bite x Son, 'rice Speech, Ftee 'Men! E. 0. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Wednesday, Sept. 1Z 1849. be' • mosrepc smajpiptions. Ton cliili:conmismoNta, JOAN A. GAMBIT, or, I; eon to*ity. • t .` Jogs ,GVERIV4Er t Of Tfogn, • A„.• sionooktiperrrims e • ' CHARLES STOCKWELL, of Canton. GROH:Og SANDERSON. of Tdwanda. =3:l CONiXTPSIVNER. Isicvants s. song, of Pike. Tas4Avagu. SOW UORTOS, of Asylum. • . • • •• I CRITO2.I lIVILLTAX U. PPM, of TA'oy. Mutton 7aseet•ber 111,1‘49. . two cttr Advartitontals. ' intetukal Imblication in tie • 4.porfrt,,...kouict hel w t t l.e4 in by.Anulav night, entute Nair igskictiz. Otos Our ittibscribers in the Western part of , the County, wiWoliortly hi - Presented with their ac counts,: which We ' trust, they ii•iit 'be prepM•ed punt:Oily meet. It is now neaq - two "Years sinee•We assured 4ho'exelesire - etir?tri4 Of f,e Tle• porter,:aml within•that" titne,'Miny of oniltatron's have not paid as a farthing. Such pirtrouagewiftitil soon embarrass the, most prosperous pubfiention. Wu shall. expect Thern now to meet this lenity with corresponding spirit of promptitutle:-or We shalt,; be obliged to ditieonfinu4 Their paperre : and collect the amount due us. North -Branch Canal. • The Canal Commissioners met at Congress Flall i in 'Philadelphia; on 'lslnfliay morning, bast, for tito purpose'of taking steps for the immediate - com mencement of the work on the North Branch canal. No report of their proceedings has reached us. Our Ticket. We gave to our readers last week, the proceed ings of the Democratic Convention, andllie names of the . , candidates presented to the Democracy for their support. lit general-terms ws expressed our a?proh.ttion of the nomination.•. Wo desin% now to congratulate the party upon theanspictousaspeet of our affairs. We have neier seen seen an'efec- lion apptoach, where tech harmony-of feeling en unanmity of action prevailed. if:could not booth erwise from the character of the eimlidates pre etentecl to the Convention for a nomination A more unexceptionable list has never been before a Convention. They were all men to-whose-Pup port.the democ r acy could have with cordial siful earnest zeal, it nominated—and who not beini nominated, bow with .entireatati^ the %vitt of the' party, as expressed by their Delegates.i.- This •is as it should be, and. is an augury of a tri umphant. victory for the nominees. JOHN W. GUERNSEY, of Tinge ; the candidate fir Senator, received the :tiniest unanimous nomi nation of the tuns counties compostug this District'. His success, , which is beyond a contingency, will ensure, s a capable and efficient Senator, at who-m hands the interests of the North, wit'. be ably pro tected. CRAZES STOCKWELL, who has already rep . relented us in the Legislature, received the . cordial and unanimous re-nominatiM from the Convention ....Itself 'the highest tribute which could be paid to his enisistency and efficiency. Reposing every confidence in his integi:ity and judgment, and ap proving, of his past Legislative course, the people of iliadforl will retutn 'hint by a largely increased ITTiority Slnj; whose posit ion on the „Aga,- rit4tgrveliCiset:Athis time, is pccukiariy apprepr,i- Me,levrilt Ittovrp_ ihrciabopt. die eptclts as the able and fearlesoriliiroaFin t and exponent Ordeal°. cr.ticd°Fl- - 1 1 1 i‘AO the— t end' set cre POP has eaperien cc), ho, hasever,been ready to maintain her cause, autl4s4:ait.himself a. chamater, and reputation trh hig ll -aP p„.Eu?erti, stauding. and „it:- 1nel) cf! u jbet . lsofatg ce`, A.ttattratut Ole dein- tor t tieripqrsickupontheausorques ,and policy of. the sole,he will prove a valuable , and able the, North. AUGUSTUS S. S3ITTIt, of Pike, our candidate fur Commissioner, is proba \ bly patter known in the •Fastern than the Western , part of-the Count Y— . nomination was the tree offering of the Con vention, unsouettort - bis - part ; but in all deference to the remaining candidates, the nensinition'cuuld net have been mire Worthily bostcnvetl. From a persona- acgirsintance,taith 31r. S., we take pleas ure lir 'hearing Witness to his buiineir habits and i*iabilitrfor tito Oiled of Conimisarener. Young; enirgitg r afaf-a 111(010 business man; tbb affairs 8C61121 not be entreated to beiter nor batevar-bartliii wh weal& watch' with, more unceasing vigilance over their administration. The tax ;faker* of the Connty may be sure that their in. terieht iVilPfeetnve from him due attention, and the expindituyos of-the County-be limited to 91e most economical point jp tliao jaa o st,milierq Mr. Smith resides, the votes of testify their appreciation of his ctiar ae*...FtkOnciacity. Ele i* one of Att,evideoces of gep.layloesfhaying "no friends to rewagd, no enemies to punish," having been removed horn ' di i vr if porille Post ofliee, :at:ithina short time.