Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 09, 1850, Image 2

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ratfart 4opOtor.
Free Soil, Free Speech' ? Free , Men!
Frerffews Vitt. Pres Territory.
Towanda, Saturday, February 0,1550.
Terme or the H eporter.
$ll 30 per annum: ti mita withim the year 50 cent, *1.0.1
deducted,lt fur cash paid actitelly w OU yri#l be
de.lueled. •
A orinmaestrrn. Twr square of ter. tines. 50 rents or the
first, mu' 45 rates for earl, subsequent inserts n.
311 W A IST AL. AL. •
The office of the ' Reporter' is re-
Moved to•the third story of the brick
litsilding:, north side of the Public
Square, next to the Bradford Hotel
—entrance between Massrs. Adams'
and Ehedt's -offices.
Apprentleit Wanted.
An apprentice to the Printing {Amine's will find a
"nutrition by applying at this office immediately.—
He should be about 14 years of age, hate A com
mon Education. and be of good habits and charac-
ter. .
Demoeratte County Convention.
The prteeedings of the Democratic Count) Ci n •
Nention holden at this place, on Tuesday eveninz
hat - will be found in another column. The dele
gates elected are 1:41111101.0DrL4 LAPORTE and STE.-
pit rAr Picaer.. They go uninstructed.
It will be seen that the conrailuency of lion. DA
VID WILMOT have iit*rposed their unite be
tween him and his malignent. A more universal
expression of indignation we have never !Irani
than was manifested by the Delegatei, at the
means which arc being employed to hunt him
down.; nor a more determined leeling to stand by'
and sustain him. such a constituency ate worthy
of the bold and unflinching; Representative. When
selfish and intriguing men set on foot au unholy
and systematic crusade, against the ant tt whose only '
offence is an honest independence bpd firm and
consistent course, 'which they are unable to appre
elate or understand, the Democracy rallying
around their tried standard bearer, in solid phalanx,
bid defiance to his enemies, and will carry him un
scathed through the storm. The expression wile
deep and not to be misunderstood.
Towanda Bridge.
The portion of the Towanda Bridge destroyed by
fire last fall, is Bel far rebuilt as to be again passa
tole. On•last Monday, a four horse team, loaded
with our citizens was driiven over it and back, and
since, it has beerCconstantly in use. The late fresh-
et for several days placed the s'ructure in extreme
jeopardy, but Ihe most strenuous exertions finally
placed it beyond the reach of danger.
The Contractor, Mr. Joins BEST, deserves the
praise of the community for the energetic manner
in which he has labored to push this work. We
hear the mechanical part of die Bridge spoken of
in terms of the highest commendation. Mr. B has
no superiors in Bridge building, as his many mon
uments across the Susquehanna attest.
pros Harrisburg.
We have little of interest beyond what is em
braced in our Correspondence. The apportion
ment Comitiuee have agreed upon reports ; Brad
ford has two representatives, and Bradford, Sus
quehanna and Wyoming form a Senatorial drmrict.
Mr. Guernsey in the Senate, presented several
remonstrances from citizens of Brat ford County,
against any part of their county being annexed to
M. Beaumont has offered a resolution calling for
the appointment of • Committee to inqmie into
existing federal relations of this state, as a mem
ber of this Union, and report the result to the
The appropriation bill yeas taken up on Wed
nesday and on the motion of Coyngharo -mad
and postponed until two weeks from that day.
t•aaty rinaaies.
A feeling of Auty impels the Auditors of Brad
ford County to make the following statement, as
an act of justice towards a meritorious public offi
eer. During the period of Mr. hum Resi.'s act
ing as Treasurer of this County, the duties of the
office were almost entirely performed by Mr. lse.
M. Pscx,•and Mr. Put was elected to the office
after the expiration of Mr Raze. term. Thai Mr.
Paz was the acting Treasurer during the yeari
1846-'47-'4ll and '49. The book* and vouchers
in the office thew the followin7 result datin7 those
Abatement made by State Treasurer. in memoriam o f
the prompt payment of the State Tat, agreeably to
Act of Assembly:
A. D. 1846,
" 187,
" 1848,
" 1849, •
The amount thus 'abated was placed by Mr.
Put in with the County fords; thus saving to the
poop,* of the County, the we of 51,601 20: Dur
ing thetperied alluded to, the commission of Mesa.
Pace and Ram was as follows :
A. D. 1848,
" 1847,
't 1848,
" 1849, -
41,412 03—
Showing that by • prompt and ,efficient discharge
of the duties of the Mica, he saved aclear balance
to the County, over and aborts prying-his owu con•
missions,. of $B9 .17. The gratifyig; les* of .tbe
faithful discharge of his duties as the Financial of
&an of this County is, that oat beautiful
noose is already paid- for, and the annual tax for
County purposes his bees zetland inn 4le 4
The =dewiest:NW t r ust that- the et:Theeiereent
erjll be u gratifying tolhelecjewesecsf &Wm
it Its to lb, getmeribers to TAO/.
