Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 12, 1849, Image 1

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tUelnegn *MOM WMPAIn 12 MO.
Mot iked.Eoo 41Psillf
tornado fros d 0ng04.-11*. S.
An old man satin bis•ebair one night.
And by bis side a faint lamp shone;
His eye wawilim, his bead was white;
Around he loOked all sad and lone!
Frienda.of his youth—sh where were they 1
Harks,the low answer—passed away! .
His eye eras fixed :—mithin his mind
*NM Wei.mairinithe dim ppii t
Toners; xame nal bitaikt,'Ame installed
Were &neigh its hhambers harrying' guts
Anon—his theughti with laity poilYers
Had irandered back to childhoo Ca hours.
The farthest stretchtsras when he hawk
A child his mother's knee beside ;
And when, each night's return, he klt
Her lips press his with fondest pride;
And faintly he recalled the day
When that loved mother—passed away!
Neat, to his mind his school-hop days
With 41 their fond endearments cams.
His youthful friends and cheerful plays--
A thrill shot through eaCh aged veins
In those dim eyes bright sparkles gleamed.
A mockery, though, almost 'it seemed.
Now memory tarns awhile to view
The hearth-stone where the dear obes met
Father and brothers, sisters tog,
As they were then, be saw them yet.
But why ■o bright a vision eta'
Since they all ail bad—passed sway
Now, to that sacred day when he, •
-A love:}• otaidep et his astir,
Vowed fondly vowed, foreer io be
'toe to hi% almost angel bride,
Ht.-thoughts passettnne. , 4 cherub child
Wis his, so lair. so sweetly mild!
Again that old fllBo ° l4 eyes grew bright
These were of ta , l his happiest hones
BUT Stan had cone their meteor-light.—
He saw each fade with autumn's flowers;
One grave received both with that day
His hopes, his all, had—passed away I
Yet memory still brought to his, mind
The aftetsgrenent—ghis native land
He len, thinking a Salta to find
.By wandering on a foreign strand,
That should possess the mate power
To soothe his heart in sorrows hour.
And after years of roving vain—
And aching void, his bosom still
-111,, former home he sought again;
He saw the mountains, giver.
"Those that I knew, alt. where are they I"
A still voice answered—" Passed away !"
As the stern north-wind shakes the leaves
In autumn from the withered limb,
8o recollections .ad, like these,
Par, fv., too wrongly came o'er him
One gasp'--:an.l the cold, lifeless clay
Tutd that he, t 0.., had passed away !
Herrick, floe. It.
EIGTASOLED tiiiip.--Not long ago, a friend
antl'myself were walking through an orchard.
when our attention was attracted by the loud and
incessant chirpinge of ,a pair of house sparrows.
which kept fluttering over the top of an old ivy.
covered tree. So peculiar were their notes, that
we at once conjectured that they were in dstress,
and watche.l them for some. time with much inter
se. Retirin.:, from the '.por t we found that they
rei Ilex to one projecting branch ol lbe ivy, and
there continued Ballerina for sometime Our. cu
!Kathy being elicited, we reburied and climbed up
the tree. vilien we found in the blanch of ivy before
rewired to, a young bird hanging -over the nest,
rt suspended by its leg. Its loot had been entangled
in the hair and other materials of the nest, and there
the little prisoner was chained. From the fact of
its being full-grown and feathered, we presume
that-it must have been a captive fur marry days and
- nights, and that the old birds mdet have watched
and fed it with care. Tn its simples to
cape. the entangled leg had be c ome much lacera
ted, and theltiocir littiicreature must have suffered
great pain: Its .cornpanion nestlings had flown,
and left the little captive to endure a painful fate.—
But the solicitude. May not humanity leant some
thing from the crimple of the two house sparrows!
It gave us much,pleasttre to eel the little prisoner
free.—Peoples Journal.
IT —'• dEIIrt see; where
my children learn such things," is one of the moot
common phrases in a / mother's vocabulary. • A lit
tle incic ens, which we happened to he an eye wit
ness to, may perhaps help to solve the enigma.—
We smile) a little at the time, but we have thought
a good deal of it since, and we trust aot without
profit' -1
"Bub," screamed out a little bright eyed girl,
somewhat under six years of age, to a ycninpiter
who was seated on the curbstone making hasty
pudding of the mid in the goaar; - "Bub, yougood•
for-nothing little scamp you come right into the
house this minute, or beat you •tttl the skin
coines off.
