Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 02, 1850, Image 1
EN= nsgrEmei sza TOWANDA: r x nurban filorninn, Scbnun 2. 1822. MX YOUR T. Bide your time!—the morn is breaking, Bright with Freedom's blessed ray—. Millions from their trance awaking ; boon shall stand in stern array. Man shall fetter man no longer, Liberty shall march sublime : Every moment makes you stronger— Firm, unstirmking, bide your time. Bide your time!—one false step takes Peas all you yet have done Un dismayed—erect—qnsbakerk-- Watch, and wait, and all is woo. ' TIS not by one rash endeavour, Men or States to greatness climb— World you win your rights for ever, Calm and thoughtful, bide your time ! 8,,1e your time !—your worst transgression Were to stnke, and strike in - Vain ; He whose arm would smite Oppression, Must not need to smite again!! ?anger mabes the heave man stesily—' - Rashness is the coward's crime— Df for'Preedom's battle ready, When it comes—but, bide your time! THE PRISONER OF LA FORCE. k LEAF FROM THE ANNALS. OF- THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. CHAPTER i.• TIE SALOON OF 'MADAME ROLAND. r.. cle7n! apartments of Necker, lighted up Lys pi,t whh the, genius mid wit of his gifted •,~_.,•>r..\iadame de Stael, around whom had •-• .:Pd..the best intellect of the French metmpo - c, re nlw occupied by the 'republican minister lie eras a man somewhat advanced in with a countenance on which the hues of were deeply traced, but every lineament of '.-elokelied a stern integrity of character and a:i . constancy of soul. The minister was a ;:npretending man in appearance, dressed in , vTle. almost homely republican attire: He was -t in a hale ante-ehambet apart, with • behind hitn and 'his eyes fixed fluor. as though in deep meditation in mother apartment a table was spread with a bct neat and elegant repast. Fruits were :th the richest and most beautiful' flow and the wine blushed as it sparkled in the heneath the soft raja of the light *bleb gent t• 1 I iFeff through the room. Around the -at •ereral members of the National Assam- There were the grave and amnion Brjssot, in Quarter-like dress—the calm, meditative fouthl Couctereet, with hie high pale fore and the thin fixed lips—the sprightly and • LJurct, his diminutive figure clad in negli .e..; ante The handsome Barbarous was there, r. I 'wo or three of the youngest deputies at near !..T. at !he loner end of the board. Among these. ' . .13 a ein:•y, apparently about thirty-torel years of at a vigorous and compact frame, with a pen -0.,t, and melancholy cast of countenance, which, , :.-7. 2 11 not striking at first glance, was yet lighted r.s he -poke with intellect and soul. Thisguest •ar-fy imagled in the conversatign and never, save • ,I•lertly addressed. But when tie did speak • of voices ceased, and . every ear was bent '='en - For the most part of the time tie sat '-.l).r.;.wi:h a banquet of flowers, negligent of w•ta• pamed around hint, apparently wrapped • own dreamy thoughts, and lost even to the • .art conversation of the only female present • ,o scene, who presided at the head of the board. Anl—''ne peerless woman—the vrife of Roland ! Who , hall now. save with a poet's enthusiasm, tin ,ier,ake to speak of that unrivalled beauty, *hose witchery fascinated the'gaze of the beholder, or of at matchless intellect aid heroic woman's 40121, h added new lustre to her charms! She had caz.sed the first biOom of youth, and ripened into Lle fell development of mature womanhood.- 1 1&!ame Roland eras thirty-eight. Something per- •i;s. t;,ere was either in the contour of het high eiguisaely chiselled features and finely devel 9si form. or in - the sprightly freedom and ori„*sal tr rt her conversation, which might stride the rld to of a too bold and masculine character, to P: - • with that feminine delicacy , which is one thief ornaments of woman. But this it did seem to young Barbaroz ; whose eye appeared ”TeT to wander from the lair speaker, save when :•tance l i for a moment to meet her gaze, then it vhrie a blush, faint as the rosy tint of the awn, mounted to his tempters. %vas Saturday evening the first of September, r"): Louvet gave a toast: ' • victory to Dumouries,and the Pairiam army. • os hope ihat genius, conrage ty ln e t patriotism, • bathe the legions of aka .73 `mile lighted up the, kelpies of Mme lad she replied: "Tx Thanks of the