Tire Weeks •Laiti- frig Eimer. Hums TatuoaarnOMPlime, Suouley, Feb -13--9. P. hi - Tho ttearrighip America amvol a few minutes pine from Liverpool Vibe sailed thence en the 9th tut- 111C.LANIX Since the sailing of the last steamer Parliament has met. The Quteen's speech dadivesed, and in wile degree the mate features of the proposed poli cy of ministers has been developed. . B o th houses et Parliament were opened by proxy rm the sth ult., when the speech from the throne me delivered by-the Lord Chancellor. atibloin a summary of the document. After lamenting the illealb of the late Queen D oc epr, and stating in the sated terms that we meet peace with all foreign powers. It says on the sob)ect of the Tarim Bossier gees tio,—srhat follows in the course of the Austrian war, differences of a serious character arose he. preen Austria and Russia on the one hand, nod the Sublime Porte on the other, hi regard to t h e i ma ttnetit of the considerable number at persons who, after the termination of the civil war in Han -eon-, had .alsen refuge in the Tutittsh tenitory, pletatirin4 which 'took place between the Turkish anti imperial Po to have fortunately removed any danger %tithe peace of Europe !hitt have arisen mat of the differences. If: Majesty having been appealed to on this occasion by the Sultan, united iter eforbilo those of the Government of France, to shish ,imilar appeal bail been made, in order to medic by the empleyinent of tier good news, is aihteting an amicable settlement of these ditratiONaik a Man. net consistent with the dignity and' independence of the Porte The royal speech then gotta on to state that the ;:orenonenis of America sod Sweden bad evinced their desire to co-operate with Great Britain ort the subject of the repeal of the Navigation (Ayes, an d after alluding to soline local topics, it then gives a death Now to the advocates of monopoly of the as. t i de of food as follows: tier Majesty has greitt sAtisfaction in emigrate laiing you on the improved condition of commerce ,n:1 manufactures. It is with rezret that Her Maj esty had obierved the complaints which, in . Aunty par t s of the Kingdom, have procurred from, the owners and occupiers of bawl, Her Majesty gen era& Ihatents that any7poition of Her subjects oifoolti be. suffering ais:ress ; bat it is a source o f pinCerflrAfifiCAlllsllll to Her Majesty to witness the iiirw.ved enjoyment of the comforts and neces uses of life, which cheopia,3s an d plenty have bestowed upon a great btAly of her people and country the chief measnrr s' recommended from the tone ar e in reference 1) Ireland / and relate to the A n orement of the Party Provision Act, and the lam regulating the relation brtween landlord and tenant. in conemrion, herMajetes hOpeaamd believe., that by combining liberty with Ceder—by preser ving what is valuable, suet arneeding what is de tective, the lewi e .lature will sustain the petAie insti tutions as the abode and the siselter-ol a tree and h•WE'Y I eflPle." As anticipated front the movement retently go. a; en for the revival of the protective denies on corn. an amendment to the acklrers from the Ho w , tee of Parliament wee moved in the Commons by Sir John Folope; *nein the Lords by Lord stand brpoite. The amendment was maths following o f. feet : .• We regret, however, to be compelled humbly , In represent to your Majesty that in many parts of the United Kingtemr, and especially in Ire/and, the varrou,c.a.ses of your Majesty's subjects connect ed wilt the cultivation of the soil are laboring on der severe distress, mainly applicable, Id ouropin- inn, In recent le...olatit e enaeterrerths, euratrated M the pressure of local taxation " This amendment was lust hi both Houses by an overwhelmtng majority. On Thursday Lord Dudley Sttlart, In `the Com mon.. moved for various papers relating to the de. ?nand of line-ta. for the expatriaiirm df the 11-emya rem refugees from Turkey, the Heneariati sem i the , aisure et the Prirettputlittes of the Danube by Rue- man troops, &:.c. In ettakitte, his motion his, Lord l:if) gave a sketch of the history of Hungary, and read a ernes of details connected with atrocities committed by A tirria_ fle :ntithed pathetically upon the murder of Come liathtany the successor ol item. the revoletirni at Vienna, the renunciation ,r the Ibut4ariatt Diet of Allegiance of the House nlllapabmg. and the invasion of the kingdom by the Rus•nitts. before %three somber, acrd the trench.