Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 16, 1850, Image 4

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    r G i x•; a -t
Alum -A Word tithe ramen. -
Farmers, or those.wheare emulous orglgil , ap.v,
pellation, often complain that therstreracriclUdin .
their farming,:operotions, bra want' of ananave:
On visiting and eiamining the •prentises - top sorb,
we are not surprised that their
. efforts ;are
"'restricted," and that faranuffi• with • theen,je art
btsorne and profitlets,•ifriet nil
lento pursuit. - The condition of things, ha eitor'y
teepee* so undesirable, is not, however, it should
be recollected, the result of a virtual necessity,- bit'
of carelessnersandrimprovidence, on thti part of the .
proprietor in-appropriating and enconomiiing the
materials with which he is so munificently sop
plied. While lie regrets the Want of Manure; he
poses by, ttlifieeded the rich resources. of Nature,
and hills fieldeof hopeless stietifity, with the means
of, rendering them as productive aa the banks of the
Nile ( waiting:uselessly before his very eyes ! 'Why .
is this I is not thetinsWer clearly and at once-sag
gested to every discriminating, mind There are
on etWirrn 'materials enough for all legitimate.
tequitereepts, so far as the manufacture t f manure
isertememed 7 . 4surtone qnestion the convenes*
of this remark, let bite examine his resources at
ontse. Let him take into consideration the nature
and character of his 50i1. , --the geological formation
ore which it rests, and the description of alimentary
matter most proper to be applied. One farmer oc
cupies a farm, the soil of which is light and exces
sively friable ;. it is too pokons and anconsolidate
in its testate to insure *favorable action of the pa
treseent manures applied for its amelioration, requi
ring an addition - of some ingredient which will al.
ler, effectually and permanently, its physical. con.
formation,. and obviate - the too great tendency to
loburn up" or " waste," without equable:end actual
fermentation, the organic substances applied for the
support of the cropi. Clsy, is the:proper alter - ant.
By overlaying the yards in which the tattle are
Sambaed with astraturn of this earth, and mixing it
thotonghly with tbe solid and liquid excrements of
the animals, and then subsequently removing it to
some convenient and'proper locality where it can
be still farther winched by the addition and action'
of other ingredients, fit for severest, it will be made
a- most desirable ssurefficient fertilizer, and its ac
tion will be permanent on any Soil in which there
is too great a quantity of sand. On close and via
cid clay, the application of-sand is equally benefi
cial as that of clay on sand. -
, The too great unctuosity of this description of
soil, araich produces a tendency, in damp weather
to adhere in plastic' - masses. .and when dry, to bake
in solid strata, or compact masses, impermeable to
the roots of vegetables, is a serious impediment in
the way of its cultivation. Lands of this texture
are generally, from the melting of the snows in the
epriug, and the frequent, protracted and copious
rains of that season, too soft to admit ofiLeir being
worked with any degree of perfection, and this
conditipn of things is continued generally, till- it is
tocrlate to sow oulant with even a•tulernble pros
pect of success. But by adding sand, an absot bent
power is superinduced, by which this defect is, in
a great measure obviated. The constitutional ame- - 1
lioration thus produced, is permanent and the land
may be cropped in any grain for yeas; or' indeed
for an indefinite period without any note-areal con•
sequences from either of the two extremes of
drought or excessive wet.
I am aware that the applicatioa of constitutional
aberants, or of those sutx-tatices which by Wei'
presence and aclitereffect a radical change in the
complexion and physical c6aratter of soils, cannot
praperly be disclosed under the head of mantu-ing,
yet if is a- point of vast practical importance to the
fttrmer,-and should by no means be overlooked or
lost sight of in any system of ag,restie" improve
ment involving labor, or the,bestowruent of ma
nure. Many of the'finest gardens in the United
States : have been formed by amalgamating the
primitive earths ; and I have now in my mind's
eye several which are based on lauds that thirty
years ago were regarda'as utterly worthless, and
were actually purchased by their present proprie
tors, in some instances for a sum not exceeding,
one-eight of the am - ount realized from the sale of
the marketable p•odetee of a syngle year.
As, in the vicinity of clay au& eaa9 formations,
them is generally, though not necessarily or Mira-
via* so, in atl•eases the material necessary for their
improvemenr, tfie'cost of the Undertaking it never'
so greatas those not familiar with this fact are apt
to suppose. I would advise every one who doubts
the efficiency of this practice, to reduce it at once
to the proper test
IMWer Dub!in, Nor. 3, 1849
Pads Tor Panora
It is an error torplant seed Duna' a Mate fitrther*
South. - in a cold season only the seed . from a cold
er efienate will ripen-well . . . - • -- -
Never keep your cattle short ; few farmers can
Iffoid it. If you starve• them they will starve you.
It will not do to hoe a great fieldfor a little crop,
Oi to twenty acres for fire !palled hay.
lei the land and it will pay you for it. Better
=thirty acres well, than fifty acres by halms. ,
In dry pastures dig. fiw water cm- The brew of a
4 hilt; apiings are more frequently near this' erdrfadii
.9414.441. 1 Ah;1011-4, ado., - . . _
The foot of the owner is the best amnia for the
lanai '
Cot a lmshes that yomwisliirrJeptror , in the stem
mer, and' with a sharp inetrtlmeDt, they will bleed
freely-Art(1111e. ' •
Acenunts shoeld he icept,..r.letailing expente„? ..,
I',firgfrazuatatenailriad. ,
-Whoa in. implejnerit is,nel t neVtstented kw, the
season,- ley it carefully itsitie r tat first let it be :well
otilfi 'F;prepare fonr gyetintrwell, sorb
early einfitay very littleettentioti . to the moon.
0115i - rale yObr tnen 'Wait might ; remember that
4 cmrliifit'3ier,a man soweth, that Alta Ire reach"
Do entbep,in (arming by Wilding en expensive.
house; niihrspaelous bury titFyon have something
o stare „,
Keep notes al remarkable &eine nn per fiinn.
Record e!!p "your enws of much
benefit. ,
Olfirfies, ina*ft o o 3 4 . nerObils- • -
:„.• Abe better-anima:ls can be .ka, and Abir more
:1 1 .ell 16 filSPOtber 4 iin WlEficl!ie inei *trouble+
Afis* 4: 411 e5 1 r cbrk id* profit.
*Dr igoverilsepOl. moans it :against dip
h0 1 04 1 41' _ • -
- - te• J
• Cows wok -Gaon. wiateysittworeusigk gook
" - • • .
• positty•
_ .
