Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 21, 1849, Image 4

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    1101 0 0 11 ,, 1041 0ES:
Read tiffs Cobanui.iiallenny.' -
bi Ilarnpariliisfusemuliffedoist nw••••11•1
aid Dr. /Mob Towneend l e Ofi arit minteeised
Wait original, ke. Tbieb
loud an elaPneden eneni2/o,oootkibui eight yawn, be ;
vertisisig his Manmptillli, which lasti 'obtained trainman
mad roman* _
_throughout the Hated Statet‘asktit erssiss"
part of 'the wend—the sale being enormous.
Thin 'ached the tepidity of artala asieneipled lIMPe• sad
as, i9so. 4 lol..been engaged in late* dtheltrob•
ggediete=for .I.sustbas4tisara. This ma's won is nob,
Toiluteed. HIP-applied to • bomber of isell3pittariplep
meat, or WWI Om ins dins name Re put op Dr. Tottssead's
SarsaparllliCstaties t . the large ,eshp mid some we bad en
peuded in adverrising. as so inducement to embark I* the
{meioses. Among others, he applied to Charles - Watrous,
Est, 'Editor of the Jamaica Penner, wile scorned week
portion. Mr. 11.1.1. 6NUREWS. Ibrtnerly one of ther:
pnetnrs of
formerly Can cALISTEILSand Pi e n
irr of the broken OINTMENT RALPH PONE
ROY. formere, Sixtus
Plaster Bank at Bellvdle, New Jersey. JOHN SKILLMAN
sad WILMA. II THOMPSON, under this unsay of THOMP
SON. SKILLMAN & CO.. bare employed this old man. and
agreed, as we understand, to pay him seven dollars per Wreio
or the use of his name.. These men have been insulting
and libelling us in all possible Conn.. in hopes we would notice
them. and than bring them and their decoction into market,
Lot th. public decide upon the course of these honest and
honorable med.
One if their Tricks.
They say that Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla sours and lb
rnents—Shis is false; as we have kept a through - the whole
year in New Orleans, Texas, Mexico, and South Ainetica,
and the West Indies,—in fast, the older it does. the bens ,
it becomes. We made a for bottles by mistake, lest SPrine,
that spend. This we regretted, and debugged 1.... 00
possible ; inch an est-Went will sever odor again. Th 6 they
attentr -v of, and say that the rim!.
of 0111 iilol
•are pi
Druggists or others, who roll any Sarraparilla for the ori
ginal and genuine Dr. Townseud's Sarsaparilla. libels us—or
who moll HarsapariNa which I. irrupped is envelopes that roe-
Lain libels on our Sarsaparilla, we shall hold rmplmaible fir
the same.
itit•3 2 11 4 OA' 1 *l•2
Dr. S. P. Townsend has lifid the Press in the United Stites.
within the last Ave years, at least 5300.11100. Otbere are now
endeavoring to reap the advents :a and hnordit of his miser
Acing. by publishing that theirs is the original Dr. Tow*.
svorrs DarsapariYla. and that ours ferments, sours, Jr... &c.;
these are hale falsehoods' and grao libel* and we shall be
wider the evressityofholding publishers responsible forjusy
daniagethifuuty birdcage as, in giving eirculatMn to these faWn
repasts, Which are well calculated to injure oar interests.
Ramis peon( conclusive that Dr. S. P. Townsond** Stamper
rHla is the original. The frithaini in from .on,. of the Mod
rmpectable nod influential Papers in this State.
Frees the Allierey Freeing Atlas.
There pwitrably has never been •o popelar a remedy, or pa
tent medicine. as Dr. Toe mond'. Sarsaparilla. which ma
ertginalli. and comma,s to he manufactured in this - city, at
Int by the Doctor him-elf. and afterwards for seven! years:
end to the present time by Ci2pF A Townsend. the prethtit
proprietors. Since the partnership was formed. the Doctor
ban resided jut New York. where ha keeps a More. sail attend, -
to the business that accninulates at that point. The mantifth
tory is in this city, and is conthicted by toe junior partner, Mr
Clithp—here all the medicine is manufactured:
Few of our citizen. have any idea of the amount of this
madieuse that is maard'actured aa I mild. fte•oles the sales
in this (»wary, it is shipped to the Canada., West India 1..
lends. South America. and even to Europe. in considerable
quantities. .At the manufactory they employ a steam engine,
beside. a large number of men. women and girl.. to the pre.
partition of the mmiseioe, making hones, printing, eke. Ac.,
nod turn out, ready fur shinment. over 400 dozen per day
err nearly 8000 bottles. This in en enormous quantity.
The great sale the medicine has emptireil. has induced •
camber Witten to get in;. imitation. and there is at the pre
sent time. ether medicine. for in. that era called Dr.
Townsend'. Siersaparilla" eine in wertimilar started • short
rime ago in New York. la eaten -lid Dr Jacob Towneeeire
5. r . v . r .11,.. an d anporentir wish a view. by dint of silver.
tine; and the usual thee: i a• se.eeteal to in such efforts, to
appropnate the name of Dr. S P. Tow nthed's great remedy,
nod thus gam al. the advantage rethl ring from the popularrty
of the name. which he hes acquired for it, by year' of patient
and cape:mite labors. Dr. S P. Townsend, formerly of this
city. ea In well known here, is the Inventor - and original pro
prietor of the medicine knows as ^ Dr 'Townsend!' Pan
saparilla.^ snit we think those pewee who aye attempt
iog to sell their article a. the (seminal, should be exposed.
From the New Pork fleetly Sen.
tht Tow:ger:nig extraordinary itlvenmement which mo
mimes ad entire page of the Sint. will not escape notice,
De S. P. Townsend, who is the original proprietor of Dr.
Townsend'. ithrotherilla. and whose office is next door to
aura, where he has been for several yean, in di icing an la,
means business. He receives no lora the four !tondos,' dozen
of Sarvaparille per day, ann even this enormos • quantity does
not supply the demand. No mediums ever gained so remit
a popularity as hie preparation of the Sarsaparilla.' Hi. trill.
time of Alumnae, for 1849 cost 000, end he , has paid the
New Yowls San for advertising. le theism four years. over
*MOM, end he irk nralodireithat it is tne cheapest adverti
sing he has ha i done. This medicine is expert.' to lb.
Wen Indies South America end Europe in coo
sidendile quantities. an I in coming into general use in those
eountnes, as well as here.
Frain at Golden Rile
The Odd Pen.," p. p . r nonashes the following:
SAILS.I.P MI ILL the numerous extraets of this
highly medicinal roc Hew her Tow taaeild'a bears the point of
superiority. It is indeed an excellent family medicine, and
having used it in OW own family with decided advantage, we
eau recommend It w uh perfect thee..
. .
In our opinion, any Druggist or shot...keeper who would sell
thn epurinas Sarsaparilla, because they can wake a greater
profit by it than they can by selling the genuine. and .11 It
for the original and genuine Dr. Town.nd's Sarsaparille.
and deceive thei. customers would commit an s 'y fraud for
money. Such wen have no honor and should out be trusted.
