Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 20, 1850, Image 4

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Atgrtiff - avor.
'f lie Ilettiriiy Farmer.
His tinme's a cot sunbowered in trees.
A garden filed with fruit and tow era.
Where singing birds and humming bees
Make gay the smiting boors.
A range of meadows green and air.
And fields which well repay his care.
With jay he grcets the risinglinn,
. And gladly ha.fiens h. his toil!
In fancy sees t -the haivem won.
As covering with the.wellow Anil
The tiny wheat. which yet will bring
A glorious autumn offering.
The Olen hoirs. how quick they fly!
The happy d LY, how boon 'tis fled!
-Then onward dna' the fanner hies
And gilds a tah:e neatly *read
With many a which the field
And garden OA act richly yield.
The evening too is fraught with`loy,
For lov'd ones cluster round him there;
He tastes a b!iss without alloy.
Which e'en a king might sigh to share,
Thenseekt his couch arid finds repose,
•Whteh only he who toilette knows.
Cultivating the Potato.
The following aricle torn that noted potato grow
er of Buffalo, N. S. Smith, esq., is worthy of the
:attentiou of e e y f,nter who desires to produce
:the best ;pit:does and i reserve_ them from the rot.
Mr. Smith ea)a:— -
My owu experiments of eight years. with the pp
, tato, have {Try totch ineornaged me to cuottone
the alteri i a.e culture of seed an is seedlings : with
Careful f‘elertiowt.
The prove-is do materially imptor•e the potato
io new and election c 3) Laws —iu health and produc
tiveness. At the same time, much depends Ins
success upon a proper situdtion and preparation of
snil,•manner of co . tivaticm, time of planting„ lilting
and gond storage.
Good upland soil,. deep, thorough plowing, early
planting—with well culivated approved seeding"
-varieties, in ithallow drills, early weeding, light
balling., early lilting, and dry airy storage, does
more for the redemption of the potato horn disea
sea, than all the nobiiums the world eau devise. I
Potato seed, thmgli it prothieesgeneially several
differeid varieties in its seedlings, will not be like
ly to produce varieties or qualities, with which it
has no connection. It new and choice varieties be
expected front sewing the seed ; care - should be ta
ken to obtain seed hom .n 1 v- ies, or in the
immediate ileighborhociii
Seed Irom the bal!s.
stock, in some cle4ree,.ll
—to some vat ietitte more than others
Some have Gathered balls from any where, -
out regard to the character of the stock, planted tha
seed, and finding in the seedlings disease and in
tenor' silecitnens, abandoned at once the exiled
ment, and, in ticir judgment, seedinig potatoes
are no better than old ones.
The same laws that govern the apple. peach and
strawberry, in their culture fur new and choice va•
retie=, govern also the potato. Ira new choice seed
Lag apple, pear or strawberry be definable, why
not a new aril excellent potato ? But neither is to
be cb:atned n ithout the use of their seed, and may
be not without a series of experiments, with care
ful selectiuns.. •
Potatoe seed, from properly .elected, eu'll
va'ed combiqing,,thron_th the seed the
best .sai I eties at home and from ab r oad ; is uniung
the most valuable seeds to fie found in market. •
rOl.;:0 Feed may be eeirti like the tomato, ca
in ho'-bed. for an early crop ; or like cabbage, iii
tick bed in a %calm place and transplanted ; or,
Tri:h a Feel planter in the fields, with great profit
Of broad rar4 On I /di fine soil, and tightly harrowed
vri , h no other catiiration, and the crop of .young
seedlings, the very best, for plantio; the neat sea
Lady sowing the seed; and early lifting, gives
the potato a tendency to early ripening. Lifting
the potato before it has perfected its growth, it is
found drier in cooking, will keep better through
the winter, vegetate eArfier in the spring, and be
come more hardy in its constitution.
Medium sized potatoes rook better, are of finer
quarity and flavor, vr ill plant more ground by the
bushel, slid are more exempt from disease.
Aljr crop ot the last season, combining-all try
best varieties through the weed from home and
abroad, is goal—exempt from the prevalent di -
ease, productive, and developing, from the seeds
obtained not long since from different parts of the
wbchL i t viz: Ptussia, England, South America,
Mackinaw. and other places, varieties promising a
valuable acquis.ition to the pbtato market. The
erop, of about 1,409 bushels, sfbu - s distinctly in its
healtliv and strong foliage, loaded with balk ; its
strongly marked and distinct varietes, and the in
crease of new varieties of fine appearance, the
benefits of the progressive alternate culture. t.
Lisle roe ArpLr. Trees--No tact has been.more
• frequently and satisfactorily demonstrated of late,
than that old lime. that has been used in plaster,
is' one of the most energetic and salutaiy applica
tions for apple trees, that can be qlemed. Trees
that for years hare been nearly or quite barren,
and so overrun with moss and other paraseial
plants, as to induce the belief that no efforts for
their regeneration could possibly be successful,
have, by being mannred coiously with this article,
been made to yield prolifically, and to reso in.
a few years the appearance and almost the ene y
of youth.
This fact is worth the serious eonsideratioa of
4 , the farming community. Thom are but few home.
steads around which th,Tre may not be sound trees,
()nee healthy and valuable, that present the symp
toms of approaching if 'not present barren's's, and
which, consequently, demanded the immediate ap
plication to olriuste die ordinary effeets of old age.
By removing the surface soil, to the depth of three
or four inbhes, around the trunk, and form acirele,
the radius of which shall be equal to three feet, and
spreading on lime—say horn one to two bushels,
an immediate effect will be produced for the.better,
and the whole system re t urn rapidly to health
Peamsylcanio Telegraph.
. COLLAPS I E or THE kenos.—Some young children
when they cry, are apt tp stiffer a collapse of the
lunge. or . in the language of their parents, g• hold
their breath. , " This ozcasions great alarm to parents
and is a real evil , for it is sometimes with dawn!.
ty that the breath can be recovered. The follow.
ins is an easy remedy : Clciie the nostrils of the
child with the thumb anti finger, then put your
mouth to the child's mouth and bkiw smartly; the
. lungs will be' inflated, and the music will re-com
same us a moment.
om a diseased
i llt seedlings
'Menial - -4.1
Dr. Swayin Minted Tiniffr Calcines!