"Why, Angelina, Angelina, dear, what do you
meant where did you learn such tslk 1" exclaim
ed her-mother, in a wondering tone, as she stood
on the steps conrte4ing to a t friend.
Angelina I poked op yeryinnocenily, and an
tvered—`• Why, mother, yen see we am playing
and he's is my little tiny, and• t am 'scolding kiln,
tut as you did me this mn ing, that's
To FOLD 110a363.410 - rabould bi fed with
COn hay among their oily, end some cat 'oat straw
is a good mixture. This makes diem chew their
oatt Never let a h .4 - feed get" sour, nor feed
"way hay. The alkaiid be fed
Ott' The Bentiflai :of society are ,various; ba
the tact that one musi thrtter-awet9 .bat 6r
cowl because it is unfitehionablevii , co peculiarly
consolatory to people of small Inte!4••
- .
CVs have heard of a folloyaleho way deiensdO.
ed b
.commu suicide even if,he perished lithe
4 : 4 •writ .rtritz,z-',
~: ~ ...
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"i °err: • 4 1 TX Y re .: lln t o ° o 9' " c ipek l
11 25 149 - 1 4.0. 1 111 1, 40 ii B / 1 01 1 2" lOW* /Os:
11114114111 sett otekesetting to bar husbead in & 'tow
which bordered strongly on copplaint.
"Wino hal blnoTled to them n°4!;94441V”-
4 1 # 1 15 1 iietoiSPOOding 1 110 4K4, 41 0 op• W ith
ay:anger maw of. interest in his wiloNo-kalinlisi
however, then in his neighbors' fortunes:
ti Han you not heard, Philip, dua 6 cousin of
hie has died in India, and ioft him eii or leprOn
thousand pounds. Only think of 'receiving each a
legacy frost a permaa we hat sever Nan, mod
scarcely ever tumid of."
rr 1 irti,glad to hear it," roplinti Alt% 144
Ono m* congratulate him on hid lICCON4OII, of
molds without fear of giving. rims to, painful no-
gmts. sis thoosainfliounds *gold notedneele sue
for the limit Of • veil dear . frietia."
ibouaan4 pouods would,be very *Sam
to inherit, Philip," replied the lady in atone which
seemed to implp•that it:wonkl . txmsole her for a
greet deal "1 wish somebody would Leave ae
mach to you: how happy it would malts sir
"t am not moo of that I such an addition to our
income might possibly make us neither happier or
richer than weare at pieienf.y
“Not victor ! Why Pbilip,, you aro joking.—
Would not three hundred a min— and; if properly
managed, it would produce that— make ilia great
deal richer? What an advantage it wouldiber
tt What do you need, Sophia, that you do not
at present possess, that you are so extremely desir•
otti of a lamer inesime?".
" Oh, a dozen thirty& at least i we would prltEd
ward to a first-rate school, sad have a capital pis.-
°mess fir the others. What a pleasure that would
be? I should be no more tied to teaching, as lam
now, but should be as independent of the nursery
as Mrs. Andrews and theti, perhaps, you would in
dulge me With a week in London ; and I am dying
to hear an opera'? lam sure you conk) itficird that
once7in a way."
" I hope we shall manage to put Edward to a
good school, my dear," said her husband rather
glirvely ; though, as to the tuition of the girls, I
think you must still be contented to act the part of
a mother towanls them. And permit me to say,
that I trust your desire of going to London is as
vtgionary as your expectation of a legacy. Your
happiness does not depend on either event, I should
imagine ; certainly not near so much as on the cul
tivation of a cheerful and contented sprit, such as
you have always hitherto exhibited."
No mme was said on the subject, and Mr lien
dencir trusted that, as the lust excitement of this
intelligence subsided, his wife's inclination to dis
c..ntent would like Wise die away, and that she
would gradually resume the use of her reason and
her habits of active usefulness.
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K• :I" ) - 1 7 t r irity WEDNESDAY AT - TOWAND
`„ , A, BRAIWORD. COM— - Br . Es. O'NEAU:OOO
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t THE'
The inheritor or this unexpected legacy, mean
time, did not view•the affair in the bright miens
that dazzled 61st. Henderson. On the contrary, he
had marry and serious thoughts, on the subject. He
was at the fine moment, it is true, much pleased
with this sudden accession of property, but when
he came tO consider the matter, he experienced a
great revulsion of feeling ; and be began to doubt
whether he was so lucky a man as his acquaint-
times iinivecially denominated him. It was, after
all. so Small a sum--tinly six thousand pound's—it
would to his income Cr increase his
credit. Why had. it not been ten ihonsandl He
would. he thought. have been quite satisfied With
that ; that would have been a handsome legacy, a
:-omething worth talking about, a gilt to be grate
ful for Perha,rs, hail it been ten thousand, he
might have risen a step in the world, and from se
nior clerk of the exienz.ive firm to which he be-
longed, ne might have been admitted as partner; a
change which he ardently desired. Why could
not his cousin have made the legacy larger ? How
pro;►oking that, eithir from •% ant of in erect in his
wedare, or from any other cause, he had stopped
*-noit of .a som which would certainly have procur
ed him, as he imagined, perfect happiness.