Vil=ER !Mental, &Wird. SHIA or Diroisag,
ll* weir" B welifilli plank mid Manta
sixtlfiroat, Cishevbo itideittrWithintaitiiiii - thit•
.hismislibiewases, Nerearial - Affections, Am. , " Abs for
&Midi; Dams, Cots. plinth», he.. Ws Ad
justified in proclaiming THE FACT TO ' -THE
WORLD that of all ssedicisea ever brought beliwo the
Put she. NONE We evet been moeu . beni4ciallo w i!
h* humanity thatilitirrieLLfsprol - ' , 'Orre." - '
*herr:that this.» saying a gnat InstY" tie - •
**rho soloist.; lie could not at!" iis..* ll °l - ,r.r. 16 '
Al dal! '
Hiticro- - nrsroarso. Lrex..eaotosiiirins
Hundreds, as;. thatisiike, Heil the hippy-lath - Oben
fleet they iiires i gnaiotltil w th its
Sod our present pane» is to inform other
bow and where they may obtain thatieleksthieh !ht."
perhaps. bieelong sosibacie n
- The superior excellence orthis preParatien trey tdl
other medicines for, thornily and warm" mum if
,is well known to-all who • haws tested,it. %psi
iwoyed in thousands ortiatanceir, Ina be '
p are the
it. confident it
• - .
~ • •
if aged ityroper length ef time *midi", to direction&
Ari — proc4 briiiit itiffireintaiiiiii - Taiie
saws all mammas thet,.ifaftsta" , propir t ri al. it pone
ineffeetaskihe Money paul for it will be Reinnaed.
The" Liquid: Cam" is an - oatmeal Remedy far
Riognoorou. Bias. Pimples. Barbers' leek. Freala
Linda. Chi/basins. `a sh 'areas, Mummies Bike.
Stings of Poiesetoisa Ineede, tic., and for Catennene
Disesses4f rimy desc ri ption. .
It It safe sad armed for • - •
shins •i-4tate and pattruerat nilief.
• No r pre*retios now befoul ilia Public-can impose
the /sceneries, of the "Liquid Cam" for Seal*. Barr
CeleOsptaine, Badge', Ihielliepoko. .. -
Its ayes as a . >
• Every Fanuly is Me -Lend -
shouldprovide themselves with this hersloabie-Prepit.
ohm. the cheapnesed slick plans it within the
rerch of 'IL '
Putt Directions accompany each bottle.
Pamphlet, containing copies of certificates from
those who have tested the "Liquid Cure," may he had
Grath" of Our staboriadd wets.
-"Myers' Liquid Core" is pnrpsted anly'hy 1
JEROME & Co., It Spruce Street, New Yogi.
For lois by HIRAM MIX, Towers* agent fur this
county. and by C. H. Herrick. Athens; Rufus Wmg,
Troy ; James H. Phimiey, Mattroeton ; Henry Gibbs,
Orwrlt" fri ems,
•Pr. Swam', Celebrotol loudly- lariats!
crag rozzoins cons!
Compound Syrup of WiLl Cherry !
Coug'ha. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint,
Spitting Blood, difficulty . of Breathing, Pain in
the Side and Breast, Palpitation of_ the Heart
• Influenza, Croup, broken Constitution,
Sore Throat, Nerroltilligbility,
and aft dimities - of Tiiittgt;
Breast and Lurie:Abe
most effectual and!
speedy cure
known for
any of
Dr: Swayne's Compound sin* of Wild Cheer,.
300. Mdton Earle, editor of the WonwMla Spy,
MOP., was attacked with a severe ingamation of the
lunge, accompanied with a distressing cough; after
tiring various other remedies with little or so benefit.
by the use of 0190 11;stle of Dr. Elsreyne's-Composad
Syrup of Wild Cberiy, be was restored to perfect
health. .
Wm. Montclina, a respectsble merchint of 44-Cleir,
Schuylkill county. writes, January 30, 1849 :—Enclos
ed I send you a certifieate of Win. Beaumont, a cid
izen of our town. His ease of coasumption is well
known here, and of long standing; be attributes his
core entirely to your Composts! Syrup of Wild
There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cher
ry, and that is Dr. Swayne's, the first !seer offered to
the public; which Iles been largely throughout 'the I".
States used, and some parts of Europe ; and MI prep.'
erelong called by the Dame of Wild Cherry have been
.put out since this, unity cover of some circumstances,
in only: toiive currency to their sales. Eieh bottle
of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful steel en
graving. with the likeness of William Penn thereon;
'also•Dr.• 3wayne's signature and as a further security.
the portrait of Dr.,Swayne will be added hereafter, so
as to distinguish Isis preparations from all o hers.
" A' waft , a'hd'effectual mnedy forWoints, Dyspepsia
Cholera ttiosbus, sickly or Dyspeptic children or adults
and the moat cadet Family Medicine ever offered .to
.the public."
This a EXCIIT is one which has proveirsoceessful for
a long tiorevand it is aniverealif eckriowledged by all
~.who have tried if to be far superior (being so very
• pleasant to the taste at the same timedecals!) to ar y
other medicine Aver einEdoyeilin din:saes for which it is
recommended. It not only destinys wormy but it in
vigorate, the whole system. It is harmless in its et
—teem, and the health of the patient is always improved .
'by Its use even sohen•no *new are. dhetofere......
Noes Goo,' Nsws FOR ins Stec —Anderstown,
Indiana.—Da. Sw AYN a—Dear Sir: All your medicine
sell well. and give good utisfsetion. Your valuable
.' Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Mellen the UMW
. 'of restoring some hopeless easehr iii dilii sictine.—
"Your. Pills are most en:Omit. I want you to wird a
y t :ou n ri ma lite: P r t eSi ly hi f ilo a tille meir t-b ilie7 , :trie ta A a r rieuit -p r,.... Is ....r..„...b°:.:
use it discharged 63 o f the largest wonnthb lied ever
if, as they have so often been gulled by ustmeous aced
' y w o otth ure fiese tte :irordi medicines. liFonre Wig orvery pleas.
sot a_ 43l. bl i e h :i ."l3on d , i 7. spose ber o ? f the a I rn arge uhle qu is an n ti mr ty. pai ß op es:fu oart 7
Co T tl o . t D be r, ta l3 3lB' ws v at s:: T N 7 . lr W : . ingi l egketaa' r 9 0( 114 E 11 ;; Fi h Pli tt7 Mtl an .im d
Bette ets., Pliiikdelpftta.
i 4' - ~ •rr w--
above diseuea
Breathe or Ti* Pitts...-Theeirtses of these Pills
eau be appreciated oily by these who lassrusell them ;
thirteen adopted-se mat nalsts ire 4:My/se ofrmorbid
`loaner, ebstrominen impority•of ibefileedi dert..4lm.
They ars a grade odd elfectivirpougaibie. maireee. oil
the functions of the Hier, sad wan alterative in drop.
sisal affertiensobet ties /try mehmille,eal-sianall be
, ~
.. . , • —.They, JuLeti t w estebio
pure it' hite Buger. -whereby evelything disagreeable
to the estie or smell Isendrely *einem!. without in the
leseiefFetingibe 'eseellist *Atlas of lie iniiiliiithn.
