Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 10, 1849, Image 1
4‘ F. !PVT, . • • tio., !NW t A hi' e" BEII EMIJ .... li I t ` S: F,r+l t. :. 51011= 11 TOW AND-A map rn in p,OciAti • (For the Bradford Reporter), Parana from a Portfollo.-44.13. LIFE. PARTSECOWN • Aa old grey-hatred man. Ma woratout harp Wage With trembling band wohe a last, atni ataadai And his own eructed voice harsh mime wait making %%lite Am desolate heart with morrow seentedliewahugh And tboa,—erntily dluaVid the old man cOmplaisc, Oh. life is dreary ! flare with s.ek been branding O'er days and yean long, long gone by ail, The waves of sorrow all my boom tlonding, And hopes no cheering. poothin.g rays emit. Ms hours of mind and gladness all are Thai buoyancy of mul once mine. has Sawa; And she. that lib an Bagel i bower-- She to the cold embrace of s nails has gone Ob. hfe n drew,. Would 1 might not linger Another lour—there's naught to lore my may ; For Scorn and Mabremotnt at me their re Andtboggard Want has seized me kr Ms preg. The friends - that blest me have all gime forever, Their looks of kindness now are lost to me ; , There is no balm to beat my spirit's fever. And I would idly from this disk news • Oh. it 1s dreary! Fnends 'that fawned around me When fortune's sunlight gilded o'er my way, Who m tbelr bands decetltut tightly hound me-r- Whose word, through flattery's eh*nit I did obey, When ordd Adeenuty sena aspect frolwoutas Catered my dwelling. then. ay. then.they bed; And all my m leery completely erownme• • Th e y po . Med at me as a tilting dcmad I Oh. I:fr m drrary Wonid f mete repoiong la Me dark rrave—•twonbi ease wor ootrowisebeeast, For the Mack clods then o'er My body closing Would make secure foretee my place of mad flame or the weary' how I tong to tar me t„ Mtn chambers where none may disquiet, rarth has but mm , ry—not one charm to slay i me, Torre beam' far to he where grove-worn* &A'. lie ressent—nml I pondered. while On slowly wending. How cnt.ita was his swum (tom the WI miestrel-boy's In ovx tove.and gladness so sweetly were blending That , 1 oemed an if bfe wits hot beryls's, sending, • nir ware breathed but of the assisties of joys. 1,, ever ehent—south with beart all confiding. Se.* notions beeore it but sunshine and blips.; ft,r, when ace advance*. love's ardor sonsidlisg The. (cry-scene lades and troubles betiding Mao beds a farewell to enjoyment and peace. Thremit irfe he n +that:ow—there's s bright promise given Thai light, *encase'* path with its pore. fadeless ray; riminme—ibitt *ken life , s frail handoeser are all riven m's inter an inhentance, fadeless. in leaveq Where sorrows no longer, can darkthrour sway. Herrick, Sept. '49. Rosso The Itappite?" or Codnuaity a gcomosy.- The following, from the Tribune, is the most re cent and graphic al-col:Int of the erimMunity.s , - There is something to learn froth the follies as well m the wisdom of these people; and soziety May yet learn from them to support Weir pour, and edi neate the destitute whinibt degrading them.—Ea. I have just returned frotti it irlirit to tconomy, ;armies town,of celibates, FM:hided by itapp. I pro: pose bristly to give an as:count of what came der my notice. • tnderitanding that !hanged, thebell lighted '.rich civility, have only an , outside view of the establishment; i availed myself of the kindness of Hon. Walter Forward, who has long heed leer& kiri,er to the society. 112111 took a letter of intro: ducticht froth himto 14r. It 1.. Baker. Ode of the Chief Men and Elders. With this favorable pass , port I received all needful courtesy and tittemitirl; apd.a more interior tribit , thall Visited usually ob tain. lam not aware that I saw or heard anything, the publication of which would be considered ob trctionable, but I shall entletehr titit to Violate I , this proprieties." • You tale the Beaver packet, or any of the nit: merons little stem-wheel boats plying rilmeit ei c;p.irelv on this end of the (Voin at this season, and in less than two hours' sail down the river you land at Economy, eighteen miles belovi Pittsburg. The high ranges - of hills throngh which the ricer, Thuds, clothed with rich foliage, are picturesque and charming but the cultivation of the bottom !ands indicates, with few eseeptions, HAI° of thrift or taste. As yeti approach Economy however you observe a change; the fences are suddenly in good repair, the briars and bushes cleaned up and the fields fairer and greertht. Orchards come in sight, stretching up tbe hilt sides that gently slope from the bottoms, half. mile or so back from the rimer. But the most striking and pleasing objects in the grriunils of Economy are the native trees thickly metered about, left by good taste and good sense 'to adorn the lan dscape and giVe shacfe to the cat er. The Western practice of levelling every for. est tree, and