The earn wh,eh overspread his brow was not
namarkial aflectionate ; and *supposing
;hat he was over-wearied with his work, and stand.
Mg in need of relaxation, she one day proposed
;hat he *should. beg a *short holiday from the office,
and spend it with them at tin sea-side.
/ cannot afford any such extravagant pleas
ures," was his reply, somewhat impatiently, to her
" I thouglit , this legacy you have received would
have enabled youl" replied she rather timidly—
then paused.
" Legacy!" repeated he ; lam sick of -the
. legacy. after sit the congratehtrklats with which
f am pesteried, as ill lad inherited half the Indies,
to be owner of only six thousand pounds—it is too
bad !"
" Nay, dear Georgie, I cannot agree with yon :
six thousand pounds. is a large sire for us, and will
make- a meat comfortable addition to our income.
I em sore I feel grateful for it."
Grateful—pooh! BAlwit'd Davie wished
me to be grateful, ha ehould have lea me some
thing worth naming. 1.11. cm my wont I was asham
ed to awn this-legacy, which has Made so much
noise, was only . slit thoniantl.p*di
.When the
dent Walker asked me aboutittaday. :How eon- .
temptible it must appear to him; who makes mor e
than that clear profit every, ism
" But these things are all by comparison, Geco l
and a suuMbo would be nothingto yourimploy
era may be very important's* yon. :You woeld not .
lam sore, like to lose this thousand split, a/-
though you speik of it new so sligiluimily
Ike did answer, =Aube, atter wailie r itaracNmentr
ventured to continue Yoe are templed to take,
this gloomy view of 1111Inetli, George, because you,
fiat more than usually harassed With' biedereiT
am certain that is il 6 ILI*1,0 0 •• :tray; .for Ogee .
sny advice, and try , K the AM. tat:menet
:sad little holiday Ipopose wecdd not Os yes rte
sewed !ttegfidi and '* l ll o i fef . /WO.: .01 *1
.C.` " 1 " 1 ' ,,, t
al-Minner Or--21ISM="1-1.rA*,116::-7.'
Tee in Ike nest Dade-ma persi6ivirikeuts,
they vivre (*Wan leoly
-bin Andrews,. age ,yeeieil the soocs'.lbi Nan
lainews, lemeed himself agile by his . wile, mod
mid teniaki her widimieuel the ambition projerte
be bed Relebt , al!d. th e Peat frieatieb bs4.,
el he hed so sanceilY mined. ißfWehe wet Ace
clear-righted and wellitrincipied . to encoange:vis
loom pt ecla t - whit% tended only to disquiet, his
Miady atd: ',prevent him aajqi4 t ht
which wens lemony ats. To hisidalko.t.blYraoll
the whole of this addition to their Image she did
not of coarse objeotOf 'it iffiti to offablo . l hor hos
baa_ .4-a; aa Ware trag# : min
but to wish botooois Ropriotot oftoo ittiocom
so w.hicb be belonged node .ber. sigh, es she
Tul l
thOught of the increased ' sibility he desired
for himself; and she dreaded. the auddep_ pas.
Mon •for accumulation which now aeiied him,
might kid him hmhir in the mad of contototoom
thinite at all anticipated. But his project was fix
ed, S e nd he resolved at all Simi ts to becomit pos•
sewn of ten thousand posisils, a reliminary stop,
as he imagined i to his great adrancentant; and
seeing that thi must kibosh, she iriseltsubtubtad
with a good grace : wid resigned her: pos' ot
clung. of air lot 'hatred and children gibbon, a
Mr. Andrews and Mr. Henderson were eterksin
the tame aancem p bat the former, both in t wain' to
and _income, was considerably the seniorom&Mrs.
