itlaicaL CAUTION EXTRA., A man by the name of ti.. 11 rr has engaged with • Time ones of the name of tt. P. Townsend. and uses his trams to pet ape harotpartlia, which they nail Tnwassalre denionineelie It EXE'/XE. etc. This Tnwomeed no doctor, land ,lever wits, hut unit o.rnterly t worker as tell Setiula,cenals, and the like. Vet be nssurnes the title of Dr- the the purpose of reline reedit rise *tint he is not. This Is teems. Om the pnblk not to be deceived. and purchase none bet the SE.hrtlyile Oftiiti/X-1 /. Ora) lie. Jitrob l'uvresand's Sans partite, having on It the old ltr't Ilk. news, his Comity east Oil atm; tad his signntme soros, the of sm.. Prooripsi ICU Xii•estsi rt., Nee Fork Caw OLD DR. JACv.. VIE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF TILE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years of are. and has lone been known as the .IC7/10 ft sad OISCOP ER It of the F..AT , ORIGINAL .• /CANT-St') t o fra -IP .IEII. 1.A." Being poor, be tans rotn pol l ed SO h a nit . ..titre, by liSch mem.. II trts hot n kept not of nllrLet and the ...le* nit etonseribed u. th...e only Who had peeved its uorth sod known Its imbue. It hod reached the ears of me ey, neseeseteless. as those persons a hu hod wen healed of suck disease- end saved grout nesth, tit nxrehettro end wonderful EA LING PO WE . Ttnnviing, wane years ore. tha t he bad:"ln his 51.,1h science and experience, des tied an artiste whop would be al inealeil bide rat,tant.iee t•IltIod n hen the lon., nnohl he fur nished to Ming It ran universel notice, when its innutimble virtues would he known and appreciated. Tots time has come. the means are supplied • this G.R.IND -CYO V.V•FQ ft If. f.rn PR EP.IR,lr,ox is midinftictured on the largest *rule. end is called for through eut the length end Wreath of the land especially es it is found Incapable of defenerltlon nr tletermmuirm. ffnlike young S. P Ton nemora, tt improves with age, and Bever eh inset, but for the better becense tt is prepared en *mew ,tifie principles by a re,poi , fie ace. The hightail knowledge of I:hemmers% and the latest discoveries of the tut, have all been oronglf. isto requimimn in the uinnufseture 01 (he Old Dr'. Sarsapardia. The :same partite root. it is well known to medical men.contons many medicinal properties. and souse properties which ore inert ur useless, and others, which if reWned In Pm pre- en; it for it tn ee, prod e ere- t est titan and nerd, n hocie is in iehatts. to Ilia I)).tens. Si me f the properties of Sarsaparilla are so .0:41,:e that they e, tircie evsllnre to and ,r' lost Sri the preparation. if they nos n oreseri ed by asr restiiir process. known only to thole expri.enred in it. nosnanet , l n More"ref these volatile peencipfee, which. fl) off in v ,por, or se an etch. la bun. under heat, are the so.) tad meelscal ?rope:leo set the par ti it. chine. Airyperson can Lort o n slew the mot till they get a dark Waled n g uld. which is mare from the coloring matter In the mot thee front any thing else; they ewe then strain this insipid or vapid liquid. sweeten with none mob end then cell it "BAR BAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYRCP.” But such Is out the article known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. This is sn prepared. that all the inert pmperfies of the Bar 'awais root ors dot removed. every [hum capable of becoming and or of fermentation, is extracted and rejected, then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pore and cnacentreted form; and thus it is rendered incapable of losing any of its valu able and heeling properties. Prepared in this way, it Is made the must post erful agent In the Cute of innumerable diseases. Itenea the reason why'. we hear commendatems on every side al its favor by men, women, and children. We find it doing wonders an therure of CONS U.MP Tffi.Y, GPS PEPS Li, and LEVER PLALVE, and In RINI U.M. , ITIa.M. ItCROFUL..f. PILES. COSTIVENESS. all CUT-CA - EU CS Ell CPT:C.I7, PIM PLES, BLOC — EII E... and all affections ;mount horn IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It posseises a marvellous efficacy In all complaints arising bout Dultg”tiois. from Acrdity of bits Statoark. from - Unequal Mesabi determinnuon of blood to the head. palpitation of the heart. cold feet and hands, cold chills and hot flashes over the body U • has not its equal in Colds apd (beer. ; and promote. easy en. pectoretion and gentle perspiration, relaxing stricture of the- lunge, throat. and every other tort. But In nothing is Its ereellence more manifestly seen and ne knowledged than in all kinds and stage. of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. •It works 'vendee" In eases of Pror.qtbos or (nitro. Fall.; of Ihr•Wasob, o.4strutted. Suppressed. or PatafelNeners, kr - eviler icy of the menstrael periods, and the like ; 'and is as effectual In raring all the forme of Kidney thorson. .Dy removing obstructrons, and regulating the general aye tem, It give, tone and strength to the whole body. and thus cores all forms of Nervous diseases and debility, and thus prevents or feileves a great variety M other inalndies, pploal ,runnier, Nested/era, At. Vitas 'Dance, Streentsig, Epileptic Kt.e. ( - pored, tons, der. It 'leen... , the blood. excites the liver to healthy action. tones the *Pennell. and rives good digestion, relieves the bowels of torpor nod constiptitoin. s inda tttttt anon, purities the skin, equalises the Cirrielation of the-bin d. producing gentle warmth equally an over the bdy. and the insensible perspiration; re Ares all strictures and tightness. removes all obstructions, and Invigoratas the entire nervous system. Is not this then The medicine yon pre-eminently need I Bat can any of these things be said MS. P. Townsend'• infe• Dor erticie 7 This Tonne man's lionid is not b. he COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR'S, because of one GRAND FACT, that the one is INCAPABLE of DETEttIORATION. and NEVER SPOILS, while 'the other DOES ; wares;, ferasentrag, and blefortag A. Boutaa containing it into fragments ; the unit, acid liquid stele dung. and danwong other goods ! blunt not this horrible cote pound he poisonous to the system 1— Weer ! pet acid faro a ohystret afeende dist...aped with arid , What causes Dyspepsia but acid 1 Do we not nil know that when food sours In oar SlMl netts. what Inlsebleh it produres 1 flattrers, heartburn. ;whit • tattoo of the heir" liver plaint. dinrrhres, dysentery. tithe, and corruption of the blood 1 What is firmfoin bat an acid humor an tile body I What produces ell the humor, which bring on Ernutions of the Skin, Staid Head. Salt Rheum. Flo' sipelas, White Sal Fever Sures, and oil ulcerations in terns! and external I It is nothing nudes hekven, but an acid enlist:ince. %bid) swim, and thusstems all the fluids of the ' body. ['woe Of lns. IChnt causes It bebniall•in but a Sour of acid Sold, st hick' mania tee 14.11 bale ern the .roMut and el, where., Ind-,ms andAntlaubour the delicate iesuee upon which It octal Plo of eirr'ous diseases, of impurity of the hived I deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which adlict human 'nature. Now* is it not. big to make and sell. and reflattese worm In 11. e Slit. . SOURING, FERMENTING. ACID " COMPOUND*, OF S. P. TOWNSEND, • end vet he would fritra hove it understood that f IS. Jacob Townsend's tr Oar- maul Sarsapro-die, is an LS riwrion of his inferior preparation Ileaven forbid that a e Month! deal in an article which would twat the turat d.•tani resembinece to 11. P. Towasentre article I winch should bring d. w n 01.4.11 the Old Dr. such s mixansia load of complains and r ranin s Lions from Agents who have sold, and purchasers who have used S. Paownsced's PERM ENTING COMPOUND. Wewish it understood. bemuse it is the uremia& reed. that S. '. Townsends article sod Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sam separilla are Asnern-ride spirt, sad infinttaly dumunilar ; that shay are unlike in every particular, having notes, single thing - to common. As S. P. Townsend is on dental-, end never was, le no chemist. no pharitiriceutiai—knows nn more of medicine dt dis ease than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional man. what guarantee can the public have that they are reeeivine a genuine screntilic medicine, containing all the virtues of the .articies used in preparing it and which are incapable of dosages which might render them the AGENTS of Disease instmut of health. But aril it else should he espentod from nee nho knows myth leg comparatively of medians or disease I It requires a person of soma expenence to cook and serve up even a rommon decent meal. Dow mach morn important Is it that the permi who man 'ancient nte4hr.kne, designed Inc WEAE STOMACHS AND ENTEERLED SYSTEMS, should know well the medical properties of plants. the best manner of securing and coneentrating their healing virtues, alma. emensice knowledge of the various diseases which affect the human sm , terti and how to adapt remedies to these- diseases! It is to arrest frund. upon the nnfortunate, to pont balm into wounded humanity. to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to imam* health and bloom. and vigor into the crushed and bra ken. and to banish infihnity that t 11,1) DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOI'\O the opponeerty and means Ca beteg Grand ' Universal Concentrated Reused' , within the reach. and trt the k min ledge of all w ton need it, (bat . -they ma' learn and hams, by jol etiveriemx. iu Transcendent Power to [Leal. DO JAOOiToWSWIP.O. NNW VUM Oct. S. INK SIR On the _'ugh of Jul'. 047. I was sigma attacked with rhetinintivin. and continued, under v morns prescriptions. to grow worse for at but two mouths. I because' enurely Incapable or feting s y.df, or - .among in led. or helping myeallf any way. lit this name I continued until January. INS& w Me' I Lemma to mend a little and improve gradually till the lot Mag. „i This ameadment was 'only so - thir as to lie able to feed engau(l,, though atilt - Incapable of getting in or out of bed. or even tossisindr fa Del. I tonatiwil in this C•II1.11t1011. w with little or DO champs. until I fairly despaired of petting about again this season. Chi the gist July. I was minced to try yota hamaparille; on the it& three dvy.s after taking the first dose. 1./MO.SE IX Bin.. which I . had not dine before in ten months, and an less than a week, I W.11.;t1:.1) _!CROSS THF. R 90.11: vrlfh the aid ot ern or hen • 7 1neoi then. I hose enikett . in thestheet : have gone alone :rum 36 spruce-street too the l'iork thence to logre9rl'a flotel and beak. 1 have been to ek Nassau sweat town differebt tomes. and non now frequently tautly toy avert bars. Punta oe.l do. time. I have taken lon fee bou4wieof Old Illr. Tim tweed** fiarmpoutlla. t (Cl. 4 I lei...well nat:diter Mottle f3th ( let ) and I walked twice arrost the dont setthetet the aid of t such., I hose also 'marl) rectos , qmy4 from tabt.truelitte of water, which gave not eretrt o distress. Tbe. t ip is my hack Ilia 'likewise tali, me 1 and toy family twin two c.trtioly reams tc sty rtcurcr, to an, oilierattia terto Orel) DR J.7c - r)L 70 trA r n,Mirs 5.441 Sal P. 4 ALLA. , A I.Efr. W t. 11. Xio Spruce at. • -,4-15 , -Mimeral-ab4 physicians de.p.lred.ormr tver walkhg , fonirranang myself Innis my I.l%tapais. Office Ort Plettna4trect. N. T. City. tkbid whataaala and retail, in Towanda. Pa,, by 1111 41A411 MIX, agent far Ilionhern Peons)tvania. ..34y ldJso in,Troy by to.. inicti. King ; Bnitington, i9ll & Gre c !Omen. C. ti. Gridley. 1. Ort,s & Y,E-STIAT id IV*llOO Mdle .1 by the sro.., at \o.:, U. IL F0X."8.. Stating. WriiEZEVEME. ° B OICIEMICEDVA Cootslsm no literary or other Ilocral. TT has power to :cotton all EXTERNAL BORES 1. SCROFULOUS HUMORE. SKIN DISEASES, POISONOUS- WOUNDS, to discharge their putrid matters, and then heals them. It is rightly termed ALL-HEALING, for there is acutely a disease:external or internal, that it will not benefit. I have used it for the last sixteen years. for all diseases of the chest. involving the utmost danger Ind responsibility, and I drelare before heaven and maxi, that not in ore ease has it failed to bCiltfit when the pa ti at was within reach of mortal maw. I bate ha.' physicians learned in theme fession—l hare had ministers of the go" p' judges the bench, aldermen, lawyers. gentlemen of the highest erudition. -rod multitudes of the roof use it in every variety of - way, and there has been, but one toter—one universal voice—saving • • .3 it. . Wt., f a your oi,ll.ucht 4 good !' Rl,cumarsta.—Tt removes almost immediately the i n fl a mmation and swelling when the pain ceases.— Read the directions r round the box. Head itehe.