Roman:Senate were decreed • irketted general, because he 'did not despair :he Republic in . as fearful a Onsia as F "adi do we not ode thatika to Louvet, who °Orr tat so!! despair of liberty and France!' Th ea 'Take young Barbara's, his eye kindling • eath..lasm : France Rill not fail in this struggle- The . fire "Le.KY cannot be tranibled out benea th the fart - 'Se German invaders. What if Bruaswick shall It li•*"t Ditmouriess al my S What though he cap' and lays desolate the capitol, and even re t-es is the throne the prisoner in the Temple— defeated upon the Seine will retire .behind Lcite; a cannot be Magnate." eft , of Madame Boland , wedded as it :gnt the enthusiastic glance of the topliakeri— ?tacked a'roae bad from a bunch of flowers ware before her, and her bind, tgan 4e, as she gently threw irtowartis BartalletSP ' /leottiertr.;" said cagtioreet, in his calm, quiet _ ... ...--._ ...-. - .-.-.. ---..- ._. - - -...-._ -. _ -._- - ....__- • .... ....... I . ...-........ ' l'.' Vl' 'lt .., : ' ~ t - .... . . I.' 4 ! ... 1' 4 . r • : ' I . . • : a . r' ''-, .. ‘...f. r 1 "7 . r....t 'i. . . 7 .: ~, 6. .. 7, Y.t. ,, ,,,,, .ft , , „,,,,"" ." • '••.• • ~.tia' , ', i3_.' i , i - • • ix 4 .44-• .. ek - . •. , . •,, • _,,,. • _ , i r im - ~. ~_ . , , . ~.. ~ • 1' . , ... . I . -,.. ~,,,,i, . _ ..... , .. . . - . , , -t i 11 .. ~, ~: . , 111 . , ro . . ' . . ; • . r ..! •-. 1; E ity ~..„ ~ . . , :4, ... , I , . . ,: '.3 f,i .- • 4 • 4 *J ' . . . - I. ;:"' , ''. 1 ,, 1 ''... . • ' .. . . . ,I• %., 4 .Y . ' , 1 .. .... way, «it is idle to delude. Oulaehreal . 1* see that liberty to slisisza • 'te death' 'itz'tgilet 4 Dimouries has costly", geskmaid. military 'skill, but he has only army of 25,000 men, sod 4liat can these avail .agatinaillo,ooo °fibs ter,iit;f 6 Oilits of Prussia and Auitrial T..00m has 'fallen;— Verdurn,'our last fiiitMsa, lain‘llSPechq, tared. Unless some ruiloreseen occident shall in tervene, Brunswick will in three daysbrmaster of the capitol. Paris taken, the revolution is:Over whelmed, and the Republic strangled is its birth. Messieurs, we can bitt.die bertmeh the ruins of the capital; the liberties of France will die with , us; such is the portion of those who daze 'to &time of the freedom of the world P 2 . Ail the soul of that queenly woman rnsited to her lips, as looking round the little group of enthnsias. tics, she exclaimed : "No, Monsieur, you mistake, there is hope— hope - while Paris has men to'send forth. to battle.— Let the voice of . eloquence go forth from the tri bune, and come up from the corners of the streets, rousing all Paris to arms. If the men will not an swer it, the women will arm themselves with pikes and march forth to meet the invaders.— What say you friends, is there no voice here potent enough in the tribune to marshal a hundred thou sand bayonets under the walls of Paris? What say" you, M. de President! France, with a million of arms, has bet one tongie Tike fours," Sbo turned her eye as she 'poke full upon the pensive countenance of the young deputy, who sat by the side of Barbarous- Rousing himself with something of an effort, as. though differentio the marked compliment, that coming from • those woukt have thrilled upon the hearts ofothers there, he answered in the full, deep, and melodi ous tones of a voice that once heard is never for gotten : • " Ah, Madame, the eloquence of which you speak will be of hide avail now in the will popu lar commotion. Ii is but the flourish of the trum pet which is drowned in the blasts of the whirl wind. Yet, my friends, there is a spell more po tent abroad to muse • the people to Inns and save liberty and France. It is a fearful spell—the spell of terror. The wizard hand of the, enchanter of kite populace, Damon, has spread it abroad over taa eq. It is he who wields the popular thun derbolts." A slight erpotion of something like displeasure, for a momeni, clouded the brow of Madame Ro land. Was it that the name of Denton, an occa sional, though never a genre' guest in her sabre, grated harshly at that moment on her ear, or was it the calm indif f erence of the speaker which mov ed her He continued— " The prisons are filled with thousands of the suspect ; it is the work of Damon. The royalists are struck with terror; it is the work of Denton.