Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 18, 1850, Image 2

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    WrciOrorti `-t-Jl.(pixtgrs
Tawatid, Ulirday, May 18 r 1850.
Terms ilit_2 3o '*" lll "
.110 per amp , tt paid within' the year 50 eeutt Nadi
be.dedueted , bt cash paid actually in advance, it 00 Will be
Arntarrectoorts. pet equal* of ten thief. 50' cents Or the
first, end 25 cents for garb eubsequent insertion.
QT. Mee, In the •• Union Block,' north id& of the Tubbs
ft aura. nett, door to the Bradford Noel. Entrance betwe en Karam Adantelinul Elwell's taw offices.-
glad Stets Cosmoseslee.
WO await with much anxiety, the aotelebling of
the Democratic State Convention sit Milliamepott,
and shallfwatch its deliberations with great care.—
That Convention, itr its results, will tell upon the
interests of the State for years id come. Never
was there a time when the Mamie:atom er we nd;
• al moo.. vv.** Mom imperatively
demanded, tan now Clue good 011_nutitott
wealth is but lest eriferging, from the load of debt,
which bee paralysed her energy, and impaired her
credit—end the Democratic party has relieved h
irer in part front.the odium and disgrace entailed
"upon it by public plunderera who steal its livery,
with no holier object than the perpetration of
schemes of peculation upon an. already overtaoked
Treasury. The Wolof influence of a powrea, was
happily relieved by the brighter example of that
pure and enlightened Clnef lollviiernier',Teastre
Swan, while the control of the Public Works of
the Commonwealth—from whose mismanagement
thousands have been made by dishonest men—
has passed from the hands of unmitigated ras
cals to that of honest men. The plunderers, all
the fiercer for having been kept a short time from
the Treasury, are now howling like a pack of fam
ished wolves upon the track, and seek once more
to be reinstated in their old places, where they can
grow rich, while State credit languishes and taxes
multiply. Every feeling of S'aite pride, every in.
Mine! of patriotism, dictate most clearly that the
present economical manner of conducting -the' Pub
tic Works of the state should be continued—that
the system of prompt cash payments recommend
ed by Col. Murree should be adopted and carried
out, and the chances of knavery diminished by a
strict accountability of the agents °lithe State. Such
a course would rendeeits improvements a source of
grind revenue, and help mightily' to reliete us
from taxation and debt.
That the revenues of the state have been divert
ed from the Treasury to the pockets of unprincipled
Men, is a matter of fact and of history. The most
gross abuses have beer' perpetrated, and the Corn
monwealth has been plucked to the time of hun
dreds of thousands. 'To the shame of the Demo
cratic party-be it said, that the same men are now
endeavoring to use its name and its organization,
for the purpose of gainingl a position where they
tat tottgthe leasue, and
`a• Th‘t mew
strenuous exertions are making, by these insatiable
cormorants to control the Williamsport convention
for this parpoie. Such a foul disgrace, such deep
peril to the commonwealth, elexlll not, shall not
be consummated. Fl e dearest interests id every
Pennsylvanian should not be thus hazarded to grat
ify the unholy and dishoneat.purposes of men des
titute of principle. Let the candidates be selected
only with a regard to their capability and stem, or.
bending honesty—men of character and nerve, who
will, be true to the State, and will repel the advan
ces of the - plunderers, and the time will soon come
when the reproach of repudiation and the discredit
'of neglecting to pay even the interest upon our
debts, shall be far distant from the Keystone. If
en the contrary the machinations and schemes of
these men should be effectual, and the einem of the
Treasury left open wr rhea auto., it
prophetic ken to toretefl the aim, disaster, • which
would be the consequence_ Mismanagement of
the public works, embarrassment.* at the Treasury,
increased *zee,. and impaired credit, would' sure
ly folloW—though private fortunes might accumu
late. To avert sec& a state of affair', should be the
first aim of every citizen—to rid dirk Democratic
party of the reproach of such adherents the Sun
purpose of every Dernoettat,
Ca i e Massillon*.
The South Pennsyiventan bide fair to outrivar its
adjunotherei in• misrepresentation and mantles&
- - The issue of May s; quotes a portion of Mr. Wit.
ittb "--late sprech in Congress trOM the Weider
' The qiiotatian-inaLkena which to abuse Mi. W.--
an himself, irt his Berk; Coon t
tn favor of the Proviso," which is as ett..._42.- 1 -
what be really raid, as the Pituttier.4.4ris gener
ally from the math. The unfairness end
et. the quotation and .occompanying nerrorer
- that the Pennsvivviturt
a ay or
o l a.- ..:lsvvere upon the speech, as it appe in the
Globo—Ctihere it was come* , printed and now'
makes it very meagre and utitaithlutsketch
etl in the Washington Unica, the subject of (*cid
cism. Such s trick, is characteristic of the Penn
sylvanian—bin will game it no . iken6r.
o*.- Christy's iiinsird whines most pitifully about
• . our asking persons not to patronize that establish.
