.. 1, 41f 11liens& ' — '4'onia, Nov. 17th, 11149. pursuant nr, amevions call of lital,TtPreiseata tilts oft to ditTertmiAtiwnshits4 01 whicElA genet. a lp:dile tti people, 'Of , County "ti dad this dip 'held id the Church at the Forks of the Loyrdsock. Creek; peo. oj e from every township of the county being .' • - The. meeting having been called - to Order, the object of the meeting was stated by J. Richter Jones. Esq Wrn r Gliderrell of Elkland, was can als the , -,Chair prnid on motion, James Taylor of Davidson , and George Hunsinger of Cherry. were u ndated Vice• Presidents; and Aogrisjus Lippiu con of Plunkets Creek, was aispointed Secretary. The following committee, were then appointed to draft Resolutions, expressire of the object of the meeting, namely : Benjamin Hackle, of Plonkets Creek township; Richard Biddle, of' Forks; Wm. E. gicg, of Davidson ; Joseph Woodward, of Elk land, and J. Richter Jones, of Shrewsbury. Ater a short adjournment, the committee report ed the followingamemorial and resolutions, which were adopted by the meeting: . TO au Honorable, the Senate and Horisrof Rtyraren tires, pj the Commonwealth of Pennsyttantra : The memorial of the undersigned citizens of Sullivan County, respectfully represents, That by the Act of Assembly, of March 15th, Anno Dorm ni, 1847 1 that portion of Lycoming county in which the petitionerareside, was erected into the county of Sullivan, spatial the wishes of many of the pe titioners. Three commissioners were apPointedto select a proper location for the seat of Ju-tice of tie new county, who, fixed on a point near the cen tre of the 'County at " Laporte "on uuseuled land owned by Mr. S. Mylert. Many persons being dissatisfied with this loca lion—a review_was asked of the Legislature at the Session of 1848, and refused. At the Session of 1849 a second application was made for a review, and by the Act of March 26, A. D. 1849, three new Commissioners were appointed, to review, and if thsi judged necessary to fiz on a new loca tion. Meanwhile Mr. Mylert in pursuance of stip ulations. made with the fist Commissioners had proceeded to lay out roads, and make other im• orocements for the public accommodation, and for these roads and improvements, the Act allowed the Commissioners, in case cl a removal, to assess damages. Unfortunately for the satisfactory settlement of the whole subject by this Act of Assembly, one of ,the C o mmissioners, Mr. Jedatah Irish was related to, and.connected with persons interested i n th e location .• at Fairchilds'; and from his relation. ship a tth the parties—which must have been an ' known to those that appointed him—the question mou ld n ot receive that impartial consideration, which the Legislature desig ned ; and without which the public mind cannot be satisfied and set at rest. After several meetings. two of the Commissioners, Messrs Irish and Brodhead—in the face of a folon• al protest in writing by delegates from six of the seven townships composit ' , the county—made a report; changing the Seat of Justice to Fairchilds; and aWarding four thousand dollars damages to lilr lent and bis assigns, while the other Com missioner Jthige Jessup, reported against any re moral from Laporte. On these premises the Petitioners address them selves to your honorable body.. The location "at Fairchilds' being within a very shot distance of thecouray line, is extremely inconvenient .to the great mass of the county., and offers to, no portion any advantages commensurate to the burdens it *ill impose: it obliges us to pay an amount of damages. which in addition to the ot..er necessary ekrienses of a new county organization, will press ruinously an the slender means of a scattered pop ulation, •trtiozglin,, ,, with the hardships &difficulties of forest hie ; and it obliges us to erect nor county pinicipally.at the publie, expense which at t6porte were to be built at private charge, with out any burden on the county. The objections to the location at " Pairchilds "13,te so obvious, that we are persuaded, thky could never have been dis regarded by disinterested Commissioners. We feel that we have suffered great injustice and vi rong - , a que-Tion of great importance to our interests has been tried by a person, who .from relationship to tire panne., could not have sat on the same ques i,on as a juror in ally ordinary court of law. We could 1101 challenge the interested ‘conimi,siniter, but we appeal from him, to you the impartial leg . islature of the Contmonwealth" we ask you lo re- Verse his deribioii. r • - The diversity of views once existing among, us en the location of our coanty, seat, has given way limier the smart tif injustice, and to regard for the real interest of our empty. To the location, tnaae unfairly and unjustly at Fairchilds, we prefer the revert of the first corn missioners, and the old location. We therefore re:prof - idly ask your Honorable body, to pass an Act of Assembly reirersir af the removal of the Seat of Justice of Sullivan cou n ty, arld confirming the Ixation at Laporte. av , oiutiowd. Viltereas„ Jedaiah Irish, one of the Cpmmissien• er•, appt.inted by the Act of March 26th, A. D. 1849, in review the location of the Seat of Justice of Sullivan County, is the brother-in-law of. a per son interested in the loeation at INtirchilds! And tinder the bias natural td