Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 09, 1850, Image 3

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The most terrible iteherrophe Ibet hat .41 lieceried1
in this City lot etati, int*. umPdmil. .7nipy
morning 1111Begstemst. near Pearhmatenememie
mitring a meter ken 'ef Nelsen tenti' twin* *Set;
ed this City from a airuilatcanse.
The large machine shop and prialkagrallemen
ufactory of A. B. Taylor kCo., 3 Regoe-istawdlost
beimimpclied with a aew boiler in the noun -en
age' l which Weel lolaktdiWlbe, basement Vlthribuild
The boilers was made on the North Meer side.
some time eaten for Mr. Taft'''. ..For somereason
het did not take it, and it was sold to the Georgia
Steamboat Compton and weal, to Savannah.
it did not genetatedeue fastenoesh kw the pur-1
On of a bon, add it was awe put out of use.
Tye boat vent c4lllle-biiini and Coutraned *ea new
boiler with Mews. PeasekMarphy, who toe* the'
old one in cart. payment.. ' • •
Mr. Taylor subempiently purchased it, and re
moved it to his AOC." , Idnatm. Pease * Murphy
mean built nor setit. It was not feinted by ex
posure to the weather.
At about half-past 'y o'clotit Tegord4 slOttall '
the boiler, exploded, the knee passing upward eiW
outward toward the Street, crashing the building .
into a man of ruins in less than ors minute. We
never parr a Wreck so Complete ; the wells; floom,
large limbed' and root We" ripe toilepeCt pile, all
on fire, and seething;neekieliard,eoegm, ing be
neath the flood Df Wid*pciored
as usual on Motidayhariraings, 'the Ifelpnan had
started the fires under **toiler at air' iiitudier hour
tlaanzinual, on acceiiitAt_*r ' ,*old while
standing unwed ocerS► latloridb ad steam
been* raised, and motion Communicated to shah.
ing, when the exploeion took, place, and in an in
pram the upper part of: the building was blown com
pletely off, and fire communicated to thtb remain
The force of, the c.xplOsiondata in' the win
dows, frames and doors ofaevera adjoining build
%oz.. and seriously eadangarial the walls of Hull
A: Sims' large soap and candle 'factory, 'Which ad
joined the ruined building.
• The windows and doors amossilagnemt. and in
the tar of houses in Pearl-st. were burst in as if
with cannon shot, and everything around indicates
(tingle explosion was one of the most violent that
einild occur So powerful was the explosion that
the shock, like the tremblingof an earthquake, was
felt in some of the stores in Broadway, a distance,
in a direct line, of about a quarter of a mile, _ and.
was probab i l felt at a:grater distance. .The floors
of Messrs. ull *Sons bullingwere lifted - up, and
the thick walls, both those adicaniag. Mr. Taylor's
establishment and those fronting on the next nreet,
were bulged considerably, although built of nnuso
al thickness, with reference to the possibility of
bre or othereontingeney.
gut the most awful part ofilds calamity, is the
sudden and unwarned destruction of a large :som
ber of workmen. In the present excitement_it is
impossible to ascertain the number lost, bu we
fear it will be found to reach from 111FTT to Mei" !
The number employed in the machine shop, and
a harmanefacto7 . which occupied the ,upper pad
of the premises, is variously stated at from 100 to
t2s—but as it was rather early in the day it is hop.
ad that a good portion was absent. From the best
information we can get we believe the ere very
near one hundred persons in the building at the
time oldie explosion. About a dozen of the per
sons employed were girls.
A gentleman, who was in the immediate neigh
borhood when the explosion took place, informed
us that in the brief interval between the falling of
the building and the bursting out of the flames he
saw the'ruins, and from the number of limb. or
other parts of bodies projecting from among the
mint, he estimated the number of these partially
visible at about twenty-five or thirty.
The building was owned by Messrs. Halpern It
Brothers, and was worth $13,000, partly coveted
by insurance .
Bricks from the building, at the time of the ex
plosion, were sent at a distance, of thirty-six or for
ty feet.
P. S. The loss of Messrs. Tapia.* Barr, is esti
mated at 570.000. As near as can be ascertained,
nut less than one hundred lities have been lost by
calamity .—Neto York Tribune.
The proccedinp of the State Educational Con
vention which met at Illarriebnig week bere last,
ars too lengthy to publish in full. We make the
following synopsis, which embraces the principal
changes in the Common School System recom
mended by the Convection:
• Ist. That a department oferdneation be establish
the head of which shall devote himself exclu
sire's to this important subject, visiting the win-.
ous Sihool Districts occasionally, by way of slime
'ann..,e those in charge of them to greater exertions
in the cause of education.
2d That a state commoc School Journal be es
tablished, as a means of commturicatioa betwe
the department and the schools, school if • -
and teachers.
3.1. That two Normal Schools be established for
the preparation of teachers to impart knowledge to
the youth of the Commonwealth, in the most im
proved manner.
4th. That it be recommended to the various
school &Arida to form associations o the directors
and tee:tellers, for the purpose of meeting and con
suiting in re g ard to the best means of imparting in
struction and advancing the cause of education.
sth. That it be recommenced to the Ifierent
districts to appoint county superintendents.
9th. That a uniformity of school books-be reeem
mended Th at
the different counties.
The kktirriAburg Union in recommending these
amendments to the favorable consideration of the
Legislature, says : "It was acknowledged by
every one in the Convention; Mat our &boo' Sys.
torn sag not inferior to that of - any - other State in
the Union, and all that was wanting Ise to give h
efficiency, early it out according to tbe design
of its founders, with such ,improtements as were
suggested by the experiener of. the age: The ad
dreeees delivers by Hort: Joel If Sutherland, Wm.
