Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 21, 1849, Image 2

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    *voo lii,t4iita: •
E. o. ooOon, EDITOR.
Towanda, Wednesdav, Nov. 21; 1841
Terms •f the *porter.
$ so per anneal: if paid w litu.the year 50 4,ms will
be deducted , for eashpaid actual in advance, St 00 will be
Asrvirsmestlarts. per 'square ten lines. 50 cents for. the
first, and 25 cents for each so ens insertion.
tErtiIIFUS H. MAR is authorind to receive and X*
eipt for monies doe - to rhii Wheel.
et. Advertisements, Jae., interidedlor publication in
the Reporter, should be handed in by Monday night
to onstre their insertion.
• Few Worts to ear Ilallessi!poen,.
We have ;mule out, and this week, enclese to
such of our subscribers, as have not paid us a cent,
during the past two years, their bills for the Ilepor
ter. We do this, expecting too that some attention
will be paid to them: Surely; after furnishing them
with the. paper free years, it is time we began to
think of receiving some compensation for the
amount of labor and money. me have expended.
and they of paying for de. benefit they have re
ceived. We are satisfied, that many of them—we
hope all—need only this hint, to see that they are
committing a wrong in withholding from us, what
is our due, and will promptly antra to.the matter-
If there areany however, who think that a paper
can he printed week after week, and =stained,
without pay from its subscribers we beg leave tO
undeceive them. We 'have tangible evidence te
the contrary.
A paper that is worth taking, is worth pm ing for;
and if any of our delinquent subscribers think they
have not received, during the past two years, An
amount of benefit from the paper equivalent to its
subscription per year, we' will discontinue their
paper with pleasure. One thing is certain, a sub
scriber-who permits his subscription to remain un
paid longer than two years, is no benefit but a bur
then upon Any establishment. It is just such pat
ronage (!) which makes printing in the country an
unprofitable business. It is a wrong system
throughout; one which we shall do our ramoeeto
remedy. Hereafter, whenever any subscriber per
mits his account to remain unpaid two years, we
shall forward him his account, and if it is not paid
within a reasonable time, coiled it—if it iscolleeta
ble—if not, the sooner we find out we are to have
no pay, the better.
Tn the present instances, the accounts fire made
out at the rate of 82 50 per year, to which we are
legally entitled by our terms. If paid by December
Court, we will deduct 50 dentie year. If not paid
by that time, we shall collect the former amount.
We dislike most heartily to see a dun in' a news:
paper. We Abell not inflict one upon our subscri
bers, again, soon. We shall adopt the course we
have stated ; send every one their accounts when
neglected for two years; and if not paid, endeavor
to collect it. If such a course will not procure us
our 'pay, we wilt leave the business to those able
to print a paper upon patronage that never thinks
of4paying. It's neither to our taste.or convenience.
So, " when the bell rings look out for the engine,"
and. keep at a safe distance from the track.
Of course ibis do not concern our promptly pay-
ing subscribers—and we have not a few of such.— ,
Their example is worthy of imitation, as conferring
benefit both to themttelves and to as. They are
•ur real. friends, and toinerit their esteem and con
tribute to their gratification, shall be our constant
The Stemnimist Wyoming•
This boat surprised our. citizet.s, by making her
appearance at this place, on Tuesday week, load
ed with coal, and bripOng several of out citizens,
passengers, from the Canal-Letting, at .Tunkhan
mock. The.coal, which was purchased before the
...boat started, by gentlemen of this place, was read
ily disposed of here, at 51 50, a ton.
On Wednesday afternoon, the Wyoming made
an excursion to Griffis', at Rummer&ld 'Creek,
_and back, loaded with about one hundred 'of or
citizens—ladies and gentlemen. The
made in good time, and the excursir
highly enjoyed by the entire
whom, steamboating on tJ
Susquehanna'.' vir^
The Wyr
was '
le a together
party, 19 all of
I upper wateirrat the
- • ovelty.
,y. • - -
• r
• • e
r performed her trip from Piuston
to thitipmets, loaded with coal, a distance of one
-Silted and twenty miles, in twenty-five hours,'
running time, speed sufficient for all practical pur
poses.. Her machinery which is from the " Penn
Works" of Philadelphia is admirable, and reflects
gteat credit on the .manufacturers. .
We understand that it is contemplated to build a
boat on the Susquehanna; to ply between Bain
bridge and . Lanesboro',, under the superintendence
of C C
apt. oavasusg. He has few superiors in that
line, while Mr. Avery, as a skillful Eng,iner and
scientific man is unequalled. They have acco*-
pfished in the Wyoming, what few men could
have done—and we are certain no two men could
be selected who would be such a sure guarantee
of success to the enterprise.
STATE tREASURER --T4e *Democratic papers of
ilia Slate are beginning to present 'the names of
the different prominent men in our patty Jro the
office of State Treasurer. - Among those named are
Richard Van; of Philadelphia; John;Suodgrass, of
Westmoreland ; Jacob Weidle, of Lebanon;
D. Boas, of Dauphin • Daniel
ek; Asa Packer, of &aide ; Wm. tjacket a pf Nor
thampfoo, and:. Jacob Dilliagir, of 'Lehigh. To
which' the name OE Asa Dintock, of Susquehanna,
•is added . tqf theliontrose Democrat, with the lot.
towing recommendation.: intending no dispasage.
