Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 02, 1850, Image 2
11E=2:gz' Mrattforti 64tporUr. Free Solt, Free Speech, Free Alen Freedoms ItoO /Woe Territory. E O. (30QH, EDI"~OR. Towantla, Saturday, February 2, NO T . etliVes eirt he 11(!!porter. 00 30 per annum: if Plid witbiisr tire reel Mertes serll be deducted, for cash petd octusdirsir adreeett, St 00 Still be deducted. Anviserrsesie7rea, per *mere of lan lines. 00 ceets fur the first, and 113 cents for eftelsgobsequenr insertion. —- U zelt. AK. lir-I • The office of the Reporier' is re mored to the third story of the bride building, north aide of the Fake Square, nal to the Bradford Hotel --entrance between Messrs. Adams' and Elwell's offices. - 11 Chugs la Me Palliestleft Dory. Our subscribers will observe that the Reportef is dated-upon Saturday, (instead of Wednesday, as fer merlyj dial being the day upori which it will here after be published. We believe thi; change will be greatly to their advantage—the mails leaving this place in almost every direction on Saturday morning, we shall be—able to send Our paper to most of oar subscriber; on the day *publication. •This change will make it necessary tli,t4 advertise ments &c., illtenitleal to appear in tliw• Reporter should be hanCeJ into the office by Friday mor ning, of each week, at the latest. Removal. The office of the Bradford Reporter has been re moved to the the third story of Hayden's building., on the North side of the Public square, neat door to Baldwin and Walker's Hotel,—the entrance be ing between Messrs Adams and Elwell's offices. Being now located in our new quarters, we shall be most happy to see such of our friends as may visit Towanda, who may wish to read the " latest news"—subscribe for the Reporter or(don't take this as a dun) settle whatever may be standing against them. Letter tram Him. D..Wlllsnot. In another column will be (mind a letter from Ilion. D. Winstyr atldrest , ed to 0. G. HEMPSTEAD, Esq , editor of the Montrose Democrat in answer to his remarks about the contest for SpPaker. We' also publish the proceedings of a Democratic mee ving held in Asylum township, fully approving cif Mr. WILMOT ' S vote lor Speaker and Cletk ; and commending die course of the Reporter to sustain ing him. Oz Penn-tylranian.still.continues its mall cioua and malignant attacks npriti llcm D.titn Inv—its columns daily teem w ith, false assertions, 'far fetched assump•ion 4 and preposterous argument. 1 The venom of the defeated candidate—engendered through seven long weeks of silence---is now be ing discharged. We trust he will feel better aft he ride his breast of the rancor and mall •e. hi. de feat has &lied him with. He once helm° under took to write down Mr. W., but failed most signal ly. Perhaps he can do it now. Iffcto - rosrt's OLIO —A large audience of the la dies anti !..entlemen of this Borough, attended the Musical Olio of Dr: Mclntosh on Wednesday night, and were highly delighted by the rich and varied entertainment given them. The whole affair went off with rapturous eclat—tlie singing : recitations &c., more than realizing the expectations of the Dr's most ardent friends. We undery.tand he will favor the citizens of Troy. and Monroeton with a similar exhibition—and we promise them in advance a huge amount of gratification. Since penning the above we find the expression of the citizens who formed the audience, i,i, to have entire programme of Wednesday repeated at Nler eur's HaH, Monday evening next. The price of ad mission will be as before. For two ladies and one gentleman 25cts ; fur single gentleman. 25cts ; ar rangements will be made by which bodily comlort will not be sacrificed, while the mind is being min istered to. Democratic Staio Convention. The Democratic State Central Committee met at Harrisburg, en the 29tn day of January and ap pointed Wednesday', the- 19th day of June? Tor the assesabling.ef the State Conventicht to nominate •a Canal Coratnimpitxter, and Wilharnspost, Lyctorn ing county, as the place. No other business of any importance was transacted by the committee.. FORNEY, in the blindness of his rap* says the* Mr. Wilmot stood ready to vote for Foote or Camp bell for Cletk. This is about on a par with the rest of the great betrayed's stories. The Washing ton Union, on the contrary says of the Free-soilers : . Even the Free Soilers, who profess in every thing else to be Democrats, would not vote for - Mr. Foote, a Whig who is as much in furor of Free !Soil wad abolitionism as themselves. But, whatever nfay have been the conduct of a few Northern Dello eons, we kelcnirseives obliged to say, that while Mr. Forney was in the field, he was entitled to the support of Southern Democrat& Justice to our par ty and to Mr. Forney obliges ms to say so much." 7k. li•biestmaster AbresAL. • A letter with the following. superscription, verba tim at literati's, was dropped into the Poet Office at this place, one day this week- Should it never be received by the poises foe whom it was destined, of course the Postmaster in