carirti4moW. If TO the Editor fltlie tinier/I . . • Having spoken to-day in the House under much excitement, and, in the confusion which preiyirgid i r eaming uo cor.ect ierfoi/ of lay remade' vvip . b e f u rnished, I salt s in Justice to myself thaiyott piabia this c ommunication. After I had received '53 votes for Speaker, en Monday last, and after the House had adjourned I wa s sent for to go to the room of a member. When arrived there, I learned that it was for the purpose o f having a conference with Mr. Wilmot, of Penn sylvania, who soon after came into the room. He informed me that' they were satisfied with the po-i. Linn of Mr. Potter, of Ohio, and had been . ready to vote for him, if the time had arrived when their votes would have made a choice ; that they were willing to vote for me it I would agree to give them fitir committees on the District of Columbia, the j u diciary, and on Territories; that neither himself c rii the gentleman from New York (Mr. Preston bi ns ) desired to be upon these committees; that all he and his friends ailed was, that the ablest men of the diflerent parties, and both sections of the Union. might be selected; and they asked that they should impartial and Imprdudiced upon the question of slavery; that their fears *ere, that I might so constitute these committees, as to stifle what he regarded as the radic sen.iment of a-ma unite of the country: I slated to him in reply, that I, regarded his request as reasonable, and that, if elected, I should constitute these committees affair impartial men; that whatever might be my views upon any and all questions, I would not use my power as Speaker in such manner as to prevent any important question from being rully presented and discussed in the House. Mr. Wilmot appeared satisfied and left me. in a short time I received !Ecru him the following, note: Dear Sir: In the conversation which I had with you ibis evening. you were free to say, that if elect ed Speaker of the House of Representatives, you would constitute the committees on Territories, the Judiciary, and the District of Columbia in a manner that should be satisfactory to myself and the friends with whom I have the honor to act: I have commu nicated this to my friends ; and if, in reply to this note. yoti can give them the same. assurance, they will give you a cheerful and cordial support. ' Respectfully youri, b. wiLmor. Hon, Wm J. Brown. I knew the reason why I wn.4 interrogated. I had always been regarded as entertaining feelings more friendly to the South than a majority of the represen'aliveli from the North. As a member of the 2Sth Congress, I item aivocated the Texas bill, and had voted agaitint,the application et the hints oun Compromise to ihe Texas bill, and had voted' against application of the ordinance to the Oregon beeau-e it was north of that line. For hair rearsl had been Assistant Postmaster General ; and had nether voted at an election, nor been a mem: her of co;ress.and had no opportunity of recording inv vote upon these exciting questions I did not, therefore. obic,et to Nark; my verbal declarations odon revon I. I immediately addieaseil to Mr. t :lig Itiflowing note: WASHINGTON CITY, bee.. 10, 1549 Dear Sir: In answer to yours of this date, t will rare t h at. should Ibe elecietf Sq i aker of the I - louse ,-riepre , entaiives. const le the committees ra the District of.Colotnbta, on ,'erritories. and on Jiiiiiciare. in such manner as shall be satisfactorrto v - our , elf and your friends. I am • representative fr3m a free State, and have always been opposed' to 'he esien , ion of slarery, and believe that the federal government:should be relieved froth thii,responshiliy slatery where they have the constitutional power MEM David Wilmot. ill had been elected, I feel ecafident that I should rrr_auiied these committees in such a manner as no Southern man. Democrat or Whig would have ..omplatned 01. I intended to constitute them of r.i,• ti impartial men, who would hare thorough ;y Investigated and reported upon all constitutional questions. without regard to sectional or party bias I wasiiiterrreeated by a number of Southern men. r' ad ol whom I said that I had always been opposed Wilrnot Proviso. I watt a friend and suppor 'sr oliTeiwral Cass and in my canvass for Congress '•;i1 oiiprised by a IVilmot Proviso Whig of the lii or school )- was called a Calhnim Southern In do—ad vacated the doctrines of the Cass N icholson le:ter with the exception of his views as to the con power of COngfeas to legislate for the ter ritories That pa*er I have never doubted Congress pas•esse.l iltit i was in favor of leaving.the ques ..tln of the institution at Slavery to . be settled by the peldle ‘, Ito might inhabit the territories. In other surd: I was for itet.irderlerenre. Whilst