Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 16, 1850, Image 3

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    soartast Mr. hitir, algashig Cm%
ow I.
I'ACIVI on preseanue a petitionby biasses
coming COUT ty. praying tor die repeallrs law passed
tut version, exempting heal Ivry sad sale ea inmates pro.
pa l to the vales of bane, said—
Mr. Speaker: . —A fisw days since, when the sob
int O f discharging the committee on the. judiciary
, T een kern. the further consideration , de k p e .
linens resented by the Senator from Potter refs
nvirto a homestead exemption, web before - the
s en ate, I tank occasion to express my entire aids
won with the law of last session, exempting from
l e vy and sale on execution, property to the value
e rne°. It seems that my remarks on -that oc
ra I
- on have mused those of ley constituents who
di n e , with m 4 in opinion: for I find on my table
this morning, a pews, Empire!, that hummock "as
t he act of the 9th of April, 1449, *Sots injuriosaly
les interests of the per and Ned& clauses of cow.
enmity, causing credit and Confidence :to be With
drawn by the more opulent"--that therefletri the
law should be Repealed.
Mr. Speaker, I do not sympathies with prayer of
the petition I ave lint prelate !. 2do not believe
that the law of Last session will infers the I :ener,
and middk dieter of commturilf." f donot believe
• that by exempting the last three hundred dollars
worth of property of the poor enfottemate debtor
from levy and sale on extradite, and by driving
from-tbc door of poverty and disinc*, the Sheriff
and the constable urged on by a okaadiated, mi
serly and bean .Llreset creditor, that you injuriously
- effect the. interests of the poor. Su it cannot be
are. Do you for a moment suppose, that you
would benefit this " riot and middle Classes' of
community" by exposing 'their lase article of house
hold forndare—their last bed—their last stove—or
their last Cow—to the tender meirrotaz. avaricious
creditor ? If Senators entertain. such an opinion,
let them comply with tbe,pnlyer of the petitioners,
and vote for the repeal of the law of last session,
Nether with all exemption laws previously en-
octal, and they will promote the interests of the
poor and middle clam., to the heart's content of
the rich. Sir, so far from sympathisirs with the
ktitioneis, I would extend tr.e exemption law still
further. And permit me to say, which I do with
allbonfidence, that the day is not far distant when
it will be- carried further/ The day is dawning
when every family will he protected in their little
note, iudefiance of the bad conduct of an intem
perate father, or a profligate husband. The day is
coming, nay it is now here, when it will be con•
ceded that the man with a comfortable, permanent
home, will much sooner pay his honest debts than
he who is almost distracted with impending troub
les, and who is ever at the mercy of an execution,
Many of the States of this Union Imre led the way
in this humane reform. Maine exempts a home-
stead to the value of $5OO, and in the absence of a
homestead, personal property to that amount: Ver-
Mont exempts a homestead to the value of 8500
lowa and Minnesota forty acres of /and or a lot.-
- Caltfornia exempts 320 acres of land, or a lot worth
;goon. Deseret, the proposed slorman stale, it is
W I secures a home to every family. All the States
and territories tamed having acted on this subject
within the past few months. 1 Georgia, Texas,
:tfichigan. Wisconsin, and Connecticut, have long
since enacted liberal exemption . laws. New Yotk g
always among the foremost in popular reforms, is
also pre-nine onward in this matter. 1 have before
me the annual messnee of Governor Fish, to the
present legislature of that great State; to which I
beg leave to call the attention of Senators. On the
subject of homestead exemption, the GoVernor says:
" While it is admittedly a primary duty of the
legislature to enact laws for the ptinishment
it in no lean its duty to remove the causes which
trecnently lead to the commission of crime. The
tinprefion made upon the youthful mind, by the
gentle feno of paternal at threity and example, and
by the ansocia!ions of the family circle, are among
the most 'dire anti endearing. of the influences
• r.bich coterol the continct of after life. Mach of
the rice that we are called upon to deplore, may be
traced to the early removal of its subject from the
retch of that authority and example, and from the
innocent, Alut- wholesome association of a home,
,however humble. Tlke cause of morality, no less
than the dictates Of humanity, demand the preset
ration of the family circle, and the maintenance of
• the family home, its efficient preventives of vice,
and tune and perma:nen't bontribtivors to individual
virtue and happiness, and to public prosperity aid.
Such, Mr Speaker, are the views of the Governor
of New Yolk. They are the sentiments of a ho
inane and far-seeing statesman—and 1 honor him.
Orr his manly independence in g iving them the
height and sanction of him officiaLstation. Sir,lgo
with the governor of the Empire State. wou ld se
cure to every family a home and a hearth I would
not permit the coveteous and hard hearted creditor
to drive his unfortunate debtor, naked and penn
iless, ont upon the cold charities or an inhospitable
world. The laws that authorize such a procedure
should be genii froth the pages of the statute
tanks of every tate in this I.lnio'n—they are re
pugnant to the spirit of the age, and revolting to
humanity. Like the laws sanctioning imprison
ment for debt, they should be repudiated by every
philanthropic legislator—they should exist but in
the history of the past--ao obsolete idea. it bee
been truly said, Mr. Spoaker, 16;4 he whoop'!" out
the last little property of a wife, and fatuity of
small children, of 4 rash, heedless, or perhaps in
temperate husband and father, and afterwards with
a cheerful countenance, goes home to feast oh hu
man heart! Sir. money thus obtained haze darn
wog curse upon it !
