- 3217 , A2118 7 .1111001 , fr l lllWr i d l i f ”* " i Aigiir rot AZT, I - - iiCaiiirlatarainieW 01.%11L POIO9NOIALWOUNDS, as distal", Asir rail VIORWIere s•• faLleNitikLUlClektlhowl. gliklirst:eaw4 anitiode ;or taissadoirditzitili sit ""bsaillifiistaad it kcal limaideralaidy far di orad.rtisders - idarslisatia OatkiilrAnecowilli it NW rr aw ft t - 10 Alefiktref '" fide stifis rimilOslwAir die barn*: I , ll ftVg ll S '" 1 410 1 " oreao 4lo, f l ail Wl ' kill -ss WV; botimi..6 - 16:415e yofrawoM 17V ammoliarVat i ,-; iis,';'*l4.oat isi sii• die r • - end orma.— bat. BZW•A`fresiliis rit=rft." —11111.1.1111111111olilest;----L -xes.oda,:pakifieu mod igos 65 lie ,CsOuila , , • •- • 'Roiliest curd can gill ' staidly aio itheaki 'sr warm 46s Milky • Amass ioiLaciiiia"masioo oak_ tai without say beady Irina skw baus MIES taint eividtbeat. • de' still; ttaters lb* kill MINN dun say . , - - sailiiag Utter' &licit' •of teUer -14.1 it 10 "It atA," ,ths world for bae. atkii,e t . Tharasdasts iS:atiyeared-iffliiadaismost. an alma tate( its the Pia.. 'Ws ,c mud do bps ars iii,swieas foe wing *Allis . jar Berafals, Conspleist,Jrr %air, Ctlil blavr. &Add Plead, Bore ' Artillkrord. Bronclutis. Amu/ timbals. 3 ' &Nisi if ds Spins,. Had ads, Asthma. Ardir Ni., ikon* Carts. at Dileini Us this ! lips =44t, 1 101 of tom ' ink of Use Aill Sens. Listatstiso. Pats. eisa fat. elli ii slifalitior bait* Tara sok& Ass f& • *awl moons ilea visa this OW albs Cliabnani nal always 111".&ilisitarstos growing. toopla twit a. be Um. ` 7 lllolstilli-disst-if they lase it Oequently. v. .0 ' Ointment fie good for any 'per of &a body R limbs that are Wilms& In soma catalt.:filtottia be iv lion t l rr i nn _iften. .-416 clamant will be Se+ sakelltle Amos Mallister Iv written wit a pen epos • JAMES IticALMB CU. "de Proptistor of thanboannwilisine. Apswita--111.8. & 74.0 MENCUR. Tiiwantla ; 8. . & lc Neiman & Co.. Caution ; Ehnen Nor ton. *tor Rita. 45, Principal Mies, at No. 18. North Third-w.. islet* *brae applications tor wadies saw; tat made. Enne's Clothing Sto4, Elmira. ." 1 'Mine %inn now' while I relate A,tale I'm bound. to sell. Of clothing wad steneha • Thor nose can anima% One day I called cm Juba A. Kane A suit of clothes to buy. The, were ao i cheap that I would fain Persuade you all to try, Marra fcr John A. Kane, Hurts for John A,,Kaute ! We'll buy our clothing all of bim, , For beat him no one can. • Ilia /Pock consists of every kind, And piled . : my eyes f bow high, - Vow eraceirity can't help but find - The thing to suit your eye. • Titers', suits to suit all woe of men, For Wedding Church, or shop There's Pante, Vesta, there. Cloaks 'Of Coate • thanderin lot Marra forJobn A. Line, Nunn for J. A. Kano. Ifonos you hay • suit ofhim You're ears to vitt again. - • There's Dregs and Sack. end frock Coats toe Of Cloth the eery best.. • There's under Clothing, Cravats too. Silk, Wool and Satin Yalu. And as fitting to a fit S I need not ben to tell, . -116 chrtbini on each man will set first rite-- . none better—for he persorially oversees the cutting Department, and has his goods made in the best manner, and the best style. Rum for John A. Kane, Rona for J. A. Kam . For when I want • fiat rate fit, ; • . Fil gall on him again. - Some other time I'll tell yew mote But this before I close, ' He has on band now in the Store A Stock of first rate clothes, "So when you have a tittle tittr And cash on hand to apare. Remember that you'll - always find John A. Kane reedy to give you the worth of your Money at N 0.6, Water Street, Mt door west of the Bridge ' Hors for lobn A. Rene, Berra for J. A. Kane We'll buy our clothing all of him ' For Beat him no one can. 175 bands wanted fora* kinds of work, immediate. JOHN A. KAPlE:Khning. Aug. 21 '4l. N. V. & Erie Mil RIMO. EVERY BODY'S MARKET LINE: rrHE subscribers are now prepared to receive might .11. of dl kinds at the Owego. Ilinglewleton, West Dead, Leseestkiro' and Factaryeilk Depots, Every -Toes*, Wednesday and Thursday Oath week, sod, .tontnime with regularity throughout the seassu.. They will amend to forwarding Owosso to dm New Toth Market, when oh." have Muds arangemmuts with at- . pkieneed Salesmen, who will attend to the selling, the lame. and morn the proeeedr in Bankable 'funds at either of the those De to the following peraons:-. 7 - At, „the. Store Of P. Reynsford. Owego ; C. WiEltuurf. Bliuthamion ; at the Office of Jas. Miffs, Ghia Bent; at dm Hetet of Z. Beason. Lemesburo. Assfri.—r. Reensford. Owego; C. MertherY, ' Jar. Orif6n Great (lend; Z. Beam, 4.1 c. N. vit:rew, Union. .lAf3. SISK. Binghamton. JAM. GRIFFIN, Brent Fkled. 4 00.. lame Sisk yin inperintend th e bedew :Chmashosi the *hole Line, and receive Gni lash ow 4117 {Melts, Oystees, eddeb in 16' Wilda en mat riots in X Tot, sad tweennini In Ahelof the shone named renew 'SHAVING; AND. MAR :DRESSING. ,ona.