. B. Strang & Co. A. G. Fleyrrolds, Elmira—Was. Reynolds, Horseheads, I. Wines:mote, Horseheade—E.B. Hinman, Havana L. 0. Tawnswasod. Big illtruni—Woodworth & Post, Lodi—Hastings & INeld. diem's—Orgy & & wes t. Waterloo—J. Seller. Banana Falb—L. Boated°. Mon. tesuota-11. L. rah, Rocheinsr—Nilsa • Wheeler, Buffalo . tgajrProvisiessa Wads by the Captains an beard. Enka, Mel 4, Idle: • >~ .11ialGpni _ - TO THE AMC' • rimpreasesukrt hisuilailt4erieues Wiftlba;,,hieing sMinittdEsensidrai theta tfoun-• tr* intaitfouliness eft be &tie More adVantejteons ly—bolh hub* tendor and- piirchaseb.--Fir Cash.. thauwa a credit, have concluded to tkite - bwiesseetpge on the drat gay of AptHerif, sad *let atter seli tied gayety far CiwL They trUst timi the slimy good ettittnhers who hate he patroolged tbemoiill Outlet* their patrolmen tmdeethe nett armaitbitien4 believing they can satisfy all etch, that it wilrftelor their in terest to do so, and that very Little 'fitment will be memory to tontine6 sal and every tins that goods can be sold cheaper for cash than ell a credit. As some persons may think that Om above la not designed to include them—Au. are desired m dis tinctly understand that it means precisely what it reads, and that THEY PAN BELIE NO GOODS ON A CIEbIT TO ANY ONE, after the above mentioned date. It is necessary that their otd busions should be domed, all these indebted will thefeford see the ne cessity of paying up, with as little deter as POSII4 - iL lk a u. C hifiRCOR. rowandi r hiareh ft., 1450. NEW SPRING GOODS I itlst reatived by Taarsoda, March & J. KINGSBERY. BOOKS! BOOKS!! THE Elutise.riber Is to the weekly receipt (via Ball Road) of New School and Miscellaneous Books and Stationery, to which the attention of the community is respeetfully [belted. These Books will be sold cheaper than the New York retail prices. Also, a lama eapply of Dry Good; Groe.eries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boot; /noes. Nails, Glass. &e. &c., constantly on hand, Cash Orders particularly attended to. No. 2, New Brick Block, two doors below the public square. Towanda, Feb. 224.'60. •JOS. KINGSBERY. TOWANDA ACADEMY. rrHIS Institution having been placed in char g e of H. M. HOTT. end J. Surto. A, -8.. will commence on Monday the Gth day of October next. The Acadeznieal year will consist of four terms of eleven weeks each': Commencing respectively, October Sib, 1849, January 24, April Isl, and iunrt 17th 1850 Tuition per Term t Orthography, Reeding, Writing. Geugra. ' phy and Mental Arithmetic. 52 00 The same. with Wells' Grammar, Adams' Arithmetic and Town ' s Analysis. ' 300 Philosophy, Chemistry. Rhetoric, Logic, As. tronomy and Book Keeping, 4 00 Algebra. Geometry, Trigonometry, Enn-ey ing, Conic Sections, Analytical Geometry, &c. • . 4 50 Latin, Greek and French Langw.ges, 5 00 Fuel, Ist and 2d terms, 23 Scholars received at any period of the term, and charged only from the time of their entrance. Board can be obtained in private faritilies on rea sonable terms. J. D, MONTANYE. Preet. C. 1.. Wenn, Sec'y. of Board of Trustees. Towanda, March 30, 1850. TOWANDA eI4EAFr CLOTHING STORE. suclAas & MOLASSa. lIDS. SUGA R, st •rr! low pnoes—also, a large stock of Molasses, including btoart's syrup, lost ival at apl7 MERCUR'S. EAS:—From cents to St 00 per pound. it April 17, 18.50. iiirtECUREV. NOTICE. _ AE partners* chiding between T. & W. HAY. DEN: is this Jay dissolved by mutual consent.— A mons having any demand+ against the firm are to se their accounts, and all persons indebted tothem by ni of band or boos account, are requested to make i r nediate payment. T. HAYDEN. Towanda, April 14. 