!MID s.~.,~rFT•:- 1::=M 01 • .I„fa , :fur, 0"e l — • X. -1 • Ell .'"ltttary 1.2, rtirg 1.0 ..W..,e31;1!61:44.0f . 11 : Z.7 : 1 • s , .1,40 11 , 14 yy 411**2 I • ;PV7i ' t% 14,, 1 g 4 t „ , - . MIES &al NE arESEII =SE TOV I A'NI) A : 012131= Gol a n fikix:ftptg, *ant) 23. 1850. MIMI RAIN. ke.v acatnairi ••Bless Gad*Mtgpod min &aid, And wiped - awirn' enteral tear— That we maybliiiibtr daily bread, He drops a shower upon us here. Our Father, Thou wbo dwelt'st in beaten, We thank Thee for the pearly shower. The blessed present Then haat gived • • To matt and beast and bird and Bower: The dusty earth, with lips apart, Looked up where rolled an orb of 'flame, As though a prayer came from its heart For ram to come; and 10. it came. The Indian coin with silken plume. And dower. with tiny pitcher! filled, Send up their praise of wweet perfume, For precious drops the clouds distilled. The inedest crass is Crests and green - The brooklet swells itissongagain. Methinks an angel wing is seen In every cloud that brings us rain, There is a rainbow in the sky. Upon the arch where tempests trod ; God wroteit ere the world was dry— lc is the autograph of God. Ce where the heavy thunders rolled; And clouds on fire were r.trept along. The sun rides in a car ef gold, And soaring larks disol re in soar._ The rill's that rush from morin mitt., rode, Floe trieklinc to the verdant trase— la,t like the tears of grgmucie j. 'That often stain a gooti man's face. Great Kuirtif Peat*. deien vow to bless The wtilows of the sky unbar; «trerlown the ram of righteousness, And wash awaymain of War; And let the radient bow of Love In heauty mark our moral airy. T4C that fair sign unrolled above. But not like it to fade and die. trrom Berk hsrdes ••Lev-nd. of Mati - Nntiens SEPPI. A TAIRT TALE OF BWETZERLANO the me , rreon and the mountain hilies bloomed a".l h gall wort on the e.',4d of •!•-.. • ez., amyl: the 10-.12e.s which evelo, , ed )- _a-,len4 the Senners:that is the '••••%.;- 4-14.:1tfr.',1 4 . 0; ttt..2.. Porter.valley pre ..,l•2pAr•o-e with their flocy.s to the beAuti anon , : the Alps. For miles, even be. !...,res of c_ctle evne Ft Flea could the c: the it-r.!., and the merry ;ov?ing of the e b•-_nl, tot Teter Saibe t i„ the big senner +.,-•• in•lre than one hundred cows to the • S. , vly awl with solemn mein, he keaded 13 hit - hand he earned the long a•t•l`its hat and shoes went adorned with a-a Jo.e: le< (11 many-colored ribbons. behmd him, and, as it were, itnitafin-Lo 1:1m ?par and pride. 1 . 61)4' ed the beauty of the •he gaeenx.on-, the victress of the cow fights • frecr!ent'iy fitke plate ir: the As a his ca .she wore al immense 'wrests ci rnour;;Ain • e" . 5 a4.A.1 her large bell was suspended t:om • FP an embroidered eillar. Behind her :I,othey COWF, 101 a,lermsd lyonriut.:* metly •: these, ea:!le the keeper of the fauna Cats ••he cal an I oxen ; and Lista, .lgi#l • !'•.(3 g^mtbeld, vitlt h.; numero_ • a handsome and good lculg . , blonde curls,titli,'Acen-roritC , • arid so kind an Pvprel...ion of tare, tha t it>7 u•ild in ltie valley waac. foul of him. oie, at all the larm-housee'which the itnpos -7,1 passed. paid bim much attent . em to aol stylish serener ; cvlo proudly strutted :1 front of his herl ivdt young and old hat a sni;.',e nal a y oral for Seppi, who lookeil hi+ rthl s4*.t and clean white shirt. ^:i!far. and ever •he h. r A Ltr - - end like fraltaire lus i4;trorsition geicady.lolttwyelief be.rep!ied-- , - • Ln trh4 — A:Jodi& mat 109* tht4rltirtng ! t .1 1 . 1 #6 41 /' pant. were'coon on good terms. Oft l tinif =dim! eilert•ttevimes rerrpirsinnee, add it Proved' edam' :to;aiiparkiap' ." * frtin * ,-;Walin *inch , 14,4 1 q0 2 11 1 , t : 0474 if:l;o44omA maki4 l ioAs t4l4os. 4 8 44 • ivuXimmist... , -^pie fiallowidg :bet grais,paushlted Pent Os Ger*lllt • WOttiour., a iiiiit - 'terictiOr/wettid riot weer even his grown up sons-and daughters to associate with those wiressiiortduciiialiot pure and up- " ite father," said 'the gentle - it:data ‘ M td him rionA p, ,foittatle her, lin company with her hurdler, to visit the volitile - Tskinda; Trdear father, you most think us very ctidiliA; . if you imagine we Ilona be.'esposed to , sr) i3a4er by kto The lather took in silence a. dela . Cold hetn the beirth, and reaching, it to lid diaohill:,:" It • will not - burn yo u , , my ihild, take." gelalia did so,. and behold her beatraid While hand was soiled' and blackened; and as it chimed her Prhite drese;so. "We cannot too careful In handlizsa•Cca6," artist Eidalia, in vexation.. • a Yes, truly," eaid her father; of you see, my nil, that coats eveu 11 they do not born, blacken. So it is with the company of the vicious. fs tie Alive !