this instance, at leas.; will be guiltless, The letter. is directed. silver leake suscbas county steam of py ncelwiea. It wordikpansle Judget . ollamer himself, tamake any dispOsition of such a Jotter, when it arrives at "Silver Lealie " 011iSgelleaSOMIL. We have been obliged to (leder our usual quota of the proceedings , of Conga's. Excepting the great speech of Gen. Cass, the proceedings have been entirely without interest. = 1 „ 3 , 3 . • Fi f t • • • anarragje#lL read wilF andkegret articOn yet; . aper cirthe ing ezeept; 'Ron &ray cousin in thii f el o ffer. 1 as. surprieed that any constituent of mine should Nave Ambled fermirsontran%-thati+ster copy With finnneeti, the high ground - in deknce of Freedom, upoh which stood' in the late Congres sional cancutS, when; receivedlotir generous sup port. :Can it be possible that myposition was mire Understood! f not &dant ley' openand an , compromising opposition to all nominations made under the degrading test of gfilvelly pitopitgandianif Have 1, since my election, done anything int:teals taut with that position 1 IT not; then wherein am t justly obnoxious to censure? Rafe thisettayed any trust confided to me; or abandoned any principle to the support of which 1 good pledged, either ex , preset;, or by implication? You recognized me as a Democrat, and supported tr.e as seeli limy last election. In what respect have I changed or va rigid my position from what it their Was, Which an- &nixes ye*, at drill tithe, to speak doubtingly, and with disparagement of my standing as a Democrat? You will, I believe, upon reflection, be satisfied' that you have done me injustice; and, if an satisr tied, I know t oft magnanimity Will be prompt to. redress the injpry. There is not a tepresentatiVe from the South upon the error of Congress, of the . Democratic party, atheist not free to dttrarit, that under no pito laical necessity whatever, will ho vote for a man, for any office or place under the Government) who resists, by Legislative action; extension of Sla very into the Free tetriectieti et the Nation. Are my constituents willing to be thus proscribed *?:or are they content to enter aft' idle and ineffectual protest against it—giving sanction and support to this outrageous wrung., by elevating, ih so far as they are able, the men who perpetrate the wrong, to all the higlt places in this Government ? Are they prepared trr endorse the doctrine, that Slavery extension constitutes the one and only qtialitibation for office ! Are they willing thus to stultify them selves and their children ? If the South be wrong then is it not right tdre-ist the wrong ; and to make the degree and measnre of resistance, extensibe' air the wrong itself, and adequate to its overthrow Yon seem to think that attach too much impor tarce to the great issue between Freedom and Sla rely. Are not the interests of Freedom and Free Labor as high and holy as are the interests of Sla very ? Du I attach more importance to this strug gle than do the South ! They deem the interests of Slavery of such magnitude as to override all . other questions, and even to justify a dissolutioti cf the Union. May not I regard the interests of Free dom as of sufficient moment to warrant a departure from the dictates of a caucus controlled by Slave holders Is the South :Ilene to be permitted to , maintain its principles by action and votes, and the (icemen of the North be content with humble pro test and remonstrance ? Which interest, Freedom or Slavery, do you think would triumph, in a con flict conducted upon such principles? Southern constituencies never condemn their representatives for standing too firm or going too far in support of Slavery, even when the demands of Slavery are clearly unjust ; yet it seems that you hold me col pable for a too zealous uriaintainance of principles which you admit to be ri::ht You impute to me as an error, that I have ” suf fered myself to be wholly carried away with the them 3of the Proviso.' Have I suffered myself to be carried so far as hare the entire Southern wing of the party ! Yet you have not presumed to lex equimunicate them from the Democratic fold. Where is the justice of tins 1 or do numbers control the great principles of right and wrong ! Have I been carried so far by the "theme of the Proviso" as to abandon any of the great principles of the De mocratic creed! Am 1 less a strict constructionist —leas nn advocate at free trade—less hostile to mo nopolies and special plivileges—less anything that constitutes the Democrat, because I oppose the ex- ( tension of Slavery ! But 1 refused to support the caucus nominations for Speaker and Clerk Do my constituents desire that their voice and vote in the National Congress shall be coutnulled by a caucus that openly tramples their principles under foot! You endorse the Democracy of Mr. Cobb iu the very article in which you call mine in question. He and I substantially agree upon every question except the great one which now absorbs public at tention—the extension of Slavery. Now as, we are