MEWS ME ME MliMMI=Mg if 174 TOW AND-A.: ilktritinn, Ptniunt' 21,"1850'. A CHANT FOR £I.UOTT.• IT roux G. wurtruxi. d an dy 'off, thou tythe-fat plundirer play No trick of priesteraft here ; • Back, pony lordling! dart that lay A hand on gllion's bier! Aloe your taint and pomp as dust Beneath Cis feet, he trod e knew the locust lotarm that cursed The harvest delis of God. sere pale lips the smothered thought loch England's millions feel, uve and fearful splendor caught, from his forge, the meet. armed as Thor! a shower of Ike is smitten anvil dung; curse, Earth's wrong, dumb Hualkei's ease them all a tongue I le the poor man's born, bands A ke up the mighty dead. ;labor's min and stalwart bands ! hind, as mourners, treadz,bbadsr ds ! hind, cant and craft their baptised bounds, e iie melt itriginister Dot*: , e England's green and dalsted swamis The Poet of her pdorl . 4own i epon his liihearagreen verge That brave old heart of oak, ;•. , ,h Wing dirge from sounding forge, Ind pall of furnace-smokel ~ e whirls the stone its dimity rounds, And axe and sledge are swung, timing to their stormy soundt, its stormy lays are sung. :re let the peasant's step be heard, Tile grinder cifiant his rhyme: pitrun ' S praise nor dainty word kfr. the man or time. ;oft lament nor dreamer's sigh r him whose words were bread—. "{lonic rhyme.and spelt whereby foodless poor, were ad! 1. up thy tombs of rank and pride. . England ! as !thou Wilt, .n pomp to nameless worth -denied. , )Moon titled guttt itu nor lot in this we claims, it, o'er the sounding wave, ' l oon right to Ellialt's name. •, t , freehold to his grave. wt Minn. the Intelligence of Whose *oath reached . he steamer , was to the artisans of gnilland what •10 100 praw,' ry of Scotland /111 Conotoor , onitibuted not a lime to that oesteshglosiels . tide of • won and feehne which has reaulted 4 10 the repeal nn bre.d. Well has the eloquent Anger of the iall6forinenof ilmillritaio 3 ' said aiNiugs: "Not i s. repea',.n. alone , hat all Brimas 'dm ' n OHM rut fri th th e meal of the brow - era i . lir inaghl nennng tars for the 'nighty leannty erthie Abe labor. '1( England has taken in our dary."-.. Eaa. 1. 7 11111511 1 .721 1 213212 .0, PRIEST 1:31 SAN--AUOUSTIN. tr, wfLLUt t. toarT. • imiral was at its height Of rout t end dissi the Aztec'capital: Where've& one turned, were full of gaily-dtlassied people,-who . off Ml restraint and given themselves •ery imaginable species of enjoyment for time left them before tent. People in Id dominos filled the tboronilifaits at tie% the air burdensome with shouts and rhde rockets blazed in all directions and Id crackers admonished pedestrians that a was as much as it was politic to_az )nrv• During the day these demonstra . not neglected, and with each hour came pastime. Sao in the alterr.oon when I left a par" triends at the Palacio Naclonatand start . for the Plaza de Toms, where the pub promised something rather mote than or attractive, through the medium - tit large posters, set up at the corners of the Gland even at the doors of the Cathedral. A haminity was running in the same di myself, and in a few momenta all in t was lost and I fixated but a drop in the abeam that bad for its determination the object—the enjoyment W. butt-Vit. I an hour before the time published for cement of the performances when .we eat circus, and yet it Was crowded in Ever,- class was represented; the is sable robes and great ugly hat, the e broker, the artisan and the lepers, re more women present tbin I bad a public lete in the city before. And ovely women there.. Dark, yet bean. iced by the richest costemee furnished of the ioluptuout mist.' There was n seats when I enteredihecima, and that invited an occupant was along. heura, I concluded to beat the haut e drums and the crash of °plaid*, rather than lose a good, opportunity hole assemblage ; for in such a crowd; ay, it is not often that one cannot pick r a readable sketch. • , antes began with the natal flourish and as the picadores and matador, A usual ntnbei, and the Willi of a to thos e generally employed, the exciting to a degree. It seemed as numerise audience was fairly Amok- Nothing but the highest order of melee s week! 'Wig) , them, and or lungs could be heard at one ..m e great feature, or whisdieg f the ring. The Clowns wen petard , for their stupidity r and a noble ball other day, the audience waeleiming 0 0 fine a fellow to be killed, mho bed bowels of one horse, broken the leg neat kilie the rider, who len sn ood was carried ragArtureeed Wel the general uproar. taken their dames in theitlVlli ion of a risastetiff s, bwer-ariii to allow a pyrotechnist iss emit tip Torireat and a balloon. The me"' • e , . 