Entertaining these views, Mr: Speaker. I cannot
go with tholeof my constituents who demand the
- repeal of the etempticirf Istw sof last session nor
car. I believe that any considerable number of
them desire it.
Atnrrnea Tat. In.
cendaanpn--tia Valuable Boras Bernd Alice.—
On Tuesday lasi, the laborers employed on the Ca.
nal near Ferguson's, in Herkimer County, 'struck'
and abandoned their work, and yesterday they pro.
weeded in a body down the lice of cabal and dmve
the laborers from several other tections-4nroont
ing in all to about 400 men. Yesterday afternoon,
one of the disaffected laborers threatened dot he
would burn out INicholar Vandebogat, of &hence.
lady, a contractor who has a section , about five
!Thies frurit this city, and accordingly about 7
o'clock last evening, his barn containing twelve
valuabld horses , a quantitrof bar,
tools, harness,
kr. . was discavered to be in flames. The fire
spread so rapidly that, "despite every exertion, ten
of the hories were consanied slits. They were
valued at $1,500. The entire leis of Mr. Vande.
will probstds DM be his 11465.5 . ,000.• In
mean time, this large body of labo r ers , without
any other means of support, remain idle,',abd the
Proweation of the pitb fi c work on seine five miles
of the mai is entirely suspended. We learn that
a large number at there would prefer remaining at
work arid have only le ft fear of the tests—
Warrants were im`the,peserevion of an r a cer this
Thmlor , and it was expected some sweats would
be ma de to-day.—lltiat Obstreer, 75‘.
DrAT a meeting of the colored cititien' s of
Bradford county,
• beld in rowan& bore.
co the lath of Jemmy, inst., we the Illadaldined.
vete appointed a Committee to solicit lid in build
lot a Church and school bons., to bolocited In this
bo routit, for the benefit of the colonel , Pe°ole or this
er latY; and as we feel deeply the imponante of
Ons enterprise to the end we have in view. of ad
eatietng our moral, religious and intellectual admire,
lad at our numbers are few and'eme means #ill,ode
ewe: et take this method of appealing to tim lib
erehty of the White citizens of Bradford 'for assist
seer; hoping that in' Me nietreliorored *Death:Po 1,0
%Ouch PrOvidenee has plaied . : diem. they will be
mindful of those coon whom His %tiny has been
more iparinglp licstoeredoitrd that give' as
onntenanee and soppon in this straggle for the
improvement of onrcondition: ' '
le addition to the sabscribers.,llllo ll 7 uelgloz
aid David Joan. are authorized Woman cant&
linear for the abovementiswed abialdo ' - •
L a .10101190 N,
ID lifonyeetos. rebmary 'ffinntir; sou of Jeer
kills *leaven:aged llyiarszn#
. . ..
_ . FOR _ RALE.
e t
. A valuable Farts siiaatea . iii: Wylie
:slag sowaship,oottbittitst owe headred
- aeon. seventy, acres raderialproireseat,
with - trait trees or all kis kinds. te
Per nse
*PRY !Q• a. Path. Towasia.lig /1414 144.eigk0a
the preauses. ' ' : :. .;; ~ :' - •-: -_. :
- Browatown. Feb. 12, 100. 3w. ,
QTOLEN from the snake of the snotecriber, in the
1.7.te1a of Nichols, sooty of Tiowp. aadikata. of
New York, oe lataiday night. the illdt of February,
fast, allege . BLACK MARE, II or 9 yeanr
Faaid are is panicalarly heavy oak. sad has a
ressarkibly sleader tail, is isarkill is este eye, on
close inspection, with a "kite rim ea its outer edp
es; is the ceigre of one of her fore, kit therit
slight crack ; she is tather - hollow.bickid, and has
a TOIIII.O nose. The mar* hat undoehanily been
takid into the 'llikte of Peopsylrania.;
The above reward.will be paid. jtib far ihn Ttillill
of the kfifte;and $93 On the Conviction of the thief.
Feb 11, .ls6o. JOHN COMLL.
A NNUAL STATEMENT of the Swipes sad
Expeoditores of "be Borough ofTowoodoase
the year .SN/.
siteairrs ate amen. -,
Due frame J. D. Goodeuousii latoTreer. te
-* Woudrutet at. • •
Balance; of Duplicate for 111411, • • 41 MI
License for-sbows: . • " -
_ll4 50
Am'* of bop Homo for 1149,
Kin\ of Onlers issued ISM
pf~t+t t 4 re i•~
. .
ti ,
Work done the streets.• , . OM 14
Curbing. Flagging.and 'leak walk, 40 40
Expenses or Wino Zlecuoa. ' 1I• 75
Printing report and notices of Appeal. $ 50
Justices fees. 5 00
Clerks Salary and Stationery. 55 75
Serving notices of Appeal, 8 00
Paid Wm. Mix, I Wm. Elwell. street son.
galvanisers & Poor Masters,
Paid 85tephen Powell judgment.
Judgment Zest's, Thomas £ CO to aid of -
Poor fond. •
Orders returned and cancelled,
Doe from Woodruff;Judiet $ 10 00
J. D Goodenough late treasurer, 10 00
On Duplicate of 1849, R6O 91
In Treasury, 14 13 tJ94 93
1101aVIIII OUSIlai•
Outstanding January 27,'49,
Lsued up to Feb. 2d. MO,
Returned and cancelled Feb. 2d. 'SO,
Outstanding Feb. 2d. 1260,:
rains revs. -
Am't doe from J. D. Goodenittigh. :Treasir $ if 04
" .1. E. Geiger collector: 4 $4
" Frem Athens township, • 66
.., " Of Duplicate for 1849. - 914 41
Paid T. O'Day for support or pauper...