substantially agreed upon all points except this one, does his advocacy of Slavery extension constitute him the better Democrat? Or does my, refusal to support him, in the face of his declaration that un- I der " no political necessity" would he support me, give him a preference over me asan orthodox par tizan ? You may answer that we are both wrong. If ro, are we not equally wrong? and by what measure of justice ,do you endorse him and con demn me? But I hold that we are not both equal ly wrong. He who has been driven to his position in the maintenance of a jest cause is right; and he who took a wrong position to uphold an unjust cause is wrung, and wholly in the wrong. To rea son otherwise is to confound and obliterate all dis tinction between right and wrong. My vote fir Rota is particularized as specially objectionable. Mr. Root opposed Gen. Taylor's election, and is as decided an opponent of the pre sent Administration as myself, or any other man in Congress. He aid 1 stood togethet in the support of Martin Van Bliren anti Charles F. Adams. He hail broken loose from his previous party relations, and uniformly refused to vote for any of the Ad- Ministration candidates for Speaker, and I caner* see the wrong in my casting e vote for him. The maiy importance that can instil). be attached to my course in the election of Speaker, arises from my constant refusal to vote for Cobb. This I justify as right, and what my constituent* bid reaaoo to-ex pect and demand at my hand.% Permit me, in . tsonclusion, again to express • the surprise and pain your article gave me; both , be cause I valued your good opinion, and also because I could not feel that I had' jail)+, merited your cetti. sure. My respect for yontas-indboed me to nottee it —a course which I have not felt called npon to adept toward* the Pennseirranian, im its recent ynalignant and systematic assaults. The editor ef4hat paper seems/ maddened' by hirlate disappointment. He gives expression to his long:cherisheel; personal hatred of myself, in charges so ridiculously false as to obtain no credit with thosewho have observed my muse as-a• poblie man. Malice• is blind and impotent--se-ordered' by a kind* Plovidisuce, Si a 'shield to thaifilleeent l anda Farnham:tent to-him who Illifigitilioliihisist . 71 1vbilliElac ney's character! entertain ow nwpect, and am Will ftnetalibrfiismsoreorhispraise. fl,tLitnnot indif e lettc:4l 04 opinion of myoxii*nsi at w . _ , I 640 roliedied such o n un-., nrifetil vontrtarlainn I submit M _ thi. c h e ep lnn% b4ed their inter* ortittaapt. i [ Aw l ! *vilit anikact_ *dons. I haveNtv*rlser, I sincerely and frankly with them, and haven° Atari ' 11111 4 1 .3" 61 4 111114111113.4 --14 1 4WeJahnikM.J1 taken thy position upon all questions of public in terest with a decision 'that left ocr roost to doubt • wbete I stood. In my conscience I stand acquit ted of ever having falsified my professions by my acts, Or diiipixoinkot soy iloo oxprotodom apiitoi out of my position when i candidate for popular I have written wrth emmestnevs, but with no feel lags of unkindness; and beg yea to credit my sin cerity in tbe eseurenew give of my continued Mendota* end esteems. - Yourr Indy, D. WILMOT. TOO . . G. H►arrsreao, Editor Margrete Democrat Canspudenoe Iran filibidphia. Punrarxrnu, January 26, 1850 Mr..Editor.,—The tirade of abase published in the Prenspivartims against your member Of Congress since the defeat of Mr. Forney, for the Clerkship of the Howe! Repritimelalivesiindom Me Logic. yolks brief histoty of the' Coarse of that paper, and its g: private. griefs." When the lion. David Wil mot passed through this city, on his way to take Ms seat in'the present Congress, the Peraityleassian took occasion to announce his arrival in a conspicuous mannia, at the head of one of its editorial columns. This uulooked for distinction' from tfie' editors, rather astonished both Democrats and Whigs, after its previous abuse of I im, and the " burying of the hatchet" was supposed to have beetr,ihe cam; but lo! and behold, as soon as Mr..FornePretume from Washington city, and his defeat; be discovers tam once that Mr. Wilmot has turned' traitor! It is wondrous strange that the three editors of the Penn:Vl:levies cannot live a Bute while *lama of ficial pap ar.d patronage. Patterson, Forney and Hamilton have now, in turns, been socking the public for near thirty years—until habit has become second nature—sand they presume, in consequence, (who dimmers, dom-heepers and clerks of the De mocratic party. The coarse of Mr. Wilmot has been- approved here generally by the Republican party--ibis public and private character stands high in the estimation' of all the friend* of Freedom, and no slander from any paper, here or with yon, can injure his fair fame with his fellownitizentithrough out Pennsylvania: • I regret to' hear that James Buchanan, ii. connec tion with the editorsof the Pennsylvanian, and— * are about to establish a Press in your county, and in Mr. Wilmot's Congressional District, to break him