Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 02, 1850, Image 3

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    • -316 . , .
0g the amount, disitiptiOn and value of the real and personal property, trades. oceupat'on s =
pro fessions, &c., made taxable by the Act of 11th June 1440, and the seeeealacts pasted
n ow thereto, showing die amount of Tax assessed for County purposes in each township and Borough
i' s the County pf Bradford, and also showing the aum:usseseed for the use of the Conunentwealth and
, he apportionment thereof according to th e assessment made fu the year A. D. II" for MOO.,
- - -
Athens bo.
Athens twp
• Springfield
South Creck
St. Stone '
Towanda bu
" tp.
Voy "
Troy bgro'
BRADFORD COUNTY, 88.—We the Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify the above
statement, to be correct according to the returns made by the assessors of the several toWnatiips and
boroughs in said county. And re hereby give notice that the board of Revision will meet at the
Commissioners Office, in Towanda Boro', on Thursday and Friday, the 16th and 17th days of January,
A. D. 1850, to correct and equalize the above valuation.
Witness our hands and seal of office at Towanda, this 21st day of December 1849.
Atte S. Rrsssu.,
DDC.HALL reapectfullyinforms his friends and the
. public, that he ha. now for sale at his STORE,
s general and choice assortment of STOVES, of all
ones and patterns. which be is prepared to sell at whole
sale or •retail, or for country produce upon the
mon accommodating terms.
For simea, ibeetiron, copmr and tinware, his snort
meet is complete. He returns his thanks to his old
rilAtomersori whom, end the public he renews his loci.:
Town tit K is,. him a call before purchasing elsewhere;
Don't mistakeihe nktce—but remember HALL'S south
yule of die'Publie Square, in Montanyea Block.
Tho:.e Indebted to me, Sr. hereby notified that
I am now closing my books. and utiles* they come vo
lanterily and settle, they will be aompelled to do so,
wlfbout further untie*.
Towanda Dee. 12, 11349
Jro. 1. Brick Row.
- ITUSTON & PORTER ate now receiving. at No.
11 I, Brick Row, a I.tge addition to their former
mock, consisting of
Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, Liquors,
Oils, Paints, Dtestaffs. Fancy Goods, ke.
which will be sold at onusually low rates. They al.
• offrrt Tor sale the splendid and genuine pogo( the PE
KIN TEA COMPANY, for which they are agents, and
which they do not hesitate to recommend as being su
perior to any other imported. They have also the agen
cy of most of the genuine Patent Medicine., extant.
Towanda, November 29, 1849. •
cIPERM and Tallow Candles, by she box or pound,
ORRICKI3 VERMIFUGE , by the 'dozen or vial at
DEAD SHOT, for bed bugs. at the Drug store of
No. 1, thick Row. H. & P.
T RASIVE SOAP, for removing tar, paint., oils, &e.
warranted, at dl H. &.
DAY WATER, Colognes, Hair Oils, and Perfume.
re of all kinds. st Noo, B. R. H. & P.
fIROCERIES of alt kinde r for sale at lota prices at
U the Drug n(ofe at • di. IL At P.
AINTS.‘OiIs, dlast sod Dye etude, for male at
L No. 1, Etna Row. d I H. & P.
QYPERIIIII Wines and Liquors-40 Ms. that M.
petior WHISKEY just reteivtui ttt H. &P.
B Y an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford
co, will be exposed to pubi c said dt the prem
ises, in sheshrqutn township,Bradfohl o. Pa, on
SATURDAY the fith day of Jammer 18 0, at 10
ti clock , A. M`.. all that piece or parcel of la d lying
and being in said township , and bounded as olloars:
on then orth by lands belonging to the estate of Rich
ed N. Horton dec'd, Bettjaniin Smith, Calvin Smith
and Rent.en Young, on the east .'by lands of Syl
tester Horton and John Tompirini, on the south by
lands of David Horton and Burgearßaruum, and
vest by lands of U. E. Horton. ,Containing about
hat acres.
Also, on the serif day, at 2 o'clock P. M., on the
Memites, an equitable interest in the undivided half
•af one other piece or parcel of land situate in the
same township, bounded as follows, to wit: begiri
tipg at the north east corner of a lot contracted by
Avery Gore and Joseph kingsbery to Slice W.'frode,
merice one degree east 28 6-10 perches to a post,
thence nonh 39° west 140perehts lo a post on the
east line of Harey Smith's lot, thence month 1°
"est, Zg and 6-10 perches to the north west corner
the said Trude Lot, thence south 89° west one
hundred and forty perches to the beginning. Con
laming twenty-five acres and four perches strict
Attendance giten, and terms made known , on the
do of sale. CRAB. CHAI I TSE,
Shesheetain, Dee. 12th, 1849. Administrators
THIB Institution having been placed in charge
G. B. Baas' and H. M. Horn, A. 8., will
%Itimaher on Monday the 6th day of October next.
The Academical year will consist of four terms
2( eleven weeks each: Commencing respectively,
u rtti elo nth; 1849, January Xd. March 25th and June
~,.• 'Telefon pew Term t
-, o o .7raphr, Re Awe,. Writing, Geogra- •
,PhY and Rental At ohinetic. , 13 00
'tit maw w it h Wri,h,' Grammar. Adams'
Arhiviu uc and Town's Analysi s , 300
o9e,r. t 'hem o.t rr. Rhetoric, Logic As
—wry and Mil o 11,, eetoor, 4 fYO'
Mi•ara, i; , ,imeiry. " - rimmoinetry.• •
int, Cynic Section 4, Analytical Geometry.
kr, 450
'• - refit awl -Preorh Langueaes, • a 114 -
,u.t. I st and 2d terms.