his rilationshia, Conduct ed himself, notoriously, as a partizan rather tbaa as a disinterested .comintssionee. Resolved, That our County Seat question, has not received that fair and impartial consideration, which justice. and the rights of the people, and the interests of the county require, Also Resolved, that in our opintoti, jedaiah Irish would not have been appointed a Commissioner, if his relationship to the parties had been made known to tbe•Legislature; since be could not have sat as a Juror on the question in any - ordinary court of law: And whereas, Messrs. Irish and Brodhead, two of the said Commissioners, after the adjournment of the Commissioners from Fairchild., on the 3d of November to meet at Wilkes-Barre, heard, in the absence of Judge Jessup. czparte statements, and ailments, and finally fixed on a site for a' court Dome: Resolved that we regard those proceedings as un fair rid unjust. and illegal ; as erratic proceedings always are; and that we approve of the protest against those proceedinus, made by our delegates to Wilkes:Barre ; and adopt that protest as our own ; and order irto be attached to the minutes of this Meeting. That protest was as follows: " Wilkes " Barre, Nov. bth l849—:"o the Honorable Com missioners, Messrs. Jessup, Brodhead and Irish.-- "We the undersigned delegates representing the "townships of Davidson, Shrewsbury. Forki, Elk. 4 1and, Fox, and Plunkett Creek, in the County of 'Sullivan, being six of the seven townships of said "county respectfully represent. Whereas we have "been informed that after the adjournment of your "Honorable body, various exparte proceedings took "place, showing a disposition to prejudge a decisiim "and to locate the county teat of said county on "the turnpike in Cherry. Now we protest against "the said exparte proceedingi, as unjust and ob. "ject to the said location, a belt* inconvenient, and prejudicial to the best ioteripit of the eitizene of • the said township of said enenty.---Signed; "Righter Jones, Richard Biddle, William Glidewell, A. Lippincott." • And whereas the location of our seat of justice tt Pairchalds on the Berwick turnpike,- near the Co. One it inconvenient to the mass of the county; while ref:novel thither will impose on the citizens of the county, the payment of heavy damages, and will require the erection of 'oldie building* principally n the Pobl.c expense. And whereas, although many of us disapproved of the location at Laporte, yet taking into cunsider mon all the circumstances, toe prefeilt to the far treater evil-of a removal to Fairchilds; and where ts by retaining our sear of justice at LaPorte in adition to other reasons we 'havr the advantage of nor public buildings Sting everted entirely at private en't without any burden on the citizens of the e linty Therefore Resolved, That', wharerier may have " our F east ft: versify of opinion' ere now agree to Petition•the legislature to reverse and' annul' the Proceedings of the second commissioners, sad to "'inn by an Act of ilisrentbry die location- of 6 Nit of justice at Laporte., Resolved, That a nosawittee of Awe person fho . rn each ,losrnsh . itilte appointed w take charge . 4 4 ;Wl' iniiiialajo the Legislature fol. ab9Ye , purposes with lower to, ipirotilea irbommittee - out of their aumber.. to convex Iti. pieaortab to Marrisbitrg 'lad see that they sitv litt r ieghttothe an -lice ofibe Legislature. . - t " Resolved, That we believe,. eltoredditak removal like place front Laporte, the Loyal sock, is the only proper place is' audit iontly forth, .seat ofjustice. • Resolved, That our SenstorAind . 2 ,Repreientatives lie instructed to oppose the lbeatioh t uf these, oon ty seat at Fairchilda on the turnpike ' Resolved that the from edingpiethit Wetting be published. - Tbe Chairman of the meeting hereby appoints' Wm. M. Covanhovan of Cherry, lasses Taylor of Davidson..l, Richter Jones f iShielltsliery, Moses Rogers of Forks, Augustus (Lippincott cf rltartitits Creek, Samuel fneable of FOxiandJoshoia Rattle of Elkland, the Coutmittee refered to by-the " pr.weed logs ortbis meeting. • The following Resolutions were then offered and unanimously adopted. Whereat the rate of taxation in Sullivan county is oppressively high, being almost three times the rate of our parent county Lycoming, and burden soot, beyond the means of a population struggling with the hardships of a new and rough county. Therefore Resolved; That our county commis sioners be instructed to use greater economy in every branch of public expenditure. Resolved. That our county Auditors be instructed to disallow every item of expenditure not absolute ly necessary for carrying on the public business of the county. And whereas, the salary paid by the ebutity com missioners to their clerk is much more than a fair compensation for the services r!ndered by him, and more than the rate at which the services of a com petent Clerk can be obtained, thus converting the office of clerk into a sinecure. Therefore Resolved, That the commissioners be instructed to reduce the salary of the Clerk, the county Auditors to disallow so much of said salary as ereeeds a just and ;w.4er compensation, dot ez• ceediug two dollars per day. Resolved, That it would be an act of great injus tice to those who opposed the removal of thr court ty seat . to the turnpike, to compel