Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 17, 1849, Image 1

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(702,V=i *
tOrtintsban Mott thp, (10.:4obit 17. 180.
(From Chaantie ' r‘ Edinbanitiploproa I )
Recollections of a rOlitPoMter;
A few weeks ago, I was en,gdgedie the irivlo,.
gation of a remarkable case of, bur*y, accenitia.
Hied which had juat obittrred at, e
n d by I omicide,
residence of Mr. Bagshawe, u gentleman 0113 9flik -
petent fortune, situated within a few, miles of Ken.,
dal in. Westmoreland. The panktdam forwarded
to the London police authorities by the local ndag.
istracy were' chiefly these: . 6 44
'Mr. Bagshawe, Who had been sometime abirein
at Leamington, Warwickshire, with hie isMire mktbt
lishment, wrote to F:arali Ring—a young woman
left in charge of the house and property—to
nounce his own speedy return, and . at the same
time directing her Id have a
.particular bedroinn
aired, and other household mailers arranged fte-the
reception of his nephew,. Mr. Robert Bristowe,
who, having just arrived from abrosiiii, would, he
expected, leave L-ndon .immediately for Five Oaks
House. The positive arrival Of this nephew-had
been declared to several tradesmen of Kendal by
King early in the day preceding' the' bight oFthe
murder and robbery; and by herdireetiens butcher:
meat, poultry, fish, and eo on,' had 'been sent to
them to Five Oaks for t ials table. The ladwhotar- '
ned the fish home, stated that he had been a
strange young gentlemanin one of the sitting-rooms ,
on the ground-floor through the hallopened door
of the apaMneut. On Alia,,foliciAleg„....mereigg,„„4,
was discovered that Five Oaks,
• been,
not indeed broken into, hot !Weigh out of—ihis
was evident from the state of the door fastenings , —
and the servant-woman barbarously murdered.--
Toe netglibors found her I) iug quite.deail and cold
at the loot of the principal staircase, clothed only
to her nightgolarn and stockings, and with a flat
chamber candlestick tightly grasped in her right
ha n d. It was conjectured Martha bad been roused
from sleep by some noise below, and having de-
Tended to ascertain the cause, 'had been merciless
ly slain by the disturbed burglai's. Mr. Bagshawe
arrived on the, and it. was them found
that not only a krge amount of plate, bat between
three and four thousand pounds in gold ; and notes
—the produce of government stock Sold out abot.l
two months previously—hart beencarried off., The
only person. except his niece, who lived with him,
that knew there was this sum the house,. was
hie nephew Robert Bristowe. to whom he had writ.
ten, directing his letter to the Hotnmums Hotel,
London, stating that the sum for the long, contem
plated purchase of Ryland's had been some time
ins idle at Five Oaks, as lie had 'wished to con
sa:t him upon his bargain before fiisallc c• ocludin
5. This Mr. Robert Brieanwe was new ti -where to
be seen or heard of; and what heerne,l ..
beyond .a doubt—to Mr .Bagshawe the tuitur iu g
horrifying suspicion that this nephew was the bur.;
filar and assassin, a portioo.of -the identical letter
written to hini,,by his uncle was found in one 'of
the offices! As he was nowhere to be' met with or
heard of in the nek.liborhood of Kendal, it' wasser
mised that he must have returned to London with
his booty; and a full description of his person, and
the dress he wore, as given .by the '.fishmongeriti
boy, was sent to London by the authoritiesu They
also forwarded -for our use and assistance one Josi
ah Barnes, a sly, sharp, vagabond-sort of fellow,
who bad been'apprehended on suspicion, chiefly,
or father.wbolly, because of his former intimacy
with the unfortunate Sarah King, who bad discard
ed him; it seemed, on account of his incorrigibly
idle, and in otherrtispects disreptitablehabiti. The
alibi he set up was, howelier, so clear and decisive,
that he was bate few hoies custody; and he
now exhibited great teal for the discovery . of the
murderer of the woman to whom he had; to "the
extent of his_perverted instincts, been sincerely at
tached. He fiddled at the festivals of the humbler
Kendalesel -sang, tumbled, ventriloquized at their
tavern orgies; and had he not been so very highly
gifted, might, there was littledoubt,.have earned a
decent liring as aca ter, -to which -profession
h.s father, by dint of mtich Of Ittoch'exerfttio had'
about half bred'hini. ills princiPal use testut.wita,
that he was acquainted -with the features of Mr.
Robert Bristowe; and accordingly, as soon as I had
received my cot mission'and instructions, I started .
oil with him to the Hummuiria Hotel, ovegt Garr
den. In answer to my inquiries, it was stated that
Mr. -Robert Bristowe had left the hotel a week pre.
'trimly without settling hie bill—which was, hew.'
ever, of very small amount, as he penally paid
every evening—and had not since been heard of;
neither had he taken Ms luggage 'with him. - This
was odd, though the period stated would have giv
en him ample time to reach Westmoreland on the
day it was stated be hadarrivedthate
" What drew did he wear when be left In
"That which he usually wore; a foragingcap
With a gold band, a blue military sintout coat, light
trousers, and Wellington book." .
The precise.dress described by the-rishmtu4er'a
errandiboy I We next proceeded to-the Bank of
In'llrfttaki if any of the stolen notes bad•
beenliresented for payment.