Meet. Its a brazen falsehood to assert such a
thing. We ask for the names of any person we
have-ever askedin any way, not to patronize the
North. Pennsylranier--Live the name—o r rest un
der the chafe of having told a wilful lie. We
don't troublerourseleessbout itspatronne,-it's only
a question whether Mr. Ward shall pay more or.
lase per month to keep the sielily 'thing in exis
tence. Though for the matter of advertising in it;
p 71.1-11118—. a - re , cli mi B ht do in getting advertise.
'Tor sit 19 g ood •
a iglu as well be
eases if
To i
out 4,
'' l'
the ...' , .
eis t
atood ..-4
fi ILi if. ilt 111 - 1 I
Fe" of "
galr. it
experiet_ _ -
that the d pnblie prose had'atly right to enter the
Paths of private life for any purpose of indliidelti
censure or repioach, stifeimi oretarinte mike it.=
Whenever swat wit erring man Ob.""F irto At in
i. s r gin ent in ,„„ vilimarylsetts said gitliel of hit
tbttow mmt, he most And some herald 'other than
this sopreleading sheet to make his judgment
How favorably this couttasti with the knee of
Putt week. Our readers who may have an oppor.
tunny to two the Minstrel grid find therein a maims'
devoted ho personal abase of the editor of this pau
per, mint plentifully interspersed with all the ad.
jectives expressing malignity the dictionary con=
funs and reeking of a roeabolary fit only for the
fish-market *e shill not follow the " Regular
Contributor" into this mire. He may wear hio
eis in peace. 1 1 . t such a contest, his welt.earned
fame and all bis natural instincts would inevitably
make him the victor—and as - he so richly merits,
he may receive, undisputed at nor bands, all ther
and *moor which his superior attainments at
a blackguard *wine him- to.
—lt strikes ex, however, as / being decidedly cool
in the " Regular" to talk about 1 • berob.fighting."
white he is weikafier westo oo s r i n g n o t all the
venom of his perverted maws, testind the covet
of another man's name. Whileueur irresponsible
stranger icing forward as the itditor, whose ses
cmaintspee with ink and foolscap ieeewernelyThei:
ted, that.tbe ig Regular" may sirik le for iY eel
unms and libel and defame private Character, and
claim to be is ne way connected . With the (stab
lishmenL It is a cowardly and unmanly position,
which none but one who knows his own want of
standing: and his vulnerability would assume, for
honest opposition does not seek inch a screen.—
ft is characteristic of an uneasy ambition and icor--
diode vanity, coupled with *cowing) , conscience,
and in keeping with the life of that man, who never
thinks for himself-but is constantly the cat's pair
of4deeper and designing men, snio flatter his weak
ness for their own porpoise, sod who despise him
the more heartily beet - toe they know him-the mote'
We ihould like to have this write-acne make his
illustrations plainer. We are not aware of the et-
Aimee of any of those " obligations" which seemr
to be so enormous in his mind.
Nor have we attacked in any way, any person
who bad not first assailed us through the columns
of the "Minstrei"--whicli seems to be a sort of ve.-
hicle to give currency to thesecntlal and talsebooes
of "the family." This is susceptible - of proof. We
considered that persons• who are not entirely im
maculate themselves should not talk about the fail
lags of others. And it we have published any li
bels, it has been because " the greater the truth,
the goiter the libel"--and it is not our fault, if
Others have Wended against the laws of the land.
When the "Regular" would prate about our
It attacking the relatives -el - we hated"--or
shout raking open the "darknoisome - grave
iseen,"—we would advise him of to tack on to the
. ma
wee article a more fiendiah and- malicious ipeci.
Men of the very nature hi would-"oedema, than
ever emanated from a hired libellerocztpasd pe -
jurer. An array of charges implicating the char.
octet °biome one, is made in the last "Afiestrel,"
which as a curiosity, and a specimen of the vin
dictiveness and fairness of the very gentlemanly
and 'highly respectable " Regular Contributor,"—
and as an illustration of the dignified course, 'and
legitimate objects of that paper, we append :--
P—We have been asked whether the 1:11-- , --who
choused the Towanda Bank out of soms thaws:ads
of dollars, and weer'off to New Orleans or Texas,
"by de light hb tie moon"—kor which money there
has not yet been foetid se endorser honest enough
to pay—is the person aimed at in the Re-Peeler,
when be talks about what he'never did in regard to
the Towanda Bank—probably because he Dever bad
a abaarool Ir aui bye, ,sits you,reader„ tett them
you don't kiwis..
2--Whea be talks shout his not interfering lathe
matters of the math, we kaoir there are those who
don't feel quite so certain on the subject, and bid a
great deal rather be would keep out the Post-dice
llnory . thew be does. There hese been some things
511141 4011 t it already, and "nobody knows' hat be
.might---..trite Patsy Psrmosson." l
C—When b. talks about " filching from the set
tlers," &44 it ethos be that he has reference to any
ease- where a nieretufte c cu b itsc ; ‘ ,,s set was abort
' fifty dollars ; nor any ma. n d masers, whi c h are
said to have bete " mighty ."..gain."