— The people are blind with the fury of despair, and to-morrcw they will respond to the call of Damon, and crowd the Champ-de Mars, eager to be led against tire enemy. The revolution has f assed in• to Datiton's bands. Snonld Brunswick scatter the army of Durnonriez, he will meet Denton at the head of the people under the walls of Paris," Hurskiends in silence listened to the words of the speaker. The color paled in the fair cheek of the wife of Roland, and a slight trennslines emotion, rapid ar an electric thrill, agitated her frame. She said no more, but, waving an adieu to her friends', arose and joined her hasband,in the other apart ment; Bright and unclouded arose the sun, on the 2d of September, 1792, upon Paris, It was a Sabbath I morning., but it dawned upon a scene „of wild and tumultuous confusion. ?very element of popular wrath and of popular despair was at work lashing into madness the unchained passions" of a frantic people: The friends of the late monarch”—and they numbered their thousands in the city—were skulked in.hiding places, tortured between the fear of arrest by the Commune, and the hope of safety in the triumph of the Prussians, or mingling with the populace, 'were striving to pass themselves off as good citizens, by shouting with feigned zeal from pallid lips— fire la Republique! The patriots were filled with consternation. The better portion of the masses seemed sunken in the lethargy of despair; the worst appeared ripe for deeds of rapine and blood. Same were crowding the Champ•de Mars —some were, passing toward , the Assembly—and other were filling up the old convent of the Jaco bins. The worst part of the Parisian populace be gan to appear, mingling with the masses which thronged the. streets. Vice, with its haggard eye and tattered garment, crawled not nos* the kennel and the gutter. Crime, with 'stealthy dace, having crept from its lurking place, now mingled boldly among the crowd. Abject 'misery and , pauperism. in their - mem bidet** forms, **armed through the Petals Itnyid, begging not for the preservation of liberty or lite, bat for bread! ' Yonder goes an aristocrat," and a squalid, bare-headed—man to his compassion, pointing to * decently dressed citizen, as he harried along - the Rue St. Honore. "Look you, neighbor, there is plenty of loom left for such as he at la Forecand the Bicetre." " La Force and the Bicetre are 'too good for him; he sbonld go to the lantern." The well dressed citizen saw himself observed and disappeared hastily among the crowd. " Down with the atistocrats !" shouted a rag pick. er. "They conspire with the forestallers while the people are starving." " Neigbor," answered a voice from a group of squallid women•., 1 there will be plenty of bread when the Duke of Brunswick comes to Paris, for be will cut all our throws and leave sewer mouths to eat it." A wild laugh followed this coarse sally, wed the group swept co toward the Concietzerie. a Whither so fist s Citizen Dophsin 1" said a man to his neighbor, who.wasbisrying pivthim aimed with an old rusty pike. PUBLIBM . EVERY OATIMMAL AT TIMODA, BRADFORD COM, PA., BY . B. CHAPTER 11 THE TETBIME. 11.114111ps! !Ir . :Mare* inorguaws easmia.P 'l4itre' o, "ol nigt f t.lirn" ll l -4 •Pfr• "t go tc r i lfrO,cM te ie.guAs " Danionnei's u= 4n4 !earl the Masts i! b Iriurdig. oar Rites mid our c.biklrike " 1 *piked thettrat 4 16 that now, Pierrie," said Citizen Da Pt 4, c 4 ilo o ,ittee atirTai4nal l 44 care ci thsyKipt9ersui. It's herd breaking through the waits the walls of la Fon:e and the Copeimeriei and if thei,try it, why we have only to run oar. Pjhes4r92ol them-that's‘ ll.4l Palri9tid eitiien passed on. •`-` ir it°- 1 / 1 .4 1 °P4 I /, 11 /!°r?klb° crowd, a l l d.4 l° °l feV hrri/ ROA° Brat / 1001 / 4 / 901 °I ”79/ on his l~eyy to 141), AMembly. . idiri, l B34° reglam throe,rd . . hroupil him, but his head towered above all, like Saul's sowing the chiklren of lapel— There was an sir of proud defiance, of calm cour age, and *elf confidence, of calm coinage, and self confidence in his carriage. No shrinking, no hesitation, no doubt even could be traced upon those hush and jugged; though bold and striking features. Men took new courage as they looked upon. the dauntless front of the fierce demagogue, and ! felt themselves in preeepoe of the King of the People, lie chatted and laughed familiarly with hie Mends as he strode rapidly along. In the tribune of the National Aseembly, stood the young