Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 17, 1849, Image 3

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    Tosoirro vs. Mowniaaa.--Tbe Throat(' Globe
w hi c h speaks for the Beide& Illinirawin 'tbe wi
pe! parts of Canada; seise ainhotitativtily . , that
„blic departmeats of die , tie , ri
f,,,,ed to that city *dawdles* iittstitis k it
w an to dawn' the capital, and ilhis difeklaritoth
of the Csnades. The Parliament BoUdinp will be
re occupied nest winter by the United Ls
We believe that the University Ito* its !au.
tin p in them. .
Au roc Dscrscr.—The Primary Elec i ii on , in
its* York, have beet folfor Mist:hist cue Dem.
cer atie dots teem quad, bat the whilpt in imime of
ibe war iN entered iato a regular Bet; and bowie
kn i v es were timed to.decide the quarrel. it the
fifth Wan!, if Ong of rowdies, led on by office
holders, a neropted to face a ticket upon the peo
ple, and to this end seiXed the ballot box, and
wounded several Peaceable citizens. One man
bad his throat dangerously tit This is "all the
d ec ency" indeed. •
THE Este Banz.—This institution has resumed
s pecie payments, and in noting this tact, the Erie
Oa.) Gazette says:
We learn from those who are well informed,
that its former liabilitieshave hems honorably can::
celled, and it is now upon a healthy and perma
nent basis. Its notes are redeemed to this oily at
per cent.
- -
MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL is worthy ofapec.
ial remark, that besides the great and extraordinary
powers in the cure of disease or the horse in which
its virtues first attracted the attention of the farrier
andformer. and the wonder of the public general.
ly, it has been successfully employed in a great
variety of the maladies which affect the human
race; and it has proved by the . wonderful cures it
has performed ou the lower ammals,, that it is en
dowed with curative preperties not round in other
horse oils, which has established its claims to gen
eral confidence. See advertisement in this paper
A pamphlet of description may be had Germ of the
Censtable 9 s Sales. 'Aline:Wt. Rxecriati•lay
SI Receipt, ' Rzerattitiba"
Alinelaments" Deeds,.
ansentens, Mertgatgas,
Subpoenas' "Notes" /be,
rented on superior paper, foe sale at this office. Blissiske" of
every description, printed to order.
New 2lbnatuments.
E. T. FOX,
18 receiving,
direct from New Vent. an amortment
the pubc are requested to call and examine.
Towanda. October 16,1849.
• Late of Owego, N. Y.,
HAS permsne4r: located himself in Towanda.—
Office 03 next paper. Will be found in the
meantime, st Stevens' tel. Oct. 15. 1849.
• " 'CAUTION. • r
A LL persons aFe hereby cautioned against pur
-11 chasing or obtaining a certain promissory
NOT'.'• drawn by the undersigned to Cateb C. 'Prue
Tee on the 23d Say of February 1849. for $5O.
li said Note having been • fraudulently obtained
will not be paid unless compelled by process of
Warien, Oct. 3.'49. HOWELL HOWELB.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received' at the•
engineers office in Tunkhannock, Wyoming
county, until sunset of Mondsz_the 12th Jay of
November, 1849, for constractini portions of the
following sections of canal, to wit: No's 11, 12, 21,
27, 67; 69, 76, 98, 108, 111, 112, 113 114, 134,169.
111, 173, 174, 182, 183, 184. Also furnishing a
quantity of timber to be used in constructing dams
No's 2 and 3 respectively. Plans, profiles and ape.
cdleations of the work, to be let, will be exhibited
at the office aforesaid, 3 days prior to the expira
tion of the time for receiving proposals. and for
funh;r inforniaticin reference may be had to M. A.
Gamble, Esq. principal assistant engineer, upon the
By order of the board of Canal Comminioners,
Oct. 2, 1849. Chief Engineer N. B. Pa. Canal.
ikiween'Broadway and Nassau at , N. Y.
TY $2 and $2 AO par Wank. 97f cents per Night.
iii. ,=T• 11. 4 1 .
I Fill flohomitlem hating entered into partnership in
the *bole bueihess, for that porposhhase Stied op
taiosbopiii Ole in the basement of the Vrani Hoosn,the
other in the (Takao Block, where they will be teed! to
serve their nomeroos patrons at all seasonable boars.—
Operations in their business will he perfisimed ha the
best style, and with the lean possible discomfort to the
They will essagently keep en bend all sorts of Oils
and Perfumery; oho llair 4 l)ffle • eery superior mg
ck, which will peptides:llly Amortise fish from gray,
yellow, or Seining red Is glossy black or besetifial
brown. ft. soffit esa hereafter be offered for those
ugly Mewed inOnstacbes and relidokers dui often dis
figure otherwise fiee intern ; and reed gll ll Haw mi
disguise the maps of thee, end nt pleasure ammo
the semblance of yes*. Time ladies tr whams
nature has r*lssd the wrneeregt of a heeetifel bead of
hair, may base the defect supplied by ceiling's,' es.
n" WARM & COLD BATHS. ea, be bad at all
hours, at themb9 in the Ward Moose.
Oct. I, 1846,
- :-. -, 4%
♦ 211 r Andadirtar dr
Just received by
E. S. lc M. C. MERCUR.
Sept. 2 1, 1849.
