r 17,71 g a _ .47 tti , '. a-- ...3, , .0-3r, g ,?,,,,:, 7,- -- ,_. :, , • .. . {f dommob of Cam of-1101030, .018oOnlatIgeak Ith-r. flosprofirshomoo elks Jilowt--anifilf de, VIALL. QUAUCT* TY toluirit arrow& of Whine fp. 4414 Mimifr 4 s,, = ft arrif PurOinf olniwat Poor d ASA:* 01 , 1" has imot veliquerai dal Dieretak-41141105/116 fravestiol BRANT'S INVIIN PUNFYING EXTRACT • is sue/1 211wikiiie. h erery respect ; and there isaierndant proof In Arrest cares effected. that ONE BOTTL' of is magus ovms purifying. healing strum, and medical porn?, than there Is me wined la TOW' antic* of any parsapergla, ur any wrier meakine that has steer been offered fur ,ale. There is woloubted tuna. in our pamphlets. that by the we of this great /Wien Prerfer, they that were Dries yet Ltee—they, that wore Lots and Csurrcze ran now Ww-u--they that were Stet*. Seabirmova, and where* diseased. hae been' Litman and CVIUP.D. ilundreds—Th4:rusands— who hare used Raatres Pearrtga. after haring used and tested /ILL the sarmariltas anduther medlciacs ISCOULUICSIded W Cure blood diseases, have deeded that-- Braht's is the Cheapest, 6,4.1 m, One Bottkof it 111111 mom medical, curative manor to rt, sod. in cattsetpretteei cures more aware in much ksa macs, than axe honk of any other medicine. IC then. ONE iamb of Boater's Prawns' will cure POUR TIMES mom disease than one barb of rarancrakt, ^11141i7 0. 11 Pcnunza,:would be as cheap at four dollars a ttle, as rarrsop rills at ovitdetkr. .11ot BRANT'S 'PURIFIER is add for only ORB DOLLAR a bottle ; and as a bottle of it h.= cured. and is copelthe of ,ititing, Ewer noel as Much disease as one batik of 8010 11 01 1lierefore sanisparilla, in ettetlLlnetiester its he pow. er end Itsemedlest efikacy, should' Ito sold at no mom than Trotty-Fito Oita Der bottle, to be ea cieap as the rcannia at One Loa:P.' One DoDar's Worth Slow much CANCL6-110 , " much Bernmis —how much Scan rcLA—wal ChieDengervarte of Brants PIJR/F/ER owe ! Read tho following statement which ts a specimen of to power CANCEROUS SCROFULA. ! This 1. the cue of a Wag man who gal lieu. He was cured of a, worse case of Hmule. by only Twelve Fowles hf Dram's Purifier, than ever WAY cured by the use of (Weirs Gallant of the best s that was erer made. &nutmeats has not etilkirsif et cal veneer to effect the cure of such a molting!, &perm ease. Mr. J. B. of Rowe, Oneida Cu . Y, r.. had SPrefuln four years—was confined to his bed Use last year— he was so much diseased and debilitated as to be unable to rides his hand to his head. He had the best medical advice—bad used all of the best sersepartnes to no good effect—got worse and rarer, sod was con. sidered to be in a Dying Rate. end could riot bre serety-four Sauer longer, when he commenced wing litimirs Plitll , l/32. His nook was Mon nearly rid from ear fo ear—a dole is a. eaten% through his windpipe. under his chin. so that he breathed through the hole—his ear was an eaten around that it could be lifted up out of ItsWelftee, it only holding by a resell piece—the use of ens new was tlentraysd by two Ulcers--an ricer tinder the arm. .s large as a man's hand. bed nearly . ..area through his ride into his bdy. Thus he was 'filleted with noway auc.h putrid acri./.. efts. sire Cieers'on various parts of his vertu& for further anti full particulars, see our Passphters. TtIONIA3 WILLIAM& one of the most skilful physicians of Rome, was called to Fee 'Lakin the day before he commenced using Bract's Purfier. beet. W. examined: him, and then told him that on the esidientes in the world could nostrum him—that kis cue 111111 Worse than Hopeless ! Now bear Mr. RASKIN'S statement of ewe. Ife nald : Mu wife prortmed one bottle of 8RA..Y7•6 PURIFYING EXTRACT —THAT BOTTLII enabled me to /rut of my bed—the suroND bot tle enabled me to ga art of the koare—the TIMM enabled me to rag ten wiles. and when I had linl.bed using sine Ponies sty anrretts out of immt, Eleers bnd heeled up, and flint bottles more effected a PERFECT CURE and rmtored me to gboii Aran FOI7E-TEEN WITNESSES: Tbe above feu are certified to by DOCTOR T. WILLIAMS. Mr. O. E. BROWN, of Ilea Rome Hetet Messrs. BISSELL & LEONARD, Druggist., and ELEVEN other ►upruuaMe simeesses as lions. CANCERS CMU:ai. N__} . Mr. 0. 6. KINKEy. .rebant. Charm, Geri& toasty. N. V. in. Permed us that a .xuxer.doetot m toad cOunty wisp edertine wen. Aerial cures of Cariccas theme, the ..Incacy of L • RANTti PURI FYING ERYILACY. A ozsieer-duetor iv unieue county.