qamotio.otheis mimed; yet we are _quite, confident
thstnot one of them is beueuqualifted for the OTlce
of State Treasurer than Col. Dimock. During the
liopfilitt administrational ,al4hat Depattatent: Went,
- Sneeidenend Rom A. Pluinerike acted Au:envier
vetipirtes financial afficer,T:er.Chiet- giet)4 old
we are essuredithettobtisfhaselpmtlemestictuewl. ,
edge Ole efficieutraidthiftNitteited. frophim in thsp
r aieletir, - nntkti r imide hafictegritt
. ... • •
14* -York T ighwr er*L-iii;.this: Stale is a s_wtl
Itatetilmi w 41.01 lOst thil
twei;ffikienterisi wre « t esitikie*is• the
havi(rattoliii,rTS_Sssatlr is Whit
by 2 insjoriiiiilte st,Tlsma nthe bi ors
votes. •
ilbiseadaradfs.—..Neeleetion of_Goventor 444. I
People, there being three candidates in the '
The Legislature, however, is whig, as usual, abbe'
by a largely reduced majooty, which will choose
Briggs Governor: Still no election for congretwin
Paltrey'sDistrict. • .•, .
Miancas.,—Dem9e,r!itia' . 11,1,1, R5O, notwithstand
ing the whig and ireii 9 il coalition. Barry, Dem ;
is elected Governor, and - both branches of the Leg
islature are of tittdreclapolitits. - • '
Wtsoossm.—Derrnieratie Governor and Legisla
ture by a large majority, ,as astial. trisconsin is
always !tilt:
Louisiana.—Democratin Governor and ;: g out of
the 4 members of Congresp, *a before, alter a bard
fought contest in which the wings.trugglekVfor the
mastery to the hriight of despetation.- • Walker,
Dem., is elected Governor by at least 2000 mt.
Afirsissippi.—But very few; retrir i tyst enough
to ensure the election of Gen'. Quitman, Democrat
Goirernor: The Democrats have elected all four
of the Members of Congress,'-which is a gain of 1.
WiIEF.LING DIST., Vs.—The telegraph reports the
election of Haymond, (whig,) to Congoss hum
this district. A wbig gain.
Tam Canal Conisalssleaers. )
This bod 7 me :at the Congress Hall Philadelphia,
on Wednesday last, all the members present. Af
ter making examinations, &c., of the designs of the,
city, for the erection of a bridge over the fichnyl
kill, at the west end of High street—the board chose
CirawrovnralHasmv, of Wirt Gayden, Superin
tendent of the road to avoid the Inclined' Plane r and
adjourned to meet at Harrisburg, on Friday, for the
purpose' of making award of the contracta_on the
North Breach Division. We understand that the
apointment of superintendent of the Norallrerch,
was also to be made last week.
_ The Pennsylvanian says, that Judge Lora
n/MTH and CoL PAINTER, the Democratic Mem
bers of the Board of Canal Commiraketen, appear
to be in 'fine health and spirits. We Late unseen
the Judge look u well for more than a year."
=sisal Matzsets.
We cut tbetollowing precious wormers from an
article in thelast Wyoming Detabant, 'about the late
" North Branch Canal Letting " :
It was on account of theill health of Judge Long
streth and Mr. Power, that they or oue of them, to-
gether with Cohntel Painter, was not in attendance.
Mr. Power is not expected to live but a short time,
and Judge Longstretles health is so poor that he
cannot travel about but very little."
Shade of Lindley Murray, preserve us !
" We hope the interest cleated and excited by the
letting will have the effect to gain additional strength
for us this winter in the legislature; and we trust
that a direct appropriation will be made. The cry
has gone forth that the work on the great North
Branch Penusylvania•Cansi bas -beta resumed—
and let it be kept up until the linty rock' has been
made to yield before the smile of the sturdy arms
of the sons of Erin's Green Isle, arid the boatmen's
horn is hearilM echo from hill to hill."
- •
1 1 Oh ! pathos ! •
How. Jamas Toorstesax. This gentleman, who
has so ably represented the Ririe diauict and the
State, for several years in Congreis, is strongly
Oared for the Speakership of die next House of,
Representatives by the Buffalo (N. Y.) Dailr . Cour
ier. That paper does no more than jostles toindp
T. when it says, "he is a gentleman of large expe
rience in public affairs, and in Parliamentary bodies,
of high talents, and his election would be a deserved
compliment 16 the Democrats of the Keystone
We find the above paragraph endorsed by sews..
rat of the Democratic presses of this Stale. Now,
of Mr. Tnosesos, we have no desire to utter disre
spect—but as we have had the misfortune to diner
with the late administration in' some question!' of
public policy,imd have endured all kinds of' hard 1
sayings from its overzealous friend& wh • an 1. 1
treason and heresy in any deviation from • "idat-
form" laid down—we may perhaps , , " Hid to
inquire what kind of an endorse • - , t of the princi
ples of the late administrai , in regantto the Pro
tective policy, Mr ~, , 'a election as speaker
would bet If we • , derstood the Hon. gentleman
aright, at the , urth of March Convenfion--or if we
rightly 4l • „prebend his published speeches, hie
t►l ado not concide with Mr. Walker's able illus
of that pernicious system. Or is it possible
that those who were but a short time since so sen
sitive about "firebrands," can now tolerate an
honest iifieremce of opinion 1 If so, it is the dawn
of a political n'illenium, which bodes ranch good
tor the Democracy.
