Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 12, 1849, Image 2

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    lairtattfin*-4-11, ow-WI
101109k-VIN-Itree-iiipe.ech, Free Woe
- .
manditrWedembyi Dee:41749.,
Cl ite ". l; l 4 9 4: B.l rtseij ati*ll4[l.lfl.
liattedieedr c ub veld astoally to adinuktiAGoo Wilrbe
- orerratlarrte. per wittargreeign *mt. /* anti *IT iln
4n . pe p ppka . sealus (or each solimvuos4,lnseition.
Mr NEWS H. MASON is Anthonsied to mere and
~;pt for Itioisies.dalt
Tcyaioid misuaderstandinsg, we would state
.tothose whom-We bare forwarded bills, that the
ammint - only includes the two past years, enclitic
4astootek,,durits:te which time the paper has been
¢atiiatled by us alone—anti has no reference to
Shetime the paper was , published by Z. S.. Good
-filth& Son. •
lira Branch Cau4- 7 thotoralf of Work.
We take the allotment of the works on the North
ant. Ethe renirtie - which follow, from . the
es' keipeone.."' lt wilt bo seen that the result iihigh
lypepouraging for the conyletion of the work, •at
'sinn:lielow that stipulated by Mr. Forms, in his
II Jacob Seiler &
IS Dykens & Winne! 'll4 lrnineLs:l3lair &Co
2! John M'Cord 134 Jackson 114'Fadden
27 -Patrick Borke 159 John Siardivant
Patrick Burke 192 George teibrialt
60 Bturdivant & Little 1173 Cochran & IWLane
-..b Jacob Beiller & Co. I - 174 John M'Mahon
98 .1. &J. Lamon 182 Rody M'Gee It Co.
111 John Snodgrass 183 Ed ward Cents & Co
flPolin 'Snodgrass 184 Wm. Phelan & Co.
The Commissioners in accordance with the true
spirit and, meaning of the law, we understand,
awarded the contracts as they were bound to dri, to
the lowest bidders who %vete considered rubstan
tial and competent to do the work. This was cer
tainly right, and it is expected the contracts will be
rigidly enforced, and in case of abandonment the
per centage retained. The experience incontract
ing is now so genet.d, that there can be but little
excuse for men bidding below what the work
can be done for, anti then abandoning it and
procrastinating its completion. In all such cases
the penalty ought to be rigidly enforced. We hay.
been informed th.ii the bids are nearly, if not quite,.
30 per cent. heluw the estimates of the engineers,
and that, at the same rate, 0 would not cost a mil
lion of dollars to complete the whole line in the
bett and most substantial manner.
We never doubted for a single moment that the
work would be comple , ed, if funds were provided
to carry it on wish proper economy, within the es
=awe; of Mr. Foster, and we are now mote than
ever sanguine in this belief. The apprehensions
which has been generally entertained, that this
work would cost the state double the amount of.
the estimates : and involve an extravagant and Un
profitable expenditure, the public may rest assured t
is-wholly unfounded, as the result will prove. "If
the funds are provided for its completion, and the
work carried on as it ought to be, it will prove to
be the best improvement. It will soon return the
amount of money to the treasury now wanted to
finish it, and create a permanent sinking fund in it
self, of not less than $.300,000 per arnom. A few
years are only necessary to test the truth of this
opinion, and we voluntarily stake any little repute
lion we may have on the result, if it is properly'
irr The numerous friends of THOMAS B, and
ITENIIT C. OVERTON, will be rejoiced to learn that
Edward Overton F.sq., of this place, has received a
latter announcing their arrival at San Francisco on
the 31st of October, in good heal.h, alter having
passed' through many dangers and sufferings of the
severest character. Capt Steport remained on the
schooner, which they left some distance beloiv; on
the coast, reaching San Francisco partly by travel
ling until they reached a point where the steamers
Qtr. The" Warren Ledger" complaint that the
Towala papers do not reach there, until they are
two or three weeks aid, acd , very irregularlyat that.
We have also a letter from Harrisburg, informing
us Oat the Reporter is from one to two weeks in
reaching that place- , -when two days and a half is
ample time. We know that it is almostimixissible
to communicate with the latter place, with any reg.
utarity. There is Manifestly great neglect some.
where,and we have stood until it has become a
crying evil. The coming session of the Legislature
makei-it necessary that the evil should be reuredi.
,ed—end we hope to see.sonte attention paid to it.
The mail matter for Towanda, should tip sent . *
Williamsport—now it is Wiener forward up the
No . rth'liraneld,2--; e
The fed Maatar at this place is in noway IV,:
epemsible . for the derangement we complain of.—
„;It is beyond" his reach and control. If the' Post
offices were managed with as much care and
promptness as ours, we hare-ho reason to and Gilt.
. •
Tim Mytitery lElidrei.
The Einar GSZtilli of the 6th, says, the mild:
ings have yet been heard of the missing Ins°, W.
Salisbury. It was• reported • that he was seen .in
she town of Catlin, a - man went in pundit "'ho
lm. not yet leturned. The persons arrested en
suspicion of haring killed him, here bee* teem
The Message:
Vier:omitted to give the Message to our readers
this weak 1 . as:-we have not received it, pl
eoortrelkey wilt nu expect Without doubt, wo
Ann priblisikikuext week. - $ •
,r 4 - ri) • •
P l 4. g lis 1.
who was convicted. at Harrisburg, on three- 14 1 '
Rif.o" of eedupi nraistemin4-""lP!ing to
procure abortion, use peen sentenced to. five.yetire
, kcopric?ent in the Dauphin Cow" Wiaon, to
11200 fine, and costa. .
. .
-5: t+} - The pieseut-Wessroe orroagrealM:
peeled will be a eery leek • one. *of
Ti. Sanwalsms fair Speakere;
tr r i
6 ~.ti
''.:, le.""ii: ' 0.
I' , i dpet
t: ' 4 ,.511101, .lf - •
"-.lteilli.own_ ;Alined, Bit
lrtert, - , : WEII .L ismicto .
_. - - -...........u55,, .. ....imick;Divsey. Dia •
loust.Rilmondema,,Ewing;. rembenston..Fitcb, Fut.
1-10.9Smit OiltoomfikirmatikrAks"JlMMallerillt
tilliOata - m - AtiS;lialibrod; - 'ilinft:ltarffli '
son, Ishara G. Harris, Samson W. Harris, Thomas
L. Harris, Hibbard; Hoagland, Holliday-. Howard,
Inge,Andrew)lobuseo..Robert W. Jobnsonflones."