D. Kelley, Hon. James M. Porter, President of the
Convention, Ederard A. Penniman, Esq.,
of Phila
delphia, Mr. McCarthy, of Easton, Prof. Hamilton,
Carlisle, and Other gentlemen, were calculated
to awaken a spirit of intriry on ibis vital question,
vhich must lead to the most beneetiallemsks."
Tut Vtanter—Tea Davin' Panty—The jury in
tbis important ease came into Court a few inmates
before eleven, and, having stated theta was no
fklesibility of their agreeing triton a verdict, were
tutbarged. it was raritoredrwe know not %on
shat authority, that they stood eight kw an acquit
lal and four nor woonvietion. Werewitne moth
" trial will not be had during this - tartit, at lONA on
thug indictment. There are, however other bids
fat high offe n ces against the aressed, oe which
they may be arraigned. The prisoner will be. dis
'hat* on boil for ha twappearepea.
IhrAT 'meeting of the colored eitizens of
Bradford county, held in Towanda bore.
so the Itch of 'fanuark. inst., we the fin*esilleedr
*ere appoim e t o committee to solicit ale in build.
church add settool house, to helmeted in this
Bo rough, for tike begat of the colored people of this
",atl't and a. we feel deeply the importance of
enterprise io the end we hive in vitw„.of'ad
'ttetsz oar mornloiligiotwandietellectuel culture,
tad as our chambers are few and otiemesuni blade.
'V a lle. We take this m.elbcili of yin[ to the li b .
entity of the white citizens of Insilford for assist.
IB ee hoping that in the more *toted *tendon in
shieb Providence Juts piaied thew the Intl be
einefol of those upon whom nie..lonamty law been
!me sparingly bestowed, $l4 that,theitein Off In
e lia, menace and support hi thilstritioile ...for the
eePlovement ofoureondition.
beadditiowte the enbseribebsrleettb.e ( o 4 fi li .".
and David Jones, are la!badisatir,
halm for the eboventeitisseawddeet
I. C. JeffNeolll.
Lz- L j
Fr_ .2013111111147 704411" airbr-bbi Ibiksty Moos
I ' .1.4 - Itpolo.llms to.
tzt l litaiaralleshoor he Id*
by Wthfats Arhowlivaillistas throw
Vogt altblitll4 a et lbailisteililim ;11 the: map.
time istbout 4•11 obst tgeldi iit ARO& is
itch 611hs1.*1
11.141.411id.* postite may -is
dem I. hownill then with the Tae Nwo, - twevelltw
sulismilosou eitl4l4l welt`
mostlitt - Tbtriwitit the Nati. lbw
lee flt PatUt; Mb* Si ,dpikelr4g 11. Her
rielt; It* ellteibs.V..4l}ealww
witb.tbetisli shied pm* Will eligible INSPI"
40 10, 1 -• T. u.
-bear a, 4, Mill. _ .
I* - 4116 iliete! Villa Fide ill Jabsailikor, alei.
Tn — iV it imptis b..09941.a Maw
by tie Com st nordbet (31111114. bp die.
tribute tie ' Waikato he ibibasolu4 tti. Adosio•
wok* irriiimewiree. MOW die NwAdbeigs. will
iii‘tui kr the avid•ii . e sai .speisiasst Gibes Ake
,4114 Mgalhal tha Mk' day or
myth, AD. - mak it reasik r. N., r ir which en
Ore" 601114.1" ratlike 11010. Boo Th.
Twouidi rob. •th INI. Auditor.
'Ent ahem of writs of Vend. Expo. Wool statafthi
Xi Cow stemmas Pleas ef Mradford Natty sodas
ere fikaeart wilt be imposed loyal& sol a at Mamas the; born. of Towaada, NS sw in k a y o 4.
l a 'a y Of Meech, Isso, at one o'clock, P.M., the
&Howie( Jet ?imam parodist land dautted is Soo
township of Dliasr,and bounded as follows: on the
set* by leads of Hanaoll Vita Villa. MR tM Met
by do Soolooksomo Riley, Noah by lands of May
Ana lowkoand end woo by tapir of /Wool Van
Yleck; Clataiwsg .event=-bads ones orlboreabows,
about !bitty Mee lairrore.d with two , hood Mess.,
one foamed barn and arm ethereal baill'ingr, sad sew
largo shanty thereon.
prised slid taken in emanation at the nit et .E. W.
Bad vs. lam Cask. Davidson& Mingle tenstoanao.
A 1 .80—A certain pircie or parcel of land lying
in the township of Darlington, mad bounded as 'fol
lows : north by - lands of Joshua Salter, east ,t 7 Jas.
Philips, south & west by Abirm Pima. Downie
jag Say and a half acres and twenty two and a half
perches, beidg part of lot No. Id recently contract.
ed for with Stephen Pierce and others, .with a log
how thereat existed.
Pelted sad taken in mention at the-sall of D.
It Doll vs. Madison Beach.
WM. N. DORMS, Ithlf.
aberirs Deice, Towanda, Feb.?, ISA&
THE Conamionomers of the county of Bnmlford
hetaby glietweirodiat they-hobs Used open the
following pieces i.e dart nspeatisely far hawing*,
appeals of thaws sito say :Wok thesswins egipietred
by the aswessmentwf A D 1850, and ans desirous of
appalling 61. au" area. to grit :
Ulster at B.Holescab's Tuesday, Feb. 211.
Athens tp. and be. at J. Whitbeck. Weineashn 27th.
Smithield at A. J. (Moulds Thursday 28th.
Ridgbwy at 8. Hanpan's Friday Match lit.
Springfield at 0. A. Vincent's Saturday 2d.
Soinh„Cseek alike& ailisit's Hondas 4th.
Welts at Win. lltiingaß' Tuesday Bth.
Columbia at IssaeStrait's Wednesday 6th.