presenting to the eye a bare field, it' abominable, and ;thisi.notable exception deserves attention as well as imitation. The estate is a tract of some 3000 acres, a strip from . mile to a Mile and a quarter wide, and and about fire miles long lying On the northern side of the rioter, mainly in . Beaver but partly in Allegheny ) county, fennsYlvania. Near the centre of the strip a remarkably high bra tom or bench of level twits, cornea bluff- up to the ricer, and on this the town of Economy stands' It is forty feel anoie its - highest freshets; tbe bank is fringed with tall xrees, and .11 glimpse, of the eherch steeple and -the faeloYy Chimneys is obtain ed from the river, as Yon pass in a boat. The tivrx is laid out in email squares with wide streets, trhich are unpaved, emcept.the side walks in front of a few houses, some brick and some fixate, the latter painted white. Equality is a fundamental nruiciple of sor;iety, - and it let' carried out in the treitileeture, the dwellings being universally built ,___:nd - th_at a very Vain and uttpre after one model, tending one, excipt,theold family mansion of Mt. Rapp, which is large and bas sty air of refinement and emitted. The houses are rectangular and two eories high and are reviady disposed about the Neatest, the longer . ;hies ast ,the streets and their entrances in the yard— There are ample gardens between them,wlrinh site well ittocked . with the bans vegetables, each tultiwiting its own : they exhibit mete &oral hued, the lorded of the beds being brilliant,l4th.clunoo l iPTPie!, a nd . other flowers. Grape Thp ? itte; ), are gererally. against the it* 0 1 1ie • / • The read . gm Pittsburg main I to Ohio runs 140 eGh the town;) 111 tcorximy hotel, wheiytereAers" find Cleinifeather 1 %1 1 5 (ley half not yet fkiii."6-14411.14) • - - • ' • - _ - • . __..___............—....----...._ . , - • . . ~..,..,, ..,,,, - rh..., ,tl Arloinfrassi beVis vale' • itita 'Nee itti la 103 allitag *dr ,':- r- . II . . ... .. . . ..„.. „,-,,,,,, ~„..,-, Ilril „, m . -Bofial 11.xtilte r .541-1 id awsX trAbiol ! , . . ••-. a L t ali .0 .5,4 VA, • , , i 4 - a - 4 s . - 1 4 . ~.--, .1 ,7 111.11 rti. V 1' .', :at i...ilir: l it. . 1 , . 10 • .. : 3 1 11 .k '. . . 4.4.: ..... :• a... , .... ,1: ► 1.70 ~, . - I 1 lAI ri• . ..,, 91; : . 1 . i'-', - r-i) - rr _ -N . ,. .' - .t.: 7?.. ' ' ' . 3 : ' ' 1 00 ''-,- ' -' . . ~.., . '' : ' .11 ' l 'l 4" ' • - - ..5. , :.,-- ••- • -1-••• -I:.' '' , ..---. ,,- Z`74-:••.. --,.,--• - .-- ..-•._;•_• - --".....f.,.?.t1.&•-•.•i.. 1..-,•:. uktr ' li' -... , .q: x..- Isatrytri iIF- •':'. . . 021 i ' ''. ' ,•- • - - ' ',7, 7• ? ,..-- ' , • - • ,:•:,...r1.:•m,5. 1 ..i4v41e040.• i: W .....--1 ate,-") , #4.,... . 111'1 . - ii 1• X - . ' *l.l tlial .1 01 a v 4 .4 .• 4-- . - • ... v - 7 41 , 1 11 01 .,..„..........,:-2.2.. , -;:,:-.' 1,-,,, ,, . 11-i•• T • .. .. IS f , XVII . 4 .- , +. ~' ;... ' bt ti '''' 4. A .151&_ ~.; ;w I • ft ;:, - 0 ,-. ei : kit M .-. .4.c -. ~. ....•.-_ ..... - ... ..., , i. ,_ otriv -144 : ,,, 1'i vi 1 4 1'31: r t : ~ ....s, , i . . ..,,,,, .• er1',.,.7 . - vi-Ft, t t„ -. -1.: ' 11 , --evt..-rg .., .S.TiP4 . . I --.-••-----.-:4--' -,.---..-•!---- ^.-^ - - `,.: — `":'' . 7 - " -- 7" —"---- " .. -d .., ~ ,r0. .,,..,, c ..,.„ , F, ~ 1,44,,J.,, , ~ ,, .., , , ,a, „sit ",.., 0 ;rim tisi.,,,,ritv,, ,fr , ~,,.;; ...?-1., , :t..P., s . ebor'...:-& - xt• e - ., - . 4 ... , t .v 14 - !-.-•,- - x. Ars. Se. - 41. I'', l v .. f. „,„ To d b 0 i,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .i r ,fik ri , e i, :3 ,55.....41^ . •14110.0-, ' k ,ga, IT rr : 1,...0t '1,i.J.,„,• 4 4..44,,.,„•,_,.....,r , + ,, / 7....-1Fx....i-f T =LI i ' _ - ...- . -.', ;L.. t.,-.1, - ..14.: vuzier-1r.i. ,- 4 ;01 1.4-t1,49 ,- /A4? ~ . .:::w rail^i. iNie; - 441 _L. - . _, •,_ , ~ _ ~. _ , • , ti. WM Y`1rd , ..4 . 4 - 4t> 4,;C: =I - . s • ' ss77f S Ct. .7 • ••T.i •;•• s. • rt tr'_ ..PUBLEMED- EVERY -'WEDNESDav AVTOYATIDA;ZIAIROWCOUNWP4 OhiARA OEM !!•11 4.1.1 - ..4 0 jA . :::.-17i . . ': ' 7 , , 4'l #-• . - I' , " l "OROPICOMMIDOIIIIAMOLOnedrFnMeh.I 6I B* Blearbris the chock* largeandanbatential brick i brtilds era ` plain bilide#d out aseiiimiker nieet4„l inihouse, btit contlaitit,fivognid*OilitkO__ ;toe,- for „the choir.. . Irtibe. steeple is....tbd floilie,„clocki, ,tuadeekthepsentises..; The view of eadman**, Uis riser and t he surrounding comely : froth a bids fmy stove is treb; eitiiiiiveiii t i ' !,,, pootte - The' only otheuptiblit building iatbeenteum r .ne, call ed, eoagh , in feet it is thitTosntilt eseithesecond floor of which Is *specking hall used fbr festivals and public meetings. -The museum itself *nom respectable collection of lateral curiosities in' all departments, the intbinetot minerals is *dial. At opposite comers of the tawny /text the river, **woolen and •catton factorise, both !