=M' Vratiforp 4(portor. Free Soil, Free Xpeeefi, Five. Merit Preen:tont or Fres Territerrif. E 0. GOODR/CH; EDITOR. Towanda, Salarday, March 9, ISJO. Term• of 'I he Reporter. 50 poi •unam ; if Nod ortihim the r•ar 5 i covo , ectll he &dueler:l, for cash paid Dotard') /a adetin, e, el tJ veil; i x doelateteal Atnirarscatrers. per square ui teu Vases. Su reins for .be Aral, and 23 cents for each subsequent inse ream. 161 7- "A.J . / 11111 C 1117 _Ark 211: -4 • The office of the' Reporter' is re moved to the third story of the brick . bnilding, north side of the Public Square; next to the Bradford Hotel —entrance betteeen'llleisrs. 4dams' and Ehoell's (ekes. , • A Scheme to Dlsicre the Democratic Party.. As we are still without the proceilings- of the' /, Wednesday evening Meeting" held in this place, we are obliged to defer gur expected comments.• There is however, one feature, of which we can speak, and we feel that by neglecting it longer, we should be remiss in our duty as defenders of the Democratic party; and' ut worthy of cenfidence if u e failed to expose it promptly and thoroughly. We allude to the appointment of a ‘' COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE," headed by Muj PioT lett to appoi it Committees in the different town e'tip•t with power and authority to call meetings. This contains the who'.e sum and substance of this famous meeting. It is the tnocse for which the mountain was so long in labor. The remainder of the proceedings was but the chow, while the ap pointment of this Committee is pregnant with the momentous results the movers and originators of the meeting are so anxious to bring abilut. Ozy- /I is no more nor lea th in the incipient movement, to wards air organize/inn distinct from, cued opposed to, the REGULAR DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF TINE COUNTY. Are the democracy of Bradford awake to-their danger? Are they fully aware ffiat the discontent ed, ambitions and unprincipled men Who have for years sought to divide and defeat the party of the bounty—men who have openly opposed its, nomi nations, or sought by specious Curial pretexts to bring-the mem result about—are now banded to gether by a commor. want of principle. by eirvy, and by ambition, to make one more bold and dar ing attempt at disor,zanization? Are they aware that a few men, " uho would rather rule in hell than serve in hearea," not content with the boun tiful share of favors they have enjoyed, and discon• tented with their position are ready to dissever the party, to attain their own curls ? Are • they aware that in this mad and reckless scheme, Whig ktd• trs are counselled and advised That part and par. eehof the undertaking, a paper is soou to am ear here, under the duet-lion of, and mostly if iglu! wholly owned by Christopher L. Ward, whose pre tensions to•Dernyeracy are so flirity and transpa rent as to be simply riiliciaions. What neat-bout, seal has he for the- Demheratic party, be has solcsig noinbatted, that he will invest his money in news. papers to uphold its integrity or principles ! That this paper is encouraged and will be supported, if necessary, by men abroad, who hate the Democ racy of Bradford with a perledt haired. and whose dearest joy, would be to see it torn -by divisions and heart-burnirfir 1. These thinzs should be more fully known—and we shall fearlessly expose them. The knife is at tlietliroat of the Democracy of Rtadfoid, and unless that Democracy, shake off the desperadoes as the dew drops from the lion's mane, defeat and disaster await us. i f such be not the fact why this separate County Committee I The regular demoeratic Standing Committee was ap. pointed as usual at the last September Convention, and has discharged - its duties faithfully and with cmtire s.ltisfaction. There is no complaint of the object or action of that Committee which for twen ty years has been appointed annually to call Con ventions and appoint Committees of Vigilance for this county. . if men separate themspic•es from the Derneemt le party, and set up a new organization in open defience of its •Fustoms, time-honored and revered; we may deplore, 'while we cannot help it. But we cannot see the consistency of a meeting called to sustain " Regular Nominations" taking the inia. tory in breaking down an] setting at defiance all that it professes to held dear. We do not believe this-project will succeed. It certainly will not if the Demooracy-athe noble, lion-hearted, true De• mocracy—of Bnitlterd are trite to themselves and their principles. It is but a few months since they set the seal of condemnation upon the intiig,nes and machinations of the saute men- who-are now foremost in this plot. This new attempt to raise up a party under the dark banner of slavery- propa gandism, to aid the failing fortunes of James- Bu• (+bonen, will meet a like reception. We Lave no fears-for the result. The tried Demooracy of Brad ford, are as. firm as-our everlasting hills. They ai' approached' in•vain by the mercenary. Consistent in the support.of their principles, they are not to be -led astray by any 'wry and laise lights. We shall not let this matter rest. The Democ racy shall not bo betrayed nor their .confidence abused, - by any fault of ours. We have battled too - zealously for our triumph here—we have too deep and heartfelt feelings for its future success: and perinattancy—to silently-stand by aad see it struok clown by the parricidial hands of those who owe-their all to iti organization, and who should be the last to menace it with danger, We have every. reason to believe that-the names of tnen were ruled in this meeting,-who will Tepu-- diate its action—los we recognized some whom , we have known.to be ever true and consistent in their amuse, and second to none-in lure.