Armenia et John S. Barker Thursday 7th
Canna at Nathan Tutttle's Friday Bth.
Xrety tp. h. born. at V. M. Loog's Saturday 9th.
Burlington at Cyrus Pratt's Monday I Ult.
I Grastille it John Vasim. i Toesday 12th.
Leroy at Perky Morse's Wednesday 13th.
Franklin at Zara Spalding's Thunday•litit.
Hennas et 1..V. - Wileoz's Friday 15th. •
Albany st Arendt Lahr' Saturday 16th.
tybasbequin at D. Brink's Jr. Handst 11101.
Litchfield at R. Paths' Tuesday 191 t.
Windham at Hwy R.W.sse Wednesday 201 k.
Women at R. (mope's Thursday 214
FA* ie Thaw Banansis Friday 22d.
Orwell it Justin X: Um& Ihstruday 113 d.
Harriett at N. B. Watson's libenday 25th. .
Rouse at Hugh Hick? TeetrAolool
- it the Academy Hfedneaday 27th.
Standing Moue at Stephen Canada Thursday :oth.
Wrangel', at John H. Meek Fiske, .29th.
Springhill at D. D. Black Saturday 30th.
Asylum at Josos.Carasses•Men 'ay ApQ ist•
Duni It Stamina dhoti house Tsar* Id.
Towanda tit, st the Carers. Ofilea Wednesday 3d.
'Thaw* eh.
At welt of which places easpeetiody they will attend
between the hears of 10 o'clock A. B. and 3 leash
P. M. By ardor of the Commissioners,
, 0. P. RUSSELL.
Commissioners Office, Towanda Fab. 8, '6O
ALL pewter indebted_ to the Arallorrox 4k
Norm, are heathy rsqoasted Co ei I erd oak
at their alike No. It. Brit Row, withal* delay.
Tomah Teti. 7. 1140.
ALT—A new fiepply d 01 4 4. T fast waived by
rob. 9, ISM RCURV.
BY an order of the Orphans' Coon of Bradford
'County. will be exposed to public sale at the
premises in Boras township in said county, on Baum
day the Sib day of Mireb 1660, at two o'clock
P. M., all thit niessuage and , tract of land skimp
in said Some township. bounded and dmeribed as
follows to wit.: beginning at a Buttonwood twenty
eight perches south 36° west from the south west
corner of a lot formerly surveyed to Joseph Von,hi,'
thence north 66° east MO perches to a strike, thence
south 24° east 60 perches to a stake, thence south
65° west 194 perches 40 a beech, thence north 411°
west 66 perches to the Maze of beginning. Contain
ing forweemscreestr*et niessoreelvivisibspaeme
lot of hand eontracter loy"nicent &Lt Bay. de
Cheumunt e arl sold tot% VOWS. the said premises
has a small frame house atid a good well thereon &
is nearly all cleared. '
Adman. :prof saik . MOTs utak kaoira4e)bir
day of sale. B. P. couitir
Pour mciali,
Rome, rd.. 7, 1/46.
(NAME to tire enamors of the subscriber in lifer.
ren torinship, on the 10th day of tranary
a large pale red Cow. widridgb hornii.inarked with
tar or pains as tee right hip. Said etrw iS apparent..
ly 10 or 12 years old. The owner Is requested to
prove proPerty, pay ellatgas, and taint her away.
JONATlifilf Ad 8021 MC
Warren ?eh. fr. 1000. _ _
NEW 000D8 AT . THE.
IOW opium at due shim eetabibiftwet • •• 4 7
tarp alai desirable sesottatat atf SPEND &
SUMMER 00008, which will be ,said at wary kw
rum Sosishee >t 04 establieloarat esseactot apse
(sir anthaelit prOweiplaii Yee halal.* ttneb for
put favors aeni we lisps for a euetunamee of the sea.
owe eu bound to will Geo* Cbeap. -
Tointebt,laly 1649. N. X. 11ETT8.
LL wow indebted to dee of =OWE
Adeeneteti. late d` eserislispit
Sprinsfield, are betetii neyeestai urinate pawn wide.
out delay, and. time boring elates lOW oil ensue
wittpleses pranntibes
dukishreatdlier - sebe
rent. AD ELA ID E
apttiigbeld, ha. s 1 100. rseitnoi&
A LL proses kilatallb thio mania at 110241111
LADDilimeseallisis atMloslo sol
by airmossal is moilt Ms. mil we
Whig shim tmili Wail will OWN MINK
ding imitlielOid tK isolesiM.
tromork; "LAW .•
Antrrtor LAM'
Alen f, hir fl, 1•1111.
(3 - 00216.40. - beim& VIM magi albs trio
NJ - aprpr Ne. 4. Mem& • -
,111111. t. rise. it.. LOSID;
M 73
: •
_Tv oilitiiiii;:the Slob Waswarblellpied eval7
assetteigiy till flusher uplift itialkiloi P.M.
starems.‘,l Mil . he imulie s mos aidllobsc is its.
Oyster's" other isfloiveasses hanalibias 115 oasts
wltia -calistlec.
t irsv• irmissmis unp Mist'
. . . .
- - lIMONY 11.1101% - .111Y41011111 as ,
.. .. „.. ,:.,....,.. ,„., 7 ,..
_. •
T... - w..sAriars %in: iiikaiiii• iiiir , . A.
-4. wart lamer ofifidnAplAilliatrirowa,
mesein 4
6101 flee wow Maly ancapid by4.l _
~ . and
Mw six Scowls Asir Ilia • in
Now liciall tirwhicli illaybodier - , ,of
Ow picliK",..To Lawarriks and when thfe y
nimannoni disk wed/ of. -1- - -..
- iir. It iqp, it, an, ali t in •
width brow bow oilinard will peat ewe, and are war.
