Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 24, 1849, Image 3

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B. BUNTING, respectfully informs the pob.
tic that be is Ott receiving froth New Tort an
asor tment of teed*-thede Clothing, to which b• in
viter the attention Of purchasers. Among his stock
ifl av be found
Orer Coats, Sack Coats, Business Coats, Frock and
D res s Coats, Cloaks, Pantaloons, Vests, Round•
abouts, rc., in all styles and all prices.
lie is determined to sell his Clothing at unusually
Low prices for Casa, and believes he can make it the in
terest of those wishing to purchase to give him a call.
na- At the old stand, between Bartlett and Kings
bery.i Stores, up stairs.
c ut ting and making up, done as usual in the most
fashionable manner, promptly end to order.
Tosrmds, October 20, 1849 y.
BKINGSBERY &_CO., are this day ree.eiring
. from New York an extensive issortruent of
GOODS, which *ill be sold extremely low for cash.—
Call and see.
Towanda. Oct. 22, '49.
New Arrival of Jewelry, Clocks and
TAMES P. BULL respectfully informs the citizens
.1 of Towanda end vicinity, that he has lately return
rd ttPm Philadelphia, and may he found at the old
stand, one door below the Brick Row, in the room for
merly occupied by ?demur's Hat Store, where he offers
frr sale • large and splendid assortment of JE WEL
HY; consisting of gold and silver watches, gold, fob and
guard chains, gold and silver pencils. goltl,pens, breast
pins, finger rings, &c., cheap for cash, and every article
warranted. A large supply of CL •CKS, of the latest
improved patterns, running born 30 bouts to 8 'days
and a month, with one winding.
(7,7 Particular artention paid to repairing CLOCKS,
WATCHES & JEWELRY, of every description, and
from the long experience which he has had in the hg
6inesa, work left in his care will he done in the hest
workmanlike manner. Old gold and silver taken in .
exchange. Toaranda. October. 20, 1819. y
Byvirtne of writs of Vend. Expo. issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Bradford coo - ity rind to
me directed will be exposed to public sale et the Court
House. in the bororial . Towanda, on Saturday, the
17th day of Nov., 1849, at one o'clock. P. M., the
(allowing lot piece or p&rcel of land situated in the
n•hip of Columbia, and, bounded as follows: on
the wen by the Tioga county line, north by the road
leading from mill creek to Cabot or Morgan hollow,
n the east by land of Royal Havens & Phineas
Brownson. south by lands of Charles Bension.—
Containing 150, acres, be the_ same more or less.
with about 55 acres improved one hewed log house
and some fruit trees thereon, the description being
given by the defendants,
Seized and taken to execution at the suit of H.
HI Mace vs. beel.ey Johns and John Benson.
t'Aiso—The following piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Columbia township: and bounded on the
north ny the road leading from Mil!creek to Morgan
h , tll4v, on the cast by binds of Royal Havens ',and
l'hineas Urownson. south by lands of Charles Ben
son, and on the west by the'Tioga county line.—
Containing 150 acres, saith about 55 acres improved;
uith a hewed log house and some fruit trees there
seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. H.
Mace v.. John Benson, Seeley Johns, Rufus Smith
and C. H. Benson.
WM. S. DOBBINS, Sh'fr.
Sheriffs Office, Towanda Sept. 15, 1849.
BY virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo. issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford coun
ty, to me directed. I shall expose to public sale at
the Court House in the boro. of Towanda, on Mon
day the 19th day of November, 1849.'at one o'clock,
P. M. the following piece or parcel of land --situate
iii the township of Duren. botinded and described
as follows, to wit: beginning north by landeof Sar-
Holden and a tract of land known as the Sarah
Morrison tract, on the west and south by lands be
longin,, to the estate of Matthiss Hollenback de
msel, and on the east by the Susquehanna River.
Containing about four hundred and fifty, acres. be
the same more or less, about one hundred and eigh•
iv acres improved, more or less, one framed dwell
ing house, three plank or framed dwelling houses,
two framed barns and one other framed building
formerly occupied as a saw mill, two apple orchards
and other fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution' at the suit of Ca
l•b Carinalt vs. Sela Payne.
Sherif'''. Office, Towanda, Oct. 22, '49.
E. T. FOX,
TS receiving, direct from New York. an assortment
1 of NEW .FALL & WINTER GOODS, which
the public are requested to call and examine.,
Towanda, October 16, 1849
1) 7 ,T0 13111 P ' T 1 Dir 21,
Between Broadway and Nassau st ,
52 and $2 50 per Week. 37i cents per Night
Just rpreived by
H. 8. tSr M. C MERCUR
Sept.2l, 1849
- Late of Owego, N. Y.,
II A 8 permanently located himself in Towanda.—
11 Office in the Union Block, over Elwell's office,
next to the Bradford Hotel. Oct. 15, 1849.