down. Of the success of this measure, I have no fears. Metatiorr, and' the- sordid principles that would lead to the extension of Slavery, in territory now free, never can prevail in this period of pro green. James Buchanan, in his attempt to make the people•believe that the Northern Democracy are the natural allies of the South," will break him self three• to a certainty. The election of Mr. For ney would have been a fortunate circemstance for Mr. Buchanan. The annual disbursement of one hundred thousand dollars in gold, was to have been the stepping stone of the " Farmer of Wheatland" to the Presidency iu 0152! But in this he failed, as in all his efforts heretofore, to be the candidate of the Democratic party for that high office. If a man is not with and of the people he canoe( be the Presideut of this great nation; therefore, he that is not beloved by the people may as area " hang his harp upon the willow." You shall hear from me again. JEFFEASON. [ • We have taken the liberty of omitting the part of our Conesponsknes remarks, relating to another parti cipator, as, perhaps, prancure- 7 though doubtless cor rect. When the matter shall assume a tangible shape, we shall see that the Democracy of Bradford have no frauds practiced upon Meat by men whom Demeccacy lam Dot a yasi* growth.) Another V•teran tion• t The men of the Revolution, are dropping away one by one. A few yet remain, to enjoy the liber ties their valor secured, with lives prolonged to en age lew;may hope to attain. Soon, the last survivor wilt be numbered with the gallant band who have preceded him, and a grateful posterity will have only the memory of the departed patriots to revere. We observe in the last Argus the decease of Sam uel C. Vaud*, of Rome township, who departed this life on the 29th of October last, at the ripe ohl age of 93 years. It was atxu# that tithe the aged patriot was in the Reporter offipe,—(and he never failed to make us a visit, wiiinever in town)— describing the struggles of the infant Republic, and " fighting his battles over again." lie had a dis• tinct recollection of the personal appearance of the " Father of his Country" and retained vividly the meniory of the trying scenes he had endured in fighting. the battles of his country. A memory of his life would be full at interesting incidents. The obituary in the Argus says :—" He was with Gen. Washington in nearly all his battles. He was en gaged in some of the sevelest conflicts, of the war, and received many wounds which seriously afflict ed him in his latter days. He was present at York. town, when Washington directed Gen. Lincoln to receive the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, and he 'distinctly heard Lincoln say to the British Lord : " I once And the misfortune to surrender my sword in to your *ands, I now bye the honor of receiving yours." Ma. 13ccusesx's organ, the Pentsylvanien, calls the Reporter the "organ of Wusurr, not of the Demosracy of Bradford." Thatcomtpt and hire ling press, whose collar bears the mark of its mus ter, bar no idea of independent support renderedio an honest and worthy man, but imagines every one the spaniel like itself. We Shall see whether the Democracy of Bradford will allow its master or itself to dictate to them what shall be their organ. They are not quits ready to bow the neck and sub missively submit to have the collar of Slavery propagandism put upon their necks. Euassa.—We are requested to awe that money will hetesiker be forwarded by Rice 4 Peek's Ex press, on Mondays, Wedneislays and Fridays, only. Other matters will be receitted and transmitted dai ly at H. Mies Drug Store. OztrThe Montrose Register of Thursday states that the Tannery of Win. Foster, at the western ex tremity of the villas , was entirely destroyed by fire that morning. The same• Establishment' Wu destroyed eve or sift year age Itaanwithm, Jan. U, 1850. WI waif vela firplik, hy,llle . ..4%, c: ter i r mi te Rash, cee-'l3ateiky hist.% ate peo of in ainivii : Comkty Thtill*fitilfet toiling a "; frceis somitepoitit filar die rivet in Aglaia to: 'p l ie theiOth esifiil * thoiltet ii tunigke, in Albinier township; anirthal all that pi:aerie' yludi and Albany township, lying south of such line iffidelitiMiltfaitetitlabeetift irpett" ollitilliiriliref county. I Willy thini the inhabitants of theme townships are read . ); Vibe separated from Bradford, after having aided in paying for her public build. ~inge, and be subjected to aritilLbeavie; tazatiou to .defray the exposes of new %Minis' ik44 is Pal i-Multi besides which, theiteontigaity trallittl elletre. ty seat of Bradford, and fertility' of Inlailding pub. tic business is another Strong and insuperable ob jection to the proposed attention. I am not quite sure that the movement is made with any hope or intention, of success; but rather to divert public al cont6gi from the recent location of the county seat of Sullivan, at Cherry ; and to operate as a check upon legislative interferen4e to restore it to its &w -ilier, or a more eligible locality. At