.4_140...1an. received at any period of the term. end
7: 1 " , i , ndy frmi i'm lieut. of their enarancir.
'''ard cart be obtained in private families on rea
*tome term , : '
.1 . 0, moNTANYE. Prates.
L. L. Wan,, Meey. of Board of Trustees.
•Nleste. ger. I, 1440, - -
til_iiri: H.
„ tvg : ~f .
414 Vi - 'II!
t - 2 :lt- el
• ii--t 1 .V;
: ,11
• .iitl l. A i
: L I
I : 2,
800 .240
214 68
166 ►6
2900 1700 1190 2 34 720 697 44
210' • 279 42
aoo 118812
206 10 213 16
690 1 956 68
1 340 69
234 63
1 _ 340 96
849 36
179 92
$3,252,165 $6900 $2500 $6855 16 1 64 $940 $lOOO7 IL
r.5 4 1:1
ran E
et Vf
g 6
. ti
4 229 209 63
714 SS
34 62
222 SO
393 84
271 04
2 239 40
244 90
111 60
173 OS
143 60
922 OS
168 40
326 80
346 18
469 41
186 64
224 20
2 429 74
1 • 444 INS
ssq 07
134 67
420- 1
430 2 6
126 3
. -
F. . T. FOX.,
Is receiving. direct from New York. an assortment
the public are requested to all and examine.
Towanda. October 16, 1849.
♦ 11W ASS 000 run. Of
Jus received by
Elept.2l, 1849. H. S. & M. C. MERCUR.
Ile. 2 Agelest the Wert& I
J UST RECEIVED • splendid assortment of Goods.
by the subscriber, at to. 2, Brick Row, which can
be wen at all hours. and will be saki it the lasresepi
cos. 'Our friends will please fssot us with a call, at
least. Ws will charge you nothing for looking, and
very little if you buy. We intend keeping constantly
on,hand a large assortment of
Cloths; Alpacas,
eassiineved; Worsted diesses, various
Saltiness, su g ars,
Vesting•, • Seieretoll,
DeL•ines. kiPietw.
Menace, flinger; &0d
Also, • lame ••sortmeet of Crockery.
VrALLIS BULL, No. 2, Brick Row,
Towanda, Nov .2, 1849.
BY CSUMW 0.411610 0
virtue of an order of Me Orphans' Court
of Bradford County. will be exposed to sale at
public vendne, at the house on the premises on the
23d day of January next. at 2 o'clock P. M.. the fol
lowing described property situate in Litchfield twp..
in said County, to wilt: All that certain tract of
land eontaining twenty five acres, lately in the ten
ure of Samuel Ball deceased. Bounded on all sides
by lands of Samuel Davidson, and being the home
stead of said Samuel Ball dec'd. About twenty
thereof improved, with a log house and log barn
and an apple orchard thereon.
Atten4anee given, and terms made known on day
of sale. MARTHA BALL,
Dee. 19, 1849. Administrators.
WHEREAS my wife ilargard bu left my bed
and board without any just eatssa or provocation,
this, therefore, is to forbid all persons harboring or
trusting bet on my account, as t 'ball pay no debts of
her contracting. after this date.
Wrier, Dec. 915, '49 JOHN COTTER.
Jonah Bosworth, now to the use of Geo It little. Jo
siah Bosworth and D. Regan vs. Philip Sullivan.
Plus Vend. Ex. on No. 122, Dec T. 1846.
THE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor
by the Court of Common pleas of Ihrdford Coun
ty, to diwitbote the fund refired by the sale of real es.
tate of Philip Sullivan of Wyalbeing township, will at.
tend to the dada of and appointment, at his nmcs in
the Borough of Towanda, on Friday, the Ist day of
'Okay, nett, at one .'clock in the afternook at which
time abd place all Foams lulerosted wel please pleas'
their claims. or be debarred hem coming in for a share
of said fund. • WM. SCOTT,
Towanda Dee. t4th 1849. Auditor.
T_TAVINO been, appointed an. Auditor by die Or.
phans' coon of Bradford county, to umnhall so.
sets and distribute the fund reload by Administrator's
rah of the personal ammo of Jacob Mee.. late of Wye
Insieg fewmhip, deceased, I will intend to the duties
of my atipoinuaent, at my office in the borough of To.
wands. on Saturday. the Rd day of February. 1050, at
10 o'clock;A M., Wben and ',boreal! past no interested
are required to present their chesns.or be debarred hunt
coming in upon mid fond. WM. SCOTT.
Towanda. dre:• $4, 1049. Auditor.
Aubtroßw 140TKr..
LHE subscriber haring been appointed an Aoditer
by the Orphans' court of the cronty of Borlfonl,
to msrshal assets solidi ttt ihuto the. fund raised by the
Administrator's sale of the real and personal waft of
J•mrph N. Berman. lain of Wyraboint etormshio,
threisoot. will i i st.. B Ito the duties of said app .intment
at his onlee or the Oontost of Towanda. no tlativd•y,
lbe 2d day of Petwitary nest. es 1 "'climb in the after.
noon. at iishielellor and plow' tit persores intimater,
son prawns their claims. nr bi tdrisprol from rooting
in kw a share of said fond. WII4. ea:IMT,
Tosroolo. tome • A nditnee'
Crorr VW* Arrra rim
M AY BB HAT we raw Ann touch lower than u
hiss ever hem sold in Towanda. Ganda an
clamp. 'and wheat aw Inwesedowil Ones itflr aranon
can afford all for in do it. All kinds of probes will
M "we/ft - st itt parson it. Abs. 1147NONR of ell kiada
Ser. 1 . L: N. NYN CO.