Henderson had long been accustomed to eye with
something approaching to envy the superior cOm
torts and even elegancies which Mrs. Andrews en-
joyed. Not that there was anything approaching
to cenentatmo in their manner of living; and in
truth most of the indulgenciee which Mrs. Hender
son commented len orcoveted were purchased from
the comfurtable portion which Mrs. Andrews had
inherited from her lather. It was this which ena
bled them to send their eldest son to a superior
school, and it from this fund that the. excellent go
verness was paid, who shared with the mother the
task of educating a numerous sad increasing lami
ly. That people already possessed
. 01 so much
should inherit more, seemed an unnecessary addi
tion, and almost an unfair division of worldly goods
to the jealous apprehension of Mrs. Henderson.—
But had she known the truth, her envy most have
subsided into pity. From the possession of that
fatal legacy was the wife forced to date a melan
choly and most distressing alteration in her bus•
band: his whole nature seemed changed, and ev
ery honorable, generous, and even affectionate
feeling appeared smothered in a passion lot gain.
Quickly to accumulate the (leaned capital was his
.thought by day, his dream by night; and to accel
erate this object, he tried in every possible way to
curtail all expenses not strictly unavoidable. Grad
ually, but surely, Mrs. Andrews found herself de
prived of numerous trifles which her delicate health
seemed to require: their household was diminish
ed, subscriptions to charities withdrawn, their
pleasant and commodious •house exchanged for a
cheaper abode in a less healthy situation; and
when it appeared that it was of too much contract
ed dimensions to receive them all, she was told
that she must therefore give up the governess. By
degrees the whole expenses of the household were
reduced to the sum which was in truth her own,
and her husband was not tb be prevailed on to ex-
tend its limits or idiow her to touch his salary.—
Had honor, honesty, or prudent:a dictated this pro-
ceeding, Mrs. Andrews would have submitted
without a remonstrance; her zeal in economy
would 'liken have exceeded his; but to feel herself
and her children deprived of those advantages to
which they had been accustomed from birth, only
to/gratify a fatally increasing disease of her hue
band's mind, was bitter. Bnt bitterer far was the
loss of his affection and confidence—the painful
coldness which had insensibly grown up between
them. It was after a few years of such •a system
that a new prospect was suddenly opened, in an
offer of a partnership from another and a rival
house. The prospect was altar:lig in every re
spect, the concern was supposed to be peculiarly
flourishing, and the terms in which it was made
were as flattering as they were advantageous.—
Eagerly war the proposalgraspedby Mr Andrews,
it being superior What hopes, and mach• beyond
his expectations; and the important step was ta
ken which raised bim tram servitude to • master's
The vacancy this change occasioned was eller
ed to Mr. Henderson, and by him thankfully sad
gratefully accepted.; but his *lkt, thengh now tide-,
ed to the situation which she had long coveted,
band it by no means replete With ell thifedvimta..
ger she had berm a wn:maw 0.00d1 1 40,..ii5d
she sighed as she reSeCteahere Olds' piababld it
was that Any legs 4 Would Tier bestow an them
the happiness which she believed Alm :Andrews
to enjoy. Satisfied with his, own lidvaneed posi
tion, her husband paid little
,regsfd to her mur
murs, for he was now enabled to procure for his
children such additional advantages in edocatia' n
as he considered useful or desirable; mid he pur•
sued his daily advocations with increased attention
and sidistection, is `alike of the restlesmess of his
wife, whom he Thinly triad to aspire wilts like
contented RAM, by reminding her of tne eoperier
advantages they now enjoyed littlest, teith . vinich
they commenced life. A single glutei into km..
Andrew's mind would hue
.rmeletai. his Mu
meats a wark,of surtimmption, sod done more to
convert his wife is his way of thinking, than MU
year's lomoring. ' '
Being a woman otquick peseeplion of,cloreo.
ter and great.penetration, poor Alm Andrews - cosh*
not, from thelintoivoid feeling - some degretrofmis
trust for her husbend's partners. Lavish in their
mit expenditure, indeed indulairig in ai tmbiren
-40P0.12*, thes.
001 1 lIOAIS
'Mite of George Andrei* pinkie( . Idrsloal,set
h i s ti mig9 l 9"o 4, 11 4 1 0 2 ,14-* *l t . 4`dis *100 164 * illd"
.„ .
etaliAiefor•oll4. - 1 0. B °Telt l 4l# l , B 1 4 1 /:frk"
4..1,4 1 ,i0.4 1 /14 1 4Sliais 161 4 • IL .
onosAis own. sollgippeofat o ass hkeuremptair
she was to jodtpe an 7 cf4 o WAIL
Ibe wife anddie - tthigareswably Onteieis who'd=
fostered *lmmune", or radmv a Title, eo complete
ly atireriaisee with his best interests and the hap
piness ofall those eausamid , with him. Sufis*
the liallvsava, though tinithie tedivini their mods*
and being now more than art &Ovid of his
.husband's sosietyolse stymied Ismael( solely in
-directing-bur household and given herchildien the
beet tiducadon in her power that
hirbiliend must ling ago have tislised the pm
'or ten thousand . panda, bad maw*
Would Wise went of his ambition; yet she sew
•no symptom animation in his writ:loos habiti,
tliii * l P e r wHird 1 9 - hammy in her own situation..—
All Ines grasping;grind ing soon= y, rendeivd more
bitter brtheownst which her husband's sampan
ions inhibited.