them to contribute to. the pay of counsel employed to advocate that measure. The county Auditors are therefore in structed to disallow any counsel fee in That matter. (signed by the Otheers4 LARD OlL—fn Cincinnati, it is calculated tbat 11.000,000 lbs. of lard will be run into lard oil this year. two-sevenths of which aggrezate will make sieiiiitte. the re'.idne oil, say about 20,000 barrelaof 43 gallons each. There is also an establishment in that city extensively engaged n extracting the grease from the residue of the hog; which will probably, this year, operate in this way on 30,000 hogs. The; concerti 'alone is expected to turn out, this season., 3,000.000 lbs. of lard. 3.000,000 lbs. of stearine have been made in one year into can dle. and soap in these factories, and they can make 6.000 lbs of candles rer average day throughout the year A PLEASANT PRISON THAT.—The Pittsburgh Desp •tch says the count• jail is n'ot a dull place, any how. They have a set of boxing gloves, and die primmer,+ amuse thenikelves in learning the very elevating science of •' Fistiana." A printing office is in full operation in the jail, and the pries" is , sending forth its light from Ihevery prison-howe. The lin:milers. who have the range of the ►.llll, seem to be about 'as careless of the pmsentand the future as any spevator outside." O- In 1786. General Washing:Tim imported two ploughs from England. beca•ise he found our own ioo inferior for gt11(xl-husbandry.—Wari Republic In 1849, General Taylor imported 500 yards of Brussels carpet from England, because he ft mid our own too inferior for an American President to walk upon. That is another proof that General Tay. lor is a " second Washington."—Lovisville Dem. IeirBRADFORD COUNTY MEDICAL 80CIETY.—Pursuant to adjournment. will hold a regular quarterly meeting at the "Ward House," Towanda Dec. 3d, at I o'clock P. M. (first day of court.) The members of the Bociety and profession generally. are respectfully solicited to at tend. A radio Address will be delivered by Dr. G. F. Hog rot.. at Mercurs' Hall, in the Evening, et 7 o'- clock. on some medical . subject. The public are generally invited to attend. D. N. NEWTON, Sec'y. New Silwertlinmenis. • I .FILL I DYDR I D TIOTIEU..3 • R. C. BALDWIN, HHAS taken this well known Hotel, aril gives notice that he shall be pleased to see his old fiiends, an most bayvy to form new acquaintances. It is his in. Lennon, and will be his constant aim, to give visitor./ and strangers such a reception as will be sure to give entire satisfaction. He respectfully solicits the patr.in. age o f the public. • Towand4, Nov. 15, 181.9. SELLING OFF AT COST. rIHE subscriber will sell his stock• of Dry Goods. Hardware, 4re., at their ACTUAL COST, for reedy pay. ' WM. M. BAIRD. Brick there, Athens, Nov. 23, 1849. Commission, Pro vision and GROCERY STORE. JOCTANE has opened • store in the brick block • owned by Mont in's end ottwrs, where he Invites those who wish to dispose of their surplus Provisions and those who wish to purchase the nrcesparies of hfe to roll and make satisfactory hairpins. ,rlrovenn,lsi, Nov. 28. 1849. ill'aliNntst MILLINER AND tVIANTUA . MAKER, HAS vrtnirmd her Atop .0 h.... n ew place of residence in the kick blot* Ow e:ed by Ittontanye and others where she is prepared with Goods, Patterns and rash ions to accommodate her customers. Cr Two or three apprentices will be taken. Towanda, November 26. 1819. WALLET - AND MONEY LOST. Tae Wallet of the subscriber, was fort on Timis,- day night, of last week. containing seven dol lars in money, and papers of no value to any one but me: 'Any person who trill riturn said Wallet and papers, is welcome to the money—;sind no questions asked. JOON CARTER. Towatada, Nov. 28, 184 g. TO SPORTSMEN! JOIMT E. GEIGER respectfully informs the public that he has removed bis Shop to Alain street, nest shove Wm. Watlnes, and a few rods above the Ward House, where be continues the business-of lanshmftedig ad grindring Gees, ?MIA it Alter his long erperience in the Waimea, be is con fident be ran perform all work eniroand to him. in a patiefactory style. • JOHN E: GEIGER. rowinda, Nov, 17. 1849. • 11Z111 2 1 111111 ItalIMO& MISS „GROTIN, WOULD stein inform the bellies ttint An bee jda wet:rivenl the forit-.t end twin moinsinient of JlNfititt•ary G00d..44. . . 'ever hfnnggitd raiw,n4llt, ron4 wh,rh Pha. 0T*444 par !, watt triy iitvila thtfr *Pim.t..43. A few eete• stem of Phr:v are. fl n•Ps. ifthbrtm.,' VrAvetit: 14 in et/4 Plehi. . Alsiltitqf wit% ffihn•mtr. Fioniettt, - or M , • owl , Millinery articles which the* Whet: ' ! 