ALL persons are hereby cautiormeragainst •pur
chasing or obtaining a certain promissory
NOTE drawn by the undersigned to Caleb C. True
or bearer on the 23d day of February 1840. for $5O.
The said Note having been fraudulently obtained
will nut be paid unless compelled by process of
Warren, Oct. 3.'49. HOWELL ROWELS.
rrrirrs--,„ rte: ..
. _
(EALED PROPOSALS will hi received at the
LI engineers _office tn.. Tonithannock, Wyoming
county', until sunset of Monday the I2th day of
1A49, for f eonetructing portion‘ of the
. • ' ,34, 159
16•:, ifJ, 171, 0;12, 183, lac Also fur/11,41m5! a
quantity of timber to be used in constructing dams
No's 2 and 3 respectively. Plans, profiles and ape.'
rifications of the work, to be let, *ill be exhibited
at the office of resatd, 3 'days prior; to the expira
!lan (If th.. time for receiving proposals. and for
further information reference may be hart to M. A.
Gamble, Esq . principal assistant engineer, upon the
By order of the Board of Canal Commissioners.
Oct. 2, 1849. Chief Engineer N. B. Pa. Canal.
G I G 8 Al4lB --Good patients:pa good colors for
cts. at , ory23 PDX'S.
• r" mrt. ar.
111 717 a Wee SIM
Mil[ l as removed hsa pnig IlUta M the walk
corset of the Pablit Noma. lately occupied by
James-H. Sayre, sod having Clued 'op his MOM boo
added' to his focuser sssortinent a largo supply of
Willow & Wooden were, Glassware, Piakisg Tackle,
Fancy Goods, Perfumery, &e.
He is agent fur most of the valuable 'POPULAR
MEDICINES of the day, -which can be purchased col
him with a certainty of procuring genuine articles.
He is also agent for the CANTON TEA COM
PANY of New York, whose Tess have attained a wide
spread reputation for genuineness and their low price.
An examination of his stock, to which be invites the
attention of the public, will satisfy every one that it
has been lelected with a view of procuring the heat and
most desirable articles, and purchased at the lowest
rates, Towanda, May 1, 1849.
Which is iliktl a Imams! Family Emil:wawa for
Diseases of the Haman Flesh.
T I ME anti experience have fully proved that that this
UNIVERSAL REMEDY has not not its equal
on the list.of popular medicines, having been more than
14 years before the public.
Testimony of the most disinterested character of its
wonderful effects on the animal economy is almost dri
ly presented to the proprietor.
A young man in the town of Wilson, whos; clothes
were burnt off of him. wu restored (without suffering)
by the timely use othe Oil.
Numerous are the unsolicited statements of patients
themselves, and where who have used the Oik of cures
which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at
all interested in a • , pecuniary point, they could hardly
have been cledited.
The following diseases are among many others in the
cure of which this Oil has been completely successful
and in which others had entirely failed:—
Spaying, Sweeney, Ringhone, Windealls, Poll Evil, Cal
lous. Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness,
Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Sand Cracks,
Foundered Feet, Sciatches, or Grease Mange, Rheu
matism. Bites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful
Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns, Whit
lows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chaped hands,
Cramp, Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings,
Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, &e.
Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sure the name
of the Sole Proprietor. GEORGE W. MERCHANT,
LOCKPORT, N. Y., is blown in the aide of the bot
tle, or in his hand writing over the cork. Don't be
persuaded to take any thing else with the, promise it is
just as vied. &c., &c. This is practised by those on
principled deniers whose conscience will stretch like
India R bber, and who are of a kindred spirit or thoie
in our large cities, whose nefariotts.practices have so re
cently been exposed to the action of Congress.
Those who attempt to Counterfeit this article are re.
(erred to the law of New York. of May 1845, by which
it will be seen that every person meddling in these
counterfeits is subject to indictment, imprisonment, and
A, person selling out of this state, will he liable to ar.
rest whew in the awe, and also to he held as • witness
against those he bought of or spkl for.
All Orders addressed to thePropnetor will be respond
Get • pamphlet of the Aeent and see what wonder.
are accomplished by the use of this medicine. '
Sold by respectable dealers generally in the United
Styles and Canada.
For s•le by Firs roiv & PCRTER.Towanda,E.D.
Wells. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer. Covingtonr, Abel
Torrent Montrose. Pomp & Kinsey. Easton. leiwis
Smith & Co., Allentown, H. B. Dutra', South Easton.
Oct 15th 184 A. • n2o.y I.
J. A. Kane's Clothing Store, Elmira.
4 . % "rlTTrr, is herehy riven that the n.-i-partnership
hernia-re 'listing between BRISTOL & SMITH
Ibis cloy diik.ol4vl 1.1 mutual consent. The accounts
if the late firm will be settled by L. Bristol.