_lo lan da in 4 Ho or
the numbers furnished by Mr. Itaplutwe, and Wes
politely informed- that
,they had all been cashed
early the day belontehy a gentleman in a sort of
undresi wearing aioraging cap -:-
I.:eutenant Nines was the name endorsed upon
them; and Mir address,` Hader-Street, Cavendish
Sloare, was df - coarsd a fictitiena. one. The cash
ier doubted if he should be able to swear to the
person of the gentleman. who changed the noses„
but he had particularly noosed-hls dress. I return
ed to Scotland Yard to report no progress; and it
was theu deter/Wiwi te ammo. bills, descriptive ,of
liristowe's person, and P:ofletring a considerable - ree
ward for his apprehensine br •Yeitteh infdrmalion- as
alien lead to it ; but the .-ordei
~..,: e
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_ _ -.---
- kiscieclothec.,rha?thoull are mar welkin delilitt
ttely dtrans'tbe ye* Wired& thirliolibi °Mee Nit
r. Robirtirdstoirio hiliself, dsVaseiPprtOrebill
before diacrigid iiklbsiihust Vce itreamioti ite
4jusciiii: neitis biiiiiiy%3 _ sulltE r ir t tto "r
stotinOyt fs9 . it ly ' 6 dto
icith JOll4lll liii ineit e litu '''' sig ' hip e ente ,
:and rrirje I:coipit ' m 4.ured .4. •
*skit al7har*hti l ur` sometiwg more than
1 WeekieleViatiW ,
it or t‘whiLei he kumir
, trot—arataileprargidesaived, Islgnlpozded, and pd
(moray irrhispirstkik ofrithe , roldlersagsy a pelvic
:ithom bet ealtimptcteirito berdkoloulliklerate ilkif
•them. lEireirof thiii hitairtiperraik,' ovOlii contrail:T
*4d n 0 14161014 iiiiiirdtidon ; Ida Si inspeerdil
•iiivint,4iiiotrtlistided id hit stittiimiaLinteudg;
tdbubtletki rissl7,inittaii h 1 he he polNe
*did feqe in Crirwisltukh
4 , ood trug i ,
v i
„leg. AriAmk*
i trhifil tumo o f Scrod
le l
Yard bkl/e ''., ad ` g to theat#, I waseir
on his* .;‘,. eiridk n id( slowitiori c luit riitikciat
Pa nsin galif 4 5 , Terriod ilie &well i ejletuls Shoal!-
: Hill, wtairertemx-grewsptoniciimead; be booked
- tiimselelor Wstotmorelaad_ by dietnittbacoach.. Aile
then walltediitito. Me we, and iliatidt himselM
the coffee-rodth, Celled iiir a pitlt 'oritlieny w4tie
'and some isiiicirlite ' H&' *as now site for a siliftt ,
period if kiniFaterindllais AIM tiiilake tunflp
the Strek illt
. j 0 mediae upon the icst adviscbV
COprse i i i it . se4oh, Oka lespieethFetitirkishlyrs i
.bred, bOid-faced roo}ip ellot i—opt of who%i
thought-1 riecigni:iieb spile of Vis fiiiidress—en
teOhe, bn 4knOsi2flinn: . 4 i i in n t i il m 'Oetin in 'Pr
vocation, I approached as closely to the door as I
could a i: s tc o 11 0 hilAATfirve47 and ' l4l4ll4k ti v " .
,heard ece of, thrun.;-`nap acquaintance serehrimagh;
clerk if theta were:any vacant places in.tbe night
coach to Westmoreland. To Westmont!landl.=
Why, what in the name of Alermaryicottld .
tacbment of •the swell mob-lie , wanting in: that
country of form arid fripie-coaial The next Seim;
tence uttered by spy Inend r :as be ,placed .the.,mon.
ey for booking dues:fa:sides to-Kendal on:the coon.
ter was equally or perharmeare ' puzzling! ""le
the , zentlernan whh"eitteied the' ofFecliiifliinir:—
hiia with a , k? )
for ink cAp t pwain . 7 ,0 . 1)* out fallow,
passenger 14
-" Yes, he has booted himself:: and , -has, } think
since ;_one into the liciase.”
I had
. baiely time to 'irrip into one of the Poise
gee, tvhee:the lii‘erfetillernen came out of the of
fice, Posberi me, and swaggered out of the:yard.—
vagne undefined suspicions at once-beset -me rela
tive to the connention of these worthies with the
foraging cap" and the doings at Kiudal. 'there
was evidently something, in all this more than net
ural,aii pofice-ehilosophy could but find it out. I
resolved at rillovents•to try; and in order to have
a chance of so. I determined to be .of the
party, twilling doubting that I snook' be able, in
some way or other. to make one in whatever game
they intended' playlet!: lin my tuna - entered the
bookin4 oriii e, and finding there were/tinter, pla
ces vist.l.itu, secured them both for James. /coking
and Josiah Baniesycomitrytnen and . friendiof mine
returning to the -" north commie."
I returned to - the coffee-1 , 66m; where Mr. Ifris-
Lowe was still seated, apparentlY itliileextitad anx
ious meditation, and wrote a uote, with, which I
dispatched the inn porter. I had stow simple leis
ure for observing the suspected burglitr and'asrat
sin. He *aka (rile;. intellectual letelkieg,and with
al handsome young man r of about six-and-twentY
years of age, of slight but well-knit framel• and
with the decided air—travel stained and
he appeared—of a gentleman., His lotiklies trou t
bled and careworn, but / songhkin 'vain fereny-in
dication of-the starting, nervous trembr altray3 in
mg /aperient% exhibiterfby even old ptactitionfm
in crime when 'sluldenly
sons had =deter/ the seem hastily,. v41,661:41 causing
him loolsop. • I determined to try. an et 4
periment on his nerves, which I waggoners:As/led
no man•who heir receetlycoompit , ted . a
and bat the thy before changed part of the produce
'of that crime in-gold at the-Bank ef Englantheriuld
endure without wincing. My-objeer Irks mit 'to
prcieure oyidence producible in opal:l'4 of 14W - by
such mews, but to satisfy my own mind... I lea a
growing conviction that, spite -appeasancesethre
young-man wes• guiltless of Oki-Aired impt der) to
himluitrinight bethe not help
thinkfirg,.,either •or some 'strange conthination..Bf
eircumetancee, or, more likely, of a diabolical plot
for his destructioniessential, po guity , tetlei safety
of the real perpetrators of the crime; ierY.p,ititlit
bill-780 ran myluspicione- ; friends and *quoin,
maces of the" three gentlemen who, Wemta be out
fellow travelers. My duty,l knew, was quite'. te
much the 'Vindication prinnotre”i sit&l 4 tletetActe
of guilt;. " tta~l if .l'con d. iatigfy m yself liak)uPloral
not the guilty party, no effort .of mine -should-be
wimfingilidetemtined, tottittricate him from 'lbis
perilous position in whichitis' stood. I went titit'a
the' room,_. anct:rimtinel4l l e4/.140'49ga1l iii
then spdclenly.enteiesi-wititit oLbotrace, walk
ed swiftly, and withe.detenninedt etraightep
to the box where he was sestedittiftigli
ly by ihe area. tuatteXeltitutitl: -1 . 54.41104
fouatilmeat t lest I" 'There was aoatert,aelsdies
tion of fear whatever—not- the slightest; thefli6
phwion of his 'citiopienanize peeirlthlytepli
" What the devil .t/o.yoe Mean 7" was simply
of enrpries and innoyance.
