Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 28, 1849, Image 4

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-114111111011 elk. -
ea Co _
14 1 t— thiELC . /11 31701 144 11 11 &4 04
Ma 'lot efiliwpiratve.-1410.40. • difitoire
. sor. Tiede
.111"44NWii. .h
6 fiT" POPO ti 4.4 4
ertuAng s Sersaporilla„ Which as obtlinisd. M ON",
said nrkutation thronehrraethe United iltated - ti iU
partoT the find—theserebelng entwi - noes.
This excited die cupidity of cortal.esteprineipled men. sad
11 .• • 14 ' liglinsortiw-hurnompriva.W pe4ol, ni ,4 o=lo ll * - -
Witt" Onlbitert ,fresisr - wide m*: stilbk
i'llWafpicad to •-• seethe/ of-'men isrost
moor " 4611 thoeuxaot omatskapat a Trammeled • .
Sareaparitta, steads &Slime odes 'Otd same we -bad ex
.pfl, in Jairertierog. as as induces:end ta embark:la the
inKtorsa. Amour others he spelled to Chivies Winos's,
'•41(.4. -- ledkor of Or... Jamaica Former,
who scorned seek a pro.
..0.f3,40.. hl r. H. t 4. .I.NORKW:4,(ormrtily one of the Pro.
prier .re of Me a IdrITER,I OINTMENT RALPH POMP:-
" s-try formerly Cashier and Financier of the broken Shin
..tee II Mit at It.Orille. :Nen Jersey. JOHN SKILLMAN
and V. 't'UttilftiON. under the mane of THUMP.
SKll.l.‘l.oi & CO_ b:..e employed Una old man. and
a •reed, al or molor.dand, to per hire save* dollars per week.
tar the um of toe mono. Thom moo have hero ihsoltiat
ism libelrtng no in all possilde forma. in hopes we would entice
tad trots brine them 2..1 them decoction law market.
01; pa/MC dechia opoo the course of 4104111 Wain sad
honorable Inca.
Our of their Tricks.
They rev that Dr Trstreentl's Sarserrilla soma Red fee
m-to•--this is false: lig Ir. hine krat n through tbe Wh.l•
ear in New 0,e.... Texas, Slesten. nod South America.
awl the Weal I rlieN—ht tact. the older it grow.. the Miter
it becomes. We made e few bottles by mistake, laat Piprinfr,
tits* -podia. This ire regretted, and emelmnred es soot as
Iteoehle such no accident will Dever mew again. This they
stienitltsd 'ter make e greet iterkit, Ind my that the 'whole
of nor thireartsritis sours, tt kr, oli they me weer* ib . at they
DREG-G-GlBt'S• s
- Marilea or *hem who selk ere' garsaparilla for the ors.
sista! soil asiuuniAlr. TO4 maid's tlersaparilla. libels ito—or
wbo sell Sarsaparilla which is vrripsoni is envelopes that MO.
taln libels on our Sarshparlils, we shall hold respomoblo fur
'the same.
Dr. B. i v . Townsend has paid the Press the United Stag
withrit the-64 finetiers. at leant 10110.00111. Othera are stow
endeavoring In reap the aats.4o. and benefit of his solver
by - puldiehuir that theirs is the-original Dr. Teel*.
.end's *irsoPutillo,•and that ours fermeeta, warn Ate. the.:
sta. base fahrehoode and rrr,.r litsela sod wis shall be
tinder the ne .entity or holding polooliern respoosilde for arty
damage that ma► be doge us' in at .ing circulation to these (alai
tvports, wi n ch are wall 'calculated to injure - our interests.
•IferCOON:L•Pit 00
Dere is proof conelip ire that Dr. S. P. Town...nil' s Sumps
t 14115 is the orizined. The foti-os in is from some of the most
respectable sad influential Papers in this State.
From thr Annum Eernise Isles.
- TOW P614E:4004 otA RSA A Rift LA.'
eAr4te 3 prsledaltr bps miser twee. popular a remedy, Or po
t mints. es Dr. Tow anentrs Sarsaparilla. which era
0 44gi11 and continues in be manufactured in thu city. at
fir:d by tlia Duelot him. if and afierstiodis fro several peers.
and to the present tuna to) Clapp & Townsend. the present
proprietors. Slams the partnership was formed. the Doctor
has ter .a York. where he keep. , a st n op. ilia attend. ,
to th esathit it&itasulatetat that point. Thermanithe
Mir ity, and in nontlinstsd , hy the Malbrpariiier,'3lr
CloPihere ell the medicine is rivinuniet tired.
rrw of our citizens hare any Idea...( the amount of this
ntratieifteitiet in nitionfactured an I -Ma. ft...tdee 'the sales
is thiewouotey, it is shipped to the Cometas, West Indio in
-1,0.1e. South A.nerici. mu! even ts Kii•ope, its coniaderahle
I ,,,ntnie.. As the m•nufactory they emMay a eteam •ecise,
hose) east lorry .0.25e..,0r sea, women sod ;isle, io the pry.
paeitiste or the steatietue. makinT troxite, printing, te. &C.
stns.' out reads' s'sipment. )11Wer 400^dazetrver day
or nt,rl, Sala 1101Lloa Thu is an cowmen. quareity.
The grr,t sign. the me,Hrinn' has at...umed. has induced •
number of men to ;et sip nuitatinc• and there is at the pro-
Stitt bola other medicines for lOC.O. dint are ailed
Town/mon Snrwipncilla" One in oartictiliar, started a short
bee egn is New York, is cal'on pr.lierth Townsend's
an d ap p...... 0 py ...oh a 4 . 10i.r. by dint of wirer.
si,ps . e.d 2 it h e gene-toil Go in such e ff orts , to
tittphstiriette the :memo( Dr. 14 -P. Toteneenirs great remelts,
and thin' , rain the privaatops . rosultior (rein the populaniy
of the statue. whieh he hen ammo-m.l for it. by peon of patient
an 4 e labor.. Dr. S. P. Townsend. formerly of this
• city. 1.4 is well benso n her.. k the inventor and original pro.
prilitny of the reedit -Me known an "Dr Townseinf• Sort
saparalle.'"Ated nu think those s era on who are attempt.
'in to sell their article, en the ormin.d, ahould be exposed.
- • Fra,the Stu , 1 - ark Poo, Sea.
Da, TrOX.N.FFVO'I attroor•lfilarT aleertisement wlihsh cc.
iitapies On entire page or the S. will not •neape notice.
,Dr. S. P. Townsend,. o'hO to the original proprietor of Dr.
Townsenirs Sarsaparilla. mid whose Miler is next door to
any,. where he hes been pm vernal rentals driving an ins.
menso business. He receives ne lemihan . four hundred dozen
.(Sarsaparilla per day. alio even this enormot a quantity dons
nOtsupply Nn torero .• tier tune.! FO :meat
a pnrolorsty as his preparation or the Sarsaparilla. His edi
tion of Altrignaes en.t !noon, end be has pasid.tha
*eve York •esii for .4.1,re...en its she lest Cow' rmrs. flier
31(1 000, n .l he ash ~,,,,le . igeaihnt it in viocheasiest adverti
sing he ha. Mat glop, 'Phis medieine is eatoorted to the
Chrevidati, West ladies South Amertria and/ Europe in eon.
eideraid, quantities. end is coming Otto general use in those
countries, as well as here.
Froso.f4e 0 : jolt/en Role
The Add Penns, jetto r 1.1101-14.6 n,. rollt0.;Or •
SAiLTAP.telt..Le..—AttotaT the tootlerotto rXtrtp.t* of this
kif.l4 . lnetttetual root, lir°. tter Toutosentl'a Image the palm of
attpartority.. It is' intlerd nn exrelleat family medial:would
kaildttesest it in mot oven family with derided idesntige, we
eau recusimueml it with perfect nieces.
In our opinion, any Drunks, or shorkeepee who would sell
the spur! Stimeparilia, bees*, tneyison make a treater
profµ by it shoe they can by ceiling the feisismiZanst self .1
for the ortaintel emi jpsiiione Dr. Tn. ntr,rra'. tinql..PArdk•
end tir•CP/V.• 00'1; rn•toll,rc roman- soy freed. Ow
Stoney. Such men hare an honor and should not be trusted.