I.,toRE Pig* ZirfirtihitAtx cor
Compound. , pap of ,WRitherryl •
Cough", Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint,
Spitting' Blood, diffieulty of Breathing, Pain in
the litde and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart
Influenza, Croup, lrroben: Constitution,
don Throat, Nervous Debility,
and all diseases of Throat,
. Breast anicLulig ; the
moat Fleeing tint
speedt cuts
• any Of •
above diseases
Dr. Swayues Co . impend Syrup of Wild Cherry
• RELIADist /rEsTINtoNY.- •
/no. Milton Eat* editor of the Worcester Spy,
Mass., was attacked' with-rt severe inflamation of the
lungs, accompanied with a distressing cough; after
usit'g various other remedies with hulls or no benefit,
by the use of one battle of Dr. Swnyne's Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, ho was restored to perfect
MonteriUN a eepeetshie merchant of St, Clair,
Schuylkill county, writes, /antlers 30, tB49:—Enloe
ed I send you • certificate of Wm. Dranconnt, i citi.
izen of. our town. fibs case of consumption is well
known here, and of long standing; he attributes his
cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild
There is but one genuine preparation of 'Wild °bee
ry, and that is D. Swayne's, the first seer offend to
the public, which des been largely throughout the I'.
States used, and some parts of 'Europe; and all prep
are-ions called by the name of Wild Cherry have Leen
put out since this, under clover UT some circumstances,
in order to give currency 'to their sales. Each bottle
of the genuine is enveloped with a. beautiful s tele nu _
craving, with the likeness of William Penn thereon;
ads" Dr. 3wayne's signature and as a further security,
the portrait of Dr. Swayne will be added hereafter, so
as to distinguish his preparations from all o hers.
"A safe and effictusi remedy for Woinnt, Dyspep.hi
Cholera ltiorbue, sickly or Dyspeptic children or adults
and the most useful Family .Medicine ever offered to
the public."
This a EXIPT is one which has proved successful for
a long time, and it is universally acknowledged by all
oho have .tried it to be far •supemar (being so very
pleasant to the taste at the sante time effectual) to ar y
other medicine ever employed in diseases for which it is
resommended. ' It not only destroys worms, but it in•
vigoiates the whole system. It is barmiess in its el
fccts, and the health of the patient is always improved
by Its use even when no worms are discovered. •
Moss Goon Nsws roe vac Slice..-:-.Andendown,
Indians.—Da. Sw Ares—Dear Sir: All Your medicine
sell well, end give good satisfaction. Your valuable
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the means
of restoring some hopeless cm-es in this section.—
Your Pills are.most excellent. t want you to semi a
good supply of them. A man purchased a bottle of
your Vermifuge the other day for his child, and by its
use it discharged 63 of the largest worms he lied ever
seen. It is somewhat difficult to get the people to try
it, as they have so often been gulled by- nauseous and
worthless worm medicines. Yours being so very pleas
ant to the taste, at the same time effectual, I shall be
stile to dispose of a large quantity. Respectfully,
yours, &c , Tow N,NILNA T. Sauce,P. AL
To Dr, Swerxr.„ N. W. Coiner of Eihth and
Race sta., Philadelphia.
trj" . Remember ! the genuine is now put up in span
boil les.
EXTR•CT OF T•R virtues of these Pills
can be appreciated only. by those who have used them;
they are adopted to assist nature in carrying off morbid
matter, obstructions impurity of the blood, &v.., & c ,—
They ars a gentle and effective purgative, correct all
the functions of the liver, and as an alterative in drop.
sical affections, they are very valuable, and should be
in every family They have an outside coating of
pure White Sugar. whereby everything disagreeable
to the taste or smell is entirely removed, without in the
least afficting the ercellent qulities of the ninditine
Remember,! they are now put up in. boxes, turned out
of the solid wood, covered with a red label, hearing the
signature of Dr Swayne. Nene other is genuine.
The above valuable medicines are prepared only by
Dr. MAYNE, N. W. corner of Eighth and Race
street, Philadelphia.
Hcirrow' & Pon, se, Towanda Pa.
Chas. Rathbone, Canton, ;Brown & Rockwell, Mon-
Beulleman & Brown, A-1 melon,
thens valley, I C. H. Herrick, Athens.
D. 1). Parkhurst, Leßoy. ,Kinney, & Saterlee, She-
C. 'F. Murphy. Centreville.' shequin.
J. Daniels, Burlington. M. Bullock & Co., East
S. W. & D. F. Pomeroy,' Smithfield.
Tray. . 21y 'Xing & Vosburg, Troy.
WHETHER Internet, External, Blind or Bleeding,
V Scrofula, White Swelling, Meets, and Ulcerated
Sore throat, Canker Sore Mouth."Rhenmatism, Cuta
neous Diseases, Nercorial Affections, tc. Also for
Scalds. Burns, Cuts, Sprains, • Brukes, &c. Wer feel
justified in proclaiming THE FACT TO ,
WORLD that of all medicines ever brought before the
.Public, NONE have ever been more beneficial to af
flicted humanity than "Myers' Liquid Cure. We
know that this is saying a great deal, but if we were
to write volumes, we could not say too muck in praise
of this
liundscis, nay thousands, bless the happy boor when
first they were acquainted with its transcendent virtues;
and our present purpose is to inform other thousands,
how and ybere they may obtain that relief, which they
perhaps, have long sought for n vain.
l'he superior excellence of this preparation over all
other medicines for the speedy and permanent cure of
is well known to all who have tested it. It t has been
proved in thousands of instances, and has
to cure the
and we are confident it
if used a proper length of time according to directions.
As.. proof of our entire confidence in its efficacy, we
assiue all purchasers that, if,after a . proper trial, it prove
ineffectual. the Money paid for it will be Relurned.
The •' Liquid Cure is an effectual Remedy for
Ring-worms, Bites, Pimpks, Barters' Itch, Frosted
Limbs, Chilbroins, Salt Mecum, Mosquito Bites.
Slings of Poisonous Inseek, Ike., and for Cntanimtui
Diseases of every descripfion.
It is both. sat. arid rife:Anal for
giving immediate and permanent relief.
No preparations now befons the Public cen tarps.
the eseellenee of the "I.iquid Cure" for Scalds. Burns
Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, &c.-
Its effects *
,Every "Family in Me Land
should provide theenealves with this Invaluable Prepar
ation, the cheapness of which places it within the
peach of
Full Directions accompany each bottle.
Pamphlets containing copies of certificates from
those who hive tested the "Liquid Cure," may be had
Gratis of our authorised agents.
" Myers' Liquid Care is prepared only by
JEROME At Co., 21 Spruce Street, New York.
For sale by HIRAM MIX, Towanda, agent for this
comity, and by C. H. Herrick, Athens; Rufus King,
Tray.; James H. Pbiuney, Monrocton T, Henry Gibbs,
01741. 51 eovey
NiL be kept on hand a large assortment, and
r made to order on shooter notice and (orlon mow
nay than can bapoduned atany other eatabhudinteatin
the-land. Those who are under the neeessity of pto.
euting that -article will Ind Ihdi bweatislled.. -A good
hearseand pall may be hod inattendanaterhenawdrad.