- N. Y., is also using said Fetursca. Mr. A. B. liturr., druggist. at Clasp. bane, Montgomery minty, N. Y., has itifwd us of an Important tare of a Csmcca of long exuding, which was ethos,' on on aged lady of that place. If, therefore, sew PURWIVI new Censer, by Its rnlYtoiti healing Power, what impure &stews of the Idesid can It not cure 1 Seven years' experience and triumph" utys there are a xone but what it will cure. . p W 2 171 3 1 ;e:1 0 ) ;i 1 'Weil/ ;41242 The, Rev. RICHARD DUNHAM), Pastor of the Presbeteriati errords,, Adams Death, Monroe county. N. 1%, wrote to us : have Just received a letter from Ms. Cuss:wee Domstira., relative to the :um of his Fever-fore. You may depend on what it Kates, for ho .08 a Christian man and an elder m church. Rome years since se had to have one of his legs eel of to save his life, In consequence p( a Fever-sore. The other lee being . now 0/erred, and about to K amputated, I recommended Da.stres Idametne. Read the re. pith • He says: '1 hew mid oat, Team 8.2711.10 of BRANTS MEDICINE. I ploetai mt. more, /ewe Madinat, and I can now my that, with the blesathc of pad, ft hes afreted a mot of as ley." Bee Pamphlet. fur Bill particulars. LIVER-COMPLAINT! Di. SAMAR HTBBARD. of StmetAPrd, Conn., ouo of the oldest and most respectable phymcoms. was minced wit/. METmmy rears, and was perfectly eased by *sin :3 BR PI:- ING EXTRACT. We could same of Other eager, Med. FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND COMPLAINTS. No remedy offered to the public ha. ever becti&stf ea mink said %Pawl is enteeleo ALL the incidental towsksmoited Inveittaritin of the see, as BRANT'S Putkionate Sawa. It make. no differ ence whether the derangewass- be sversivar either weak wa—it ILEIGULATES ALL, by . aineueg Mr semen. ertoffri.s CIRCI7I.4TION. amid austking aid sdiaying vLtsoca MIUTABILITV. Or Sea munoblet.. CHANGE OF LIFE, from the girt to the troaans, sad the ewes* at Middle .7 the one ease ta acarterated, and the other to gnalueng eepneora. us to pie ssent way of the Mat ammo that ftespeottg arise in coax.queitce of eeh dolor. • Dyspepsia—Sour Stomach_! " ATlacA L Cesere• Ca , . Farman/ 1, ISM M. T. WALLACE 6. CO.--(6.0.6.pg I wilL foe more than • year, stliturd with • disease Of the moms& I could not eat an, do or greasy substance without .musing meat pato,' tdeknesa, and vomiting and sees conthavilly adhered with a tour stomach. las an experiment, tried one bottle on:MAIMS MEDICINE, which, to my utter disappointment, eased and retimet eke woad pen. aJbr waft,. 9 therefore nerd a second hotne. which has completer cored the disease. 1 am now well and bratty. end can not stmimt any thing without being pained, or the stuatich bet:molar soot. "Tours respectfully, Mr. Wilcox L a respectable merchant of Attica. ' 7. B. 11U8I16 SORE MOTT% LUCOII.IIIIO,-ke Otosset Co., It T, IW. " Messrs. R. T. WAMACE it GO. & So om time lag wester my wife became so debilitated foam the effects of Lecorries and Nave bp Sore Mouthohai she could not lilt her child oeverfoem any house. sold labor. Her medial' treatment wee vatted according to ).e adefee and prescriptions of them most eminent physlcns, until ear shill was exhausted he mem effo rt s. She be teemy a alleles toe, that et the time she etemlencedl/takbie Jertmes Metilefes she weighed no more than alginplive poen& ; bet by the time she Ind taken/be Omelet, she bettaine pettedly well. The cored . so that she ill DOW enabled to do ell nweewary household wgi= valued Utley pounds of flesh in tour weeks. " Tours truly, C. B. GALENTINE.." The reader will obeenre dim Mr. OM.LISTINIC 11 , 1711 stmt.." Re. we are Informed by 7..8. Trier, Lip, of the tame plats. ham .red medicine. Melt =UAL DZSEASEB.. Biuuars rciarrria =TRACT le kerrfrot and thereuelieoti Wald► otall ur crwets a Mr.econt, er troy or the *maims prepare lea of Cet.torrt. or Sftecoar, die algae ; end it regimes the eterello, end otl At pads ooltl. to astir °dem& uzeLrue met GENERAL DEBILITY BF THE SYSTEM! tr. A. UOLTSTAISIIMR, vdi.ii . liarvlbs, Lorrabs Ca, MIN December 19, lli .. nt. filer Wing stood tuns lite a charm PULMONARY BALSA bad sabered lb. et on of bia wife'. cone,. said EAtara prrsonally wed aRA,vrS " IgM e E'STRACT, fur general debility of ary sperm, and I Lod no hesitation in saying that it is the bearnodkene to ■salvia end ussraosuteir. rite . svirear that I bairn ewe untd. In awry te• Owes *byre we bare sold BRANT'S MEDICINES. Ora in Pond ath' dkogla mid Irina Mr oar SAItUFACTION." SALT. RHEUM, and enigmas ata* dhasamo if de nun" wohms ecnd by NWT', EXILIC?. For ado by HUSTON r PORTER. Towanda: C. H. Horrid', Athena 70. Ratbbena, Canton; D D. ?Ottani. Leßoy ; Proara,•&RoekwirU, Monroe. tow; 18. W, Baird, Rummerfirld ; M. H. Welke. Wy. Wooing; D.Rafirr & Son, Legere/Ilk ; T. Homphry. Orwall; Maynard 4. ; E. S. Tracey Smithfield; Cord fia.Awßarlingtan ; B.Rnn yoo, Trdy. ' --• • ca. All lettere ea oidewtast be admitted to.Wal lore di. Co.. 106 Broadway, N. F: l.3y KE NOTCE ! A LL Collectors whose duplicatee ars not paid 11. eluding 1E48) Within thirtY days, will have the *nun of being waited upon by ;hose in authority The tares, (or. 184Iftars expected to b. Twit In full at fleptsober Coon. Likewise all licenses within thirty days, girths demands are such in iy4usrs woos • 'AMEX M. PECK, Treantrer oil:Indio& County. - Treasury Ole., July 13, 1849-. MORE NEW GOODS. 112KINGSJIZRY dr. O 13; me now receiving direct 13. hem 'New Neck. umber assormaesl of GOODS. wisidvarkil be sold extremely low for cub.. Among theiglirAer Go* for die Ladles. may to faint* ettrik• !McLain Deteges; Linesi Embroidered Leirsirliketch, French end American Otegliametmileo the prattied Odeon in markM. lolease cad ihr mein& Towanda. Jely 17, 1849. an". °MOH A.lOl, jp4; coorg,SllL et . e‘1104.'9 teid,uppurtment, just received tutu for sale p .. ar " 4 —••- •r2O • 141111CURW. YlNWtyltioirkierkli.T tra.s;4l Ithaa 11elkmaliklir K 11111 1945 E, 1.11 3. 