. Bata styling and ocmplete termination was at'
length' put tb their Willi and sortirfra,. Par it sudden
ly became known 'tit r e the two senior partners in
the business were fled, taking with them sem
round on which they could lay their gra" and
leairing the whole comsat in, a state et eosisplese.
ruin. Debts to an enormous amount appeared dee
on every side, and it Wis evident' thatihirbitslitese
had long been on the verge of bankruicy, which
bad only been kept off for a brief interval by the
capital Andrew. had brought them. Of cows*,
though cleareftbeir guilt, he was involved in their
ruin, and at one blow the labors of the last site
years were destroyed, and the money on which
he had eel hisheart swept away for ever. The le•
gacy, the spume alike of pleasure and of pain, was
become as if it had never been ; and the vain de•
sires and ardent hopes which bad been founded on
it had proven vanity of vanities. But it was happy
blow for him i be awoke 'asfrem a dream, and with
-the demolition of his ambitious projects there came
othef and betterplans and- feelings. After honest•
ly giving up eveily farthing he possessed to , the
creditors, he looked around for employment to
provide bread for his family ; nor did he seek in
vain. A situation was once more offered him in
Mr. Walker's house and here he began the world
again as at the first.
" Well," said Mr. Henderson to his wile, " I
agree with you in thinking Andrews a very forma;
ate man. It is true that he has low the legacy, but
be has gained a lession which he Will probably nev
er forget. And when I see him now so quietly
pursuing his business, and his wife with a content.
o: rather a happy look, I must class him amon
the most fortunate men of my acquaintance."
DOMESTIC HAPPINESS.-Ah ! what so refreshing,
so' soothing, so satisfying, and the placid joys of
home ! See the traveler—does duty call him. for a
season to leave his beloved circle! The image of
his earthly happiness continues vivid in his re
membrance, it quickens him to diligence, it makes
him hail the hour which sees his purpose SEEM
plished, at d his face tamed towards home; it com
munes with him as he jmnneys, and he heats the
promise Which causes him to hope—" Thou shalt
know also that thy tabernacle shall be in peace, and
not sin." Oh the joyful reunion of a divided fain'.
ly—the plemunes of .enewed interview and con
versation after days of absence ! Behold the man
of science—he drops the laborious and painful re
searcb—closes hitvolume—emooths:his wrinkled
bmw—leaves his study,, and unbending himself,
stoops to the capacities, yields to the wishes, and
mingles with the diversiohs of the children. Take
the man of trade—what reconciles him to the toil
of business!—what enables him to endure the fast
idiousness and impertinence of customers f—what
rewards him for so many hours of *lona confine
ment! By and by the seasons of intercourse will
behold the desire of his eyes and the children of
his love, for whom he resigns his ease; and in
their welfare and smiles be will find his . recom
pense. Yonder comes the Isbener , r—he has borne
the burden and heat oftheday—deieending Wallas
'released him of his toil, a)til be is hastening home
to enjoy repose. Half way down the Wm, by the
side of which stands his eriniqw.his children run
to meet him. One he carries, and one he leads.—
The companion of his bumble is ready to furs
ishhim with his 14411 . repast. five his toil-worn
countenance enema as air of cheerfulness! His
hardithipe are forgetten—latipe vanishes—he eats,
and is satisfied. The evening fair, be walks with
noorwered head around his prdes—mateis , spin
and teems to rest ;sad ash* test eta Mating mac
is !west, whether bat eat fiats or istutbP !abet,.
link,* this !Orly lira* who esti be imbiber
entice thy eowtforat Pasee.beea thistssessi—lke
W. Jay. - •
hrogging2 or istaGlasusans,The Unii stow
Animal • -the ibllowieg interesting statists.