all events it would be well' for the people of that portion of Bradford proposed to be transfered, toccata out on the subject, and let theft' 'Representatives under stand their wishes, cm the subject. The election of State Treasater took plhce on Monday lest and resulted in tali choice of Gen. J. M . . Blau., of Schuylkill county, who had previous ly received the nomination of the Democratic eau cull. The eiortilhation of Gen. ticket was tether unexpected to deist of the politicians here, as be was not considered a very prominent candidate; and especially, as the strength of the east of the Stator wait' divided among *le dal favfirites,, tame of whom combined' considerable strength. The contest was apparently betrkeen Mr. Planer, of Venango county, the late 'Democratic Treasurer, & E: A. Penniman, of Philadelphia county. The were were also divided among themselves, and' infusing to unite, each witig'•th i.r4W it krffilence east in ordet to like* the *were field open for fu ture operatious. Neither of these western wings' would agree to Piennirn.ut of Philadelphia, and un- dbr any cireentstances, and hence they 13bth, rather unwillingly, !bond thettiselies batmoffizing iii giv• ing the nomination to Gen. Bidkel. So you see the force of circumstances, rather titan the skiil of po litichl letdiere, hail much to do in effecting the nom lesion of Gen. Bickel. His noininatioh, however, was well received end nnanimotleiy sustained by the Democratic party. The vote, on the first ballot stood,—lor Bickel, 71.1 4 4 F, (Fed..) 50. The elec tion of Gen. Bickel, at this particular jeuritere th Pennsylvania politics, is in eveey respect fiWttinate. He is an able an able and efficient man, of estima ble character, and popular in his manners and in tempers° with men. Ile standk entirely aloof from the different el:ques and factions of Party, alihoug,h his Democracy is of the purest and must unguents= tionable character. He will, undoubtedly, make a good officer, and reflect credit'upon his party. Ile immediately ate olteed COI. Dimwit his Chief Clerk or Costar. The State Printing was allotted yesterday, for three years from July next. There was great' com petition did very low bidding. It was finally al lotted to Then. Fenh, of the Pennsylvania Te?ereph, at 82 per cent: below the rates formerly fixed by law, which I believe were 40 cents per 1000'ems, for composition, and the same price per token for ; pressliroik. The Editor of the Union has done it for th 3 last three years at 65 per cent. below theme prices, and it was unitrersally believed that the prices he received did not retnatieratti bite for the labor and expense: But it seems eh. Fenn is wil ling to undertake it at still lower mteis--Irates which will afford him less than 8 cents per 1000•Ior coin position, and tha same price per token for ptess work. Every printer knows the wore cannot be done fro ally Frith price, nor even for double tha t sum. The craft, at Harrisburg, most chdt.rstand and practice some kind of l eg erdemain in making up their amounts, if they are willing to adopt sea figures for a standard. - ' The Canal Commissioners are' busily engeged in making the appointments on the different lines of ' Canal and Railways. Of corers there at least ten' Applicants crisappointeilend dissatisfied, where one is successful and gratified. This single fact renders the office of Canal Commissioner one of the most unthankful and undesirable in the Commonwealth. The Senate have, to-day, had' ender discussion the proposed amendment to the Constitution, which provides for the election of Judges by the people. It-meets with much opposition, but I think will finally pass, as it did at the last session, without amendment. A bill is also on the files of the House providing for the election of the Auditor General and Survey or General, by the people, which meets with very general favor among the Democratic party, and as the Wings last winter avowed themselves in favor of electing these officers, I am inclined to the be lief the bill will become a law, and that„ at the next October election these officers will both be chosen by the popular voice. Surely, no good rea son can be urged against sobmining the choice of these offieers directly to the people. If they are capable of choosing in one instance they are in another. If they are competent to choose the Ex ecutive officer, they are qualified to choose subor dinate ones—sod in none of the departments is their interests more at stake than in the Auditor General's. office. Give the power to the people to choose their own officers in every department of tkwernment, let' the Officers intrusted with the people's business be directly responsible tonne peo ple themselves,-and the guarantees few an honest en& fakhful discharge oflthe trust confided to them are more than doubled, while the chances and lia bilities to fraud . and imposition are materiaily lersenedi Trevenuar. =2llli (Kj'The Washington Union publishes in loving proximity, two articles of about the' same length; which