N. Y. N, Erie Rail Reeta.
THE entsaibers we now prepared to realm Freight
of off kinds at the Owego. Bingdeneiliwir Great
Rend, Lamborn' and Fodergville Detroit., Ever/
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week. end
rent:nue with regularity throughout the seilbon. They
will attend to forwarding the same to the New York
Market. where they ham wade enangewwww with sw .
penenced wean:en. who will attend to ale sellineof the
wine, sod PROM the proceeds in Bankable fonds et
either of the above Depots, to the following persona
At the dime of F. Rumford. Owego; C. WKinnu.
Binghamton ; at the Offree of Jas. Griffin. Great
Bend; at the Hotel of B. Benson, Laieshoro.
As/Jo - int.—F. Knensford. Owego ;- C. McKinney,
Binghamton; Jar. Griffin, Great .Rend; E. Benson,
Laneshorn, end C. N. Wheeler, Union.
JAS. BIBK, Binghamton.
JAB. GRIFFIN, Great Bead
Vent. James Sisk will superintend the business
- ”4.lintit the whole Line, arid receive and fill all or
fur Uroccriee. Fruits, nab, Oysters. an.. whir*
sill be bought at the lowest prices in Now Task, sad
f wwsniedlo either of the ibo wad Deputy: •
e UV lilt
AIIP-111Millbli :14
NElrhas Plilasssil his Drstetsse ss Eine,*
toe*, *fib* Psellie Ikons, islets setersed by
AsismilL•B4lo , oo# hamita sold it: kis -*UM has
WWI es bit know assissosss a laqsajiisolj4/
UD11117610 .4/12nID :2 412D1Orgraii:9 —
11111•14 Wiodiarvia nare,' Tackle,
Fogey is* Moiety; h.
• He is agent Itie - most of the *sable. POPITI4
MEDICINES of the day; parebased of
his with a eirtaitity Of procuring genause articles,
He it also, agent for the CANTON TEA wit
PANY of New York. whose Tem have attained, wed' e
spread 'reputation for genuinesess. end Misr low mfr. ;
An - examination of his *Mk, Ut which be, bathes the
Wendt* Of tbd priblie, will settr evet, ewedud 'II'
bag been selected with a 'dew stag the hist and
most &Oral& articles, Mid purchased M the lowest
rates, ToWM - o),' May l,
TOM is also a Usisersal Family Embrocation for
- Diseases. of Ike luau Flak. .
TIME and experience bare fully proved that that this
UNMFRIEIAL REMEDY has nornot its equal
amass list of popular medicines, having bun months'
14 years before the public. •
Testimony of the most disinterested character of its
wonderful effects on the animal economy is almost dai
ly presented to the proprietor.
A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes
were burnt off of him, was restored (without suffering)
by the timely are of the Oil.
Numeroui are the unsolicited statements of patients
themselves, and others who have used the Oil, of cures
which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at
all interested in a pecuniary point, they could hardly
have been credited.
The following diseases are among many others in the
core of which this Oil has free completely successful
and in which others bad entirely failed :
Sperms; Sweeney, Ringliime, Windgalle. Poll Evil, Cal
lous. Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness,
Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Sand Cracks,
Foundered Feet, Scratches. or Grease Mange, Rheu
matism. Bites of 'Animals, External Poisons, Painful
Nervous Affections, Frost Biter", Boils, Corns, Whit
lows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chiped hands.
Cramp, Contraction of the Moseles, • Swellings.
Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, &c.
Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sure the name
of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W.,MERCH A NT,
LOCKPORT. N. Y., is blown in the Side of the bot
tle, or in-his hand writing over the cork. Don't be
persuaded to lake any thing else with the promise it is
just as goed. Ike.,•&c. This is practised by those on
principled deniers whose conscience will stretch lake
India R fiber ; and who are of a kindred spirit of those
in our large cities, whose nefarious practiese bare so re
cently been exposed to the action of Congress.
Those who attempt to Counterfeit this article see re.
reseed to the law of New York, of May 1846, by which
it will be seen that every person meddling in these
counterfeits is subject to indictment, imprisonment, and
A person rolling out of this state, willjte liable to ar
rest vibes in the state, and also to be held si a witness
against those he bought of or sold for.
All Orders addressed to the proprietor trill be respond
ed to.
Get • pamphlet of dm Acent and we whet wander.
are accomplished by the um of this medicine.
Sold by respectable dealers generally in the United
Stites and Caned..
For sale by HUSTON & PCRTER.Tourands, E.D.
Wells, Lawrenceville, ,Edwin Dyer, Covington, Abel
l'urrell, Montrose, Pomp & Kinsey. Easton, Lewis
Smith & Co., Allentown, H. D. Duffle, South Easton.
Oct. 15th 1848. n2Oll.
J. A. Kane's Clothing Store, Elmira.
IVOTICE is hereby given that the copartnership
:henitofore existing between BRISTOL & SMITH
is Aridity dissolved by mutual toossat. The acostrate
of the late firs wRI be reified by L. BristoL
Sept. 1. Ism L H. SMITH.
ANTI. --
Pedal br*id and F 1 encb lace Bonnets end the
best. assortment of Ribbons Flowers, white, black, ides,
rose, and straw color Wise and crepe in fact everythi6g
desireahle in the shape of Bonnet Trims, et FOX'S. •
good or no Hie , the money returned is WI amrs.
whose Tea does not suit et nrylli
DALK LEAP HATS, jest reeelffleArd
July 17. 3 . IFINGSBUT & CO.