Illeptinshe 1,1114 T, L. M. 111TZ & CO.
: IR I: .
„ . .
Trisib of i e FT Beekra. Oimik a tiab r ad ids
amino, asireitor r Blitig—end the Vary t, Radiert
TY 'skid mai rid of •adichie wick
te aim or
be fulf proof of its purthrbegusediosi power is Moak=
Ileassb.husa Bud coassuswi sued Diatsustiess dot it sotratil.
fa mai 4 Marisa, In gray and thereto abundant proof.
hi greet t terra effee*& respect;
that ONE BOtTLE etßeo6Meswan
verifying. healing' virtua sod naked , than there la cow
Mined,Fow Bathe of any or any fag AiWkiiiii
ths hwa - twee
_hero odkepill for inaTe. Thera le audisubteirtienuf
■ that by the twe of *Wiped haw Puriptity
atm Ow - were. DODO 7K LO 11 , 4 11 4/ Pot *S Logla aer
Caserinn can now WALK—they that Were itterr, aGeereLope,
and otherwise disused. Sae beat 1;te.e.14.0 and CM*
-011411Pda" . 4 4 / 9 . 4101- 7 ..
who has *sett Mum" reILOWNIN after baring used and Wiwi
cis the serespiegbalt and other repEitines nocounakuded to cam
Wood tames, have &Mat dins+.
lisant's is- OA Cheapest,
berates Opt Mae of It haw Nedi mellial,,ouretl
ond. In comoquouse, egret Ommt4Sarow is meth Oft Wake gra
seer kale affiair meditdoe. ,
IC then. ONE Butte of Rumor", ?MIMI* Win FOUR
MSS more threw Mum was dads elf Reesre's
Possofel" would be All datp t for, dollesa a WRtle , to /warps
rills acme Edam But BRANTS PURIFIER•fe load ftir only
ONE DOLLAR It bottle ; es battle ern 7 m, dm& matte
sapabis coring riser The o as theca sltheaie ens &add al
'wrap:villa, therefore errisparele, owittoqueo of Its km w
ebd Aeos girdled efficacy ahookl be sold et se atm Ueo
fTriti= Qom am bat* lobe ea taw as the foes/sea at
One Dollar's Worth!
flow onitthsieciHM--i o nascla,Stramittn—how onich Sew
nits—will Ow Daises of ears PURIPIER cure I goad
the following statemeot which is a specimen of its power
CANCEROUS Beltort7ia4
This Is the duo of a Wag sea wbo yd Gw. Ile ens carat
sf a worse case of Scrofula. by only nodes Baths of Brant's
reedier, thin ever was cured by the nos of Thrice Oaths* of
the but mrsegterilis that was ever raards flandmithla has sort
trajliciatt malsod sower to effect. the cunt of such, a raraltiaeg
411. H am . Hamm, of Rase. Cliikkr.C.a., X. r, had Small& for
pram—was radioed to Its bed the Rut por.L r be was as much
diseased and debilitated as to be tumble to raise him hand who
'Lead. Ile had the bed medical advice.-hod lard off of the bd
sioramen'ths to no good eficet 7 got warsinod sorsa and was coo.
Pilfered to be In a Dying Suitt and could out lire Copal fear
boors tenger, when he-commenced using BRANT'S PURIFIKR.
Ma sad was emu nowt, of front ear to de-.11 Ad. was eaten
through ids windpipe, under his chin, ea that. he Israinthod through
the bole—his ear was wi eaten around that it could be /Oa up
oat of its place, it poly holding by ■ snail piece—the use of oar
arm war siodoyed by two Uletes—di bilmr under the arm as
lams. as a odso's band had nearly mom through his side ids Ads
had,. Thos t he was afflicted with misty such putrid acrid, slew
dm Werra sib various Ord of hi. seam For further and full
purfddara las our Pdisildats.
Does. Tituass %Vita-taxa, one of the mod skilful physicians
of !tome, uw called to see Hokin the day Wort he commenced
thing Briars A/oer. Duet. W. examined him. sad theta told
him that di the dedirissa to the world coultliast curs hies-that
his cad inns
Worse than Hopeless !
Now bear Mr. MASKINM staamseall Of cure. Ho add
wife procured one bottle of BRANTS PURIFYIJVG EXTRACT
—MALT NOTTLI enabled me I° ssd off say and—tbe icemen bot
tle enabled me to jror oat of tie e ratan enabled me to
Nana In Rate:Mai wbem.l bad finished mans Nina Rattle ear
LlefrEN out of nom" Claims bad sealed up, and three bad. more
elided a PERFECT CURE and moored me to good health
FOURTEEN wiTractimss:
The aho,lll !Leta are certified to by DOCTOR T. WILLIAMS.
Ur. G. R. BROWN.of Ind Ream Mae& Miners &
- -
I •E°NA". pruning. and ELEVEN caw ropostAs gramme.
st Nom.
CANCERS C17113:31.
Mr. 0. R. XINYET. mango/tit. Me m. riseiSa evasta. in
forand ua I. at a cancor-ductur in said comity vies etterbag
Serial our,,, of CANCF.As through the ellkivey of BRANT% TIMM
FYI:in"; EXTRACT. A somss.slodor in I from, county, N. 4 . is
also using mod Potinta. Mr. A. B. IllsrirLit., drama, at earisjo.
Mum , . Maragoasery county. N. Y. has lammed as of an bopualani
sures/ a Canoga of long standmg. which was efilvied on an aged
lady that plate. U. t ay, herre, this Pour= =TMre. fearer. by Us
ursi Powt trapare mama of tbs Mead ma
Fig( Sores 47 pare wha
ampartrucs ad triumph says them ars
ours but what It Will cant
The RAM. RICHARD ITCITKNO, Pastor of Doe Preeh reMae
church, Adorns Rasta, Moms county, N. Y., wrote to as,
jam melod a letter front Mr. CohnitLY DUXIII/118, felAthlll to the
turn of hill Irereriorre. You may dopead oil what It mates, for he
a Cloud= sum and no eider Ur dm thumb. Some years Mane
se had to have one of his lege ad off, to save his life, us consequence
of a Yertrnore. The other leg hento noir affected. and shout to
Ile lallputated, I recemnoseded - Raticra lilittounto. Red the ce
liac. Ile .ay.: here reed lady years artrrLia of BRANT'S
MEDICINE. I rimed ALL lei from pear recommendation, in Shot
Modnine, aid 1
is now sty with the Mewing of Gail. *km
rjertsol a can qf ley.'" See pnpldeta rot
full particulars.
