Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 18, 1850, Image 1

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n init,343
T OIrA 141).4. ;,„
oaturbaD fpornink, gamilyr
- I-+
A wning comes, the seepeo : *,
l e a ded , will be the dreetat of ,
Th e gong will be hushed; and rcirsadiad ;
Is there naught to be learnedl4 A il
Let os go to the shore seberelhe kea-shai
And the sand with weedi andArreelitisliittstrti-0-
Where o'er the rocks th , e ix ccZzr h a iz;rirA :
And make ?twirl:Ale •
Those Senotnt dings weri 7 enitraiivai -
From the. false breast of the raginz
And there they are sadly left to decay s
there not a lesson in 'these •
Le us go the avail wbere the hlwthorn blows,
When its leaves in the i anft sprievitne are green,
rhea its mantle arontt4at the woodbine throws,
And Its pearly flow nets peePbetWeen.
oy. we shall find . a ntoraffin them. •
Thus with the leaves deceitfaley twined,
• D, r ); l ng awhile the thorny stern s
Vt dropping off with the first rude, wind.,
leas E 0 to the fields, sebett the stornils o'er
tithe rain-dnitts sparkle likerstars at eve.— -
itlan the thut'tderpea to heliettnwmoret, '
And the ocean's hos** has ceased to heave.
Des we Asti see the raibbow bright. •
Troll the gloomy clouds and - thwsnoshine tercet,
teanz on aH tins its colored light;
SQ.Tvatng. surely, by this is tatigtsq
le:1s go Ihe craves where our loved ones are,
And let ui ehoAse the midnight tie*,
Sin the heavens are glorious with nrany a star.
And itle'aee and grandeur rise thoughts sublime,
mi n w e lama from the moldering dust` •
to :he c , pe thg h e au t i ouw sky t, • •
sin!: our rents ascend, in their trust.
1. :Le 11,1 y Spirit that dwelleth on high.
I German Stadt or Town.
F?wthinzs will meet the eye of an American
Ivio;er, in the course of his rambling over Europe
novel and corim, than the appearance of a
,e-man town. He may have visited other objects,
Ne of usual arraction , cathe.lralt , , that have an
L'erest from their:aiitiquity and rneehanical splen
r mins that have leury iced in glory, genera-
met genera.oh of their original occo
7r's and combirtatioxii of natnral scenery whic
:ate praise and ittlmiration of men. Bat
le.erve one field of study, which
szn:•ty lus mnst ardent taste for the strange de
,,f raaal:,:nl In view iriz most sights, what.
• te their characttrr, one can always trace as,*
..Lualllpcm, to things of a lice diameter
winch he has ever been familiar. But this
lark will hold no longer true, when an Arnett
. for the first tine, enters within the walls of •
min 10w11.
H us !oppose ourselves trapeported, under the
of nigi,t to lod?„ings in a central spot; an in•
I n account might be given of nocturnal trials,
e beds of which Mr. Coleridge has recorded
ailicTrence by a significant .ccratparison, be
ratite( carry his blanket about 'him like a
ttt•iian, than submit to this abominable, cue
" -1 the cry of the Watchman, as p j pirtses
rspex:l:l4 his monotorrousdoggerol;-preced
.i, si:ria whistle, and of the banunlittearpet
-,,,a‘`.4,ut our imuressions shall:tie Thhae of the
We nr'p forth in the morUing, a little
titer the reception of the night, -to see
; yet however,. not so omit! predis
' rat the reality will fail to ticeelititicipa
nne in the street, them breaks.j2pOrt our
novelties of deseription ; but among them
:AI Which vitally concerns as,- as we look
us4is,-a here shall we 'walk There is no
th oitthe sides or in the middle: ,A sudden
it sriggeSts fo us a method, that has Peen the
of many minds, - in quandaries more trying
this, to do as , others did. In drib ease it was
in close fellowship with horses and cattle,
~,i rnes before a wagon, at the inetitablO, loss
self composure, sometimes .at .-the: aide,
sd Within the projecting angle of a house,
oltcn as peasible, immediately in"llier rear,
.14 this the best.sategoard from ihtairion be
' behind. At.finkt,_ one naturally supposes,.