&ap 1/1111Vedi1iebt. esters! We ipstieteriltip Is tik—assierithisiseie, 'Whet Iseilkied up - Rilesidispiii: are he ilithessiee' s - lbs. Wtatl Nespe,,She tillettEisr the liiiilS hiss!, whew they will lei tratly so hetet Ileir stmemerose Serene le di sesimidsitbilitS,:— Oeirestiese is their 'boast. stiß :be pegibnited is the lialcilly. sea "West kers positAkT i s m .mi an to di, - MU 'oesurtry keep es !mid MI sei stif-O_Us • VeY - is( Perforenny; sib, Dar-Dye, a weey superior est- Sei Willithitillperissnestly etinisititsbehr fess pay, = es Raising red is OWN": blush; fir. beeil ;-7 4 Wokq nos hesisherite,seiniii Ardis! ima V e _.lily soloed smiseteebee mid sit' , thsy-alles to &row atheneum Arts femuresr. . - 41molf soy elitssieseheirstessitt-thse v ersi se senile dttirdlists si Tee& .. Tim* . - .:ls Om seiihreii - ei assid tits.sessoest :Fa iiiiiiitild Mei et 10 001.14PArimr* 400witiopplied .10, tritt Alf ARK ft& COLD sATMie ei4-imbei lig , mil klia.:o l l4 l 9Piiiiihe Asti deem .. , :- ROL. COOPER:- • 1 -- -- :, JOHN CARTER. hints 13116sit i ;7•4' , ..: DIAS VOOS WEN? OVAL:ACK TraApo R W•gyaried a10440 1 k. PIK IhriMeeVilitemilha lamas Tiiaa!}ir mot wit ,111, T.- • rIqII "Mk 3, Doug «ma lagerdir= ° "are" at -rottri fr/ . . I XVI ". I.: '- .**trrik 4 4 lll 3WilAo t Y6 tileidies senWllilainspealLindepis lib nee le pet, Ill* 1 4 1 dOWNI.Vinellailiallin' • Italligalleaddlgingla: dlithel WILDNIDWZ: aliteiL us. .:IsatisiiiiliMN` itedille, von nib* Wegt.bll.lthth aswentlismdthetaidl" ' ~./Wannith„, elliLlOLUanaltnAlinillaandelbettiallt : lakP l a*llitPloWWWWlaliadiga Wa al ~L ;Thalellthell, " all In plan sedge .11, tandesantotilneallendle dlll edirgikr*. 0,14 . 4 W4A.01# 8 i Pg. Amilik7 oll . ll .o ol Who ' DigalllAleadi iiii . it assay& simony llngiellt "Pla il 1 Illeghael liblipante agnianionthstptha , ' .:- ~,,,- ' - f . • • - 111011 40 1 -41 111,3 ** 1161 ims .... 611 M . _ 41 h!eilliB: — -- - - i.,!..3 ,, , " • P . :: . V %, 4 •--c -' .. ! ii ••• = , .. ': '• - U-1:,; "‘ Z: - s_:i V ° .., .., .. • - I , II A - • .• r , - , . ..... _ , ........ - • , • 1 . • ' ..' . . .. . 1 - At .....ltalia 1- I I OWNSUDV inwsOII,IIISAIIIMI9I al ili; 'tinned is vow nest It yews atuneadithe lea Mss IN•lim as the AMMO* sad Dt*COVIDZR ot: do daretwe meow; .- To waxxo inWaitar sal.* One par hi ems essipalied is Duals oftelliteinle while Ilea it Ina leis WO oat 11 sentst, sad ass nee in . isassend es ewe eely whs. had own lia bauble*. 1.11 1 es wan It had andsul the g glen te swesteiden es , . Walls tUo_rn nit . nalllnd sooms_orpon___ socissis San "nun pieSSIONsa lie nennos sad . . -liesusgal lOW"'' ha ils ...' peers yri, that M hid W..ddlloglien eel as sleds whin wised le et leenno . We semen. r ises now the -news wend is So Wed te nos it lan egnsligil is = le mo ns is la g lesennedfl ise elm Wean used is lusewatied eis erthariffr a thiltelldLlAD PitsiksasTroA , winashetein is as Least seen ad It allied ar toss alblees* sea Issaish af the Innenthiallyas &baud sf deisseseas at auelositise. _ Vane asses yassC.L...ro.pri..=r=rix prissysartl a te Mast niemeU tise m =iss of Ifs =et, li i =s l Nos age newthallii I. the assidicarte nas Old ohs latlaltlinan. Theten Rig quell lam is nodal en senalas sassl itenuthay seedielite prothease. anneo pposein gala an lain te wens, sad ans which-It utabith is per Wilels le an nidessansendise wad add which is M. as the spun Isar at the Inning et lainfOlial ewes names. that an sallnly eespesses gel -ape be le ale = if ilisq ate set ussened by a atlas* ;mom 4 1.1. 011 Is those upsessesd la its nuaelhone. Mostawe Ors seat& piander. salsa Otrellia trent. at ass. saes en. inn hen an the very saseasielemliest pinewn new ani..w up la a •11 le.-ginalita. • • pleiellia isll et stew as test ill nuoitsailtisbell whin is Is. the celostes amuse la ems lest theei Inn art 1111 la rads; they ass this steels Ms WOW et wen ftsith easseue with seer nolaassa. and this sail is ..111111 RAPARILLA lERTRACT se STROP." lat atria le wet the etbeeluemes se the OIENUINE- OLD JACOB TIMIINSENDII SARSAPABILLA. VP bee thepanil. en all as ben ~...tree 0 the at satheilla root ate in renned. nay this capable off Ise swig at ef asinstades, is sennal sad mthisessl;= ="mediae draw Is mane I. apare sad Inn kb assinst beepable of Wages? at in "Mr W. imilloasepopirties. anon la ibis wsy. lila ma ni thee psweriblopit bias Vitlik ; alt isusuassrable dismisses..: write the mesa why wig hem anweadation es wiry MD de Ms inn by ma. wenn end eleldess. We all It ding winess is the este at coxsumericur, DINIPEP/Lt sod LIPrZIU Mill• ILIUM sad It 11111CML Mal. satormt rizzA commas& ail CVTANZOOB CR UPTICAT. POD PL,Ild /LOOT/M.4n an albetioas orhiar him WORM OF TAT': BLOOD. lijinnerserneenseillesey la ell trearlitheas niesebre 824liesseim lipme .Ikiblig ef the amen Dew unpin siods. ale. esawssianicu of blasil so thehuepolpiumen etas hum add bet sad hues, gold dila Wed hot menu as. the ledy. V hie set ow equal la Maud awn; sad thweeles sass WV =an Aida Ingenthes. nen* steam sf as la UN nay othet put. Ist bonen is lie escalleses wee auslasey nee snag Isewiedged an la all Weis sad sum e ti rs. MULE COMP is wens wenn la cesessf Reeralleser Whim, JYGdwi a w.. she WA* Gletnies•Rierpossal. fa thilifel Aram. ili W m et the ses port sad Ye Qs sad Is ews all as inn of If on idry Distaff & ; is ap. starrin oksimmluin, WM whe ts dig.4 as . l AP . u. II piss ices and itheaph is as . std an awes all theme et Nervous diseases said debility,". _. and lbw puss% et Miens peat tratiety-of Dew sansin as *phut raith" sirens dates Ilit. Mu' IDases, Ittookag, ;Bsl Air. Oroutimidnia. *.e.. II cleats. Os blood. news the Dawn lon* anise. One Ile ollioask, sod glees pal apnea. nines the bowas et nose a ss pailaia. hop likllsimazder. Pam