—The salve has can d persons of the bead ache of twelve year. standing, and who had it regular every week so that vomiting toot place. Dcafnels. Ear-ache, Tooth-ache end Ague in the Face, are helped with like success. scald Ilead.—We have culled cases thet actually de fied every thing known, es well as the ability of fifteen to twenty doctors. One man told us he had spent $3OO on his children without any benefit, when a few boxes of the ointment cured them. Baldaesa.-1t will restore the hair sooner than any other thing. Tcller.—There is nothing better for tho cute of truer BuPni.—it is one of the best things in the world for burns. •• - . Pl/u.—Thousands are yearly . cured by this ointment. It sLVF.ta fails in giving relief for the Piles. Grl• Around the box are di , ections for using McAllis lee's Ointment for Scrofula, Liver• Complaint, Ery sipelas, Teller. Chill alarm, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, quinsy, Sore Throat, ; Bronchitis, Nervous affections, Pains. disease of the Spine. Head ache, Asthma, Ear ache, Burns, Corns, all Diseases of the skin, Sore lips Pimples, 4r; stiffness of the joints, Swelling of the Limbs, Sore limbs, Sores. Rheumatism, Piles, midfe 11, Croup, swelled or broken Breast, Tooth ache, Ague in the Face, lee., I t t. Q Aged persons find great relief in using this Oint ment freely. Corns.—Occasional use of the Ointment will always keep eirns from growing. People need never be trou bled with them if they use it frequently. ' (0 This Ointment is good for any part of the body Of limbs that are inflamed. In tome cases it should be applied often. • CA CT I 0 N . —No ointment will be genuine unless the alma of James McAllister is written with a pen Upon every label.. DAMES McALLIBrER, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. A a Esse—H.S. & M.C.MeREUR, Towanda 8. & W. S. Newman & Co., Canton ; Elmore Hor ton. Sugar Run. 46y Principal Office, at No. 28, North Third -at., Phila. delphie, where applications for agencies may be made. J. A. bane's Clothing Store, Elmira. Come listen now while I relate A tale I'm bound to tell, Of clothing sold at such a rate That none can undergo 11, One day f called on John A. Kane A suit of clothes to buy, . They were so cheap that I would. fain Persuade you all to try, Hum fcr John A. Kane, Herta ior John A. Kane ! We'll boy our clothing all of him, For beat him no one can. Hist , ock consists of every kind, And piled, my eyes! how high, You certainly can't help but Sod The thing to suit your eye. There's Suits to suit all aorta of men, For Wedding Church, or Shop There's Pants, Veria. there's Cloaks Of Coate a tbunderin lot Hurst for John A. Kane, H urea for .1. A. Kane. If once you buy a suit of him You're sure to call again. There's Dress and Sack, and frock Coats too Of Cloth the very best. There's under Clothing, Cravats too, Silk, Wool and Satin Vests. And as fitting to a fit I need not bere to tell s His clothing on each man :will set first rate— none better,—for he personally oversees the cutting Department, and has his goods made in the best manner, and the best style. HORS for John A. Kane, Hum for J. A. Kane For when I want a first rate fit, I'll call on him again. Some other time I'll tell you more But thiiitc.fure I close, He has on hand now in the Store A Stock of first rate clothes, So when you have a little time And cash on hand to spare, Remember that you'll always find • John A, Kane ready to give you the worth of your Money at No. 6, Water Street, fifth door west of the Bridge Hurra fur I, hit A. Kane, Hum for J. A. Kane NV ell bcy our clothing all of him For Beat him no ono can. 175 hands wanted for all kinds of work, immediate- JOHN A. KANE, Elmira, Aug. 21 '49. N. Y. & Erle Rail Road. EVERY BODY'S MARKET LINE. HE sithicribere are now prepared to receive Freight T of all kinds at the Owego, Binghamton, Great Bend, Lanesboro' and Factoryrilie Depots, Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week, and continue with regularity throughout the season. They will attend to forwarding the same to the New York Market, where thl have made arrangements with ex perienced salesmen, who will attend to tae selling of the same, and velum the proceeds - in Bankable fonds at either of the above Depots, to the following persons:— At the Store of F. Raynsford, Owego; C. M'Kinney, Binghamton ; at the Office of Jas. Griffin, Great .Bend; at. the Hotel of E. Benson, Lanesboro. Ansamrs. —F. Ravnsford. Owego; C. McKinney, Binghamton ; Jas. Griffin, Great Bend ; E. Benson, Lanesboro, and C. N. Wheeler, !Thine. JAS. SISK, Binghamton. JAS. GRIFFIN, Great Bend. Capt. James Sisk will superintend the business throughout the whole Line, and receive and fill all or ders for Groceries, Pruitt., Fish,- Oysters, dcei which will he bought et the lowest prices in New Taft and forwoded to either of the shoes named Depots. SHAVING, AND HAIR DRESIINO (01;1341 atinD tiqlraitraaanta r rHE Subscribers having entered into partnership in the above liminess, for that purpose have fitted up two ahops, one in the basement of the Wert House, the ether in the Union Block, where they will be ready to serve their numerous patrons at all seasonable hours.— Operations in their business will be performed in the heat style, and with the limit possible discomfort to the subject They will constantly keep on band all sorts of Oils sad Perfumery; also Ilasx-Dye. a very superior arti cle, which will permanently chant_ the hair from gray, yellow, or fiaiumg Ted to glossy black or lisentifat brown. No apology can hereafter be offered for those ugly colored moustaches and whiskers that often dis figure otherwise fine features ; and even age itself may disguise the ravages of time, and at pleasure assume the semblance-of youth. Those ladies to whom nature has dented the ornament of • beautiful head of hair, may have the defect 'applied by calling on us. •3 W ARM & COLD BATHS. eat be bad at all hours,-at the shag in the Ward House. SOL. COOPER, JOHN CARTER. Oct. I t 18411 1111144T8 children., and infants Glover sad' Hose at my 23 . DREB/1 GREEN OR BLACK TEA—Warranted L . ' good or no sale, the money returned in an died where Tei does not stilt at mrl.3 FOWL 3nIDOZEN more oftitser Hiniataipefe 4444 %, cia at tal23 .