The America arrival at New York, on Saturday
last bringing seven• days later. Mows from Rib Old
World, the most important of which is diet the
French Ministry have been dismissed or lamed to
resign and that the President has formed a new
Cabinet r which is said to represent his views and
those of a majority IA the National Assembly, 1, The
cause of this rupture is slid to be a Ailisinclumtion
OD the part of the Ministry to sustain PreadepkNa
poison's views embodied•in hisielbsr to.Pley i rela
ting to Rome. The aSaircaused considerable ea.
citementin Pulite COMM ,z
The Russian Autocrat it Rowan ;has edinguish
ed.the design pt bullying the Sultan Wont -surren
der of the Hungarian Refugees, and has informed
the Turkish Envoy that be will be satisfied with
theexpolsksi. of the Patriots from the Turkish.terri
The Anderiane continue their me) "butcheries in
hug .-- " , .
: Tag Cuouestar.,-Thie dreehid.diattams haa made
its re-appearance in the Wee. Atlriolutatioev
oral eases had occurred, and at St. Louis.theateaso
er C=861116(111 arrived co the IMO inst., from New
Orleans having 'opward of , *valet of CMS* tot
board, 17 of which iircree4caleLbtfore theiteeolier
teocbcd . :the Wharf, irbiAleotee 'Hewitt 'arrived
' with a motet' oreiweeen'lleent, ' , and • Wwatar?
jobbat* frozelandiiig-bytheteblie ttithoiritiea. .
"...Tna ;}£4lolllt 11/ neat Ryon,
inntbliPUblialled;bo4, l o -1 B l A4gri
Magnum= ,City, at fifty cents a year. The-Opt
number, which is -before ca t ieespemely repeat;
iiiTtitiAtiearinei,4lfitb - dieirtiel_twaitoaleulatmi
htentkonoind - teirif etreal
Weßtithotiftring afteltyerlitelpiec-
Fortiori' Sows.
. ,lbalt.J of oeiglOpiata. the Vidtult.muiltat,
fram''Y it is erippee# dot**
Iliegfirpeel; tbs. Sesqiiellemi.*Mit
1 , 6 P . :s47ll:B*ii6h* *ado :ffial4# f‘
,aid to have lila slimily received Mar
00 4 :44,k2-1 11.
An igeOt of the defuricreisquehmma.:CMinty
cblek . *Ow favvw
for twelve hundred dollarsoit the Broome zee*
Bank, at Binghamton. • ,Soinerittiii raitaiirWhy
the failure of,the Bank, got- wind of_ the feet that
I? e r we r .116"1"
11. that 4li k 9n f4• 1 ;"#,
_lO4- 1 0 A I
me onied the agent drew Rh, kande: Boa% ithe
Bnsoam•cPanlY-Sick,-P*o* l3 k-k - ftPAM I _
for Oa beneat - of the bill,boldms.
A goverrilsia.—Wlign. abeam year '*o', cgs .
the Geratartiown 'Telegreith, theeldeqesditnna Bank
got into aid odor tor noynideeming its nesealis
New York; one or-twis wersin the interior Pro'
elaimedit to be el wound- bent"' It turns outthat
their assertion was woe 11 it is livery - sound bank—
all soma/
T. P. ST. Joon late cushier of theJusguuhanta
County Bank, was liberated from jail at. Montrose,,
on Saturday, 10th inst.arnple•bail twin& lottyi by
several gentleman of that county, • among _whom.
were, Messrs. Hanley :and Grow; , of lung; Min's
Johnson, C. I. B.own, and. J. & B. E. .Lyons, of
Montrose. lie left with his family on Sunday. •
The Mcmtiose Denthendol the 15thibas a 0 gleam
of sunshine," let in upon this dark transaction as
follows: "We are dposed'io give credit to althorn
credit is due, and therefore eapreas our gratification
on learning tliat ti fin 'Of the more indigent and
needy bill-holders of the SuiquebanniContity Bank
are likely, It some-tiaterrot very remotii,M realize
payment (or its notes held by them. An assign
ment, we team from a:rtiOile imuce,.cif certain
b l
real estate b Tinge county ; . Y., valued et seve
ral th ousand dollars, has n made by the Direc
tors to C. L %Vann and H av Damara, to secure
the depositors and the elassik bill-holders to whom
we have referred, includingwidows, infirm per
sons and yoing ladies, wholr i ere bona fkk holders
of its notes at the time Oldie failure"
Tine Funsitsr. Czasmornrs, in Now York, on
Thursday lasyin honor of • the departed heroes,
WORM, Duncan and Grass; are described as be
ing of the most solemn and imposing display of
the kind-since the fenced of Gen. Jailor:on. The
Eulogy delivered by bum VAN &war, is highly
appropriate ;—eimple, chaste, and eloquent, it pays
to the memory and services of the illnirrioas dead,
the proper tribute of respect and admiration.
Loon our von Commtvarrs!--Counterfeit fives
on the Harrisburg Bank are in Circulation, and may
be detected by the tacit that the bill isabont a quar
ter of an inch shorter than the genuine, and the
lowerpart of-their on each side of the figure of
justice is blunt, while on the genuine it is sharp.—
The space between the right hand V to and the
female reaper is much wider than tin& on the left
hand. This is, perhape, one of the best tests; assn
the genuine those spaces are about equal. A little
attention to these marks Will enable any one to de
tect the counterfeit.
Haxay Esq., died at the liferehant's
Hotel, Philadelphia, on Thursday last, after a short
illness. He was a citizen of Centre county and re
presented that Senatorial district in the Legislature
for four years. He served as deputy Secretary o
the Commonwealth, under Goy. Shank, and as
recently appointed by the Canal Board to perin
tend the construction of the railroad to old the in.
dined plane, the duties of which o • • be was W
SW* at the time of his death
Rurritas:Scrreactm. n tbeCond of Quarter Ses-
SiOnS of Phitadelp , ' on Saturday last, Judge Par
sons eon - even persons convicted of partic
ipating in .. riots of the 17th of June, 18th of Au
gust, • 9th of October, to imprisonment in the
-m Penitentiary. Tire were sentenced fort
years; one 18 months, and five for 1 year. Of the
whole number, 7 are whites and 4 colored.