-ptetty good sized bek-lt ltildings, thongli not so imposing as a Nev Engidaaidrikon mile. , neither are they io op preemie, for here the opemtiveLhave Abe fruits of their own toil and are...not impriented_night and day all thayear road, but alternate their labors, and in the summer season stop the machinery and goinfo the fi elds endirardens. Thereiartio fritter poWer on the demain ; but coal ie delivered for . less( than five cents a bushel.* the door, and steam ansWers all purposes.. In connection with-the cot ton enill is a grist mill, near it is a tannery. Here then is provision • for the hret necessaries of life, hrear! and clothing, of which enonglf is made for all and a good deal to spare. In addition to these _ branches of manufacture is the silk factory, which employs a number of people at all seasons; .it has not proved very profitable and the business is de clining. The =bards of Moms Multicaulis said the Italian Mulberry are very extensive, but this seasdu they are feeding very few worms. The arrangements of the cocoonery appear very com plete and capable of accommodating an immense number of ugly little silk spinners. - Shoemaking, tailoring, &c., are carried on as re quired, but the only branches of domestic labor which are performed in common are washing and baking. The washing is done by steam in im mense vats, which save a vast deal of Labor, and relieves the women of that hardest drudgery of the single household -. Every body understands, I suppose, that proper. ty here is held in common. In the morning before breakfast, you see the women gliding about the town with pans of meat from the butchery and bread froth the bakery, each, being supplied with 4 the quantity needed by their respective families, " without money and without price." I can vouch for the bread being of the finest, and it seldom fails to rise well and get well - baked, I reckon; un der the skilful hands of the public baker. hi all there are a little over three hundred souls in ,he town, and in Consequence of the decrease of -the population boot the original Daintier, there were many tivrellittga vacant There seems to be a fair propect of total extinction under the govern- 1 hag phneipte of celibacy. In anticipation of this I event, people naturally ask what will become of their property ? No one , need be troubled ; they will know how to diet:Mee of it. 4am not able to state the ground or philosophy -Of their doctrine of Celibacy fairly, nor to quote the texts from the Bible which sustains it, but /hey ere Orthodol thristiarts, and rely no the scriptures as confidently for its berth as their antipodes, the Piriectionists of Oneida county, New Yotk, do in their dbctrine of critemenity of wives. I think, however. they have not reasoned out the matter locically like the Perfectionists, and that their doc trine rather rests on sentiment and conviction of the heart, than theory and conclusion of the head- The history Ili Itt Origin is this: In the year 1808, four years after the settlement in this country, the older member began to believe that they were too carnal, were too meet given to the lusts of the flesh, and the project of perfect COMIIMOZICB was mooted. In six months the whole society were imbued - with the idea, and there ties i general and 'spontan eous determination to adopt it. They consulted M;. Rapp, and he approving, they thenceforward made it their role of fife. Tbe lien and women ! -did not separate as the Shakers, bat man IT' wife continued to live together in the same house as they do this day. This via the hardattest of prin ciple that men and women ever impaled orithem 7 selves, and it absolute continence be a vittne,thess people are the most-vim:ow people in the world. I &MU if hiltory can frernialt day parallel to then case; men and women, husbands and wives, yming men and maidens, voluntarily agreeing to live as monks and nuns (profess 10 and yet remain to gether as usual in all ordinary relations and - under the same roofl Asthe,prinoitle was wikeited der it fists been maintained-- voluntarily. It **or: p ' oratsd with their religionrand is deemed en. es.: settled part ofeat pnrifaction which will fit soots for the happy places in'the next world, but it hart never been made a hew of the serial compact, diet infraction cf ttnich monkl lie. attended web° ape-. ehd penalty: It is considered an inditiduid concern, ad if any than and woman give way*/ tempts. tion it only shows their tre4nete, ~• = 1 : - oilgt." them to the low of public esteem. Butiatidiensa- , leant in a united community is spowevfels*it ,in eentrolling htiman 'action, and. la am inclined l o 1 11 49k).4 h!FtirCuOli!ii„ dii,iiiiii . Pr.e 4 serving the inviolabilty of the p ri nciples or celiba ' cy. The at, iciness with which it has been kept is very remarkable ; husbands arid wivealtave green grey in single blessedness!' As I am informed ' there have maim'. hello tery fee' " week mem beta." No child , hia been, born in tbiserteiellywaft . lin five pearl: 1 1 A community of - odd mei . and Wei** such as this presents, is certainly a ' sin,`,.frtfilf!stidele l .