Nowt towonrithinii aii , j , " Counbudbla or otbor Wive&
saw wbobriar. -In elides in pat of ObicaipopiaOld
Past. idodoria. Kano. Pala Wary. Choi* Mania.
R,y awl Myer Wiwi ; Mad, Maaroanisad
Aftwisto 'llinialyilinitaad and :Cowards Clint 1..
swirls, fn. ends willow ltaalinii las 1 flicialtdas
Shwa Imam 'Symp. and Verdian. ill It lb, blot
podium. wed clearer dna me Wen sem+
, 1 1(21:11011.011101111=111113111MIU11131
Citvirs* caber portant would in wall la all l►
fora solirtialfew Tort ii-i Unica. and aro if they
await be onprimid twisty p cam. el spas dna abw
wilioin. Urn Two on weiractiol of a airpoior quality.
Ilasimw at awry quality. azinadiao clamp; _al" Ma
lainto.;Pener. ark% aim* gaimis. 401g 6 with wne7
articiala tliii Geo. Call sad ow. Mowry Bawd li ow
-sir lesii. Nam and Tobacco Of the way taw Imo&
azr Domestic and Dry Goad.: a law sappy at
Awls 'and abaft ; Rally wads Clodilart; a apowill
awortanat of Vracluxi. for Ws,
' Waltril. tokooo hoe Pies Umber. so moo
1 mot Pins Mingles, for whisk aimed pica will be Fmk
Towanda. ,lticsag bl, 1140.
Wks Shall we have as War'
Another ir7breeke ad at
Maaratar •
A FEW DAYS SINCE.Ist as it was owilinad I.
.lii Civen. es wises ins be auselaaa.
stiohla vas to tarnish AT old m endows and as Er
B,tiaw agar as will' s va sass eallowith caAcions,
READ. RUBE., Me, upon moth tarns as went and
wiil giro satisfaction.' CAKES. a( every fieseripties,
fundalted to owlet, IL C. SMALLEY.
Towanda. Jamtat7 no la"
ALL pastas ladobtol to tbs ototo LISIIEVII
JOHNSON, &moot" bt., of Troy irwaabip
are hers Ny ragweed I. Lab! Omen* wittiest delay
aid dram bailing claims osoittot'salt owe will pine
present them duly authenticated for aettleraast.
Troy .140. it 1850.
Gso. O. BU. TENG: trestilidty Weenie*, ob.
he that be in pet remanng from New Test 'se
amortment of ready-tnaJe Clothing, le which I. hi--
ekes the attention of imtchseere. Among hi. item*
may lie lootal
Orer coats, Suck Coats, &sines: . Conte, Frock and
Dress Coals, Cloaks, Pantaloons Yeas, Round
about*, 40., in all stylit an d all ricer. •
He ii determined Innen his Clething st sensually
low prima fee CAR. sad befroms can maks it the in.
tereat otthose vskisiosi to meteor to give him • eall.
(Cr Alas old stand. listmees ilettlett end Hingr
hey a>bws. upstairs. -
Cettieg sad teak* lop..deee se swat in the most
isehiceetble pereig* aid to
Toiriesda, October SO, leek:.
8R713C e 0 IV ZO VI '2 111 IP,
Of Tr.l. Brodford coosty, Po..
PROPOSES slaking ;periodical 'lair at Tomo&
dodo; the orosio's of ivory coot. H. may i.
cooed Atha Wow of J. S. Ovum. comoisorhog so tho
341 of floptembot. *.(meow can bo hod Woo soy port
of the county. All week trottootaml. ° to Boa
BETS—A traertment of Lorne end haft
13 Plerenee. went. lace. pup, pearl, Cohen&
Neapornan and Leghorn Bann ate: A 1... wreathe sad
dowers, ter ode at SlERLlllitir.
CAMR to doe endorsee shoot the middle NI Dees,
her, spotted v. STEER. The owes is t
quested to pogo poverty, toy dunce
H. and take hist
R. .
Towanda. Jas. St
A FARM end Tavern good is Oewll township.
epplieetione mile to C. nimbi' of Orwell .r the
sehrenber at Wilkee•Serre Pa. 'Peeenetios tome
of April nest. lee. 30.'10. N. Z. ?WHIZ
NOI7CE,Is hereby gime to the lkockholders of the
8° 7 6-- TekgraPti Couriolly, that ha par.
amteice article ad, of the Aierciation, they will be
required to pay Ott so each and every Aare of stock
in tae dams fres the date hereof; slolliale ha thiny
days thereafter, sod the balsam le thirty dip! from the
upbeat*, of the afaresid Ile days. Illetikholdere ars
requested to mats payload at lb* 'Mat C. Ad
am. J. F. MCA" ' Trueleis et es.
C. F. WFLLISS. ?rostra
Minot" '2: of T. T. Miss.
LOVER 5E181).35 beagle etrairra. clean, larp
ki mod, kr sale by WILIXIIIIr RAMS.
. Atbromlas. 3111.
it MOW 70114-113 bble. own led am pack kr
i►l. sale van don%h the bond. or
-Meek Jw.l& `Ol. *tLLts & HOW&
It ke
, Nisei, sou SIMI •t 'Meek
Teo% et =perm lifter. fit **Pi r i tins
iisie pages tithe irk* at ' 'Mak list
Tomlut. °Vat* rpqpiedidy Wow for pet&
J the b.s mooed big Map th 1/•1..a..&.
ohm Wm: Watititife. mill 77 17 teas ohm rb. W77d
Him, dims be Oistisita• tit. Whim of
bailiairieg NO Depleting -611 m► flab, he
ASO his lo.( *spinosa, is dir bildsest, Imi imam
&Ws beta piditio oft wit oretormil hi* is •
amidithxy dyie. MRS a utiont.