18 WIND Lang.
Drutniets or oil,. that Nell Sarsaparilbt foe the renews
mod orionel Dr. Too nre.n.i • Soraapatitila_ that ts not sweat,
1S P. TooicooL , ot4tolt. a fnosh, and Pa MM.-. the cut
-tomert. Den th.:t w«obi he volt"- of etich an to I would erno-
coy. other fol.--11•11 nu Drurdtat of common suhAligcoms
lmt knons Sint oar. n Inc or's' soy ajar
01.1) J.% 4. 0 a :TO W3i..lE
some tompin who are oat art inforooNl, and hare ant semi
the papers, sod not ..rett or, atit:.ruttosueult hate been led
to roppcou, Ii L oa... I It advert!, t .etr stud' Its
old Jam., To.ll,ad'o. • that 'MOO, of roursa be the ors
Attest I: iv ins. i,itto ono :re,' suer lacy commcotod to mobs
their medieioe. Ones ha, been in :he nmrhet over ton yens..
- Mem, tiriak the above tall is We plain, or severe. II
in Lim ti nth ; tad it would lost ,It to the jOdetroutt.ol . ally
ttii-uaiswied Li thol do not deserve it, We have labored
Si, yew-, and ertvemieel boo lreds of then•ands of dollar. tat
toe mouton°, of one medicine. These men are en
fit:31,414 in appropt ;ate tlloproilts to themselves.
t 4 A11.'013 TOWN IiENII6..
Tb. are endeavoring to palm tiff-on the public as AV old
ill st w.lurntad,Physikian. and
moser._stszoopted io smaufar-ture .4144111‘.•••1110115 the, time
lusted him Seethe awe of iss WMe.. They se) they de. slot wish
the.people to belie!!! that thoirSerseparilie is ones, or the
•+m•—but the butter to deGri VA the public, they at the *mu , .
tirs assert that &hair's is the (lid Dr. Toessendis, and the
14. tan .t; and airiest°, to mak, the to. a,.le believe that the
snof they manuinclure, is the Dr. Townstud's
that has porno:mad to many w otideriut ' , Sures for the past
'lett ' , MIN, Dud which has r ained a reputatihn which so other
tentoticine es or •enpris col—which se a hese, villainous isepris.
elided falsehood. We 11.1 - eommecced suits against these
men for damatee. We wish It to be understood, that the old
nos is no relation of Dr. Townsend whatever. la their ad.
rtortjeteulesUa ;and eirculare,they publish., number of grope
falsehuoilwrespectiot Dr. Townsend, •ifteh we will sot uotsits.
Our opponents have pthlishrd in the .papers. that Dr S.
P_ Townseed Was dead. This they trod to their Wpm
About the country - , who report that we bars given op Moi
stest, &e. &r. The public should be on thou guard, rod
.zat be deceived by these unprincipled men.
Thiedisesse. at the present, is regarded with intense interest.,
es it 6 acknow ledgod to be in our immediate %infinityq.
llete, se in Europa, almost erery - physician has so infaltilde
'remedy for the disease. yet all are deferent to their effects
pod mulls. And it will prose here so ist Europe, that et
least tWo thirds of all confirmed rases die—'-altd that it is a feet
Chef qadnat tie - controverted: that-there is do looms rtiirolp
tits fatal acirarge. Oompttyaionta saye.that it Menatly
cutout. by mild eradicate; another earl that it requiritspom
erful cathartic.; one, that bleeding to faintoesa, it the only
remedy Other* tagrisltibl laoo.l-leniarlieerrailitolkilirso4s
physionns avoid all euninianta :laid others sey;thatAlhandrz
u catmint to acre vandal the Quack. declare tt Mr Pills to
ente the Meilen' in uhrof its stage,—which would, if taken
as Prescribed, ha certain to kill any man or . Seast.„ The
toter-wins brPreeridenceha fermi the people - Mr
the earth to ricetemity end efftwowe ThentAretke wily great
P4tv arrivts. .
aiknowledeil bytvil, that our streets, yards. teeilifii
lint stoke sitthild be cleansed, tied that permitted cleanliness
s i .jpgi a p eu s e hl e —kut to rimers safety. the *rand spaces.
the unAt Wonderful, imitnital and deficete. mack/ae. Mid
r lelepecialif
Tile LIFE, Tiff. BLOOD,
The seat of all disease moat be kept pure. 'A
soli with
claim irell blood. coursing to his reins, may htugh at the •
Chotkra, ar at diem... The system Milt DM be . redeced,
olisoltodu distarb , d by physirobet quietlpettensed.
win do this effectually. - It hot roar eleanans and streniftln
ens the armed:it but creates rich cad pore bloodthic Latour -
d idle. We -do not say that tine Sarsaparilla will cue the
'Cholera. but prevent. it. Tnis uve.heims her, by its eitragrdi
tliry wonderful effect, op...disease, gainal a repel/Sim
poor smarty one-half of the globe, that is Unprecedented._ it.
henuletal sp therstosk ssd well, sad, to or.
}mann). 060111i9 ., 111/, has particular time, tu prcreot the
Cholera. ' '
" POtlplastiota of Lb. Mean.. -. • ..
Dr. R. P.:Townsend', li.irommtilla ewers I k e worst cases
teethe I Ptdpitation 'et the
, dicers The reporting la direct tee.
tummy. -'• - •
WestaiDitoa.laratego Co., Dee. Ilk Isle.
Dr. .
DitarlW, *half smiargifteetar'dibtipitien. to you for the
*woof t I 'Ware received from two -invaluable Sereeperilla. sad
lteo 44l .P ri % 4 .1 1 ",a4g-.ltleLatfeed - ethrn tcfatliter aituiter
naPiammi, nave beifi'lndliced to make this coreniiniestioe
Tiff toil beoeht eiffeeted u frtitif beim 'Pk/
flismelo labile goer Siirropeala 11,war troubkolorerf ,
PalPitf.iitth 9 1.1 1f1a 4wl, otructs to. tiog, I arise abigra
ti.e.ipie all Inislnnes f &Ole teluinuneedation I was Witold.
to try yostrffirioUrithortOriniu stfitiretytilutiedtise "
it • — iigoefm! r s c ,
litV ;, g i ke
, ssreb—Nlier th e first at Benumbs,. lIRE e:
Yale_Miss will be is 'Hallo&
Lutist Choir Na ktol Nome stratetotrAiuk4 now undergoing
uttitorongh enenmenid wilt be 4ltiiinCleiftinflis tter - neenouno.
4fisfili,_agekillF.PennsimPrr..4 l lo. 1.1.
J MilitictßiffirAa'd iflhOtbls'. S roattrftet„iir
ior. Tovetuicia:
,r z wm
-.4Avriiticinivi takagreic
,- .. . ...„
up sillassieet . aorblah tiiiy" , WI Ikr.
AssorsisiifratailaWirri. lei
go &ass, and lIIIVOr watrlst :wsii ilknearty I. waiper_ l l l4
-Sesd‘ ssilg‘tUla Tit kirlosuisirifirilii 1
am ospissest#/iiiikisdisireibelf kelit*L . , 1111011 '
~,L , ,' '
, kssillis 4
wrin vs oniq pubikrilii.
umall brissehod, sad
.I.lissi DlD,moll ,
.z. .ar.v Dr. si
WM., kering as ti Sapid Des Ukases.. hi. holly
, cost stenam..z. , *_-•:. - ...N
- he** -- Xis York.olo.
sonsurilitils US' "3 -
- Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla..' w I
Old Da %mama is now about ni yews ofannesnii
been known ea' the AUTHOR nod Dtscorritent%
Glitxuarn onialX4l. ToirNigirD isaseenr
LA." Wks pone . Mores compelled tollitslt ita &inn na, by
which means ilium bees kept alit atessarket.t=the Nana
cum.enhed to thine only Who had sowed to nod Minim
its value It had reached the ears of man askerthelme,
thaw persons who had been healed of sure amtiareit
thud death, proclaimed its evrallenre Ciro erbodetiftd '
Knowinf nosey saws ars. that he had, by his.skill.wellewes
sad espedmice, devised am made which woe*" be AC latalete•
bible nalientage to !rankled when the theses weak] be lbw
ebbed to Minn it Into universal notice, when Its . loothirahhir
'Firms would bottom,' and appreciated. This risk] helrea
the memos are supplied.this
RAND AND li.ftigQattl.LED PREPAR.f flair
manufacntred on the forgot soli, and In celled fin thinner
out the lent* and breadths!' the tend. espsdnilyies It is fewail
inenoble of degenerotion or deterioration. -
finlike young P. P Tottnesend4. it Intimoree ertdiAlo, as/
never chances. imi Re the betteurbecausettis,propthidaseeine
tuts principles bye seientif wan. The Islehest Imowledge al
Chet:nary. and •the latest &morello of , the aft, have all been
Droner. eto requisition In the manork.twear alle•cMial Dr.