thesetwere my vtea., and while I Was willing to let the pen •,.ie determine this queltaiort rat themselves, ender • , ornennistarices could I vote for a territorial bill. :at tn..; in it a provision to establish the institution of •.avery. I have repeatitily said, that although I,l the Proviso as inineces•sety and oseless. I should have no objemirin to see a bill with its prov• 'lts presented 'to Gen. Taylor far his :4ln:flare, a• at the North he has been regarded as favoring nt-asure, and at the South opposed 3o it. I several southern gentlemen. thatrey mind 'V." not clear as o the constittnitral peacei to abol • i-ti a avery in the District of Columbia. I was ails t•ets, if that quesiipri was to be af,iitathil this win ter that a report might be made from an able com mittee of legal gentlemen. Mr. Van Bitten believ ed that Congress possessed that power:'and yet the South voted for him. I hare always taken the open ground that Congress should net interfere . 40 the institution of slavery in the District of Col ombia without the consent of the inhabit:nits. If [(ingress possesses the power to abolish Slavery et the District, and the people Consent no one alrouD , lbjem. The question of the power of Congress is judicial, and not a legislative question. In writ 11 , g Ulu letter I comririned ad error, but I have made no declaration to these men in relation to :'te committees, except that they should be fairly sonstauted. I made n 9 declaration telitputhem or : 1 northern men but what will be fully &stained by t-lv votes, if 1 . have an Opportunity belitiMongress lijourns. I have been consistent. tails my future :tibiae shall prove it. I desire to see the House, nrltinized and am ready to vote for any democrat ~,,h nut inquiring whether lie lives in the North or St•rh—whether he is for OT awiinst the Proviso.— ) te - thing our southent democratic friends should .. member—that in the Nan)) the sentiment against the extension of slarery is almost universal • and if Ire are required to become the advocate* et it* ee !elision, oar places will be filled with whip. In his correspondence 1 consulted none of my friends. lone am responsible. I made no private pledges any .one. My letter wits foondOd on a verbal lersation with Mr. Wilmot, which is fully sus- mid by his epeecAl. W. .1. %owe. ' tWishington Dec., 1846. • hum Tam:toy ter bloen.c.—A letterfrom Mobile, 'es the folkiwing particulars of the dnradful ha me which took place in that city, recently 'Your ofd acquaintance, Gen. Thomas Holland, ve'sterdaq ?n the street, by Ti!. C. Mc „,ork. • Mac was a clerk in Holleod's employ, ki the latter boarded with him. Areclintnek had wife and - several clithfreti. Circumstances led aim lat e l y to suspect too Close an intimacy between 'l' Wife and the General, and on Moinlor be made meth' sure of a criminal mtriaee He instantly In obtain a div‘ea, and sent his wife' and Oren away. ; and yesterday-hooted up s°,llll the declared pi:rpme of taking hits' fife met near the corner of St. Michael and Roy `tyeel. n- t far from the tTheatie, after rfmner— Zhatnek with a donbleid harreferl Min t , chi rged 11 buck shot ; Holland, t hear, had a pistol; but .sot !line indraw it. acClintnciigave him one large whirl% entered his heart, and a second Odell thianeh his throat and came oat at the back h e neck. killing him instantly. McClintock e no e a . ” te , pe tint stalked down' and 'endered himself to the authorities. Six Monk* died of cholera 00 Beard of a yearn. near St Louis lately. They vrerefrons- Europe b)rind for !erne Catholic nuaitution out West. 11116 " Wei -aria •We home learned with either ,inen the hands in the emp til y of the siiite hilkeitlWeng shop, on the Ceturribia railroad, turriee-iiut la t e Thureday, atraiereeid to work on liteeeditt of not having rereiVed their pay for tromileetiths. Du ring the lest tlession Of the le.. s ielaterei-lt; will be recollected, sais the' Keystene,lhat CoL 'Peones, after si considerable eontue, succeeded hi :getting the legislature to make, what was then Supposed to be, sufficient appropriations to pry on-41174e old debts of former years, and to sustain a • monthly system of cash payments for all labor and materi als duting the fiscal year just closed. The proprie ty of this cowee so abviuus, that the legielanne, in the end, made the appropriations wititgreat unan imity; but notwithstanding this, , the - payiumente, as designed-by the legislature, have not been prompt ly made. On the 30th of November last, the . alike of the fiscal year, there was in the treasury a large amount of unpaid appropriations for the expenses of canals and railroads for the part year, while the creditors of the stair, and persons employed in re rious capacities, remain unpaid, to the amount of more than than two hundred thousand dollars.