DL NATHAN FMBARD. of Shoefent,_Ceew, one of the oldest
oral Aunt respectable playstclans, V. 112 afflicted wilt. /Absee-Coss.
',We many ear., and was psrfactly anal by mew BRANTS PH
Itirmo - EXTRACT. We could trams it of other ewes,
also caned
No remedy °Need to the public bag ewer brim Ulf es aside sod
ifecteet 6 resteriea ALL the incidentakpaiemr mud irreortenitee
0f the sees Bafires PULMONARY BALSAM It TWIG DO &tee
saes = the derwereeseet be mapreeles, ewer. ar other wok
eme—tt REGULATES Aid, ow apiatizir
%/1 CIRCULATION, Bad OINRIIIRrana remagsw
Er M pelepttleaL
eras the ref to the emeasa, end the "moon at waddle age—the coo
is etorsieratel. mod the other so oreteleadto etorpreeeeta as to pree
veto any of 0114611111 direr that ftequeatly arias is coosequence of
tugs change.
Dyspapsia--Sour Stomach !
..teretca, Meneswe Ca, Febroaryl, Isa.
"Y. T. WALLACE CO.—Grattesses: I was, for more than
• year. aMkted with • disease of the stomach. Leonid not eat way
Mt or &nosey subetanat without calming rmt pain, sickness, al
r ith attAnwat, and w r a rlisl c rte hni ale a lr arl'ArarDrant.7...a.
to my niter disappointment, eared arid .thief the asset poia after
esthsp. I theregore used &second bottle. which
eft owed
the dlasams. I am sow well and hearty, and eft sat almost soy
thing without being pained,
WILCOX"y, or the stoma becomineflom,_
.Tours reepretth T.
Mr. Wikoz is a regpsobble alerelszo ot IL
NURSING 80118 111011TII, LUC011IId;A, &e.
"Bran , Genesis Co., N. T., CM.
ileum St T. WALLACE k CO.: Some tins last winter my
wigs berms so debilitated helm the'etteete at Leserien and Aiwa.
by Easy Meth, that she could rart lift her chilid or pmform any borne.
sold labor. liar medleal treatmeet waa 1 / 1 1/10.1 Recording to tho
adrift end preeniptions of the most eminent phyacianicustil
a was smhsomed ho useless atone Übe bemuse so vssilosZ
ton, that at the time she antunenced taking Brads
weiebed net More than eighty.flre pound. •, but by. die dial= bad
takes fins bath*, she bream infirmly wel l The Cum hi
that she Is now enabled to do all necneary household san k, 'l St
mined thirty pounds of Bmb in four weeks.
Toms Indy, C. B. GALEZITINZ.."
The resillss !Rill ammo that Mr. 0•LCNIXIII "our situ."
Be, we are In mated by Z. B. TWe, r. 1116 of tin MOM place. he.
sidled medicine.
mums ruarniNo A MLA CT i•• prima sat thereapt orei.
anew el sit the diarteqf Mstactray, 6r any of the various prepare.
data of CALOWEL or3lticouT,=• . spare. ; It reateee the
bleed, aseetee, and oil tat pear to thottartginal. Hamm=
Dlr. A. IMILMIRANDICI, ree.rtheet, Ci Mega. Lomas OA-, tide.
WrOVV, Member I s 4l. end after Morin( Weed tom like ebtitka
the PULMOILUIX BALSAM bed elllfehod die true of hie wifire
emelt. rid: "I bare persetolly seed BRANT.SPU. ft6 .I M a rXTRAOT, for getters' deblllty et id mem,
bare se Immitetlag inuring Ma It la the beet media& to assrelitz
tstvtaceuirs Tex *Term,' that I hare reef used. In I&
Orem where two hare sold BILUOTS immoral, Tyr.
oar glaser. art fir the live 4Tuiracries."
=pi an tarpon. Ana* direr gl as ,Loos , are dims end by
Par gals by HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda
C. H. Herrick. Athens ; C. E. Ratbbene, Canton ; D
0. Paiirlorst; Leßoy.; Brawn & Roetwoll,
ton ; E. W. Baird, Rymmerftelth M. M. Welles. WY.
singing; D.Ralley 4410 n, Leßayiville ; T. Humphry,
Orwelk Msynard & Woodburn. Rome; E. 6. Term,
Smitbßeld ; Coryell do Gee, Burlington ; L. * kaiak
you. Troy.
All letters midi:Wen most boaddramed to Wl3.
ace & Co., 108 BreisdiroyN T. 133,
L.NYE & cb., von..
- - speedly usS3cm the -ater &Moir.
ands arkletcha
on riblekltaitrattll
:5 :1 111 to orl i er CA BINET
g FURNITURE, Sr the bent mu&
- a
vials grid woriunsnahifttliateanopt
be autramatinadditionto theuinal
assortment ID country shop, era; will beret hand aid
make to seder SOFAS, 'of vin,Foi Ana meat, approved
nouns ; Sofa Ror r king Chair*, 4 04 01 Petifit
"t=ic, and for ease otl arability
t elortt heof lATPILIed
even lu Our large alms. he r Freacb is.
'w Chair l , beautifußi ophOloberitiCilti eurieut - hair,
hich, csiem.' eTarr4t, e 'Ana fi iF a Writith
best hair waling. W. flatter outlaws that laving
had enuehemperiemse In thelmainmur, ans•shaß b94111e
to satLify all Who may feel diepoind taxon, bath
entity and pries, and by , etriet etteesion to bashrt
tempo tesnerif. Tissive-thertrenegefins
gat':? , ' • Z • •-ro , r? 111; MM .
'nett& APLlftib*, te Is4l 4 fia. • ,
!~ ~~,
ORibbinTand tislati;trailitts *itrwitidl„Eired..
F •
In' i Writing, Aritheitede: Algokra,:lloolAtertliftj;
Enslish l Gnitorrorrer ,ol ls o 4, l 4N_lleerillaY.•
Ilre•cillheOldoes,Mi*** Natirtiflrbilasophy Ina,
AstronomY. Twith ihirtriii(ol ' a said apparatus,to illoe.
trate those Maim), Moral.Plincieophy • and CheolistrY;
payable !parted, in advance; er annum, .8100, go
Day echolars. get quarter. 4 00
sivee sauna& ,
French. per quartet. .4 00
Latin, m 4 110
, Spanish. .. .4 00
Music. (on the piano,) per quarter, 10 00
Embroidery and rug woclr o t• 2 00
Any yoling lady receiving instruction on der piano.
eprivileged to, learn eurwOrit.or MO true of th" *bole
anguages, and the mine time, without additionatcherge.