Towseis,-Nov. 17, Mt
THlSiestitothe follemosely Wiest in the Whop Of
Lelkayelrille, indieni County, Ps is now* nee.
metal operation mkt t peperwhiee et Rey. B. J.
NEWELL, A. 14 Nat** end Alio Lae C.
Prat PreFerer"s• -„ . ,
tome. •.4
l l' Atail4llol4lo l Par 4 1 11111.8 r
Egli breech" elms men e reetecedi
dqM dm soinetetd.
talarteltallnd New
Snowing and reieting. emir astred- 4
hicident.erezpeitams, pet qierterr
tint gimlet easeseneee 114 Iso.l
item eammoseil Nev IL ISM
Mkt reeler ceftemeem 'lib li t WS. ,
roitib wow ermembew May L 1111.11•
117"AII meet * dee en& of Bei erifirt
JAMIWRODGB, Nen. anemones, •
jg: —Slit --
fit this Stare It
(UM WialllM+ol/ it& ma
4 1 abed Iry rtrtmty &1111‘081M111.
vorlAm i k o mm i t m v ,
triniusweihi, 1~91111
_4ooi inABOr
at* Liam sad 11; $ Wente. B-14-111 1 1
minmamee not 1111eaday Me OA Ilia etedeber teal-
Tlet Amadmaital yet trill intulst beg WNW
Oteirrea mesh* meat -Ceenmeseimunapnetiettly.
Omaha lalt. 1110,Jamemy Id a Wards Mk balliese
Ilth IBM
orgw 'ININIBM fige 'lam em
Least; ride& .s s.
Arithmetic., . fit.
TM same, with Wells' Oraemar , Adams'
Aridinittic sad Totes Anal's* BS
Philosophy. Cheadle ..*hemae, . Lot ie,As
teeunty 11114 am* • ea
Airlift. Geometry. Trigemoseny, "WM.
Inge Comical:dour Aug!** amovul.
s A
Leda, Greelr'insi Treed e too ,
Bed. let sad 2d tents.lS
Illabolars received at any period 4 Ilia term..and
dinned only from the time of their estramee.
Board can he obtained la print, families ion na
meable tens% _ IlaiilOrrrgriLtnes•
C. L. Wm.. weey. of Boort of Temlees. ,
TOWIllidS. !eel. 1. 1110.
" r
animmasuph szt treuriarmuda
X that *ay ow Doi! nosioiii tHioes (roil Saw Yea
viol opals* is So owe Wel/ oieopioi H.ler
dear rook Or ringsbilri Co.. low osivio*
moonn e r i t of
111031101,1111fteli t FAliarleit
Yankee Notion!, Confectionary, 4r.
to which tbe mostien of menibeeets ie Melted. Tbeir
emeruneet d Goseetim end Loon le complete. end
tegl befell et enreelly Ire sees. Cell sod esengem
Towanda. ..:11.q..41113110811E1tY.
BRINK it CO. here optimal seises stIICIRS.
A.le DROOL sib • spiestlid Mae
141 Y 0001111, ETSMOSINES,
111aiwws, Hats sod Ceps, Ass , As.; is .sthitA *ay
invite the chinas sf ersitont missy is ems sod ask
thessalves. .As seism, as-sad is., sisramsaht
teratimed-i• amitigssis. ittghs-witis Elsa lei* It is tan
Peocol• to WO.
Hoinbtesh, Despots" 4. ISO.
C.HALL semmethdyishemes his Moodiest& thik
rube, theft be bM nem f. sale
.pc hi. STORE.
II Vowel mod chases meortowst etII7OYES, of as
slow sad promos. whittis be ispemetiel to Mk at whole
sale et meted er mzsheep far cesetripAshmit epee tbe
wag memmemailissi,sesme.
For moves, skseideee. cense mod titilisis
mood is H
complete. e seams his P dstidie.Wlde Odd
assissemss.te wise" mod the public behenoimbis
to to give him a cell before porebeides , elitembste;
Algiet miscedelkesehme..Anstrwanalsa HAL/head'
side of the Nitro.lleum% im blentesyse Bknit.
C Thum MdsiSW- to me. me befell swami that
I am now dieing wry books. sad melees they case vs
lentedly end male. they will be siewspetted is do se.
widow %whew make. D. C. MALL.
Timm& Dee. IS. MIL
brUSTON * PORTER mkt new recePtivig. it xi
LI 1. Ds& Row. • huge olatios to Asir farwptir
week. iessistioret
DrussOliegilehmes; Groceries, 11.11.10r5,
1111 s, raids, lye/iffs. fumy GU NK is.
which will be mid at wt .illy tom teem They else
neerefat eels the ryisedid sad 'pansies Teasel the PE
KIN TEA COMPANY. lee which they are sessesowei
which they ale sot hesitate to essiouresed se Wing se.
seder se any ether bessesed. They lisseelee die seer
cy of Meet of the revues Pntuu Medialaat Want.
Tommie. Newness 211.
QPERIit ..d Csadiee, by the beEt weeseti.
1.3. t al nuorroN & pciwrzirt
Oniucires VISILIMPIIGS. b Ow ism dit yid at
aL HUSVO & 11011111 r&
BAA 111111 n. fat bid Imp. at eiti •
1. Sokllc Sow.
PLUM S4IAP. for moot* tor, putout. ea., eF
siwit. 111 •
11P611109 When aid Liquerso am se
prriaIrHIVIEBY jest leiveitsa at IL 11,
CAUTION. • - ,
uruzaso tity wife Marguset isksay be!
lIV mod Mani *Waal say Jess easseist paalseatiiide.
dsis, thamessat is as all proms hartoriii er
tramline bar so ray ecesant, d 1 side Orr es debts df
her emittastiaa. alter this date.
