Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 21, 1849, Image 3

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1 mil y r said to es the other day: s 1 Won't think mu
e ch
qusekmedicinebut-thenii di medic that tlif
ain Ft step .that iis
Gar joig Oil. Jtoot only mires all the he4ier . '
oat door' s critters" but it cured ell the in - amine.:
ta" too--if iiny gy . hive .
, a ny n coming cm them, et hurt in an
they . ran. for the Garg,
:ding Oil, which hakes them all their . tioatle."
3loch valuable information respecting thin won
derful Oil may be obtained'6Y ettrailting **ON.:
l e i which you may get free iireftargiof a ege s uz- - :
se e also advertisement in another colimit
t •
Ceatteble'l Sale% • AttarsWe Meiestleies,
id Reestirto, Mzeeisments,
sttablitogints ,
samisseas , Mortgages,
tioaMmais Notes, aso”
Patient'', superior paper, for 'akin this cnoe. ilthealba; of
erery description, foliated to order.
New 7tbnertidements.
OF ULYSSES BROWN, who left the month of
the Wysox creek, about five weeks since, with
-the intention of going to Nocromon. Said Ulysses is
iliout'lo years cld, tall of his ! age, wore • chip hat.
grey root and a check Ain. As I can beer nothing
from him since he left Wysaskreek, I shall be under,
-*d il utions to any pennon whotwi I send me some ac
count of his whereabouts. 'Address
Rome, Nov.-15, 1849. .4 R. R. BROWN.
ANEW three Nay brick bankhair on Main wrest,
between the public square and Pine sueet, an ex
relent situation for a Dry Ciowls,,rrovision, Clothing
Dr Drug Store. The tipper rooms are suitable for Mil.
boor's, or Tailor dupe or for Oates.
For Terms apply to E. G. Nichols, Rome, or W. A.
Rockwell. Towanda. Nos. 16,1849.,,
trHOS. E. GRIDLEY , of Owego IP. Y. will delis
]. of personally, or by Expense the following Month
lies; et the Publishers' Priam,
Godey's Ladies Book,
Graham's" Magazine,
sartain a Union "
Littors.Lising Age.
Hoidens Magazine,
Blackwood's a' Boston Law
Through his Comespondenie will order free af pass
age, Music, Lithographs, Works of Art, aplendid'aift
Books, Novels; and all kinhp of gooks and Literary
Metter, for those who may please hand him their or;
den which will be delivered i tromptly. Magazines cam
merice'with the January no der for 1850 ; Odd Fel
low's Offering. for'lBso firniahed to order.
No.. 17, 1849.
VI 111 NT IN II" 1;$ (15 9
LEVELING, Laying out Roads and Lots, Dividing
Boatel, Measuring Masonry, Embankments, race..
accurately done by E.G. NICHOLS. Office at Rome.
Bradford county, Pa. Persona at - • di,tanee. needing
lig services, shall by writing him. • line • few days be
forehand, have their business promptly attended to.
THERE will beheld an adjourned Special Court of
Common Pleas and Orphans Court, at the Court
Home in the boro' of Towanda on Monday the lOtb
day of December next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., and ,to con
tinue one week. et which the Hon William 'Jessup
will, preride, for the purpose of the trial of all causes
{Aired upon the Special Court trill list, for the -said
sajo'urned term. ALLEN 111C'KEAN, Prot.
Prnes Office, Towanda, Nov. '49.
TORN -E. GEIOI3II respectfully informs the public
it that hchsa remoied his Shop to Main street, next
shore Wm. Watkinll, InJ • kw rods above tbe Ward
Home, where he eontitides the business of
Ilandadorieg lid Itepairiq Gins, Plll.lll, to
After his long etperienOs in the business, be is MD. ,
&lent he can perform all work entrusted to him, in •
lati , daricity style . JOHN B. GEIGER.
Towanda, Nov. 17, 1849.
2 1 :2 attaigLi3Za
'WOULD again inform the Ladies that she lres4tist
I received the largest and hest assortment at
Millinery; Greeds. •
MT brought to Towanda, and to she would.par•
licularly invite their attention. A fine selection of
rio.ers. Fkmei, Ribbons, Velvets, Watered Silks,
ISioinv, Betts, &c.
Milliners supplied with Ribbons, Flower, car any
other Millinery articles which they wish.
She would 'bar inform the Ladies that @be is prepar
ed icido work at the shortest notice and do it wall, and
In a fashionable style. Nov. 9, 1849.
ORTEAXM CfoTa.le 2163121.
DURSUANT to an order of the Orphan's Coon of
1 Bradford county, will bee:posed to public sale on,
‘SATCRHAY, the 24th day of November, 1849, at
I o'clock.P. M., upon the premises, a certain menage
lot piece or parcel of land remaining unsold, being in
VVyaluaing townshipy and bounded as follows to wit:
Ou the north by lands of Charles Hamlet, on the east
ho lands of Elias Vaughn, in, on the south by lands of
l'augh Serer.. on the west by lands of Bart
ley. Containing about thitiy acres, all improved, with,
a small log house, shed and framed barn thereon erected,
late the property of Humphrey Browno!he'd.
Attendance given, and terms Made known on the
dry of sale. JOHN ELLIOTT,
Ad's H Brown, dec'd.
no. 29. 1R49
A LL moons indebted to the estate of - SAMUEL
.1 - 1 CHASE, deceased, tai3 of Towanda Borough.
are hereby requested to Make paymeht without
and those having claims against said estate win please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Towanda, Drill, 1849 a ' Admlnishator.