Druggists or others that sell Sarsaparilla for the rennin*
and onginal Dr. Towasend's Sarsaparilla. that Ls not signed
►y 8. P. Townsend, commits a fraud, and saiiidks the etas
lumens. pen that would he rmiry of such all art 'mild cow.
mit any other frond—and no Drugmst of common natelligencis
but knows that ours as thr Daly grnuine.
Some people w he are not well informed. and here not read
the papers, and not seen our adr.rasemeht. have haat; led
to suppose, that !excuse these men advert•. telt . stuff tat
01d Jacob Townsend.," that 1 taunt, or cooree. be the ors
&id. It is lass than one year sines they commenced to make
their medicine. Ours has been in the nuirket over ten y ear.
Many think the above Inturnaze is too otitis % or eeeee o. It
is the truth; mod we would leave it to.thejudgment of any
foir-minded tore. if they do not deiene it. Weltave Ishored
for years. tied expended hundreds of thousands of dollen to
establish the reputation of our medicine. These men are ea
ileavormig to appropytatsrthe profits to themselves.
They are endedrcorinit to palm off on the public no an old
Physician. kn. He is not a regal. educated Phymcian. and
attempted to manufacture a medicine, mild these men
hired him for the use of hi• nano.. They say they .14.. 40i • nib
MerpeOple to believe that their Sarsaparilla I. our. or the
wupt--but the better to deceive the public , they et the same
MO amen that theirs u rtsekOld Dr. Townsend's, and the
ericinal ; and endeavor to make the people believe that the
stuff they manufacture, is the Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla,
that has performed so many wnoderlul mires far the past
ten pears, and which haii rained a reputation ohmic on other
Medicine ever enjo yed—which
_ .. is a base, villajpom, unprin
tripled falsehood. We have commenced suit. against these
twee fbr damages. We wish it to be understood, that the old
man is no rotation of Dr. Townsend whatever. to their ad
vertisements and circular., they publish a number of grows
lisisehoods reepectiug Dr. Townsend, which we will not notice.
P.4.145E REPORT'S.
Our-opponent" have published in the papers, that Dr S.
P. Townsend was • dead. This they send to, their agents
about the country. who report that we have given up busie
&e. &e. The public should be on their.gnarst, and
sot be deceived by these unprincipled men.
• - • • •
This disease,* the preseut.iiregarded w ith intense interest,
es it is acknowledged to be in our untneiliate vicinity.
Here, Europe, almost every physician liss an infallible
remedy - for the disease, yet all are different in their erects
and revulte. And it will prove here as in Europe, that at
least two thirds of ell confirmed cases die—and that it is a fart
that cannot be tOtitro. erted, that there is no Leer. termed,
fbr tats foal sewi.. One physician says that it a ready
Med, by 'Slid @Taco eats ; another aye that, it empires pow
erful cathartics: ono, that bleeding to frintiteeeNi the only
remedy t *there maintain blooddettmg is certain to kill , some
physician avoid all emtlulants ; and others say that Brandy
is certain to cure : w bust the Quacks declare tt eir Pills to
eatesha Cholera la say of its staga--whieli would, if taken
ea abed, be certain to kill May man or boast. The
to seems to be cent t•yrProtidence to gore the pgople of
ten sank lobe assay and virtuous. Thee aretba only great
It is ethuowledged by all, that our streets, yards, cellar@
trail winks should be cleansed, and that personal cleanliness
ledispensable—bat to insure moiety, the Internal system,
the meet wonderful, beautiful
. and delicate machine, soul
Tee 0111111 .r all disease must be kept pure. A man with
sloth, well blood, coursing in b veins, may langli at the
Cholera. or at disease. The system must not be reduced,
elsocked or disturbed by physic, but quietly cleansed.
will do this effectually. It not only cleanses and strength.
eat Ilia system, but creetes rich and pure blood,--the Lemor.
of Life. We do not say that this sarsaparilla will ears the
Chmlereoiut. prevent it. Tale medicine Ma by its extreordi.
eau and wonderful effects upon disease. msined a reputation
ewer nearly ou r e-balf of the globe, that is unprecedeated. It
to always safe nod beneficial to the sick and well, and is es•
pnially necessary at this particular time, to prevent the.
Palpitation Sr she Wears.
Dr. P. Towasand's Sarsaparilla CUT,* the worst eases
or the Palpitetwa of the Man. Th. cellowiag redirect tot-
We* Milton. Unstop Co., Dec. 3d, 18411.
Drat.P. Toussaint:—
Dens OirrP'esdarit inner peetesar obligationa to you For the
boned t bare renteinad from your , tutslonblii Sarsaparilla. sod
thinking suy tamtniony may indsof grikatii So try st for similar
MlissfitsisM..l Mime been Saulamod to mate comaaasieutto*
, Aar ibelsessit of those wisp us alliensitams Uwe beep.M .
iftsiai to tikisig pier thirsaperithi I liras troubledvary mart
mitts palpitates Jet the been. so sum& no. that', was' obliged
to Isysosduall histalonms. from riscommendwe r si tessjuillussud
to try youiparsaparill; wtilob.hasasstirely siva .
• Ifscr ykrins. ' .
• ' ..• - ER4111118111.11:11,1111
gegieg.totortoneeihoitst ocistsimair. lil>C-Dr
li is_
TommeasibOrear Toth Offirso will he is the Mouth
lia=bureh.:PmfiltPessibosonsistdulikb la mow mulangoisig
ebasigikfaildirill liMittaidlaiths tictier'sesomous•
ufdioltsp _ youtilvissisblia _
, .
A. and , aysitizi ac r Cerra hems
for MPIP1141141:4
t/tirtioNl iklerlik.7 A ":
A sea by tie lams ef4fialiirlemed atth a 'Mae
latat - nt theOntaitfl. P-Towssisi, and nem af
epA thmaymitle; vriad.they to ' Du Towsi!d~
ihnsmWbkit irosart/x.e. WA at, me: Ildi teireeen dli
no dolor, telltiiver was; bat imit flemetty aireattat MI
mai amatia; tbaluu. Irethe mstemee Me AIM anti. &a
the fermi, Opining audit for Weis b. teact,i-TbObt New
idea the peddle set m be deceived; and /.abed ame Ma OM
GSNCILItti ORIGINAL 'OLD Dr-Jaceit TOwneeed'a Omni
parilla, bawled on It the Des. latesen, 61. Sadly Nit of
ilms. and his sagemore woos ib. mai at amt.
lrdecOrat Office, 102 Nola-rt., Xing York air
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 yeses of eve, end has lug
need known as the A and DISCOVERER of
LA." Being poor, be wu compelled to limit Its manueactuts.
which means it has been kept out of market, and the sales ell
cumseribed to those only who had preyed its worth, end known
its value.. it had ruched the ears of many. nevertgass.
those persons who had been healed of sore dbaues, wed
Rom death, prelaimed Its excellence and wonderftil
Knowing. essay gears v.. that he had, by Ids sbill..mistlett
and experience, devised Si article which would be of luau
table ndventnge to mankind when the means would be fiir
ebbed to bring It into universal notice, when Its ineattmahle
virtues would be known and appreciated. This time his emu
the means are supplied: this
is manufactured on the largest wale, and is called for *My*
but the length and breadth of the land, especially at it be found
Incapable of degeneration or deterioration.