4 . .. ' ,iC ' „ %-g. t, 'I. • . • •'ti ', I . .3: ,12 tit " a . ~---, -,- _• ti ~. ~_ ~.„,,.. . ; , . it: ~.3 t.. .3. :et .t k .. :A , - 1 • . 9t -:. ~.. ~.i " IF .' ' 110 :1-• '' --4 '7 . , . ~.... _ ~,,. . I, ~, 7 - •11r?' lVlik .- - . • .• --4 . 111' ' ' 14' '7 c... 1 :„.... „ , 5...,, ~...., ,t ? .., -.-.; • • f .., , ,::4 ' jl7 :.d•'l 1.; - 1 - J41 i ,t;'," .2- 4 . 1 -_...i .:. 0 , 3 . min =EI srs 00 upiakfflii laiiitik e **4 Fad. handed banjo& gala wore thataditac ditir war *wag the silittiow& drat eagerty, ihinedast watoffel*ti: f had libsli d pit* to' 'sat gllitontai et" thirandienci,mosinglY 4 tw.kon -suddenly,* Mae Doze me pat-his bask ifightl) op tervihradder, and ghtetly is Hombre ditt, amigo Hen CarloO t r : tarn rectal e4 saw it young geutlemen;ef , iperhaps this* with a fiat sparkling eytit end•babd- ISOMk4tates,. dressed fir the rlehest' emibbdrirt the cap' I. I * Ikea film before, and salt that he knewime; bpi where we had mu or who he was, bond not him the least idea. He did not allot a : wale of his him to change half a shade,' nor did 4e withdraw the piercing glee, or the cold, sianng look thai met 'my first glance. " klow—do—yos—doV' asked he, with singular gravity, hesitating between each word as 'if to be certain that he spoke correctly ; and then, smiling very good naturally, continued in a whisper,— fads* Lopez, Cotwoto Santa Podia P! 90ar . 41. :u y;47 , 4 rie.,..0.4 Tr, ..,,,f-x%strrxs4,447:l-P , . .. Lt..t.i A 4 r '- '11...&, - ‘ , ,t-in, i--- , 7118Le; t ! 1 -VW' SATURDAyr AT '' TO* . MID KIIMFORDAMINTY- r litsir.itivg (0111111{1i-600DitIeff. .' it•r - , !--; -' ',-., _-.3 : . :./,.. 4, 1 •'. .. - - . • _ - ,_ An electric sbocit•wouki not have *hoe through every nerve of my inane with more effect than the words whispered in my ear by the young priest. There couldtbe no doubt that be was what he said; for there leas the high, classic forehead, The manly face and fmm; and the piercing spark' ling black eye, that I bad many a time seen in the Inbuile in the church of San A—. B4t the disc guise was so itomplete that had I passed him - bi the street he would bare gone by unrecognized:7:: The dress alone, .was enough to deceive one bet ter acquainted him, and then instead of the ehaspd crown and closely clipped hair in which I had 4 ways seen - hitn, was a Skilfully made wig of black, 'silken hair, that fell in waving, clusters to . the.callar rich Spanish cloak. a !tit* dims this mean!" asked I, after my Put prise had abated sufficiently to allow the tupti of words, instead of eyes. •u Why. that I am enjoying the Carnival, se nor," or," trnswerea be in respectable English. I arts. sent Iteib* the bishop, on .thureh duty, and that so complished, bid farewell to the brethren of El Con; ,into de Santa Domingo, where lodged, widpie• eluded to see and 'participatei in the Carnival, lilts a Chrittian't - -and the priest laughed heartily at the conceit. " But are yoti not fearful of being discovered r "Not at all_ No one would recd size me in this disguile. I have neVet been in the city before the day before yeetenlay - , Ind know nobody in it. How then can the monks of Sergi Domingo new" nize me while, you could not, who lodged in the same monastery with me three months, and saw and conversed with me—aye taught me to speak your language, almost every hour each day !" " True enough," said I ; " you ate safe as a thief - in a mill. But bow do you propore to em ploy yourself!—yon know nothing of the town." " But you do, shd you shall be my chaperon. am loaded with 'lnhtley and we may as well squan der it rationally, as I to run the risk of having it fanvoired by the society of Santa A— !" " Well, Lopez," said'!, "I am alter"enjoyment, like yourself, and we will see what is to De seen In• the two • days left us before Lent—no matter what--" " Lent be d —43 ! as you Yankees Bair.. I tell you' we most sink the church, Dal who have wt here! Dy Saint Domicils! a tare Blossom!" I looked in the direction he intimated, and saw certainly one of the most lovely creatures 4 r ever shone upon. -It was a girl oflatber leo. thithkordi nary height, slightly formed, and•as gracefut as a lawn. Her'dresa was that of the middle class, a white waist with a pink and blue skirt, and idle bad upon he: head' a light white sombero, ems an ted after the fashion of those worn by the ranch ras of the tierni cahoots'. Her face wore sbe p ing simplicity, that called to mind the ideal wer Girt of Pompeii, and her dark ,, lustrous e fell quickly; to the ground u she caught the look ad rniratinn that I involuntarily intruded upon her.