- _ ar my of the Insuzge!!tsistitalltim unconditional sur render to tbs-ilussaan.:anny. - His usairtplejtera been f o lldnialbillascsberlesrogeer corps. The' officer tie t itoliVc i ffe r eat , P Pro • ma d e igilcsonithOreak „Foine,galdraut, to the thiddiraefito, fortune tisste • P - • ••••• • yir condltell to lay amen- tetilkir* - -afaiwontil have made strangetllF2OtirWthe ifturgenti*4o 6 ' die ehargett,b): CenCiarniidnull corps 'respbcting the estratlition otitis prittonernre s. a . -_ I am in c omnarmicatiotrwithihe commander of the Anson& armyt. i4AICSOPOOOryteIi , Pills him at lour Imperial NI ajesty's rlisposal. It eras rumored that tlteEmperor of Bondi bad o wed a price of-60,000.ribles - pn Rossuth's : lead dead otalice. - -..••, -..••, • e- It is asserted b y some et ale ; aTdeet'lriends of Hun,,,mty that George has W=IHW proven- a traitor and has yielded to t ,the - golden- arguments -of the Ituv:ians. . . Kosstales wife and family, it is said;liad fallen into the hands of the Imperialists. Tric,Fivs POINTS.in,New York is.known every. where es one of the most-pestilent spots in the Un ion ;.and lying, as it does, !tithe heart of the great city of Nev York, the wonder has long bean that • it be permitted to exist. For a number of years efforts hare been anade to.yetnode, it,,withont elect for the reason that the oiinersorpropertythere find it more profitable to maintain it as it is, than it could be'by any change they could make. The tents derived from these dens of misery are said to he enormous; and, as almost every resident has to pay a small sum, the aggregate may be judged of by the following statement Which we find in the Courier and Engnirer; In a single building, called Chimney Sweeper's flail, in the rear of No. 7 Little Water street there are 200 colored people. On one of the corners of Orange and,rl'o36 streets, there are 95 colored and prostitutes in a basement: and a rear building At a place known as No. 23, there are 80 females of the same class and of all colors. At Nos tO and 12 Mulberry street, there are about 800 persons.liv. um on two lots.. Nos. 142, 144, and 148, are all houses of ill-fame, and contain nearly 100. persons each. ' At 95 Cross street there ate 52 male inmates 75 females and 135 children—in all 262 human beings in a single house. These facts furnish an in dex of .the eeneral character of locality. These people,jhus crowded together are without excep t'on the offscouring of the city—the very refuse of filth and vice. ADIS of them have gone thither from more respectable portions of the city, when they have become too degraded to live elsewhere It is the common sink for poisoned and pestilential curass that have become too offensive to be toter axed in any other quarter. TUE FLOOD tax REP Rivca.—We hear distressing-1 accotints of the flood on Red River, and the in I mense 4lest ruction of property occasioned thereby. An Extra from the Republican represents the rise of the water as unprecedented. • With the exception of a few elevations, all the iiluvial lands, on both 1 -ides of the Red River, Bayous Robert and Rapi de-., and perhaps Bayou Bteuff, have been ccvered, and are still submerged. As the front proprietors made. no calculation , for such an unexampled rise, 'Ile) were not prepared . for such in emergency, 1 , 1,1 their los. has been very severe., The suffer m, on the river above is represented to be even wiirse. Alexandria has been damaged very mate rially t many of the houses are un lenatined, and oilier,: will be before the water recedes. The loss to flapiiles Parish alone, estimating the CtStton crop at f 15.000 bales. and the Sugar crop at 10;000 Mid., with the usual amount of Molasses, will reach 83,- noo.ooe. The Eitra adds: It is impossible to estimate the INs by the flood in the valley of Red River. In wead of upward of 25,000 this parish will not pro :love 2.000 bales. In the valley. instead of up ward of 130.000 bales not 3d.t160 will be made.— The loss in this article will be 55,000,01 V, which 1- nothing *the loss (lithe crop Of cam, of . stock, 01 farming ithplements, the destrtictlort of improve• menu. and general breaking up of plantations.