84 o , olllld ahem inform the risditirtititelfie isd to do work ar the Awns( flakitaAdAt'lll l l4o4 'la a Laski/tab& style. Nov. 44 Emz 111:IY virtue if -Wits - orlfend.Espo. isilei Oat Of , - 1) .,_ I,* CoM of Comma lieu oflitadfordwerta; I/ ono lo Me directed willte exposed to public sate it the coert'llonsei-lalthe bore..,',uf ToiralaMli . clo. MONDAY, the,3*-day;rif -Decemberilll4ll:Bl ow o'clock, IN Ill r tbe Isilculiag lot_ piece or...parnel of land situated us the Intritibig of Wyalusing. Wooded. and described-as follows4o - wit; Ois tbe north by lands of John F. Chataberlia and lames M'Oropen: west by lands of John Bile, south by lands of Nei: souoeenon and William Morrow.and conciliated* of William Morrow and Retail Bramball. Contain ing one hundred acres, be the same more or. less, 1 between forty and fifty aeresiinproved.oof log beuse with s frame addition thereto..ona uldfraaned bona shed, one frame bans and • few fruit tripes thereon. Seized and taken in asecation stikessiLUlDavkl M. Bull. vs. David Williams... • . ALSO—Mbe followiaz.plecb.,tar, pareel.44,laat situate in Wysoz town:lttp, bounded and ileiiiribed as follows : on the. north by lands of Henry Than: hell. we by land of William Booth, walk by lied of Ebenezer Bull, and east by lands of luau Sall. Containing about forty acres., be the same more or less, about twentyweres improved, use Ice, Moser one frame barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Beizea and taken in execution, at the suit of John Owens use. vs. George N. Brown. ALBo.—.The following described lot or parcel of land situate in the_ township . of ElprinU. comity of Bradford, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a post, a corner of L. L. Keeny. thence skins Algal Keeney and unsold lands, north 144 penthis le a ey stone heap, thence west along land en ed for Morris Davidson 78 perches to a cons . 'thews south 22 deg west 73 perches to s corn . thence west 24 perches to a cannot, thence south 21P west 64 perches to a corner. thence •sonth $4 dip's, east 77 perches to I. L. lieeney'si line, thence along LL. Keeny north 20° east 44 perches to a bir:b, and south 70° east 78 perches to the beginning.-.. Containing 101 acres, and fifty eight perches, strict measure, being parts of George Porter, and Henry Field warrants, with about 26 or 30 acres improved. and a frame house and log barn thereon erected, and 1 some fruit trees thereon. - Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Riley Smith's Ilse, now assigned to J Morris Wattles, vs. William Deekinson. ALeO--The foltowin ptece or parcel of land situate in the township of Herrick and bounded and described as follows: On the north by lands of 1.. H. Brownson, on the west by lands Of Joseph Marsh, on the south by lands of Joseph Marsh. and on the east by lands of N. B. Wetmore. Containing one half acre, more or le.s, all improved with onefrante house and one shed thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the Poirot A. IC. Peckham and N. C. Martin administrators of•J. J. Millen deed.. vs. John M. Furman. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Wyalosing township, and bound• ed and described as follows : north by the main road leading from Towanda to Skinners Eddy, east by Charles Hendricks land, on the - south by land of Ephraim Beeman and the'Susquebanna River. and on the west by E. Lain. Containing thirty seven acres, snore or leas, all improved with a new two story Tavern House, one store house and two barbs. thereon erected, it being the same property that was purchtmed at Sherif', sale by Philip Sullivan in execution against Jacob Koons and others. Seised aad taken in execution at the suit of Jost , ab Bosworth. now to the use of Geo. IL Little, Jo. siah Eloswoith and Daniel Ragan. vs. Philip Bal. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of lend situate in Burlington township, bounded & described as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of David 8. Lather, on the east by Henry Strope, on the south by land of Williain Barnes. and on the west by lands of Edward Overton and Lyman Grist. Containing fifty acres be Chit same wore or less, about one acre improved with slog house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Mrs ass Meretna atm. xe. John F. Ketcham ALSO—The following piece or parcel of landait uate in Sheshequin township; and bounded as fol- lows, to wit: north by lands of John Laporte, on the east and south by lands of F. Blackman. and on the west by lands supposed to belong to,David Horton. Containing about sixty acres about thirty acres improved with a framed house fred barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Franklin Blackman vs Hibbard Horton. 'MAO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Wyalusingeboundedele scribed as follows, to wit: north by lands of John Ingham, west by the Wyaluaing Creek, on the chat and south by lands of Jonas Ingham: Containing about eighty acres, be the same more or less, about forty acres improved one framed house, one. fram ed barn and some fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of 0. D. Bartlett vs. Ingham Stone. ALSO—The following piece .or parcel of land situate iri the township of Spring Bill, bounded as follows, to wit : on the north by land of Cyrus and Peter Stevens, on the east by. Dozenbary„ south by George Claggeu-& Rarisom Fuller, and west by Robert Barnkiil. Containing two hundred acres more or less, with abort one hundred titres im proved with two log houses one log barn, and a good apple orchard one peach orchird and a great variety of other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of B. & S. &arks use vs. Philander Huriburt. ALSO—The following piece pr parcel of land lying and being in the township of Wilmot. county of Bradford. bounded and descnbed as follows, vizi on the north and east by lands of George Shock. south by lands of Adam Socker and west by lands of George Thresher, and beginbing at a pinion the north corner of said lot, thence south 48°*ast 112 p to a birch, thence south 43° west 119 p to a post, thence