Wysag. Doe. •411 JOHN COTTEit:
2 ANION Übe IlVertal
TUST. RECEIVED alpieediel emeertaatt tide.
ei by the elabsailte; at N. 'kaiak Row.whieh ems
be esee.ateUi hew. awl DM be iota et the Worm pri.
woe der then& will pleeee *awl de with
brat We wilt &Wire . yptl legated for teokb* sad
very littbrd yeti bay. We ameba Maple/ taimeta — etly
en bead • bap awattadat of -
bkithe. Allocate, • trait's. •
Catelemweri - Worsted fltesees. catalog
Rattleetai lgegara.
Mamie. Trak
teem. CoQet.
Waltham amitlelad, , -
Delwieee. IRpices,
' Alwk a Web asiterweret of Catchall.
WALLIE DULL, No: S. Brick Row.
Ilarbstati-Rerial, 1,0,48. . .
2 ISO.
. Is
*to* ii G.
gr. F.
AV. 11, Brick Stew.
LLauoas Al D PALS •At /IA re—
'aid Ugh& waft broil lbw
ebilirtar •Sti. deo Oista far who aim Moat- .
zoilwilo . --:,SWIDA.S
Xi • MIX boo *tottoriod Ihtig Stets to tiii •
-prttio.ot tbe'Polone aquas, fatal" oteviliol by
Josioll4hro,"sothavios trod uP Ids ut 4. o- 1 1S
added to Ms &Mir otootbotott • bur supply of
tilkt is V wart, iflestihrtei tHithis Weir !
hut r i erfarff. be.
• He it Mort d the *nimble PCYPELAR
I[6DSCIK ES lithe dm, with eau be mwelimeid 'et
blot wish a menial •r retedge Immo if deim - •
He is doe-sent . he the CANTON TEA COW
PANT of New Teitothase Vw hem whited smith
weal teemeilift be semplanemie led AN low view
Aseemeimelm d leis meekee Mitch the
.alemoille el Abe fel4e. hid wally tam 'es dot - le
Ileebeee edited with seise el pmpeeles thiebeereat
mile imitable video: rad pirelmeid M 411111110114
611111„ - Temestall. M 4 1, ,
17AT MATS', Cw:lam Nair
it fit iMitimik: it 1.1.11: IL' . HAir:11„;-,
Gito_ l l l ism La Naos* limed gook
*NI et oft, roTkaie sin iliff alp* a:
oft. " ?Ore.
~-ibtao.aqlsoiglit,a ft ,
..,. ~..
''''' - -'-'" - ii,..4lgr 6 / 8 1 9• 11 (''. -• . - ; • ..,.:::_:::-.:.t. • .--• - t- ••
. _.
i• - : ': 7- `': 1 • ' .5'
r,-'• "• -.. v --
• . . • 4. 4 a
Aiditis - Rai Atakt*tag lie Ac393atis : l,-
- ,7‘ 4 10411,
0 1 1 liddr iaat • • at"
TO 104 „ ,
arikattesers, 71 -
Pablic,, books for IRMA OfltiMmt. 74_00
Orion fees., • , . ' 00
Triiitsalatttivi le es, In) :47
Variro hickdeetAlaresses's 1 t 7 :7 11
Dina &tlerititinai SU 73
lvolia'Ss - Wastrordiiitymiairig,
,i,catvieut ga tL4Z. re 01.07.
• 1.,14
- Iniataftitits:_ A 00
Prothonotary& 04'qm, - * 414 . 'Ai Asia; las IR
On TO eat certificate*. , it 00i
Brit*. views. IR - 0 0
Vbectra reactor ttaiiii .. oniag
4 1 .7. 5 '
sberirs fa fat toit74iaggiOa.
oaera to E.& Ptaileatiaty, so ep ! .C325
Road vicars,olo,
Cots isemitiagoalialtYstitts, 7#o W
Election means, •
• - - .. ..
. ' IMO UM* Wig* telledBWal Wel Saki St& -116Stat - anifiret , .
Ithowsl4ollla. .ohtlealasnes. Visa.
.Ankt Moir& 4..aa).141. AVM Ranwww/. -4. 1 4gre144. 16 .- e 4l race ,o4
1 . 41w*Of914'. 11 1)1 10 Alio% AM* iatas 11 Stir ss $ - #
abubmalay..,tailairnaciaa an - • nra , J -
Icabgai.bia.._ , tresk. ly alterwoo4„ 1443 lea Y 6. - JOS 011 , i- - - -- • 1.
Anylins, Juts/ Honor. - - 1144. .-, 4.111 4 441
Franklin, Ilaael-ifigniabie s 1114, , 04* *4l
std'ng stone, tsars-Weuitmoit. Ls(s 18 34 14
Towanda tp., Dairkl Snub — 1 Aiwa : ,;A A , •"I Issv - • .. •
Albany,,. Iwo Wilson; 1444 ..,_it it ' . 3*.41*
**Sem Mean/ Deity; ; 111411 . 14 1141 i 4 lA_
*raj altonethemlA:ToBll44l4 MCI . al, .7*- - it 71
Towanda bo. W. Sogart, 111444 . z . , a. *II
Wygoxpi i •. . Win. D.ollmpe; 1144 .., ; Ott se
Athens bo. ; Wm. Kits. NW? '54 II
Granville. Ana. Nronsaii, $1 Jiff
Pik es
.. Jossa,P.llaiith, „ 1 7.6.
Pike, G. W. Humphrey. 4 $
I South Creek, J. L. Pik ips, • Is 63 ,
Towaadalp. S. I. reeky. , „VI gs
instia.. k: .1..
lons_ !pions_ lbw ,
Winos, i :Inane T4ent, . , . ,
Athens be.. L t . 11....1$11aleords. Mt 44111 ed
- N. nitinclees
Olii l 4. William Lee; • •rs •It
Sprjiagton,, DwriCA. Loa; •e.