glis illiMr equalise chemist:lea W of she abed, eroduese Veda WM* egial4 ell ewe the body. sad In nessale thespbnies; or lases all steetwess sad optases, iiilwaves all alannalisa. MI the Mho aarrolla 1,816111. II POWs this rneikine yes trimidiently see* t • Me eat say et *Ow *lap glindeat;indilliors /sib' 55 ands II Thia et area awn Is liJil '' s wint THR`OLVDRII, lomomarOse GRAND FACT • an the we Is WICADARLD ef lISTRILIORATiON. and NEVER SPOILS,. . , Nits Ur other DOOM ; ewariag. fsennigewissi Mis Mil de iselsonsulabeleinetuntan• • Ws law , ant= ol,l . bei, 'ad ampreg oath pledge; lieent SW pan Inaimosan to the erten I— liftiet enswe • won dime ameba with will What ammo Mt midi las us sat all base that Ines an gnu serteisw ant. irlistaisens* it"put lasesess. inn et ni is Ip./IIII: 11 S an ensuptlewn the Woad I Win le,_ - het In_ .• been Is Illi isey 1 What iiiiii.ness all enthillusselestut tn. ust_llittptisus of the ein dad' lltherieseiliS 111 . 1 . wean aradellis Yeretilseireidead W dli ha leeches wentfa is anise eidetalisin Wan sell salesies. whiskestow get lin i.elailiallellint the lady. - astem lori,Mmt nese negnisesa litiathar se sad - add. wild litestreut neat Mines aoluseilissw *um Waft an hilandierno dawns ewes ape Nth* 111 alllll-110 of asnrial dierkalm, analleilll et Ile Wit at .dennelltilliftamisr. an Weserell nto ansiont' whin "dist tiaisW y k an enthis b nil; entelyithr4ii'alir own SOWWW, intillairrliteici . ___ ,_ _HurtiedlaiKatnale ee l sed Ist he Would lei hue It sedentoad Gus ele 111. awn ibis Tenneste Ofiraiws Orr:Iml istripuns e nse IIIITATION isbeet_ nnuestaa .. dans WWI *al Ira should dial is es weft Wash weed Int the writ disuattsseastrbate to il. P. Tessaussers evens/ sod walla shoed Meg Ilan spas the Old [now** esisest Ind deonalaisaadertedeatious Its. ApIS lan VO R A r ie =s, who have sled S. ETewassairsl=l . We wish it sadenised.ibeutsse It le tha-diN4ll.l WSW *II D. P. Tewnenars antis • sad ad Dr. Jaen Teernimidgen Wa. an hasees-wit nut, sad innate annearg this Obey is unuageess. seas is every puticalat, has anew nes lb As a P. Toloolood S. so &eft . mid wan Wog. Is as denist; as sew s as sow or siedlese et es lawhet n ass A an my east eswans. essiteadlle. auselionsel gaga pusses the nub have an they ass inding penes nestles limseeiso. entalated all the erten et ni a wades used Is Innen it sad whisk set Oneelis ef whin Bien sweat atis the ACID= ef lasses et leen the . what ease nein be upend lini ewe Who tern ma relinsualliely we sissibies girdling' I limitios • p..... ... suethseas lo coot aad sore sp nee a soniesu aeon sawn Dew awn woe lawman is it ast the peeps las use ideate aollese asnied kar Wing ffeelandl AMP 11:1710aLthe simais, shoed bow will liir Immlleal if pben.• the Ing weinet of sessees sad ossentra dub hand gl= - she se egnighisbundelp et eie nano dessess which .ille hsignisthisnantiew le new nereasui me agerdleases I IL le is sew *seas sues the enswensi. la lan rtes ' inguded blesefth. is lases hue is the M,JlI.e been es swan nab be Mean sal sire tad de wean sad lir linen to nein tallessity Oat OLD DIL Mein TOWNWIND his eldb • illaT sad /thyMlli the wiewasity sea awns ei Das • 41011116 tlisiVersal ;170amaistsaladl Hiiiedt olgolo - 1111;oodhooi oar Imewisaw wan ins omoki,,Sies : thorns litsull Sewn liM ir esedestisa.kn et id , at ....... , lab hoosTeiressea -•' "' ""• - dpwYeathenklugi. i . , Ilia:•.oethe "Pk of Mr. littlineepte elludiel *la imis ma iim, sudesepithasedet news ipso= wen *rat Inn two sisal. t .. yaws' litenbla efilithew sin* et aniarn Man lit 1. 6 6. WW gIIP-,is Mb Wee I wienikos ea* Josses Imps is seed I Wean booloo - rosoost-ai Imp 13 nasioseilimirimbe Only at 11, as nag We eadel" =1 Oil lawthabilefesseig Is se en sCheinesia laselap I inmen teals leme. arla Slieent in van I s td If page shalt slam Ws seam y ' oh, . anowleassed.te irpleer amptilia; is as 4 .600 Ile. saw peal as an ain Lanai iat /Mal. whin* " hilin le ige, antariadd, Di hils thee a i w hi l ? - ftt z lEtp . ./ClatalatTifit DOWD - ' .' ,- - Inetailia lan walskle no nod t theiali IllpewAnwit es as Yak: dam es SOW OA wow slim Wit. .sio el lisausie - mas Iwo time, MI lull ISM lisquedy elskied ny nab. , hen Deese sleds d.... I ....e. alla na some Orold - Sr. ismoolon esesandenink 'twain swab, Wes . eawl l wend tenstailan kate *Ppm OWN. & I have des seadynessind lM4 Deis abigeoles et wain whiskies, we pen distios. IsoPlis at eine IMP annseDit we. I ast i r loft Dann outlay Ivan ll 111112,1 7 70 =iror,VrixtraTIMILOSILLai ' • - 1 • - • - ~ MAL MlBLlNV,Britsimil. , P. 11.4110 , 011' dapliyabitel ader ever usallogn , .an anew wimeateni ay ose essiu, • cltrisup4 Mist ill Iliestiiiiikikiet; LI. fay. 1 ' “lilead-Wifthliale and retailAn Tonna% fra.o.7llllt / ItAllt-14Moe •fo4 fee !tattoos Pelmoyloosio. - .114.. •t`illloii 11006 I*: ti lii. Pot t oilog ; loklloitoj I . ellik Geo ; Otwoll, C. 0, Ilya •''.' 7 ' •s al i :DIMIIMY ' ' pt i r etes, q9A t = WM V iee l l . e s 'S. It. • VOL ' • Ifil M r 4 . ISEI - Vl4lllll. Ilteireigatii4lit r Atiffairellit# • - 'TV DaiiMol l / 1 0Waiii 5 AR • •-"- itgaiiiikAiMiiiir ifiNe ;RIDEARARAW he *filed redgisaw , _Tiq "Act to TUB WORLD thstiii ellims tint beraie she sumboloarnmeallhearihistritrif- - fiste — .ooe4itrie Oast 1 5 . 