-7 , Most or the .Peepi*: . ttre *f lb: 4 P, 44 8 . ,....1er* 4d many of item are truly venerabkia. Thine areas v boys and-gals, to voider teats Maitlanamai leak a few chikket of die new coMerti.'llte Intrainio 1 **•..0 illik)W‘T!ii SiioV4 l , ' ,4o4 ' :.,iiiii a. An,lnshroefo-wto was trawethatglrestottekoMP ping at the hotel, while' sitting out at the thearin the beetil . it L iftiiitYd tiiiec thuds l villIVIIilif:41- . 4 4 /44. " 0, 4 0 4 44 4 #C , eli:Oiliii; ' lei .7sl:.t to:m tS t , llibtOiat beet tbiti agearelewttflisilqeletetOlece ever,' did sestousy,way! , Not a leg, horn gossoon playing in jletteta;,add.a little stelae *MAI ,be good for the,, fowl of trie:n = Ildieented; feel felt as he lid. - • The. l l l3 o o l-eiiifieel!Y netted ;4 Iso4lo !NWT] I 'ecluei3r: Pas ellilleithek pleee Eli~attirt jr : al9l they moved. ,New Harmony lib they Waite* 1 , which' in 1624 was putebased by isfceSiserwbee :they moved to the prUOritlociffion 7 ;Cirie tt , se fried get In the teginsieg; they term, iffitell'Aledt era of temporal things, whatever may be their s spir- 'Seal opposition to them, and there is not robebly, , he the phitsf:tiver a finer site for UMW perposes. .:Wfitin they molt.' edhent the* num; bored more than 100 pbot death and secession of 2.51:1 members in-11122 throtightheinnigneof a pre-- tended noblethari (stalled Count Leon, has tediseed them to their runt limit—a little . over 300: They have not had many accessions, for few are divots., ed to stbmit•to their strict rule of cehbeey, and • fewer prGbafion to which they are rehjected. l The place is very healthy,hut,emisitlatinif the time tha t has elapsed since the rile tkeeliesey was adopted the numbed of society still remaining is remarka ble. They do not ease to receive accessions, though they do not refuse mereheis "Whet unite through principle. They have no:disposition to proselyte l oirconvert the world to their way—that, they say, they leave to a higher power. In consequence of diminished numbers and the infirmities of old age, they do not manufacture so . much nor cultiVate as much land as formerly.— They let oat a good deal of land to neighbors on shares, receiving one half the product; and many prefer cultivating the lands of Economy on these terms to thgir own which join them. Some of these outsiders occupy houses that have been va• cared in the town. This is good commentary on their management. The women retain the garb of the Berman,peas entry, but the men conform more to our fashions, though the material of dress is the same among ' I all, and general uniformity, as a principle which hombleth pride and avoideith jealousy, envy and all, uncharitableness is aimed at as much as possible. The men.phave in whole or in part as other men and wear hew& according to fancy. I saw no pa- Ward's with full and flowing white beards which would have been a pleasing sight. Nature will ever rebel against the short sighted impositions of man, and the passions will assert their divine night to be obeyed, and so bete I wit nessed a manifestation of one of the sentiments of the human bean which had been sadly crucified. A little girl about five years old, the only child I saw, was brought out by its mother to tl e pump, and immediately there was a gathering of the wo men around is—all in the streets seemed roused out of an automaton gravity and exhibited the live liest interest in the child. Their beasts spoke right out, and they caressed it with energy and delight, one of them Carrying it away from its mother With great exaltaticin. A friend of mine tells me that's party of Istaiea visited the place a year ago- with their babies, and that old men and women ail nam ed out and were in complete. eestacy with the children. The Temple cannot be built with 4am. Meted stones." If this remark be Greek to some, I will explain a little by saying that all the passions —the nnperverted instincts of the human heart— are sacred, and must not be clippled or shaped by man's caprice of sentiment, but brought into fall play whets they will find their place in beautiful harmony and symmetrical unity. No is tool" most touch the "stones" with which is built the City of God—a perfect human society. • Here is a text for a whole volume of comments upon the defects of the temple reared by our friends of economy ; but I must not exceed just limits in your columns of my criticisms, but rather briefly give them credit for what they have accomplished, and that is not insignificant. Their riches i think lutve.been generally ovemued,but the results of their efforts ate sufficient trrffiustnne forcibly the mighty 'power of oo.operation sad associated labor. They have superabundance for all, and: hive proved, at I least that poverty is not necessary and diTine ele.ll meat of society—that Christianity does not require' , that "ye shall always have the poor with This somas they attribute mainly lotheecrui . ; of; one cardinal principle---the principle of obedience •‘‘ absolute obedience," as they teem it, and - i .4" well expressed,' - being a volt:Wary submissicatto supreme authority,.,syhieh is the converse Complied submittal= le, "Alsoletespo: ,teef.'