Tea young .baly vibe studio the English tetanchte.
the tenr.s of learning cacti d its. shoes brandies, are
per quarter,' - 113 00
Instructions on :IkerGeiter, 4 00
Use of Pianos,, 33
Drawing and pain ting . is water colon. including
the use of materials, Ruch ut dumb% piper.
paints, pencils, &c. 400
Oil painting on canvass. “ 10.00
Painting transparent window shades, Including -
the supply of materials, each 4 AO
Formula *Ming enpsper..ailk and velvet, per , , ,
twelve lemons. • - , ..711411
Gilding on silk. crape. &c. do. 13 00
Wax flowers, per quarter, -A- 00
Pens and ink " " "', 50
Washing, 2 50
Board in vacation, $2 00 per meek.
Letter post-paid, addressed to the Mimes .. WHITE
&GRIFFIN, Binghamton. Bmoes cm. N. Y., will is.
I wive proinptsttentinn. .
4 ,
TOUS W WILCOX. has removed his establish
ment to the shop between Kingsbery's and Bart
lett's stoles, and, where be still solicits a share of ,
public patronage. Ile intends, by a careful seleetinn
of stock, and by attention to the interests of bis custo
mers to make as neat and durable work as can be ma
nufactured in this pail -4 the country.
He will keep Constant* y on hand, and manufacture
to order. Morocco. Calf and Coarse BOW, and Shoes
Ladies' Goiters, Shoes and Slipa 7 Ckildren's do,
Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, 4e.
aj• Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken in
payment fur work, at the market price.
Towanda. April 28, 1847.
'WED cwlCfil 2111 IMISDIP.IIIM2
CF. HARDER respectfully wishes to inform the
. citizens* Towanda„ and the public that he has
commenced the
in Towanda, on Main street, a few doors above Bridge
street, where be will keep constantly on hand or mike
to order, Plated and common Harness, Trunks and
Trunk rollers, and all kinds of work in his line. CAR
to order. From his experience in the business, and
punctuality in attending to it, ho hopes he may receive
• aharr of public patronage.
(O. All kinds of work may be had at his shop cheap
aer.than at any other shop in this county.
Towanda. June 12.:84A I I
Removed to north side Public Square !
jr 4. (2amisber/in, .
j_i As just returned from the eity
r-ap. ; _ 11 of New York with a large
. .„.. k supply of Watchm . Jewelry and
i 4., , -7, Silver ware, comps/mg in plot,
u . :t..„ the following articlea:—Lever.
, • •. :- L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
'\73)b h ,, ~ - ---".: ---".: a complete assortment of Gold
.... ,
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin
ger Rin ra, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains.
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, ail sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which hs offer
for sale escecedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on 'hog notice, and warranted
to run welt, or the money will be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in payment for work; and SID. fearer now, and
forever, that Me Produce must be paid when the work
is done-1 war against credit in all its forma.
Towanda, April 2EI. 184 e.
Other 'trustsa preparations of the Graefenherg Co., by
Horton di 'Porter,. 4 o.lllix in Towanda, and
. hy
agents appointed in each town in the county.
Also, ror sale, the Grrafenbeig Manual of Health, .
complete asap too: foe Families, containing informs.
don relative to the treatment of almost every form ni
of:disease ; 300 pages—price, 50 Cents.
N. B. A Family Newspaper will he given, free of
charge, for one year. to all who purchase Greetenlierg
All communication. must be addressed to P. C. In.
aerial, Elmira, Chentring county, N. Y., Geseral A g't.
Natares Pail Destroyer, Rod Remedy for Diseask
*rime Extreme is e pare liquid, free from every thing
A- inconvenient or dangerous. As s pain extract
this medians is superior to every thing yet discovered .
ad as an application to' educeinfkmation, the skill or
mankind is challenged to equal Nature in it. It soothe.
the Nervous System--heels wounds, bruises, sprains
and cleanses ulcers--reduces all manners of swelling*
and tumors; end cures ittnnmer Complairits,Dysentery
Infentile.Diseares, ?innate complaints, and most of the.
Pimily Aihnetda.
After what"( have stated. .you wilt not. be surprised
et el. decimator of niy eitnibn sad Om
that the iigoid prepie+Q trybes is owe se tax mien.,
orb ?nisi t—end that it will prove a.neast. ‘
ilemedy for *I sigkeik eMictitins, sad e . t.a,* for intim
16*km, atlas enttakrapie, whets emonettlYand . prop.
erly applied. Nether *imitation and wipealment.will
be necessary to 'Oetigneliter alibi* mode of
thin; Wheilteribtdenkity or eiltehellYraßl4o- i1# 0 , 16 t7
to be adminiatered. _
Your aketyfinn*,i • - Swenr-C. Sesercze.
The absnra maims :um beload Pi* 410. 0 .
'o . o,rof anal. Ms dessfordosi
Onas. in die eceintiek eased; •
• - •
cinimass , - AnD jv To i
?H euteeslbee has removed
new shop, a few rod. above
A forma location and on;t¢eep
pbtlb aide of the strew. wiere- be
anitipeca to Manufacture and
repini band. al . „1 kinds at pope
vrood twat CHAIRS . ; 'and
BETI'IRE9 Of variotka_lo3 l ,4, &
BIIHSTEA I DB or biej &meth,-
two. ',Mali twill melt loot for
- tiA. 'or PoAxe, or Pins *Thar. y Lumber; or d air
plank-will be feeetnia for wet "ITHNIIIJ9:dootio
order in do Deem* 4 1 11 !Iner:' 'Ala; • -
7 - %ilia% itua •OW • ' 7. - t .
. _
The Celebrated Gratfenberg
Vegetable Pills
I ere introduced into the U. 8
.n the year 1846. Their ex
rsonlinary virtues, and supe
iurity over all other PILL*
nowp in this country. he.
established them as the stand
ard Medicine of the day.
For sale, together with the
Nurseted In" troy
*wry iiiitetitir iiitenrasostasees
14;04 Original *a 'Clin'lndidtt Afrefaini
1 'Witgiriedian
Irma*. 15ita,stiii air
tingaliheil Coe their-,per
feet ,edsphiliso Witte
I °4 ll WO- In ; their
-Won, they do ex
-what =hire Aloes.
sighing mote—
love' Tee a-rote
ix, upon tbe leap,
.kidneys and bow
limes their
pgwer OM
do l ga& Mom_ _ so to niatur,tbain
a saleable litbonuiptic. Dropsy. Gravel. ant-Female
Complaints, arising four obsintetions at amtsin rein*
era speedily rernossd by tbeirine... •
A tree Espectostationfrow the langtio ached by
the use of Wright'. Indian Vegetablelama re:
loosing Pabsonory Complaints. auebeisAnbnit. Bran-
China, Scream and Tightness of °theism& Coughs.