There, Reader ! Under each a load et' seenea
tion would you suppose we could exist, What'
carious chemist against sumebodY. The first re
lates to some transaction is the Towanda Bank.
and if it mane what we sappier, lb. refuse have
long shies ichithe debt - of sateen and sleep in the
wows of the awe . We w.- 11 a boy then, and it
nrid .inon os docerms ,s,.a, *an it sloes the reader, nor
WooWw e i n i w way exculpate whatever throe
may hiccups-or blame in the mattir. Iset the
dead steep in peace—let no man who had as onoa
to de* wtot the Towanda- Bank as the " Regular
Contributor" disturb the sakes of those who have
pissed away—that the same charity may full like I
a mantes upon his memory. Of course, we will
not retort about any " hyena-like " propensities.
with such en exhibition of the, worst pass - ' - 'ions of
the heart. We grieve more than . anger that any
one should be drrren to such- disgraceful shifts..
The second is too trivial to need notice or -
ment—aud was put in for effect where it could sot
be undenoood—to excite suspicion and doubts
. The third is as incomprehensible to us, as if
written in Greek. Why won't the "Regular "be
plainer Z Speak out, man I. Nerve up you, cow.
ardly heart to soniethieg like courage, and make
your meaning plainer. Wir promised never to im
portune parties/ from any Presided for our es.
DWI deal fa oath "damnable inuendoes," such
unmeaning hints, seen mysticism, and such
-and•eowardly insinuations, which early to the-
er in idea of something awful , yet to be develop-- I
I ed. Cerise-your istwah.gigaingrt...."flestyesi, hoe
„positioning EdisprEnet Contributor—take down the
dime which you: imagine screens you,•but which:
only makes you. appear ooptemobier sad. be_ a
nan—ii it is possible: -
. rilZ Ncw Oar sass DetTA annonnees tanwityi
ar eievaine has weaned ift tbeparialof dt Jews,
wbkh wan already twolundsedleet wide, aol Ito
disep; &wend idarnatioafrhave thsadi botirsub,
mewed and it was -bared
,pod that it *add not be stop
Wan human dump had seen don,.
I , 1 , , ,
- r
at **eh ifir. CIAO
is •
• - . •
Chaleiiii tilde ta the
,Sassise/iles dos
litilne4 ,1 0 41 41 ths hum* is a
Gspiallidagi Mile. 111 den 51150
inidee -
;:-"elte. Of *akin.
that wet Massa MIPAe doomed eat erre4aatilf,..
the woos of is aosepact catered into by soeUalms
Stems, is the reiwaetions of saarssatioa; aid ibis
, mbea they are le lesmids Abel. ham.A slat stag or
*HAW right to be admitted *moths Unloose equal
lkates; bat Ake eommittte do vat visa* that. UT ,
plea kr the formation of the sew Stales`out of Tex
aeislioolibeirrigiasted by Magmas, betliamidaio
left to the pi*, of Texas ; also,:.thas mob • sew
Matti shouTd be witlinat Oity,OhjeatkreZem
aedentat Of the exclitlioi or penaisiderrisf Slavery;
lid: kr consideftegthe ifelistiosilif. the idesisidoe
Califoilits,a Majoriii OW comminee - ans of
I opiniini that every irverdariti :it the perceediags
antecedent to her applieatioe for adniissiolastettM
Union, slionfal."in considesairoo of did mini
comet/shoes - of her pissidbh, be oferlimitid; ant ietci
ontmleatt tee passage of the bilf reported by Mi.
Doug's/144er her adali.ssion - into Has Upioe * a -
- Conuaidee'afso &der illtrififirstiMia:
ry that a Tekritorialtilevernmeht Adult be feetiislit
ed fortheTeteitories of Utah and New ilkuticoe—
They had been abandoned. wereinbabited by a mks.
ed and unusually varied:populations and'weveeilisf.
ly as deserving of proper goverameati, and should
have them speedily. They were tangy at present.
for State Deveratneats, and the C4intainest moss
maid that the admission of California, sad the Vitt
prbeislingTeniuiriat governments be iecorpotoW
to owe mess o% and passed, together as me meas.
urn. They also recommend that the bill be mussel
without the
.Wilmot Proviso betarlasebeil r shs
Territories. They consider the Wilmot Proviso, as
applied to them Territories, a mere abstraction.
4th. The counnutee reporrt an additioaal sectioX
to the California and Teftorial %Da prevision do
termining the boondarieii of Mexico sew T u .
as as &Adore it.-The bonedltry of Teta sift
the Rio Grande op to w point Iltf miles north sr pn
Paso Del Nertv--thenee the line shall tan due Mph
along the one bundreth parallel of longitude till it
strikes the let River, sad' this line of foligitode
shall be the eastern boundary of Ned NeVieg-athis
title inchldel within New Merit& the town of Same
re and a large portion of the disputed territorY,,for
which the bill proposes to pay , Tefits--4‘million
of dollars in stock, at half yearly interest, the
tips, to be paidat the end of 14 years.. Pt is rip.
posed that the sum - agreed upon will be from* to
ten millions.
sth. The Committee report *section to be a ed'
to Mason's' Bill in rotation di fugitive shive r.
vides that every master, before be go info an et
Stash to reeover his slave, shall go before so
competent tribunal and establish the fact of el
meat of properly, and of description of slave.
with these facts attested by reonipeterit record, d
upon presenting them to an officer, the slave s
be rendered op to him. Also, that if a slave
clans his freedom, he shall have a trial for
freedom on refute toile state from which he
. That slavery ought not to be alio • •
the District of Columbia.