ug S. P. Townsend's. it Improves with
sever chorsga. but for the batter : because it Is prepared ea seise
isle planate. by a *delta* was. The highest knowledge of
Chenostsy, and the latest discoveries of the sit, have antrum
tough: um requisition in the manufacture of the Old Dee
Sarrapnr.lla. The Sarsaurilla root: tls well known to medical
men. contents many menal properties. and some
which see inert or useless, and others. which If retain=
wine it. for nu produce fesourstotion and eel{ which is la
huions to the system. Some of the properties of Banaperilla
wry vs volatile. that they entirely is te and we lost hi the
preparation, if they me ant "by a mint* preens,
known only to those experienced in Its manufacture_ blonsover
these volatile p r iaesidse, which fly off In vapor. or as an exhale
bon, under heat. are the very seseatiel sudicel presume, of the
wet. which rive to It all Its value. • -
Any penes canibil or stew the mot till they get a dark eolensi
which Is more frowethe coloring Milner le the root than
Rua any thing else; they can then swan this Insipid or vapid
liquid, sweeten with soar moiamea. and then call It "Shit
BA PA RILLA EXTRACT .or SYRUP," Bat such te not the
article known as the
This to •o popeyed. that all the Wert properties of Me Ilar
saparilla Mat MS Mat removed, even; Mina capable of becoming
geld or of fertnehtatlon, la extracted and rejected; then wary
particle of medical virtue Is secured In a pure and coacontrarod
form ; and thus It I■ rendered incapable of losing any of Its valu
able and bealinaumpertlea. Prepared in this way, it is undo the.
Most powerful agent In the
Cure of innumerable diseases.
IMMO, the reason why we be commendations on may side
,n its divot by men, women, and children. We find it doing
wonders in tbeAure of
Pl-1 f.lff7: and in RHEUMATISM. SCROFULA. PAIRS,
PLES, BLOCTHES..end all affections arising from
It possesses a marvellous enemy in all complaints arising Own
bubjfestien, from .Imdiry d ale Stomach.. from unequal cirtubt..
Poe, determination of blood to the head. palintulon of the heart.
told feet and beads, cold chills and hot dashes over the body. It
has not its equal In COlds and Coster and promotes easy so
poctoration and gentle perspirsdon, relaxing stricture of the
longs, thrnet, and emery other pert.
But in nothing is Its excellence more manifestly seta and lac
knowledged than in all lurid. and IMMO , rd
It sorb wonders in eases of Thum diens or Whims. Maley sy
tke Womb. OkatractaL Sarppressed. or Prusfer .Yearn, iremoder
ity of the menstrual periods, and the Bite ; and is as offisenal
in raring all the forms of riibuy Diseases:
By reforming obstructions, and regulating the general ET*
tem. It gives tone sod strength to the whole burly, and thus
cures all forms of
Nervous diseases and debility,
and tlin" prevent. or relieves a great variety of other tenladina
es !polar orr,mnoa, Nosrelgis, St. Yam Deem, Sweensiv,
Iferitrprie F,ts. Coemileirms,. do.
It eleanses r the blood. excites the liver to beelthd matins. trine.
the stomach, and gives good digestion. relieves the bowels of
torpor and constipation, allays Inflammation. purities the ekin,
equalteds the circulation of the blood, producing gentle warmth
equally all over the body, and the Insensible perspiration ; ins
tates all strictures and tightness, removes all obstructions. and
Invigorates the entire nervous system. Is not this then
• The medicine you pre-eminently need t
Bet ran any of these things be sold of B. P. Townsend's infe
rior erode I Thin younc man's liqnld In not to be
because of one GRAND PACT, that' the woe Is INCAPABLE
while the other DOES ; touring; fersentimr, and lassie; a.
tennis containing it Into framnents ; the sour, acid liquid saplo
ding, and damaging other goods! Must not this horrible coin
;nand he poisonous to the aroma Mat / pat acid fiats •
system atrouty dressed wish acid! What causes Dyspepila but
acid I Do we not all know that when food sours in oar slaw
ache. what mischiefs It pmdoces 1 Ratuence, heartburn. pia
tattoo of Oe Neut, liver complaint. diarrhea* , dysentery ,
and coretioo of the blood I What is !....ofah but an
humor In the body 1 What produces all the homage which
bring on Eruptions of the Skis, Scald Heed, Soh Rheum, Nay
slpelu, White Swellings. Fever Sores, and all ukerations
genial and gemmed f It-is nothing nudes , heaven, but an add
substance, which so un 4 and thus spoils all the Sul& of the
body. more or lees. What muses Rheumatism but a sour or
meld ffuld. 4 which Insinuates Itself between the joints and else
where. Irritating and inflaming the delicate thrum upon which
It acts 1 So of nervous diseases, of impurity of the blood: of
deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which afflict
bursas nature.
Now is It not possible to make and gall, and agAsitety 11,11•14
la um this
and get he would tale have It understood that 010 IW. Jaixei
Towesend's Gately Oririsiel Saresperilla, Is an IMITATION
of his Inferior preparation!!
Haven forbid that we should deal In an article which would
`tear the boot distant resemblance to S. P. Townsend's saltiest
and which should bring down upon the Old Dr.snch s monntabs
load of Complaints and eliminations fmm Agents who havessiMl,
andpurchasers who have need A. P.Townsend`s FERMENTING
We wish it understood. because it is the ithashar truth. that
EL P. Toe nsencrs article and Old Dr. Jacob Towaseeirs Bee
eaperilla are hearrw-teide spirt. and /*Pithily dbairmilsr
they ate SWISS IS Seery particular, havfag ecotone abieekillthey
le common.
As S. P. Townsend is no 'doers, and never wits. le ne
ehendet. no. pharnateentist--kamn DO more of medians Or dis
ease than any other common, unscientific. unprofessional man,
what gesesetse eau the public have that they are receiving •
genuine scientific medicine, containing all the virtuearof the
anieles used in preparing it. and which ate incapable of changes
which ought render them the AGENTS of Disease instned of
But whateNt should beexpected from one who known noth
ing etimperatively of medicine or disease It rennin:a a
°Moms experience to cook and serve op even a common =
ineal..itots much snore impentant is It that the persons who urn
utheture medicine, designed for •
. _ . - • -
should know well the medical properties of piahui, eve best
manner of securing and cmwentrating their healing virtues,
also on extensive knowledge of the various diseases which 'HIM
the human system and how to adapormethes to these ,diseassal
It Is to arrest frau& 'upon the turthrtenate, to pour halm Into
wounded humanity. to kindle hope in tha &suable; bosom, all
restore health and bloom, and vigor into the crushed oad blo
kes; and to tonish Infirmity that OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND
has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and mesas to Mtn
(4,rand Universal Concentrated
within the )ehth, and to the knowledge of in who amid lt, that
they. Noy. tears and know,-by jwytimi emierlenen. Its
Transcendent rawer to Heil.
Da. Jam* roarsaarre. Now Yeas. Ocl.l itti
But :—On the 90th of July, 1847. I was spin audebed with
Tura...tun; and esnalaredonder various possaipticesi, tos
Wane fur at feast two. innathi, - 1 locum • entirely be
Incapable of feabisrainreV, or waled in ardor
rug - way. leAlits star I cornbread until Sugary,' wbes
I imps to mend • !MN and Improve gradual y MI Lips h=
Tble ameadamat was to ally so far as bit able tojited
l =
still Incapable of rob n i oor mil or eves of bed, birsia;
il I ormained in this condition. with. little or as
mini I fairly despaired 'of getting about apin this asesens.lrd
das Oat July. t was Winced to try root danepadita; en Oa
Seth, three slays after tattled the Asst e. I AlttlaZ IX
which I bad not does before la tea meads, sad la tut tbaa a
week I
with the aid of enuthe• illocatbea. I have walked la the abut:
have done alone front Si Spineeurset to the fkak • theses le
Lavery • Hotel had bask. 1 have been se aS Nasenueneen
two different times, dad am sow futtuattly Asking toy ask*. •
hon. Dung all this Was. 1 have token het two intffse of OM •
tir.Townsenffsibusaparilla, Oct. 4. f procured testier MUM
Cith Out :Med I walked swim Mum the flue without tba aid
of eistekos, hive also asaily eseovened eildnlCSkla
warenirrlikb gaveled peat distress. The pals la co ma-1m
ssowtssaelk at I est my funlir Main aonouddy filean ft •
aessUsi veeesmar tr. say other emu* hat to
OLD DIL:CdcOa rofrxszArws d4liff4PA ' LEA
P.ll,—Orrand"as despelnd army evarwandediff
ease irons vispled dole.
-irisnpal Cite 101 Ninamitad,-1. I. Qr.
Bolli.boktiale and retails in Teliese . sla;7lPoi4-si HI
RAM MIN, irstlor Haithem . Piansylesiiii." •ra
4,43 0 k, kssile.Tiortorile Edict:Kim ;-• Dirtiostee,,
the gross, 2, B. Its 70/108:'
4 kbkfllt`
ittioldfila r.
M Y E R S ! 4 e
Mrir• 11722.
TUHlMRSltimensol. - Extealat; HlitN wellseding,
licrolide, Wilke Rivalling, Ulaim. and Ulcerated
'Bea tbrosiXanker,blore Meads, lilliesmediri, Dan;
nap... Diseases. Nereadel Affections. &c. Al.. for
scolds; Bums, Cats. Brakes, Bruises, '&e. Ws *el
justified la proclaiming . THE FACT TO THE
• WORLD that of all medicines ever brought before the
Public. NONE bin ever bees men beneleial to at.
Aided imam* than tftfgers' Liquid Curs." We
know that this is saying a greet deal, bat if we were
to Mils !ahem, we could not say to. mod in praise'
of this . - .
Hsivra-alsroanrs Lirs-raotonsina Ranzay.—
Hundreds, nay thou sands, bless the happy hour when
lint tlmy were acquainted with its tranbeasdant ginner.
and our punt purpose is to - inform other thousands,
how and where they may obtain that wired, which they
perfume, haws long sought foci n vain.
The superior excellence of this preparation over all'
other medicines for the speedy and permanent curs of
is well known to all who have tested it. It hos been
proved in thousands of instances, and has
to meth, •
and we are contidentit r • .
if used • miter length of time according to Inseams.
As a rind of our entire confidence in its efficacy: we
asatutridi purchasers that, if, • proper trial - s it prove
ineffectual. the Money rid for it will be Returned.
The * Liquid Cure is en effectual Remedy for
Ringworms, Biles, Pimples, Barbers' ltd. Proofed
Limbs, 17/d/drbins, Salt Arnim, Asepsis° Bites.
Stings el, paso r pot moots, 41%, sail for Cutaneous
Dimmer - if 4 , l t rydescriOnin -- •• ,
It is re and elfe:tual for - , •
giving immedistonnd permanent relief.
No preparations now before the Public eels surpass
the excellenterif dor" Liquid Cure" for Soak Burns
Cuts, Spriins, Bram; Swellings, dm. •
Its effects ass
'":" it ATN - KILLER ate MAGICAL,
Erery Family , in the Land
should providerthemaelves srith this In , raluable Prepar
ation, the- chijurocas* of Which Plates it within the
reach of all.
Full Directions accompany each bottle.
Pamphlets containing copies of cert.ficates from
those who have tested the "Liquid Cure," may be had
Gratis of our authorised agents.
" Myers' Liquid Cure" is prep ired only by
JEROME & Co:, 'II Spruce Street. New York.
For sale by HIRAM MIX, Towanda, ammt for this
county, and by C. H. Herrick, Athens; Rufus Rine,
Troy ; James H. Ptrinney.llonroeton; Henry Gihhe,
Orwell. Al pow!,
Dr. Swayer's et!Waled Family altdiciors:
cons FOLLOWS cola!
Compound Syrup of Will Cherry !
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complain
Spitting Blood, difficulty of Breathing. Pain in
the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart
Influenza', Croup. broken Constitution,
Sore Throat, Nervous Debility,
and all 'diseases of Throat,
Breast and Lung; ; the
most effectual and
speedy cure
known for
any of
above discoed;
Dr. Swaynes Co.mpoood Syrup. of Wild Cherry
Jno. Milton Earle, editor of the Worcester Spy
Mass., was attacked with a severe infiaination of the
lungs, accompanied with a: distressing cough; after
usilig various other remedies with little or 90 benefit.
by the use of one battle of Ur. Sopyne'a Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, be was restored to perfect
Wm,Montelium,a respectable merchant of St. Clair,
Schuylkill county. writes, January 30, 1849:—Enclos
ed I send you a certificate of Wrn. Beaumont, a nth.
izen of our town. His case of consumption is well
known here, and of lotig standing; ,he attributes his
cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild
There is but one genuine preparation of Wahl Cher
ry, and that is Dr. Soigne's, the first ever offered to
the public, which has been largely throughout the t .
States used, and some parts of Europe; and all prep
aneions called by the name of Wild Cherry have been
put out since this, tinier cover of some circumstances,
in order to give currency to theii sales. Each bottle
of the genuine is enveloped with • beautiful steel el..
era•ing, with the likeness of William Penn thereon;
also Dr. 3way,ne's signature and 114 a Nether .ecurity,
the portrait or Dr. Swayne will be added hereafter, so
as to distinguish his preparations from ail n hers.
"A safe and effectual remedy tor Not mins, Dyspeplia
Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspeptic children or-adults
and the most 11.40(01 Family Medicine ever offered to
the public."
This aixter is one which has proved successful for
a long time, and it is universally acknowledged by all
who have tried it to be far superior (being on very
pleasant-to thetaste at the same time effectual) th at y
other medicine ever employed in diseases for which it t.
recommend d. "It not only destroys worm.. but it in
vigorates tit whole system. It is h srrolc•- in it -of
-feels. and the health of the isticre rlwars improved
by Its use eYen when no worm. are sltreovs red.