Said'tror,ilit. The Sarsaparilla toot. iris welt lowans toloalditial
men. contain. Ahoy medicinal PmentdlC . 44 thee *Wiwi.
which are inert or useless, and others. which If4emiastia per
maim: It for arse. penance fewearatioe wad erA arida Is
Onions to the system. Rome of the pmperties of flawaratilia
aro an volatile. that they entirely evaporate and me lost Is the
preparation, If they ore not tueserred by t stiestific prorte,
known only , to those experienced la Its snanueseture. Moreover
these voloute priscipies. which fly MT in vapor, or es as exhale
boa, under heat. am the very seated .ideal praperttes
ropt. whl , h eke to it all its rattle.
any person tan hell or Mew the toot Olfthay get skit mileiml
Ugeid, which is more from the cawing matter leihe root thaw
from any thing, else; they on then oretiredirtilitpldrw ogle
liquid, sweeten with *oar mamas. sod thenscali ...SAC
ankle known an:the
TAW is Ire prepared. that...ft - 0e - Urn properties' of the Rae ,
saparilla mot am not rennwedairety thine taped*
acid or of Sermenostioa, is attracted and re • jectrid r =.
Frcis ofinedieni true Is Secured Ina suresed .
u ; Pia thus is ;Ink* linnPnbiet 4 Wan as 0 41
able emtheelimpcopettlesS Prepared hi war
5 .,.
rudtkirrromps,totai: , t
-` Claire kof-itninntersible - !ewe "'
Hence the reason why go hear commendations on .tan Wig
lts- boor by man, enigma. and W. and ti *dal
wonders fp the cure of
CONSWHPTION, ITTSPF:PSI.4. • 'and Ltrait 1 10Af•
PEE 3, BLorrm Es. and all ndbedons .16.1111! from
It possiessirsa marredeueedlearyte all eisseplahitatelskuty Learn
hArstion , from tha "lissekeall. , from usequel eiruals-^
deterrolostioni.f blond to the head, palpitation of theatres%
cold feet and hands, cold ehlllratid boa lisisbessiier the tedy,,,ll'
has not Its equal hi Colds aid Civets inktostaleseney Nag
',cremation and grade PersOhntirtn. OA*
lanes, thmat. and every other tart.
But in nothing is to etteelleeee RIM* thardlitstly rura talkie
know ledged than In all kinds and - stages of . - -
It works srrenlens ku cases - of Paw .11finsiron:Widtts.
th ._,V=O;
e Suppressed, or Painful aklan. VP
try of the Menstrual periods, and the like and le as
la curing all the Anon of Mary Diseases.
By removing obstruetioes, and .mgolatlrrg the I Mi
tres. It tikes wee sad suragth In the whole body, sad that
cures all Gerd of
• Ners•nuS diseases and debilitif,
• --
end thus prevents or relieve' n grarirverleifid idler iiiitedles,
toi /Ward irritarkon, Neuratea, 61. rilku heats, Iwoling.
gureteptF Pars. Gareetriemi.
It cleanses the blood, excites the Ilya to healthy settee. *resod
the 'haunch, end glees good dipole% relieves the bowels .e(
torpor and eoutlpetton. allays hiliamtundoe, putties the
equallsee the Urealotion of the blood, pteduchig pathu wurnith
equally all over the body, and the istreesiblirpersphatleerflP
lases all sidemen - NW *beau% 7caaorus idr-ebronsetisas, sad
invlrontura.the entire _nervous -mum. 'not thin then ,
The medicine you pre-eminently need I
flat cap arryof these , lidera to aald of& P. Townsormrs lulb=
riot article Thin Taint 61 , 101 licpild tr not to lts
became , of one GRAM) FACT, that the nee is INCAPABLI
of DETEILIQRATtON, and _ _
while the odes DOD] ; we refer, fermenting. and libehtiy
Evitteir admiral:mit into (revenant the sour, acid liquid unpin
dug—and damaging tabu roods t Must not theLluitnible met
poubd he lintaisn't te the system 1— Mud f pat acid fare a
swim already dia.:seed wenstoidt What calms Dyspepsia but
acid 1 Do we not all know that when food sours Jor our elms
ache. what tnischielit it produces 7 Satuenree, heartburn, palpli
_ tation of the bean, liver complaint, die/thou. drunter?. Mlles
and corruption of the blood? What le Scrofula hat as wee
humor in the body 7 tyhat produces all the brume* nada
bring on Eruptions of thellkia, Scald Read;Salt tbetual.Set
sleety. White Swelling" Fever notes, end all eicenelons
terms and external l It is nothing under bunco. but an , acid
substance. whichsoars,efid this spoils alt the table at the
body. more or ,iesa. Whet canons ilbeumailun bet aver Si
acid Sold. which insinuates Itself between thajoistit,aidehre.,
where. irritating and indenting the detleatellastuts upon width
U acts 7 Po of nervous diseases, of impurity of the blood, of
deranged cireulaiwas, tad, 'early ail the ailments whkkailliell
human entitle. •
- Sow Is U not nenible to mike audio% and it /help blend
to use that
BOU lillia, nlthdlasiTlNG. ACID ,d COMPOUND+
.1 yet he:ortmlit fate have ti • undaintraid that Ola Dr. lecili
Townsend** Greeds. Origins/ ferreefierBle.39u IMITATION
Of his Inferior prepamtioa !! • '
Heaven forbid that we should deal In an article which woal
year the most Marini resemblance to-A. P. 'Powasend'e welder
arid which should bring doe a neon the Old (*.such a monetain
load of complalata and criminatitios from Awts a bob=
and prirehmers who bare used et. P.Townsend'aPNlLD
We wish it understood. because It is the eleidata MAI. theit
S. P. Tosresenirs article and Old Dr. Jacob Tewnsead'e ow
sapertila are kaarre-rids apart, and byte:rely dissimilar ;,. that
they are unlike in every part:cuter. basing Notate Aegis SW
in common.
fee 8. P. Townsend Is no doetnr, end - never wan k is we
chemist. no pharnmeentist—knows no owe el zpealchw or As.
ease than any other common. unactentiflt, nnitnihnislonnl men,
what passe' atm can the public have that they ire receivhsg •
gentnne eventide medicine, containing all the virtues of the
articles used to preparing IL and VI bich are incapable oft
which xhight render them the AGENTS of Disease a.
health. ~
lint ertia't else should be expected from nee aho knowanethl -
int comparatively of medicine or disease .1 It reqnirss a person •
of mime experience to cook and serve tin even a common decent
meal. How lunchtimes important is it that the persona who are .
afacture methane, designed Air
should know well the medical properties of..idants. the. hest_
manner of mewing and concentrating their heating virtues, .
slop an extensive knowledle of the tutus diseases which Wing- •
the human minim and how to adapt mmetheato Owe dismumisly
it is to wrist IMMIX upon the unfurumnie. inVonr biles Whit ,
I wounded humanity. to kindle hope le the desintrhig boimilnihe
nesuse Wealth and_himem• and vig.n intuthecnntwdllintilwem
Itini. Pottelonish learner that 111.0 DILJACtIS ToWASENII. ,'
has NOUGHT AiiititAJNEW the iwporthriltrind mesnaltei tidal' ''.
- Grand- ,llniverani Concentrated - •- -
_cl 1T '...' - . fteilit 41 ,1 7, j... .• ,
within tlentitich, Ind to the know eof all who need tkiliall
they ma learn a4d know, by - jiiy 1 experience. its - . .. .
L TlllllnOCeltdelit ' Pou t er to Meal:
De..JecesTowswass.-• ~ •.• ~rinn.yogit,sktmligt
.81A,5-,•4,..1e Abe Seth of July. 1847. 1 was *pin, attathederldit •
dietithatirtre efidatontieueCuedee various prescrinionAge pew
WOlll.O lissiftwo einintbe.• I "became ' entirely he in t= •
Inceptialeeltenlengewself. or turning he heit,mt . ,
net way._ .. p, this sate 1 cog/Sued vete JaionarAirliss •
I beriwtrswitaitlittie*wl impraisi graditallrtill Die Ise=
This Mende Was only's.. tar as in - be Ithieloyeal
though still incapable of Bettiegin or out abea.atirm tisimiy
relsd 1 remelneAln this aseditinn. with., little case
until I HAT' detied•tif getting nWett Inn_ . he thla settsi . as , di lt
thelltscinty. I was indittelliti:tiryorriiiiisma ;
_iti Ulli •
'glib. three days after uskiiniOni &Oil* I JIROSX LAFIZA
which that! not done bane To tea arei/e, aril le lee *psi% _
. 5r.1 I„A"N.P..IOROSS 771,E.Rf:00.1/ ~.,,,,,, .). .
with th e ski arcatte,EWL, itimice then , ljnyer walkod,ll4l:4 I
bane gone alone Ruin dG PlOn#Outefeet, the Park; nee IS
Lerejny's Hotel :and Belk.' i'viwird4imutirePtt " wow •
:two diMsreat Unles s an v li.:11181111t peposatly 1 1 5 11layiNgrisait e ,
bore. During WI this tin . t hive taken but, ,betticant
Un.Tewniencrs Se= Ilet't'", 1 Itgiettial awwthwbattho -'' '
: 0 1 .44 ) exi and i stlalitdir ocKsslthevdenrwlthenoiliwaid ,
;of crateJwits,l,./iltill elm yaccareres7innwspsertitition se '
,wateA whine .. .gene rte grnseAbltness. - Tee min Inlay:heat line
ilikewtse hail me. 'I tntrtilythwitly Immo nastily node. le
lrait:iiithli7=ZrritWi;i iirfai47l,4
La - + u., 't • • p,- , .: • -4 , ..1 144 1 14 - - 1 1 1WOR I ' t
n ia •A 1118 i ' 4 4 e ll4ll d 40 04. 11 rAt1 .r 4 17 DOM( Ili_
mil Zia* atritiff!tun my bilk' , . .