- Pl' of tier chosen chiefs, the people aped valiant • generals tell a -aerilice. He hoped dt tt not only areal.] V..ereeito fun(' oe• tarot the Czar and his victims but that mean. would be mate to force his in rids back from the frontier to their proper quarters in the Russian Em pire Lord Palmerston( to reply. stated that he n null infordt the Honore tha: it was the intension at Ilep.ta to reddest her arrtty on the Danube fron tier from 46,0 M to 10.00 e men. Lord Feeney Ste ward asked if England was prepared el protect the tile of Krestith against the machinations of his enc. totes--Lord Claude Hamilton thaneeterized the statement than mpt has been made on the life'of tt r Mav gar Chief f a calumny our the govern., tent of Austria. Prolonged deistic striae, ha which the litingari. an Chief was fully vindicated, and the past tore; cious barbarity of the Austrian goternment tie 'mimed in no mearteee terms. On the promise that the papers would be produced; the matter ended: . The new nattathin late is working well the ma ars well filled, and ship buikting was never more brisk than at prevent. his announced that the Chancellor of the Exchequer *ill be about fwo uhl a half millions phut, this year. It is said, that the amount thus raised by the rising prosperity of Ale country, win he appropriated to the window and igher ohm:dime noires. The Hutment have not yet avowed the line of Prey they mean to plume in regent to the North Amemati eoninies, but it is pretty well ertilermood that Mould those colonies desire either to become ), dependent States, or to mines themselves to the yodel States of America, that no opposable: will be offered by Great Britain tit their so &mg. this lethal is grounded upon the bet, these amino:as vet self.turiporting ones. One of the most au totalling projects of the age throwing the Ameri r e! Presmons he a embeterine Telegraph from Nvir York to the Isle of *Agin halo dm shade has lei been announced in Lendoh. The fannsion of ' railway from Calais to hilooPen in the midst of - 6 ' 4, distance thin . eight barnired miles, cost 434 0 10 0,0ne. The effotts of the friemds of curren t) Warn am beginning to be bit and Nis "rel. "d 'hat before long a °bane in th e value 0 --e • Precious metals will be effeeled• ilntelligenceirons Ireland instill more heart ten eery ". Cultivation seems stagnant, sad bidets tore e depressed then is th first of her sufferings. The tide of emtratices •to the Coital States has tee set, but anfortooately for the _peep* i s meant i not left now to 'maps from local t Y and ilestkotten. The . neighborhood of Live , 11,1 been visited, dating the days of Wed ' al', Way, and ?thin, with the most severe storm countered k: sinee 1839. The lass of th e S. P. "bey, of New Year ' is repotted to have mewl id is the gale. lnother expedition in search of St. John Fronk- IA tas been resolved 000,11. (:)" Friday night, Lord Jobs Unseen, pve a full "Position of his views in regard to general Cola 'al Policy, in moving for a Dia fa tsgehee Attetnk' jil k He concluded his gutech by staffs' )ha-P.„.__rin" 6011 upon which the Colonial pale)! of W . WY ' Ze laCti were founded was theatraintlinanue of the trade system to the Wilma egtmtt. Rinse Sumo or Fass Mso —k aar at a Vnge nature his just been dieidiel Salebigh, ' , hid*, a ion named Wm. yard., war is -1111 from Baltimore: Me wae-s . her ion, ben be- i lomat 111 the inlet piers for Montt Ir. . 01 mid 44114.413_, term shish war stemma& snowiest on Plea dinortleily tionden. The cent bar or * tine to rem:ins slave instil MSC WistriliAgo t din - DAnOtWauswir es" is Aki 4 1 0 1 00 1 Vilik Ali-eappert-Nnoi for Stisekov_. ar Vibtifil , ANIL ermattecteventimt off Bradford 000057 ww held.is Tow. undo en the lith, is elect Delegares.ikthe tre=e &ate 00111TOD1i013, when reeolotiotuity sp. proviog Wilmot'. counts and cardinals' _ ing hi s widest& were Vaned by a vote of 4 As- L The lolloWirgg is ate of tb i em : _ A. Ressbrai-*Thot the &Innen realt width the Bon. D. Wilaiat adhessat% the r40,1* of the Jellersoniin orittnsurce;and' - thif ."at&hieg bold. .networith which be ailtroitaste the Pritheriatiokpf the Brest territories from the estitblilluniiii or* very therein, jelly institko him to thii throillairol the Democracy of this Canby irhoith Mims We suirglad that lite_peopt Aillkibit have moved in this auger. The "T L nnagromb tent a lyingspy op info Bradford entuttiL who reported that the people 'tram akiiiiiota *llk Watteau trod wow deserusio him by townhldpr. Then thit.Pesit. *maim opens its ate span him Wids all the bitter. nem and malignity that only adiseplibinted Dough firm torrid be iodated to let off at a 'roe friend of Liberty. The ecarromtien of the Brarillad Damao. ray pop : "dem en the enentr to make the public believe that the Hoe David Wilmot is net sostaintedat home. His m • noble canstitnen7, worthy so eftVe and true 11 Tpartitinnative. They rejoice that the slave power Is unable to mind their repreeemtative-4hat Are quailed not before the whole foro-softthe slave power and the buckling 110mb-faces colltbinVdiawind most of alli that he had the iMepentrenfre to mood John W. Faun; bank to his retirement. The slave river and its minions at the North made a desperate eflon to crush this champion ef liberty in 11!lit. The result was that ever/ lull and valley falba ft% (Varlet kent faith a huil of true hearts for his &knee, and he went back to Con gress with sect a vole as no mla ever bad braces in that district. This effect is nnuivre wall more venom and less regard to truth and decency than before. Al ready the freeman of Madrona are preparing to re pel the infamous attack...eh* flres of .liberty Win brightly on all her hills...and if this waronVilmot is continued there will soon be no spot. within The 12th congressional district on *hich an old Hunker will be allowed to rest the sole of his foot. 1 Jahn BUCKAMIAIII was Cede " rellnliylvania'fi fa ratite son," and John W. Forney was his prophet. They are both endowed with large gihs , --they are laming men ; but they are not strong enough to break down any reasi who is sustained by the peo ple. But when that man, by his devotion to liber ty and hatted of tyranny, has connected himself with their highest aspiration", then their deadliest blows are feeble and impotent-.