is butts: lane or court, and that he will
digest so submit to such inconvenientes.-=
soon discovered that this is a specimen of
street. This is a street, and it is otte of
it fashionable and populous thorougharespf
is no exaggerated - ocount of The affelai in
town., Thai, are 'v
. ky narroar o *ln - ack u.
twenty-firrifirlin .eacept : surit va.
ate caused t tilho , kingultuitiett ofrheus
,ceedingly winding, -afAqt . vedl'taitiflgiiiii,
bone to house, with. vtlilstr„ . (. at
E;ratlaally from the sides to the m
.". here
' a channel for the flow of water sad
~., id
Very little effort-is expended top
, 1 7 ,,,
:1,...,5, and yet one great evil peflestrfantila.,
7. '!r. Ig, the swinging of brooms in, the
,f sweepers, as little mindful of their work
'• are of the personal welfare of unfortunate
El 1.1 a word, One must put 'in liractice a
-emfx.:alio feeling nt independence. i
"'luse , are'constrixted fur the most part with
4 i:.ertts, so that the occupants of upper
5 ',I opporite sides, are brought into a closer
' '6 , 5c511 than those of the first. This arrange
-24 le it affords a greater convenience to those
!vises a sad detriment to those without the
'.:e sun's bright and genial ray And un
-.! a state of things, intolerableors must
a::,! an atnaospher9 bet inhaled, n oxious to
". ,- It system. -
pass Meng sn ontrambles, we reach what
'us Market Place, wilicTilira huge. open
comprising usually an arei.of sossnal stain.
m exhibited for . mile_ every variety-14 snar
e, th e necessary, the usefel, - teil - the : 41#:
adapted' TOT every class Of iforehaiiiiiind
' ID' MI 6 1- 041 p, k,
.411101,:witti theirtivitand ifeaug
, 2 . 1
_ • , ' • • ••• •
b: ,
Oareariasitkla*else tarmired,•4lul.lsra
swag onwal thaillimeir lifieatift "'fiat- .
vi z
Irma thiscentritdrak:;!pagoorowe ' 'l',Ala
square, we may - vehicles (agene . . 4. ' lila
ba rieedriseia4Pitidlicr - desidires : itiis o ff' all
sisals, ' sibaireitandifilsoighte.- Th' * ,.. c , ikewiaer,
Kr e weisaradsts-inAllitmive
drawn by doilkies, three' abreait; others try . this
same number of horses, giatyarly arranged. To
one will be attacked a donkey and .a am a con
nection seemingly most mortifying to the noble en.
iaral ; to another, oxen; to a third,tovrs; and very
many, dogs alone; this latter method is indeed no
boys' play, but the 4smpkiyment ohnen in the hon
est pursuit of their callin* t The stranger is amus
ed, but at the same time 'seriously employed—great
circumspection and u'good degree of agility being
requisite to avoid- collision; .
The tall man needi .tcr watch the dangers to
which upper and lowetextremities ans-esposed ;
the short man, ahhougtthaving - no upper extremi
ty, yet finds the same argent necessity, to guard
where it ought to be; and. amid the cracking of
whips and braying of asses, thejrarting of dogs
and the unintelligible imprecations of drivers, he
is bewildered, almost overcome, but at last escapes
into some corner, when taking ourohis notebook,
he records a distressing andt hairbreadth adven
But not all ilfGerrnan towns is thus n subject of
mirth. Scattered along•the way ,i . wMt towers of
iniCense height, wand cathedrals and churches,
that sober our spirits, and calf upon us, by their
gied and venerable ' appearance, to pause and•ad
inire. There, they stand as they have stood from age ; through four, five and Nix centuriesi.—
Time has dealt gently with their reverend forms,
and though go! now bear thtmarks of antiquity,
and seem atrilif - an the decline of existence; yet
M oir
still the majesty aloe ranaeur of former days
are retained. 'The . Thisbeen of varied
t i t le
hue, honored and dishon •at one period,
"ark of the co'vettienr," a 1 0111isteeedir"
the rendezvous of brutal so lot ,
fered,:and their gents of art and \
and destroyed. , Let one enter • ItnitlAi
enclosure, and if he' have the setiV"
It nply be an betiervice,
the organ's deep aniklpsehing:irt
swelling notes aloagltey vateieskt.