Reinimtheet they-ere noirlistirp is h.., turned out
++f• the saufrecielLeemeed widre ma titbit heaving the
Ignitteretimayse.-.)lollleiribtor..eniiirie, ; ^
• The Ob.*, - valuable ittericinitael , prepaid only try
-Dr. SWAV4 4 I6;IL - W. , eurniez Of Eighth MR Lee
iti r er, Philadelphia' ,' ''` - - --- - " '"• "- "
mrKsrra M R I:lli.iD#OßVCol7ltrl.
" . — Pricres,..lli "Potte - iii:"filielW,74 .-- '" -- -
Chas. Rsthbobe. Dantoo, 'Bros - ii* Bedgirell. Mom
Deidleman I DrOwitai room; • . . I • =-
• thins m 111 7._.
_" C. 0 1, !wick, Athens.
,D. D. Phithent.,bisSoy. • Itioney.-dt,BOtorioN she
D. TitMorPaY•-CiPtisTi4 abectili.-- . ---
4441eniels. Bodingtoo. .. 11.11ellock. et, Co.. Esd
.8Z W: 4. ar: P . Binithrielii. . '
- T.,— • ;tlt.-..' •:, KLiterv_viarrii;„_ .
4,eisi ooshrier.-„#-wie
risadilikeekr#ll4fterfiadtita46 , olool6).
peg tbie itewbe'pleataid'atirtly otraiestgaibeenkil
1 0. TA. wel wh• !lirra dIP.:: 14 0 0 #1 .1
4if PTO.
liesmissol pfa ney:batitamittioampliiibio
- ors. 1,1e47 . - at VOL
rout bort anitotion,lnisisikgOrdissk
English Orsianssin Onesplainn;Osiaisaglish
Un1iv2112 8 0 122 4,
lims use ate Pia agginass swilon•
vale thaw mama Mega naminey vat climiliso
wide SIP "1 . 1114 vow
I , ll.fieff . "<
Freaeb. per voter,-
L' , • • ' 1114
_2` • ` 4-44
apaesst2. — — 74r00
Kum. opit a rimo wow,. te Tos
2 014614 22 Y • ..*lO2
*I/ Peg !okr,voihjits - iimtPi o46 o
iniiiSagei 1•140 - ,Invinink;l 1 r - tin 'ea Oaf al,
111 04 08 0 sii4o.unasa tins. Inane
To a young Jsay who stadies'An, lesigisk bris*ns.
th• " 6*4(l 6 4nab i .4 6 A 19 64 1 # 1,41 4, 4 .1 6 %. 44
per quirter . _.P,
t• 8) 2 Rakr's - 1 ; „vt, - 4 t"-
u l4 dir 6644 . -
Diiwir . t ilia *seta in waine'essioni. inein44
• die . " o4o m 4 4 "!ble P 4 E 4 F.O
ir r i ; ol l 444 N tbalpg:ioirsapati e zeß l4 : ,mstisitain t si i . 4. wility .
'6 44 "ii 4 P 0 4 446 6 4Pyl*: ° /* 4 6 1
' torelvo . Issimay. 1 . 2:wv
Gilding - he erapa. &e.
litaLgiemsn r yse-qoaster, .4-00
Peas and ink; t I •
Washiag. 2 30
GlitenrpesiiraWadaresseitollie -
ILORlFFlN.jialbaimisefloopl as; N. Y., will ns.
aim prompt stratum.
Tomt w. wn.qox, bike fesiewa bissehMialb•
J ahem to ib• asap between KbtasbeWi' - uwe Part.
kit's - .brie., sod wberi Ito still Aare of
pubrie potronar t pi in:sada, * • finial seloctilio
ofttock,aad Ary-allontrou to tire immostoot his meow
teem to maks 'sweat ird Aerobia work .ai can k. as.
naifietired is this pin vibe country.
He will tulip arditiaiity oft, Triad. inf. MairOgretstre
to 0,4%A/broom; CaTand Coarse Boots and Slaw
Ladies' Caiters.iihoes and & s. l Chilarwere ddi•
Genes Gaiters mad Poropr,.e. .;
0. Country Produce. of most deecriptiomo, tam In
ryment for work, at tfie - tmutetinice.
Towanda. Amille, 1847.
4,111=215 AMID 31.1MattlaiLVAIL
neatest leawier.
make and IMpt an hand, armada aa seam im the beat
manner. JAMES. MAMMON.
Towinds. January 4. ISM
New Arrival er Jewelry, Clothe sued
JAMES P. BULL respectfully informs the citizens
of Towanda and vicinity, that kw ha lately retain
ed from Philadelphia, and may be found at the old
stand, one door below the Brick Row, in the mom for
artily occupied by Ilierenes Bat Store, where he dim
for sale •larp and splmilid assortment of JE
R Y, consisting yield and silver watches. gad, fob and
goad chains, gold end alive, pencils, gold peas, breast
pins, anger rings, *e., cheap for cash. sail every snide
warranted. A laript supply o(CL %CRS, of the latest
improved patterns, sunning from 30 hoeM to s :days
and a monthorith one windiag.
Partimilar attention paid Or repairing CLOCKS,
W-ATCHES & JEWELRY. of every description, and
from the long experience which be has bad in the to
einem, wort left is bis ems will-be done , lit the best
workmanlike manner'. Old gold and silver taken in
exchange. Towanda, October. 20, 1049. y
Removed to north 'd e Public:Square !.
w. msberffis,
". • IC [AB loot returned from alacrity
dr; .11 of New lr Mg with a large
irlpply of Witches, Jewelry end
4 7 Either ware, comprising in part,
tbe following articles :—Lever,
V'Epinsand Plain Watches, with
a eemplate assortment of Gold
Jewelry. such es Ear Rings. Fin
ger Rio ;s. Breast Pins, Bnicelets. Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens. Keys. etc. Ala, all sorts of . Blilverwere,
and any - quantity ofateel Beads—all of which he offers
for eels esceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Witches repairsd on shat notice, and warranted
to ran welter the money will be reloaded. and a writ
ten agreement given to that easel if iegnined.
N. BAIA' APLE SUGAR, sad Country Pother
taken in payment far week; end also. kern wen,
forever; that the P ro duce oust be paid-miles the mirk
is dote-1 war easiest credit in all its forms.
Towanda, April Ilk*.
AST sew IT 111.
VIEW %Waal MM maga r
CF. HARDER vespeeirstly wishes se Wars die
.eitiaeiebf Towende,iud die public that be him
ammieseid-timi -
in Towanda, on Main street, a lew doors oboes Bridge
street, wheys be wiR keep ennattintly en band or mike
to ordsr, PlategUtaid memos . Marness, numb and
Trunk Vaacii,ind •Il kinasior Polk in hie pm CAR
to order: Frost kit et pennies, - in Vie bedpan, anal
pineMitalitP in Ideefirlit is it, belbolll6 litany entaieS
• st of pease petesseags.