Kaufman. La Sere, Leffler, Liitlellelkloti Mani. Ma
'eon, MeOlernand, Melkwal.l; , lllle,Dowitlki - MeLmial
ban, Robert M. McLaiie;;Mlefflullin. - Migneen; Me-
AV Hite, Meade..Millerilltillitite; Morris. Morse. Olds,
- Ors'VPaiiiei;lfeaiilisjl'atfer, - -Piiwelc - Rieb s
a rdson, RobbinceMoldeson. Rosi..Savage, Sawtelle,
Seddon. Frederick!". Stanton, Richard H. Stanton,
Stetson, strong, Sireeliti,Theinias, Jacob Thompson.
James TbompeoekVilliana. Thompson, Venable.
Walden. Waldo. Wallace, Welborn., .Wentwortbs
Whittlesey..Wildijok; -Wood sod .1f0ut0g.2.5...
• Ft" Mr. trinthfitstili., AlexandtkAodrews;
Ashman. Baker. • Bennett,- illpkeor ...Bowie. Alma.
Briggs, Brooks; BarrolgeoCliestef 41WlerS Thomas
B. Butler, Caldwell, Calvin. Casey; Chandler;, Clerk,
el i noun; Cole, Conger. Conrad,: Corwim Deberii?„
Dickey. Diion i puiv,.Duncan. AlezaoderSEvans,
Fowler ; Preedly.-GoOdenow. Gott:Guild, Minoan,.
Halloway, Hampton;fflay. Haywood. Hebard. Bend
rv, Houston , Hunter, • JaCkson, James L . Johnson.
Kerr, Daniel P. King;Geo.o. - King, - ,taisitia G. Mittg,
John A. King; Levin, Horace Manw,-Marshall. Mat
teson, McGaughey, McKissock. Pinta E'-McLean,
Meacham, Moore; Morehead, Nelson, •Nits,•:Newell,
Ogle, Otis o"utlaw, Phamis, Pitman, Pionant, Reed,
Rey no Idss; Ridley, Roikwell, Rose, !billet Slaolielt,
Schenck, Schennerhorn; Schoolcrall,Silvestei. Spal
ding, Aprave, Stanley:Thaddeus' Steiena. 'Pant%
John B. Thompson; Thurman; Underhill, Van Dyke,.
113 Mead & Carrigan
Vinton, Watkins, White. Williams, and Wilson.-
For Mr Wilmot—,Messys. Alkn,. 800th,,-Durkee,
ciyiNo, Howe, King, of New - York , Root. and
Their. .
For Mr Gettry;--Messrs.. PI: e. ea - Seel:or Florida.
Milani. Morton, Owen, A. Hatteiihena, and, Tootnbo.
. Fur Mr Manna/ idoesaduseelta—Mesara, Cambell
and firowell.
For Mr.Thompion, of Peianrytexatilir. Cleave
For Mr. Clerreeland, of Casseetierd—Mr. Peck.
For Mr. Srddon—Mr. Woodward. •
Foo Mr. Orr—Mr. Holmes.
Fur Mr. Dinsey—Mr. Doiy.
For Mr. Root—Mr.
Ttit ballotings up to oar latesi dates, show pretty
much'the same results. The Free Soil vote has
been given to htesers. Root, Tuck and Wilmot, al.
temately, - IVre Non' eTerrW and Campbell,
otiVritiny A'oefi for Winthrop. Still; unleriethe
party lines are broken, no Speaker can be elected
who is obnoxious to the Free Soilera. We hay() a
report that on Friday night, a caucus of the Demo-
rratic members ‘ras held, and Mr. Cobb withdrawn.
Should this be the case, and an unexceptionable
man be substituted, it is probable that a speaker
was elected on Saturday.
The small band of men who have stood so firm
in this struggle, have earned themselves high hon
or, and deserve the gratitude of the North. For
-the first time iii the last few years, the Slave Pow
e. has been unable to effect its purposes. A few
determined and uncorrtiptible men have held in
check the influence which heretofore has been
accustomed to ride-over and dictate to the councils
of the nation. The outset of this contest was mark
ed with the usual arrogance -Which characterizes
the South. They went into the cau c us with the
express determination to support no one for Speak
er who was not pledged to them. They have been
signally -, foiled and baffled in the undettaking.—
This check is soon to be followed, we trust, by oth
er and more signal demonstrations which will
overthrow- the power which has controlled.. and
dictated the Dermnratic party so long. The men
who at the outset of the present Congress—so pr g-
oath with good or evil to our country—have learn
ed the Slave Power that it is not all potent, have
earned the highest praise. •
. two Binghamton Democratic papers—the
Democrat and the Courier, have been Purchased
by I. B. DonctssoN, who will unite them.
Mr. Clay In BalUmore.
Hon. HENRY CIA• arrived in Baltimore on Fri
day, and was warmly welcomed by thousands o
his friends. He addressed the people from Bar
num's Hotel.
He said that he always felt at home when hi
Mariland, the Sate being the birth-place of his
better half. He felt afraid - that the importance of
his return to the Public Councils of the Country
was over rated by his friends. • He still felt his old
devotion to the service of the public, but, at the
same time, he felt the weight of time upon
which unfits him fur the active' senrice of - his ear=
tier rlays..,
He they, alluded to the slavery question, and
said there was unnecessary agitation upon the sub
ject. The evil could never exist in California and
New Mexico. The Cool climate, the business of
the country, the habits and pursuits of. the people
• forbid it.
He then spoke of the importance of the Union,
and said that, contrasted with it the slavery ques
tion sank into nothing. Under all circumstances,
he would stand by the Union. •
lie considered that nu ono question could be of
sufficient imporance to cause a dissolution, and
let the storm-come from what quarter it may, he
should deknd ;he Union, fight or wrong. •
If it should be dissolved, our country would re ?
quire no historian. Men would.arise and play the
part of Philip and Alexander.' There would be
foreign alliance, and foreign* lad domestic. wars,
until every trace of liberty be lost in this past of
the world., • . .