— N 0. Com. Itulietin, THE Ft..OEIDA OUTBREAK. -rue ...1./mann a / 1 &pub hen publishes the following extracts from a letter dated. at St Augustine, the 20th inst.: The Indian• outbreak will ruin thousands of poor farmers in East Florida, who have been and will be compelled to abandon their hdrue.s and per haps hare everything they poiisess_in the, world de • F;roye.i. Almost f DITTI is on my forth, from which I have been eiornpelled to flee with my fami ly. rot knowing at.what moment, had we remain ed. iv'e--would have been sent to out last home by tie Indian- rifle. " Major Ripely, with. his detachment of LT. S trnnps has returned to St. Augustine from Indian River and reports that he had seen no Indians; t! ouch he had discovered, about- two miles from the: settlements, where they encamped the night rlisoing the outbreak in July last ; They evidently made their way back to the nation. - Lieut. Adams with his detachment of U. S. troops, has also re twned to St. Augustine from tot. Marshall's plan t.dion on the Halifax River. The whole of the set. Patents on the Southern coast are at present tin protected, and - the Indians now have full oppor tunity to ileslziy add bum eyerything. The Ocean Argus of the;t9th says : u Col. Spen cer Indian itgartt, passed through town from Tam pa last Saturday. He found it impossible to have alivoornmunitation vriththe Indians, and states that *5;000 could not hire' an: enterpreter toe into the nation. A war, and a long one, too, in his opinion, appears inevitable. Ile also states that the settlers at Manatee, in leaving their premises, were close ly pursued by Indians, in canoes. Of course all that they left, and that is everything; is plundered and burnt. This outbreak, already, bag cost over 100 000: Mr. Calvin . Fairbanks, who was sentenced to liteen years' confinement in the Penitentiary at F:articlort, - Ky. about five years since, for aiding Flare to escape (rota that State, has been pardoned by Gov. Crittenden, and is now on his way to lit tie Genesee, N. Y. where his Mother and ttiends reside. His conduct while in prison has had won the regard of all who saw him. Among the many who petitioned for his release, was Hon. H. Clay, lat no one was More active in accomplishing the result than frl r. Cmig, tfitteloble keeper of the Peal telittarv. TUE PAL7 , llltd TRAGEIEr.—Soine of the newspa pers are publishing the letters, just discovered; that passeAl between &rm. Wise and Mr. Hart in Pal myra. Ili.souri and which induced Mr. Wise to III! Mr. H. The loam are full or love enough, :did are well spiced with poetry - but -really they .!0 not possess general interest sufficient to fit them it the press. Some are very silly, some aro very ~ l ecent. and the whole are maudlin with after tv'th It is wrong to publish such things. Pl.r.,r-ry or User. ,Baas.—The Pittsburg Post nas been sued for a libel, in pronouncing a speech made by Gen. Taylor in that city, to be a " forgery." . 'fie editor is not to be, frightened however. He to shout to subpwaa Gen. Taylor, Dr. WoOd, and ethers. and says that he can prove that Gen. T.'s speech was nothing like the one repored. Of course it was'nt. , IrIERCIIA?CT'M OAR 4 iicc OlL.—Time anti exper- ! have folly proud UNtrzsteeit. REM DT ha. not j!..rquat nit the leo of petisular me I if..., TrAIOoOIIV of the mce-111 ioiwere - led etiano lPr iti wnnderful.alferti , n lihe-toilinti economy at M , .-I daily prePliteii to the proprimoy. . P A v4iimg man io Ale fowl' of whop tiozhe• ware harm off him. wit* mooned (w.thimi t . utierisi2.) by tae bawdy uae of thin Oil. See , ad t emtpment A pamphlet of dest.np lion may be had caA-na of ;h. ageet. CnLotetA CouDfrf ricKv:T. -1 he Dern"(4lll"4 nt Columbia County, held their' Convention at Bloomsburg on Monday last, and,put in nomination 4 lft Witt-big ticket. viz : Hepreaentativa, John ; Treasurer, Amaiiiins Lever: Com musioner Joseo Year; Auditor s Hiram IL Kline Coroner, drew Frew orniomaufs-. , awitantf . "'' 5 ,# ti 4 : l2l °Vi*tiVitishilYi ta"a **l ii t- Mq; ,igat 4ie liiw them ids e ' lan*, Andge - Hatibtartos, Feats of Oa lloya:lftem Lint:ratters* Ate, 'Cliiieleiabnwi Oliasecill, for tliemaeltreikai I,lsaire„ c 4 4pi as sortdteat of the latest publicOleas4Altellsy..'.iT - links pleasure in. informidirthe Lldieti ithitt. hive'a beautiful aiimiinteile of the latest Pi 3 l% b4:10 Viper catiarnm the reguliurade, pliant,- • 1-would say to tbcse-isrbcwwisb2s/t , froCtiri arks participaeli4, fen' dais, jewimi the publiOmfmprices.:,. iitcluld'i&i at to my sub. •setibersoltOtagoold businears amain' ine•Tiontyptit l . - ing heti ei4rif:iiiiit)o74#4*sl their.Magaz 4 lnei at the store • BLANKS". BLANKS!! •••• ,••••,• • Constable'. Slaleak > Aitostagigenatiorrti nPe!IPPor Eigeint!Vafa. , Attok oasenita, Deeds. Suraseorra,, - altortfraffaV' • Sialkirmafts,, , Antle r AIN" Pruned on super= paper, fix sale at tleaolLea. iTwrttre, of every description, printed lo orders • . , - Mariled o " . ` • In Columbia, on the With oh.,l?tllt,i, Thos. Witch. ell, Mr. Dat..trAw Wisitrotyn,f4,llollllo, to Miss Luce Airs Cona.ottitejolnet: In Wyal n ursday44 st . by Rev. 8. nook. Col. Mrress.late of .8.A,, to Miss Manua *sr Monnow,.all of Wyaiusing. By the saline, riii the 4111 inst., Rev. Danyta Coon, of Tremont, .Elchoylkill,Co., Pa.; -to Miss Anst.ts Law's, of Wyalusipg. On the 4th inst.. at the Farsonage. in thistborongh, by Rev. Julio* Fcistet, Wm. Rase Tessranstr to Miss JULIA SIOULTOIt aq.Pf the.state of N. York. In Towanda tp.. on the 2.11d-tRI.. 'by'tbe /donna: D. Btomata's:l.ot Wyses. to MiWIAr. ctsn• J.se W. 1175. of the forma ptdce. lItt.tDFORD COUNTYMEDID ALSO. CIETI'..