C. K. Ladd. medical attendance.
Samuel Huston,
Luke Dane: pie, digging grave. I 50
For Dewy Case transient pauper. 4 00
Mrs. Shores. pauper, 6 92
I'. P. Woodruff keeping transient pauper, 1 SO
Stage Fare of transient pauper.
)ox. Hemsley. keeping 0. Snowden, pau.
Esonerationa on Duplicate.
One from J. D. Goodenough. late.
Of J. E. Geiger, Collector,
Of Athens township,
On Duplicate 1849,
..112 Treasury,
DV! PRO* POOll 70110.
To Henry Butler.
We, the underiigued Burgess, and TowO Conn
ell of the Borough of Towanda do hereby certify
the above to be a true- statement of the Reeeivals
and Expenditures of said Borough from the 27th
Jan. 1849, to the 2d day of Feb. INO.
MIX, Burgess.
O. D. Bawrsurr; •
E. 0. Goons:co,
M. C. Alumna, Town Connell.
C. L. Wass, • -
Mr son 'WILLIAM JOHN, .haring absented
biniself frommy house, without reason,
. fOrbid any person, harboring, employing or
trusting bits, under- penalty of the law.
Wysoz, Feb. 16,'60. GEO. LANNOX.
T& W. HAYDEN bars opened • More on
• west Writer of Main and .Ittidp strati. Tones
de. at the atom lately scowled by ,/. Kiogebery, and
now offer for sale their large assortmont, pour.based in
New York, sod to which tbeyinvits the attention of
the public. To Landlords and others they particularly
recommend their mock at
=J =Q 41:110 ilk BNB 9
which heist been selected TAO. lieu rum and or. war
ranted pure without in combustible of saw hips&
eats whatever. In consists in part of Champagne. Old
Port, Maderia. Malaga, Pa's tskieny. Bloat Malaga.
Raspberry end Gimpy Wines; Chard. ClamPosise sad
American Brandy; Holland and Cinnierne gni: is
mac* Bt. Croix sad New Bohlen& Rem; Stonibton .
Ilium, Lesson Syrup. sad Cordisti. all of the bast
qualities, and clever than ever tams earn).
11131111611.41314=2 1 Xlll3l7.llSCilliloo
Moo** other I lOW dt) grid a g
fore gran to Sir. York sid bobs. and are if -they
moot ka soppiiod twenty 'pr rest. cheapen dos oloo•
*hem Theis Tow art worrosirmi toopotior +polity.
&markt/ antardinglytie. eboopi Mop
hest: Pepper, Spies. Star* %bilis% oin ny
ankle in the 6se. Call nod ass. Wary savoilitalow
soy orall.' City& mod TOIO/0110 of Ira owls* Mania.
cry Domestic and Dry Goods : • lop iipply tf
Done sod Moos ; Dandy mods Clothing,: a splendid
wreornioent of Crookary. for silo.
Wanted. 100.000 foot Pine tashor, led 100,000
but Pine abialdes, for ',bleb *good OR Rale pain.
Tneranda, January 11; Vida.
Whea.foludt ire )10e lagite t
in= trowasszkat BAegialte
FEW DAYB ISINEE: bat as it mos melba Se
£1 the Dim no emismi loss wiR bisowsinek Kit
will enable me to ftitnyb iny old enstoiwees mid ss nor
toy 'Ms ones se will gme ries esit, with ERACKIERR.
BREAD; RIME. Jie-, thoon Minh Emma tur nisei end
s4l gieemttidetion. CAKE% of Oven desetin . dor.
Welshed to order. It. V; WOIIAL4EII'.
TOvisidi..tentaity $2.• 1150.
A LL Persons Indebted to eaanus at LIIIIIEDS
1 - 1 JOHNSON. arftwia; er Trig latioliir
tie hash, rmtessad awake PloalCeltbaslCAligt
art thsarkaimictsimsmpimassig Masa sal lbw_
Inapt tismailsliadkaaalliel Swat
JAY p.ioasmolr.
Troy Jan. :%1 111110. • Aftiihaistretwi
In tluwiFhr~f Wilis;a7l4lfari'llsd•
rrkW. ow Ad's* loy too Olipbool Coon asitlnilhoiUlu y, so ar•
Hams dm Amis. coischawg is tm Amalie die Maio.
horomonfof oihl ilsewhibtowooog tb.liiifit Il•hep
lurid 10-dorilodao of void typological:lA his taco
la Tovionis Alowsogh: co Wacky ibis 'llth.
Muck AD: IsW..t I eekek of which oil
meow lowcwood will wk. swim li. - Booni.
BT sites at writs of vend. Zips. timid eat ar ase
JJ Gan tot amie Mere .ifas* and so
ass directed wig N areal se pod* ache Ate Costt
001111 f. a tbesre. of Teiraeda.,e• astemisy. the
Id day of Mak 1110, at sae Welsch. P.llllLobe
I.llowietr lot piste or perfeeke lead sitnated la the
tea ef Ulmer. nadhooided follernsiaa tjte
wok by leads of liansin Van Vied. an die last
by es Swaeshaeas liver '
swab by dead. of Mary
an Lockwood sad west by lands of H.tuss Toe
' , Castriaing etweety4ser AMU Of diSNliballs.
sheet 'thirty ewes is with two hued teases.
ens bassi how sad sires Whereat buiPiass. wed two
bras shanty thereon.
liiriesd sod token in emotion le tbe wit et Z. W.