Mr. Clay hecerne TOM animated. He spoke
with feeling and powerful effect. He thanked the
people for the .affectionate kindness they. had
, wayelhown him, and shoold ever rementber
He closed antaltremetulous and reiterated ap•
plow, -
ateh near
—shooting m
Scams' ATlil4la. Xi a shooti
Wail:Omagh, tn the 29th ott., a man named DA
VID Gam.artr recently , from Corning, in an *batta
lion is the evening, Was seriously stabbed with a
.knik by a,perion named_ Asaaw.Tomit ,
~,,a real
dentin this county. The wninaid m '-ie danger.
ii im
eddy blared and little hope is emir ed of his
recovery., Johnson was apprehended, sad • taken
-befurn B. B. Smith, Kin-, and.voluntarily-gave bail
for his Appearance at the next !notions, in the-surn
at one thousand dollars. "Corisequently them was
ntretamiliationy *MTh, primmer -iet -at MOM!,
ALABAMA U. S.-Sartor i .-- 7be:l . eglslatare of
Alibaina hare elected W. R.lCuto rust Jessene
Ciensint, as Senators of die United States r o om
thet.Sfate.- ' etiessent ansembeferther
Senateibis - term expiring et i Mr. Castures,
is cholen to place 01 Beni, Faeroe/A,' whose
tecmex pites in 1853. . The W,ltig,papeill claire the
torte& as a"Taylor Democrat. bet we do not
belivers - that there:is smelt'a nondescript tobeleititi
thmoLdrout the Union, at this drat-. Mr.. Curates
is doubtless a good.ancrugh. Deetedine-for -elt.prec
tittal.putrret.. • , ,
• -Wei&moors iiiltair Vois:artie Wei itched
law, submitted to the people a the State . - ollieist
Yerketihe,memskelmstiottebakbeelr &kilts& by
the following vine : for free - lchpols,, 24[9 1 111.2i
aniruelme seWols t. 9l,9slirslimiing tin - aOif
1147,921-Toethi-hiliirS- -- ' a ---7- . ' '''.. 7 "•° t• '. /
I .„ 1 : in ,j_ke i miskcsisiest, ... i . a ' : a .. Al_diew:._ i*,_.., - ** . 1 1 11.*# : 10 1 0 . •Mit..'1 , 11 4,.. „ -: for '-
.. .; 1 4 .
- ~..,- ;:.,:-...,- , ,,..--, , , , ,---- , ,,7,,,,,..---- ~---*.- , -_,- .....---....E.,.:.,_.
r7-1,, , --- o t , , , : ,,•weitiea? .-,,, i , ,,- ig, 1 "wro . - -. m....
.. - t
i 1,....', ,4 . •
_ 4 ''' -,;,-.......",. • 4 . 1 a : rfl • ~, ... -, • . ~
.: ,/ • -- ~ . ..7 -., , .11, -.t
„., ~ ,•7i. miumr0x,i00143,1549.,:41 .... ob ~.,, c., ~,,..,,,,0 p. 3
k , -...;.
_.. ;., :7 ' -, called 4 / - ! , . ..- A n :* l .. ''''.. ' 'lk ,' tiY; l • ,n- 6
. , 1/ ... 1 • Iyas lik. . 1 ' '' t •- ”
a . k 4,
_..., ~ f . . Aux*, V ' ~ .., : :Ptiolfre 3 ; ~. - . L i- if , fid e. • -.V.
b e, ,7 . .
.. ...... ; z o • J. . not!,
_. „,. , . , . -..
-.- - that ,. hy the fir: ... gap INfit.ilz. Richardson, D..
~ - - 3 _.:,. • . ~
oth: '
Yodel ' . ' ---
....-:.:*~460.0...: .dimraltrOloitle‘4 4, - ',..1 1 1 11 .-.4.1.W1NT, ......: • ...,,, „ .4-_- , -,
, -- 0 , - *Eff -- antraffee.—minneminver F • . , ircrootir. - _ ~,,% , , ,_,,,,,p , ,
in their mem" - Jr '• . -, • : --,- ;I,a 'l , , ci5t.i.1k.y.. , . ,, ,i-z. - . -
Mr. Coder/rood, ollantilii46ei ; the 'toil. '''''" - - ' Wirunicrtpi, Dee. 6.
U. " 1 ". 94 . 143. Ok il ig i rt the ' Hoag. who , . r -111 r, Cesioon.pnaimtedtheinedeatiais. of /saw
- aftei tieing dill - form, too* Isis oat. ... - -..,- _ _mail CLiugotrO,_irogy elided Senator from 41A
-1 .1 1311 .. 1 r" hOinittfielf '. - , •c!lfiiti I** iml!i Who Roo Mo. tidied ood:Wok h:400 1 1.I f!
N2 F uzia
......, s meolhere,.....looKo: ta ,a .. ... t.t := 1 4 : . was Inas- Wu ' th e - The Senate then adjourned: . -
-fiwurr Am nolusod-Ok-eiwilmn..,o4.,:v-rz.v.n. , :-.1.-- - ?y....n :,::-4w_zilet,tl,r,-_:::_-_•k_--------r . t.:rdi. -,iNirece:•,,,-.•10:.-1A
-L-ArtailehileElho se L l aik• iiii rama d ; .- - ---- - . now. or aoreaworrarms.—aar. .... ow
-- .; ii -- -. ~.._ ~ 1 .. •.,:-., •,_ , roe sof Mahan*. arrived..;. ;''''; ' ' ''' 71' -} .'
' Vol; g Or Rereestirmiitire.—eThethigh., of the
~ 41 Km a a iha u nits was ree k
,Jg c , i ci ds4.
Iliiiiii'giniimided'ior 'isn't. itsWil'l3 - 10deelt,, bracaiiiiiiiiukof . litio.****l 4,9 fol!'rl#Fms'
- Which - tar' bireagotthroagliwithisit wail knisd a k a i6 a : - • • ' . - - '''i '' .' ' '
gi l .ed
that t n ° h . Indl ar eu l Y, 46lo 2 lllll whotobodon• IflaakarThet di/melee of die liaore;as 6604-
' wet ' .Lo. 1- ' ~ -,, . ..,_,. • -., _ ",____ isteld,aldievlbee of the Isiteassion, he adopted as
There oel*if tall Onttiti r , .