!: .1 • verytme thatsidi rkbanplatin some form isthires; ' amnia! basis of ender sled stability iuseet DUX relteeetelfie. Tianat 6.11.0 - or le4 arty is infringed by the law of obedient*, ',Mint both laws can and would be in a tree per tealreolncident. . *ldle At. &app liied hie, woad was law aiace#iiad a tithes Crisierementiatet been invesiedlfil-mmeeiLoinine We* who-use aarsoprenieltilvingthaqulSeiltip 1.010T :f 4 1; - PY fi * tUg 70: 11 i**0 1 :0 i fi POI! - 1 0 tr:*fil of iliesivernesent Of the soeiety, intim inset olhil 6*ls.ti lb. 11#1!fw1,1 4;ell4ibsehO l 4 61 40 ,116 *.i E bet . -k,o4 , Piiiff " . shown.) be groaitil*liot Wsa not eye letiet inestiuption in its affairs, mad aloes of swop/teen!. by itierien has Molted eislo thisti s nif , Thti ioi o Ple !jig') 0.-fietai 0 401 ii(4‘ 111. 44 1 .1 41 eiw1• minas to hoax sty shape:--he(-asap they. live •T 4. 1 tr.:34-a - :4;12 •wpcnt.l . rwr str 'A 41 4 , 4 ra • , 4 49kanagX1I o,4l64utic4kil o ir oll"fitit I` . "' : „Arr —2 • Ne : Tro, MEM . r - 4:ra5vi.e7.% . ...."-oill When passing a dwelling, all , a &mai itin not polite io inok into thin window.; 'bay wiinn4 e4l* of . - 0440.4.4 01141 1104 ungen•nonsitiow,iiknotaircaNiAnienn. j u g &we. iA :to rv ,4 PAPCIAIefI _1000"-MoikkOnchgrreh, 44-as treadliabliflowinvidetribietinisti •±; 7: " . .41Matilleb et Oka& ~4 The most renowned of the Pentilac templeei the Rode oldie capitid i - and:tletwomiereftbleAuspwif INts mi ens esioreitortop.:„ - y,bek. ,he;tc.,diat reeeltedthe meth Ebnliented,,ot Illne Place of Gold." h consisted rita - primpipal Wilding sad several Chap& end ink/rick iklifiestsZtsorwing-1 largelitent of jimind in:the heart of the and eoltiplettly encompassed by a lorall,_ which,: with the edifices, , was all constmeted of same. The work was of the kind already deseritied . ic the er publi9 thiff3"4; nfthe country, and waseoltrti% ly executed, that a Spaniard, who saw it in its go ry; Nome es that be could call se mind only two Aire*. in Spain, which, for their workmanship, were at to be compared with It. l'et thilset4en.-. list ) and in some respects, magnificent atsucture, weir thatched-with stiaw The interior of the - temee was the most *pithy of admiration. It was literally ti "Meiji of geld-- On the western wall was emblazoned a represen tation of the deity; consisting of human countenatims looking forth from amidst innumerable rays of lighs which emanateiffroin it in every diniation;in'the I same manner as theses is often personified with up. The figure was engraved on a massive plate of gold, of enormous dtmenslomkotivekly powdered with emeralds and precious stones. It was soffit awed in front of the great eastern portal, that the rays of the morning min fell directlynpon it at its rising, lighting up the whole *p.m:lent with an effulgence that seemed more than natural, and which was reflected back from goklen ornaments with which the walls and ceiling were everywhere inemsted. in the figurative language of the people, was "the, tears wet by the sue," and every pan of the interim of the temple glowed with burn ished plates and studs of the precious metal. The cornices which surrounded the wails of the Sanct uary went of the sante costly material, and a broad belt or frieze of gold, let into the stone-work, en compassed the whole exterior of the edifice. All the plate, the ornaments, the utensils of eve ry description appropriated to the uses of religion, were of gold or silver. Twelve immense vases, of the latter metal stood on the floor of the great sa loon, filled with grain of the Indian corn ; the cen sers for the perfumes, the ewers which held the water for the sacrifice, the pines _which conducted it through eubterraneous channels into the buildings the reservoirs that received it, even the agricultural implementis used in the gardens of the temple, were all the same rich materials. Tr.