Casson., • B.l3.,Pitsk,
Columbia, C. Forman;
Granville, D.- L. Beaton,
Remick, -,
Litchfield, A. P. Wolcott.
Mower. L 11.1Swilla •
Pike, G. W. Iliotephren
Rome, 8. epahlint
Rldtt,fTr• tpliper
Bbesibequin. Wm . Pesos.
Soothereel:Chns. /acetic
Bturag Stone, Chaftieirßotif, •
1 Towanda bo. L. W. Tiffany,
tp. Beeben Delong,
niter, ' J. L. Comelier.
Warren. , Wm. Bradford, Jr..
Wells. J. IL Melt
Windham. WiL B gbkl 4
Wyklosing. A. P. Bile%
Wirsas, A. C. Hinman,
Athens bo. Wm. Hancock. 1849
tp. c. Edminver.
Albany. James Allen;
Armenia. 41 B. Webber.
Asylum. John N. Horton;
Burlington. D. A. Ross,
Uolniibia. Wan. Derma.
Cantos. Jobs Grey.
Derel. M. T. Vnitgorder,
Franklin. P. Lattimore
Gosaville. Mambos Rosh
Maria. • M. Caw.
Linclibetd. Wut.,Dostwieb.
Leroy. Asset Tillotson,
Monroe, Heery B. Myer.
Orwell. A.D. Manarowsk
Pike. R. Drink. i
Rome. DIMS P. Towner;
Ridgbery. Minim Dewey.
Rbssbegaia. Jelin IL. Smith.
std itkl.ld. IL B. Gessokb.
Ilpriaggeld. L. Leonard.'
South Creak. Wimliolibaillb.
thd'ag &owe. Inane Van Ness
Spriaghill. Thos. Taylor.
Towanda. bo. P. L. Shaw.
- tp. Dettnia SPUR,
Troy. • 0... P.Steessatt
bo. H.A.Hoyt.
Ulster. J. L. Geraldine.
Wyatt& A. C. Miamosn.
We 11.,. Win. S. Ingalls,
Wyalasiog, Denj...Aoldey.
Warren.. O. M. 'hyper
Windham. , Doodam..4.
It. hate N. het 'heed*/ it *Wed
Money in Treasury Jan. 1, 1849, t mess 84 1
Dept of Co; Tex prior to 1840. CM 63
bap. or Co. Tee of 1840. WM& 07
judge:eats* noses &other ettnends doe
the Coanty, 1,140 es
Unseated lend Transcript* (taxes ree'di) . 189 40
ReOeived as abatesseatof state tenet 11111 Mil
hhaceilaneatee receivals II 70
ie. } CMS, *Errs is Mona
Amt et Orders issued in 11149. bittud
lug Cr. orderss2ll.499 411
Orders outsuulditle .Isn. 1, 1049, 290 00
; hs. I reek %diver stingiiteilhHtt
Due ou Dopheatee prior to 11149. *047 17
Demon Dupfleet.o(lll4t 10.01141.16,
Trieseripts of 1 es Go Ilaseete!l Land, , 011 40
et t.
Due the State is r kaet Auditor slepotty 291 01,
-,-;-• -- - -----. ---- --- - - -
..: BRADF O RD tiotrsty, 1311.-%.We. th o. undersigned, eomoiisioners of stliticoottiy. Ali bere;.
FL. 84 by certify the above to be a true. aftd correct. statement of th e Ittethii - sh Old Expenditures of Asia
Citivaty from the CM day of Atutat7, to the tbittp-fitst thy of INeebet. A. 1).; MO. itietiLliVe•
in lestithony whereof. we have . bereanto set.out halltes tulsidtansed - the *al • a oirApifie't to be . Imitelal
atrtied. this 'Oth tiiy of Jalauaryi A. A, italli ~ • HIRAM .80E,AIL ',.. . 1
..„. , . .'‘, L etMEOTIr Iftertit. . t Ccitalatfilistar,s,
Atitat-..C.1L getesia, Clerk. 4 Auut - srimetssrtn.
DT • try Condo jobbiel boom in th• Ay: or Ifmr
Stir York. a SaVmaiti of Cora inintstioe,
and with sal con legend a Ural ploriitin of
the mole al this and mijohens tennob•s. Adderni.
" bot 1035. Nolo Trek" 'Nth filimikfoNvet.
int Oahe& animal of sales. "whether Cs& et prompt
time. and views as to compensation.
Now tart. Dat.llo, 1 VL ,w.
Ship Ahoy!111. L I. IC!: -. i ,
"rim rIOPLIVII !MIME hes strieftl,efely ladle
'iL.-: ftwieltee Apt D. 1.0111). , Wks with 4011MIlle-elties
Pipe. 'Tic end lierdieenr,ftene dl-}o- it do *eel&
She amigo Am deck Imp gunti grope. mi.. beelisiot.
kr leer euessies.. Ow Oen OMs, Airs f iron ii. Pim._
ple• I *IAA itoutimiso Mt Mk" eta*. Nils
pessestewealieeek left the eAle en 4 end birerewie es
c 4 thillisiftife.***, -, sum - etas* ail Arc*.
limb 0' *lilt Mos"; talc J. 3: 'Lena *NV &Ali
eltseMill( - Aft ill *Wei task eipt Inlitlitellei
ieeliiiftieldH ther.)lolhar el; - 411
OM 161111W 1 -. •-• •- - •-•' -; ' ;•'- it: Via:
-i !Tiorismis4.. 1110.1M -0144t.: . :,.. • ^ ' '' ' i 3l # ,
• .: , r,. ~.... cr, .- : ...: , ,
1 Voi uviorutrit.licis r amiis
. i by de veal, et IN. S. ft. IL - POrft.