W.ANlercinuoVs . relgebirated
Come listen now while I relate
A tale Pm bound to tell,
Of clothing sold at such a rata
That none can under« 11,
One day I called on John A. Babe •
A suit of clothes to buy,
They were .o cheap that I would fain
Persuade you auto try,
Huts for John A. Hone, Humt for John A. Kane !
We'll buy our clothing all of him.
For beat him no one can.
His Stock consists of every kind,
And piled, my eyes! hoar high,
Yon certainly can't help but find
The thinglo so it your eye.
There's Snits to suit all sorts of men,
For Wedding Church, or Shop
There's Pants, Vests, there's Cloaks
Of Coats a thunderin lot
Hurra for John A. Kane, Harm for J. A. Kane.
If once you buy a suit ofbim
You're sure to cell again.
There's Drat, and Sock, and frock Coats too
Of Cloth the very best.
There's unike'Clottstng, Creams loco,
Silk, Wool and Satin Vests.
And as fitting to a fit ,
I need not bere to ten, . .
His clothing on each man will set first rate—
none better—for he personally overages the cutting
Department. and has his goods made in the bet
manner, and the best she.
Hews for John A. Kane, Horn for J. A. Kane
For when I want II first rate fit,
11l call ow him again.
Some r time I'll tell you more
Dot this fore I dank
He has hand now in the Store
A Star (lint rate clothes,
Sar When yin base a little time
And cash on band to spare,
Remember that you'll alwayi find
John A. Kane reedy to give you the mortise your
Mossy at No. 41, WOW Street, fifth door west of
the Bridge.
Hone for John A. Kane, Horra for J. A. Kane
We'll boy our clothing all of him
For Beat bile no one can..
176 hands wanted for all kinds of work, immediate.
' JOHN A. - KANE; Elmits, ang. SI 'Mk
AV.- ease 4 UMW
issesied,; MI etllisdinkutii‘f log
liinotrorposbi eq/ka,pinefts *Om day. u
ilmeit.howhiS thins owe seicatilloimphmippb.
ang utivel debt Istamielaiiirstrasailoment. ,, •4 ,
t„ MAIM. kiminissemse.
.-TowasikAmpt. : • • •
.•,`; ' ExtetrToitte.,AO:ntßy o
A LL pursousitittoljii.eatii tiIIOSETH
_ MOTT dooessit ,na
toweby maraud to make paymeut without Wwi
dim having e4imu Rohm add emu will Plosowl!‘
Nat diem duly auditstiagedlor witdoutuld :;
ALL person .indebtimi 111s - istriti'ot Et. Hot.
cot/9,116mA Unlit dii totileido ift4Ro7.
lei )iitelly masted to asks proem Ifeletmet - delay,
sndihoss bowleg thine spinet OW ostets willidesso
pteann dam duly autb,siested lot.
1 V. .21141)CILWELL,
t • ' 4 Liwoooirrzi,
• dukton,Rept.sto, 1849.
ALLmoms indebtal tor die totolo ad RICHARD
PI: 'HORTON. doiwoil*lwittof Illitoinquia top.;
we hereby requewal to wake payment withoutdobVidtd
Maio hating claim ovine aid NW' will piftwritot•
watt/tem duly sothenticated - fot oottimisoot. - • •
• Illwoloquie. Sept. JO, Adainfmionews.
A . LI. persons indebted .to the map of sAmum.
CHASE, deceased , ;hi, 04 Tatiana Bowidall.
are hereby requested to melee payment without delay'.
and thew baying skims against mid estate will plow
present Ulm duly anthem ismisal for settlement.
Towanda, Oet.2, 1849. Administrator.
.Win. H. Ocertun va. Lookit' . .sid Smith—No. 159, Sep.
T. 1845— T. !848.
TjHYING been appoiutad-aa Auditor todietribitethe
1.1. balance of, moneys raisod by the • Sheriff eel. to
this ease, not paid out. I will attend to the duties of my
appointment, at the Coax House. in the borough of
Towanda. on Saturday. Oct-20. 1849. at 1 c'cladt. P.
M.. when and admire "all perm as intent:sled are ranpired
to present their claims, or be debarred from moue" in
urn said laud. ADDISON AMMAN. Audidar.
September 11, 1849.
TAE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor
by the Orphan's Court of the County of Bradt .rd
In mondial smelts and distribute the funds raised by the
sale of thereat and personal !Nee of Jeremiah Decker,
late of Monroe townshipdetwased, will attend to the du
ties Or said appointment at his office in the Borough of
Towanda. on Friday, the 2d day of November Deist. at
I o'clock P. M.. at which time and place all persons
interested will please presenEtheir claims, or be debated
trom coming in for s share of raid fond.
Tovirands,Bept. 29. 1849. W)4.I3GOTT, Anditer.
MICE ondersianed having been appointed wri Auditor
be the Orphan'. court of the county of Bradford,
to marshal ammo and distribute the fund raised by the
sole of the real and personal mute of James Morrow,
deceased. will Wend to the duties of mid appointment
at his office in the borough of Towanda. on Saturday,
the 8d day of November nest. at I o'clock in die sBer.
noon, at which time and plane all persons interested
will present their claims, or hi debarred from coming
in for a share of aid-fend. WM. SCOTT,
Towanda. Sept. 20, INS. - Auditor.