16. OA, -18 S).
tgrrie Pstrait Contwerniia Advatiseritas raised
tbil "am* of Beva)l3 fat Parileat n 11/4.
of if ftdin tint' election !na
nkin of Biliolfoni ntyilifarliolden;attilie tiort
Rios* in Vivrannia, r Timm* "monis*. ntiniiny
Sth s 1850,.purimant) , fi the tall theil:lll.mootilin
Sepriing Chiatrunionoill.S.Salsbilly,
DASf'L VA NDERtOOJC, of Towanda, was chosen
to preside 4 and Jas 11. WEBS / of aidgbety, and E.-
r. Stcions, of Rome, Secretaries.
Tlie names of the,election district/4 being called
over, Deleptes appeared, as follows:
• MST OF DRIX.Q.M.S. • •
Albany—!Not represented;] -
Armen i a—(Not represented;) •
Asylum--John F. Dodge, 'F. J. Ingham ;
Athens Boro—J. E. Canfield, Guy Tozer;
Tp—C. Mathewson, Albert Tozer;
B urli ng ton-4. Not represented; ]
Canton—C. Thomas. Alexander Bothwell ;
OulumbiaCornelins Farman, Curtis Merritt ;
~Dorell—J. M. Bishop, B. Laporte;
Franklin—E. Champion. &Blake ; •
Granville-8. W. Shepard, Harrison Ross;
Herrick—H. Titus, N. Keeler;
Litchfield—(Not represented )
Le Roj--Jedediah Hunt, Aaron Knapp;
Monroe—George Smith if. S. Salsbury;
Orwell—Henry Gibbs. Jarvis Blades ;
Pike—Ethel Taylor, J. M. Brister ;
Rome—E. G. Nichols. Wm. E. Maynard ;
Ridgberry—Jas. H. Webb, Leonard Pierce;
Sheshequin—Albert Tuttle. J. 8. Elliott;
Smithfield—Paschal Allen, Virgil S. Vincent
: Springfield—Thomas Smead, H. W. Root:
'Standing Stone--[Not represented;
South Creek,—(Not represented; ]
Springhill—(!riot represented; )
Towanda Buro--D. Vandercook, John F. Means ;
Tp--Chas. Reed. Hiram C. Fox;
Troy Born--Stephen Pierce, W. H. Peck;
" Tp—S. Spaulding, Frederick Williams;
11-ter—Jas. 1.. Gorseline, G. W. Rune
warren-1 of represented ; 3
Wells—Orr Smith. E. Aspinwall;
Windham-4. S. Anthony, Daniel Gardner;
Wyalusing+B. Ackley. Jr.,E.Beeman;
Wysoj—V.'E. Piollet, M. D. Strickland.
On motion, the convention proceeded to the elec
tion of Delera, tee to the Democratic State Conven•
dates in nomination, as WI -ws:—
For B. Lasowre —Messrs. Dodge, Ingham,
Thomas, Bothwell, Furman, Merriu. Bishop, thatn-
Blske, Shepard. Roes, Titus, Keeler, Rent,
Geo Smith, Sabibtuy, Gibbs, Rattles, Benner, Tay
lor, Webb, L. Pierce, Elliott, Tuttle, Vincent, Al
len, Smead, Rout, Vande:r.ook, Reed, Fox, S.
Pierre, Perk, Spahlum, Gorseline, Orr
Smith, Aspinwall, Anthony,- Gardner, Ackley and
Pori. M Warrms—Mesans Nfaynaril, Nichols,
Means, Pinllet and floirkland-5.
For T. T. Desrox.-51esers. Canfield, Guy To
zer, Mathewson, Albert Tozer and George Wash
ington Russell— 5. .
Whereupon, B. LAPORTE was declared elected a
Delegate to.the State Convention.
For S. rlEßCT..—Messrs. Dodge. Ingham, Tho
mas, Bothwell, Furman, Merritt, Bober, Laporte,
Champion, Blake, Shepard, Ross, Titus, Ree:er,
Hunt, Geo. Smith, Salsbury, Bottles, Brister, Tay
lor, Webb, L. Pierce, Maynard, Nichols, Elliott,
Tuttle, Vincent, Allen, Salved, Root, Vandercook,
Reed. Fox, Peck, Spalding, Williams. Gonseline,
OR Smith, Aspinwall, Anthony, Gardner, Ackley
and Beeman-45.
8405 43
• 325 77
400 00
• 410 00
81,601 20
8233 83
- :57 )4
387 31
- 533 75
5414,1 0 w.ESEPAS.I%
-, _j" -
Salsbury nominated -
- S. Pitece.
- - J M. WArri.rx
" -- T. T. HutrroN.
motion, the Conweetion voted for the candi
For At. WATTLES.—Messrs Means, Piohnt,
Strickland, Guy Tozer, Mathewson and /Oben To
For T. T. Hl:mnr.—Blecans. Canfield and Rus
es 11-2. •
STSMIEBI Prr.acc was also declared elected a De
legate to the State Convention.
On motion of C. Towns, Conferees were elect
ed to confer with the remainder of the District, in
the election of a Senatorial Delegate. H. L. Scem
and 1. H. Woos were unaninsteely elected Inch
The Delegates and Corderees, on motion, were
authorized to appoint substitutes in case of inability
to wend.
Mr. Citirim.n then moved that the Convention
adjourn. Lost.
Mr. S. Pisan, offered a series of ambitions, and
moved their adoption.
After considerable debate, in which Mesas. Pia
lett, Means, Mathewson anti Canfield opposed, and .