1850. W. HAYDEN, !,) Ay WATER, Colognes, Hair Oils, and Perfume :LP ryrit tll kinds. at No. LB. R. E. & P. .A.s.IV &TOMMY PHIS institution pleasantly located in the village of Leßaysville, Bradford County, Pa. ( is now in suc cessful operation under the supervision of Rev. H. J. NEW ELI., A. M., Principal, end Mies Maria C. She pard, Preceptreas. TutTiol. Primary studies per quarter, 1 4: : 151 00 English branches, gloss commenced r t r 260 do cl, de advanced, . 600 Higher Lnglieb branches, a 60 Languages and Higher Mathematics, 4 00 Drawing end Painting. each extra, I 60 Incidental expenses, per quarter, 25 Titles d First grinner comment?' ere. 5, 1P49. enonel piaster commenced Nov. SI. 1849. Third crime"? ennurrences Feb. 13, 1850. Fourth quarter commences May 1, 1960. All hilts must be paid by the end of the quartet JA MSS HODGE, Pint of Trustees. .1. E. BULLOCK, Secretary. PEAS.—A quantity of superior Field Peas for sal - . at spill MERCURS' Boot, Periodical and Music Agency. T. E GRIDLEY, RESPECTFULLY inform' the public that all or dere for either Books. Periodicals and Music left with TIUSTCfN & PORTER, will be promptly - filled, at the lowest rates. Re le also prepared to preen» BINDING, And those having article. they wish to have bound, may leave %van at the Bradford Reporter office. NEW ic cIIEAP SPRING GOODS. • MoNTANYEs & co. ARE 'constantly receiving by the New York & E ri s Railroad, directAiom New York, a large stork of SPRING AM SUMMER GOOK which have been bought low. and will be sold cheap.— Their assortment is now emrsually large. and offers in ducements to purchasers rarely to be met With. An impaction will satisfy the public of this fact. Towanda, March 28. 1850. • NEW GOODS AT THE CENTRAL STORE ! N17, 11 :•17..."1, 4 1.° ►sab - de .egatbolitimelid SUM) ER GOODS, which wit! be sold at very tow nolea. Mohler" at tide establtidirocut conducted upon his. rid honest principle*. You have our thanks for pea faecal end we hope far a continuance of the same 84 ,1 21 bonntto Goods Cheap. - 11, 1 wilnda. July 4. 1849. N. N. DEWS. IBT wir IT e s ) T-EVELING, toying out Bards and Lots, Biskra% lI Essater, Measuring Masonry, Embankments. dm, accurately done by B.G. NIC ROM 01Bee at Rowe Bradford county. Pa. Persons at a distanee i teeding his serriees, shall by writing bins s line • few days tw forattand, bave-their business Forney Mended- le: PUBLIC AUCTION. _ • nmaaNdit sea or T.& W. • Nariehi rp be gild at ftho Austin's. Tat gale com 'wee, ma at tivcrecloek 'az, M agid coattail, DVERT'DAT Until the'whold Steck is dhoosed or. taDdioras. bobr b yourtime to bay ciloice Lf- QiTORB of every description; Grocerics, negars and Tobageo. A large assortment of Dry Good's, ready-made Clothing, Crockery, &C, end other very desirable articles, which will. be sold to vhe highest bidder. (0. West corner of Alin & Hedge streets..l. F. Means' brick building. ea T. &W. H. 1110RINTS, GINUICAMS, LA a bean 7. ful assortment can be found at April 24,1860, 00T8 & SHOES, Mena' Women and childrens the best assort sat in towa, can be found a; M fißedittr.- April 2,4,1)0. New Arrangement • AND NEW GOODS. • frHE subscribers are now receiving a new as. sortmeut of 006D3, of every kind, which will be sold at very low prices, and mrclus;rdy forms& All who wish to purchase goods CHEAP are re. spectlfully invited to call, and give the " castrsysiem" a fair trial: ' H. S. &M. C. MER . CUR. Towanda April 4th, 113150.. NEW GOODS. A LARGE and splendid assortment of NEW. SPRING AND SUMMER GCIODS just receiv ed by the subscriber. which he now offers to the public for Cash or Country' produce as cheap et ever before offered to the "datives," -those wishing to obtain a large quantity foi a smtll amount can diesoby calling at N 0.2 Brick Row. Towanda March 5. 