Baird vs. ban Oak Dairidsma Ir. Nimes terretsswess.
ALSO--A certain piece or pared of land lying
I. dur township of &whereat, and Wended we
tows s adnh by lands of Joshua Baker, east by Jai.
Philips. scrub 4 west by Abirast Pierce. Cassels
end a half acres sad sweaty two and *'.half
perdue*, beteg past 44 Ist No. MI rosititly ceauset•
ed for with atepbes Pierce aid ethos. with a la
bolas thence erected.
seised sad takei to nentioa at Um nit d D
K. Ball n. Madison Bomb.
Whf 31
IST 50
ilibeeirs.ollte, Towanda. Feb. 7, 165*.
01119 MI
FrtHE Cannisissitmsee et the twasty Ben Nerd
JL booby give noticelbet they here Awed •Pnt the
felleening plasm end days respectively for beating the
appeal, of those who may think themselves agmieved
by the usessment of A 11 MIRO,' and are dankest of
appealing front derseme to wits • •
Ulster at T. B. &W. B.Holcoadi's Tuesday. Fib. IS.
Athens tp. and bo. at J. Whitheek's Wednesday 27th.
Seithlield at A. J. Gerold& rturaday
Weighery at S. Harman's Friday March let.
npringfield at O. A. Vincent's Saturday Rd. -
South Creek at Ass Gillen's Monthly 4th.
Welts at Ws. 8. Ingalls' Teasley 6th.
'Columbia at Louie Strait's Wednesday 6th.
Arsenio at Jobe 8. BeckerTbaraday 7th.
Canton at Nathan Tone's Friday gab.
Troy tp. & bons. at V. M. Long's Saturday Mb.
Burlington at Cynts Pratt', Wavy llth.
Granville st.Johe Fromen's Tuesday 12th. .
Leroy at Feeley Mores's Wednesday 13th.
Franklin st Ewe Spalthwea Thursday 14th:
Monroe at J. V. Wileos's Friday nsth.
Albany at Arunah Ladd's Saturday 16th.
bbeshegnin at D. Brink's Jr. Monday 18th.
Litchfield at R. Parka' Tuesday
Windham at Hyury Russell's Wednesday 20th.
Warren at R. uoopers Thursday 21st.
Pike at Thomas Ransom's Friday 22d.
Orwell at Junin A: Russell Saturday 21141. -
Hari* at N. B. Wetmore's Monday 25th.
Rome at Hugh Hicks' Tuesday 26th.
Wysoir at the Academy Wednesday 2711.
Standiiig Stone at Smitten Canfield Thursday Sta.
Wyalusing at John H. Black Friday Mb.
Springhill at D. D. Black Saturday 30th.
Asylum at Jesse Carman's Mon say April laLt
Dare! at the centre school house Tuesday 2d.
Towanda tp. at the Coneys. Oflce Wednesday 3d.
b i ,. a* ° Thursday 611 i.
At each of which pieces respectively they swill attend
between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock
Pi M. By order of the Commissioners.
Commissioners coma, Towanda Feb. 6,14.
C)RIERAVW 001 MT 11M1L33.
BY ao order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford
-County, will be exposed to public sale at the
premises i a' Rome jownstup in said county. on Satur
day the Sib, day of Mach 1850, at two o'clock
P. M., all that messuage and tract of land situate
in said Rome township, bounded and d nucribed as
follows to wit: beginning at a Buttonwood twenty
eight perches south 30° west from the south west
corner of a lot formerly surveyed to Joseph Fought.
thence north 63° mast 120 perches to a stake, thence
south 24° east 60 perches to a stake, thence south
63° west 104 perches to a beech, thence north 411°
west 66 perches to the Maze of beginning. Contain
ing forty two acres strict measure, being the same
lot of land contracted by Vincent & Le Ray de
Cbemaunt and sold to Eli Morris. the said premises
has a small frame house and a good well triereon &
is nearly all cleared.
Attendance given, and terms made known on the
day of sale. E. P. COBURN,
11 12
Si 94
$47 47
PM 67
4919 50
$22 74
134 03
241:19 77
247 67
11112 10
5303 66
' $133 15
15 ?A
17 00
1 23
! 00
b 03
6 190 60
$ 7 04
3 84
a 66.
69 18
28 33 $llB 113
003 68
VI 00
Rome. Feb. 7. .1850
CAXE to the enclosure shout the middle of Deem
bar. ■ spotted red bTEER. The miser is re.
quested to prove property, pay cbatlCS and take him
awry. ' R. H. MASON.,
Towanda. Jan. 00.10.
AFARM and Tavern Stand in Orwell township,
applications made to C. Frirtrie of Orwell or the
subscriber at Wilkes-Barre Pa. Possession given first
of April nest. Jan. AM 'BO. A. Z. FRIBDIZ.
NOTICE is berehj given to the Stockholder, a' the
eolirehion.s T•b'Veph Company. that in por
mance of article 3d, of the Asetteietion, they will be
required to,payll2o on verb and every share of stock
-in km days from the date hereof; $2O more in thirty
day. thereafter. and the balance in thirty days from the
expiration of the aforesaid $0 days. Stocithokien we
requested to make payment at the taco of J. C. Ad
ams. J. T. MEANS.
undoes is co.
' J. C. ADAM&
C. 1". WELLES. Truer.
Febreary of T. P.411(5.