21 •
t c: f2 l4
DT virtue of a Mrit of Vend. Expo. issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Dradrordec°l
- to me directed. I MIX . expose to public sale at
the Court House in the boro. of Towanda, on Moo,
day the 14th day of January. 1410, at 1 o'clock
P. At, the tollowiag piece or parcel of land situate
in the township Ditrell, bounded and described
as follows, to wits Wettish% aortb by Madge( Bar.
tile Holden nod a tract of laud brown as the Sarah
Morrison tract, on the west aid south by lands be
longing to the estate of Matthias Halm:back de
ceased, sod on the east by the tlesquehanna River.
Containing about four hundred and fifty acres. be
the same more or less. *boat one hundred and eigh
ty acres improved. More or less, one framed dwell
ing house, three plank or framed dwelling loaves,
two framed barns sad oae other framed building
formerly occupied as a my mUl.two apple orchards
and other fruit trees thereon.
Seized sod taken in ezectitiokitt the. suit of John
F. Means' use, vs. Bela Payne.
ALAO—The following described piece or parcel
of land situate, and being in South Creek township,
and bounded - is follows, to wit: Oa
,the north by
lands of Peter Waller and John Bunn, on the eastby
laud of J. Giggee, on the south by land of Alonzo
Ross. on the west by lands of James tied G. NV.
Quick. Containing about 05 acres, more less ,
with about 40 acres improved with a f house
and barn and =hard thereon erected.
Seized and taken in elevation at the suit of Lu
ther Gates vs. Benj. Quick.
WM. & D 1383015, SWIL
Sheriff's °Mee, Towanda Dec. 14, MN&
Retailers of Foreiga - Merchandise.
LIST or PERSONS ringed in vendingroreign
Goods and Merchandise in Mradtbril county,
classified and arranged 'scouting W law Sir the
year 1849:
Ulla. Chum .
John Horton., _
so liq. 14 $7 00•
Elmer Home. ' " 14 7 00•
- Adams Thsenaktp.
Bidlmmo & Brown, " 14 700
Winings lk. Gardner. " 14 700
John Watkins " 14 7 00•
Mvu Bwough.
Wm H Baird.
Wells & Harris
11 IS Comstock
J H Wells & Co.
CI A Perkins.
Phelps & Walker,
C Park.
Coryell & Gee.
A & II H Kaki,
1 V Daniels.
Job Morley,
£ Overton.
Newman at . Co.,
C Z Rathbun,
U Moody &
0 DCbaotberlio,
A Austin
0 M Card
Frank Zia.
I W Herein.,
E Hawley,
no liq.
Hillard & Presho,
L H Bronson,
Holcomb & &laud, rry
Parkhurst & Co.,
J Watford,
I H Pniney,
88 & I 111 Hinman,
Rodger Fowler,
1 LI& Q Smith.
AkTen dt Coolbaugh,
lobe Hanson.
Brown & Rockwell.
Yiseo. Humphrey
i►;S Smith,
G R Little,
D Balky 8
`C Murphy,
Calvin West,
L 8 Maynard.
8 F Washburn.
P W Maynard,
G Nichols,
Wm Ca rl3 pbelli
'Clancy & Satterlte,
Lyman Da rfey,
M Bullock & Co..
E b Tracy,
no lig
Hiram Spear.
Pine & Denim%
W T Daly.
Enos Hnbbard.
Lutius French,
Standing Stone.
no liq.
H W Tracy
E W Baird,
Means, Storrs &
Towanda Borough.
H 8 & M C Herchr,
Honestly! & Cd.,
J Kingibery,
N N Betts,
Daniel Lord.
Tracy & Moore,
E T Fox.
Kinpbery & Co.,
0 D Bartlett,
Elliott "& Tompkins,
D C Hall. (Domestii)
8 Bagy,
Ttffany & Kinpbery,
Hiram Mix,
Huston & Porter,
H W Tracy, Assigneete Reed, no liq
J P Ball,
W A Chamberlain,
H O'Hara,
C Coleman,
Mika Cartet,
2 :'rcl k •l4
11 F Redingote's;
0W & D-F Pomeroy,
Baird & Stephens,
L & E Itooyea;
T Maxwell, "
Herrick, Hyatt & Poitteroy,
EF&Ft Ballard,
Fitch & Ballard
M W Jones,
8 W Paine, (Domestic) •
WinG The,
oy y
Peckham k. Mather,
Wells & Co.;
Benj Bonington,
Robert Cooper,
J P Taylor,
B & A Lewis.
amwn & Avery,
N H Wells,
ludion Holcomb, Wes.•
•Ilave pad theirrLieenaas.
Towanda. Dee. 10411. J. Kr MCC
BOPINIIrM-A hump inennorne of L iam And M.
see nnienr. paten; bee. gimp. pnul.
Nrapplitan end Leitrors'eunftrin
Sworn. far adr N *VW • us wawa:
ILD WHISELT—N We. OW= jest no
%.,/ edema 1171FTANY ar
IS 11 50
11 14 00•
IS 10 00
13 10 00
IS 10 90
13 14 00
14 7 00•
h. liq.
13 16 00
13 10 00
14 i y 3 60
14 7 00
14 7 00
15 00•
lb 00•
so liq.