-their envenomed 1 shafts fall harmless at his feet. This attack has already secured Mr. Wilmot an )otbrir term in Congress. Party ties have no force in s u ch a contest, and his vindication by the peo ple will be still more triumphant than before.— Freedom's sons never falter, their blows' always strike Mime. Ho! yon of the Bradford Distil:al— your bretheren watch you with 'eager eyes.--Pat ter Co. JournaL ' . ---Al4sts leapertaas item rlifirl46. Arra Harmer, Florida, Feb. 12. Mein in this quarter begin to look a Wile more promising. The guttered emersion seems to be 'That the tiamindlos intend emigrsfing peaceably I, myself, as* nearly Shy at Fort A-rbuckle, fifteen miles west of the Kissimmee River, ready for their departure ; and I dttdetatand that the number at that place has been increased to sixty-one. Should a proportional 'Jambe/ hays come in at the other stations alms the line, we will not be compelled to summer In this hot climate. The Kissunibee In- dians hove been considered the must hostile, and they, I believe, have mostly consented toemegove. Silver has rifted more seiviteable than lead, and am eunildent that it will be cheaper for the Gov ernment to bay them Than to fight 'diem at their swamps. The St. Augvatini Ancient City of the 16th says that 46 of Bowlegs' party have come into that post for the pitrpose of emigration to the West, and that no doubt is now emeniiined that the remaining la dleful would speedily come in. This is indeed most minifying news, and will be hailed with de. light by the people of Fittritla relieving us from an incubus which has long pfese ed upon ns, and open. tog to our view bright prospects and most hopeful anticipationa—Cor. Saoarmak Republican. Tnt C 1101.131. SP Txxss.--The Victoria Advocate of the 16th ultimo acts f "The cholera has been fee (he last ten days among the reerftlis belonging to tire Sth Regiment of Infantry. These recruits are ander Capt. Stew ed, of the MI Regiment of ,Dragoons They lan ded about ten days ego at Indianola from New Orleans. Aboot allfeea titre died altogether, to wit ; one en ship, nitre at Indianola; &tee on the road to this placed, and three since Melt arrival here, including one (a teamster,)now in the actor (lying. There has been no new case forthe last three days, except the teamster above mentioned, which was an old ease, but relapsed this morning. VERDI& ACIAtSfi. A Rsiutoso.—The life of Moore asrainst the Adlattrn and Syracuse Railroad company, has lAA been tried at the Circuit Court held at Aobnat last WEet ihetcase etcited much interest, as involving the,, liabfiny of railroads kr Mistrial received by purgers. received was scalded and otherwise injured in a pion on this mad between Auburn and Syracuse in fBlB. The sry rearmed I verdict of 11111.000 for the plaintiff. Aborramt EnderriUClTniciastss.—Col. J. %V. Jackson, who has been elected to Congress to 611 the vacancy occasioned by the reisioralion of Hon. Thomas Butter King, is one of the editors of the Attfavotai Georgian. Col. J. commande6 the Georgia Regiment during the Mexican war. Otr Twenty years ago, the whole quantity of anthracite coal mined ha titinsylvania was three hundred and sixty-five tons. In 1640, eight hun dred sixty-seven thousand and forty-five tons: In 1819, three millions two hundred eighty two thou. sand four hundred and ninety-twoy and for the pre sent year it may be *dimmed at four milliou tons. Timaiiittee cut Ude amigo' Coimacrumunt.--- The Gaines' mintrerrefoy f %bleb has been before our federal wail_ s for a very loan time, beast lonildk beetf tentkded erftereely to Mrs. Gaines. The coact decided again* Mrs. Claims on shame every. point, dird dhunima hilt bill. There was all mud moue antedate( property Mother! he the resell of the ease, amounting to sevand millicem of dollen Invane. ,We lemon.* tilegnepti that Mrs.Gehme has appealed from the decision of Judge McCall*, and dim the ease will be =nisi epintheflepanue CMS at the Muted States. Max. *steer:no Lewisburg (U) dread of Toeeday week says This individeal, wheels strange romantic eondect hie excitedauch deapia tared so the public mind, paired donseghthisphoca a few day. since, secomparded ber petmesoot, who has assented the name of Ate t . gen tleman of this place accompanied the Whig twain from the Sweet Springs. A short time diet they had mode their exit from our village, three, perse. ens billowed in hot haste. The story lately pot Arch by the N. Y. Emmy, silo there baying been no elopement al all, is not to be relied on.