~kbifAl•~ MYERS' 'UQUID CURE, t 'owns AND travziminamo REMEDY POR PILES, TMTH= Internal, Maenad, Blind et Skates, Scrofula, White Swelling, Cleans, and Ukerated Son throat, Center Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cate name Diseases; Nercorial Affections, Am Alm for scalds, Bums, Cute, Sprains. Bruises, &e. We feel justified in proclaiming THE PACT TO THE WORLD that of all medicines ever brought before the Public. T' have ever been more beneficial to af• &wed humanity than " Myers Liquid Cure." We know that this is saying a great deal, bet if we were to writs volumes, we could not say too mud in praise of this HiaLTII-RISTORINO, LI/E-PIROLONCIIIO RLMILDT.-- Hundreds, nay thousands, bless the happy hoar wheu first thEy were acquainted with its iranscendant virtues; and our present purpose is to inform other thousands, how and where they may obtain that relief, which they perhaps, have long sought for n vain: - The superior excellence of this preparation -over all other - medicines for the speedy and prolamin curs o PILES is well known to all who have tested it. It has been proved in thousands of instances, and has NENTR FAILRD to curs the MOST OBSTINATE CASES, and we are confident it • NEVER WILL FAIL if used a proper length of time according to directions. As a proof of our entire confidence in its efficacy, we assure all purchasers that, Maher a proper trial,it prove ineffectual. the Money paid for it will be Returned. The " Liquid. Cure" is an effirctual Remedy . for Ring worms, Biks, Pimples, Barbers' Itch, Frosted Limbs, Chilbrains, Salt Rhreum, .4Vusquifir Bites. Stings of Poisonous Insects, ke., and for Cutaneous Diseases of every description. It is both' safe aid etre:Arial for RHEUMATISM, giving immediate and permanent relief. No preparations now before the Public can surpass the excellence of the " Liquid Cure" for Scald+, Burns Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, &c. Its affects as • REAL PAIN 'KILLER are MAGICAL, Every Family in the Land should provide themselves with this Invaluable Prepsr ation, the cheapness of which places it within the reach of all. Full Directions sceompany each bottle. Pamphlets containing copies of , medicates from those who have tested the "Liquid dam". may be had Gratis of our authorised agents. " Myers * Liquid Cure" is prepped only by JEROME & Co., 91 Spruce Street, hew York. For sale by HIRAM MIX, Towanda, agent for this county, and by C. H. Hetrick, Athena; Rufus King, Troy ; James H. Phinney, Mouroeton ; Henry Gibbs, Orwell. iii eowy Dr. Swam's. Celebrated Family .111rilitimes: CCU". FOLLOWS CURIO MORE PROOF OF THE EFFICACY OF Dn. EiV'AIMPB - Compound Syrup of Will Cherr - y! THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE PREPARATION CONSIUM PllOll, Coughs, -Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint Spitting Blood, difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart Influenza, Croup, broken Constitution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debility, and all diseaiea of Throat, Breast and Lung;' the most effectual and speedy cure known for any of the above diseases Dr. Swam's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, RELIABLE TESTIMONY. incl. Milton Earle, editor of the Worcester Spy Mass., was attacked with • severe inffarnation of the lungs, accompanied with a distressing cough; after using various other remedies with little or no benefit, by the use of one hurtle of Dr. Sweyne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, he was restored to perfect health. Wm. Montelius, a respectable merchant of St. Clair, Schuylkill county. writcs,January 30, 1840 :—Enclos. al I send you a certifieate of Wm. Beaumont. • chi ism of our town. His case of consumption is well known here, and of long standing; he attributes his cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. IMPORTANT CAUTION—READ! READ!! There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cher 7. and that is Dv. Swayne's, the first s er offered to i f i the public, which has been largely thro bout the FI. States used, and some parts of Europe; and all prep. *whine called by the Dome of Wild Cherry have been put out since this, tinier cover of some circumstances, in order to give currency to their sales. Each bottle of the genuine is enveloped with • beautiful steel en graving, with the likeness of William Penn thereon ; also Dr. 3wayne's signature and as a further security, the portrait of Dr. Sway no Will be added hereafter, so as to distinguish his preparations from all others. G. SWAYNE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE. " A safe and effectual remedy for Worms, Dyspepsia Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspeptic children or sinks and the most useful Family Medicine ever offered to the public." This a Lics.DT is one which has proved successful for 1 a long time, and it is universally acknowledged by all who have tried it to be far superior (being so very pleasant to the taste at the same time effectual) to at y other medicine ever employed in diseases for which it is resommended. It not only destroys wonns,but it in vigorates the whole system. It is harmless in its ef fects, and the health of the patient is always improved by Its use even when no worms are discovered: Molts Goon News roe Tut Sice.—Anderstown, Indians.—Da. SwiT3rit—Dear Sir: All your medicine sell well, and give good satisfaction. Your Vslutible Compound tiptop of Wild Cherry has been the means of restoring some hopeless cases in this 'reheat.— Your Pills are most excellent. I want you tq lend a good supply of them. A man purchased • bottle of your Vermifuipe the other day for his child, and by its use it discharged 63 of the largest worms be bad ever seen. It is somewhat difficult to get the pedpi. to try it, as they have so often been gulled by . natpaii and worthless wont medicines Yonrs beiniso pleas. ant to the taste, at the same time erectus ; shall be able to dispose of • 'sip quantity. Respectfully, yours, &c., Towlissen T. Eiisar,, P. M. To Dr, Bwatsra, N. W. coiner of Eighth end Race its., Philadelphia. 't l',U Remember . the genuine is now put up in square bottles. DR. SWATXZ ' S 8175 AR tbOATILD 81asaranitma Aare EXTRACT OF TAR PILLtThe virtues of theme Pills ca nbe appreciated only ' those who have cried them ; they are adopted to assist haters , in carrying Off morbid smatter, obstructions impinity of the blood. fee... &c.