/1/.olir 611 SEED. SS iambi& choice, Alan hap
aesd„ bar dab by WELLES& SAREIL
. Adman, Jan. St !SO.
MEft PORIL-112 bhls, town fed . e. pert, for
vele very Alp, by the timid or posed.
Athos% bus. ha• WELLICS & HARMS:
innesastally Wanes tha pats:
that ha la jail vsc.rnss Irani Nils Tort an
ausstmal at ringroado Clethiag, to whiets
sibs ihs agsmaisn etruchsessa. Amon his luck
susg - he glad
Ossr Coats, Sacs Coats, bitinast Cants, Frock end
Dresi Coots, Cloaks, Pasialsoru, Tests, Roca
shouts, Ic., is ail slidat and . ati prim. ; ,
lie is desensiosd se sag his Clashing at naaaadi.7
low prices hot Casa.sed hewn ha ems nusksit ;be in.
toast these wishhig to purchase so hiiii aO4
the sAI 'maple bosom illesisu, ari Lisp.
a es. op stairs.
Casting sad, inskinti sp. Jana pa usual tli most
isshissadde sisgssr,prosspdy sad so mkt.
Tovisads. October WM*. • • •
Marit t lnt i g
Broilrord amity, •
DROWN= ololriog vigiit. It Torroodo .
JL • bait* olsoioti at every tom.
giants tbo boo* ot J. D. thaw, koloniPociosier the
&I at Illosembet. , itofetroco eon ts 14 bairn ollY-Part
of iteenolay. Alt ararroatoi..• -so slot '
!teat WARN/Meg Hem; mesas
! - VO
e ri t li t !fogy. the, soth othooteri.lloso, sod *Wm
mood Friday Mill fartber maim with a allok-lasi
'IMO& Din for oasis, roes and. HO% VP cis.
Offiara Or other totkeehailehtil 'at 116 1 4iejts
apiece elms ealketer. •
AU;:0:)R41 .. MffKW 1 ":,,,.! e; cl , „
J.Jr•llittKliromitheiploolid lot ••! • i
111710461 - 110ERSOMOT8 Nfl SO' :
usaim i kw. 41t. irii4 . 11;
Lobe the chimes alike/OW celery is ow" sea Mk
Ise Ibandver. An we Skims a wet le rq , we amis.
webbed to sal polls lem it _to ta•
propie to leap.
7 ~111oniblima, Deemilier A. 1114111.
C.IIIALt mageitiblykilbeae trisetaawitbe
riwae, that is bre wan* W. et bi.'wroaD.
a yeeen sod.4eles asuartwat of STOVES, •of an
Wei pot pawls. arbieb be Is peperel to men at winte
ras oi'girudr,er WWl* ter away praiser aped tbe
wit semeawastiag term
Yee stu,es. sbeetkoe, eopwatattamank•bis awn.
gout ie setapllets. Ai warns bis *haulm is
eastemers, to woos, iod the rib& he maws bie levi
tation' to ewe him i can taw perebagait elsewbete;
Dea l t mistake the ruse—but rommobge NALVesamidt
iiii it doe Public Name. Meeteayeetneelr. ' '
43.7te5. to me. sn tweeby
I sat ow Wait way bate; set eaten *ay •eesia swr
lemony sad eettlectbey - wit be eam_fiellat to do osi.
without tardier wake. . D. C. HALL.
Tema& Dee. 11. MIL '
- Xirddle Balk. -
WIPTIOIN l PORTER ar• new nafiviag. at No ,
uI, ;Uric Rom. i Ins Maks to tbeir Ewa&
Sack imating of
Drugs, aledlchies, glimmerles, Liquors.
Ills, hlits, Dyestuffs. Fury ilssde,Ae.
which will be cold at anuentelly low rem They aka
tam far ode die splendid aid pears Teas of the PC
KIN TEA COMPANY. **which they we avow and
which they do not hesitate to recommend M bias ea
paler to my other iamaertaL They Imo alio the weir
cy almost of the genuine Patna Jitelicinu attest.
Towanda, November 2i.1110.
SPERM sod Tallow Candles, by as bog a poiod.
d t
Ci VERMIFUGE. hl the &Me er ehd
DAD SHOT, for bed bap, at dis Drag wan a
>No. I. Wick Raw. H.,& P.
VRASIVE 110 A P, for removing tar, points, oils. Ake
wamiatitd. at dl H. r a
SUPERIOR Wines and Liquors-30 labia that SO
perks, WHISKEY jut* nis' sisal at H. &P.
WEREAS my wife Nalgard has left my bed
and board without any joss cause or provocation.
therefore, is to forbid all persona harboring or
trusting her on my ammo. as I shall pay no debts of
her contracting, after this date.
Wyomt. Dee.. 25. '49 JOHN COTTER.
No. 2 Aga!,tat the World t •
J UST RECEIVED a splendid saaortntent at Good*.
hy the subscriber. at No. t, Brick Row, which can
he mew stall bows. and will be sold at the lowest pri.
cat. Our friends will pleas, fair.t as with • call, st
least. We will chirp yogi nothing for looking, and
eery little if you toy. W. intend keeping constantly
on band a largesisortaient of
Clotbsi Alpacas. [styles.
Cassimeres, Worsted diestes, various
Sattineu, Sugars,
Tweeds. Tram, .
Jeans. Collie.
Vesting'''. Selenium
DsLaines. Spices, .
. Merinos, Ginger, &c..
Also. • loge sestirtment of Crockery.
WALLIS BULL, No, 2, Brick Row.
Towancle. Noe: S. 1849.