111 W I saw Dot V** wrissipießde* int Wile um' *miss *Amigo, lislOßalfisiiont Wind* 1 4:1= 18 :07" 1 / 2 441.imd 4 14 vi nug grr"bilia .1.0 , 4;1 r Os *s. •=4 1040 14 0 1 * , 1 = rpowat 'hi elikiirstfort beet itutpuiri illiin ilraidist o suet obey. .PIOMPIO•9IiOPS :ens aqt . dl. ok*. its!t- Recioneernsig 41( - r. 465. . • Ai -wail *Ow it. Wow boa Ms(isepaeeymetb. NMI PAM= , _ ifilE (4 , moor 011117414111 CAW% ad eissiliNat k• ' ' _ ---- if,.III7ZIII I IPILVTAIL 7 * if :taw oceilifliaiit• wedkj.` -Ass pied et otie essilisess• is Is silloissy,:ws assurrell porebsseesibsit t itares issartulL tit Nosey J4ll trill /is itehseisei.-'• :Cu" is se, elliwissi km' 'Berisee Itek, Prato( Le Clilitnau„Seß,Jahresas. Mir Poiseme chatith slid kr 10 11 1 1 mew DimossAt 'my • ' IMEUKAIVIC iisimedmis s.d Forsisessat - - acm 44040 'lab& ibismselisses of die !s liquid Cane for ScalAr t Asnii 4310 0 1 1. 1 awr - braM 4 lfetalliat .** his aim sr if.' -SEAL PAIN 11ULLSRile.MAIMCAL. Awry Pewety : lb Loot shestil preofille theurdive with thiii hondualie Pieper litiws. the Aar e. if which- plheeiriVirihil Rim • Pull Dined:mei eeetapaup huh Peelphiew esetsiehtiy et** or wetikeewr hem those who have %NW the "Liquid Culei".wreilli he Grudis of our euthorisedseees. I. Myers' Liquid Cure" ie pup wed eody by JEROME A Ca.-!1 flprisee Shiet.lks. Toe*. For mho by HIRAM 1111 X.-T item for this eouuty, and by C. H. Herrick;' - Athens.: liffie- Tiny : hoes H. Phieway.llllewometoi; Heeey Gibbs. Dr. Swipes Celekiki"liditivei: cols inssaws cans ! • MORE PROOF:OF THE EFFICACY OF f1iTt..41M1913 • , . Compels/Syrup - if -:Wii Cherryl THE ORKHNAL . .1010 ITEHHEM: TIHVAPATIQN Coughs. Cold; Asthuts., !ow Complaint, Or. liwayse's Papend SMI if Wild Mr* Jim. Milton Earle. editor of the Wander Spy. Mate, was Bunked *nth r one» iollaneitioe of the Wafts, arcorepoeird with a iliwereeieg cow& ; after ualhg various Min remedies with little or eo benefit by the ow isf one Sallie of lit Sonee's Compound - . Syrup of Wild Cherry, be was restores' to perfect health m. Monteßus t s respectable merehent of St. Clair. tinuntx.teritesAlstimary 80, 1114Ifi—Endita ed .lared you a metifieete of Wm..Nesioneenti arts of our town. His ease of consomptum is well known brie. and of loam statioDbe ; he attributes his core entirely to your Cciaiyound Syrup of Wild Cherry. IMPORTANT CAUTION—READ! REAP!! There is bat one genuine preparation of Wild t'lwr ry. sled that is Dr. Bwaynes. the first ever offerril me public, which hes been ;warty throoghoot the • . States need, end serne'ports of .Eompar sail alt pep ira'ionacalled by the name of Will Ci..siv have been put oat mince this, under cover of none cirrunnesvors, in order togive werreney to their salsa Eneh Jamie of the gaining is tnieloped *kb daiFintisP *Airing irith the likineer of WdßeatTellitibereen ; ohm Dr. 3waine's signetare end as • further wearily. the Portrait's( Dr. Sways. Will be added bierealmr. . o as to distinguish his preparations from all ahem. G. BWAYNE'S CELEBRATED V ERMIFBGE. " A safe and effrctanl reinwly tor Worms, flyeptioda_ 'Cholera ]forts,, sickly or Diiipeptie children or adrift, and the most awful Family Medicine ever Offered to the public." This annum is one which bee proved seeces4l for a linig time, and it is universally acknowledged by all who bare vied it. to be fir superior_ lielad so Very phasing to the taste so the same time efectoal) to ei y mhos medicine ever eappkeyrd in diseases fur which it is Zeennuinrided. It not only destrept wormy hut ,it to orittotos the whole system. ft re harmless in its et fecui, and thabiralde of the patient is alwaya improved by Its use even when so Worms are &intrepid. • Mona Goo, News, m Tea Stet.—Aridnumwn. Indies.—Da. liwailts.eDenr Sir: All your medirbte well welt, end Ospod, tratiefactien. Vow .vahliabla Compound alyrop of Wild Cherry has bean the was of mooring peas bopekom cane in. thiasereMis.— Your Pill ions excelleat.. Imam send a Wed otietatoCtitots.. Ass:purisesi lamb of year Vermitinp the Miter flay for hinehild. and. by ita use it discharged 6SI of- the lamest yawns heleal ever soma It is somewhat dial:sit be Wald. peeper to try'. it, as they haw so stirs tors gelid by mieseinis mid Irooddres•sroso tordicisesh Youtrobeiatro very pies.. rit tbot toast, oils arm lime doll be able to: *span 40 a law quottitity:: Borpertioll74 yours, - : • Ttimsrason .T. Ramey P. M.• To Dr, Swam, X. - .W. gene of Eighth sat Rua fib.. Philodolplua. • •• ' - • • • -• Mks lrrilessubst tar tprosiookit ritAtis oistors . • '• • SIM* COMPABASSMPAIItiIi ant Imago ea Tau Few.s.....Tbe vitae se dose Rh an its appeeissed oalrhy dist win have and lion ; ney - ami Own so min sasegolanorziag eirseautil -mon, aborsetiourittisidspi.dea. dago.d. They ant- itegadiritad Sinters putative. nom an the temediosatia Ink sad es aa sheraliga is di p and seirtisas, they Bran*, hi -ininstylmoilly Ons-catt nosido-estanprof . pare White ettorri ighsig&Y Ogarythioi , digionanda -ts • ter kin as molt iebainly onagol.gridtoglielhe Ingsaistiagths ezediest ledge SI andielas. Remain t ney ant mar pot up:bg boss; tonged ago the mad workoriand with a red-ighei, boariag the ninon et Dr-Boures. - Mantailor Thiiesigo• ishosbie aseferiase ars stspored any by Dr. diWAYNkN W.anew at Eighth sad Race '''ROVITB FOR DMADFEHtD - OODIFIT: Piss tens; _Towanda ,Fa,, Chas. Ridthatai:C r eatei; , trail= Men lisidlensa & DrontOV7.ltotea... _ theineality. •, - Reitiik Aisne. -DAkitakbant.