7th. The majority of theCel2lllkittte report a
for the suppression of the stave trade in the' Dist ,
of Colombilieupon the model-of the law lately
forced in
Upon the reeding of the' Depot:, it war
by Northern men; and by the extreme Sant
men. rt was made the order for last Monday,
which day Ms. Clay made a lobg and able
in its defence. he fate is extremely doubt&
the Senate, and it ma hardly fail to merits
in the Home, should it pass the former bogs •
will probably be sent bleb with the Wilmofto
so attached.
o:tr The difference between robbing „ ail, '
an 1 robbing the commtmity by menu( of Ind
tiug shop, called a Bank, Ili entirely I , 'not
moral. Li the former case, the enfant:lo light.
fingered Wight who abstracts warily. dollen
from a letter, incurs a moral penalty whbli_sticks
i r his reputation through Irk, like the 111
shirt of Nersos, while the legal malady ' imit
Nitration in the Pen kentiary for a term yes,
unless some President can be found to mare 1
wretch from such disgrace by a timely and
The latter transaaron, on the con ,
the poor are cheated of thousarais u ouguls,
kilittneiy a financial operation, and op era tor
lentils at law. The wealth tine my. s e r ves
to makes. otreplay of benevolence and lie opir.
it which goer & good ways towards bolst 'rig u;:ra
reputation totted at heart. The la oml ty may
be evaded for a thaw; bat is as artaki as *dope/.
ation of fixed end onchlngrable laws am ti\ ra l a t
seltaceming eonseience, that Miles' in the
—the loss of public confidence—even the conti.. 4
of those who fawn and flatter*e most, while
.f I t
. "—ls beard
On all sides. from innumerable tcmigues,
A Armes', universal biaa. the *cued / 1
01 public scorn." .
makes the operition anything bat satin 4 t o
the recipient of the hard earned wages of lto,
thus stureptitionsly obtained, and is anythi , .t
enviable to an honest man. .
The Orissa. Oat el
The &public, Gen. Taylor's organ, at Wash'
ton, having been (peaking rather freely of the
in. --an Immediate chugs of editors is unto
u being probable.
—fly the way, we observe that a new
wade paper fa projected at Washinewon, by
Ira skyey propaganda, of which EU wood •
is to bwedliat.
The Iforih. Pennwrianiati pobliahes an "
the Democratic meeting hoklen here on Pads,'
evening, May tri with what purports to bp* tab
of Mr. Waimea rematke, het wirkkje a° me
nor deb the the tekgrophic Nowt figs in
Covina ur it appears in the eirf papers
word for woad—end has no reeMsblance et Use
speech delivered in the Comet Hoe*
_Such, dr
ty Irish a Worthy of its perpetrators. .
?b. we* State 'Poiparer's...
Gen. Lux M, B,cr. the new State Tramcar,
anpersedkl Mr. Bell, the Whig iseeerbant, en
Tuesday lam, 7th inst. Re hes appointed , Ass
Dtsuocs, Esq., of Basqisehrotna comity, (who held
the name office under Col. Ssownsar) Chtef Clerk
or Cashier; RAMA ht. IWLIVWI4I, of WOIOMOSO.
land, :miaow Clerk.; and JACO! Fume, of Bohqll
kill, Messenger.
:rrir - or IGlt . Powaa:—..larnes M. . i l encer . '; ads
Canal'Commissioner of Pennsylvania, died at Ole
residence of hie sister in Allegheny city', err Sarr
day test
j Qualms a Wass, wipe of J. I.• Webb, de
oseeed, late of Cocain% has been appointed so
Cadet to the V. S. Military Aesolonny at West ,
Tim Serowe -Waia of ow leeway Corn; ended
ow Wednesday, notwidanandiair t 6. fonnidable
trial liet. Mar/ Warr putieebeingatnent, 11 down
doe firer s ." eke sweesswies eantinasd.•
I Ptittnil 'Prins.
• 1;
/1111 7hed dos lthely
1010joirm;'ets:vis 4rsiidy:ll4 tfaibrisi.
nip for iiitishlisity mai'oiit b.# Nall ir in
*lda gesiplra are thlersehed, Assisi to bit'
of& ti14.1 0.- Poosolo - of 0 1 APP ooo Mairtilielo
fill t l nailer of IMMO* acid itspreediftetirder,
Lid aria ifilirsiderialvibbittsiiii imaisic. of
thepeen rhits -- finis thiellitittatibu; and it seems
lespoesible kith. two b,stWb td agree to . any
thing ea`the iuteet. Every del's - ldglibitdre for
the jest thew montlealembeme Irsimeould wi th It
this I P l6l oiii. illi ( 0. 11- 0 11 eS i ne
one' of tsigc aid;
petty *o40 0 !!‘i 1 47: (L
just such* int:emit them and sUeord,
the eirel:),:if 'fitiketithc ar prevent the wisp,
;My frillorkia the Demierats will ewe! to,
II *Aire efieciaslly bought up hfr. Hog s the.