4 6. 1 4 1 . 0:71:( L i Jart P 4 07 SW. LACIII.4II/1411,P * / " 9 * ISI T .*C. 7111r."1111 qui dater, mik . vs' git 444 ort - bil 'thepurpiliinf tip tiiritiie Isl4 0 "riiiYi Gil pub* Rat is Ili `elpiiiplitiCali lit obi; sprxrnmroksOmeiDoLnicliimiiiwrisiwrie ewe isa it 114 Oki tea: llausse.libe Mill/ Weld' wasiand ht. Alimunni **Min die Siot , tifailbes 102 Xmat-rt., Me Pak CAI" TILE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER or THE Genuine Towasead Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Towesendis now about 70 year of air. end has tom been knnwit as the AUTHOR end viscorg.aza of the OEXULVE OR fOIXA L. “' TOIMYSEND SARRAP.SKIL Lt." Being poet be was compelled to limit its mmufactares by which means it has been kept out of trinket. and the seine eLr entuseribed to those only who bttl proved Its worth, and known its venue. It had reached the earn of many, - nevettheless. SO thane persons who turd been healed•of sore diseese., and saved from death, penclainied Its evanesce end wonderful - HEALING POWER. ' Knowing. was years ago, that be had, by his skin. sclemal and experience. devised tr article which would Imo( inceicus . 1 1 table advantage to man ad when the disease would he fan niched In bring It Into un vessel notice. when its inestimable virtues would be known eipmechitts . ni t . yds Bum has cues% the towns are supplied: this 0114JeD AND 11.tfEQ fteLf..ED PR EPJ/Ite VON n manufactured On tile istgest scali‘and Is gaited the through out the length and breadth of the tang. especlallyak U is gonad Incapable of degeneration nr detedoration. Unlike- young li. 1' Tovimsentra.it improves with MP , sod never chanties. but for th e e better; beennte ins prepared en wins tine prieciphst by n scierroffe OWL The Mellen knowledtm el Chetniblrf, nod the latest dem:merles of the mt have all hum erungi6 au' requisitoin in the manufacture of the Old Des I Barsaperlia. The Sarsaparilla mot. It is well known to medical men. contains many =Meted properties. end some which are Inert or useless. and inhere, which if retained varies it for riiie, Traduce .femilesimturs and acid. which M li prints, to the system. Some of the properties of Saimaparias ere so ordvtgf. that they entirely evaporate and are lost in the preparation, if they am ant . ..preserved by a orient* profvsa, Iknown only-to those experienced In its Illitnaikettr n. Moreover there vartroTrr principles, which fly edits vapor, or es an exhale . boa, under beat. are the very essential segicel pespertics of the ep,.. wisio, Finn to ir on it. ovine. , • Any penes can boil or stew the Mot 101 they get tart &end . liquid. which Is more from the antenna matter In Die root than . from any thing else; they out thee strain this Insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with sour Molasses. and thee call it "RAs' BA PA RILLA EXTRACT or SYRUP." But such is sot the article Mums as the Ifi GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S ..SAfitSAPARILLA. . - This is so prepared. that all the Inert properties of the gar 'twills root nes first removed. every duns capable of becoming acid or of fermentation, Is extracted and rejected; then every particle of imedleal virtue is secured In a pure wad tioncentrated faun and thus it Is rendered incapable of losing any of Ili traro! able and hoeing properties. Prepared in this way, it is marhs this Most powerful sprat In the Cure of innumerable diseases. Mescal the reason why we hoar commendations on amity alio at Its favor by mon, women, and children., Ws end it duly wonders in the cure of CONSUMPT/O.Y. DYSPEPSIA, and trrrit tom- P 1.4 INT. and in RHE UMA MM. SCROFULA. PILLS. coartvglessa, an CUTAXEO US ER orriclak BLQCTH ES. and all aAbction• nrionetrem IMPURITY OP THE BLOOD. It ponersee anarvelloni ebony In all amplifiers arising ken fadireation, (ion .itridirg qf4s dowseek, from noesinal ninon 800. derenninntioa of blood to the hasdAnalpitadoe of aut bean. eon feat and buds. cold chilli sad hot /ashes aver the body. IS has not its equal In Colds and amen; and promnies nay es peetoratimi and gentle perspiration. reining stricture* of the hours. thrall. and every other parr. But in nothing I. Its ereelleneq more manifestly sent and as knowing& thanto all !Ands and stages FEMALE etiMPT.4I47B. it works wooden to eases of Flusr.fdings or Whites. Sktting as Womb, Oestrueted. Suppressed. or Pantfat Messes, dr= flp Of Un eseastisuii periods, mot do nay sad Is es la miscall thsfornsi of Manny Distsises. By nosonias obstraettuas, aN uttutiotial tern. It Kiva, tone and atraitzth to the whole body, aid lion sues alt 4into of Nervous diseases and debility, and thus prevail= or relieves a moat =Arty of otter =shifts, as Spiftt,.irntatora. Neitrstgis, St. rinse Awe. Seenneisg, Rskptic Fes. Convulsions, Its. It cleanses the blood. excites the liver to he - nithy action. tress lb. stoinsch. and gives good