- of Democracy. A trim ainetin was hold on Friday. evening in Neal York, upon she subject of. Land Reform.— *raw resolution were passed in favor olgoutting tbis public lands in.asap quantities to actoatsettlery and to pews* opecularies, it is palpated that the; shall be inalisuable. ..I!ril!tt-o••••>:, =MIS "Our Banner yet . Man free am wide as it was set : AhalloritN , tieh!mbyt age the mina . • %..•••,. - << -I le sialfututtea-lur haul " masted aelona,* •-$ t LANTete r, slugta Ike hnit hts,jlag4 FrotalOria4p -6 nituifhead, Melt ire foldti;Catil4frehi..or a oie proud ly dirth Olds cii*re4lom:.should b* goiriFelte*S.' The - '(incOt of Eternal Juatietf and Truth which they advocate, is bound to dispel the darktAs - Of fariotatice, fo baffle the stain-ha liens of the unscrupulous and designing, and from tniprobium and contumely to rise in effulgence, ra diating its light over out Free Territory—,givingpa liiets and phil'anthropista at home cease for rejoin ing, and carrying iiry hearts'oftilte l epp every . where.. The day 'bleb Accfsaes very is not . hcreaher to bripicipagateri upon this continuo:, will be a day of jubilee thrmighout the - o and will maik the "destinieS of this' Repub. tic for greedy and upward progress. An die hour which decides the qaestiun for which we have labored:for years draws nigh, the friends ,oi Fieedomshould be ffim—tfie Battle fought, the victory in our reach—who ever heard of a General giving back in that crhicaf Moment None . hut coward or a traitor ever'JiJ it. teola—las our cerise is just ; firm—as.our consciousness of victory is in crewed ; shoulder to shoulder let as ataxia fast when the "front of battle lowers" cheering on'our staridaid-beirers, to renewed action and greater deeds. When the- victory is won—die principle eteablished, Dever more to be called in question, restiti ‘ g from' the conflict we can say to each other, Itaiso, comrade, raise your liu:irm hymns, rot cow your toils arc part " meter has a principle encountered tat.th deter mined, unscrupulous opposition, as the Jeffersoni an ordinance. BIM with misconstruction and kin. hood at its outset, its opponents have fought it step , by step under various Fretences, omit the question has become' narrowed between slavery-propapn dism and Freedom; between the extension of lb. man Slavery and the preservation of Free Territo• ry for theyses and pnrposel of Freemen. It Ins approached a point where even servile, sycophan , tic, detestable Ihmghfacism stands appalled. It feels no tenet the pressure of an Administration bending its monstrous power and entire energies for its overthrow—and it must tritimpfr. - Against its SUMOAS now its ihterpoiCd tan , wolf cry of Disunion—and the sable banner of Dissolution flaunts in the breeze to frighten uk from our p . ro. priety. We heed it not ; .tor we fear it net. It has been tried wick too often. It snores not Me sulk] phalanx of Freedom from its purpose. Our only danger lies in the perpetuation of Sman Could we unroll the scroll of futurity, and read the future destiny of our country—could we consult the magic oracles which speak of coming events—we wouli rind dre•-ottly da.ft cloud which casts ashad• ow upon the future prosperity of our country, lies in the propagation and perpetuation of ,this occurs-• ed e' ii. This cloud which now lowers over and threatens. our peace, at the adnprion of our Consti tution was notigger than s man's hand—a mete speck own oar banner—soon, thought the men of that day, to be dispelled ,by the bright effulgence of the glorious instrument then creatcd-.—for none dreamed that it was to grow and increase to be come the evil it has But avarice arid rapacity have changed the wise determination of our lathers —reason and patriotism have gicen way to tartan cisin, and Imo for pforer, • which men deem they can attain only by a wider diffusion of the institu tion condemned and reprobated by the makers of our m wit ch Irta 4Ve ask nothing now which tan be made a pre text ter disunion. We ask only That Free Territo ry shall remain free; until it is formed into States ; that the claims of California be no longer put oil, but that she be F peed II y and unconditionally admit. ted a a Stale. She has formed her constitution, with Freedom-cr.:grafted as-a priwisii.4l and is worthy to beeome'one of the sisterhood: For thi4, shall this Union be diiistilreal " Is our Constitution alarce ? Are the ties which bind us together; of parchment, that they may be severed, and thrown to the winds?' A're the bonds of this Orion of tuw, thirt the breath of a few fiery dema gogues may destroy them ? Relieve it not. The Union is destined to sum!, while time endures, w moionnetteto draw to us the orptercied of all tia tions. !lure hare come, and may come, from the cruelty of every despot, those