*puller of &if Senate by:pos*lElg Montour gaudy,
they, Italia full and perfect control of theilWeler.-
itleterithstinting Ai notibial Democratic •
majorhy in the legishrthet; yet theitranath igloo all
interment and pi paw% radicilty ate, filmic& the
defection arid' biased of talentinalfrid.'
'ln my last I helmeted you that an appottiiiiiiehf
MR which bad been passed through both biases
with amendments_ Made by the Senate Os Which
the House refused to concur, was rehnurectuacoen
misuse of conference- This commiush ills com—
posed in the Senate of Sankey, Lib:i f, and Fruity,
two Whigs and one Democrat, in the 'louse of
Rhey; Haider/ran and Porter, all Derraenna They
bad several mersiinp and finally agreed upon the
details of a bill, which eras reported a their re
spective houses ea Thursday law, but so manifestly
enjoin to the Denscenstio majority as to MOE the
fisspitroval of the Souse. It may not be readily
tisdeestood by your waders how in a committee
ornuseed of four Democrats and two whip, the
wbig minority could manage to force upon the ma•
jority a hill so very objectionable. Tbii Will be
explained, when inforthed theteommittees of con
ference sin not joinecommilleas, hot that the por
tion kom either holies acts independently of the
other. They vote by eourininees, insured of indi
vid iralli. genes the cominiiree from the Senate
having a majority of whiz., held the name power
and • ebatrof over the bill as if it had been exclu
sively whig--and the Iftersocrrnie tortaniftee of
the house were forced to consent to web an ar
raggernent u they, themselves, disapproved of of
be subject to the imputation of having prevented
report - being made by the two' committees; a- Ai.
sponsibility they wets no( willing to albums. Do=
der these circonsstaticeu the Democrats consented
to a bill, which, serf before stated, was repented to
tbirtwo badman Thursday' last in the Rollos/Mt
itiATOßtat arrucri
Seaton - Senators.
Philadelphia City, 2 bradford, Ensgisehanna
, c County, 8 and Wyoming, I
Montgomery, I rings Potter, McKean,
Chesser and Delateare, I Elk, Jefferson, and
Perks, I Clearfilild, 1'
"mks, 'Mercer, Venang6, and
Warren, i
Erie and Crawford , I
infer, Bearer k Law.
remit, 1
Allegheny, 2
askington, itGnsene, 1
Bedford 11 - aornerwer .__ 1
• mustang, Indian: &
Clarion, . 1
nniait, Marti &Union 1
WesimarePti 1117syrus,1
trumaiter & Labial**, 2
Norikatpton Jr Lehigh, 1
Dauphin & Nonhuneti, I
Carbon, Monroe, Pike
Cumberland, &Perry, 1
Lyconeg, Sollican , Cen
tre andtlinton,. 1
Stair, Cambria & Hunt
Limon, Columbia's/Id
Adams,. 1
Beam! and Cribs* 2
Backe, ,
: • vet, Buller, & Law.
ranee, 3
' :lair and Huntingdon,
It ad fon!, 2
Cumberland, 2
Centre. . 1
Clearfield, Elk ir, Mc-
Kean, , I
Clarion, Armstrong & 1
Jefferson, - 3
Columbia & bkastoar, 1
hi ar n 's, 2
Er* •• 2
WWlington, 2
Greene, 1
Franklin, 2
Indians, I
Lyemning, Clinton and
The report was of coarse adopted by the federal
mortify in the Senile, but in the Hawse it met
with a•dbtermined opposition and alter being di..
cussed all der yesterday, was rejected by the fcd►
lowing vote :-I-Yeas 42, Nays 48.
One°, the rem outrages perpetrated by the bill
is in twanging the' time for election of Senates,
which is designedhr flied so as either to give the
whig party a majority, it that body, at the neat
elective, or at heat within dee of it, and a chance
to boy up another, of easy virtue, on the election
of Speaker next winter. Rat sea of chief *bow&
milieus in the open 'tempt to dielinnehise a large
portion of the north, and antra art ovet representa
tion to certain counties contiguous to the' eat' of
government, where the r, finely of Neptiliket,"
can aterays be felt if not seen. To Aim the graft
inequality' in this yelped, I cite a- single hisiabee
in justifieation Olgthe vote given by our. 'swim . =
Democratic friends:
Duster with - popo4inion of Tool his 2 mew
ltratford. • eess •
limb* • " 6721 " I os
•F •• AM *,
eh bti deur
2m • .1
. 162 9027 a Irk
2 tazbrs se .
3 •
416 11604 1
TOW • h
tem a "
Dauphin, «I II
Tort, or °P
*1742 tazbli V
Thin giving lb Vint counties, hem in the condi;
-cs many rtiernberr so a popolatiett of 32t752 ar
assairctienties of the north with- a popahition , of
41f;b6,--n totally ifistranchisitig seven thousand
Warren hvartirsti nordista freemen. Northern de
inocrsey is tnedictif toe stern :need to submit br
sodlinjamiarana itopositiew.
Every thing had been considered' which poise
or osinanon ixontist ask at their hands. Thep I
hoped by a it abd coneihatory amass to procure
*bill 'whir& toigio at least awry the semblanet of
at stirriteys.