--..Theris will he a meeting held' at Fr' Wanda on Thusday Sept. 20th., for the. organiza, lion of a county Medical Society, and an adoption of a constitution recognizable by, the State Medical Society. Every Physician in the county is request- Id to attend. Doctor Baker, " lityss, " Newton, " Barnes, " Hoyt. " Allen, THE NORTH BRANCH ASSOCIATION rfsle ir OF UNIVERSALISTS. will :bold.its an nual meeting in Burlington, on the 'bird Wednes day and following Thursday (191 h and ItOth of Sep tember.) • Services will commence Weptlay morning, at 10i o'clock. 9ceasional tigrmo__,y_Rev-S.J. Gib son. All are respectfully invited to attend and partake of the gospel feast. H.. E. Wu%Tat7, Standing Crk. New rabin-rtiorments ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A" persons indebted to the estate of RICHARD N. HORTON. deceased, late of Sheol:Alain twp., are hereby reijneated to make payment Widnreadelay, and thole having Claims against said eststa,riiilrplease pre sent tSeru day authenticated for settlement'. JAS. B. DEMO:NY. DAVID, /LORTON. CHA'S CHAFFER.' 'Shesitestrin, Sept: 10. 1849. Admlniiitrators. TAKE NOTICEr . • WEAS, wife Lorin& haslet' my beitand and lM board without arty joist cause or proariesitiort I forbid all persotie . barboritit et tripitingfirre.osi my ac &mot, as I shall pay no debt s , a her eentrieting• an tess compelled by law. • 81DRIT CRANDALL. Wells, September 10. 1849. MONROETON EXCHANGE JV. wrucock respectfully informs the.poblie . that be bai kilted this will•knOwn stand, in lbs village of Monroeron, leek" oeettpied by Smith and Woodruff, where he will be happy to receive the visits of the traveling: a;trimnnity. The hours having been greatly enlarged and improved, and being well-fumisb ed, is now tapabio of secommbilatiog all who may favor him with a call. ' He *Freres the prilic that his' undivided care and attention will be given to their comfort...and hi hopes to merit and receive a share of business. 6 Monnietun. Sept. 10. 1840 BATTALION NOTICE! THE uniformed Volunteeri composing th e 4tb bat. of the Ist brig. 9th div. P. M.. will meet at the hods° of HUGH HICKS, in' Rome, on Tuesday the 2d day of October, 1849, at 10 o'clock, A. M., armed and equipped u the law directs, for parade, review and inspection. B. WHITNEY, Lieut. Col. Roam, September 9, 1849. • J. G. GILBERT, No. 212 Pearl street, New York, offers for scale ' Paper Hangings & Floor Oil Cloth. AA LARGE assortment of American, French 'and German Paper Hangings, with borders to match, for sale in any quantity, at the lowest market rata.— Merchants unable to visit the city of New York can drpend(upon their orders being filled at the lowest mi ce, by,-ending description of style and quondam. off floor cloth cut to suit the purchaser. New York, Sept. 9, 1849. - - CAUTION . ! trim public are hereby cautioned againit purchasing -1. • note given by me on Thnraday'last. On the sum of Thirty Dollars, to Henry Hilt, of bearer. puyible by the middle of October. its I have received no ialue for the same, I shall not pay it miles 'compelled by law. OLIVER ELLSWORTIT; JR.. del ~ypitle. Reptember 5, 11.49. DISSOLUTKNe AT °TICE is havell'alvett that the io-partitiMl4lp 111 heretofore kisung betareetißlitirrOL & SMITE ; is this day dissolved by Mutual i l / 4 :stsent, ,ths tub:mums of the late firm *ill be settled by 'Bristol. • BRIEITtii., I. 114 f4/41T11. • Sept. 1. 1549 ITOWMA Tnis Institution having been placed in charge G. R. Rsititsa and .H. 14. Hort; A-4 1 .0FM commenca on Monday the Sib day of Or.tober next. The Academical year will consisept four terms of eleven weeks each :. Commencing respectively. October Bth. 1849, January 2d, biardli 23th and June 17th, 1850. Tuition per Term, common EnglialOtudiea. includineVenrio raphy mot Mental ay thmetie, ' - IV Go same trim Englieh Gratiiihar, ind — Adam's • Arithmetic. Higher English branches. including Mental. IVlntal and Intelieetuatreimiets. 4 00 At r ehys. Geometry. Anriretting. dm. •••- 4 50 Laon.G.eek and -French Languages. - a 00 Fuel. Is and 2nd terms.. • • - Hoard csn be obtained is priests families am ram satiable terms. , • 3. baIONNANYM Preat• C. 1.. WARD. Seey.Of Board of .TiuMees. - Towanda. rept. t. Int). - ilia 1813 'children., alml'lntimits 13*Witta 1116 t at 17 1 23 " .0111X'a, VICE CRAPE SHAWL& OM I. &oat sat-. the Mont of B. ILINGISHERY & Co. . AV . a ' - LA — AO— CrAtA i lli Nr.P3-- akYAT - . -t1,e314 .vigzeilz..4 , cr,..4- , ATV , P,,, ~.:,I, f t:cl,-,, e . titt4,-/-4-r.; . iTI A (6., , i,),2, J4O3.4I4II. , :euMERCURig 'i, , ,.' i , -t ~ .iwieioP,',-,itite - Lu*..,--mpsamqprzi lot,':i 411141 1 ) • erre to elan anietcae l dry iffill therefore I* sel ono*, ..y e ehosp t ,.. ;: „• --,1 towens l l4 June .05,3. 1 !4Pt 4 , i . T7* . ow - mamma ust-invozw;o4.9 —": • vii NEW .GRoony...i.: & - A • ". •rm V. - #lo , ll't (VV V Er raT I PM .