.pteott, h!, APO. ..Paolo , t appliesble, for, the goriaprotot of ; ,40,110 . 05 e,
Prcteiledici . • :until otherwise ordered: , _
BALLOTTOR A SPEAIItER: :"- ''Reiohar . I, That Linn Boyd beappollted - and re
- . t•.: - ;1i1.-'led.' be 4LL. clawed to setae chairnel, with power topmerve
_ ___
,oweil Cobb, 614 10...,:(Dv5n': -
B.C. Winthrop, of Maas. ( W.),96 96 96 96
M. P. aehify, of Ov) 6 6 6 6
David Wilmot, - piPa.,' (F. S) 6 - a• i 7
, Scattering • - • . 1$ 9 10 10
TNal vote
It will be tieen that none of Mr: Vi s itahroVe
(*tient% krancmk him On the second . , thitd - j* fourth
'balk*, end Only ene Of
Both parties4stiek 40 ihorik.oantralates' bravely.:—
The figural 01.110-korlh:ballnl , wanaprealealy the
cam* as the third ; and these being_no likelihood of
an ellectiou , the Mita at I o'clock, adictOrited.
. Wsalneartow, Dec. 4. -
- ,
Sr.:m.o.—Se ators Rosa, Tame?, .Daron and
Sebastian took
sir seats to-day., No; .business ol
public interest , transpirdAcitbly, the President's
Message not ti be
Houseer Rapammixsuses.--This morning the
journal urea read.
'A letter fnim the Secretary Of the Treiosury, trans
mitting estimation was placed on the - member's
The balketings for Speaker wens resealed
TOM ion seance. .
1 3lit. 6th. 7th. Bth. 9th. 1014
1 - 1. Cobb of Ga. Dem ?02 Mt TOO -99 100 99.
Winthrop of Masa. W. 95 97 97 97 97 97
Gentry, Tenn. Dem. • 6 6 6 8 6 6
Wilmot, fa. F. S. 10 9 9 9 8 9
'Richardson, 111. Dem. 2 2 2 2 2 2
Potter, Ohio, Dem. 3- 3 4 4 4 4
Scattering, 10 6 6 - 6 6 5
Total, 224 223 223 223 224 223
Of the new arrivals, Brown of Mise. voted for
Cobb of Ga., Sheppard of N. C, for Winthrop of
Masa. and Hubbard of Asia.sfor Richardson .of 111.
After the tenth ballot, and the number of eanOi
dates increasing, a motion was made at 3. o'clock
to adjourn ? which was carried. So the contest will
begin again to morrow.
Thomas Butler King, (Whig.) of Ga. Geo. W.
Julian, (Free Soil) of Ind. and Linn Lloyd, (Dem)
of Ky. are absent.
Scrwri.--Senators DICEINSON, BOALAND ,and
BRADBURY appears in their seats to-day.
Mr. Magnum Fuhmitted a reanlntion, allowing a
Clerk to the Vice-president, which, after explana
tion, was adopted. The Senate then adjourned.
BOODIL OF RtPIintRTATIYIP:O.-.-..The House met
as usual. The journal was read. when. on motion
of Mr. BOYD, the balloting' , for Speaker were re
sumed, with the following result:
Balloting Eleventh. TWA. Thir'th.
11. Cobb of Ga. Dem. . 98 97 93
R C. Winthrop of Mass W. 97 97 98
M. P. Gentry of Tenn W. 5 5 5
W. A. Richardson of 111. D. 4 4 6
E. D. Potter - of Ohio, Dem. 4 6 9
C. F. Cleveland of Conn. D. 2 2 2'
Joseph M. Root of Ohio F. S. 7 7 7
A. W. Venable of N. C. Dent 1 0 0
H. Mann of blase. W. 2 2 1
F. P. Stanton, of Tenn. Dem. 1 1 0
C Allen of Mass F. S. 1 1 , 1
J H Harmanson of La Dem 0 1 1
P. King of N. Y. F S. I - 0 0
W. Booth at Conn. F. S. 1 1 0
Total 224 r i 223 223
There-being no choice on the thi enth trillot Mr
Armitsw Jmussou of Tenn. oflere the following
resoluti ,, n
Resolved, That on the next vote, the individual
receiving the plurality of votes shall be Speaker,
and be so declared by the'Clerk.
Mr. .brasc E. Holmes of S. C. moved to lay it on
the table.
Mr. Joinnes said that he was aware that a long
established custom of the House w 4 to vote viva
core, and he was disposed to comply with this cos.
tom now; but Congress was convened *o dispose
of the public business, and none could be transact
ed until the House was organized. Mr. J. eonsid
ered that a Speaker el cted by a ph:sulky of votes
would answer all useful purposes, as far as business
is concerned. as if elected by a majority. Mr. 3.
was desirous that a Speaker, whether Whig or Dem
ocrat, aboakl be elected at once, to suable :he
House to dispose of the public business.
Mr. Houma opposed the resolution. He said
that .he Constitution of the United States was form
ed and ratified by majorities. History teaches as
the dangers of being controlled by a minority. A
House, composed of two hundred and thirty-mesa
bens, might be broken into fractions of twelve or
fourteen. Dersiiigoguism is abroad • it cannot be
sesisted . .; it is one of the spirits of dm age 'it is
not tot us, continued Mr. H, to , silvance the spirit
which threatens to;overthrow all that is conserva
tive pd valuable to the Union.
Geoaria Aeneas of Mass said that he wis
smiling the proposition; -but if il Should be adopted,
he wanted it followed up by another, namely.
we voter by_ballott. -
Mr. A. W. Vessetz of -N. C. was opposed to
both propositions. He paid he never knew ial
legislatirmlo do anygood To'sdoiA a rem at on
would violate one of the first principles of theCbn
stitation,-which is, that the House shall choose its
speikeiand other-officers; and - how can this be
dons but by amajority 1 If otherwise, five Or six
men may do-i t. I.- If half' dozen indiyidualachome
to sto;ilhewhiels of.GovonunetrOglthem dojt;
`lei the ririp' mobility res' t where it of ht to MAL
•-n Mt.N.suid he was :adverse tothiamentiment of
the demon from Mmeachtrietts,' mon ;)
h.,abborred voting ; b.. ballot evurywherethe could
not soap-oi'e that any.member was afraid to vote
He If there be such s ee
house,4t o itgcptho
- ettentl. amid ti th er see Hie-orb session
spent in voting, than that . the Mat mar . le • should
be broken,-op. , - • , ,
Mr. • 13viti.of S. C.. wai Wig
no good coold Moult:nom this dischstrimi l * here
-lee, moved lily the retniositiorron the ti :
mr..josixeop saiMdihun toorktidistribermatia .
but Mr- iluaveruald• um consent..- - • • •
Act See who abrade oat
inst thi'MppOkation lb* Nouse.