digestion. relieves the bonds of torpor and constipation, allays higlanimation, putties the skin, enuallses the chrtninthm of the blood. producing gentle warmth equally all over the body, and the Inessible perspiration ; lases all strictures and tightness, removes all obettuctions, sad invigorates the entire nervous system. Is not this thee The medicine you pre-emlnently need Bit can any of these things be said as, P. Townsent's inft Dor article I This man's is ant to be COMPARED THE OLD DR'S, because of one GRAND FACT, that the ono is INCAPARLS of DICTSRIORATION.as• NEVER SPOILS, while the other Dom seering, fermenting, aed Mewing Ms betties cionaming It Mk fragesews ; the sour, acid Uquid smile dingy, sad damaging other goods! Must not this horrible cow pound be POOOllOOll to the main I— Mum f pet acid lets a sperm already diseased with seal 1 What causes Dyspepsia bat wilt I Do we not all Moe that whea food soars in our sump whs. what mbehicei It produces I Salmon s. heartburn. pallid mike of the beak. liver complaint. diarrhoea. dysentery. colir, and corruption of the blood 1. What is Swank but an add humor to the body 1 What produces all the hymn which king on Eruptions of the Bele. deakl Head. Ball Rheum. be Works. White Swellings, Fever 80/1111. and all ulcerations in ternal and external I It is nothing under heavea. but an acid mbattioce. which sour., and thns spoils all the fields of the body. mow or less. What reuses liseemathel bet a sou ebed fluid. which insinuates itself between the joints and dew where. Irritating mad inflaming the delicate tissues epos which It acts 1 fig of marrow diseases. of Impurity of kw blood. of deranged dreulatiose. wad Needy all the .Roseau which Wilk ketone nature. Now hit am 'terrible to mks and sell, sad Weikel merge ft ale filo. SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID "COMPOIRID• OF'S. P. TOWNSEND, sad yet be emuld his have II nederannithit Ole TR. Jacob Tosnesend's Osumins Oriente( Samispwille, is as IMITATION of Ids Inferior preparation!! . Heaves forbid that we - Monad deal In se article which would leer the most distant vosemblance to 8. P:Ttrwesead's article/ and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a minuscule load of complaints and criminaUons ham Agents c ho have sold, and pu rc hrrcers who have toed P.Towaesad'sFERMENTINO COMPOUND. We with it anderanod. because it Is the Mealsee Murk. that S. P. Tosnisend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Peot. saparilla are itiswirs-aide spars, sad ieJlaitelp slississiLse ; that they are unlike is leery patients', having not or Weak thing la common. As S. P. Townsend is se dotter, and sever was, le as ebemi4 no phannacentist—knows no More of medicine or dis ease this any other anumen, unseieudge.cesprofessinsid man, what ruseames can the public Mom that they ace seeeiving a gamine scientific medicine. containing snubs vletues of the ankles used in preparing it. and which as incapable of which might render them the AGENTS of Daeue reamed of health. Not what - else ihnuld be expected limn nee who knows oath lee comparatividyof medicine of dames It requiem a INTIM of some experience to cook sad semi up even a common decent meat How mtrch mime iceportent bit that the passer who man animate medicine, designed for WZAZ STOMACHS ASTI NiengteLfrb WITIONDI r should know -well the medical prop:ales of plants, the best manse, of secnrieg sad concentrating their healing virtues, also as canonic', knowledge of . the various diesassimekleh effect the human system. sad how to adapt remedies to these diseases! It Is to alma frauds upon the unto/moats, to poor halm. Wei wooded hesseity, to kindle hope la thadiessairtag bootee; ri Moms health and bloom. and Ore hitn the crushed sad bro ken, sod to baelahlalinsist that-OLD DR:JACO* TOWS MEND isse SOUPIIT and POUND the appiesainq and MOMS 10 bill Orsold:tridirerlid - • Remedy - • withieltbil iseh , aad eri thwksour Wee se ID-she weed tt, that they may hommand. now. 4 e ".IESIBI,SgPICSIOOS ' • Irlakiltelhilegnls t e,PloWeir lo Heal. Da. faces Townsman Pipe UDC. 04.3. - Thel tea:—On the With of Ju1y.1147; I siela mitecial "Nth rheeirsetbse,enei mattered, undereannuirmenalptines.lars wane foe etletart wassoonthe. skleitsow• endear " hel incapable MAWS, avid,: ruistrigill Narwhal= any way..,36;shis sews 1 continued Until., ism l.bapa biasses httiestad improesrtitie Alas This awitrilesert tities.ifinly sotto ohfe boa to featutpMl7, though incapable agendas In or eat-abed. or eves) tsru filled. I tetiedited In this condition, with little or no until I tearkepaleaCet teeter alwetepla this worsen ch it the list July. 1 Mall induced toy) , year lawalewebt ;sg the leek three days after telliterthe first tines, td/IOSIC 18 it WA t but motes's Wee tit eitmekesid In WS Sian week. - • i with lE gya'Ne .1)4C70414.V want Is itteald orse telt3 Is the stme have gone atone frous4l.