', ea, Pedal braid and Fiench lace Bonnets and the
hest assortment of Ribbons Flowers, white, black, blue,
rose, and straw colnr4eiso and crape in fact imerything
de.sineable in the shape of Bonnet Trims. at Form.
good or no male, the money retemed la all eases,
where Tea does not *Mt at mv23
PALM LEAP HATS. /just re-mired and for see by
: 11 ZWilk , C • — 1
+ ii 1..1 a4ll
G. W. Merchant's Celebrated
Come listen now while ['relate
A tale I'm bound to tell,
Of clothing sold at such a rate
That none can undern 11,
One day I called on John A. Kane
A suit of clothes to buy,
They were so cheap that I would fain
Persuade you all to try,
Hum, fir John A. Kane, Hurra for John A. Kane !
We'll buy our clothing all of him,
For beat him no one can.
His S'ock consists of every kind,
And piled my eyes! how high,
You certainly can't help but find
The thing to suit your eye.
There's'suits to suit•all sorts of men,
For Wedding Church, or Shop
There's Pants, Vests. there's Cloaks
Of Coats. a thuntlerirklot
Hurra tor John A. Kane, flurry for J. A. Kane.
It once you buy a suit of him
You're sure to rill again.
Ttere's Dress and Sack, and frock Coats too
Of Cloth the eery hest.
There's under t'lnthtne, Cravats too,
Silk, Wool and Satin Vests.
And as fitting to a fit
I need not eerie to tell,
His clothing on each man will set first rate—
none better—for he personally oversees the cutting
Department. and has his goods made in the best
manner, and the best styli. „
Hurra for John A. Kane, Hum for J. A. Kane
For when I want a first rate fit,
I'll call on him again.
Some other time I'll tell you mote
But this before I close,
He has on hand now in the Stove
A Stock of first rate clothes,
So when you have a little time
Anil cash on hand to apare,',.
Remember that you'll always find
John A. Kane ready to give you the worth of your
Money. at No. 6, Water Street,, fifth door west of
the Bridge.
Harm fur John A. Kane, Harm fur J. A. Kane
We'll bey oar ci4lOing all of him •
For Beat him no one ean.
175 hands wanted for all kinds of work; immediate.
JOHN A. KANE, Elmira, Aug,.2l '49.
t. I. 1849.
A LL persons indebted is die toms .f ISAAC
I . OIIITICR, immeni. lists of Brad em.) NIP
hereby issnissosi . to oaks .psyslost without &kg, semi
*ass hovimg dams seams* said smug ,will
ant than dimly astitswiestod far . Pte
settimmet -
R. H. MASON, Administrator.
Towanda, %pi. 19, 1949.
ALL persons indebted tattle estate of JOSEPH EL•
LIOTT deceased late of Wyaluaing township, are
beseby requested to make payment without delay. and
'thaw basing claims against said estate will, please re
sult them duly authentipted for settlement
Wyaluonne. May 26, 1849. Executors.
ALLpersons indebted to the estate of RICHARD
N. HORTON, deceased, Isle of ebesbequio twp.,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and
thaw having claims against said estate will please pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Shesbequin, Sept. 10, 1849. Administrators.
ALL persons indebted tootha estate of SAMUEL
ICHASE, deceased, lei.) of Towanda. Borough.
are hereby requested to make payment without delay,
end those having claims against said estate will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Towanda, Oct. 2, I 542, Administrstor.
ALLpersons indebted to of MAINUEL
ROCKWELL. deceased. lase of the township of
Car ton, are hereby requested in make pay men without
delay,sild those hawin g claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticate..
Canton, Oet. 20, 1049. Administrators.
Wm H Overton vs. Lockwood Smith—No. 159, Sep.
T. 1845—Fi. fa No. 97. Sep. T. 'B4B.
AVING been appointed an A traitor to distribeta the
_balance of moneys tamed by the Sheriff sale in
this case, not paid out. I will attend to the duties of my
appointment, at the Court House, iu the borough of
Towanda, on Saturday. 0rt.20, 1849, at 1 c'elock.-P.
M., when and where "all per« na interested are required
to present their claims. or he debarred from coming in
upon said fund. ADDISON WHEAN, Auditor.
September 18, 1849. ,
THE undersigned havitig- been appointed an Auditor
by the Orphan's Court .if the Count, of Bradf ad
to marshal 'meth' and distribute the funds rtised by the
sale of the real and personal estate of Jeremiah Decker,
late of Monroe township deceased, will attend to the du
ties of said appointment at his office in the Beiough of
Towanda. on Friday, the 2d day of November neat, at
o'clock P. M., at which time and place all persons .
interested will please present their claims, or be detuired
trout coming in for a share of ',mi.! fund.
Towanda, Sept. 20, 1849. WM. SCOTT. Auditor
THE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor
by the Orphan . ' court 6f the county of Bradford,
to marshal assets and distribute the fund raised by the
*ale of the teal and personal estate of James Morrow,
deceased, will attend to the duties of said appointment
at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday,
the 3d day of November next, at I o'clock in the after
'noon, at, which time and place all prisons interested
will present their claims, or b I debarred from coming
an for a share of saidrfund. WM. SCOTT,
Towanda, Sept. 20, 1849. Auditor.