who would be free, in thought and . limb. The wares oFfanatieism beat in vain against it--in seenrit) it defies - the shock, for it is based'apoir a soli.i foundation. rmt ded and passionate menin earnest attempt to sever one link of our glorious Union, and they will be overwhelmed with the spontaneous burst of indig nation coming from a free people. Let tlfe watch fires of Disunion once be lighted--and from the North and the South, the East and the West—:from Maine to Texas, from Carolina to California, a myriad of Freemen will lush to the encounter- By thyrt dread yarn., nr.ll lift their 'vont, on high &nd wah-tbe.r Conutry swear why., or swear to dia." The Fiery Cross og,Scoi.and Which summoned the -.clansman to hauls; was not more miraculous in its effects than would lid:that heaven.daring attempt. The outraged mind ottiterNation would consign to everlasting " intam rare abencirs 'arid sj mpatlnzers ul the movement. But we have no fears than tLer patriotic'. feelings of our people will be called in requisition: This clamor for Disunion is raised by those who- wish to frighten the North into compromise, which !halite curd Slavery all it demands. Marmon, furious - and vehement is the outcry, the greater are the expec whips of 'Southern Subedits. They think we have not nerve enorserto face their vaporitt,gs and boast- They seekt, olatimidateCongressmen on the floor dour National begislatore by it show Of re volvers and the gleam of bowie-knives. They seek by threms-of personal violence--by hints - that the contest is-to coromence-there, and catty to be ended when there is not a quorum left, to frighten Northern members-from-their position, and coerce them into submission: to- their • plans: They es-- pact to•create such a feeling of alarm am} conster nation at the - North as will enable there to- acquire all they demand'by metros of a miscalled comprom ise. Let the Representatives at the people be close ly watched.--let there tie - no-cowardly skulking, on the part of those who should goard•ooriatenikts.—, Every plan of communise should be critically or emitted, its details should be carefully weigkedi to ,seertitarib does-not give up to slavery the Free Territory of tihrattpublin. There is humors dan ger that ler principles of our trergevernment may • subverted by the ermines and rapacity- °Fels , -very, than that•this cotitedersey can now be mutat twain: • - • • ":. Wesepupeisf-thee le Abe. friends.-of Freedom evegrrbyrbp.tte6rerj be-vigilant.- Bit &little**. erand yep shell enjoy the fuli fishier' of/I'll4 your hours are pass, midis the ttl»= is only. therinit. shine Ostrow. Already a five State ki:yricing *Ph . borntil*s 4644% the first fruityer bons,. We Jt ersoi o ordinance mid nett' corm"lasi ti tA.*nett- nt en t for the ,4 t 7 f TendoiY7Wlll"_, adt quarrel about' , ti we seiner themil-but if the f 4f II*: genii - are true to themselves, it shall neiiirliegiv en up to slav ery, . bat remain fora ll time to coal,' a beans; bioadindfertile r .a~liere frostticeritainf. and every clime, the hyena% and , the subject ! of the tyrant; may gather under +her broad tid4 of out national flag, and ettji+y in peso° tli6 Dlesiltigit of itkitittitious. W t PTIIMMAIS-ilitv*.- While the Oee , -North is ,geaking out ;RAW the detWands of slavery, and in factor diate and unconditional admission of Califomin, why: is the IlOstetlif detnb f Why is not the voice of therState Wird, cot sb boldly and fearlessly in 1819 and f 847-1 *RI abe pretended her people have changed, therarethil leislif Free dom now? Such a sOptisiiihil 1S Wtniitoleeii'oith: Her people ire atmibealy etraitink - the eletibil of their Representatives- r the occasion demands there rhouldbeeileam* nia longer. If the hell voice of this geeat State is to: be' staled to suivhe- pmposes :of Preiklential alipirints. let kite knowi, or the state array herself with her 'Cater states. I Let the vote be taken, that we may see wtskere fain. vor of the propagation of slavery. We call upon our Representative and Senator—(whbse integrity eve knowy—to ittlekhiee into the Legislature, the plain and simple, naked Jeffersohian ordinance as instructions for our Congressional Sena es and Representatives. We can then see Who' wilrvote against the measures which hai received the wan- - impus approval of .two democratic legislantrei.— Let there be no shuttling or evasion—let the friends of slavery face the mnsM, and see if the people don't set them to dancing ! ilapa. Hlebari Breabead. We have neglected for a week or tae paying oar respects to this Honorable gentleman, late a member of Congress, now an emissary'of slavery propagandism, engaged in travelling from comity to enmity, making furious proolavery speeches.— We call attention to his speech delivered upon the question, Feb. 9, 1847, in the House of Represen tatives, an extract from which we copy, as being peculiarly appropriate just flow " hate iliac Mr. Chairman, briefly /gated my objections to my friend and collsag,tre's (Mr. Wir.• slur) celebraud amendment. 