• gardens like those described belongingto the royal paleeesi sparkled with flowers of gold and silver, and eeri e= imitations of the vegetable kingdom. Animals, also, were to be found there—executed in the same style, and with a degree of skill which in this Instance, did not surpass the-excellence of the mit* wrist As POOP as the grain and hay harvest tire over, et the team be occupied for a few days, or it need be, weeks even, in conveying to your yards soch materials as in the process of decay may be con sorted to manure. In every low place theta abound certain frames whlnh are lovalcndie tot Utb purpose. Even the sulgat 4 und the unsightly 4g, become valuable when appropriated in this wayi,—: Many of the moat wealthy formal]) NW Ea nd hare arisen to l their present affluence by timely' t. tendon and preserving areaway in Mainers of this sort; they have brought science to the aid of man cud industry, and laid the wide store house of na are ander contribution to foloteh eotteluttedt to their well filled lams. Leaves from the hwest,and murk from the swamps are valuable ingredients in the compost heap, and Me, ittoblieciions, aysrl able at small expense. When deposited in the yards and allowed to absorb the liquid excrement, voided by the animals aching tall and *interohey operate a most salutary , sod Powerful effect oa most cope. Lends in grams are greatly advantarel by a single annual drawing of this manner. Scene of the best grass feeds tbat i llive Wien under our observation *hit titiwientiritiOn,And, Width Imre* to have suf. fered.lesofrom.tho elbow of the. severe and .intr• treeteddriought•whirsh basso greatly inhered the hay. crop' in . mbieVectionw of this State, - were demised hr , 41111113.0.• and faPiti* ! I S* kagliPosir i$ OK,. WWII , As theienbstaiseitii are vniveisifirdimiensinated, ab ~itinei- P OL,sl.c:o o ll ) aili of 44 0 :1! beds ma t: . 10* kw4rvioic , .. bmsnl Irnemeirstr imdeposmaridio:i We, tikeitalinefetielvor by 'F44714007#6.. *il Ao#4l4kip7ul# 044 4iieo4 ini Was t„ f 9 ou sxls - es' an fit* trots isid . nth* iistiterlto .41845 tiffpkWeiP rio#o94 bir -•• -• • ,--dirtiorioaiveakfc 4 Lullitait -Epteaor, , ,' I 1 :4 • ~,.: ; : l tr liihilvaborloi ,,. . ... :r., .. •:- 22 ., ~; :::., - ,, A`',. ..i d itr.C.l4oo l o44l o4 • 46 iltaiii:ett , . Alsiv,ietleeriebatbdill eid.tegrait Matti WO ic e nter.-1 el,t-ts tfr.,..r.r, ..fs,;. i,.. •,--• ~ ,t 6ll-rt., . 1 .id -, 7 1 it , ti . i l. o 4 , so.osfitivial*covo.#44446-41,1 7.7 -. 4, f Wart.l. - 1 444 WIT - „ 011 , " 0 4611 ingtli --- itir beel4 i v .. 1 f": , rt. , ,i -. st 00100110ir:1 - l• 1!: :.•,.*: r(' trL4" l l l t2 l . l4 ; • , t,rio 44.- - 14 Lil v aili gebiaili,4o4-,do:Pol l ier,Ap*lyiai! , ... ff Wan, dopisasir up till', fiecktimite 4 .4' , -- , • !' • a Well I besurthei--t, lineetrke_4• ll '" ' ! . tr iajA jek: l * . i ; *iw-V i i 7 orrli r ' ) f 4 riflcl!, (10414 11 111,44- 11, 0 110444 Lilh e ''t-4.‘c'sr? '-.'"Nball 4, o ll o l ltbolorte arin t oillet m thieL y , . ,H oct4o n vii cood i ef it s eH iii i i n j ithiefia . .- ri y tAtr' &Ili 44 tiiifition t mities24iiikitiiia .. -•,.: ~., •. ?,...,,,41 !were to be minted, Eploitun!" . r..20.......,7 . i, ' V473 . ! P • MIT ' .-, 0-42,ItiettittStkeezbeieg asiroillthasVmplho obi ..thwerturikedierti;idiathetilidest.ftiolicillfl itirtedrieVrirtioritiferWts Oilitiallinistbriek v jo r 1 ,-, 'r.: , l-,•fn ettl 4.1 r ~T •,.. /. 7; , ,11V1te ; Gnes Natter fir Masers MEW tv.' Y . ; 640, AC triAL.:-.1 • i: {‘. ;•c`.o tVegtVitr.:9 irt thi.oo%.,.# l l l # ll ll*.rtf . ' And on marnitirtni swain AA flow; , When gimlets deck the And inikeefrodric' eland slum a relfreedf Wbentirds sing joyously; ;, I then in solitude ;would be. ~ When shadea"of ;darkness Other-round. And solemn. silence 'Tips ptorogh4 And fir abori . die tined. on high,. Like glittering diamonds in the sky, The torinkliiirstara.kiiskteddydoine, r ris tpen e ilint, s t would ha-alone. When sorrows. crowding thick and fast; 4 , -' 7 "lr Hart:der-my heirt-their shadows cast; - . And trotibhm scml.theicwithering l powect, _ Tclinedt me in my napp'est hours - When Peace, and Love. and ndslinte Oh I ;thenittirstreet tolotralone. - v • When Xutaninleives are' fading And gloom oiler the landseatie-eastr When lowly are the woods and bower 4 And pale and. witherllAre.thelLowcrs. Away, far in some lowly siooda I itive in-petisive-aolitude: Herrick, Pa, hulled IlludritilistTheSitivioo .. • •."-..„.. 27f.) 19 -s4vosi ir The celebrated. Robes-Siakewell r oLLeicertet* shire England, founder of the 'Leicester-breed Of sheep, used to tell an anecdote with eiceeding high glee of a farmer not only of dre olden wheel but of olden times. Tide faMser t irbo **nett and aria- I pied 1000 acres of land, had three daughters.