Bradford Corn. Pleas—Brown 4. 7 RodkrreWs use vs.
T. IL Lewis. lend. Er. on No. 43, Dec. T. 1846.
THE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor
by the Court of Cemmon pleas of Medford Comi
ty, to distribute the fund raised by the sale of mil es
tate of Timothy H. Lewis of Monroe township. will at
tend to the duties of aid appointment at his office in
the Borough of Towanda, on Thursday the Ist day of
November next at one o'clock in'the afternoon. at which
time and place all persons interested wi:l please present
their claims, or be debarred from coming in for a share
of said fund. Vt' M. SCOTT,
Towanda Sept. 20th 1949. Auditor.
THE partneranip heretofore existing in the Saddle
and Hennas" business. between E. SMITH & CO.
is dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted are
hereby notified that immediate payment mast he made,
or their demands will he put in • course of collection.
The Inp.ineho will hereafter be carried on st the old
stand by SMITH & CI:LP. Sept. 17. 11449.
Bradford County, . Ns.
' r im subscriber takes the liberty, as it is a free coon
-1 try, to inform the public that they need not be im
posed upon longer in Towanda by mica high prices.—
Only look and then think what prices you have paid.—
Here are my prices from this date Co long as I stay in
Towanda and that may be a long time, viz
Shoeing I hone 80 eta.
Single shoe and'set 20 ctg.
Setting shoes each 8 cts.
Setting wagon tyre - 25 cts.
Shoeing oxen all new 1,75 eta.
Log chains per lb. Us.
Ironing tw9 horse lumber wagon from $lO to 15 00.
Sleighs ¢ do. $S to 500.
All oiher Work in proportion for cash or ready pay.
Credit will be given on usual terms. My prices are
fixed and I mike no promisees which will not be strictly
complied with. Call and judge for yourselves. Horses
shod by the year on reasonable terms.
' An kinds of country produce received in payment.
Towanda, September 15, WM. TKOUT.
x 7 lIERbAS, my wife Lorinda has lelt my bed and
V V and board without any just came or provocation
I forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my ac
count, as I shall pas no deans of her contractor, tul
les. ceimpeHed by law , . BURR CRANDALL.
Wells, September 10, 1049. 1-
la 7 MILD inform the Ladies `hat aloe has rewired •
If , large assortment APR AT , oonstung of • vane
t) of styles end also • good assortment of Flowers.
Ribbons. 81 es. 41e... and • variety of MILLINERY
A RTICLE, t all of which will be oNered at • low pries.
Towanda, May IC 1841.
0111101141811a44 INItIiTaSZTUD&A;
'TIFFANY & KINGSBERY inform the public
that they are now receiving direct froniNew York
and opening in the store lately occupied by H. lilix,one
doer south of B. Kingsbery 4 Co., a large and imam]
assortment of
Yankee Notions, Confectionary, 4c. -
to which the atnention of purchmene is invited. Their
assortment of Groceries and Liqoors is complete. and
will bll sold at unusually tow rates. Call and cumin'.
Towanda, June 18.'49. B. L. KINGABERY.
GROCERS & Landlords supplied with Akron Beer
by the bbl. TIFFANY & KINOBBERY.
(ANE Male, and two females, to teach do Cannon
VV liteltonia In the baronet of Towanda. &boob; to
eonsmanee on the 6th of August, and continuo four
months. By order of the School Directors,
duly IT, 184 a. WM. SCOTT. Bocrotaq.
"1" 1 " 1 ? .4/. 0" 111
192 .pushed. use loaf heat Julien low. N.Y.,
TNYITE the attention of psuchosere to dm& 'Si; lento
JL and ecressin-aseoeutient of Bones & &toss. com
prising seer; variety of &brand coarse stock. which
duty are enabled te oilier upon al favorable wow using
house in the trade. Men's.' Bogs,and Youth's thick
and kip Boots and Brogens,assorta qualities, selling
the lowest totes. aupr2.ll u 2
THE subscribers respectfully sunnunce to the rub
lic, that they bare leased this new end splendid
Hotel, sod that it is now open for the reception of risi.
This House lon been furnished with new furniture
throughout. and percent visiting Towanda either on
business or pleasure. wilt Rod this a desirable location.
and as it is the determination of the proprietors to keep
such an establishment es will give every satisfaction,
they respectfully solicit the public to give theta a call.
Towanda. Aug. 27, I Mig„. R. C. BALDWIN.
200 BUS.H.SEED WHEAT. pee feet! y free from
every thing but the pure wheat itself fur male
Mammon, August 27, 1819,
EVELING. Laying out Roads and Lots, Dividing
Estates, Measuring Masonry, Embankments. &c..
accurately done by E.G. NICHOLS. Office at Rnme
Bradlord county, Pa. 6m48
111.PERIAL, Young Hyson. LiptonPERIAL, akin and Black
I Tea*, of superior flavor, for sale at price* that will
suit judigril of the article, at MERCITRS'.