1 will now make some observations oft a general character upon the subject of slavery, in relation to which so much blot bdetreaid ilr this debate in order that my po sition and views may hot be mikennstrtred. however, permit me to premise, that we had 'ac quired either New Mexico or California, and a bill was before the !rouse proriilint territorial governments therein, or a bill u rs'before the Those . proridirtg for the admission of either of those Promneer or States (the Unit my-being first acquired by treaty>, 1 WOULD VOTE FOR A ?envision EXCLUDING SLAVERT.'' I FA VOR TUE PRINCIPLE CONTAINED IN THE •x's...tiimiraft Or PAT COLLEAGUE, AND WILL co roe ENGRAPTING IT UPON THE LEGISLATION OT THE rourrer, but in the proper form oath at the proper time and place, and when the power to do so can be rizhttally exercis ed." Throe years ago, these Were the sentiments pub licly avoweJ on the floor of the Itouse r and . hn the face of the nation, by the pitiful dough-face who is now going from county to county making rpeech es denouncing the Proviso as the twin-sister of Atxditicto, and kindred to treason itsell---and abus ing and vilifying its supporters as fanatics and agi tators. In 1817, be only opposed the Proviso, be cause of the lime and place in, which it was intro- Sneed. He was in favor of the principle, and would ;• vote to engraft if upon the legislation of the coun try?" in any territorial bill, or bill providing for the admission of a state. Now the servile• lickspittle cannot sufficiently lower hinascll in meoial offices to the south. It needed no such glaring- inconAist ency to insure perpetual infamy to the name of Brodhead in Pennsylvania—if there was anything wanting it has been sup lied by one so destitute of every honorable and . m my impulse, so lost to shame, as to stultify himself by becoming a mis sionary in the cause of slavery propagandism, within ou r.O um mon uealth. JtsettooPs C•ssrlsslseiG We are requested. by Recorder Buys, to state that the corninisrions of the Justices of the Ileacef, elected at the late election, have been received at that office, and • await the action et the officers elCct. Oto• 13y alt means read the" extrads frofn the speech of 'l 4 .' L. CLIAGMAN, published on The out side-of this paper. If is the pfojects at just such men that the dongh.facesof the North are second:' ing Let the ermsequebees of Nbrthem treachery' be folly understood at borne—and the traitottrwill meet srspeedy and hearty rebuke. Tim Gal= Mernums.—Art immense gatiguint took place at Castle Garden on Mirada, night, at which Mr. Clay's . Compromise ReSolutions - were unanimously adol ted—the Mayoropresiding. Gen. Scott was also on the platthrtn, and was repeatedly and rapturously Cheered. The meeting was ad. dressed by Nicholas Dean, lantell 11. 'Whiting, Jo seph L White and Gen. Scott. k was• an end's. Magri& Rot:ROAD ACCII36NT.--On &Mink,. last, as the 'train coming East was about goingtei the bridge a t Wellsburg, near Elmira, thithicosnotire, in rano• oyer* oordmseame detached from the train- and went cat; he emsmerepfled on the bridge and the three kirinintiones-brokeM to pieces. ,Fortu nately there-was no injury to•the passengers, . Tim Dirsuauxr Surrism..,The dlDef between Col'. Dasis and Hon. Mr. Bissell has been' arnica blradjimunlythronkh the,intervention of the Pies- Mont. Therditet-was to be fought with muskets, at 40 paces,distinew: Tut hforusa's Mid%ZINN AND S t ANILT remmtsL, published monthly, at st' per anmirn, by Mau %co, NO It r Name it, -New Tett; is- ow oer table: This in nut periodical; and . 00ntiins - moeh interesting matter.. The writers for it sear' an en. :cellint 'reputation irther literary world. 'mu. mend it to the radio. ; ".- • , Tee evietrivrtirre on. C. Lee; 'NM- .8. Altai *el** liatylett4entiqahoiettercWebtter,.:' am Sur ever , of the portikliegekti3ltetrel ,bitithleele-zeoe liemetthObr -114 r BeiuMi • : 1 „Otp- Ther:ll9ll,o*Gblip apicta 4140g4Maike.prPtiOL,., - •! The evilseonspbtined oc in the following anti• a ir htvirstradillit istlferomenf,and aniTmadvlsheißei 'enfati r lereas4me. We havOiere lofteit fOly of a per*Bous ater-rrW ioffroc, *wed Weilp. trot* DI . mocrpatie piutiiantrioino out , hrt., Consequences winchmust rieAti- leaner tfr later. We are glad to see the Neysbme even now, kingsserrporthsrmittW - ThOrrisechitylrf the Stave Shook] understand the whole matter. They SIMS& hir milltrasoilifahited with all the machinery, which dilate years under the direction of the Cash ier of the Alliddltnowit Bank, has t tlettegee pc#sll-t :eel in meit4hretiblactieri of itietpAlthetalie Para , 4,-4 4 . 4 4fWelliOituicgs*Xminficr. 5te43...4 1 * honest andfiginetq errtilse A full. history of the great Wel, going baciino fur• ther than his coalitioir with whigh and Natives, to defeat the regular nominee: for U. S. Benitm,,and revealing, in its ghastly dekonp4iiiiiitAiesd de , rarity sinciri-*Dold bssof greatinermfit. ' We were aware that - IL - inimendritee 'effotl was +aking_ to control the,next convention which meets at Williamsport. adnetaton of die general listleaseem . uporipblitleal solitrata the inittipics of Simon Cameron ale ty at, *Mk' to procure the nomination of tr.Canil Comnilleioner,- who will suit their porpielea, and tgetti to eiquier, The State. Thlty are men erho hive groi4already off our las-burdened tommonvrefaltg—ta . who ever kacir ab'y end to tho!rairiCifforituiblielilun derer ! That they will be enabled by, Chicanery and trickery—by the-liberal me of Slidttetown money—by threats and menaces—to control