are a capital illustration• of its fairness and 'impartiality.. One is commending the tanatieal con duct of the• South in their threats of disunion—the other reprobating the " folly and madness of the abolitionists of Massachusetts" forprecieely similar intentions. Both deserve the censure of patriots,• and there se no reason why both alike • should not meet with it at the bands of the Union: KirTbe cent and labor attendant upon a remo val is our excuse botany entire and the lack of in terest wbich•may be apparent in the Reporter this weeki •We intend - to make amends infoture. Otr-We hale preparedforpontieation next week a lull iteeonnt of the mysterious. "knocking" in Rochester and Auburn, froni the pamphlet jnst is sued: t -1) '~ %Luau S. Cannata, Superintsalent en the dahtfiliiii Pc el ** Wh e, o'd. • moon: str i a 11, . Si; AWDelaware Division, 1- Ahnisaeljut &Rot -North Iranch m ono ," itiWarkiVeal Branch Wit** l *He exiicamoi Upper Juniata Clivieilt. ;V3 7. 13:MILLee;Lo - wer Juniata Di iaio 1. lons McLatxusun, Eastern Division. ' 4 " ilbarall-61.11P16111.14heilialL''''.3."" Mr. STRICTER, co the 26th, prawns"! dune - FICIIi. lions asking an inquiry into the management of the Susquehanna Bark. This request should be gran ted and a committee appointed not fm-whitewash ing purposes, bin to . probe to the bottom that fester ing and corrupt institution. The rascality practised upon the public, in delmmling them by means of this Rank should be fully exposed, and, the perpe trators,r exposed to condign punishm t. In the House, Judge Coarstrust has reported the general appropriation bill with a action appro priating 5300,000 additional towards the comple- 1, ; coizscrous or TOLL SANCIL S. Bwz.aa, at thuvisbmg. Gamma Sum, at Beach Haven. Swum Wu.sou at Northumberland. &maw Ptisamt j Colombia. .16.taion Wsers, at Duninsbuq;. CHAU.= D. ELDILIED at Williamsport. tirarmutTnowssimikiwmponir,-- &mall LAW, at Newport. • , D. W. McCommus, at Lewistown. A. fc. Hamm, at Huntingdon. A. H. Dormisas, at Hollidaysburg. E. Znnataa, at Dulavaa's Island. J. Suomasza, at JultiataAquetluet A. STZWA,RT, at Swatara Aquedtiet.. issrecroa or woo: G. N. Sxrru, at Johnstown'. • WIDGIIIKLOTER9 ,M. H. Mut, at Easton. • ' WILLI#IIIN at Hollidaysbutg. J. G. CHICIIINICT 3 al Northnmbertand Legislative. lion of the North Branch. The bill was made the order of the day for Wednesday last, and every day thereafter, until disposed of. gietnocriiiic fllceUng. At Jr late and respectable meeting of the Demo crats c I Asylotri Township, held at the Sugar Run School Mortise, on the evening of January 26th, moo, ELMORE - HORTON wee called to the Chair, and joint F. Donets and ineriti CRANDALL elezterl Vice Presidents, and D. C Miller and T. J. Ingham were chosen Secretaries. On motion, the Chair appointed T. J. Ingham, A. J. Stone and B. Stafford a Committee to ,dran resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. The Committee reported the follOweing preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Whircas, We have noticed; in several Demo critic journals of Pennsylvania, a disposition to censure the course of the members of Congress who refused to unite with Solithern men to advance the " peciiiiief interests of the South; thererore, we haveassembreir, as N'orthern Dernocrats, and friends of the whole Union, to express our'our'opinions upon the point at issue. Therefore. Resolved, That we cordially approve of the course taken by the Hon. David Wilmot and his associ ate;, in the contest for Speaker and Clerk of the Muse of Representatives. We deprecate the election of Howell Cobb, of Georgia, and rejoice that John W. Forney has not been rewarded for his treason to. the North. Resolved, That we are willing to g ive the South their Constitutional and natural rights, but. are nn• willing to yield our own righti and the rights of our fellow men—until these ant yielded they are insa tiable. They have secured the President of the pepublic, the Speaker of the House ' the important Com:ninon of both Houses, iiicendeney in every department of Government, and yet they cry dis union, oaks* California, with its tree Constitution, . denied admission into, the Union, New Mexico I s ue kept i 01 4 a Slave labar, and the' District of eolutii market-h:ouse for traffic in tree. Rao'ved, That we Inok with contempt upon these threats of ditiunion. They are as powerless as fa nataeel, and will rescue those who utter them 6om oblivion only, to cover theig i . with infamy. Revoked, That we are in favor of "conciliation" and "cohipromise," whenever they will advance the permanent welfare of the nation; but we can not believe that the interest of the whole people ever demands co.iliation at the expense of justice, or confpromisethat efigonhi,ged moral wrong. Resolved, That we hove no sympathy with those who seek to " distract" and " divide" the Demo- ciatic party of Bradford County, by censuring David Wilmot; they should member the over whelming majority he received as a Free Demo crat, and rest assured that