.111 n 11111:110 MilL W.;
JUST received at FOX'S, a fresh supply of Summer
Goods, which will be sold cheaper than eyes, con•
ing of he usual variety of Cloths. Cassimeees, Mum.
iner stuff*, Linens. Linen Berne*, Scocth Gingharna,
Nankeens, Gleam, Gallery. Sheeting*, &c. July SO.
dr:: NED 11F` .11V•e• It MT Si
TiriLL be kept on hand • large assortment, and
aside to order on shorter notice and finless mo
ney than can be produced at any other estaldiehment in
Ile land. Those who are under the necessity of pro
curing that article will and shall he satisfied. A good
hearse and pall may he had in attendance when desired.
liteptember I. 1847 L. M. NYE & CO.
ALD WHISKEY-40 Ws. Old Wh . iskey, ,, just re
—4 and English milen braid new shape,, infanta and
children. do. also gents fine mole skin Hats at
my 23 FOX'S.
NICE CRAPE SHAWLS. can be f.'und at the
store of B. KINGSBERY h Co.
T V. WM.I.COCK reepectfuily inform' the public
J • diet he has leased this well-known stand, in the
village of Monroeron, lately occupied by Smith and
Woodruff where he will be happy to receive the visits
of the traveling community. The house having been
greatly enlarged and improved, and being weltfurnivh
ed, is now capable of accommodating all who may farm
him with • call.
He assume the public that his' undiviiled care and
attention will he given to their comfort, and be hopes
to merit and receive a share of business.
Monroetun, Sept. 10, 1849
THEpublic are hereby cannoned against purchasing
• note given by me on Thursday last, for the sum
of Thirty Dollar., to Henry Hill. or bearer, payable by
the middle of October. As I have received no value
for the same, I t.hall not pay it unless , compelled by law.
Leßsysville, September 5.
SSLIMIERcLo rii IN - G.—A large as.ortnaent of
Good. for Men.' and Boys' S..onmer el , ghoa, now
oponing and for .ale at ap2o . MERCURS'.
rrnir.4 Inoitution having been placed in charge
G. IL BANKER and H. M. Hove. A. B, will
commenca on Monday the Bth day of October next.
The Academical year will consist of four term%
of eleven weeks each: Commencing reNpectively.
October Bth. 1849, January `AI, March 2.3 th and
June 17th, 1850.
Tuitiwn per Tenth,
ommnn English Studies. including Geogrs-
why and Mental Arithmetic,: $2 00
same with t. oglish Grammar, and Adam's
A rithmatic. 3 00
Higher English branches, including Mental,
Moral and Intellectual Sciencei, 4 00
Algebra, Geometry. surveying, &c., 4 50
Latin, Greek and French Languages, 3 00
Fuel. lit and 2nd terms. 25
Board can be obtained in private families on rea
sonable terms.
J. D. IitONNANYE, Preet.
C. L. WARD. Eteey., Of Board of Trustees.
Ekholam received at any period of the term, and
charged only from the time of their entrance.
Towanda, Sept. I, 1849. •
No. 215 Pearl street, New York, offers for ale
Paper Hangings 41r Floor Oil Cloth.
lIA LARGE aseortment of American French and
German Paper Hangings, with borders to match,
for sale in any quantity, et the lowest market rates,—
Merchants unable to visit the city of New York can
depend upon their orders being filled at the lowest pri•
me by sending- description of style and qualities. Oil
door cloth cut to suit the pqrchager.
New York, Sept. 9, 1946.
Nl7,otenndindg "rabth . le ? vi n e : tal ent o li ;t l 4lN a fr r .l
BUMMER GOODS, which wtll be sold at very low
rates. Business at this establishment conducted upon
fair sod honest principles. You have our thanks for
past favors and we hope for a cunt:nuance of the same
as we ate bound to sell Goods Cheap.
Towanda, July 4, 1844. N. N. BETTS. •
FOR the tranamisaion of . Money, and all kinds of
Merchandise. leaves New York daily at 8 o'clock
P. M. .01Ilees at the foot of Duane and 7 Wall ea.,
N. Y. All orders or goods left at our oilleas or with
oar agents will be . aftlinded to wilt despatch.
H. MIX agent, Towanda L. MANMING & 80N
Owego kin 9
W"trim. black. blue and green worked Demi Yells
also Muslin, linen wrought and French lees col
lars a splendid let of Ivory Handled Fans, also white
wan Bonnets, Bonnet fronts, linen and cotton lams,
win and *oast Muslin edgings and inserting s asap
lay 23 FOX'S.