Brattioni Cont. Pleas—Armen ¢ RodktreWs use to.
T. IL Lewis. Vend. Ex. on No. 43, D. T. 1846.
THE undersigned taring been appointed an Auditor
by the Court of Cemmon pleas of
.11sedfind Cain.
ty, to. distrtbuta the fund mined by the sale of oral 'le
tate of Timothy H. Lewis of Monroe township, will at
tend to the duties of said appointment at Its office in
the Borough of Towanda, on Thursday the ilat day of
November next at one o'clock in'the which
time and pace all perform interested will please preemie
tbeir claims, or be debarred from coming in for • share
of said fund. WM. SCOTT,
Towanda Sept. 20th 1949. • Auditor.
THEpartnersoip heretofore casting in the Saddle
and Harness business. between E. 8111TH & CO.
is dissolved by Mutual cement. Thais indebted are
hereby notified that immediate payment most be node,
or their demands will be put in a course of eolleetio'
The business will hereafter be earrie& on at the old
stand by SMITH & CULP. Sept. 17. 1849..
Bradtbrd County, so.
THE subscriber takes the liberty, as it le a free men
try, to inform the politic that they seed net be im
posed- upon longer in Towanda by coca high' prices.—
Only look and then think What prima you have paid...—
Here are my prices from this date so long as I stay in
Towanda and that may be a long time, via
Shoeing I kroes SO em.
Single shoe and est 20 eta.
Setting shoes each *eta.
Setting wagon tyre 23 eta.
Shoeing one an ow 1,73 Cis.
L Ironing two horse lumber wagon f ro m $lOlO 16 60.
Sleighs do 0 3to 500.
All other work is proportion for emir or ready pay.
Credit will be gives on sonal terms. My prime me
fined and I make no promisors which will not be strictly
complied with. Coil end judge for yourselves. Horses
shod by the you cst resoomiblo terms.
An kinds ot teentry pledges remiired is paymoint.
Tolima* September 15, - • WM. TROUT.
WKIMAR, ay war Loris& boa laft-aiy bpi..J
sod Wed widow alleititassa* promeNdea
I forbid all pumps bid:maim as granting lost an ay
emit, as I sill pay as deka of bar asetrectiag. a*
Mw eampeikid by law. BURR CRANDALL.
Walla, Ilestmakor 10. 1049.
ingrannitz s =men
wouLD inform the Ladies 'lmee 'balms e
•Y large assartamot of MAT ,oemseleing els eagle.
ty of styles and also a good asesnuess of Flewous,
Ribboos, BI se, .&s., and • variety of MILLINERY
ARTICLE' allot which will Wel/end at a law prim
Town* May 16, 0 1849. •
4111EMINAk t i UST irdatANITIMo
rrIFIANY & Jaws tbs public
JL thet tboy•io sow osoeivisog dimes hem Now Yak
sod ofssiog in tite own lowly occupied by N.lnizono
dose soli& of & liogebery 4 Co., • Imp seri getawal
mortmeat of
_MORA FMK 10008;
Yardwe Notions, Chofittiommoy, Ijc
to *bleb the et:6Am of ponduwies ie Iloilo& Their
owertineet of Chisterie• Litman osie•Aft. sad
will beseld at ususaelly law tato& Volt isitisides.
Towanda. lose 111, 'lll4 • 11. L:IIYNOVIBLICY.
GROCERS do landlords supplied with @bung Beer
W A 4,T
ivirE Mak. Hof two foteaks. to tdotli"tbo ems=
8eboo;i1 in the birongb orroWotots: - *hook to
'mmo an Ow. Mt II istailillow fret
umisolbs. Brader
July 17, 114 L W14:41001% 81014617.
§ 'S^ -8Z ° -
^' IK•l!tirMat ire deer ides lllfiil tiw.ilr:L;'
Tinrrrl the ems,the et I.telisMi M *Wilt Iwo
isimitirstsf &WeleMti. taw
petarrietOwistrat Ow aid twee noel; wig&
p littrairbie Slime imp
twat* AN tilde; NW% lierkitert Veil& Alia
aid: Aiwa end lerpee.siesned terelitio, erehit et
thewet wee. IN • we" et-
!It - D
14 - 0 U S.
he,feetthoplimee!, leered dicers eatilphafill
Rotel, red that ii is seer epos hir the reception irt
TIAN Meer hoe eeei fereielmel 'ride new huskers
tlmeonett. asd parsons vieidael Tweeds either es
irerilleie Plateete,,will lei** a Leliatie leeptip4
aid M it fir die Aereetiiimos of the pmprielere to hop
vidit musiltAithholioneet erdi give every eetioitaies.
.fah Gawk the pet& to give diem a cell.
,P. C. WARD.
_Timm Ans. 1840. 11. C. BALDWIN:
onh_nuen. env warm.; patted; Graff"
tiAs . gbe pirCirlassit air wt ' L" J. WAFFO9II:
- 11froweints. Moose rt;
- - euramrairirmere s ,
T EVELING, Lax* eat Rome and Lee% Midi , ll
. 1 . 4- NaatikilleitasettiMaeaery. Embiattleeasta.
amine* &se by C.O. NICHOLS. Mks at IVias
Bastike' d manta. Pa. Man
ime Hymns, Upson Skin end Mick
.L Tess, et superior lisvor, far. We at prices dim grin
suitjades at the ankle. at MERCURIC
- •
181 , asraived ai TOM &maw
S, a flea map* of Goode, which will be sold cheaper dia• ever. caw
Gat in of ha usual variety ./Cloths. Casabursia, Bos
om staffs, Linetia, Linen Berm" Scorch Clinglums,
Nadi:eras, Gloves, liaselsai elhasthum &e. July 20.