Ss" Throat. &c.
By their action on the Bionistli and Bowels. the
Pills curs Dyspepsia. Lifts' Qtanipbrint, Palpitation of
the Hart, Flatilency. Cottirenena.Peastabf alrkindo
Pleurisy, Headoclie. Gidirstssa. Arsedisn. Passysait
all atwitter, of the intestines-. .
Taken in mall •elwtee. Wright's India. Yslatabla
PiMs bream an Alterative bletfitinq of Brest swain(
Poe the can of Senn of .11 kinds. Tatter.
Teems, Jaundice. Lowness 'of ilpirita. Neuralgia.
Rash. Paint in the Bones. Its. • •
These Pills else tb•rooghly break op Influenza,
in which complaint they eve estremely ***Liable.
In Billies Complaints. these Pills mercies a complete
mastery. Hence Freer Agoer is speedily cured by
the WIC of them. In the Western and Southern States
where this disease mostly prevails. these Pills ani tike
an avalanche. W bile they are cheaper thin thief/ever
and ague remedies in general. W rights Indian Vegeta-,
bier Pills have been pronounced imperial to all of diem.
Indeed, it woold appear that-if there is one complaint
over which these Pills have mote posit than =maws
O. is Fever and Ague.
For destroying and expelling Worse, no Vermifnge
to these rills: Although we lutee,not taken pains to
make this fart public. the merit of the medicine itself
has requital for it an exterudve reputation and sale for
the remove! of Worms. Administered to *dolts or
children, the effect of the Falls is equally radical and
dean's, All who 'puffer from Warm* should, by all
means, use WrighN Indian Vegetable Pills:
In fact. no one can go amiss in the use of this medi
eine. They ate natural to the body as fond is. A trim
will convince the akerical that Wright's Indian Vege
table P.lls. far from being a "quack nostrum," are
decidedly the most valuable medicine ever offered to
the public.
131111 1 / a li or 81713A1l COATITI COITIIITICIIITITTS !
Remember. that the original and only genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills have the written signature of William
Wright, on the top of each bay.
The genuine is for sale by MONTANYES & Co.,
sole agents for Towanda; and by agents in ill other
plaza the State.
Office devoted exclusively - to the sale of Wright'.
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail. 169 Race
at., Philadelphia, 2hB Greenwich st., New York. and
19S Tremont, Boston. 99y
Ni 0 'caber medieine boa ever been intrailoced to the
1.11 public that has met with such unparalleled sue
eels', as On. Sauces Oriental &mrreigißalm Pills.
Having been but six years/before the blic. and the
advertising small, compared with most at er medicines,
vet they have worked their.wsy into every state in the
Union and Canada*. They have absolutely become
'the Standard Medicine of the day. They are porch
vegetable and so admirably' compounded that when ta
ken in large doses they speedily core the most delicate,
nervous female, and have - raised numbers from their
beds after all other remedies had failed.
As there are spurious Pills in circulation called OW
ental or Sovereign flarm, be sure to see before you boy
that the name of " Dr. B. L. Soule 4. Co." ig on the
face of the bores. None others can be genuine. We
are not aware that any one who is m4king a spurious
article has yet dared to make use of our name; but
some of them have had the ‘mpudence to imitate ous
boxes and copy our Circulars. Certificates, lire. Utiles,
the public are careful when •they purchve, they will
he deceived.
4l• The genuine SOVEREIGN BATA PILLS rim
he had wholesale and retail or Dr. E. L. soule & C 0...
Euclid, N. Y.. and in Towanda hy HUSTON & POR
TER, and by Agents in every town in , the country.
To the Victor belongs the Spoils.
A LTOUGH manT preparations in the form of.. Po ß u.
lar Medicines.' hare been before the public, claim
ing to give relief; and even cure the most iuveterate
diseases, yet nohis have so well answered the. purpose
as Dr. Sherman's Medicated Lozenges. They are agreea
ble to the taste, easily admtnistered, and from the us-
precodented success which they hive met with, and the
remarkble cures which they , have 'performed, may
justly lay claim to the titre of Compreror over the di
-eases for which they have been recommended. Dr.
Cure the moat obstinate cases of Cough in t few boon
l'h.y Amy. cored a large number of miens who have
Nora given up by theirphyaicians and frierals, and many
who have been reduced to the v...raro of the grave by
-pitting blood, Consumption and Hectic Fevet, by their
vse hen had rose of health maimed to the haggard
tinek and now live to speak Loth the
.raiss of this
invaluable medicine. Da. Sherman 's
Have been provea in more thaii4oo 000 eases to he ha fact the only clitain Worm Dl:straying
ktedieine ever diaciavered. Children will at them
Then they cannot be Gated to take any other medicine,
sod the benefit derived from theedisioistaation of medi
one whoa is Ibis form a great beyond conception.
When the breath of the child becomes *Elusive, and .
they. ii picking of the Dose, grindisiof the nose.mied-,
!age( the teeth dozing-she% paleness : . about the lips
with losind cheeks. bleeding at the. now, headeelw,
drowaineri, starting &mug sleep. disturbed &Moe.
*waking with - Mghtahag inseams,. troubleame,arogh,,
leverithneas thirst, vonicken appetite, eichems at the
stomach and bloated latooach,thsm ,a4* AIMS. the
many prominent. symptoms •of warms„ /Had can be
...gramma by theeeleiteutfatablo Limoges. They hav e
usystleth . linown to fail bt. Sberman's
headache, nerved sick beedecimpekthstioe
.Of the Inert *ad Mk* in a few leienee. They Ate
1141 Will of melte, d .filittnem, onus, sperms,
Mips date stomach, ant Uner or bowel complaiant--
they keep op the giros. dispel all the dietremie l g of a*
dissipation, and enable,• person to undergo mat men
tal or badly toil. Dr. Sherman's
-.P0gg.)41/.14.3 PLASTER"
Le tichnowleded by ell who bath overused it to he the
beat streomhing Plastaeiratabo-warld and a sovereign
remedy for pains and weakness in the beck. Mee, side
basset, neck, limbedoints,- thauMatism, lumbago. &e.
One Wiliest a Per will 'nth supply the • dentasd.-.
fCatthota is inesesavy, as .there era many unprincipled.
umes wins:mad foam a spurious article upon the
communitT. De carefollthigettehamae's Poor Maa'a
Plaster. with a Vac fissile" 4his.-yrrittea nersooe the
beck sour abe Ithitkakand pill domino taut
Aeon 4104 Sole imkToorwits by HUSTON & POR
TIM,N,!kik .18,
G roali4 " -- cregrelo4l4rxiiinlqs er tai
oticst • Tor&
• , !.11111111011111 AMP !o if lilts.