— 1 When iris elders daughter married; herone quarter of his land -for- het portiorktidt no Money ; and be found by a litnit mereopeed and *lO6 bet ter management, the produce- of Lis birarrfal. not decrease. When hi:Arwood dangistermarried, bit gave her-one third of the remaining land for her portion s but no money: He then set to work and began 'to grub up his furze land, even when the forte covered in some climes' nearly half the land. after giving half his land away 'to two of his dangh. tens, to his great surprise he found that the milieu increased ; he made more money biescute his new broken op furze land &might excessive crops, and at the same time he farmed Thiroritole of his land better, for he employed three . times more laborers upon it; he rose two hours sooner in the morning, had . nn mere dead Mows once in tilted years; in= stead of which hi gtil two green crops in due year sod ate them upon the lend. A garden severs re quires a dead fallintr: But•tlte greatadirantage wis that hehad - gcol thei semi inettei that Its hint to manage 1000 acres therein.* he laid onillonhte ; the money open the land. When hie . thirdititdlaSt &Meter married, he gave her 250'' Vitra, de half what remained for her portion, and noinoney: Ile thin found that be had the same whiney to film one quarter of the hind as he had at Rua to' . futs . the whole. lie ban to tot iftitiget ti . lei tees teem, and se bit rehti to iftsrlk thirte stailontiliiii is much of 2f6 ai lie lad ditnettflollo Writ. he. then paid off his bailiffiwterweighadAintity stone, tore with the lark in the long dityti,' and 'Vent to bed with the lamb ;Ie ett aa' moil Mons work' ii it done for his Money ; ' he Made servants, labOr om, and horses, Move later;broke them from their mail's maser; end tonna i the eye, of the inhaler qtliciened the t ties Of easement: Hest's/ the beginning and ending of elerythirigind to his servants and laborite, instead of saying, I' go arid' do it," Weald to then; "Let us go; thy Wye, and do it." Between come tent gette soon found butiir 'great difference. He grubbed op the whole of bin' ' , furze and 'ferns, and theft ploughed the - aliblelf, his grass land rip, and eoiiverted a greet deal . ofl land by doing so • made dame and shwa?, and ir- rioted elf the fond he eoithi ; h6gniftbed *many of his hedges and borders covered with bnithes,,in some places from 10 to 15 yards in width, minis more in his - small axes, some not wider shirt streets; and ttrrew three, fora., dire and six Ansel into one. ,He found out- that; instead of . .gretritig white thorn° hedges and harem tit . feellittfelgribteds in th svatory winter, he could grow food for Mateinittiad . or m birds. After all of this improvement, he g w more, and made more, of 256 acres than he d frOM 1000 ;_it. the same lime he found ant that titllnfltiilarat r aCtitaiiit ' satt waif not cultlYall from 'giant of mean, ato cultivate it with. Wet him ferns and' tog him fong-horned • balls, (slut& Bliketrell,) end told hitsthit real value of, kiwi, bothia.doors. and out, and titbit ought to be dime 'with a contain nember of-men, *ten, aid NW is, iiithin a given time, .1 taught hint to sour less , and plow hetteV; thief them 'mho Bruits mid measures Oi a; -4 17 4 h 414 11 .4• Pie .il?st"i i io* . j4 4 ;4 4 / 6 ". Imn.4llogthoa #4. 400., :. 14 Ito I: .44 hoic.4*-,asaki %Om& volifii, , iinf-cold teed -honer,- light 'had atifretSftwaaffitniiti cli On r Auriga bircittiiittejti :rind 1 OW atritv*Wili 4iiiitphi 2 iald,bin4 soup tioNwittionereguts, abooprtrrbortmirirorting best of each kind, for the titer ionnittitiititin inn* ftki? tliii*V.... brientitectuniiiiritriznon, in ins 40004 1 444 ' .; ! , ; ', 22U:i 0t,,,7,44,r qi awryn. 11-# •41,i4 Fa* *WS *14 6 4 COII3^ eirreoryestui stint*. rreollogiiilo4 l . t. 1 ,41 !Wei r• . :* 1•7, • - .4 , 17, •' PM" ITIFIPCITPa!!!,..° II . I, kri e Rr... , .. Fr; 6 s is by buyiusigaltrOY. r- 42- • • forsloill`gociie 0,1 fa fQr ' wea7tlt pircPlYkle nisr..l%, &mu yew*. womilb#KAlNNitiklavistorek• x 6.40 Than die and go—you Imo* nor whine - . Sou:yr ZosF.Orrir-151ftwaiiiriiiii. tieoria, weablikiirgfrotibickilier sod bruarroolginfrilii l.iikeitiOfkiiiii - ••• 411.7.VAW121 . .: 149y)pra: a - vgail n _ nra + J 1 MlltMN4 1 4 14airrea , 214 fxd.l ettadik _•mithetritopiiikrU 40A.4 A limmt itrrifit . • _ g' ~ d. h:+' i..y. •:...., -' f KEES ~~', =lll TROIS .113. = ..• . • t'l ,t;-)rlL plo - rrn .:43-tortneut _ • ' 1)16 . Before theroixtet:tititatif gatig tin 4inatsz.i. yeaa, otitis orgredt trtiV . tithie,ctidlnYfriitiattotpTailit n r ea religions 611$1_ p*dett tnenfio filirkOtY itsopitatiOn over so vast*" aftineel yet. jtifinitil , , had their ever heed encii rind ittniofl. Ther*lritirno region of thirplebe, nil walit of 76111141•4 4 11, nits we trgritTVAl fiat lisings„,,Tbuy 4A:tem! fslip.bgel:tip,tittnr Thek itistereisethe sirlbtnter l itafidlitirs. Theripnbeeheltrikft,teMMl*6 - 6.igryplitsatiy,i are optif.N,Alcu i le 4stlie4j - triadrigalscateelftsms end UrffrObrii. the liberetetinkatfirli4eontidAsettfillintlitaAitui 'inViefilan434llo-Fr • ton‘picnons a b ly. The arfehrlhpiPie * c lef; ed tht *dig 410WsiVie kariolt 810 1 canf hn n cac f ied wilhiettl4 i il toitllrmfirj j , nation. intuit): itself wee compelkiiio •In that of nituitiftWen 1 • therniltiikeir 3 ,ki".