— A litde gold MIS and a rosary, sus by a thread-like chain of the acme material arou!'a , her neck, might have challenged - the envy otith an: chorite, while a tiny satin slipper, of a ocadiecolor, modestly told that it imprisoned a footwhich would be mote at home upon a Bromels carpet the ,rongh planks that formed the passage ways were, the boxes of the Plaza de Toros. . . laid Lops, my nymph of the etweria, said Leper, 'adrenals the girl in'her own tongue:elf your ices are as sweet astU warrant jeer llPitam, I will purr,bane them all." . . • - , "You Mau, amtorin mid .the girl, : blushieg at the warmth .of the priwkla prides °Utter . bettuty.:, though she had oo naiad for It, for ! uovot sit* lips more tempting "Hui," added Ate, .with a 'smile that said she, was not. Tautly displeased, " you ate Iridium& to buy all my hawk: the de- i mend is rather dull today.. The people seem to chaise skustdiente Instead ,Of ices; shit:.‘&d 4l -111 mother Is trot 40b, smite , .., , ~... I" That is a pity ",' ' said Loposy!hooriairwoMmo of cream ; is for your mother should ' , bir a queen, Ind you a princess. But where 'doeit.parr rottehat lire, My angel IV . . 4, In the calls Espiritu S l um, senati but ti does not interest you. Will you choottianyin of my ices l" ... " Piesenllr, my dear; but it Am intense' . very ;mach. Such beautyam yours sh net tte wasted in a neveria in the cella Rifritaltente.— Youltbould be thestnian 0f.,, a prince," added' he, wannly--bie fine Initliant eye spavll'inya* a dia inonrEttiin 'ft ilatini44, by a sun .ray 'cc 11411 ,-fare you a Prince aeltetL the .4itllotith an garrotte) of Aalborg vanity and irasating doubt outy-beantyriant not vrprineeilien Have the tbv - elleit in vidley aorilifmc mad * l 4: 16 4 0' /4! Mi*,fo: l 4iteS o 4444 *otiti /dm wskil*Mlll4l "yon must ad mak such abrupt questions slam -1 • " "" '2 244 1:= 431.0bd vM "1" sppilk,„-kf :0;4, 4‘.%-•1 i l 4 -1.1,1, i • I nrail 3,41 av 6 pj, 14 _ • ' r;•lf r.rosn At 4-'4 • Tt?" ` iFfnift. i 4 i ME MEE I=ll mocw,n; sitif Aftlidiii:'l,-IWoyi , Amid , bat porairbitakiaboad-iwas :badtial Lt hilawa4hat vreald bale Amami the.inraisait that lihilrota a 43mdkopii , • 41 Vitali* that you ansaiati i mac., sod that/ yoamti Aadlaarpoittly lip4aulati with , a podia - 44w salianea, tbiligh bit opus Wits *arming witty Beltofagitarsiato hisifaad tba Mau= still It*. uptlaiabrehasicAt • soilitital minim ezeishied . the eDIUWe and psis with -it -wlenth.ihat etude!** set bhrltk bat* opaline bet iputit, gl By the Virgini a is Sky, lOW that , speake to roue faivitstimsd *mild I atm yotralonecyou shoe* be convinced ibat4 adoeeiwilftnetvy you." • The anhusnou with which the priest spoke, aid the conviction of 'sincerity that haiwonistionveyid, completely bewildered the . young MA, and she stood wed-to The ' , round; and looked into his eyes with att . expression if hesitancy , - and-adroinnion that was beautiful to behold. Tr, bele* broee , so mach above her in reek, one wharves inland. some and so eloquent, was a thing she turret dreamed of, and her sensitive heart throbbed yid: lastly and her brain was filled with a ditinsand Moos 'social, that Mutest overturned kw meson. •A man- bad left the place nest to the priest, and he wetly thew her, undecided, yet unresisting, to ibit vest, end continued to pony hitimpassioned words into ter ear, unheard and unheeded by the clamorous people around them, who saw nothing bombe fight in the arena. The peiforManeltis were finally concluded, an too quickly for Mellower.", and as the crowd poop. ed out under the archway of the principal-pne i tte the priest stole a kiss frau& the rosy lips ofjbe girl, and passed rapidly by 6e; and mingled: with the crowd in the sweet. It was not without diftlir , ' cult I got alongside of him, after a straggle at fire minutes through the mob bf leperes ebb were rushing out of the circus; and when I atcomplesh• ed the perilous feat, he was so burial 6 his thoughts that it took a smart slap open the shotilder to mike him recognize me at all. " Ah ! is it your he inqiiired, awl took his arm, his face still flushed with excitement and : his eye sparkling with passion. It is, indeed; but you seem-so eneluuded by this new beauty that I fear you Willie* poor corn. panioti for ills remainder of the day." - • ' LA Not so, by my wortli We will tare a jelly time of it, ormy name is not Lopez Clamant* Where shall 'Sara dine!" Wherever you choom—but I •kozot; T oo ilo not know the town. What my you to the Progre so or the Belle Union, or the Gran Sociadad 1 „They are all good fondas." . " either you please—Pm content terve you the reins. But ere all these BlesiesilkMdeittr* tt yei.k "There might be earns roblano..