Moas GOOD News roe THE Sire —An&rstown,
Indiana.—Da. SwAYNE—Dear Sir: All your medicine
sell well, and give good satisfaction. Your valuable
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the means
of restoring some hopeless, cases in this section.—
Your PilhVire moat excellent. I want you to send a
good supply of them. A man purchased , a-bottle of
your Vermifuge the other day for his child, and by its
use it discharged 63 of the largest worms . he had ever
seen. It is somewhat difficult to get the people to try
it, as they have so often been gulled by nauseous and
worthless worm medicines: Yours being so very pleas
ant to the taste, at the same time effectual, I shall be
able to dispose of a large quantity. Respectfully,
yours, ' TOWNSIRD T. BRAS', P. M.
To Dr, I aware*, N. W. corner of Eighth and
Ram sts.,Philadelphta. •
Remember ! the genuine is now put up in square
Da. Swarex's Sousa Coarse SARSAPARILLA mitt
ErrascT or TAR Prxx.a.--Tbe virtues of these Pills
can be appreciated only by those who have used them •
they are adopted to assist nature in arming off morbid
matter, obstructions impirity of the blood. &c.—
They are a gentle and effective purgative, correct all
the functions of thiliver, and Se an afterithe in drop
sical sffections,lhey are very valuable, led should be
in every
family They have an - ou;sidei coating of
pure White Supt.,* whereby everything disagreeable
to the taste or smell is entirely removed. without in the
least affecting the excellent nadirs of-the walking
Remember ! they are now: put up in bares; tamed oat
of the solid woad. covered with • redolabektmening the
signature of Dr Sways& None other is gamine.
The shove valuable medicines are, prepared only by
Dr. MAYNE. N. W. come of Eighth and Rens
street, Phildelphim
liHrrilver &•Poasais.l oZir
Chas. Rathbun% Canton, . Brown & Seawall. 1101-
11eidkossim fit Brims, AT - foetus,
thethew valley. •
C. Itifenleir,
D. V..Perithurit; Led*, Kimsey dr. nebulae; She.
C: T,Nruphy. Ceetriville • shentibe.,
Lrlieiete, Burlington .. bf.l3talloelt.olli Co:, Egg
orw.11: F. Pomeroy, Smithfield: •
.21y rang & Vodkas, Troy.
abticiiiErilo7.llolll4lllll •
. .kepy oi - bend hi* estiortipep,l, ,114
Vierfir and &rho a,
- po t s
Abe - hoilrTbi*b ol ar# ivEsed
eun n u i ttr elintaig inesubso ambled.
two* ,04 aues2l4l#
W ern her t, 11141 L. m.
-1 4--
_ „ twano .
ow _
--- •
lox *at ittios;indidia(CMler*Filbid
' his Writing; Arithtiitie: Algehrerßonl4,9; hlll..
&Whit - Grainier: Albite*, crit*Riow, Gengtepity,
Das or the (3111004hendatv; Miura philosophy aid;
, itrooomy. (with the nos of legend ipPin R ho*
One to
uai those stutrmi,) Iferal Philosophy and 'Chanistry,
ihle gesrooly ht odesites, per osimmi .10000
Dity echo** per quartile, • 4.00
rewito CRUM&
Preoch,, per qua i st i # 4 se
LOD , - 4 00
!IWO!! " 400,
Mt& t" ten%) per quarter, • 10 00'
Embroid' ery rug work, " ROO
Any young lady receiving inetructios on the piano.
s privileged to learn rug-work. or any one orate above
an Plies: and the mos time. without additioisal charge.
To a young lady who studio' the English branches,
the terms of leeining each of the Shove. branches. are
per quarter,s 3 0 0
Instructions on the Guitar, 4 00
Use of Pianos. ! 75'
Drawing and painting in water colors. including
the use of matedibr. such u drawing paper,
paints, pencils, the. 4 00
Oil painting on canvass. N 10 00
Painting transparent window shades, banding
the supply of materials, such 4 00
Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per
twelve lemons. 5 00
Gilding en silk. crape. &c. do. 3 00
Was Bowen, per quarter, 5 00
Pens and ink. N tso
Washing; 2 50
Boardjn vacation, $2 00 per week,
• Letters post-paid, addressed to the Misses WRITE
&GRIFFIN. Binghamton, Broom co., N. .Y., wilt ye'
miss prompt attention.
ice. rw
JPHN W. WILCOX, has removed his establish
.l ' ment to the shop between Kingsbery'• and Bart..;
lett'a murex, and where he still solicits • share of
public patronage. He imenile, by • careful selection
of stock, and by attention to the interests of his mato.
mers to make as neat d durable work as can be ma
nufactured in this part the country.
He will keep constant y on band, and manufactnre
0 order, Morocco, ray and 'Coarse Boots and Shoes ;
Lashes Gaiters. Shoes and Slips, Children's d 0..;
Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, 4c.
aa Country Produce, of mast descriptions, taken in
pnr, mrnt for work, at the market price.
Towanda. April 2tl, 1R47.
•Vtia-ta-6 aanl - 0 WROZWWJALW)
THE subscriber still continues
to manufacture and keep on band
: c7 ( ... . at the old stand of Tomkins and
Makinson, all kieds of cone and
wood seat CHAIRS; and SET
- 7.;::.--.,. TEES of various kinds. & BED
STEADS of every description.
which I will sell low for cash
or Prodtice, or Pine or Cherry
Lumber, or el air plank. will be
received for work. TURNING done to order in the
neatest manner. Also.
make and kept on hand. or made to order, im the hest
Tmiramhi, January 4. 1849.
C a/11.7rEir ruF ATTU RE
TAY BE HAP at our chop much lower than it
It I bate ever been told in Towanda. Guoda ar.
cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that ix the reaeon wr
can afford all for to do it. All kande at produce will
he teeeired in payment. time. LUMBER of all kinds,
Sept. 1. L. M. NYE 4 CO.
Removed to .north side Public Square !
It' 4. Chamber/in,
se, TA AS just returned from the city
of New York with • large
• Isupply of Watches, Jewelry and
Silver ware, Comprising in part,
the following articles :—Lever,
L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
s • -•
• a complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such is Ear Rings. Fin
ger Rin cs, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Imekets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he offers
for mile exceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Weches repaired on short notice, and .warranted
to run well,or the money will be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR. and Country - Produce
taken in payment for work ; and ala r, learn now, and
forever. that the Produce moat be paid when the work
is done—l war against credit in ill its forms.
Towanda, April Vt. lade:
`&921/0 IRM Fi3gatrDT,Mlo2
r i F. H 4 RDER respectfully wishes to inform the
citizens of Towanda, and the public that he has
commenced the
in T.,wanda, on Main street, a few doors above Bridge
orert, where be will keep constantly on hand or make
to order. Plated and common Harness. Trunks and
T unk Valkra. and all 'Linda of work in his tine. CAR
to order . From hi■ experience in the business, and
punctuality in attending to it, he hopes he may receive
• char of putdie patronage.