ALL permit's indebted to the estate of tiAMiTEL
ROCKWELL, deceased, tate of the township of
Canton, are hereby requested to make memo without
dehlonid those having claims mgrimet odd estate will
Please present them duly authenticated far settlement.
Canton, Oct. 20, 1849 . ' BO
E NEW SINGLE' liAliNtid, tot sale clasp
at , jy 1 1
w „. . RICE & PECK'S
F OR Mi., ?remarried= of Money, and all kinds of
Iferchandite. leaves New Tod daily it 5 o'clock
It Officer et lire foot of %one and t Wall
r• All orders or golxle left at oUt odic= Cr with
our arenfr roil! be attended to arib deepatek
H. %* saint, Towanda ; L. MANNING 4 SON
MILITIA hiancE.,
_THE attention of the commanding °Beers of the
sev eralcompanies of uniformed m ilitig with
is the County of Bradford, is respect -directed
to the fifth section of the Act of 17dr A ril, A. IL
1 849, which requires the Captain or commanding
"free r of each company, to furnish a eopy . of the
roll of said company, under oath or siermittion to
the County Commissioners, at such ti Ma as tbe as
sessment of taxes ate returned in each and -every
Tear, designating the township, ward, or' borough.
!II which each member resides. And they are bete
by requested to furnish said copies of the *le to
the CO lanussioners on or before the drat day'of De
cember next. C. 8. RUSSELL, Corn's-
C ommissioners Office, Towanda Des. 11;'411.:
RATS—Moleskin, fur, silk, ookoessi.ead whits Maio
ran, wool. Parama, Leghorn, pedal. and r ind
' hand end for sale at MERU B'.
Demoenttic Renew ,
North Amer.
Foreign !Reviews.
North British
N. Y., Philadelphia and
4itiecit writs .ot Veed.Zsge Mit
P Otnift* Commas Pleas titilmidlaril mow%
ty-antlinimittected will be esposett salt
OA, Cant Mouse, ,in the boo& as
MONDAY., the !rd day of Decelebest,4lllo, at one
o'clock, P. M.. rig &Bowing lotidesf'-.OS, Parcel of
land oftd'ated in the township of WysilroWki&boooded
kid deicribed as follows to _wit:Jim:the Worth by
lands Of John P. Chiliderlin and Juistill'Crepes.
Wept by bads of Jobb bites,. month by lead of Net.
50:41.6t0n and William Mormii;iad east bylande
of Willbusi Morrow add Itevad,Braishall.
Rig on* hundred acrei, _be thWeassa More of
fietween forty and Tiny acres improved, one log horse
With a framtradditioti diem' is: one iddlimmed horse
shed, one frame tram arid a sumo trait tiseitimmon.
- Seized and take Win ezielatlowsitthessitwfDavid
M. Sall, vs. David Williams. • • • '
ALBo—Tbe - followinv piece owlmucel of land
, situate in WFsoa tovralhip._bouodedwad described
as : on the north by lands of Henry. Thin.
n 011... west by laid of William Booth, south by land .
Bbenerer Bull; and east by lands of Isaac Balt
Containing about forty soros, be the same more or
less, aback twenty acres improved, one.log !wane,
one frame barn and a few fruit trees therion:
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of .lolin
Owens use. vs. George N. Brown. •
ALSO—The following described lot or pared o f
land situate in the township of B Prilsibill, county of
Bradford, and boirnded as folio's's: Beginning It i
post, a corner of L. L. Keeny, -thence along Abial
Keeney and unsold lands, north 144 perehei to g
stone heap, thence west along land surveyed. for
Morris Davidson 78 'perches to a corner,. thence
south 22 deg west 73 perches to a corner, ihenei
west 24 perches to a chesnut, thence south 28° west
64 perches to a corner, thence south 64° degrees,
east 77 perches to L. L. Keeners line, thence along
L. L. Keeny north 20° east 44 perches to a birzh,
and south 70° east 78 perches to the beginning,—
Containing 101 acres. and Sity eight perches, strict
measure, being parts of George Porter, and Henry
Field warrants, with about 26 0r,30 scree improved,
and a frame house and log barn thereon erected, and
some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit Ofßilty
Bmith's use, now assigned to .1 Morris Wattles, vs.
William Deekinson.
ALSO—The following pteee or parcel of land
simile in the township of Herrick and bounded and
described as follows: On the'north by lands of 1..
H. Brownson, on the west by lands of Joseph Marsh,
on the south by lands of Joseph Marsh, and on the
east by lands of N. B. Wetmore. Containing one
half acre, more or le•s. . all improved with one frame
booke and otte.shed thereon erected.
• .
Seized and taken in exectition at the spit of A. K.
Peckham and N. C. Martin administrators 'of J. J.
Millen dec'd., vs. Jobb M. Furman.
ALSO—The following described piece or parcel
of land situate in Wyalnsing township, and boned.
ed and described as hAlows : north by the main road
leading front Towanda to Skinners Eddy. east by
Charles Hendricks land, on the south by land of
Ephraim Beeman and the Susquehanna River. and
on the went by E. Lain. Containing' thirty seven
acres, more or less. all improved with a ne* two
story Tavern House, one steal house irld two barns
thereon erected, it being the same property that
Iran . purchased at Sheriff's sale by Philip Sullivan
in execution against Jacob Kona and others.