7 Nl'
7 00'
7 00
10 SO
10 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 50
10 50
10 50
7 00•
7 00
7 00
7 00•
7 00
Ell 2
7 00•
10 00•
10 00*
10 90
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
15 00•
15 00
10 00
7 00•
10 50•
10 50•
7 00•
7 00
no liq.
lb 00
10 00•
7 00
no liq.
SS 60 6
16 00
IS 76
is 60*
12 60
10 00°
4 00
3 30
no liq.
no hq.
7 00•
10 00
10 00 6
10 00°
7 00•
7 00•
7 on
7 00
10 00•
10 DO
so lift 140
EMMEMKiO.IIMOiP.. ,, WI•••••I=I , mAnn
_ -
HIRAM mtics
30 ILI V 6 o.'2' 03/ K
F : ; k • T +A :14 • 4rl
II XIX has restored his Drug Store to Art both
Ale Corner of the Public Square, tately occupied by
James B. Sayre, and holies fitted op his store, has
added to his former assoutoest a huge supply of
Willow is Modem ware, Glassware, MIN ladle,
Faicykiodi, htismery, k.
He is went fitr most of the iralaabler POPULAR
MEDICINES of the Jay, which can be purchased of
him with a certainty of procuring gamine modele s ,
He is also agent for the CANTON TEA COM
PA NY of New York, whose Teas hese attaiued • wide
spread reputation for genuineness and their low prim.
An examination of his stock, to which he invites the
munition of the public, will satisfy even one that it
him been eelemo with a view of procuring 'bottom sad
most desirable anklet. and purchased at the lowest
rates, Towanda, May 1, UHL
IMPERIAL, Young Ilyson, limn Skin and Black
Teas. of supesior flavor, for sale at prices that will
snit judges of article. at MERCERS'.
ums taken this well known Hotel. and gives ranges
LI that be shall be pleased to as his old Mends, and
most happy to form new acquaintimors. It is his in
tention, and will be his constant aim. to give visitors
and strangers inch s ption as will be sum to give
entire satisfaction, He pectfuily solicits the patron
age Gigs! public.,
Towiusda, Nov. lb. I ff.
rriRE subscriber will sell his stock of Dry Goods.
± Hardware, {re., at their ACTUAL. COST, for
ready pay. WM. H. BAIRD.
Brick Stone, Athena, Nov. 23, 1849.
Comenhishm, Previslesa mod
T DOANE bee opened • stone in the brick block
• owned by blontanye and others, where be invites
those who wish to dispose of their surplus Provisions
and those who wish to purchase the necesearies of life
to-call and make ististertory '
Towanda. Nov. 2d. 1849.
MES:o mal,Awa s ,
HAS removed her shop to ber new place of residence
in the brick block owned by Montour" and others
where ahe is prepared with Goods, Pat/erns and Flu&
ions to accommodate her cestosien..
Two or throe apprentices will be taken.
' Towanda, November 28. 1819.
JOHN E. GEIGER respectfully informs the public
that he has removed hie Shop to Main street, nett
shove Wm. Welkin's, and a few rods above the Ward
House. where be continues the business of
Ilionfottoring end Repairing Gans, Pistols, it
After his long experience in the business, he is con
fident he can perform all work entrusted to him, in •
satisfactory style. JOHN E. GEIGER,
Towanda, Nov. 17, 1819.
CIEII. IlaLEDllago
wouLn again inform the Ladies that she has just
received the largest and best assortment of,
.11111111Inery Goods.
ever brought to Towandi, and to which she would par
ticularly invite their attention. A 6ne selection of
flowers..Fl.imes„ Ribbons, Velvets, Watered Silks,
Satins, Belts, &e.
Milliners supplied with Ribbons Flowers, or any
other Millinery articles which they Isiah.
Elbe would shin inform the Ladies that she is prepar
ed wort at the shortest notice and do it well. and
in s fashionable style. Nov .9. 163 9.
lINT°IaW opening
roPonnigir at theegirable "'assort bode s
of establish men t
a v
fSPRI-N Gt r
o b
SUMMER GOODS, which will be sold at very low
rates. Business at this establishment conducted upon
fair and honest principles. You have oar thanks for
past favors and wchope for s continuance of the satne
as we are bound to sell Gonda Cheap.
Towanda, July 4. 1849. N. N. BETTS.
MORAN 817111G18 A.0,41.1011= 9 .
'VMS institution pleasantly located in the village of
I. Leßaysville, Bradford County, Pa., is now in suc
cessful operation under the supervision of Rev. H. J.
NEWELL, A. M., Principal, and Miu Maria C. She
pard, Preceperess.
Primary studies per quarter, $2 00
English branches, class commenced, 2 60
do dude advanced. 3 00
Higher English branches, . 3 80
Languages end Higher Mathematics, 4 00
Drawing and Painting, each extra, 1 50
Incidental expenses, per quarter, 26
First Quarter commences Sept. 6, 1849.
Second gutsier commenced Noe. 21. 1849.
Third quarter commences Feb. 13, 1860.
Fourth quarter coMmences May 1, 1860.
ajo MI bills mutt be paid by the end of the quarter
.1 A WES - HODGE, Prest. of Trustee..
I. E. BULLOCK. Secretary. 27t1
fIEO. H. BUNTING, reepeettitllylnfonne the pa&
lie that he is just receiving from New York en
amommeat of toady- Made clothing., o which be in
vitee the attention or Ferehmere. Amos' hie stock
may be found
Over Coats, Sock atcds, Business Coats, Frock and
Pros Coids,Pcrnialomus, Vgis, Round
abouts, 4t ., in, all Ogles and all prices.