EtiflLth - is day entered into eo-partnendtip bt
of Law, and they** th.hs method of Wm ,
situ den patine of ibe feet,
Oinee—No. S. Brick &sic (op stairs) whore ens of
them most an times% found.
Towanda. Jove I. '49. 0. R. r. KINNEY.
ONE NEW SINGLE HARNESS, far salieleitip
St JO I . FpX'B.
4 1112114C1bIlErFAILIIIT
wirr.i. be kept on hand a large assortment, and
made to ordMon shorter notice and forlorn; mo.
ney than can be prod Oed at any other establishment hi
the land. Those whir are under the necessity of pro.
curing that article will and shall be satiatkd. A good
hearse and pall may be had in attendantre when desired.
Beptember 1, 1847 L. NYE &
ULD WHISKEY-40 bbh. Old Whiskey just es
LI and English [Milan braid nest shape, infants and
childrens do:also gents fine Mae skin Rinse.
m)2.1 FOE'S.
•IVICE CRAPE SBAWLS. can he found at the
.1.11 atom of B. KI?46BIIRRY & CO.
T V. WILLCOCIC respectfully informs the public
• thee - he has leased this well-known stand. the
village of Mouroeron, lately occupied by Smith and
Woodruff, where be will be happy to receive the trisiul
of the traveling community. The haws baying been
gristly enlarged and improved.'und being well-furnish.
ed. is now capable at accoeunodesing all *homey Gam
hie; with a call.
Bj assures the public that hie undivided eani end
attention will be given to their eomgnt, and,be, bops§
to merit and receive a du& of bovines&
Manreeton„ Sept, 10, 18411.
rrHE public are hereby esmiened spinet purchasing
.1. a note given by me on Thursday last, Orr the sum
of Thirty Milani, to Henry Hill. Of b e any, payable by
the middle of October. As I have received no value
for the same, I *hall not pay it unless compiled by law.
LeßaYsvills, September 6, 1649.
MlBB's children", and Infants Ohms and Hose
it nty2S FOX'S.
GINCIHAMB-oood patterns gad good colors 63r 129
eta. at nty23 T0.T13.
THIS -Institution having been placed in charge
G. R. Bassza and H. M. Hest. A. 8.. wilt
commence on Monday the fhb day of October neat.
The Academical year will etuasist of four terms
of eleven weeks each : Commencing respectively.
October lidt. 1849, January 2d, March 28th and
June 17th, 1850.
Tiniest per Term,
Common English Studies. including Geogra
ntroby and Mental Arithmetic, 111 .00
Sams with English Grammar, and Adam's
Arithmatio,• 300
Higher Engll4 branches. including Mental.
Moral and litellectual Science+, 4 00
Algebra.Geometreitilimmtvr. arc.• • 460
Latin, Greek and French strange*, 500
Fuel, lst and Ind Was. 35
Board can be obtained in rivets familiesuse ser
usaable tams.. , • •
C. L. WARD. fleo'y.. Of Baird of Tame's.
Towasda, flopt. 1, 11141.
No. 318 Pori *ask SNP Yogi. Am for ode,
Paper Hoaglap & Floor Oil Clith.
A LARGB auseisat Afturican. neace vied
Ganaaa Nape itugiaga. wile bateau se ma*
ha Me is say quaissioa. at Mao lowest Media mom—
Marellassa amble said* As city of Plow Yea don
depend wpm Oak wino Ming lOW at the Waist psi
aniby sanding doctiptina of alba aged ladkima. Oil
dear cloth eat Os oak iM . terettuv.
New Tart. Sept 11, lIKIP.
Nirr i ti 4 esti;i l6. srßLTain.,
81111MERROODS. wkidi wilt aria 01 ws7 low
raior. betklime at Ms inakblidieset amilsom it s l oe
fair sod boom Yes priasipleir, Imo au slinks for
paafavorcand we hope he ea s te rn = of dosses
.wen bound to aft Goods Cheap.
Tewssak July 4. lie. • N. N. DEITIL
role d• Weeeedwio• of Meath ad elll hie& et
Mwehaodise. Imo Rim York Oisly at i esSAt
M. Wiese et the foot at Dune owl Well
All Wen et .goals lelt at oar Mikes sr 'wills
our spree will is dumbed to wib deyweb.
Mt Vint, Towanda sL. MANNING & SON
Oitefo., , • . , - . Mae
TIM M. black. blue and green waited Demi VOW
V V also Modio.iimaiwisuilog and Fplach boo
a giondid riiikshe whip
'POW IlmwaltpHilionast Igoe Hui sad sena :lei*
i. U
akillis ineitim v egisp
• •
_ -
11111111MU.elle gee ass teetivise.
Mick 'Row, alleve &eh' ilt!!