ins • an *malty. it wig tin seen
howliniely 934 indexed lo this rinsof,paple
Joe many of most useful inventions now in toe
arnoopt nef—the Nativists, who would ends&
thew hug our sharers, to the anntraty uatwllbntao
ing; :" •
A.b. 950 saw trains; 9911 can di* ; 666 Va.
log; 1070 tillagg of hope; 1100 wind' mills, oil
*dings ; 1720 speetiel, we; 1300 paper of linen
tags; 1512, : 1 i pins; Islik
_ito*dite, cannot,;
• 1250 wire making; 1235 • bats; 1579 pins; UM
pia silk ;1-14111 wood engravings; 14211 printing;
1439 pridlir r qg miss; Menem: plate ettgriving;
cse iing ink; 145$ east types; 1457 dilating
of bells; 21210 pails or mall., oirh
ing; 1500 bolting appanage ; 1527 goal:As; 15,35
spinning wheels 1546 almanac stove% nesting
wax; '1590 telescopes; 1010 wradion bellows;
1620 sninnriput; 1635 dmettasimates; 1610
smial.-,ll l .oinci -1 650 a isuniPo; 1656.-Peade
lant ; 1656 clarions.; 1706 wham align
Waal 1707 mike Wej 1709 ; 1715
171 0 :
0.4 4 . 3 510! . .*1,1 7 114 *Ali*
• , * 011,41isinossost.,00
- siispetsl. ; •
Oal not Albs.* srlsersiides - your
• *-Isagii astipetsonshasmit; Wight;
iletsliestilir"sisisidroisislferies,me ,
• ilhilistess , ssr my to sigfd t — -
Toe liikliti*lisegsremy bur Ste:.
Is.tbsorowSled old sunlit wsegq,• •
ANS bold at• yiist portia bs illoasir
For smiimmand find so sit., •
. .
klmw•hit ialkeidlesawadetarved sad eoid.
And the sue* whisks through the chinks;
dot aeverjte hoanieth his least untold ? •
VOr 4eargrwhat his seighborthlaks.
' the
Aad sever he *brio m tormod.
Waint.oeatility sutras for bread ;
And iodidag be knows of the wearisome ma
-Mho ieeretaledle sad *med.
The beggar is houdelesa, outcast, farina, '
Too wretched to used yar dna; '
But he knows dun and fears not tbessom
That waits on the empty pars& .
The beau is kin—west man* lan so.
• Pajamas' Washita" to shrink.
Dot nothing be reeks of the braiaerasdnig
- Of poveny's slow, pea end isle.
Mass for the seediness prideorestnined
From the woolly-mhos" sneer wedread..
For the pride hire the ardent anninall. chained
The living unto taidead.
Mas ! alas! for lileatllites bele.
trammed is voiimoday thrift.
Whore p Woo is poverty, striving And saysi
And to live . by making a shift.
Ma MU lbe Mime Trader-0 kW
When the Mormons settled in Missouri in 1833,
an enthusiastic young man named Mills was their
most popular and admired preacher. Indeed so
great was his fame that whenever he held meek..
dugs a crowd of the saints were sure to be present.
A strong and violent body of lynchers was about
this time organized to put down the Mormons, under
the command of Colonel Turke—on. of the most
dangerous men that Missouri, or in truth, any other
country, ever produced.. Some of the Mormons
were tarred and feathered, some were' scourged
with long knotty hickories, till they - fainted from the
excess of torture and the loss of blood. l -others were
forcibly deprived of their property, and reduced in
a day to thicondition of began—while others atill
shared a doom of moreinerey and were shot down
on the praire like so many wolves. At last Turke
resolved to take some of the conceit out of the
young preacher Mills, and he gave notice to his
men accordingly.
It was a dreadful cold night„in mid-winter, 11133,
and although the sky was cleaning, and the f9l
moon shone out in all her-splendor,. the, ea;th lay
in that Freely radiance, chill and dreary ass frozen '
tomb; for a thick sheet of snow crusted itsfurface,
and the north wind howled over its dismal dirge.
ft was a night to drive oven thieves and outlaws
into barns and stables for shelter, and to keep-hon
est people by tholgazeof their !mu tossing health..
And p 1 sump saYvis i large log-cabin,
within three hundred yanls attics) Mislouri River,
then fret" from shore to shore, at least one him
dred'peo* had assembled tohold a religious mee
ting. They were Mormons, youi may be sure.—
No Genetics of old faith would ha le turned out on
each a night ; they most be besfizealots, with some
new idea, bat at its birth in their hearts, and Rant
ing like a meteor in their imaginations, or they
never conbilavetentured to face such an icy blast
as that: Thecongregation irtcluded men and wo
men in about equal numbers, and many of the for
Trier carried 'rifles, which they grasped with one
hand; Sven when kneeling down in prayer; such,
was the imminence of peril, either real or Win
bury, as they deemed pending over them.