-" .e• ' • " Well, to Laurenee then. That is in 'English home, and we wilt meet none bat English in American there." , "To taarant's be it then," said the twitter, and *e wended onr way ammo the Grand Plan to the eecoud calls Plateroa, NO. 1, • 'bre we had a lunch, washed down with a bottle of Ittse• sandy, and ordering dinner at eight;•atarted out to see the lishts. it maslialt an boar after sunset wheti we lA , Laurent* and, in that climate nirOit falls epee the earth almost is quick as the' drop curtain at the opera, hie is Wereilteacly to be seen in the streets and houses. " Do you know the hemline °Elbe calks Espiritu Santo 1" asked Lopez: " Well ; it is the next street, ma we go towards the Plata." " Let us go there: 4l said Lops; u I would like to feu the tomb." ' u Do you knotr Me number!" asked I. • No t but she described it so minutely that not miss it. lam to call at I.e to-night, when bar mother will be away. /bermes/ I awry Acre-. You understand . . . At thin moment; Lopez looked like. Send. Ins Is* Milli** we were in the street eaniedi and in a little while my companion pulled me by the mist, and pointed to asLunpretendiateafe op. pane, esclainsinv • "That mast be the place to • • Wectoesed the streetqatedy, and Molted through the glass door. Dam enough, biros the hems we were-looking for, and them warn the pretty gni and her mother, waiting' upoe 'two prinsts,'whe wen *dopes a enpisf chhoeiline. -Wirereited Willey hedges., and then entering, patind Imo st isloon - htthis - -seer ofAlinabsp,Sid called - feette& ise. Thigidlesegttized - as immediately id; oar entrant*, bin tente.d away,Mad 1 etinW toe the' deep Mint: and to her forehead. • • ' • ^ " Wilt upon the gendemeti; Delnies," Wand* eld lady. u Are yotintraid of alwbatian, child I" oe " • - Anti ins-few etinatei oar coifs, was brought— awe hi the sadoenediminthe Chplicurthe oor gill witsi l olentiingitated,enik*liii4t*„ as Omagh Abe--bad iteitiOtillaud;l4 fit the ago I aims: ~D epatiting. the toffee opon.die sablerebe tkriußlf a'ithdibw,'snasstood gazing sytet Om din bidet noriained windier. -wLopes,k' said 1, lobes ern - -yeas ,go)ng,nifile with thee peorgirli • ' Yen hale perfently* enchant. bid PO -note Olt sir- - hlid•Oil Add tswnb{ed V' • ' 4l Did 1 not, Sly boy, 1 have .' int eye atreptiek nit your own for agielioi*lnterarCillta stall : be ado* urnight:' • !I Asir= cannot many hnr.n ; 6 41 sot i atiiiitivo, tie, for lilt *se stiait lot 4.00 m Pri". l l PAl4*!4;4# 14 4 1 :.: 1 •1* loam 0- • OM s: .;" • 1114116=icit;-, 4 . t op 4o losable pr!ibotoo you will soot orn bet:l fiL! 7rl,V) .r.;.p? aosoolkaso of ogi niarn oir:i i i i gt felss t clossr:abierilicie*eaknisii - ficithii*Ortiur` Tigiii!il!diftet ''whtiiii'itiliiiis t duallailliii* ilia protipatien* Podia itkiiii *hillAbe suit - 01 , ivert itretired4lV.Piebk." - - ':, ' ' ' "- - 46 ; • a Eas.v4iiiifsirV" iliii loess yoko*losaseis Jr' Zs:. - aallii tat taidevE . -- A - - ii!Andierwiti loft silk* id iinab 100 4 die: *ln who-Noily ant, as i is& • • leki.f' t' ' •'7 fl - • , - , dit rail hieridwouin . . _- in . - ' l Wskriffidiiirsimi: , 1 4 diAstudibilot re iiin‘ thiiv you Ai, Wby, rirta4 iiiiitilierVit rowels ofOrizaba We soliattatdataitadiy i,a4 ucie:sat site yOtt eel - - ! • 1 . '' • 1 1 - "'" •-- 1' lAt thiiimoment iiit toovarsatkii arts I:l*mi* lby desatilpioitatieeorDolorsi, Wier, bliwiiin f c Opt_ 6eikichad Lopes, tad said in a iirliispetl. 