18511. WALLIS BULL. • PARTICULAR NOTICE. ALL personslindebted to me by note or book sc. count are fiereby notified that unless payment is made by the first day of hay next, I shalt proceed to collect. Ttris notice is gr neral. and will be strict ly carried out. It any one fists any doubt about it let them wait awl see. C. F. HARDER. Towanda April IS. 185 Q. 01ni. a few ban-els of Mesa Poi k fur sale by. P Ap. 5, 100. H. S. & M. C. MERCUR ADM I NISTRATOWS NOTICE. ALL persons indebtati k to:ithe estate of JOSEPH S. HAMELTON, eft-aned„ late of .Windham twp., are hereby requested to t ruake Payment without delay, and those basin claims against Said estate will please pre seht them duly authenticated for settlement. ,JOSEPH HAMILTON, SOPHRONIA E.- HAMILTON, March 22, 140. A4lnoinistrators EX' cuTows NOTICE. ALL perilous indebted to the estate of HORATIO LADD deceased late of Albany tosenship4re here by requested to make payment without delay. acrd those baying claims against said estate will pleaktipresent them duly authenticated for at ttletnent • WISES A . 'LADD, ARUN AH LADD. Executor,. Albany, Jan 22, 1.8:50 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTfCE. A"persons indebted to the estate of SEELY CROFUT, deceased; late of Leroy township are hereby requested to make payment without delay and those haying claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settle- Merit. EDMUND KELLY, Jr. Leroy. Feb. 22d,'50 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ALL perrsons indebted to the estate of JONAS P. SMITH, dec'd 4 late of Monroe twp., are hereby requelted .to mate payment without delay. and those having Claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settle ment. A. L. CRANM eft Monroe, March 15,'50 EXECITTOR'S NOTICE AT.T. persons indebted to the estate of ALONZO -GREENOUGH, deed, late of Canton twp,are hereby requested to wake payment without delay. and those having claims against said estate will please prelent them duly authenticated for settle opera. IRAD WILSON, canton, March 31, '5O. A. D. SPALDING, EXEcutors. 1.. I. UYATTi EIVIRCKEPON aqinaaz% Of Troy, grarlfarJ county, Pa., PROPOSES making :periodical vigils at Towanda doling the session of every court.- He any be round at the house of .f. B. Crum, commencing on the 3d of-September. Reference can be had from any part of the county. All work warranted.' as Ntn3 J. M'INTOSH, DENTIST, Late of Owego,' N. y., HAS permanently lowed himself fa foitpotra.= Office in the Union mock Baer Elwell's office, next to the Bradford Hotel. Oct. lb, 1849. SPECIAL COURT, VOTICE is hereby given that a special eotrtt will be held is and for the county of Bradford, at Towanda, comtneneing on Monday, the 20th day of May nest, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to continue for one week, at which the How. Wu. lessor will preside, for the trial of the foilowing causes. to wit: 151 May '4l Thos. Welch sr. Pickard et. al. sci. fa. 341 May '44 Shoemaker vs Stephens, case. 312 Sep. '45 A Hillier vs II r Benedict. trerpasss. 105 Dee. " C . But/met as. vsJ Bennett et at. eject. 122 John Ada vs A Bowman et al. eject. 199 Trus. Tow. Coal Co. vs.lngbams, red. 226 W 'Campbell vs 8 Mathewson, app4, ‘ frh. '46 D Bartlett vs W &, EI Dreslain, eject. m•rh E Herrick n 0 Rickey et al. trespass. 31 Dec. , 46 E Hoper vs Rockwell, et a` eje ct. 428 " Ve s 1 142 May '47 Di sic 4 , w„, „ g r u " orri'' appeal. &Rant, eppeat. .147 do } mi mes Lyon. 192 " Frond's 's r a m Camp et al, seh, is. 219 Miller Fos vs Davit Cash, ewe. 64 Sep, '47 Spencer vs 0 & A Ellsre..em, - 22n ; A Gordtnier vs. W Andrews et al.""