Seized awl taken in execution at the suit of Josi
ah Bosworth. now to the use of Geo. H. Little, Jos
sigh Bosworth and Daniel Ragan, vs: Philip Sul
'ALBO—The following described piece or parcel
of land Situate in Burlington township, bounded dt
described as follows, to wit: on the north by lands
of David 8. Luther, on the east by Henry Btrope,
on the south by land of William Barnes, and
on the west by lands of Edward Overtbn and
Lyman Grist. Containing fifty acres be the same
more or less, about one acre improved with a log
hopse thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ulys
ses Hereon use, vs. John F. Ketcham.
A LBo—The following piece or parcet.of land pli
cate in Bheshequin township,. and bounded as fol
lows, to wit: north by lands of John Laporte, on
the east and sob& by bands of F. Blackman, and
on the west by lands supposed to belong. to David
Horton. Containing about sixty acres about thirty
acres improved with a framed house framed barn
and apple orchard - thereon.
Seized and taken in execution it the suit of
Franklin .Blackman Riclund Horton.
ALso—The following piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of Wyalosing, bounded de.
scribed as follows, to wit: north by lands of John
Ingham, west by the Wyaltising Creek, on the east
and south by lands of Jima. Ingham. Containing
about eighty acres, be the Same more or less,•aboot
Ibny acres improved one framed house, one [rim
ed barn and some fruit trees thereon,
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 0.
D. Bkrtlett vs. Ingham Stone.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of laud
situate in the township of Spring Hill, bounded as
follows, to wit : on the north by land of Cyrus and
Peter Stevens; on the east by Dotenbary, south
by George Claggett & Ransom Fuller, and west by
Robert Barnhill. Containing two hundred acres
more or less, with about one hundred acres im
proved with two Jog houses Ohe log barn, and a
good apple orchard one peach orchard and a great
variety of other fruit trees thereon;
Seized and taken in execution at the bill{ of H.
& 8. &arks use es. Philander Matiburt:
ALSO=Tbe -following piece' or parcel- of land
lying and being in the township'of Wilmot, county
of Bradford. bounded anddescribed as folloirs, viz:
on the north and east by lands of George Shock,
south by lands of Adam Stocker and west by lauds
of George Thresher, and beginning at • poet on the
north corner of said lot, thence south 46° east 111
p to a birch, thence south 43° west 119 p to arpost,
thence north 46° west 56 p to a post, thence south
43° west 29 p to a post; thence north 46° west 56 p
to a pest, menee north 43° east 148 p to the place
of beginning. Containing about eighty-seven and
a half acres, about sixteen acres thereof improved
with a log house sad log barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ja
cob Bleick vs. Jacob Beig.
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levari
all the follnwing described lot.
_piece or parcel of
land, situate in the township of Wysox,in the coun
ty of Bradford; and bounded as follows, viz: begin
ning at a post south west corner of slot run out for
Anjevine Bull , thence south 89 ° ,mist 171 perches
and 6-10th's to a poet for a corner, thence south I°
west 99 perches tote- post for a.corner, thence north
89° west 171 and 6.10 th perches to is poet for scor
ner, thence north It saes 89_p ere b ee. to the begin
ning. Containing one hundred and six acres and
twenty eight perches strict. measure, more -or less.
with about 40 urea improved, 1 log house and
small spring house thereon.
Seined and taken in execution at the suit of Cr L.
C. DeChastellux vs. George ~,DavidsoS, I' .740er
N Davidson, terre tenant.
AL9o—The rellowitig piste . at pateei-Of liihd
situate in the township-tit _Wysox, and bounded as
follows, viz: beginning at,the south east corner of
a lot us warrant no 153 run out for John Midi 24,
to a post on the south hue of said wariailt ida:lo3,
thence north 1° "east twenty - nine perches to the
south west corner of George Pa'vtdsons lot, thence
soutlreighty nine 'dem ees oast t7l and 6-10 . p.i0 the
midi east corner of George Davidson* lot, thence
south 1° west 29 p 'to the wartantline..a post for a
corner, thence north 99° west 171 &ad 6.10
.p in the
beginning. Containing thirty, sit belie sold one
hundred and nineteen percheesitietifiensateoisore
or less, with about 18 acres improved, ! leg bonne
and I log' bate thereon.
*mixed stud taken hr execution suit of C. L.
C. DeChastellitz , vs. Atka DisidlOn
V . ..;
Vought tare 'O. tenant. ••• • .-
gLiso—The foilowing piece or , - parcel of land
situate in the lowishif of Wysos, and bounded as
follows, via: bethrnieg at the loadreast"eciiiii of
a Wilds day - deeded Jeteidair Whiling a post
on the east line of warrant tot 169, thence - along
said warrant lie* south I' west 17 plo a pout.
theses north 89° west 105 p to a post on the' east
lee of George then* aorth 1 0 . east Slip to
a black oak fora corner s thesis solidi er east tO
p to a post.for scorner, thence north le gist ewer
ty fain and 540 p in a posloiteatitinonth - 011weast
lib pp to the beginning. con hies forty nhofeetee
strict measure.--about 10 acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the sat of C. L..
Hubbard Williams deed.,
late of Troy : and Deborah Chamberlain John F.
Chamberlain rind John Laporte, executor!" the auto
ilbert Ciumiberfain, deed.,
late of Wyalusing: sad James &mend Nathan lilbep.
ard, administrators of the estate of
Morris Shepard, deed, -
lets of Walla: and Sylva Rogers, aden'z. of the -estate
Nelson Rogers. eked.,
late of Orwell, and the supplementary =omit of,,E. R.