—Tri-. , beau. Two lonetieen voituateres wife send in the Yucatan war, *wired at Doom, yetterday, hem tied. Their =ram toe Clamant Lem* 01 Hoer Torif, and Gems Rowb7, of Philedelptoia _ bo ring the *tr. they soma es Lieutenants, and these' the Tentlen esseennenteses lamely Wilted to thitatobirt wove obliged so wesk Wok paw Wee as eeediseet toilets. • lawkag. At Albeit% istg. Mike by 8. 1. arbecs*.ilki GNARLI Mast** to Min Amami reement• At trister, by o tbe lifiaria saaste .r.u. I h NN Mr. Tanta fieselliti t Ifi3l iss *Caste: lin NliCii*Mt * *t**) EN /Me &doeilbet sit ~ieadsibr ref cabs** 'at* the lar - day :of Apri would ft.spirifly Orl aft itiosi tedebtcd , Apr by No* boolt*.66ffm, Id pay up & save' Cost. E. T. PDX. roisitA. mutt 4 1 . Me- Cideeratad firagferiberg %Oft MS whored into the 17. e. r ISM Their it erate% andAr s all ether ibis rannfty, hoe llossi so *is* irediebse of thy. together with tibe other . perper• Grenfosboro Co.. , Ileatert t Poster, '4 H. Kix in Towanda, end eons' appoiated in each town io the meaty. Alan* for ode; the 411trohattorg Manna et Mask ecompirto noon seen ter romitirsboesteining intoner 'ties isintive t. tint treatewst of alarm every form et of disease 1 SOO p&p-elder, SO Coate. N. 11. A nosily NoirrPolPai le* be Ow* API of ekorle, tor one year. to all vibe pardimidi Greobraberg All ennaimenleatione mist L addreneed te Ir. C. In- Pm* Simko, Clenenno arenty„ll. T., Goma' AO. CAITITONt i frifE imdienst aid emily increasing demand for the celeb rat ed MASON'S CHALLENGE BLACKING has induced nuarerolis 'unprincipled parsons se oiteurpt - an imintiiy* tit bis Bar Labsal varying it slighfly. with a view to evade the, law, bus at the same time designed to impose upon the universal conideace of consitment, in favor of Ma- son's Blacking; and as the counterfeit bears oo teseniblance to the original. accept in the latielAnd has none of int good properties , _ Country Mer- Chittiti, nfien . erditing blacking, Amid be careful OridSrai to ask for " Mason'e ' Challenge Backing," which is sold by all re able 'Wholesale Dealers, in very Cite in the IStatelt Philadelphia, Feb. TO. '5O Md.. B..WA9tift. sbbbp. Tar. 1000 lbs.Elmoked Hams & .1 den. sad 100 bushels of Rye & Corn forsale for Cash at ml. FOX's 100 Bushel, of Dried Apples for sale at - MI. TIFFANY'S. ADMINtsTUATows NOTICE,. A"persons iodated to the estate of BEELY CHOSPUT. deceased. late Leroy township are hereby requested to make payment without, 41 and those having claims against said estate will please present them dui, authenticated for settle ment. ZO2IUND KELLY. Jr. Jaerog. Feb. 22d,'50. Adner with will aned. BOOKS I BOOKS ! ! ! T HE Subscriber is in the -weekly receipt (via Rail Road) of Near School and . litisceibuseoss Books and Stationery, to which the attention-of the community is respectfully invited. These Books will be sold cheaper than the New York retail prices. Mao. a large tepid,- of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Cap, Dom, Sh oes . Nails, Glass. Etc. constantly on hattd, Cask Ordtrs particularly attended to. No. I, New Brick Block, two doors below the public square. • Towanda, Feb. 22d,'60. JOS. KINGSBERY. FARM TO LET. AGOOD RIVER rain" can be rented on fa. vorable terms by applying to the subscriber in Athens. C. MATHEWSON. Athens, Feb.. tO, ISSO. SHERIFF'S SALE. i virtue of writs of Veod. Expo. issued out of B the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford coun ty, to me ditectrd, I shall expose to public sale at the Court Hotter in the bora of Towanda, on Mon day, the 23th thly of March. 1330. at I o'clock P. M. the tollowia tiece or parcel -of land situate in the township of drt4l, bounded ,and described as follows, to wit: bigfilding north by laudaof Bar t& Hoiden and a tract of livid known as the Sarah Morrison tract, on the west and loath by lands be longing to the estate of Matthist 'Hollenback de ceased, and on the east by the Stistiteltanna River. Containing about four hundred a6d ftftt acres, be the same more or less, about one han4rid SPI eigh ty acres improved. more or less, one framed tfirell tag house, three plank or framed dwelling daises, two framed barns &ad one other framed bifilding formerly occupied as a saw mill, two apple orchards and other fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken in execution at thesuit of Caleb • Carmait now to the use of JohnP. Means' vs. Seta • Payne. , ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Smithield,-boended and described as follows. to wit: (lathe north by lands of Champion G. Brown. west by 'lands •of Wallet Brown, on the month by lands of John Sylvester & .Enock Smith, and on the east by lands of William Courtney: Containing one hundred acres more or less, about sixty acres improved, one log house one small framed barge; sad one framed barn and ap ple orchard iltereott: Seized and taken in t.teentien at the suit of Silas Bens vs. John Hall. WIC& DORM& We sherirs °Mee. Tolland* Jan: 13. 