The propandoe dandle:Yeas
1110,eaya7._ •-- ••••• •
Dk Fasammatit Stutter .01 .Teno.. Man tees
and said that belted a pmpteition.**4-hl tbooghl
WOW meet the Sale. „ •
* r e otos a e tee It
4":4 Aid r
shill heetPlitigfe; tae
majetit; ettallt Meet a. nalati . heat :the , feaimui l di
*Os havioltimaimiPig astabWirTeirriiimre.there
then WAD 014400, thit oskitkuOtso o6 l
fate otilbilaii 4414.-1
,Aftet '
Jet:until - a Speaker
111r..Mectirensise ;saki that order was heaven!s
first litee, and ceneiely it shotfid be. lb° jaw of a
which atipinia-to a - chiseler foir decorum etsd , '
etfieirevey;'ind'ilial it had onlylitientyfoltietinanie
of members that-order has thus far been preserved."
They were twin of thrice on the verge of being
precipitated into confusion. The fine was offered
to obviate a reburrence ofilanger • the sewed is to
furnish a beinknary Chainniur,-win shallte author- -
ited to preserve order-and enforce the rules.' He'
needed namely to state the! the only authority
which, the Clerk kossinees to exercise the (unctions
of Speaker, is by 'the acquiescence of the body
atone." The Clerkieenly responsible es Clerli.— .
In regard to the individual mentioned the member
from Florida, and Mr. hfcClernand, had talked the
matter otrer, and agreed to decide who should be
mentioned to the noon for temporary Chairman.
The Mines of Patton and Boyd were put into the
hat and Boyd's was drawn out first. .
Mr, Wmusx Dues, of New York, said that it
the Hobad already expressed its opinion, it
termite no great sagacity to see that the tempts.
ry chaff an would be speaker.' Once in the chair
he would continue there. A more liberal proposi
tion werild be to place the Speaker of the last House
in the chair, until one was elected. This would be
a fair compromise: (Laughter.) Itwould not be the
extreme of liberality 'to give the administration a
Speaker friendly to it.
Mr. Timms 11 BAIL; of Virginia, asked him
withdraw his motion.
Mr. Dues refused became he would have to al.
low others a similar privilege to debate.
Mr. Remy, however, vote in snpport of the pro
position of Mr. McC. The only object of Mr Doer
to it. was that the probabiity was that the tempo
mry chairman would be i effect the Speaker.
Mr. Does-1 did not ay probability, • but that
i f .
once in the chairman could not be got out. •
Mr. Basta—That would depend onthe manner
he discharged his duly ; and for this he might be
continued. Mr. Duer seems to object to Mr. Boyd,
who is senior in service in the House. During,
27th Congress the House elected Mr. Adams,by
universal consent, to be Chairman until a Spe aker
was elected. Mr. Boyd would have no other pow
er but to keep order. His conduct could not effect
the administration in any respect.
Mr. ALEXANDER Evans: of Md. then offered a
resolution as rienbatitute. It was:
That Mears Boyd and Vinumehould-preeide al
ternately as Chairman until the electioe of a Speak
Moe. of i. Agreed.")
Mr Roam. C. SCHENIIK, of Ohio. moved an
amendment to Mr. McClemand's resolution. which'
was accepted :
That the acts of the Chairman should have no
connection with the legislation
Mr. Joseph M Roar. of Ohin-11 the r e is to b e
a compromise. all parties should be represented.—
(Laughter.) He should like to see Boydruid Vinton
sitting aide by aide., A "spoken team" would
suit him well. Redid not know whether the House
would like it. but he would like to have with those
gentleman Joshua R. Giddings. [Laughter .),He wa-,
however, indifferent as to the fare of, the 'esoteric,' .
They will stand or lie flown together, and look Well
anywhere. [Laughter i
Mr. Dsvin Wit.irivellaid he hart never intern the
House so orderly as now. and he telt assured that
the forbearance and cool-headnesa of the House
could be relied on. ff the resolution be adopted
the etmtect would he prolonged for a week. He
believed the controversy near an end.
The question was then taken. and the pmpori
tions were laid on the toble. Vent 116 Nays 104.
Mr. FREDERICK P Srantrox of Tenn then propos
ed the same resolution, substituting the name of
Vinton for Boyd
Mr. Vinton of Ohio, hoped it weak] be laid on
the table.
Mr. SvAnvon withdrew it.
On motion of Mr JOHN Weirryvoiern of 111. the
House proceeded to vote for Speaker, with the fol
lowing result :
403 102 102 102
221 2A1;221,221
Cobb, 89 ; Winthrop. 101 ; Tnelt, 7 ; Riehardarm.
9 ; Potter, 10 ; Cleveland, 2; Gentry, 5; Becock
Meows. Hillard and Ashton voted for Winthrop
Cobb, 73 ; Winthrop. TOO ; Potter, 18; Tuck. 8 ;
Richanleon. 10; Cleveland, 2 ; Gentry, 5; Allen,
1 ; Daniel. I.
No election
Winthrop. 100; Cobb. 66 ; Richardson, 25;
Potter, 171 Tnek, 8 ; Gentry, 5; Cleyebuld, 1;
Burt, 1; McClernand, 1. No choke.
Cobb, 63; Winthrop, 100; Potter , 18; Tuck, 9;
}lichenlsom, 26 ; cleaveland, 1 ; Geutcj, 5 ; Wet
born, •1; hlcClennuul, 1; Preston King, 1. No
At 3 o'clock the House adjourned.
• . Wssniscrros, Deo 7.
The Senate met, and without doingany business
Hocer.,or Ramissztrrorres.—On motion of Mr.
Thlril" 017irginia, the Home proceeded to vote foe
Spiker, with the folloiring results :
♦ol 1101 arnica.
Catadidnt 19th Oth fire 1 2241
uThthrop pions. Whig, 102 2 102 102 =lo2'
Cobb of Georgia, Dern. 83 42 .441
tiebenhoif o 111. Beni. 29 28 28 25
Potter olOitiel , Dem. , .15 18 19 IR
Gentry of Tenn: Whig, • 5 5 5 5
Wilmot of Pa.. Free Soil,- 8 7 , 7 7
Scattering, l 3. 8 3 4
TOP, a 225 22e 225 226
Ilifkroors.,Vnorsil of Ohio and-Howe of Portnoy!.
traaia chanOted roday, and voted for Wialloop.