— Truly, ,"the bleed '9l the , martyrs is the seed of the chumb:" ,JOHN4IOaTON,, 'hot> nemittee for Tteasurer, has Alm advantage of being known ,sthionghouithe Courtly as an,unravering and consistent democrat, whotiValifil spent In the seivici tag endeire.4 to the pasty. Hit etertion' .;ilt be by a triumphant attii-bieivrtiabiting triajaritY, and will miser" to the iffieP,ttiiirelmtinueits itteitit has-bitiefears,' Of priimittly - payingliiiiA tit trlAßlAtiteisc* - ‘ -, • WM: 9._PECIE, of Troy, will rooks- a 6iialde t ' and ,141.othow, as W. Who -kuow.:hita-4ill :4 4 7 ' H uey. • office, though not to *Ought after • a ;,-.....-•`- '''': ---''—'• ''''' .1` - '',",' 4 7 1 • is Its amiss will be dist:4,4oA, itivpmper manner t o „ :' - ..' •-•'' ' l it :^i 4 , I Q • ' - '.. ' '-er• cal ..'- pint. - 4 .....= Y. j . ,._ ! re . m - cal -ta .•- to -'-. • : • a. . it:by ,rm isr .-,a rn - • As • o ory'sileit ' ' ere. anal Mitt ery used. But with proper vigilance, such a course - .' ' 112 " 0 . 1 1 00 0W 1 4 1,11 4Veivietrties If you will it can nbe triumphantly elected. Deasoire :10411hilis srisislttes. -"-- ttl . " . "" — • • ~... , The President ofWltesifettk,ReArTtot, C ''.r, t r.t Yi Convention Iwo appisiereil i ttleTelhisinelstanamg _9:4l . nrnittee 414:100,1Y.‘i.93,0L.C.041 3 g, ... - urrrzsEs mFacuit o.l . - TkIOOLWSMEAD, STEPHEN PlERtt,' JOHNTALDWIN, B. LAPORTE, : GEO . W. ELLIOTT. , J. t..'CA.NPIELD,. ''" ._ 1 NELSON REYNOLDS - .f. , , AttlAqill - WAIITLES. ' , The Pessisarlis,ntest, " ;' • This consistent Aeet, - deliver.f . Mr lectures in behalf Its 'pro-Slavery PreJilectielui'niust be PrilMlai . south of Mason and Dixons" htte;blll'%ye wetitfi'whislier to the, tank er organ that arty attempt to engraft its peculiar doctrines uPcia . tho.,Damocrati Creed of the .Eoy stone will • ; ' Snell aoygbjaces'in the North-are 'invade:4k ac tuated by riferceitary rnbtives.", they, are comlpt hirelings, xi-ho sell 'their biith-right for a mess'of pottage. In thepreseht :case, tote editor of the 04d:et-lug to Tie elected Clerk of the nextof'Relikesentstiqi'i ETa. he hopes to 'scenic the vote s of the - Soiith 10 debased and abject servility. We trust they will serve him better than they-1W his great prototype; last fall—but men generally . .despise the traitor, even when they "enc .- enrage the try"asiirt. H nu g at,. . 'The news from 'lliinfrl.Whicli we i lMblirli: in another Coltimn, showi the complete overthrow 4 the brave liagyars, and their patriotic associates. Wellaie hoped for Rosa, Aria° wete striirehirl against the combinerlforpes of two of the most Powerful nations of Erirn:pri, this intelli :4"nee COMM: unexpectedly. - Our fast itdviCes were cif 'heroic acilie -e monis and . suA&s'.by tie ilunga• rians, and ive Buie eipi'eietf :so Foils to" hear of tileit'corri'ptele 'overthrew. We had :expected to Re° thein tv4on they O4ertlifown ty the etr:'. narrieal strength of her tyiants--strhgliti,g bravely amidst their reveises,and yielding, only as arey were exterminatecf. 'Buttner armies are disinde4.l- 1 4;e4 ienvy - expect outlaws—and her people. ittn 121" y -expect to experieWie•With•doubled force those crnelties and exactions which for )eats they haVo suffered. otr Tiler sajou mod Canil meeting of Thursday evening u-as not hohletr. The entire affair , s drop ped through." • Pence to #s memory! It was bad• ly earceived, illy rummaged, and stela! failure. The outy effect" keno neve, will be to convey a false int presaion, where the eireunntianees c are not known. It was; owthe part of theoriginatplotters andpojectons simply, a •scheme to diaide the democratic party of the County, by mating a hobby of the North Branch Canal. Though ." cunningly deviled," it proved ineffectual. 'The sturdy democracy of Btad ford are not to he entrapped by any inch sctieme. They - plzred in aomiration their .carult- dates—one. a tried and-efficient friend to the ca. nal ; the other, able and talented, will do as much tor our interests as.any man who rook) be •sent to Harrisburg. They will sustain and elect them tri umphantly. 