) 'mob; 2
Lehigh and Carbon, 2
Monroe and Pits I
mer, Vamp' and
• Warren. I
pray ford: 2 I
Montgomery,- i . 3
Nortbainpten", I
Nottnumbet land, I'
Perry, I
Philadelphia City, .4
" Comity II
Sc hey& U.,
Saaquehanna,:angioan, -
and Wyoming; 2
Wearmere'd &plane, 4
Union and impales, 1$
York, 3
, liglidgp*Adiiiibrittleilferettiebild'lethe -
tenitotial inenstienOit ;by .which tokatie and Coa
lumtda.lasil surples of Offifrrtendl*ftird;.* - , ,
goiltimin'entriVitifiltielloef a .440:8a at-S Oll4 ,
Sit all' elstufk noCettlify th e rapthitt Ofeatisdb
'g not:;
Is mii6r. role .
ills ttiille Dort wiiithei lilatte willrfisr
&bill plieedint - obi. Maxi_ was, Mae in that
BenatellAbtiiiiiteredeinftwitither. bill, bat it iii.
Iraftai..,,thrtrX gi
."..,oluicrogry'.l44,.. Every liklaig
rabbit at till 'richt; rafiiiigithatt it. Anoth
ei attempt was weds br' tbe &mite to godriaise
dot Voneeidivince hair. i A bil-ergs read in place
' by . bri. Itajrii. Olfietlothr were glade by lir.,
Iketthe oar the rooted that the Beagle had =copses-,
Led'oPitit tb qiiiiliie, aid ate Of the rules pro
f 'hibile-tltiini4ottideethafef any: bill - or 'medullae
1 ,ref Orb basnette.ltatetrArialtled - -tipercia the Beasts, _
1 -.. : ' ..
' ilmilk,._*o l4l4 -inaiii , ..Ordttr? An appeal
born fardiellialitfitaftjahlaffjoid
~,,_ ,
._ , I, the flaaatiart
; Speaker's dr --`ilititi * tßiitiorseteltriktf(tialt, mid
ke bill of course 1L 41 4...tej - ,E ,
l i , The ApPropriefire hstabsea:_egreed , la bath
biases and is now in the hands of. the:Oortintor;
itAill be signed, and them - is-a. reasaialtier hope,
thiethe money which is appropria*dr ii the Noah
Breech can - be bad as fast as asedit. The annion i
404' j 1 to the -North Smell it,. the same which
plus vet be*, and which' („,billfrivil Tole here
Patlrshati,,,__, . . ,;'-'-'• '- .. . i
Gen:Bielellohlt DeMocratie, Stale Treasurer al
topred:lpoiet filielnige of his official' duties on
Moeda, lette t l: bide fairie asskik_an efficient
and excifilehe •' . r. Coi. Mitotic is bi *bier'
or ehiet clerk, ankr the- C 01... it Write at boils ,
the* / everYthkg limping od oforreedy. • f ender
stand they Bud thelkipartettlet hinted: Condition;
every thing haeboinneglecte* The boots have
not been paged apkiiitleagtime.• Some of them
are even back se far asOirreiliber,. so that they'
afford but a poor guide by Which to shale aceouhts
at present.
Al ae excess for 3 ' 6. Ball, It should be stated
that he employed one cleft...less during the last
year than his bosh ensiornety heretofore. I know
not why he adopted. ibis Coarse, as it is quite evi
dent lions the amount, of labor left undone that
another was needed. ,Peritaprit was on the score
of economy. This certainty would have been
laudable it the expemai - had bosh saved re the
Coniritisnnealth. bet es see-. The approptiatioa
for clerk bite ktf.thet department has heel steadily
' fixed for a number of yeanfit -, 113 3 200, giving the
easbier 11120 k and 'two other clediseucti a thou
sand, the same amount was appropriated last year,
gad her all Urn' drams end naxicfid fir.• Who got
it I can't say. The tamentregett is that Ball and
his citabieriMehelioni- pocketed the most of it—
not even baring the manhood to divide with Mr.
Santittra the only other clerk, a Clever whir frem ,
Balrrown tomtit At all events the &irate ant
so much horrified about it, that they trine instituted
en emptily, and some of the whigt, area prop*
to commence suit against Bill to-redoier,ir back
again: lh a taw days we shall sitewbat we shall
see. lTaccaistn.
*Mir Itleilliatiinsii.
. •
Ribtic Sittirit:—;DitGatading tits eorastosnitY of
fifty or sixty thobiaisil dollen, by nseasts'ol "bra
lien basii—andlbeo_laying oat, atirititOr of it upon
baiklioct and iinprovesentaltsr private- profit, as a
sort of salvo to the eosatostoity los its loss.
- 00fificooto of Chousfor,..--ailiahrifir the..-
chives al die Pennaytvatnit Cegistanutio, Von
which a dielotee has been granted.
That &eremites Apportionment bill AS repotted,
(which Will lye kmind itl ode titter tom *arriaborg'
putted the Moo*, Tdeschry hot, b? a vow of
48 yeas to 47 nays.
The Atm convene] hr trtil'Seitate reioletion to
adjbdtn on Wednesday. Sb that OA interesting
session ha aflist been brought to a dbett
An ph) (gni fa the - AA Nshsyroanicne
dating the *Wanes
or PEP* The duties are en-'
'hely atassihal, thb nit** 'ably being wanted, the
*ea being aseteljt * 4 16;010 appitaranees."-;-
Application may Witte% at thirottlatt, of watt
I/ Regale Contributor."