Alter thelite efforts, those Reuse udiourur*till to.
morrow, Saturday.
-Teriwothillas or Cat,oaoroa . -Mott atat.
W r iest Seta tday,. at New Yotit . ,P that•he feareateid;
.nittelishtteirthe base me atchimokm. 4 ease
had' weeetitri come to his knowledge : piefeosio na l.,
whets he apprehended "it`had been mai * for
- Pot*ses the. most infamous, and with apparent'
soceestr.. Ihottiva.motar abase. her said, meat be
met withtthe esterest legal panishommi. _ .
- .4 . •
„amp unp u.Tpur..- " Wit eroni.
zed. The Thinocriiiis - haveeNel.9ll*thew iateinkt
Irtiodoetiti tee
.dispoted'ilteirelleiradteittetrj The lffee-Seilait
Iretedi;gemireWeeidi the'Deseberster.: , .
44, 1 44.§. 111 11404 0 .. rikif-94.:ProfiLeT41
,B•sh wielOetio iron 11 •
swcuirik: •
... •
.; -, - . , ,, , t - 4. •
1. ';: . 4 2 .?2 ' ' _ .'- '' '--:-... "'' ' ) , ... 41:: -' '......'''..:'''. - '';',.-. 7 1t.'- ~,,,'..-,- ....,::;,...-:.
.•It - 1. - ' ',...• i • PIPLOII6IX.E. MURIN3t I !
•,' .. , 2 . t ii ,
. .... • . i'-. - • i , :- ..,;. f, i .
..11 . , ,f
-,. ' . - ..-1 A
- '''' '. n . 4 -, :I.0 .."1-'4.01 .-. " .. • --. •- ." _ r i Si ll11114 : 1
10 4 .,•,...p.„7.4,0,....,-,"__.. : .... •i. 11 • ~ . -,...i.
L,i .• •• Ar
MR At e l l t • ', - - 4 % •
- .
• _
The- ditclosbreo Illative to 60 'nye-
Itifeji4booniitido in Thaittiii,':hiri
_open that city, and p _
eel emotion of bort°, and .- In I the
Truant Wait* excited seta of polka opinion, it
is ditfictilfto tibletio en *aconite ktiowledgo of the
WOO with** ititolniiiion as wit can oho
hair Wel i
deer icniikitif Saturday, we will pre
me eseiscoiso f f qt ,l , 444 4, l fiAsie
lur tnencemeat.
ThO obsefO r ilfot lto
ParkmasiC his family,
which took igiee Oti ihatiSernhoti ofFlitlay, Nov
23, mw le. awskoommatMtera stamig his
fritt 4 da. ever sailabre
dolma Whist itialdbi discatimed_ abibsemietit
'to about ail detach' al tip bialy's( his .diesppeir,
..L was at until laiit Friday diat atty_ clue to the
11 1 011 4_ 'win obtained whin the ; hom bre sod heart
rending facts, wbiet Wit Shall proceed to x descrite
led us - the wan of Dr. John W. 'Webster's' impli=
cated in a deed which daggers dm irmeskuttionomod
:which 139 ripe can associate with Alm. Immo of the
'accused 'except . a such guitfi im can by tau pons
W i,
hy bnexplamed area
Dr, Parkman held 'a ate' for $4llO. against Pro
fessorp; Webster, which long been mediae, and
upon wh:ch, although it as secured by amougage
0 1 some real estate it! Caintaidgeohe Doctor
had feeeral times im - pied him for the money
and been finalise* to bins pot off.. At itiongth be
Applied" to the Wirer. who disp osed of the tickets
for. Professor. Websteo course - of Imantrato know
if here Was a Sufrialeni Sflacillue the Professor
to take op his note: Thireiteumbhinee' is WO_ of
have greatly ineensed PrOfesita W., , Who, ein - Fri
day snorninglif last week, called aLLldarkenart's
house, No. 8 Walnut street, anti left word "if he
(Dr. P.) wanted his mousy on, that, mortgage, to
call at the Medical College about ohs o'clodeMak
ahenioon." - • '
The doctor is known to have' prccesded to the
college at the time specified—m was seta to• ester by
several persons in the vicinity, but was sew seen
to =wad. The statement that be *as subseguen.
tly seen passing Cmigies Bridge,. haibeen, as we
we hear, satisfactorily coomidided: Oh his way
to the college, Dr. Putman, purchased some wo
caries at a store on the curidir of Vine and Blossom
*invert, which he ordered id be sent to his house,
bnt left in the more ahag of Celery which he said
her would himself call for ins lew.inifintes. At this
time, it is stated. a person 'wishing:to do some bus
iness with him, waited two or three hours in vain,
in order to see him when he should come from the
It is said Prot, Webster admits that Dr. Parkman
was at the college about_ the rime. mentioned, and
that althnngh be asserts he paid him the 84.50, he
carmen show a receipt for it—when it is well known
that Dr. P. was very methodical in his business
It is *Waisted that during the whole of the pug
eek. P pressor Webster ha_• kept himself very se
clude4—ts-at his rooms at the college have been
constantly locked—circumstances quite ,'unusual
wim him.
Fronithese and other alleged facts, such suspie
ions:tier& aroused, that, in the Professor's absence
last evening Mr. Ephraim Littlefield, whO has the
care of the -college Wilding and grounds, was to
dueed to break the partition wall to the vault under
the rrivate labgratory of Prof e ssor Webster, in the
basement of the building, and there discovered one
Teg and a portion of the trunk' of a human corpse!
—in a condition which -made it apparent that the
remains hatknot long been there deposited.
This discovery, with the fact that Prof. Webster
is not an anatomist or surgeon, but simply a chem
ist. and haling nothing professionally to do with
the dissection of bodies, was ample to give rise to
'the astounding suspicion that Dr f ) arkinan had thus
been most foully and diabolically murdered..