•;.• 7i1 . 10 . ,4* VitdittiOrfaia64VS4itla;l4 , vit 64 ' 04 tadalig Yprir ;Ittiit;one. &Wt. ouch of,ll. Kingsbery,. Fo f ,Lo to i r wr t itkoiwt ,• gliwortOwnt iiROCEM-FROVISION9IOIOIIB,F • 10009, Cortfectiatary; :-.; to: tihieh tho otatntion,of pare. sunuittniontof Grocejitei.sodfi f iliitOi' " At** ohs) will tot id! tiriiintionlylai att..: till . *tr:' . Towifilio! Itdie "40' . • 13: 1 L.' STRONG , Malt • r rSIROCEIRS & tetmllonbritettplietriiiiiblltMitrUeer LT by the bbl. TIFFANY do KINGSBERY.' NEw v uu v A ro THE ,-,,, : 1.•. . OLD DRUOATORE, -;: , , . mi. 2,, neat Row A I.- .. , • . ' J . 1 ‘.1(111 , HUSTON & PORTER are•novr receiving. et No. 1, _Brick Row, a largelddition to their former stock, consisting of - 4 Drags, Medicines, Grpeerles, Liquors. (its, Paints, Dyestetra EiWgods, Lc. sr) which will be sold at an ly law rates. They alto offers for sale the splendid . "' p genuine Tess of the PE KIN TEA CO MPk ; diewhich they are anent!, and which they do not hemitate,to Iriebtomend . mai being en pm for to any t other imported., ' - . • • . • Having been appointed *gent foe moat all the grew use Popular Pateuthhledicines, we assure the public we will not offer any that arnoonnterfeit, as we will not buy or imorpt en agency from -those speculators. who. by base imitations impose upon the -country with limit spurious Drugs. Towanda. June 18. 1919. - , Doctor Wake. litorton , " Ladd. • " Welts, _KUL August AWAVIS7 SPRING GOODS! E. T. FOX; TS now reviving &full supply or. *WRING AND J SUMMER GOODS which are offered for sato as low as the same can be ,purchased at any pletwibisside of the city of NeW York. Thankful for'the very 'Tiber. rib •Patronage extended to him -heretofore. fie Witold respectfully nit aea NMI di who wish to porch*. Good. dicey's that smelt is th tut - griponed of at the lowest note-h. please dooi neglect to call wad dont forget the i d o c. e . North Store. corner of Miin and Pine-at. JUST opening • splendsd assortment of fashionable DRESS GOODS consisting of Manned and Wren Dotage% Silk Timmes, Linen, and Chanagehle Lusters, Organdie* and Printed Muslin*, Scotch. French, and American Ginghsens, Chaethra's Small Figured Dins and Geeen beLanu and . the Ptettcst assortment of Prints in town at FOX'S. CILOVES-50 dozen Kid Bilk, lode thread and cot- Nfr ton gloves of °yety possible. sins and color at so) 29 30 DOZEN more of those linen HaniterchieGo at I2i ets. at my 23 FOX'S HATS -34 oleskin, fur, silk, eoloted and white %nip can, wool, Paestum Leghorn, pedal and palm leaf Hata, on band and for sale at MERCURS'. A PS—A good assortment of Men's sad Boy's cops, C from cents op, for sale et MERCURIO'. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. OTICE is hereby givcn to the several collector. in 1 1 11 Bradford County. that the Commissioners will at. t their office in Towanda. on Thursday, Friday. and Saturday the 20.21, and 2241 days of Sept. next to make exoneration. from their Duplicates of State and County Taxes fw 1840 at which timolhey are respect fully revested to attend .and lay their claims before the Board. •-• By order of Commissioners. Towanda Aug. 20.1842 C. S. RUSSELL Clk. -ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - !iLLpersons indebtcd to the estate of SMITH PIN DLETON. deceased. Uu of Rhlgherrt township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay. and thaw buoying claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. !SRAM STONE. D. S. BROM N Administrators. L. B. HYATT, Z1:731.61849V 2 A 3 X tZ Of Tr...y. Bradford comity,. pa., PROPOSES making :periodical vis' iis at Towanda during the session of every coUrt. Rs may be found at the house of J. B. Cross, couitnencing on the 3d of Beptember. Reference can be bad from any part of the comity. AR wmit warranted: ab tilm3 NEW GOODS . TRACY & MO ORE , ire now receiving ampler eveortmenint" SUMMER GOODS, width have hero porebawa, Wpm pas latsfall in pnoes, and will be add reibarkah Towanda. July <13 0 18411. - • < OLD WHISIEET.:4O bbh. luseri3 eehred by TrITAN Y & INGSBERY: CLOTHING. - :A, largeamovuoist of Goods foTifeno!.stod,Boyo' Bwalebt- cletbalOsew opening and for see at 909 MERCURT. 00101,13111—A hinge orrioroiroeot o Floroork , Polka% Au*. 1 1 1 J :PC.10 . PPOstrifg. NoggMin and. Loghthit Jl4proeriiPP dower', for oak at :p213 - 101524r0 TICHAB.—A . geed 'weerisleat el -Deed, J Moelding Desch .PLAPlES.letegreiug plaint and ether Joinsee Tools, just received frweithe Anti. factory, and for sale la! , p. D. BARTLETT. , RICH DRESS GOODS. Biagi:eery, July 2t, 1842. W ANTED .; (INi-this, and two *medal, totem& the Common fichoois in the bayonet of Towende, &hook to eenunanow en the tith of August, and condone fear months. •By - twill" of.tbe Scheel Iliteetnee July 17, 11146: Wit. 61COTT, fleenotaxy. NEW GOODS. AT THE , CENTR4L. ,STORE..! si 1 - 1 baste andliiwtablcansOr&ROM'? 6PRINO & !