— Tbey are a mile and effeetiver-pargetive, etireeet- all the .fienctions of the liver, iend as an Amino" in drop sical affections, they are Very valuable, and Should be lin every Gunny Tbey have an outside coating of pure White Seger. whereby everything diaagneable to the taste or smell is entirely vemowd, without in the least affecting the excellent galities of the mndicine. Remember ! they are now put up in boxes, turned out of the cilia wood. coveted with a reliable!, tittering the signature of Dr Swerve. Nerve other is genuine. The above valuable medicines are prepared-only by Dr. BWAYNE. N. W. corner of Eighth end flake street, Philadelphia. 1 AGENTS FOR BRADFORD COUNTY II valve &. Po sti se, Towanda Pa. Ohm. Rathbun,. Canton, Brown & Rockirell, Mon. Beidlemnio & Brown, A- - roeton, -1 ' ~.., %liens valley. ' C. H. Bertick, Athens. D. B. Pwkhurst. Lenity. Kinney & Sanders, Sho e. T. Murphy. Centreville: @benefit. 1 J. Dauiels. Burlington. M. Bullock 4 Co., East 8. W. 4D. F. Pomeroy, Sieitbbekt, : • Troy. 22y King & Yordionl, Troy. 111C2411rW•JMErlIntllir _ [SILL he how. on hand slams - meat, 53 18 to order oa shorter noting Plow inr no, than can be [Nodal:alai ang. other • i n the, lend. Thaw who aro wider thel3 of Taw coring that article will and shall be widafie4 A swat hearse awl pall 'nay be Nadia attendants Wlllordeolwal. September I, 1811 C. M. NYE A. UO. TERMS OF TItIONOWATIMIKIARBING scis_, OR board atiktuticsi,lnelodingOrdiegraphy,Otes 4- . 1 1 ing Writing; Asithmetie..Algebre;Dook, 4k doping. English grimmer. Rbetotic,'Comptigitidis, Vet - 4760y, Use of theGlobes,Minerskogy, Natural Ptsilsatiliy.and Astronomy: (with the use uf a good apparitba to Intro tram those studies,) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry, payable quarterly ip advanail sr ea tram, $lOO 00 Day @cholera, per quarter, P 00 ILITRA C111611€416 Frillell. per quarter, . $4 00 Latin, " 4 00 Spanish, .4- 4 00 Music. (on the piano,) psi quarter, 10 00 Embroidery and rug work, " 2 00 Any young lady receiving brim:a-Roil on the piano, a privileged to learn rug-work, or any one of the above anguages, and the same time, withetit additionalcharge. To a young lady who studies the English branches, the terms of learning each of the above branches, are per quarter, 6' $3 00 Instructions on the Guitar, 4 00 Use of Pianos. 75 !Drawing land painting in water colon, including the us@ of materials, such as drawing paper, paints, pencils, &c. 4 00 Oil painting on canvass.. " 10 00 Painting transparent window shades, including ' the supply of materials, each 4 00 Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per twelve lessons. 5 00 Gilding an milk, crape. &c. do. 3 00 Was flowers, per quarter, 6 00 Pena and ink, " ao Washing.. 2 50 Board in-ireestices, $2 00 per week, Letters post-paid, addreseedro the Misses WHITE &GRIFFIN. Binghamton, Broom co., N. Y., will rs leeive prompt attention. ____ - ______ BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY =db. .41041 JOHN W . WILCOX, has removed - his establish ment to the shop between Kingshery's and Bart lett's stares, and where he still solicits a share of public patronage. He intends, by a careful selection of stock, and by stlannon to the interests of his custo mers to make as Mutt le d durable work as can be ma nufactured in this part' It the country. He will keep constaney on hand, and tnanufisctrire io order, Morocco, Calf and Co se Hoofs and Shoes Ladies' Gailers, Shoes and Slits Children's do. Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, *c. -- -r • Country Produce, of most Aescriptimilt, Wien in payment for work, at the market price. • Towanda. April 26, 1847. f` CKETA.) - C - 1. Z.IO.IID Er i nt) l sT:A.B3).s3 THE sUbscriber Still continues manufacture and keep on hand the old stand of Tornkins and Makinson, all kinds of cane and 'mid meat CHAIRS; and SET 'EEB of various kinds4k BED. TEAM of every description, which I will sell low for cash or Produce, or Pine or Cherry Lumber, or c.I air plank, wiil be received for work. TURNING done to order in the neatest manner. Also, CABINET WORK, make and kept on hand, or made to order, im the beat manner. JAMES MAKINSON. Towanda, January , 4. 1649 CAUFORNIA GOLD MINIM OUTRIVALIED New Arrival of Jewelry. Clocks and Watches.- TAMES P. BELL respectfully ihflerme the citizens J of Towanda and vicinity, that ha hu lately return ed from Philadelphia, and may he found at the old stand, one door below the Brick Row, in the room for. merly occopied by Menne.. Hat Store, where he offers for sale a large and splendil assortment of JEW EL- R Y. consisting of gold and silver watches, gold, fob and guard chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pens, breast 'pins, anger tinge, &c., cheap for cash. and every article warranted. A large supply of CL• WKS, of the latest improved patterns, running from 30 hours to 8 _days and • month, with one winding. a -y Particular attention paid to repairing CLOCKS, WATCH E 8 & JEWELRY, of every description, and from the long experience which he has had in the ho miness, work left in his care will be done in 'helped workmanlike manner. Old gold ■nd silver taken in exchange. Towanda, October, 20, 1849. y Removed to north side Public Square ! 11 Ai Chamber/In, HAS just tetanal from the city of New York with a large d uk supply of Watches, Jewelry and ..- , 111 7 Silt er ware, comprising in part, •) 1 .. the following articles :—Lever, L'Epine and Plain Watkhes, with a complete assortment of Gold • Jewelry, such as ,Ear Rings.. Fi nger Rin to, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Beads—all [ Ol which he offers for rile exceeedingly cheap for CASH. Weclies repaired on short notice, and warranted to run well, or the money will he refunded, and a writ ten agreementAiven to that effect if required. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR. and Country PrOduce taken in payment for work ; and its v. learn note, and forever, that The Produce must be paid token the work is done—l war against credit in all its forma. .4 W. A. CRAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April S. 184 R. ' THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, MID NOW IT 1.. smao 1291x,i MIMLUIO.ID9 F. HARDER respectfully wishes to inform the C eitizems of Towanda, and the public that he has commenced the HARNESS AND TRUNK MAKING BUSIMMS, in Towanda, on Main street, a few doots above Bridge sheet, where he will keep constantly on hand or make to order, Plated and common Harness, Trunks and Trunk Vallee:4mnd all kinds of work in his line. CAR RIAGE TRIMMING and MILITARY WORK done to order. From his experience in the business, and punctuality in intending to it, ho hopes he may receive a ghats of pane patronage. o zr All kinds of work may be had at his shop cheap to than at any other shop in this county. Towanda, June 12, ''. 