north 48° west b 8 'p to a post, thence south 43° west 29 p to a post, thence north 48° west 58 p to a post, tnence north 43 0 east 148 p to the place of beginning. Containing about eighty-seven and a half acres, about sixteen acres thereof improved With a log house and log barn thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ja cob Bfeicli vs. Jacob Beig. M.llo—By virtue of sundry writs of Levari La. all the foil wing described lot. piece or parcel of tend...situate in lb , township of Wysoxon the coun ty of Bradford. and boonded as follows, viz: begus-, niog at a post south west corner of slot run Out for Aujevine Dull. thence math 1111°. east 171 perches and 610th's to a post for Ai corner, thence 'oath 1° west 99 perches to a Fe.st for a corner, ibence north 119° west 171 and 619th perches to • post for a con ner. thence oorth 1 0 east 99 perches to the bees ning. Containing . ottehuodred and six acres and twenty eight perches strict meashre. more - or laNs with about 40 ages itoprbved. 1 log honor sod' swell spring hotterothereon. - • • • Vetted and taken.* emotion at the Nit of C. L. C. DeCbastelltut Ye. George Davidson. sod Jasper N Davidson. terra tenant. Al.Bo—Tie following piece or parcel of land situate in the township o. Wysoz, , ,and bounded as follows, viz: beginning at the south east •eorner of a toren warrant no: 163 run out for .tobu Mien 'td, to a post ob the south hued said.; warrant no. 163. !mace sixth 1° east-twenty nine metes In the. 'south west corner of George Davidson' lot, thence sonth eighty nine detect' east 17l and 6-10 p.bithe south east cornet of Ohs* Davidson" 10 1 sillooi t on south 1° west 21p to the warrant iiie...a . pbat a corner. thence non/ 69° west:l7l Od p s tf begriming. Containing -. 1164 siiierti and 'o ` s. -hundred and nineteen perches atrial ilikalert, runt or less, with about 15 acres improve% I log hessli aid 1 Mg bait thereon. L. r `mixed and mien' n erects_ ,tioa at thelitlit _tog _ l4 .l°' C. Deilliw4ellus vs. Mien "Dairidison' and's" intuit Yought ;erre tebani. . — nand AL' t be following piece of parce lo -ituate in the rownstlFof sod . Winded as foil/ties; begin oirit, to 'llse south` - ea-escorriet a tot this day deeded to. Zereintar post' on the east hot , of,Wiiirfitrit 'l,33:l.7lhrOoe.dung . 4 0" trafruot line .annuli' tvesi'ry to a OAT 91 1s Uieolif lid& Cleontliitt e illiboce Mutt_ Anfait.S: i'bleek . oalt tar a "pig; th eme, *di Sr *lt Foto a "Ostia a. cativir.firetieeietitli 16 :filf ,ty fnitr i ert4_,s.l - 6 p.yi: a Oa; thtecie 0 0 *WADI*** pOntilitittoft DDWWOIIIII4DADt.' -3114itetilttiaTteti CM c..I***ARIAL' Lis- Jobs Oats wed Maanitet *Mtn tent *tut. AIMICA pale or porceilit 16M bite 1- lhS 1 0 ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :of bomb peer, as4l - bo,emilsd _Mt -,',lkolkows 1.. Irjrx,itegiiniag ata post din sonar tram; if 4114, rof laad pow owned by Cornelius filaigifsm44nnr; firim thence by "Goren! lands aptskuna bid deg west 207 mid lelg, p.toit gust, *Wane 93 Muds 0,1 140 1 7,4 1 rre1ed to ?rands_ , 10 40 1 110 11 11 , 11 nb).4 deg.west /74,11-10. p to poit us 'south sostictusee of Samuel. Pettingelks land, thrice 4 - o' ol o. land nosh g.deg..east *O7 le, l 9'p_Mw,colscr Il ot %for' rilins,aights land. thence by Heights . land south 894 deg. east - 174,040 p to the place of beginning. Containing utacies .sad 146 p. strict measure. be ing the same.conveyed by dre party ,of Ma wood pan to the Irani cit the first pan by deed jteiring date 2,lki. March 11 1 6 1 . *boat 7 acres improied. , Seized and taken in, Exeitnion at the snit of Alex - tinder W. Johnston sole K0...0f - Alice Jrhustowwho was sole Executrix of 'Francis Johtistori, deceased; vs. Stephen T. Brown. ,41,44 j--A piece orpsmel of land in Burnagten. bo. ming at a whititeb northwest conrerof migrant lot nos 1471-. ttiaoei Beat 107 340 pion beech Be a earner, tbencs AD* 16116.10 p to i post. thence wait 107 3- 10 pie a, post. Mows north 169 6.10 p to tbs begin ning. Containing 113 sass and 107 perchos. Strict mermen about 90 sena ingifor•d i ems 6 11 1111111 * 111111 one log 'born thereon. dewed and take* is erzetatias u tits sok ef it B. Davidson oke.., se. Amnia Tannest*. a f f . lo--A . piete at ;mod of Lind in liptingtield.tp., "beihmult.at a bee& epilog. sloth end *erne if kit No. 7112. *sae Wen U p to a pint fat a center, doom north TB 340 .p to a peek tkensp - set ite p ks&Pest. thence soak 28 IMO pto tss Wiginaing. Coateioitig acres sad II pucka* suet seen" it lining lases. do des web half of kit No. 34 on wane* lot .his. 912. 'Wad and taken in azteution at the nig *IA B Dnwidikon.Bo, Via. Now% Canner. WM. 8. DOBBIN/3. Sheriff. ~Bbaritra Office, Towanda. Not. 7.1849. !MOISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all pontos isterested, that Elam Cam 4 Jamul Williams sascatata or tba astatiof Hubbard ird/ianu deed., late of Troy: aad Deborah Chataberteia, John F. Chemberbdo and Joba Laporte. esecutore of the ammo of Gilbert Chamberlain, deed, late of Wyatt:sing: :and•lunes Roe and Radom Ship. std. administrators Of the estate of M ' deed, late of Walla: ond yl=e i rs,lldues. of the estate of N Rogers. deed., late of Orwell, and the.supplementery account of E. R. Myer, administrator of the estate of Wm. Myer, deceased, late of Wyse:. haws filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the Co. of Brad ford, the accounts of their several administrations upon thb estates aferesaid, mai that the maw will be penient ed to the Creme* court of said co. on Monday the Sad day of Sept Dist, for confirmation and allowaoca. Hz BLACK, Register. )Revstedi Ofika. Towanda, Nov. 1. 