- All kinds ntwasktoay be beinilltisabripebesp l i'
ass in at sty Meet; allif hi Metaled,:
TPersida.,Jure 1 !. fa4lt
rpins Emmet is a part ligoisi,Tmo 6oaa asmy thin
laisioSfilidefitrorttftsksas. &psis - estsador
Moraiswi. itaparior taamsy thioryot , AsioasemO ;
mods' amappratailim to maim isdhokaims. br
insakiiid is &Minted to mid NEi en ott. "Itsmdtee
thar' NeiMaktitystoti- - Akeids brow. !phis.,
'arid tkailla oleers;msethases sit sof swellhis
and tumors:" and cures Sommer CoomisiotaMpleMory
fricarile Diseases. FothareaMPtaint!raltd
"stebtary Family kilmasta.: — '- , •
Istit'OPt:m6:osiP ':t 3itit stittNClift.
Wfter what I havostatediyoo Witt MK he eurmteed
at* dedatetion of my opinion,* 'fin tMtrokthni,
the liquid pripMed by you tem sr eat mere
levaimmus nteoartilterre 1114111C41. at?, et min.
its Inman t—mmur Ipttenii meet' Weenie!
.renseir for Al mynas Weidman,* otmeolor
mitionnoin*And eipOnfe;Mbillieseenellieed prop.
Faiths, ebierietbi - esti expetiiiient wil
menewriMreitenniteihe•beic aeleof fee appliei=
tkes, whether isles bir ntity
itAlaiii(riiiert.. •• nmtß
, Wiad staltibe
ir 40 , 4 is
Owl;M dmMnintitla
VIAVIVLitAIt Jasusginkautfilf.o.l4
.4 - 1•-fww•tra N.- itINOSBULA-010
THE - subsea., still continues
Admn viol keep en band
, old stand of Tookins• sod
imp, all kites of ease sod
seat CHAIRS; sod SET
t mations kinds; it BED.
,DS 'of crop ilesesiption,
wiltaillion - En - ash
'roduat. or Pine or Cherry
Aber, Or afar .011014.1tiif be
MHO dais rt.* oillos b tbs
. ~
• -- tyl.
-IC 1..t...3 t
16 :is meth - as se ismis dessi
a vskest . legibeataipiled, A amts!. and Feuds'
icsreghtsimitisimersastistneetioas adhireda prink,
on spredily nesectssd by their ors. • - • •
preelispeetenadest Aso .the humps is • suited*:
11m9ese ii,wiright i s Win .Iftegembis• re;
ffing-raidiellea 0 01 1 1 1 4 .14 Era allAitha"
eiAree4immai ma-ragbag:al or omirtgi:
liogirmisobe. _
, their whom' des vismem sad Bever: tie;
lial‘gta Ihno•Psia. Lam Camaiss„Papasi
Ms asset, Fistalowy. Oestiosesse. lesessAlr Weds
Pim*. Oiddiww.Dpuisty,Riles; sat
ill disorders of the intestines. . •- -
fl Wow ia. mall doss. Wright's forrienVegetehle
Pill. twoome .n Alterative Negritos; advent antelthiti
eiltilleTi air an cm. -ot. Beres of ail-tied.. Teter.
Town, Jaundica. LAMM. orerkbi, Norl 1 0 1 ",
Hash, Pains ht llonemlka
The.. slew donnishly ttp Weems,
it<wbieb complaint they are extremely odueble. '
le Mhos Complaintatheee essuile a anaphis
mostery. Hence Pour sad .Agee is speedily Bend by
thit ma of them le die Western and Southern flows
.whienthis Sesame meetly pinning, them Pills se like
an avalanche. While they are cheaper, than the kw
and .smoreinedies in general, AV right' Indian vegeta.
M.,Pdla have been promoncod superior to all of Som.
Maid. k 'would appear that if dime le cos complaint
over which dine Pills have More power than ansusta
it is Fuer and Ague.
For dertri7ieg and 'spelling Wafts, no Varnsifoge
so these Pills. Aldertgla are have not taken pains to
make this faapubliy, the merit of the medicine lush
has acquired for it an ostensive reputation and sale for
the removal of Wore.. dhninistned to ethane or
childrenythe effect of the Pair 6 equally radical sad
daddy*. AR whoiruffsr from Worms should, by a il
means, use Wright's Indian yegelablnPilla.
In fact, no one can go mime in the ursof this medi
citte. They are natural to the body as food in. A tria
will convince the skeptical that Wright', Indian Vero.
table Rlle • far from being a quack nostrum," are
decidedly the most nluable medicine ever offered to
the public.
listrAns or SCOAII COLT'S
Remember, that the original serLonly genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills here die written sigeature of William
Wright on the to to of each box.
The genuine is for sale by MONTANYEB d< Co.,
sole agents for Tommie; and by agents in all other
pasted the Huta.
Office devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's
Indian Vegetabla.Pills, wholesale and wail, 189 Race
st., Philadelphia, 188 Greenwich et, New York. and
198 Tremont, Banos. ' Mly
I\l 0 other medicine has ever been introduced to the
VI public that has met with such unparalleled ems
eves, as On. Bocrces Oriental Sovereign Bulls Pilo.
Having been but six years before 'the public, and the
advertising small, competed with mast other medicines,
yet they have worked their way into every state in the
Union and Comodas.. They have absolutely_ become
the Btandani Medicine of the day. They aro purely
vegetable and so admirably compounded that when ta
ken in Inge doses they speedily cure the moot delicate,
nervous female, end have radioed numbers from their
beds after all other remedies had failed.
As there are spurious Pills in circuletion called Ori
ental or Bovcreign Balm, be IMO to see before you buy
that the name of " Dr. E. L. Soule 4 Co." is on the
face of the boxes. None others can he genuine. We
are not aware that any one who is malting a spurious
article has yet dared' to make sue of our name ; bet
seen of them have had the impudence to imitate our
boxes and copy our Circular., Ctetificates, 4-e.. Unless
the public are careful when they purchase, they will
be deceived
0 3 The gunning SOVEREIGN BALM PILLS can
be bad wholesale and retail or Dr. E. L. Soule & Co.,
Eoehd, N. - T.cand in Towanda by HUSTON & POR
TER, and by Agents in every town id the country.
_ _
To the Victor belongs the Spoils.
A IiTOUGH many preparations in the form of Popov lar kledieister," bans been Wont the pont* delet
ing' to give relief. end even ewe the most inveterate
diseases. yet none•haire so well answered the perpose
as Dr. Sherman's alediesadloienger. They are agreea
ble re the taste. easily adratitiatered, and front the in
precedents& IPICNnt which they have untwith, sod the
reererkatile elute which they have perforated, may
justly ley claim to the tide of Ceserrenir over the
MOPS for which they hoe bow ineoestiended.. Dr.