84R 1,1 THE CORYLE EXTRAGT, Or Nstore's Psis Destroyer, lid tonedy for-Disease rrws Extract is a pore liquid, free from every thing inconvenient or dangerous. As • pain extractor this medicine is superior to every thing yet trummered and u an application to reduce intimation. the skill of mankind is challenged to equal Nature in it. ft soothes the Nervous System—heals wounds, bruises, sprain., and cleans& ulcers--rednees all manners of swellings and tumors! and cur., Bummer Comptaints, Dysentery Infantile Diseases, Female complaints, and most of the' ordinary Family Ailments. READ THE OPINION OF HON. J JIIIN C. SPENCER After what i have stated. you will not he surprised et the declaration of my opinion and firm conviction, that the liquid prepared by yow.i. lass or Tea wrier meats:rains otorovserts ART, OF 111011. see Trim is; that it will prows a most effectual remedy for all nervous affections, and a core fur inflow mations, acute and chronic, when seasonably and prop erly. applied, Further observation and experimentwill be necessary m determine the best matter its. applies tion, whether internally or externally, and the quantity to be adgeisbeeekl. Your alit serrint. The shore madicitie may be Amato eft the 41/04- c i es k m th e sale of the celebrated Grasfeebirryg Mcdl• cram in dbf eogp ti se tune d .• . Lida' MTh. justrecei e d fir Ws by A. July 17. B. KWGBRERY & GO. 3161 • • . 'armlet- alder a-Penalty of al*. frf. rot lterettrt gad other ■metal Ilidetateet'l The lhil! Gamine -10,trure --RiGikif It as to maltathem a valuable lithentriptic. Dropsy, Gravel, and Female Complaints, arising from obstructions at certain periods, are speedily removed by their use. A tree Expectortation from the lungs - is excited by the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, thus re moving Pulmonary Complaints, such as Asthma, Bron chitis, Soreneis and Tightness of the breast, Coughs-, Bore Throat, /km By their action on the Stomach and Bowels, the Pills cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Palpitation of the Heart, Flatulency, Costiveness, Feverkof all kinds Pleurisy, Headache, Giddiness,' Dysentery, Piles, and all disorders of the intestines. . . Taken in small 'dose*, WrighV Indian Vegetable Pills become an Alterative Medicige, of great searching efficacy, for the care of Sores of all kinds, 'Fetter, Tumors. Jaundice, Lowness of Spirit', Neuralgia, Rash, Pains in the Bones &c. •• Thew Pills also thoroughly break up Influenza, in which complaint they are extremely valuable. • ; In 13iluus Complaints, these Pills exerciee a complete mastery. Hence Fever and Ague is speedily cured by the use of them. In the Western and Southern States wheie this disease mostly prevails, these Pills go like an avalanche. While they are cheaper then the fever and ague remedies in general, %% rights Inillatt-,Vegeta ble Pills have been pronounced superior tolall of them. Indeed, it would appear that if there is one complaint over which these Pills have more power than another, it is Fever and Ague. For destroying and expelling Worms, no Veimifuge to these Pills. Although we have not taken pains .to make this fact public, the merit of the medicine itself has sequired for it an extensive reputation and sale for the removal of Worms. Administered to adults or children, the efrect of the Pills is equally radical and decisive. All who sutler from Worms - should, by all !omens, use Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. In fact, no one can go and= id the use of this medi cine. They a.e natural to the boiljF as food is. A trial will convince the skeptical *thee Writtblealledian Vege table Pala, far from being a " quack nostrum, " ace decidedly the mull valuable medicine ever .olrered. to the publiC: BlwLax or SCOAII COATID COCNTITITZTTS ! Remember, thid the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of William Wright on the top of each box. The genuine is for sale by MONTANYES & Co., sole agents for Towanda; and by agents in all other parts of the Stine. Office devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetehle Pills, wholesale and Wail. 169 Race st., Philadelphia, 288 Greenwich st., New York. and 198 Tremont, Boston. 39y A SO V EREI GN BALM. Ti o other medicine has ever been introduced to the public that has met with such unparalleled suc cess, as Us. Roc cis Oriental Sovereign Babe Haying been but site years before the public, and the advertising small, competed with most other medicines, vet they have worked their way into every state in the Union and Ganadas. - They have abso:utely, become the Standard Medicine of the day. They-are , purely vegetable Ond so admirably compounded that when ta ken in large doses they speedily cure the most delicate, nervous female, and have raised numbers front their beds after ail other remedies had failed. • ' PIEweRE OF COUNTIERVEITs. As there-art s'purious PHIS in circulation called Ori ental or Sovereign Balm, be sure to see before you buy that the name of " Dr. E. L. Souk 4. Co." is on the face of the - hoxes. 'None others can be genuine. We are not aware that any one who is ;risking a spurious article has yet dared to make sae of our name; bet some of them have had the infpudence to imitate ou boxes and copy our Circulars, Certificates, 4c. Coles the public are careful when they purchase, they wil • be deceived. CC? The genuine SOVEREIGN BALM PILLS can be had wholesale and retail or Dr.• E. 1.. Soule 4r Co., Euclid, N. Y.. and in Towanda by HUSTON &POR TER, and by Arent, iti eel town in the country. q. Jags C. SPENCICIL intbicat. !y'Uri~ala! •.•.... 1. tr:,..7 0 A '`.-• , 1.11-411, A b ,- f NZil 'r OR I- EN TA L IP-';', ..... ; ,,.. ai W - -- 6, cc Dr. E. L: Soule & Co. 1 i r - _ -- . 