•1311M ER 0;0D2. Thief, griji.*Paitl. aF argy t hrer rate*. Buoini4of Open fair'sind I•nimst princiitep. , ,Ir4s bivitpur shanks for lima favors sawelope:, ivegmtinies#tiof **RA as ore arr lteol t d tg , :Ch , Towspda.M.T.4oB3,ll. RICE Ai...PECKS: WESTEAN , xr at is, r 9 lit it esr tbs tiind u rlii -1441- tei' ' Pliw -M Y" * lirii . d a ily al at i l lands .'alek 44 P. M. •9111X1 skit's" fixii of Duantalia 141. 11, I 08 , - Atli4ll6llw rids 14, et'oeft,olWeekiet wits out nage will be emended Al. tiedeb: • - 11:SEIL 40441TOolaisSUMANIUNG AtallON Owego. .4 '1 gozso nom gg t inZMYM MOC*taX4ML Z 3021141 I 1 1 : 1 1 2 MIX Can removed hid Ding Mont aliertburnitertli Pitilieflognawlately neenpiall dinin , lll.inay . no. , and bin< stow Ina added do his former natiortinoat si large inisipty of eAßOceitruptew IL - & ginswiviVesikartim., abattrr Fishing lad% Isoiia y C yt eadr t ?alluitzt-tw: - " 'goat Pr WA or =the 4; isiii4o,;,POP_ AB • ( Rif/ 51):11rtilre. 4 1 „ZPICIN-ES ofike.4 l l. *Wilt cort,tevitrebanoLni tam with • certainly cif procuring nentininautiuler4 Be ludas-arta for COM. PAN Y of New York.artioae Tea* hay* attained a wide ilMettrettliteaket kr de:widow/ enilthrur how price. An exausinatiamogiis,stisak, to which he inxite• the attention id the public. wilt.setfr&err`r, eeic-that ft I P:P er fl g t rifg e4 , lo ( l o lll vjeWs l PrKitririd-t44eet Pnd act4Oridrabieatttciol , eltd.,P 6 apd*Abe..brat rated. towaridn.. May 11,11419.. f k‘ 'G. litereptilaiiiope!elira:ted Anima 111'0 Umatillesb., TIME sod experience balm fully proved that that this I.IXIVF.ft3AIt REMEDY Itu Antrum its equal on the list of popular medicines, havingberst mom that 14 years before the public. - ,'Tratimorty, of the most. disinterested , character of its wonderful erects on the animal *comma:. is alnvoll dai ly presented to the proprietor. A young man in the.town of Wilson. wham clothes were burnt off of him, was restated (leithrettiodScing) by the timely the of the Oil. Numerous are the unsolicited stalemate, of epode themselves, an& others who have used the Oil, of cures which in thernsalves aprmat remarkable. that they at all interested in • pecuniary point, they could hardly have been rietlited. . - The following tranmest-sreamonirmany others in the cure of which.this 04 has been completely ,uccaaaful and in which others bad entirely failerl: Spawns. Sweeney.Ringlicittet. %lodgelto Pull Ell. Cal. loos, Omaha , floalik Gallo of all kinds. Lameness. Fresh Wound'. Sprains.. Brash'. Sand Crack'. Foundered Peal, Scratebe",, or Grew Mange. Rheo: .madam. Bites of Animals. External Poisons. Painful Nervous Affections. Frost Bites, Boils, Corn; Whit low/4 Burns sod Shads. Chilblain.. Chapel hands. Crimp, Contraction" of tho Mosel's. Swellings. Weather.' of the Joints. Caked Breasts, drx. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. Rowans of COUNTERFEITS. and be wars the name of the Sole Proprietor. GEORGE W. MERCHANT. LOCKPORT. N. Y., le blown in the aids of that bot tle, or in his hand writing surer the cork. Don't be persuaded to take any thing elms with the prouder it is jolt se red. dr.c.. de. This isyractised by those an principlsd deniers whose conscience will stretch like India R. Mier, and who are of a kindred , spirit of thaw in our large shies . whose nebnious practices have so re cently been exposed to the action of Coopers. Those who attempt to Counterfeit tbis article we re. fared to the law of New Tork. of May 18414 by which it twill be weep that every parson meddling in thwe counterfeits is subjcct.to indictment, , imptisonnent. and Gee. A person selling out.of thin stage. will be lieble tast iest wheel in the ewe, end also to be held as a .witnese egainst. those he bought of or sold for. All Orders addressed to theroptietor rill be regal& ed to. Get a pamphlet °Oho Agent tea so what wonder. are accomplished by the ass athiii medicine. Sold by respectable dealers wuserally in the United Stites and Canada. For mile by HUSTON &PORTF.R.Tomanda..E.D. Yells Lavrreneeville. Edwin Dyer, Covington. Abel Mcintross. Pomp & Kinsey. Easton. Lewis Smith Ir. Co., Allentown, U. IL Dulrm, South Demon. Oct. 15th 16.1& • st'2o., 1. J. A. KaHe's Clothing Stori, Elmira Come listen now while 1 relate A tale I'm bound to tell, I • Of clothing sold at soch. a rite • That none-can undone% One day called on John A, Kane A' suit of clothes to buy, They were an cheap that - I would fain Persuade you all a try, Kura fcr John A. Kano, Nona for John A. Kane !. Weil boy our clothing all of him, Fur heat bint . no one ran. • His Stock consists of every kind; - And piled. ray eyes! bow high. You certainly can't help but and The thing to suityour eye. There's Snits to suit all sorts amen, , For Wedding Church, or Shop There's rants, Yruntabere's t leaks Of C oats a thunderin lot .Kuria„ for Jaba l A. Kanellturaftxj. Ifo 'nit you loiy a Stitt Atha You're sore-local! again. Theta', brew-and Sack ! and froae.totigtel OY Ciotti the very best. Theietionder - Chithing, Pants too; Sad Satin Vests. _ as fitting to a at fared lot bete to tell, - His clothing on each man Act first tate-- holie.ior be personally Tanen the 4604 tlektinent. and bakis goals, *hi in :the best inanner, and the beat style. , ' 4 lltirra for t - an A. ICane,liumi fin Al:Ktios lye • " itheti;, want a first ate 111011 on hip tiger& '.' „Bp* ether talent tell yon More 1T ~iia on bind now in, the Stara Vsti)it4;T, N fiiitlite etothis, • s‘wpien, S ou have . a Kittle thus 14 94 . 