1830. lOWANDA ACADEMY. MOTS Institution MIAs" bees *teed itt e.harp of 0. 1. Dimas and H. M: Illetv. A. 8.. •fil commuter on Monday the Ilth day tit Oetebet next. Tim Academical year will coutist of four tenma of eleven week:each: Com mmiebb tespectitely. October Ilth. lOW January 2d. March Sllth sad Jame silk 141111 IrMillosi per Teries OrthOgraphy, Reading, Writing, Odom phy and Mesta) Settholdtle. 000 The same. with Wells' deanithae. Adams' Arithmetic sad Tamer Analysis. Ifbikoophy. Climmistry Legit. Asi trasoney and 'Book Keep's& 4 le Algebra. Geometry. Trigootime= lag, Camiclittic Analytica l 4 HI Latin; Offelt a nd Teen& Laninstlits. ' SO reel. Ist ud Sd terms. SS tied of the tens. and Scholars received at any pe cliarged *sly from tb. time of Steil . 'steamed: Boardcan be °blabbed in private families on Ma i . sonahle arms. • , L ItIONTANTS. PrasS. C. L.- Wars, Se*. of Boo'e t 'WOW. - Tomball*. Sept. I. INC tikari T SSS AT. 2111 • jilltialk‘7llB37l:lo. • mrir bill rombraibia Elbsis aks mirth tfros essrbse tb. lrobiic Elirsus, basil stespied by haw IL &yrs. sod Wits' 1144 op his sums. has sib" a lb fobs* sismolis • WV OuPPIT 411 mamos affil nualcarrusta NOM, ou t Noe, IMlsi & twee wut, theataft, Miq Tattle, Paw Seek, Many; , He is wat far mat of du valuable POPULAR MEDICINES of de Jay. skids am ha Pagehlmi his wish a *ldahoy of proatthel geseme *Web" Ile la ake oval feeds CANTON TEA COW PANT of law Yea. wham Tar livia *Wald a wide graii repaagersu for saaublograst sad lima Jaw gabs. Au elagl !tie week. a wbiatha Ito atisedea of tk peWk, grill maid, *my K Ms WA eakaisf will a dear of mew*** earl used *drab aigisiga. aid poellosofat glga Wage raw. Teembdr,'l l ll, fi Ilkt. :-.'.. ' fOkau_AIALL. ,- , _ drrvalrariii aid i s • Wyatt; raieftl•Mliakii; CRifoiniateH "al ' -- l ac i g erintu all l i fittl e n r hr The ale. D ' to .M. Pali. Toirsaa,bl liasea Wrowtrclh 0I 0 P ilaiiies• , Browatows. Feb. 12; .1110. iw. " . FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. StOLEN from dot 'stable of the soliscriber. is the. town of Nichols, comity of 11010„ and Butte of Rey York. on 'Saturday alibi. die ftof February, ibid., a large SLACK MAKI, sor yeas old,— Said Kare is particularly beery csadr, thlr his a er suitably dander tail, is sacked', in use eft. Un close inspectios,lwftit a white rim is its oiler 'dip es; is the, centre of ow of ant Oil &as is st slight mk; she is muter bon - ow be; -backed, and has a roman do*. The mace be. nOoabtedly been diked into the State of Tennsylvania. The above reward wiV bs' paid, sts for the return ofLhe Ware aid sss on tbeerenvietiee of the thief. Nichols. FebF it, 9180. .1011 X CORTELL: AA SittrAL STATEMEV if the Receipts aad zpeoditores of 04 Mash of rowasda, for the year WM mimes slell Doe from I. D.00°114000 loas Tres's. 110 00 • Wocarolf et al. 10 00 Baboon/ of boplirais for 1041. 41 SS Liens/afar slows. Id AO Aool of Duplicate for OM Tall al Am% of Orden bossed 11140. 137 SS BLACKING, stesserrenits. Werk doife'tiii die spiels, Curbing, Flagging and plank rack. Expenses of born Election, Printing report and noddles of Appeal Justices fees. Cleriat Salary and Stationed. Serving notices of Appeal. Paid Win. Muc, it Was. Elwell, street cow taissioners 411 t Poor Masters. ?Aid stepbes Powell jodittseat, Judgment Zeus. Thomas & Co is aid of Poor fund, Order* (*tamed and cancelled. Amirro. Doe from Woddraff etral. Yodel 0 10 00 J. D Gooshosough Imo tram.Mihrt' eft 00. 00 Duplicate of 184 11, In Ternary, soulless! OItDIMS. CrutstUrdios bislang 27.!49. Issued up to Feb: 1840; Returned and cancelled Feb. 2tL'llt Outstanding Feb. 2d. 11150. MOD moo. Atal doe from 2. St Oroodenotigh; Ttetet i IT 04 0 J. IL Chiller collector. 4 $4 0 Ewell Athens towasbip, e se .. Of Duplicate for ISIS, , $74 41 Paid T. O'Day Mr support of pauper; $133 16 C. K. Ladd. medical atteadiae4. Sacpuel Nuittitg. Lake Gallop*, diggi," glare. For I:rewy Case transient pauper. • 00 Mrs. Shores. pauper, 5 92 T. P. Woodruff keeping transient pauper, 1 50 Stage Fare of transient pauper, 1 23 lo,s.'Hemsley, keeping G. Sao w den, pan. 11 00 Uonerations on Duplicatt, 6 dS assets. Due from J. D. 'Goodenough. lee. Treasurer. $ 7 04 Of J. E. Oeiper. (Jo'lector. a 84 Of Athens township, 8 66 On Duplicate 1649, Ls Treasury', To Henry Butler, IS 00 We, the andersigned Burgess. and Team Coun cil of the Donnish of Towanda do hereby certify the above to be a true statement of the Receivels and Expenditures of said Borough from the rrtb Jan. ISO, to the Id day of Feb. 1850. H. MIX, Burgess. CAUTION. Att led WILLIAM JOHN, baying absented hittistqf from my house. without reason. I hereby Morbid efts pestle. Narbonne. employing or trusting him. snit? penalty of the Law. Wyaoz. Feb. 16,'60. GEO. LAN7IIO4. LIQU Or Teri 114 FA « W . HAYDEN balky inerteed . e ohs • wast'arruse of Main sad aftdell Tows , ' of the stave lonely senspeed bz 1. Ei , sad now silks far sale their Wee entsittnnet, in New Yak.. end ter wbieh they invite the Ossetian of din public. To