the action of the ctonvention, and delimit the 'famine-. tion of any honest and good man, we very Much fear. Bat ift'e shalt see: Now, may tee be allowed to ask the Keydcme, How do yeti' prorate to remedy the evil? How much longer will the Democracy of the State be patient under suchl state of affairs t It is no ex pression al the will of the phriple--kto setibn et the Democratic pirty—it is simply as migiegalloa of unprincipled men' for the sake of Public Plun der. Under dna banner of course will rally the mercenary and dishtiaelt of es'ery party, who turn the House of 'our Faith into a' rile receptacle for thieves—who dishonor oat standard by tbeir pro fessions. It is high time The Drtiocratic party cleansed itself of . sail' a fo ul . leprosy—there has been enough of dishonesty practised nailer the sa-' tired garb of the Democracy, and they owe it to themselves, their principles, their character, and by all their hopes of future and permanent races.* to cast nff and disown the eacresences which cling to them only ifor base and dishonest rurposes. Des; ',crate diseases : require strong remedies—and this cancer has eaten so deeply into the be dy of the Democracy that the hand of the bold and skilluf snrgeon is necessary to probe and cauterize the sore th4t it may be healed. The sooner the knife is ap plied the better. [From the ItarrisbutgKeysiotte "It is proper tat the people should know, that ieraddition to the political Schemes that Simon Cam eron basin view in trying to control the nomination of ;he next Democratic candidate for Canal Commis sioner. there is another very powerful motive which tilinttilating him and those who act with him, to the most extraordinary exertions. From the first eornfnencement of she ciao*" system under Gov. ftholtze, with'whout he was intimately assocated. bath being opposed to Gen. Jackson and the advo- cates of Mr. Adams hit political influence was main ly directed' to obtaining contridts for • himself add !fiends. It is through such influences:Pit connexion with his bank, that le hasever soughtto maintain a position in the democratic patty, the more effectually to use it Cc/promote the pecuniary interests of bintielf and friends. "During the administration of cloy. Wolf he had but little influence, but on the accession of Coy. Porter to power, he made it a point to have his brother, James Cameron, appointed superintendent of the Columbia railrOad. James yarke, of Indiana was at that time President of the board of Canal. Commissioners. Mr. Clarke, who bad known the Carneronian system of tactics from the commence. ment of the system, in regard to contracts, protested agaiewt the appointment of James Cameron as Su perintendent, and knowing as he did, that it would end in a system of plunder, refused for a time to act as President of the board. and was with difficulty prevented by his friends from resigning his seat in the Board, which iff:fact he eventually did or decli ned a reappointment. " James Calderon however, took charge oft he road; and loch a scene of •frkhd and waste of the public funds as ensued, was never heard of in any other civilized state or country. During the period he was on it, which was something fess, we believe, than two years, the whole income of the road was squandered, and when he was compelft'd to leave it, by the forts of public opinion, whicli could be no longer smothered; it was thousands upon thousands of dollars in dell!. We shall hereafter, show this matter op in figures, in au unmistakable manner. This is the same James Cameron, who is now con cerned in a contract ander the General Government fur building a steam vessel at Norfolk. The Oen eial•hintiefG it is hardly to be presumed, can-have any interest in it as he was a'benator at'time it was obtained. "Novi it 'is"to be recollected, that if the. work progresses on the North Breach canal, there will be many new contracts-to be let andbetace the extraor dinary exertion thatllimmi 151101/ making to se cure the nomination of a Canal Cdmnisioner. who Will suit hid purposes.- Why some - of his cronies; had•the assurance to ihreates, when W. B. Foster wis.appoistedlasaalt to like charge of the work. that no tattler appropriationyabooldpe mule. And why this opposition to W.B.Fosteti atm* betel:lle' d iran - hon2st mathand - will net permit the state to be robbed:- It witi for this reason that Bimos united his forces to defeat his relele . ctilist'as. Canal Commisrioner 1114trand to - elect the whig can didate, James Timer. or whose admidiatration, in harmonious action with Mr.-Itsrns, , the state has reapt the bitter,fruits to the * amount of several hun dred thousand dollars. " It is thus that this man and big sirrifeintemer cenary band of kilowatts will eirer - be robed arrayed _againsrmen who stand in the way ef their avaricous and plundering purpose. It was flies they arrayed themselves against tha re-need - KWh:dm of fkm. Shank: and being foifrdin this, thy next attempted •to dekargs electitin by the , moat insidious and dis reputable mean*: • Meetings were held to secure anionot.thettativeicape ; and whigkon the vary - eve of theelectiot, and slanderous pamphlets, designed to delkat the electiiinoili - rovAlhunk.