Oils, hie* Ilyes4fts. hay lissisi
whirl will hi sold 'at anima* low sirateii: They. Rh,
offers hassle the agilewilidliiidgianoine Trion( the PE-
KIN TEA COMPANY:Sot whhh 'bey ens *Tents, and
which they do not hiiiitati, to - toisisoiend as being im
pede, to say athei:higiatted..
Hawing been epleisted ameei Skilless all the VMS.
int Pepide. refient ladkinegotee slw public we
will cwt ogee any Ant arecownwifrit. as we will oat buy
or weep an .Bgerief Ibinatitieo - .peculators,. who by
Mama imitable!' ingidsinpas Ihit countrywith their
spotime Dap.. • , .
riDl"' ' 44 444 • rollgt . Riita Axn
bUIIIMER. GOMA *bleb are °Sauk re., .W 0 sas
law is **sulfite cab be purchased .t any plere'tbis side
al the city el NarYarlt. Thankful Se the rwry
ral listslaur t eursuded to kis* keretafore. be' would
rrspesilally ask • call tram ell *be urielt t.. purclua-
Geode. cheep se Ali mach is to be dire. 1i of at .b.
lowest sock plaiaeuhuor,scilect to all and danti*vt
thephiat. North Mere mimeo of Main and rinc-0.
L. b. iritATT,
711113.78 1)101g1PRBT,
Of Tr-y. Bradford county, Pa.
DROPOSEB masking ,:pnriodical ri.bla at Towanda
/. dewing the oreriUn of "wry mart. -Ile tany be
found at the boas. of J. B. Oruro. colnatenctut ott the
&I of September. Reference eta be had from any part
of tbr eaunty. .All trot* tramintrd. au Sum
T HE *Million of the commanding officers of the
several companies of uniformed militia with
in the County of Bradford, is respectfully directed
to the filth section of the Act of 17th April. A. IL
1849.. which requires the Captain or commanding
officer of each company. to famish a copy of the
roll of said company. under oath or affirmation to
the County Commissioners,.at such time as the as
sessment of taxes ate retarned in each and every
year. designating the township, ward, or borough.
iq a' itch each member resides. And they are here
by requested to furnish said copies of the rolls to
the Commissioners on or before the first day of De
cember next. C. 8. RUSSELL. Cl'k. to tom's.
Commissioners Ogre, Towanda Oct. 8, '49.
LINT OF LETTERS remaining the Post Of-
Ace at Ridgbery Bradford Count y Pa, October
14i, 1849.
J B Williston • , David J May -.
kel Peterson T B Buck
James Cerro! Frederick Kerrick
Harriet Berk Jobe Butler
Polly Callen t J. IS. Peterson
Juba Lynch- Benjamin Depoe
Nerdy for the wend of cheap Mat, Watches and
Jewelry► Grad Rush at the
TAMES P. BELL !arprettnlly inform the citizens
J of Towanda and vicinity. that he had lately return
ed from Philadelphia, and perManently located in To•
wands, one door below die Brick Row, in the room for
merly occupied by Mercer's Hat Stone, where may be
Woad gold and silver watches, gold. fob end guard
chain*. gold and adaer Maas. gold Wear Wean Pia;
finger rings. le.. cheap for cad). acrd every ankle wet
ranted. A large supply at Cle WKS. of the lateli - int.
proved patterns, sunning from 3u base to Belays and
a esowth, with one winding.
CC' Particular attention paid to repairing CLOCIE:
WATCHES & JEWELRY, of every desmildini. and
hum dm long experience which be has had in the Is.
einem. work let in his cam will he done is the best
workmanlike usurper. Old gold and salves takes in
exchange. Towanda. Angora 111. 11148. y
Y wife MARY, having left lay bed and beard, I
bersby fOrbid aN penal, doing any htseiness
whatever with her on my account, or With any , puma'
or persons who profits" to beaming in her behal4 as I
shall pay no debts contracted by her on her *moans
alter thu date. ISAAC U. BROWN.
Albany. August 9, 1849.
SSUMMERCLOTHING.—A large swerruiwat of
Goodi kir Meneand 114111111111 K elptkii. now
opening and for sale at apt* UItSCUM
BONNETS —4l large atopetament at Ladies and Drum.
atm Plenna4 . patent, lam mfohlh Peed. GAHM
Neapolitan and Latham Banaota. Alm, wreaths and
Bowers, far sale et ap2o MERCURW.
By the New York and Erie Railroad..
BKIDGISBERY & non receiving &large
. and mew desirable mock of Gouda. Ham been
purchased et the most reduced prima, they out confi
dently say to the citizens oricredferni County, That
'bay will not be undersold. Thar Goode well posi
tively be mid for task, cheaper than they can be bought
at. Owego, Elmira or Binglierwen. Tolman this all
and examine ow goods and prices. Among oar Dee
Goods may be found he following:
Soper Reel Pesach black Blue. Olive. gram ad
hum cloth.: aftrais Dewar, Tone& Nakin,
and hoey Cominwer; 'Tinned*. Settinete, and fall
doh , Wanted and Silk Sieges; Elatio, Carinowni and
a great variety of Vesting., plain nod plaid liningsoke.