Messrs. Laporte and Ingbasstsestained, the passage
of the revolutions, Col. Means offered an amend
ment, by striking out all after the 4th resolution, and
inserting others.
Mr. Pirate asked a divisica of the ovation,
ending with the motion to strike out.
Mr. CANTIZLD mega to lay all the resolutions
on the table; and - asked the yeas and nays. The
vote being taken was 7 yeas, 4 nay. The mo
tion to lay- on the table was lost.
Col. Maass thereupon withdrew his amendment.
The yeas and nays were called upon the 4th m
solution as a—
The.—Merars. 'Dodge, beans, Bothwell, The.
Inas, Merritt, Furman,Bishop, Laporte,Cheispion,
Blake, Shepard, Bois Beeler, Hum, George
Smith,,Bstwy, Gibbs, Battles, Brister, Taylor,
Maynard, Nichols, I. Thum, Webb, Ellicio,Tuttle,
Vincent, Allen, !knead, Root, Vandercook, Reed,
Fox, S. Pierce, Ireck ‘ Spalding, Williams, Gorse
line, Orr Smith, Aspinwall, Anthony, Ackley, Bee
man and Paden—eB.
Nsrs.—Messrs. Guy Tozer, Canfield, Albert To
zer, Mathewson and
Col. blzsas renewed his motion to strike mit the
remainder, the sth, Atb and 7th resolutions, and in•
sett others.
Mr. Puns asked for a division of the question,
and the motion to strike out was lost.
The remaining resolutions were then adopted,
with but OM dissenting voles.
The resolutions as offered and pawes are as fol
lows: • , -
I.—..ltesolved, That we yield to none in our ifevo•
doe to all those Democratic prineip!es and mew
slues in the support of which we have long and
earnestly battled. To the perpetuation of those
principles we lankier the permanent prospenty of
our country. the secerity of our institutiomiand the
happiness of our people..
*—Resolved, That we view the whole. ',stem
of monopolies and special privileges, whit.b chants.
Nria" the Pk)! of Vedas' leighilatios, an mp g.
sant to the gimlet of tree insulations. awl the lea
intereste of our country.
11 —Itembrid. That the sentimentrof the Demo.
nit of Ilittdrordio relation ta the =mice of Sla •
eery into' the free territories id' the Union, have been
too frequent, expressed. to now need rATesitioL•
' Thoth sentionem remain unchanged.
.4.—lssolvect. Martha *remiss witb width the
Hon. a WILMOT adheres to thepriacipies of t h e
Itiffersonlan ordinance. and the uptlinehieg bold..
Iteis4ith which be atimeatetilurpreservatitin of
Pres Territories from the establishtiestof Slavery
lawridit. 01113;010:Wu hitsc‘is the thanks of thaDe
alisCraty of Voguty Opie Om h e meet..
'ti.-.unsolved, That we view the'establislinseat
smother Palm *ibis Il7ehn7, through the cid if
fr =s Minna fader theprefessei intentioa,Wre
of the Democracy of the' Cedaty. as cafe . ed to
convey a false impression abr ad, and lead to injo
ricmnsultsiaostmidst. The Dirmoctsey of Brad
ford ire fully competent to express ill those magi
meat( rsdical itpublicanism erbielli thelhathtlo
Icmg , eddied aettreveted. ~.-;
teltesolveil. That the labored:ltad irystetkada—
attactiof lie Pcssisylemtime upon Se - Delnoenidc
standiag of.Hon.VAVID WlLlllorare Oreptlta•
- blei uncalled-for and false, and show the personal
malignity of the defeated candidstefor the Clerkship.
1,--.Desolved,., That the letter published is the
same paper, dated at Towanda, is a base libel upon
the character of the Democracy of this County, and
the author meets our merited contempt.
S.—Resolved, That the re.commencement of the
work upon the North Branch Canal, gives assurance
i that the true interests of the:Commonwealth are be
coming more apparent•throughout the whole State.
The character of the present Legislature is such as
- to give-us 'tollidence - "Tharan appropriation;ade.
quote to the vigorous prosecution of the work, will
be obtained. The interests of the Commonwealth,
and the yams of her citizens along the line of the
North Brilch Canal, both unite in demanding its
speedy completion.
Col. ?shuts offered his resolutions and moved
their adoption. -
On motion of S. Pinto:, they were amended by
striking out all but the last rerlution, and es amend
ed passed as follows :
Resolved. nal we approve of the Leeislative
course of our Senator fmm this District, and that of
Charles Stockwell, the Democratic Representative
from this County, at Hareisluirg.
On motion, it was resolve] that the proceedings
of the Convention be published in Zito " Bradford
Reporter," and that the Harrisburg KeyslOsse be re
quested to published the resolutions.
On motion, adjourned.
State Cinalreatition.
3. GLANCY Joules, Chairman of die State Central
Committe, gives notice that the resolution regard
ing the time of holding the State Convention was
reconsidered, and Wednesday, Ike 294 day of May
unanimously agreed upon, at Williamsport.
Otr As there may be some curiosity to read the
tamous (or infamous) fetter referred to in the reso
lutions of the Convention, we.repubrisit it from the
Letter trona Bradawl County.
Coriespoodenee of the Penney Leeman.
TOWANDA, tan. 28.