1 l''''' sir* *Soother will not go oat to-mete: 4,41 - iit asfeep I ssiU swaps sad kiiii yoekt fh. pint iir Tatra Nuevo de Maii&o: At 'alSirfa o'Clock•you w.ill see me. t shaltlesars toask old` •a w 1 doinitie." then, gliditAkuiedrbark - to 'heritage, at the Hide window', AO !stalloed time adla ore left the fonds. *-, :7 • ' ' 'k . telies and nittettretamed to inn' hotel, Where ..ahnter was 'Weititig, and when we rose' from tke iable-two more lxittles ollitirgtunly had:disappear. ecl from the 64illar of the host. The priest . toahoiv evidence of a too intimate ingtudnuinee 'with tims.t. ( itePoue " Mena," end his naturally vivacious Spirits were roads/ still more scr y his , help:tent *Nations. It was nine o'clock as vie WI the hotel; unitreet proposed ihit we should take il tretroll among theditietent tiiii:ronnts, pre ions•to visitinohe place appointed 14'114 girl 'ofih nose d*. The Iteliet Unite balls lime at this l rne in thtireenllll. l ; Hondnelio(lxo sexes nightly con gregated-thole, and.pessed ta4 Mors lit dissipation lied tint UntiLdayliigia. Onkthe night in questiOn, the Belle Union:fareseilled' a picture ilaLlntr4 have staggered retie sinnets than either peizor his comparden ; but Laurent's Burgundy, with the aid of numifroup cape of brandy, bad driven' away ail chance flit isf)ral reflection, and we rim geifinto the revel as wildly as any. A description of the 'scenes enaeted at this fa mous hens. of dissipation : truthfully told, would AM he believed by one in every five'who read this sketch. The hotel is one of the largest in theespl ta4 and beskleithe ball..oom, contained two large saloons filled with "gaming tables. These were crowded ht. ascent, root one might. see kilted aroonakhe innate banter, the fallen Newell who had bat the half hear 'previous unrested themselves to get the Money theywereOhco foolishly playing away. Hera were-officers df the army," cOmmon [ soldiers and teamsters, all for the time upon a lev el, gambling, dancing with abandoned women, or drinking at the long bar thaitatood between the gaming Moms, and that where the -dance was go ingot', amid every imaginable noise' and conk , aeon:: After dropping a** , ounces at the moaner bank. Loperentared the ball-mem and jained'in therefore there. it was all one to him who be danced with. Ile was loaning after pleasure, mod fancied-that he had foliaidell thin ettnassist eseept the pememion of the kmoty Defines. Finally, -a general fight between some Teiram rangers and I ! petty of teamsters put attend ItAhe dancing for the preseitt,lend we left for othrk-seluies. After ) risiting a dozen 'places)* ainnsement we , stood before the Teauo elentri,leit as the chimes tolled the boor of eleven. Berrying on, Lopes hunted everywhere kw thejetrentasw There werehendreds of dominos in the hall, hot none that hid the sylph-like toms of Magid he-sought.— ' Half an hour passed by and raid newhite dentine: wail seen: Lops: began to despair meeting die Wel' objetst of his passion, andearsed bitterly Methinks that prevented him train the consammatiou of his that assignation. He data kill deeper in hie dis; appointment, swallowing glass alter glass-6f the atre-se vino tint° so much used by the middle end Wier them*, and mimed determined to Unger in drunken:less the wounds has pride bad received for be bad mimeo given rip all hefts of seeing the , girl that night. "Br the booms of Saint Peter I" exclaimed the 'Wimple priest, as he swallowed at enact' draught a nimbler chimed to the brim with brandy; By the honwrof Saint Peter, she Ash not fool mit 'Pisa lf t cork her oat -hum wider the wing of I I that old hag of the neveria." 41 Shaw, man," said I, affecting le think light of the matter; u thettli-are thy premier - bouties ' yonder quadrille. Make love to the first ornr you meet. -I will do the lame." .:44 L can't do- itt" exclaimed !Apex. 1 / fily heart and head are tit Ore.! wifiluiare-this prettyliebill illhativiefoteakediesimmit Me Inv" • Yoa wall reauSyber, thin, Lopes l!' ' • ' l `:' 41 yes are &fool, DIM COWL' No r t . net $ loot; btq..Carrlcs, dill yowever know a we role mad la an hoer from the Wee of weenier ' •• - *, &Woolen. nsmallect,...erny 7" • 111 seeottit this pretty-. Dolma latelight you may - look for a enaldhome te.moneer, that kasha— She - litre, urns heart; ki ray Wet- like_ wßlbri there seer; wifkintarainiping: Let Ingo tailierhouse; band in thedobrOadiranyfter elf:= Wrenn here lanises.teadrat itrathamide - Pinon by wit; and by &pig/trench 'the meentakm." ficterytereno mad; orisles'dendrer thaw t take yeteto be; bet who is that?"'"' ' • At thii , cordrieutts whilst donainit'graded ateicklY into the grand ball room mad peeped tepid' lythroogla the throagat diners; es it fit leareh for setne - one: 4-11 as she, by heaven, P'shoeted the priest, and in amoeteat Mr had eleineditte spire -atidelasped i - !