%eimewsreet lo the them* Larepre Hotel sad back. I tome lees to. OS ilatesuks two /Mteat thews. nekton awn fosestaatly !hallos my NW, hers. During all AM, time. I Stertiudileima 6 " "Wes or Old Dr. Townsmen' MenewlElC Octetlstorius' ot soother bottle (ith Oa) soil I walked twice moss .the Soar sigmas)" ad et mulches. • I lists ibirappirtir eseovind "tor Mittman* It water. Which ease ow greet disteeric The mite Is my bed SO Ikineeististe Ss tend thy holly Son se earthly remelt le esmthe my oseesny.en sae saw ems Wets 174 D .14/1. JACO. lOWNSKJWII 84RSAPARML1. ALM WSLOW3S grow% r.s.-Amma sib rlityddini despalesdietay WI? vollg ones rabies oyseff Soso or wisps& .6ilteipal lffia 103 Nassitlreet Bold 'notelete and retail, to Towanda, Pa r , ay HI nit Int, aunt for - Notiberti Pentwilwania. Sly Sold law in Troy by Hf. Ceiyell °Melt C.' 0: Gridley. _Kt" Islam* IhmarpOßilikoas 4.4l4assms, &e P St L:FOX'B,.No. 2. B. PA P OOMOVIONWHISOFO iciii_aiikoikrirtiow.**lo;l - .13104011MILOUSiNUMCREVAIILINi Imo; POlSONOUlCWOUNlK4AliethimitclibiskrpOi• Ilia& .11 .2 It is nit* titilted ALIyt3ICALTIIG istilltsurrio ! AN iliety - tidegnat.ostentar„or iatetastobakkurip - bot ;here . ll; ‘ , jiiito•44l etiw s fix at a w it boa tamin , befew•-: tbit noctit SoeelM betitilidled l te basalt itlinitbro* tutu wieiltiiiiht Mika stittid meow , . z "• • I he!" ,p4Shiene hatred • ihciaifsterinia.t have,hsc' gospel. judges of the bench," eldcrieKhitiAliteo of the highest 'sedition. la leant - ides of the . podia" If hilewrt - otniejl of Way. and thews , hes beess• hashes stshetptshe.setitersal Alagritei' yeAti • *fatkien'}- Rheumottin,4ll #atekaralipaie innaiellidy the, itifiamination eirld rtiaki the pain aim.— Read the direititiis iround &ibex. Head Aljr.=—The save be. cored persons of the bead ache of twelve years 'Standing, And take bed it mast every wilinit that youglint teak Pixie. Deafnesa; Berm:else, earet• 411 K in She Pace, erehelped .irittt like enema.. eald.ilead.-111(aiutve eared miseries tieivally Seel every thing known, es well ea,tbealtilibyof Garen tweaty,sloctors., One wan tohl,pa, be had speng POO in his children without any tosaedit, ultra at few buses ..f the - *tweet cared them. Boldamir.-rls erillistate the hair sooner thee sny drier thing. • Teller.-•'t ere is nothing better for tho cote of letter Burns.—lt is one of the best things in the world fin Pies..—Tlionsanda are yoarly eared by this canines t slims% fails in givens rrlioi foe she Not., If Around the bus are .4 onions for using MeAllis ter's . ointmenl Serofnlis. Liner Complaint. Ery sipelas, Teller. Chill bloat. Scold Head, Sore Eye.. Quinsy. Sore Thrice. Broncintii, Nervous 'Tedium, I Pains. disesseof the Spine. Head ark, elalkenc. Ear ache, turns, Corny, all D;seares r f . lhe . Sore lips Pimples. 4-e-: airiness of the joints. Swelling n the Limbs, Sore limbs. Sores. Rheumatism. Pilo. roMfol. Croup, swelled or bruit* Breast, Tooth ache. Ague in the Face, he-, he.' Aced persons find great relief in owing this Oint ment freely. Corns.--.oegazional eat of the Ointment will always Seep cnns from growing. People nerd never be trou bled with them if theY use it frequently. Ty This-Ointment is gond for any part of the body or limbs that are inflamed. In sante cases it should be applied often. CAErtes.—No ointment will be genuine unless. the 'time of James McAllister is written with a pen ui every label. JAMES bleAl.l.lB O'ER. Sole Proprietor of the 'shove medicine. Aocass—H.l4. & M.O MEI:ClIll, Towanda; 8. & h. Pl. Newman & Cu., Canton ; elMitre Rot ten, Sugar Rnn. 45y Principal °Mee, at No. 29, North Third-st., aelphi.t. whey. tinpliestiono tor ouenr:iett tarty he 171.114.. Clicknerhs Vegetable Purgative Pills, A RE the first and only medicine ever diactivered that II will positively cure Headache, Giddiness, Piles, Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Smallpox, Jaundice, Paine in the Back. Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Ri. ong in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Freers of all kinds Female Ccmplsints, Measles, Salt Rheem, Heart Duni, Worms. Cholera, Morbus, Coughs, Quinsy, Whooping cough, Consumption. Fits, Livereomplaint, Feysipelas, Deafness, helpings of the Skin, Colds, Nerset.• Com plaints, and a variety of other Dimwits arising from im pinkies of Indigration. it hes been proved that nearly every disease to which the human fraussais subject. originates from impurities of the Wood or Derangements of the-Digestive Organs; end to secure Health, we mast remove those atearnetiona or restore the blood to its natural (tate. This fact is universally known, but people have such an eversion to medicine, that,-unless the we is urgent, they prefer the disease to the cure. until an impaired Constitution or a fit of sickness rebukes them for the folly of their con duct. Still they hail some excuse. for hetdnfore, med icine in almost all its forms, was nearly as disgusting as it was beneficial. Now, however. the evil is inns, cf. fictually removed; for Metered's Vegetable Pa/go/rm. Pills, baits completely enveloped with • COATING 07 elms waive masa (which is distinct from the kernel) have no taste of medicine. but Ore as easily swallowed as bits of capily. Moreover they do not nauseate or gripe in thr4slightest degree, which is occasioned by the fact that are compoonded on scientific principles, and operate equally on all the diseased parts of the system, instead of confining themselves to, and racking any par amain region. (which is the great and admitted evil of everysother purgative.) Hence,they strike at the root of Disease, remove all impure humors from the blood. open the pores externally and internally, promote the Insensible Pereldrelion, obviate gatulenty. Headache, dre.