lausilienie ad ethers ley posieulerly reatannend their stack of sr. oqp, Ira ors Val= g . I which bows been edema with pest an, and 8(V mi. rented pow withent any esurbeerible w ether %era. ewe whatever. In anwiets in part of Chuspegne.Old Pert. Medal* Male" Palo tawny, most ate/sCh. Raspberry and Mawr Wines ; Chard, easenpsyse sad hoodoo handy; Helloed end Carnenne ; h aw* $l. Croix end Now Ealtieed Ink; Salrevittes Sint* Lewis Syrup, and Cordials: ell d the bent Iselithet, mid diaper than wee Won anal. dimillitorsectscisainwrimi. Chwens and ether do viii cell tow fag pi* 40 Nei art sad and we if they Intossp*d twenty per twist.. tiro sin. *bore. Their Teas is warrealei et • asphrier gala% Sugars et .any eselity. wirsedisply deep; ebak lit how. Popper, bpi" Own* asinine, &a. with way @wide in the litre. Cell end wee. Money rayed is si► say weds. Chen and Unapt , al' the wry hew breads. cr, Dommeitic end big Girds i e limp supply el Sew end Show:Manly and. Clithing ; s splendid weettinsit of Creel- W eel. Weami, 100,0110 he Piss Lauber, sad ;Wu lea Pipe libiastasjoir eolith a wed prise will be mat. Twerwas. Jcatior, 1.4.1 ern %ea Shall we have at Eaghte Another The broke out et 71011 liftrstitialog autatEST, A YEW tiKrs aria, bet ow it Inn elmitited t• A the Oven. no epilogs Was WM be agnalead. se it will enable me to Weigh iny old ehitotwere pad as me n, new ones as will site ale a ealt - with Cuomo. BREAD. *rim &e.. upon such , term es apcipt and will 'bre satideeties. CAlCtd..ed worry chnentalow, tarnished to ender. R. C. MULLET. Towanda. bow, SR. 1550. Nei — P szrzsorYra ct, pre tic* mos toss. 0. D. SAltimm, E. 0. Geoputev, M. C. Maims. Tows Council C. 4. Wass. E. D. literrAwrze wwe inetstriaLs alto ■eT►TL DMINISTRATOR'N . NOTIC • AA it lismhe Waled to I. Mato at LIIIIILPIIII 10111010*, area. tato of troy tonna* Sr. boritl ,b ‘oloa ode mann twitting daisy sod then shim spiem odie .064. em pion room( thi s d aotkontionoi lin C. JOOllllOOl4 iumotoiloonoor. ==l I " I A' isinftwat fat UMW did slit *Aft bee. rap, Cali% Itespelleis ispi Legloitir s Itemeek. Mpg, IttE Imo* 01 togitre i ter ids et ee ittrtM. Aytirciais J,tatles_flis.idatl Ake Jitatho%-ike4 . - rrirE bo., s poliintU m Vo A. it« by obiolimeolumicievaiwatwe' *snob therfeetletinerehums le thebsedspf e Witmer, et aeid.deeetlerit, moss. the loured*" N oll dkstt be the dative of aid appointment Id lie tract "Pahl Ihr o sh eel illendey the 1 Ith 'day of l . Mtd.tibe A a , et 1 o'clock P. M., of Which all. petiole' usterroted Rill hike notice. H. UOO rH. Towel& Feb. 9th.111149. Auditor. rtIFF SALE. Bikviddiep tinsd Yea& Zips. Wised set gibs Card Notinitist'Plees'ailltadfordeoway lad to me &MO ta@l boeipsiittispitille oak at tbs. Coott Prosse, Oka§ tool% Q T.T i riaktra„cm esturday, the SoLday Mr** 11150, at one o'yoelt. P. .1 1 .. lot pits! of ,p arcel Wit situated is the townibTO o.uutif,pktooiattaql as follows: pc t he .Mh by le le eir.nspio Vaa VW& ea the east by the fit 'refeehettue - Ireritr i taidat of Ratan of Mary An Lockwood eirl . 1 1 is drAlattaut Yen Ykek. Ccatelsine sesepty4par uurs . " tirseur r z. about &City .Kress tortemed qi kb tan frowawl h , framed barn and some other at f+anns,led cue large shanty' thertlea: &bad end taken in rt*Pectiett stJhe ecitat iL W. i r Baird es. lease Caen. Dirsi4sset &%lOW (Om 44%4* ALPO—A certain piece or pacts othuid lyiar in the township of Dortington,-and bounded as'lN lows t north by landsof Joshua Baker. east bY south t west by *Want Pierer.. .Contson. Deg ally and a half acres and twenty two and a emit petiollft a lttie a pArt ot, ist No. 66 recently eyntput ed far with aptiaty - a Melee and others, with a log hon., thereon erected. Peized and taken lb elecUtiod it the suit of D. U. Doll rs. Sladisoa $9llll is OILS 14 40 60 II 75 6 60 6 - 25 75 2 00 WM. M DOBBINS. WM Wee, TemaTtda. rev. 7,' ABM L .Norct OF rE Commisemciets of the emegty of . Brailfioal hereby give notice that they &A lied upon the fallowing places and Jaya womectivaly for lowdes the appeals of tbrasawbo may pink themselves aggrieved by the amensmant of A D 11150, sod we date& of appending fro. the mama a wit r 13/ster at t. S. itttatirnstis - teesSay.Ath.m. Atbeirs ip. and ho. at 3. WtAback's Wednesd4 27th. Smithfield at A. J. Getout& 'Ffitmeley 28th. Itidgbery at 8. Harman's Friday March let" Springfield at 0. A. Viseent's Satorday 2fi. • South Creek at Ass Gillett's Monday 4th. ' Welts at Wm.B. In.alW Tuesday sth. Cahoot*" at lease Strait's Wednesday 6th. Armenia at John S. Becker Thursday 7th Canton at Nathan Teak'. Friday Wu [ Troy ffr. H. Wee: at Y. M. Log's Saturday oth. fiadingtoo ae.C:yny• Pratt's Monday I ltb. Granville at John Vroman - s Tuesday 12th. . Leroy at Parley Monetr_WothtEwlay 1111t0. Franklin at Eva Spaldiuta.Thuraday Monica at J. Y. Vitilecier Friday 15th. Albany at Artois," Setowlay mut. tobeshequin SAW. 3r. Monday 18th. Litchfield at R. Parka' TiMeday_lttn. Windham at Henry Rerwit's W edneaddy fOtb. Warren at %visor" Thofstbri Pike at Thomm . Badigon's FtTday 221 L Orwell at lutist " A.,Rumell Nankai 2* . i. Smirk at A.B. WironoreN Monday 25th. ROMP at Hugh niece Tuesday Illth. Wyaos at the Academy Wednowlay 27th. Standing thaw at Stephen Caillerd Tbitoolay 213th. Wyslasitig at John H. 1.11•4 Friday nth. Bottom at D. V. Sleek Bettoday 80th. Asylum at Jesse Canaan. Mon 'ay April ist. Dural at the centre whoa! tomes Tuesday 24. Towanda tp. at the C001 . “4 Office Wednesday* Thursday 4th. At tech of which places respretively they Will attend *wean the boars of 10 o'clock A. 114. and 3 o'clock P. M. By oilier of the Commissioner% C. P. R'VeuSELL, Crk. Coellifitionlere Office, Towanda Feb. 6, -50. FE 6114 217 67 1614 67 No a f lii A ehtik4 43 5905 50 74 134 03 $259 77 247 47 $ll3 10 61105 65 Qin IT 00 IE3 ta• - ktittiagir ecnnt - iTh - razazi. BY an order of the Or?bans' Court of Bradford County, will be exposed to public save at the premises in Rome townslup in said county, on Sault. day the oth day of birch 1850, at two o'clock P. Al, all that messuage and tract of lend situate in said Rome township, bounded and A:scribed as follows to wit: beginning at a Buttonwood twenty eight perches south 80° wc.i from the south west corner of * lot formerly surveyed to Joseph Vougge, thence north 65° east 120 perches to astNie,dterice south 34° east 60 perches to a stake, thence south 63 ° west 104 perches to a beet.b. Glanee north 48° west 66 perches to the plate of beginning. Contain ing forty two acres -steer dieastire, Seing the same ktt of land coutracted by .Yinceut & Le Ray de Chemaunt gnd sold to'Eli Morris', tie said, premises has a smug ftirde house and a good *En tntreon & is nearly all cleared. Attendance gßen, and terms made known on the day of sale. B. P. COBUILN, POLLY 1.10111118, Rome,, Feb. 7. 640: AdMiutstrators. /146 00 69 16 28 65 016 95 $303 35 ESMAY, C AME to the eoeimme oboist t6r middle_of Deem spotted red STEER. Tbir owner is ro qtiMited to prove property, pry ebsiipre sod tale him a. ay. • R. H. MASON. T. nils, Jan. 30.'50. rAxm end Towns Stand in Orwell township. oppliestione wade to C. ?sista, of Orwell of tits subsdriber Jikeo-Borro Pa. Pommies given - 6m* of Aril neat. Jon. SO. *BO. H. Z. PRIMISIE. TELSORAPH., warier fi lotto likeekholdwe the lr Ildetpothenfia TehOilib Company. that in poe tesses of ankle &Lee Abeeiation, they will to tannin, pay en each ied Awry abase of week in taw days fleas tb. dye heteolg p 4 mot Inittiny dale thirtater. iol tai bailie* In Way lays hens the mintiest of the efortesid Si days. 4Thithboldees art regottatill to limehpitystont The saw it J. C. Ad ams: - J. P. AD IIIEANICI Tnotess at ea. • 7. C. C. F. WSLIIbI; Tortes robes's, is of T. r. rii OTOR Stilt 35 bes_lwts Ask*. efeaß tugs J end; lot set. by WELLEde WARMS. Arles; Jas. 30. MESS PORK.-1 WAN emit led wen peg'', fie rale very eheeD,..by tie kneel es peen& Atheism. Jee:1111, %O. WELLES 111 HAUS. CLOTHING STORE.' fi t°. IL BUNTING, itd. te.ny — Wons. the pub. %-) 1 Us th et be is jell tead fresillest York ea sthertment et neelpthede Citibeatle be In. sites the tiidoster podia/IL ' Athatelt etedt easy he Mid Over Coats, Sack bents, Sucirtest toe', Frock gibe? Drees Coats • Merit Peeteloorte raft, Bowl& ttbe, en ail *mks sea GB rime. . Hr iele*itehted is gab fib Clothier/ et Mien:ally Ism Meer for Com. end Mile's be eau eiskelt the lit toral( of thew widen( to plinobiamio Mit a ea. Orr Al Ate Dia sued. Wiese &Mt sad Ittep• beire Sion* tip etariv; Ottani and making up. tions se eget he the 111014 thelitstieles mower. prmepdy snit to Oniii.• Ttvondnitletther 20, May.. M FOR RENT. tOVVAI;iIDA CHEAP. L. ,is. littiT*; awasteilt tit, at ?NV oottttly, Ps, '. PROPOeiff ibigingremboditol ditio at Twos& .I. doting tbo wanton of eireof asset.- 11. tory be found at tbo basso of I. t Cratiooomotonetog es dot Nat doptumbor. ItAtosee ditto balms s of dot toasty. -All watt manta , u Sea T WHOM AND PALM MAP grArse-rmi .1,4 red Eigibk aka build wair Ave. !ma ddlanie dos. Mrs gassities wok shit Dig 4 e g ts Fors. V7.olll.—tio bbk I ink Wish tap PlefiNeiol, ha. 1, -V. LOWV64 IM M 1 illE- TORE I S •-- • : T% DRINK do 00. biree ( opeoed don at LIMN. A. 4 ge ROOK, with a - rglandid lot Of GOODS, GROOMES, BOOTS ANDSHOES, lisierpsy fie t and emote:. to'..wbieh they Weals thoeitifieei of Vest ed canny to wise sod twat Gs tfieWtoelyea. ,itcs'ars hails riot to pay, we aro de r yeniiine4 to. Al goods right—we shift Ingo it to too peigill to joditt, Thwitawak.6 - Wombat _ STOVES STOVES-1..) DC RA Mr' toop•mfulti infant* 15is ffieade add the • public. that ha lots WWI ter *le 0.10 0 4.TORZL • tgetterat stet ch.'rr smonsoret of STOVES. it all shoo end reeteme whielt he iefOrtered te•01 4 w 1 10 1". sale es smoky* a' ".r tetllttry prodhc• bra the most secomnoshiting esti" • • For otoses....shertiron y ?lrstiend thaw,. hi. trod tweet is esergßote::. fetusesthank. tir,Ms 4.1 4 .