Myer, administrator of the estate of
Wm. Myer, deceased,
late of Wyse., base filed and settled in the came
of the Register of Will., in and for the Co. of Brad
ford, the account. of their eineral administrations upon
the estates afinessid, and that the ease will be present
ed to the Orphan's court of mid co. on Monday the
ad day of Sept Oast, for confirmation and allowance'.
H. BLACK, Register.
Regtatee ClMce, Towanda, Nev. I, 1849. •
Join V. Woodward vs. Win. B. Spateling's Alboinis
&afar, In the Court of Common Pleas of Brad
ford Co.—No. 262 ; May T.. 1849.
THE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor
by the Court of the County of Bradf.,rd—.
to marshal meats and distribute tho funds raised by
Merit- i s Bale of the dekudants property among law
ful claimants, hereby gives notice that be will attend to
the duties of mid "pointment at his office in the born.
of Toiranda. on Friday, the alkh day of November next,
at I o'clock P. M., at which time and place all persons
interested will plane present their claims, before him, or
be &band' hum coming in fora sham of saki fund.
Toartuda, Nov. 1,1849.
TIBT OP JURORS Drawn for Dec. term end em.
1.4 mien, 1849 i viz i
Centoco—Jahn 8 - Adams, Seneca Kendall, E Lilly.
David Palmer.
A lbanyv.llemeel Broom
Litchfiel. l —Benj. Hell. J. Campbell. A Hicks,
Leroy—flannoel Belly. Herrin. Holcomb.
Pike—P H Bock Rangoon Coolbeogn.
Columbia—Jost Calkios, Geo Furman, P. P. Peck
Bbeehompain—Edrijo Goodwin.
Duran—James Goff.
Ridgbery—Jew Hammond.
Wello—.Wo. Knapp. -
Bmithileld—Wm 8 Foment
Misome—Jemee Santee.
BpringBeld—H B Smith.
Burlington Charles Taylor.
Booth Creek—Linom
Towrspes rasoos—anter wren.
Bbseloquim—Jemme Brown. George Gon, Benj Odiett
Liobliekl— A loop Baldwin.
Pike—Chandler Brink. Josbos Robert.
Soisetleld—Nosh Bile, N P Stacy.
Warn.-8 L Brown. B H Carey.
Springhill—Bela Coga&
Smithfield—B Crowell. A J Oswald.
Windham-Bmb Doane. •
Wyalusing—Jehes Elliott. Jae. H. %OTC B Taylor.
Mooros-8 L Powder, Barmaid Gregory.
Athens hop—Jobe Luther thorn.
Barlhogton--Gon R Haight, C T Merry, H McKean.
Leroy—Jobs Kelly.
Prenkron--Harvey Kellogg.
Towendm orp--13 Kinphery, R Palmer.
Troy twp—A Maynard.
Albany—James Hairiest:.
Wyman—Wm Paorick..l 11 Wattles.
Rome—J G Towner. iff V B Towner.
Herrick—E 8 TorrelL
Orwell—Wm Winfield.
• 111101111)
Wells...lehiel Ayres, Lorin Cady. Win P Wynn.
Wysor,-Oney Allen, A - 0 INbiting.
.2 Bostwick. Azarialteltimpion.- -
Sinittifield—Latt Mud, Bemael Perwen,Sandliskion.
Springfield—Jacob 8 Bart, Decatur Goodrich, Eli
Leonard, Hoses Kash.
Casitoi—Wm BBaker, -Marius Rows.
Bowiri.S F Beim, We. E Maynard.
Towinda W Barger. • •
Warm—Luther Buffington.
Athens twp.-1 ffircembak Neer NNW, J Welbeft ,
Aiylua—Aaron Elr
Mosna-4. Horton.
! South Oriek—Hirealfarkitesa,
AllsayDinglies Haab.
ColimiliaGsesipi NOM. Men fleriniewl.
oraninle,Tolin Soils Hairy Wader.
Troy arp—H Spolinng,
Onall—Minir. Taylor.
Illmbeggidd—Alfrad Acklay,limpaCasado. II *Boot
Troy bon a - 4a _ '
Siniddlotd—Lik , Adomin Amid amt.
Cabolabia-4aam,krallock t Illadior I „
tambegoin—F. Blackmun A Gr.
Duren—Miner Bike. • ' , • t
Blown, Cti Gridbgr. ' " •
Wyaluoing—Chester Boek, A Lowki.Alai.7l3 . l6K:
Armenia—Josatth Conlin.. •
Alberni bore—rouicli Cullom" , •
IPranklus—N L Dods,.
Wolio...ll(artio Tdis., Aides Sesuzy. • '
TaiiMda uoli—Boo rot. • • •
Lito7.••A Omum.
Boollonsirado Gangs.
C &geom.
VilodbiiPardaci Kievan • • ,
Tray topp.,—L , oaket Loomis, J A liodankim
Wymnill(111 Lasalat.
Toms* Ilem-11 Moody.
Centime-Goo Idsoday, - Elso
ONI 4I Obßarly !, [ 6wb, TOW.
.G' Ow 4.i0050 Kid silk Ws llhoof sod OR.
.I.T Ow &Pio or;off polibio 10 cilia it
ssaa:ORIEN OR IltACKT.F.Aok—liVamattte4
pita ne, mks limegyAlOsised 1n 4 sees,
witsteres does not, suit at 27:3
Oilleamig/9 11 69 99 .lita:lL AlO . , nalLtYsigiuk
AWL-A pima or mini et. Mai *gate la.
904in514 of Swath Creek, aid iniMed as &Bove
iCwit beginning at it post, 00 .1101 It east of alai
If lard now Dried by Cernelhii Riled Ind rots
lingfrom thence by ,moosetr hinds south one half
de, wed 9 . 167 904 1 &Riot* a }nay thence by lands
orisinally Werveyed to . Francis labastos, north 694
deg. ant 1746.10 p to a post the, south nit corner
dot Simnel Pettingnlla thenee by Pettingilli
land north 4 deg. east 907 5.16 pp to a corner at Cor
nails Heights land, thence by Might' land sooth
694 deg. east 174 9-10 p to the place of begin ning. _
Containing 996 acres and 149 p , osier eies a lo r e, be.
ins the same conveyedby th e pany or tbe second
part to the pany their:lt part by :deed bearing
date 29d March 1841, about 7 acres umpreved.
Seised and taken in Execution attire snit of Alex
ander W. Johnston sole Ex i r t of Alice Johnston who
was sole Executrix of Francis Johnston,deceased;
vg. Stephen T. Brown.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of lend in Burlington, be.
ginning at • white ash northwest corner of warrant lot
no. 14 7 f.. than:oust 107 3.10 pto • beech ter • corner,
thence month 169 6.10 p to i poet. thence west 107 3-
10 p to a post, thence north 169 6.10 p to the begin.
Ring.. Containing 113 acres and 107 perches, strict
manure abut 30 acres, improved, one log house and
'ens log barn" thereon.
finked and taken in execution at the snit of R. B.
Davidson arc., es. Austin Farnsworth. •
ALSO—A piece or panel of, land in Springfield tp.,
beginning eta beech sapling, south west corner of lot
No. 732, thence west 96 p to'. post nor s corner, thence
north 78 5.10 p to • post, thence east 96 p to a post,
tben4e south 28 6-10 pto tbs *ginning. Containing
47 sem and 11 perches:strict messure, it being Wen.
dud theirouth half of kit No. 33, on warrant lot N..
Seised and taken in execution at the salt! of R. B.
4ke., es. Nods 'entangle.
WM. & BOBBINS, Sheriff.
Elheritri 01&e, Towanda. Noe. 7, 1849.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested,
that Elihn Casa & Johnson Williams executors
of the estate of
• 7,1. •
10 . 2
MX has easeeed Lis Drs Unto widest**
maw ef the Peblie Itleeete e lately statuyial
Jamai H. eilves sad healer Steal op his ales, has
aided to his /saw assotteme a Isms sepply tif
maturea.asns) unnincentrum
CM! k Weskit ray, Glee wine, TO* fickle,
hay SW:, hffsatri, it.
. •
He is agent for meet of the valuable POPULAR
MEDICINES ofthi dey, which can be reckoned .t
him with a certainty of procuring mums Amids t '.
He is elan _ egret km the CANTON TEA COM.
PA NY of New -York. whom Tees have eashisda whis
spread reputation for genuineness and then low piee.
An examination of his stock, to which bo ignites the
attention of the public, will satisfy every one that 't
has been seleasd with a view of procuring dishiest
most de:iamb's articles, and purchased at the itt
rates, Towanda. Hey „
G. W. WerebaaVs Celebrated
Willa Is also a Oa'renal bully BolanHo for
Dlseeses et the Reim flesh.
MIME 'and experience have fully proud that that this
UNIYFRBAL REMEDY has not not its equal
on the list of popular medicines, having bean sore than
it, years before the public.
Testimony of the most disintegrated character of its
wonderful effects on the animal economy is almost dai•
ly presented to the proprietor.
A young man in the town of Wilson. whose claim
were burnt off of him, wee restored (without =Ewing)
by the timely use of the Oil.
Numerous are the erworwited stalemate of patients
themeless, and others wbo hays used the Oil, of cores
which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at
all hemmed in a pensuity poise, they could homily
have bees asditai.
The following disarms are among many others in the
cure or which this Oil has been rompletely successful
and in Which others had entirety failed:—
Sperms, Sweeney, lUngbone, Windmills, Poll Evil, Cal
low, Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness,
Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Sand Cracks,
Foundered Feet, Scratches, or Grease Mange, Rheu.
modem. Biter or Animals, External Poisons, Painful
Nervous Affixes:we Frost Bites, Boils, Corns, Whit.
lows, Burns and &aids, Chilblains, Chaped hands.
Cramp, Contractkins of the Muscles, Swellings.
Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, Re,
Beware of COUNTERFEITS, end be sure the Dame
of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT,
LOCKPORT, N, Y., is blown in the side of the ba
de, or in Ida hand writing over the eat. Don't be
persuaded to take any thing else with the promise it is
jest m ford, dm., dm. This is practised by those en
principled dealers whose emmience will , stretch like
India R. Iber, and who are of a kindred Spirit of those
in our large &Ms wham inferime metiers ham an as.
mealy keen expand to the action of Colignies.
Thaw who amempt to Counterfeit this ankle are rw
fend to the law of New Yott.of May 1045, by which
it will be seen that every puma meddling in these
esimearisks ia subject to indictment, imprisonment, and
A person selling out of this state. wM be liable tom.
rest I wins in tbe mate, and also to be held sea witness
evilest those he bought of or sold for.
11l Orders addressed to tbeproprietor will be respond
et a pamphlet of the Agent and me what wonder.
ars praised by the use of this asedichse.
by respectable dealer' generally in the United
Seams and Canada.
Tor vele by HUSTON & PCRTER.Towanda.E.D.