whatever may be their own personal feelings, their most successful efforts against him will only to divide and prostrate the Democratic Party. Resolved, That the recent attack of the Pennsyl vanian on the Hon D. Wilmot, shoiis the malig nant and unscrupulous character •of his enemies, and-suck enemas are worthy only of our indignant scorn—such persecutions only endears him to his constituents. Resolved, That we believe the Rradford Reporter, in sustaining the Hon. D Wilmot, meets the wishes and expectations of the Democracy of Bradtord County. :Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be I signed by the offp.mns and published in the Brad. lord Reporter. Address by Sams. Mr. President, and Members of the Dwell Associatin for lie Dissemination of Umfal Knensiedge: It is with pleasure I contemplatis tee increasing interest felt for the spread of knowledge. A vast amount of .good has been done by individual en terprise' in promoting the cause of Education. Malty kinds of 'Associations have been fixated for this purpose, and among these the Library Associ ation stands preeminent. it has aided in the pre tiervatioe and spread of knowledge, itrotighout many ages.' Great as has been the benefits man kind have derived for centuries that have pissed away, by the aid of this Institution still greater may be realized-by the general) introduction of Libraries throughout the world. Hitherto they have been too much confined to cities and lunge towns.. If a proper effort be made Libraries -may be es tablished in every neighborhood. Bat a small sum is required from each individual member, to be united in a common fund. for the purchase of books, to place in each district a good Library. Great care should be taken in the selection of books, that the best, those especially that inculcate good Morals, true philosoptty, - atid such as give a correct history of the world, an the fixes of great and good men be obtained. This being once estaulished, it may be upheld and increased for hundreds of years, by laying a tax len each share, (say to the amount of one quartet of each one's aubroription, •yearly,) , in -addition to the rum raised for the injury of books. Thus a fresh supply may each year be added. It, is a goo 3 plan for every State to aid in 'the establishment of Libraries in School districts throughout its border: It is desirable that the Le gislature ofour own State.may early provide aplan Ifni the encouragement Of such an excellentinsti tution. In School the first principles of Education are acquired ; and good. books should be placed within the teach oryonth, who will at the same time ; &nee greetaleseeere from their perusal. our aftentiolliirtas been called to an elaborat e , malignant stack in the Pesnuylvanien of t h e inMisni, npgo Mr. Wilmot, the well known melt k of Congtems. The offence of Mr. Wilmotisa," thathe did sot vote for Mr. Forney as Clerk 0 1 1; 3 lite of Riiprementativil; the attack is p floc i n ,„ ed ors maim,. Ili Mr. Wilmot 0pp % ,', 1 :• Mexican war. TheP i _ is s o h ulk _ i~ity of the PIO Ox l sSOlVlontsialias" i st rfw ni t age Vibe, when they Could - not am , the arguments of an adversary, charged hi m a : writing bad Latin. If the charge brought against Mr. WilaiM e a , eieri true, we suppose it will be admitted i t y there are. much worse things than to have opp ai ; ad the prosecution of the Magician war. i t worse thins to be faithless tothe great o l i oseof to be the me... ary tool-of an ambitinusand intriguing politicia n If a man be true'frimod of his race, a man of h i d and l i enerom p s i ne ipi a a, fearless and ine6m t p uth, we 1111001 d POI think it necessary to ask Lis va t , of the Mexican War, which is now happily Ore ,. It happens, however,. that the charge . bro og i ubt the Pennsylvanian %must Mr. Wilmot is scs ink ; lie voted for all the supplies which the was for; bar supported by his votes what wa s , ,„ - Z e ' language of the day, calla" ivigomms prowess of the war.".,At theater when the bill mcom os i s „ the existence of the war, a' piece o• .;; h i a' equivalent to a declaration of war, was panel II : Vt ilmot was confined to his hed'by severe dine, On that .question be did' not vote, but it was act 6. fault: This short statement tllkixtses of the question— It would have beerritote pOlitic in the Pennspm. man to have conAned the attack to Mr. Wilm ot , real crime. which was, that he did not soppon st, Forney in his designs on the clerkship. The Slavery question L Ceagrew No man who now reads the proceedings of Natnirial Legislature will ever agave ask it the sib very agitation among the people of the Non ha accomplished anything. Even the slaveholri t , themselves being judges, the friends of freed et have accomphsbed'anove than . in their most a. guine moments they z dared hope. They hare a.. complislied a moral - revolution unparalleled in ar c em history. Tne whole' popular heart of the N or , has been changed The church has been in aw n: measure converted. While no political pm a the free States take