Ala latin quotation la the Moms ad 'ih ttie
- coal of artair:cif ten*tear Coatithatof." Ti
lidocatiattilitisty ih with a life of timidi
ty, miltrand fahhlmailm, wd ptapose at some
&tare day td takte - the of air ittiele,
hitioirwifh aisk
Da. I.o.Malather beenare ameocistdd with H.
lards doe Dim/ abd Chatidoid business, at the old
wand of the latter, • where they VII prepared to min.'
kite? to the allude end eacresities - of the public, cut'
favorable tonna.
lihrseen tie Ma. Wasior.-;. - 63lie Rine read with.
norther gratification the able igreeetct the distin
guished Prosylranian, upon The Shevery Question,
delivered in the Rouse of. Repasentatives on the
3d inst. Mr. Wilmot speaks bold! toSouth
and tells %enrol' their attempted and
the purpose, their threat. of it' anon, in Nu
gins maN severe, but neverthe jest ; and al
so ramiailier a scathing rebuke to Northern men
who have been seduced by the • th to bend tbe
hese te the stave power-The speech . kr one of
the:rely ablest of the session, sad worthy. of the
Maii who offered the Jeflersonian ordinance—The
eirriptibn of which at the time be introduced it,
iroufinnive preserved the renitories to freedom,
and prevented- the extraordinary- demands which
the South Si. now makings* therpriee ofthe Union:
We forbear further eentment, as oar readers
have the gratification'efperesing it for the
in next week's Advocate..-0-
special correspondent
likleviiphirkir the' Illl3lltie, that the
slpbip COMMittell ha by a party seta decided
*gaunt the correctness of the payment o€ interest
cn thirGelphin claim, and that the Wbig members
will present aleltuctrity Report, efftnning tiro ros6
tea of said payment.- .The Tribune soya it 14 Shall
make atinosinah immersible jodgmept until- bully
pawned of the facts, bat if they do not materially
liffertnnti the cornmt accounts of them we shell
have to be set down On the LocofFoco aide of the
qsestic . an" •
Ft - -
_Aiwa Dlt Kanuco, Roseau' a minister, about
whose exile to lama so many affecting paragraph*
bawl appeareiLm the American press, rammed lo
this country in the cambric, and has resumed his
diplornatio fonetiwil at Washington.-
At. menu* Lon of Mho tgeteety , county,
Md., Mm. Case, allay or, two - since` became the
mother et doer chiWtrn , angdodunately died in
O rbit birth to the fees*. babes are all alive
• :nit
?IN AP* 'troth Coialw Wanoluint,r, P r ater•h rea , slat* from New Orleans, idebbi en Ow
Mayowil rods left New Othisnikliilly
den With powwows, avowedly wing to eslifettlis;
within tes days ponvlons a dammed men hid errs:
Makid front that city, itiving tbai elms destlea t i.
that " none "of these persons belonged to p e w
Gleans,.but«dtcarne from the Interior, eN h ow
neighboring Swot&m.Oy althorn from itlabsth a r
that on dm 4th Of.Mey anotbet uligo would
200 plitisengerl dun Geirmillopex and Gonati os
were in New Weans on the Ist of May ,
;m oron
that General Quitman was thins a few d arrtli.
one and that itPwas itmeened and genentityereak.
ad,n that he « originally Intended " tesigq
oak* of Governor of Missiesippi ant take t h ei
command of the expedition s but him his ftk o th,
had,thaseaded hint Wmlt._ = •
The nimsber of men emoted. in this expeditim
is, said to be larger then that of those engaged to
the previous attempt: Ulnas been stated as high u •
high is 14,e0e or th-,000, but this was endend y
anjellegmbeioosSnilift., however, wuo have poi";
pear:akin of• forming an opinion, state la fatten
4000 or 5000 are eodouteediy engaged'. il l y
appear to have plenty of money, that it is nate
that Melilla- wart , for no stipulated tiftt ‘ hit
mainly'as menac e of rieL rewards hum Kand e ,.
and conflitatities,, if the_ expedition proves et.
I awful.
Ma: Gutlboes ildentsv.--The Brett
cooties that Mr. - Midden is about to Dirk,.
city the eeleheated mummy in his ixemsioa
plates, ts muniniteisti *aide atal,sbo, as
sded A) deltebral Sreaela, to temonetstt
the'mammy, salt* tititerapping destroys
eipal value. Thb ufdifithy. is the dr
high priest of Thebes, mr
thousand rears ago, or about the i;
Mr. Glidden 'sperm to tittif in tb
funeral ring, and the papyri eontal
gl3rphicarbook of the dead. The
urtutragied MA* Viennee of
ed ttaemtb of Boston!'
AC • 1.7
„111111111IT1117L 0118 e. -.e occurred .
Awe. lately, by the breaking down of
lliottAtridge over the Loire, by which
handled of the 11th Itegitrient et Light
ware' drowned.