-nfete seat through - the state under Cletiffinlinturreatue roris frank as-a senator, a ptivilege - oblaiked- by a - F Arru KtbS r gaillnativeAnterigar, and Wilmg - parties. And ,yet ' there'M ate ed' who baiiihe cobldeletdiakabelit this mai ittit in the deiseersaig vette Wereltiut Wawa-belie!, maupor tbearara *cant of his political character.' there wouldbe strong reason to 'suspect their.own inte_srity. . „ • tTitetitmertdidirtbe kindred spititi trito snap:- ' thise and act with are noeFactivellettgaged to •seculera Tikatairoblitettloo of delegates at the iiimeporterition.to ambits a man to suit their purposes, They have mosey to' expend, and, prompted bYthe,hope of making more in ease they succeed:are vitas - then:lost extraoedinary eseitiOns., and have, no doubt. got tenners aid agents in yll•-; rions parts of the commonwealth to secure de gates. It is eves-sat4that *Wiener*, has aticady. taketruteasste - heart taoaro ti „to tae occupied Is his heo .4 lllaElps dad/if..the tutting: of the emsvitatitin to Way. , theltit,,lrehposelk tank' qttret e aiiid *alit the eldityitistier plesdi:r , Übe' restorar on ?the *Mlle work 4 befit se: IQ only have to.pllyibr Ise tillition.Pl Genera? Banking- triter Prospeds V the N. Branch and ualUey-41 . Maw 4-slifrilianXialcklasnss" '• - w = 5 ,1'4 '-' 4l; ti.o , r aj ' re i . 4 . 0 tv ~ siuufsvaci, M A ~,, rt" - ivir lP llX l olfinA for the kid ffir:4l 'e raidm*lluiltil in rest to the'rreiiilei, : , eat or "the iiiiriot ho seeks Weltlii-- i tAil greatest good to the ' est aimber." . None of 0410 111. . 0 1.1 ,1 0.W ifii .101.“.;-1,011 ci eatgim'e my last unless, Other, tsitimatl excel* the Gisneratßanhing Bill, into:Wiled by Mr. Laird, , the Cl4riiiiii of the Cosaminecort Bank" in the ,li„9uillatelli.. ol ;yr,hickl inept you. This Bill has lakipOiref theiadesitioti ',.of Ilia House, Ainirly the whole of the time for the) ll,,e4killeriAtik =sl if, yesterday, thee tiridergoing initeilitidteritione. letirgibiiiiei s liii ,Wiriduat Jribiliii.Aiiciiiia to Wilful/ it leirittireik,;4lll' .Billietcr keit/ iiiiiitiatii litinfifti‘ iliihrdiiiiiliiiii 'aird probibba the liireieeritehntiOne the dinar . :liiiiliiin'orteil'dalli gndd .inil wholesom e pt rtitrlbii. l ' 'The fa4e - el the 'Bilf - le the; Senate is ..disibtffil..• = iierityss,airil *eta, witlOitte'ttgat . 416401? etkitnabefet 'iiii,V . ifitinellitilinielia;: -fie* Nit iliiiieratiali' affieheitiliini . tflitrilie Whig leadoff of dist body will attack and (lett the aalotitt'aiiir it . iblitiiii4 . (ihhengh p ~- e oiiii'prObibitiiig ire iirsitehtaiiiCe'lesi depem l ration ffiiit 'tea riciltirtit'itientineeited'affielnit l eoce of Mr. WA, i al:li4 - initfilig*tet . tiol i atlileirsi: . Citi,j'ainkff fLilif,,." , itneliisYeelii4tirfit . nada! , tori. - . • Bliiiisietlio hafttijil itififr,"ed* Whiglat ey; flildeifiailelifiii - A the, tegieTaitirit'seri rii:eron., the afiritio . eit#ti4 tile PiAilsitia , Off p l 'aietti.of add monied and aiiaticr-41ic" inititetiisee t Oaf& dirld . them from the salutary restrietioas lcliic4 - _thii tie= mocracY Awhile people demand ' As, the Bill speak of it a General tinting law, and apidiei to all Banta hi the Conaatonia . !atth, it wjii, of ("corse t undergo the strictest ,supervision ,er the Bank agents, operators and .streculater,• and every fea ture objectionable to iher'will be met , a ter& and unyieldingoppoeitior; and, ii the conatsis sci , evenly balanced, politically, dat it Jeans ilit!le tile' other way. I fear ilia the Itania haire'ritoie infiti-, ence there than'ther peCiple: .. '" .l There ii evidently a gowrgi asperity of feeli ng among die ma'am= of in hciineri; iclired j 6j the rigitaliiii alit! - eiclink ipiestioiii ert the . d=ay, which is calculated, not only tointimipt . their har monious' action, on ifloi'greiii endAruponlitt 'gess dons y'et to treSelfled,brit if rioraßaYed; of iencil iated; *try to the niter& of thi'peripreeirirOly . anti the'N`brlti aphoially. Wiley and' caledleting politicians endeavor to tofu every giesnion to their' own farticu!rit advantage; and if perchance, their schemes are sometimes thwarted by others ai shrewd as themselves they imineiliateiy beleh forth torrents of r.Yrath and fury, threaterhing - eiriii measure which mai be deai:vtil by any ono oppos ing their schemes. Sourffin'es the Meet trivial oft fences are turned into eletisei . for opposition to a . great ineasure, which, ie itself. isacinCialedia.l to be right 01 course the.NeatEiranel being Gni of ibe most important Measures before the Legis-, lature comei in for a full share of this kind of op position, and if the.present state of feebhg Contr. nes to exist, it is, indeed, in great peril. 