If. is determined to mil hie Clothing at unusually
how prices for QOM. end betimes, ha can make it the in
terest of theta wilkitair to purchase ta gift him • call.
irry At the old -wand. between Bartlett and Map.
ivy's Storm, op stales.
Cutting and making op, deaf as nasal in the most
fashionable mower, promptly end to eider.
Towards. Oetobsr.l2o, 1849 y.
114 31 21 OIV In
f Of Tray; Bradford roomy, Pa.,
pROPOBE f fi riating:perfagical tie& at Towanda
Azar., the seeeien errty 101113. He mat he
pond r• th- hour J. B. rnoweeneine en the
hdr rteptemcer. Rerrnrner r,n h. hod from es , •••l...ft
th- f..1/111.V. *ll okl.rk lorerniretea. . nml
p KINGSBORY '& are this 11. eereir'not
&van &eve Ye& wn eiriemiee itee.etmetki
MIME. erhiellt WI .41 extremely low for e 545,....
Ceti and sr.%
l'evamida., "ii.
NEW ARM it 'V J W':: StY
yu u. A. CHANIINNUN has pro returned fmat
WV New York with a atm*. selection .4 aorta",
ry sad Taney Gondoi to which be invites auevtioa.
bah Ira be for easit.•
Tonsda. Oct. n. 11849.
~liurpoatcas. V
cumgranak.QSB imarharz.4)
rri/FMNY & KINGSBERY itst6nn the public
A. that they ant near rea4vina direct, from Neer Yoe&
and opening in tha store Wel; nen/pied by H. Mis;inie
d o ., 'math of H. Kingsbeey .1 Co.. a large and grimed
assortment of
mace Ctmfirtionary,
to which the stamtioo of purchaser,' is invited. Their
aintqatent of (hoc. nos sod Liquors is complete. sod
will bs sold at anointally ion rates. Call and gamine.
Towanda. lime la. '49, B. 1,. KINGSBERY.
DDRIYK & C? . have opened alien at HUM.
• BROOK, with , a splendid let of
Hardware, Hats and Caps, &e &c.. to whirh they
invite the citizens of Bradford
. county to coupe and intik
for themselves. As we hive no mut to p9y, we are de.
tertnined to sell goad. right—we .hall leave it to the
people to •judge,
HortanweA, Dvermter gt, 1840.
THE undersigned hawing been appointed an Auditor
by the Orphan's court of the county of Bradford,
an Auditor, on exceptions Bled to the administtation
account of Byron Kimtshery, adrninistestor of the estate.
of Simon Spalding. dec'd., will attend to the duties of
his appointment at the Ward Boum. in Towanda, at
I o'clock in toe afternoon of the 22d day of January
next, deco . D. BUIJLOCK. Auditor.
SUMMER CLOTHING. —A largo assortment of
Goods for Men,' sod Boys' Summer Clothed, now
oprnin end for Pale at •p2O MERCURS'.
rI.OUK An sale by the Darrel, or in quantities to
suit tins purcbaser by L. W. TIFFANY.
Towanda, Oct. 29, '49.
LANDLORDS & Grocery-rnen, Take Notice, that
you will bud the best article article of Strong
Beer, in the country for wale by 'he barrel at
Towanda, Oct., 29, '49. TIFFANY'S
Late of Owego, N. Y.,.
LT AS permanently located himself in Towanda.—
IA Office in the Union Block, over Elwell's offiee.
neat to the Bradford Hotel. Oct. 15, 1849.
L MT al t int IZ et
EVELING. Laying out Ramis and Lots, Dividing
Estates, Measuring Ma "Dory , Embankments,.
accurately done by E. G. NICHOLS. Office at Rome
Bradford county, Pa. Persons at a di,tarice. needing
his services, shall by writing him a fine a few days be , .
forehand, have their business promptly attended to.
G. W. Merebstat's Celebrated
Which Is also a Universal Family Embrocation for
Diseases of the Boman Flesh.
TIME and ex perienee have fully proved that that this
UNIVFMAI. REMEDY has not not its equal
on the list of popular medicines, having been more than
14 years before the public.
Testimony of the most dislittereeted Ammeter of its
wonderful effects on the animal economy is almost dai
ly presented to the proprietor.
A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes
were burnt off of him, was restored (without suffering)
by the timely use of the Oil.
Numerous are the unsolicited statements of patients
themselves, and others who have need the, of cures
which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at
all interested in a pecuniary point, they could hardly
have been (led:tell.
The following diseases are among many others in the
care of which this Oil has been completely successful
and in which others had entirely failed:—
Spainns, Sweeney. Ringhone, Windgalls, Poll Evil,
Cracked Heels, Galls of ell kinds, Lamenesi,
Fresh .Wounds, Sprains; Bruises, Sand Cracks,
Foundered Feet, Scratches, or Grease Mange, Rhea.
matism. Bites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful
Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns, Whit
lows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains. Chaped bands.
Cramp, Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings.
Weaknesaof the Joint., Caked Breasts. ike.
Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sure the name
of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. liIERCHANT,
LOCKPORT, N. Y., is blown in the side of the bot
tle, or in his hand writing over the cork. Don't be
persuaded to take any thing else with the promise it is
just es goad, &c. This is practised by those un
principled- dalliers whose conscience will stretch like
India Ribber, and who are of a kindred spirit of those
in our large cities, whose nefarious practices have so re
cently been exposed to the action of Congress.