•J All kinds of work may he had at his shop cheap
set than at any other shop in this county.
Towanda, June 12. IB4n
L. a RISTOL. 4 ". .4 I. a. INITII.
Completion of the North Branch Canal !
AVING formed a co-partnership in the remorse.
tore of BOOTS 6i SHOES. at the old stand
three doors northuf Andre st. would respectrully inform
their triends sod the public, that they will carry on the
business in all its branchao- r keep owhandand make to
mike, everything in their Basin the neatest manner and
in their latest style.
Beleiving that they can do as pod or better ei,ork
than can be bad elsewhere they would say to those wski
ing good ankle in their line-to give them scallouid they
shall be satisfied. Repairing done on short make.
CY Produce of all kinds taken. for work. Bides
wanted in exchange for Boots erg Shoes and Leather.
. Towanda Dee. I‘llll4B. B. &EL.
Or Mures his lestrffer, aid handy let Disease
rpm!, Emmet is a pure liquid, fres from slimy thing
inconverrisat or dangerous. As • pain estratittw
this mediates is superior mortify thing yet discovered
and la an apprication to reduce Measliest. the skill of
Mankind is challenged to equal Nature in it. Tt soothes
the Nervous System—Wats wounds, bruise., sprains,
and cleanses ulcers-4idaCis all manners of swellioga
and tumors; and cures Buinmer PoMPlairtis, nyiershier
infantile Meese* Female iioutplaiiite l 'aud Mat otthe
ordinary Family Ailments.
After what I hare staked, .Yea w earplisid
at the declaration of my .. '
fir, co r loil 4 ,
that the prepared , 03 1 or rut 71012
I tat:ovum I otos!, Sir, or was
sail mast-rand that it wt pireti a most effectial
remedy for all MMUS affeetiems, and* cure,fotiniasa
mations, acme 'and ihronic, whp relno*lliga
_tidy applied.. Turther oaserwitioit aid resperimertetrill
:be weenier le diteredes the beekmodeef: its,oppfre.
lice; whether intentsak or Womanhood thoimatitY
tole minsiaiweted.
ICOUT °WI- omen, Sous 43.-tilestrees.
• 'The 'above innate' lanyli feinsi l italthe Amt.
thieithilr tlir ailirenteto
eines, in the condi t mei& • • - •
action of tits kidoeys _Mooch es to make than .
• Viking& lithontaiptic. Prolog, Coml. arid Female
Compliant., miring front o6trumiom at certain periods,
are speedily rentomil, by, their, use.
A tree Espeetortation from the lungs is excited by
the use of.Wright', Indian Vegetable Pills, dam re
cowries Pulmonary CoMpliints, Mich as Asthma, Bran.
ebitbs„ Soreness and Tie:Ahem of the bread. Coughs,.
Sore • Throat. Arc. •
By their action on the Stomach and Bowels, the
Pills curs Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Palpitation of
the Heart, Flatulertcy, costiveness. Fevers of all kinds
Pleurisy, Headache, Giddiness, Dysentery,. Pik.. and
all disorders of tbeintestines. ,
, ,
Tat in mall doses, Wright's Indianiregetable
Pills become an Alteraurc Medicine, of great searching
efficacy, for the cure of Sines of all kinds, Tester,
Tumors, Jaundice; Lowness of Spirits, Neuralgia,
Rash, Pains in the Bones, &c.
These Pillsalso thoroughly break up Influenza,
in which complaint they are extremely veinal:de.
In Bikma Complaints, these Pills exercise &Complete
mastery. Hence Fever and Ago. is speedily cured by
the use of them. hi the Western and Southern States
where this disease mostly prevail., these Pills go like
an avalanche. White they are cheaper than the fever
add ague remedies in genetal, W rights Indian v ege t a . '
ble Pills have been pronounced superior to all of them.
Indeed, it would appear that if there is one complaint
Over which these Pills have more power than another,
if, is Fever and Ague. ' -
For dean eying and expelliig Worms, no rertniftsge
to these Pills. Although we have not taken pains to
make this fact public, the merit of the medicine itself
has acquired for it an extensive reputation and sale for
the removal of Worms. Administered to adults or
children, the effect of the Pills is equally radical and
decisive. • AU who suffer from Wotan should, by all
means, use Wright's Indian Vegetable
In feet, no one can go amiss in the woof this medi
cine. They are natural to the body as food is. A trial
will convince the skeptical that Wright's Indian Vege
table PtUs. far from being a " quack nostrum," are
decidedly the most valuable medicine ever offered to
the public.
Remember. that the original and only genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills have the written signature of William
Wright on the top of each box.
The genuine is for sale by MONTANYEB
sole agents for Towanda; add by agents in all other
parts of the State. -
Office devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail. 169 Race
st., Philadelphia, 288 Greenwich at., New York. and
198 Tremont, Boston. 39!
IT,-_- : -
• _ ._. _
, •.
-;0.0-1 : ~ I
/hiil RALM
.. ti
' -- .
Dr. E. L. Soule & Co
A i 0 other medicine has eier been introduced to the
public that has met with such unparalleled suc
cess, as Da. Soc La's Orie4go/ Sovereign Lia/m
Having been but six years before the public.-and the
advertising small, competed with most other medicines,
yet they have worked their way into every state in the
Union and Canada.. They have absolutely become
the Standard Medicine oti the, day. They are purely
vegetable and so admirabl y compounded that when "M•
ken in large doses they -Speedily cure the mast delicate,
nervous female, and have railed numbers from their
beds after all ether remedies had failed.
As there are spurious Pills in circulation called Ori
ental or Sovereign Balm, be sure to see before you buy
that the name_of " Dr. E. L. Soule Co." icon the
face of the boxes. None others can be genuine. We
are not aware that any one who is making ■ spurious
article has yet dared to make use of our name; but
some of them hale bad the impudence to imitate our
boxes and copy our Circulars, Certificates, 4.c. Unless
the public are careful when they purchase, they will
be deceived.
.0" The genuine SOVEREIGN BALM PI LLS'ean
he had wholesale and retail or Dr. E. L. Soule & Co.,
Each . Y., end in Towanda by HUSTON & POR.
l'Elt;%nd by Agents in every town in the country - .
To the Victor belongs the Spoils.
A I.TOUG II many preparations in the form of "Popu
lar Medicines," have beerihefore the public, claim
ing to give relief, and even cure .the most inveterate
diseases. yet none have so well answered the purpose
as Dr. Sherman's Medicated Lozenges. They are agreea
ble so the taste. easily silmmistered, and from the no
pnecedented success which-they hive met with, and the
remarkable cures which they have, performed, may
justly lay claim to the title of Conqueror over the di
mamma for which they have been recommended. Dr.
Cure the moat obstinate cases of Cough in a Ile* hours.
They have cured a large number of permits who have'
been given op by theirphysicians and friends, and many
who have been reduced to the merge of the grave by
spitting blOod, Consumption and Hectic Fever, by their
use hive had rose of health *toted to the haggard
cheek and now live to speak foltif the praise of this
invaluable medicine, Dr. Sherman 's
Have beetivroved in more than 400,000 cases to be in
&Maids, in fact the only certain Worm Destr3ying
Medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them
Then they cannot be forcettotake any other medicine,
and the benefit derived fronitho'edministration of medi
cine to them in this ramie 'great beyond conception.