• -:sot 1 , ,, , ,w. - .o w .4, - 47 , %,"Artl3 -.R).{01.1 ) ,94. rt" ",., we
-,friinpal 4ffite , lol4 l limmitiekk-itot VW. L g 4
. B ^ I 4INWLITOt „.ALTr i elliVitalei; t 4 r l4 .7 lM,
IRA NI . MIN; - 'n '- l - r . urrlial rg
' . - _,rtioxigylyanit aty
oy.l , 3_llr.,,ikit
1 17 , r
_-_ . I.4o:46iffigkitio • Ti. -
p , A - 1 - : - .•,.. -. w i.. 11 . o r. i:•k is .af i v ie ti lir
,70671 No. 2; 7117 - ' "itiVe
f illiriiiMitit*OititenVa.l ... — li
-....:!..: altsa! ifiudo.
.ifl. ' 7 , V o niAin - 4111tfEliticiii:45*RES:
4:181* IlillIORE; ; " 51C11,1111110111014
. P9O ll / 1 0 114 iia - iiiiiii rnan N9 t
''''ll' i : '* *7--;--- ..AllS ' 4. : Jit .' 4 . olld;frieibeen ';*
'Oeffikelti. ' ' isfiiiial 'ir ._ 2 • 3 lhritit will eat
11=41'44044 lei the , Yeats; for ali t
'it ist
-a» osiiit: iot*iiir - - danger a lai
- reipoiopoty;lng ,I. declare iiercirliisn:ind inV .
'diem** oriti_eimitai it fißed to beetifit when the
*;1117,1101reieh:4:04164116'111;- .*** ~' i
Pi,. •Xiititirs"4. ll* *h s * ~, . !
*OIL. 1 ihtol l °4ote! or . . ~
' a . fia4 ,6, get .ttii!!“6 - - . of the'higheit e
~': '
4,A that
sriltinlillides - or - emit& nee; K• is eriy
iilifi end Akin hen** 'ribs' • iitiolie ,itii"
Infi l e t ' r . , , 0.- !' f ea,,
: ';- o- , . L. j,,.4 .. ~ i
14441f l tt':'" ' CArigir t you fkilleiti it. t iOtil4 i ll * lei'
7 . &Wig ' -'Tt ' removes ihnise hilitiedialely the
inflarri' ' iiiia''ssielfliii 'when' the'-'iiiiiielit4ec-
Wain ' Teitiontiliiiiiiit theta ;',',7''''
IfeallihE47liti''`ialit beeeiitedialriti 4 tlie'llead
'thee wide yeari itandint. iinit'whif"liad,itiii Oir
'every* - ' lin` that Vomiting took plicik:' ,'''` - • • '
bAkor . Eiiiir-arke.Veidh-eretd 4 " 4 "E5 1 , 7 4 18 the'
*oldr belpertwith like success. - ': - •' '
'ffelire-z7ellaviiidirriaiiiiihk aettiillY de
fietkettiy,lhin,;'lril'arkei WirilliVillabilitflififteen
'fb i ttreity likes. '
.Otte iiiiibr iii"hti bid spent Ph* :
di his chibliiiiiiittiat ate beiiilytrtetr. - i kw' Wien
?f: tre ortiiiiaktinitAribliai. • '' '''' '' '
"*Alkfriorklt t idlries.lttettie half '&l * *,4 thin any
itirioNtiliii, '''''- '- - c. ' '''" - -
-. • '
lirffer•XlVlAlhrhiliddilitif Seder fir ifioetitiof letter
' l Biiiristilli one tif thk 'twit' thingteln`ibeirarld Or '
bums, . . „
.-LTlniersatideite`yerirly eared by l this Ointment.
It ;rearms 1'044,04k !eller forthe'Pilei: -
tr yltiolit t d,, t hilborata direitione lot-using Mattis
tcadlinfarealor.latfrikligir 'Corixlainr: Err
Si Y elaft • Tette r ol 6l4 41,1,101, Seaki Read, Sure Eyes,
Quinsy, Soiti Throat, - BroneAl*hs, Nerootri affections,
F,Pairss. trisea4v me
,pine, Hied ac h e, Asa", Bar
'aeke."Fi'riii, Minis, alalisilasur of the skin, Sre Lips
Pimples, be-; stillest of Me joints, Smelling '
or the
Pint% Sore limb*, SO*. Rhersorafiim:Piles. cold fort,
Croup - swelled* n broke Breast, Tooth ode,. Ague in
&elate', hi., ike. " ' - ''' '
(CT Aged pe e rs or Miasma! relief in using this Oint
arerufreely. . -
. • C6riti.--flecesionst tire of the pintnient will Owen
keep cans from groWing. People lined never - betrou-
Med with them if they are it frequently . :
' '6l. T ti br 'Ointment is goo& for any part oribe - body
or limbs that are inflamed. In some cases it should be
applied often.
Vitrerow .-No ointment will be gelanine unless the
name of James McAllister is written with a pen upon
every label. JAMES WALLIS fER,
Sole Proprietor of the 'belie medicine.
Animas-1i .8. rt,'M AI MERCUR,:Toirands : &
H. & W. S. Newman & Cu., Canter' ' ; Elitore Nor
ion. 'Sugar ann. 43y
Principal Office, at No. 28, North Third-St., - Phila
delphia. where appliriitiomi for anencier bray he made.
Dr. Swityme's Celebrated Familvilieeiles:
coma rot.toirs cogs!
MORE Buoo - vio 'rilltAtFlPMACif OF
I 'DR. EiVERIVES3 .' '
C(i'MpoUlla Syrup of Will demi !
Coughs. Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Lives Conapleint,
Spitting , likrod. difficulty stir Breathing. Pain ha
the side mid Belie33.•Palpitation of *be Haut 1••;1
inflotsCroup, , boodies conatitudon f ; •
ninon( Thtent,-IdeeenuivAketility.•
sand idb.diarseiriolbTbrad„ t- • '..
Itteiecasidslonog; 7 „ ,1
above Jiaeases
Dr. Swayne's CompOnsi Syrup ' of •IN Cherry,
Jno. Milton Earle, editor of the Worcester Spy,
Man., was attacked- with • severe infhtmatiatt of the
lump, accompanied with • distressing cough; 'after
using various other remedies with little moo benefit.
by the use of one battle of In. Sweyne4!Coaspound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, he was restored to perfect
W m. Montelius, a respectable merchant of 81. Clair,
Schuylkill county. writor,January 20, 1849:—Enclos
ed I send you ii certifieate of W' . Beaumont. a citi
izen Of our town. His case of somption is. well
known here, and of long stimdin 1., he attijbutes his
cure entirely to your Compound Syrup 'of Wild
Cherry. 1
There is. but one genuine preparation of WWI Cher
ry, and that is D. Sivsynea, the Ent ever ' offered to
the public, which has been largely throughout the I .
States used, and some parts of Europe; and all prep•
aralonacslled by the name of Wild Cherry have been
put out since this, un ler cover of rows circumstances,
•in order to give currency , to their ales. Each bottle
of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful meet en
graving, with the likeness of William Penn thereon;
also Dr. ftwayne's• signature and as I frothet security,
the portrait of Dr. Swarm will be added hereafter, so
astodistinguish his prepositions from all others.
"A safe and effectual remedy for Worms, Dyspepsia
CholoreMorbes, "'Wkly.°. Dyspeptic children or adults
and the most useful Family Medicine ever offered to
the public."
This it kosnr is one which has proved successful for
a Jong time, and it is universally acknowledged by all
who have tried it to be far superior (being so very
pleasant to the taste at the same time effectual) to ai y
- other medicine ever employed in diseases for which it is
resommended. It not only destroys worms, but it in.
vigorstes the whole system. Ia is harmless in its et
. fedi; and the health of the patient is always improved
by bs tiiie'even when no worms are discovered.