-zzi „Eft.. f 7 , 1 111! ilaisek - t ' Zan -8 -W 2 111. * 'll-43artlit " Warburg Trey: I" Inn% 'iciarrxriamiame 41C _ :1 1. bps .0 bend, laremorlow , l ALL' t s intli,M.olllllrrira&bi l lit a rs whisto ad%,slool Air Pew, &WM qk jai oldt 1/41**111081, . , amf *Kin alllsodiew elms - 01.1emo! . ,: • itiastf *lrol~ • ~iY'.•i T.~". :::4A'Aimia474ft =I comrsviarTioar: Spitting BIOW, dithently Pain l in 'the aide and Breast, Palpitation of the; Been in/venni, troupe broken! dotiliaitntion, Sore Throat, -Nervous Debility, and all dimmer of That, Dimas and Lang; Ow most effectual and cOue knows for ,anyot3 , • above diannene ' RELIABLE TESTIMONY. 4 ' t% l X, - - • , e- . '. - I , r . -..- MR =EI 110101 1-'- ' 77 1 .../011141111 3 - . Wilf4 1 0111414:# '; . 1 1141 t .ifint.4lql4 o o4lP 4 lo9 l ‘ ir #06.111.X1~1-. 0100.11144111 . . ' Illskilki0.0 1 414)1. **VW' 14 " 1 1, 144111 1 1 , 111 .*v: 1 0i 0 . 1 AC I . 114111061(141.11061 tr-MM,4.10): • "IMOD rillar"*.k.it ictg- xt..p 01..4 0 a.O , It s V)1 11 11.10 1 11r:.= ' • big youielpay, • *valid IS bsllll4l l .**/. 11 14474m stimaliger 4 0 41 1 / 1 11410101 10 1. 1 1m 41110.14111841444i11041110111•• pro lab l iebit,steditirbolimibibbnedlo.. ' Ilinecitivaiiss Mai afilie Owe komilm . ow. Offiph„. • :• - 6lierimiliewPS:11111110111111114...;%1' JUNI •>';i• tr: 4,3 tftzn.l- 4 • -111 ,Thwirnii vistiogisiraispaimMibibis • 1M me sifimMislia.moblis OU *km is ewers. 1040 Pia* *Aid 411011411 A sopply.sterwskle. nob r 4 AO, paper. ui Mil valve. pot boom 11 Miss is 4111. - cap& &it. • ON --- • -- T - 110 W iCa °ll4ol Ergist i lliSl3 I 19 4114. 1 4 41. : : ,4 NV • tri A;41611:111.64011k illadia;111 " 4 - Ylirre " l eft " W . 11. 1", - ..#1 1 " «i« PM* 81601 .rze. BOOT MOO MANUFAatit MIES I= I= TpArt ye. wit.cox. hes Wn 0 went Op' the asp between Kintsaberesismal ben ,lntiß stern sad where be stgl aortats a shim * rage itslutas 110•40.01 a careful 'UAL:lion of steak. mpg by to ilia interests al,his awe mess In Sete art,lN.i, d dem& watt to•eitst,heppt sufaitured in Ms plat the entantiY. He will Amp emits* y on hand. and ntanofiteinre ispider, dkt iew. Calf and reerlaniklaS Ind aheatl Ladies' guars. Nun and- t glipt r Chittfiert 4 e do., Renee Gaiters and Pepaii,4e. a. er Coon* Preklimee, of most deo&iptions.Sep iti pernikfl for work, at tbe.mukket price. Tetwande, April 217. 11147. 7,1 GISAKEES3 £ REMEI TM Waal THE subscriber still *Namur* ' to menufartere and kocp stilts& at the Ail, stand of Temkin" sod sahwee.; kis& nt cwriefl 11/ wool war CH %IRS; gnat: TEEM of ss ri.ms owls. At i WEAL* kmcty, Arnissio. whi c h will .4 tow for ea 41 or Pnwlonr. nr Pine or Irfpen7 , lotmt.er, or cl fir plink. *HI le receive' dkw work. Tt'SN'ING done to ordcr in the neatest inaniter. Also CABINET. WORK,' await end kept a ! hand. nr mode ironedek dint if* RAI eismen J fop, M AItiNSON. Teuriath.i laisury 4. lat..“. tI c.karx r rut .virifil4v A Y fit HAD is our shop l ukii4 !..eore tort has inter Iran sold io Tour. Gosoils as l saws' um loorrerd.sisi that is dierigSse sir aford'ill Sir tu do h. All Kin& oi produce he reesisreria purreeist. LITM HER a sit kiwi,. Seri. , 1.. 41 ,NIVE 4 Removed.tp hortl.7-:^'r 0 . . d. 17; , t no -e. 412 - a... 4 .:tejite•......,...-... •• ... •• - Ile 1 ! Lt Art. Von. omi a lane 0 C ,`' mild, of Wain.... ienelr.t. and Aber wan. rompiieina ivy part. - - the following entelles:- , -y1 Met , _: L'Epine and Plain - Watehm...ill Al , " r . •- a complete amr.runcryi 'a i i gait — 77 ' . droopily. ouch aelEar Ring.. ho ver Rtiv alOrritgl Pins, Bisfelaw.larketa. Golf chain., Gold Pena. Keya..etc. Alen, all mote of Silverware. and any guanntv of . steel Beedn-111 or which he etre ! . cal .ille,r s rimed inlay atropine 1.1" . t RH. Watches repaired on short alio, and morminted to run are& tor thernoney will hr refunded. and a writ- ten agreement (tarn to that effera ii regaord. - N. O.—M A PLE . SVGAR atal Coonfri Pin.loin taken in payment for Walt': and ale.. kat* now, and fareeer,lW the Produce mast be paid whew the wark is done—l war wins( credit in ill int forma. Mr, A. CHAMBERLIN. Agint. 'Newlin/la, April ilk Mtn. THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, AIM NOW IT 11. IMO WWI MI Igi NW/WM et F. HARDER nropeeefolly wishes to inform the 1 - .• • eitisFti. of Towanda. and the public diet . * ties tasetutetweil:the " 1• Muds Aid TRU MAW MISKIA'..: In Tostanis, on Main street, few doors ibette Briar ettseC white be:will keep reastantlyen hsinVer make 'to Philerl-eask amoeba Harseu; Trinikslosid Vinsiek Vaßees,and .11 kin& of woririti big line. CAR WAGE 7'RfI4MING and MILITARY WORE ions' 'to order .cFrom him experienee•ln the pintetnality in attending tr(k. he topes be ray “eitfor Cabin' orpoLlie Twtrenese. .-ta All Una** work msy be hal at ids atop cheap sae dim et any other shop in this county. “ • • Trierandi; Jaws 11, 18411 • •k , lyt * ' toptetion Ode North Braid. (*al ! • . MATH_ r - • lErVilifil famed a eo l amortabip hi.dia - manfae. tam of BOATS lk • 0110q8 . at the - oil mead dpios demo nantiof *ridge st.wouldoienetlallyindorin Iheirkiendo and din pudic, dot., they•irid !wry as the ha a aava in . 1 111 its bapaelbee—teep lianAkopooksi OW% roirydiOis their line in WsnenUnkoonnateed golOr.