1 \/ .. ' 4 ` , I sovEREICN r w q BALM 1 , 1 . - 1. , , _ --- - . To the Victor belongs* the Spoils. A-I.TOUG 11 . many preparations in the form of" Popu lar Medicines, have been before the public, claim ing to give Abel, and even cure the most inveterate diseases, yet none have so well simmered the purpose as Dr. Sherman's Medicated Lozenges. They ate agreea ble to the taste, easily admmisterell, and from the . un precedented success which they have met with, and the remarkable cures which they have performed, may justly lay claim to the title of Conqueror over the di; seases for which they have been recommended. Dr. Sherman's “ COUGH LOZENGES' Cure the most obstinate cane of Cough in a few hours. They have cured a large number of persons who have been given up by their physicbtos and friends, and many who have been reduced to the verge of the grave by spitting Mood. Consumption and Hectic Fever, by their use have bad rose of health restored to the liagginl cheek and now rive to speak forth, the praise of this invaluable medicine, Dr. Bherman's " WORM LOZENGES" Have been proved in more. than 400.000 cues to be in. falliable, in fact the only certain Worm . Destroying Medicine ever discovered. Milano Will eat them Then they cannot be forced to take any tither medicine, and the benefit dertved from the administration of medi cine to them in thil form is great beyond coneeption. When the breath ore child' becomes otfeesive, and them is picking of i e nose, grinding of the nose, grind- Dig of the-teeth during sleep, paleness about the lips with gushed ehebW, bleeding at the nose, headache, drowsiness,: starting during sleep. disturbed dreams, awaking with frightning screams, troublesome cough, feverishness thirst, voracious append:, sickness at the stomach and bleated stomach--these are among the many prominent symptoms of wanes, and can be relieved by these boompsrable Lounges. They have never been known to fail. Sherman% “ CAMPHOR LOZENGES” Relieving headache, nervou sick headache, palpitation of the heart and Nickname irt.aaw railway. They core lowness of spirits, dea, , ondently; flames; conic, spasms, cramps l athe stomach, summer or bowel complaints.-- they keep up the 'pints, dispel all the distressing of a dissipation, and enable a person te undergo-peat men tal or bodly, 401 i. Dr. Shermads• 'POOH MANS PLASTER" Is acknowledged' by all whwhave ever used it to be the boa strangthirig Plaster in the world and a sovereign remedy (or pains and wriknems in the back, loins, side beast. neck, limbs. loints, rheumatism, lumbago.. oiltc. One minions year will. not siipply the derreeed.—. Caution is neceme-y, as tbem am many unprincipled persons who would force a spurious snide upon the community. Be eareful to get tibelinaeli Poet Man's Plaster, with • "fac simile* of his written came on the back—rate other* are geguine and will do more hurt than good. Bold in Taw/ands IityIIMATON a Polk. TER. No, 1, Brick Row. • ' " ley GII'OHI4B--6oOd pOtterns and goOd colors for 1.2 c cts. at nay2o . VOWS, HEM SCROPUL* Aetablet guilhaffOrtheie, psr :t adsitstion to the Imp body. In User . tadoh:' they d. sz . - what neture does. nothing more-- , have:Lvov il•r01.10 I ax,uponthe loop, kidneys sod bow. Hence then pe ,r-power or* die- • _ ty ow. of Illeneotok 0 14 tie of sla 71Josad rf 4 . l terlyS fALL QUAlrrt IrY eedellirso Ira of a Mead* to 44; COW of .i M in AMOY thit ralbiyettidimi power in de Abdw ii iistarifalialna~krelt sock Dissatisi titre to iniOcii.7 alainfasiote dot— truant o McAdam in nreTY rtnßent and time h abundant infirm: eurnrisdiacted, that ONE BOTTLE of h outer.. urns panifyingintaling uirtoe, and swittorlymarr, dun Weed ha Four &Was of any sarsigur or au ode watigiaa that hu ever bamoifered fur sail. Thus is undoubted pn ,„, In our pamphlets. that by the use of dds grad Adam / Punk they that were "Dann. yet Lots—they that were Lamm na l Cartramen can now Mix—they that Were Bier: ecaorr ux . and otherwtme diseuid s hate benn.4W 4o and Crum promoting 'per- Won, they break up Is, C mghs, Rho*. ic Complain* Pain Eruptioni, Pimples, Hundieds—Thousends-- who have used Swint Pummis. aftethastm wed and Ats. the eitreveriammed other medicines recommended to ev e blood disease", }ate ofar,tded that— Brant's is the dheapest, because One Bock of It hos sore medieval. eurativr matt., a y • and. to coosespsewee,. cures wire discus* patch kso tau th at one bock of any other medicine. IC then, ONE Doak of Basne's Pinnies Will cant Fort TIMES fore dicers than one book of " Risen Pounce" would bees duals at four doilara AI bottle, as sou p ,. rata at oast dollar. .Bat BRANTS sold for ma ONE DOLLAR a bottle ; and as a bottle of it Ms cured, em capable of curing; Fear Thaw as moth theme as one idols a osasaperrilla, therefurasarsapartlls. In consequence of it, lm No r er end less medical efficacy, should be sold at so e, r , t h a , Toesty-Fire Owls Dee bottle, to be is rise se the he m ., a One peas.. One Dollar's i Wortli! How notch CfNcini—how mite flhntautta—hoot melt Soso- rvLs—wlll Out Douses aura of Brant. PURIFIER rune 1 kw the familial* ouosureast, whiah fa a arugtoest of no p 6.,„ aerramoves SCROFULA ! Thies la the a Dying mot who yd Zion. Ile was and of a worse came of Scrofula. by only Tzeire Bout. of Bnsrr Pushier, than ever was Cured by' he Me of Tank, G115,,,, f the beste=iffe that was ere'. made. Sarsaparilla n milking: node/ to effect the cure of such a reedo,o, Ap t r i i,. . ‘ j. B. flimast, at Rome. Oneida Co., R, T., bad Sonfaisim rem—was confined to bin bed the last year— be w as so mach diseased and debilitated as to be unable to raise his hand to hr head. He bad the beat medical advice—bad wed aft at the be sarsaparillas to no good effect—got werseandmonsioied was sidered to be in a Dying Sate, and amid not live maw" *ours longer, when he commenced using BRAwrs PUtIFILI His neck was omen nearly of, from ear la ear—a hole au „. [broach hi. windpipe, under hiichin, in that be breathed amino the hole—his ear was so eaten monoci`thet it mild be Ma „ out of la place, it only bolding by a naafi piece—the eur d oe ova was &iwoya by two Ulcers—am Ulcer under the em line as a mases kand, had neatly see libroußh his side em iii heck. Thus be was aillietecr with Windy Audi pittrid, mierktif., sear Mona on various parts of ids person. Per futtlierial fa Immaculate,. tee oar Psnaplikse. Doct. Thomas Wittlanta, ono of the most skilful - -ybyasi" of Rome. Was called to see Mashies the day kfare he emotertne wing Brawl, purifier Duct W. examined him , and ties toy him that all the medicines in the world could not cars hits—do his case was . . , alcbual. BRANDS , INDIAN PIJNYING EXTRACT Warms than Hopeless ! Now hear Mr. HABRINII 'lnternee% of ewe. Ile staid: NIT wife prorated ono bottle of RR,ANT'S PURIFYING Exrpot —TITAT 110rDLI enabled me to get 4 flty bed—the =CORD Lot tie enabled tale to get oat of the Itoviee-41:w THIRD enabled to n wa ik two num and whoa I had ealibed name Sine Bottles UT iItSSIGH Out of Drente Ulcers bad healed ap, and thr, ! va l e , mon effected a PERFECT CURE and VOTTRTEZIP WITNEIINESI The above Lets are eertitled to by DOrTOR. T. WILLIAM( Mr. (i. IL DROWN, of Wit ROM@ 11014 WWI BAZglif LEONARD. Druggists, and ELEVEN caber reepatable airmen. at Rows. CANCERS CURED. :s r . 