Moss 131tron News troy Tit Sica.—Andersiown,
.Inditina. , --Da. Swayarit—DeatiSir: All your medicine
:sell well, and ghtr- twill airdifection:' Tear valuable
Compound +Syrup of Wild Cherry ties been•the means
of vesroring Some hopeless eases in this section.—
Your Pills are most excellent. I want you to .end a
good supply of them. A man pi:04644 - i i .botile of
onr Vermifuge the other day for his chili; and by its
use Wirier:Wald 03* the IsrgesCwarriiiiiktietkeYiil
sere' It iii itinbositiat'ditTietat tititeftboveiipos-tO till
`it; as they have so-eshen been gulled by naesedes and
isratrildiriiiitorra medicine's :rosin heirig do very plater
ant to the taste; at thessare-tires- ellfsdnal, 1 Viet be
;able to dispose ofs lergeAprantity. r , - RespittfoUrc !
yoire,iiire.4 -' 4 , .. Tirana*, -T. featur,T.lll. •-•
• •To • 114-111wersre,'N. W; earner Or Eighth ilniiiii
Race gbh. Philidelpluit.. - : - • '' - I ' "' 44 ""' ''' '''''
(n` Verienifiei! the genninols now put lapin square.
I Da. Swspreir Susan Colietirfilioniseautzza AND
mos-Taw Prats.o-Theltirtseseiflheitirdis
`besprieeeiltoirionti ty thosismbottsve pot *pia;
e a r
-amadopted to assist agars in narryinif ?If morbid'
matter, obstnatnioni iiiip.ntity:of-the bkoltAttsp4ter:‘;.
They.ifs'ltlentio and iffeetite purgative, correct all
the ftUietitiiieflthelliver, and as en abfrOdiira incdrdp
liar it-t'll'ilti l / 4 1 RKiis - Ciirl3k4ts o , pi) Wild -be
in every Will .71-Tle 31:./..h&ta in ;Amide seating of
pen -Whits finist.`Astietebr osseytliirtig disiiiiiitihre
to- the taste er sinell is enthelY nononsUtritbonan YDS
hestfelfroWihe.itieelliiit iiiitiati -•• rabemeisdieinas
t it
RenientborVitsit arsinosrpuenp in • .sainsi out
of , thirsighl :wank - keg:era d withrorred li rholineitthiL" ,
sigostoitrofttr lsoneynct aPione-rithbei rageriaiim , • - •- , --t
The above valtutblewetitipea we poly by •
ritiIi,PAYNE. N. '
*.`turnei Of
,'Elibth' 'iusticiAce
eireet,'Philadelyhir.' ''' .' ' '.' ' ' „ ''.....:'''''''.l! = ''. " • i
; , o'u':s llo E - N ' r 3 „.- totiOnio46,ll,li ediniTT,', .
~ „ ..,„; CrOltrii(Piiiiiii,"triiwtiiiiiii,TiA n " ',." ''' i
Ch - . , kuir.o:4l4:4C4' Prii#o4l l oiwellOtri
rifilijaip.:Aigromii-A- ;rotitiin - . -- "" -"
1 them . 444-;g
_p -. C. U. Hertiels, Athens.
D+ • na il - 'ADO. - inteY 4 4 - i SIPACP! !P .
4 0 • ,-4bNitti1f,.1...4....1
t,t,p 'Waa l ,'" a.' MakiliattirlekrAg. '
l aitWalitalkyra,l l / 4 ,10* Mgidibilishilskin",trx IA '
1 .4lbleissid Ali4itoratnzi ' 4
tta4mc itt e xti od... =4,,vt a gul
I y ft; Mift.RFAT`tli:
frialaifiriiihillailit *uir o4iiiriittf,t,Rei
dilttlieWv!iiiiii,4titluo; A ' litook*liiiiiii,
• EnglifihmialtentArd, '. 'XkitiOrpgi,
ttraititfilielliii4l2 — ittgisiell,,•-N ' IPhiloidtliy Ind
Itilteleall: . (mitht the. raigiiii foot 40gliniellie Mak
46 616004 .° 411 0 4401 'Phil a i l # 11 Y roi l 'ainlisi4,
wade venal hi- trivintaltirteitnitiv, '• .$lOO.OO
- Dat'aget tgriutair; ••• /. -• ' - '"; - • 4-00 '
• - '• '•,'- : ' '• =Oka elaitsei l , • ' ' '
Franck per Pleellto - ''_ '" '-'' - . *'' '' 44 00
• Latin, ' •41 011,- ; •
4 - -00
emc. i . ,,
.41ie .j• per grattet, - 10 00
' rig worliatis • •; • • It 00-
-Pr 4 / - - :: lady teedivingientreedeer en the On"
-it gitiiileged4irleien'tugoitork,or anyone of the above
angles'', and the sense•thale, without additional - chine.
'Toss young leaf whit studies the English - brunch''.,
"•, the Innate of learning seek tithe abeveleanebee, arc
Pee gustier, ' '- - ••'• •- • • , pao
Inatruetinala on - the:Gaitat, • ' -•- ',, 4 .-
11.1 i of Maim, • .. „: -•.‘ ' l lk
zDneristandlainting in water Wont. ineittanir , '7,4
••/'•lbi viin:at ataterialitoinett as &ailing Papee,''''
painitt,peneile, - 42e. - . - - • - • ,- -ialli fi roiti
-01Ppaintieglea eiinveal: . I-- •'. i ' . s 41101
Painting tranattateit window era ilerle '•..."- ".
;- tbmittligdy'st ietertili, oath " --- •- •• - 4 4 : -•.,00 ,
Taranto pain** api par; oat k siit'velittW 4 :.,,ht''l 1
iesteitel " • -/ ' - ' •-; _,'
_,,,- ... 4 . .110
4GildinOti kilt. teepe 7 :lo.. - •-•; - 1 tir a / 2 .• 4,f. it too
Mt: Solve% per tumid. , • 1 •.1 VI -,,- lot
Pinktitllll4 - - :Jo - ' '• --* 01 " - '-r 6 10 "'lO
E.:: :. T to
•.." 1
Benet . , in'ertaoh. $2 00 partiettiti,.' 2 -' '* •
- Lateen' peat-paid; stifieimetalb Itkr 11941AintriT
etaitiOrflgelitingbenitintjteldiee eit,ePtilt•PirM re
ceive phitapt dietitian. 11 ' 1 4, 'et s' - '*' 7 ': l " '' l ' . .
—...--- , ; . .7 . 7! jI ,
BOOT & • MOB - m : '
JOHN W. WILCOX, bait reuiteetriluestablish
merit to the shop between ~wry% mist Bob
lett', stores, and where be stilt/ ipolicits a ale.- of
public patronage. He inbinds,by p careful - ieleitiori
of stoek, end by attention to the interest's, hil Mista
mare to make es neat v d durable mirk ain bean
nufactared in this pint .-the country.
* He will keep constant', on hand, mil instiorectnre
so order, Monster), Calf and . Coarse Boat &V iShoes
Lathes' Gaiters, Shout coot' &pi CAtridnen's do. ;
Gentl Miters and Purips, ,
g Country Produce. of meat descriptions, takeh in
payment for work, at the , marker price.
Towanda. April 26, !tr..
VRAS=6.4I2g 3316Piti2CANWf.
THE subscriber mill contirkke
to manufacture and keep on band
at the old maw! of Tomkins- end
Makin:en. all kits% of mum end
wood seat CHAIRS . ; and SET-
TEES of various kinds, & BED.'
STEADS of esery description,
which 1 will sell low for cash
or Produce, or Pine or Cherry
I.omber, or Clair plank,!wiil be
received fUr work.} TURNING done to ordetin the
neatest manner. Also. . .
stake •nd kept ma band, oranstie to order, im the best.
irenranda,..lanoary 4, 1841! - - •
r.eavrer 47Titerrrvez. 4 • -
it/FAY BE , HAD at mum*" muelt.lowimtban..b
hil oiler been saki -in Teirande.,, *GM* are
eheaKand•erbeat am loweredosnd that lb's; leasongre
can alford all for to - do it. All kinds of produce , will
be received i. piymeut. Also. LL`Mlir.ll of all kinds.
&Pit . • 1.. K. NYE dr go.
Remoted to north side rub& Squarel
w 4. Chamber/in,
... la AS just nettuned from the city
it.- • I.J. of New ..York with • large
. Alik supply . of Watches... Jewelry and
, 4 7 Silver RM. coallniallir in Pod.
the following artieks:Lever,
L'Epine-end Plain Watches, with
',\l - / 1 - -- , i-r` • complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry. such as Ear Rings. Fin
ger Rfr, ta,Beeast Pins. Bracelets. Lockets. Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys. etc. Also, all sorts of .Silverware;
and any quantity of Steel beads--all of which be offers
for sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH. ..
