Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 31, 1849, Image 4

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awmen-rept etsmktips.„
Read'thla Caltsain carefully.
ThatiliAlitiiitsiti stialitgaisigramrsigiNd
144 PVCA,lketittplead'o. AsnaPirilli.-...U-k.edlFortimbd
v li dsic
" -. 6 1P 1 4 1:111W .114/10jAllietitisiitibio+10:"DINILlorpo
mp ' I,..ariailtil avec imn.uoo Oa lasteiAtt rearii"ia 'ad
34 1 •*“.11,. to.4lW:oridck 0 1 ,.. 11, ... (1, 4"C" ,
one. Ibeilsloilettsitranw. Opretes
poet ilrodet-•-tile este bait eitiotortobe. ,--1 1 :4:;.
Obblialteiiiii , c.oksity, if tort,44 ittletriib9 -bud
sip otillyilita.olro hos h,ll co :' , V 7 ili ....... : - tb
la - *ll - 7 41 4.:0 - ~4 4 -1. w ' - ItTl ae •- °b
t i.rar... 4 .-
- . iil-1144,4151.401 la
!Me faireeePPloY
Mn 'Or taz 041410- •: Iminr - 7,...2, . ' Or. Towunithl's
Kt - Ifio. Or 14 - 41.4mtiti '1.:',,. - , „tr_ I r o ) 0i ..-
r.„ r - . iii- - . ..1. id-utt....- • ..mwsbarirti the
A"" 4 l.' WOW Pihani. he app 'lleof'ar craito,airiao.,
Leg. AlsTOr of toe .I.i 4 11•4 F • rot -r. ono 1 , ,0ra. , 1 •och a oro
poetttod, Ur- 11, ta # %OR 1.-WS. Woo. ty ow view Pro
p. rotors of m o tusrLim ous rme . f u r It Sl.lll rt)4lr;t
RIM **Wove"' C trh,er 02-1 rio .16 r tho nrta F, vo
Philo r•II .elb ,t !woo, v.. bow , 3011.)1 RcIII, II A 57
ood WILAJAII rtiwir.ii.t. , .. tools, too noose of 1 MAW
'kit"... Slift,ol,...tX .h 4 a li.oe euiplo) a l l tan old waft. aod
ire...tits we a-Idol-nerd to pt} hi.o sole . doltata par ~..h
for Um Ws of Aft moor 1 loom moo bWO Wee loeuttme
aWiaboiltnir 1111 at .11 1.1.1.!• WWI. In hopeo we 000 Ll notiro
theta owl thus brow them atol ihoor deer. Lion 0 00 oso. bet
- Lot e... pohtie docile up..a the course of ttooe lapseet nod
boomable wen.
Owe et. diseir sigigne•
They soy that,
io r. T1.111...apr. votITS an and fo
f ire: •. we !Ms.., kept h through the Irfrote
•ea, in New Oefgoolo, Temp. Nextch, ood Soolth Auteriet
orb! the Wee; fu4sea,—in feet, the uPtai a grew.. the Meter
it becomes. We made n frPebedite. helissoteke, bet Spring,
tbet'apoihd. Tnis we ragrotted, end exchanged S. *eon Si
plumbic': @sigh anA,LiJnot oeter eerie o , fe!'L
44,6 ,:tlte .1.11
Mu/Testa or other*. e h., se any irseps.ealla for tne ors.
fitaadadal-feanini D. Toe'ested's SeranesrideNell us—or
u he sell Sakeepereilla which is wrapped re enerlopos con•
too binla en our•SorsJp.oaite, wo sued Ladd nopousdije ior
the sanio
' Or. ICP Towneend he paid the ?real hi the United Huila.
within the leo flee Teem at loot 1P00.1:0 1 , either@ are uow
eedeerearmir to reap the adruittago end bouelit of tue &deer
Ndar, by putdioung that [bore is the ori,rausl Dr. Town
-bead's Ilarseparilla. nod that ours fercerote, sours. &a. Ate.;
that are bane dab. hood. and areas Ulawla sad we shall be
ladder the ea:essay of holding pulaltslows responsihle Oar say
de:o4a that may be done us. to gee tag ,irc elation to these false
deports, which an well calculated to injure our inlet este.
flare is proof coaeintivr thitt . pr. 3- P. Tria - asenire Sersape
rills is the,orivied. The foloainl from some of the mud
emplitiald• acid talineutial rapers id this State.
F. 0.3 fht dllter's Xrsnirty aftbee.
There pr &aid! has never linen 'poputer a reused y, or ps
lent 'Medicine. a. D: Too Mend' s Sit.inparilla. • hire
originally, and continues to he manufactured in Shit rite, at
fret by the Doctor himilelt as it isfreramilis for set areal year,
and to the present ma. by t . :l o ,[i. 1 1t Townsend.' the ptrrent
proprietor.. Sine the partnership •me formed the Di. tor
~ reaided in New York. where he keeps a store nut attend,
to the humane that accumulates et that pc.hd. 't•he man ufac
tory I. in till. cite, and uomitiicteJ b) Tumor partner, Mr
Clappeeherc all the medicine Is sisann , attoreil.
Few of our cnizen• hese any Idea of the ammo,' tit' this
gletienta that is manufactured en I WM. the aides
In this enuoti: it in ellipped to the C ..Is., 'Wee: India Is
laud. Booth ilimeeira and even le Estrope in roo• l deraldr.
qaantnies. .At the manufactory they otplo, a w an . ...e ta ..,
hostiles a 101V1 numiier of tare 11 , 01.1.4 and 10 tan prt.•
P.rolion of the 111,11111 r, =idiot but, a. $.1.4.,:irg. La.
and turn nut. ready for shit mere. ntcr 4..7. •o per day
re wily sow hoithea Tito ts au 0110f1110111 itv.
The great role the in •ilt.tao has has.iutduer I a
number of men to gct up bit dins- awl there is at t h e Ur t
sent time. other nicilscioes tot *as. that are celled Dr
Townsend's Sarispartil s,' one 10 risruetilitr. a short
time ago in Norln York. is rapes • trot I.4.Jecob Tanneend •
Rarasoardla." and •ppal emir e'rh a vie. hr dot of miser.
Untie and the ...seal asesietes e-esoesed to in soil efforts. In
appropriate the Damao( Dr. P. areal remedy,
and thus .in ar. !hr alit aritaan re•ulting fro& th, p o p u l arl y,.
0(1.11. name. "'loth he Rai acquired for it by resew of patient
and impassive labors. Dr. S P. Toeindiend, formerly of this
city, an in well known here, i• the antrotot and orsatnal pro
pricier of ihn medicine n a 'Dr Tu. toicol's ir•
4...par01e.' and a. think those pee ll elm are attriapt.
tug to sell their article as the miginsl, shoutthis exposed.
From the Naas Dirk Sant.
Till. TOlSserNn's et trasirdiu try al. eruseinnul which oc
topi,a am entire pare of the S :v will not e.. ape no..
Dr. 8. P. Towasead, -oho is the original proprietor of Dr
toensiend's flarsapanlia. and whose nace it next door to
tars, where he has horn several year.. is 'hiring ea
inform businem Ille-receir.s no less nor four hundred dozen
of Sarsaparilla per day. and toten this /f an...not a quantity doe.
not supply the demand. No .nuatirisa ewer M dined TO great
a popularity as hi. preperatiou of the flareaparilla ilea tilt
boa of Almanacs for 1815 role 3.22 tlihrl, and he has paid the
hiaw V ar k San f or a ds er si sio s, in the last- tutor yearn over
moon, and he art' 10111r,IrPli that tt ip too cheapest ads ern.
ring be has ha i done., Thi• t ordieute es_ported to the
r. 01r11111111, West luau.' ttouth A merles end Kurore in eon
a...hirable quantities. nod is coming Into Ces•u , ll 11.1. ro those
COINIVIMI, as sell a. hare.
Fruns.,(4< Gott/ex I.!e
The Odd Feller.. pep.) in, ritllnl in, •
13wissermitt.t....—Anrons themuttered.. . in, te or this
.Isigltly medicinal root, Bre her Twit pitieutle beer:. the peitl3 of
stiperiority It an indeed au excellent family medicine. and
having owed it in our own family with decided edzautoge, we
stils ftcomansend tt n lab perfext success. .
In our °Milian. ant lirongiet or shop-keener ho'would sell
the aponont Sateaparille., because [Dry Can Intinea grrairf
,profit by it than they can by teiling_the provost. and 111
for the original au genuine Dr. Towneesol ' s Sur-ararille.
roe detwort do 1, ru•tototrt would commit en, fraud fin .
aeonny. Snots men haws no honor sod should our be titbits-41
Druggists or where that sell Sareepaitlla for ttit orriMilt
mud original Q r. Town...ore Saroeparitla. that se not sport
by S. P. Townsend, commit. a fraud. and s.risolle: the cue
touters New that would be evilly of sorb an art a tom
mit any other (gaud--sod sio ' lltrugoort of commas satelligtues
but knors• that our. ti ibg outs cesium*.
*ante people who ere unt•well torero .d, and here not read
t►w papers, Mid not Brea our wdrertbetaent. hare bruo led
IA •UtilpOull, that because therm leap atiltertiar. Mel/ StUrr
'cad Jacob Tuonaioul'•," that st ...L. eutir., In the urr
/toil It it *IN than owe !roar finer ih-r emumror.d to make
Olvirtuediciria. Our• has been in theanarket Or!, tell Tear►
Many think the &Iwo I..imunire to tote Oven, or actin.. It
i• the truth; and tr. would lease it to the jud:ne.tet of any
1.--notoded men. if thi doom de-erre et. We bare labored
proem and expendoil hundreds of thoastiodeof dollar. to
the repestutiolkof our medicine. There men WC as
de:miring to uppnnolate the profit. to them.elers.
They Ern eadeasvocing cis petition' on die nubile m an old
IPhyascian, ke. He is set a regains milematai Pliyeinnia„ apt
' weverlittempteal to manufacture a medicine, sail the-fie sees I .
hired him for the use arid. eom.. Tbeyesoy third,: eot wish
the people is believe Ahat their Etersaparilla is man. et tbe
esrue—but the better to dem-sve the public, they at the same
'hoe men that their's is the tlld Dr. To eusesnre. and the
enr,inel ; and codemor to moke the people believe that the
viol they milintaiseture, is the Dr. T0w...m.0s bonwparillsh- .
that Inks perfortard so amy wonileriut tern fur the past
tel years, and *bleb has gabled a nputstion which on other
meatclue ever •upi,ecreemrhich is • bem, villainous uoprite
espied lalsehood. We have commenced it. against llama
wien for damsons... Ws lush II to be uederatood, that the old
man le as re Wise-of Or.-Tarensired erenitever. In their mi•
verde...romp and car. Mar., they publicly a flambee of moss'
kdooifoofis leo:lord.' Des Townie - Ad, obeli as sin sot sou...
eitiyemeats hare published in the piped. that Dr 11. ,
P. , Tworwirart was dead. This they send to their wilts I
iti .. ttast the easidory, who tepid Mat as hate give. ep blew l.
neff The public should be us their guard, sea I
not lierttecbtieri by these smyrliscrpleit rare. '
t ' ' - ''': Tint CIMPOLE RA r ;
'‘.4frilli•elriftill this peasent. la-regsrdiet s :tit liar rthe Inn.%
7bra " . e atlit aC Arit ' iftl e afrirt. b. ty ' is phi l ritZtts " a t : arrt..l ' ll . l!?;
ealibasty-Ssmaha• dismoss..yat all ars Abtdrest tO elms ?Mica
And results. And it will proVe here es in fistrepe. alma at
mast recothwds of all confirmed cases di. —and Om; it is a Got
Carl confect be rontruterted. that there is on **Oro 0 eloi , ',
fir its fatal seourre. One physician - Iml lb it it is ece4y
cured. by mild maruerds : another says that it seiliiimispoesp "i
....fill cathartics; one, that laleedio, to f s intne s s. is rho, - . L ie, .t .
Mee t ly e rithem maintain hlood-lettior literrinin to kill , some I
parystelin• stead ell rmticdnntst and others sty that Brandy l
is certain to roer l wbil.t Or Quirks *Lulu, 0 est liras tr.
cue , the Cholera ea ally of its street-- , 6111411 w cold, if tekein
as preserfieed, he certain to lilt any man or belie.' The
Curlers seems balm ant by Trot idenela to toren the pitillifie of
the earth to be slued! and err/root. Tiaras arc the null ;rest
'Vire% r.Ntrvus.
ii ti arbasowlmired be all; that awn streets, wants, esti..
leld `WM alcuskt be eleettorek, Mel Idiot Demount eleastfiness
irlediepenschlt —bet is issere watts, the ic:crmil system i
••••1 ato.t woodarfal.,' Iseatttilt.l and ta.ctlitta. a.. 4
TUE urr., I'll r 111,-00D,
l'lss seat nrllll`otiaitsue 'fillet tp, pm,. A of in ttith 1
rissass, well bleot;, flesoralaz le lit trims. may laneh rt the
I:tea-rm. or at diara.e. Tit. aylgeta waft not li reclooed,
shi s elo...l •.r illOterated by physic but quietly el.ans..l, '
•1111 do dile ellhe ally. It sot eel s elapses ctrl etresords. '
'Pith, system ,t cremes rich sal pure hi... L.—the I.smor
of t ;fa. We do not my that dos Saneomille sail core toe
Curtsy.. bit yrevornj it_ Th.. inelicine has is ii• •
m! as/ wonderful efforts upon itterhse. nohied . rspatathm
a:Sor neatly seer-ball of rho :kihe, Clint h, .k0tpr......1..nted. It 1
m always se/knottier...di Jul In din sick soil sell, and is ao. •
1. et, II): necessary as who particular iota, to present We
I waess.
lostipleaqms. of the•lntrait.
DT. Icurry Wwont
alpitstion of the Mesta. TI fultua int aducct Ler
• West Illarat.Vp Ca, D.s. Ed, IN&
Cy. 11. To.msw—
Dem sir: Psalm; unarm perit'inr ohtiration• rayon for the
hese It f tsar. emistiviia from t nee su.slnahle elareetrarttle. rod
*tog ma' teettmone rosy /1.1 ace .tbers to try it braamilat
I bare beta seduced to make this rommenicanon
tOv oonolt{ad those oho are atllieted se !Jura bean. Pro
L i e ?elan: )oor S'arsapariilta I was tro9ded very *urn
eft t Ilillati.a wrthe'hoort. Po. that 1 eras oldiyerl
iv i.y aside 111 bosom.. ; from recommendation I st is insisted
t. try you r tiat..parilla. which hue entirely eared ino
, tw.l truly, touru.
„ .. ,
' ER/INTIM 111701
Nair* .f Detsanad.—Aiter tb Sret of Septeutbei. ISt*. Dr
! , t I" Traumas/re, lien York Once be its the llont)e
tlfAlmteltilliva St Salaam target, wide% irate laudation*
cdtitortatztt chttuou. tad sail Yu Strad foe Lb. buster aectione.
qthio tittles
, pobymbiors aid the rublic
4 •
KrirkirtEgY Jr. aa,l tLUSTON h PIaRTZIL Agents
-- r
~BtM7r- / AkkdiE
t;_ - JuriaoanimutA.
A .4 1 1"." by ./P!;
4 1 #3.01C—at Irigkrl4 P Touromied:4l4 alas aslr to phi
pp.& SiLlefotrilli4 Awl. nal*. TURRIMIRIPRAIRaRoMOK
#eaaalaade 04 9 ,lo WlWAte.Orrianel.atc..
au amok, wet oliiitoru!t,..eaukftwotiettly, tfrimitilkor
,i,ditaillal!" ? pm# thflike. yitijis assume.' (be tide of Ai
thipenlonme oilolignierillt.iros grim apt. ,11441-ta '
itoti :We putaii opt t. - tie drcitliekiicid purelupor qua" hay taw
00-Iffinpf OR iotr.n. OLP I. Jookika t'alwasseira,fans
O. 'it itiVold Wally mat*
anus; and his simrtire .d 0,41 CANd !,;( antis.
Priadtre Gace,pj ,; a., ircio'rork Calk,
Genuine To_wtoentl_SirAdpultla,
NeTosi oared is now about 70 years of astir. and has Watt
lean loom na. the ./ If OR and IrISCUVFRF.IL of the
OW.VtIf.PR OR (01..V.1. I.'' TO lE.V'S P.Y)) s.losArartir.
1.9. 4 idaing pow, he was 4(aspellual tislonit Us In itudneturna by
which melds it has boen kepkinit of /km moil the sale. cif
enniscrilied to those only who hot poised its north, and known
tes value. It had reached the an id man t . ,, nevertheless. as
Mote peninns st hu It'd 1.e., baled of MY& tINCIs4I.. AWL sated
knits death, ti it, ca ellenre and noniksful
Renwite. malty tears that he had. by his stint, whence
and uspeilence. devood ma I/OW.le whisk' ietalld be of incalcus
Ulric ethnic-ye to nioakind when the worms would be fur
nished to bring it Into universal twice when its itiestruilde
vaunts would be known and appreosaol. This taut LaS vibe,
the nwaris ate supplied' this
OR. C.VEQ U. I r. n I , ,nr: P. R. 4 T ON
u mnnuesctnred on the 'Arco, t scabs. and is called for through
31adhe length tot breadth of the Land. topcoat!) ns U is found
inenpoble of degeneration or deter - 5,45t un.
Unlike young 8.. P l'ownsentra, it improves with age. and
never chance& but Gtr the better :bisicuuse it is powered on octet
t.g, p rtnri g lrs t,‘ Ind., The highest knowledge 01
Chemistry, awl the latest dioco.erie, of the art have all been
maid!. eta requisition in the meinuficture of the Old firs
Sarsapardia. 'The earsitionda root. it ts melt known to medical
Men contAins msv medtc,nal pro o ort,r,. and wane properties
vvhdih ro inert of toots., and others, ...hien ir roti ned in pre
panne it (or o-e. product fowMtetertiot tad scot, n hieh is in
riole, to the system comae of the properties of Sarsaparilla
are an torate.e that they iont.rell evarnirste and are tOot to . the
prvipaixtion, a they art ant premed by a ,i,ontUic proUSI,
known unit• to those e ipso...need in its ma nelson, e . Mnrrnver
these eointaejirtacipleA, which ft) oft in v..p n i, or ai , eiinl
ten, under bent, are the .sry estenzia inedital properqu
stn livlsinh rive ton nit nt. tattle.
Piny person can boil or stew the root till they get a dark eolotei
Thinid, %bleb is more from the coloring natter in the root the.
from any thing sloe; they ran then strain this insipid or vapid
liquid • sweeten nith sour molsotes. and then call it "SiAR
MP.% RILLA EXTRACT or svge:r.- But 'inch a not the
known a. It.
• Thls Is an prepared—that all the inert prpeitle. of the Pier
Berardi:a f 4.441 f• not fa' roused es err :bow cripabie col becoming
acid or of Cermentatiem, Is extracted rind rejected • then every
particle of sped sal virtue, to secured in a pure and concentrated
Xfinso ; rind thus it Is rendered incapable of liwinc any of it, rata
able and healtng properties. Prepared in thus sway, it is made the
teem Iwo crful n;:ent in the •
Cure of inututnerable diseases.
fleecy the reason why we hear menda am. on every elite
its furor by men, w 1111 l en, and children. We find it doling
wooden in the clue u 4
f1.v5( . .51r770.1f, I)) , rrrsr.4, and /,/ VF: it 1 11).M-
F LVT, and in I ifiEr.v.l7lN.M. 4r11 , 41 , 1..1. rl7.file,
c,u3IIVE,A - I;#is, # RITTICKS,
BLUI'TNhs, and all ngro , Liona .rillvg
•It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all COM 14.1:1 nits nrhlng from
, (Arum .Inehty .1 the won...A. from tinerinal circula
tion, determination of Wood to the heed. pelpitarion of the heart.
c. 11,1 feet end hand., nod hot dashes toer the body. II
has not its equal la Gelds mid (..:Aegise ; asurpronette. easy en•
pectora tool and gentle penniiritien, relaxing stricture of tha
lungs, throat. end every other par,
But in nothing h ih eveellenne - mere nmnifestly seen and se
know lodged than in all Simla and 'amen. of
. It ontlers in case. of F Ater tir Fail .ff
toe Wreak (Pbstratctrd, Soppreserd, or Pesniad .11 , irreg./or
try of the unenstruid periods, and the like ; and is as eacitial
la curing all the fon'. of Kodacy foseasea
By removing obstruetbsos, nod ovulating the reaerul sjy
tem. It eive. time nod strength to the whole body, nod thou
eons all forma of
Nervous disewma and debility,
and thus prevents. or relieves is (rest variety of other maladies,
as poise/ irritattsw. Nearalria, rib.' Dance, Sr. ,what.
I: f itepta F'da. cowealina., kr—
It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones
the stomarh, sod gives good digestion. relieves the bonels
torpor and constipsoinn, allays inflammation. purifies the skin,
equalises the urcnlntlinr of an blond. producing sena...usual
equally all over the body, and the insensible peripiration;
Wln all ft:kV:lnn and tightness, reftlnCe. , all othstrtirtl..6., and
invitiontos the entire nervous system. Is not this then
The medicine yea pre-eminenily need
list can soy of these Wars be add o(9. P. TlNOPetilr• info
hot enoele 1 Thus voting men'. lig eld i• not to he
while the other DOES wards', feriacating. and Merrier
lootles containing It Into fragments ; the sour. acid liquid etplo
Mag. mad damaging other geode! Must not thin horrible cam
passed he poisonous to the systesol— What put acid hoe a
systems already &raped with acid! What canoes Dyspepsia but
arid 1 Ito we not all boon that ?slum Gasstaasurs In out sums
'mho. what mioc.hlsgs It prodders I flatmates, heartburn. palpi
Latina of the haul. liver complaint, demi:sow, oilyweatery , colic
and cerrapllloe of the blood I What ii Peroftila but an arki
butane k! the budy7 IPrhot produces all the hansom which
WagOn Egiptionsbf the Okia, Ocala Bead. Salt ltheum, fiery
sipelas, Whim eiweillino. Freer Bare,. and all ulcerations in
ternal and external 1 it Is soothing under heaves. but en acid
substance, which wart and thus spills ail the Quids of 'the
body. ewe or Ism What cane., thenmbUnm but a mar or
acid fluid. which insinuates Itself between disjoints and else
where. Irdtatfni and Inflaming the delicate tissues upon which
It acts? Po of nervous diseases, of impurity of the blood. of
deranged circulations, and N ocarly all the moments which afflict
human nature.
Now is Dot motiblo links sod sell, sod issfisiteto myna
and yet be wnntd leio have It understood that Dln Dr. Jaen%
Townsend's Ora trier ()ngsmal Sarsaparilla, Is an UiIITATIOhI
of his Inferior preparation
titres forted that we should deal In en artlrle which would
'ear the mast &stem reiganblanee to S. P. Townsend's article/
ma d Irmo ) mtatild brie! et,w a oton the Old Dr. sorb a muitattalii
load of enillpiM/11 . 5 /Ind moo:moons Dom Arent. a ho have sold,
and purchasers who have used S. P.ToiesseetrsrmpiENTlNA
We wish it angeriand. because It ia the *repro& truth, tbaS
P. P. To. nsend's artirio avd Old Dr. Jacob Tawrisend't Su
',Tartan are kamretvitit apart, and dirpiseilsr ; that
deer are undkii- h *eery putlentar, 10e/intim one single Ching
in enntmoa.
As S. I....isuirenri t. DO aneion. and Ilse? WU. Is no
ehemi.u. ne ehhinnithrethi=knows no more" or medicine or dis
etc.e than an) other common, tinarkeistinc. uninoffmainnal man.
Vann raarantas van tbe_pethile have that liter am reeelying a
genuine thrdicinc. theta/Ware wig the virtues et tbe
ankles stited preparing It and which are incapphin or changes
Width might render them the AGENTS or DlSthee Instead id
health. .
Cur w * li . or else should be expected fmnt one who known moth
threnetheratively of medicine nedisecuse ! It recluice. n Prn.n.
*rime ethraienne to mok and nalTin an eves,• crinoline decent
einol. How mach more unputinut is It that the persons who moo
antenna medicine, dexiined air
- -
should know well the otecrseal properties 'of plants, the best .
scowler of auntie. and Cuectatmting their heating eirmee
atu, au retreat kap% ledge of the vartotut diseases wb leb ligreet
the beau irystrin. and hew lts adapt ?rowdies to these diseases!
la is to enrol heads apenahe twohrtuarate, to pear halm into
wounded honan . ily, to kladie hope is th e dmpainny hosent. M
I , 4* , re health ad - twos,,. and viol tam the mastoid and bro
ke.. hod ut banish Inthinity that OLD mt. JAcrithrtlVNEintlD
has fettitai.T sop rui;:lt it the opportunity and was. to brine
Grand UniregimiCancentmted
firmed, '
efithbathe mach. and in all-wlm need - it, ilea
they ao Irani and know. by }.riot eagewlemilk Ite
A Trkuniscrodeuit Power to Heal.
Tpt Iseueruvr - I..k*e. • Oct.& Mk
SIR --tin the 01.0 of Jelly. 1 ,4 47. forcer stein attarked'erlth
2au:nal:an. nail eon waved. under maim,: presentames. to STOW
nme fa 'at tenet too anniahn. I bemuse entirely help's.,
litenpable or fool:eir svolf. or turning In bed. or helping Myelin
gay nay. In ;ht, sts{(ll l,contiaued mad Jmannry. INS, when
helm n m amanita rage ant improve graguelly tin the in May.
Than. amendment wee only no far onto be able to fret sqial.
thatch still inraptie or netUrsg in ur out even taming
to bed. I remained la OM condltinn, w ith lade ta no
until fniti) d deetwireit of getting about win this seasea
the 21st July, , l we. induced to try pow idanwparlila; on the
Iltth. three :bye after taking the ant dine. !_g /WS BED,
la Inch I land not time before is tea umatha, sad la leo Shea a
week, I
Fr. 17.4713) ACROSS TUR ROUX
with the WA of crutehes. ancerhen. l bare walked In the sheet :
hare tone alone from 3. limmee-alleet tartar Park thence to Hotel and back. I bare been to SS Nassau street
two ailterent times. end am sow &moonily visiting my neigh.
bom Dorms all this time. I have-takes but tore Maria df Old
Or. Tow nw.-ines Oct. 4. I procured soother bolds
Oth °et.; and t o sited twits across the door without tame all
of erutellei. I bare also needy meowed (tom ritounction of
water. whieh.gare tae meat distress. TOO pals in my back bee
Loomis, left me. I and my family bare no earthly sues be
ascribe my trenvery many other. anise but to
OLD PM. JACOB TORTNINR.Nif &A pram..ot r.rie.
ALEX. WELSH. llroilereetvel.
F. /4.—flarrosl able ykyvideee lespelvetler ray ever enable elf
even raising myself hum my bed agate.
Principal State 102 Nattimtreet. N. T. City.
dila reiau. In Towanda, Pa.„l.y HI
RAM litiX; agent for Northern Pinnsyleintia. 34y
Soltlileo in Troy by Dr. Rufus King; Burlington,
& Gee ; Orwell, C. 6, Gridley. -
0.4 LM I, E 1 F H TAlhatn Bonne% Ribbon's
I Flower, at rorm, Tco. It. B. R.
.41 , Rinebitaitat
r,,cmiothinc.ArTgrit72 E ;
PODSONOIJI WMINDS. to` diachat *air
orating; end thetsbeallattmaii - •1: , •,•,- • ••• •
It is•tielltljt wined ALb.UP.ALIIf fee there 41'
.aeareeliardionne, extents! er)fottitial, bit It will' loot
.betrefit. ••I Italie toed it for the , lik eNieonvarkfur ell
Illeabwatt of 'ihe chest itivolitinif the *kilobit diner and
• vesposslldlity, and 1 declare tiefoVe , heaven 'ind.littan,
it it noritt one ease has it failea to benefit -when the pa
ii nt woa within ma. of T00t...
have phyekiitie leap. d in the ofession-4
lenee bed siihfstetecituthe -of the lien+
ildertnr d , lawyers, gentlemen of the liiefeat erudition,
on! multittolea of the poor nee it in every variety at
way, and there Itoralisporliotlsovv*r—one universal
voice--vitying •
4 • l4Aft o S er ivotr oiriturept is egad!"
; ; _
'Ararat:l4l,l.-1i removes almost immediately • tbc
uillammatikin and swelling whcu the pain ceases:—
Read the directions t routed the
Head Ache:L- 4 11e salve has curt d persons of the bead
.ehe of twelve years standing. and who had it regular
-every week so that vomiting took place.
Device's: Bar-aeht, Twilit -04 e • cold Ague in. the
Pace. are helped Will like success.
&chi Rrad.—W chap! cutesl i casea, skirt actually de
fied everi d thihillinovvn, es *Of sk:Obe aftility-ast Altevit
to tivenfy - dnOrrit. • ,Que,tnirn told us:he had . spent SCCI
in fitatilaren without atry-Itgottni.sahesi a..few boxes
of the otittment,cgryd them. „
wilt restore - the.ttair sooner:lan any
other thing. • • '-
.Tetter.—There isamthing better for therms of niter
fraroa.-4t is one uf alse. bc.t things in ilirsasorld foe
Pitu.—Thottaatatla are yearly cured by this ointment.
itr.mtriattrirrVving titter fotthp
cu. Around the ire 1 evioh., for using .1144.41,4
tre's O Antes! f.r Sample: Leer C o mplaint, Ery
ripe/cut, Teter, Chili bloat, &old Head, Sore Eyes.
Qui,ey, Sore Throc.t, Bronchitis, Nervous nfedions.
Pains. di,seaseof the Spine. Head" cch't, Asthma, Ear
ache, Barns, Corns, all Diseases tf Me skim Sore lip
Pimples. §c. ; stfnees of the joints, &ceiling tf ths
Limbs, Sala limbs.Sures. Elicurnat ism. Piles, addled.
Croup, swelled or broken Breast, TuotA ache. Ague in
the Fare, 4-c., 4'r. -
i1:1' Aged persons find great relief in using this Oint
ment freely.
Corns.—fteessionnl use of the Oinittl'ent will always
keep cjrns from grooms. People nerd nett r be tn.e•
b'ed with them if they use it fositiently .
ct 3 This Ointment is good fur any part of the
or limbs that ere inflamed. In souse eases at .d.eui•'
applied often.
Catrettlic.—No ointment will he , genuine Plass* the
ammo of James MrAllisfre is written with s pen upon
Sole Proprietor of the shove medicine
AoE:gas—H.S. & M.O Towanda; S
a&K. S. Newman Co., Canton ; Elnu?re Hor
:on, Sugar 11. m. 45y
Principal Oilier, at No. T. q., North Th.r.1.4.. Phil*•
delphi.t, where siphetlCWlN 1.4 lI4VIWIC. may he'insde.
CilletinerN Vege able Ptur;ratis t. Pill,
ok RE the fi rst iiiid only 111.,1...1,,,,,, di. ,s• r. 1! '144
..1. MPH pto-i I irrly oirr 11. ad.. h.. niddiro,- I'.l. •
Dyspepsia, Scurvy So,arp...i 1.,,,,r1ic.. i.. 111- in .'
Pick. Dos aid NV.,.tne.... P• 1 1 ,0-0..,:. „1 ii.,• it,.,.. p
, og in it, I . l.r.isi, Dro;e4v..l- . :i. r. F, .cr. .: , S
. .
F. mile l'i in; .4.10.. lileas4-., lit it • ~. II •oi ll .111
W ,r ',S. I hi , I. .:r It • . I, . i..
!.. • 1411. • , %/‘ I'o .Arras.
.4,1;01, ronsionotlon. Fit.. Liv,•r r•.,,,p!siiir,Frysipet.,-,
neatness; In-longs of the Skit, Cold,, Nersct, Corr
'taints, and a variety of Disea,e• .iri,itig from iin
pit itit s of Indigestion.
Ir boa been proved that nearly every filigriliar towhiel.
ate hnman frame is subject. originates f • impurities
of the Mood or Derangements of the Digestive Organ.;
and to secure Hoehn, we MUM remove those obstruiroonv
or rel4lore the blood to its natural state. This fact is
universally known. but people have such an *erosion
to medicine, that, unless the ease is urgent, they pre ler
the disease to the cure, until an impaired Constitution
or a fit rffsiekness rebukes them for the hilly of their con.
duct. Still they had some excuse, for het ebtiure, med
icine in almost all its forms, was neatly as diagusting
as it was beneficial. Now. however. the evil is most ef
fectually removed; for Clickener'R Vegdoblc Pulp - got:re
' / r ill , , being completely enveloped with • COATINU or
runt...urn/Ts sve•a (which is distinct from the kernel)
have no taste of medicine. hut are as easily swallowed
a- hits of card V. M•.reover they do not siatirertie or
aloe in the slightest degree, which is nerv , ionrel by the
fo-t that are compound. don scientific principle -4, and
operate equally tin all the diseased parts of the system.
instead of confining themselves to, and racking any par
ticul if region, (which is the grunt and admitted evil of
every other purgative.) Hence, they strike al the mil
of Disewe, remove all impure butorws from the blond,
open the pores externally and internally, promote the
Insensible Perspiration. obviate flatulency, Headache,
&e.—separate all foreign "Ina o bn o xi o us p i nkies f rom
chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the •4rigin, most
be thoroughly pure—secure a free and healthy action to
the Heart, Longs and Liver, and thereby restore health
reen when ail other warns hare failed.
ri *.l letters of inquiry or for advice most he arl•
dressed (post paid) to Dr.C. V. CLICKENER. N 0.66
Vesey-et.. New York, or his . alithorized agents through.
out the country. For sale in Towanda, by
HUSTON tr. PORTER, No. I. !Trick Row.
N. R. Remember, Dr. C.V. Clieliener is the inventor
of Sugar Coated Pala, and that nothing of the sort was
ever heard of, until he introduced them in June, 1543.
Punrhasers should therefore' ask for Clickener'i Sugar-
Coated Pilla, and take no other, or they will be made
the victim* of a fraud. 5y
The above medicines ran he purchased of the follow
ing named agents: Leßsysvilln. G. H. Little; Orwell,
Henry Gibbs; Rome, D. M. Wattles ; Ulster, Peck
ham & Co.; Milan, CL.Trarny ; Athena, C.H.Herrick ;
Smithfield, E. S. Tracey ; Burlington, Coryell & tee;
Troy, ,G. F. Rediugton - Canton, Charles Railahrine;
Monroi•ton, B. Coolfietigh ; Standing Stone, Wm. R.
StorfiC&VofilVildusing, C.B. Fisher.; •
T.. M. NYE & CO., woula r.•
speed!) , inform the citizens to Tow-
ands and tfie,public generally, that
15 . 1' i rt they have on 'hand & manufactory
. 2 1.1 on order all kinds of CA MN
v y A , :FLRNITCItE. of the brat mai,
t t om . rials, and workmanship that cannot
lye surpassed. i ti addition to the usual
assortment in country shops, we will keep unhand att •
make to order I3OFAB, of various and most appnoiat
patterns; .ktofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in supyrint
style, and for case and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our larga'cities. Also, the half Freach Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair.
which never loses its elasticity, -atttl finished with the
best hair slating We flatter ourselves that lasing
had much irsperienc, in the busloads, we shall be ably
to satisfy aliwho may feel disposed td call, both as to
priie, and by strict attention to businiaa.
hripe to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal cow.
munity. I. M. NYE & CO.
Towstmla. September I, 1847.
0L:' , ../EftET Fri ,drIT VRE
our shopshop unich . lorr (Irmo
chespiand'inbeetniit lossitted, end that is the mason w.
can afford sit for to do it. All kinds of produce sea,
be remised is payment. Also; LUMBER of ill kind&
Sept.' L. M. NYE 4 co.
or Produce, or Pine or Cherry
Lumber, or cl air plank, will be
teceieedikor work. TURNING done to order in the
neatest ember. Also.
make and kept on bend, or made to order, im the best
minne f; • •••• • JAMES MAMMON.
TV . 'mina, January 4, 1949.
_A. I T B ElNO.BU s naliba
THE subscriber still continues
inanakictnis find keep an band
At the old stand of Totatins sod
Blakinson, all khak i of cane and
wood slat CHAIRS; awl SET
TEES of various kindsoll BED
STEADS of ewe; description,
which I will sell law for' cash
1 - 111latistabicc, &r.
IVOR board mil tidiest. inciadtastO '" Riad
. itK Writing, MisimulierAlgellotoclfeelMaterimi,.
•Bugliablitramonat:: - Rbitotit,Composidom thstempity,4
Use of the Globes. Mumlogy, =NatuialPhilaitophy sod!
Aritretteory: (iithr - the Ise of s good apparatus to illus.
time those studies,) Moral'Phiktiophy'sod Chemistry,
psyabis qoartrly ,ut i adTmost..,por ammo, $lOO 00
p al .!1011; .pqa, per !platter, . 400
frilla, mullahs.
Preach. Or quintet,
Mmtc. (on the piano,) per quarter,
Embroidery • rug work. ".
.khy s feting lady eceliiog instruction on the piano,
privileged to learn rug-woik, or any one of the abo ve
anguages, iind duo want! time, w ithout add itional,cbsrge.
To a young Indy wso studies the English branr.hes,
the tertr.a of learning each of dictation branches,nre
, per quarter, 00
instructions on the Guitar, 4 00
Use of Pianos, 25
Drawing and painting in water colors, including
the wee of auderisla, moth as drawing paper,
pantie, macaw &c.v.
'Oil painting on canvass. ...
Painting tranvparent wintliiw shades, including
the supply of materiels, clack 4 OU
Formula painting oo paper, ailk . and velvet, per
furebtif lessons.
eriklioß os silk, crapPr Arc.
a'ailinvrera, per quartrr.
Prnn •nd•inki
IV iuttifhst,
Bent vacariMm, $2 00 per *reek, - -
- tamarairott-pO4. a/Uresaa to the Muses WITTTE
&GRIFFIN, Binaturnmon, Broom Co., N. Y., will re
vel... prompt attention.
. .. .
, .
TOHN. W. WILCOX, has removed his establish.
..) ment to the shop loween Kingsbery's and Bart
lett's stores, and where he still solicits a share of
public patronage. He iirisenas, 'by a careful selection'
of stork, end 1+ ro , nt:iinure-t: n to th inure-t:d hi. rutk.
'4 r ,,, . '.', V '.. 1•:i: ),.. l', , t . WI V.
11.. .1.. .! , .. •• i i . .. r 4 v ..r. '....-1, .1•..1 , n3t.1..r , . 'lit , '
I . ..' • ' G..., • ... :•- iivt• 1. , ,•1 .` , /ips; Chiltirr" . •
Gcal'A Gailets and Puini,,Ac. ..
~,, 7 7-' Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken ini
pa, ment for wnrk, ii}t the market price. , ,
Towanda. April ttri. 1847. '
Corning, Elmira and Buffalo Line.
oo rOF THIS LINE will leave CORNING
& I.MIR A 1.4 BUFF ALO, eery week during
beast , I. 111 die L.ll.wing °ran :
.in fuesilat,s. ut 10 iirloek, A. M
1.. ive (:oinwg W..i1ip,i1.4)0. at 2 o'clock, P. M
I.• 11. I P
• ♦ I) o S. ••• on •Fri‘lay, .1
r:. . 5,,. - .• Gem v.„
t Ir. • • .“ PA IA on . 4
I.eay. 'or El•tura and Corning...very Saturday
Mo n on a , Le are li(bette , ter evety Monday morning:
BOAT CIIRNINC, Carr. A. M. Ttvt.on
For freight or Pn•wage apply to the Contains on
lioara, or to the following. Agent I:
M Mallory. Camino. Prier & Holly, Geneva. '
S. ll_Strong & Co. Elmira !famine* & Field, do
J. IVintermun,llopiebeada J. Miler, Senera
E. S Hinman, Havanna. L. Boated., M•iritezuma.
G.Town.enil, hie Siream l H. L. Fish. Roehe-ter.
Woodworth & Piwa. Lodi.' Niles 14t Wheeler, Illiffilo„
Gay & Sweet, Waterloo. I April 12. 1849.
Removed to north side Public - Square !
It' .4. llham,berthi,
.ana ILI A S just returned fmm the city
1.-1. of New York with a large
K supply of Watches.. J i
Jewelry and
: 1 7V I. fiver ware, comp ri sing in part,
the follqaiog emit-lest—Lever,
'ec• - and Plain Watchea, with
° a complete 'tsarist:mot of Gold
Jewelry. such as Enr Biota,
Fin Rina, B feast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sort, of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads--all of which he offer
for sale E. ceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on short notice, and wormy/fad
to run well, or the money will he refunded, and a writ•
ten agreement given to that effect if
N. 8.-111 AP . I.E SUGAR. and Country Produce
taken in payment for work,; arid afr r. learn now, and
forrner,that the Procluct mite be paid when the work
iA dune--t war against creitittin all ite forma.
W: A. 47.11Ait1 BERLIN. Agent
"Towars,la, April 1.11,
`SVI;I.O I€3lll
F. HARDER respectfully wishes' to inform the
eitizens of Towanda, end the publk that he has
commenced the
in Towanda, on Main street, fl few doou above Bridge
street, where he will keep constantly on hand or make
in order, Plated and common Harness, Trunks and
Trunk Vallee:, and all Linda of work in his line. CAR
to order. From his experience in the business, and
punctuality in attending to it, he hopes he may remise
a char of pit:die patronage.
j All kinds of work may he had at his shop cheap
tier than at any other shop in this county.
Towanda, June 12, :8.314 I y
L. as tarot. a. slarrn.
Completion of the North Branr f h Canal !
Li AMU formed a cn-pann.r•hip in the mem:lfee
t tan• of BOOTS & ISHOCS, at the old stand
three doors north of Rnrlce at. would respect ally inform
thew friends and the prildic, that they will carry on the
humorist in ill is tintrichea_keep on handand make to
°Me:. errerythinc in their line in the neatest manner and
in their latest style.
BeWiring that they can do as raid or better work'
than can be had elsewhere they would say to those wish •
ing good article in their line to give them a call, and they
shall be sati-fled. Repairing done on short notice.
c Produce of ail kinds taken. for work. Hides
wanted in riehang! (or 13..0tt, and Shoes and Leather.
'ertiranda t)ec. 14. 1814. 13. & S.
Or Nature's Pain Destroyer, and literneily for Disease
mile is a pure liquid, free from every thing
1 inconvenient or dernavions. As a pain extractor
this medicine is superior to every thing yet discovered;
and as en application In reduce inliamatron, the skill of
mankind is challenged to equal Nature in it. It soothes
the Nervous etyrem—heals wounds, bruises. sprains.
and cleanses ulcers—redoes 1p all manners of swellings
and tumors: and cures Sum er Complaints, Dysentery .
Infantile Diseasei, Female compisints, and mold of the
ordinary Family Ailments.
After what I have stated. you will not be sorpriaed
at the declaration of my opinion and fink conviction,
that the liquid prepared by you is rave or TUC wore
rsrvaxu•ats arecovzsitint of aortncat ANT;ON NOD.
max TI MIS t—and that it will prove a most effectual
remedy for all nervane affections, end a cure for inflain
nsationa, acute and chronic, when ."""nahlY and Pant* -
erly applied. Further ..beervation and experiment will
1w necessary to determine the twat mode of lie applica
tion, whether internally or externally, and the quantity
to be administered.
Your oli'fireroant.
The *bort medicine say be found at all the Am+m ,
cies for tbsyde el the celebrated . fittefenberi Medi
cines, In the eoaotia• amnia. •
15 1Waii saws hi DtriKc e sers ,
s ab o ichan o tna consul:Ml*o
We, tVtlie"irliiit,'4heirilitarY habit? loutliFis
OIL IV/tiraLlO; - *WIMP wetNIND end
UNION -. Streem,l between Spence and rule. a wqosie
sail•wetalf fraaa the Exchange. ^ y
Tbenatss habit which boys bssiehoscholiwu lbw/Iced
enry Or VeUelps.—ei bebias.indelge4--iw.whsa by Agar
insoiitude. growing op with the boy,. to.manhoosi ;
kw of these who indulge in Ihiit . pernickes .-paiones
-are awees t e( the amarcteetwes. umillAdwrirAnd the
nervous( kistern - teefi.raratrgeldil Vdsccoun
table-frelisgtimamientain the: wind. The itidivinnal
beccwits feeble; he tw.labor math accustomed
rigor or to apply his mind to stud; ;' his amp is tat•dy
and weak; he is don. inviolate: -
4 Q 0
4 00
10 ob
2 00
conhaved;tbe proeteatide power 'ha tkstroyett - anti
marriegireederEd impossible. a long traittor aeeious
aliteetiona follose,'thit etaintenatizi it doss:least. the eyes
without natant Witte. shantifiteethtes ht apparent.
Toms au '■rtteroas watch uocre Airastis the
etteetiotrof those shnilirty oMietee.
Be eonsvions or the cause of his decay, and quit it, he
suffers under those terra*" nocturnal and involuntary
erubv4iopa, wpicb, wakt:n and. shame hits-producing
mental and physical rostratiou. If he emancipatesittim
self - We're the kyr done 001;lrorsk, land enters
mat= • ge sense' idAt
tells t this it causedby Ms (fitly lollies. •
Let to false modesty deter you iliyzulting your
case known t0...0ne who, from erhlcti' 26 / I ' . re'Pecia
bibty, capilone.-Ife who places him
self under KIPIKELIN'S treatment, may religious
ly .confulke : ln biajtonor as a genttenthn, and in:whose
bosom will be Iptinnat locked, the secret of the patient.
Thstaisatithaisve bearthstirred i tisbeilds..foont the de
vastadan.v these terriffic malidiK
Geruhnt Physician.
01-Msdildthels Aftices, &c., fMwartled, by
sent „it rensillagee, 'sad put, op rows from dameze
or cu ty. • , .
Poet paid letters answered thrthwith.
4 00
10 00
3 00
a 00
2 50
Seem& edition,kot publi-40. price 25 cut.
A Tredise on Affiletion, Lase . and Marriage, and
the Diseasis of Youth, Maturity and Old Age or the
Lights and Shades of Married Life, (its infelicities
nil enjoyments.)
To 'O. 0- p•-it to he, that is Om wtastioa."
:W:•! • r - ...r• illustrations. &c.)
• -”!
r• • ••• 'twist heiiven and earth, Horatio
al.• •u. .a r philosophy:--So fitses•ii
~.• l o. k I.atois of exe r ) y ouli g
1.1.0 vr Cii..{ol3lg, AK .141.• L br,Y
- • r•St•ty man trr w011,>,., Lll..f • Wd
or bi gl e should read with cote amluttention, this truly,
useful work as we consider it well a•lapta,l to sisshrt.
attention to a subject more blighting to body, Lubin] and
soul, than any other s reit.
Young or mid& aged persons. suffering from Dys
peptic and Consumptive symtoius of longstanding. by d
ratrful pernsal of this most omolerful work, will find
the range of such symptoms in the baneful habit hew
(2:3' .Any one f. 'tiling twenty-five cents enclmed in
I -tier, will rrecive one cum of this I,ook by mail,
five eimi-s will he sent for Line (1.41ar.
( . 0"-All letters are• ext ertcd_to lie POST rein, ' except
tho.'e comaining a remittance, and addressed,
•• DR. WM. YOUNG, 152 SPRUCE Street, bet
ween Fourth and Fifth,. Pei: LAnsien t 11tu34
Warr:laird ander a Penalty Of .$l,OOO, free from
Mercury and other Mural Substances
Me °ay thiginal and Geonine Indian Medicine
.getable Pilla are die.
'pushed for their per
:t adaptation to tLe
inian body. In their
ieration, they d ex.-
tly what nature ties,
id nothing more--
'hey have a PO CIL - FOLD
7T I UN, upon the lung.,
in, kidneys and bow
t. Renee their pe-
Oar power over die
By promoting per
spiration, they break up
Uolds, C nigh*, Rhea
'Pie a. tiol of the kidney is such as to mike them
P valuable . lithonuiptic. Dropsy, Gravel, and Female
Complaint., arising from obstructions at Certain periods,
Ire speedily removed by their use.
A tree Espectortation from the longs is excited by
the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, thus re.
moving Pulmonary Complaints, such as Asthma:Bron
chitis. Soreness and Tightness of the breast, Coughs,
Sore Throat, dte.
By their action on the Stomach and Bowels, the
Pill. Lure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Palpitation of
the Heart, Flatulency, Costiveness, Fevers of all kind■
Pleurisy, Headache, Giddiness, Dysentery, Piles, and
all disorders of the intestines,
Taken in small doses, Wright's Indian Vegetable_
Pills become an Alterative Medicine, of great searching
elllcacy, for the cure of Sores of all kinds. Peter,
Tumors, Jaundice, Lowness of Spirits, Neuralgia,
Rash, Pains in the Bones, &c.
These Pills also thoroughly break up Influenza,
in which complaint they are extremely valuable.
In loos Complaints, these Pills exercise a complete
mastery. Hence Fever and Ague is speedily cured by
the use of them. In the Western and Southern States
where this disease mostly prevails, these Pills go like
en avalanche. While they are cheaper than the fever
and ague remedies in general. % rights Indian Vegeta
ble Pills have been pronounced superior to all of them.
Indeed, it would appear that if there is one complaint
Over which these Pills have more power than anotner,
it is Fever and Ague.
For destroying and expelling Worms, no Vertnifuge
to these Pills., Although we have not taken pains in
make this fact public. the merit of the medicine itself
has acquired for it an extensive reputation and male for
the removal of Worms. Administered to adults or
children, the effect of the Pills is equally radical and
decisive. All aho suffer from .Woima should, by all
means, use Wright'. Indian Vegetable Pills.
In fact, no , one can go amiss in the urreAf this medi
cine. They '.
-l's natural to the body as food,is. A trial
will convince the skeptical_that Wright's Indian Vege
table P.lls far from being a. " quack nostrum," are
decidedly the most valuable medicine ever offered In
the Public. •
Remember. that the original and only genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Witham
Wright on the top of each box. •
The genuine is for sale by MONTANYES & Co.
sale agents for Towanda; and by agents in all other
pa , to a( th..
Offire drvoteo exclusively to the sale of Wriehe
Indian Vegetahle • whalerele and retail. 169 Rae
Philadel i , l44. 289 Greenwich et., New York. en
19A Tremont. Boston.
To Owners of, and . Dealers in Horses.
• OINTMENT. for the cure
` • of Founder, Split Hoof, and
• • Hoof bourot-Hmarvt,contraes
lied and Feverish Feet Broi
-1 sea in the Flesh, Wounds,
• Galled Backs. Cots, Kicks.
• e•e it Cracked Heels. Seratchea.
on Horses.
For the cure of Ring-bone, Blood Spavin, Bone Spa
yin, Windgalls and Splint—a.certain remedy.
Thi,. Ring-bone cure and the Founder Ointment
are prepared from the recipe of. a very celebrated Ent;
Itch Farrier, and will cure in ninety-nine ca.e,r , out of
one hundred any of the above complaints, They have
been used by farmers, lisery-Men, stage propri. tors and
°them-with the moat marked and deeided success.
804 d in New York by Contatneks, 97 John st., and
in Towanda, by ROSTON At PORTER. 5m6
Jour C. Siang's.
by th. groor;-at 2, B. R. Fors.
• ~ •... i •.1
1 1 , ' I
• krAPIII&•P Coneentra* ‘4.
th* Army 4r.r. Qff",
— 414a1l mot of •4110100 it Se 'Cone of mace
be oaf prole the purifififg, pow is de Medic s,"
Aso suMsai and arietiang NNIONNIIP-110 acre
is ted a hieettchie, hi eresiarepecti aid then is eintede;t
Met ears effected. girt OrtellarTLE ai it roma -`
leg, !wenn; Time} suniioeixoem, than the n
in Fell Maks or spy rorapor or nay adav
that hae ewer been eifered far We: - There is undathted i t ;"
In our pamphlets, that by the ads of this greet /*diem p i p. u .
they that were Thrum yet Lori—they Mit were L Axi
Cairn-Ur do now Watx—they that Were Sim, tleaory
end otherwise dimeaseit been bies.lbutszo mid Omsk
• Hundreds---Thousands—
who have toed Niter's l''‘Ditie. r itet; lievberatee
/ILL the saretperitgertif otherjekneheet reepeomewh4
bleed dinettes. )we decided that,— '
itrant's 'is the. Cheapest
beeesse a.. zottka tr. bee MOW 1111editik asnelve Imity
KA. b ceneequeom, cures more discus In much Iw wu y i
au basis of eriT other medicine.
g them 0,32 Bark of Bustle's Pustules will dire pore
rums sue disease thee owe beak of -Eu."4
rearms" would be u cheap af four dollar. ea ee l .
rifle at one donor. But AMANTA PURIFIER le sold ce,
011 E DOLLAR • battle sad es a UM. of It lir carelami;
awl& otetnts& Four Times re math 4li as oxekcy d
mrpapttills. therefore rerseperilbao et
of its lee p o .
er sod ilia Medico! efficacy, should be sold et ew "w e 6 .
reisepTiarCirerr 0117 WWI* he as chap se the ?Menu e
041 Drilier.
How much caucus—hole much Elreumrs—hoec um i sca.
DOW* sisrska Brants PURIFIER pro y n
this Tolowing maxisoumt, which is • specimen of its power
This is the ewe of a Dying own who pt' urn Re wee
of • wave owe of Scrofula. by only Mode. Baalea es
Purifier, thin ever was cured by the use of nolo Cali.,
the best remaparato that was ever .made. tranolorm. 1,„.
saglident weave& were to street the cure of such a mektio,
Vesse. .
.7 5 .1. B. Ilitenr, of Rowe, Oneida CO., N. I'P_ had
years—was confined to his bad the lad year—he w z,
diseased and -debilitated as to be unable to raise his bind •h,
head. Be bad the bat medical adirictuol used all us tee ti
rawapaiillas to no good effect—gut worse and worse, sad 5 .„4„ ...
ddered to be in u Dying and could nrs Bre roes,
hours longer, when be commenced using BRANTS SciEnf r ,
His secir was eaten nearly off. from em to ear—et lioir e s .
through his windpipe, under his chin, so that he breathed
the bole—his ear. was so eaten around that ft could is tb e r
out of its place, it only holding by • awn pieco—the a t od .
ow was destroyed by two Ulcers—en Liner under tto
large as • man'. land had neatly eaten through /os .1,1. h
body, ' Thus be was afflicted with meury such pnrrxl
situ Ulcers, tar various parts of tio ocram. r
particulars. see oar PaseAkts.
Doct. nacatis. WILIZI*3t3. one of the most set
of Hume.. was extol to see Liardins the any aeon t.r r
using Bracts rurifirs. Duct. W.
him that all the medicine. io the world ruz,..l rmt -are '
his case was
Now bear Mr. BASKIN'S statement of Re
wire procured title bottle of BRAND'S PURIFY7Yr; E Er;
—THAT BOTTLE enabled no to pm off elf bed—the . 11C , Aa
tie enabled me toga eut of
. at AMMO—Um Tin 0 Hut
roll two MM.. and when I bad finiabed none Vin. Poor,. ei
inorztor out of witty Utters bed iteted up. and
erected • PERFECT CURE and rettored m- to nod Oat!
The abore foam are certified to by Dot T WILLItrt
Mr. G. R. BROWN, of West Rome HoW. Mo,s, ;
LEONARD, Drag - 044 and ELEVEN cities respectable Edna
d ROM.
Mr. 0. D. KINICEY, merchant Mem% ,
formed Us that a canoerricaeor , 01111ty P - 11. Wit* r!
ditnill cures of C•SCILICS thnuarla the efficacy yi
YYTNO-EXTRACT. A conosdorm. in I ir1,71.
also tom; said Cruets% Mr. A. B. derrt.e.drarr,c. a Cato.
berth, 11mm:emery county, N. ha. of
.m. al a CMICT.2. of Mai 'standby!. erhich
lady of that place. if. therefore, tho PLTWIEK rfi4
purifying. healing poscec, what impure 4.,-a-c •hc
it not caret Seven year& experience awl traercrz say. [Moo
none but what it will cute.. •
The Itier.ltintilth toIMITCIII, Pa-40f of the Predo - nm
thumb, Adam. Emin, Monroe county. N. Y , wrote to
mot received a letter trout Mr. Cnaestv Donengt,
mre of Ms IN:m . 4ore. Too may depend on who: .t gm. eta
• a Cbrivalan map rad an eider in the drown. Some 3i...1 fb
an had to have one of his legs cal dr to save los I,fe, m ewe-c.oa
at a Fevermodre. The other leg being now affected. end etc
ae amplatated, I recenunended BILANT'S Maumee. Reid
rah. He says: new and May mace BOTTLLS of BRA'''.
MEDICINE. I 'bead ALL noes, from ipmer ovrogogsmida., asa
.Ifeeliciaa,atxl I can ewe sae that, with the bleamang Cod, ,as
ducted a can of silt leg.'" Bee Pamphlets " for full par-man.
Di. SATEILAN FrOBBAILD. of Stentked. Conn., oee of 3e 4frt
atW mom mrowybk, phymthipts, Wig 01111Cted wit:. 1.m5.(45
plaint maay years, end was pirferUn - nmxl t* win g BRAS7*,
RTFTENO 'EXTRACT. We ewad name hundred, of ago
slim cued.
No remedy offered to the public hu erer been hall irs maga at
crixermai ie mere*? ALL the incidental Ittasirataan tort 1-reratato
of the am ? es Beam's I.M.OBOMMer BALSaM. It maga no elk
rOO,l whether the d era be cappransrat, arrest or Vat" MI6
sen-LNILEOULATES by , r , r•
the clitetytaTlON, and soothing axe affrryiny neltrat3 ILZITAtaII ,-
cip - nee pamphlets.
Eruptions, Pimples,
from tee yhi to the rioseass, sad the somas et nuiJk cgs—do •
ease is accelerated. and the other so gradatrit, I appnesevi, , 0
sans any of the fond dhessielhai trcquaricly arum In =mega= d
tech change.
" hwrica,Genewe Co rearm'', ~ .!ta
•M. T. WALLACE 430.-GOotterrorra : lalt. tor cam Om
• T•wr. aßotod with diseaset.of the stomach. I cod root an
fat or groord , witiatance without CitUDITIC rre , at para. on.w.
avant:Mx. amd was cominnally adhered with a 000 r r-ormet L
ea experiment, tried .orte bottle of BRANT' NI
to wty utter diaoppohament, woof aa.l far
.M.. 1. 4111:41M0 used ariecood Inger. vr loch bag eorgorth
the Woes" tont irw Well and Warty. and rut Lbw*
thine withwat Wing pained, or the wonuich' mr:
" Yours reapactftdlyy T
Mr. Slalom !a • respectable merchant pf Atuca.
Bram OLNEXEr Co.. N Y. M A'4'
"Mehra. M. T. WALLACE & CU..• Tome nem lag Irwcie
wife became so debilitated from the effects of 155 ,,, 5..t u.' 4'
kw Sure Moos,. that she could not lift her eb or pWfor'w w"*"
hold tabor. Her medical treellnete 'Rev varted"accontac
advice and • Iptiorm of the most eminent paystaaw, Ada
eill we. elthaneeed ht melee& eMbrta. She beeraso.. , 0. , a-a'
that at the time she commenced takbir Presr.
weighed no ours sighsrfive pumas; bui 6Y
taken frier beettokshrbrealee perfectly null. The cur. ! , “e'et` ,
that - she b now enabled to do all neceMary houaebold atr ,
sallied thirty pounds of flesh in Thar weeks.
" Tows truly, C. B. GA LF.YEW
The reader will Observe that Mr. ClALElrretr gars
Be, we are Informed by Z. S.Tr..IIIY, EN, of the tae r.'
sWied medletee.
Bitimrs PURIFYING EXTRACT is a per:fort and
team of all the sjf ft*
_sf Sltaccar. or any of the
does of CALOOLL or ri4rlterlrt.= new.; sod
Mood, aseseaw, and an Ns parts to then organ. ar....0
Kr. A. BOLYSTANDER merchnot. Oberke.
wrote, December 19. 1848, and after haring stated hoe
the PULMONARY Ltt pr l.SAltt had effected the •-•re • •
ecenntmeatre coach.• se
bare personally u.I }ILO t':
RIF I'M EXTR.IC , - for general debility of t;* •,,," •
Gore "brs/ 191199 19 living It the bent medle'ne i" •
ewe OrrIGOILATE Yoe 4YSTeII that ,I have ever ;1.- 1 1 ' ' 1
Moan where we have . sold . BRANT'S M EDI I NI;"'•
Frond theft eau% iend "ism t t 1114 ST ILITIsFAC. t to% "
ml all impure alma* dames tif aLooa, ere a:a , P
For sale by HUSTON & PoR FER.
C. H. Herrick, Athens ; C. E.,
U. Palithurd • LeR"Y Brown & .310
ton ; E. W, Baird, Eunimer.firld ; M.
alusing ; D. Malley &Son, 1,Ray.%610 ; T. N
Orwell; Maynard & Wnhdburn, h•ime. t: • r'.
Smithfield Coryell & Gee, Barlinzte.r , L. S E.l'_
yon. Tn.v.
111 I.,qntera mitt nulers must he adtheF4e , l
la.e & Co., toff ltr.;ide.etv, N V.
wh,"te Ouplieates me tot P''
choshng 1P49). within 'hut s , j ay , I ter
n:elc l ure uCl•etue w+r•ed u p on by . tinn, in 1,01
The lave* for 1819 n.e i:ltportetl to he p ‘1
Serurn.her Likr-ww. 01l Ilern. , e ,
days, as the demands me witr!l 114 n..i.nre
lections. JAMFS %I. 1.9.(A.
D KINGSBERY Ilk. CO. are now receiving 1 11 '
-1-2• from New York another assortment o;
which will ba soltlextremely low fir
their Press Goo& for the L9dies, mar he lotin.i 1001
lot of Linen Bermes. Linen ltmtints.
Imams, Scotch. French and American.
the prettiest Criliimes in market. Please call aol
amine. Towamla. July 17, 18 1 19.
PS. GINGJAMS, good fast si Is.. • few pit._ Linen Berages at
f t
,et LtiTHS, Caudillilia.% Nannette and Veoniv" l l
neTal.assortment,jusg e ecc ieed a nd Mr wilt" r` ,
ap2o . ' Ikl CRC rNIK.
On DO/41 1 1 Worth !
Worse than Hopeless !
*l- 1 % ki11•1 1 , o'*o-.ot
Dyspepaia-4our Stomach!
. .
Treavrer c.f tiradlail 0)07
Masilly Office, .101 ;13, (849.