St* Joint Flux:uses Exissorriou.--The London
Athentenni has a long argumentative paper to show
that the reports as to the safety of Sir John Frank
lin and Sir James Ross are unsupported by int&
eient evidence. Among those whorhave gone out
in whaling ship' to obtain Inthrmation, is Mr.
Goodsir, brother to Professor Poodsir,ofEdinbuigh
and to the surgeon and naturalist in one of Sirjohn
Franklin's ships. A letter from Mr. Goodsii,. da
ted at Navy Board Inlet on the 10th pf At gives
some further details respecting the Esquimau: re
ports. The savages stated that Sir John Franklin
was at Whale: Point, and Sir James. Boss, at Port
.Jackson ; that Sir James Ross had travelled in sled
ges from his own ship to Sir John Franklin's ; and
thin an Esquire's:. bail been on board all four ships
about the end of April or beginning of May. Sus
picions circumstances connected with this tale are,
that the Aro is _voyagers should harm been so near
the 'mown resort of - whalers; and not hive sent any
information, is they wet* instructed by the Admi
rality to do so ; that the Esquimau: should have
no papers or vouchers; and also that those savages
are in the tiabit of answering every leading ques
tion in the affirmative. On the Other hand, emi
nent Arctic authorities entertain a hopeful opinion.
Sir George Back, who has bad great intercourse
with the native. Esquimani t declares that he never
knew an Indian or an Esonimau.i tracing to fail ;
end after deliberately weighing ill the information,he is of opinion thatjber slits, answering to those
composing the two expeditions were seen some
time in these:ingot this e ar by this &COMMIX •
but whether in Prince Regents Inlet, or to the
westward of Boo th ia, is uncertain . Capt. Parry,
Colonel Sabine, `ant Admiral Beinford, are in
raver of the truth of the Esquimau: repent. '
The munificent ofterol a reward byGoviramimi
has had no effeet in inducing
. whalers to go in
_search of the expedition, excepting two—do:True
love and the Advice.
Dem& Aims liverrox..—lt is with regret, that
we announce lhe death of Ron.. Caramels Burros,
who was for many yams one of the Justices of the
Swam! Court of Pennsikiania . .He departed this
life, at bts residence in Bellefonte - an Saturday last
the tOth instant: ' Ile bad been, tier to long time, in
active andsnuinent practitioner of the,„lawiin the
middle& counties tithe Stite,,trhen he Intta iforila'
ted Preeidailladge tsf his district. From the pos:
Wallin Wei to the bench oftheSnprente
•Cortit I ind Waidisti ' 'labia Mr acoseuess and le
gal learning. He i est hitt ammitationel term;
• Inil - rstited, Aim , WI film :!he.l o l . - sad
honors °final:ha lifit. •
• iiintamr Citites.;;Dotatielltianza.—k enrol
il.ngeaie olives eind mardettook place it. bur days
note, near SL Louis. It appears a negro belong.
ins to a Mt.classesok,eoinutitted.violence as Min
! BOA ea Saftleirligi# l . l* 04; 0 " 1 4 of
Ages and :be% of belog
detette4,,thitioliatiulliiitilaisi: ^alined nem& 1W
Irdleabet bidiberoiod•Wyeats:" Itieweigireraii
arrested and eras to be burned alire on IMO bag
Osi (-- mil
r 4l
. ~
—Thridi4ip E
~ 'CRirdrrred d NOW
iaisgeo c• kik ont
- .., 1 , " II r.--I
' - iiiiiria::; - iiie info. --
t TiEs Cantu seems fated in regard to'gold and
goliewleitidedt war, -
,It was annmeedmot keg dace
that the limits of the placin had been settled, and
_thee ) ** Bierra Nevada was the greet itorehonse of
the precious' metal. Since my arrival, however,
discoveries have been nude which almost indite
an to belies that the whole countty, from San Di
ego to . Cape Mdlarkilno , from the Pad& *Oki+
most ridge of die Nevada, end heaven' knout - 'how
mach turatetAfidlrgedddo AM* amoP!eteli ow" ,
oned and spiced with the yellent grams. - .News
reached San Trantiects of a Sage plied Wing been
found on Tripitylllii!er t a stream which rises in,the,
.Coast Range add empties into the Pacific opposite
' the head of Sacramento ' Valley. Tale story was
soon' Vorillethy ips diligence front the diggins on the
Amerged fork, which stated thakthe diggers. were
leaving in large bodieitfor the Tiinity placer Where
men were said' to *ash out POO *day: It Is best
to mein the sioritli of goldedigglag. even hereorth
a grain 'of allowance, bdt the main fast is, rate. „I
lately saw a letteelsoni,a merchant in Suramentii
tit, to his partneirin . San Vranciseci, In which he
says: 'There Is good news from' Trinity River; gold
is very plientratot provisions . scarce. We shall
make a great raise on the loads I have sent .
Neu the Mission of Sad Abtortio,sitdated &Moog
the _CoUt 'Mountains. 60 miles'lodtei of thii, a
washing of eonsigitable richness has been discov
ered. At the last accounts, a somber of people
were working there, with lair su-pest', and traders
are beginning to send their testaii in that direction-
Gold is laid' i&elist id - metal quaitities lieu the
Mission of Carneelconly foot mites from ibis town.
and, in fact, there is every geological iorlicalion; of
it. That San Fracisco itself is built on a plader, I
am well sittisfied. To my certain knowl edge, boys
have picked 54 Cud 65 in a few hours, from clay
dog 30 feet below the surface, la sinking a well.