I arrived in this belutifol village thiti morning,
and belore the stage starts for the Ward House, I
I will give 3ou my impressionsof Bradford county,
its people and its interests. Towanda is a beauti
ful village, situated on the banks of the Susque
hanna, surrounded with high hills, covered with
snow, and Wllll a population of 1200. The town of
Towanda is destined to occupy a prominent posi
tion in the busit.ess interests of Pennsylvania, by
the time the North Branch Canal is- completed ;
while its peculiar location, and its great facilites to
control trade, will be immense. With this in the
future, capitalists are concentrating their wealth in
the vicinity, and the evidences of enterprise are
seen on every side. Nut only in a business view,
but as a place of general summer resort, this village
has many attractions. Wuh hotels conducted in
the most elegant modern style, and of the most ex
tensive description. it offers many inducements to
those who would while away the sultry depict Ju
ly and august. Let your city folks visit Towanda,
instead of ttirerowded fashionable watering places i
and let them stop at the Ward House where they
will find such hospitable greeting, and such luxu
rious entertainments, as to forever lead their mem
ory to this delightful country.
f have visited and travelled through a great part
of this cottony, within the past few weeks, censer.
sing with its hardy yeomanry, anl partaking of
their generous tare. This, you know, has the rep
utation of being the " tree soil" county—the home
of the renegade, where he is said to grow
stronger the more be outrages emendy and con
sistency. Ido not know what it has been ; but
what if a, I can answer, if three weeks' observation
can attest. Never have I hoard condemnation so
strong, expressed in regard to the course of Wit.-
nor. With almost every man I have conversed,
be was reprobated. • While they still view slaver.
in the abstract, is an evil, teley denounce the trai
torous, ungrateful, and inconsistent coarse of Wit..
mos,- and do not hesitate to-pronounee hiss traitor
to Democracy, and • violator of every principle of
patriotism. The expression is genesal and mitres
tkinable. A tornado is in its infancy, whose tweak
ing forth will overwhelm the renegade in shameful ,
The people of Bradford county ate Demoeratie.
They have been abused and deceived y but they
now pant in an opportunity of showing thefts elle
' Vance toile principles of the Republican party.—
Tbe miserable mouth-piece of WILMOT, in this re
gion, many denounce and traduce eminent Demo-
Mate, but larch exhibition of its venom only lowers
it in the estimation of honest Democrats, and the
odium which it seeks to cast upon good and true
men, recoil with double force upon itself
Ineking ability and purity, it has acted the part of
a leper upon the Democracy in this region ; bet
they intend soon to wash themselves of the dis
1 saw many Delmont, of pressisence dor*" my
sajonro in Bradford county, whose names and
deeds weepy a bright pigs in the history of Penn.
sylva&a ppolitica—men of worth and ability—men
of integrity mid for--allot whom are unsparing
in their denunciation of this despicable faction.—
They are op and doing_ they are determined to
cast the viper from their loins, and wipe the stain
from their bows. Never, before, have I witnessed
such a spirit of contempt for any man.
From this village.l intend to parses my course
southward, and at each stopping phioe, if time and
ieelinatims permit, 1 shall write yen a Mw words.
A Talvest.r.a.
Amanda [tamer.—Yesterday morning we
witnessed a semis that we little believed'eould be
enacted within the herders of Kentucky. The
steamer G W. Kendall was lying at the wharf at
the foot of Wall street, prepenng to start for New
Orleans. Ob the forecastle desk stood a group COn•
sating of *master and five or sir Slaves, including
a woman with al the breast, who were ap
moonily going to the South. Jest as the lad hell of
the steamer rang out its peal for departure, and the
lines were about to be cast loose, the mother was
bade to give up her ideal, sal was told she must
go without it.. At this intimation the poor creature
became frantic witlivief. She caressenithe child
a moment, then flew to her trunk in which bad
beers clackial, various little articles of clothing that
she bed made for it up wear. t These she messed
ferrendy to her lips and then bestowed limn upon
the child. Her owner than ordered her to follow
him, and she mechaniCally darted to obey, bur the
prompthir of nature were too strong within her
streihnghteast to be resided, and with loud. soh,
et grief she turned. embraced bet child and chins
to it with the tenacity of despair.
The. heart-rendering grief of !he wormer, salter
frantic gestures, morseled the attention of meow
passing alongthe Itrase. end snottily suited the
aympethies elf many. The owner vrawasked by a
imam= if wadded! the woman and child.
Talkie he assented, and demanded Sedefor them.
Upon inquiry, however, it war ascertained that the
wonlaiv sold crown the river, and that the
child would be disposed of hem. The bystanders
volentsenal tander sebeeriptioestobey the child
andemd it witless matter, end mem of them prof
lend flsapisce At thiejonetoreiVapiun Nation,
the captain of the bras, came forward and told the
onset albs shads that he woad mortal@ hint on
his boat r end seta-the' wbole - party *khan, and in
few nemesis the steamer was seen dashing 'ore
the -falls wiAbarit thensrLitsitielk' airier 'AIM
Haamsavae, Jim SI, $5O.
Agiiiternier itterwitistruilisffir in Foram,
biters file eplq, Of Oef IltkA VITUAINK* this
dounVedstOleartOrtwOingDavid Vamp-.