-TM , terudiallibl toodbleit as lie yielded to bit i t bat inotimeed birds/At dioppear• into bet Wei suilLtba Wad Dobsfaapaddrbrwildered; let de; lighlielo ' katiedagihrit tideyes'of - half ihe lectl*solve beijeted that Ad teii rooviiild by many tom bleetidia bed 'edd bet= kik it Ili Alai* " •-/a a itioliii Lotiat hal vpasiea tip apt sad beeeielbefiamiddiagilliaiiskreeti SUM seri d tbeasettabz4CaideittlitikaesMbiliti hat they did not bur it. "" 0 0 4. 1 40.:v574.44.A.pril • ; .10.-;74 - t .'is as i - mv , ..t.p5,:.,?. -- .z.'t•f , :s _ e •t• -, ,..\ ~,:,.- i .-_ , 1 .,, t 0 4 .: , „3 u ., , ,,-*-2 /.4, i •;,-,-......, q... 74-...43 , ...:1 7f...••.:-:5..-.1•;,-.• r.5...4 •tn t.f. , ..:h..,:. -,,,;,•:" "*- ' •c"7••••''' ~ • /i 11' 'L ' l : 4 '4 " . .' Iv' ' , ',!• 1= .7 - i , . r'...S; ... A li; T. I . . ir.l e!"..? ,--4V.' 5.... ri- 1 1 : 1 . _ .7... , %; ',-,. 1) p.. , - . 14: - : 0" , ~.. __ - -1..77 r :: ,• _',1 .. ... '. •%. ,•::, ~..r. .r :p. , .',/,<-' 3 .. - ''' .• •• ' .'r 117:0 .... :At: ~, 4:- . fi . V ... !• , 6 , , , ..••P1!.:',7,•,.. , ,,:•,,.; .:: ; , ..• . IL. • '.4 , -:;!. . . , c,l; T Ps V, f tsl - MMMN M=MS=M BE lin OBRil walnut retiirr heinediatity," :said :die; 'iirLiss lb w reac h e d • the a k t ev i i.l to Sit timber wiliElake and-missive 401111:hat side,. and she will go away @bolt for she loner mesas site does tbeL b2e sioloof.J.l“, ,t • " sire CianieLkivii.Ao se Ilia, dearest,u as ailiasedleparrosith opinion thitairmed‘r shake 6iilsery:sw{.„:ashr.aspaidnotdia yoo sa , I wenldp end he mimed her alighinin his anus eattapdated a boning king aped bettiorebeadJ '7ifFi,ileseirre lose: TO moue* we will be wedded at esat yaw atathrw Will be teeed °Lbw ehild i Joe eta 1 irot , iicb l--sod wad: aot tnakekey bisppyfalson A( thismomeni s mstr.pantild 40e, drereds'.iike , e..rtiorrk. Thar, wailiothing strange *millers severallts the mom suited l .; bit as lie passed I saw /rim eau a gleam at Lopez, that apemen mailitadgh A mss hare, braiu..the spring thedimil hianseU, meek otWarliee elee there is it.. Be - withdrew aslant distance, and strip ped and wed a the 'two loirets.l4reyoe who yr . * Ploaeerirow ie*fttei reject: •,141asida - 1, knew the roan if I had ever seen •hirn..he.looked.sot .that ; I glanced at Lopezowid , he waOtarinly iniug • girl to leave the 6.t with with. She re tresiged-eligOty.,but heltemed heft with imp" iou•d•peech, alai, though a-teardihmted her eye, aketietsed , io-yield, and "widow her face etPlike 4o lead her alai,. impossible .to express my feelings at this That Lopez wail &libertine, I knew:— Thar the poor girl, hia cheated victim, was.entirely mercy,lias equally true . 1 / 4 Though 'half stn. plead by4he liquor I hail drunk, I could riot butte.; abet 1 wai`in some measure a participant in the guilty deception, and felt constrained. to tell her ! everything. But something held me back, and I watched their receding formsoothey paned through the crowd torrents the corridor that connected with the rooms orate actors, with a feeling that-it would bit imposeible to give a name. They had reached the corridor and I still stood looking Ole; them, when theroatt I had beings no. ticed iuthltmly "prang dimity balms them. As quick as thought I was up with Mum. It seemed to One thai- I fairly flew, for I did not breathe from, the tide f !started-141 frwas it that other enJ of the room. The two men *ere' in high words whe' I arrived—the stranger masked. " Stand ascdirs, villain !" showed Lopek, his face Atishett and: his eyes fairly starting from tlacii ets • " Stand aside , monk or jevil or t will split you down like a struck bull 1 .1 , and he foamed hlte a *those ; awl' his teeth sashed furiously. ' The poor terrified girl, half swooning, hung dis tracticrupon the leltarat of Lopez while his right clenched a small dagger, that glittered iu the light. "nand aside !" again screamed the priest, and with thewoids he aimed a blow at the mysterious stranger. The latter, by a quick movemeatitatight the hand of the unfortuisste Lopez, and wrenched the weapon from him, uttering at the same time a hoarse low4augh that I fancied =old belong to no one but Satan the elder. this time.two men had seized Lopez by both antra, arid the affrighted girl turned to me kw pro , tetion. ' "You are his friend Ser.oi " cried she; "and yet you see these men tear . him lima my affianced husband:" ..Then, suddenly turning tolhir stranger, she cried out in a" voice almost el:malted with agony; Who