The preacher-4e enthusiast, liills..had ad
vanced to a thrilling head of his eloquent discourse,
and was paintingin horrible fire-laniptage the bitter
persecution which has ever followed the footsteps
of all great reformers since the beginning of time.
Never before had be been half so animated or half
so effecting. His blue eyes gleamed late a star.-
his voice pealed likes trumpet, shales the wind
which whistleginier the housetop; andidakard
lees lip seemed literally lea* with rnoaktier*
tams,* wild shrieks frosnlthe audience, peeved
the cheitotie power Obis beelines. -
Suddenly three rifles inpkided in quick meow
sink bikini and throe sentinels, shaking
with terror, rushed into the team, crying oetP The
_ _ _
mobl Save yourselves fro* Coked Tides mob!"
No pewee csa depict !het scene of 'dismay sad
osefssiou that sasoed. . *ms bawl*. imemeid
*food, as Hall bops bid doporad. &heal of , the
UM 'pang out of oho wlndbwa sod flod, Mil OM
Py,_ii,legiowof &RION_ !Odle moot of th ose wbo
reman od igipearod stopfdlookand totally pomade.,
either in swaps or make ready for mimosa In.
deed there was We space stowed for promotion.,
In a few'inoenents a mob 'Mounting to hundred.
bad surrounded the baildbui, and the muzzles of
My cooked pia and pistols were Menu in through
the dome and windows. DR none within filed "a
'lw for defenas...fear Selma tolave tamed
bens hobo stone. Pereamtion bad not yet bonitos.
ad the a Latter Day Saints" into vetmans,-and tbs
afterwards immoss" Merman Leponneziaadthen
oily to the imaginatke al the prtipher.
Presently the lynchers, headed by the all-driedy
and *Boo cokedlo*l, nwho and ba
min heat the people loriollsly with the boa now
, eede . of their dike, with wery hale dheinetiM I art
'of mercy eta to the wie or sea. The Otis and vain'
setreatils of tbe poor Wrenn* tagged at a wail
wilder than the howling of dutwind wiebeet. At.
Wirth 'Colonel Turk. romed.m. - -
di Tarn v oat the wo men
, the men,
kit Di MINI the bioitory air** . and tbe titrUnd
batheesPl - '
and, the dnmkettlenob *NM I rod.lllolool
esetwN the WOO allitdPel.
liegielha. 311110ilt
• 413'
-^'‘." 2'3 14.
lietwidtlict tibia It( 'tirsitintinwHiAtisibohili
4.l—u*nill PO* 01 4***Ilifit*Wei ii..
"Ming, hi. iseb chinsited; sad- litil'adolil-1 8 0 6
Oilmiliall 112 a halo of fire, Sodding; kiliahre
bound forint apace window; •Cdnoteidfm***ll
ntate-thatt twenty andeaforad triceiaa idtp!Atal." ,.
Arad Pi latipilwart • thin hots".l . ,
_ _, -.--. ' .
-- ACittaw-hins.wahoot -iiis....lo4..tgoir: or
dcadln eried,Tarki, in thumper of nitta, *Olt
tikt 'ample bp eianaisociag ear Vomiter niateelf.
The it of Milts was ditesed in ashalintlisse
fdr %inver t and hill taarralloits atriikk, isdditik-ab
the start be Sot; exar:placed hint at ease liiimma
ahead. - They fired bath riihrwandeboiliatticilbira
as hi ran, and happily_ without enact.. ritheitifia
came‘ rite riteseitioAi ihq - "T'':a . a.iti-PD0.40 -
ly hiii;ti' ed'oria Pair ‘ of ikatts4 - irtichteshoidiarde -
ed hi hicpockat,for *whist few dap id be ,cpady
far ady ortaardinaryemegracy ; and _inert *Mr
Ina*, akinnned over die herrn attepitoOklbc
' whines of the wind; • , . - ,..,_-_-1
I - filnianothmiy a pair ofaihuitar 07 4 0 ,C, a
741 h 7
Tat striking his fathead with • item ofsw,te.
, sosation.