attempt to stand the a n n., 4 very current of the time. • Here and there an jai. ridual in* Congress and out, still has the focil-kad. ness to resist the on-rolling stream. Bat err,. succeeding-wave makes their Darn bet 1, t ea po t? , less," as it hurls them into-the abyss - below. Freedom's crisis hap now clearly Come. s, men stand firm and flinch not, the first of lo ng* . ries of victories is gained. The strength is GM clearly and beyond all question on her side. basest treachery alone ran wrest the victory. hoc her grasp. This is evident alike to the Sort to the South. The slareholders• know that the r . career of slavery-propagandism is at an end, it . less Northern men are false to themselves, tori, country and their. race. Theis speeches all Ir. claim it. Their threats Confess it. Still. they not utterly despair. They still rely on whai t o , never yet failed them . in an. emerg`s t isy.. Nonheri treason. They cannot . yet berieve the free Sa: politicians in earnest. They will not believe tia Northern Men have the mettle to stand atpcs Southern threatsof dissolution and civil war t Ir them be satisfied of this and the contest -is inter. The fate they cannot resist they will receive ea submission. All their threats will he antlered a pass quietly down their own throats . But let not_the frtentis . cit freedom think as rota laying down their arms. Their Representatives Congress must be watched. Every movemeo as be kept older the eye of the North. Treason me not be allowed time or opportunity to lay its egs Thus and only thus shall the friends of hunt rights see the final ripening of the seed tiler *ma in tears and many erayers.—Concm-d j N. N.) fn Freeman. . L7l - 71, P Ll-777, 'Mw - s Skui iiir. Mama am N. Y. E'venisti Post 1 Later from Santa re. Vic Indians—Murder of Mrs. 1171.41c—.11w: t • Santa Fe, 4-c., kr. Sr. LOUIS Monday, Jan. 2S—.V. We have received aavlces from San'a Fr !or/ 28th of November, .announcing that a few i• previous Maj. Green and party started in putstr a band of Indians, wlia. it will be reniemhem.a made. Mr. and Mrs. White and.child whose-a: held as prisoners i y the Italians. ..1s soon us Major and hl3 comrades came in si2ht of se b tlian's camp, and were discovered by thea latter became much alarmed, and,after bug ,- : 4 Mrs. White, percipitatety fled—leaving ineit=. equipage and two Indian children behind. IS body of the lady was taken possetsai no ttace of her child *eau) be found. A quarrel had recendy oceerred al Santa Ft: tureen Capt. Alexander Papin and a man as Wheelet, m which the former was killed. SO. John Adams bad been murdered by a of indiums near Peca Blanca. A J.. Sims, convicted of the 'murder of Jackson, was sentenced to be hung at Santa Fee on the 13th (probably 30th) of NnvenobeT Col. Calhoun, Indian Agent, was not yen ss cessful in his trading operations, with the hd in Now Mexico. .Mr. Thomas 13%;gs had arrived at Santa Fe ' . 1 . 1 California; and reported the emigrants - from Szt Fe as *ery fortcklate in &raining gold. A theater was in - toceessful operation st Srs Feomder the management of Mrs. M. lose. A new paper had been started ,called the !rt Mexican, vilich advocated the claims of Tem that country. Accounts from Minnesota mow that the Sioux - Indians had recently murdered - al of the Chippeway tribe at Rum .River. MELANCHOLY CASUALTT AT IV ILE ESBAIIAL are'palned to learn that a most Tr:elms:ll6ly ss tient oeeutred'ittibe neigtaiorhood of Wilk , on Satutday last, resulting in the deal} , young ladies in the family of Judge W one of them beihg his eldest daughter, and The third a"niece; of about the tame .was visiting his lam ilk. it appears the , p r ying themselves sliding on the imt or over a cove that pet up.from the au itte. river, when the ice gave way, pee fiarward one into the water beneath; tr , hastening to her rescue, also fell in, and following the example tot the second. similar late. Their bodies were soon but not until the vitt' spark had fled. ed dantiter, it is said, was to have this week. r —llfentrose Dcm. Scrans...-A matt by the name of Will Was found dead in his bed on the nor sth inst. at the house of Absalom Adar er-in law, in the town of Nichols. Dt ill one of the Conners of this county, to hold an Inquest, and a verdict was accordance - with the facts elicited upot Ligation, iz:—That the deceased death by taking opium, a large quannt! was found in his stomach, 013 a post ' amination by, the Coroner. It wa i s Bs deuce that the deceased was subject Mental abemtioni and had once or twi n ly attempted suicide by taking opiur Gazette.) Mr. Forney, editor of the Pennvy the democriitic candidate for the.Cleri 'U. S. Hoag* of Representatives, has card attributing his defetiOD the at' Wallacivof S. C., the defeat of Mr Michigan, to vote for the nominee of I the refuSal of sundry Shuthern Dents' in therptatytracesi and especially and Preston King,. upon whom he severe.. His rernatkirrespeoting the wholly gratuitous aslie ectufil have ha,. to expect support fort them.r-Tanto s Demon*: • , .