" I beg your pardon," I -replied; " the waiter
told in e• a filmic/of onetHagihawe, wholias
given me the slip, was here, anit'linittooklyotifor
him." .
Hi Courteous& accepted rity,apihogy,:quitilly•te-
Is . z... ... 4 .1
f _ .
• - -
;., , •
MIMED EVERY VOESDAY; AT TOWARDA, B* 1 1 6' iliqiitnV - 14,''' .14 1111 - 11044 -
t n t, .4,-.-447....,z , •i
4 1 "r t. grOMIC
1 ,
~. ,
..:.. . • 4. • ~ 4 4,44.3 . 4,41 if ~" 1T,44.74. - „. . •M e rter.a ..
-4 • '. - f . 1. - - t4,414t4 4 0.4 •. a1. 4 4.! i
" Thank you: good morning"
marking at the same time that thong,h , ,his own
name was Brietowe, he had; Ochlly'enough; iu un
cle in the country of the same name as the person
I had mistaken him for. Surely though 14..liinnin
is guiltless of the crime impala:lie:him pared-yet
Arihia mmoenuthp porter 'etveredtiitiiiiieueti" .
tFiP airrial of the - einAeijieri i Kid. 4: 447 1 %A
d titter gislutg ..4thn.nesti
or JM:UnkMI
tioaatiot to lose sight ottildoonlifisterwe, _hastened
hoar; to make arranwernemedgetirer journey.
tMnsformed, by ma tiNsitllluezt wig, b ro ad
..•, _
_. ha t ,
ruligartt a multiplicity
co green , . „
.0f .. .'..... s and shiwgrte? vy and elderly,
w- 3 r• o personage, I toorSTAray -with Joiiah
Bairi t es—whom I had priVioitil Atoroughly drilled
mid; 'Peach and behaeiesAnachour companions
--Kobe Saracen's Read
,a.famptantes previous to
thratime for starting.' WeAloseltifi Bristowe al
ready seated ; but the " thretfridids," I observed,
will curiously looking eititsliaulais no doubt of as
ceilaning who were to bedbektillow-travelersbe
fonititruuring to coop thetnktePup in a space so
narrovr, and, under certain c* tames, so difil•
cu krf %rress. My apperoini l d' d that of Barnes
4o,sooth tasay, lorAediiii s , l more of a aim
,. t I fie ..
..e. - .s. .
le . than really w,„ e3 Ll:Aitt , assured them,
e i vt
an An they jumped • :177 , . : alacnty. A few
mipates afterwards thrkihjiiiilat" of the attend
ing:ostlers gave dviallankikardsilauture, and away
we - Alerted. ,Itz , t4.rn.r.-'
ittnore silent, linsilexiltimnfil never assisted
sit.' s 44 - hatever amoasarfat.fiaslTot reason" each
or iikher of us might haltifitlehtl4enjoyed, not a
migsr of soul" welled tifrirollit, eof the six 'M
ai*. Every passenger sett iiid to have his own
. rovr-k a
pegtf" iar reasons for declthra‘tf r o f display himself
in ~either mental or phx#Appminence. Only
ontrof two inciden dyrunimirortar.t, bat
which I carefully noted t.ovvajirjbe tablet of my
memory—occurred during the long, wearisome
orgmey, till we stopp.' &TO dihe at about thirty miles
Ifrom - Kendal; whorl ruceitained, from an over
'heard. con versatiort-of ane 41f . die" three with the
- coachman, that theriatende3 to gefedoirn at a road
' ; . elifflidiTfildrißriffiftraMMlNVlEt
Do you knoii this hotisethey intend to stop
at T" T ;owl and tkruittuidstunt . _ as 1..0
hint. out.. of sight and liming Atha back of the
"et Quite well; it - iv within abort j thileirof
Five:Ouke Liouse." 4
Indeed ! Then yon must stop bete too. is
necessary i vhooki go en terkentlat *MI Mr. Brie.
tmve; but you can retnaiii taitr vratch Agr pi;'ek•
d 4 With all. my head"
• it nut what excuse can you ntake•Ati remaining
there, when they know vitt budkidforlreildan
Fellows of that stamp are ,keerdy sospicionek and
in order to be weal, you.autst• be•esaisebr. Wats.
'• Oh, leave that' to me. 11l lbw* dtut enough
in their eyes to blind a hundred stich as they, I
warrant ye."
" Well. we shall see. And now to dinner."
Soon after, the coach had once more started.—L.,
Mr. Josiah Barnes began drinking from 'a stcnte bot
tle which he drew from his pocket ;and so potent
must have been the spirit it contained, that ho be
alTie rapidly :41/Wricatet4 -, lfiolriastlyspeech, but
eyes, body, afllltS legs, the entire animal, by the
tirrb we reached the inn where we had agreed he
should stop, was Thoroughly, hopelessly drunk;
and so savagely quarrelsome, too, did he 'tieborite,
that I expected every Instant to hentrinyetal !Mee
tings pointed out-for the ediSestiowelthe compiny.