Prof Webster was accordingly arrested at his
residence in Cambridge, by officers Clapp and Rice
and liskted in Deverett street jail, there to await
Writer development'. Wejtear that he was inten
sely -excited on the occasion and gave way to vie
lent exclamations, some of which, if reported cor
rectly would seem to etre, giber the chain of
minimal:ices pointing to the deepest guilt. Among
other language of a similar import, it is currently
stated that he need the following;—" Can it be that
that infernal scamp (supposed to refer to some act
immplice) has betrayed nu I" He was lodged in
Lereren-st. goal on :Friday night. In the morn
ing he was somewhat. calmer, and expressed a
wish to see his friends, tho' he. remained in such a
slate of great excitement throngliout the day, that
Physicians pronounced It useless to bring him out
for examination •
An inquest wss to be held immediately by Cor
oner Pratt " to inquire into the identity of the'parts
of the body found and by what means it came to its
Officers were despatched to-make further inres
tigations at the house of the accused in Cam bridr,
but no additional evidence was elicited. " The Med
ical College was undergoing astrict and thorough
Among other eirromstanee which have confirm
ed the suspicion against Prof.: Webster, smite his
arrest it is said that he had ordered a box-at Water
man's furnishing store in Comhill, lobe made of
stout tin, soldered tight, with the exception ot - the
cover which wias to be so made that it could' easily
by soldered its proper placer The box was to be
about three feet in length by one foot and • half in
depth and breadth, and was to have been seat to-
Prol. Webster on Friday, the day of hie wrest.
The facts as thus far ascertainedehougheompelt
ing the moat painful suspicions, it tepreinmed will
not be deemed sufficient to afford a legal proof of
the guilt of the accused. The body of Dr. Parkman
has not been irdentified, andloin the mangled con
dition of the remains this must be difficult if not
impossible. We have, moreover, nothing but the
imperfect version oldie story, rendered in the Jour
nal• of the day, in the midst of an intense overwhel
ming and almost turbelent pdblic excitement. No
opinion should be made contleitiVisittii*piemises,
pntil the result of the speedy legal investkation,
which will be held as announced, and the trufaMm
ate accused has - opportunity to give
. stich ,eittlan
adon as he is able of the gloomy tratti f er &Mum=
stances which have led to the &reedit . * imation in
which belt placed. ,
Dr. Webs4er has been Prokesor of Chemistry in
Harvard Unrrereity since the decease of the late
Dr. Gorham,. a period of trier twenty- fi ve years.-
M this caprity he is a meuilier of the . Fa cu lt y of.
Medicine ni the Harvard .Medical School, which
has its location in Boston... He isprobably- net ter
from 55 years of age ahbough-his manna* and ap
pearance are those of ,a much .yoringeir , man. His
reputes:mit in hie piroleelion lee respeetable_,", bin net
brother*. He is a•maer of *Melt oecompltshrhamte
o ruk
Nepali taste*. =s ki *member of society in
Bono4 i f amikidre; he has always enjoyed an
anus _ inpafarity Musical talents are of a high
order, and he has done lunch to elevate the stan- •
dard •of Musick, taste In Boston. His hence- figs
been distinguished-as the seat of generous hospital.
ity, where surrounded. by .a truly iirvely lousily, he:
hssappeared to enjef - thehigliest delight in the mi..
rim entenainmenfol , anunterods cricket friends.'
• With - 4110d, kind'entidneumlumingdispositibtf, with
p ia
enr*endyrioe* feelingsandinsanersoftineornmet.
'alliibihty, belly , had. Oaten enemy.. rumba.
.aster was fir oman; istoin-44t.was the Jest Mao
in the ork! **lwo I'd'bethceight capable Otaom
aditfmg *Crime. -- - '.- • - - --, • .
,:•Tbere isneirouto thit he laboted tinder one Iler•-
,fret.whick ,risitry beveled him.,the•dreedlul-deed ef.
.Whii , ,hAte 4as:4u/ed. With Aar:naive habit, sad
pe t
`a hive:l - of Inxit ;he *id no skill or ability is Man
' agebient ot , mirk - affairs. Ibrati he riikninenii
:lobar, been ' eta Yiinrtatitworgetsteriberrees•
„ment.„ ..,Wei barait4oliiika be* authority abet Wa
llas at ,timis boas* him @haw lato r a condition:
arbandiatehiiiiientillialeA 10 thavrieliitsiese
that - MD* . ..le be the ousts,
3"00,--wirjoisokbor the r idliesteddeem ods ,
firthirrbiallie4 of thei . sioffloge totaled to 11 ..
ate ithiCetividlt: oink= tempenobent may ;I
ciatiddlittiltpartmyern of Rudder' frenzy, nili rb
. 1:1104 ia 1111, etrbse-Liferitiie din ream be d im ;
Otwithciii* &udder; noirneorded in
iiiiila his dome, *leapt *lb a earns, hear. ectmel b,::: .
ernotiliil envoy
The deceased was above sixty yarn of a s
g~i*9.'l- 0 E044 Plb*llitasKtincisubmi.
getillid/atalsmreftia' oath. ay:, Derh a d i e.
coifed t dwell& medical eakecatioa iaat hi:
, awl was mach bsterestrelAii , Mediaul
bat the care of his law estates induced him
firverillmeteli Co'almaiied riirilti. 'taw - 116 4n
or =tat for thei Dimity an d of the Asyk t •
hw ' Rood, in the 'vicinity of Dolton, was
• Y ti V III - 4.41 , 1 PriP0 4 :-
ll* OOP! W.F40 11 .‘-lalliall.
trioJkikat Ali big thefiallOwie• errdebo oli
" Ir il iiiltitsap or die - signinesoe d eb e
of3Dr. Parham bein; tommividybetore the-t ell ,.
°reefing's/14 'lulu'''. Wish- elated - dims we b oo •
eddeidd*abt WV!! **M I N now" ofedditim
al discoveries which eiteumtat in *street Bo w ,
se have eacefflasseAte bireinfounded and the feb,
on which others are berdd dd mil justify the one.
menu which :have been simulated in relatiss l b
them. "This is particularly the eartwfth IsPid b
effluvia morngege notes Own ace thee - oaken' t 7
Mr'. webeer, , when they called tor lite tale oil
Wminq afte rn oon. The two familia 'carried to
the co 'b y' the -gapes. man for Dr. Weiner We, tri maw ot, rape "tines, and the fitet ha Bo
it i o
relevant exceptms it anahr to 'Walla the iffier.