• 513 " F Murray ?sato Rogers. appeal. 916 " 'A H . Tozer vs WM A Lane, " 96 Dec.'47 H F Burt vs S % ormlq, case. 1?0. Benjamin vs M Hinman, appeal. 75 Feb. '46 Wynkoop et al. vs Van . Buskirk, tres. 76 • do do eject. 132 a Pennington & Hoffman vs Colnpton " 186 " do Beach. " 156 " C Thomas et al. is 0 P Ballard. debt. 72 May '4B R Proud's ad's vs S Brink et al. eject. 132 " Davidson etc. vs Brooks et al. scida.m 198 J Hanson vs C L Ward, case. 71 Sep. '49 Richardson et aL vs J Ballard, elect 126 Humphry VS DC & Humphry 150 " Richardson a1.d5..1 Bole* * " 321 a Thos Elliott vs Israel Smith, " 322 P Ballard is C Thema?, sei. 337 " Springfield tp. vs Williams et aliissue. 62 Dec.'46 8 Hayden vs John Elliott. deb. 94 H C Tallman. vs alines et itp., eject. 154 " Nancy Snyder vs John Snyder, issue. 170 a A Madill vs Pullets, trespais. 180 " L S Ellsworth vs 11 Backus,Arespass. 185 a .1 M'Allister vs W T Middaugh. " 218 E K Price vs E Mason, scL fa.mort. 77 Feb. '49 8 Phillips vs 8 Hillhouse. covenant. 106 " S W Park vs Geo Davisi;appeaL. 134 R K Miller's use vs A Pleree,trespass. 171 s. S a Andrus vs H C Tallman, for. at. 174 a A Driscoll vs .1 Driscoll, ejectment. 378 Sep. '49 the& Williamson vs 194 Oliver, " a" do L Vanflorn " Subponas made returnable at 10 ifebsck, A, M., of Monday, the 20th of May. • April 32, 1850. ALLEN WICEAN, Prot. BUOKWHEAT FLOUR. of a impeller aalaty. for Bair as TOTS, MEttCURS' Atlin'r with will ani'd FIDELIA 8. SMITE. Executors. • ARRiWit AT ME " - ADRUC - STORE Jr.„, ark& JR•sis. , Dr illat'ON & PORTER are now roisivisni. at Na it 1. Brick :Rao. a lama, addition to their boast stock, ammiating et • Drags, Mei Degrees, Grocertss„, 0111; tstatirllyediffii. Finer whiCh will be,pold et amain, low islet. Tbq aka offers for vale the ettivorlid sndwermins ,Tese of &Old - KIN TEA COMPAWY, for which - they ore which they tho lot hesitate to ficohtmend we being sei. perks' to any otherimported. They a tgehni the sow cy of most of the gentllne Patent • ' ata Towanda, November 29. 18451. SPEI - Itht and Tallow Candles,- by the b.* apanel. at dl 'HUSTON & PORTEirs. FIRRICK'S VERSIMIGE. 14 the doors or *lit dl • 'HINTON & !solemn's.. nEAD/ SHOT; for bed bate. the Drug. 000 0 Mr So. I. Brick' Row. 11. &P. E ASIVE SOAP, tot removing W. paints.oavvea warranted, at dl &. Q rIPERIOR Wines and Liquors-40 bble. that tit perior WHISKEY just received at H. & . Tf,ft WAY• FOX CREAT BARGAINS. - No. 2 Against the Weill! JUST RECEIVED a splendid essaruttent of Goods„ by the subseribeir, at Brat *o*, which now be seen Moll bourn. sod will bit sold at' this lowan Fri . Our Mends will please fawn us with a emit at lewd. We will charge you nothing for very Guts if You saternl- - • on,twatt • bugs assortment Cloths, Alpacas, fries& Cassiimeresr, Worsted duxes*, mine Sauincts, Sugars, Tweeds, Tess, Jeans, Cuffs,. • Yeatings, Seferstne, DeLanus". Spices. Merinos.. Ginger. est., . Milo. • lame assortment of Ciockefy. WALLIS BULL, No. 11, Brick Re*: Touren Is, Nov .5. 18 9 . .'. I ADMINISTRATOR'S SAL IQ Y virtue of an ordetof, the Orphan's Court of .5. , Potter county. will be exposed to public sale on the premises, at the house of E. Cole, on Monday, the 10th day of June next, at 113 ttcloch JC — .of saittday. the fallowing described' tract of lairda t l. bounded on the east by the county lite, on the °rib by the north half of warrant 1599, on the,wes by warrant 1190, and ctt the sonth by warrant 14= Containing five hundred and fi lly acres, on w ich is erected two log houses, and about ten acres of lan d has been cleared—late the estate of Winsel . F. Kellogg. The lot is situated in - Hector township, Potter county ; Terms of sale—one half cash in hand; and the balance in one year with approved socnrity. April 11. 1850. ' L. S. ARNOLD, Adm r, J. A. Kane's Clothing Store, Elmira. t.c: coma listen now while I relate A talea'm bound to tell. Of clothing sold at inch a rite That none can ureters' 11, One day I called Cu lobe A. lags A suit of clothes to boy, They were so cheep - that t teouhl fain' Persnade you all to try, Hurts for John A. Kane ; . Harm for Sohn ..We'll buy onr clothing ail of him, For beat him no one can. His Stock Stock eansiws of every kind, And piled. ley eyes! how high, .otot You certainly can't help but find The thing to suit your eye. There's Suits to suit all sorts of men, For Wedding Church, or hop There's Pants, Vesta, thero's Maw , Of Coats a thunderin lot Hurts fur John A. Kane, Hum for J. A: Kan& trance you +wand% arida% You're sure to call again.: There's Dress and Sack, and frock Coats too Of Cloth the very best. • There's undeiClothing, Cravats too, Silk, Wool and Satin Vests. And as fitting to • fit • 1 newt not hete to MIL His clothing on each matt will set first rate—. none better—for he personally oversees them cutting' • Department, and has his goods made in the best manner, and the best style. Hurry for John A. Kane, Hurts for J. A. Kum For when I want a Emit tats fit, I'll catou him again. Some other time I'll tell you more But this before f close, He has on hand now in the Store A toot of first-rate clothes, , So When you have a little time And mob on hand to spare, Remember that you'll always find John A, Kane ready to give you the worth of yegtf Money at No. 6, Water Street, fifth door west of the Bridge Huts for Jobn'A. Hone, Hurts for I. A. Kass Well boy our clothing all of him -For Beat him no one ego. 175 hands wanted for all kind* of week, irothestiatit. JOHN A: KANt, Elmira, Aug. 21'49. 'VD. MEM VALIMIII,II2 P . LEASE call at FOX's and see his assortment of Dress Goods, Ribbons, Gloves, Hatiery; Mitts, Laces, &c. ; also, a large stock of Prints, Gingham, plain, embroidered and - chameleon Lawns and Dress Silks, which will be shown with pleasnre, and sold at. minimum Brice*. 'Corner of Main and tine its. April 11, 1850. • E. rr.- TOL 50 bbls. Flour. 1000 Ibs. Smoked Hams & Shoot dem. sad 100 bushels of Rye & Corn tomb. for Cash at m 1. FOX'S IBIPMDISIELS22Trritnr . Y E taken this well known Kobel, and I ftertied JCI that they will be pleased to see their old friend's and most happy to fain new acquaintances. It is their mtention, and w ill be their connect aim. to give ribriurniK , and strangers such a motif:Was will hi sure to give; .- ..tun satisfaction. 1 4 .7 '"'7 agglen, therattend Tio , snd, 'TROUBLE jAfIEAD. ••-•• Mr. WAR HAS . ACTUALLY BEGUN._ 4mong the- Motharttt in Foniorlieille,f - F W. %DAMS, latterly of New York city. • • Rjust returned ft= there with an entire STOCK and general in _fit ; - offers at tbe ,f, p ly low 'paces :-Calico from Sto '.-111111- per ya ra ..rd,nriafucttheorplatest.andstwayles,rransipebetk Ame fast colors; MOoslin.de laicise from 193 to S 5 callow • yard; Scotch finish lawn Gingham of every style. from . 121 to 50 cents per yard ; Ifrosdclroks from $1 25 to 55 00 per yen g together with every style of Dame • • • Goods for both ladies sod gentlemen. Also s general assortment of Carpeting and Oil Glulho, at the 1113 " rate of low prices. A complete assortment of -Greer. its, young hyson and hyson skirt Tess, frorii 129 075' cents per pound, all warranted sound and Fwd. Also Boots and Shoes. Gaiters, Hats and Cap; Crocker, and Glassware, Hardware, Nails, Building Maintain.. Cutlery, dtd. Also; Farming Utensils, Wayne County Ph &c.,-togother with - every description of mer Mine di . . . =EES Id r 2