are you, devil? What want you of my husband?" • Tbe.stranger uttered another low, chitin% laugh, and quickly extending his band, .plucked the bat and wiglions the bead of the.belpleas - priest I A ahrieldr- latcame from and pent to the heim, and the poor Dolmen lay Upon the ground, as lifrlears u though the deuih-angel had smitten her. The mornifig snn rose M i ght arid glorioasly bpon the List day of the carnival, just as two young men separated at the Garet* de San Cosine. " Whither go you, tom 1" ft! know not, nor do I care. The work l is all the mime to me now. At twelve today I shall. be denounced from the tribune Of the catbird - rid, and Diwicifita; 0 Hamm ! this morning entered the fatal gaits of the Convent of Mercy ! .ddibr f' , • * it • The following is a literal transfaiion from El Corr. '44 Guadalajara, publlsitee'about three I:tombs iffier the occumatne above narrated. 81 -7.4lllllUUCtell Diacovw:-,on the Mk, ultimo, aittoy , Of claim of Dura n go. un' their way to El Dorado, fwerossing the rio Gila, found the body of amen dressed in the robes of a monk. - From ap point:co% it lung have beau several days in the water, but t h e features were still distinct, and the person mus(bave been popowased of great beauty. Around his near was a coarse cool, to which were attached - a mealy 'and a wooden ems. On , thole. tee was carved in rough Were tbe,word, " limits- There. waa nothing-upon the body by whieh any chill could be gamed as to the name' of di* faicids." Illarrtase fa 11111rerest Nations. itt Csykm. an, Oahe principal ceremonies con- Agit*:l4, toietbs4 the clothing ,of the bride g and hsi_fro,frreignify that they ikrattociad to. VhstliTit Thiscamaimay is perlaratsdinthe presents* of their friendly and with sot t, festivities as the means of the Duties will admit. • In Java three knuls of marriages. The Stet end Incas ceincrgal isegivm thi PutimilY• of *quad c 01 .44 10 %.°! thitbiftivem ilk the Sem* Pim! Odes the Woad s, when the wreestation icarneb higher Theobat of the tiesbruel; and the Wei half snarsiak4b, caoPriwP ai 1!...4 1 14 . 541. 1 40 . 4 •401113 , 19111*1ri1k ether ebpme,„nns . ma rriage is quite aeoerenteldeter. bat ask hire cobsramOmratra ti t 11 % 004: 7b114`414 * I fiburp4 : ,43 JN. GAB %ill*: lit a einghi - wernin of twenty-twe is elmest r...,. 4 6" " - VprienXidwaya. paid byjhoi "mom, iiplentlidly mounted, accompanied. bf liis . friends, with mask 'goes-to walnut hiehridirl tie leaziel;ont,,ind sneltlWOm wtb `"l7iey'sit togikhir vs en elevated tom; and ISA*, at*. wit* , Ifier• 'gimbal:s -6 7gal? the 11.1.0rth 10.14:114 th e Whit,* aociordini Ifilitintri titbit Then enaties'e Wid - q dirsiligesision : throngh the fill*, 'a (*MANE* . the =4, daig tutelhetql,t9o o *.; aioa, in which the inialej is pcmdected, te.the pra eitideaf hirclushand.. In atie:44sica - the nine wheel, loom, andia*iiiin 12tersidi r ar e writ& in the taida'proceisliiii: m411,111'1 bride washea the bridegtoories teei, in , token of sotriee-' • Mt -. in'SiMatraY thi Ilattai: hese as missy Irises se . i they,pleise . Mgeserilly !vie oa, sir s ' sib° all live irt the lases apinirtmentAiit . li theft..common hindmarli bat each hay a seliaratisfireplece. Ifiusbausdi per= 'ehittaistheitivives of their fatitirsin-laiv, mid gam ble thlim,atcati or el them whedever that please. s, : . Among the &Jim another fribe E besides the -- ptrichimi of veivesor man falai:imbues adopted by tharg.illtalrliev at a son4rAscr and - both-are stab jectotithe pirent; and there is another maffisosi . tailiemi bothaneri uad ixoeicri . pat an equal price; ...and aMOn perfect equality. The cererriOpies ate • *, , 0 ,-- se;:ftAlg 4 M o o , •l - :„. . . , ' 1 - ia W i . 74:Y.:: '''.l - P...z.'3 1 :7A, ,'' .0 ,, ! , § -.)..4 .ti P :i ,',... V . " 4 "1 - ' " ',-..+".'`.. rit''' ' , ,- . g',. -'s' - f . i . .<;" . '' . '''''. T a ' • •-• ,' : ' A .4". -."-. - •I- - '-").P.v- ' e!. - .(' ' !