Lion that r. &starve - leave billabdritorY openbi t
.. hid been hie.edidon• Th e epos etaadl
on the flcioreof the apparatus room and the aim t
turn out to beitimMlimarks ammo echoed° dote" ,
make. o' ilared
The escitenvent ap where somewhat adh
aide& yesterdays bet is manifest, from remarks a r
every:l4o)4th* tire" realms parties have bese t ;
formed in relation to the ease+-die ~anti:Webote,
and the anti-Lailefield parueed—amen esaupbui v i
every eirtionetarmer wit is supposed to make local
own silt,' cif 14einst the other.,_
In regardaiibe note Twining bore years poyabh•
to. Dr Piiiimaa for s2.4ollkdated 1857, and tem.
tag doe in 1851 the Ciironotypi remarks i• Thing,;
was hri4 ihrtridaScd tg - sevena endinwemests ei tki
back. It be_ tageivered by a Mortimer oic =Wools!
it was proUwy- torten- up by that Professor in i v
ranee of the date upon whiehit waapayable,ioa:
der that he might. Aislosual his luruPsuYs whin
every one knows hts - could not do while me n *
with a mortgage • ... " 1-, • -
It is stated that the Coronees - Inquest neolitnik
in session with closed doors and it is family pin.
treble the verilick will be wired at fora *44 1 4
The Bede. Iffiriet,firther . Der elesii't
=rTne Caftronotypegivis tome - additional parliculin
with regard to the Suppiweid murder. The Cdre.
'WWII Jury were to - sit yesterday, when all the eti.
deuce yet'disenr eked' would be produced.
.1i is stated upon the authority of two phYsiciast
that Dr. Keep. Who, but three 'or four weeks pre.
rictus to the disappearance' of Dr. Parkman, p er .
formed dental operiditmsupon him; has examined
the mineral- teeth and priniinti6 of the jaw fated it
the ashes at the Medical College, and at once pro,
normeed the teeth to be the same. in - his opus ;
as those he hid made for Dr. Parkman; 461, i t
upon comparing , the mound eviileitor Dt.,POnini
teeth with ose found at the *allege, Mil span,
was fully confirmed; .
The Coroner ' Jury , upon fitithereiernittalior of
the remains, herreaseeneined - to their - satirise \
that there was a .knifesteb et, the - lett side, berm
the fifth and sixth ribs, throrigh into the may ti
the chest.
On Monday aflernixiii tllw Wilily of Dr. Parka
visited the College. and alteraeatritning the tenni
indent dens as those of tkekti Dr. Gtorge
num ! The grounds of indeuiitication are not it
be given the public in advanco'of the inquest h.
strut:done. are given by the family to Mr. Meml.
noderaltcr, to procure a leaden coffin in whallthe
body IS directed to be deposited in spirits i
It is statechhat several bones beloimir4 to in
arm. of the body have been discovered by the!oti . )•
miners of physicians.
Mr. Saavn the Carribridge enaess - man. says is
Iran conveyer goods to stria front Cambridge. err
Prof Welaster, ever since the erection of the Col-
lege. and that be alviaya [previously to the 23d of
November] had free access Mid the Pretences
room, 'whenever fie brought anything totheeq-le
hag. He says' that doting the week peeved*
the discovery of-the body, the door of the Pfiffek ,
sow's private room ..olas always locked at limb
When it kumefily died to be open, and that fweg
that week he was ordered to leave all` boogie,
paekagert iic. firr'hirit itt the entryway outside.
It ie - said that the wife of Prof. Webster a very
anxious,to se him at: present. She sent tolhe,lla.
sitars office, on Monday, a basket of honks and
some articles of crirnfort, which were forwarded'{ to
the,jail for hint. ' Mt. Andrews, the isilnu, cute
that PmL Weboer asserts - his entire innocence of.
The Chargprpopferred against him, and that he cfne
nor believe that remains !mind at the -Col!legep
those of Or...Parihttaft ; and further, that he ha4ro
knowledge by vilialmeans they were [dared whet
they were found We'stated that he tbelie•ed Ls
Ilefteld must have plated them there to get the*
ward Prof Webster is 57 years of age. a matt
of iliestoti, and' the son of Dr. Redfield Wen',
- whcr for many year kept a drag store at the Nod
enif,:and pi-anti:and as a physician.
The committee of Ph) sicians apprnnterl to et•
amine the remains, spots, metals, &C. have to
Made their report Until they do,,nothat: far"
will , be !mown: o Ftheir investigation The Color)
inquest wiltail at 10 o'clock this morning.
Lodge of the Order - of Ancient York Mat o§
Pennsylvania, met in Philadelphia, last WO
evening-for the purpose
. of e ecting o ffi cer! for
, antinihg year: The thllowinggentleman vetoe/ 6
W. Grand Matter, William Whitney : >t W..
petrol Grand Mettler, Anthony .
W. Senior Grind Wardikh • James Hu tchai+;
W. Junior Grand Tierurer. John Thcmuor:
-W. Grand Secretary, William 11
The instnilntion: of these officers will take r m
.01C,S4lobreirPay. ffier27th•inst. and at thal
the of the Grand elesl
• . --, .
Cimaitirlbteir fates.
g !Attar's% Eserstboir
..- I Roeoltriv ilallooltlioors.
Attaelluareinto r
on torDeroto.
Ilsarrono t
Sodepoosieur i r - hie or es tga o to:
Pnoled on sallendr poPirr, fOr ale outdo office. ahr,h d
~ every ditioriptioo, printed to order. ' H
itivertesagibek 'leaded for publicah° l ,
the &porter, Shea le banded in by Afondat
to ensure their insertion.
1111rDONATION. , —The friends of thF
Inures Ferran, will pay him a ElnPau!
his.reeidenee, on Tuesday the 1I th 411 ,
"Deeetialievlisto:-afterncon and evening. Th,e P
'Wire invited t6' attend without further entice , II
1110 Card" , will' be issued.
_ .
NW FAIRea-The !jibes of the " the' *gig
NW !
tor the benefits of . the EloiwPf i
Church, in,' thisbrptiugh. intend. holding a Pi e
useful and: fancy article, at the Court House..
Christmas-Eve, Ilea . ti v MlA—which the pabl°
'are respectibilyinsited to attend. _
RafreshnsestaAt any tune through the efteros.
and evening., bows! at. 9. o'clock.
, .
• ' ' Married,
in Towanda township. on the 6th init. by
,Craamer, En., Mr. 0611101 M AAAAA Warr .
Rasseci MThIT., both of the above pica.