' • 41LimaCthimColufasa .easefully.
Irb.,,o o o.pospiarikkr ua n .
64 Dr. /Rai h
4ke MleseVersl,44.' night a neeetiess hissama.
veld bee Orr I MMtiMOM lb• hot *rot _.-
tertasieg his Maniegarille. othiole.hoo ohloooki "C 2744
and repetstiee - thwesiikeet the Mabee Stataa,7ote
, gout *Mks eiskelstring eneneous. en*
sughbll et coml.. ilopfloripie,h,...
an old Sean wile 'has been stowed la peddhog lei •
iloitlees for eUenibiror rust This Ewes a5... - ZW -
TirtorroorA -8•7 1 49 1 14P , *: 0,01,01 ghee to e
moot. or to the use of his mane to pet sp Dr. T aa - .72 .
s aampa nu a , man the large Wet mod 1, 13.1 n we s it
• pegged to eilvertisiegi aa indeeenent to sat aat
business. Almon others, hop applied to Chad.. le
Zdisor °Me Jainilestaeuser, who imam mh it . " l l,
pWsies. Mr. 10.4 a. AMILINEWS, tamely use pfii,: j r.
ROT. realesatr 4Caildes and Irineseisa of the hai r
Sollyino, New Jersey, JOHN as ji l i tte
sad WILLIAM TIIONIPSON. wider the elm. of ?Mg
SOX IMILLMAN A. CO.. hairs employed tr. 44 nta
ihrtari t ile we isedereuiaLto pay hio MN* dense p i i
um These swe have s"
lavalhafg es is partible forme. is hope. we melt tit ,
itiessoirif this Wog these sad. their demeans ate
nest ib4'paWe &Mu apse the gaup, of thin hoagie W
• - One of Moir Tilloko.
They Fay that Dr. Toe nieod's Sarsepantle wars
meste—this le false; as we hare Yep, it through no ea*
fide L Neer'Orleans. Team, Mexico. end South Am.,
ord the Mot fediu, feet, the older it p..., at
' fs lineemme We made it few bottles by mistake, hat 4 r .,
that 4111.00111. .111 regretted, end ruhante4. a.
teWh ; Mich an accident will serer mem ago*. 1)14.14
'snake a met dory of sod ray rat its ry s
w 44
F !ari Ile sorra wlieu they ars as Ws
ehliesips febr
, prowl* 1 00 `
Mon * thap break ap
- Rhos-
Complaints, Pain
D r . si b uk a. rs, ran eDY Sarsaparilla lot ok s r.
,n3and nimbi. TOW Mrl Sarsaparilla libel. as,
;;b. . a n Iknowila IWO bi wrapped la envelope. un i .
War Idada pi ewa,aanaparUb, us shall kola r
dam paw
Dr. IL P. teortraand his paid the P . .en in the Limed N.,
„dad a tr. lad lees yaara. at ism {700.000. On se
11111411MTGAIM to rasp the adlMilteiß and basalt of
Wag; bg publishing' that their. la the or i ginal D r. gm
.sod's Sarsaparilla. and that oars fermium. soars
lbs.. sea Ws Aeleereis and aura-labels. and As tar.;
ander the mitesasty of holding piddishars respeasdAs
damage l i a o t say bar dose da, to 'Fay sittabutoe is ism 14
reportslt Cr. sell ealetilat to nm m
u oar unar
, • rueo_lr:: so•atut
Mire ii proof dipastosive that Dig S. P. Tawasonalasni,
tills IS tbs oeijiwUTlie SO*. tdr u frog Was 4,..., 4
papers in tins Stant.
Friar ilirasqf tem*, Attu.
NM. Towriiitsiams wA sea P . AsiLLL
Abere-prpirably has ewer been so - popular a reeled,
tea i meriliiine. as Dr. Towasead's Sersaparilla,
originally, sad continues to be manufactured in this an g
Ira by the Doctor linseltand afterwards for amen ro q
and to the present time by Clapp 4 Towessid. t e rm.
proprietors. - Since the partnership wea formal, tL Dew
has molded in New Tort, where be keeps a store...4m.
to the businise that ectisailatee at that paint Thrombi
sni7 b io thin rim, and is evellocuid by ties Mawr partro,k
Cl bore all the issidicine is unuinfactured.
Few of our citizens bare any Men of the axiom r
medictne that is manufactured an.l sold. Berate. to..
le this country. It is shipped to the Canada.. Welt MI
lasi* Sep* America, and eves to Europe, in amoni t
guaranies. At the manufactory they employ • 1111,30 ap t
beside* a large number of men. women and Orb,
mantles of the medicine, maids; boxes,
and tern ms..inarly foe shipmeat wise 400 dozes ye.,
or nearly 5000 basica This is an enormous *sari,
The , great sale the medicine bu acquired, hes oral,
somber of men in up issitedone and there 141 at ui
went time other stediMses fbr esta that are ellhr
Tawarend's Sarsaparilla." One in sortieniat *net me
time tr . e r ,, pie. York, is CO." "coal Drierob Tornert
Sarseparitta," and oppseeutlymetlya view, by the, .0 ow
ussug and the *eat meet en ~Riled to 44 SUCh rim I
:appropriate** name of P. Townsend's rent ear
and thus gain the advaedge resulting from tit pep',
of the name, which be his acquired for it, by year. Wpm,
end expsesive labor.. Dr. S. V. Towneend, former v
city. or is well. known hernia the inventor and
primer of the medicine teems s. -Dr Torreinni tr
enparle," atid we think them Perm is who AM aim
km to call timir o article as the original, should ho rpm,
From*. Nile Torii Det'y San
He. ToerwentsneW enlinoirdtnery wivert.e.n.m.,.
caves in entire pyre of the S. will POI eft ~..,
Dr. .S. T. Ifswasnrd, who Is the original snap ...., )
rowan/mas •filarsaparilla Sal whose office is a I Leg
sum where , he has been for Several nem, is d i va g gile
weave badness He recedes. ne PIA 410 . 1 . a, ha ka
of Seniaparilla per da* , son even this ewe's« vis ttr 4
set topple the demand. No, nieslicrze ever cusini is re
a pepolgreity as his preparation of t h e nervepaylia. Ito
lion of Alessigaes fro ISIS MO $-.9 000, and ha he N.:a
New York Sao for advertising. to the last four Imes
Hin.ollll. mid he %eh oreledeers that it is Dia cheeps, go,
sin; he hes heti dons. This medicine a• esparto s c
Ceesdes, West Indies South Amoni/a and &M.".
siderwlde quantities. and is town into (Hiegel use 4 MI
' 00aptrI , K, a. snail as here.