Alm 14-Brick Moo&
N a PORTER ere mew readying. at Hnielt4Rove, e large eddition to their firmer
Hoek, cnnsisting of
Drags, Medicines, Groceries, Liquors,
0111, Mats, Dyestuffs. Fatty Goods, &g.
which will be sohd at annually low rates. They als3
offers for sale thesplendid and genuine. Teas of the PE-.
KIN TEA CO PAN V. foe whkti they are agents, and
which they do not hesitate to recommend as being sm.
petit), to any other imported.
Hawing been appointed agent fur most alt the genu
ine Pupular Patna Medici:no, we album the public we
will not offer any that see counterfeit, as we will not buy
or accept an agency from those speculators, who. Ity
base imitations impose upon
,the country with their
spin init. Drugs.
Towson's, June IS. 1849.
2111TIrm.IRAII7 -
E. T. FOX,
TS now receiving a full supply of SPRING AND
J SUMMER GOODS which are offered fur sale as
low as the same can be purchased at any place this side
of the city of New York. Thankful for the very Maw.
ral Patronage extended to him heretofore, he would
respectfully ask a call from all who WA to purchas
Goods chimp as this stock is to be disposed of at the
lowest notch, please dont neglect to call and dont forget
the place. North Store corner of Main and Pine-st.
Of Tr..y, Bradford county, Pa.,
PROPOSES making periodical *ignite at Toxemia
durin g the session, of every c o urt. He may he
found at the house of J. B. Cross, commencin g on (tie
&I of September. Reference can be had from any part
of the county. Ap w o rk warranted. au Ncu:i
THE attention of the commanding officers of the
several companies of uniformed militia with
in the County of Bradford. is respectfully directed
to the fifth section of the Act of 17th April, A. D.
1849, which requires the Captain or commanding
officer of each company, to furnish a copy of the
roll of said company, under oath or affirmation to
the County Commissioners, at such time as the as
•sessment of takes ate returned in each and every
year, designating the township, ward, or borough,
in which each member resides. And they are here
by requested to furnish said copies of the rolls to
the Commissioners on or before the first day of De
cember next. C. S. RUSSELL, Cl'lt to Com's.
Commissioners Office, Towanda Oct. 8, '49.
OrJa -2 4=o 1112aVa.,327.0
rpH E Subscribers having entered into partnership in
1. the shove business, for that purpose have fitted up
twoshopa, one in the bisement of the WarJ HMIS*, the
"thrr in the (,`Dion Block, whore they will be ready to
serve their numerous patriots at all seasonable hours.—
Operations in their business will be performed, in the
best style, and with the least possible discomfort 'to the
- They will constantly keep on hand all writs of Dill
and Perfumery; alsa Ilait.Dye. • very superior arti
cle, which will permanently change the hair from gray,
yellow, or flaimog red to glossy - black or beautiful
brown. No apology can hereafter he offered for those
ugly colored moustaches and whiskers that often dia.
figure otherwise fine features; and even age itself may
thsguise the ravages of rims, and at pleasure assume
the semblance of youth. Those ladies Is whom
nature has denied the ornament of a beautiful head 01
hair, may have the defect supplied by calling on us.
rr - r WARM dr, COLD BATHS, ea r be bad at all
hours, at the shop in the Ward House.
Oct. 1, 1846
N. V. & Erie Rail Road.
THE subscribers are now prepared to receive Freight
of all kinds at the Owego. Binghamton, Great
Bend, Lanrsboro' and Fadaryeilk Depots, Every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week, and
continue with regularity thrmighout the season. They
will itiend to forwarding the seine to the Diew York
Market, where they have made arrangements with ex
perienced salesmen, who will attend to t'aie selling of the
' same, and return the proceeds in Bankable funds at
either of the above Depots. to the following persona :
At the Store of F. Rayrisford, Owego; C. M'Kinney,
Binghamton ; at the Office of i.e. Griffin, Great
Bend ; at the Hotel of E. Benson, Lanesboro.
Ravneford. Owego, C. McKinney,
Binghamton ; Jae- Griffin . Great Bend ; E. Benson.
Laneshoro, and C. N. Wheeler. Union.
JAS. SISK. Binghamton.
JAS. GRIFFIN, Great Bend. •
Capt. James Sisk will superintend the husirress
throughout the whole Line, and receive and fill all or
ders for Groceries, Fruits, Fish, Oysters, &e,„ which
will he bought at the Insrvut prices in New York, and
forwarded to either of the above named Depots..
By the New York and Erie Railroad.
KINGSBERY & CO., are now receiving a large
L.P. and most desirable stock of Goods. Having been
purchased at the moat reduced prices, they con confi
dently say to the citivns of Bradford County, that
they will not be undersold. Their Goods will pad be sold far cash, cheaper than they can be bought
at Gwegn, Elmira or Binghamton. To puree this call
and examine our goods and prices. Among our Dry
Goods try be found the following:
Super real French black, Blue, Olive green and
brown Cloths; de sable Beaver, French Doe.tikin.
and fancy Cassirnerea; Tweeds, Settlnete, and full
cloth , Worsted and Silk Serge.; Satin, Cashmere and
a great variety of Vesting., plain and plaid lininp,&c.