Pnoch red American Cloaking; Seetch, ries& and
American Gingham: Freeele plaids, chewable. plain
and Plaid Alpacas: Queues Lomeli emboideeml Thibet
Cloak Silk and Satin Stripes, Plaid, plain Mohair,
Basket. !lynch and Long /Drawls : she pink. end blue
Bonnets of the latest style. Carinnere, Bruallton,Cocb
ad" Mourning, blue and white mange semi blew, and
shalom *wry variety of Eng,' American and French
Print.. eimeopeable..Cobers. Grade Ihkris. plain
lad plaid Silk. Silk and Velvet, cambric Muslin
book. Swim end Bishop La Dnunele Lacs. plain
and figwed Dobinstor. melon edgings and Isaertinp;
pane Silks. Gimps, Trimming Buttons ; a large emeet
mew of Mounds, linos cambrici.hdhe needle worked
cuffs. French collars. lace capes. en& mitts. Weis
show.e. 4c..
Also—Deena Alegi bleached Sbentiog. browni aid
mamba Roam% I, Cord% while , red. aim'
and fidelteary
now eator Cars t, brown lad blench
ed Jeans' Canaan . amen yarn; bane, &e. fa
hem, einesetivory in the Dry Goods line in zees.
A large meenmant of Whey hem the best ensue:
[schemes; Les. Neile..eut and Game* -heel. Amen
ilk Ca l e Shush, sell, mow:.o"mil need Sera, panel
and leek Saw, pet; Wrought sad braes loth. demi
and deep Latches. egubseADveihre. Chiaels;" Alm"
Brice end Dias of ;be best gushy. Wrenches. Bobs
Gamma Aver. &Mamie nod4lion Table and Tee
Spume, Catediemicke, Lamps , kinds of kegs, &UK
OM. teaks. Is. ' ,
Inottiitglios, Gest de, and wliM oft Is esikper
ithesiiie.ibia paters", eds. ask "Toy snide h4l.
live mould.
Tee largest and loan fembiesoble einorbnest of Lap .
thee end Mimeo' Ifonnt. Deakin* sadlllopploo, to be.
found die aide of New Yarn. ewe and bete' Beets
and Oboes in grist eerie*,
Moos pad lake. I!iOLEIZATHEIt es boa.
Tlie Chewed Unkerile eia be lied et
?Owe de Mei hi, int B. C. Co.
eoave A m" amEs.
W :~
Tt Ooths4 Medic' Willie eyes Ufa hitenilieed: to' ilia
lr put4ie that hat set wish sea unperalleked
e'a' as rta:Elbitis:s Menial Ittegeo.
eats* tom's . but six yenta bebsni the Ueda/
•40 .
.tribing enasyelri ritb seat Other mais.
"witiliire then treritito . eywtitiAl:VO
Union and . They, bin*. tr titan se
the Standard
vegetable and so adasisabil:edsnikeintlest
ken in Isnit.'dpsea Any. speedily Celtilibet most defies/it.,
nersons.fripple, and bane raised nunibreAdet TtrWit,
Winner all otbeirreinediestad
' iEWARR or elm wrzertrra.
'fine aie . aptitious Pill s in arida:bon
or Soren-um be siit . fitaee before yes logy
that the name "lir., Al ; ,..4 2 _sße 4 ken die
fare of 'ilia bases. Neitewr,pl:9Wo.„
ate nocaware tbat suy i mse opt ntaseavt, minnow
article bat jyt dead Aisle Use if alit ; 144
someotilietn base lid the Impohnteeteingiste oar
hose s and ropy coortireulara s Crttillentßs,./e; . ,
the poblWain careful when
,tbey pueeltimpa, Ati , • I ra
be deeele'rd. •.. '
0:7 The Amain' 801tE*Iititiftli A .111i$12111 tan
be bid wholesake.and mail c; B. 1.: &mule &
Euclid. N. Y.. and in Totradilibiy if Veral. &PI&
and by Akita, in every min in The-coursr.
To the 'net or lbetouge MO Spittle.
ALTOUGH many preparations to the forreinf4 Ap
kr Medicines," bate been before the pubtie t ehnia.
ing to give ridief, and even cone thi i **tumuli,
(limners, yet none have ao well anstedirdthf . pitpooHe
as Dr. Sherman 's Medicated Ledenges. They de trim ble to the taste, easily admtnistered, wedffolet thrift.
precedented sincere which. they have_dietailth,, mid tie
remarkable cures which tiny Aww wog
justly lay shim to the title of Criitiertir over the a
seasy Rd which they have been recinlitnended. Dr.
• 4 Gouda - -
Cure the most °lntim& case, of Cough in a few haul.
They had eared a large number of permius ipth.tbseu
Wen gine' op by dieirphysicians and frieurd. wad may
who have' b‘en reduced to the verge of the gram joy
spitting blook Consumption and Hectic Fever, by their
use have had mete of health maimed to the lieggerd
cheek and now live to speak With the mite 4 this
invaluable Medicine, Di. Sherman 's .