10, *We:With basing Pled i*i!lathetin April
. 14 Widnietitig him ikhis Own hews% rOld
)(imply was a wealthithan, an old' cilia's of this
place; and David, his son, who is charged with
' his murder, ito tbe only child
. of 46, mother,. who
vras the third 'Wife of the decetieed. The prisoner,
from his youth, has been subject to,aberatious of
intellect, and at one time was conhned in the Lu
natic Hospital, having previously attemrted to de-
atrorhis own life. He was, however, direlnuged,
'artfully, if not wholly resto res; at all events he
manageable.. He is an unmarried man, about 28
years of age, and resided in the house with his fa
ther. It is said, he has at all times since appeared,
at least, prtfectly sane, and the effort on the part
of the prosecution will be to show that-he destroy
ed the life cif his parent in cyder to come into the
possession of property, which be knew was be
queathed t 6 him in his father's will. Popular feel
ing and prejudice is strong against hi4t, and if he
!is not convicted it will be Weans., hi iurasity is
clearly and indubitably established by the testimo
ny. On being arraigned he plead " guilty, bat had
koause far it." This was unexpected to all, agd
is believed, by some, to be a ruse of his counsolto
make a first impressiois of his • being crary. The
plea was subsequently changed by his counsel to
' norgo illy:" The case employs touch legal talent
Fur the Commonwealth, are Fox. Keenkle and
Leslie ; for the defendant, Messrs. Fisher, of tbi•
race, Fisher, ot Tork, and Hawn.
TrAnisend Haines, Esq., Secretary of the Com
nionweaith, resigned his position on Thursday of
l as t week, and accepted the office of Register of
the Treasury of the United Sales. He repaired to
Washington inimeiiiatsly, and I presume entered
upon the duties of his new office at once. The
Governor immediately appointed Alesinder L
Russell, as Secretary of the Coramonweahh, for
the present. It is said that the appointment of Mr.
Russell is to be but temporary, induced by the
emergency ot the occasion, as the business of the
office could not be carried on without a head, and,
the Governor wanted time to make a selection from
the older politicians. Mr. Russell is a young man
of fine talents, was the bepety under Mr. Haines,
performed his duties with promptness and accura
cy, and will; no doubt, makes good Secretary, but
he is considered ton young a man, and for that rea
son I presume, will soon give rlace to some other
politician. Goy. Johnston will exercise all his in
genuity to perpetuate power; but with all his con
ning he will not be able to hold it a day longer than
the people can get a chance to reach him. The
signs ot the times will falsify their own indications
if, on the Second Tuesday of October, IASI, the
whole Whig phdanx in Pennsylvania are not fur
nished with a notice that their services are no
longer required
The Democratic State Central Committee con
versed I ens on Tuesday last, and fixed upon the
lets of June as the day for the State Convention to
meet to nominate a candidate for Canal Commis
sioner, and the lace of meeting to be at William"-
port, in Lycoming County. An able effort was
made by Mr. Mercur, to induce the - Committee to
adopt Towanda as the place of meeting, but failed,
for the reason that many of the Northern and West
ern members of the Committee were ndt present.
I have no doubt that after the next Convention, the
Delegates will be willing to return to the Capital,
and henceforth establish their annual meeting per
mas.ently at this place.
The amendment the Constitution, .providing
for the election of edges, passed the Senate on
Tuesday, without teration oramemdment. Should
they new pass the House, as I presume they will,
without mutilation; they will then be submitted to
the people for their ratificinion, and, if adopted, be
come a part of the fundamental law of the land.—
, That the people will adopt them, by a large ma.
jority, there can be no reasonable doubt—to doubt,
would be to question the ability of the people to act
in their own behalf„ where their highest interests
are at stag—tor deny their capacity to choose their
own inlets, or select•their own agents its any of the
departments of government. The true spirit of De
malmsey would confide the election of all officers
directly to the hands of the people. It would be
the heigbth of absurdity 'to say the people are cont•
patent to choose the Executive Officer, and not
equally competent to seleet secb officers as the Ex
ecutive is now required to appoint. Reforms never
go backward. We are a progressive people, and
the Democracy is "a progressive party; and 'belfry
is not far distant when all power of electing public
of f ices will be wielded only by the people them
selves.- k
• k
Judge Conyngham, Chairmen of the Committee
of Ways end Means, in the House of Represent
fives, bus reported a General Appropriation Bill, in
which the sum of 1300,000 ii to be specifically ap
plied to the completion oldie North BeaneliCanal.
It was made the special order of the day for yes
temday‘and for every Wednesday until diaposetlof.
At the time of this writing they had not reached
that section making the-Appropriation to the Canal.
Of course I cannot eaves you of the prospect, nor
of the opposition it may meet with. I still think it
will pass. .
By the by, the North Branch finds able and rill
eient friends in the delegation from totems-. They
are both gentlemen of peatabiility, sound judgment
and cool !effecting minds. if they, together with
the aid of our own mambas, eseli.other gentlemen
enlided in its behalf cannot sneered, then, indeed,
we have little to hope for. Ttcalisen.
Ittr.Oar subseribeis is Springfield and adjoinint
townships, can pay their subscriptions ire grain he,
to S. D. Goosateir, who is also antuorized to re.
ogee new subscriptions.