French and American Cloaking; Scotch, French and
American Gingham': French plaids, changeable. plain
and plaid Alpacas; Queen's pustre embroidered Thibet
Cloth, Silk and Satin Stripes, Plaid, plain Mohair,
Basket, French and Long. Shawl": alio pink, and blue
Bonnets of the latest style, Cashmere, Hamilton,Coch
echo, Mourning, blue and White orange and blue, and
almost every variety of English, American and French
Prints, changeable Ile'Oberg, black Grode Mine, plain
and plaid Silk. Silk and Coma Velvet, cambric Muslin,
book, Swiss and Bishop Lawns. Brussels Lena, plain
end figured Bohinstes, cotton edging. and inserting";
pure Silks, Gimps, Trimming Buttons ; a lame assort
ment of &muds, linon eanibrica. Maim' needle worked
cuffs, French collars, lace capes, emb. mitts, brash'
'haw. a,
Also—Blown and bleached Sheeting, brown and
bleached Holland'. bangup Cords, white, red, mixed
and Salsbury Flannels, satin Corset. brown and bleach.
al Jeans Canton Flannel, cotton yarns, battik &c. In
abort, almost every article in the Dry Goods line in use.
A large assortment of cutlery from the best manu
facturers; iron, Nails, cast and German &eel, Ames
&• Co.'s Shovels, mill, crow-eat :and wood Saws, panel
and beck Saws, cast, wrought and brass Butts, thumb
and drop Latches, Squires, Dividers, Chisels, Augurs,
Brace and Bitts of the best quality, Wrenches, Bolts
German silver. Brittannia and Iron Table and Tea
Spoons, Candlesticks, Lamps, all . kindi of locks, drill■,
files, tacks, &e...
Flooring Moo, light do, sod Fhbe set* to otii , ph'_
chasers—bird patterns, plain sod every snide to this
line wanted.
The lariat and most fashionable asMortnient of La.
diss' and Misses' 'Boots. Btiskihs and Slippers. to bs
found this side of Now York. Owns' and Boys' Boots
and elms In great variety,
•Also a good lot of SOLE LEATHER on bucd. -
The Cliesiosst Creceries an be had at
Towanda. MIT lit , tlt9. B. E. dr Co.
x l 0 other medicine has ever heerrintrodueed' ta the
1. N public that has met with - suc h unparalleled Mite
me, as De. Socure Oriente, Suwerign Balm rilah
Having been but six years before the perblii., maths
advertising small, competed arid) most other medielnim
%et they have worked their way into every state to the
Union and Canadas. They have absolutely 01PCOMIIII
the Metalled Medicine of the day. They are pureft
~ ,egetable and so admirably compounded that *heti ta
ken in large dot.ce they greedily cure the mast delicate,
IlitrOU4 termite, and hate raised numbers keel theirs
beds alter ell otbet remedies bed fade& -
Al there are, spurious Pill. in circulation paled On.
total or booettitun 11.1111, he sure to see before you buy
that the name of " Dr. E. L. Soule 4. Cu." is withal
face of the hoses. None otbors can be centrine. Wls
are not aware that any one who is making a spaded*
article his yet' dared to make use of our time; but
some of them have had the impuden`ce to imitate our
boxes and copy our Circulars, errtifi_eates, Dukes
the public are eitrefel eaten thei parettioa, they will
be deceived.
Cr„,7 The genuine 80V E REfaN BALM Pt I.LS can
he had wholesale end rebut or Dt. 'Soule &
Euclid, N. and in Towanda by HUSTON. &
TER, and by Agents in every town in the country.
To the Victor belongs the Spoils.
A I.TOUUH many preparations in the form of" Popu
lar Mulicints.' have been before the public, claim.
ma to-'give relief, and even cure the moat inveterate
diseaaea, yet none have so well answered the purpose
as Dr. Sherman's Medicated Lozenges. They are agreea
ble to the taste, easily administered, and from the en.
precedented succees which they have met with, and the
remarkable cures which they have performed, may
Justly lay claim to the title of Conqueror over the di
suses for which they have been recommended • Dr.
Cure the mort obstinate cases of Cough in a few boars.
They have cured • large number of persons who have.
Leen given up by their physicians and friends, and mmay.
who have been reduced to the verge of the grate by
spitting blood, Consumption and Hectic Fever', by their
use have bed rose of health restored to the haggard
cheek and now live to .peak forth the praise of this
inve uable medicine, Dr. Sherman's
Hay been proved in more than 400 000 casesto be in•
billiabie, in fact the only certain Worm Destroying
Medicine ever 'discoverid. Children will eat- them
Then they cannot be forced to take any other medicine,
and the benefit derived from_ the administration of medi
cine to them in this form is great beyomd conception.