Strano to-way, utterly n!upid- and savage wi he
ieiiited; an dangeinukinpip weir caret* avail
'al. When theAwaatt stopped, be got out—how, I
know not -and reeled and lamb* into this tap.
room, from Whi*httlenlated he wimp not badge
an inch till next theecwebman re.
monstrate with hini t epon itierfenbehobstitutcy;
might•as wen haverargoetwithilbmtwand he et
i# . o 4 T1 r 41 ., °0, 1 -04?" 3 4 , 11 4 4 1 .:,941ei5e9V; 17 0
aaatcliingatn 0111KWIllnity athen the,reolawakekser,
began , to opbraitibian fortiQvettafitsitviblir
lOoked - 'ehtqlfirtri'dOhnrftt
t i a :410A1 011 4.q4 c1 .4044. 6 PF4 SP'
my Awn, crowell•ord jet eAfaw Aaseitinstmiee,!
Dide. I tell re Vitenitd ,
door',ptibeinfitta' tettklkiky . ,!tjtjiip .; ,;sl f r
d:tfttekeilni* pi a IA . WOW *ol l ‘klafAPAßT„e_t
!Ituned of scam Lila* mew
Awn equallinkld Ileilattlatadied. front itntertpthet
Was perfeetlyeelditrP i l
14:441 1 t . 4afe3 44 sp.
Wistowe att&L wow siowkiikel
nelyinside,paisettgensi: Andes hats
preeented , to theitstociehedirose of ttrhelkr .: fltv.=
denial indetttinallitinion That bid
• ted 'hitt' diii* lt a** 4Cisibele t ileirs 470)
gna- _
0. 15 11.1"1 M.
whatOwlbaiseeee-atall theivetnieatlite
the miaowing elt‘thisitaitiqrhiA
I Vg P°g A -0 1 .- TI-41,1 1 T e
. 11 4. 3 g. 4 . R 4 413 1 4Pee• 1
for eonteluiestas awarisheimed with etammintaiiee
and ,aottobishhtlitle
ofthi6hOttliiiitiagrchel. - "Wii4Zauj
4 1 0.14M44- 1 10 iricialiegoviiqiiisiOnidjahw
pret We in indkatiettofgeilitlaespe' d ) 4 -
- "4 do no* eilkhleitUnlide d• 11116.175
Mr BilstoiwkaM4ool. ife# **.
(1 4yo u ra44. o :PlMligkoiAllti ol le
elutes Lbase,,noishoOk,yewase is•aose!fiy ete•
plained,letsveigin ili s ertioesierirt*siteitr' m
Ymtlit i file i fitOliidi lOC
Wi# 4l ‘ LltYft`i:A4 kOkiPtikoolathet
some xamokof imusateg.: sty piefetbineaceode,
le wailikeeentitedEolsq e ß. :7' : , (44'l , "'i.
illeti.jeVatetealift.o4#-Pca% nJ"tler,oYoi:
00 6 440 (.14 . 4141.'414Pp0di.j0 4614diaice
with a peaviouaiationatierrtbed Ores 4hemeeelt
mans opposite the gse cifAll'il!indlo#etili.,:ltir.
B q 4kat a t ill i t tVOt cl ii 4l lof t ig a tt i bOt 111 0#1 1 41
m a ate9ll o ll kil l it e tc a raz l Y: l -*/ , t less of
Immo: too perforisjoutdosiivapi!eds4ov
owns lest and
o4Veleniteredlibe rrirdvii i ii tiow .01
tt - PAM . _rin g-
TeinTsiosipilimuoteles **id
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ifitutos4s.otitireprxwolf t
Ma li ftMe l e t riveo4-; mrtt
'among the money inltis ti me a Spiut --- Z 7 lfgo
piece of pecuptvi*er - Al4th&litting of his
ir lu V e rbl7l.: ll PF?" 4 34oo l 44PeAgollflet ,
i l ailig-_
_ritit9o4s49ftvihkAatiftlWer,:bf. lbw ,firL
I fortvaatini trishauLondKiliobesivkinneillinietthir!
iimass?tali igif iinvicithikepare i6Strig: liee:
,orliaaTTiterint'ini;iikligiiit'ilatie vii - A:
hiltSistAfilfh IsmarfeirignieleteanteAtiktiziticjibs
maiosorg7sf9akimiawiiipme +blithe , harsviithe -
I* Atialtladki tf ulei tri 4t t i t ei o l o ) o 6 o*
!1ggviCia.74.431.44 i
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e2//iimecerseeldiestietotewet . of Mismirslid
rustamer and:ershikeublehitifilltilitPol;afteveg
- 7-t4hatiwiit9 o . AT:fetyfaitili,
ft , ' a 6 4 02 7 . 4 imp
ilo win.
-, 314
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• 4., .. I *. iik t ”••, 96 . 46 4 1 .1.- • ...4, ••:
. 3rtcr`
preen his surprise or conteme-wiinia. -, r , t) ta , =l ='r;
• Thtenittinonvitigathirjuiliceztentirsiti,SehiSely.
creieded, m teip,liiiiithe eiiiiiilligsiO*49.ll444
_c .-.941 "twitc. -4 . .. .... " , 1, -
' t k I T
.FIWIti- 1 4. 1 Pi efii,44 l 4 I/W*4*MP- Of
1 4!41 1 !krigel; 1110 4lasegfrooktbe pasitiun4kat we of
41sainiemerpand timiAitemigrimilirtnyt eitF
iceenit i nfickis 'fir Mei' siffaitil **thee liiiiiteirirdiff ,T
liii" " lra "lliEY 7 1 4 -2 44444tha ,ilmeni
AgeoLutOtsgmesi in.ffiiiesta and eatithetheireil
ribs drimeanbroiche ancesed;geritletnaerirrislik=
iieitteeraifile;bet vilthali kdin.inaAlleelk#ll
00' itilic 1 t h o 4 l t l ,:i r :t4kWnitudit , * awl fl9n'
tivioetqwebity Mills clear,,bold , eyea,.,cehicle' guilt
never yet successfully simulated: - - ' -"••=- '
• ^Ate, the heriiirig'ofamiil6 miner evidewe l
gi lh #olo. ,e 5 - 1 : ; 9y wilt. .., , and asked i'lleceuld
puma d
intUte•person be balsam at Five• Palm. ea
the dap preceding the . hello,' • Tim , titSIO Yed
fixedly arthe•prisimer flift,##thing: :More thin . ' st
mitlei4lwithqat..spe4 l 4.l.-afikiben sitia, ,f l , The
gentleman._ wasstanding before-the finswhein lam
him, wiih his cap on; I should like to see , this per
son with his capon ter - cirilr At - 'o . itiliw 7,14 F,
Aristowe'dad.ied on his Cregingecap, and am . 4. hp
immediately exclaimed, " - Thal is the wan l'.!