A IX 'mow {edited to do drys of !limey &
P . aro hereby worsted to roll sod wads
at their office No. t, Brick Row, without delay.
Towanda Tel% 7. MO.
SALT—A new supply of SALT Joel nweived by
Feb. 5._16501. AIERCURV.
N°"' opening at tha *bow establistunent a very
biro and destrithla asaortment of SPIRNGI At.
SUMMER GOODS. labial will be sold at wry low
rates. Engines. at this establishitent cooduenal upon
fair and dogtrot principles. You have our thanks for
past f a vors and wa hope for a ci t ottnoance of the awls
ware aro bound to sell Goads Cheap.
Towanda. July 4. 1849. N. N. DOTS.
CORN. -1000 bushman CORN wanted at the he.
pe'a Baap,Ne. 6, Threads.
Jan. 1, 1650. D. LORD.
ALL pentane Waisted to thotietsiief GEORGE
stßuzkicr„ deceased. late of the township of
Springfield. we busby requested to teaks pewee with
out delay. sod these having claims spies said owe
otillpleme mesa them duty aotheetiratPd tot mule
Spriegthild. Jas. SI NAO. Admieissatrie.
ALL perms indebted totter setae d HORATIO
LA DO deeessed late er A Reny township, art here.
by requested tomato mown withend &day. end these
basing claims whist said estate will please mend
dam dilly enthenticaled fet witskinent.
A .Jai U. IMO.
IMPERIAL. Tom Hymns. lima Skis sad Black
Too. et wapiti* layer. (as Gala at priers that win
suit jadarial Ibis ankle. at NIERCUItir.
AHDf F. OXIGEF nispreltally.iedonn rob&
that ho bee mmed Me Shop to Mai stmt. auct
ohm We. Welkin's. mai • kw eels oborretioe -Ward
How. ',ben M esetimair the Imesiess Ll
aid ItepOrisi Om,. Pit*, at
After ftio ftliarsow ill lb. 111"1.16 be "le.
fart be can perform el urea immereed to him.. in a
Tow ag,
ism OGER.
Taw inavinatista . pleasant! located in Wisp of
Leltemills. Bedford Catnip. Pa, is now isms&
awful echolatien under the supervision of Is%
zawm4..A. rio.ipal, and gigs facia C. ilia.
TOT 11•316
#thelli7 fiat.' Per 4 0010 . r. . OS 00
Elva* beineltes. dim 00000 0 0 0 4 -, *OO
do , 4 , i, di . odioiked. .
Lipi . 3 00
iiiol,lnglish '',tonuldiss. AI SO
# eigis aii_Agisid Mitimeades ' 400
Drau,i4 mid Fiditiogoosefi•ammo 1 110
Inciesital ispiailik Per O. IIIIII N - , r "
71 , 111 M . ,,
:‘, Quartet, causwiess *PC
„ Saud quoin. eposeeseed
spoon cowmen Tab. IS. = •
roienb "swift goomestais !May I's ISSS. ,
07 AU bills 'atost he pail by. the all at
- JAMES BODO& Pros !
::4:tiOn•LOCAL &P0:414. „ „ stir
el:20011111641A kisdr. a.k ' at lei *Novi
the Sun d - 41 "- O. ir - P; '
(11.111 W1111M1T440111116601111 , 1 it 0 1 .
Xit'eskiptban t;- , I I I}II O 4ST & TR strlt
.;I:fitagag II
Qf aw _ ".-toatd Brafre 4-D.r..1114k-ps. homy fit. go
. A DMONsbar
Auntogobiloiligiipit;tie'iotoinioi; , •Ns do
onuomns - 1006.76
Os bridge 41001i9919. - .-- .. Sel:
j p ssuess or fl. et tia. , .- • 00.13
a al
Grand Jens* 4si TI
J'eblio books for sibiie oda*, . ' 73 00
Crises fees. SS 60
TurreneJorces Ens. - 17t9 47 .
Tunes ineide.uil expenses. /111 29
Eilla for printint _ ) S6O VS
Paha keihkeis ordinary minim 1:3 61
SoFForrof tieriets in the E. &Peelary, 11-746
Stattonam 3l 64
Tovroship nevi, $ 00;
Prothonotary & elk. quarter essoinn fres, 1411 01
Oa wild eat meeker% • •oo
Bride views, ' ..._ 16.00
:beers Pees foe llessnosii; Jo
roes &e... , St 76 00 r
Sillnirt fees for 'untying psis- „ r __
nen to E: S. Peatteetiny. 730 00 WI OW
Road news. 9 00.
Gan la nonweenlilt ‘lllll4 ' 760 Ili
Elentios 41:peitsn.ATO IPS
. ,
. . .
16..163 06.
I Total.
. . .- .- .
keen% witit the * r a il Winton . et Duty 'hies ter the Gouty of lesifeed.
Tovraftio lie. Cetieeioes Naomi Tear. Arm Ciaurd. Amat Ital. Aortitetanrad. _An% Earned. ,C et. puma.
Towanda tp., ifelnaMortoir, 11140 $ 121 35 $ • $l3l 35 $ 11 .
Bbastiequin, - Elijak Munn i 1341 ' se 911 21 Off
Coltinbia., • Henry illierwOod.ll4l, 103 06 103 06 -
Asylum', . Jason Hoetosi, M '
S 436 • 6.31
Franklio, Illaael Annable, 1844 943 0 41,
Btd'ng stone. Isaac Westbrook, 1345 18 33 ' t
18 311
Towaada tp.. David Rutty. 1316 21 at ' 21 511
Albany, lambs Wikolt. 1816 111 42 - 13 41
Ridiberyl Hiram Homey, • 1844 14 63 14 611.