left to the power!""iliatieliOhAte,
proportion, thevidef einievitiinth
call for loudestt4l - - : s"
The german hol ds , iXgrAt Ogre aref;.7
worn edifices. Andtwhyehritit, ' „Wi th *
these sam e ' ltaUs, glieeration back of ,geoeselion
of his ancestry heti apembled. ,T)ltestessislasnots
trodden by biro havle4htecti worn ,by the fooatele
of his fathers. A nd-as . he bows before the conies.
siontil, he remembentilartitlas received confes
sions of sorrow and of wrong from those.tvetstrse
blood now courses his veins.. But these buildings
are, Moreover, closely associated history
of Fatherland, and fur . that rokson alone become
objects of endearment. ,most anyteldiug.oppo
'salon is maintained in instil to any change
the - e sacred monuments of past ages. It. may be
.a superstitions feeling, butzttiorkrved for our
eyes to.behold, the works Of remote periods, which
otherwise would have been swept,away„ An in.
cident in the history or-the catharltalAt c ,colcipok .
exemplifies thip i etrotykpavitilWfor thiniptga th ey
exist. That catheilrel.was_begutt i0.,42-18 t but , has
remained a.ltaghseaa mitt 9ra,theipgralol
one of its unfinished towels; stands a stage ,etta !
ployed by the masons for the raising of stones,—
Some years ago* was ts.lren down,'but
ing storm occulting. soon . after, was speriberltif its
removal r and the.corre was replaced;
stand until in some &truckage, it gives the
advancement of the work.
The walls_which-surround Geraute•lovirns, give
to them a.priru~saL . would be mere
truthful nv say that theoriginal kaptlityol.the
embraced within its enclosure;i'very fames be
longing to tips town, but on acepunt of modern
growth, these walls to berrseen:ferwilhie
the limits designated Jo be protectidit-blenr•ef
them have great -antiquity, anil in' *Mil' %e•-eta
Rinhan brie!: is insilti recognised, ''144410 4 454
regular iittirrialtiere lisavenninal botises,
vemains t f-Atgreater-distancet, fertificilions,
imoieervuld , awns• modern.' They rnk*
striidcßijr,' in giving strength as
metssiiepeie, iiil.lltetr construCtiuel. One would
suppose that they could resist a sage of any duns :
:on, andWrithom'the }asset a man. Ten it his tint
•e ilia; In spite, or rather.
ei v m.pcisse
plea' elirstreiloh L they have 'reced the
attacks of Wallerretpin an F fio Tilly,end
in rn ore recent times, ci. soldierimat • r*` •
To their efforts - they have yreldeit'-'l.7B.: , ily:PritP
rected• with each , -ii a !diktat*, romance, Pre
knight, 'lmprieoupd far yeare„, alal z ,ftnally ipapiug
from the hattlententtr; or qt a heroine, who tare
displayed the bigheat military prowess: '
Seel, are some tp - eli:w pecaliariCier_which
meet the eye of a traveller in,ap old Gorman lowa.
There are many others. Indeed, every'aung is
crew, and new only, because so qltlpul-atnfaugiar.