--.Some years 3n, a chap arrived in Atmoste. Maine, vith one of those ettritwiti&, an Emptier) Nfornniy, which he desired to exhibit. It was requisite then, that before the exhibition, pennissirm should be °Wined frern - the Judge Of some of the 'nferior emits_ diceonlinerthe shnw. man proceeded to the coon house, where 'some cored was in session. and.applied to the Judge for license. a What is is r inked the hate:. "An Egyptian Mumeiy, may h pftiase the court --more than three thousand years old" said thor showman Three thousamt years ohl,"extiaimed the /odds, jumping to his feet, a and is the critter atieerl 'The question caused some merriment at the en pease of The Judge. Tar: Murray or THE Caoss.-0 bow full of Mystery is the ,death of Christ ! Why most the only begotten Sun of God„ . . the brightness of his glory, the express image of his person, bet-Sure incantate l suffer and die ! 0 mystery of .mysteries ! An incarnate God, a.sufering Christ and Saviour ! How fearful and terrible must the divine the law be, since the ussumplicm of its Penahy, involved such sulleriugs—filled heaven indeed!' with dark • ness. How sad sin must be, since itccOrtld only be expiated by a such s sacrifice. The Ono not only points up to the mysterious heights of divine love,but down to the mysterious depths of sin in the human heart. It stands forth equally the espo; gent of a mysteriously gracious 'Deity, and-. of a I mysteriously depraved. and lord humstaity.—q. Ssr. Ascr.—The success of Individnals In life it greatty owing to their eartyleaming . to de• vend upott their own resources. Money, or . the Or the espectatton of it by inheritance, has reined more men than the went of'it ever did. ?emit young Men to !err upon their awe etiCrets„ ta - be frugal and industrious, old you have htittiehed them with a productive capital which no man can ever wrest from them. Cartirt'v Aasow rt.A geetlearan tells - et.* good story of one of his domestics: -liming em• ploced a new karate servant, he sat down in the parlor, the eveninzafter, taAra civil gained whist" wub his wife andn couple of neighbors. .The next morning. "my lady," " the belp r " observed that•" die ear.l.playing moat be pot. a- step to,- or she should be obimed to leave—she , didset ap prove of the practice, and serer allowed it in. lies where she lived Al i 4articasc.—i"Goit what" your young for when yon get old yon Caryl." " Slake sundry evolutions with tby perambula tors; while ti? s.2l4M:touts fluid of juvenility v nsehes warmly through the arterial structure of the phys ical organization ; for when the vocal con,glation of many hybernal seasons has silvered the cariti artoos. tatetrnment of the cranium, the ohistriubole or thy tirtLer advancement a ill have beep.: reach= ed. •ll F Awirt —Two friends met at the Art Mien iteoln a :etc toys glace. when the following collo- guy occorre,l Ourrv, how many tirkets have ray this rear'"' Due--ortir •• °all one" eselaimP4 the firk speaker : "why dal cm not tate more'" '' flseacise to tell the trTrb. I tray afrs ti l I h on ia (Law some of ihose abominable ptelefes." 31A - rtraosut Mr.a.xrzz.-a-Taro Polkas make cl'ne tlirtahou. Three flirtation make me squeeze of the hand. Foot Kiwi-7es mat.. ene4 se. - Five kisses make ore rittsoolight meeting.; Two moo:II-41u meetitegy. make one Wedding: Two Welliinrs mote tour ion!. Nve S.samg.,-- I aus . l gain to be eltv.W a Printer's devil our longer—pa more i ain't,•' el. claimed our nap, ihe :ibex dar t . in alerritde suck• Well, ikbai 1541 l wa call . your• . " Call me a ty7cpgraphical spirit of evil, if you 11kt...41:Ws tu.:2 . Gum. Grxr.Notoons e raid of an ;Ad EMU viticts bad gat) is demi; the waxer having (Moil away i 3 I x strear3—'l: linnet wesnii a El