The Baltimore Correspondent of the X. T. Her.
ald, in a letteref the Sim oh., giveethe folowing;
"Counterfeit half eagles are in eircelation to en
alarming extent in *Ns i l e and so well are
cemented that they me be detected by weigh have been taken by' banks, by the Welters
and at the pmt office. Oh heir% brokirn open, the
insidois found tb be coripmed of silver, with a
thin shell of pore gold outside. There Lev/watt
about two dollars worth of gold on each coin
and the execution and appearance is a perfict fats
simile °fibs genuine coutY •
A wignx.....On Monday Inn, wiwatesma
into the harbor of Proilneetown, to me how sin.
has wood dam. About an how aftaniani, Capt.
Denim Cook' ands toint's ens* mute lamp him,
andafterit wren barns, wilt thi assignsln of two
Ether bows soserodattscarstns lop ool- Imalwirg.
taTai:* doe &am al raids 141 Ms*
"Aft#B•fillAl o 44..
Stu :--You took occasion, In the come* of your
inidmattbucartauktn, on Toady' -aveningoo
-°- •ted attack upon .loyA mak*.
ltapetrihitiloct. As I wai notonegoel
pittutlodyiinknuended it solely foi*Tocutil6,
`of repiettktjts ja r Ottedinp, of mini tionliVtiot
Irons your aspersions. Consequently you will not
cOMPlainr.itz.L hatlaiv
and answer you through my own eolunms. I shall
endeavor to do you justice, and, in whatever re
marks I shall make, I beg you to remember I am
dealing with" and refer te, parr poldiad character
1 em aware ? sir v that ratri:giving too much conse
quence to whatever you mid or might say, but as
twisissOhavera-perfeet,llllolllirdl4 integirittig
out °Mimi ,m llo • 4 4,llmiremiliaipod
that, which otherwise 1 Amid ; bile deemed un
twisty of even a paining Ihought:
If There is any force,in the Scriptural injunction,
tat //swim isisedisot six out the** dorm," yon
ars Ma last *all who &mid, limits the political
tergiversations of others the subject of your censure.
Your mouth should be sealett hoar' all accusations
and reproaches. 'Your whole life, from the time
you first entered the -politiCalmata‘lo the present
time, has been one of unmitigated duplicity and
hypocrisy. You, in 1138, iropotted an alliance
vtith the friends of Bawrit, Mdmis, to trier film
lemon' as a candidate kW Vice President, in coo-
4impies orinta‘
endue with Hwy CLAY lordwr-Presideney! And
bllowing up this Wahine -idea, in toll same. year
you attempted to betray the Democracy into the
hands at William Willard; cs for a ccinsideratioti."
Since •that .tithe, your mune has been a devious
ons,7-4ar theta has been no year bat the De
mocratic Orly have been given to understand that
itecandidates were unacceptable to yori, nor any
year when it was certain they would receive your
cordial support. That yea hare voted against its
candidates I cannot say—kw you seem to lick the.
courage to carry out the prompting§ of your incli
nation. Your vote for the resolution approving
David Wilmot's course, given in the last Conven
tion, is Evidence of that. After the violent and yin•
dictive speech you made on the occasion, what
man, of any pretension to consistency, would have
unblushingly pat all his profession, to the lie, by
voting for a resolution of con inundation. Such a
pan is peculiarly your own.
The Democrats of-Bradford County have not for
gotten the part you played Ow Brewster disor
ganization. They remember wall your neglect of
the duties of your offtee--(which Cost you your po
sitiott)—when you were, detailed, in 111411, to de
feat the re-election of the Democratic nominee for
Congress. Here, too, was another beautiful speci
men of your consistency, in talkmg one way and
voting another. Your hems plot last fall, to di
vide the Democratic party, by the shallow and spe
cious pretext of advancing the arropletion of the
North. Branch Canal, is yet' fresh in their "recollec
tirin. This scheme failing, you 4 . , emerged grace
fully".frorn the matter, leaving your associates in
the lurch. These are but a few of your political
definqnsersim—a fell enumeration would swell the
dubious catalogue to • greater' extent than I have
time or inclination to follow. The occurrences of
the past are not entirely forgotten—the actors in-the
scenes of the last few yeirs are,.many of them, yet
upon the stage, and can testify to )our character.
Your chief charge against the &porter was, that
it had not reflected the feelings of the Democrats of
Bradford. I look back, in vain, during the time since
I Manned its control, to ascertain your meaning
I knryw not what it is. unless the zealous and ar
dent support it rendered you, when you were a
subject ofattack and densioti. That it then did not
reflect the feelings of the Democracy of Bradford, I
am now sensible. My excuse for it is, that I was
then still younger thari I now am, and, possibly,
knew mankind less;—that though I knew you
tolerably well, still I was deluded enough to en
tertain the hopeless idea, that perhaps, it was pos
sible for you to be by honest and consci
entious motives. I have learned better since. The
Democracy of Bradford re the best judges of the
truth or falfity of your ' . I have no hes
sitation in frosting them.,
You also denounced the 'paper as unworttil of
support. I ask none from you. I neither expect
or desire favor at your hands, now, or in all time
to comb. Your friendship, or your enmity are
equally 4 matter of no convent' to' me, I despise
your political character as heartily as man can, and
wish in no way to become in- denier of odium by
any advance of profeseioes of friendship on your
part.' One, by simply listenizuktoyeetepeach in
the. Convention, would have deemed io• really in
earnest in your ardent protestations of the farm of
your devotion and attachment to friends. A great
er mistake could not be made. Your whole' poli
tical life has marked you as a cool, deliberate, W
hat ingrate. The generoes, fielintof friendship
has no- foam in year breast. A friend is nunem
bitted by you- only while he has favernr and bounty
sr bestow. Then no emcee are too semiletoshow
year devotion--even to tying the aim-strings of
him hots whom yew are begging4no language-'
bumble and abject enough to express your depen
dence and sycophancy. With hypocritical tears in.
your eyes you can make the most fervent and ar
dent protestations of friendship, - while the dagger.
is in your bend to stabs the unsisspeeting " friend ". 1
in the beck. I wish no such friends: I stand by
Mine as cordially as I bate my enessier.
i know when your venom towards um war en- 1
(*Amid. Mad I supported your favorite Canal
beinbek you would not have felt like expressing.
the letwask that I had: "
,bowed, the Manua of
the Deumenty.. o This would have sneered Me 1
dm. friendship you are new extending to others—. 1
same of whom you lave lunetrifivra . shameiolly l .
abased, and• said meek woos things about, thaw
you probably ever will of me. But you eat cot*
mend me in Done of ycor enhalknred adiemes for
your personal swindle:tient.. Bence your.eiunirfr
and whims. .
I did not set est to vindinMe myself from your
stacks ;—the proceedings 'of the .Convention do
that amply. You need not , flatter yourself that, .I
shall condescend to notice you - again. This matter
has no Particeiariatensst to my waders, and I ebeW
not eneendier -my colt:ems with it. I 'ought only
to make kitown to
,yob my deep and triter detes.l
Won of the total abeackinment" of prinegole—
the debasement andAyper irlikeht have seen
yea esbibis—mom despicable Ifiaivirnever known.
A more Mat disregard et leseny sect prep/imp
mould not be displayed, then. issaemplifiltd Avert
-day in-year peliNeallitt.'ill lease 3,!ea in it* guilt
sigsymesit of shit vaiwilaiikr- pa,l-rapparioe,
whseik n keg Mile
pennumme, egghoiw ilm
am&hesullewd a h m -
ssit kdr
boa 100, faimedie to yetthimitivide.
of n - un -and. indermlenes ee s.
The keirkill Mr• CIA . .1 4 P res olo tions sub m i t .
led woad /*eta, tot IM settlement of the
r ey
WAVI K 46, kbeibg desirable for the ;pe ace
allittllSlMlNly of the union of these So s l e „7
*de ankadjost, qadeably, ill questions of co w ;
irately between them, arising= of the institutio-
ilaveryliipon a fair equality and just b as i s. 1 .4
~.ThalfralikanistOrithseitable b op ,
aeries; ought, upon her application, to be Wmin
as one of the States of this Union, without IN
position, by Congress, ca any restriction in rh
to the exclusion or introduction' of &lofty ' 107 74:
those boundaries. •
2. Resolved, That as slavery does not exist b,
law, and is not likely to be introduced into any ir
the*Turitories.e.uedl *United &aa, i mct
thirrittiltilkiiflreiliiii;" iris expedient l or c on.
gruel° provide by law, piglet for introductio n r n
to, or its exchision from any part of the said too es
ry, and that appropriate territorial guernmerri
aught to be in all the IQ
territoriei not iiiiigned u- the boundarie s fl y
proposed State of California, without the abois m .
of any realiiipitip eiscomikion Ofribe sub* of 4.1,
Ressived, That the Western boundary of , us
State of Texas ought. to be , ssra nn th e IQ Ite,
Node, Commencing one marine league f rom „,
motithikindlunning'oP that river to the 5 0u16 7
hossof New Stexiceil thence with' that line e 23 :.
1111144 and no•enntinning, in the same direction„
th e lbws' estiddished,-between the United
and' Spain, extending to any portion of New 11 4 .
en, whether lying on the East or Wen of that rl fr
4. .Reinfe4 Thal it be/imposed to the' State
Texas, that the United States will provide for me
payment of all that pottioe of the' legitirnati gm ,
bons fide
,pnblic — debts of,that State, contraci et i
torte iticarinillation to the United ~,t
; which theettniu of foreign imports were pletl2e,,t,,
the said &meth; its mellitus, not exceeding ae
, sum of dollars, in' geuraiderairori of the dune. I,
I pledged having been no longer applicable to
-; object idler this said annexation, but havind thole,
forward become payable to the United !hates, Iv
upon the conditiony also, that the said State w i t
by some solemn and aihentic act of her tegalatst
• or of a convention, seliniluish to the tuned
any claim which it bas to 'any past of New m e i,
" *
6. Resolved, That it is inexpedient tosb o h i k s
very in the District of Columbia,. ; whilst thounto,
tion continues to exist in the State of Jlarri lk
withoutihe consent of that State--w Mint the
sent of the people of the District, *lid onion y r
compeustitiens to the owners -of slaves witl o i,
'District. A
6. Resolved. That it is expedient to pr o m s;
within the District' the alive trade, and
broegbt into it hem States or places beyond iF e
limits oldie DistriCts, either lo be sold therein a
manehandise,_or tohe transported to other marten
iriffiont the Districts of Colombia.
7. Resoled. Thit more effectual provision, sno t
to be made by law, according to the requireme.
of the Constitution, for the restitution and deliver
of persons bound Inset; ;ice or labor in any sin
who-may escape inthinny ether State or ternton
the Union. - • •
The Bth. and last resolution, Mr. Clay remaikai
That Congress hatfrucipearer to prohibit the tna
in staves between the Siates. It was as folloin
8. Revolved, That Congress has no power to pro.
hibit or ;obstruct the trade in slaves between
slavehokling States. and that the adniisaiou or ev
elusion of &toes biought Irom one into anotho
them depends exclusively upon their own pr am .
lar - law.
The resolutions being made the order of the de
fair Tuesday task!, on that day Mr. Clay prrmled
at length to givi his views in support of the vs
halloos. - He supported the admission of Caton
nia, with her present coestßution, and declared:ha
by lair slavery no longer exis's in
.the Tennant!
ceded by Mexico tfa the United States,.and thn
his ;pinkie), it could not go there tinder coop
curnstances. He argued at length the pose
Congress to legislate for the Tetritories : and ite
an argument relative . to, boundary of Tess
and his advocacy of the proposition to pay tea
adequate •sum for the territory to be yielded c
be applied to the payment of the debt cenaco
by the Republic of Texas, the subject wasps
potted until the next day.
Cournaarifoolistr, We find a good del ni.
and an inertpreesible amount of agonjed . keibeth
certain quarters, because " ColonelrFoAus• ' se
editor of a Philadedphia wif/spatter, railed , S
Pennaylansisn, . not . elected Clerk of 'befell
States House o Itepresentatives. We are Slim
4 rais
Ad that "col I Fornee" spreads his :lose hen
the people, ant asks that, the whole (lentos
party shall bear him ! And, anon, if is Onions
'that the whole deamociatis party shall rally I
'evertor the wrongs "_lssionel Forney° . has recce
id et the handsof " anthem democracy."
As we happen to be democrats, and as such kw
Marred a peat deal•of hard and trying afro e
eke derntionesposas we stand - k. No. 1, at the ko
kiss) . Litwin...we suppose we 'are called Res I
shed "root team of blocd" over the driest
" Colons/ Forney," and avenge his injmio! k
wecanit .do*.it !..• We stead- ready. to- od rata
lick thektoutwvehn struck Biliey Patterson; bevy
can't coma, the Yanbee Sullivan and Tom He
business to debts& "Colonel Forney." "Nei
the language of that meett remarkable woos r
the ager r the Willow Easslbtesie ( Gr eene, "Revs
do ockssch a thing!"
Ae4ipmeasie, smears a little inctediess m O
erencesto.rns predicted elleel the defeat of "foe
eel Forney" will have on the %party." li km
been . said.that•it will destroy the Inventories d
that beanliful fabric. St. Pail say. that, 'kW
doubts is donned." Nevertheless, wetionbid ,
defeat, of • " Colossi Forney" Will quad 0
throushirst theeknoocratic fold. - We do diet lli
**jowl wilteaKeiiNt the shock the defeat eon
We seal stated is several of the mem or'
Nu n' 3l :Ylt'keen , weitially useertrined whodeleor
"' VOkleellOnl . eY• " Some say it was the to*
work of &math Carolina democrats, who ow r
"General:Gampbell ;" others say it was ene,
by. Mr. Gishiliqp, of Ohio, and the free.ollet '
theatonie Several great 'problems mom 1 11
solved.!' Among them. the squire of the od
the variation of t.. antipasto, and who erack g ., e
Patterson! Let•ths orniefined q ' uestion - OD t
limed "Colonel Fo rn ey," be iiiided to the
Let the common eq./lonelier be. " fl'
'al Colonel ForeeyP' The mystery rnolo'‘'"___„
ti human pater" may gerto bed and taloa cu''''
able nap.—Neit York, Atha.
CHOLZIA nr Loustina.--The hlarkenik 0 4 :
Villager of the Stb inst, ottatrailicts the repa y
the cholera i bad manifested itself in sewn! Pr"
Avoyellee path& • &joule& is the cmlr lafeed
district. At-Mr: if. M. Kusary's plantatiOn the°
her of moeliei On Saturday evening, wee thiW n
ohloreft of which.picwail fittal ; on board Abe S t.
boat the nomter of deader was only four. II
biota emearierat mode.of treatment itaa been it°
iet adasioistatieg of calomel in large dew.
BUIL Ktuaux—The iitianon Coiner ell
a Bear s weighing yowls, Was shot nal"'
WeitherinV that county, on .Aforl!f lii .
by ”olareeetan who was out on a gam
rditicm• Vorisnign /ay th at game of do
aWbeett Morafpitiety in the Bine M oun tain - a s ivi
the preienf winter, thiufkr many years preno
• l aw if
beit pi the IqM Peleaddlor. of Saw °, I° 3 o
tho *die* espiter of bow was
Od by des Supriail Cart, died at his resskr:
do Iwo otallio, ow the lab Olt., after a' .
*is property which he
" 1 " 0"." MON descsod is his c hildra,
Whore tom are twilre.