Meng litona,George Vannes!. 18411 17 71 13 16
Towanda bo. Wm. Davin. ISIS 60 66.
Wool. Win. D. Ntrops, 11146 at 33'.
Athens*, WM. Kit, .184? 64 11
Granville, Jac. Trona*. II 51
Monroe. Joins P. Smilli. • 1 75'
Pike, O. W. Hempbtsy, 430
Saudi Creak, J. L. Pbi' ips, 16 03
Towanda tp.• 8. U. Poster. 011 66'
Ulster, J. L. Oorsellse.k. - 415 MI
Wylie; Isaac Post. f 51 41
Athens be, L. 8. lillsworth, 1146 4109 0/1`
• • tp. N. Edminster. , 654 07
Albany. Williams Lee, I 187 93
Burlington, David A. Ross, NM 46
Canton. S. LL Fab. 233 06
Columbia. U. Panama. 297 611
Granville. D. L. Saxton .146 63
Herrick. And Goodall: -32 MI
Litchfield, A. P. Wolcott. Mt 65
Monroe. J. B. Sarin, , 200 63
Pike. O. W. Humphrey, " 87 65
Rome. 8. Spalding, 204 92
Rdigbery, Hiram Dewey. 76 X9O
Bbesbegnio, Wto. Post, I 111 62
&nth Creek. Chas. Lewis., •
,113 'il
Btd'og Stone, Charles Roof 32 80
Towanda bo. L. W. Tiffany, 337 Si
" tp. Reedien Delong.
Ulster, J. L Gorseline.
Warren, Wm. Bradford, Jr. -
Wells. . J. M. Edsall, '
Windham. Wm. Sibley'.
Wyalasing, A. P. Bilmi.
Wysox, A. C. !Unman,
Athens bo. Wm. Hancock, fen
" tp. N. Edmins!er.
Albany, James Allen;
Armenia. C. 11. Webber.
Asylum, John M. Horton,
Burlington. D. A. Ross.
Columbia, Wm. Gernet.
Canton. John Gray,
Dnrel, ; M. T. Vangonler,
Pranklin. 8. Lattimore
Granville, Harrison Ross;
Herrick, E. Carr.
Litchfield. Win. Bostwick.
Leroy, 1 Ansel Tillotson;
Monroe, Henry B. Myer.
Orwell, A. G. Ststhews,
Pike, R. Brink.
Rome, Isaac P. Towner,
Ridgtie4i, . Hiram Dewey.
Bbesh , Jol!n M. Smith;
Smith/dd. N. B. Geroulds.
Spring/dd. L. Leonard. 1
South Creek. Wm. Uoldsmith.
Selig Stone. Isaac Van Ness,
Springhill, Thos. Taylor,
Towanda bo. P. L. Shaw.
" tp. Dennis /Mill,
Troy, ** Gen. P. Freeman
" bo. H. J. Hoyt,
Ulster, J. Is. Gorseline,
Wysoz, A. C. Hinman,
Wells. Wm. Ilk Ingalls,
Wyalersing, Benj. Ackley.
Warren. C. H. Sleeper.-
Wiedham, A. Dunham. Jr.
Dr. Jean N. Peek ?restorer of Bradford Cosaly,_ia dram with said Casty.
Money fn Tito:tory Jan. 1, 1840, 116,862 84 Returned on Dup. prior to 1 642,
Dup. of Co. Tax prior to VIOL 5,167 113 -.4 on Dulea. of 1049,
Dup. of Co. Tax of 1849, 20,259 07 " on Judgments, notes &c m
Judgments, notes & other demands doe Ain't of Collectors , per centaga.„
the County,' 1,140 011 (m't of orders returned is 1849
Unseated land Transcripts (taxes tac'd.) 1169 4012 per cent. commission on 'same,
Received as abatement of state taxes 186 118 I Vocurront money to bands Treasurer,
Miscellslncons received — 670 Balance due the county,
P4:72 1 62
- -
Br. CoOily Orders Is Instal with e County of Bradford. _ Cr.
Am" of Oideri iisaed in 1149. WOW& . Ain't of Orders returned* Wilk Incas& ' '
ing Cr. codes. , 516.6911 4 Ina Cr. orders. • $26.187 iso
Orders outs:audio( 1111. 1.1919, 230 00 Asit of Orders osistandiag. 301 89
- - 530.993 49
Dr. • Jig,- 11. tea ?more if arena Cita' tv,
Ns sa Ihtpliessts View to 1149. • 13.047 11
Due an Dititticaux_of 1949, 10.000 I b
Trassexipts of Taxes on Unseated Land, .369 40
Dos the State u ;orbit Auditor Report. 391 01
aitikproßv VOIYIiTY, 611.—We. the andassigifid;eontiniwionera of saidCoanty.
(L. &I brow* the above to be a true and eorreetatatensent of the Reeeieals and Et peoditores of said
County ikon - the drat day a: January, to the iltirtyllitst day of Dreeother. A. D..,11149, inclusive.
In testimony ingenue we have hereunto set norhands st.d caused the seal brow Ornes to be bereealct
affixed. thialliklt day of Jaaaasy s A. &Oaf*. HIRAM - SPUN. -
SIMON DZCKZR. Comnsisaimaffis.