Wells. 'Lasnemseville. Edwin Dyer. Covington. Abel
Tuna. Hosiross. Pomp it Kinsey. Esses. lossis
Smith t Co., Allentown, H. B. Delia, South Hems.
Oct. 15th 18411. nSO,y I.
J. A. Kane's Clothing Store, Elmira.
Come listen sow while I relate
• A tale I'm bound to tell;
Of clothing sold at such a rate
That now can undone 11.
One day I called on John A. Kane
A suit adobes - to buy.
They wore so cheap that I would rein
Persuade Too .ail to try,
Korn fer John A. Kane. Burrs for Joba.A. Kane !
We'll - buy our clothing all of him.
Fur beat him no on. can.
His Sock consists of fenny kind,
And piled. my eyes I bow high,
YrM certainly can't help but ind
The thing to eaityour eye.
Tbere'situits to snit all sorts of mum,
For Wedding Church, or Shop •
There's Pants, Vests, thare i s Clarks
Of Coats a thuriclariniot
Huns for John A. Kane. Hung for J. A. Kane.
Hoop you buy a suit ofhim
:oars woo loath Spin.
ThentaDrans and Beck, and Duck Casts toe
Of Cloth the nay best.
There's under:Clodung. Covets too,
Silk, Wool and Satin Yeats.
And as fitting to a at
I need not kere tell.
lifs.cloWng on each man will dot ant min—
now better—for be pronelly overawe the cutting
Hepertment. and has his pods stmdle in the best
SWUM c owl*, bast,style.
Rona for . John A. Kane, Hume far 1. A.
For when I want a first rate he,.-
calf enlist again.
Soma alio time I'll oh yen owe
Bat this before' dam.
He hes es band saw in the Store
A Seek of Pint rats cicalas,
130 whew you base a little tile
• And cub an bend to spore.
• Remember that you'll always lied
John A. Yana read to give you the Wirral alyeor
Hooey* No s Water Stsll, 94 . 1100 f warn of
the Bridge
4 Ifoini,:for iptsti A. 'Kane, Hum for J. A. Kina
, buy , min &alai ill Ohba
Far Veit him gui Ono an:
• aiacirinted fie ill kit& of work , immediate.
ly. • JOHN A. HANH,Ehrini . Aug. II '49.
*tidiest the abate estahlioluerit a. very
_lase awl thimble saeoruseet of Snow; ag
!OM ER UMW, width will lie Isola et wey lows.
" Bodperi, at this eetabruhweit roirleeted agile
fait end booed pihselpiee. Yost hate ear theaks
put &von sod we bops fee a ouotrierioes of themes
were are hosed to sell Goode Choir.
Toweehi. sly oly_t. 111411: N. N. NETTS.
: -13111SOLLI1iON.
NOTIOt is hear thae , .t l6
liargrikestisliNg butsoklitaTOL
i• ail et a itiat AMIN. I.l *
Of 11111119 Mt** b sitigmll rjr neisioL
UMlLTlrrilt r
'IL slam..
~,....,. I, .
i eloPtArli. 1 . 1 4... f%
'PaTTENi `. EA* Ai ;ALLEN?
492 Posekot ono tioSiVam Asides isOo;M.Y, -
PM'S the. sassiira dipmeamer e dwirves, Mori
.1- sad amoeba ausetaiat d Boos. & Booss„ aosi
pig ma! ' _7 foe sad come lank skit&
thereto eashisd to apse as forsishis temp nosy
Moss in the iamb. Mee's, Bays', sad Youth's Wok
sad kip Hosisoad lkoposs,amonsil qualities, wefts to
ths lowest raNs aloft ni
IMPERIAL, Young Nyasa. *inn Skin and Black
Tom. of soperiatilsvor, fossils at plioes this' foil/
sok jestigeg nf ttse article. MERCURs%
antramak . ar - Inarks:ol4 ,
',kitty STORE.
KINUMBERY inAiwn 'the publk
that they am now roceivintdirect from New York
and opining is the stone lately occupied by
doer south of B. 'pageboy • Co.. a large and general
assortment of
Yankee Nations, Confreirmary,
to which the atunttioe of purchasers is invited, Their
somnolent of Grocrriesand Liquors is completq, and
will be sold at unusually low mum Call and examine.
Towanda. Juno IS. '49. ' B. L. KINGSBERY.
A. CH.AMBERLIN has just returned from
New York with a choice selection of Jewel
ry and Fancy Goods, to, which he invites attention,
as it will be sold cheap for cash-
Towiands. Oct. 22, 1849.
(ILD WHISKEY-40 bbl.. Old Whiskey, just Fe
and English milius braid nem shape, infanta end
dbildrena also gems fine mole skin Ham at "
my 29 FOX'S.
NICE CRAPE •SHAWL 4 eon be found at the
dm of B. KINGSBErRY & CO.
j V. WILLCOCK respeetfoqy ittkirms tho•poblic
d . that he has leased this well-kaolin stand, to the
village of hfooroeron, lately occupied by Smith end .
Woodruff', where be will be happy to receive the visits
of the traveling community. The house having been
ready enlarged and improved, end being welifuroish•
ed, is now capable ot accommodating all whit may Ina
him with a call.
He enures the public that his undivided cue red
attention will be given to their comfort, and be hopes
to merit and receive a share of business.