Mr. Cowan, a solicitor, retained by - WlBagibuire
for:his nephew; ohjecteil that Ihhi was, Al* 'all,
only screwing, ton eniOu.,itt be it 'to the„ ,
.of a Arras, and ought not to be received. Th
chairman, hewever f decided that it must ben&
quasiearn rated, arid in corroboration of other 4,1
defice. Ti was next deposed' by several, lie
that the deceased Saaih-King had told them that
her master's aephemrhad positively arrived at Five
Odle. AirobjCction to the reception of this lief.
deuce, as winking of the nature of " hearsay,"
wesalso made, and similarly overruled. Mr. Brim.
towe timed to observe ig that Sarah King-wasnot
one Mills uncle's old servants, And wai entirely
iniknown to him : it was quite possible, therefore,
that he was personally unknown to bee The
bench observed that all These observationi might
be fitly urged before a jury, but; in the present
stage of the proceedings, were uselessly addressed
to them, whims sole duty it,wita to ascertain. if a
sufficiently strong case of suspicion had been made
our against the prisoner to justify his committal for
trial: A constable next putrid finding e portion of
a letter ,which he produced 4 Mane of the offices of
Five Oaks; and then Mr. Bnthswe was. directed
to be called in. The prisitateirion hearing this
order given, exhibited great emotion, and earnest
fyintreated that his uncle and ,himself might be
spared the necessity of meating each other for the
first dine after a separation of several years' under
such circumstances.
"We can receive no evidence again' you, Mr.
Bristow., in your absence," replied the chairman
in a compassionate tone of voice ; "but your . tn-
ON ( ' , will occupy but a few minutes.-.
; ~ 4Atilesit, , then, Mr. Curran," said: the agitstoid.
yenermsF, , i prevent MI -sister km iiiurimptiny
'fit itiritt?Ortt; riot& not
_tie at,Sif -
' *
:7 - *4 :4 1 444 she .iroeld not belatemmt; in •
tot Miele& become furiously- ill through anxiety
irliiiinfiit iiiiii'C r e . iliti4iiipiich Torthe ritlnctant
.p.uvet#o.J T -11e-preseatly,:appeared,Rtkvenetable •
rwliteßmitaisran Tseventz rears told st .lersir , he
settrnt.d,.'llit kiterebt‘s•ndbyLvtria4 itWitt#
idli*Militiiiitaiia ariabis Abt3te Matinkilidi
cative of sorroti and dejection. ;.o..Uncle!" cried
Airlsydrieesittiniprig' towiud . tire, ::The said Min
• looked op, seemed to Red in thetriiilif,
1 nance of his neptfuwiFlNlWlnition of the strapi.?
cions enteMneed: agkiii' st:himrilititrellt forward
weith - misineastarnivianditi ditioktmitilar' Ail' Ss
teretidif,`" feltriiiiittliiitakekT 1 Whii',"'l4eliitti,
link regriiiire. iii3COOhOPrOri e - igii i Viiie;
'..goll iaa‘ tbaLl emir* * ROM tridoebted 'y' ep.—
MetyneiSirrlid--never,Robest not* anitistanr." ,
1 Lmi * t, frirfoontifililericeqtreyitife 4 d:4MiStibiannitin oii ist
:II I ,_ :" . ,CA 9 4.14 - 44 iititit
. i
- , 5,41 1 t rinf mu r _ coart.akkgestepsfaireaha emu
lr7tirdm.a, wVa tantro . ed biepd,
his attenfMn 0 'ttrft#. 4 ?ttdtiltTwhi,
7,"!p lb*
Co*„T tiy...w4eglobild rg uissie4bi
illpflifialleycA Irileri hi s lived With rtie fitmiChild.'
iitbf ' - '7 6 # it ' a t iag f '- l i fi). : ,0 . r 4 ; . .: 1 1 .'"- 7' 1 :::'
; , ,..._..144004
. :4440 1 /4:***!!Pt .4 1
• 4 11, 1 1 #4.9004Auttliy.V:i bet it is noweseert lilikktur•
happy business should be
. proseedidirilb:. lieed,
dremOurbarthOndbir MAO Wit!: VOA •iy tivi
ca r p i iii ii i . t a so c a li4k w i 4 . , o tt o a .
MP:WA Ibit)(00‘40, eiati%.yrw irepOsiTriu-,
forming him of tbo large sum of money:km*4ot a
, psdieidatitirod7itint , Tiiii '"7 ;1' ' '
. ,
k r 1.A.9. 1 040 1 41: 40 4:194-. • ',1114/11:008,;Id
dressing me, u please to- imidertribentrtielisale
i / iiiflio s ei l iNgW .,
fl ' l ia lg ie 1 /40# . 4 -*KtikWe*Ek*:
04-.• -L 7 , 4,:-A-:;;. . - . , 1 -,i,,,c':,41;:f .-4,6 1.-th'isq-1 ,.. -t.