• ' Fran hie Golden Rely
The todd rillne• paper publishes th. toilo•ing•
Shossrwathis.-4‘oooc the numerous rata .1 I , ig
bighl, evedianal root, Brother Toamead'a bean tbrao a
sererterity . It I. isdeed so excellent' family mama
having' osegett.iour owalimidy with dendoi stiongt •
um rscotonsero4 it with perfect success.
. .
apepifiksaaans.Drunist or rhap-kreperalarar
She ippiou Saraqsaralla, Wawa sailers surspar aikka tbiy Pa by Wawa 11110 ra4Mll. =Sao
far 1311.-: pout= Dr. Towateudi foram%
aid d.eelie sla4 , tastamers would myna sr , frsvc w
Lowy: 'keg u.a by.•is so boner astl swat) sot k uua
Dm:Tido or. otber. that sell for the Ina
lad orireA-Dr. Townsend'. Barraptrilla that was ors
by 13: Tolensond, coinunta a fraud, and mull.* u. I
tomer. Men that would be 'why of ouch au act.csa..
mit soy other fraud—and so Druaut of COMMIS iauLles
but know. doullOTllil thy only...moos
Sc.. litertle silo are not well mfosisci. and have se.
the papers, and not man our adverusemeete beet tot s
t• mappale, that bemire them see advertise their al t
"aid Jaces Tiewasood'a" that it OHM of tutu. Ix no
Opal, It la Iwo thou one year since they cominceass oat
their modiehas eon hens been in the starket over to no
think the abate language Is too pLon. w Imo
le the .truth and ws woold leave it to tot JOdttate! re
fair.miaded wen. if they do It. We
for years. sad expended hundreds of khotrresa it boles
emahlish the reputation of ear modiense. Thew mg We
demoting to appropriate the profits to thesndres
• •11gr7 are endeavoring to palm off oa we Olio o ed
ffr FYydMa, At He it trot a meths educstrd ?Imo.
/ever attempted so maniefictare • mosheme, minder
l• hired him for the due of his DUO*. They .ay [ivy a roni
the people to believe that their Saeseparille o arse
same—biat the . better to.dective the public. thee u xpis
'Wee smart that tholes is the Old Dr Toe opioft. 110
original ; and eadeevot to Make the people bobeen Dig 2
staff they iiiusufaitare, is the Ds. Toa nerod s
ghat hes l'ffirarsled mime, eenderlut rune fee to
tee yeses, and which bat gained • rep utau* ei. m m
ftealiciat ever enjoyed—tub/eh is a base, ralatam
cipled takehood. We heir- eospleteed smn *ODD • •
oleo lb. damages. We wise it to be suodersfeci
man Dee relatioa et Dr. Townesed
vertioesseats sad circulars; they palatal, • suer
wnweelling Dr. Townwod. wilith es
mosetes lave published in the paws uslk
I. Eseareed•-agas tug& This they •sead to Mot
whein the Niel, Wk. report that we been re
se lc. !e . he public should be OD tamps!
MK be giteetrad by these espriecopled toes. • .
• • Thaglisamatthe preseatis vatardad
es k is seltseeriedged to he is oar mumehett •
Hem as in ffairopey - ammo* Gerry physocum bs u -
111wiedy for the ilipeosHitsetiall are stalest* • Ow
sad results. the
it wilt prove here on to Ihreetu
Isalt teecitisiMeall all realised eases drs—and testes
*at curet lbe iitoweeiresil. this there si so Wog
Slatol.euestrire. One physician au as".
by mi ld statuette ; another says that it PO"
iris) emlkaetles: emit , that Ideedies/ to (smooth da
ale74':011111er• maintain blood-letting wearier mkt
" avoid all amtiulaste: and others isy tlst
'OII.IUN 'to core : whibt the Quiche declare tk _ . 2
aka the ' Cholera any ot ,-stage". p
eI preeenlied, bi testate to bill Ivy ems or Nat.,
Jr s "Skre MINN IMP • sot by Ptolemies to fatre ed . " 7
111 1, 11111 44 1 01 1 . 0 r awl airbag*: Then arta
It Is aelreowledged by .11. that our areal. Pri`
sad atalurebeetarbe elassafed, and, that Dell" L Vogg
Dallgrearaeta—bat te bows Kay, the berm •
lh * *Hi , weediiinieJosaitital sod delioss WOO
TB* mat of ell abeam, nowt be kept lam
Prat 1414/44toanag ie Ye yea^ eel ••••
amer% ea at elesege. 'MI spina must sot
iketked ledbeerbed__ try physic hot "IOW? ele
Slarally. It sot only thisisevad;
auAba 'MUM. t.crentes rich ari d . pure hissu - ?.....
eilfLiib. We do bat ow that this Illatsaltuffla
Glenda. bit I. lll lllant it. This medicine hm by WI
weeDarfal Weep apse atomic ri" d 2yog
ar.rlsseity.Dep4sltoltthik glebe. twit r es
arioah sae isthetbeial to tee lick tad Mlesmary ule this pettieslar time, is F
VNIAPOS4IB.I of the Iffrare',
Dr. IS. P. Towusteirs Sarsaparilla cadre - " d i - g$
Naga BalleOataa DO Heart. Ter lalloggrge'
94 0
WeinYiltos. Ileratotaa Co. D'w•
Thi. 111.0. A
. Dm Sir: Piehtirtisairr peenhar ellifitiogi meat
tit him illogical (rem ,caur revelnabre Sersero
il= I hii . is & Y oe loduceZt e g 4 ni t th . e irio u c l e
ihir e ligisidt of there who are afflicted se I him bete 0
Men IS UllO . l lour Nanaparilla I wag mgliaNt O r
146,Paltil1.14"1"Paila_,. alb* %art. Se mach ea. te a : I A
1111 "11 tmluen ; from reemarerreisum I co
80 117-Iger flareriparilla which has gamily cele l°l ‘
-.... .. -- Very Indy. ►FOAM ..,11
. , 611•
.. STC9 Ow.
lake ifiiiimir•lL.—Altet die fret of Sepwell e L gi
I. r. Taws/wad% New York Oilloi will be ii , .. .,11
' 411=ifeb„ No. IN Nauss emit which ii ewe er:a
. glilire• sad will be dro4 fbr the War
11141614-1111r1Plapeiliair• sal Ow nubile.
1. SUN WWI ORTF liel
NY Jr aA flu h r • 1
4 Tirrsuilis. ..