The story of Mr. Harrison, the Collector, haying,
found gold id the abodes of the Castriat-House, is
something more than a good joke.
But by far the most magnificent discovery is that
recently made upon the radche of Col. Fremont on
the Mariposap River- It is nothing less than a vein
of gold in a sblid roct —a bona fide mine, the fist
which has been found in California. Whether it
was fiat detected by a party 9f &moms or by the
company which Col. F. organised last Spring. and
which has since been working in the same locality,
is a disputed point, though I believe the credit is
doe to the latter. At any rate, the gold is there, and
in extraordinary abundance. I saw some speed
meos which were in Col. Fremont's possession.—
The stone is a reddish quartz, filled with rich veins
of gold, and far surpassing the specimens brought
from North-Carolina and Georgia. Some atones
picked up on the top of the quartz strata without
particular selectioti, yield Sot. of,gold to every Mo.
Col. Fremont informed me that the vein bad bee!
traced for sore than a toile. The thickness on the
surface is two feet. gradually widening as it de
scends and snowing larger particles of gold. The
,dip downward is only about te so that the mine
can be worked with little expense. These an the
particulars first given me, when the discovery was
announced. Still more astonishing facts have just
come to light.
A geolegist sent out to examine the place. arrived
here I iced the -in
a dist ,
of 150
is situ
from .
It was
only I
out it
eontry is tolerably quiet, speculation in lots, though
still going on, having assumed a more cautious
character t San Francisco. Stockton, eacramento
City, and San Jose still maintain their value. Ben
icia lots are rather doll and have slightly fallen.
while Col Stevenson's New-York-okhe-Pacific,
with its awkward and absurd title, d oes
. not seem to
be thought of. A town called Vernon, at the smooth
of Feather River, is rising rapidly to notice, and
another is said to be springing up on Trinity river.
Many persons have made large fortunes by buying
up lots at a lucky time and selling them still More
luckily. A case was told me of a young man who
last, fall borrowed money enough to pay his passage
from the Sandwich Islands to Man irrancisco, and
who is now on his way home with $BO,OOO wedeln
tiais manner. Three or four gentleman who cal*
up in **Panama bare already made 20,000 sim
ilar operations. A friend of mine who shiped lom
ber from New York to the amount of ill, sc
it here for $14,000. Houses which cost 11-1141 II
readily and the demand is constantly in
creasing. At least 75 bosses have been imported
from Canton, and are put' op by Chinese carpen
ters. Nearly all the chairs in private families are
of Chinese manufacture. and there are two restaur
ants in the town, kept by Kong-sung and Whang
tongt_where very palatable chow-chow, curry and
tarts ire served op by the Celestials.
Washing is 'till $8 a dozen. and the coosequenee
is. large quantities of soiled linen are sent to Our an
tipodes to be purified. A vessel just in from Can
ton brought 00 dozen, which were sent out a few,
months ago; another from the Sandwich Islands
brought 100 dozen. and the practice is now becom
ing general. San Fraacisco is in fact, more me
uopolitan in its character than other port in the
world. Its trade with all parts of the Pacific is rap
idly increasing.
Tbs overland emigration is pouring into the coun
tilt, in a full tide. , The-reports which reached here
of distrait on the 'aims, and the certainty that many
of the emigrants Inlaid • need aid before reaching
I the settlements, caused a public movement in favor
of raising supplies to send oat on the routes. Private
individuals and companies contributed largely. and
Gen. Riley, being applied to. promptly gave carte
blanche to Maj. Gutsy and Capt. le of the Q. M.
Department. to furnish all the assistance ice their
power. Several hundred pack maks, under the
charge of competent Akers. haireiteen Benito Vali
echos, at the edge of t h e Great Deans. and •to the
Sink of Humboldt's River. in the Great Basin—the ,
places where emigrants will most, require aid. — I
Word has reached las that manywagons have stop
at• the latter place, unable to, proceed Anther.—
I have heard of no such distress on the Northern
route as on the Southern. The emigrants I. the
North so far as !learn. have not been molested by
the Indians, while the hostilities of the Yumu and
Marieopas, at the Colorado crossing, have already
cost the companies 00 - the Gila the loss, of several
lives. , •
Vessels continue to arrive at San Francisco, from
the United States. When I left there, two weeks
ago, 102 vessels tad arrived out of the -kW which
sailed from different , ports in the United States, do
r:114 Am Witatee and Spring. 'Since then. they are
begititiing to crowd in more rapidly: 1 was this
morning informed. though not on the most reliable.
antharity. thel k t6 had arrived in two days.
Ao arrivoin the Sandwich Wands has bro%
ihe Mulling intelligence of the 161audslikehig been
'taken by the Ffillell. It is the Same old quarrel
broken out *gain. The story. na I have hearth. is
this i Tie Laud Governmeat paced a heavy duty
oo !grim's articles, such "as wines add lupus.
which constitute the priaeipal expcirtationslitain
Trance to the - -Facille. The commegder of the
French leer at Honolulu demanded that sit. should
be revoked. and, on the refusakopened his, guns on
the fort, which firialy fielded. 'Me then ocoupiedit
and, took possession , of the Island. An express
call lierein sixteen bones froth San - Francisee-.130
'miles—with Menem , . - What the.eoms of gothee.,
. ities. WS . bosreFgreAf cu li e .r+Mtio ) , 11 % 2 090
The CiniMilidi titre hatittaidefininsiona lONIA
ined loatillopailatessidueOkalmilfivaisi mots
three fourths of a Suite Constituli t it‘it
- ... ,
. , .
will then be Oen on the Coistitetisa,iltdiefier its
adkiptickhaselitatkier ItAbold4 - .lkw AtOakum
Z g lZforti *O W = 4rocci
siliereAhMeetttleetrAlde place. A " en*
dehlesoea tonic Inner, itAt Dadell
Cal me °win, Ind ltbord ififi -,iphice his removal fro
*lollll.oolmlAhooled of a ect off
at dice, haft's' made himself too ollorldeor
his course at Ilan Diego,; so bar wait shame of
Among thth o ne o i: —ate! deeiledfairies
vendee ant g:
Slavery atiali mu , be reread in Cohjrrict
AseitiMrtiri - triraitiliitUriters t.
the : tioe naatiis,of tblfillilr 41111 be dime Axed by
Kellett, einbracing thiiifiele of the interior tem Me .4ilteat, Sae* h ete__free ,tdmits.
akall be admitted' hito the ithitory (pined • by a
"smelt majority eat will probably' beleeoesillerett
the-State capitatsball be uttablithed ac Paeblo Out
'lose t inhabitants otledian bbod shall not posseis
the right tof inffiage, (this iisiVA tifOne vote, Mt&
difl noloulit be changed on vecoed . reading—the
native members are-very indignant; ends, subject,
as the law would embrace' some of the Arm foloilieol
in the,conntry.) The right of married woman to
property possesied before marriage' has also been
established, and the-lest Legislature reaomended to
pasateersrelaws againstdeelltoffo; in moo- of lie
provisions, the Quottitution is wiseand,liheral: and_
if two or three very objectionable isirti tie removed,
will do lasting,hanor to its makers.
The-healat'afthe:cemtry is improviegiagueund
fever having almost e;ifely disappeared. .fhe in.,
tens. heats are over., the climate is now mild
Mid delightfal.." n .
giwah.atii man
named itobinicoi at Slut Solis W 1 13. be , was
tried:aad acquitted•on thatgroandafjustifiable hem.
NV'S roa Liwisas.A tiikl lb about to take
place at pan Francisco, .on• Ike. cia
lition whether
land titles issued by the old Sp'ani'sh Government,
and not reeorded, are better than Malian' titles that
are•recordeti. - Thin sal be_great picking for law
The Alta California of Oct 1 says : Otinpoteder;
in large and small quantities. is offered for sale in
nearly every store and tent in the. city. Should a
fire break out, the destruction of human life would
only be equalled-by the lose of property. for an um•
heeded spark will. reduce oar fiourishing town to
Washington-st. will 'bear of the palm' for the
enterprise of its residents. A watering-cart has
been introduced at their Print expeitee. .. •
Ship Samosets, which arrived in this harbor on
Sunday last, has on board as iron steamboat, of 78
horse power, complete and-ready forimmediate use.
Her owners are quite sore eti a. small ";sprinkling"
of fortune if their vessel be made to ply between this
city and Sacramento. , 0
Hon: T. Dialer Kingli slowly recovering. He
will, in a k' days, repairito the lovely and quite
valley of licosoma, in order to More folly recover
Gasess.—Sononta is the first this, !lesson to send
into our markets the delicious products ofberphoiee
Melons have daring the week. made ' th eir appear
ance is oar' &aches. • • • '
Ter. putts-telt Hoeszna..—From certain indiea
tions we are led to surmise an active intrest already
awakened and at work in the mauer of the approach
ing election of Senators and Rrpresentatides to the
Oisocress auks UniteteStilki feom ttit State of Cali-
Rotate. As eandidatec atirathlaily on the carpet
and partizansnip rife in the Capitol tee can safely
conclude that the adjournment of tilts Convention
wig be the 'Signal for dinging Out' thelianners of the
respective parties, girding on'thffarlitor, and enter
ing the arena in earnes. .We shalk i partake of the
sport from "the judges` stand." and approve of a
fierce contest so long as all goes well lbr Calder ,
Green Corn, onions, "small (new) petal:her."..
pears. apples and pretty country girls • have been
abundant in oar 'streets during the week. The first
offered at $2 per dozen
_ears. Onions, large ones,
(sock as California .alone can Produce) 50 cents
eich., Pears, apples and" small potatoes, " are terms
synonymies.. and should not be taken this reason.--
Each one of the black-eyed seseracta may be sada,
but we are inclined to doubt it.
The Pacific News says:Through the indefatigable
exertions of out new postmaster, Mr. Meore,the ar
rangements at the Post-bake for the distribution
and delivery of letters, dec. are now .such that no
further cause of complaint will exist on the part of
the public.
. Tim Bats 'Two Fassans.—This vessel which left
Panama on' the 20th April. bound for Man Francis
co. with 165 passengers. sad width was supposed
to be lost. has been beard flaw A gentleman who
was a passenger on board has called on nit and
states that after exploring the Pacific Ocean during
a period of about four months. and coining to the
conclusion that circumstances warranted a separa
tion between himself and 'two friends," resolved to
leave her and endeavor to reach land. Accordingly
in company with some
of the passengers,
the effort was made and successfully accbtoplished
they having reached thi shore some 160 miles south
of Banlliego. When be left the ship all were to
good health on board. and it is believed that the
ship will arrive at Man Francisco in: the course of a
few days.
the thunder storm on Thunday last, . a bolt 'struck
the building occupied ss a Feed Store, by Messrs.
Snyder & Co., near Lock No. 42, at East Schuyl
kill Haven. The fluid struck the root, passed down
the front of the building, and separating, descended
on either side of the front door, through which it
entered into the store, where Mr. Friends 'Bence.
man and Mr. Snyder were standing.. It struck Mr.
Snyder on this shoulder, completely .stripping the
clothes from that portion of his person; passed down
. his side, across his abdomens htOUgh his pantaloon
pocket where wai some silver change, thence
down his le* and out through a very considerable
hole which at burned in ther.bouomef his boot,and
disappeared through the floor: Mr. Snyder was
stricken down senseless and apparently dead, in
which condition he remained until some of the
neighbors carried him out into , the rain, which in a
few mintites caused him to revive; h e continues
however in a very weak and precarious condition
Mr. Benserpan was also stricken down sense
less; bat revived veryloOn. • •
The binding was shattered- from the roof to its
foundation, and it seenuireally minscaowithat the
inmates were not instantly.kided. They moment
that at the_instant of the shock - they felt as if thrown
into a heated fumice;:and the 'smelt of sulphur
was utterly overpowering..
intr. New Bounmiay.—Messrs. Key, ] Eyre,.anil
Biddle, commissioners to settle the. NorthWeston]
Ihoundary of mu State, entered" opott' their atities i
on Monday last. We leant that several of the old.
land marks were discovered, and; that enough has
transpired to show clearly that our , friend Smith
(who has been so long boasfing, about the " fiide
pendent Territcny,".)
Moentitisen of Penn
sylvaniaMoeniralailityleritnry whit fine
petwements, thus addedro Pennsylvania, which
has . heretokombeen supposed Where keletofiell to
DelawaT. For the future we prose-! Aphid any
new CAmatiosionets to peOkr - bouodoiimr; we have
little - enough already, but if . .theresatinua. at
Vb • sballaarhava a foot of .soilitogiaw npor?„
liitxxsurrriutlntea x —The said hon.'
tem have rettinsed- 1 to \Weems Thus • hem the
Wichita mountains in thst\rogion west_ tif Arkansas
and report that they Icand 'apparently inexhautiti
ble silver mines; As to-rid, the Indiana - would
thesis Nriipenment 19th the sands ot
the seems; but' is<leuddl , qvaatatyAmought -away
4esiesbleCthet:frosillsdieh =gold eitießted m July
hut A Reny . ot setlicient fora to defy\ rollort
intentlAotztor., ,
4: s rta
#iehla . .hieti yeisirdej.ff the. Stealbsti l y
note, free Galveston sth inawi t
Are ; 4 =l the Maim d th . '
..e... • an 6 tineei Of
im almi r . merit,' boat the interior of the
* tiefiliMS, of the icidi aft, sari that a • ew „ . .
Pin Wail* Whir Matted in
_Galveston for the pe r .
pi-of minim a canal from Sae Luis or Wert G e t,
vegan Bay to Brame 'wit*, l i t the privileg e ,
111000 e.O llll l. IV J4 l ge.. "Olerffie Illsz.
Oiriverwithilhalleir AMIII meek e a
Colorado.. ' ' -
It is Inamried 16 . 11144 t to lhilleiltloleblee, kw
canateharter. Theca , stock will he 11150,600,
With thif Privlifgrirbring it to Ski 0 3000; I&
be divided into therm df Illif each.
We take the followki free' the Vides Ahem, •
of the . 2d instant: -
' '114 .- iidllor i*'tiif'''Weiftfioi'' -) Mi'WrliSi - aerii"'ii'iet:'-
ter to Major Babbitt, kits 11M/timer of the m ew
dated at X.l Palo ail Ma, - SOfttimiber le. Th,
gaventmeatraitt had arrived thereon.the Bth eh,
Utimp.bess fiftVll4l.,, l 4lli ..mereh. The
writer adds:- l• ' . • -.
nßepott sli#t that irnericit4 in ahe employ of
the state audio•iiies'AL-Chikohosy have entered
our territory, attacked, killed, and scalped peace.
lid Iridiaarrotem . ' Presidio del . . None. This wilt
iodine apartrietket variots - tribes hostility to all
w hi te th ee. ; Chihitahlia irin66r llkrallY 'besieged
by the Indiansbecanse of this Obtrage.-' 1
A fight bad 'Wien place between a' dritaehmenr
of American Ire*, co,MisandEd to Maj. Stria
and a party of Apache Indiana, aboutahiety mik e
from Dona Ana, m the aireMsotforthir 'Gila: c o ,.
poral Norwood and Sergeant Snyder were Pilled.
Major Stein. was Slightly. wounded:. `
The loss ortherAndians was not:, Mcertained, hilt
forty horses and males were retaken ? The Amer. ,
icans were front,frirty-to _o4=4 ;
.10 Indians from
fifty to sixty-Ant Melanie were strongly Pelted is
almorteimperviam thickets.
The &or ..dattratoe /Valera Tawas of the 2ettr ult.
says: •
ti .f. train of SW ftteirits !kilo* being fiehi
out &Om this pike for the, pass by the way of La s
Mores, and will probably leave In ten' days."
. ..
Fum AND Loss or firs.—Oh Thtinidily eveaitt,
the 18th oft, the bowie of John Townsend, D., i l ,
Southport was consumed by fire. ' Two boys. tte.
tin Townsend, abbot' 14 years of age, and Jame!
i t
H. Hardy, ,uslarl .8 years
_Fere victims to thito.
less dallies. 1.1 dud_ 310-_,Tovnudjblit t NeSer
with most of e Ptojile, of , the - fieifiity, were at.
tending a meerrag lb evening. 'When the fire
was discovered, tibout..7.odloelt,. every effort tin
put forth to restrib ditilittlifi entetern, brit their ci.
torts were unavailing.Thi vitaspark was quench.
ed! -It seems they h,a - d.retired. to bed, and when
awakened to a knee oT their danger,, either from
fear or inabilityto escape, they had taken refuge
under the bftl.. By' the- falling of the bed upon
them, their bodies were partially preserved. Neith
er of the boys was a member of the family the
belonged ie the house. ft seems they had met
there to find an early 'doom together. James was
left them by hls.filither a few days befoni, to rem a i n
with the family, duying'a short absence, Imelda'.
tin went to-keep him-company during the absence
of the family din the evening. The origin of the
fire is auk . wn.,...a-rhennuog„(N. Y.) Democrat.
. -
Tee Enrromaz Ceirvzsztoo at Harrisburg, n t .
the Bth inst., was, we regrerto state, not as lar;e e
the importance of the motement and the prutftsel
zeal of many ofour editorial, brethern, had inbred
nit to anticipate:• Still they were a goodly number
present, bur not sufficient, in their opinion, to we.
rant tbentin taking definite action upon the's*
jests whieh should occupy the attention and cum
maptl the energies of country Press of thin*
at this time. They, therefore, adjourned until le
firatTnesday in January; when we bepe to see 0
least every Congresuirmial district well repines*.
On ibis occasion, it afforded Oa math pleasure
make the personal acquaintance of brethren ark
WfiOm We bad not previously met, and',. Alio*
the convention wascompannively email. we at
none who participated in it, will their sum
enure. -
re cannot ewe this notice, without ten.
daring to'brbthet tori,•of tlinTele,,,oraph, out thuds
for the generous bcopitalityttointilited by him Ed
-his, to the membersot the Coui•ention.--Wesairs
tir Dernocret.
Exrasomnse me Passover. or Mum.—We lean
from the. Bedford ): Gazette, that the you've
daughter of the editor, Gen Geome \W. Bownm
had well nigh lbt het life on Weilhesclay of ha
week, from her Clbilites taking fire, but waan tared
by the presence of maid of her mother. It Fens
that while completely enveloped in a sheetof had,
the mother, certainly with great danger to heoct,
effectually smehered the file' by wtappingthelitle
creative tightly in her own dress! The only init.
ry sustained by the little girl was in the load be
long beautiful hair, which fell in earls upon her
shoulders--and, this to the natural instinct of her
sex, !t the first thing she thought of alter gieS4
over her fight, was the curls. ft is indeed a sin.
gular fact, that this is the second child which
mother has saved under precisely 'similar rinse
Tits WHZELENG BRIDOL —The. people of
burg have begun to experience the ohanues
which the erection of the %Vheeling, Bridge ht
caueed - to navigating the Ohio. The late - ire&
swelled the river so-meeh that several iambi°
were unable to pass the Bridge without cratinf, , ei
several feet of theirchimee.ys. The Pittsburg rr•
nude are loud in denunciation of the Midge. Ili
regular packets between that city and Cinciand
and Louisville are compelled to resort to tmaDb
some, dangero%_espensive means to rot el
obstruction, thus carusiig a delay in their Toy:is--
The value of the public works of the State andfs
Pennylvanie Railroad, which is now in proms 6 . !
rapid crnistroctiao, mei materially effected by iv
obstruction. - Fens !or damages are to be comae
cud inimediately. in both this State and VI
against the Brice," Company,. and each storo
is irdividually liable to the whole amount ono
prorierty.--Phitedelpkie . .Ltrigirei. Friday.
.Durrus air HTDROPHODIA.-•••A young nail ,
years 'of age, 'son of Noah' k. Pratt, of Two.
Masa. ; died on Monday last, of ,hydropbobl ° 1
was not conscious of-having been bitten,
Mr P.'s dog was killed in Nov., 1848, becata,
ehewed symptoms of the diseease. Ble . o
Maas., Mr. Asa 'Emory, Who was bitten mtl
thumb by a stray lap dog in .May, died of ITO
phobia en Tsftday. It was. only the Satindair
Tim* lhiti he O*Periegicett the fire'
A Tiacoonr IN Vlltallll.l.—Aman named Balm
'residing lithe neighborhood of Danville, Vtal-v g
kite I a few days ago in an attempt to resist wit
fire-arms the officers of the law who had been
reefed to take him into enktiidy for
Ititi his wits , by shoritina her with a T itle throe
window at the residence of his father to law: 9
confronted thorn ~in the, and of his hotbe; - fti,
with a rifle atone of the'. pa, •y :
on them with a reiotrer. v^ . l.-v of rev
and musketry'brotOthial to Ihe ground. '
Tslg*AngPo.4l,4tbeis M the Tennessee L
tu!!! are eltretly, equil, The Dernoelau
e m4(141113' one libuse, and the whigslo i
thieein theliatieri on joint ballot there is 3ay
Renee when they go into Convention 1 01
thewitt-diefei-19elL A.Nuit emmentiou urea
titect-arat . on the 19th ultimo but oa re
'IBM : Coto
8"1"31;StIalls•—.-The follawin.,o banks are Vs
down in Thiinipsnies Bank otelteportee d .
inl:=4liiikhrity'Boink, Maryland; E XChange
Wankiingtort;Sl C.; Stain Bank at Morris, N.'
James' Bask Jamesville, N. J.
MAlliGAWar vein of this valuable my
has been discovered at the farm belongitW lc ) "' ,
Moss o. Brown, in Vice township, this evous .
The vein is lilts, and promises es yield
WM !Vat better than three tow. In 8 ""
sadphrc 'ni-...halrellectf taken.— awhile rohneor•
• cult , •