ROBlltalr.—Aire learn by the .ootiong
that a dating robbery was committed ht . l
mg establishment of E. Covert, Erg, 11 /
sport on Sunday night . fast. No am*
delpdid supplied, gives
pleni fu soppy. This IS O.
will make the intiveaters smack their lips
Ti4E STEC/AL COMMITTEE appointed by
to meestigate the charge against , Gideon
hoeltaio Ttestearer,.have reported at leugth•
typal exoneralee that gentleman from sof
bitity in gig diseberte of bis duties.
Tbs* are essersd, in the , drooped tenni, by th eir
leaders, that the !shred its ate* unprepared be
TonimanciA r ihst the "fog are defenceless, die troi
disaffected, tams as well as men, and that dal
groat mans of the inhabitants-will rise and join tin
intruded; isobar, ear landing shall havo boo n n i.
ThellouthethAldastot Cain is 'some 100 mil es
in Miser, and: it. week'. .
well as every-aerfee and vigilant knee, to Ino reni
sensels, coninrasuled b Yankee offreei
evading their watch, "id etheeting a landing? in
a sea-fight, the ihnnush fore*, would, pinii n bi l ,
prove easilji iietiorions; trot, if, **body of 4000 0 ,
OW men,' will armed, hnuld Itep L'aij
would not get rid of them Withdnit a gooa deal of
"rue tube incaution is foremen' in the all-poor.
eafol influents
-of the cholera lopky. Th e k .
Imps that were in the , city have beer,' removed s i x ,
you IeIC The cholera, together with yellow kl et
and the otherdialeaeis common to this wormy
this ameba' of the ?tar render Havana not atvatj
tj ersirable Mind' enee fo r simhgers. 1 think, from
what i team, we halie . abotat from ten to sftees
eases of cholera daily, and moat of the cues port
feud from want of early mention?,
Tellegraphk, &Ms Bari.
Buintio, lay 17 a 'team trb m Ochip t y
that the Democrats haie elected one inernbeif
Genesee, one in Lapeer, three in gt. Clair, one
Saginai.v, one in Van Borenianil one in 'ho e ,
making in ell,lo—thrlegates: Tae .Whiga y rn
chosen two in phrtesed; anil one in taper; to
Attruir, May- 11.—The exprisea. train, s6c4
left here last evening, ran off the track . at Pasixt
neat ll,chester, and several pregnurt
.jured. The cars were badly arnatilto.
• B.lllllllolllt, Mky Rey. nom. Seto
ell, whonythereperto mithoritiet refused to n.
ceiye dem:leaf .4 1 1:1 0 4 1 0 Cuba, has tire:
to Baltimore. MI Web' MI. Been entirely yo-
Coma-emir, May 6. , .-40due Richardson, Prea
dent of the Coon of Appeali of South • Cato*
died m this city, to-day.
Nrtv May 6.—Several America, ea
eels are about leaving Ilan , . port in ballast for Lae.
Mil, in" consequence of the low condit
Nbaeout May I'l stemnerZan ran an
neat this pines, ',oo, Weareadary Jai!, and wai total?'
pm. Thhtteessil*Lbaked to Baltimore.
. 1311 ca; w V.,y 13—On gnmlay night ,
12 o'clock, a Ere br oke ' out in the combination
blot, which, tog her 'with six other buildings, v
entirely consumed: Tr) e lcmber l ard of MI
Cozzonk also cioght Bic, MO dontiderable Iv
was, $.6000:
itecTsL4klastat-'—Wei learn from the
bia .11 . 1, that a wile and abominable ontra , ,, , e
corn rn rued i a tbsl Surotighi!on Monday night
IP *omit) df &thrift appearance, but panially
•noteetkirbWhetrbeert decoyed from Piuladel
,to Columbilik;!Oii One of the freig'nt trainsofthel
:was dintoithe'engihe depot, by five
brufea n in d unan form,. who, after violating het
.som stripped her naked, ylastered her holy
ler, draggedlreito an old boat and there left
wgereahli remitted some thing Loons i, a
flew stow of nudity and without a mole et .
Menefee* the perpetrators of the' hats'
outrage are, Gbrmley, Dotz, Pettit, William,
stet, oncratiother, known by the !utile alibi
it/V.Datehman," **belonging loth* model
Philadelphia. We 'are4httrto . learn that fro
the scoundrels have eine* been arrested, sal
;no* „tit prison }waiting their trial
,I*ln* Quetta, that Mz. Jesse Hands
A township,. while • engaged in `oiling tl
7 albs saw-nrilt in which he was at
aceidentlgangin in the eolotheei, ant
leg Ann elr tom of just dote thel '
catnalning portitta ePhla leg ib mach on
. booe prettedincaeveral inches below.'
Cothem—The Democrats
toasty have elected Amours Deem
nee Delsser r iptd recommended Rol
Top as Beessorial Delegate to the
F °13 1 ... 41136°11 , ‘ : Vire from the John
•••••• t he o ea u r
, eneelieere elected u the
You. . Host.EY, for Canal Cot
Tax I'Venfra Chronicle announces that Dr
has volunteered' to Lady Planklio to acoa T
expedition to the North POW, or to go by a
the Esquimau*, amongst whom borne d i
trnen are missionaries, in aeamb of