f - .3l 4 Risaisio -ook ati)mostritolmtielfriMie Big-
Atiri4mitiatheeliiii - 'z'l , r,olol-tevictirkt
_r, g'A 11 4. 1 C I A I V .:: 2 A i t#704 71 .0A •
fillit ite
• ::7 - sß i tt" . 1 1 1 WWW 7 4 I 4? -•:•.;`, t•ft • '• - lri` •1f , , , -nl ,
. .alitagedipudkinuia.sisoped 1 1 ester
- it r." 4
n11 .'7 4414 ' 4 Viti % - g - ---'
' - - • ------;-
--- -7
;pled ibiatillineter; Win , ant
~,, t, This I Tzietievit nip itwatiee
Aittieriaik - ity4niilitivteligoratigiriirei • fiegiuwthe r °reps .- ianw - •. •
Olio eitiAN "i - i 1 4 ., 1.1 , 4, fiAliwAib - le'rtl, to- Psr at r i w,fiich.99 941-ine not rtAttott
:d i iN,i,*Thtßiip 1...i•-anz.t.. it,. rElautzrte)l 7 l , ._ . l E. a.:,:-.. t5 .. pa , rawain. . 4s4. , ~.„7 40. 0 4. 4 4. ...._
-all liti fiid l ittar - fe - Aqiii if Wtiii
ilribitaigi,f4dififii r clitti.."'"' ltat "'"' $ ineaniuiliiiinsmiklit,,,ll.o, •..tar...atitx . - 24 , 4. 't...0
k ,- .41 - jiiiiiitipte nt l i t4„ollllliii c e* Li t im ili ph . 64. 0 64,,,,wi5tik.5•1• x;1 . ~..t.z.c,i4, .vovr.A.- sit -
o'fineilin°l4 ate 'tit 'F.s iitt4 l At " err " Yes. You know i iire a rtel 4 tict4Tarirr il a
; Aidt r l`itt tirTeakitri34fitukTryiiTi? war Arid mall way - ,,,Wi t i : ‘`,141, 1
irmetifv r atryieholliiiirrTial t- rtteiti% . 14E, jaak occwien — Wleti th peat of the Ta11ea11..... -
;,11 INMObtk '
.' I r (;442ttaitY44. ' diOrelletallai • j4 AkiitiiiVit vint i a a
a* '{re ll iiiittaiii;digt. 0 itheito:Vgiu'ig oh the top oft tiesokialitioiiiirma - Aeigask-s.
0 uagiV e rAildfiTisili llri.pd'a*.e"*" qauksippookoophatift t itOripoiniis sail: inelde
vira6t..44jr fie
* Via - sworn
4iiittaiNfie tirri ' Airtlll 4 altigArg , ' , i4 - 40 , 01setatisabseneValtilliitEtteiiiiivaraina
fiditritliiiigeircorirtfrgttig;atiinliri t ; call it beisiegrilistmat4:l4 rfiniviknri•!l . -0 , 7 .'
I then deposed tot tiaiittilis PreiiiititilritayS ! - ',.,1f Wan, horia4,4lonasvabkoara f ted if e r i thirithit."
lirtilifotria letilikiOtell, tifie l mnitiarea,:iiiin'ytell for about three haigertlticiatirpolli lairet
ttifitierfciPieteltrrliattartiiirdiVli i i chalrtiiiiiit wheahotteddemily bored4te soicirotHattliillNE at
mitargii4ibi Oicla - R,l4la;.' 7 loiiii'fif iist' his elbow-A*lllring, irlifhorkillittlittAiii*lli
yiiii f iblif i rif;VtantlerVie f ) tl?a(italliagicc'elr ckoetr If you hadooen the start of horror whic i l
defiCe'haitieitit 'itaaixiifil Igainst 'fiiiiiiii Yea ` s " hifigive, the terror which, shook his failittiftW
theiriirrtilfjr aiiitinittitib fb`rrill."'SVitfiriirlit iallaticed rounikg, apartment, you wialskate
ecrtuiiihtfinfd td &tit :1 4thitirritihifeltfirY longer have entertaiLied a doubt on the matter:NA
tiiiiithevbithig i itttilniefifilitifiuilkifeliiiiokill scr .++ This is scareetylmbeial• proof, %flak_ .
iiiiiiP4irpeitilis*Atirend r ifti l tii . iiis4', rvellial, dud say wethalltrir tibia to make sonuktelr#
ever deiiiiiiiiiiiiihatino mike 'Kw'', ifu1t01:14:974, You return icome4dely ; about nightfaill ilitin,„,
ii - rin lieViriictaid WO' 'tiliirfcl:vi ''' 7/ e.•, 4: 4 ' join you in my former disguise." .m.,-4 1 ,-,••
.Mi s 4%!.altlfr 4i ' '''' n itt c r otTotirietiel4ih4l4 , It was early in'thill evening when I engine& IV
tlitiiiikno r t o4
..niagaila orta,;f.,--. : ,„,, i ,, 0 , , ,,,, wk., and seated myself in the parlor. 2:tie
iii4htf" 'idititititsimanThig by , li!, • kiiids were present, and so Was Barnesl,, k ., 8 :,-
the ark*autre n
,pretiiie r t hiei. -
..- s, i ff Is net that tellow sober yet r I Jemanded;of
is fltaiiiriiithiettNeseder'ir be '4: Z tab one of them. . g": 4 • ~-: ter,:::
.• ~ -v. -s•-•%•inv., •, •,,,-• -:-...4- , •,,, t- , :1
1 , :1
ttessionate eneriyi 7 " nodtinjt to coneyal.,,,i. wlli " t No; he has been lying abouviiriukutClM
niii:oweirti icipiival 'of - this *;P:Olija to
. any snoring ever since. ~Ile went to bed, I heat:idiot/
ti•i4 Of i r tilrier•creity / itt . "*.i , hi,! . ?T ai
,012,; o f afternoon ; but he appears to be little the brow for it. l „
this'inigiiiidita with ae iiiiiireinea - Uime, 04rtrisz I had an oppoeinity soon afterwards of spe*inX
, -.-
not to escape at all.' The Neese ! er her the to Barnes pnvately:, - irid found that one of guff+
~ . .i, ..-0, , , 1 , , ~,, ..- • . ~ , . .6 i
cc u tr .,. ...pi, i
, l'i;;ottve facts y . aire !o 4u:for , e , emtuun owe had brought ii 'chaise-cart and horst
oldie bench are 1444; i di: ilieviiiing, of daz Bendel, and that ail.three were to del a-t, ilit.tibeit,
freceiied`miQale's_lettyl went forar, t 4ftitf an hour, under pretense of reaching ilitOstatlitati
theiitei,'lteni'esn:fng gtit',l,:elf riti.', A.irty,r e i ßFA ftitr&en miles di ant where they inumfleiry aWi' l .