When the breath of the child becomes otfersive, and
there is picking of the nose, grinding of the nose, grind
ing of the teeth during sleep, paleness about the, Up.
with lidshed cheeks, bleeding at the nose, headachi,
drowsiness, starting during sleep,- disturbed dramas.
awaking with frightning screams. 'troublesome cough,
`feverishness thirst, voracious appetite, sickness at - the
stomach and bloated . stomach—those are among the
many prominent symptoms, of moms, and can be
relieved by these bcommerable Lozenges. They hate
never been known to fail. Dr. Sherman's
Relieving lisadache,,nervou a sick headache, palphatiatt
of the heart and sickness in a few minutes. They Curs
lowness of spirits, despondency, fattiness, conic, spasm.
cramps of the stomach, summer or bowel complainbk6s
they keep up the 'pinta, dispel all the distressing of a
dissipation, and enable a person to undergo great men
tal or badly toil. Dr. Sherman's
Is acknowledged by all who have ever used it to be the
best strengthing Plaster in the world and ■ sovereign
remedy for pains and wsaknesa in the back, loina,.side
breast, neck, limbs, taints, rheumatism, lumbago, ikn.
One million • year will not supply the demand.—
Caution is neceasa-y, as there are many unprincipled
persona who would force • spurious article Upon the
community. Be carrful In fiet Shen:tater Poor littan!a
Plaster, with a "few simile' of his written name (mike
back—none others are - gentrine, and will do mote hurt
than good. told in Tovrands by HUSTON & POW
TER. No. I. Brick Row. - IQy
• Pnarrter.
XIT NETHER Internal, External, Blind or Bleadnii,
V • Scrofula, White Swelling, I/ leers, and tilostatad
Sore throat, Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cute.
neon, Diseases, Nercurial Affections, &c. Mao {or
Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, de. We feel
justified in pmelsimina THE FACT TO THE
WORLD that of all medicine, ever brought before the
Public, NONE have ever been more beneficial to *f
ainted humanity than "Myers' Liquid Cure." We
know that this is sating a great deal. but if we.-were
to write volumes, we could not say too mud is praise
of this
fisautu—acirroaisa. tire—enotosama RIMEDT.-
Hundreds, nay thousands, bless the happy hour when
first they were acquainted with its transcendent villain •^
■nd our present purpose is to inform other thousendie,
how and where they may obtain that relief, which they
perhaps, have long sought for in vain.,
The superior excellence of this peepareftwr use all
other medicines for thespeedt and permanent tare, of
is wall known to all who, have tested it. It has butt
proved in thousands of instances, and ha.
to rare the
and we are confident it
if used a proper levet of timeißtording to direction,
As a proof of our entire confidence in its e6ieaL7 4 We
assure all purchasers that, if.after • proper trialiitpttere
ineffectual. the Money p aid fer it will be Rctinnra.
The " Liquid Cure is an effectual Remedy foe
Ring-worms. Bilta, pimples. Barbers' Itch, Frosted
Limbs, Chi/brains, Salt RArcum, I7nKtloo Bite.
Stings of Poisonous Insects, 4c., and for Cutaneous
Diseases of'irsery description.
It is both safe and effectual for
giving immediate and permanent Waif.
No preparations now before the Public can surpass
the excellence of the " Liquid Can " for &aide s Buses
Cote. Sprains, Unties% Berolruner, &C.
Its erects as •
Entry Family imtAs Laud
should provide themselves with this Invaluable Prepar
ation, the, cheapness of which places it within this
retch of all.
Full Directions accompany each bottle. -
Pamphlets containing copies of certillcatse from
shoes who here tested the '• Liquid Cure," may ha had
Gratis of oar authorised agents. • ,
" Myers' Liquid Curs" is prepared only by
JEROME & Co., 21 Spruce Street, /Veto York.
For sale by HIRAM MIX, Towanda, agent Ise this
county, end by C. R. Herrick, Athena; . - Rufus tang,
Troy ; James 11. Phinney, Monroeton.-Henry Gibbs,
Orwell. • 51 leery
.JUST opening a ',tended assortment of Embionable
DRESS GOODS consisting of Worsted and Linen
Elsreges, Silk Tissues, Linen, and Chanagehle Lanai, -
Organdies and Printed Minding, Scotch, French, and
American Ginghams, Chambra's Small Figured Bins
and Green DeLanes and the Preheat assortment of
Prints in town at , FOX'S.
f LOVES-.. 60 doiten Kid will, les!. LWOW sad cot
ton gloves; of every posslle site sod Color at
my 23 • Fors.
30 DOZEN mote dame linen lienkerelnefe at 131
Ctik et P 3,23 - Fore.
DONNOTS-A large assortasent of Ladies and Mir
1.1 su Mown* Intents lie. Ift o /14 Pods "In'
Neapolitan end Leghorn Bonnet,. Also, wrath, and
lowers, for all. at ap2o muciatisr.