Menroetaa, Sept. 10,• 1849
SUMMER CLOTHING.—A largo asscousent of
GMods for Mens' and Boys' Rumour Clot/mi. - now
and for solo at ape MERCURIC
PHIS Institution having teen placed in charge
0. IL B • and H. M. Horr, ,A. will
commenca on Monday the Bth day of October next.
The Academical year will consist of four *terms
of eleven weeks each: Commencing respectively,
October Bth. 1849, January 2d, Mall& 25th and
June 17th, 1850.
Tallies. per Term,
Common English Studies. including Geogr.-
raphy . and Mental Arithmetic, VI 00
Name with English Grammar, and Adam's
A rithmatic.• 3 00
Higher English branches, including Mental,
Moral and fatellectual Sciences. 4 00
Alitebra, Geometry, +Surveying, &e, 4 60
Latin, Greek and French Languages, 6 00
Fuel, Ist and 2nd terms.. 26
Board can be obtained in private-families on rea
sonable terms.
J. D. MONNANYE, Preset.
C. L. WARD, etec'y.. Of. Board of Trustees.'
Bebolars received at any period of the term. and
charged only from the time of their entrance. •
Towanda, Sept. 1, 1849.
FLOUR for Geis by the Barrel, or in quantities to
suit the purchaser by L. W. TIFFANY.
Towanda, Oct. 29, '49.
LANDLORDS & Grocery-men, Take Notice, that
yea will lind the beat article article of Strong
Bar. In the country for nib by the barrel at .
Towanda. Oct.. 99.'49. TIFFANY%
DL N. SUMNER. will be in , To*andkOn the
6th of-Note:ober neit,add can be &seabed at
the Weld House. Those pentode wishing hisrts
fessional services. bad better cad upon him daring
the first week, u his engagements in other places
will prevent his remaining longer thin two dr three
weeks at this visit.
Towanda, Oct. 10, IN&
;Ate of Owego, N. Y., •
HAS permaoenty bested himself in Toerinda.—
0 in tho Union Block. over Blind re Whoa,
neat to the Bradford Hotel. net. 18.1849.
es. Pedal braid and• French late Bonnets and
Net emertneiwt at Ribbons Flowers, white. Meek, bin
nee, and term =kit bile and crape in - fact every
desirable in the shape of Bonnet Them at For&
cum wo UIIEB amuvAutfi
New Arrival of Jewelry, Clacks and
JAMES P. BULL resp ectlaity informs the citizens
et Towanda and viers' ity. them be has lately nose
ad from Philadelphia. end e i be found at the old
stand, awe door below the Erich Row, in the room 'fen
rosily occupied by Mercer's Hsi &are, where be saws
for WS a large and spine& lesertment of JEWEL,
KY, cansioilsur of pad and elver wasches, geld. fib had
rased chains. geld and abet pencils. gold pees, barest
lager sings. &a., cheep tofersh."o4 usury article
wensisted. A begs supply of CV WOKS. of the imam
iesproved patterns. rearritrg Kea Me hems to :days
end a seentik, with erewerinding.
try Particular attention paid to repeirin' g CLOCKS,
WATCHES & JEWELRY, dr Mei daledsiou. end
born the long 'swishes *lids he has hod in the
miners, work left In his cue will be dorsi la the best
workmanlike wanner. Old geld end ritwer token in
exchange. Towanda, October, 'SO; 1114 tty
Y. a, Erie , RW Kea&
Tseleadiers are now prepared to ieerive Freight
.JL of all hinds at the Owego, Bisigluunton, !heat
Reid, Lantaboro' aid Factorrille Dipots, - Evety
Tuesday. Wednesday end Thursday of each week sad
cmitmeis with regulerity throughout the season. They
will attend to rousing the same to the New York
Market, whale they have made erntagements with ex
perienced saketntm, who will Wend to its eening of the
nos, and retain the proceeds in Bankable funds at
either of the shore Depots, to the following Femme :
At the tors of r. Raynalerd„ Owego; C. IFlLinnal,
Binghamton ; at the dice of Jas. Chide, Orem
Bend; at the Hotel of E. Bum* Larerrtherw-
Aestrge•—F. Revlteilldi Owego; C. Meiltimei,
Binghamton; Jam 02imot Bed; E.
Immehera t and Co N. Wlmilet.ltraioo.
JAB. stew. itiestme" . _
•,Cheet d.
Opt. - jails, audit ir i t4atipseirdiati the Ageism
throughout the whole and mei" sal 111 ell a
dore wee Owlenies. Pia; Oystem. midie
midis bask at due Wrest prime la Sim- Tack . ad
remsedia *either or OS demo wool Defoe.
amosiftbeso Was
0V1,c0.4 !era, jr9Co*:
IF ... 111: Sl*
_ • •
- ~„ SO •
zeirxtioi. idiandw a—
. lrimagmc pereki aid Optue -ah•m
plmea.lTrweigh; N. c
Are: 2 Assibisfillis•26Nistr
'TM RECEIVED aspissaid _
J ky - tha asbaeribac, at to I, Britt Rafe, *SA ead•
be. ma at all boom sad will be mold at' tbaltaikite pal
er* O'er mellow will prim fsiiie di, *jar: eau, a
lilac We wilt thaw You sof tar.luok* mid i
vary little if Oil buy. ...We lfitil pnairitailkiibtf
aa. hurl • j aaantmear - •
Ckahis; 141Vesh• r 4 71 0.;
Cammilatie` It; Waresed diked, lialthir
Fiatthibie; gularsi ' •
• e :t r k
. Vieftiagt; • rldeA s ta / 4
• DeLeinee.• eft.* •
Merino., Re:. ,
Mao: audifteitat at Crutisdi.
