?residua 2. Taylor, ON 111 E BURST OF CUM ae . 01 , 14eteareebee air Mits . stotes:—ltorieing kethellouse of itepresantatives, i n answer to the resolution of that body, panted, on the 21st of December last, the accompanying re ports of Heeds of Departments, which contain all she official information in the possession of the Executive asked for by the resolution. On coming into office, I found the military com mandant of the department ot Chlifornia enrcisin,g •the functions of a Cavil Governor id that Territory sod left, as I was, to act under the treaty of Guade loupe Hidalgo, Wiffiolt the' aid - of eny legislative p r ovistonestablishing a gOvernment in that Territo ry, I thought it best not to disturb the arrangement made under my predecessor, until Congress should take some action on the subject. '1 therefore did not interfere with the powers of the military com mandant, who continued to exercise the, functions partments. I did not hesitate to express to the people o:those territories my desire, that each territory should, if prepared to comply with the requisitions of the Con stitution of the united States;form a plan of a State Constitution, and tubmit the same to Congress, with a prayer for admission into the Union as a State ; but I did not anticipate, suest, nor author ize, the establishment of any such Government, without the assent of Congress, nor did I authorize any government agent or officer to interfere with nor.exercise any influence or control over the elec tion of delegates, or over any convention, in ma king or niodilying their domestic institutions, or any of the provisions of their proposed Constitution ; on the contrary, the Instructions Riven by my orders were, that all measures of domestic policy Must originate solely with' themselves—that while the Executive was desirous to protect and de fe nd them in the formation cif any govemmerN republican in its character, to be at the proper lime submitted to Congress—yet it was to be distinctly understood that the plan of such a government must, at the same time, be the result of their own deliberate choice, min' originated with themselves, without the interference of the Executive. I am unable to give any information as Jo 'laws passed by any supposed government in California, or of any census taken in either of the tertitones mentioned in the resolution, as I have no mforma tion.on these subjects, as already stated. I have lo t disturbed the arrangements which I found bad e wted under my predecessor. In endorsing an early application by the people of the territories for a tmissuut, as stated, 1 was actuated principally by an earnest desire to arum) to the wisdom and pain nu