* oosiving that do* cosi dojo Irod_ (Winos' wedi don ow kr.atait sitrawbeiti day woelikosni *sip wW kw sold odds Wale dot in giiindonspodoilli)b, *On indided. dew an. • „callodisen at liinda,oomo 'Ondip loaded in =AMP tot Legibit: Tema* Dee. 14. 114111: .114110,, THE CORYLE Exmoor Sr It~e ' l Psi. dlatispr, hi Icier - 4kt lbssii. rrHll3 Estieelt is •*aid. free flan mei, ail* ineetoosoisoir As iirtissint doisnestheim is "pinks weeny Aim; yet dimereil; and as an ' hifitaidiee iellmeetion. the smaitind is equal Nation in it..7 - kMeilissi the Kamm riyaimm4nahfrollitinds. ionises. appoint: sod cinema eleme—mileeriali .saran oraniellinan and tumors; and ram hussar Cinspleinta.Dysontery: Illitisiwar Finals estimbints. and arid of tim onrinary Family AiMmos. MAD rororisioN or NOR. a,tot C. errata. Alter what I ham satiikeeit will ant he ouriwise4 et* derlsratMe *Cam opinion and Snit etioninion. that the Neil prepated rig! innion 'tor veer, 1101“bilail istionivantiarlit intamm. ART* Or sow saa.Taxasp—end that it will promo s , n. 4 elteettial mantlyltrilltaretookniFytinsesmetiteur.i ortimm,atailit end eltrani4. nitro lineinitaiti nod !instil orif he dreg* he tape de% obolkorhosimilyase r , Nit the giemOte! •:toliprittnik ogiregc .., 4 imsa at all the aliow.' ; theamibugg 1. - 411010141111101heatiorn unialliPl i %cm •rit) ,se.W3 ~y!~ . ' . LIOIONOKM“0 11 aWf " • trm•-:. l * ! .P A • f -1 -4.M..—;7:r4Rettlfti' c9Mil:::''ittitt..ll.-.---114.- to il --> d • - 41 , 7 niii inforiii the hitioeyi' 'alai Ile ti mks them al "amble ittliattiiitie:" Dropsy'," Gri:iii. iiirtessi t . !as . plehaia',4rishis haat tailt — rEtiim**o4,perkde, i *MI* immorally ttish iii. - • ' • 1 A gm Dap •e4ertation heat the Wise ta - Mittat try • ear'gift WARW. liirtili Voireitaiiiit - - 154 - dm re. sin* Palomar, Complaints. itiotit he Asthassr: Dorn 41titie,lkomeia mit Tittiiaitiall DO IMatt.' "44 Ilare•Theast. AO; :- ' ".? ' -- ' ' " ' ' •z , Di their oohed - as the- *Mach ; , atal - Dowels. the Pills cure Dyspepsia. Liver emplaiat. Palpiasiim et the Haw. flatalmfe. Costigreaese:Feeerear .14 airo.. I s i si, Pleurisy, tliedselee. , Gliame. I VytiMety: led altslimaert et tie heimiree. ' • . , . - ' - i TM. in malt dame. Wrigha Wien V le Alb berme an Allarta Mediae*: of rest lag 'team far the ear* of - Norm of:all kinds. l'hittenr. 1 ,Titop‘m•Aeatiliee.- Ltersirreal of•epirhi k . Ne l 6mi g i a , Is* Paine ilm the Bones; &e. Tien . 1 4 ,1414 ; she .dberaughly `Meek up Inflames. mhitheunplaint they we Ifitioutely nlnurM. - OkiMaccomPhdele,ahme Pilleeeereberacenapitte • I'materry: hence. rever.astLAgne-isepeedily cured by Use, IP the Western and Soo th ers Bbeses tabor,' like afearehinche.` White ibey ant cheaper than the fitter . reed gigue remedies in peneral, . / Wrighte Indian Vegeta l& 'Palle hire been prampuomd-omictst: 7 ,1 ° 1 . 41 of them. Indeed. it would 'appreithet Mem is one compliant ereiVrhich that;at Pith huiti,Marte tism thin _ " rtiet 1114 • and'oxiielrs;gWinwai, Vennilligi to th ese Pak AiihOugh hrre-itn' . t taken in. In Teaks ihj. het - pane, the *4l4' iit".4-i l 4neiite *el( iteaverpaireitini it ins'atiteitairrilieltpiialit the, removal of V.'pama. Ildednleriarlia Anita nr - children. the effort of the !pine • iiitieltf radical end ' alseiAVe• All *he ili.r.froin- Worms should, by all, mesas. use W •Areget:iatO.' Pins. ' . In fact, ne one,m* en !MIAi ititooliiireof:this n4i ehtr..': They rArisitiaral tin thnbodarniTind is. AAri .1 wig tobeifteplite oheirieat that - Wiiebei rat& P.lje. far from hcing TANA int.trinn." ien decidedly the fa bit estuahle meat -irir eyes ntc e re.t tbrieddir. I • '? - Basraus COITIth COVllfrievirrrs , I'Arinenthrr. that ohs 'mini/Lel and 'only esaleinn bola* , Veortohte l'ilb hoer the - wrieteot ilia:imbue of William Wright on the top of etch box. Mr The genuine. is for sale hy LAN YES & ei.le avails . 106 remands; sad by agents mail other part? of the rlafe. ' Ogee, ilevoie4l exclusively to the wile •Wriaht's Indian- Iferiahle rills, wholesale and eriail.JllB /lace '6i, 288 Greenwich Nevi Torblilnd 19 , 4`Tnnivirit. &W0n.219* • • U • ' • c••• 11 • • ••••• • "••••• 1,-••• itur 4. E.,. :1., 1,4. a , 'ti,,par,llek•Ateu,.. •• .rt One,./u/ &hp reign Elgin§ %wit but tit yr tip t w fon. it public as,o the whrenkivir Innen, ronsi.-mied wirl. mmt ether irtedie.ne , if. •rt ativitert dont days into wool, RN , - thi iitroo meal Thee hiv e ate..:lo.ly !..e n”. the .i v sera of MP day. They ate en . vegetable and $.4 admiratey emnpronded that-wr e n ken in later driers they slieedilr eure the moot . - nets-ntrn female. nod - halve mitMlier• from the brd* titer all oth., vut.tive h,ell A. there eie operiot* eirCulation culled On . 1 ,14 or hiow..eleo .1.0. he purr to ?OP Wore you buy titer the teem, 01 D. R. J. - Souk 4 , Co." is on- thl hoe of the luzes. Nonevutters br genuine. W ant mop oaoo: that my ow lobo is malting • opinion aniele has yet dyed w. make sae of our ,name ; sone of them have had. the , mpedence to imitate no r hoses and espy our Circulars, Certificates. 4 Unite" LW, pantie are careful whys they porchwe, they wit beltiverived. 