• Those wbo stummt to Counterfeit this article VP r -
fe lt ed to the lets of Nor York, allay 1845, by which
it will be seen thit every potion meddling in these
counterfeits is subject to indictment, niptisonment, and
A pit kro selling out of this state, will be table toe,-
rest when in the state,•snd also to be held as a witness
against those he bought of or sold for.
All Orders addressed to the proprietor will be respond.
ad tn.
Get a pamphkg of the Agent and see *bat weeder.
are accomplished by the ore of this medicine.
Bola 61 nispeetable dealers generally in the United
getere and Canada.
Par sale by HUSTON & PCRTER, Towanda, ED.
Walla. Lawrenceville. Edwin Dyer, Corington. Abel
Tana, Montreal. Pomp & Kinsey, Easton. Lawis
Smith & Co., Allentown, H. H. DulEn, sotnh Emma.
Oct. 15th IN& n2o.y 1.
TIRO& E. GRIDLEY, Of Owego N. Y. will delis.
er personally, (ruby Etpress the following Month
lin, at the Publishers' Prices,
Godey's Ladies Book,
Graham's Migraine,
Bartein's Union "
Homelier'lurid. Vieiriminstipr "
l.nt►rs Living Ago. Nmth R rrt.b "
11..1.1140 Magesine, til Inbar! h 4.,
( - Nil unrribiatt .. N. It.,l 3 bilotelphts and
Bl.lrkworan. " 801111011 L;eir Reffriewa.
Tbmo,h bin ''orrespondenne will nail free of unpl
ug.. VOW. Liibtrerenhe Wfirk• nf Art, spleirlid Gift
11..nks, Novels. and 411 kin .n' 11.1.41ta end Literary
U.rtrr. fnr thaw whn may 'dram hand him their or.
dem w htrh Ott be delivered imm l P ll 7. / 14 •11 111061011 P 0 "
menu wirli the 'in oen number for I also ; Odd rel
- 'nr 1850 tomiidiedtn ardor.
Nov. 17 1449
IF 11l II 12 , MI ONIS IP A lis 15 9
Init ibit.o a,
ihms Ksg. "..t.. quart ml ruiserrriae. at superior
LI gush y Paaals+, and &ma situp' sup
Demerntie Review.
North Amer. ."
Tit 14IIISPII ' tit* ‘11.14141 00/104-• - , -
Read this Colnqui
M • Is the iitfiereatts 4 . Sod
Ha Dr. r !Loot. Toett.eloP. Samaparitl.2 Is is • eat
StotOftittial. *C. Thai. ■ esovteatirmsehopt.
soot 11 , 17 supalsdal aver It.t.a.o•Alta• lan.eindit rim.. sittep
rerstenal - bit Wars *Lich 4. oh ottcol Simoitotot.
Mal revisit-a taesalhout tbr Iluilmt Sham, apftlitiohts
part of the Irvtjl-4b• ritn toeing •aornmda. + ll
• Thd• withal the of recta,' anprimefoled
an 41.1 ant. woo a 4 ens , .* tao*:• •4 ••; 4411 4 eitaael;
kard/dos far salaamed' ream Timm muse.. arse 4414
T..414..14 apps et to a aitaber et atm Is rot 'MX,
roues .r an the tea of "'women pnt up D.. TearemslloB
timeenparsaa. Iltaluf the tars. sof* sod sums mis. Mil le* -
• ...f..d adecnitios imln ntltan't to embark •ia . tkil
1.... others, he ippliesi to Ch•rie•
1. •I • 0 .1;to• of ate Jo-m.lm" r 'rot,. who seoramd such • pre"
;• • JI. (( NM; FAN& from. ly one arfhp Pea
-1 .•• er a 1. tLI 4 regio OINTHKS r 11. 1 11.P111, YOH&
asei Piollacier o r Lae leaotatal l tlin
..t ne• Nos J•emay. JOHN •ISH.ILI,MAN
• WILLI tll tiftnirsu:sweidgr the oame of THUMP;
Sot. 41.11.1. MAN .1. 1.:".X. harp seaPhpyted shit oht wau". sad
a a. .toad. to pay lino wet.. dollar. per work.
r-1 , a.. itta Dams. Tb.•• met ham" ha' omaitied
• . .‘4•l U. 1,4
an 1.144i1de 11, 6 "Pat a ° """041 "6"
Om. Mins tlnno mad Weir decoction into week.,
p ;Wan decide op m stur *Mims of lIICte boa sod
Oar at ample irriekgr.
11 :bow that U r.To• nmud's Harsaliarilla smog Said "Iks
, m-nt it false; as *. hare. host lt through Au whoa
~or is fit.. Helena.. Tes4l; liectes, Soon.
an I. sou V. Indser.,-in font. Om colter It prows, the beet.s
p-tromm, W nami• a eh • Moil*. he mivtaka hut Spent,
.11101131. T.... co Ova, awl ...cloce - rat 14.4
rt". 41,14; eta ap tecschtt. 413 uct4t OcCur aces,'. This limp
to 144.4 e a .tams Rory of. .ad say Visit. OM whet*
pt *or -.Mantic %hoc tatty MC?
at. e
thwarieta or oihers. who arTI any Sarsaparilla l tho re&
rum Dr. Tem nseu.r. Sarsaparilla. Miele eli—or
•hti .all Sareaperilie which hi wrapend fa eterehisee that eera
Pan Shah. as our Sampardia, we shall *lid raspestuble fee
She sauna . •
Dr. S. P. Toernatiod ha. paid the Press in the nliati
triune the law lice years. at lewd 1100.01$1. Crow's ate wet
ewirecorier to reap fhe wirautagn aad boor& .r Sit atinif
padriudong that tiware In the urigioal Dr. Taws
area's Sarsaparilla. and that ours ferments. wan. it. Ike.