If one deaires to lose tits iderusty,witti the: age ice '.
which he litres, let biat cesoit uzaarla a plactraet
has been described, and be' will lerivewith - the'
strongest conviction, that the ohl world lb arida'
be is, cannot be the old wield of ihe , itinetestilb
century even, but must be that of . medievalrdrues.4
•A. Winne that -- does not IctieaVailtr:ol41 tiap
:lady a son flower—Jeserves not to be lorid. •
!.1,•• •
• c;...
• / 3"
ir tltir)4lll - g . itdiiiie
141.1ne, with . a: 4,.____
A filf4o ' it with' 1 . 10 liiriiiyWd ~
, _ told 'me, alill '‘.llliie inittsiiilik ' "••
Taiiiltrima sketch' • : ''• .'• - tii:` 'Ale.:
"4 4 ‘. , :aG o r-ii,... , ,Aiiii al s-ioirc i4io - ri, nail - '''' •••
i• t hi l , f 1 0 :. ,r 4 .701,
0 n2iii nibei r,. 1.5„.. ..., .... 4,
"th; b okiettgigattiiiien ' dei9" '' l tfcmitar!iie,
'igiffitZ,M t iieW •
, - iiiitirgiiii.
--tirtotiii,;.inict.,4. hen z a. , v , , itia Aid .
to' ' n iliekWaie iill rte''''grnlfnaOsia j it.
?. 'f - iiuWhonoW•liiiilt ease can never now e.
WOO — tit; an'a u •pe" . 4021" Pe - es'
.. w
earlier nether!' fe,d:" Come with mi,; ,, be . con:
~ . •
tinned, " and /441 show Yon the eaaCt i !Tot on
which the &it Nit ices erected "in thin 'town was
lo!lowed silently, until the old man reached the
bottom Of the west side of Paristitl.
14 There," eaiti be, gg on ibis , ePol iias erected the
hot. I shall never flat the fi st time t visited
and stet" f %vast° d."
" What was it r 1 ached.
" I will tell you. *hen. the Brit settler moved
here, his nearest neighbor lived twenty - Mites dis•
iant, in the present town of Rumford, and the ouly
road bet Ween the two neighbiari . wris a path he
bad cut through the whiads himself i le, that inifyie
of want or sickness , he rtitht get a ssistance.. %-
spring, I think it was the third season
settled here, he was obliged to go toluit J hey.
provision. Ile arose early one roarni,", an T
ed for his nearest neighbor,. People of the , *
day'tvoutl think it hard to make jtsf_
twenty miles for a bag of potatoes, and naiiiio6l,
but such was the errand of the finstaettler. Re &T.
rived before noon, was successful in getting his po
tatoes, got some refreshments and started for bomb.
But it was itot very easy to travel with
. a lead of,
potatoes,. atul finally, at siniaawit he threw elf his
lo3d, and resolved to make . a shelter, and Spend
the night. I have been with him to the exact' lo
cality of it; it Was situated just the other side of Nl'
stream on- which ate mills, in ,the village«how
known Jus.P4thook in ‘Voodstnek. He balite shel
ter, struck-a fire, adihtook out of his pack, a piece
ofmeat to roast. Alt,:youniman," continued the
narrator, ~' ,you little know wilt %that-relish a man
— alt . ! was saying his
'bee ,he was staz!i..
•w at mice it could
mt. I •vrill no;
. the Jangnage *
sold , tipster,-
' my oww.eafini:
Feist tett -ni:iteito
_ wasp). /nglezigit'it,4om
ing near dm:viral to me. ..I fi rst thought of etilfile
titikt I had nothing todefmtt myself *kit.—
In a moment I, concluded - to start for bornel; tu -I
knew the nature' of the C'ttiamolint tcto
shouldetpadobc leastphana ° escale.,
inainetlin tilt" camp. knew ,, Om, that he "auk)
ransack my tntinpolnd I hopedThatthewleat - whiit
I left behind might istitt4his appetite, so that 'rtc
icould not folio - a• me alme.enting`it. —
I had not proceedexl more than half a !What*
fore I knewby the sheieks of the animal - that , b4
Ursa in sight of the eampl I ,losbled my siireati ;
Content that the bint.i'shonfOtavii ',tipper-hal
though I ilea:it:4lnd I heap run-iii
had my rifle with -me.' Bat th eballbe noeiizar
ardiee in my running from an itttiriittetPeattunlat,
doubly foriotts, probably, by being htingry u zn . 1
with notbing ' tliat coaki-blicalled a we s 'alknosa l re g
pocket knife.