„ 4 „ fie ,, situ/v*l;O44M petylie he waswelds,ino mtioo to eve him a esli beton peirhasine ottembsrs; . D m ?, m istake the elem.stom isstAilllALtil south vide of the Puhlic Milamt.'ittlitsotssries (CrThose inaehtstrii ow, ir• %rife* notilied that 1 eta mew Astir met nelesa they ea& vo. . [Otani Ad' genia l they wilt tielsobvieled -teaa lie. fthout fettbertem6h. D.C. HALL. Towanda Der." 1!,1144 NEW Mg. NE OLD DIMC STOR'Ei HysTqx a TgEtTtlft rectivkit, tit No. I. Brick Row. • lugs addnion to their farmer Mock. consisting of Drilllist Inedklursitarottetriles,ll4qiiirsi PileigrDyntaffstriety enethrtv whiej, will be sold at eninttnity , low rittie. Thez 01.1 ofientfot ode the %MOM end einitta Traeos the PE KIN TEA EMI ANY. ker initial !hey ere agents. and which diet to not hesitate tp reeommepd as being no petinr to sky other Gispotted. They have elan the lien 'CT af.Pinot, or the eolf itutrAtteet gedieirks mm u Towanda, November 29. 1114§.. PERM god Tape., Candles, by the Nl* orpnwid, S , dt HIJTOZi et-PIiRTERIt. OMUCK'S V Eldi fr LeZ, .titiviAnigto nt id if H. sTOIVSr. PORTEIrS. DEAD SHOT; rat tent Nis. et the Dreg store, o lio 1„ Brieit Row. H. & P. RASIVE snA.P. for remottog paints. &r, E rtdhlonted, it . d 1 H. AL P'S.. STIPERIttR n 30 Wines and Liquis— blibs. that vow porittrll3FlET jiist received at H. &P. IVUESEAS my lade .11. mined bus left My be.l V sod hoard witlicloi an, Fin mann or provocation. thenefiona. is to korhid ail peismia harbor - Ms or trolling §sJ as My account. as t shall pay no debts or bet cvics:Mims. after Ai, data. Wyaot. Dee. 1.4. '49 GREAT BARCAIIai .XO. 2 Ariansll the Wor ill I • JUST ,RECEI VED a it4lendid saanwiiient of Gooda,, by thi onibeeribei„ at No. 2, Iffick flow. which can be aeon at all boom and will he KW at the lowew pei... en. OUT friettila Will please fars.,l via with a call, at. team. We will charge you nothing for looking. ao.l very little if you I , oy. We intend beeping community ott.baot largo awaoruivent of ~, . Clot Alractaa. Zafyea. . Cowl res. . Wonted dieesea„aarioua fla ti . Oluqers, i Tweed*. Tea*, . Tease, . Coffee. Tracings, glahrratua, Detainer. Apicee. Merinos, flinger, & e.. 1 Alaw, a bete sidatiiieot of Crockery. W 4 6LL1.8 BULL, No. 2, Brick Row: Towanda, Nov . N 18416. NOTICE; A 1.1.* patron inilthlett to the fbile Of Harrell & ~,Pottyzo,4tro bottiby nifitisoiett to Of rod setae setheir °trice No. 1, Brick Now, without thrlYiv. 111.78T61 4 1 6c PditTER. Toweittla Feb. 7. R9l. • SALT—A new etzpply of SALT he t rat' xiwd by felt. f. NT A IT T ET CENTRAL. RE VOW openthg et the .hoe estedilhihment ,ere birge End dreeTable. atueortmtne of SPRiNG & SUMMVR GOOl3B, which gill be sold at irony low rakes. /ices/nem et thin esisblistitnetti itooducieer iron atfl hottest jfebteiplee: Y3ifAYii oaf &mita fof pottered End wet hope fors &attaining:et of deans& mows eve band to on Gods Chose. Ttnetisiiii, July 4. ISO. 14. N. Brett. r1611,, , L0108 4 1 tiftkattale s PUlCS wanted. at Oka Pro? , 11. 11. 9 ThirO, Na 8, Main.4l. Tolrani* Jan. 1, 1850. I.IIIID. ADMtR srictrott . s NOTICE. _, A" pompom' iiiiiefated to the estate at GEORGE VERGtfigt, &Waal, Ilia of die township at Springfield. are hereby requested to ants person Irides cut delay, end those haslet etarne wins said estate' witipleue reinft themAuty, authersiestod (ov _settir: moat. ADELAIDE %SERGE ANt. aptimifteld, ion. 11 lea Admittistrattix: YECUTOR'S NtITIC E. Aponatite hitfetoted to the estate d HORATIO LADD detiriond Ism of Affinity iotittnfilKarlf ben. by ropmeed to mike payment witheat MAO. sat Mom haying elitlate.assinet mitt estate miU pis proem them Jilt aitheaticsted lot eattleterst this! A. T.ADD. AMMAR .ADD. Evocator.. • TEAS. ThtrefttAL. Tease H#stith Iftibn Skin sad Stack .1. TM" of flOperiOr Isrier. for oar et Oars that genie ask jade', .4 tb• article, kt )IEIICITRIT, TO SPORTSMEN! IflU Tx GENIES mareettally informs the public J that tm has reiteved Dr *bop to Blain Burt, nem glove Wm. Watkitie. and s fine reds abeeeths Went Noose, 'ahem 11 eenthinea the heemeis tat . ftnhhdrlii Ihrit iePalrlig Rob, Li Mtge - 1014g a:verities in the ket: - ...sese, he bream Went be tan pettanki all nett r A tr, i ma to hi m . In a allo llll o 1 0 1 .• 3 413 N T.. GIMES. Tosianda. Net. 11. 184§. ILEVRATOVII2,33 AM= MY; TEEM inotingtim TO'sesently Mesta is the :Awe of -I- Irdt!Y 4l,ll4 . v :snelford Comity, P. is error Oita! , 411.61 1, 1 1 hili°: seder the wapeewhies of IOrN if. 1. • NEW! Is .• :s. M. Principel. sot) Mist MIMI C. She. PIA P 4 144sess. . rc trio*: Ptio.oly mates per cornet% . S': On _. EAlielt bresebew Om coseteressi, 2 stn do 41 de eduseed, . ' . silo Wise Witglistt breSehtio. 2 20 Limigimeli me fligliittlitatbetsoties, - 4IA Dresher Ind Pasting, seek nos.- 1 Art lacidestal femme, let qmster, • 24 Tiaras. nit iliaittl erantweres ses N 1114 A. &OW Veda composted Nov. '2l. 1842. .142A1 Violet mamencee Peb.114111%._ •. 140 3 4 s 1200.. - pl i t i Crettritt he 140 by the red of' the quartet - • s 3/1 . 1423 RODGr. Trial of Thome. 4.ILAULLOGIC litlieretary. ' rrif • I===Zl -how. CAUTION J 0 H' t dr-mil THIS WAY FOR Alhain. bat It Is2o. riIOOERIIS of &kW% fie wle a; few rites it %A. die Dree lbws eV pit 7t. .t P.-" Infttlitti KW. 1113 - 11N1 N- 7 mired trt TITYANY EINGSBEpT