1949. AUIXTOR'S N9TKX. ' Jam V. Woodward es. Win. B. Spalding's Adminis &afar. In the Court of Common Pleas' of Brad fine Co.--No. 262 ; May T.. 1849. THE nodamilmsd baring been appointed . n Auditor by the Court of the Counts of Boulf rd— to marshal omelet and distribute the funds liised by shrfir. Bala of the drfendsnts property among law. ful claimants. hereby tints notice that ha will attend to the dodos of said appoint/met at hi. odes in the boot. of Towadds, an Friday. Ow 80th day of November next, at 1 o'clock P. N.. at which Maw and place all persons interasurd will please presto their claims, before him, or b. debared from coming in fora Aare of said fund. HENRY BOOTH. Auditor. Towanda, ?lan 1.1849. J. A. Kane's Clothing Store, Elmira. Coma lieeth now, while 1 eclat* A tale I'm bound to tell. Of.plothing bold at such a tots • That none can madmen. On day 1 called on John A. Kane A snit of clothes to buy. They were so cheap that I would fain • . Peewee& you ill to try, Hurts kr Jobe. A. Kane. Burin for John A. Kane ! We'll buy our clothing all of him. For best him no one can. His Smelt condets of every kind, And piled. my ayes! haw high, You certainly . can't help but And The thing to roil your eye. There's Suits to suit all sorts el men, For Wedding Church. or Shop There's Pants, Yeas. there's Okraks. Of Costs • thunders!) lot Hums for John A. Kane. Harm foe J. A. Kane. If once you bays suit of him You're sum cacti! again.' . There's Dress and Back, and frock Coats too Of Cloth the very lest. Tilers'/ft:oder Clodune. Crones too, Silk, Wool sad Satin Yeats. And as fitting to a 6t I need not bere to tell, ' His clothing on each man will set first rote— none better..-for be personally oversees the coign Depenment. Nod hu his goods made in the beet manner. sod the best style. Burrs for John A. Kane, Bona for A. Kano For when I mutt sling rate G 4 I'll call on him win. Some other time PII tell you more But this before t close. He be. on band now in the Edna A Stock of first rote clothes, So when you have a little time Anit cash on hand to spars, Remember that you'll always End Jobn A. Kane ready to give you the worth of year Malloy at No. 6, Water Street, Bub door west of the Bride, Homo for ItAn A. Zane, Horn for .1. A. Kane W4ll bcy our clothing all of bins Yoe Beat him no one can. 1 116 bands wonted for all kindle of work, immediate. Its inns A. K A NE. Elmira. Ault. 91 '49. NEW GOODS AT THE CENTRAL STORE I ATOw epee' Jog at the above atabilibameat • IN line sad dearable 'easeetataet of sPRINe *. atimman 53001:18, *bier Will be. Ng& et very 100 nom Itastassa et IMF eaubliiikatt oteileetedl ups* fa tail Mesa rieeipiss. Too WWI oar thanks for part favors gild we Pope foe • opottalaitea of the use sews era beamd to cell Hoed! Ghetto Toweadstaely 4 IWO: it. N 4 SET T& DISSOLUTION. witlici is Wetly glows that tea copertseniiip: 111 basistaressiwing *mese BRUITOLA BMITH is &Waal dissobrol by mutual cement. Tlas satosoW of &silts Rag will bs settled by L. BriotoL • L. BRISTOL, 11,98.-1,..11)411. . • P. H. tawny: O 11718 Ili I na? Laying oat Rai& and Law, Diffulifigg &a* itaaagaing suosary.Esloaskoota. seemoily. dome log LaIikIICHOLS. Oaks et Rama IkaMiird.e•asty. Pa.. Parsons a a di.amee. asaliair !_,iNg AO lir Initials \Ws trio a tetar.da:Ta b.. foositiaNs plamaly . aikraticd , Q in R'S tsii mite - No 4.. Tit iomou : FL ii)C*WErk, dereamt. tau. gla icariakip of Onion: ifkliefti . 4.o. 'gift**, pay . .**wkbost .10•700. - thoia hiMlAVelaiita s'iaiitia i 4 *as* frig please priiiiiiattinaoo3iiiiethelitlisird'isi•iiiiiiisitat... . • PIP ItOlt ,• ' • fds. , A. 1;1011, - tibial:6A **P.' VIOVINNTSANDIIOI4IIIIIT ?iii .11-/ f*. Pohl bail iiii - Sillidobleittaijaltist asstgasawsaretitiliset PlOwieblikbill ' wr i otfetiosibrokeamtbar dish***litagoiMietiorToth it 4 • , . • .. --, !.'i - ,W4mOVS.;-' , Sa l l* IT OS 31 --111:11W11113 UZI istsi his Dna, alive le *sloth - 4411.•,,eseing sk• Pattblieillune, bY • - IL.Mliermr eat bir iag Alma up** stale; Us' aidedisiis forme IL,widenregustu=e sspey et' ZIT= &Ma) litaWattaigals4 Nom upo, (Pit tt & Wooden I in., Chian rr. FiNhini Tackle, Fleet goads, Palma(' ry, se. • He b agent for. mad. at f: the.„ raiu.,hie POPULAR MEDICINES Of the'lley,'lrtiich can be purchased of bid with •cerii . ry ofrocurtudstentunu articles. Be brake' 'it ' for thtit.I:ANTON TEA .COM. PAN Y "(New V akerhOie Testa bows tutided• wide epreidiaptitatioa for geutilueaese.aad awn Toe price. Ao essieiriatioratst ble - etock;tis which be tacit,' the swath* el the psitalie,-11411.estisfy every - tee that it bee beed•rdletscd with aliew. of peccaries 'behest and most desirable articles, ind, purchased at. the /owed' rata;.; Towanda. May 13.19. • TEA-3. vaziiiki.racing pron. Rpm Sidi ittal Block I r eel , e t im pfti or s a vur t fur azda• at priers that SW in* fudges alibi, article. xt . _ NERCIIIREV. ONIMILMEMA )7 esdIVAIRIZOS_Q NEW GROCERY VARIETY STORE. FrITTANY & 11[124GSBERY inform the public .1 that they are now receiving direct from New York and opening in the