-- There remained in the treasury ou the 30th No vember to swell the aggregate balance in the treasury on that, day, of the appropriations made for the Columbia railroad and Portage road, the sum of $178,599, which is due to the creditors of the commonwealth, and which should have been drawn and disbursed long since—to wit : 8103,1195 belonging to the creditors of the Columbia road, and $75,704 to. those of the Portage road, hi con sequence of this grosi and culpable negligence, which must rest on some or the commonwealth's agents, the credit of the state, in the purr-base of materials. has been seriously injured, and her la borers and creditors compelled, in order to secure the necessaries of life, to subrnit to thepayment of e;travrigant prices and extortionate shaving. This disgraceful in the highest riegite to the character of the State, as well as prejudicial to her interests. The treasury, ever, since the payment of the in terest on 1.4 of August, has at all tiniest, had an abundance of funds on hand to meet at all de mands on it, promptly Why has it not been done! Has the treasurer wilfully withheld the money which be ought to hare paid out to the superin tendents and rurpervisors, to swell his balanae at this end of the year t Or have they been neglect in., their duty, while th e laboring bands and cred it:rd have-remained unpaid anti been compelled to make serious sacrifices to obtain the necessaries of life! This seems to us to be a matter worthy of serious enquiry, and, ought to engage the attention of the legislature as soon as it meets. This we do know, that we hare, daring the past summer and fall, frequently seen supervisors and superintendents who have stated that they had come for money and could not get it. Their com plaints have been emeriti and numerous. We have heard Colonel Esnmen of the Columbia mild. complain very often and recently. on this eubjeet,' It is due in the public that the saddle should be put on the right home. If the !tate treasurer has imp properly, withheld the appropriations from their officers, it k the duty of the canal commissione to ascertain the facts and to ;ore them, anthe m' tie and reliable form to the public, and if their own officers have been negligent of their duty, they should be promptly dismissed.— Dzcznsta 10, 1849 THE Ctrotcru.—%Ve are informed that . some time last week the Cholera •broke ont at CopPeras Creek 'Landing, in this county, and tbat some eizht or ten deaths have occurred. The firrt victim was Capt. Rice, a trader in produce on the river. A day or two after his death, John Snider, and Benja min Ravralt, who were proprietors of the ware h"iuses at the landing, were both stricken down by the disease, since which time some five or six oth ers have died. All of the iridividnals above allud ed to were men doing businea or laboring at the landing —Felton (Mo.) Republic • W. J.`BROWN Fiaons oa TM. rr sue.— Since the virtues of the GargfindOil have become so extensively and favor- ably known to the Farmers of the United States and Canada. as a curative oil in diseases of animal*, and as a consequence, its demand becoming great— there has not been wanting those whose cupidity has suggested to them,that if they could CONCOCT something as nearly resembling in appearance as they could twigs, with anything for a name, they might urge it upon unsuspecting customers as a substitute for the true Gurgling Oil. The proprie tor would therefore caution those who purchase, to be sure the name of G. W. MUCHA:VT is blown on the sole of the bottle, and in his hand writing over the cork'. AU others are an attempt Lit imitation and are therefore an imposition. see advertisement in this paper. A pamphlet of diseription may be had gratis of the agent. To those "friends" whose visit on The 11th, af forded so much pleasore to the heart, and whose bounty contributed so generously of the things need ful for the present late, the undersigned hereby pre sents his grateful acknowleegmedt. That they may never lack means to realize the truth "that it is more blessed to give than to receive "=and that for carnal things" so kindly afforded, God would abun dantly bestow upon them "heavenly things," as the prayer of their much obliged and sincere friend, items Posvaa. Parsonage, Towanda, Dee. 13,1849. (jam We are authorized to state, that Drs. Burros &. Parrs', are the Agents for Mr. T. E. Gridley— to deliver all of the Magazines t free of Postage— at their Store the first of each month. They will receive subscriptions fur Magazines, and fill orders which will be furnished at less than the publishers prices. The attention of the public to the above is respectfully soliehed, They Will have the Brother Jonathan, tor the hoilidays—alsoextra Magazines. DO`NATIOPiI.—Tbe Mends of the Rev. J. N. Butowa, will pay Rim a Donation visit, at the residence of MIL Lirake, in this Dom', on Wednesday, tbe 10th day of December iist.—af temoon and evening. The public are invited to at tend without farther octet, as no cards will be is sued Dec. 1649, firVAlL—The Ladies of the" the Sewing -Circle " for the Wachs of tint Episcopal Church. in. this borough. intend .60d ins a in' of useirtl and fancy articles, at the Court House. on Christians Ere, ifec. 241, 1149—which the public are respectfully invited to attend. Refreshments at any time through the afternoon• and eveningd,bupper at. IP o'clock. NEW STORE! DBRINK & hays opened a sifllfe at lIICRIC . BROOK, with a'aideodid lot of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS UR KR Hertheere., Arias ind CON the . Scc., M wthfietf they invite thireitigeng n( Bradford county to cams and hinit for thernselvev. Ifs 40 . beie no rent to ploy, We get de termined to' seltgegen right—;:vie shall ikevre it to tee people to judge. Horniniroh, Mr-ember R, 11149. ebilereigned baying been Repainted en -Auditor By die Orphee's roue of the twenty of Brimfield se A editor. on eteeptiens tiled to the edmintettation swoon, of 11: von Kihipihety, edininisteave of the relate of *Wenn Sp*Mow. &esti- Will wend to tlw &Niue of 'hie apprtionment et the W ■ rd Home. it, Taunand'ei- it I delodr itt tn. eiterantar of the Isl troll of Anne)) . next, , deed Htfl.l.ofit. Al Mnlirtiio , fdt, silliorolittitd'atktwittuVerfif eft, wooli Psi ...ittitiottl, mita Usti, att or ble Ito. ego 'ltTrkft, Palle IVocks. Ackuos*ledgmeimt, Ntin itibettisotents: AUINTORII NOTICE. MiiiiiiM SHERFF SALE- , _ I¢lll.Y Xtietisa of airril'of Tend. Zips. iianed aid o•t . the Coari of Camisole Pleas of Bradford chan ty. t o the directed. I thiell 7 expthe he' public se* al the Court House in *glom of Towamdt; 011 Mon day. - the 14th day of 7 tintearfi'l9llll. at I 'o'clock; P. Mr the todowiag pleee or parcel of lard - situate in the tosraship . ot Dore% Wooded and described as follows, to wit showings*. air* by-butdsof Bar. tile 'Holden and a tract of land-know. as the Marsh Morrison tract, on the west and south by lands be longing to dm estam-'of Matthias Hollenback de. ceased, and on the east by the Elesquebanna River. Containing about four hundred and thy acres, be the same more or less, about one hundred and eigh ty.ures improved. more or leas, one framed dwell ing house. three plank or framed dwelling hooves. two (rimed barns and one other framed building formerly occupied as a saw mill, two apple orchards and other fruit heel thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John P. Mums' use. vs. Bela Payne. ALSO--The following described piece or parcel of land situate and being in Booth Creek township. and bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Peter Miller and John Dann, on the Canby land of .1. Gimes, on the south by land of Alonzo Ross, on the west by lands of James and 0. W. Quick. Containing about 90 acre% more or less. with about 40 acres improved With a framed hewn and barn and orchard thereon erected. Seised sad taken is execution at the suit of La ther Gates vs. Denj. Quick. WM. ft MIMS, BM. Sheriff's Ince. Towanda Dec. 14, 1949. Retailers of Foroiga hierehandize. T IST OF PERSONS 'egged in readiagnreifin Goods and Merchandise in Bradford county. classified and arranged according to law for 111 year 1849: . Nears. Lille's... Chun. Alia. Asylum. - John Horton. -. no liq. 14 117 00• ElMer Horton. " 14 7 00• Athens Township. Bidleman it Brown, " 14 700 Wirings it Gardner, " , 14 700 John Watkins " -14 7 00• Athens- BorovgA. Wm II Baird. " 12 12 50 Wells it Harris " 11 16 00• Hti Comstock ". ii 10 00 J H Wells At Co. " 13 10 00 G A Perkins. 4 13 10 00 Phelps At Walker, liq. 13 15 00 C Park, no liq. 14 7 00• Burlington. Coryell h Gee. liq. 13 15 00 A & 8 .H Morley, no liq. 13 10 00 I V Daniels, " 1443.360 Job Motley, " 14 700 E Ovenon, - " 14 700 Canton Newman & Co., C E Rathbun, Dunn U Moody & Co., no liq. 14 7OM 0 Debainberlin, • 14 700 Columbia. A /Ostia oMCard “ 14 700 liq. 14 10 50 Franklin. J W Hamar, E Hawley, " 14 10 150 no liq. 14 7 1)0 Granville. Ballard & Presbo, ... 14 700 Ilerrirk. L H Brownson, .Lcroy. Holcomb & %eland, " 14 900 Parkhurat & Co., " . 14 700 Monroe. I J Warford, lig. 14 10 50 J H Phiney. • 14 10 50 88&.1 B M Hinman, " 14 to 60 Rodger Fowler, no lig. 14 7 00• J 11 & 0 Smith, " 14 700 Alden & Coolbangb, " 14 7- 00 John Hanson, " 14 7 00• Brown & Rockwell, " 14 7 00• Brewster, . • 14 .7 00 Oncdl Theo. Humphrey " 14 7 00• 1 Pike. A S Smith, - " 13 10 00• Gl4 Little, "i 13 10 00• D Balky & Son, "' 13 10 00 Rutbery. C Murphy, " 14 7 00 Calvin West, •• 14 7 U 0 Row, L 8 Maynard, " 13 10 00 8 F Washburn, " 13 10 00 P W Maynard, " 14 700 G Nichols,_ • " 14 700 _ Sheshequin. Wm Campbell, Kinney & Batterlee, Smithfield Lyman Dorfey, liq. 13 15 M Bullock & Co.. " 13 15 Eti Tracy,' no lig.. 13 10 Sprinrftdd. Hiram Spear, Puke & Bennett, w r Daly. Enos Hubbard,. Lucius French, Standing 'Stone. liq. no liq. H W Tracy E W Baird, Ilteans.tltorra & Co.. Towanda Borough. H 8 & M C Mercnr, Montante & Co., J Kingsbery, N N.& us, Daniel I.ord. Tracy & Moore, E T Fox; Kingabery & Co., 0 D Bartlett, Elliott & Tompkins. D C Hall, (Domestic) 8 8 Daly, Tiffany & Kingabery, Hiram Hit Huston & Potter. H W.Tracy.AssiteetiCared, no lig J P Doll, W A Chamberlard, H O'Hara. C Coleman, Borsugi. W is Dr Posierot; Baird &Stephens, V & Rini /on, 1' Maiwetl, Verna, Tiatt & Fottieroy, Z F BCF Ballard, Fitch & Ballard M W Joues, 8 W Paine, atemestie) Ulster Guy Traci. Wm Gibsbd. Peckham & Mattkr, Wells & A'asap. Benj %Moroni Hobert Cooper? WiUs. 1 YTaykw, *rioting If al A Lewis, drown & Avert MN Wells, *pot: /adorn Hoktnahi itaidsThe D , ab li • *gave paid their iticebaes. * Towanda. Dec. !PM. Oft • J. K.' PICK. Treaxater. fritrn"* 6141 00110Whin! Leans and Min. ads rimer., tangent. leaf.ifinatiOrit!. Color& Clitishv - inionenan' and di•Mairged dinrrlit..Ga , sap 0411 Oink. WhlMESi—et eidifi r inar; re **At by iffrAtrrt &its =I ORTellMair 11110=1.. BY a'!,•O l 4T dix,l2lpliasis' o Sesdford 40 ti be exposed to publics sabt st the prem ise*, io .B hashegain, lowaslupiDnidfsed to. PI.. oa SATUIDAY the , hilt day of - J , avinalgrldid. Id to eeDielt. 144, all that piece or paliie: Wag *Ad bidig saidlownship. and boaidedasfolloinu on than Orth by !adds belonging'to die taupe of Dieh ard IL Xenon deed, Seojamis Sinitb, Colvin Smith and Reuben' Yount!. on the env, by. rands of Syl vester Horton and Jobs Tompkins, on the south by lands of Datrid Horton and Burgess Barnum. and west by lands of D. IL Moon. Containing about 6lty acres. Also. OA the same Jai. at 2 o'clock P. M. on the premires. an equitable interest in the undivided half of nne other piece or parcel of land situate in the same township. bounded as follows, to wit: begin ning at the north east corner of a lot - contracted by Avery Gore and Joseph Kingsbery to Rice W. Trude. thence one degree east '2B 640 perches to a porn. thence forth we-t 110 perches to a post on the east line of Harry Smi th 's. lot. thence south 1° west. 211 and 6-10 perches to the north west corner of the said Trude Lot. thence south ft° west one hbndred and forty plebes to the beginning. Con. mining girentpfire acres and fucr perches strict measure. Attendance vireo. aad terms made knowa on tha day of sate. CRAB. CaiIIITEE. JAMES DrAIONY, Elbesbequin. Dee. 12th. 1849. ' Administrator% OLD DRUG STORE, r , ark* AM. m••••=b E7ON di PORTER am sew notiviag. at No. 11fielt Rows, a late addition to their tomes stoat. ecosisung of Oruro, IIeaICIMIES, Cramerles, Liquors, 01Is. Mate, Dyestuffs. Fatty Cab, It. which will be sold at anownefty low rates. They alsv offers far sale the oplenthal sad genuine Tease( the PE KIN TEA COM PAN Y, fur which they-are scents. sad whirl they do not hesitate to recommend as helm so prviorto any other imported. They have also the we e, of m oat of the genuine Patent Medicines natant. Toands, November *9. UM . SPKU sad Tallow Candles. by the boa or pound. a d l HUSTON & PORTER'S. riRRICK'S VERMIYUGE, by the damn or vial at .dl HUSTON & martins. DEAD !SHOT. for taxi bap, at the Dreg moat of No. I, thick Row. H. dr. P. ERAIVE BnA P, for mncnring tar, rants, oil*, &e warranted. in dl H. dc. rat. 1Y WATER, Colognes, Hair Oils, and Patfoate all kinds. at Nn. I. U. R. H. & P. liq. 13 15 00• " 13 16 00• rlßCialtlEB of all kinds, for sale at low prime at V the brag Store of dl H. & P. IDAINTEI.:OiIs, Glare sad ny. Staffs. for rale at 1. No. I. Brick R.,w. d I H. & P. SUPERIOR Wines and Liquo r s-30 bfits. that ru perior WHISKEY just received at H. &P. :LIBRA:ft& "SeXIM kV:B.IOI9M'. rr HIM institution *sunnily located in the village of Leßayavilla Bradford County, Pa, is now in suc cessful operation under tha supervision of Rev. H. J. NEWELL, A. M., Principal, and Miss Maria C. tine. pan!, Preceptreay. m 14 _ 700 Primary studies per quarter, 52 00 English branches, class commenced, 2 50 do riq de advanced, 3 00 Higher bnglish branches. 3 60 Languages and Higher Mathematics, 4 00 Drawing and Painting, each extra, 1 50 Incidental expenses, per quarter, 25 CLOTHING STORE, riEO. H. BUNTINU, respectfully informs the pub ‘ lie that he is just receiving from New York an a- ointment of ready-made Clothing, to which be in vites the attention of purchasers. Among his stock may he found Dm, Coats, Sack Costs, Business Coats, Frock and • Dress Coats, Cloaks, Paula/clone, Vests, Round abouts, tc., in all styles and all prices. lie is determined to sell his Clothing at unusually low prices for Casa, and believes he Can make it the in terest of thews wishing to purchase to give him • calL 0:1'. At the old stand, between Bartlett and Kingir berry's Stores, op "lairs. Cutting and making up. done as usual in *be most faihlonable maitre?, promptly and•to order. Towanda. October 20.,18401. 