Coo** Obi soioq . • ••
Ilooeyrefoiliged whOlkirupoid, rodfoor
AIoeISA ' tltr
WM of roOWlD:ll4iii-; - ••
&agog of silwAitoint Molisea= rOAR•M
Joitiootaid oorosors,ios iqo ts• - AP 40
toikibilifi 16,16004 itiiifor
'hot tot& " 417'41
Prisostio iookialte • ' " 211
VOoostl Jam. , ._ , •
111 it OD
loterei4 • oti)
In Papoose of loon; LOU 00.4tglist
Azia t moot - 14isoitiftdif stittoloht airdolb
.f 4 ' l+ , 41148 ,
x. if.- ghat, for. St** ss •
11141: ' 1110 70 •
• "
Ofrant.ol4.l.• • •14tit t * , • .2-
14 ..1 1 $19, • -.Y 3 F.1• 004 / 1 1. 63 :
Simeon Decker. 11141. qt_
• .141 , 44111114,
OLAisillalkkaWeileizr bid; ;0 t ,
• 4 toriolt fir*
Wholk assimai. -4040*
iir 00
110 flif
75 •
4 TO
0 tat
irs es
'sari •
172•, c
47 52„ 113 WO
so 00' talt . (lo
WO Ott
119 77
4. Of 44 Si
* * 110 MI 11 04
16!13 •71 SS
le 06 113 414,
1111 so Ili t
111 14
11156 07
1117 83
233 111
297 611
146 61
St 69
2116 169
Am 62
47 66
204 92
t7O $o
;71 62
112 71
62 SO
817 22
1/ 00
304 29
727 68
96 77
140 61
116 16
86 37
460 23
5 PI arang74 7 Pti - , - 014.74V1 ,
PI OD • 87 80
PP ii .870 44E
-19 00
t4O 13
90 71
611 sta
136 47.
69 811
SO 37
249 00
as 511
416 22
402 09
8941 86
637 73
821 ae
.6 6 6 6
171 00
808 00
828 Is
-407. 00
446 00
eao 07
3410 60
so 38
2450 51 Ot
288 00
285 00
v 3 46
388 VI
Us 60.
732 61
335 36
463 00
..451 03
644 47
580 is
1869 45
601 6!
75 07
454 04
707 17
132 14
616 33
417 117
167 41
271 73_
994 46
• 427 74 _-
334 46
417 01
6119 45
491 36
469 16
444 II
11711 , 114
636 114
321 16
397 111
Me 13
1971 US
449 94 ,
929 41-
301 41
472 36
-4 9 11
ots 29
636 66
1111. 47
493 34
UMW 70 -$19.101 71 $5.041 lilt S3SO K .
lath is !eta* Vitt ail Corny. et.
Returned on Dep. prior to, UHL $1.638 05
" on Dop's.tif 11149., 4,403 93
le on Judgments. notes 484,. 1 : 656.44
Ain't of Collectors pet tentage, 734 41
Am't of otters returned in 1849 28,667 110
I per dEtt t. eontmtssien ott seam • 534 76
Unettrreut mosey in hands Tressurer. 2t 00
Ridanee due thoreountf, 237 40
,x. 791 OS
ini the Willy el initani , Cr.
Aset of Ordersterneetbil INFIF. WWI-
int Cr. order!. , • •• MAK 00
Mth of Orders oatstandirit. . 391 $9
1i fa6eaCsiti ik toottasettiltit of h. Cr.
Alittoont of State - Trersarees Receipt*: _9 :48 et
Returaoloo Paptioatti prim . to 111419. 11117 76
14tutnett 41S1 Duplicates of 13419,. 6'
Cotteitoe* Per cetitag*. 950 St
Collector's Niotteratfotnti 167 37
tuktfrations frowirtueo-oa trasesterd 14s, to. eK
TrrasoreeL.CorgunisSioo. _ - 'lo* 0 5
i/Olattdo tri Ira. hinds of che Tre asurer, 511 , 4G
#13597 73
4 •*mtrittrlititoirs ri,
A Ix person■ to the rotatOr
lIVRARDEIt &cared. twit Viloithakft'uorrostiip..
oroloootiy,iegiooirdienbolerporika, matt
three 4ovierg dam, oesiootosid orooto oolLidwis re-
SOCA theni duly ontbentiriord for rettlimorst.
DANirt , lonts - Astit.
14, lOC • - Athoisiotrosor.
LIU 4 Oseit4
perreaktit wow
-LA 'Otai UMW Seek: or/ Ifteetesellet.
asatleJtir Cfek ' '
T rtElLelfklialiktearasiediatel Late:
iotee.67 11 : 9400.1.14. 91Sepailtim,
Illeadfraloareiria'a. - Peiraiie it a Mealest*. werdhat
Meerialtii*Whilliff*eakeildak Not irIL4 atriatik .
Tian preoptly attimelri - '
Alllll4l TWAreileitid
pod er we*, tier sioary rrftasiatigirnidirm: •
khan Tee dere sot ouit u al" "XX"' •
at SIP
t 03
ilk it -
it W.
• es 17 14
st 64
a ti
11 74 $4 IA
et " GS
715 ot
tO of et TO
IRO 17
it es
:so it
set 72
, 119 79
111 74
1 Ii
ni 44
151 11
142 55
tb tt
4 00
20 70 •
7 11
174 6.2
40 10
414 18
t JO i 4 110
SS2 07
it 70
4 SO
SE 71
1/ 00
137 00
lot MI
15 34
• 59
8 vo
3 011
9 96
114 141
AT 711
Os tft
$1 IL
42 46
St Of
air Of
If Os
IS Ili
4s slt
n OT
40 is
a 4 ins
14 id
471M4 4,1
S& $99 49
•tI.NYT 78