*alr t ltf 41 03.4' 3 .4411 - an 4 successfully ct4titAed th e elosueltee of the py.-, •pitl'A vit‘Virtftt "Atkenaftifit i r"nkfii4ir , in . Steele auc s litf 5 lathe Confqeional. . Thronohcat Catholic Europe, thelriekUtslid (Wel? iti4erniitgerilK every, firefly. iVirre in; their ActeOte from one Pfofeelentcauutiy to annteer,iindel nonterible - dt4wi.;rs,"sis gak earalefir marmites Puritan preachitin: , , They wan_doredi ow, 'cointfied Which gentler march:dna". :ratify • benifiintinirsly lead rt - v'et. ploreraiterviertiftcr befolmil Were:gad/ oftittita4 saclg Thetalere m tObe inten in ~the a >ftn t hunt pear l ing; the-tutrun'ente'd agriculture to the tattageir Pir=s , agnay. Yet whatever might be Wei residence, while4r Might Is &dr iiimpt4nibitt, their rfpiiii Wes the saite,entire devotion Sp-the•etritininiftatise; implicit *apace to the central, anthbriti: .114mai of them had &bier!' his dddllfing dace br h e dtd cation kw hinissiE Whether the asmit &tiler tta arctic Circle or, eider thalltmakor j il- er he should pass hiitlife in arran'gintglims adoileoV "a/Mitt E ! bal i a l ls in - thi•Swthern' 1'en 11 0. 1 0 14 .4.4,0 eat each . ieire matters tit:deli he. pmkeiridenbritissien to ift'e decisiotrof It he was wanted at I.ima, he weirittiA*Atlarge-ip9 the nest fleet. If was wanted at' Bagdad, he Was toiliris thrOegli the deseit ii4th thb ne*-cariio24--- ` Ulla ministry was needed in some country *here his life was - more insecure than that of i it k ollag where it was a crime,to harbor him, where tiiflet . idrt; and quarters of Ith brethren, fired in public sh6weil him What he had to expect--he vie:ui with:' tritt remonstrance arifelitationrohis 1 1 this'' . 'hernia:ll- Yet extinct. When in our own ttme..l , fl44 t and , terrible pestilence passed Inaba th e globe; when in schne.great Cities tearhad dbable; Lid all the ties which hold society meth - lei When the secular clergy bid deserted then teas ; *hen medical succor was net to lie pirehaseoy.i when the strongest natural affections hail yiehleilt to the foverel file; even tketillfa result lei* finite by the pallet which bishops and curate,,ysiCian and cure, tattieTrilitinolfief Mai - 6;1;4a; leaning over:lnfected lips to catch the- lanai, ; Intre ecialhasiortoond.lmldintr Were the , expiring penitent the • image of the arepirl4 BeJ rleemer.--Marauqs ifisterY. s • . • • &ripe and Nsiattif reit • At this season of the -year, what dui „mintier complaint in children, is:rerycommon and thedys4 emary and cholera wtorbes,and Were eerie:aria typecntid prevalent and that dreadful sconlige,:the clrolers,,iispreading -over the conntit kith fenuird , eflectsoimrastronkt be Vest Caution In& ,use rd foilitoind htsurieso an improper fndidgencen run causes lit some cases,and predisposing causes in= all cases, cd thine derma. , • 7 7 Unripe et eftegssa.huos iardto diagesi, dud a most prolific-cause inattasep, of diseased. • ter good, well ripened kakis of re Of the Most Walth lul,if nett the rein's' whdernme of all articles of food, and as a luxury; in moderation it is conductive to health:•• , But childreti ire's° f6nd of fruit that they will eat it •whoa perfectly green; and an roarkets &intend with prentatarely ripentailord;WitichZwan Piekddlteent-lbelltinight ripen en its warbsdls. mat starker' , ant Freely of it At Miasma& duray batons-ilia lathe hand nt .therrecestriner.,-Nearlyt alftlinpeanbes that heir Wm irethismarbet frimp. it( are flora de in altfileted while , leihinVandiat ettie mean fatal intim lesekthan*kchelem'to thit, ^ limann , race. , - • •,,, ~..,...,-. .-, 7 ,i. l'n: Elicit?, Areal bean unable 407perfeertheirrn-atti Tiponspermsturely, in.sorne itaini'amoatbrisadiete dialvthstaitheaddit trail ; , anklikis Midi-basil livid; pouggi* osier throe hoot; showing cksrl edtt is bontidimersa Alseti;--Welsaire imitheihiramosr erjedgevtlietbiltilraitniiecoi,, totchitandmier. toptsiiietimpritindoilicookorio wide IsarksOilitholjob,4oo to , twridOs. porefilAisuhrib that nierketi "biomes taintakther n?aritptioglicil idedeniitinimisertArt iismilagebe I butintiviyith sr idestentics•of taint, *Kt *hie' las norentivebotibmerikitrtaiktied meat, is stiteed glacirotad islstessisedsl4 - therincituda' eracrflOsic Ibilkinletielli n : r. - , !.llcmer2 &wk. a Wity4"itat healthfotikevs4eilisjelety alt MC-. Gil attatitsiellifealgdardia& of the penis: sod. me shevetitictiadily to veigetakke_ :over - animal poicluctionitAleaElerat yea &Glee avoid dimmed MuLtaripeclreiLD talelkperlOft void your Otcld ,aplitiehmiroa_cliey are or. ten inclined to use it fiertao excess. Alin)* eve Atettfidieiceiettiastiebete imariakea;4ltatealt ' itestist#4llolnrbiketatiel trelailtals4ooll , viatteeteclimiinitcetivalemOt c)1 t rizira Tun Woia tv if _ • fr.t... lic to sOorod illigor 1r its li e r i l It tic. r, rxrlf vilet : ..4 6 M i l l e% 4 - 49;"7" - % t-31.0-.. at Ve appear, ' M :!! =EMI