0::rFor a long series of years, the County of Bradford has in the Leg,islMure, through her Rep resentatives, advocated those measures of pablio policy which are now freeing the State horn its em• barrassinent, and preparing it for redemption from. debt and the burden of taxation. We can point wiilt:pride to the votes of our rnamLeu at times when too many Democrats from other sections of the Stale wavered or proved recreant Looking to an in'telligent and uneotruptible constituency at home, to betray- whose interests would be speedy and certain political death—they have uniformly been found on the side of Equal Rights, as oppos ed to monopolies, banks, and other influences ‘i'hicliyear alter year clamor at the halls of the Legislature for special and'ubeimat legislation, ri vet/in? the few at the expense of t the many. _That. this rroblsk - ithrtuldbaiiintliined, Rmuld be the aim atiratidiittith drereiYtfenic: * ral. 'ln - thl electioit of our.candidates we hir'E; ti' z il'uraritee itit'ahii 'tditinfWillbe'fbeihdas usual, advocating M the nes fLegifsfeW;, 'the policy of the party, as main -tined by theiamented SUCIiK, and which, while v forM's ititleail of our faith, isptiVertheless in some ota'rlets cifthe t Stiit:i, so liableto be :forgotten. This ciiintiVmfioriVime 'Should infuse new zeal into every tetiMiot. The next Legislature will be be set by many millions of banireapital, with its pe tent'argumenis and eommtinfluences, and it is es sential that it - itionld contain Men who are . above suspieloe;',lndrhorri bribery dare not ' eren r. ty. preach to .prtlvent this. vast . and Mmecessary: in .crease or "centincatiOn of -purbartk capital, without proper_ safe-gitardi,and retetrictiOns. ' To ens ure , this result, the success of Messrs. srdcgwr.u. and ' hANDERSON becomes ,to every •Demo Mat of the highest importance. With riem in the Legislature we can be certain ihw. the iiiie'riits 'of the 'State will be caretully.guarded, and despiliilhe . thousand disreputable meats employed to coptzol the action of that body, the character end previTis re : potation of Bradford, will be kept emu : p4ed eel I uncorrnoted: ItvaryM. Varier. ENV- The candidate of the %Vhig party, for Canal Com missioner, addressed a Canal meeting-at.this place on. F i riday evening last. Hon, HARRY Dloactias, presided, and speeches p'ere also made by Men= Smith, John C. Mame, Wit lion.. David Wilmot. Mrs F, is.a.yonng man of prepossessing appear ance,,hut evidently withem the experience and .Ikiit of 4r...G . .11)14e, the. Democratic candiaate -51.4fie5i.en-s of, thehigheet Importance its the, pat o:110041'bl charge of oar state improvements. . ma The WI I( The Whig Convention which met in this born' Pn-INl*l'd a Y °mints Put in nnutiglation the Ibt lowinm I {ugin44osavn p Pawn= pf Towanda -• —Ammar Nevem. of SWAIM•••ift Comemmioner—DevneerttaT, or Cniumbia, Torsouiar- 16 0tioo1 ; alealw-40.425g.••Yeeit0,nr410104 , :-:n v ,, , •Ar .:tomkodidato fortlietatori is -UP. --WasurrOir, of Tiopcosoodemood: ~,,, ---lf,. : • AuPsy2lol 49 - 1 a ra iner ca talkl* DT • ' p ".-. issionersa .. • ~i - ' 4 . - 'PI ng received th sy , • _ tit): inihis at r.. and anditorwtt_ , t 1 ,.,' , tile ie - prevent s_ ' tieortn' fitik _ which it will ap t ' ter the payment - of interest due on public de , L.,41.64444441-44, , 0her-gimma,fisi,44o4 -appropriations - have - Teen mitieby the legialateie and retain - a reasonable balance ~in _tie treasury p there is Ate sum of one bundrid'ana filly thittisinti dollars. which maybe aafely applied. to the com pletion of the North Branch canal. Ido therefore l ' icrY t P cg i" a/c*ad t e Ll i r i l a ft ( TlT in snch e Sire& tit h a ve ac :tat v if a., , . ktdmilliresta-kria3AAkcalukkra t X ol4 ' -. so 'Much ot th - e'sMsvinii as the ealfrom way an thorize. • • • . -,_ , „ cam I=Zll9 1 7 15 - 6 . Triil447* _ It is also proper to state, that the elaimalor debt due along the the,line ofthe internal intprov,ernents incurred prior to the first of r eiernberi A. D. 18481 for which large appropruitiohii were made. at the last simian r fthe legislatittel hating•been liquide lei! and; paid, the-extraordinary demands upon the treasury will cease which tOpther with-money due the state inlhe hands of agents, attorneys, entrother., who now illegally hriki the same, nnil'Vhich with energetid Means, may be'eollected; will leave Anti leg ihe, Aucteetling:rear *..sum >