0 11 40 A. , .pre zimio r tAtad always find John A.Xine'realy to give you, the worth'ef.yous Money at No. 6, *oar Street, fifth door west of thlt Etidilet•-• ,••• • • lianaftw Jahn A. Kure, Mum for L A. Ka* •. Well buy Dar clothing all of him r • Ear ireat.hint ne one CID. • 178- Asada wasted • foe all kinds of work, immediate lyr 'MEE A. KANE. Elmira. Amp "SI /S. - NTOSH, DENTIST, • • roan MIA/ roan' 1: .XTOWBrailfesl4l4sany. Ps, spikes*, a perimii. tLIk, eel skit ts-TOWAN DA. rrniffilibilLiwork lsys.amiseseina, els at May nisi, Nill Wound at :Ow Bradlissi :111sidaess, vsfimisees sod ors;Als pries).. !Nob insetted. Irma one Is a slugs mt, anilf t ;srevesate.ta bs mewed ss Sisti as eau tordosis , its thorathaw — , ~,.Tbs isilasiiscsinsges win Surprsisdiesily *WA r Magmas. 4thess. Tfay..4ltspsriliOke. -Ik* will bs gives& week-se owls ishases.:tiusseh the Repeetsi. sod iltssall sdsertisemente... - •1, sp2, I\TADAS AND BPIICDB.-4 6 1:4,11.11100. MANIA IA 40d NattiOuottlh,4ol46oActi tipitiPs. feral ,b7,*',1, 1 , 1 1.0.114iicer it 'I 4 E.HCPRkr. • (VLSteitisapand Llosted Oil. is %X to suit litamers„ tot West -1111KC=II IMliffil Ism EME - - EXCCUTORIgIi NOTICE. _ INtaiiialf: WILLIAM 'g gitis**.lifeld'iorik iitittoptivdriira .P 4 dihmkeilesta raid .4stimiviii plesse Mit OWN datj , IA 8 . 41 Act. , giecetor ., elskritig - 41010.01tirionV , , A ORM - . 1 1 4911 ere;: LLI.-peroonoriadittoodliithiPlibite fit JOSEPWEL LIOTT-.kolOsi. lete'ef-Wyeiutimetdortudri t 4.o l hereby requietitt and those having elsicris' egliinfrini4 estate wilt. isieswe pre seat them duly sat ire` .. rtt]emct t • Az' 00E2 tI.LMTT. • - ••11ARNY ELLiorr. crammer. 1ti0•*...45m6.244 ,Expeuttos. LIST OF illa dinwit"r9t3 Leptemlxr •ux.4.1 - • A th,eire Buswiir;L s ' 4 - tfertun, u AlballPA6 - . Bo tifnir f : le,t.t*ielv...l3heit# ?ERZ' t Col. !Ozer ory _ Duty• • ;Dumb. titan )4Noughlt - ; . I.eroy4olies": tareuni. *Mimi Ittirse';'':7 MeinrolL 11011.1t&Valstuary ; • OrvrtleetirChalree:: • T . Pik. ' • I Rideberv.:43 . role - Ceeper. Sacks %Et. Webb, Asepli . • _•• ; • R0me.....8. W. Elliott. Philander Tuwner; ' riptillgtar—cEirsus & t wo sauede , Satsthiliei&dut,tvin Swortint tv- "ras4e; T0t014.4.1"p IC Batman. . . Mut% 11 , . 1 - 1-31:16 Tmv Tr0....6.-Winiare Varto, - .Leonerd Upham ITh.ier--Jedutb.sn'Sirnewit. Thrinnut 'Peult Nylon—Gabriel King, Bertrand Whitney:, . " taint wstr. ' Aaiens Spa/dinc:- . • - DqVingtna—james Peva; Canton—Justin Bothwell. J. A. Bothwrlll Columbia—L. M. Cornell. Hiram Cilaalls Darel—J. M. Bishop. Jacob Remick, base Place; Herrick—lt 13: Wetmore ; Litchfield.—Renben Pa Flip; - Orwellz-Simeon Dinifelt;'Cbristoplwr Pake—E.tephen Gregory. IL B. Warner; . Ridgbery.-Dan. Oillett; • - • - • - • liOnse—W. W. Goodrich ; • ~ Spriughill-Aobeit Banlwelt.J.Cobans;Witlain Claggitf; • Routh Creek—George 'Dunham, Daniel Hildretb Sticshequin—Abraham Core. John X: Horton, Han ry Kingibery; - trpriandekl•-.Waltar Mattocks:a M.:Stroud a Smithtle4l--Jamaggli. totiV.trefFi,„ Standing Storkeese'crripaioneil..l4L.... Towanda boro.-Steptien , lPalton, Wlett"Trant; W9soz—Henl744l-3111ore; . • Windham--Nelsoa .. • Wyslusing7•Zdzitiaienet; A DMI NISTRATIIR'S'SIiCitt tr.. • . A 1.I; persona Ainiieboai to tho• edam of S. HOT. COMB, demised. tate of the townshippf LOW,. are haft re•socatiol,wasoko wynwa oithoutlaii4, aodlhoims bastog chains stieshist wig estate will please present them duly intfeentfeated for wltttlnt4l*. -- C. STOCK %,‘ ELL. L. W 0110wi ER, -Canton, Sept. ft. UM Atlministratorn. im2mt Corning, Elinira and Buffalo Ling Q 5 Dit I=3 A BOAT OT , THIS LINE will kayo CORNING Jr. ELMIRA for BUFFALO. every week during the season •in the Mowing order Leave Corning........Toesdays, at 10 o'etorii. A. M. Leave Corning • Wednesdays, at SWAM'. P. M. Leave Havanna ' T. or days, P. M. T"0.411/0ifienerm Lake on Frid.aSe touching at Big fltream.Biarika. Lath. Dresden. yawing Genera. Waterloo and Renee, Fails. en Ratordsy. Lease Buffalo for Elmira and Coming, every Etterdey Morning. , -Leave Reekoster twiny Monday inernins. BOAT COBNINH. .CAST. A. M. Tsszna. BOAT ELMIRA ate?. R.-P. Femme. BOAT BUFFALO Carr. E. H. Miss!. . For freight or Pump, apply to tiro Catptaims on board, or , to thilakorint &vats: La l W. M. Mallory. Coming.• Pilaw& Holly. Geneva. . 