--separate all foreign an.t obnoxious piracies from chyle, en that the blood, of which it is the viain, mum be thoroughly pure—secure a free add healthy action to the Heart, Lungs and Giver, and thereby'restore health even tohen all other means have failed. (r)' A.I letters of inquiry or for advice most be ad dressed (post paid) to Dr.C. Y.C).ll;li MN ER. N 0.66 Vesey.M., New York, or his authorised agents through out the country. For sale in Towanda, by HUSTON &PORTER. No. I. Brick Row. N. R. Remember, Dr. O. V. Clickener is the inventor of Sugar Cooed Pills, and that nothing of the sort wee ever beard of. until he introduced these in June, 104; Purchasers should therefore ask for Cliirkrner'• Sugar- Qiatied Pills, and take no other, or they will be made the victims of a fraud. - be The above medicines can heisarchatted of the follow ing named agents: Leßsyst4ll4. G. H. Little; Orwell Henry Gibbs: Rome. D. M. Wattles; Ulster. Peck ham &Co ; Milan. G. Tracey Athena. C.H.Hernck • Smithfield, E i. Tracal ; . Burlington, Corr.!' &. Gee Troy, G. F. Redington ; Canton, Charles Rathltiane Moyrneton. B.Cnolbaugh ; Worsting Stone, Wm. It Storrs & Co.; Wyalusing, C. B. Fiche,. NEW ESTABLISH3IENT EIL'EJEMIIEILT 3• 2O IMILIEECEECIEDie L. M. NYE & CO., would re *penny inform the citizens 41 Toe ands and the public generally, taut tribtoeLdlitervialalrilthinds ac or - 71; 1 3n7 - „ -;_ FURNITURE , of the hest owe. - rails, and weibtristoship that cannot be sittPamed,iiiiddltiOnto the usual mottoes' in omsnuy shops, we will- keep ow bawd and mete - to-order SOFAS, of ?adorn poi most agonised patterns; Sofa Reeking Chaim upholstered in superior style. end for else• and durahility cannot b inrpersed even in our farms cities. ' 'filsorthe half Fessich ' Ma .boganY Chair, beantifidly uphelstaied, witlreinied bait, 'AG& never/lowa ha elasticity, and finished with the beatitrair vesting. We Ihutis .eareelsee' thit 'haying had much experience in tbribiedniursole shall be able sakml3 01 atapntsy astdkrosed in, 401..b0th -"refit, aiditries. se& by.titrict Aettstat' km-le—businges !tope tostimif , sopirliagattronagotroOliiiicrol-aM) onky; -, , WM. po. eept bort,. 1847:c r ' c mums.? 171MNITII RE ivirAy BE. HAD at-one-chop moat knees than it heit ewer %deft sold in Towanda. 'Ma& are cheap, and-wheetatn lowered. and that le the reason we ead-allord all foe to do it. AU kinds of produce will b e I nace iv re d in payment. Also. LUMBER of4ll Tcirnla Sept. 1. M. NYE 4. CO. gyouvrom 3 1 AMME5.8.10.6. THS subscriber erilf continues So 'manufacture and keep an hand .at the old .stand of Tonsirine and Makinson, all kir.ds of cane and stead seat CHAIRS; and SET. TEEfftf• various kindaoll BED STEADS _of every description. which • 1 wiH sell low for cash er Prodecovar Pine ar Merry LuSiller.:Or d sir plink. will be received for work, TAIRNVIR Anse to ordain the nosiest saner. Alec. CA131140 WORK, asks sad blot so bend, or an& *order. ism die -beet mener. Maga tINAKI,IBOII., rimmilbi.haktary 44.1819 !Iva. UNE OF TIE 1111111AMTSIMROIN6 $l OOL i t 1 "inirireitillre."74llloping, EligiillibilliiiirAMlVlSM oll raSlit•Pki• NM it the Globe.. Mitufgeorr*Nitija P 11 "1 6 7 *l ' d AiiiiiiadenyeOlitli tbil 414 alt glotypipfari. 40 i4.l` 'liiisidorwesairi4 saiMod ThOiteserEbeinift; 4steible tieetesslViti,adleetime;pirtesseeter .100-'Oll/ p l y sc l i p , p os , iw0r ,,?....; ~, , , ~ • . 4 .0.. ',hes& . '.•"--• ---'••••• '-' ' 04.1* . Latin. ')r. r : NS ;'). r .-. ' ~ t j .. c - _. i • ~ 4 ou ' c lips, Lai; I- - . 409 1011014 tilli : ON*lffia) pow limier; 'i '-' .., 10102 'Eot'reiderY and fin! oohs, , ~, 0, . • -:,,, ; 2 00 , Anx,ypeng letly .. receising inelyeetion ,en . the pier. I:o4?2bsea to learn iugleresk.er strione r etthe stbeee. si nguitges;iiiii &miens@ tint; willsoislddditionaleherge". TO icseu t 4 yd t.3a,sisaitteir iti• English T hienefir. the irises of teernihs aids a the abosi wanhfi, sir . le ... P et ' .111riet, $3 00 hlartletiOni ,tott the Ouitai, ', ' ' 400 . , I.l4e,ollilattes, 715 Dnarli'l"eiitl peiniine In wet« colors. Igeluding " the we amt./fele; such - •11 drawing Oder, peints4rnelli. &e. ' 4 00 Oil palette* on canvass. .4 ' to co Nintiquarswerrtsga window shades. 114 1 4 0 2 tttnauppiy of matartais. each 4 Of Formspasaini lit*" tplli mist - t00 . g.41r ill/ ... zo id Itipma iLi tag r ,: — I :.d I tr....).1- . ‘.'46. 4 I -. 1 Mitt pn 111 E. /Tip qtr do. ' l\ 2 g , l , Wa ...rem iNer gall., r, - ;A. el 4 ii) Pima viol ink, 4 „ , Waohms. Board us )palat ,0, , . ft: no per ;vinare , ; Laity,* peal -pod, atitloe.itird to the lia... Wit PT E &a RI OFIN. Busthienton, Broom cal.O. Y, will re .. „ „ , rtettte riOvot 5t14061504 4w. ...,.;.,-4=4, ~..r _ Or 3 -,..