deputy, with the pensive melancholy fea tures, who bad sat by the side of Barbarous at Madame Roland's repast. One would scarcely have recognized him now, roused from the dreary indifictence of his last night's conversation, in the orator, who, with outstretched arms and flashing eve, and with a countenance irradiated with the inspiration of genius, was rousing the people to battle for their country. Such eloquenCe as ,this had never been heard in that Assembly—never in France since Mirabeau bad been carried dying from the Tribune. Nay, aid blirabean himself ever speak such burning words in such melodious accents to the people? Did he possess a power to charm equal with that wonderful voice, desuned„, alas! while Mirabean, the betrayer of the popular " cause, still slept in the Pantheon, to be stifled hi' the axe of the guillotine. It was the voice of V Eau:mit-1i: "Citizens, you manifested the ardor of French men for festivities at the Federation, will you now allow less for battle? You have sung, you hive celebrated liberty, will you now defend it You hate no longer kings of bronze to o.erthrow, but living kings armed with all their power. Let us go and wield the spade with our hands in throw lug up entrenchments to resist the enemy." It was not a shout merely which went up as Verginaud took his seat, but a frenzied tumult of applause. Danton had entered the Assembly, and was himself carried away with the enthusiasm of Vergniaud's• eloquence. He sprang into the Tri bune, and addressed the.people in one of his own impressive harangues, which though of tremen dous energy and effect, contrasted strongly with that of his colleague. Yerginauirs voice was the clear and melodious call of the trumpet to battle; that of Dimon was the harsh muttering of the thunder; but the then ier did not roll harmless over the beads of the people; it was accompanied by the electric flash, which scattered the fin, bolts on every side around him. He urged that only all Pans, but all France should be forthwith summon ed to arms—that couriers should be sent forth, and every citizen s capable of bearing arms, be enrolled to serve his country in battle. " The gun which you will presently hear,'' be shouted at the top of his mighty voice, " is not the alarm gun. ft is the charges against the enemies of the country. What need we, in order to con quer, to annihilate the enemy? Boldness—more boldness—and boldness forever r' [:=3 Did Damon mean to point out the royalitqs of Paris as the enemy who were to be annihilated 7 Did his eye rest upon the prisons filled with the suspected, ,and did he then meditate or had he knowledge of that gigantic crime, the "Septem ber massacre," which 'cast its horrid stainvportthe annals of the Reyolution S These questions must remain unanswered. Certain it is, toward evening of that same day, the populace on a sudden impulse commenced butehenng the priests at the ibbaye. The mama. area continued at Intervals several days. Roland and iother ministers spoke boldly against it, though in vain, but •Danton, the Minister of justice, did not speak. MUTER M. TUX cinaig. SUCGUTCII. A slight and tremulous knock was heard at the door of the Minion Roland. The video( themin ister was okras, and a visitor was ushered into her boudoir. She war a young and bowlful woman, with thntwiruting takatde air of dignity and game which proclaimed her at a glance rots of the an cient rwokerr of capitol. Her toontemance was the picture of• sorrow and despair t and the truer* 01 Mama ware still rialbko cu her cheeks. . The girt timidly advanced, *brew back a thick veil which muffled her Femmes, sank at Melee* of Madams Roland, and seizing one of her hands, covered with tears. "Madame," she sobbed, "they say you are good—they say yon are kind—pity the misery of one of your own sex, and save my poor Antoine)" The wife of the minister gently raised the kneel ing girl from the floor, and in a kind tow said to her: Sit lotto my child—nay, don't clasp coy hand so tightly-4-sit down and tell me all. Who are you —who is Antoine—and how can I rem him r, " I am the daughter of an emigre, Madame.