8. B. Stang & Co. SIM Hastings &FOIL do .1: Whitens:nit, Iforsohmid J. Miller. &taken Falls. E. 8. Hinman, 113•11111114 L. Boated°, %twosome.. I. G.Townsend. big Stream H. L. Fish. &chimer./ - Woodworth & Past. Nils & Whet*. Snell° Gay & Sweet, Waterloo. ~ April 12. 1849; NEW - SPRING G000S; 111 the New York and Erie Railroad. KINOBBERY it CO.. are now receiving a laws • and mail•Ateirehle stock of Goodi. Hoeing been purchmed at theme's reduced mime. they can atoll dentlyisay to , the cidtsoi of Bradford County. that they will not b, nntiereold. - Their Goods will posi tively b. sold thr en& cheaper then they can its bought at. GWego. Elmira Or Binghamton. To prove this tall and examine our goods and prices. Among our DI Goods may be found the following: Soper rot French black. Blue. Olive green end, brown cloths; der.rabia. Bosom French - 1).. kin.. and fancy Caevireeres; Tweeds, Wanda. and toll cloth . Worsted and Silk Serpa ; Satin. Cbahatare and a great variety of Vesting*, plain and-plaid linings. &e. LADIES' DRESS GOODS French and. Auferican Cloaking; Scotch. ?tenth and American Gingham.:. Fr+ ch changesble. plain and plaid Alpacas ; Queen. Lustre ecobrokiered.Thtbrr Cloth. Silk md Satin Stripes. Plaid. plain Mohair, Basket. heath and Long Shawls : also pink. sad blue Bounds ettbo lateatatyle, Cashmere. Hintilt4a. 4ll 4 , ' ccher.:Mmuulag.Mun and *bite orange and Nue. and sheers every satiety of English. Arnarlean and r tench Prints. changeable Cabers. black Grade, Rhine. plain and plaid Bilk, Silk and Cotton Velars. caralwirt Aluahn. book. Swiss and bishop Lawns.:Bruowla Lau*, plain slid spired Bobinotta. 62U011 edo4. and innorinest puns Ifillts.-Gimps, Trimming Buttons r a large meat of Mande, limn cambric& ladies' needle worked cults. French corms; lace capes. nub. wive. , knobs afre. • " Abut—Perm and bleached Sheeting:' bream and bleached Matsuda. bsngup Conk. white. rad. nosed and Salsbury Manna* satin Omega. brawn and bleach. adjeans" Cam On. Flannel,' come vain:. biota; ike, in shorti Nona teary article hr the Dl ,Goods line La use. HARDWARE. A large sesortment of ender! from the beet name. futures; Iron. Neilaves* mei Osensen Merl. Amer & Co:. Shove mill, mese•mstind tanitroi4 pt l and beck Sawa. tea. wrought end bone DultA. thumb and drop Latches; Squires. Dividers, Chjorle, Admire. Brace and Mite of the beat sinelity. Wrenches. Mass German Am.-Britten** nod Iron Table end• Tee Sprirts.Candlemicka, Limps. all kindest limb. drill% thee. Wm. &n. - • MOCKERY: Flowing blue. light do. awl whits sew to Mk Pet' • rd lattoras. plain rind inwry snick is lds lino waned. - ken AND SHOW . Th. lows* owl mast fl - tahianotilo oisletssonkair die and Itionke .9411411. Thwkina and -1111itipiro: remit ei6r4o' OM */ jCotk.. Craze sad lime So* andiabiwe isi airataarion. , . Min o toad ha aoLZ LE .Tilr•R ao bItL - , lERMISMM to,pgrgairn t . - 4 7 " • • " couFre4 , ' Wou ii*.ikik.Loviottotiak•' lhavneava% VV lerwarealtiniii - orli AT ijal albs, istalN • good sametnierna' at AlPli rwiri ; Itilihnna. 'Bt as .4114; and: a vairt,r;Mllat . ARTICIA., all itarhirb will be afeatika low prim "1111rnflii: 11411; nocitaxgw-ostiaveiswisasAise4.suirefiiiii ‘..1 - * kat .-• t -• .....~ a~el'~:;tse':.: n 8 DREiIB GOODS, 111 1 1. 1 000 1 010 1 0" 1111* • 4:ll lt i' Z ' ' i t* con• earierrof , fine iiiirt,riiinef.f-joo4tie they are enebled to rifler opod eslay..*telettOliOli any house Wittelts,d__, , l,4o . o')iVili4 . 2:4oloo thick and kip'l in sut~ Broiens.'6eorretrilutilities . .silling it ' XD . )=4-,:: A Ri p p i ,wv • nexpertfiply: imnrinneelts`dif tub. ~'i G, thßt they 1444 ais4 dual, u sigvr forAlk .15414.140.11,44,14147 • 'TN* Hodge ho fiesilkeit viiih f mc ifiricehoul, kid perron4 irlogra rc t srasOk either ea bushy:se Gr'o4h44e..`ttill - SnZ i m it is th•• dr : tererinitlOil . .fhe *Pdfair• k 4 19 eigtalitivturi. litaL irflo:esety they reepectruily.d4igit--thk2dWie lerOve . khodi d gall • • I.—t. 0., WARD. • SZE:a wkieo.. • 2nn Pt . Sn• PEEDISTE AT. Creme, ftreihnit •• 1 ‘" 'cveri WAS but theittiree wetb itself tit Wit - - - • tRFORD.` Nimnrefrou AP2tuktlt ;R=C • • - *42.1. ns irizisvg • LrvErErx6.l l *. ; i otni.hr..kpr , „ t4ste., Sfia+uritsg Nt.;;;;al , ..t.i)4nkatrata. aritipaely ,titace.skitutie tkritAi.44,vnpriu!:. ?TEA Ynun Skin lad !dart 1 Tian. of auperjor.d...n., fui sale. at prie.t that tviU -Di, Jude.* of the ankle. at'_ gitclaw.., . . . TU . Owners. of , anti_ Dralrrs-vr- flofseo. . -- • ' ----- .. cOu'r9v.st(itltlma. . ar.....i ' IN I MEND, fiat the ear* at tutyr. ROI &proud Hon Nano, liorvertiontneee . , ,t. a FvverialvFeet: Bra. -41- ', - iio_l *ha.rioik , .