00• 00 00 60 AIL ARIL IIEILICISTAILL e► NEW GOODS. E. T. FOX, 1.8 receiving, direct from New York. an eseorteernt of NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS, which the public are requested to cuff and examine: Towanda. October 16, 1849. ;00• 00 no liq NEW GOODS, • Aim' •IIIoSTOSOF OF FALL GOODS, Jost itveived by fityt.ll, 1849. • H. 8.8 M. C. MERCUR. liq. no liq. M THIS WAY FOR CREAT BARGAINS' Against the Weill t• Tiler RECEIVED a splandirl wwwwweet of Goods, bielat subscriber. /4 lie. 11. Brick Roy, which can hi Neil wall boom sod will be sold at the lowest pri• cid. Our Mende still please fa*ut Ma with a call. as left: We will charge ype obthargi (w looping an Rips if ye, bey. We Weed Iresphig essisteatly OW Wad • law awartawast of Mpaccad. {style,. '‘..assireares. Wanted diaries:l/tripes &Maas. Room SINK Tweak. W rit Veadege. Ealers i tud%, Detrital& Spialga Sistio Altw. Mawr. *c m. largeLsaampept a( Cope:hal, • WAI.LN BULL. Ite. 2, Mick &wt . . ,lttw.o.lM 14 14 " 14 " 14 " 14 " 14 22 5 0 n5O• 15 00 is 711 12 a 0• 15 50 20 Cgr 10 00• Oti tad no liq. u 4• no hq. 7. Or io Oo 10 00' to OW 8 STOVES, STOVESI 0.11.4 1 111 Itsysetraltrafersille tbs D **he, niat ha Ms use ihrditla at his STOR. a postal cud chases saustaledu of netts. a t an tiara Skid palms. atlitelibilipecOaftl sewn el Wok. sits of Ma i er "change lot coastal eadocs aissullte iamb seastlittlialethig taw. Fat atom. 'bestirs% septlitril liaises, blt issort mast is ceielpleut Be mums Ms duitsks ald esitonewto oboe. and the PIA° . be Me " 141 4" - tatin' ti he give , blia a call before paebsibig &eh asittat Lie reaticabsi HA LlAlaredi side of the Public 1* Matituarts Shah. A 07 Time tip me, are booby I . l ennad We T bitty elisfut tia‘ si al Vr sals ea: lawn*, aut sink 1114 irill ik A., as; r*df* t ieses.. C. SALL. • • fltenl6.ol awl kid ilk.lsoli} , aid elk kW ass show Om* peed* sloe lad edam" . ti*v TOrt ' El 7 or 7 of oo to otr" I. 7 rill =MI NEW ARRIVAL AT TIE 1=1:11 El First Quarter commences Sept. 5, 1149. Second quarter commenced Nov. 21. 1812. Third quarter commences Feb. 19, 1850. Fourth quarter commences May .1, 1860. CO - All bilk most be paid by the end of the quarter! JAMES HODGE, Prat. of Trustees. J. E..DULLOCK, Secretary. 27. f • TOWANDA CHEAP =Si MMIIMI=I I ,I=IiEM 81RA1D743 JEW • b. lIALISCVII4. • 4. .44 • "Urge token *is WOG' Lows Haut; Dl:dseldi alien li. &low Is en Weill hiesile; ied meet hippy to tone oew sivehasessere; It is his Ivo orgilog. mad will be !Ili goods= sill, giye ited isavoitere such reception se be ogre to• give' retire esteiduction. Re respectfully eulicks this palms. age old* puttliF. Tolsrada. Nov. 15, tali. SELLING 'OFF AT COST. 'PRE rtilweriber will sell hie rteck of Dry &orb. ifinTlicars, .r.. ,rt their ACTUAI. etitYr; for wady pay. W. 11. LlAllitt. Brick Maw. Arbon... Nov. 23.110,19. Commabobble, Provision tied GROCERY STORE. JDOANE brit opeawd o store its the Wick tiork . mood by Illsonnoye end abet% *bens be intriteis those who wish to divot, of do* norples Provisinos and thew who wish to pc:chose the at emetics of life ID roll mad snake solidarity, harping. Touren/by Not. 2d, 1849. atilaCe EXl.llKii MILLINER . AND MANTUA MAKER, HAS removed berth', to her new place of residence in the brick block owned by Stnntanye sad others abese she is prepared with Gsads. Patterns anti Pas& ions tam enceenamaiate bee caatowers. ao. Two or three 'apprentices will be taken. • - Threads. Neweantrer TO SPORTSMEN! TOHN E. GEIGER respectfully informs the potlic a/ that be has teetered hi. Shop to Main mom, west ewe Wm. Watkia's, and ■ few rode above the Ward II where ba camilaues the bowinces of aliestadorieg and Repairing Gnu, Pistilli, Le After hie long experience in the bbsinem, he is con fident he can perform all work entrusted 'to him. is a satisfactory style. . JOHN E. GEIGER. Towsada, Nov. 17, 1819. • 2 1 :11:11 MEE ULU - DLL/Oa MIS& GRIFFIN, UTOULD again inform the Ladies:4: she has Jan V V received the largest and hest • ment of Millinery Condit. ever brought to Towanda, aml to wbsch *be would par ticularly invite their attenion. A fine selection of Flowers, Flumes, Ribbons, Velvets, Watered Wks, &tins. Belhr, &e. Milliners supplies! with Ribbons, Flowers, or any othilr Millinery articles which they slob. albn would also inform the Ladies that she is prepar ed work at the shortest notice and do it well, and in alfashionable style. Nov. 9, 1849. NEW GOODS AT THE CENTRAL STORE ! Nl:g.ortindintreinatrahthlee "ta t bl or 78 ;A:7 SUMMER GOODS, which will .he sold at-very low rates. Business at this establishment conducted upon fair and honest principles. You have our thanks for past favors and we hope for a continuance of the same es we are bound to sell Goods Cheap. Towanda, July 4. 