`. fll.k.ii— -; • t l MMMEMI very simple. - • - • ht Borneo, no man is allowed to solicit ideated in - marriitge until be has cot off - the bead of an ens; my. When.this condition is fulfilled, the loves makes prevents 'to his mistress; if they.are accept ed, an entertainment is given by her patents, and on the ensuing day by his parehts. After the least the bridegroom is conducted, bomi to the bowie if the bride. At the door a friend sprinkles him with the blood of a rock, and her with the blood of it hen; and the pules then give Barb other their bloody hands, slut from that time deur lilt two, tb* er. If a min loses Ins wife, it. cananil l Marty• it second, until be eats' ff the head of an otgeititneroy. In Celebes, the hnstiaed receives no other dow. ry with hts Wife than the powentishe obtainis fine lhe cerernqny. As soon as the young couple' are-married, they are shat' up in an epartmereb'y themselves for three days ; a servant liciitgs them the necessary lord, while their friends are mkt- Mined with - grear merriment by the bride's father: 4 i' At the end-of this time they ore liberated, receive the consiratul.itions of their friend:, end are cno• domed home. The morrisgo cutonis I. the natives of.Neur Holland life rather More carious thaw agreeable,- Before a'girl is given to her hnstassi(her two front teeth are knocked out. The lover then throws a kangaroit skin over her shudder, spits in her bee several times,• marks her with printed skirl of - different colors, and orders her to march to his bat with the provision bag; if she does not walk' fast enough to pleas* him, be administers a few kicks by the way:" These Savages generally steal , wives: from the tribe with whom they are it enmity. AL soon ss they perceive a girl without - any protector; ' they rush upon her, staidly her with blow* of *- club, and drag her through the wnode with the ut.. most violence. Heir tribe retaliate merely try com.:: muting a • similar (enrage. There airs no other i wedding ceremonies among these savages. The Moors nearly at a very early age; wives are alwayslpurchesed; and the father of the girl earn— not refine an offer, unless there is some stabs upon she yoz4 man's character. The bridal tent, is. - adorned ' with a wean white flag, and the bride. groo4'e brow ii encircled with a fillet of the same color. Tint; bride is: epriducted to the tent of het • parents, where the iyier presents her with gar ments' and jewels attording to his wealth. A graml - entertainment is *von, and the vromen taus all. night to the Bekaa of musical instruments, while the speotatom regulate their motions by clap 'ping•their hands. These dances are not very die. corms.. The marriages among the negro tribes. are conducted with but very little -ceremony, etc-_ eept an tbenduce of puttime and dancing. ; Aescsit the levees, When the , toveressaured the • eccusent of relations; be erammotted his friends to insist him in, carrying off his brisklt, - who shuts het- self up in a hut with her cornyousions, where they maintain an ebstinaln i iinge before they conclude. to surrender.' . ---;;;t Its Brammuk, the bride comes to , the hot of her husband with a ealishashiof water; witli'vrldels she washe* his bet, and wipes them with bar mantle. In Cato, the, nwees take their, wives be a Sear - nn trial; if et the end of that inn* they are • satisfied, the wadding is celebrated with n (mat. The missilorstries sodeavos to abolish this wan& without r‘mise; the mothers dae.laringthey weal& not risk * happiness of their daughters by min; thenifin:s i r intlicoolast• union with tetanus wi th whose, pets and habits they were imsegaaint. ed. In Abystthria, there is no-form of marriage eere. morzy. Parties live together as fort oaths)! elsoose, and these cenneezionease•dissolved and , mewed . as aim is the .parties may think *pee, • Aftioisa princes have an unpleasant way el for. . nishizt dowries for their daughters. When the Saban of Molars mauled his daughters to ito - ..tratS Sheikh, " the nuptials were celebrated by a great olive hunt among the mountains; when after :•• dreadful struggle, three thousand captives by their . teats and bondage, furnished oaf the materials alai "%pitmen% marriage festival!' 4 In •Dulionsey, all the unmarried fams'esibrouski out ths kingdom are considered the plepettyalther ;e o rioreillm.• aiarregrar are broaghtTleihro his; he-selastathe most engaging fisetiraselkarid" sellsihe test at high prime to , his...sabiattek. - :Nis . chitiewisalloweithe ptucthaser.-. floptye tweet* thousand dowriefoind-receisetswiel a - +rife as the - hint eheosesiratimilieni• hairerobflged tti*. : petarealisiei(Witlithe aelegion Evistinever linil**i. bet apes:tit mntion. This ' Monet& beirdk6o::.':' 4 levee; tit the %bet sf Alifitalitillait*ifi!,, , • :diesindilirei biffidi:a ii4iii*thols;, safety efhle itiinntiiiiiitipPosiiatiApead , on ' t"_ ... heithstop thbrmystleal number. - El :117-9 SI•Af; lIMI -
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