-YrotiNkr ' oil ill Bias. Cute, Kicks. Craelrial . Welk - latritchea. , . , :• &e.. on Rorie*: • 1 CARLTINOS R!Pii4BONF.2 CURE; For the cure of Ring-bone. Mood i3paein: Mao Bpi. yin, Wtoduslie Slid rtplint--a certain. rinnedt. .;FThi- 'Ring bone clop an the rflundrr'oiatimint are iireparrdtivm the reap* of a eery selebneted Eng. lib Farrier, and wilt cure in ninetvwitne Cealr.e out of one hundred any .4 the *hose eum f ;bituts. . They have been used elf termer& livery-men. atacte4roprivtontand others, whit the more marked and deeldrti meets . PAO in New York by Cori stn 37 John in, mad in Towanda. by ROSTON & PORTER... Gait • • • THE GREAT ENGUSHi REMEDY riIHE only engine) sod genuine Wide int the c is of other isiniplaint. of It. ?aspiratory apparentr stol derangement ofthe ditgestive luietions in the tioree.,le.Nitiithrite'a • • TAT CE11.:4,41.L* it tArtycoNDEttni. it is warranted to be perfectly ore in all cute, wilt exit ineonrenience the optimal or injure. even it ha hu mr dithatiao.;it.ia tm n 4 to ,Et time? cheaper, than mesa ..f the imitation, tk bit:b tie beihg circukted Itarttith. eon the country, being put up in-mhzh longer parkas ..ufSeient to cyro 'an ordinary gust of heaves, and to ed• mineter in a doren ethic+ of eold,.cat Nth, &e. This remedy be Intuited - qr. atauding-- never befits attained by any horse medicine, and in far; we know of patent medirine that has servived as much annowese nation coolish/ring the 'time it has d established this country. Mote than £lOO vetted and writan Weiss modaNl have Voluntarily beenlenshord.us. , GEMA e BPRING 'PURIFIER. Th. Relive Powder, given id entail . ttntea. will be found meat useful at that season: Tbry Absalom the akin to ma the suPedluous heir *ad produce new: ther loosen the hide. give a elsweY stitPeeranee to the coat. pr!itect sigainst disease; they also; fur their line alterative and restorative powers. purify the blood and renovate the system. which home esquire at this sites son soma as an, ratite human rim 11. whcikad a pro paritioh ofriarsapsrjlla usehil Com* '0 vitiated stale of the fluids. insistent to the change of Weather. • which thisaffects all animal as well as up ! tights life. Tit Root; punt of the diseases horses me auliaet, in hirer pliiiiirts instils cheapest mini hest. slid 1 fur aM the pint:knits of GENERAL CONDITION MET.IIICfNE. One package of it edmintetared to &horse not of candle ti.e. will do more improve his nests and appearance than five bushels of men or oats—this bas beets ?wade huudrrd tlmeo. To ihiss4 who maY bedlam . .. 4 to doubt the- estrum. Binary airway of obi: medieinis. are Will quote the fob towing synistesis vf eiidence.out of thi linaciredi Ours. tideitits we have on hand: TIC Wilt) 1)017BT Y Mr. O. M. Hull. ofweriber. Ovwego ty.luctifise to a puritanenteor..of liesies try one package. Ms. Ambler. of Dinbury. Cs:, certifs. it - o - a um of Heaves on a favorite. Himeyarid•says he wouli not he without tho ratiersarra li.eve Powdersu.diand if it cost him One Dollis rt week.h u keep supply. - ,Mr. Chia. A..Peadby. of Spring Rill; lithauts, id a !starto out Columbus agents. sryot • "1 bete a valuable horse _that was so severely *Met ed with ffeaVessandvieent enetthing that I - had wel high list him. I cured him Min by us pukesa of dm Tats tensions Meru Pnwdet." Mr. Geu...W. Davis. of Menr}w. aired alleese of Hears ikons! warr.nr• him *dud. • Roborte s 'Evss Ramps rad. L. T. .edwani Clyde. Y. Ms. GI tureen. Mill ilehusy. Vt. end Mr. Es!). of Milton, N. Y. have all testified to rstuariras hie rums. . -• p se p e is i t aiiifinll is nooses: fritehemart 149 Fultin Or, N. V. Hilt intrmrc ;ow l . for Towanda. . LAW O,e . PARTNERSI4IP - •Duna dt Qllil Y._• E this day tottered into eo , plitrion.hip in the Himietwo of I. ivr. and they take %WA' medial allures. min.! ihn putlin or 111,5111. • . 1 • 0i11e0....N0..1. Brisk Roar, (up stairs) ;diets co. et Om/ . 'out at ultimo* be found. •,. . _ . F.W. BAIRD. 0. 11. P. KINNET. I'arran4l. Jun. 4: • lIIPKIIIPIELM.3II33 . • • UMM GOODS ! TUST twelve& al TOYS. S. fit supply of flanneet J Gandsorbieb will be sold elefupPithse ever. enu• ist of be wual Inuriesy Clowirrniv. Pun. seer idea's, leaves. Linen Berme. Scnrth 13.nebeine. Iltankeruc G:Hwes. Rotary. Sheptines, &e. July $O. • NOTICE.. MY wifeMARY.. having left nty hed and heard. jr herrhy forbid protons thiing , any lowdown whiter's' with her on my arrann". or With any parain nr prraoneariut proton, to be acting in her WWI; es I "hall pay no debate contracted try her eat. her seem* •arweitils date: ' - • ISAAC *DROWN. nkitinY:"Attirnet 2. 1212: DI MUTTON. iE aa-parfusoNip horainfare existing Name* N. T it dt G. H.WJPILI LER, is this amp dissibed amtaal Using aataania fall loon* tiaaswidiaat asia,vt c St. R. WillEi Wyalaaisik Pito !Di ISM. G. 11. The, hi wilt.eoatiaaatitiy,M.M. - Wt1.1.168 itsh,oldiltibit Wham a wall ealreted gad af4IIOOIDIS arriving. tomisdas ot Di! Goaaes Wag*" gardware.Ads, piage ilbt4llll Petovlit - • Wit.-WELTMIL EGHORKANtiPAIAI'LEAP -Rit - morrd. 4 4 sed. li h ada 'ad °babas "la gise4qactia-solo akin CISZNEW ENGLE - BARNS'S, be MM eh." irt' , • • - • - • Wlrlik-..• 11121