Watches repaired, on abort notice, and warranter?
to run well, or the money, will hit-refunded. and a writ
ten agreement given to that efface if required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR. and Gauntry Produce
taken in payment for work; made's). learn now. and
forever, Shot the Produce must be paid whet the work
is done—l war against credit in all its forms.
Towanda. April 28. 1848.
IMED wI, RE leoLgesizzl
CF. HARD - Ell respectfully washes to inform the
• citizens of Toviamia. Ind the nubile that he his
commenced the
to Towanda. on Main sued, a few doors shove Bridge
street, where be will keep constantly on hand or make
to ordnr. Plated and common • Harness, Trunks and
Trunk Valiers, and all kinds of work in CAR
to °Meg. From his experience in the business, and
punct&lity in attending to it, he hopes he may receive
• slim of putdic patronage.
kinds of - work may he had at his shop •heap
set _than at any other shop in this county.
Towanda. June IS. Imo . tit
L. easirret. I. w.entse.
Completion of the North Branch-Canal !'
LTAYINtI forniote eapartnerabip in the ineetriess. •
•IA tore-of BOOTS & SHOES. at the old stand
three doors seesivof Brides et. wonlasepectisily inform :
I.haitteiende and the.poblie; that ihey,will easy on the ,
i temises% ell- it* branahrs—.haep co 'mad a m m a w. t o .
osier; everything's *bale mar Waite isateat raenrserand;
is Shalt least style.: „. •
&delving that they made at bitter. week
,thinatiinbt had• eleverbeee•awry world any to thoveitiett-.
leg godd inkier in theirlirwtsghtetbent a eall. mild they ,
'shall be satisfied. Repairing done Onshore notice. '
•:(r7lPrOdnee of salt • kinds taken • her Week. -Hides
- mated is traebangs for lioote and tames and Leather..
Tosanda Dee. 14, 11148.. . B. 804.
. , . _tHE boa va . IEXTRAot
OUNIIIrefi" ruin *4 rpm; siullesedy , for Macaw
friiitimmillai, a. pqnilipOti, freeyr:au Aver/ thing'
- 1 L hOeniciiient or 'denittous., Air a Wu extrictor
A410044%1 iiiikrior to every thing yet disifoicristi
01E4 istafplicstioirlt&tisluce,iifirfitistipar. the 'shill - of
:mankind is . Asuroged to mieul Narita 101 - At ooj**
, thetfrrrOOi . .?,:Otooloibt'lmouir.: l .l l Pri 4 " otirib ,
'ind:chimisiiri ulcers'7-reduc es
,efil'afi 'marmots r e!`elieOhiiii,
eligfiiiMeil; atulCiirrstairsider complairiNbleinteryl
14 - sgilp Dirpt,T, - Eo t r o gitss,o, l o , ..4 l ":&, o APF.We
iss,( l ltuarAcAliihl.lY,4 l l ' , , 4 1
littAD THE - ail:Mu or fitiN". E_lHR:a.'o'Ek'
•1 . After ishat..l have stated, you • Will ttg! he Tirprased.l
1 ; SC the rAchlriticiu of my 'opinion mid firm Corieidithr,
that the liquid, efeued bi :oil' is . oNig or ?r, ll , *lii.„ ' T
aii Ti 4Ak Alit 1i Wilt prove s most eirectUal
f i
M 64 ''r' all neiv"ius itrectiorre, mid genre forinfism-
MktiMtis Irrroilki - chioniP.Phikresooubi, 11 4 Pror
; Cifeeppr , - " either observation it'd experirkelt sun
, I.
frji riecemsqui*iifirbrObkbelt tru?e4ritif - app , U'ca:'
li*Cli,* b 4 1* 1 ,0 1 1 eps::•=fisiii#k.*3 46 o:4l4.ll4i:
•.00 lamtristrig,,,-.„.." ~.i: ," -.*: *! A
. ^ 1 t i t # * 4 -,
. ‘jii!' --} Ow i• - . : villiiiiiii:,:,'
= 'few,' ' • '''' AlOgiiiinil'ld`4 l sat Agin
trot,' Ifitili rieboOfraiiiik*OVlC
i ' 1 .rs., v., , ' , ii: 0 . -e . ..1,
. .., . ''• I!. s. • . •;.• 7 . - .81 '4. . '3
~.. • %; Ai....r... - . _ • •0 - 4 -, 8., •
' 41111 0114- .
- B ' ,. '; •• ~...
• •••••' `
-lee. r p: , -..- . 40A....,__.„4..-, ....
b 7 Tlsis",actioii or the' 10oe:yiji. ii.)PeeklifirtOkolitein
76' . iiihiablelijhoestiligc.„; 'lt ..:
; - .P0 ,1 .4rF. 1 2
leanioontorinlicou :: ,a5'.,11
are f pliikdity.l o :6/ , . ,
.:141: .* ‘1 7 4 '.i, . :.. .- c•-11,
' kirk'. Ex l'fillextfreff. ll 4ti.WV fi :. In'
de use Of Wright's riiiti 13tdAsk,y+latIi;ihIls, 1, . re.
moving PolotopafrcomPhrVcre - Aelh l *.. ....0 3.: 1
` alder Setetieei . AteVilike4Rr ; - ?fr1it;.,..9, 1 01 6 !
Sbie Taipei:4:4T — ' ~•;- .. - ''' -g?,c.. , !;:4 4 •74 k
' 13Y'llieitictitiri on the litieitaiiii ": • 1 • filo* -
Pills curt Dvrpepsia. /dver.,,em;, t.
the Heart , flatelettei..Peett..! u . t• 1 '',' .' .
PhritteYs" Headache, GW I - ~f
. 1 T — ,",.,..- ...
all' disorder's : o( the in - •; ''. " .„.„ . Ai .....•, .... , ~., 1-,
taken io naafi - dosON. 4, • . elLtlf 4 tlMaikl!
Pills tee - Dine an Atteratiyi ..- i ,„ 'folt:gebt,iiipirchim
eelcig t, f . or the owe 6 .: - 7 : 3 , .kvilk,,iroif!r,
• Tilt:Dori, Isittiidii;e. - Letterelk . ... 4.,..,' '." -i r e 4.4 4 1 1,
Rasb;Viiiisiii the Boricsidro.'' t . , - -.;,,
, t., ,
These Pills alio thop. .. 014%4
mitic A ty
to which complaint thi7 ore,./
..., ~,e14 4 .,- .$.
In .Bilous Complairits,thoß,
....`,,,... me •complete
mastery. , Hence Fever antis E mpiedily,cured by
the use of them. the. Southern States
where this disesis moldy pAviii j W4.l l :lll*.go.dikok
an. avalanche. While theyorre'.thapet g en the fever
- and ague retinedieLin general. 'kV 4it, lei 'liege*.
We Pills have been pronouaqd . oußepot l iO iii Ortgti.
Indeed.-it would appear diarif - there i one complaint
over which - dim:et Pillsliatrelidte iidukilliin armor,
it h Fever and Ague.. ''-. 4 - 0 .
~-k rte— -A. 4 ' '''
. Fordestroying and erpellifig;Wcirtnivicilitermifuge
to these Pills. Although we divine°. 11-lA4ot - trains in
makothis fact public, the meritleribezinielitine itself
has acquired for it an extensive retitaiion and ealorfloi
the removal of Worms. - AdrniitiOierstkite Wattle -4
children, the efftet of the PiUs iss, : eiiiiiiltiOidlcittottid
decisive. All Who suffer from tlt9inis additiliWid . I
means. use .W right's Indir . Vjggiciabler.Pills., f . ,
In fact , no one can go amtaitiorthitjatoM.thermiedif:
cew. They are natural to the bodyiii fOod is. A trial
Will convince the skeptical that -Wright's Indian. Vega
tibia P.lls. far from being a." sit , picl4o9struot," arm
decidwilv the most valuable medicine ever ago ;t&' . ...
die public.
_..... .
Renietilber, that the original and .maly k . genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills have the written shrlyte, of W.