store lately occupied by 11.Mii.one doer south of B. Kingibm .9 Co., a large aml general ancittawsit of GROOMES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, FANCY GOODS, Yankee Notion', Confectionary, 1 0 width the attention of purchasers is invited. Their assortment of Groceries sail Liquors is complete, and will be sold at unusually low rates. Cell and 'asinine. L. W. TIFFANY, Towanda. Juni '49. B. L. KINGSBERY. • NEW ARRIVAL OF JEWELRY i - VATIC A. CHAMBERLIN has just returned from VT New York vritb a choice selection of Jewel ry and Fancy Goods. to which he invites attention, as it will be sold cheap for cash• Towanda. Oct. 22, 1849. OWHISKET-40 Mils. Ohl - Whiskey just to veins/ irs TIFFANY 6e 61NG.DBRY LCDROM AND PALM LEAF. HA ill—Prds and English milan braid new shape, infants and ehiklrens do. also gents line est& skin Hats at • my 23 FOX'B. 'MICE CRAPE SHAWLS. eon be found et the I.‘ atom of • B. RINGSBERT & CO. MONROETON ,EXCHANGE V. WILLCOCK respectfully informl die piddle •1 • that behas leased this well4tnown stand, in dui village of garments', lately occupied by Smith and Woodruff, where be will be, happy to receive the visits of the intr.-ling community. The house having burn greatly enlarged and impinged, and bring well-fumisb ed, is now capable of accoamludating all who may favor hint with a call. Hs mounts the public that his undiehled ewe and attention will be given to their comfort, and be hopes to merit and wen% a share of-business. Monrnetma. Sept. 10 4 1849 SUMMER CLOT/Will—A largo asaortunant Goods for Mena' and Boys' B,mottner Olothoa, now opening and for sale at a#2o MERCURW: FLOUR - fm sate by thir Barrel, of in quantities' to snit the,purebairet by L. W. TIFF ON T. Towanda, 0et.39; LANDLORDS & Grocery-men, Take Notice, that . you will find the bed article article of Strong Beer, in the country for aide by the barrel at Towanda. Oct.. 29.'49. • TIFFANY'S J. WINTOSH, DENTIST, Late of Owego, N. Hpermanently loaned himself in Towanaa.-1 OiSoo in the Union Block, over Elwaira othor, nixt•to t h e Bradford Notch Oct. 15, 1849.. CAUFORNIA COLD Men OUTRIVALLED! of Jewelry. Peeks anal Watches. TAMES P. BULL respectielly informs the Citizen* of rowanda sod vicinity. that hs has lately return ed from Philadelphia. and mat be, foetid at the, old stand, one door below the Brick Row, to the moat for merly occupied by Marcur's Hat Store, whets bs arms for sale a largo end' splendid assortment of JE WEL- K P..oensisting of gold and silver watches, gold, fob and rival chains, gold add -Aker pericils; gold pens, breast pins. linger rings, the... cheap for emit. and every seat's warranted. A large supply of CL 'CIES, of the latest improved patterns, running from 30 hours to 8 :days and a month, with ob. winding. Q} Particular attention paid to nrpstring CLOCKS. WATCHES & Jg WELRY. of eeery deemiption. and from the long experimico which be has had in the bo• sinew, work left in his cans will br done in tha heat workmanlike manner. Old gold and silver lake! exchange. Towanda. October. 20, 1840. y SAVE YOVR POSTAGE. ITABOR.I. GRIDLEY, of Owego N. Y. will detiv. er personally, or by Empress the following Mei& life, at the Published Price% Oesley's Wien 800 Democratic:. Review, Graham's Magazine, American *** tlansin i e Mon " North Amer. Eclectic National, gsddteatockert; gotticulturist, !Auer* Using Age. Hoidens Maga:dos e Colombian " Blackwood's u Tbrongb bis Varrespondeneo *hi order freit ef post age. Mule. Lithographs. Worki of Art.-splendid Gift Books, Mynas. stiti ell Miss of Books and Literary Matter. for those tap msy pious Mod Mai their vs dire which will ist &limed promptly. fill4Witeo us news with dos Eftwootratillsbse Ur 3850,i Odd 101. lots's °Ming. for 111114 f Welshed to orals Nu. 17. 1840. INFORMATION WANTED, OF ULYSSES DOWN. wbbf left the toostis of the Wysoi cieek, about five weeks ewe, ',kb the tetentiou of going to Mooroolon. Bahl - Ulysses is shout years CM, tall of his ago, wore chip het", vet vilified s cheek shirt As I can bow nothing , free; him since he left Wpoismeek. I abaf t be ends: Windom to any person who wi f sad ant some *n em* of Ititi otteroitioate. Address last; Noe. ill 1 . 114 - . R. R. BROWN. NOTICE rrifERE Will be held an . adjourned Special bawl of Coin Plow aid Orpheus Cond. a4 - the Court Holes In - tip hore of Towanda osi 'Monde, the leth thiji of lleeweber nest. et *o'clock. P.N., and to etre timione week; siiiftlreh HOW "Willisoifiessup eta preside, fat the purpose' of the trial of all awes Owed upon the Special Court and list ; for the .aid .kjoerned wren. ALLEN MCKEAN. "Tet t -Preen ONION Tinrentfe. ?Li. 12. . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOM& A 1.1; inide;4o the whits of SAM:TX CHAR& ikerisso#," Tioo l oado fiefoOlib, aro lootoby notoostod oridsoot oaf thoo Saw PillifYiblirOtr_.i s mositioted fit Nttuopoie. :10WAttat COO l*. - > ±immiai:444l llolo 4 -Aiwakif*af,p'. . tictitWiriefi*Wditeed•at STRONG SEER. i "; 11 .• i rl ` 64o ; Ora 6 24.1 02 k 1 . 11 d,c Illii4 " 118 Litoh.aimppiwa wth Amerika Nod for - • - 111XEcuinr. 4 " , -t i 3 Ay the iM. =PANT & Kmosumr, 15..19E31 Foreign Revieres, Westminster " Noah Schuh " ' Edirtitntnh N. Y. Pititasitatta and Boston Law %mime. "ge**e. iniVlE=l747. ll ran its re apkwits. si i k*" Nog 60 ISM GREAT iiOAINs, • , 7 .' NO: . 2, Artinicollll . 