1 haie learned with deep regret that Judge Potter o Northampton, who came here with friendly if, not favorable views towards the progress of. that tai' 'work, should have found a trinfetffor opposing it in a slight opposition offered-by one of the membere d from Luxeme, to a matter is the eastern part of ,the Sinai ivhich Judge Porter was - anxious to at- Complish. Yet such is the fact... I fear he' will . oppose the North Branch with all his energy, and ; that is well town to be considerable, and mord . ' and: Twins ybdr readers will see upon what I for if my inference, of a want of harmony before the close of the see:ilea" which. will jeopaidize the North Branch Canal: acid the , appropriation bills very .materially. . . The friends of the Canal have a most efficient Represernatice in Mr. Stock well ; Without wthring, air meaning to dispa ~ r r the ell its' of any other' member, or any friend of t t nprorement, it is but simple justice to Mr. Stock II to say that his influence is at least equal to other man in the Igor's. Having the advantage of one ye,ar's expe rience, an extensive acquaintance among members .and a high chatacter for candor and integrity; all , !milted to untiring industry, he can and will suc ceed with a measure where" troche& of offiers . ,might fail. In the Senate too t if the bill'eveerintsr ,there, it will IThd ati'able and effiCient advocate iii : Mr. Guernsey,.who has shoriinliniself on several occasions fully equal to hill' pciaition. He is a' t shrewd - and observing rain, lan, clestitldoker, studi: „nos and industrious, and as a debater ranks among ;the first on the flialt of the Senate." Bradford has every reason to respect her tinter Ticoi: for pre jeating'a candidate so . well' worthy her stappott, - ntadler efonfidencer: _. ' The Commitiaa:ofthe mouse Represeittaeres io whom was"ii lhe rimttei, of Me re-reato. .val'af*Me-cottaty_ipeet of &Mt* County Made a ;report tollay' drw eyanot itti, s aitiii of Vie former CommissiOncirs; an_ appoint ammo sines .:M 1 make lacither ail& location. .The tommissulaiirenimed w MeV are ;lodge kart of 'Rocha candy, Judge inion & Gen, Orr The - vrfeteb l erii. are getting tired i ' llaiisliearali , seicrepropof sition woutaliii'Made Wherilhei bill corals up, to . ?strike it oat' :deep% the' Angie metier: revoking :he aOtimLof the eoinet4iaiiiitkii7. Who reran:red it Laporterri: jfi itjkagt sooh . et some permalient pii:4; it *oak' he welt Joi the .eft:tire to pioshie for 14014 it sifkai Wheels ; that it might terse the ertitu-,midmaciectitno ,:ile#B9":rlie.cji;;;;',:t - • dileal*Neweeke:WhAffejlie-eOmmit ieei whith. I . 4sfaificoi n , .210, wheispreall'beforeilie;iihrliVmr:Mel will be, ilevzieg been t4* - iattiliek 0 1' , astonish 9',, WT. feet *Perla", 4. l , 6 uld'llity on! -al!!!Calirimionets, mo, 4a thlitistltkiation: it , ritt not `, undertake repeat themeas I : - \*f tno 4ll o o.4 : 41 4, caeca. id ialamseseion.iik all the detail I would still retrain as the task** he toe:iiallt fnl and.mortilying. : _ . ' 8o urns per in interior of the Matoareetti, Without diressisoi: that we erw.' 4 fret nittetai' g bitow:ltiggeryel If it be trueobat opposition to tbe egkeesteawfola. ery is wrapprextreatiow ttr Kiderilitiet; we anr, &lOW' liritliC,rery; how .and- res. poolable coreparty74o wit . tiontalleehoutin,lidff.; le"imhir . and R€l 6 l4F 1100:1. - Bra 4411101 m LegisUmni tit Piensylvseis,,Lltsblirg teaventioe, .swil all who:in:tied amble st best.eiseboo. :lifor.tretk ,het cow, ions • Jto P° 444 gie c l 4arget W4Od i*lCtotidtivgerdwir pplitioidoepecwzSrtf . fht Tmm -, . `f - Nair thmestre, Feb L ei Alabama bar • • 0* a just awn e d f,..... sellainits, ati-1 foreng lay her news w e r b it i 4 l l" °l l b you• N - ....m. tit mitty-five pameagers and hag lieli id g dust. II mc ab e r k i ; briny advicei frObr - San F,,, tiiitith.4.lattuary, being two weekd a y * ii... * our. previous_•accomits. Wfre desi ts 7 *Fh' . - . 1 4111i ncr — La - - IL ' 1 4 4 IN ttrei Water. Bat few spot* of land aleTWible, As s .7 Th4 o inhabitants are Wrath%'terribly insi gn i ihei zi o and naheattl of calamity. Thelma by this ordeaked for visitatid t s mated at over one million of dollars, 111 4. Immense herds of cattle and other prop erty lir • ~,8..1 1. T.,VAX155...-SliVit-BEel# load h o ' s ! eievrdevinlwarla ° PlrrYtii vis a s not thegold 1n2,., 4 1: 3 0 9 1 )46 ; A party of Ch dad . made art sno o k trio „ Americans at thertnines m the vicinity O In WlSitiklwa r .bigh•OldlegVPrere kilte d' ot h ers "pe rsort i t h though , the latter 'w ere rt : • ward' relOsed. .Th. ship Priatiiiraoinvilld, and ba n?) , i hnnu, koni New Ydlitillidreiriisl at San Frasuits • • Titt pi taiwtAT .VAL.P.Allitaiker—the Wei Cones eat of the • Ceirrerrised &quint ia t a n 7.,, ' . s‘ Letters weritoeniredlesteniay expiai n . ' detail; theciterSlOcuding' egon " In viol which 11C;Potter f tlis IL S. toned et V. inflitted Upon Mr. StillithnOlpi *Mk cri ar ..3, Affaira t lanuk;'•• VOW_ thatthei lane, eritrirdliiir 'habit trig billYici; far is to it vedette of . Pe*. W r y, ipariments and iteerhdr : by knee. When ti e ' facts we disdibkihircated!o Mr. Pottiii,:hi tan k , di a tet atOogreil AO finnuidi theotleader i s net that ; avoid be wet*. .end insinoctire. Wok this ißleatintO,No prEuridal himself with a cane, at • met Sulligaii,irho iii ra mach ' 6ll lo* Persoo, was also armed with a stick, in the Bail whs I, scene occiurrqd-,Afiel f the flogging was eatiaa a ailmorniteted,„Mr: Pl otter was about withdravioi when. Mr.. - Stillisan let three French perinea -va t him to (We cengpzines„ Al this Mocirnfilr.ho. ter drew c revolver with an admonition tha first who approached Weald receive t_patinn ai its contents, and they retreated like rodent me t On the nergtday, ovßtitilh• 3 1 10 1 ,01 Mat inked Callao, savirimiles-ilistiinkf:rom Lima, end in i n , hours a fi ervilitil of gni ljra 4 aeargfer-Affair - ritiketOoforeidhieseteel to the Ad. miral on Wail. it is not knovirn whether the km. late Officer required this concession to prow honor of his flag, which liairticen outraged 4 d, conduct of one who oral . ad marl obligate: 4 l to p r> lee it, or whether Sikffiiaq, realizing bir own de tg , dationdutind it Opevetrient„to retiro, without Wi t , ring WO - Wong) dirfraye,oq his Governpient. infamy is' fully established hi easy case , . • Cosercrtos elf Prrrsi4ac' w i ry ESIE.