— My name is Louisa' de Courral. Antoine is my lover; we•were to be married on Tuesday," said the gid, with innocent naivete. The lady scoiled . and maimed her waiter to pro ceed. " Madame moat know that Antoine wits aft OR cm of the National Gourds, with Mandel, M the Path*, smiths 10thof Augdst,and refused fa .filOit agairtatihe kiug, orio jolt the pulls !I they mordsmal theliwies. Lad sight- they entered, his house under preterme-of searchkgild anus; they ■;;tared hisras a royalist and carried Min to la Force. Alt, Abstains, they tell me the primmer, are not safe. The peoples have just killed the priest at the Atirlaimildriummem miziimM-way.4o the Carmelites. They mean trr - kill all the prisoners, and poioi Antoine wilt die. He is no conspirator Madame—be would fight with Dummies against thetPrussAms, but not nabs*, Swim. He h a patriot, Madame y I am yule they would not have put him in pram, only. , on my ectromu. They knew tils.was to be married to me, and Jibe dad*+ ter of kre • liereihs girt gave way to a bust pmeismate grief. Madame Roland shuddered; she had not yet heard of the madame. Pacifying the girt as well as she was able, she asked " And how can I assist Antoine, my child'," " Are yon not the wife of the Minister Roland!" inquired- the girl artlessly. " Yes ; but Roland is not here, and if be were I fear his ward would not go far with the keeper of la - Force, who holds his prisoneneby warrant of the Commune. Were he but Denten." " And you cannot save him, Madame," sobbed the poor •girE, " lie is no conspirator, Madame, but . he wil l die because he is my lover, and t the daughter of an emigre." " De not despair my child," said Madame rlßo land tend y, " Antoine:Aidl not die if Roland can save i int. But in these times, who can an swer for °tees life, even of his dearest friend, ny, or of bis own, amid the fury of the people, goaded to madness by the wrongs of their oppress ors? Ido not say your lover shall be released— that I cannot promise—but I will do what can be done to save him." The hope which began to beam in the eye of the young girl died away •a the wit', of the minis ter ceased speaking, but suddenly staining wp , she eagerly inquired : Did- Madame say Citizen Denton would ease Antoine P' • " I did not say he unutd," answered the lady, " bat perhaps, he has the power fa be chooses to exert ii. He has great influence at the. Commune and over the committee of arrreillaare. His word twill open the doors of any prison in Paris. Nay, it is nor improbable that Datum will do it cook) the wile of fLiland so far humble herself as to re quest it as a boon. Violent and terrible as be is at times, Danton is generous and has a heart open to the feelings of compassion. Roland may tail to procure year lover's release, my child, but w won from Danton will effect it, and trust me that word shall not tail to be spoken through any dainty sc:it ple of mine. Ere Madams Roland ceased speaking, the girl had glided from the room, and the next moment her retreating footsteps were heard in the street. I:=3 =i=i=l=l CHAPTER it ruz war. 01 Vauros. In a handsomely furnished room in a small house in the Cour de Commerce, sat the still beautiful and youthful wife of Denton. The night wearing late,. but Aiello.*** wets noisy and unquiet, and the lady ever and anon, stepped anxiously to the window and cast a glance without into the street.— Two infants lay slumbering upon a pallet in an ad. joining room. The lady gli led through the half open door, and bent down her head to listen to the linrathism of the sleepers. There were upon the in fantile features of the tiny slumberers distinctly to be traced, amid their childlike beauty and inno cence, the bold striking peculiarities of visage, the high cheek bones and prominent forehead, which bespoke them at once the sous of Denton.— As the lady turned from the pallet and re entered her mom, she suddenly found herself in the pres ence of a female, muffled in a thick veil, whose entrance in the house had been so quieter' to have been entirely unnoticed. Madime •Denton started, but the low, sweet tones of the womcn's voice re-assured her. " I seek the Minister of Justice," said she, at the same time drawing back the veil and revealing the sorrow4aricken, though beautiful features of Louis on tie Conceal. " Citizen Denton has been from home since morning," was the answer. "If your business with him be of • public nature and amen; youcan enquire for him at the Council of Ministers. If not entrust it to me and he shall know it before he sleeps to night." "Alas, Madame," said Louisan, as the tens mauled from her eyes, " I had hoped to meet him hers--seherst else can my boon be granted if not here under t h e roof of Denton—kneeliag at his feet and in your pteserce t At the Council, or among his comrades, he will not design to listen to the daughter of an emigre." Something - there was in the loot or secants of the seppriant, or in the hopeless grief that agitated her delicate frame, that touched the that heart of Madame Denton. She look the girl by the hand, led her frt a seat, and listened with a Moistened eye as Lciaison related her simple Amy. "And so Antoine is your lover," she said, after a pause, " and you were to be married on Tues day—and he is in prison ! Ah, me ! and you came to Denton to save him. Men call my ens. band blood-thirsty and pitiless: do you think he will save, your friend Antoine !'' " And why should be not,Madamer answered Lonisoo. "Why should Citizen Damon wish poor Antoine to be murdered 1 Antoine never injured him, and besides he is no conspirator; be is a pa triot, and it let ote of prison wool*l march with Do monriez to help kill the Prussians. The wife of the minister smiled through the. tears which were fast filling her eyes. Gently pressing the girl's Land, and drawing closer to her side, she spoke to her with all the confidential gossip of a friend, mid yet with a child-late feeling of pride: "Lack, yea now, the aristocrats call my husband - - II EI GOODRICII. ricuetead teletellese ; so he may be to the enemies of the country, Lw Denton is agoodpatriot ; but be haspo,pnvaral enersies,end.if Yogi Antoine had donshiot fify wrmrss, be would just as Wen open hia.prison doors, especially for one word of mine. Do you see, Mademoiselle, a was but yesterday be set Monsietir Avueve free, who used to strive bitterly ageinlAititn• at the Jacobins, and Qupost, and Laureue, too, and otttersrins told me so Lim self this asimissig...sed when was Denton ever, known to be aughibuknoble.and nee tohisfriends. Ab, Mademoiselle, if Antoine bad only been Dna, ton's/fir:od, it wouldnotfiava been the, committee of serveilksw., DOC the win* Commtms toge&er, with Mary tt the head of it, this would have tom him away, even from the daughter of an.anigre— Ret Antoine shall be released. Be comforted my dear, Denton shall set him free ; 6e Phan receive, no injury." The poor girl wept with joy as she kissed the band of her kind benefactor. J Ah, Madame, how good you are ! bow can I thank you I" 1, We shall see when Antoine is released. And now my dear, you are tired. Blest here to nk;ht, .and to-morrow Denton himself shall tell you that your friend is true." Louismi slept soundly that night, notwithstand ing her wief and anxiety, and dreamed of Antoine, The rays of the sun were streaming,. tuU M at the window before the awoke. Laterhat night the heavy tread of Dan on was heard entering his dwelling. There was an air of wild and fierce excitement visible, upon his fea tures, which he io vain strove to conceal under an assumed gayety. His wife flew . to meet him. He clasped her tenderly in his arms, gently parted back her raven hair from her forehead withlis large hand, and thrice kissed her brow with fste passion ate ardor of a young lover, Madame Datiton rela ted her story of Louvet de Courval, and her hus band, looking with fond tenderness upon her, smil ed the while, as though he had _fiirgotten that at that very moment, ISaillard and his hellish crew were sacking the prison and murdering their in mates. She saw in his countenance that her re quest was granted before it was made. M. dune Damon banded her husband a letter which the cou rier, in baste had left at the dpur late that -evening. He broke the seal, and read as follows : "Crrizes tans - rEa,— " A young officer in the National Guards, called Antoine—his other name is not known to me—is confined in Is Force. The o.tly crime <1 which he seems to be accused is that he is to be married to the daughter of an emigre. The wile of Roland en treats Citizen Wilton, as the first boon she has ever asked at his bards, that he will aid in affecting the young man's release. Roland joins with me hearti ly in the request..? banton Cast fiye - Tetter negligently upon the table Profuse, prodigal, even careless in his generosity, he hesitated not for a moment. • " h needs not this," he remarked pointing to the letter, " though I would cheerfully gratify the ca price of our lady minister in a graver matter. Your request, sweet," addressing his wife, "shall be obeyed. Antoine nungrbe set at liberty though he were a fugitive emigre himself; Mallard's judg ment tribunal will have victims enough without him." Thus speaking. he turned to the pallat where lay his sleeping children, and bending over them a mo ment, he kissed them tenderly. What a scene was that ! Danton, the revolutionist, the man often-or, bending with a father's affection over the couch of the sleeping innocence ! With a hasty step he left the tiwelling and his wife heard his retreating foot steps died away in the distance. In about an'bour he again returned, and throwing himself upon his couch Danton slept. CHAPTER THE HOTEL DE L'A VOncr The night of the 24th of September, 1792, was long remembered in Paris as a night of terror and crime. Such a scene had never before been wit nessed in France. A group of furious monsters, in tolicated with, wine furnished by the Commune, and frantic as blixslberinds with the taste of blood, were murdering the captives in the prison. At the Hotel de la Force a young officer of the National Guards, amid a crowd of other captives, was watching out the weary hours of the night. It was Antoine Boudry. - Sleep had been a stranger to the prisoner. The noise of the frightful tumult in the street had dinned in the ears 'lithe prisoners of la Force incessantly since nightfall, and full w II they knew what frightful scenes were then enact ing, in the ether prisons iu Par:s, for the crowd with out boasted openly of the deed,—and taunted and threatened the wre:cbed inmates. The fearful *ago ny of suspense—the cold, dead, death-like chill of apprehension carried a more poignant terror to the hearts of the prisoners. Every moment they deerti ed the walls of their own prison were about lobe as sailed every group of men who rushed by about irg with drunken fort, or sending forth yells of blind and furious rage, they thought were the exe cutioners about to wreak open them their bloody vengeance. An universal, death-lile chill of terr rr seemed to set like a pall over the inmates of la. Force. It wa•, perhaps strange that Antoine Boadry, amid the gen mat panic, felt for his own personal safety little alarm, at that fearful moment, or rather felt within his bosom the cou&lence of some unforseen delis prance. Antoine himself did not perhaps as•ribe this lightness of !wank) the right cause. Lave that night the jailor had whispered his name, and call ing him to the wicket, placed a slip of paper in his hand : "Take this," said he, "It comes from one who wishes to befriend yoo—but resort to it only in. the last emergency." The jailor disappeared before he could ask him a question, and Antoine had in vain attempted by the dim and Bickering , light, which straggled with the darkness of his dungeon, to decipher the coo- lents of the paper, or eau the ,mature artsched t 0 it. e~~ ; ~~~~ ~fix, IMO - 4. 1: 27 k . .74- . 2 ;:i.. 'k. ' .74.7 . VP ' J' 4,, ~,,,,!,:-.,,, - ~.,4 '. .t.,1 •-: . 1 f.';' 4, -, r , .:( - - t,', ~ ..Wtty.. I. ..",",-Z.'`''4=-0 , , k' ,V- .? ' -., ~,#.,- '. "7"; ~~'~r:z is :i' ~; MN Length, Mit Italia Of morning was about to break upon Paris, a lee den( from a' group rapidly marcbmg upon the prism attracted the attention of the national Guard. fie clambered up to the naterkwin!law,,arni coded. ael 4. 1 09 , er a company of some fifty or sixty murderous 7 blood thttsty lookineruffiatia entering MeMurcyanic At their haul Wrfsetitetl !tali iswordi. who -Seemed \Maling with ~ i 4l9XlC:4tictA-744i, shiriift.e4s roiled co t abate kw 14,614 4" lite; borer and weitt l etei4erfiiidr thied.-: Theyieisttied. pilterikisciroptviiber Lights danced smong - thafrea. n -stli d, sll altogether the scene resentbleltrirrbat it has treeri. fit ly styled, lb* 4 8siontalitiref ffeflt'A • Aloud mice was heatifiQ.ling epotehip. keeper of the prison—and the bustle of hasty preparation . followed. A' table - was provided, 'at the bead of which the leader of the gang,. seateiLltim self as flap, his elbows resting upon it, and a list of the prisoners, famished by the keeper, spread beldre him. One • by one he coiled out the names of the prisoners, who were harried instantly be fore him and in a moment &Her the captiies with-- in corrld either hear. the death groans of the victims in the court yard, as they sank beneath the pikes of the ruffians, or the loud shout of rice la nation, which announced their acquittaL , Antoine's turn came at last. Wixh s bold countenance he met the steady gaze of l‘laillariLand the dozen cr twea- . ty savage faces which dm:mged . the table. r. our name," growled one or these men in a Fourth voice. °No muter for chat, citizen," ejaculated Mail lard. '.lle is a conopirator, else why is he here at la Force.!' ``l know him: says another, "he was with the villain Mandat, on the 10th of August, at the pal. ace. lie refused to tura against the king when the Swiftsfired against the people—and besides he is to marry the daughter of the emigre and traitor, Monsieur de -Cooreal." "Let biro go forth to meet justice from the peo ple," said Maillard. Field, Messieurs," said Antoine, struggling be tween two of the ruffins who were hurrying him from the room, and suddenly recollecting the pa per in his poeket—"tCad this"—and beheaded his piper to Maillard. - The p identighineeilart it a moment—" Antoine 13oudry," fie muttered. “parrheu—but I had for gotten ! This from Citizen Danton—and I have in my pocket a charge, too, to look to this young man. This raustriot be. Stay citizens ; not so hasty " And Maillard drew a paper fitim his pocket while the men let go their bold upotrAntoine.. • ."Citizen Botalry is no traing, Messieurs, hem is a good voucher:" .And Maillard read— " Set Citizen Antoine Dculdty free. He is faith ful and true to the nation and not one of the. con spirators.. Dssvoit." . A about of Via /a Nation! rim Denton, went up from the lips of those who thronged that fearfitt judgment seat. The men who lead seized Antoine for the purpose of thrusting him oat to meet the vengeance of the people, now threw their arms around him in a transport of joy, and even shed tears, as they conducted him through the Woody pikes and uplifted axes of the ruffians who thron ed the gates of Is Force. Antoine shuddered as he beheld the mangled corpses of the . victims *rho sieved the coed-yard. And as he turned from the frightful scene, while terror lent swift wing, to his tootsteps—right there—lull before him—upon an uplifter pike—he met the bloody head of the bosun. MI Princess Ze Lam belle! CHAPTER VI ANTOINC. Paris was saved. The genius and skill of Darn ourier baffled the Prussians. That great soldier seized upon the pass of the forest of Argonare--the Thermopyle of France--' : and with the aid of the levies which Danton sent for. from Paris, succeed ed iq roiling back the tide of war over the frontier. In 'the brilliant cannonade of Valmy. under Kell ermann. a young Aief de battallion distinvished himself at the bead of his column for his conduct and daring intrepidity. Kellermann made him it colonel on the field of battle. Under Dumetwieuk,, at the splendid victory of Sarnappea; this sem& young, officer charging. at the head of a republicao, squadron routed a regiment of the enemy, and woo l carried, desperately wounded; fro& the field of baii;;,.. de. ,! ' Antoine Bonary, the young hero of Valmy aft_ lemapoeit, eifabled from active service in the field" returned to Paris. lie found Foniaon de Courtrai an inmate al the hospitable mansion of Denton.— Bni the days of terror were Sun stealing- ever the capitol of France. Antoine, with his yOung bride, the emigre, dAnnhter. retired to the protinces, and it was not until the star of Napideon hiui risen that he again returned to Paris to meet with hitt wife around the board of the once poneribed, but now restored P.migre de Coursal. On Stemet. entering a coffee recta at York, a MI- A., starinalim full in the Lace, said : "Eis hated a parso.n. " Vpon which Sieme rejoined: "And so, sir. does my d 0.7, for, as tam as I paten oryttiarn and eoe■nek, he falls a backing." "'lndeed," repli ed A., " bow loop, has he done an ?" Ever-since be was a puppy,air,"answered S. "and I stiff loot opon him as one." "sonny, I don't see anything growing oboist here, what does your father raise on this land r , "Wall ; he raises hackmt hick grasshoppers, hop toads, tumble-bu t * and some other wege.tables.— 'Yesterday he raised a.double-brerstedpig pea riatit under the window, and mother raised Cain.", " Was, will you take my anal" "La, xlek,and you too:' "Can'tsgure bot the arm, hastily replied the os,d . bsertilur. isruta l epn't take it, as my Met to ie to go the a sae:* beg' or noor." 1151 ty, •=l= l / 3