9)rl4 .1. TinitizEcEitsti;spiimini tiiailiilittS l ii4,lgitis. s/ by the subscribe. at Ao. 2, Brick littuVoithikeb oak be Deco atoll house. stud will - be-sulti at this kiiriiipsix .ccs. Our i frieilds twin please favor us with s call. it low. W e will charge you notitivg for 16414. snit very We if you buy: We Vilma kaqiuireimilainlij , 'ait.hatul silage teratuuttent of . Cloth% /Open% VltYk•• • Caislizetei. . Wt.tsita tifeestveestiold '&utiessts. • - trugsre,. Tared*. Jeans, I c AN " ' . % . %remises,h a ertattii. . b ' - I DeLvittei. . • ' Bo er s. Itlazioca, Cha t ter. be.. Alliek, kit. stvn , rwsrett of Crorliety: W SUN 131141.. No: t, Mb* Balk TOT/3Ms. Nov • 1..2849. NEW FALL Aztn GOO DS ! It tie maul Store beta* the fliktfe *eft: Tomola, '4IV. - 108.,1112108318RY. NEW GOODS: KINGSBERt- Q&. CO.. ere this dot reeekitie B from Now York, Mn eitimcioo aiwocimetii of GOOD*, which wilt hi iOl.l ezYremsEy Icwi, for cooll.:—• Clift and oce: Towdndiw.Pct. , ALICILIES-It."4lLrAlk.llL.. 4430D14. E: T.• FOX , I 8 receiving. direct Non ?file ynelk„ ad freseriteres of KEW FALL & WINTER GOODS. which the public are requested to call and Cesinine: toineede, October tit, IBM. . • NEW GOODS. ♦ IFIW UfOaETJfsST 01 FALL GOODS, Just mteiveil Ii H. 8. & M. r. minetnt sept.4l, 1949 fey ARRIVAL AT TIE OLD DRUG STORE, Jrb. 1, Brick Row EVlSTfirlf &Eli are eerih reeeNing, at NV. 1. Brick Raw, a large addition to arch &milt meek, consist:rig of . . DEMON 31edlanen, Oils; Fatah, Drettaftz, Fancy Nadi, kr.; which will be sold at onawistly tow rates. The, afid offers ice sale the splendid and genuine Te a s of the PZ KIN TEA COM PAN V. for which thity are agents, anti whichiltey do not hejitate to recoramend We* sit• perior to any other *ported. flaring been appointed agent (Or *entail the gees. ine Popular Patent Medieiizee, we saute the pebne tie will not oar any that. sre counterfeit, es we wifitiof Su* or accept an agency hoar those speculations, who, haus htltatiottis ithpatie Opott the =Mill rief visions Diana. Towanda. inns is. 1849. L. B. MIVATT, zrzlemon lommuse% . Of Tr.y, Bradford carroty ROPOSES making ;periodical viri'M at Towanda P during the erasion of every coml. He may be round at the house 0.1. B. Cross, commencing 421 ere 34 of September. Reference can be had from esy.iiiirt of the county: All work warranted. au 864 iviWANDA CHEAP' CLOTHING STORES GB. BUNTING, teapectleliy informs the taii; %Jr lie that he is lust receiving from New Tort ati awortartent of Andy-made Clothing. to which he sites the attention of Wafters. Among Me' stodt this be gannd Over Coati, Such Coats; Business'. Coats, Feria anit Drees Coats, Cloaks, Pantaloons Vests, Basend- - about*, 4c., in all styles and all prim: Hs detvimined to *ell his Clothing at unusiraio low prices For Cassirand believes he can make it the in: mist of thaw" wishing to purchase to give bins • call. - an' At the old stand,, between Bartlett and • Truvg« bevy's Braes. up Werra. Cutting and niaking up. done ea Diana in the rood, faahrtualde MaTIPIT, promPtip and to °air: ToWanda. October ;O:. May. ', SHAVING'. AND HAIR DRESSING, Citta3 slzra TM , ru l'a PRE Subscribers having entered into Pottiest/fp in' A. the above business, for that purpose haM fitted up two shops, one in the beayment of the Ward Hon" Om -due in the Union Block. where they will be ready to eerire their numerous patrons at all sessoitsble hows.--; Operstionsi in their business will be pirforrned In the best styli, end With the lewd possible illicoutfort to the subject: • They will constantly keep on fund all sorts of MU and Perfumery; also Hatr-Dye. wriy superior. sits de. which will permanently change the heir from gray, yellow, or fisimmy red to glossy black or beautiful brown. No apology can hereafter be offered for them ugly colored moustaches and whiskers that often dii•. figure othervitse floe features; end even age Well may dimples the ravers of time, and at pleasure ileums the eemblases t of .youtft: Thai Abdo, wham amine his dewed the emement of s heentital heed of beirortsy ham the defect supplied by calling on um Cr WARM • COLD. RATilk es i be• had at all ' boom at ibe obey let thineard House. SOL. COOPER. JOLOT CARTEL . Oct, tB4 .71!. ipir.ie_stai, EVERY BODY'S MARKET LIM* THL subasniserii are novrprepsred to receive Frei& of all Wadi at the Oen*. Dinglasolon, Greet Basel, Lonesborri and Padorytille Depots, Every Toeedoy. Wednesday end Thursday of each seek, AO eonunoe'rrith regularity throughout the sueste. • They will about to forwarding the same to tire New.liosb • Market, "bete they hate wade anonpments:with At* perieneed selesunstr,,who will suntans tSe sebiergef the mune, and retorts the proceeds in Bankettle. Sun& se , either ,et. the eheory Depots, irk the follorringibersons At the Sims. or If., Ftsferfrmi, Owego; C. 31Dmrsy d Bingbdt ool i 0 the Office' of Jo. ariffle, Onset ihierat at the Wel of flenwor. ti1f14.10107 , 1- Aestrrs.-p—r. Reve.ront. Ow.'gn. o.o 4 Ficlosets Riegtitntsh, how Rn dresi Beni; Desues, Leoimbere; 01 - d. DT, heeler. Union. JA .141 ,4 1 C. Binetoustors. • fA . GR1Ft114.0•4:11414 Capt? :mitarisk _wilt mitsetielma Ow Mishima tioaishost showboat' Lim. lad vieeits MI en sic , den ihr Onterim Vve ti. -rah, ; - lke.• en to Otto Tot, sod do *hoe of the stem modeatrojese: 0 AMAX* IWO( dorsifinen Han ISt *At