LAN- 113.1.1.,: Rol - 2, [Ma Tiae.'
Tawattua.-Picai.N. 84
BRIDGE bEttikti. •
Qt.kittb rmpoweicilbe 61 . tfia roar:
dent n:odWingers °Alin Tolima 15%1it Coifs=
paid. awl if ecla' M., the 15th d. 7 -Of
fei rabnildfbi the Span' of the Mid& Atc&llair
den:roja by ire on did.24th . Tiedeei *oft for
cotresinind polten of did Bilden ifs& hull.
Fob tdn6b! inteelkatied dill! idler 'Fol. Es 44
Wto fuir !plead elute Main work.
M. C. /key:
Oct. if. 1'846.
it tie idea Store bele* tk ?milk - 1461W
. Tows Oet., !9.'49. - JOS. *rfrossEßTF
~ . ,
I MOSHER? & GO., Ai* a& dui reeeieing
from New Volt a 9 etiendve airettainst
GOODS, which be, sold eilicuitly Apr nigh.—
Oell. and ooe;
• Teweede. Iletot2,,'llK
E F. , •
IS 1 ' 0 (1104. d?teet from New York. an anintinont
61 . NAW PALL 4/4 GOODS ; which
the ptbBe amp tegneated to cal and anunina:
Twain*. October le, 111410.
bIiNILAP. 9 B 11-1107212 9
Aid lea stitEtt i
Betlrcrn iimuhtey and haunt it ,
$ll 50 pet >f7# eikott pe-;
essoaversirr or
hist received by
lilept.ll, 1849. H. 8. & at. C. MERCUL
AV. 14 Arica Nam
. •
LTUSTON 4k PORTER are new receiving, at Nak
LA 1, Brick Row, a large addition to their &Wm
stock, consisting of
Dings, Medicines, Groceries,Lista'
Oils, Nuts, Dyedsffs, him O
which will be odd Id annenally low ,at. Tisay etas
offers for ride the tipteafid sod genuine Teener the PE.
KIN TEA - COMPANY, foe which they ankigMbriated
which they do not hesitate to neconmeed el hmet es
peel& to tiny other imported.
Hieing been appointed agent fiat Doff dR gb ac trlP
ine Popular Paten! Medkincs, we aims the we
will not offer say that ere coonterleitorkieed w del My
or accept an agency from show neadstokii. *1 1 0467
base iMitatione Mimeos upon the' ebtiatifr *id des
spacious Drugs.
Towanda, Jane 18, 1849.
11. HtkTTi
TM 33-01fi WaYggsl2).
Of My. Bradford &Petty:. PC;
PROPOSEB males ;periodical &Re 13 Townie
donee tie IleS6oll of every gond.
.ge lay le
Geend at the hems of J. R. Cane, eel an rhe
3d of eepeendiee. Reference eon be fuid efey inn
orate county. An wort lammed. ettellell
£O, H. BIIINiIrING. reepeethilly WAIN L.
lk that be is jest neelekti troinii Nest irent
aseortakese of reedy-made Clodua" p • *let he in
vites the attendee of yeetishea Ail** hie ilia
may be Lend
Over Coats, Sack Coati, limbed etSsisi ' t rout and
Dress Coati, Cloaks, Pasta boas,. Fats, Roan&
about*, Ijt. itt all age f ard a prices.
lio b ditemiosd to tell W Gloithin at upotolty
low pikes for drookaod tams* tie' lillll iokilt the in.
twist id them Main to porehole. to lift his • call.
Olt' At the oil stood. between %AIM oad Logo&
boty's Stows, by dohs. -
Cott* sod oiakiog o doleot Mit! is most
fishisattbM outuaor. promptly sad . to odor.
Towanda, Choolootllo. 111407.
eatia &MD 39aarglaaust•
'IMP. Subscribe's bevies emend inte tistessibipin
Itbe above bare. for that km thath i p
twee** eire in IL. besestiesl die IWeal Bomb lb*
sting in the Urage Sleek elms lb ; will bs nods se
gem their autumn iistrues at ell segeonable bounkr-
Operatisei in their besieges will be mimed le die
test style. and with the hew passible dive eedget to the
will «namely keep on hand all salts at Oils
aralserfastselt also Hair-Dye. a *sty sepetior anti
tie. which will liernisoondY dune thibak bone gray.
fellow, or &hang red to glossy .Meek-or. luanftfal
brawn: No apology eta hereafter be Awed farthest
ugly colonel tubes and reluisksta that often Air
Egan otherwwa thmi (ratans; and Oren op itself any
disguise thenarl of time, and it plesuuns amain
the ..(lanes of youth.. Those India tit : slime
vitas has dead the ornament of a beautiful beli
hair, may bass the deist supplied by edam or us.
a:". WARM 4k. COLO NATION ere be bolatj all
MO* at the shop ha the Want Homo. • •
Oct. 1, UN&
p .--
ut rmainip bemskit liting is iiillialills
Ji. 'and Harems limuses,lntorma a IL SMITH ill 00.
is ilinisived Iliessol enesous, • Timus liiiiiiii ars
bissity sitilisi *at knomillemi II 'syloOt Imo lis mi.
at their ismitee rim b. pull, diammrdoillsiiiis.
'no beliessrigel-isissilst kranisi.iosit ilmi ell
i ititiNnirli CCU % - -- ' ' liltattiliOe•
log dishbf., j- - - 1 17174Vir 4 4 - fgaleingEr.: