Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 31, 1849, Image 3

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    111cig .
gnysei Wanted Isally 1100•4!
mil! *Ammo max!
\•V ";"1:\1G1--,
&impend Syrup of Will Cherry!
efts •
f• -
c ,, g hs, Colds, Milbank, Illretwhithi, Liver Comptaint,
s n ai ll i k e; Blood. _liffrewlty-of Bresibiag, Pais in
L i,. ride and Avast, Pidtvitabolt of the Heart
b i g ue use, Creep, betoken Ciotistitutioni
Sore Thrust, Nemesia Debility,.
and all diseased of Throat.
Breast and Lung; the
most effectual sod
• known for
Any of
above dimmers
fr. Synge% Compoiii Syrup •I Veld cherry,
!no. Wilton Earle, editor of the Worcester Spy.
Mss., wee attacked With a -*ewers infiamation of the
luny, aceoripanied, with a distressing cough ; after
using vatiour other remedies with little or ino benefit.
hy the use of one battle of Dr. Swityne's Compound
s to up of Wild Cherry, he wee restored to perfect
Montelhis, a respectable merchant of St„ Choir,
.3,boylkill county, writes... January 30,1349 :—Enelcw.
n 1 I send you a certifleate of Wm. Beaumont, eiti
ap of our town. His case of Consumption is well
tool here, an d of lour standing; he attribute, .hi.
care entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild
There is but one genuine preparation ot, W ild Cher•
et, and that is U'. Swayne's, the arm offered to
the pu blic, *lnch has been largely , throughout 110
Stites used, sad some parts of Europe; and alt prep.
t oriona called by the name of Wild Cherry have - ban
pot out since this, utiles cover of some circumstances,
in order to give currency to their sales. Each bottle
of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful steel en
ing. with
. the likeness of William Penn thereon;
Dr, 3wayne'a signature said as a further security,
te portrait of Dr. Swayne
, Will be added hereafter, so
e• to distinguish his preparations from all others.
A ante and effectual remedy for yt to rm. Hy •1.-1,- . 19
•.Ch Mniins, sickly or' Daapeptio chti.tren 11.{Utti
(iota Mt-du:int ever offered to
This melt PT is one valtieh 'has proved successful fur
a .011 time, and it is ondersally acknowledged by all
olio have tried it , to be far superior (being so very
ples,sts, to it,e taste as the'same time effectual) to ai.y
,aher medicine ever employed in diseases for which it is
resommended. It not only destroys worms, but it in
,...orates the whole system. it is harmless in its ef
fetta, and thirheitlth 'el 'the' patient la always improved
br Its use even when -no worm; are' red.
)loan Goon News. INYM Tie 0 x.--jAnderstown,
Inkliana.—Da. Swami—Dest I:iir'ti. All your medicine
-,41 u'll I, and give good sairatidticrn. Yetis. valuable
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry bra blettithbe means
01 restoring some hopeless lees in thft
Your rills are most excellent: , ['want yet to send a
good supply of them. A mad purchased: bottle of
NOW V ermifure the other day for his child, and by its
me tt discharged 63 of the largest worms he hail ever
SoMiL It is somewhaedifficult to get the people to try they have so often been gulled by nauseous and
smithies" worn medicines. Yours being so very pie ss
ant to the-taste, at the same time effectual, I shall be
able;to dispose of a large quantity. Respectfully,
tours, &c, Tows:wan T. Biewr, P. M.
To Br, Seattle, N. W. coiner of Eighth and
-Rice ata., Philadelphia.
r 3. Remitter ! the genuine is now put up in square
Err' aCT IvftFaa Pi Lia.--The virtues of these Pills
tau be apps tied only by those who have used them;
they are slo t t ed to assist nature in carrying off morbid
matter, obstruCtioaa impurity of the blood, &c., &c.--
Thev are aigentle end effective purgative, correct all
the itinctionpf the liver, and as en alterative in drop
era( s ff ectioal, they are very valuable, and should be
in every family. They have an outside coating of
pmt White Sugar. whereby everything disagreeable
to the taste or smell le entirety removed, without in the
least affecting the excellent guiltier of the medicine
Remember ! they are now put up in boxes, urned out
of the solid wood. covered with a red.lebef, bearing the
signature of Dr Swayne. None other is genuine.
The above valuable medicines are prepared only tiy
Ar. 'MA YNE, N. W. corner of Eighth and Rice
street, Philadelphia.
Burrow & Pori ea, Towanda Pa.
rhsi Rathbone, Canton, Brown & Rockwell, Mon-
BelMeThan & Brown, A- 1 melon,
diens valley: IC. H. Herrick, Athens.
D. D. Parkhurst. Leßoy. i Kinney & Siderite. She.
r'. T. Murphy. Centreville.,, abeguin.
J. Ihriiisls, Burlington. ,Ikt. Bullock & Co., East
e. W. &B. F. Pomeroy; Smithfield.
Tier. ffgry Ring & Vasbore, Troy.
. _
KINGWBERY & are this day receiving
• from New York an cittenaline asetwtment of
GoMSS, *bleb will be sold extremely low for caoh.-.
Call and ace.
Towanda, rte. It. '4 9. . •
New Arrival of Jewelry. Cilojekikand
• Watches.
A41:8 P. nuLL respectfully informs the citizens
of Ydwantla and %%lolly, that he halt lately return
ed from PMl's&Mbia, and may he found at the old
*tied, one door helm* the Brick Raw, in the room for
tardy occupied by Mecca's Hit Bait, when he offers
iale a large and aplendit Suasortment of JEW
1:Y, consisting of gold and silver watches, gold. fob and
guard chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pert,, breast
t 0,,, finger rings, ate—, cheap for cash. and every article
warranted. A large supply of CL 'CRS, of the latest
Improved patterns, 'tinning horn :tO hours to 8 :days
sad a rnAth, with one winding.
Zr• Particular attention paid to repairing CLOCKS.
1r Ten EB,& JEWELRY. of every deettrionrilti sod
Iro nt the long experience-which he has hoot to the hu
iine,:a. work left in his care will he done in the h, et
aorkmanitke manner. Old gold and eilver taken in
"change. :Towanda, Oct .her. 20, 11419. y ,
E T.
receiving, direct from N.'ot York,.: an assontnere ,
I 01 NEW FALL•& WINTER Goolis, vrhith
Lb, public are requested to call and exatnine..
Towanda, October 16, 1619.
moirzi s ,
Between Broadway and Nassau at , N. Y.
:Is2 mad $2 50 per Week. 371 emu per Night.
111.11 ttwasoUT 01
bait received by
H. 8. & M. C. MEACUR.
A s il persons are hereby cautioned; against pur
;:. chasing or obtaining a certain
to promissory
AorE drawn by the undersigned` Caleb C. True
bearer on the 23d day of February 1849, for $ 5O .
1 1., said Iccite having been fraudulearly obtained
til.not be paid unless compelled by process of
4 ".
W arm, Oct. 3,'49. HOWZII HOWELL
NON mks'
IMPS gif2olllll
HMIX boo rimorrood his Drug Store lu Us north
. cooler of the Public Nom, Wag oiedpioa by
James H. earn, and having Sued up his room has
sidled to his former soormourot • low supply of
ilillpw k Wades wart, Clasawart, FitiOng Tackle,
Fancy Cads, Manny, kr.
Ile is agent for 'mom of the valuable POPULAR
MEDICINES of the dity,Mbich can be purchased al
him with a certainty of procuring genuine articles.
Re is also agent for the CANTON TEA COM
PANY of New Yorkorhoes Teas base attained • arida
spread reputation for genuineness and duty low price.,
An examination of his stock, to which be invites the
attention of the public, will , satisfy every one that it
bras been selected with a view of procuring thalami and
moat desirable articles, and purchased at the lowest
rates, Towanda. May 1, 1849.
G. W. Merchant's Celebrated
leh UU. 11 lame [WWI) rals:./ocaiiva for
DiNrosrm of the ilurnau Flesh.
Tim F, Rn.t et pericnce have fully proved that that this
USW Ffi.SA I. REMEDY .has not not its equal
on the list of popular:medicines, having been more than
14 years before the public.
Testimony of the most disinterested. chastely of its
wonderful effects on the animal economy is almost dai
ly presented to the proprietor.
A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes
were burnt off of him, was restored twithout suffering)
by the timely use of the Oil.
Numerous are the unsolicited statements of patients
thrtaaelves, and others who have used the Oil, of cures
which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at
all interested in i pecuniary point, they could hardly
base been credited.
The following diseases are among many others in the
cure of which this Oil has been completely successful
and in which others had entirely failed:—
Spasms, Sweeney, Ringhone, Windgalla. Poll Evil, Cal
lous. Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness,
Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Sand Cracks,
Foundered Feet, Scratches, or Grease Mange, Rhea , .
modem. Bites of Animals, External Peisons,.Painful
Nervous Affections, Frost lilies, Bolls, Coma, Whit.
lows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chaped bands.
Crimp, Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings,
Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, &e.
Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sure the name
of the note Proprietor, GEORGE W. I;IERCH ANT,
LOCNPORT. N.Y., blown' in the iiirrifef the bot
tle, or in his hand writing over the cork, Don't be
persuaded to take any thing else with the promise it is
just as goad, &c., Ike. This is practised by those un
principled deadens whose conscience will stretch like
India R. bber, and who We of a kindled apt* of th.
in our large cities, whose nefarious practical have so re
candy been exposed to the aeflon of Congress.
Those who attempt to Counterfeit this article are re.
ferret! to the law of New York,of May 1845, by which
it will be seen that every person meddling to these
counterfeits is subject to indictment, imprisonment, and
A permit selling out of this state, will be liable to ar
rest wheel in the state, snd else in be held serf Whom
against those he bought of or wild for. 4
All Orders addressed to the proprietor will be reepond
ed to.
Get a pamphlet of the Agent and see What wonder.
are aneonsplishea' by the use of this medicine.
Bold by reepeetable dealers generally in the United
Stites end Caned..
For .ale by HUSTON& PCRTER,Tweranda, E.D.
Wells. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer, Covington. Abel
Towel'. Montrose, Pomp & Kinsey. Easton, Lewis
Smith Sr. Co., Allentown, IL D. DtantAttith !Murton.
Oct. 15th 1.848. n2o.y T.
J. A. Kane's Clothing Store, Elmira.
Come listen now while I relate
A' tale Pm bound to tell,
Of clothing .old at such a rate
That none can undersvit
(Yee day reAled on /oho As Kane
A suit of clothes to buy,
They were so threw that I arid fain
Persuade sou all, to try,
R u i n . f c r John A. Kane, Hum for John A. Kane !
Well buy our clothing all of him,
For best him no nne cam
His stock consists of every
• And piled, my eyes! how high,
You certainly can't help but 804
The thing to suit your eye.
There's Suits to suit all sorts of teen,
For Wedding Church, or Shop
There's Pants, Vests, there's Cloaks
Of rhundenn lot
Hurry for John A. Kane, Huffs for J. A. Kane.
Ifonce you' buy • suit of him
You're ante to ell! again.
Tbere's Dream and back, and Rock Coats
Of Cloth the very best.
Th e r e % under Clothing, Cravats too,•
tnek. Wool 1.0;1 Satin Vests.
And a- fitong to a fit
I nip., not i ..e 1. , tell.
144. r? / lc .•tt ea , l) man Set firot est,-
I...ttet—f bt 1••• rwrmstitally ower..e..s the euitii.g
D•tttmttit rat nod h..l i• gads mild« Ito the Item
matinee. awl tio• leer &Or.
litirra for Johri 4. !Cole, 110 , a frr .1
... Kani-
V• 1 .. ., too. I want ftr-t t4te• fit, ,
V.l rail 4,, him
Some oth. r woe tell yoe m.'ro
tut iliia het. r.• I Otwe.
He, hos on hand now in the Stove
A Stock a fiY.t rate rliio ea,
Igo when you have a little time
And cash on hand to spore,
Remember that youll always find
John A. Kane ready to give yon the words of your
Money at No. 6, Water - 'Street, fifth door weal of
the Bridge. a
Hares for John A. Kane, Burnt for J. A. Kane
buy'oor clothing all of him
Tor Brat him no one cart. •
175 hands wonted for ill Mods of work. immediate-''
ly. JOHN A. KANZ; Elminl..'tna. 2! '49.
'MOTTOS is liereSpgivets tbst the copartnership
heretorove existing between BRISTOL & SMITH
is this day dissolved by meted consent. The accounts
of the late firm will be settled by L. Bristol.
Sept. I. 11149. 41 - I. H. sman.
cr. Pedal braid and Finned lace Sonnets and the
bear amoortureirt of Ribbons Flowers, white, blhck, blue,
rose, and straw color Wise and :crape in fact everything
dessirealite in the shape of Bonnet Trims. it FOX'S.
FRata GREEN .OR BLACK TEA-•—'W mums!
good Woo sale, he teternad in ail eases,
idlers Tea does not suit at iny23
.1)111A1.14 LEAP SA7I4, just recendegoa b midaby
1. July 17. B. KINGSBERV ilk. CO.
Espai ' Mimummds.
ALL imMi. . to t6s sites if ISAAC
Famosiok-kw. of .Ihodisol ors
bon* mike poloost without Oak I, lid
tionoloksiotolohoos agoomotiohl, owls *loosermt isiumatiestol tor iisalsonst,,, • •
11, 144801%
diselll,lll4ll,l , .
ALL peraotte isiloadto th e ealatedl6llllllll
LIOTT dereamed km of Wyebuitiit township. an
hereby rereatni to mate payinedt without delay. and
thaw having claims aping said mote will *see pre
sent them duly authenticated far aattletwrot
MitilßY BLi.IOTT,
Wyaluamn. May 1 ).8. 1841. Exirentera.
ALL penmen. indebted to the estate of RICHARD
N. HORTON, do:eased, kte of Sbeebequhz tarp.,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and
thaws having claims against said estate will plum, pta.
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
.1. 1 114. D. DEMON'Y,
Sheshequin. Sept. 10, 1849. Administrator.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of SAMUEL
CHASE. dears•ed, Ism of Towanda Ticrmah.
ars hereby requested to make payment without delay,
and thaw having Maims against said mate will 'plows
present then duly authent kited for settlement. -
Tovranda, Oet.2, 1849. Administrator.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of 4:SAMUEL
ROCKWELL, deceased, lair of the township of
Car too, are hereby requested to make psymen 'without
those hssine claims against said estritis will
please present them duly antbentiratrd for srittrment.
Canton, Oct. 20, 1849. Administrators.
Win -II Overton vs Lockwood Nmith—No. 159. Sep
T. 1845—Ft fit No. 97. Sep 7'. 1838
HA VING hoen s i tp , tinted an 4thljtor to riostrihms the
balance of in .nevo rained by the sheriff -ale in
this note, tint itoia nut I oil' out. old to' the .tuns of my
.pitAintment., at the I;otirt Homo-. in the borough ul
Tottanda. on Saturday. Oct. 1819. at 1 erlock. P.
M , when and where perst nu inreteeted are required
to present their claimr, or he detoured from coining in
upon said fund. ADDISON M'KE. 8 111, Auditor,
September 18, 1649.
rrll E undersigned having been appointed an Auditor
1. by the Orphan's Court of the Counts of Bradt .rd
to marshal wool's and distribute the lurid. nisei' by the
sale of the real and personal estate of Jeremiah Decker,
bite of Monroe township deceased, will towed to the du
ties of said appointment at his office in the Borough of
Towanda, on Friday, the 2d day of November nest, at
I o'clock P. M., at which time and !dace all persona
interested will - plea,* present their claims, or be debated
ttom coming in for * share of said fund.
Tow:aids, Sept. tea. (844. W :Orr, Auditor
TBE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor
by the Orphatis rourt of the county of Ursifford,
to marshal assets eel distribute the fond raised by the
sale of the real and personal estate of James Morrow,
deceasevl. will attend to the duties of said appointment
at hi* office in the borouga of Towanda. on Saturday,
the 3d day of November next, at I o'clock in the after
noon, at which time and place all persons interested
will present their claims, or b I debarred from coining
in for a share of raid fund. WM. SCOTT,
Towanda, Sept. 20, 1840. Auditor.
Bradford Com. Plan— Frown Rodkirdis use vs.
7'. H. Lewis. Vend. Ex. on No. 43, Dec. T. 1846.
HE undersigned haiing - heen appointed an Auditor
1 . the Court of Canaan pkaa of BirdfaniCoon.
distribute the fund raised lry the sale pf real eir
tate of Timothy H. Lewis of Monroe township, will at
tend to the duties of said appointment at his office in
the Borough of Tow soda. on Thursday ohs list slay of
November next at one o'clock in'the after norm, at which
time awl place all persona interested wi:l please present
their claims, or be debarred from coming in kw • share
of said fund. WM. SCOTT,
Towanda Sept. 20th 1919.
TE partneranip heretofore eluting in the Saddle
and Harness buoineas„between E. Winn! & CO.
is dimoleed by mutual consent. Those indebted are
hereby notified that immediate payment moot be made,
or their demands will be put in a course of eolleetioo.
The business will hereafter be carried on at the old
stand by SMITH & CULP. Sept. 17. 11349.
Uniotribrd County, Iss.
fir HE sobeerilier takes the liberty, a. it is • free roan
-1 try, to inform the public that they need DM hit 1011-
paged upon !outer in Towanda by coca high prove.—
Only look and then think what prices you hair
Here are my prices from this date so long as I stay in
Towanda and that isay be a long time, viz :
e‘heierng 1 how' NO eta.
Single shoe and set 20 eta.
&tong shoes each el ere.
Setting wagon tyre 26 eta.
shoeing oxen ell new 1.76 es.
Log chino* per Ib. 12i a..
Ironing-two horsolumber wagon from $lO to 16 W.
Sleighs . do. $3 to 600.
All other work in proportion for ea.h or reedy pay.
Credit will be given on usual terms. My prices We
6zed and t make no promisees which will not be strictly
complied with. Call and judge for yourselves. florsea
shod by the year on reasonable
All kinds of country produce received in paynvant.
Towanda, September 15, WM. TROUT.
_ivHER I?A8, my wife Lorioda bee my bed sod
end board without any jut cause or provomition
forbid all prroons harboring or ousting her on my sc.
count, as I shall peg no debts of her contracting, ern
lieu compelled by his, DI:IRR CRANDALL.
Wells, September 10. 1•40.
:', 37 1 11.1), 8 ElBMZSl"..hilita 8
ottLD int.trat the Leslie. +at abe bee received .%
1 line r-rtertment of lIAT , otanyilias of a varie
ty of styles en 4 also a 0144 illipmnahla of . Flogter•,
Etihir.a. DI to &c., and a variety of 114114,1NtRif
rtutz I all of which *III he offered at a low pd.*
Tootenda, May lb, %VI;
01131=41101641 )1:&.! 2 2 4AlniatraD.Le
TtrrArry & KINGSBERY inform aft put&
. dot they are now reeeiving direct Ire. Neer ,pork
d opening in the store Islay occupied by U.llfinorna
04f south of B. Kinpbery * Co., a laige semi Ostend
"tissortment of
GROCERIES, ?ROOM* (10101101, FANCY 60016,
rosin Notions, Confectiosell,
to which die at endow of purchasers le Inlited.: Their
arnortnient of Orneerles and Liquor* Is Aberplata. and
will be sold at unusually low ram Call end aaeraina.
Tama. June IL '49. B. 1.. KINGSBERY.
lieftikMi BEER.
Gnoctas & Limnos, sollphwi with tittowS Bier
by the bbt. TIFFANY & KINGSBERY.
OI'E SIVA end' two fentaes; to teeth the Comsat
Sebettiegt the herewith of Towanda( Schools to
atawitatow ,eat the SA of Aegen t ostieetehtme fair
months. • Sy osier ot the SA' Sioustwo l / 4
July 11, 184 e. W.M. SCOTT, Seartety.
desk :le
BOOTS 81,.
lYs itegieL,ene deer trate ithkhat Ifls N.Y.
TN WTI the attention of pitichbgentte their regime
sod careneire matattaent tat Wee** Sousa. ene
rgising every rainy et doe and awes midi. edict'
they ,ate ambled , le eifer upon i 1 Agreeable Lenge es say
'been in *a teak. • A len 'e. Boys'. sad Youth's thick
and kip Boots and Stepineogeorted qualities. gellisHg at
the hewed well et
IMPERIAL, Tories *eau, lly.on Skirt and Black
Teas, of superior error s for sale at pie" that will
suit judos of the snick, at II EMU I
.T at FOX'd, aireah.suPPlY of hummer
Goods, which will be *lola cheerer than cm. eon.
ist ing of he urbal ~Arty of Cloths. Caaimetr*,B4an
iner sluff., Linen", Linen Serer's, Bcocth Gingham*,
ankeetus, Moves. Hodelry. Sheeting*, &c. July U.
vrAre We day emend into co- in the
.I.lpreetite of LAW. and they take tlfai Anethodefinfor•
mite the publie of the feet.
Otles.-No. 3. Mick Row, (up stairs) where see of
them can at an th nesbe facia
Towanda. lane 1, '49.
(IKE NEW sutot.r. HAELNE33, tot rie cheep
' 33 -11 TOX'St
7grt.i. he kept on hand a serge assortment, and
mode to order on Owner notice end for /ens mo
my then con be produced at any oiler estaLdishmentin
the land. Those who ere under the necessity or pro.
curing that article will and enall be satisfied. A good
hears* and pall, may be had in attemlan4r when desired.
Sepieniher I, 1a47 L. M. NYE & Co.
D WHISKEY —4O bW.. Old Whiskey, just re
ised by N Y h F INGSBERY.
! and English mitan brailnew shape, infant: and
children. dd. al.o gents fine mole idiln Ronald.
my 23 Fars.
VICE CRAPE :SHAWLS, can be (nund at the
J.ll stare at i3L KINGSRERY et CO.
WiI.feCCHIK respectful) , Worm* the public
J• that hr has leased this well-known ~tand, in ths
Village of Monrcumm e lately orvoldmit by Smith and
Woodruff, where he will be happy to fecidsa the visits
ofthe traveling community. The house hawing been
greatly rnlargid and improved, and tieing well furnish
ed. is now capable of accommodating all who may laser
him with a rail.
Hr assures the piddle that his undivided care and
attention will be given to their comfort, and he hopes
to merit and receive a share of burliness.
Monmet.m. Sept. 10. 1849
THE public ere hereby cautioned against purchasing
a slate given by nre on Tlitusday Irst, fns the sum
of 'thirty Dollar*, in Henry Hill, or bearer, parable by
the middle of As I have received tto value
Gar the nine, Isbell not pay it unfeea compelled by law.
September S. 1.F.40.
SUMMER citorticw.—A large assortment of
Goods for Mn.o' and Boys' Sontner Chitties. now
opening and for rale at ap2o AI ERCURSV.
T"lnititution baring been placed in charite
G. K. BAsltza and H. If. Hoy". A. B, will
commenea on Monday thi Sth day of October nest.
The Academital year will consist of row terms
of eleven weeks each 3 Commencing respertlVely.
October Sth..-11140, January- 2d, March 26th and
June 17th, 1850.
Tuition per Term,
ommon Studies. including Oeogra•
A uditor.
raphy and Menial Arithmetic, $2 00
same with English Grammar, and Adam's
A rithmaiie,
Hither engliiih branches.- including Mental,
Moral and Intellectual Sciences,
Algebra. Geometry. Surveying. ac s
Latin, Greek and French Languages,
reel. lit and 2nd terms.
Doand can be obtained in private families on rea.
atonable terms.
• .I. D. MONNANYE.Preet.
C. T.. WARD. Sec'y.. Of Board of Tramees.
B.•holara received at any period of the term, and
charged only from the time of their entrance.
Towanda. dept. 1, 1549.
No. 215 Pesrl street, New York, offers for ale
Paper Hangings Floor Oil
A LARGE emertment of American, Trench end
-Ca Oilmen Pallier Hanging*. with borders to match,
for wile in any quantity, et the lowest market rates,—
Merchants amble to visit the city of New Ywk can
depend aprin their orders being filled at the : lowed psi.
cm by sending description of style and qualities. Oil
floor tut to suit the purchaser.
New York, Sept. 9, 1949.
OW opening at tba above L
loge and desirable assortment of ttEPROM &
SUMMER GOODS, which will ba soliEst my IoW
rates. Nualars• at this establishment eortilneted upon
(Or and basest principles. You have our thanks for
past favors and we bops for • contoured% of the same
salve are bound to sell Goods dhows
Towanda. July 4. 1919. If. ff. BETTS.
FOR the trattentireion of Moistly, and all binds of
Merchandise. leaves New York deity at ft o'clock
P. M. Ofbites at the foot of Duane and T Wall ate.,
N.Y. All erases or goals left at our olftesa cir with
our agents will be attended to wilt deepateb.
11. NIX agent, Tolman ; L. MANNING & SON
Owego. ding
tato of Owego, N.Y . :.
HAS ently located himself in Tomah.--
en in Ow Union Block, over ElwoU's olSss
.neat to the Iftwifued Hotel. Oct. 15, 1849.
SRALED PROPOSALS trill be received et the
engineers ate in Totrkbannock, Wyoming
county, unlit sunset of Monday the 12th dpy of
November, 1849; for - constructing portions (Cam
following Sections of easel, to wit: - NO's 11. 1 12: 21,
41,4111, 74, 98. 111. 412, Ili 114, 134 1 9,
102, 178, 114, -182, 1112, 184 i Also furnishing a
gtiamity of titan' to be used in constructing duns;
No's 2 and 3- respectively. Plans, profiles rustiltse•
eilkadonssif the work, to be let, will be eihilgted
at the office ardressid. 9 days prior If the eipir&
time of tilt time for receiving proposals. and for
farther informadon reference may be 1184 to M. A.
Gamble, Esq. principal assistant engineer, epos the
By order of the goad of Quid Cootakissioters,
WM. M. FOlntit, JR.,
00.11, 1849. WEnginter N. H.Pa.cated.
GiNaIiAMS-0•14 peanut mil good colors for at
eta at airsa FO3l,
0. H. P. XINNEY.
mt. vim* of a terit'ut PAL lhapoAstite Odt of
" dm Conn of Ci=sa Pleas of btodfonl Cosa
ty. So ate directed, I ' • 'ifgyarsa pewee 'um Ii
the Court House ils the %Oro' . ti Tithed', on Mat
day the 19th day of November'. 11149, at on echielt.
P.N. the following pieee - tit pared of leo dilate
I n tbetouraship of Derek bounded tied excribed
as thllowe. to will begintdag north by landsof Bat
tik :Holden and a tract of latul known as the etarsh
Morrison tract, on the west and' south by bald. b e .
longing to die estate of Matthias Hollenback de•
emaett, - aud no the east by the Busquehanua River.
Containing abootlour hundred and fifty servt, b*
the same more or ess. abrogate handled and eixh
ty acres improverkmore or less, one fralticd dwell
ing house. three p milt or framed dwelling boo eN.
two framed,barns and one other framed buildiric
formerly ue4opted ai a saw illial"u apple k.relbartls
and other fruit irearibereos.
Seized and takes is the suit of Ca
leb Carman vs. Bat Payee.
WM. 14. DOBBINS, Slid:
Sherifris Office, Towanda. Oct. 22, '49.
BY virtue of writs of Vend. Ripe. issued out of ilk
Court ofttotomon Pleas ofitradford coolly and
me directed will tie intrued to public sale at dot Corns
Houle. in the hero. of 'Towanda, on Saturday. !Le
17th day of Noe, 1849, at one o'clock. P. at., the
fullotring lot pleee or pateel of land situated tit The
ownship of Columbia, end bounded as follows : ..n
the west by the Tine* eosin, line. north by the reed
leading front mill creek to Cabin or bloo,mb hollow •
on the east by bad of Royal Havens 4 Phineas
Brownson. south by lands of Charles Denson....
Containing 160. acres, be the same more or less.
with shoot 65 acres improved one betted fog house,
and some fruit trees thereon, the' - decrtptiou
given by the defrndaatt.
Se:sed and taken sn execution at the suitor it.
H. Mace vs. Seeley Johns and John Deaso•:.
Also— fhe fol'owtog ptece or ;Mice! of land sup
uate in Columbia township, and bounded on the
north oy the road leading from litllcreek It. Itiorgao
hollow, on the east_ by loads of Rural Havens and
Phincas Drownson, south by lands of Charles Ben-
son. and on the west by the 'l'i.•Ra county lane.—
Containing 150 acres, u ith about 35 acres unproved.
with a bowed log house and come fruit trees them
seized and taken in execution at the snit of
)(ape vs. John Benson, Seeley Johns, Ruins Bomb
and C. H. Beason.
Sheriff's Chfir , e, Tr:manila Sept. 15, 1545.
.r o. I, Brick Rawl
• '
HUSTON do PORTER are. now retak%ing. at No.
1. Brick 114. w, a large addition tol their former
stock, etmsisting of
Drugs, Medicines, Greeerles, Liquors,
Oils, Paints, Dyestuffs. Piney Coeds, ke.
which will be sold at enueually,low rale,. They du
offers for sale the splendid and genuine Teaser the PE
KIN TEA COMPANY. fur which they arc agents, atu2
which they do not hesitate to rectettunend as being au
petior to any other impone&
Daring been appointed agent for most all. the gene=
int Popular Patent 3kdicines, we assure the public we
will not offer any that are*e will trot Me
or accept an agency- from those specolatofi. 10%6: ry
base imitations impose upon the countri with their
opinions Drugs.
Towanda. June is, 1849.
THE attention of the Commanding officers of the
several companies of uniformed militia with
in the County of Bradford; ii respectfully directed
to the fifth section of the Act of 17th April, A. D.
1840, which requires th'i'daptain-or commanding
officer of each company, to furnish a t4py of the
roll of said cumptitty, under oath or affirmation to
the Courtly Commissioners, at such- time as the-as
sessment of faxfs age returned in each and estery
year, designating the township, ward, or bormigh.
in which each member resides. And they are here.
by rrqctettid to furnish said copies of the rolls to
the Commissioners on or before the first day of De
cember next. C. 8. RUSSELL, Cl l k. to erttn'a.
CommNsioners Office, Towanda Oct. 8. '49.
Of Tr .y ‘ Bradford dewy, Pe g •
PROPOSES' catkin ;wit:dice' riaiie et 'Towanda
doting the weldon at every edam He may be
loom! at the haute of 1. IL Craw, easmosebeing on the
all of Septeniber. Meteorite* eats bor bed from airy port
of dr e comfy. MI wort wervented. es owl
4 00
4 60
6 00
EO. 8. BUNTING, wispeethilly intense the pato
lie that he is jest reeeivisit trots Now Yetk err
aseortmatit of resily-maile Clothing, to which be hp
vitea the attention of perebasem Among his 'Mk.
may he tomd
Ooer Coati, Sack Coats, B inen Coatt, Fracb and
Dress Coati, Cloaks. Panto/aim, Vests. Roust
abouts, itc., in all styles and all •prices.
Hs is determined to sell Ai, Clothing at ummanally
kin micas kw Casa. and bohemia he, cm ante it the hi.
serest them wishing to purchase to give his a cell.
pj• At the obi stand. between Bertha sod Pow
bery's Ames, op stars.
Caning and making' up. done air rind to the met
&Atonable insurer, promptly and Wordier.-
Tomands. amber 2 lad*.
WWI &SO ii03119111301r.
PIM Behemiters havingyeterod into punish* in
I. the Idiom trasiosie. for that parrs, horfelttail op
twoshope. one in the beeemeatof the Waal How. the
-this in the :Mien Block s whemithey will ba reedy as
sate their nuoternes patrons at all seessaabiebnasses.
Operations in , their basins's will he performed in the
best style, and with the Isom possible &eosin to the
ey will coasting, heap en hand an este of One
end Perfumery; ilea Fictir-Dps. a very superior sni
ck, which will permanently change the hair. hum BM.
yellow. or liaising red to glossy black et amour
brown. Ma 'twisty eau bendier be Alma der
ugly colored measteehee and whiskers that often d
figure otherwies due mires; end out age bed =EY
disguise the ravages of thee, and at pleasare 81M0m•
the semblance of youth. Those ladies is abets
nature has, dotard the ornament of a besetifid bead of
hair, may 'ham the deist supplied by calling on as.
c:j• WARM & COLD RATRS. eat he had at ill
hours, at the shop in die Weld Heats
04: I, Ha
X. Y. k Erie Rail Road.
Tat wtheesibete are now prepared of nice** Freight
of ell kinds at the MAO. Hing/sindou. Crud
Bend,. Lavaca, ea tothrtiville Dipole, Every
Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of each week, and
rammer, with regornity throtagboOt the mason. Tbay
will attend to fonearding the anon to the New York
Market, where thry. 'Ws made anangerneeta with ex
perienced( aahonnon, who will attend to Co wain of the
sante; and return the proceedeln Hanksfale fond. at
either of the abet* Depots, to the following persore
At the Store of e. Saynsford, Owego.; C. Atifinney,
Binghamton ; at the Office of .1141. (Mirth, Groat
Band t at the Hotel of g. Hewn, Lamborn.
Aaniess.-1". Ravosford. Owego; C. lifclOnniy,
Binghamton ; Jaw Gnat, -Gnat Stead ; E. Venom
Lanimbore, and C. N. Wheeler. galas.
MS. 815 K, &ultimata& •
/AM mums, Great geed.
Capt. lame NM will saperinteed the nosiness
ihmottheat ihewbele Line, and receive and ill all or.
dew for Grateries, realm s folsh, (*nem &c., which
will he bought. at the Wrest pekes in New Yook, and
ferwanled to tither of the above maxi -Delves.
A AKtVER*ItWa*LI4,•:,.;.4
)R t tA L
- c'QVLREIGN +••
- 1.21 1 :-L.
A s . 0 ether Medicine km ever tern introduced to- 1611
pudic that haitict with such tuipar.UUdbittirtk.
"WO Mg DRAW:tea Oriental &ewe*" &des
Hauling been but eta years bvitnre -the Wilk; ad 04
sd‘ small, compared with moot ethic aiediciam.,.
Pi they bore worked their way. into wary stets ebe
(*nine and Commies. Ttityjmnre,'Orft/titity 151Fdllia
the Stsntianl Methane at dietrayit They - albr pair
v.-could° and or adinitsbly eomparitiled that intilis - tee
ken in large &ice they speedily tura the most delimit%
nettous female. and. lave prised numbers Gout duds
belle Misr ell other retiredly,' bad toiled. •
NEWASE or CokllNTElirEtti• •
A. there M rm:irises Pills itr (*emboli:jailed On.
enroll - or Sovereign Balm, he sear to . aerbecare fostuy
obit the name at." Dr,. E, k. Souk 4r Cer ist ea the
fore of tho halve. None others can-be -We
or not aware that ritti one who le Making a spuriou s
snick? betlrrfillWAlbeem, "Ps 4 . 0 Ai r -111111 W. be
rune of th em AIM DM th e telrAme our
mew and gimpy
the pol Ogled whAS.:lbeY' pigebriklioll wild
he droved- • • . • • •
irr The geniis. BOVilittgli SAW:SUS sin
bud abaleseli and retail err Dr. S. le' ISteiteA Ce.,
Eurbd. N. V. and is Tiwunda by HUSTO% &Pon
l'Elt, and by Agents-in every town is the county
t lex;
To the Victor belongs the Spells..
A vrouulli many perparatiumi in theferni of ''',Pcpti•
471 for Medicines." have been bane publicecloirs.
ilia to giverstief : mitt 'teen curs as most . 4vmetensto
diseases, yct wine lusieso well answered the tatAffnolv
as Dr. Sherman': Meditated but:snits. They are spat
ble t r the take, easifi aduatniateted, and frum the ut•
pirredented success ivtticb they have met rick sad Us
remarkable cline with • they hove petformed, may
justly lad chard to the title, of Compress over the di which they bare been' rocounimaded./
coreti loZtivoter •
Curti tiro. t'olatin eli cits* of Cough. in_a, Cu, teem,
They have cured s large number of persons who hive
fret. given op by their physiciattemrd friendir, indrilosby •
who bare been reduced to the verge of the grave by
spitting Consumption and Hectic Fever ; by their
use have bed rove of health reamed to the haws*
cheek and now live to .peak forth the pralis of tide
Invaluable medicine, irt..l3htf . rtian'd • .
r. WORM Lo2ENGgs'"
Have been proved in mod, lbsn'4oo.l)6o eases to its
ralliabie,lo fact the only certain Worm Destroying
Medicine ever discovered. Chliaten will eat them
Then :bey cannot, be fqrced to take any other medicine,
end tEp benefit deVired from hit administration of medi4
cine t.' them in this fortis is great' beyond cooceptiun.
When the breath - of the child becomes ottevaire, awl
there is picking ("U tile noie,srliialng of the noseistind•
ing of the teeth during sleep, talents about dm lip.
with fleshed eteelia. bleeding at the arise,headache.'
drowsiness', - otrtitinrdtrting sleep, distorbii di ore
/milking tioith' friktfislng screims. trouldianteeeougb.
feierishpese thiirt, eareciocie appetite, eickerase et : the
stimmciPand` bloated stoteath—these are artimm the
many proirtinerrt errfptorns of worms, and can he -
relieved by these iacompemble Lorangee. They here
never been knower, to hid. Dr. ehennan's
Relieving headache, nerved i• sick headache, Pelphayien
of the heart sod sicker's/ ie • few niiittitts. They . pus
lowness of spirits. desjiobeletfey; faintness , conic, verse,
eramps'of the &tinned', simmer or bowel complais
they keep oplthe *pints, dispel all the distreming
dissipation. sitiB enable i person to undergo,grait mew
tat or boa, toil: Dr. Bbarmates
"Pittbliq*ANS PLASTER". -
Is acknoWletteetrey an 4116 , 1tave eget tied it fa be tie
best strengthing Plaster in the World ind a ,sovereign
rentedj for pains and weakness is the back, loins, side
breast, neck, nabs. Points, dieumatiser,•lnnthoge, &e.
One milliodn -year . *in.-not- randy the demand.—a
Ceatiort.itnftessa-y, so there are many unprincipled .
person. who Would lota a 'Orions article upon .the
eornmenity.• lie careful to get nil ere. Poor vas's
Piaßtitr, grith c",fit ersimile" of his written :mural do
loseknotte others ate genuihe, atiralliVirtemi Use
than. lobo: Sqtif Tr/wends by HUSTON .& PDX
'tem uticit Rim: , • 1
• IMll'itit UOUID CURE,, • •
' • .At PtuliTivi
IX/NETHER Internal, External, Blind or Illiredhlg.
V Serofuls, White Swelling, Bice* and'U Thm
Sots throat, Canker Sore Month. Etieowatis. Co*
moss Diesases. Nettorist Affettibrts. dle.- tote
Scalds, Burns. Cots. S'prains, Bruises. Ste. Weisel
justified in prticlebning TM PACT 'ft 1 8 1/E
W014.6416at of all medicines ever intaellietielfiretint.
NONE-bere ever been meta beneficial' to of
flitted. humanity than " Viers' Liquid- Care' Wt.
know that Ibis is saying a great .deal, . but if we were
to *die volumes, wa could not nay too mutt in Odle
of this
Ifsatrar-aurrestwe, Lurs—rnototaille
litundsede, nay thousatull, filem die hippy hoer when
first they went acquainted' with its ussecandruiteitteeM
and nor itiewnt_purpose ii to infiwerothee thoomode.
how and Where they may obtain.thai rebel `third
perhaps. bate long sought for in min:
The superior excellence of thitfpreparetitir sew all
other - medicines fur the speedy audiretinattest este of
is welt known to all who here tamed it. It Mx bean
proved in thanes:lds of iVER nstantes, and hes
MOB? OVICTLIATt curat.- •
sod we wre coefident it
if weds prom, lentil of time acemdingte directima. ,
As a proof of our entire cortfidenetin• its effiney. wt
assure all purchasers that, If. rafter a proper vital. it prow
iiisffertual. the Monegtairlfer if wiUY &kerma
The -Liquid Cure is ,ere rtieessiel Row* Ow
Ria,rwernas. Bike, R Basesre U. insitai
Lianhe. Chili/ream. BO Are**. Maerali• Salk
:Blaine if hi*Ama ireorte. 4k, sal for Comm
Memo of ivory derieriptiah.•
Iris -bob safe rod fife:tee Int .
iiiwg hmserftste and permanent relief.
does now before the Public um ammo
exeallsoes of the 0 Liquidtirel 4 ' for epable, Beni
Cue. Smiler, Bruins, Ilwalliegt, de.
les arta as •
Erefy Amu* la the Laud
ohoiatd pfereida theourrious widtdsis laveleable Pryor.
Pion, the cher/poem of ettokb peaces it within tip
teeth, ofall.
Full Directions soeoropay each Ueda.
Pamphlets/ containing cop. of eerfdlades haw
those who have tested the "Liquid Cue,," um be Ind
Gratis of o6r authorised sheets, •
" Myers' Liquid - Cure" is prepared only by
JEROME & Co., 21 Spruce Street. New Pork.
For are by HIRAM MIX. Towanda, agent for this
county, and by C. R. Merrick, habeas; Rut* row.
Troy kinaCS it. Money, litouromu; Newry Gibbs,
Orwell. 51 etwe
to anO the
JDST crperinur it oplinikill meartment faskriannblir
DRESS GOODS consisting of Worsted mei pew
Rsteires,. Silk Tissues, Linen. and Chanspbts Lsowsk,
Organdies .and Feinted Muslim. %Mt. ralitkeb. aed
American Ginghams, Chambra's Small Pliosod Bios
and Given De anal and dm Pretreat namostromest of
Pnnis in town at - )OX'S.
GLOVES -60 dirges Rid silk, kaki dined sad eeti ,
too gloves of .very possible miss mg calor at
my 23
30DOZEN nigniofthesirlioen Rankinbaths% 1:f
eu. St tay33 FOX'S
IacINNETEI—A large areortmentaLadise ma Mi..
JJP els Florenca patent., lace, gimp. port. Coburg.
Neapolitan and teghorn Bonnets: Also, mail* aid
Sowers, for sale at ap2o -