0. B. misty, increitant. Mate., Otwet ,oar., N. Y. uf formed o. dill • cancer-doctor in said cvuntx • u..ei-rn,„ derftil CUM , of C•110EILS through the eificary 'of FlitANTti Prat. rfIikI„EXTRACT. A anwer-doctor m OWnee county, K T. also using said PrIUTTEIt. Mr. A. B. SI - TTLr. dru:C , ... o rusts. bane. Misqtrtimery county. Infyld US of a wawa cars 4fa Clinch& of long stsnsitsr, whteh was niece! on sit Nu tally of that pulls.' ll! ther'efore, this Priirtra rnw C 0.. b.. purifying. healing power. arhw ithpure dowser_ of the bow in It not curet Senn year.' experience and triumph my; uart su 0060 but what it will core.. FEVER-SOSW CURED The Be.. RICHARD 011N1.4 80. P.m/ of the Piernme a tharell, Adages Ruin. Manx( cosmty. N. Y.,,erote to oi -1 an Jost reverted a kilter from Mr..-Casseart Mrslime. relator 'o ate of his isrospiore. Yea may deWod whet a a s.Clirlstistli Ira sad as eider is tOselnudt. Sosoe year Sin se bad to base arra his legs vest at to gm his life.% ogairem if s Teneraore. The other ft• be now sifeeted. ma abv • re =pawed. I reosperAW Basgrias Wow= Brad ter suit lie says '1 Airs used yap mum ItarrLts of BRANI , MEDICINE. I plated au. Nom from tom seesteeststs.,•ss oltsdieme. lad Peen sow mmtlintogith th e bloom( of lbws, ar, Crated a aos of Ps leg!. See Pamphlets for fall prig:ibis LIVER-COMPLAINT: . Dr. NATHAN HUBBARD, of Steestfos&Costa, or of Or OM soul most respectable physicians. was sillieteol pot Lion re• plaint mum reassounS ova peefaits amid trymin BRANT'S ft bigynio We could Mme hundred. of oleo or also cured. FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND COMPLAINTS. No remedy offered to the public hini ever been Ataf as orlaslN trecßAN* .cramp ALL the incidental roodowsm and Onolfflo of the seem es Brasses Fuestafthe.Y Busse. it makes so de core whether the deransement be ripprolOos, unnos, o NOT. , IaNO—N imattLites ALL, by , the MT"- n' 62. CIRCULATION, and Noah* and giusiNig PILILTIN:a MITA= re See pamphlet' CHANGE OF Lire, - . Awm the syldtci the eieseithe ornass Mikffs ape—S • rear is acertsraerk and 'the so prods/nay . nolow0 • 4 NAP. Tent any Of thelotat dinar, Atm flelcently arise in oniNeCUr ands chants. • DriPel)sia-L-Sour Stomach! "Arcs °enema Co.. V. WALLACE —CO.hem/men< 1 vrit, for moll a year, 'Meted with • Mamie of the stomach. I ...mid sot etc fet or greasy substanee without causing mreat,psm erbeli,l6 vomiting. and was continually of with a iessr even,* 1.• an experiment. ivied .tea bottle of BR.AIiiT , S mkt to my utter disappointment, vaned and nibs-red nr seed T.r. ffr ovrling. I therefore used a second bottle. ..Met, hyremeeimora the disease. I am now well and hearty, and ran rat soMe al Using.without being pained. car the stomach hemming visr ••Yours respectfully. T S. WIl.r0I" Mr. Wlleor is a pottpe e ble.mrenhani of Attics • NURSING SORE MOUTH, LITORRRIEL tr • " Brum, Csitierstr. Co.. ICC, rte tt "Iliessra. M. T. WALLACE tr. CO.. Some tiro. lAA wife terearne debtiumed frtinothe effects of Lem' hit" w ..g sore Moe*, that abe could big" nil bet child m perform serve" !told labor. Her medical treatment was rimed advice and prevertirtione of the most eminent phis's:smut " skill wee exhausted In useless efforts. She berrme tie Max at the time she commenced taken g Reasei Maim ire enir More than eighty-live pounds: bat be tbstlmr taken/me banks, she !einem .perfectly well. The ears is welt!, that she is now enabled to do all necessary houseliold "ate wised thirty pounds of (le& in four weekar " R. Yours fiALE-ITINL: The reader will observe that ir Mr. Re, We me beceeted by Z. S. MY, Esq.. of Mc fLse seedbed medicine. MERCURIAL DISEASE' BRATS PURIFYING =TRACT le a rerfre."+... ". tutor of all the ejferts_qf hit. Y, of tee v , ... . 1.'5, WM§ of CALCINILL or MELcvair, .1. Ow yet" . n. ,, Ht &leo{ wife, and aOa parte ' to their on ~/.... sure, GENERAL DEBILITY DE THE SYSTEM! , Mr. A. HOLTSTANDER. merchant, citieviie: rmv.ev , 0 4 0 1 0 ' 1 tleikklra t TßlN S A Sl4 and after h X,g".11 ,71 : 2,17,;,.?av•P ormausoptive meek saMv ••.1 have personailvnera Marl, ILIFYLVG EX TRACT roc general detaliti of m, q`' . " : :„. o 4 hare eci beettallon In Kling'this it to the beat atwitter. end - tamosmart Till arirmr that I bare •ever uo.l. It.od aimed whom we have . old BRANTS !itEDICTSTS. re ." premed astir dlacmy, and pima the Besveiffirscves ' l• . . $ 4 kwr • RHEUM, ler iart axisT lM Ex it ehro ri de via cr.. " qf B LoOD, are 11411 1 , wi t For sale by HEMI ON & PORTER, Toll C. H'. Herrick, Ath - eusl;- C. E. Rathivene, Canto. D. Parkhurst, Eelroy4 Brawn . -At Rockwell, Shstrg, ton ; E.. W..oaird, Rummerfield ; M. H. Wrile".„ / alusittg ; D . Bailey & lon. Leßay s. tile ; T. Horf . " Orwell; Mayoatd & Woodburn . Rome ; E. ti..,,i' l. Bmitk6eld ; Coryelt 4-Gee, Burlington ;1- a E yon, Troy. , _ , I, __l Ai co. An letters ariil4ders must be address { 14! Goa & Co., 10t Broadway. N. T. - .. • NEW EST JBLISHifEII •Irm nv.iimmarar ,js-rituciogro, It M. NYE k CO., we spectlly inform the duress o 'f -7 -"-'!.'er-;"" 3,4IIS tIMISee , arida and the Public creew' :f ki-Rftwto.e.Yrdbearv--alan, kb:Kind:6o( mt:AnanVill_ll • FURNiTCRE , of the in' t tP .:, vials, and workminshinths 07, addition to the P; assortment in country shops, we will keep on hseL i mike to order SOFAS, of various and mas t pattern.; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered '° style, and for ease and durability cannot be wn even in our huge cities. Also. the half Frescb hogany Chair. beautifully upholstered , with c . h which never loses its elasticity, and finished beat bah; leafing,. We flatter OU RAW* ths had much experience in the businsu we shell k r to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, Dew quality ind . price. anti by strict attention to bripeto tnetit and 'neaten the patmnage of a Oda" - wonky. L. M. NYE 4 - • Towanda, September I, I R 49.