' Sham a's - -
Thee the new obsenateesses of Cough in s few boors.
They have mode large number of persons who have'
'been given up by theirphyvicians and 'heeds, sod missy
who bemetrese tedeold to the yew Of eke Irmo PI •
spitting Wood, Cossumptins and Ifeel o Fiver , by Th eir
usi have Ind rose d' health restored' the haggard
, elweit sad now live to spelt teeth.** praise_ of this
iegraleib — ht medien — e„ — Dr.lloentera's •
Haw been proved is non than 400.000 411/1e• to he in-,
Allishle, in het tin only curtain Worm Destroying
Medicine ever discovered. • Chillies:" will eat. dear
Thonthey mad he forced to.teka any other inelieine,
mid the hene64ddind iron the edeinisteadon
:Anti to dim ii this forte is'rrest beiymil notteeptien. ,
Milten their/loth:of forara beatersa offensive, and
then laidekitig of die those, grin' dirogef the pommies&
ineof tie teeth 'during sleep, pelmen Octet the lips'
niticitteinsreineks, bleethog at - thinoor headache.
du:indents, stetting daring sleep,' dlitertsiff• &ens l
' smelting, with kigtimisg weans, Dosbiteciaie"coieh,
keeehinete Stint, vont:ides appetite,• sichneee at.:Art
stentach sett bloated strsnelt—tlme ere ankoite the
many prominent 'tympani@ of loans, "aid can be .
*limed by time fueomparsbie Losengise They . have
new bean known to fail. DrAlberames
"CAMPHOR loßigNamet
Walken ifigesthebe, nevem snick lindaebomilk*
of the heart and sickness in 'slew tainatra;
loinini of apitifiOenenanteliiiiinie:nainiK,
anon of tI stomaels saanmetorbowelamplailas
they keep sip tbo.ggnii.:_ailliA
dissipation, and enable a pan* to mango gnat nen.
Wig toil. Dr.fiketmon's,
• .4130 R MANS47.ASTER" —-- •
Is seknowlegeil by, oil who bon Si., and it to be Ai
Wet ettenwhing Pinter in theoworld aad ocineeign
matirier pens and *Winn* in do bock lairs; side .
bees. neck. Ike* !loin% diamonds*. lainbspor
'Opesilioe isor . wilt -aoOliapply tlas ,Alasnoi. l —
Cultism is neeeas7. as there ant amay . aanioapled
• • • "taltoininidlnneliP 3 n - lis•
eouniiiiity..4lB conduits - eget ' pa, Man's
Planer, with, a ofee.ainsifin - of kis w ties name oaths
i tdo
lbet - 014-& pos.
1 . 7111.;114.1:1Melt Ito*. •(, ••• ..-1•1111
~~u~ ~ .
tfLy tiy 'r~ ~ c,~;.
4 1 4 1 1 - Cis grim 4.7 Via t wi l
•at e 1.41040 0 11 PIPWW Ping is ihr l : o lsi
salardend isaitairsi Usisate- 1 0 14 Sergi/
4 •=- •
• :at
uwarodliwirollow am
infimior Nat,awr amimpr or wwwircwillibs,
bar wor Wu ramrod Nig& ' "Theile - aribled „ma
kV, poobbliabld by ail sit it abipost
doff , dos owe _Primp ym=
i dw i ll ot amiC LAW-ima
almososs cur wwr arofrdsmodwoo t ,
islr dIMIN4 tom boa . . .
whi Masi WorWg
AL at asseprWass aid die waarisa!idbristle
blood ammo, koro area l • . - •-
, • CUSPS*
iawifandisak ‘ awalake NEW la 11.
wad. i 4 seiseigewirkiewies sem Mean ii_Wwels:lemd
owe lab Of VW slur • •
KAN% OM awls tef, Bitawe's - TOOL
Mid aim &ease thrums haddied
Peruti•W , amid be twebeeptlfror dime • Wreensow
elk sir essArdsr. het 11.4=11 MILT= 110
ONE DOLLAR • beide;_ .
ead se • Isi et /We tend. adel le
rep o f ode& wbis ..Phiew Mee ei ilmidai dr sue dark sir
wwwiewrekalisindes•Swebsomeehrele MOM" mei
and kw maxi tWitsiy. amid ,be add st:doe sonathea
Ikewlsks Omsk ser bead% it bees fa* ale* resod=
raid Aden ,t E '1 .'•
rr _Clow IkdbiOt Wei* :
14411"bw imme .e'le".
esn.e...wffi.Oes Maga tuna Ikea
the lielanski • • wilds to • speetweei et IN pews
This is ,r aide ar t zWlisiiiiiiros am. Be en and
stf Amoeba ewe of
i tE r eety nein appitsd *Verna
rende eydiuz ONE IMer wma Wl,* 21111111111 of
the best esnwpwitlw *Wino "arda.: lienapsenk hes set
wailicat sow la Wee Or Ow id Nth a vimaallesir
" rei skitas
Muzak . Par
was easksed to We bed the ins yew— be was se Iseell
dYeesd mad debditstal as ter swain teaks hi. bead tobis
bead. Be kid the Met awaked advise—bad gild di of Bee dad
tersyserdike to
elbet—dot dirsewed wetwaleed Wee CIM.
Maned ter be be • Ihkly Bled NB staid aot he. tubsedt,
Moe teem. wbee be .....isusd.r.zwml staff tan.
awi was wens warty tif, hes der is 1111M1011 ham was eon
dwoughlds wtadyks, nadir kis Ma, se tint ba breetbed *tough
the hole—bk aw we 'elegise mend diet beeeid be ithei up
set ot ise= " l only bolding try ma pilow4ite use of sus
ern wetdenoted by two Uhsers—.a Claw wake Ilea WM la
Wee es • sec beed. had seerly ages dreg& his lids Sue his
&wag. Tim be wow elitkied will tensty - weele Sorg roil. lea.
aka Mom cm MIMI pieta of his eerie& Far hanker sad
pinkish" sew
mey WI oar T awsplik
we _
TwoMll.llll. ed Bowsaw sidthd physiekew
of Rua& wee added lo see Beak the fiselk4kehe eseameseed
wise hrwees Dog. ezmisgel sad thew told
dw al d wationse k
t es the work wild ea a wls ti ff
his ewe was
Wane than Hopeless !
Rom boor Mr. EILIMUIFS MoMmoot K mom Bo mid : My
wife premed OM bottle et warm: Prnarizzra 1tX7714C7
.-111 AT mamas omabiodimo to of amisol—tbe lIIICOXD bet.
Co enabled ms to gm mit if sal raliscisebied me ft
mak am loam sod Mhos I loml /eked Wog Xis. BOAS 1137.
morns out Of to m" Mort bod M 4 q load Woe totttemore
strometla PERFECT CURE sod me to goat Smith
?be above &ea sto tortilla! to - by DOCTOR T. WILLIAMS.
Mr. G. 11.11110 WK of Woo Stow Mod Meows. BISSELL &
LEMMA% Druggists. asbartzvot other rogrosslts sdorrosoo
0 Ram •
• _Vt. 0. EMMY, morebmt, QM... Audio mord% Y.. it
forresd us dot • emseardactor It/ . 411111 °C.
&dial corm of Commis demist the et/d e :a l :7 of MANY* MU
rrrso E . ra rr lCT. • •••••••411Mo. la Grease oottuty, X. Y., l•
alto Pcii M. A. 11.1k7TLZ, dfltinfitt, 011111130 ,
Yee. .11. Y., boa iMbrmed us of ma hopormat
memo/ Crocco of loom mindimr, which war Orr awl CIO OD Wed
10.,=ftal a rl• 14 &MG" dal roasnra a..'.. Poor, by ha
, log power, slim Moors Moons of do blood ma
Via Ww? ems am' ottpromo mil triumph am them ms
min bet who& tt. w.
Tat Wm RICHARD DUNNING, Pester et dm
aim* Adams Duda, Memos t=rl gy l. wrote to VII I
jutst melted a terse from Mr. Dvintutia, Madre te
...wrs his Fevereote. Tee in
*wed ea wilts it imarm,See-iiel
sa alder in the eharek. Betas years shies
is a hMl C =re ems of Ms legs est 44 to sure Ide We.% esemeseeties
et a 'seeress*. Tkm bs sew ah and about- I.
lignrasni, Pevosinewdea iwres MIDIICINV.. lead am es
salt. H. says: team mei oak rues .olli. of ERANTII
MEDICINE. I gamed ALL 11101M/0 1 .0 POW 100 . 0 i 6
naitiak sad I ass sow ism Dm, with the Miming _ it has
alteest • p•+.l err kr.' " See Pmegibilis Alw DM pudendum •
Di. NATHAN HUBBARD, el illiessafiont, Cam., one of the oldest
and mast rermetaids parysitheas, was allistai• Liaw-Csth
'bra ruin and oss sarfeekewed mho BRANDS PU.
irrizio I.IIICT. We meld sum bothdiWs of other mot
also eared.
No remedy circled to es public Ens ewer been Asti ea ride% eat
~to lowiei. ALL tire toehhnital mew ged.lbreylanblo
of tbie ws w r e Buses ret.llo7Balre BALwa. It aisles co di/en
!Mee the demseeloilee be .-,p. ^4 seems. ar jetbee T.*
ttw~hMATES ALL. b sheyebeee. the smut, AvAdizio.
•Ibe etaeoLArton. sod weekey sad ammo /woos summon
up- psolphieto. •
hem Sin red to the we . and the emelt al *Mae yo—tbe ass
tam treembleatd, ea the ether so matesar mrpmen; as to pro.
eachono ray a m
dial disown Ow Oesweely anal In coommeicei of
Dripivitht--Elour Sttimach I
• Armee, Cheese. Co., Friemerp I, let&
"l/. T. WALLACE k CO.—Geellemew: 1 was. ar more thaw
aTem. Macted with a disease of the stomach. I maid not eat ems
at or greasy whams miaow eterehas wit ret pain, sickness, ml
v00= 4. 1 man etwasSectet ucr • mar stomach.
se nisi oat Of B S %SWINT, mider,
amy atter diseppohomea, mad sad to seta psi Os
eether. I Smears sieda mesa botatoehieh Ise eceepheeb'eseed
the Orme& I me mow well eta hemp, and ea eat sinew my
Meg mated being pained, or the Manna *amber ecar,.
" Tome , & TM .COX "
_ Mr. Name ie ll a=e Omani! dr Ames.
11111, LIICOIIIIO, Le.
"Gents Co, ILL, 00.19; ISM
Kern. M. T. WALLACH It CO.: , Hotio:tbse left welter ay
wife beeeme foo deedlared delatinihao red Nem
irwe llisareit toeld DOC lin Mt eldikie w zrlbro mayberr.
roil rem amedied tirmerri. was ereeedieg deo
edilife mod remoeiptiose of tee mood erfiresi pktelebufe , rail ear.
dli weeerberieri is seeks* chew. - mer became so a eliele;
Or or ab effroeseoed baba Inseer
mole Orr rifildpire precis; bet by Os time ebe bed
talaniber better ebe berme posieetly wen. Theatre teseperket_,
dre lie is sow erebird to do all Reemeary Imurbrit'werb,
orirei Oleg pease at Dub be tow weeks
Tows tray. -_ • C. 3, CIALZMINIL" -
Tiro eerier will observe that Mr..Orturrob mire "as sum."
H we axe beformed by Z. & Tam, Zed. at ibe rase Pm. bir
KLUertittPTING =TRACT is • pirjamtead.lionsphirei.
low of elale elage_9( Slum , gr. alp of Se mesa prepare.
akin Or CAUINILL Of PllllloolllTai*/ Of gralla ad la Nome tie
asediii rid as ale pear fess4,to York odes& ssaimer
- erm. • . •
. * l6 HOLTITANDEL °Mins. Zane% O a .
r i rk zaK fterw ism - Gm Tr ei ft.*/ ,
e aelM e AtAt i ?V t ai vi sd as Peral erc ar W a m i n •
RIM as beifiedw mew( We OW
4=TIVIOCIawriiTINT 'ming Int f am Ara r r nam ea,
pnismOldir Ziff% mod gpiis as um siminartaa.w
am& ammo qt lir ow" me dim*. by
-67,..:DUESTON & PORTEL Towboats
C. Irfreitiek,libels ; C:E.Dat)ilienik Mikan; D:
•O. Piikhurst.., rit71074 Drown Rackloidi. Man*.
ton; E. Ws &VA :H. Wellegi. WI
DMA* &*i?; T:,ltaisphry.
Orwell; ivl~ieehl & Treaty "
10thireidi , P N7t l l *q#.o 4.4 .lo,Xni!-4k: X4 Oll- .
ca T*
'AUSieivielltilvelasit Vet,
ac; pa l :10 Nriaditriki N. ' ''" ' 23y
unicar lemeominneminhi
.ZIYX; a:CO.ImM re.
: inAinnitheeitha‘W *Ms.=
• e anihrundthe Wilk generally, shut
tthij him* on: bead* manufacture
!: te'titder 411 kis& eir CABINET
_ TURE, of the brit marl , -
ip thateainet
• t: n ta . 164
im it 'ague' "atoilie
anscienaeni, in country shops, we will keep on bend and
make to.. order SOFAS; of minimised most approved
patterns;_ Sofa Wicking Chain, upholstered in superior
style, Mafia 'eels Mal durability cannot le ; Surpassed
eieti:isilsise large cities .,, . Abe, be half - TOOL : Ma.
fxiganyLChairi.korielifillPlPhoWeied.irAill.ol4 Wry
wide/swam loses its aleetieitY,- end Bathed with the
beet lieiiimatieg : , We Batter , earielene,.tbit- having
had Mai*. expereeniM,in the basiesiihrle
Ask na#6_ alibi, may .feil . i4ippisieckeir Will;liegli:sa
.wart-4*pf*4 .0 4 4 4 4 4
hom' liberitgoo
' •
afoi%Wr : ll~
FOURTEEN wi Twin:B@Es 1
Le/. I at) : ;i 3-1 I
) - 1 :
1 11.11. 111 1 11111 . 1 11 1 11111.11.11111
-" •
i,?iim4o l l7,Mik
- , •
Mak thlii Urea,
illherete :krijesdeikelte wow Om;
•• 'da , k is
- _.'-ettheeitika: 444 111-,1%;!
tool hes impessist sier itilt l ows .
, iodide* his shish s' do ss i e ;
,iiiitedehrtes thrieikemeikil, We
• p _ sight
pets of Inerhimreki•skt t illanheise
• thliersket thii~liteseletelogniests44 l ,....‘
itr sit Auesosberhop re.a swims& ri pieltheis
Mikis 'kr arabst aryms. via amok MOO WW I ;
Towirsed, we ipplild ems a. 1104( ins ei_sio,
• - alert* w eat Oil vile itbis IMO Writ ad De.
ihrespesidiv. ;Wilt* sails oil ems. w7=
=he - , so sit idierseeest air* is
..• 'Mee* ' hi sdpilitie'ebesies
Feemst, ilioisesest midis
1114-11.1 C. ANDRICWII. ihirmeoly e(th.
TO RA m a ,
DOTy issielty Caddis eat fireinise if do figgig n A k
,Ftessiellesk et Beihril* - -Ifeetlasim. JOIEN suutax mi
sot WILLIAM TROMllolt;iiter the use eir Thaw
JON.' IQI.I~MAII **oo.; Mee esiplerel ate di retaty
deisistitedkillltorm all, ••••
s i rs* we ss him arde. -- Twee on; bin be heft.
• - s•did dwisiftalteaMeMotiiepeeteeawesti
ll.ra:lit dim Wks' Ike* ad *dr iiagesda• hob ems" •
W• Pere IF - lbw* hero*
• El Ski* WWI%
lin=rthalDr; Teirsesed's sew 11;;;
ii4hisi; is* hisiludd ihreedli w h s .
• -wet is 'Mier (Meese, Tem. xods* toil Seek Aar*
. mod gem Weia het, elkWii:meeAiliikasi
• kbpoima, We mote • ftribettletkr kistiams_ . least
14. 1 14. seefli k s l iei w jess l aCri l le4 sever a tssin e =
erpW so Seim • pies seer, .4ad .1t slthi I*
of sr.
urjd as do d ig .
• 1 ,1 I 4 ' ) .\\IP• s I cAiti ,
- .
Is.. 1
. .
• --Direpikeat or .them The MI way illenspriks for in oh'
ant .1110Temissetts te-w
w o o my which II wrappol Is Mehra Mow
tail Oak int oar Ihrearillhi t . ers elaC MN useirrii ht
Dr S. P. Towered bee paid the here in the Unkialft
within the last ly. years, alliede gloom Other: i
oedeavotiay 1111 reap this siltenestro sad howit of his .doe
tisk& by ritiiiMai rot theirs ihe MOM De. Tem.
seoPs red ore hmests, rm. kr fat
these' are - thisebiods ad pries Welt ask 's didi
mbar the normity of WENN
Amor thr insy he dm so, in esker cite to Me hi m ,
repasts. which OM well coin Bided so is*. oar Immts,
PIRO tkltAidolint!
Note le reef orelairs that Dr... P.Toesoworm
Niko ie,tj Tin Stillywinsi.
s lim or the silt
irritable and lelfMtktPlipihrs is rib .
Am w '
.Tiorepreibbly hot mot bees sinteimiswAymedy.., r i;
lost os Dr. T '.s.lepS a. raid ti p
• orlitioslly. and osintreseAbihronsiketerol hs this
4r by thi Dater. bIdML IMO alteresinis foromcdpor•
and to the pierst . .. die by chipp4l.Towneend. the mr•
repripetors. Dines the rtip was breed, the Wm r
bas reds& in Maw York whits lie hasps a stow.••• gim a,
lathe booker themeswelere at that peist. The ..s i•
tern is in this city, ad is Mimed by OS juror porter
Cie Attlee seedlicipe kerunlseturoL •
ew of our eithisso hart any .ides et the smut GI dit
anolictue tiot b simulhentred as I sold. listidits the wilt
'in this country, it le shipped to Ow Curds., Wm ladle is.
Mar /mit America. and ore is Europa, i csolideria
traetiris. At the insasketary they employ •am airs,
besides • lame amber stater we... tad **kw
"anti= of As medicine, white Mort radii hi k .U.
'Ad - bag out , ready kw shirtiest. ova 440 Ike's par hp
or sourly 5000 bedew. Ws hi as secormas qiatofity.
The relit isle NOsmiliciait tee acquired. his *WM j
nember of Ma es yet op Witham% sad there is at de psi.
set kick. other redlcuae. fir ram shat are Mod 'ID.
Temiesd's Semparilla." Doe tit werticular. owed •dm
Me ego in New York. ir -thd DrJoesitienoot t
Sesenparilba." and spperritly with a rise. by diet of Mr
tid and Na tonal szeiriee serried to in such w
Memo et Ile.'. P. Tow wesd's newly,
=Yisi " t — g - uis ert the advantage rewoloistrfros ths
OM roe. which its has required knit, by yesei=
ad mproive MM. Dr. &P. Tosereod, limady.of tie
cALit w well brown here. ie the Me estr sad wiped wo
it the soollieins tams se "Dr. Temerro
and We thigh ilMso rms site an rule
ieg to sell their trick ea Mr orirrkiikettid led s i pped.
Phi. the New .Terk Dot* Sum:
Di. Towassiesie -ezeraerdliaiy .admenenter . WIWI*
cores an "stint of ths Sv.e Lill not owsprottiot
Dr. S. P. Tow who is !tho wiping purnster sl/ lk
TomionA's sealiertraisi red' whose oats is saw dew •
sm. when he boileteit few Wrorti yews. is thither in'
sesame Minim He reeseves ro his they far lorkel deer "
of ihmpatilla per day. art me this mimeo pawky Mt
net supply theedimad. No intedkbe hod gros
a popity as repuuthen of the everco
kie eh
Sat of Mammies for MI east 11111!l 0. and be has MI lo
New York Si. kw eirertider. In the bet bat Met OM
MAO. Rad In toluowledro that it L toe cheapest silvani
eie• let her is/ dem. Irbil medicine it nii.rtri w sir.