When the breath of the Child' bra:rowel offensive, and
there la picking of the nose, grinding -Ur the nose, rind
ins of the teeth during sleep, ,aprons' about' the lips
with flushed cheeks, bleeding • Hit tinge .headiehe,
drowsiness, starting duffing "hop,' ilistarbed dreams ,
awaking with frightaing screams, . troublesome
hverishness thirst, voracious appetite, trickles" at the
stogie& and bloated inornacli--414e are. 1110014 the
may prominent symptoms of wanes; and can be
Minedhy there incomparable Lozenges. Tbey have
eeer.been known to fail, Di. RberistAn's
ReErring headache, serviles . skit beidache,pelpitatiaa
of mid mid victims, e la few Inhume. . They cum
- of aphits„despot.lerm i feittuese, conic, epasum,
criatioa,Oftha storied', summer arboarel complaints—
they Iteip ap the spills.. dispel all'the Alienating of a
dise&ation, and enable a pe,Mou to•useleito great men
or bodly toil. DrAliermais's
, - • •
b ocknowleiged, by ,all who bays eve a ci d it to ba the
irirt gigengthing Plater .in Walt sat a 'ativeleigo
ieuvady lioi'paiarand weakness the_ leek. loin!. aids
bream, peek, ttieuitotbet, lumbago.
Nis vaillibica year wiU, 'Dot supply .thi
Caution' s oiemia - as *Mum many soprioliplad
faster who would Rome kaparioaa Article mem _Ai,
eallumunitY• 11e amoral to get Ilibeinau'e Pr* Man's
Plow, with a Vita_ skeile',Ofbis wham eeme falba
beih-i- 11 ‘e o th ers ale *Maine; amf will di Mote bat
-aver ? ri f POR.
fIINGEIAMkIed *tails sad rod eaMilf
%Jr 0123
Die ins
• t
.;ii........: .. 4:-, ...7„....4,, 4 -744 . 6 15
' Y-1,-,,
r• 1 A ...,
gate r
- I .
' - - il. e'``;•... - : --
C '''''...r a " . ......' ' -'0
:: .1161E14, 4 4 4:4444- Oftiord i ctilft ;
ftprelkottro of ifted—ori Vibe try
TT siiiime sod of a Ilitailitu Mari Cm.
jadw ft •
is alf_Pe. fiel ght. • didiorpimor kills
hetoeftwootied wit Dhostorrftediti*
ithottikkolistkoa - - ~,•,,. . ..., !=. 4 ..,.:,.:
. 01 1 1
. !
k seeks Moitieeftlai oral: : : eatithat
• atoso eldiftekthet: BOTTLE
W ig.
ia =ars .
dot .W eft, bees elks& for . Inme MN"
ft our pamphlets due by the *is of tids Ow
they due wore , Druid yet Lted—lity Bre'
Calm . Mk iiiiiiiiiiWiuh—Bhq aid 1001411ia
es& otherwise dierood. bare Moil 11 1 1F8A.....
is, disi'
!to die
ie do iv'
"P° l4l
Aseir po•
one dis-
bleak up
v Rhea-
Its, Pain
*to litrahlßeirriianittagrfil*C ' imen nOttAti
elf aed
Obeid tihtt bare added . •
is thelTheapest,
icilvecostlemes, eerie teentomprek tinkly
see iiettiterose sew mitiletwe.: •_ ; •
K gio% Oil NNW 91,1taaaret num. mo p ":
maw movie &wee, SOS "ha Utile of
PuilMgetwoolibli N el* Jaarleßera a twebte,
fiats et fee idler. 'DNS DRUMS MAMA Ja. seta** whi t
ONE DOLLAR a bottle; as tt emit boat-10_1A Air mad, NO
impair alt tatring. leer mis 4 as alma aftlall as bettre.
rerreferiNeAteeforeemepuilbh tileteitseemees et jib/p m ,
er end ire stedirel eacsay. &oda be *GU et lie min.
Tateeq-Ptive Owes tzar boldribt be ao - dep as the Poe *f
One Doti Worth 1,
Row alma ciscr3 T 4giw Virrante—bow mid We.'
OweDisaWessirtik of Smog% PURIPTUtearel Itaw
lM foiloelag whisk of Um pm:
- •
Tbilisi the atheist a As6te tsti..lofist tees. He ow W 01.4
of a warm ease of BaWile,' by thdy Twins Reeks of Broth .
Farther. than , ever we wired by the use of Toth, WWI st
kingowasyWits inga via WOW' Sermenthita bas
mathith ewer ha erect the cue off such • meth*
A rl ease. H. HAW. of leek Osthis Cr.. lE r. had Alesefehoe
paws—was confined to his bed the WS was se
diseased bed debilitated as to be mothis ht-eaktet
heed. Hrbad the Ws method adoled used eITOAAWA
=fto no good effect—got worse anti wow isstio..
o le te in a Oahe thaw and WM the live
horn longer, orbits - be ecommeneed using BRAITriI
His 1.417111 was area swrfp fruits on to car--a 11i -W w ig
through his wesdpfm, under his thin, asthma ha breathed fin*
tie Rohl-4h ow was so eaten around that it wad be BM.
oat of tts= r itemly bedding by a wail ptereo4he arir.
es was by two p an eers— Viem .
seder tie era
is• as Ss wan e hand. itsd nearly esten thrdialts fits side WI/
. Thus he was sitilletedMith magiueth rd deg if &
sips Mears, an widow portant his oerson. Itior further wife .
partkodan. see ear Peo*thss.
Duct 'Teuton Wm twos:one of the mast thflful physWh o r
of Now, was wiled to 'evillest% the iley Were be waseeset
mu* BMWS ?WWI. 'Duet Vir ammthed hins. and tees Ivy
hies that MI the eolith" to the meld ondd 244 awe Nas-tht
his owl was . •
1 .
Worse than hopeless I
Now bear 1h.•11.1111311111 1411101•3014 d can. He said4.lo
wife procured ads bottle of„BRANTSPURIFYIV. (3 EXTRACT
-THAT Dorms enabled me to gat bf 'MT beet—the szeoirti tot
tie enabled 'tee to gat out of the aes—the resin enabled me to
r ek r „,,, m u t , and when t had finished using /nu Bards sat
tirtuthr ous of SWF Urcersl4heilad , sad tiro aoales mon
effected a PERFECT CI7ILE bad eMueed we to good heath
• wovarnirm intimessim
The above facts ate eartined - ttiby DOCTOR T. WILLIANS
Mr. G. R. BROWN,t‘ Wet laws &e 4 Keens. BISSELL t
LEONARD. Druggists, and ELEVEN whet rowed& Wow
at Rona.