ti)°, ll- rreo)4nt' t i li",.. .ee l-r 949.„ lofmy .p My plan was irmptiftately taken; I re&l - ied4Trfir;
book, 'which" contained not only that letter,, alO yi e parlor, and watelti‘ an opportunity, laltitgieted
,sum o in bitoli-nt t?,,fiut ; Piptmcittpieat into the ear of therirtitnag gentleman itheasittilavai
proielieliiisd*ifiartiM4fe!ipe r j # , t_is tut? ile, to' tl been so shaken Iv Barnes ' ventri&girt(Aful
'adirpi iriT' Orison:li lie s ' Ba recoiery, Net nighti viltoty the way, Ills my o!d acquaiitarr . , Ilmilt
and thi next iiicinitilik,;ii ruitifil l ieitaiNDitY#l l 9P Otelges, I went uweed with you in the neat room!!
go out, hi - ceder to'hiprise the, police aettierities of I spoke in my namely .voice, and liftedlw his
my t 0,.., I wail info rmed loM gentleman th i stro !peril!, wady and-odifreatiop f thetwig,liono any
to see me instantly important business. " .4e was forehead. He was thunder strucli-nilikliiiilieth .
shown lip and 'announced hinut r elfte t he_si r dete c tive
, chattered with tenor. : I His two competitor were ob.
police officer : the robbery I 41 , 1' sustained, 74, 9 04birti overs lo .rsTro,olerdrrittiltrrtool, rSi
been revealed by an acconipfice, and it was errs- irk ri' dartertemlifiood - , to ,'Iht,joirr#1„01110•
sary I should immediately icciimparty:him. We riiheniitiniti Untontenftoirtini ; fyistr,,,. ints
left the hotel together; and after conseming the lti- rUrset, 'failow mirl"Andhe iiiao6;ioa:l - 444:4,
tire day in perambulating all sorts of by-streets, Into - art illjaiiiiitig . 'ititintinitiC4maiddii . iSib 411
and calling at several , suspicious !Oral% places, sad druwie;e . pistet ter i.ilica,4 - , - ** l 4 . ,
my officious friend all at once kis' 'Cliveritil 41 the irtmi t ems . Stapiesoludthe istne - ikupj 310
theiveshad left town f or the West of„Bigletk L o- peneitinflilliti. lfristeire at his untVe homtanlFiv•
ping, don to resell a,large t ow °, and P t .,,g4i qato.l l :# - Komi - li z iti ' s r PrO°4°lY similar ma °P*: : 4 0 4 !*
for the notes before thenewa of theithasineLoeett 10 iltld ,wlch he wainta. • You mandated Alt,: per
stopped shOuld have ;Ached it . - He 4 3 ' ci , L..—
• ~.....1,•.4.->
immediale pursuit. 1 *jibed to return to theZ• cs No—no—no, not l," gasped the wretch; "ace
tel for a change orolorir%si fo 4 toof fierily 7 I—ldid 44 catch .., I i-L., , , >4l"
and,night lisoelirlifroilobodlromerallimode 'This "At *Beyer you
and lhat, solar
be would not betinikribirnitifit cosi* ' ire! 'on iiitheilligiiiiii', is the . eanie-thingc
the Point al 'wadi*, .Ij, el*ievAi -. 541014 V. Talillio l 'ifialkiltif eatioaliii's pocket -004
supply ma from his own : vesountea, with a grid air fliviii . LOUdier,' - and •liiiieed. tate - of the
coat—a sort of policeman's esitud arrgh ITN. Aka; tgailiah - olleo,•.;o4s:.pi t i ci yi,p then went
efilig-naP, which tied unde!tiwick • - In "Owe' Oil the viiikiir iheiehoiiri,` ` nod hi'ecate hitee!lin
we arrived at Ballot, : yrkeit; 11 teptior mei* iiieitittr of Odittilerietrividte seCietet#4 , le'iti: tkitl
a ilc
days 14Stedilg about till, finally, laYguidedlicamP- hritlitintali hie porinitsitilie." -- • , . .
ed, and I returned to -London. An hoirdlei:.erri- '' -- "Whalt - • II do-whit s kill Edit !I' serimated
• 'dug thefor'rttalw_
c infOrim,ol-it *I) ,iittOrirri l ßf 'ffue - Miih:-, hill deed iiitirtiii;'iitir .
what had ikaPPlroodsertd4Aerward booked:akjeelf tte l it chair, -icehar'shall Filo to sivirm
by the night trosettfaeXendat. mit is alij,:kaiiir life." • , r
to Foy." • ' ' _ •
11,i stfwse sto l ld l 4 7 *,. , thcl
aged woo the. fioneh r oolimy lud. itpoeyesio too-,
Ahem - and yet Nett satieflied it ties Oho' tiflicui:±
ftwas not hid/ ingiiiiiitui 'ettriogi for :Itia4 - pit
story. -Mr. Autpdwrai Latoutld 'Lase, , :had
been •led out of the ludic...baitimffir - rider
he bird finished hit depdaitklif."'„" c ' 4 ''
" d ''
"1 1 )eur AIL -.1 40. lwej!, 05; sn ! des
clerk, u assuming thiu.curions narradvslerims cor
rected, you will tai 4Mly title to id Ali?" :'
«T Wei thotiithea:ter Id, Mr. mai,. iebiiiied_,
le PrisQuPtatildkns "tend ruest-eoniaas that re
minbbering bow-I was dressed add Irtapped'iip
—that I gair b m l e .* - 0 1 "" 1 240:44W4 r 7APY
and of mower
to do so." . - ,eN-4 ~;•,- T a fve. , ,,.•
u That isierhopsfit
In the i t earto be ;ynented," re-
the coo* 'Clerk ,r miitag*tone, u lass
es the porsession of thommttiolas,"/poiriting
to cross and coin ea the table, miraskilmitort. :
skate another equally probable thotigh'quitit dig/m
-allet is a circumstancemtepad the prisoner in
the rime calm tons as before, u which-Lemstiot in
tbst aliettestritanner account for." =ei:.-..r .