Have been proved in more than 400.000 easewto heir
felliahle, in fact the only , certain • Worm Destroying
Medicine ever discovered. - Children- silt eat. Mesa
Then they cannot he forced to take ;My other inedicine,
and the benefit derived from the ddniiisistrinonef meth.
tine to them in this form is glee 14yottil etheatioSeM,
When the breath of the child becornds offnesiiii. -sad
theme is picking of the nose, grinding of the nose. grind.
ing albs teeth durblig sleep, paleness shoat. the lip*
with Bushed cheeks, bleeding at the nest,beethalte,
drowsiness, starting during deep, disturbd dresele t
awaking with frtghtning Miasma. troublesatiedilmhi
kverishares thirst, voracious appetite. sichttemet the
• stomach and bloated stomach—these ire among the
many moutitutt symptoms of worms. and en be
relieved by there incomparable Lozenges: They ham
_never been kodurgi to rtit. Dr. Sherman . " •
Relieving headache, imnrows sick headache, elpitegoa
of the heart and slave. in a few WWI e. They Mile
lowness of spirits, deepoadeney i liaittnesa t tattle, spume,
crisp of the stomach, summer rte hostel nagipiMst'
they keep up the spirits, dispel all the disuraiiiiig or
dissipation, and coablp a person to tinder/rigged Maw
tel or bodly toil. Dr. Ofkarenan's
• 4 1'17011 II!AN9 PLASTER"'
Is MknowleJlied by all who ham eller teed k bite she
beet atrengthing Hester in the trail and * itertmlgis
remedy tut pairs and waness it the hid, Wit, aide
breast. neck. limbs. Lino, rimunratiem, ImM:eget the.
One million a yew Will not supply the dine
Caution is neceesa-j, ante are Im m ityLtinpalaelpled•
persons wbo would force a sparßiiis skid*. tint the
eannetwity.• Be careful to get Plititoin'a Peet
Plaster, with a "fae of his wfilied etdiaddittlie
back.-nehe others we twmaine,.in' d will do mare hen
than gond. Sold in Tee/aids * HUSTON & POS.
TER, No. t, Oath Sow: ley
A Pdamit -
NETHER Internal, Exteampl. Wad er
• Scrofula, Whits Swelling, !Ike.* and Ulcerated
Sore throat, Canker Sore Mouth, litheumetiim, Cat,.
nears Dlatases,
.Nereuriaf Affeetloria, Ike. Also for
%lido; Darns, Cuts. Sprains., Annie,. &c. We *el
justitird in • proclaiming • THE • PACT TO TM&
WORLD that of all niediciars friar brought leelheethir
NONE hare seer Weil Miire bearelleier to el ,
Mcsul humanity Maw " Afyirr Lipid' Cert. , 'Wit
know that this is laiiiikg.a Veal deal, but it we were
to *she volumma we amid not by toe wed in praise
of defy
. .
HaAtTi-sssiorras Lirs-rootoarerso
Hundreds, say thooslais, hiss the haw . boat whew
ant they wore sequsisted with its trsoroseduit *OW
sad oetpressot porposs iaform other litoommeih,
bow zed where they say obtain that ießtt, oldettioy
pathos, bade bog weight kit is *aim •
Thei sow - tor elesileaos of thie peepoetilas own all
obit medians for the tog, said perwmattst ears 'of
is *ell kifotike to all who hoe iesseilr It Me been
ported in &hoods of ingeness. sts/ his
?Atm" • .
is esie IN
sulffr otislttAT . S. CASIO,
and vie de toniblent it .
• flgTftlt AIL
if mad netts. kb d Sim Mood* to diramiissii,
Atm proof_ of oar enGics ceillamice is Sadie:icy. lir
semis ail parcbaieni that, if.Sfier a peeper triakit prs
ineffectual. the moityliwilf for it oaf Raforoar.,
Tbe Liqtabl u ! . urs" is ' effsentil
•' Botieret kat. Fluid
l i t rairMbr . new, Mardis_ KANN
Stings of Poisomous Inaeds. §t, sad is estanesie
Disease. of may dsicription.
It is bo th safe and elfeaual for
giving binned:ate sad permanent retie. • -
No preparations n before the Public atm lomptio
the escelience of the *. Liquid ail." meittokk bum
Cam. Sprains, Lobes, qwwings.dte.. •
Its affects as a • • ,
NEAL PAIN KILLER tut 111.0311 CAL.
'Every Pineu4/ in Ms 1, .ii"
should Pm** thoowelors with ail fwealinbliatipai
mim*n, tha chatiramie of obi& plum - it stain tiro
re of all
Full Directions accompany mcb bottle. - -
Paniplans containing Cores cartifiesisi *lSt
those mho !Mashhad the slay."' Cues," say isimei
Gratis of oft mambo! aril& t•'l L • , '
N Myers' Liquid Cure& pewpard *lt
JEROME & Co.. 21 &Oak/Ease Vet&
Toe Wei" HIRAM MIL Tomes laset-forAbb
parity:2W by C. 0. mnick. Albs. 111 4 1 11321,
TrojJaass E. Maly. Mosumies; Mau, ,Oibbs.
. 6 ; "N.
RICH - 88 was. -
.TUST opening a spisadai lasaguasat at
DRESS GOODS taaakaing alWanaad aijT
timigia; SMertssues, Lima, mad Chaaagebia Leib"
Oliaaila sad hinted Madukk at.. raaiko
Asassiaas Giagbasa, Cliambra's • Soon
NA Gam Wawaaai the rgesaaltarsoulaim.,4
Pram in tom at " • • 4 'EttEIR
/ 13 " 21 " 4 ° diela 144 . :
toe gloves of iner7 posalie ohs and ails et
30_ 1P ozwimF•0 1 40.4inum MO*
cis. at I'MPL-1`
ifallaribto.forodkombrall effiOdati MO*
I.l4.*Joact, Parma, toatiora i rd* mot ilshollia
Bete. on bead sad for sale at MEIRCURIr.