Mr. 0. B. KINNEY. marehamt, iC7 Mto, Osieida annatp, N. La
formed os that a canoer-doccox in_said. cowry on* effacing
a anon wful of CANCELS throngb the elthomy of IMAM'S Per,
EYING =TRACT. A earteer-dtteter MA:keens coax y, g T. ■
also ming said Ponulnen.• Mr. A. B. ftert.e. donate; et Coe*
bar* Moutgomery comity, N. Y., has Informed Ito of an WPM(
son of a Cancan of long ptandhur which wu effected m o net
body of that place. If, therefore. tourist tom Care, bs,
PenlYing. Deanne power what impure Abeam of the Nat m
It not mil ctperipace and triumph goo less,
11000 bolwbat 11 curs. .
The Rev. RICHARD DUNNING. Paster of the Preibrom
eharch,Adama Basin, Mostroe - coant3r. N. Y.. wrtgo to or
just received a letterheas Mr. Cllanitay Dultlinms, eamv ca
ate of his Fever-sore. Toomey depend on ',hat tt .ton, kr
• a Christie: men mad an elder In Reeeletteh. Some revs oo
bad to have cemsof Melee assAlf.lo sese his life, to ostreesess
of • Fersr.sore. Rbe other les hems cow alfeeted. cod .pee •
to amtratateda reeemmenda‘ltiOrr's littactec. Read es*
soil. Ile says: •I &ram . sled solar mat Dorn.= of BRAM
MEDICINE. I placed act.ttorc; from sew noseeseks". rid
Shed se, sod Pease now soy that, with the bless* of God - Mr
speed a ass qf oar lasp! See Pamphlets kr NI putodos.
Dt. SATHANIMBHAID; llisdiNnkcati6 an demi&
and moot reom:Mble phyakiano, ono aMieted . witt.
Ombig mrearsoand woo perfeelft essa by env BRANTS ?V
-ILIFYING We coal& name Wind. of Galata.%
alio cured.
No remedy tamed te - the - pablie has - ewer beet half at cams el
dead it I rattorry ALL the haddehtal statatras and tee:raft
of the sesezz,, as BlLAiresihmisoiturs BILW It =hi eo dde
eras wbeUsr the denateeteeit be setemetita, case, or other wat
are—ft REGULATES, ALL hystetestteteueet the rune. melee
let coseciertes, eat wailtiag and agayby Nue= nurrstant
or sm pumbia.
Roan the rid to the themai, tad the me.. at ;111Mle age—the ow
ere L anahoutid. and the other io gradually rammed, al ty
went ow crake/Oa einiew that - frequently arise to couterpose .
Dyapapzia--Sotir Stomach!
Arric.a. (knew. F ebnav7 1141 t.
. • T. WALLACE CO.— G .: 1 wee. *e• row mm
a year, ailbeted with a Mistime of the stomach. I wild so so uci,
ht or gummy substimee without musing great pain. mimeo, mi
womithig t and wits cominually 'Mimed with a mu pions& t ■
an ea. • ~.ot • triad can bottle of BRANT'S MEDICEit.:MM
to Fly cuter disappointment, ease anal l relined the tweet top trat
-k 76 ,l , ..herefon , tied a second bectle,erbich hag emplente axed
the lam no* well and beartY. end can ah"'"
thing without being pained, or the stomach becomhir
• - T. S. Wl.LcUt‘
Mr. is=isMerchant of Attica.
"Swot Gum= Co.. N. T.. Oet 1.1. int
"Yams. W. T. WALLACE b. CO.: Some den last Taw 111
f lea* beesane so debilitated from the efficte of Isles-dm tad Ne.
NseleAkiedb, that abe nada not littleer child patoehi WI".
add labor. Eric medical treatment win, elid or ed according to N
Kitties and preacriplikrosof Me most eminent physicists. irrai o
alkillerail coliamet•d to useless east,. fibe became ee ”rni go
i saw
that zpii at the time. commenced tether N.are melee el!
nee more than itley4re pounds i bet by the we the he
Mekeet beeeree,sbe perfectly welL Theatre te eortbet
lbot is now enabl to. do all necessary tiomicbokl mei, si
soloed WM , pounds Seale in lbw weeds
" Tows , C. B. CiALLNTLIV
Z-inesillir wall sitaerm Mat Mr. GistcomiNF. ass "A',I A . ;
A :r d e am Inr tg z. z. Tem. Esq., o f the same Pw...
stmacnnizaz. inszAszs.
BILIMICTURIPTING ICIMUCT Is a perfireard qrrerr 4
wear of all ao edroolokqf Meiciikt,,Afr Ely of the various' MP!
tkoro of C*LolnzL or MILICCIRT, frank& eptivo ; and
Wm{ mogilm, mod AU Or Aar* orkilL, to th& coigina
Mr. A. HOLTSTAMOM. trierefienti'Obeetes, /Ansi. 04 411
wan% Deconater 19,11411,, end idter Meter stead bay tile 40 ° 2.
die PULMONARY BALSAM hoct.edbeted the cure of hi"ni
ea="meth, said: "I have perste:ally nstse,sp.irril lit
EXTRACT, ftur g.evieni AMMO M
hare .so beeitedas to orytogoot it le die beet medfitee eufflr
mod iervtoesaeit row sewn, that I have ever used. lar!C
area whine eie•baire .old NRANTM MEDIUM. ES.
pestle Meiroilissev, met OMB Mom= ereurecno.e."
knows dem* Jima of oo nom, pro .always
Poe ale by • .HUSTON & PORTER, Toni'
C. H. Herrick, Athens; C. E. Rathbene, Carlton;
D. Paikhorit;'tzt Broom & Rockwell, We*
ton ; Baird, Rummerfield ; M. H. Weile* * T
alOsipg; D-RikileY,& Son Leßayarillo
Once l; Maynard & Wei:di:Min, Rome t E. S.
Smithfield.; Coryell & Gee, Herlingreo ; 1.. &
yon, Troy. .• - , .. •
'•:, (1 : 1. A ll tette*
see `ilr. Co., 196Mioodiitty, N. ir. • 13P
-mT3i3:l‘m7l-w•ite.lrAc_zo. o " - •
L. ikr. *rvz & co.; wofll
apectlly haft= the citizens dice
ads and: the public generelliJW
DIE bey have on band & meinuh .
• '
1 ' Ito order all.kinds of LIABL'It ,
'FURNITUE, of the best ow
IL who* and workmanship tkatono t
• be set pansed, in additiosto thews.,
aseeitioent,in etlogtq.ahops, we will lump on haw,
teak, to *es SOFAS, of !,riots end wet appoo
patterns ; Sofa !locking Chairs, uplinibeered in sort
.etyle• and for ease and durability cannot bo stupor
even in ,or. large cities. Also. the half French
..brigany Cbairasitifidly npbolstined, with aged
which keel it; elasticity, and finished twithw
0881 beirselithig. - We flatter °nineteen that hew,
bad iteelt-sztteriencet in.tbe In:minus, we shall be ow
to untidy nitwit° . mey . lilid . t4iptised to. call. both
Tway sea aWd by strict attention to butiot
Ups tounit.and receive the patronage of • fibers' te
a s
amity: .::n • . ~. M. NyE Ao Ca
Tlivramingteptember 1, 1847.
71141 r