-A ter in the Pitts,burg.G.lzeue 1.11 , 1 99 1 9, 1 t the DIIMK from Erie, to connect with the:ObiejfidT i eeit ran is Rajlrstp:l st non Valissot compi r + . as soon as That poitiorp oftllygpbtbatld rentisylt ri road is in operation litstli'thh ialfey to" f i ittshs4.- The Oazeife - o ur rea t leis` will thus see that by the lime Di roadie edmpteted from this city- to the wer4 : bonier of Columbiana county, Ohio, that we tba.... here two railroad connection with Lake Erie—t. Erie andat clevellacf— and when it tB extentir,. to Diem - Moe, filtliitArlt be about the Bane We shall bere t in additiOn, as a' feeder, the O N , Canal. in'its of three Itutittreif mile L eer thee two yaws aril accomplish all there re' resulte- -2 cast 7 11C4 di' notch in the . maguitilde their constructions,-as itt their effects upon the a.- tetesti'of this city: THE tksrDcli r .Aiii - AAIOT RAILROAD ACCIDEM A terrible itecident occurred on the Camden its Amboy railroad on Fiblay, about 14 just tc: low this place, by which Maui,, Fisher and Jams Seward were instantly , killed. and ttliken Flan. gan. 'Enrich thee:deaf, arid IVrii hint, um it verely l was calculi the exlikisint the boiler, which was ['rani at a colisideraLle 'antic.. -All the kritirisitsjuicti. were twirl& with the Min -rub pa.4ithigers', fortunately, fete injured. Ajury ofihrinesew'mi summoned this Rhone by Edward Robbins, E4q., %,hn tendered, At tu lowing verdict Thal fie a..cifleat was rat. ed by the explo,icin of the boiler r reogine No n caused by an insufficiently of water an the bcaletat the time. Fisher wasr unmarried ; Sewanlhas let a family. Flanagan and Gieenlears !mover); XI eziremely doubtful.- We'fdrtheeatlil that we have been informed tin: . justi prheioril lb the ezphision, the tram sudden! started- al a fate equil to-60 miles an hour, (nc posed to be *teed by the rapid formation of ,'tear him the stretchy tif wa tet,) add alter the es'plas,+ the train passed tm 450 yards. The rails were tar up and the bagglig cars demolished. The bar of the engine* v•*- 4 ilininff 50 yards ahead of who the trait -clopped, The boiler Was blown out as ; cut with a knife; This is i the second .accident of the kind thAt has over hap pened iso can . .4farchl. • Stiittim.—i•Azi Inquest was held Friday 22d by Coroner 1100son t on the. hood). of Lawren ce ter m s, 40 years, at WM'S Mills, in th e icy of ita. Ott eiiaenee it appeared that ML T. aliseime oftiihnifily, went into tie ce about 8 o'clock, A. M.', surf with a razor in his et hod cut his throstahnosi from one ear althea* serving the jugular veins and one of the ante& arteries, the laryits, tin windpipeynearly or yr oft. • Etidentlrfrom examihatiou he made sis .with the nOtar whickwas yel in his hand wbc found:lre* .theztestiMotql'of Mrs. Tattersall, Abe m otheiloTireaissiia watinsime six months belre she dile, ri hfiffziihkee'rried -in a lunatic beapel , artere'tfrotheir iras itiliyeam a ntimber of years b! turl " wilicill, ll36 4 l . l l4angland from whence's deceased. and. wife emipated sireral years nun to this bounfrw,- 1 -batt eharipiOf aiiel 'attended Mt t L.' Wells* Mfilifaboutth* Yee re ''" l ' s regaarb. bier fothilLaabrietie" itits4rjty cud general defer' "el- The jury say. that-he cue to hiktliialir.bye ciattittg - his r thrnat, influenced if causes oakuou to this jury.-Elmiro Geach Tea Rirecrarica f rittorriteny or Co. Plessaii Botriv..—ThlUridienlous story poblished.sestraWi oithe diSootem.-of 'bit body of the late Dr. Pvi* mut; :utlintaomite.ad by the . Boston' Post, we . fel kit night : 1 • . 4 41 Yesterd,ay fbrenoon tlitrieninins of David , 'AildClutn.dy; earns& smith; nussing,aince n 013.1 01 Deeinbettlest, weie - fonnif floating in the' near Itostio4 beicht. Hadiesppeared a few dap after esepheYer, Mr. Wilder, in Hij street give ap fiia busineeit. He eaid to a aid rite day before,* ersta that - be " 1114. fag refit* fora witillteititight "as well step ave 1 1 very. 4 xlwassolkii4pression With him. Sr rani ° worakerentified bystrierritinutda in t iis trate, has' inthitsWerneowthete;liid showing that he' wcitked-inTambridge end Clermont." TuEllllllrianinturtisrtroSut o-, .-lbelfalfoatikeifiggikeitfirrithirhastlin Slot 'We understand:sitoftially, that M. • Bon 18 .ColnOicappOintetiliihivoy Extraordinary and** isteir.Plempotentintyinf the neva Republic; b* ;t:ottetitnie4eete,dirtidtaitied in Paris in connorb' oortharistviiit idd'dingeiroott orhis fsdrt erpeetertolit e ttnd that until his I' Tivali licnntittnirrpfo s Secretary of Lle been appouttatkamoste trAflaires ad I': *inn to:rapt:env tbe, Ftetich gareintn eat at' Wit Inman: Boiliboulah arrived at - Moor in tri last itehmer, and will:pmbably in ale* daysi" ll . iritfilda "attire of cildentat la the fteretat, of Sole • • tOis Carat at Vtic 4 Y.;; on Sitecjity aliitece Tbe particapators - n ttni ;bcred:feliti finiiittej • Foi* of - 101,ont ‘vcrc