-- EEO -rSIIOE M c ' 441. • . : 011-11 T W.WT.M)f - .. . r his oste, intent to the shop between KingsherN . . anal Hann Ikea stuns*, and where he still sulkers a ahem at Juridic patronage. He in ends, hyri carrful amuck, anal tri atteni:on to the inten-us of his rust° piers so make as neat d durable work es can he ma nufactured in this past the country. He will keep constant yon hand, and manilfartnrr to order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse Sods and Shoes ; ,Ladies' Gaiters, Shoes and Slips, Children's dn. ; Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, Country rpriucts, of moat slescriptionsu taken in payment for work, at the market price. Towanda: April 21S, I R 47. . • 41; 0 30 , 0:0 , lIIWWB &OJT& GREAT REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, Merely for the w•wt of chef p Clucks. Watches and Jewelry! Urea! Rush at the NEW CLOCK AND WATCH STORE! JAMES P. DCLI. tee ea& y infombe the citizens of Towanda and innu uy, th rt he has lately return ed from Philadelphia. and permanently !water! in To wanda, one door below the Brick Rt , in the room for occupied by Mercur's fiat St e, where may he found gold an. silver watched. gold, fob- and guard chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pen., breast pin., finger rings. &c., cheap for ca-n. and every article war r an t e d. A large supply of Cl. .I:KS, of the latest im proved patterns, running from :to hour. to 8 days and a month, with one winding. azr Particular sotcntion paid to repairing eLnicics, W A TCH E 8 & JEWELRY. of every dmeriptinw. and from the long experience which he has had in the bu siness. work left in his care will he done In the best workmanlike manner. OH gold and silver taken in exchange. Towanda, August 16, Iftlity Weutoved to north side Public Square! fr a. Chamberlin, an * LI An just returned from the city ofNew York wish a large , supply of Watches. . Jewelry and 7, , Siker ware, comp rising in part. 1( the following articles:—Lever. . a :. I.7lEplitie and Plain Watches, with a complete assortment of "Gold Jewelry, each an Ear Rings. Fin ger Rin re, Breast Pins. Bracelets. Locket.. Gold chains., Gold Pena, Keys, etc. Also. all sorts of Silverware, and any quantity cif Steel Beads—all of which be offer. fin stir exceeedinglv eherip for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and tuartankd to run well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ ten agreement given to that effect if regnired. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR. and Country Produce taken in payment for sunk ; and ale kern note, and forever, that the Produce must be paid when the work is done-4 war against credit in .11 it. fnflia. W. A. CBAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April SA. 1134 A. THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, •NII %Ow IT IN. W'aTO 712.7,110t08RY? F. II RDF. r••.- .t C. citiz , n...r i • CAIITIMenee O.• HARWSS Pif) rit.v. MA 1i!: P,'••i'igs'A. in rooan.l4. ..r• Nt 4 ' 4.' , 4,. 4 t. A .1 .4 , 4 •••.• . , li ' , IMO. W 1..... t 4 44.1' . . i to ortl-r Phti,/ ...,/ , .., Trunk PelbefA, ~,d 41 .41.,6..1 work , to 1 1N oi• t' .• H RI ‘1; k; TRIM Mt \t; a1 ,,1 Mill r 'RV ‘ViIRK 1,-,• t to order rm.., hi., . l ip. , t.••• ~ ~, ,d.. , . ~. ~, „„,.. ~, pun puetuolity in stooolottz t.. it h loi •on sy .... •• •. 4 shin of pit'olte pistrotnse• .54 "C' All kin lot of v..ric r i g ....., g I 4! ht.. 41)51 , ' , • i . tier than at env other %hop ii this rottaityt Toaran.la...lnne 12, ;11414 la t , L. • a wroL. •1. 11,114gEr Completion of the North Brairliq a,111! BRISTOL & SMITH I'AVINti formed a co-psnerrship in the manors. , tale of Belt ITS & SHIMS. at the old stand three doors northilf Rothe at. would rropecrolly inform theirlrirods and itir public, that they will carry on tbr holiness in ill its branches—keep on handsnd make to Ater, esoryibirilin theirline in the neartait manner and' in their latest style. .sel i k s iS ta that they. can do as rout or borer work than an he had Amish'se they wankl eartothme wish • ins good article in their line to Vet them a eall,and they shall be satisfied. Repairing done on Short notice. c: Produce of all kind* taken for work. Ifides wanted in it:chatter for Boots Arid 'nose erta Leather. Towamla Dec. 14.,.111118.8. & S. • THE CORYLE IE4TRAGT,. Or Natare's Ik'stroyet, aid. Remit:for Disease Extract is a pure ligiiit, foss from every thing I. inconvenient or dangetons. As a pain extractor this medicine is superior toevery thing yet discovered ; and as an application to Weft infismationithiiikill of mankind is challenged to equal Nature in it. It soothes the Nervous tlyrem—heals wounds, bruises, sprains.. and cleanses ulcers--redlicre all manners of swellings and 'Dinars; and runs Summer Complaints, Dymintery. Infantile Dioceses, Female complaints, and most Of the. ordinary Family Ailments. READ THE OPINION OP LION. JIHN C. EPI*CEI( Allow what t have stated, you will not be air/prised at the declaration of my opinion sail firm conviction, that the liquid permitted by you