17 The genuine SOVEREIGN B& PILLS can be, bad wholesale and retail or Dr. E. 11 Soule & N Euclid, T. Y.. and in Towanda by HU TO • & TER, and by Amite in ever, town in the country. I Sy. To the Victor belong* the Spoils. I. ro uu H many mepaiations in the formal" Papa 4a.,.1ar Medicines," have been before tbepublie, claim ing taxies relief. and even core the mow irivetitratt diseases. yet none have so well answered the peipose As Dr. Sherman's Medicated I.osinges. They are agreea ble to the taste., easily stiottnisterwt and from the s un iseeedinted mimeos' which they Imire met with, and the remarkable enrol which they have gs-rfeetoed, may justly . , ley claim to the title of Conqueror over the di- Masai for which they have been recommended. Dr. Sherman's Cove the bast obstinate ceseloreough its a kw boom They have tweed a large number of prestos who-have. here liven or by theisphyeitiatie sod friends, and away who towhees. swthmed to the- venni. of the grave , by spitting . blood. Coaimatuptiou and Hectic Fever, by their use have bad tore of beilth resbaed to the haggard cheek mad Raw liw to.,eperiOuth -,the= praise of this lute!** Orediehlei ehininao: WORK 11.0ZENGES" Hvg.letwllm "mei #1 , 109 , 9:-.01114.400.0011 cues to be in felsikk, is root !VIPs Priortliell Iftelieine ever 7alsetniered: ' ~;Children • will eat them Thetilltey. moot be foniediertiait =rather ineditine, tad lb. benefit derived .fient.the audnietreeloa of midi eine ei.theakie. this fonmibi greet beyoadeenception. Whei:dep breath Of the.Fbild becomes ofiereiet; and thrall imjekimg . aihe.nome,ipinikog of deacon, Lead., iiiiiiheietithdieing *ea; paleiteie *tut_ the with lashed cheeks.; kieedieg, el the new haidarin., • -firoweinems,- mening-defing - dietarb;ml- , theme , awaking ftitibleitigeeetioet:liwebievetoe coggh.' fowerielaapeothieekvaiweiewitsppelite, sierras at 'the leellieell red bhmsteditoaterh—rhors are ammo lb. 'w!- Plootiond efnnemins ~o f morose. end tea he maned by twee Looterinebbm Loarneemw They have melt hem lusoultiollsiL Dr illhetemaa's • • _ CAMPRORAOZER.fiE,IO -Ramming heededwomermene,imet_hredorteamtelfooloo nfilie-bilsrtandsiglopoll do a fee minutes. 1 111 cu r "Ifilefter detk e unyfinr.y ficittnest.vouir. ope • • 5,.4,1101,...” to e 4..epoe T rio 'theY. kr!p ,qt ed .- 4ptsizateln . . mud vett* • turesit its undergo • t mese. `)t. 41serinen tt':; ' ttANs ts~seknewlrmdt(sa he ail SOO WOW he. the Pleitei lit the te . eitti* - 16i gems aedivishoteefoie,. Ode' 7evest. neek. litehe. ;tine sailfteit i yOlii . Oupaty the,: dirmand - -: :Peetioi sleeves:Y.4W - *l4 . eliedeiet - Nees . the * i'i:NO*iiitleYf-Mir:e", - 'Pt eel 'i'keeitettes rem wili4 *histir. with taesile"'ef)sliweithet esewivetiftv i " ~ .iikki'veii#6*; Miti a a inn,* hart{ hylivirrOis . • , A l •i 64l6 4petostssawiserleslongforlifl - et . .1-40.2 1 11 L • • A SOVERE!UN' iJ'UAL lIVM ARR t. ir r ef .11WIteRVIIIITO •COUGH LOZENGES" - „... r.;u .e~;-. Inn . me die. lb* pet. 1 le abe . imu his; mark mom— vompur Amp, ml Imm timir te. tritaluPP sloordeilrumu k --- Q alb Ma me ''''BRitipiT'tilNti;lAN keen asdellienielibeedbeepot Is e Am wasteestd. Ramsdote, e ft , Iresel fi V egyampereme. wag eihr Ow ben lbr *AL Theme Ile geieeteet pftt le *IS "tab ereqer ENS Iwo, tbse.mmee BM* IP*• Ala eme queetioir am sew W4ILII-11‘,_, Meg'.., 4111111.746 . 4 0!ff 411 " em1. utek ben sot tures A astil=o,l4ll4 au isarearanTla owl ewe 16 mai ilistastm him Ahead - BaulVs in tie -Chaim' Wow gliabiele el le beausevegeeilled, eteeeetee maw le ma& WON wintambig ra uYr'OM fee N. Mee. et lawn IPeserree win re* tea. Jore anus ass Mid, arlial4 well be o, mo o terat est digkr. Oil Allkh eseuebiltle mai be•UN ale DOLLAX. boveleupetas et= aratAsi met Nadi eepebit of eitt4 her rms. es* es fee kw, d reeffeeffii~fteelordepeeilbbritsber peke et mil ft. so‘keil eilesty, dwelt be wit et se ape e ft Piga altr eir , lmeede, to los ab titalt . as hams Id _ Mak up: 1., Abair 4Na 11 on. i . • amii Wines Won't I masa& reimpaa cmiradieireslannitaint she haseirg ammesse. *Wm% (Ca p.m OAMPEMOtraI AC:RPM/41 Tide fetßiii;lß.Thii_plc_ties. He ow awe II Irene SteireitrY 'call levee Peaks of Snag, ParalT, tiareai. tsr etdtai by the vie of Menke Gabel et jibe bet emaglefilhiltill Reeineth rltL .baneeoatoAs is err hi.a. ...eft 11 ~ .00 !*!. :.1 11 . 191 Ai° Mar"tl'olk "lain . J.A Huarnt. AI% Midis Oka T. bod dbefehill =res .soallsed alds bed the ieet yeer-he was w eft doldleised ed ea be *ebb ta tube liStaidelo Its* Ha bed tiee4seetesdbal adveme.ist teal clef deed sarestawilbse a so &A 'feet-got sirelaadestedeedoai dieted el be fa' a Dear Mar. eel Salad Riot lieet i M e kesslosesnistis eeele.estid TrakitillAlerit Mb led malls wards it from - earlsosnroe=e atm throagb iih** under bid eldie,eo their en* the.levis-bb w so ogee armed OM OW& bo art'of oily bolding by bsieekybate.dhe Me dab drat emsby tie Vieme-se" Missit alder the eau -brea-se s mem bated :raWeide4 en% Abuhowea m =2 o Mee ItMesreAdebelinee t sed ltie partitabre, see oar leregiftee r , DM* TINDItiI W.. areas me d -stand phyockai arlbrormits affilit lerater RailtbiAl dee consielod bests --Duet.ltd.. - ftembod bra cod theseli ilae eloo:ol.the eissessese Re4es menitd.sosid easene-fra - i Met re snes. , " - • • * waie L thanitopeless leoli bear Mi. HAsitnre Assimene of rare. Re el ierferpronarotoes berthed ItIONTMINII777rO IICt enabled an to 'Joe /at-the eseaxa.ye ib enabled are hard set i f tie TIMD eradd,d no • 'ea an' Naha and ad.. 13 t bed Sob.had