Cemillist. West Indies. South America sad EMIG is el.
ridirsiole gem/tier sod in cotakti into roind ate is dew
armies, as weS as ben.
Fria de Gold= Rola '
Tb• 044 FeClews paper pubbebes the kfrnf
Itroasraintsa.—Senrest the .witeereet t'itmoi of di
bigtaly asei. !iciest' rote, Welber. fewesentl'e bears tbs aele al
seperierity. It is indeed. se- excellent faaiily .adieus, re
hewing used it *our nee Willy whit' iteeitled edesersp,!i
was secesiemead it web perfect steam
latter epieitrOttiO WWII or shalskorpireerhe hoar et
- the lionises illenayidilia,- Mama* airy ems math • peer
podit by Ii thee they can botselliacthe toramiai. sd atd
• kir the viridian, and grams Dr. Tetresendts dliusepadis
end deceive thsir emoopeem would etimulit uy heel he
-mosey. Moth wee beer Ds Mawr Mod ebirid sms he ale
Driwyt•te or ethers that sell
.Barsepartils' free the pun
soil erightal Dr. tolioseinrs Sareagrilla;:tirat le eel opt
by S P. Townsend, esinsite a *mm4 sad swisiii•• the es •
mown. Mee Mal would be guilty of each es eit'euls cr
wit aisr,, of Itaud-aadoteDregaist of womme se:Bmm
• ct but bade. that oars is.throaly preaslos.
SLAW .11110411111: 1 1 . 411WITS6ND.
lanelayle who ere solt wan lammed, and bare set reed
the tapers, sad sot seta oar adviresieneests ion boot ied
as ampere, that beam. them •mmet tetrarch" their oaf m
• sit AMA' Tswesesdh„" Doak PO, of coarse be them
dilhot It is Ism that meyser sires they "eosiatowd termer
theirssedteise. Our. limo beets the Starke( over tea yarn:
' Nagy Mask , Me shove hand sae is tea pleas, et wawa it
iethe sad, we woad nitlm to the jedgiest 61 . ter
Si tair-sslsdad sees, if they de set deism it. We bare Motel
dor years. and • impended, limmirsde of themmateef stasis •
sitalitieli thewispiest siedieiss. This. one en
deammier Wimpy thtripmellts terthemeeirm
They,ars smisevorleg Palm Woo the Minlie r° aY
PhysietHas.ate. He 4 , seas reviler educated rhyme& at
sewer sttewyted a muislhaturs a mediae., Med these
Mist Mit he thew on% siimiK• They as ytheYM
the pesids to believe skit their Dersemehts Me th/ se '
same--bit the !MOM to deceive the piling. they a t Meese
!Mt sessmtlist Math the Old Dr. Th i esseed'ii; sad do
Orieselz mad smilmaimmth mate the yes* believe - 00a PI
stet they mamiiisetme, is MI Dr. Towseesith Summitk
that liss, porhinmei memissy waisilsrbsi Sere Dr the pal
ton yea. Mid width Ism seised& which r gr.
allgejtiae firerssym•led-• Ltridel I. a on°
onPWrlbMillied. We lesrii milmseseed Mita praise wom
erialPieseise wadmased. dim de dil
mas is mm rellidee *Mt, Towsessd witash/o• Is their
• viretihsli * thresh" they potashs sember dm,
tiles' eesis resmsedbeelDriTserminmt with:lbws widest edis
.NA14.11/ • similar*.
• Our ssmsdiasisi haws peddidswi is the kris dot DOI
P. Themend wets. am& This they mid ti their Si
Must te. mho m pert dem we hate tem mil
mew - Ate. dm. • imehba thsaDl be es tea garl.
.80 hi demsint:by ihms Mprimitipied Mee.
Tlaet tee peemsciempertist with home kVA
• I ' s it ' - Inalanidmilli* ys . he is ear immediate moliF
Sialkag is Sergipe. woast witty physicists hee aa Whale
remedy he the "alieee, yet ell are titer/at is Mir efits
wad remalim And it mil .porre has es is letrio. . 6 ° .
- bat terealiaier aid aelleseel blow die-asd that its elm
Mat mum 'be tmeremestd, that tare is as IMMO 1/1//a0
Orr this AMC stimmew , Ahms yhysitima ems that diem*
- lorok m,a l=ierstsists: esys Mat it resaitmer,
emler - sew' dimeir._ ts Diatom it the
'moody ; athm. meiaiNwe i M bimetale wait oo
physissoss wait ittamitidsata: rd Mime say that
11 cereals to ears the Dealer declare their N
fka Ceara la say elite maim-whieb weidd.ifonn i
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eessele a mat ht Pritrid•ltom no leme• the le e " -
` • the Meth idle M
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atilt' lake atilt les • creased, sad that pateesal eisselte
•i balipiereba-bet share eqfta.: the leased Mon;
ad alias . maim IP
- , ..Tbereese at atalese nat. he tempt yea A 1 0•
• elletteMisii .Ihmet. tiesnewit_ is Ids Tea. me•l•
Chalets, Si at diseesia'! Thesystem swat set ' be temr
":olisaltsi er pithy shitty {
with A thii ••••disliy. at set isle chasers led shaver
_iymewsiestommee steh.emirs..l4.4-to
at litre. .We do sot my that tielt&srampeOlD _-.-am e
;.• filiteses. bet • IMMO it. Aggi i m pa s is k l o w by
j .paryeall weedereel 'Dialyse arse/,.
war emir smohallf at the s that* „s et
shit 0.44/...diesiasia IM - sit •" -
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11141 4 1 kathee ittOe Neat. 0 .
Tarassirellianeeeals. awes the
et Fh. liapitaa ef thejlesa. Tb.
tha"sy. ' WeetliaaSenay Dec IL tell
- • . Deer reamearer pseevear to yr.-
beeelt I lave rite/Wed' las yea is le Shrtml=a k o
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tampass I are Wes Waal aura deirea s
Set the beeeltet tame tab are Alined 1 hate breo
Mein ta take year Aleriepeala I al l ore
erkh jpeigsatima er De amt. se mesa turi:inid
•s MV MaeaYb.slawsi Dow roommeadaties I
ts try you Sersaymills„ via% atirely erodes
Day trely.=Tue
l eg
- Bide; ollesene the IMO R
D.; !...Tewened'a Sew Tack pee. will be ia
-o=ei r eltividh:Plogreaimelaseg - wllike hi sow mem
'ebeigeiliedall Dal De la War 7
• milk) .
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