# VOMITUS fl: bffilTB.
AnessC.S. Xvont.t. Ctea
Dy a pry Ceodajobbiog home in the city et Now
.1J Nair recto' rialcontur of goad reputation, who
acipraistod witlrad ow Worms • Isms portico oa
the trade d tbirr ud adjaiainii ,eftnertire , ALlrrar;
t. M. ,bas lOU. Now Tule with rifarroole, star.
bap probable meow of sales. window CS* OR primps
dowsed vitae ono eampainaation.
New Tea, Dar.. 116 1149.
+ 4
Ship Ahoy. Mr. I. .t. K ! z:
PILE PEOPLE', BARGE kee . setivedieliqleit
!tether of D. LORD. Wel wall 10E00 lig. nee
Tti eita-Rerdefers from MI pelts of -tbe
Bbe canine ow deelt brie gam. snow owl Ileashet.
Fee beeebeetba Ow mere liewriwyelliew the l rto,
Ples - perite win elek tbeeneetiee caJ gait! et's& • Tbra
14isineiellsee left the elf trek owl halo 4011111 , 011
hese& et.tbe, Ample% !tarp, where. tbeteen get the
foldketAbeit f lperery. Cept.l.l, K. ma awe w.f. doe
Ad** an out deli' of land. MOM bas
tlii01101•14,110braes i ta+ttaa welt
- -
vlimprmAltaklifirrsorernip; ; "
otakkli,ll.lV: ' - 4 11 Prtk. ;
rt - Bros& Mirage;
Costs in civil
Itooey.refooded whin!" Ire Odd qa redcap.
tioo of unseated hods is 10411. 1.000 00
Nov of court MOM in 111 4 0. 04 00
Vieeidos of new wort boosee • • UST TS
patties sod comma jogaisidosis, - ' • ZS MI
Constables, At noticing returns and sand-
Log court.
Prisosers soroott r . tlia Oil
Counsel fees. 02 00
Interestupon knoi, ' 211-
Lo payzeot of loon. Can 00 oVeto
A. L.. Clrellfatt Wrote for services as Cotta- .
maissiarker is , 1048._ : - •
1. H. Black for services as .
Cpaisaissioner is ig4i; $OO 70
" 1141 : SST Cil s32lr le
• Ilitato Spear. Is4k. at 11 .
a UN?. 1(10,00.11141 SS
.31roton Decker. ISIS, 900
' 1049, lag 00410 S 00
C. Bgansell.elksto.Con4s, al. • • _
• 1N a 7 f 0:
a tog. 4 16 4`3 00 tilt 00
WhOle sinoo t.
• 014.1111 GT •
1136.226 70 $19189 73
0 12 0 7
to oo
in se
St •1
IS fa,
1 11
~.4 20
• 1,2,
1711 I*i
110 415
121 MI
44 a
110 911
a 73
.1 43
11 03
i 4 03
370 41
S G 4
6 144
434 !.1,2
61 69
7 41
353 17
160 17
dss 73
1.111 73
121 74
1 21
240 01
221 44
151 11
253 03
142 LS
173 62
GO kl
112 lb
652 97
91 70
13T, 00
ICO 88
81 OS
W 7
is Accost with •• Commowirmitti of tl x : Cr.
Amount - of &ate Treasuries Receipts. PAO 61
Reamed on Dapliestes - prior to 1849. 907 76
Returned On Roptiestes 0f1649. • 1;194 63
Colleetoes per aentsae. • 300 21
rsosefer% txonerations, 167' 37
erations from Taxes on Caseated Lds.,l 70 0$
Tr t nitirkets Compassion. 10$ OS
Ostsseir bribe bands of the Treasaier, 1156 46
A - LI. proms indebted to tho NOW. of 111111ACS t.
BATMEN. &mod. lass of Windham Worm**,
we bomb, ruquoutd to'nutkoiwytooot witltoutdobiN
&hoof having dada* walnut said otitis will PLAN re.
wattloon duly authentiesied for oottlomeot.
J._ )1 1 14705i11 DENTIST,
d. e. N.
pernenitilly located Mama in Tomah,
- 11: OM" i 4 tlis Union Meek ce3r zhear• arm.
Iwo to dug Brififora Hotel. Oct. 11. !Mk
1313/B.NralraST Os' ,
Ent.ixo.;Laying nistitiiiidi aildLlm. DlAdiss
'K4 Siteacliteiwoi
nit 111401stry.tnibantmeats: fige.“
14 1"11 0 0 0 tasti• lit .SICHOLat: - Oats at loam
graltiirlinanty. P Perm's at • distsraff, noSiell
Me litvieiss, shalt by writ* him 61144 am ails tow
limaiseiSAitio , ttidrbaeieriis peeeptir einem ...
totfifin i — it ? ntitzt OR SLAM TZA.Wei;salfird
r. — Olt 'iiiiist‘ 6011400:7 ~addle Weems
wikeivritiAloit eat sail* elt, TOThlik.
Asa S 4
• 06
Is ;
It I .
4 IS
14 94
1i 64.
4 14
1 119
II 14
4$ 44
le es
S. i•
24 06
SOO 96
2$ $0
a GT
2l 76
4 7f
17 04
se IN
I I 511
• SO
10 $1
i 00
40 79
7 1$
4$ $3
29 57
7 SO
Alt 59
7.6 71
9 66
40 15
14 51
4 59
8 09
24 19
PGO 64
$734 4:
$1,538 OS
4,443 93
645 44
36,687 CO
53j 75
:1 00
=7 40
' 134.791 t 8
.26,999 49