is oat at Tux XIIIT IXT&LVAIFLZ DINCEITEIIIIS IX XIIDIXIII •XT, 9; XOO., sax et ;—and that itwill prove a mut t effect ual ', remedy for all nervous aretions, and. cure for Want- . nuili„„ seats en d duca l *, when seasonably cud prop erly applied. irestbetoluervatiog and experimentwill be.uecessary to determine the lam invade of its applies. Lion, whether internally or externally, and the quantity to be administered. Yearob't iereant, Joni C. Setacci. the above 'medicine may be failed at all the Agen •cies for tbo sale 4.11t0 , celcbmacil, Gtadenberg 'Medi • eisme; in she counties. eaprils !I MOIL itIDEL ; PIRA littiMOMMOustit.liatib.! %am. DRAITHIPISIIINIthitt L ai a gfrigrWariw;'4iiidt . iiilitary iti.ElAlKElANONarthWeseeerwii 4,1 f lend illltilWeiliwdOetweeo4l l prawreeill • 'wgrahie , *-iolielf front the Exchange. Militia v M'fr tW , • 1 • 0,14 - TAILE,PAWFIGUEAR NOVI; IP TIM is eashirwlsiehinew hie& eaci the Aced !".o):BCertAiwie 4 .l.wheloittripialest , itr sew, insolitude. growieug.uple.O..****llei Ifive•ekhweter 11040 late- ill are •• 'Fere. of the ,coasequas %BAK- : o ° , 10 . 1 nannies spawn Alward. feel, egelelle•leri table iseliagsoragos Airs is the sled. he •T-iwthviella i:wcouies feeble. he is utiable to labor with socutne.awid vigor-IK. O4I IPPIS ', llO -44 0 0 41 0 1 4 i :1. 10 O e.R: .0 0 10 1 7 ;and, egg. be htsliAlnysolio • • die THE M31.11:44,E11icE.:' • I. wintiqued. the,iirocreetist;'mwer .024;gieojed:siitil aiirdigge rendrieithapettihk, e 4t!OUi attriiima. without natural luore. sbaniefacednewi is swami. roils* MIR OTNIPTIIIII I Instal effotois oorasfax the tttes.tion of fbeae;almiletlii ' " IP TiIIE'VICTIM • • Na conacinuis.of the itatise.oftisi ke Iy, tied' gait it, be mareri nititer thape terrible nectonetii- eta inaolunterj othieh twalion. xr d',ebame hint producing , tartatd mut phydreiti iiiirsirAtiffii.. If 'ho «menet potet,hlis -Of heture the Kamer has don: its veotst. and.autere , wer voont,. •morrtente unfreuthal. end him KIM .g hint that 'hot Is railtalt-hy hat early totlitat. Let t,. false. tn.ate.tv :trier vim frons malitita "oar t-e ti now.. to 0 4, e. V. lin, tn.in ...dummies ar.d relopechrt ‘f n , I.IOIIV brim ytbu. 111110 plaoris tin , !ct II H. Kt .‘ KEt.IN'S treatment, rosy reihti.tue. iv confide in his howl a. a gentleman, and ut *those • togrim will he forever . locked the secret of the patient. Thousand. h•va bin restored to health from the de. inflations of these terrific maladies. by Dr. Kinitefini fl.;vinan Packages of Medicines, Advice*. forwarded. ity .ending a remittance,' and pui:up vector, from trainer. , or .rUrpOlty. I Pose laidletters answered fortharith do.:11 ffP , :;'6ll)llY. "4:4 -.form 1 ' .t he .1111 ..1 •1 I vv. -i 101 NI; FN.! MARDI IGE4 &t fryNEW 114)./K NT DU WM. YOUNG Srcon.l rtlaann. juin pubis-lied. rice 25 et., THE /SOS OF LIFE t A Tteetiee ee AlPolon. I.erve and Mmeivrre. And the 160.Pairtuf Veutti. Maturity awl 0.1 Aue er ;he Liglint and a of Named LiG-, (its iffielicitw4 nJ enj.y melon) •••I'9 be or,uot to bkg; that is the coestion." (With e Uri. , Cl 4 cars: riluetrations. &c ) ' Tierce err °pore Ingo %wilt hrevrn and earth; Horatio Than sue &roost of la our philorophe:—So•cirre•ss. This honk should be in the - band's of every young man nr w..man unntemitlatimr • Nagataas. Ego" vehool-boy. and indeed every man ors wonnm, married or single should read with Gift' awl attention, thus truly mreful Nock as we convider it well adapted to awaken attention to a nut jeer camp blighting to body, mind and soul, than any other VIM& Young 'lf Vel3olll onfrerilnst froM Aga peptic and Consumptive riymniens ..f lonia standing, by careful pernval of Ibis most w torita work. will find sh e cans, of auth .ympt ~ in the baneful habit here Described. (a.Any one sending twenty-five cents encle.erl in letter, will receive Jne copy of this hoot fry moil, five copi-a will be seut for one dollar. (aAll lettere are °sleeted to be gore pito% ,etcern those containing a remittance. anti inblresokni, " DR. W YOUNG, 152 SPRUCE Street. bet ween Fourth and Fifth. Pus LA T 34 Warranted padre a Penalty of $l.OOO. free froth Mercury and other Mineral &Aslant., a ! The Only ( h - igitad an Gcunute Indian Medicine WRIGH r's lodi-in egeiahle Ptll4 are dhe igutsherl for thew per fect adaptation to t:•e 'man te-dy. In their petition.. they do ex. -tly what natun• doeti. I nothing loon , — hey have n roe it-roLri CTION, upon the lumg., kidneyn and how l. Benee their pa that power over die. iaiir Curnihm•ts, Pain in the u rk. genii . l.u'anrnu• Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Freckles, Erysipelas, &e. The action .of the kidneys is such as to make them a saleable hthontiiptie. Dropsy, Gravel, anal Female Complaints,ansinn fmm obstructions at certain periods, are spesalily removed by theifuse. A tree Expectoration from the longs is excited by the use of Wright's Itidian Vegetable Pine, thus re moving Pulmonary Complaint•. s•.ch a- A-thma, Bran coitis, Soreness and Tightness of the breast. Coughs. Sore Throat. &r. Dy their action on the Stomach and Dowels; the Pill. cure Dvapep