oda" Arias /ergo SIM astaar out of wag Visaabad wait q, aad deft issdeovet adhered a PERFEt:TI:I7OIr. and ma to teed ba* FOCILTEEN , WITIMMES: - Tbe above &cetera critiird to by Docroia T. WILLiAn Mr. G. R. BROWN. of Vag Amu Beef Ream. Itiv4ll. k LEONARD. Lestypet. sell 'ELEVEN other nerpasetbeerer 111.1 (1) : N*i II •1 11 Kr. O. B. KINNEY. ooldrot, Moo, arida ono% N. r.to brood o• d.ii a.copsetdouor ta said comfy vim ofictinr dotal coma Cantle *rook tie Allidary of BRANTS ftß 'TING IXTRACT. A ososer-chefor Y Omar Mot , T, • slop minx seWeviurrea.' It,. A. N. Barrie, &up*. Atm. AArisilluntkimery mem IL-L., r lifionord mot a *prig Ys sr Ir 4, a Caacitk. of low stoodfaz istiete wradrotoood moot Imiyottfoorplooi. ff,tborefortyibblvtotira caw Oomr.tra , baling power what ilopar• disowns, at do Onto scr ui r ag ouvl Oneo g rodtrioriesco oriaasiA alas Ana, betwjhat 11 111111111. • rsirsawsoits CURER .2110 Irmo.IIICHARD DUAIMIO. Palm of Oa Mark, Admoo losia, Kamm away, N. T., onaar os Jut at a 166 Itari Itr..Caornrair Eltonnaa, fotortor .641 at 16 Foraoracolt. To no 666 on tofu 11 66 Ark • a Cbriorbor am rod ea slaw is ark elorsb.. %sr tram tos M6dtoMewaaoot6YltttWdforwka 16, to c 666 Mtreaor66.• Tim Wan' ft , bait ameaktord. ad o szrkatordo reromillft6W Sawn' Itansanfo. Ld rw aft. Hr iinse' rY ordp mss somas of PRL KEDICIIri Laird au; oporgakm Warre Mstifoo. ma 1 eao DOW giff ir dila Oda tbor bars* of tY emit ems of asp W.'. 16661111 6r Sal parlesaa. . LIVER-COMPLAINT: 1%. !WIWI 1M1111.4111. =mho& ,oer VSUri as Ind .wi rrralarr . 167•10•16 oral alliefet aid 1466 patiorda aorai In, ' BUMS IP" rli oleo tttTh — fillaWlLW. Ws mold sMaof arfoaa rand. , • kNIALE WEAKNESSES AND COMPLAINTS. it. rimody eiramdlo IL. }abbe b am bow Ur at orbital trombobt 40 .100 , Abb AU, the sad imosie Kdo is Stares Irtrusowaav BaLlllll. h arm so ter ONS tisMoWile somproir, sr, or door sor4III2I3ULA by IbINIPIMIUMbir sysTrx. fisis lbe empiaienspessi mai salvia, *woo nerraram EIR razie OfiIAiNGIE OF LIFE, ermallis pirtawlia ilapawk sod do oar. at wiAllf • argisoisailmilliawd saw ea twaiwala awarasa; KIR ming atawejliad daserwibit trogieukr m c‘11( diamge. , . • "&rrioa c Oossaos Co. 'awry LPL .11C T. WALLACE & CO.—Gooterhar: I --' tbt panel • pow.ailltelsdl with a Comm of the 'now& I rodanormo id a grow a W beam* aritiOat oaring prat pain. admire( villuthalr - oo toortorolly ahead idtb ki an Ond arlo& GUS bottle of Baorrs 3 aor Eida war& sson4 Nay am aismicelasart, mead wt neawil & rroalidialO orrio 1 tbarolimulot a wood bookortrich basecopieulytal ma &Wass. I on now well and beam and ea es& &mg: Wog t• Tone widest Mali pained, or the stomach bortatinr to T. S. . Kr. Mort Ilii r i s =in ibembast of Ulm MOOR 018- - seuti, Luconsa, kt Orassia Co. H. Y. Oa. YOE &c "Num W. T. WALLAC ft E & Some tire WI WIMP whib &lame so debtittiaiii.osa the 'lira Zaro ,4 maDlF Hr a Aftaikth atwned 'be easli brainiest wa• t mot lift bercial at rifts EY , Oftwhiaaiii pioaorlptimrat soft noblestoiaba soonifti philicioa.liffif ins wbsordad usifteoseffaits. She booms so , •11. I, S. = B I w IM at ttir aro astrasseed Wass bias Wow! MGM this filgiarlive panda; bat ky Ike tomiti. Mahar Jber Wl* lir beams perfacciy wen gbecatebdd dolt ski la strinamlbiedlo de an meciaiiry boassidi =ha ssiMd ibigliveriaas d limb.% Sour waska. Edna vex Etta Ce d ar argil dewy that Wr. OataliTra"; Ci iiti l"T of ar om knivorp arilidonniii by Z. E. Tama. Eaq.. d itiiima pLrs Ithe Wftbideb. iIIZMICURIAL =Mg= Sir 1.1.411111N0 =MAC? sreatiodirw ild stwair iiimeksf Mcsevar. or avi d the varon pr, ass ~CAumn. et seractrwhir sad now bleat, wits. ea park atiassileis INI tors 0 1 . 111° • GENER* DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM! Kr. I.4lotirsrAwnex mentimr, wrilt.Mar4A, ISM and agar bank. aistrd hir Ikavratatoluxt BALSAM MIS oppcied the ewe je WIMP aloft" ith segg r unor. it is dth arinnmeiththit. Tilt unertal dna I lama *ear end • Wear galena ins hank aoM SOLAMBM MIDICLM Premd. Sok Milier. and Or Ma mat SATtseacnae - SALT 'RHEUM, Mill imam &Plat arldlit sum" am flit aster it Mirt4er.-- lour rale •by HUSTON & PORTER. Ta C. H..llerrielr, Athena ; C. E. Ratbbene. Ee D. Pandoind. Lary ; *own & &Audi. I tan.; B. W. Badeßunraner.Reld ; M. H. WA Obloini; San, Leßayarille ; Hi Orwell; Maynard Jt Woodburn. Roma; E. S. - *Smithfield ; Coryelt & Hi% L. you._ Troa. • F. 43:7- All leiter* and A , j are dr co.. 11)8 Broadray . . • . . M. NYE.fr. CO. /whim , the vitriol* of wit the t .ohle c etera they tem. oi l fistni h arr ; oi mud- 4. 4 • natal - 12;11E. of ihe • • is! r1.1111,..TM1 wmknrinstarth , - 77" Lit sorpiaer.l.inadditi* iiinftmrat•in countiy allopa i we will trer • wake to order illerdle. of various and - patterns t-SofaJtoeltint Chin; uPholgte -tyle.iand - for elle and tharshifity rennet •rwen in nit brae,otttrm. ./tihio. the Ira hourany Etwit.' beim Malty npitcdatered, with .Lblieb. ;weer knit'. its ehatirity. end &did^ „ , towt hair "Patine We fl itter otOerlver (M.! Kati ~„ eitireenpirlinei iut the'liminass we still to oirt•ry till Whit'rnai OA divined in raft. b" 111 .itrilityand prier: and Is; A r id , urn lion haPel4Wietkand ratwime be Intrenare of alit' - L. M. NYE A. Towanda, September I, lett. -- • : ME Stomach! - be adds ESTIIII , OM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers