- - • . Mil Irinclimeirmigvacjx ,6 - • Read this eiguinn..-estrahl4. -- -Tbitre is a Banapentathraste in-thodieniant towsanallnd $ll. Dr. Jingo Toyama.Pi Bahama. Ma. ., It. .3a , Asditrarthed is theorizing!, Ike. This laaaotetieaebdadtala Dr. Tows. nowilaut expended nattriroo.oootlmahodedmlltrtYalal..trid • veitlitat hb Iliinsparilti, which ball oblaider a ellimiater and tepadatien, throttimat the tlidvidlhatakaltd a , greet; of the world—llie ask heitTaaaalaolls; Thls;inelta the enpfdity of iniprineiplett Men, and Mt old man, who has been engsgal la twaldSaraheapplb. Mallalurrif a nal:6.i of ;ream Trti mitra no on -Townsend. Ito ;prima in a number id men to net employ „inant.or to sell the use of imams , . to pat ap Mr.:Towneend'a Aatapanila, statina the large -sale• and soma we- had re. ~aid•drin adrerti.inia - as an tadurnmeat to embark in - tha Crtiattelk•f. Munng others, he epplted to Ca' mins W strolls, Ejot Editor of the JamArs P inner. who ....reed noel, al ,, position. Mr. H. 14.: AN itE PI NS, foramtiy one of tit. Pro. rolnt.on of AIcALISTEES OINTMENT MA Llnt PO'll - MOT, Pinned, P.Andlicr an.l Financier of Mot kroken Shia rhuter Bat It Now Jer.y. JOIIN biLILLMAN and vou.LtAir TI1:IMP:40N, tinder the name of TITOMP. SON, !MILLMAN t 001...1t5v0 emvloyed this witl man. and sicraecl, as re , Usillerianest. tp pay Itrqir **Men dollars per week, Ifitg. the usti of his now-. *ninon tura he,, hero insulting ISM Mottling min all norrilde form, in hope. we would noiica them. and thus loins' them met their, .decoetloa into market. Ira;the public decals uPeta th e ,Da da, of the., homost and Iseadrable men. Ore akf !heir Tricks They say tbnt Dr. Tow meal's S.wmparilla sour. and Se ments--tbis is false; as wo biro kept it throulii the whole year in New °Hama, ...I South Aaericis and the West tuilles.—io fact. the older rt gr 0 ,. .• the herby it becomes. We made a Pm hr lev , t Spain=, that 'Palle.. This we rojr.ll.ul. anti • tr{Vinoul . 0 010 aleh no 2...C1.6,W - 1601 ne.. r otxur 'Ruin "rhi - they attomptmt to ,make n wag .tur• uf au.l t•tut who:. of our Sanapardla pour.. kr, whoa they ate :Mare that tiny us pabStbiat faieenoo.t. Druggistsar others , . atm tell any Sirsaparills for ah* ens' and Piaui:a Dr. Trissurrnil's Sarsaparilla, libels of who *all Sarsaparilla arrapr.l la ansslopaa that con tain libels on our San...panne, we shall hold responsitiltlipr the snipe. dilliviC43-141.[•Militil:22-01 - 4r *Ol Dr.& P. Twirl:weed has paid the Press in We United Awes, within the last five years, at least i11.31/0.000, Others err sow endeavor-his to rasp the adirsonage and benefit of his silver tisane, by publishing that theirs is' the original Dr. Tow. essid's Sarsaparilla and that ours garments. sours. dice. &e.; those are base falsehoods and gross fibria and we Shall be &ides the necessity of bolding publishers responsible for any damage thatinay be done as, is siring circulation to these Was !reports, which are well calculated 'to injure our lotuses. PRO011r:: P1100F::: • .. Derail proof conclusive ttrit Dr. S. P. Torros..tors S■rsepsr 'Otte is the orifinal. Ten folio» i.e. I. from some or the mod respeetatiki end itillueutial Papers io this State. • Free the Alban Ere - minx Atlntr , auk. TOW MIEN SAIIMAPAIFfaIiILAs There pr olmbly has net er been so popular a remedy, or pa. tent modicite. as Dr. Townsemr. Sarsaparilla. which .11 Originally. and continues sobs manufactured in 'this city, as first by "the Doctor himself, and alierwards for several years. and to the present time by Clapy di Townsend. the 'moron Proprietors. Since the partnership was formed. the Doctor Las minded In New York. where he keeps a store, and attends to the business that accumulates at that point. The manufac Prot7 fr fetid,. city, and is conducted by tom junior partner, Dr Clapp—hem all the medicine is manufactured. • Few of oar citizens hove any idea of the amonto of this mediums that ii manufactured all sold. tiesides the sake tot this country. it is slapped to the Canada*, West India Is lands. South America. and even is Europe, In considerable quantities. At the manufactory they employ a steam engine, besides a large number of men. women and girl., U. the pre paration of the medicine, making hoses:printing, ste. iq and turn out. ready for shipment. over 400 &mow per dry or nearly 83,00 bottles. This is an enormous qualP.oty. The great sale the medicine hen acqutred, lons induced • Camber of men to get up imitations and there is at the pre mat time. other medicines for sate.. that are called "Dr. Terasperd's Ilarsoparilla." One on otirticular. started satinet l'lme ago in New York is call-, Dr..larob Townsend's SnrnnPnrine." and apparently with • view. by-dint of adver. thong and the usual seeo-res rmairted to in such efforts. Ao appropriate the name of Dr. IL P. Tow nsend's great remedy. and thus gain a:. the advantage resulting from the impularne of the namit-whieb he bum acquired Roil. by yeah of patient and expensive labors. Dr. S P Townsend, I/innerly of this city, as is well known here, le the Unmoorr and original pro prietor of the medicine home. no "Dr Tow ittnnal• oar aaparilla,", and we think those person who are attempt. tU$ to sell their amide es the origitml, should be exposed. /Prim am Nee Pork Pat'y Su*. TaIaNSY.IGD's extraordinary oirortmement. which ore games an entire page of the 85:e, will not escape entire. Dr. 8. P. Townsend, who is the original propnetor of Dr. Towaseed's Ilarnparille. and whore Mice is next door to surs. adore he limo been for aereral drivin g an ill- IMP. Ansi nena Be receives noise:elites Penelliendred dozes of Sanieparilia per day, ann even thin doormats quantity does mit supply the demand. Na medicine ever gained no great • popularity as Id* preparation of the Persaperilla His edi. vim of Almanacs for 1549 cost Ira WO. and he has paid the slew York San forpolieriminr. in the last four', mow over $lO,OOO. and he wok miroledess that it is tee cheapest advert'. Map be her ear drum. This medicine as gaper/ad to the Caesar", West Indies South America 'and Europe in co* giditimble quantities, and is coming into general use in those tountnes, an •eU as here. = The 04d Ten... , peper vet.tseeee the ii4hrwing.: 9 AMAPAII7.I.I.—Anvonx the onisercirs. estnaris of this lllll%ikalla root, Birr.iirr T00...v."11's hears the ran of It is ihareil so ex.e.llrui faniily medicine. end hewing used it in our own faintly with decided advantagr, we SAO recoretezed stgestio porfort siuucesn. VilltilUGGlSTah to our ,optiati.any Drama or who keeper who wised a ss the spurious Sarsaparilla, because they man make a great?, profit by it than they eau by selling the genuine. and sell it AT the original tad genuine Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, sad deUeive duo, customers. would coinuiii ear fraud for luny. Such men have no honor and should out be truatid. SWINDLERS. Orsuxists or others that sell Ehumparilla for the genus./ and original* Dr. ToOnsend's Sarsaparilla. that w not sigma by S. P. ,Towimeild, 'Commute • frond., and soma-. the Cu. tamers. • Men Mal would be guilty of such an net a mild Co.. mit any other fraud-mood no Druentst of common intellineace hut knows that oars is lay only F."... OLD JACOB TOWNSEND. Some people who are not well informed, and ham not read the papers, and not meu our advertisement.. have be e n led 10mipposs, thee because them men &daytime (near stuff " oid Jacob Towaseuit'a," that it must, of course. he the on. final. It i. less than due year since they commenced to make their medicine. Our. has he... in the market over tea years. Many thick the above Innenum so too plan. or severe. It le the troth ; and we would leafe it to the judrumot of any fair-Inhaled men, if Limy do not deem it. We have labored for years, and expended hundreds of thomanda of dollar, to establish the - reputation of our modicum. These mea are ea desioriag a approprmte the runts to themselves. TUBS OLD JACOB TOWNSEND They are oedema:aim to pains Of on the public se as old Physician. Sc. He is iota regular educated Pliyeicisus. and serer attempted Am meaufmture a medicine, until these men bind him (or the use ofitis name. They my they do ant wish the people to believe that men 2.umparilla is ours, or the same—but the better to decylvetie public, they at the mole same assert that their's 15 Um Old Dr. Toonsend's, and the original; and endeavor to make the people believe twat the smOrthey mrsit(schers, in the Dr. Townsend's Senamailla, that "boa performed - so many watoderiel cores for the past ten years, sod which has sidood• reputation width no other medicine ever nap) ed—mtucti i. a base, siltranoueomprin elpled falsehood. We hare commenced suits i t gai m t th em . two lee damages. We wish it to he understood, this the old wane as relation of Dr. Townsend whatever. la timer ad. vertimmesits and circular', they publish a, number °Carom ilabihoode ',speeder Dr. Townsend, which we wilt not uoth.e. VALIUM REPORT* Our opponeaut have published in Ow japers, that Or. $. Townsend was dead. This they send to their agony' awed the notate,. who report that we have Line op had own, &es &es the public should I ke on their guard, and rioebe deceived by these unpriacipleAmsn. THE CHOLERA. 7%i5in.... et the present, is regarded with impose interim, as it is ,diclusowirdged to be in oar irsulty. Item as In Europe, almost every ybysiciau has an infollibla nobody Aar the disease. yet all are different in their effects and result.. And it will prove here as in Europe, that at least tsrmtbintacif all coulirmed cases die—and that it Le a fact that cannot be controverted. that there h no i.e.. remedy fir this Ada mauve. Oss• physicistn say. that it I. easily cured, by mild eracuenta ; smother says that it requires pow er Ail cathartics; one, that bleedin, to faintueam is the only remedy ; ether' Inainta in blood-letnag neaitaie to kill Boma *pick& avoid all anniulaam; and others aarthat 'Brandy to *etude to core t whilst the Quaelta declare tfair Pith to tern the Cholera In any of ha mades--mhigh wormed, If g.k. s as proscribed, be miriade to bill say men or beast- The Cholera seems to be sent by Providence to force the plopbsid lir earth lobe cleanly and eirbtomt. These - are the only great Pitige ENTIVES. It is acknowledged by all, that Our streets, yards. cellars and sinks should be cleansed, and , that pentiumi clematises' us Indispensable—but to moire safety. the loteraul system, We mot triode/hi, beautiful and delicate. einchlas, sod talkaitall • Tnr. LIFO TIME BLOOD, . The seat of ell disease mast be kept pare. A man with sleek well blood, coursing in his vein., may laugh et Wi ckets:a. or at disease. Tint system mot not be redivide shacked or disturbed by physic. Git eptist/y charmed. D& L P. TOWNIStriDrB ISARDAPAIULLII on do ibis effectually. " it out ouly. demise. cad strength. .11.1 the mums. but creates rich and pen bloode—the Liquor et C.a. -Wee do not ally that this Derseparille will care the Oboist& bat prevent it. This niedwias has by its estraordi. sup sad sionderful rants epos disease. paned a reputattue over nearly one-half of the slate. that is unprecedented. It Is always ante aud . besenicial to the sick 111111 i well, and is es. pecialiy aitoratary at this wander limp to pound UN Cholera. TtlDbatiar trir the limit. De. B. P Towesend". Senaperffla turn tin wont mese of the Polpitosies of the gout Tee following to atria. tar downy. • Wont Hikm llbuena Co., Doe. 2d,1&19. Dr. R. r. Tooremen..— ' fleet : Podia; newer prou'uir obligation:a to you tbr the benefit I lava receive.' from your in... Met& flenmpluade. and tomoorma may :adore .tbero no tryst iforanaitag I bare beau tudueed to mat* this commealcotioli f - ;;;ir:Tt - m7:ellt of those ebb are sillietodso Iltane been. Pre aloes to *akin your Ilinaperilte 1 tram trollied very mere :with inalpitatioo of *be bean. so Emelt as that I was oblige* JO , / ttuail'• ll loosiodell 1 from recommendation I ameindieed e 1 .y 71 0 4. pOokaoperilln, which has entirely cicada" Vary Main. .Ull HEWN ilemerterr the int of limpleanhar Ile Or a: lll Misure Sire York Odlee will be I. Ow, thz . Vroh, No:1111-Hilannatotrern, Odell is now a elmerh. aid will be Iltitod for the Maker sitanuajo. datiJ. suNosnERY k, add HU Nit:PORTER Mrents ' •• • T . r. t lalf .ampleprith a To* saaa ocaebaaniaaffe.t. ap a elseespartib,4bleb itbei*l Li libwassael's Semeapedlll6. 4 emioit ParinNX:petafsal. eee.rpts Trailed is so dm* sesstorma ; bft sow faisMiellta eraefeeraet mid; toadaoiaaais, btwt tbefllke. Webs mimes-etas vas teaialt tha miens of gaining kaailtibreiais be is lac Tbb la to gas; 'tea • 431 * IlabnaapS to acebesired.sadesurbase ISOM alii* Alitrairtißat oftworal: OileFfir.-Jacablimeaseart .1 12 effia. lumina aa Auks 014 , Dec - Hammes. his asily salad Naas, aad Ida **mum sin" the coat of sass. , Priacird qßse, 143 Noe.ia•se.. ,Ths reek OW. • t TUL ORIGINAL LISWV-KaZILUF Tow Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. OW Or. Trgwesend is now 'boot 7O years of see, end bOt beei known gas the .nUTllufi and DISCOVER ER o f the OEN 11 IXIZ On Ma:lh " 71141WS PAM , 84 ES4PARIL- L. 1." Lielag pont, he was compelled to limit its m‘nufactore, by which arcane it has been kept gmt of orsgritet, and the tales Eli transcribed to those gaily who had preyed gts worth, and know* as valor. It had reached the ears girl:natty. neeerdieleis. uni ;lose persons who had been healed of sure diseases. end said from death. pn i cAnigned its esrelletto, add Woudadtd 'HEALING POWER. - - - Knowing. wasp pears s„ s. that he had, by Ms skill. seine and experience, devised an made which would be of Westin table misantace to mankind ohan the means would he fur. eddied to bring ft into universal MAIM -when Its Inestimable virtues would be kn.w a sad appreciated. This time hoe corers, the means ere stip:diet ; this GRAJIai AXII U.nr . E Q fr..sr. I. ED PREP../RATION nmanufactured on the largest wale. and is called for through out the length mad breadth of the land. especially al It is found incapable of i scomeaittsm or doterinnition. Unlike young & P Toense-na's, it improves with age, sad Dever changes. but for the hefter ; bemuse it Is primmest enechw- Os principles by a seientifre can. The highest keowledre Chemistry, and the latest discoverisn of the at, have all been ormicif. .ate requisition in the manufacture of the - Old Des Sareapardia. The Saninpulila two, 'ft is well knows to medical men. contains ninny maliconnl properties. and aims pumerties which are inert or useless, and tablets, which if retuned In pee' poring It fssr n-c; produce /secretarial' and and which is 111- Rufous to tire system. • Some of the immerses of Saisaparilla ant so selsts.c. Usat they Indwell , evelmosto and are lost in the preparation, if they am pie preserved by a sand* peewee. tome% only br th o se es perieuced In its marintherate. 111nrecrant these edatila milicipLea. which Sy off in vapor, or as en exhale tlea.lituier heat, are Ma very esseletild wake: mropecars w< the 11011i4V1.1 , b paw can boil or stew ate m all rest duly . Ligii which Is more from the coloring matter In pet the root from limy thing else; they can then scale this Insipid or vapid liquid. sweeten with sow molasses. and then call It .SAlt SAPARILLA EXTRACT or sump.- Llnt such is sot the utlele know° as the GENUINE OLD D. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. This is on prepared, that all the Wort properties of the Oar sapuilln mot are drat removed. every thine capable of becoming acid or of fermentation, ii extracted and rejected; then every wade of medical virtue Is secured In a pure and coneentrated farm ; and thus ills madame Incapable of losing any alto esker able and heisting pmperties. Prepared in this way, it la made the most powerful agent lb tbe Cure of 'lnnumerable diseases. Astern the swim why We hear oniimendathms on ovary side in its favor by own, women, and ehildren. We Gad It doing wooden; in the cure of CONSUMPTION, DYSPEPSIA, and LIVER vox .PLAINT, and ih RIIEUMATMN. SCROFULA. PI7,ES, cosrivr_vass, all CUTANEOUS ERUPTICNE PLY PLE3, BLocrwA:s, and all affections ',Ashr from • IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. • It possesses a marvellous stems, in all moplaints arising hula fasti,yesties, front Acidify o f Ms Stoned, limn nomptal shmitse tion. determinate/no of Mood to the head. pairdtatfre of the heat; cold fret and han cold chills and but Bathos over the body. It has ant Its equal Colds and essets ; and promotes easy es pectorntion and ends wealth:Aden, relaxing =imam of the Mors, threat. and every other put. Bet in nothing Is it. elmlleoas mmemanlistly men and as knoviledged than in all Mad. and meet of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It o oral vrondent in enaenntf Knot...lllms or Whites. Palk; qf as Wowb. of.t.ta,sawmnal. Pailifat Mo.". hT= it, the maintain! pertuda, and the Ilk.; awl to as e In vagina all the tonne of kidney Dietlbms. By gento‘ lag obstructitnis, and mutating the geateeal ',s tem. It gives tone end strength to the whole body, and dins Cares all Hams of - Nervous diseases and debility, and thus prevents or retie's" a great voriety of other maladies, as Spun( lerrlatles, Neuralgia, St. Vries' Dance. Stemaing, Eiril?he Coveletrims. Le. It Cie-n.0.2 the blood. excites the liver to bealtby action, taws the sannoteh. and gives good digestion. itliariss the bowels of tor nod riminigerilon, allays Inflosuntarion, purifies the akin, equalises the circulation of the blood. prodoring gentle warmth equally all ever the body, and the Insensible persidriritoo; re laxes all strietures sod tightness. retnoves all obstrusbolu, sad Invigomtas the satire nervous systems. Is not this then The medicine yon pre-eminently need! Rat con any of these things be said of S. P. Toartmend's infs. Our •aructe This boons luso'. not to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR'S, bacon... of tint GRAND PAcr, that the one is INCAPABLE of LA.TEItIORATIIJN, and NEVER SPOILS, • • *bile' the other DUF.S ; soaring. fernroiting, end blowing de containing it into fragments ; the sour, acid liquid explo ding, snit Muttering other goods ! Must not this horrible can land be poomnous to the system l— Want I pat acid fete • rm slecoty ds.sfoomi rib acid! What causes Dyspepsia but d 1 Do we not all knots that When food sours In out Macl ean. what mischief. It produces I datuence, heartburn, pale, tattoo of the beast, liver complaint, diarrhea. dysentery, toile, rind corruption of the Mood 1 What Is Scroftlia but an acfal humor in theltody I What produces all the humors which bring on F.ruptions of the Skin, Scald Hand, Salt Rheum. Fry Olden, White Swelllmm. Fever flores:and all tilearatlows Cereal and external 1 It Is nothing under heaven, but an acid subsume, which mum and than spoils all the fluids of the Body more or less. What MUMS Rheumatism but a soar or acid Said, which insinuates Itself between the joints and else- Whets. irritating and intiaming the delicate tisanes upon which it acts ? iffo of nervous diseases. of impurity of the blood. of deranged circulate:os, and neatly all the ailments which amid Wotan nature, -Now Is it am atirrigdit to make and ea sad Waite', same go use this 80U RING, FERMENTING, ACID " COMPOUND. OF 8. P. TOWNSEND, and Tel be would fain bare it anderseat . that Ma Dr. Acerb Townsend's entains fhltstioal Sasesporala, Is as IMITATION of his Infamy preparation Heaven Owl.'l t Int we should deal I. an article which would tear the twat distant reserutdance to tg. P. Tmvnaernd's article and which shnnid bring d•twn upon the Old Dr.stich a issonatala load of complaints and eliminations fmm Agent. e'tio have aold, and pnrchaaers who have used P. P.Tourawrad'ereabisicTum COMPOUND. We wish it understood. tweettelt it leihe Weasel did& dial 8. P. Townsend's article and Old Ds. Jacob Townsend's Sar saparilla are tesnew-wide apart, in., tigfinftsir dissilmiler • that they ase unlike In emery particular, having mitotic singlsirlidnig in common. As 8. P. Townsend Is no Pam and never was, Is as ehemiswoo phsvenioceutist—kniwni. no snore of medicine of dis ease than any other common, unscientific. unprofessional man. what rears:nes can the public hive that they are receiving, a venom s scientific medicine, eontnining all the virtues of the articles used in Kepis:ink it and which life Incapable or_.Chairti which ought tender them the AGENTS!! of Mame lasmout health. But who r elm should heevpraved from one eihnhnows noth ing culasisratively of medicine or disaise : ft sequins w Mann of some expetienve 'to cook wad serve up even a enniimin decent meal. How much more Imp ortantki It that LW:in.:sons who man ufscture medicine. designed tat WEAR STOStaCHS MID lavyytratxti *MIN; should know well the medical properun of plants, as hest maser of securing, and arncentratint 'their healing virtues, sic.,aeextensive knowledtsofthe serums .11moms - which minx the busses system. and how to adapt remedies se these Amami It is to toventlrands upon the.rinfortenate, to or halm late wounded humanity. to kindle bops le the Unlinking hones. restore.bealtli and !doom ; sad VillOf intone crashed sad bro. ken,'and urlnnis hlntlreeltp that OM biI,jAMII TOWICISISHH, has SOUGlrread POUND the oppartamity and steam to bitty Grand Universal Concentrated witliM the ranch; bad tothe kniva . Irlediamfailwriso wind it. that they may Want and • ktiottr:kit jffrialesperienekfti =T r a nseendessiter•to- Dn. Jaws Tamara's). . Yams: Het S. la& d Sts:—On the 90th of July, 1847,1 was agate. attache IlMh thenniatints. end ander`vnikoss prescrititktell, wormfor at least two months. trecons entirely incapable offenine me or taming is bed, or helpistt any way. in this some 1 vaults:nal imtililstmat issa wham 1 bops to mend Is little and - Ina Prove guatknoy -t J9by, This' amendment was ;only' se thi into lie Itile fag siriel. ! WS beatable of setting In Or our of Ind;ei ens ra h . 1 swanned la this epedilianopitit- littioriar se ehs entB I faitly degp*ea of retool a llau Larun 00 " 1 " , '" L Oi the nit Jely, tents ladneed id - try your ifinspowthiar' en t4 ihrets days anti taklag Ike dos. dose. 141108/ IN NOM which fluid not dune before la tea mouths, and in leis lima it week, 1 - w. /...itmD AcielOssVwle•ROoN • • wins the old or mutes. swatting. ban. Imbed_ 901": base one alone awn 96 sprewootseit to toe rani.: Mews. 64, Linviore Moat and. bat& 1 have MieS' to es PlassavAltrost two.metsat lbws awl ont wow frequostly tides, wry oettb b Moist all tbls aloe. Llano to but two bettletrof Old Dr. Torrossners Llano Om 4. I pasentisi antabor bottle (Stb Oa.) moll walked tales aerois the. toOrwitbitut_tbo or mocha- ha v e also asarly escorenai Oise obsarnetiowat water, whirls gate we gnat distress. The Olds,* toy bedtime likiimise mord* MS - Ins I and my fatmalf bawl as eastbly issomy to au mbar winos Mato • OLD D11...1.400D r siutlesP4RlLLa. • • Al'ark•l.6l4XlSPilli•l& PAILLI Opts:ism liMpaissd sitiyssostmaildsmlll miss num' wiser flows ssy Soda iods, . . chimps! (tie 111 lasmitm. L T. C 47. Sold w holestle, end retsit"irroTtanda t Pa„ u7RIK . RAM MIX , itient fiiilVArthern Sold-ifs:l fer!s3.ll4•DK.ViNitillitYl3ll4ps e,, ,Ml,•C`: - nAINTB, - .0114:41e 1) 1 1114M1 1-7 : IP YAKI:IO 4 . @IS • , =I • - -.-,. 4.,..,_,-.t.,_: A... - • *YEW :IA Quo , --:', • :--, ' , k11 , *.;f.#01,1,1:0 - ' Asp Axy.Eiclr-414*8 itrfEPX., _ 011, -/AP S ; -- - urakAietiist, Eifcliovi4i.l4,sgiii " . ' -71 ''' 'X: - raiiital`ThitsSweliMg. Ulcers. Od_lrtiiiited So retitroAVilitiielloailrtlleitiali,': Ittramiiiiiiho, . Caul name Diseases, Nero:nod - A ifections,An„, Abm_frie: Salk BunucrcnbOilpeairmitititite. Wt-feel" jiatitiatt' irVtencliimitire"THE"--PACT - '1!0' l'HE' :, WORLD itat or all medicines see r-tinniiht 'Whin the Publie4lloNElMva ever:been dio - re -- teriertelatioraf. „Aloud, humanity, then " .Myers'- Liquid ...Cure! , :We" linage ibar this* sigings great deal, but ir Willem" to wri "Phin#N..Yre.: - '-' 4 2° 6111 .,*4 43'4144441:in lasi* tf this - ' - ' - . ' iii'it.v-aseroarits, 4 l.lrxr-imiain itiVit:lW.-.., Hundreds, nay, tbectondik blitarAbliChappy hour when nod /bey were arimaintell tilts ita transcendent virtuau :md, mit present prlrme JR Isr.m orm_ , - '' tiiiirla4h6re'illey m,,tyobtain ktolke„c,, arinck.ktoy grrlthrtg.luralf biniitught tor oration .. 1 ., vi l e itliterini eaccllr.nie - of Ina preittration?trer ail' `otter inailition(for 'the ipeedy .50 pennapent.pwayif I- ...te.,tl . - i t ims o is Well (link 4i'''alirs-tni" live Aeitetlii: li: his been proved I 9 OpUsitudiiir Wisp:ince/4, and - has ' ~.., •„, 1:40 IVF411 1 111); , . to sure the - • mosr OISSTIItA*. C . A .- 3E.A.' atalise awe eranfirket it..s.i. • " .-1 -, :"' :r ; , . _ BUYER - WILL FAIL , f ire 4Aii pro orlliPselate7gimptiona. .%s a firoof .of...atitelftreassiddsgeriAtt . ttri 1100, - -1. we assoiesll' prir, - -iiiseTa 'Vat, if atter a propectiii, it,pLrove inelligiusl. the Money paid for /I tri,a,fOWesrnief. The .. Liquid Core is an" etteitaiitilßeigedy . for RinVoorms,,BileN.Timioles, BasAere Iliki,rosted Limbs.. f3liiilbroini, takißVeriili, Mosquitia Bites. Ming, ,ofilPerfeonous Insects, 4-c., anti for Cutaneous Diseaserabreverrikleription.' 3 • •: ~., it le.tinti seftluatier;.,k.- - , - , ~ I. A ,#: ,i , , ,-.Ce R H EURATOM*: ' 7- - ., 1.. 3 givigtinuragdiate end permanent ..,'`. NuOprepirrestions now before theilMbliOn mrOPAAs the exriedletierof ibiktLiqutdedier*iiikiddeillErns Cubs - . .:'.UptwrirApsq4o4l*.cllizrolce.. ; .:a',V;l.. ; Its eaitir , . o ;: - '''-, ''' --- ' t . '" . -!•': — ,'s REAT:PAliTiCifittireie MAGIOALT? • ..ftv: Eszro Family .ins the L6otd7k2 shoutd prui t.lbeswleea with tblit**dialida4iipar vtrer44e etroitieli:or viTuch:Rlfelesit, , alth u the retch Often., ~• ....i , -- 2 t-- 1 - 4 7 ! , - l' Full Direetioneggettinparry iseh:Pottle: ' Pamphlets containing copies of certdicatea from those who have teals! the "Liquid Cure," may be bad Gratis of QUI' antlaorlsed . agents. "Myers' Liquid Cute" is prepared only by i i JEROME & C ~ 2 lAproce Sired. New York. For.sele by HIRAIt MIX. Towanda , agent for this county , and by C. FL errirk, Athens ; Rufus King, Troy ; James IL MM. ey. Monmetou ;- Henry Gibbs, Orwell. 51 eowy Dr. liwayoes Celtload Family Miriam! CITRIC FOLLOWS CURIO MORE PROOF OF THE EFFICACY OF DR, EBV7.4B.IVRIBM Compound Syrup of Will Ch e rry ! THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE RREPAILATION CONSUMPTION, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Side and Breast, Ptilpitation of the Reset Influenza, Croup, broken Constitution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debility, and all diseases of Throat, • Breast and Lung; the moat effectual and speedy cure knownfor any of the stove diseasei--- --- is Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild "try. RELIABLE TESTIMONY. Jno. Milton Earle, editor of the Worcester Spy, Mass., was attacked with a severe infatuation of the lour, accompanied with a distressing cough; after using various other remedies with little or no benefit, by the use of one b.dtle of Ur. Svveyne's Compound, Syrup of Wild Cherry,. he was restored to perfect bieati h. Wm. Montelitis,• respectable merchant of St, Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, January 30, 1849 :—Enclos ed L send you a certificate of Wm. Beaumont, a citi izen of our town. His case of consumption is well known here, and of long standing; he attributes his cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. IMPORTANT CAETKIN—READ! READ!! There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cher ry, and that is Dv. ISwayne's, the first ever offered to the public, which has been largely throughout the t . States used, and some parts of Europe; and all prep era ions called by the name of-Wild Cherry have been put out since this, unier cover of some circumstances, in order to give currency to their sales. Each bottle of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful steel en graving. with the likeness of William Penn thereon; also Dr. 3wayries signature and as a further security, the portrait of Dr. Swayne will be added hereafter, so as to distinguish his preparations from all whet s . Cr. SWAYNE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE. •• A safe and effectual remedy I W utms, Dyspepsia Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep 'c children or adults and the most useful Family llirdt 4 ever- offered to the public." This aBM EDT is one which has 14 successful for a long time, and it is universally cknowlediped by all who have tried it to be far au or (being so very pleasant to the taste at the same ti e effectual) to spy other medicine ever employed in cr kir which it is recommended. It not only destiny's worms, but It in vigorate* the whole system. It is- harmless in its ef fects, and the health of the patient is always improved by dts use even when no worms are discovered. Moue GOOD Nam, woo als a Sacs.-4nticrstirrn, Indiana =Do. t wan fa—Dear Sir: All yourtnedicine sell well, a ndgite good satisfaction. Your valuable Compound +Syrup of Wild_Cherry has been the means of res t oring Bowe hopeless .cases in this section.— Your Pills are most excellent. .L.want you. to. send a good supply.of. them. A manzporchassti, bolas of your Vermifuge the other day for, hie chill, and by its use it discharged 63 or the largest: worsts hs. had.ever seen. „It litigates:4e thepenpa . to try it, as they have so often been gulled. naneeoutnand worthless worso,medicines. Your* being so very pleas. ant to the taste, at theriams thee- effectual, I shall be able to dispose of • large quantity. Respectfully, yours, /cc., Towssran T. flumtr, P. IW. To, Di, ftwArns. .W. coiner of Eighth and R.10:14411., bett y les Rosnembord the swain* is now put spin ignore . Dp,,,,ifrATNIX7III SUGAR COAT/D SAMAPARILLIOAKII Erraacr or Tan Pause—The virtues of thesel'illa can be appreciated only by thaw who have used them ; they are adopted to.esaist nature-in carrying ofr morbid matter, obstructions' impurity of the blood. dke,-•ko.- They are a genus and effective purgative.- corteet ill the functions of.the liver, osmium alterative-in drop sical affections, they arcverrvaloable,and should be in every family They -hue an ontnile awing of pure White Sugar. wbereky -.everything -di.epeeeble to the testeor resell is entirely removed. trillionths the letutittrecting tbe --excellent quilt/m-0 the medicine Remember I they are now put np in bore& turned out of the Rea Trod, coveted witli