. 6 451 tad: pioceeded-prObibly, about two-thirds of
the diiiiiticilehome, and, bearing nothing inoifi of
my fearful enemy, I began to slacken Any,-pace,
and thought I had nothing to fear. I had, While,
hind.two pounds of meat, beet assail:writ, - which I
hoped bad satisfied the furious-monster. Jost *ad
bad corns to•ths conch-aim, that I would nut-no
more, and was looking-back, astonished anion a
the distance I had: . towelled. in,. so shaft - space
nye, 1 wamlectrifted v/iikhcror_to bear flip aai
mal sh4lL:hpui' .
• r,j. 4 •••
." I thert.kapir iny f irpiebliFiWclagYs Actaii
the iWaal fiad wilatiPfliTea*WAt *it CRPPrlal
ate what he could nod; and*ea d.., filed my
track and followed after gip., it ersta.,aboat
miles to my log cabin, and it had already become
dark' kgau.bledfelkit Mg*
die. Atutbuck44eo4t ixise,mcopoon og:11441
feetipAcitn,sektopy miad.lo#Atimiffiiii , 6;914:4
1 5 11 W1WkiWiTalwaa PPWPA lgagWANTA'aal
iia*Vtar.da ibMb taJwAwsiliii*PM sodailawa.
ft.isrtn "iii"b.Y4 a wila talagivir t Utteol4o. l. 4ti
t i c almly, afibautawildaY-Ocks , utitit , theilde!trt
ran aay
... ,
tented state than ght,44l4,3e,aeohyttatamOi 1 1 0+4
for thonhi I die r ailmit,Arkt - heeereatek*Vl: l ., : " - ;k
ce In a moment the Qiirgeeree.4o icir Pi Cl* 7
Alod to:my brain, T41%:ibb:551:..,
,EU TemNIF .. lerleati-Aletegiotenk
ekla iou—ot r oortositais.-
.. t;f
i mulip—.4kripkii •
o m a, . 71 0 ;* _,
ikadeath7 he cami, %It% --_,,
~..,-;rli #M
.00. ',.--;:tePA.:44.V.
:la ::-. • ,t' • '
7 - --- -ift: - ‘.;::: :- ."-_:':,'.
‘:,•:, , ,-:;4, , L - t-2?-..ts -- -
in which was not more than
cant. •
' buts ahixi iliatrree,; be
of the caturroakfilhjimi
sit a niosient
aailaMiyur I st
?veil jrt
wtoment I -saw
‘I• • tier ap- '
that moment c . i . xnea bsck
mt was no; so tar from
I droitmd ,tny. hat,
ii only thing Y id leaver
46e ,beast. The nes.t.nioineni t
my 'own
Here the old seiner paused and wiped
drops from - his br
IHow long I
swims I was rest
on)any rode conch,
h- d with cold
In arixiolailM
• • ai I fe
ned-it, Mt
', rah and 'irti s at
f i lm,
f n and 114 d , u
made upon
w barred, in,
+ As anon as ,
er4te most fern
esi passed my
Abiud myself dr
sirears old, told
cdlooking in at
moons bad
t th at , but our
n4arge enongl
When I loot , . ..-
infl was home I
air which . ~..„_.. msdni ,i 1
nged-so ihesmAthiiiike/ymahrtii
il tilt/Mk:lv 1 hskti : . .iirtiOgielleill..
sin I sha' 11;never: rs.covetlioni ths:iill:eil ,
fri I.'fiftlerieneed - on being cailissiir 4: • 1
H ."
.. . • -
. O. • .
I snartvenTa a SOUL.
' c g 7 ltidfi Ca ll . l7lo l ll,: k
0 n e e t
a w ve as a
in on g
a bis few w y st ea y lt rs om o e
a sottrweily, and as he iras about to turn the
_ , _
1 t corn before ba.entered list hr -
1 * hand k i l .. stranger was ..
a l ' low ice whispered,
i4Ylnc ay, kiaghew l'
7, , e, , ulna tented ty
.41pflea. erly, old Mattis
Tula slat e etreete were
iw asj tat wiutatiou 01
IS cc 3e4liAbs t bad ni
6 E a a 1,4' aces betty,
• 1 • ted the first dal. Ifs; replied
Li!' , Y es
t.ll ,PAas ouisi Ftray bonus foi thatsnisb4,.,
.1J*140w,..14 you f cabimil timbre rr . ;,,, ~,,..,_
'A r eal was Nheutaawer. .... N.- .'r
( 12 4 re you not overstocked with ernploymelr'
j— a
8 / no,' stM - Sauhew x hesitatingly..
ss ace a jot) fooyou, if you 14.6,10 • I ` .
en 'I"
. -sa
°might)) ,
ow V' . ' ~,.
leis yerymi4 4 l. ~ -
I Where r, , . .)".:, , ~ , A
/ That is of tr 9 L orAiuencit z ,
4 ,Wripany ale
the end of ;he streek.straerts a - ~ 4, ! e awaits
a l e„
want it. &dna iltolte . tak ttlAiel Will O p
ornialte sereicel nnittite, alai" , iliOligitt shall
lewsir , you may reran! 00i - fi eilTidollars ' flaw.
.. 1
Vm you now sue.",
4‘ Oa ihe:sirrvice whatii it r. -r.
.. . errf. ---
.• ' ititt ,iike fOrre the
"lisiiit'side orfil .. :T i ne's - B*oe 'w
tifijair, hosiiSei., . &14tthiee sthkil
its the *ire • '
~,,- " 7 . IthCLIICC"
1 4111, #411,1b.# '•,-i. ''. '•r • .1 7
' - 4 1110 .
lour han l d s siefidierlibieles*ossiwill.:
f . on
anra of hundred dollars. Before
-..- .
•o? poor be
aitd Stat.
ind • the num * . who
*44 to *hit lirtaeli
•.•••44 •• a i ^ •
eh o rolled i**
xif an
r :: "FYI iGNi .'r :.
G: - fx :+ a:~c
I ,• • r
, ,
yetik(k;ith yew mat swear. to bea &Mint to
serve the matter as a - secret."
Illfathetis poinsped—for be *rid thatihelenhe.
aitilfeferifteiVied dollars for atingle trig
iredt7lrad aniiioibimando w panties( Wm-- Whin*/
be avail gimpy: L (7es - pe. 'Bat it a:is too-late 44
traat*iiiistp(LMjaa sectary ; and - i mar
irlightielbilitruck, and the Mechi
far arSorlifiltieracter
,rtektirlltinil ity sr'
•'• ' /finaa held a pit&
'iat4 of the aparttni
.7 rubhiPh hunt
' °r.'t•s
0. sec, aharr ! ..
are prepared igiFiriretigi.*4.
business . . Here are
sion. hr the ba,st'Y'
' . a A vcbal.r4l
li e hais44"
, - • t., -,- J a i
_,- - -
-where aid the ea;;Pase , ba,g, though' weal
ed f his klieheadi• .kneeis.:tolg r d; and „Ids
tweedy , &will nigh deserted '
" name! What--;whe#e—who speaker-
Me,ldatthew, me :Iterain the bag—histr' - -
tterWer, aitd finally
imertediSsm, te
e The villains,
a murder, he
Butte had little
glit. in •
:- .43tape- The:
7 "k-threw tat
-there, doter
oeinerally; =I he dill% smili.anythinia!
-I , Ttiefbejiovsr nie 'dead; Matthew rfor *heti
liar retume4, tliify entropies fit Ottioe';•tiortheittil
$ erwiz• in 4t‘ ffrw,.yea see,' **O' rirlifeh I
breathed, led•trs, lite% were ififfiiiedlir -.66;:'
easion, aktitejrAriecT 1... w h ilk - i iit ik e t 4 l i t ii, t a i
',wish to edieritit their tra4,tirt lott -7 4
01;LeitOWell AM nein" -, . , ;;.:- '-,
-• . 'tit Yrotic-;-keep Sao-ker . ands lifemti t eringi.
inalie the•bov4St plenty of ab boles kt -, ;'---r01t,,.
shill nek it op, (norover direfully, you - know)) ante
4‘' V* 'ft inttiihe r iver , le r they: de'
11 yee - L ' , lbm w . ',-,-.• - h
I-' . It sea ' • , eight. 'Meta dror .. e 7.
. ..
t ir
~ t eli Wh ' - ri,..,61 fil!letw . . ‘• lit„
kitaviltiribeita'..„ , Itr,•ng tg ,
_, e s_ r i:
denoii 'ate tV.I: a r" . ", r ' . :...., _ Fr:
t• -Yea; iiihOtaleryol 1--
-u'Oh'f l y -"' C "' •
L the ...- I n
The*et .-;-- en." ,-- '_r I -
11 1 46-A&Att , th' - '• ',
vivyin on tlttilril'ht,' t, resst .gr 4 :7 4
'lWl;3tAcnielo you
l i)&tdcrilk,'
*l At seitelovesitlAtAtivrely;
1 ' A
- • -
••• .
1.! It.
•x f j,7
My hands are
o roa,ke the box,
to • lose, quick !"
J ibe chisel td the
of seeing a live
,an enemy. They
believe they hare
'loam ago. They
into thesiver.".e.
6 ~_._,.,.
A.-,:p-2-1, .--.
.._ ......., :
i......- - -
I. A . -
, II '.4'
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gron a
Oa, 1
- ' ....•
Salk An b si - rev :sseettain. '-' •
ifiellitai - ' i' tfirii-IniodAloSita Qihet'job-l-iot ' - i
.„,. : AnnejLout of a yeastattosq,' •• 't mar al let: 2
44 r*/* ll :lON'=i to-4" .. A Ifilj° o o,• V not know ...q • . 3*Ell
.xsitletalls i ltd;heltnit , •-•-••• • • iir - Almi'its'y'.or ,
Aardialls , iliditlitudes4. ,'"••' 4' . ' i i'Aiivitill'iW .
--s oll 4f Ail, ~"'"" - :-W;•-*'`fiN 4 zr.• - ;;'te'"k - ' 1 ".: .
•ii. , .:- s" „,'.., .y. '. -"•`: . 44 F%- . ! - y..-•'l'''•
-!' 4 ' ' ..ISX T k'''.Lt • - •
•:,.. •"" ' ,*',. -. A . ' •. ' - - LIR. . •
. 4 reti f iii#l42 IVISINS kb d yei#4o; ..*
' ;
"L - ersilligivad - srairrinutirs -- •.•,•,.%.1 •••:
Et•ino.ahe-usepoaNie slam - •.„. • . * 1'',..,'.. } •,•,-... . . ''''`
Th vault of heaven displayed :, ~. .Z' - 4:V. & z . ...- ---
- ,,iiffea itti thing:Nem its' chaiss Ow; - ''''''' .. -"'"-.' • . '
In rsaltos qf endless space. ••••"'-'•
Ali - •t
•••••,•.- •-•
. -
* '- .)C 4 '
. • ii;
• :.
_ - -
E r in though the worla should erase to k
A4d all things else shoittti
Without begipoing, without end,
Timeilhalf all death defy.
Midas the Bat PmtWheat.
A Quaker of racist ex pia." character was diss
k f
tarbed one - night by te es around his dwelling
and he arose from his . and cautiously opened
a back door to reconn itre. ' Close by watts an out
and under it a cellar,- near a window of
which was a man busily engaged in receiving the ,
contents pi his pork barrels from another withiallia
cellar. The old man approached and ,the man ,'••
outside fled. • He stepped tip to the cellar window . .
and received the piece of pork from the thief with- *
• ~ ..t... sate. 4 mire white acted his supposed ac.
• o.'
coinplice in a whisper, "shall we take' it mill.'
The owner of the Meat said softly " Yes, take it
all," arid the thief industriously handed up the bal.
A l ice through the. window and then came ep him
self. Imagine his consternation when instead or
greeting biecompanion in crime, he wkpeonfront
ed by the Quaker. - Both were estunishq for the . •
thief provid to be a near neigh* Of: viliom none, . .
would have suspected such ectddait; he - plied fin ..
: mercy, begged him not to• expose him, . spoke jr
,i„ .. .' -: '
the necesaidet etpoverly, end ‘proillitied faithhaly • . -
ne .M., I °' 10 1. 4aGlin- * -- - , , -.7--tst - .7. - • ~ ;''''''',' ' t -'---- .•---.- ig ,
~W.4.14 1' 444 . 1 • 01 ‘ 141 . 2-* , 3giesteillaiti 1 4..9 ',
' i
A1k19;19 --- V9o44TOilen.lo-Terithe, the..
~4;si*-. 't .. ...0 , 1*.' t z
. . .
. Aoo7iNtd 1 1 a4t lb Y I=4 , . .nnk. ' - ..,.1;
gitrett.PT:.. . .0! - ...- . - ' -t -,•''' ', - •
• Th. a thiP.Pirlts.-ICre . SP4illilerr' t r 4 4 . t: '. iblf!,
• .. -
..,h 1.- -
•s- - , • -- - ' .
-r r -
" ..t--,lvalivo v I the ritS' .*
ih• • . '" f .., „_-,-. , . .A ---:" .
• MCA-- 2 CiOKg lll lO..• - •! ...°
11.. the 7.11010 1 * 1 7 4 3 L• •
obaltrebint. He • 0 4, '
alone. Bathe old •r
-• * isbing the thief -•-"
therein, and In in
' with it. !- t.t
tersrard,/; : ,
tboadX •
kn • • •
„q• .••-•:;- , --...----4.. .
.4%••wast-A• . .
„.-. -- this.
_it ,164 eec
ta_ztuail: 40,i_ 17 4 4 .,.. „,,, ...
. - i s ,ld neren,elo merle • •-t) *
A liOui . - 4;3'04 Joie. ,21.
. the rill *3* of letting
,i :: •f'
AO was ineoi4ble, and, fur. ' ' , l(
- .. ~..
Ith a bag and hall the pork pu; . . N ....
Ag it upon hie boa, sent hint hernia' "'i x : !
Jet his neighbor for many yeataafr • -
~...• ,k;
the matter was kept a seerelmitt4, -,...--.5t.c;
. after dines the circumstance was tlngut., • . - - .72, - :
4.the -new gibe delinqueut %crammer made. - ...
:n. ,The Punishment was severe and effeclu.. ~
,A... It wo probably,his tirst—itAirua certaialy his
.laitattumpt to steal. . . ~ •
. Had ttie man bee'nyhrtaigned befsie. a court pi • - i.-,)
vatic”, and imprisoned for tko pretty theft,: bow .
.:,. . 1
17difievtint might hate been th,s,tesnit. His brolly
iiiisgOcesl,tbetir peace tfistroyeil, the manischasiCi.l ,” - "ow!
'ter rained, - and his spirit broken • down-- -it. -.6 , 1 ..1-,-...' .414 1 1 1 iiii".
- vin i t...- gr. ??1,.y
E 721
• •
• 4
4, i