1819. N. N. BETTS. DISSOLUTK3I4. NOTICE is hereby given that the enivartnerehip heretofore existing between BRISTOL & SMITH is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The accounts of the late fins will be settled by L. Dri 1.. BRISTOL, Sept. I. 1 849. ' I. H. SMITH,'.. L EVELING, Laying out Rosy and Lots, Dividing Estates, Measuring hi:dewy, Ernhankmenteo de., seeurately dotto Ly E. Za. NICHOLS. Rome Dradlotti comity, Pa. Persona at a di,tanee. needing bit services, shall by writing him a line • few days be forehand, 1t... their dopiness 'promptly attended to. G. W. MereitantfiCellebrated 'Whisk Is also a Calmat Family Fabrocatba for liseaSes of lks Emma Flab. rrllfs end experience have folly proved dug attain JJ FRSAL REMEDY hes not not ill equal an the fist of.popnlai med?eines, baring been snort this 14year, before the publici Testimony of the Most clisinielested diameter of its wanderfol effecte on the minisl woman, is iihnost ty prep/ sited td the proprietor. A young man in the ben of Wilson. *base clothes were blunt o6t of btre. was Vestened twidavdt sphering) by rite (Inlay us of the Mt • • Numerous Os the unsolicited statement of Wiesen theraelelm Ind *hers who hare mad tlie IC4I. of cures which in dramatics appear retnarietti ' bat they et ap interested is a pmfthry.point; they could hardly have hem entailed. The %Dewing diseases-a% Teton, many ethers in the edit elf *hi& this Oil has beep completely esernisial 40d fa vitilei Gibes bad entirely failed:— Spasms. thisemY: 'WOO" W iedalls, Pell BA% pa. loud, Cracked Bede, balls of ell kind.. Varremess. Trash Worals; Sprains. Braises. Send Cracks. r.tokind net; Scratches. or Grease Nang*, libel,. ntathst. Menet Asthenia. External Poienes. - Paiehl Nemo, AM:diens. Pest Bites. Boils, Co* Whit. lowa, Barns and Seek's. Chilblains. Moped hands. Clump, Contractions of the %wise. threeings. Weakness of the Joints. Caked Bresset., /gni CAUTION TO PURCHASE ft Bowan of COUNTERFEITS. sad let saw tbe sane of the Sole Proprietor. GEORGE W. NIARGIVANT. LOCKPORT. N. Y., is Morro la the tide ef the bee. *Noe is Ids head writing wist the ea& /facet br Omani to take any Sauget.. with the groom it it prria let zted. •Thit is pnwtiss 41 by dais vo • deniers whose eopstitikt tiffl distal Mut Baia Rr bier. sad who ere oft kindred spirit of Sow is 001 r forgo cities. wheal flotation* pesetitis bass so is. mai, bell exposed to the 'Won' of Coignes. Those Mat suerapt toCosaterfeitthiJweds stare frrred at the low of New York only, 11115, by which it Mg Its mesh that ' pima teseilliat in thaw assamerfitte is akar* io l mein, hapeisomestet. sad A *deo solliat aid of ids obis. Wall bt lighlo sow mai Wheal to the gat; .6d also to Fs Mkt a a mitoses bought sf or ma Aw. All lllndsio oddment Ea tiipapftst Ma l Nsaspen& sd to Get t pansrplik of am Alettli t t hos *hit weilidet. anw modOods'plredied by fiod 14 et • spediabia.- Bold by, Ampertabis dieuhrsludieraNy it die MOW Sodas and Canada. Per Ws by utlarrtix&Pcrrzlwrm!.ll4il). Weak Lawienatilth, Edwin Tfyii. Cosiaose, Abel Tynyir. *yam*. *oor& kinisy. Ramos. lawki ma& i l & Ca, Orb Sim g. g. gaga rib liesisa. aes. 15111 oft ea4l. DAM LEAF HAM Jost viesebred owl he Web" 4 'My It B. UNOUTERY a CO. • ' 2- • st7f.,,,i4tekrrar, imitibisiticirrermeikoo: MMP • EiBIER bee mamma hislinifi iim ili••••111 T comer sObe , Pub* tompimi br $: *s mot Wilting 11•14 , kis ass \al added to bit former•••••mtat • IiFIV %mil /WIZ§ &km, - xl.l • r Willow k - Wood's irate, Gloisirarrjhblei Tackle, Fmk/ Goods, trilowityetee N. ti tweet for stkoet of the value le MEDICI:NIA of asy. 'latish ono be pc.' . of hint with a certainty of praiing Return* ate, *its t CANTON T A ;COX PAN I of Now York. who*, Tees hare ettele . ediver4ll4. •Pfelld rePutatiatt for :Insular:arab* and their low price: An examination of hie stook br tiltith he Write, tbe attention of the public. will midi ea e iy one that it him been 'elected with • vim of procuring the.,* On t 1 moat desiiable artirinvets& ,joarchased. la 'the Vienna ramm, rnsittiaik. 2111 re 'T EA ID : • TMPECIAL, Tenn *roil, * gen 4rld'a Millet* 1 Tees of stephisi &sor t Cut sale at iiiiros,dial kik silk judges of the ink*. ai meictmor. 011101toralli31 . It& 174Attilllikk a NEW GROCERY_ 84; Mgt VARIETY . . VARIETY ST 11 1 1 FF.% NY rt. KiNcissert inform' the pohlle 1 • that they are now receiving direct from leer-York and opeuing in j the atom lately occupied. by H. Maw .10. r mob of B. Kinpbevy . of Co:, • large ands postal assortment of GROCERIBI Ye PROVEKNI, IJeJOßgiFAllii CM ankee Notinis, Cialltaniary i te: I to which the monition of maks.% Ps &ilia° their M u. assortment of Moe/ries end Liqooili 111 ' ' rod will be sold at unusually low rat& tat . 1.. W.. Tr P • Towanda, June It 'IL D. L itisosucir. . . . NEW ARRIVAL . • OF JEWELRY ! WV. A. CHAMBERLIN has last returned (rota WY New York with a einirreir selection' of Jewel rp, and Fancy td which invites attention, as it will be said ehe.p forßeask• Towanda. Oct. 21, 1601 • T EGIIO ES ASE PA LM LEAF II A 119—Prals .1.4 sod Englirh mi[aK kalif new shaße. Worn* childreus 16, sloe Reim Ant zOO% akin Thiestt my 23 • ; Potts: _ _ MONROETON EXCHANGE • JV. WiLLCOCK respeethely idea, Om brie . thatbe has leased Ms well -kaolin. Asia _. do village of Monrcwron , later, emeopied gtoitlV awl Woodruff, where he will be happy to receive Mr Shahs of the traviling community. The house haiintt been greatly enlarged and improire, shitt toting wiltidinish ed, id now capable of secommodaGng X 'Pedantry favor him with a rail. . He assures the public that his tlridiepted cafe and attention will be given to their eornoirt..abd 6e !lopes to merit and receive a share of business. Monroeton, Sept. 10, 1819. SUMMER CLOTHING .- 4 large aiaortaahlit rof Goad. for Mena' and Boys' bummer CLAIM now °firming and for sale at ip2o MERCURIr. FCR for aate by the Darrel, or in 110041.11(1111 F, tint the pnrcheser by L: tfrr.otyd. Towanda. Oct. 29,149: T tti DLORDS & Groce_ry-mens, The Notice, that 1.4 pot) will find the beat article article wf krone Beer, in the country for sole by etto barrel at Towanda, Oa.. 2g, ; 49. TIFFANY'S • .1. FINTASH( . I}ENTISt Late of intg.ego, N. LTAS petinenrntir located Ulnae! hi.tonrontle.— 11 Office in the Unien Block, over Ellectra cake, nett to the dredferti Here!. Oct. 15,1849. CALFORNI% GOLD WES °maw New Arrival of Jewelry, dial' dad Watches: • JAMES P. BELL respectfulliinhitinar the citizens of Towanda end vicinity, that he hag iiitetj return ed from Philadelphia, and may tvt kin at the old stand, one door below the Britt the ;oil for merly occupied litettur'e lidt thote, Where &sierra for sale ■ large and splendid' assortment oreWEL RY. consisting bf gold and silver watches. go fob and goanl chains, gold and silver peireo4, geld pens, breast pins, linger rings, &e., cheap for cash. ma every article warranted. A largo supply or Cl.; 'MK ot the latest' improved patterns, tanning from 20 Wire td 8 :days and a ukritth, with one winding. Perticniar attention paid to icirdiring CL()CES, WATCHES & JEWELRY, of every time - ription, a nd from the long etperience which* he has hid in the bu siness. wolf' itt his care will be done in the best workmanlike,manner. Old gold and silver taken in exchange. Towanda, October, 20, 1849. y ILCIrE YOUR POSTAGE.. TB°B-E. GBIDLEY, of Orem N. Y. will. dale, er personally, or by Express the Mowing Midi: lies. at the Publishers' Prices, Godey's Ladies Book, Democratic Review; Graham's Magazine, Amnions Seguin's Union " • Nair Attini. &mak National Knickerbocker,„ . • Fortin Bevinriv flortiaunist, Wedge's - stele Litters Living Ags. North Britbh • . 4 Hoidens 'Magazine. Edipht, ” Cielmabisa " - N. Y.. Pillaileipble aid Blackwood's " Boston Lase BMWs. - Through his Correspondents will ridee fres dim*: am Brie. Litimigrapils. Works of Afi. sidaedid Gift Books, Norehl, sad all Likrei of Bimini and Liteesry Moor for doom who any phasi band him theft, of dem which . will he dhlisseed promptly. 111sessio mega with dm iiirmary somber for 1830 ; kavt.'s Offeting. let tungidesi to order. NO: 17.1819. S. arum; . . ... SI73IdZIOFI. 1 0 31V6 . 1,6% Of 74sy;Bridfitid imanly. i i ii, DM: BEB aiskiegi :gosiriiadiell Ade at tairibilr 1 during the •seirie4 4,1 rim aloft lk aimo to kma :tub heads al. B. Cram coseetseing as Oat 11.1 of Iceptembef. Ramon eau be bat fraorritay pen of obor owns,. All lima worrantswl. in Slit NEW GOODS. truss of CO, .re ado day nearingLP. ttoia tiro' Taft an olaenoioo aloortainn of 0001)41, *deb niU b. sold nom* low for CaII. sad soy. Towanda. ed. IF 18 1116531/' A UM IS Mir 1.11.111 AT 1116 - wroovve ; mums, BT the Keg, Coo. Quest or odarosior r ir oirprillor pity. **mike. ps M and Opfer shops , Plitt Tornio's. Nor ,11. NIL iiiukt 'NO MONEY - LOGY 'ME Wallet of the amble:Ott. as Awl maillme- L day Diem of last waeA.. gontaintax seven dol. 73rs .in money. sadintpori of an valet. to asv . one hnt me. Any person who will testis said Wallet anti pipets.' is 'imilootae to Aka ntOime,...sool so questions asked. • JOHN CARTEL Tnertada. Nov. 26. pONfiglis AND BMW TRIMING—.IPhreer. .a..Pedithen¢ and Ftemeit- lore Beseete eed the test eseretsetitatitUene newer; white. Mieh. VON Me. mei Wow ear Wise sad elope is bet everimkg &sizeable in the shore.' Illesnet Mimi. at Fop.