• - -- -
"I Uri" answered act of diti son; abed I
iibill ciataidy not try-them on the ke nob a ciibt
as this:" • :
Ottirtiglve them to titerottlAdOrtettreqr,
The skate, were prodeeed the etegeverliiriel
_end Igen, sweiagicir# vierior; teat
that be limad tiring beck the stiteltirte,teelit ;rir
leave his own, he began the iseriloos chase.: .Oh
there is no daring ilke the courage lealare.d_bi .the
pasilon for *lenge f
In the meanwhile, Wished approached dicier
ther shore, when he diecovered the sbetlirOg
5 1r
'anon ofermed men on 'the bank. Hit knew et ft
~;lance what it meant. The mob, to prevent any of
the Mormons from escaping, bad statipneil sit d
beyond the river. Ile instantly turned his copes
down the stream. when a whole platoon let oilitelr
rifles, but the distance was too consider**. •A.
hail of bullets rattled around him on the ice 11 611021
" I will foil the fiends yet," be
. said to himself,
and put forth all his speed: Mills flew away, when
he became conscious that some one am pureeing
.im. He slackened his velocity, and gradually
wheeled about to obtain a view of his enemy. But
• latter was still too remote for an accurate son.
ey, and the Mormon uttered aloud a mod payer
—" God grant me that it be COI. Turk, and I em
w illing to die I" ; .
On rushed the pursuer—on, still on, like , en . av
alanche. The noise of his iron skates could be
heard abate ti e " roar atthe northern blast, end his
dark fano twined irr the glittering moonbeams,
large in stature as a ,giant. As he drew nearer,
the young preacher smiled venomously. He rec
ognized the arch persecutor, Col. Turk, and be
outright a laugh that rung over the fimen
river like the wild scoff of some demon, when he
saw the other noshes/tit his gleaming knife. Mills
then immediately pilled his ;own from its scabb•
ard, and started off, so asto avoid the coming shock,
which might otherwise prove fatal, by the -mere .
force of the collision, to both.
And thea began a aerie", of rapid and atoning
evolutions to seems the adrantap in this nirti meth
od of combat, the most terrible ever coneelved.-.
They marked the smooth surhice of theirs with
circles, ellipses, angles, squares, parallelogranis,
and almost every possible figure of plain geometry ;
but each seemed a perfect wetter, end geoid not
find the other - at &akin lake him onpreparede.-
They passed repeatedly within three test Of each
other, and made quick thrusts which pierced to
the bone! And still the cold grew mom intense,
and the wrathful wind howled on, while theirman
counts and nights somehow carried thrint farther
down the river, where the crusted ice was thinner,
and cracked fearfully beneath their tread.
Finally, the Mormon took the &Smote - resolve
to terminate the strife by sactifetrorhisows life tio
as to make ewe of that of his foe at theism time.
In the fallowing rush, be no longer tummieside to
avoids direct collision, and frustrated the 'attempt
of thtlytteher to emend by swerving 'slightly ia.
ward" from right line. -,
They met at full spetia, and•the ADA .was lite
thatof the crash of advert, comets. At the mo
ment of their fall the quaking Joe split beneaditheir
weight, with a deafening rear, and the wild waters,
boiling end hissing like .a bell, swallowed them
forever—the persecutor sad his victim, both. aisles*
now !
But the wet will rolled an its way to the sea ;
the stars all shone as Wen and beautiful see Ad
in the morning of creation, when the sagslatif God
ohannted their birth sew aid the wrathfel, wiod
of winter howled es over the by gains of the etas.
sties minors sh-Swarkry
Ttenmso ex Detur.TitirM talllotta lit-
Us incident that occurred in Georgix. many, years
ago. . Judge "P, a celebrated dasilist, who has lost
Ittg, *A who war known to be 'ideal abet, chid
bonged Colonel D., a gentleman of (mat Immersed
attainments. Ms !Hinds tried to prevent the mei.
tam bat to no effect. ' The mese met en the
viand, when Col. D. was irked if NI tel weedy.
Ne, sir, ,, ha eeplied. • -
a What am you waiting tot, than?' inquired
Judge V.emend. - , . .
is Why, sir," said Cot. t. 1., " i bard_oant my
toy bate the woods to hum a boa vita to pat my
'Sir, for I don't intend ioirico th e jot* say ad.
Calif ma Taira, has alroodarilue
whole party roared iib Wiliam, i ad Go
was in ridiculous that it beatfirp tholight...
Co ait& waa demi* told - thit **aid tiulc
hio l lidatika •
" Wall," l he rapliad, "it MO STA ala km
'thief& bOlet len
s ?' - •
" Bet," nit* his Miti4 lql
SW about 3,56?-
acidt-I,W OI O i*: "I would Whir Illiiky pa.
•••,- -