flew Ire. biro faiwitacele mad ernes Lihris and wa dual be
awdor the newesity el bolding publishers rerpoaelle kw say
Mew, that easy be done it. ingirieg eirculatton to Dein elm
capon% vita: h are wail calculated to irtiory out intonate,
*HOOP!! Prooorsfi
au. Is proof enestorete that Dr. IS. P. Terwriseeitallerteget -
riiia ie the original -Ten fut.-ratter i. frost soh* of dlerseeet
swipertable sad lalloantial Papers let Dd. State.
Francais law* Erg tiag Atlas:
There prnitably Imo Meer been so popttlair a reciedyoar pa.
trot medicine. as Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, which ino
originally. and continues to be manufaaterwl hi this city, ea
Int by the Doctor himself and akerwards ter wren) yawn•
aoJ to she omens time by ClaprAr. Towel/pod. the preirrat
proprietor& Since the penmanship was formed. the Donner
has resided in New York. • here he keeps a snakes aid monde
to the beakless that steel:mettles at that point. Thai/nein*.
easy is is this site, and I. cod:los:tea by. tim Janina. parumw s a,
Clayip-iehere all the 'medicine a etatfisfactered. • • -
re. of our citizens here any idea iif the amount of this
Mind tome that te umnufacturod •a I sold. Be 41•11 the sales
I. this country, it is shipped In the Carte.lae, Nest radio D
iesels. South Amens,. and ere. to Europe, in consideratakt
quaatines. At lbw miniatintory slimy employ a memo me...
besides a large somber of meo. woman and girls I* lb. mai
position of tbs areilicioe, making beats._ printing, tat be.,
and tare nut. ready (or shipment, over 4yo dozen pw. day
or nearly MOO lumina This Is no enormous gime...ay.
The great tile the manikins. has enquired. has inditeeff •
somber of nun to set ep imitation& and there Is at ire pro
em Sac other •anrdlemee for sole. that etc tailed " Ds.
Tewarmad'a Sarnaperllle •• tine to Dertieolse,rtried I short
time ego I. New York. is catie-s - v. 4 D...3aeob Townsend',
Sarsaparilla,' and anpanntly with a view. by dint of adver
tising and the mean area-Wo rein-led to is rock effort*. to
appropriate the name of Dr. S P. Townsend's treat namely.
mgt than pie al" the advantage resUltinr (etre! the pnpittarite
of the seine. which he has acquired for it, by years of patient
and *Epee/ire Inborn Dal P. Town‘end, formerly of this
city go is well known'bers. is the inventor and original pr.&
praetor of the medicine known as "Dr Telemeter." ears
seplaritla." and we think those pe-etawho era suam/►
in to sell their article as the nrivusl, should be times/.
Trent Its New jerk Psi* airs.
DL Tourtragmat's extraordinary alvertmentent, whirl ose
tures an entire pe e s of Dia Sum. will not escape notice.
Dr. IL P. Tessopend, who is the original proprietor of Dr.
to. mend's Illareaparilla, and why.* Mike is next door to
ema where he bee been fur seversl4retre. is driving sa isw
metric business. De rem Ives no 1.4.411.01 rout hundred downs
et ilawmparilta per day. mid - even tide autumn. s quantity does
sot supply the diamid. Re inediciae ever gained ea grim
a pordenty as his preparation of the Pareaparilla Die. edi
tion or Almanac* for ISO cam. $ Q 11. and he bas paid the
Kew York igla tot addertiAoir. is 6111 lad four yams. over
yam% and he ask Do:ledges that .1 is tae cheapest admit&
sing he ho hal done. This Medicine is *sported to the
fleaudne ; West ladies !loath America end Europe is cos
aiderMie 4... aim. end la coming lute gcnetel sat in the..
entretnve, as sell so heft.
From Me Golden R.ll
• Odd Fellow, pep., 1.0.....1
.16n,. folbwiq;
I.ItataRI:LS.A:-.A.DOnir the aameroas •atrart• tido
Wetly mama:anal root, Scalier Ter aread'r bear. tla palls of
eaperiartty. It sa tadard an ameetlent (amity mediras•. and
bumf:Sad tt a ear watt family 'rah dtarals• aritrittagy a•
ea. - ractapparta• tt st4h perfect sticell!siL
la our opinion, any litrugyut or shoyekeeeer who would mil
the •punous Sarsaparilla, became tney Cate make a treater
prods by it than they can by reollum tie renews& sad sail tt
for the original and teitidno Dr. Towomud's
mid deceive their customer& would Cipmnft any fraud Am
anieuey. Such men have me honor sad should not ler trawl
Druggists or lithe; iat'ai saTlliars7ip6;lll4 for thr.gguutos
and engine! Dr. Townsend's darsuearilla t Wei ie tree Ilifst•
by P. Tosinaend, eotnutigs a fraud, and - esifielle the ere
;omens. lieu that would be guilty of met i art snide eon.
alit say other fraud—end no Druggist of eamusealataiklWAl
but knows that our. is the only genuine.
*woe peogle oho are oca real informed, mad bars not mil
the papers, and not wove our edvertiesseema haw. bees kd
sa suppevo that becalms those men adverting their stet we
'old Jere. Tolisneenire." that it must, of course. be the ere
it is less thee ono year More they esimaseneed to mire
whole medicine. Oars has been la lb. atarluit over tea years.