, Al O 4- ° 1 ° ,41 - Artlidifiiar and - • ,
4i% , Ar.di!r Am.'hil
950- 0 ,4, AO: °9 13 0.4ti iik!ItANI IOI .I Oa. 1110
O a rPO I 1 04 131 P 113 0 . C 11 TiNiiYea to lbf OWL
.41 Wkritl,tfik.b*isigraVeidfigf,44.. 6 . Olani"
I r tt Ose lkl _. 03 1 1 7 ./04 1 ._ .._ ./ *Do 8 09airliiiiied
om ill IP.= $ applitlditt the tulgistrairta for all ad
loumment till the morrow, on the ground that, /
mthi 11 00,1°Oda* SA ifillortant:wit,"4^ who..
: 'J.- , '° , ll ! #‘ . ii_iii it -4 ° 5 °°°°ol°7 to
76 attplioadoi#liiti manor Orions, compu
ea iLith 'Ali! Prise's sfr was resiianded qu t* ii4t
&Void the'COUriOjoniOed.' ' '' ' ::--
t7 "'Ls' / accompanied Mr. Bristowi idhitte .0414
in warilig to-riiiief hiii to .1'161;1 coil/ illig : 01i.
-bearishispering, , u , lie olgoediaraut . , sir, wit 'titan
. miramlithe .mystacy yet, depend-spoor ietz:Be
lookAdlooldy at me ;:and ihenorithout;:uthar ra...
ply than a wamt.passont of the Imedijampedia
, wit* pei - I - fum ed - a: a m **.
lief - lOO, -:*:*-- - isidAe ,ux ci l ia,
•ti :AI bit you hive dicomulit.,: l - -,
"That the murderer, otairaVirteg an yonder
oilotralbotuntinepolall ms." v, w• tn , l,
4 4Tis tmo figmbiall fireiryuorsow • But whit
evitlesmie•havoryoato *Ott Out anctiiii ViL” r
. • .:',140). •-•rs.
.454-6444-44, W
• • .
TC't) '
35 1 6511 Aittonli
Fintget up sad Boot.
...if you atenotibia ao
init monleree'---
-" - "Tan' Oot:-;:tipon my sou[ I RIO riot !"'"
`~lfleil ate tibt, 'you will probably br'.'idmattid
.sal r be - 0....
Iringielmideneeythilegli--ruiiidilinalte no pretit il -
P 4 l Aakts pan of ' , wades** ..enny
en me booty 1 1,-
• They are gout' in the chase:gut arotel4
itleilholybi take it ; it-411MM' ititho &cm
iondarati sun toi• reautuyhere is order to givilibto
*Pm *mid any menitrioabe emised,byehowitg
two Candles at our bedroom ..window;*
keipirright,l ant to join - them at the counierls,.
*boat a qnarter w float hence. ' '
All right:: Now , return M the parlor: I will
1011010`.900: end samember Milton the sligltestbie t
of weaeberrl will shoot you. sal.would a d0g., , ,
t a cpiistee rif boa ifierWird his,. tw.o
eoefediratesietist in die Wake-mut:
•• - iiestionalrfollowed, UM latter lunsdeadral,
superiateodeety the ostler oldie ism, where I
for the mums pressed into the klataservice,The
night inuipitelidark finturiately,ilrowneddussound
of our footsteps. At length me calf ;tie
iseirgolciet, - and /were soon brolly in non
femMg the buried plate to the cart,' sr- random
ly ippromked, and were soca, busdy erigNund
iTere.soonwithin a Yard - br !, 1 !.. 3 .C!f ‘4 4 lmr•
abet into gni eart,'''seld,thie r eftheni ettser
hamtthe things up to yve.'•!. Hisessa
irmitm:obrd, • -
“ Thai pried die,4lktir I thought t told you"
irThat yen are nabbed at lait !".I lizelalmed, trio
pingidat soddenly - 9p 4 Lausari bokl.the wi le .N
head. „.../ioir lo bodge en inch eat of
that'out, a nd Omuta•WWl throtlM yongteahm. 22
stnprieg was'boMplite; and ie tencmiiine - kin
Wirwthey; thei 'wither MOWS= nor mien* *ea
attempts .-- _They enwe seen -loodealisdasd-edt
'Swiss secersid.; this rearsinder nt-dia• plidek-Amis
Pie* in the cur* we made, the kelt ;opt am
Fait° ' 11124 T 0 "id etli Wier " 40"
mg them Cat simmering eekielizia . " a*:
.The news, sales is iiiis,=4. l
and jammers* were the *hi*
.awaited ma When nmehed,theinn ns
red: • Butithat which recompensed 'ine thoMW -
told for what Iliad . done-was the'fervent Mat*,
which rhemhite-bairid node; - riled bald this
bed te assure himself, the trinket theinna, locked
Me, as he called_down blessings, from , v..
I llemm
, on my UMW There are blessed, incept!, irrerk
in - the lifinfre pollee officer.' •
• • • , ..-11r. *Mime was Of - marselibmaled eitibelsik
lowinginonakig i_Sstples IgasoWistid -kiss's- psi
411,14atiland Af.: ll is . 110011 0 0 , inga al
'iminimer—osiltingid,ihe abet tyaimporn*, A
!ivoidlingia Pin** at*Pt;
enmesh i The *ides* sivrirlienor end
eppmtMeiL is eithe
7r. ••zes ditlxig% 1