Wright On the top of each
Ttps genuine is for sale by MOANTEIE.I & Co..
iiele *gents for 'Towanda; and by agetitii in all o{ r.
partsof t e State. •
Office devoted exclusively to the sale iff NYrigitt.'s
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retiii,l69 Race
at, Philadelphia. 288 Gretawkh - at., - New York, and
198 Tremont, Boston. --39 y -
N I O other medicine has ever been introduced to the
1.11- pntilie that has met with sueh• unparalleled sne
erer. is , Dir. Sat-tih Oriental Sesereigit Bells , Mr.,
•Haviog been but et years before the publici and'tbe
advirtisini small,ctimpated With' wolf ritlierinedichies,
vet - they have worked their Way iiittrovery !nate in the
-Union and Canatlay. They have absolutely become
the Standard Medicine of the day. They are purely
vegetable and so admirably compounded that when ta
ken in large doses they speedily cure the moat delicate,
nervous female, and have raised numbers from their
beds after all Mho remedies had failed.
As there are spuri o us Pills in_circ , ulationcalled 00
ntal or overelan Balm. tte:strre . to sestbefore yob buy
that the hame of Del E. L- Soule co.- is on the
fare of the holft. None others can be. cenuine; We
arc . not aware that any one who iiMaltintt a spurious
article has yt t (red to make QM' of our name; ht.t
?some ut them have had the impladeuce to imitate our
, : boxes and copy our Circulars, Certificates, fie. Ultima..
the public are careful when they ptirchise, they will'
be deerised. .
co- The genuine SOVEREIGN BALM PILLScon
be had wholesale and retail or Di: E. &
Euclid, N.: V.. and in ) Towanda by lIBSTO,‘ & Po)R•
TER, and by Agen(a in emery town in,the ionntiy.
• To the Victor belongs the Spoils.
ALTOUG it many preparations in the formai*" Popu
lar Medicines." have been before the public, claim
ing to give relief. and even mire the most inveterate
'diseases. yet none have so . welt. answ - cmd the purpose
as Dr. Sherinan's Medicated Lozenges. They eraikreee.
ble to thetaste, easily atlnirnistered, and from, the(
piece . demell auctravolethich theyy#y! met WO, a n d the
reins& able cures which bay "have performed, e na y
justly lay claim to the title of Conqueror -over the di
-mama for which they have been recommended, , Dt
Shermsn's •
„. . , .
. , .
Cure the most obatitiatecatee•of Cough in a few hours.
They have cured s large number of persons who have
been given-up by theirphysicianennd friends end many
who have been reduced to the verge ,of the grave by
, spitting ; blood, Consumption atut-flectic Fever, by : their,
use teivti bad 1111110 or health reAtited to • the' hfiggafil
'cheek 'noorlive to tlitialir forth' gior . praise of this
inveliable . medicine, - Di:thetielteit •
; •
.1 • .-woßm LoteNpEsr
;Dave been primed in more ittiiii4o(l.oo,tisses to be in:.
:falliable, in fact - the certain " Wiritn Destroying
~ Medieine_ever
_AWL-overt& "wilt'_ eat 'Ahem
Then'tkil t essutok.belittektto*e i any f olhar on pcine,
and Nwelit derived froadeirieldnni l istrorionWnied; 7 ,
eine tit them in this form it irrealAbeybild - eorttiort;
When the brath.of the clans:Wilke' elferstviViand
,there of the DOW; gririding•litthettoile.grind
,itig theteetteduring sleep, palitnetis about thy '
with ttahed eheeksOsteriftng'-tie4ie nose; tiewhehi,
idrowsiness; slatting during aleep a _disturbed dresini;'
awaking with, lightning eireitrauttlismne ugh,,
thingi_vonwietakappetite; . ei_ektiess at -the!
• stomach and biiiatetratiniviclatite int:tong, the
litany% promiiien4 a~inpt ¢ dts''.of ' w~omri ; ra&l tan he
relleireiTbrtheseiacomparable .tinienges.' •Thei hails
neverbeen known to • Dr. Sherinin'i '
_ . . . .
RatievallaaditeheNeesott amiclt ache„polpitilice
efithe,heartantl. sicknm in tilere inutta,, They care
liwitem aiorio,woitot*.3c,",,cal th,t4m; conic, spasms
trauma gthastornsch h . , o itimmer ir we) no mplainhi-.—,
they VeriMp the s`pirit,'dispetall ae.„,diatrrsrag of a
=dissipation, and enable-a-person to-undergo great -mea
-1 tal or i aalljr , toll: toll:,? B.ltermareiVA . , :.• •
1 • 11 POI/1111rAltaIrt - kBTER' '' ''''
: Is acknowledged br,alpeto harttrrey,used it to be the
heat stntngthinKPlaiter in t ,'6e world and a , soye,reiori
retiredY''for pain s Mid tortlakintililifthe',Wm
ei;los; side
' t hrust, neck, limbs, Mink' irlientitatienr, liniiinigh„ ILL
One million a year' wilP notvsuTitifYVte demand.—z;
Cantign is necessa-y, as , there:aro Litany unprinegiled
pavans who would forceAV spurious ;article Tupon the
eannaunity. , Be careful to set Shemin's kloor - Man'.
. Plaster, with a." Jim simile of his written rtante on the
lbsok - -9Maothon ar.o_ : lrm. later ankarill,da MOM .hurt
than load, SOhlinfT4oreilitii4,llllPW&POll
i4gv*t o I.iv. cts. iklitsa7tai7-°4 4 u L• t B! il "U l a lifik `. ' 5: "
,lIRA Nalmv
'i 'I NG, ;
- •
it ale'sl44l l4ll ffleli lent
fa rut mitetkosa, lid -Darr - Vat Itanllr
whir Awl silk* ' — ‘4.k.ega
i~tal3 T h u Rim
• --•-•
.- Ite.
, •,- - . AO* u ---W
.... _
. .
Vegildheswill gigiegediklirg . .
. . ...._, .
.f , ,'• '4 1 Simalsll.44lllol - , L'
Who hirigiteede i*1i11ig_ n0... ...... m . a . -" Alitillind i... _lolgli
eild e
•• . , lit" _ ' ewer .it . wit* ild
-- -tt - ' • •'•• it " ' illi ._
- Tug i.... 44. -_ ' • :,_ 4llWelfillima
011ittaLAR I' IA4 1 0141 , 12 "- xit.anitat R -
. leellitieliMites lota
. . _ globs mt.
• f • . . W al timill ~,.ile wale
Thiiiiii;Piiiit iti olio timeteeliewe
elf.Rij,. ,. --4,• 4 44- • , 4!ii•Afr • it•,,ri:.l7l , V4i. l _ , ll l .i , .* 4
.4 • • - thWifligilleenijeliin t.: , ,.. - tp, ,
tHarinieUblecni=bleViiirsitmet kw
the fogo
~... - ''
... : - .,, .~
. . 11 :PAS --t
The Lithe c.... Or • Prinetioittwintrfox Re" , met
of a ' l4 WHiutofahi. lerzoWy.soweee Desks of Sam
.Pudger:, - wee culhet:Wask.use of Mare of
the llletWas iweif Mudd: -
~.. _ ?tar to , 41FeeCtlie Sturg.s ll / 4 11 , 11 40dV
=., .. . '''
i..: • ErlL*
.4 .1% * releJlw
. dtailTsentili MLA stabilat .1111:1 1"I laha
heed: Be bad the bia medleil ._
..egthe lee
stowspargies to tiptoed effect -gosusewdeig witnimegiiimee4l. ll ,
i sidered to be in a DO'S Busk sad .eaniel'a i gncr
goers longer, when beeomtoetteertnahholltANTl
His a`rek wee eaten merry of, from ear to ern-11 itsbeAsat ea.
through kteltulitteittetßedur hielhLa,oo whet hielewedeeigtes*
; the holehis on was so estimearound that it ettesi liiiVid.
, oat of its place. it only boldieg by aaesseigridieweeall_ t ila item
, arm was eaarryea bg. two. ekria Tam nnantino swam
large as a man's land. MA nearly amenotluesik lege sideiegg s
- booty. . Thus he was le withreenty,each pod{ mail"
~ sire Meru on variant W.W,ei Ns weft y,-,lw terieram et
F. particulars, see our Pamfik_ ot4t.,ie-:„...4'. ,,:P: -.+. 4 .. -
i "ipbeeTwoauksigtittrupnc: oecuthe: mast slim orikb.
~ogitumit.,wolriesgedlo- w eeHioltlii . dime i! excuser
using:Braits'Pardfier. poet. W. • - lahni, and I s m bit
him that all Alm *Midas, la the world list can kiar-lIM
his ease was
i VirOrSe.tha3i Ir# ! .
.. .