Nary think the above laminate is too plsia, or sever.. It
the truth ; and we would leave it to the „itliintiseat if 'say
tor-miloiod .oa. it Obey do not deserve IC We halialabnfind
for'yours. cad 'speeded hundreds of theauade of dollari to
establish the reputation of oar medicine. These sea are es
ieavariag is approprroo dm profits to- ttimseiveo,
. They are andemorier to palm off on the public ea as eld
Physician. to. Ils la eat • regular educated Physician. sad
sever attempted to manufacture a reeditine, vein that. Mee
hind him for the a.a aline acme. They say they de. est wish
the people to believe that their Sarsaparilla is our.. or Me
hate—but the better to deceive the public, they at the at..
• nee assert that Oahe, is the OW Dr. Teereseod's, end the
original ; and eadeame/to leak• the people beliewthat the
mutt they manufacture, is .the Dr. Townseera Sarsaparilla.
that has performed so many wonderful enrols for the past
tee years, and which has gamed • reputatton which no other
at.sitiee seer ettlerld—ewhich is a base, vpl.fevaa, Imeria
eipled falsehood, We ham. commeumed suits mphint thew
men Art damages. Vri leak hto be understood, lat the old
man im so relation if Dr. Toensend whatever. In their ad
vertimmants and circular*, they publish a meter of gees
'Made respecting Dr. Townsend, which • • will not mtica.
Our apposeats have pnbliahed in the papers. that Pr. S.
r. Teerstend woo deal. Tap they seed to their seats
shout the eeestg who report th at re here Oen up bud.
Thu public ehotild ha on their guard. aid
sot be deceived by them unprincipled mire.
Tili!diess“. at tie peipeyL regarded with isle.nss
im et is acknoo laded to be in our immediate tiOnlim.
Here. es le Somme almost every physician has an iefalbWo
remedy Am the diseami yet all are different in their arena
and results.. hod it will prone bore as In Europe', that' et
least two thirds of all emilinsted eases die--end that it is • fort
that Can be controverted. 4 there is no knave rem!,
Pr die fatal samara. One Mimi says ababit is easily
cared. by Mild 'wannest/ ; arm r oaf. that It ',squirm. pow
erful cathartics; ono, that bleodieg to fatoromm ie Ms only
rennely ; Mime oedemata bloodletting is Cartels to kin. mime
physimuum amid all rattialaata; sad ahem say that &toady
le aorta* to ma: wheat the 'Quacks declare heir Paha to
calla the Cholera. in shy of its stare.-earhich artiold, if taboo
es prescribed, be -certain to bill any man or beast.. The
Chaim seem %DIN seat by, Prosidetem td farts Übe people of
tie earth WWI dealt_ and itirtnensa There era the oaly eon
h Is acknowledged by all, that oar mreete, yards, 'tellers
and sink. sitneld be. cleennedL, and that personal ekumaligest
It lediepeosablo—but to .ass's Nfaty. tie istertml .y tom,
the most wooderfal, beautiful and delleate inoehlem. sad
1 - 17 E 1.17 T, THE BLOOD,
The seat of ail diver; ties* be kept pun. A inn with
chua well blood. coursing in his veins, may laugh at the
Cholera. or at disease. The - systeut taut not be tualuced.
Lurched or disturb .d by physic., bet quietly cleansed.
DI.. S. P. TOWNS - WM*B ShatilktAltYLLA
urn de this effecnitlly. am only cheeses and strunb•
eget the system but creates rich-end pure blood,—the L.quor
.f Lid,: We do out sew Out Ibis Barsartrilla will , cure tltsi
Cholera bet present it. This medicine has. by Its eatraordt.
eery sad weoderful effects upon dbease gained • reputation
Me ...sly acs-ball of the glob.. that is ooprecudestak It
• *tarty. sada awl beaofiesal to the ma sad wok. sad Is ee
ewlulle aounnery et this particular tit" to miens Ike
ralphstlas of Me nest.
- - - -
Or. I. r Toss.....nd'a Pla.stwarsita CM , . lb. worst same
st the Palphati.o of the Kean The rallookig is direct hos
West Musa Saralisto Cr., ass. 14. :Hi
Dr. S. T. Tostosee...—‘
„ L
Deer Ihr : Iroritrr seer pecolar °Writh to es ser ai shat
hinsssto I. loos ores& 6 ... s rear ievalaahl• Sorsa porilht. sad
artehossi sty tem . . - ow ladtro • titers to 1.17 it lir siataas
Seeerplat..t.. I hate iaduerd to make this oeseaseuisotlet•
for the brash et thetie orb° are allietad a. I bees.. Pr.
%loos to takiait ) oar llanirerillt I Ist treubird very ewe
erith iselpitatiee er as harm sr user se. that 1 Tr eglipil
W toy bosiortss ; firevararsariarriaskis I worisslimmor
so cry year Sursoparllhr stria Ms estirely eared is.
Wry may. room
St ill 11711 BMX
Pirko cot arrissorioalftmr. tar art 411 assarraor. ISO Or
S. P. Toresord's New Voris Oars Intl be la as lira
Os= troe Chorsll6 WS) arsser sersosorldsh Is wirs.issarrisa
ga ammo. sari la be Sty
.alb as lobar ressuarr
ams las sorrodiroir OM the .
Ise & UPC MEAT Jr ear: =TON & TOUTER 0 41 10 " ,