Nti;r3. Mr. HAMM'S stitenamilef enta. . He 'yid: Ms
wi red one honked BRANTSF= MVO EX7ILIer
.4.. err earetu enebled. me to r a t of tateed-the setup Ito
g o c awecape. to getout of the' ' THIRD diehled ow Is
eta teas write and ,ahead W.. fittipked tieing , Visiaatia at ,
taltigirmit of
_platy Miry lad !Wed ire. mad afire fiesta mon
IreesedewEß:rE•l7lt.E. and -teetered me tossed With
Tlfe above &Owe et:llied:to by DOCTOR T. wrixual,
; up! (wit BROWN, of We* Rome Haat Meson. MULL
LEONARD; Detalete, and ELC.VRI odors reoperate
Aga". -oroorit.tme' •
CALSICIVERS 440111111 D. •
Mr. 0. B. EINN'EIr, saCiaiiinf,,. opeidd . twr i ttp, W. ir...
Anitmt u. , that. • c/140156dOetilt.ill.N=1 4 :WIN effed* yaw
denial curri`bf• 'II* ' ' . BRANTII rri.
vitge.r...siraxemr,ut -rd-. °Me:Swanned candy. N. L a
afso usirmodd Pporigi e Mr. L._
_B • SErxi.•, druggist, ski Cow
p iniriE. Mcmtgotnerreoutify,V. •Alloionn ,.. forfael vier se tatmot
dam , lir a GA•ccitiof impline, which liras Offeeled aim yd
h r m.lf
w ale place. If. dagefere,lhai Paler= cans,liii
} ' batting i; what. Impure disc•me of the Wool oft
nut cuel ,Senreo ' azperkencer sad temp* "lye dew ir
Done Vat wont ior cure. . ,
. .
- . ...
rEtWirEiagE . ' 4trgtErk
4.x. .
rho Rm. RIGUAILD DiThiPPNEN)Paame of. Me P
thereh, Adenii Basimldane.Meamp, D. T., lineman to •
jam received-a lenertroes-Nte;OemeateDeSeese! , 4 mime, ele
mre (ChM FtWetliOlte. , Yea May depandkenvairg - d ataxy ire
• a Quinlan man and is eider in 'the ebneik. '''' Weise yam in
ie had m have cm orldilme earoffo v ewelida WM be earn
et a Fever-sere. The mherjeg being DOW Wee:ed. sad Mau la
re am I: Blume% illettenta. lad le le
snit Be soya: *1 Jame gni i I ,osdig regmi, annin at MUSD
MEDI cry. E. I pined iii. nevi, Pm leer raem in ild
Medicine, and I est nem . thattwith tbb Woven at, DIM die
fleeced a nev qf mg kg." . rampkeeee tee tall parandes.
Da. NATHANIII3I4O. I Dt ier nemrevd,Caive, Me afar dim
end men mmeendde , vrta....l net Lied"
preW mum rearm and was merjeely and by many BRAM Fr.
RIFYINtVDISTS.ACT. We could name dreda. at Merv*
so remedy eOre- d to thevebUelsma ever been half et well ad
"tfroatit in rederieg ALL the toticterotot tooketatt mid troveitdit
of •the aeo, , ae Bear mi l l i u =eniesv . BALSAM ft makeem die
mme whether the d be sepprettiva, ram motet dig arauLATEs L. by gbr snnA d b" ra r
•llie CIiCOLATIOD. ordagoil* g aid it tomolrs nineoun
rir See pamphlets: • .
• • •
from tho yid to the 100.1„ and. the tem at sea& ,o—tht ao
'nee ilff izaxinated. mod the other so prothooßy 7pram4 le tape
mutat). two that aeon* that Ethquemtly arise at erareemita if
eta chan..e.
• .
• "ki1164 Genesee Ca. reran
° M. T. WALLACE 4 CO.—Geattswes I waw for mom ew
s, year. afflicted-oldie diastase of the amuck I mad awed of
tai or rr e alki "thitlinCe without causing peat pats edam ses
somiting, and wad couthendly afflicted with a war mod.
as exPerbeeat,uied ate bottle of BRANTS NIEDICISL,ebek, •
to myatter divappointmeat, ressamod Or sot rill CV
efifter d thereSeteusedsiecoed bottleoshich Estacaepase/mt 4
tbi'diseadoe, I em , now. Wei hearty, and can eat about a7 thimrwithoat being pained,or the stems& heememr sem
•- - " Tome teepee:3lW, T. & WI4XOL •
• Mr ; Wilco:chit respectable merchant of Attica.
• • • , ultittoit. Gneiss Co. N. Y. od.
"Mean. M. T. 'WALLACE t CO.: gone nme nut wean,
IWO:exam so debilitated Trina the erects of Ltsmsbes off yrs
ta - Shreffkafft:thakshaewelffeet lift herein:ld or perform wale
labor. lies medical triatemnat was vaned seconitog to to
*Mee and taesetriiinetater the most eminent ntrysiebus, esit
skin was exnatenedialuilass efforts. she beesmoso
the. that at thertiater she etettmemed taking Brant. 31Mr P.
weighed no ewe than eighty-IWe teazels; bat by the liar Old
. takanletie lionessobs beauterpelfectly well. The care is meths,
that she is now, enabled .to : an necessary household wad,
, meted 'thirty vowels ordeal fa Thar weeks.
Tears anlyi C. B. GiinVirr
.The reader Will &were, that Mr. GALEXIINS sasi'
E l l ud inaate me g ne. ormed by Z. &Tann , Lae, of the sem photla
raMinntials - DISEASE&
2 litian;siustTsovriAcvsyelfrwoiaww woini
Pr an aktvlrdete_st. MERCittir. or a n
ol Ibe I rim .F ll 47
11011, of Cetenter. or "iwtri,e.,./ree, Ore spree rno
Sh 44 W atigi i Int MOM Pit*lllittolk to their
We. A.llfosrm . r.mtic.; merchant. - mew..
11711 9 Anat r BPIttiakitt a til ba eStV
the r 7 e - r: of EL
Z i rar ti ,E r rlt !_moi.a b" i au3.
_nc ".1 4 3"511a1
bavei'bielhesitatient In relying
. 1= it le the beet rb
mrer ene to rover
'mot reentioeire tnr. evernit air" have ewer n eed." In est
Ware where we. bere.sold DRAMT'S MEDICINES, 0 . 1
JoretiV4s/kr eikore, am; gime the star - sensreerur"
134,feteet. OtOgarVl;
1614hurt"';'anniii;"1" at are 0n0c0.,. ere Wear earl*
1 , 11" - MXTRACT,
0 " 1 ":44 U .- STOW & PORTER. Toro ll
IferimlbAthens C. E. Rap;me, Cameo;
D. 131 ilthtirat,i ; 13rowts..dG Rockwell, Were
k gt,W;;;LlnlitfiAlinimerrmltl ;M. IL WT
Oc„Son,. ; T. lbloP t q'
talwcal;.444,o:o i l::& Wimcillug7i, Rome ; E. S. Towd,
' Ettolthfiel ' a • Cim TI G - 13 'r t •t- & BA.
• •, mmg at; ,
.yan,!Teur., • •
All letteci Mid oasis must);4;illreiwea 103 .„.;
.are $t Cp.,106 Utomlway, N. Y. '-101.
, ---- .
' L. At 'NYE & CO., wooliP
Alii . * info:trio the citizens error
!iiiidiiithe the public genctalls.l .
Ithfilidio'cni hand & mangisti ,
iti illit?!.? tilt kinds of CABllie
9lJl2llirrilllE, of the hest's"
`rills, and witivinshipikst 6l.l ,
..„ 0 1 , .r.5.,...
-....,, ~.. . --41.5isitriaionted, ontlditionto thew;
t a4craili,: kii . t iiittiiiiiiiishbpir;no 4 ivill keep on hob!
41 , 1 .1 1 k.I:If!' 9 . 11,1 0 SPrAS,7of Ain:loos end most Orr.
'Frnierl'il t - Wcfl•Rocills4 giiieti, utilibliteiedin sor l i
1 41e:intl . for ease iiik ifurlaillity'cannot 'be wet"
itiaiwilit iliii 3 334o:elilik. "'Also, the half French' P P
"til'itilitlitlttiiic beinutifirq'opholstoricl, with c urled Wt.
lvtiich'hietinoins lti-eliatieity.' end finished with' NI
lbes. I,h, sir seatlng z ... We flatter oureetses that het
auto 'tnich'expertezice ha thi..,luiszinss4, : sr •disfi be 1 4 '"
.!491iitiiti fiiirti fi '46itg fehl dispoved to es',4, bah .3 0
aliti and Tal'Aei, ill! Iht 4itic:t. attention +0 Mi ..
1 ' . ' 11'.1"iiii' ii&OnNliar pntznizagr of . iitairal 10
itititiitiiii"7'"' -s.. - , ; 4 , `it --' is I AL NYE & VC 4 •
' - Towunda,§eptember I, !Air. . .
ttittir ;;fir. •
~ ~f. w