Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 05, 1849, Image 4

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-ea N.m.....- -
r 's Vaiefoelli"twiir Orwrimat Dow*"
is air
W. 7
.. irriottifsi4maiied peikikillitibikhoe saki
- ""'" u7;l 1 u iieli iscil i I Miiiiirt*-- . lloterisriergatarisa
elgs emidesiiirther=;' ,- ,'
as me a Nadirtaccip e very i
teepee! and there Ls abundant vont
bi traseearre effete* that:SWF: tOTTIX•hf it cnotsies mare
purityin, leillsoutiside„ add said Jed "pawn than shereiii,enn
'seed In Fore &aim uf any °taw medicine
that has ever beite offered hat sale. There It undemnted proof
A sear pionphletn 1111014 ear nee of thls-grea; Wien Purifier,
therther - were tortwo yet trvetbey that were I..asta and
aurruco eaa now Waix—thay that were Stew. Seitortri,ovs,
aid othsewtse diseased, lure been tframeti,and Comm -
• —•
who Itavatmed .Itaatres Ptramaa. alterlbaritrg tied sad tested
As the sanaiparffiasand other medicinal; rcearnasended to cote
blood diseases, bare thisidkj- that=
Braat's ia-the Cheapest,
Wale Oar Park of it bas stor medical. curative mailer In
and, in - consequence, eerie-mars disease in much kes sea; than
eve bottle of any other medicine.
ON lisakor Blur" Puramsit ' , MR cure POUR
TIMES more dimmer-than' our boats of sersapa :calla. " 111 4NT ' S
Petanizalmrould be
an elkap at Jar &nail • bOtac. an
Kasha esedailer. But BRANT'B rtlapt 11 sold for only
ONMVOLLER a battle:- and sis a bottle Thm cured. and is
caPankl.nt eating. Fear Thai es much diocese as eastettfe of
santilliwaidi,therearissangapaiiAlik firconsermenee of its ten pow•
of sad Jai Isiedical etlkacy, should be sold at so more than
21masspFirre ernes tar bottle, - to be as deep as the rostrum at
Vas Dollar.
One DO:Ws Worth !
Raw stnieh Ca:seen—haw much Brptinsa—lo,w . much s c pp.
ento—will Oise &Ada to of &Weirs PIIR/PfE'Reure t itead
the following statement, which is a specimen of It' power
This is the case of a Dying seem who. yet fir.. lie was mired
of a formweicase of Scrofula, by only
. 71tvitre Deoirs of bract's
Purifier, than ever wauf'eurad by the wet of Thrice Gallons of
del boa sismiaparilla -dna was ever mode. Sarsaparilla has not
sedkcietei Wait& Warr to 'effect elm cure of such a strolling!,
kopek" case.
Mr. J. 11. Elegant. of Rows (Mei& Cs • N. Y, had Rrinfnia Ana
years—was confined to his bed the lea year— he was no much
dkroased and debilitated as to he unable to mire his hand to hi.
He bad-tke.ecti medical advice—had used ail of the but
mirrapetrillat to no good effect—gut gormand rose, and was con
sidered to be in • DyL.g Mans. and cond not live orrety-four
hears longer. when ho commenced using Bit ANV: 4 1•1:14111Elt.
Nista* mutates nearly al, front ear ea sar—s kOrk'Wel• morn
through Lis windpipe under Las chin, ao that he breathed through
the bole—his car was so eaten anocad that it could be listed Hp
nut of its place. it only holding by • small place—the use of one
mit was destroyed by two Ulcers—an Ulm under the arm. as
large as a /313113 . 11 laud. had nearly eaten through his side into kis
body. Thus he was afflicted with tangy such plartittserni. elPt
sire Mars on various µski of his oerson. For further and full
particular; see our Pamphlets.
Dock Tueossa Wtt.z.tasta. one of site most skilful physicians
Gillum.. was called to see ilintkin the day before he commenend
swing Brunt's Purifier. Dort. W. examined him. and then told
hots that all the medicines In the nodal could set cure him—ahat
his case was
Worse than Hope/ass !
Now hear Mr. RASKIN'S statement et cure. Ile cod : Mc
*ire procured one holt-lea AltelN77B PURITTLYG EXTRA CT
.-THAT BOTTLIC enabled We to felt erg sty bed—the SECOND bakt
fit mudded rrie to get ant of the hones—the cutup enahleti ace to
calk tea *ilea. end when 1 had finished using Mee Routes see
leerier out-of Wary Utters had healed rep. nkui three bottler more
effected • PERFECT CURE end restored to good heath
The above Nets are "certified to by DOCTOR T. WILLI AllS,
Mr. G. ft. BROWN. of Irmt Anne Rota, Messrs. IlisttEl-1.
LEONARD, Druggists, and LLEVLN other .ropectabk scitherows
et Rover.
(,) .-iq's,l
Mr. 0. R. KEVNEY, merchant, Moos, (Nteicia comfit, V. E. tr.
farmed na [Lana cancef-ductor iu said county t ecrtme
derful cure. of CA:4CrAS through the efficacy of g RANT'S PURL
YVING EXTRACT. A ainerrdoelqr in °mew coney. N. T., to
aim using mid. Pmurtta. Mr. A. B. SereLb; drugetat. az Catnip.
harm, Montgomery County, N. V, has informed u. of en hityurnmi
career a Cancel of Wog etatalbm, winch was etirre.l on an aged
lady of thauptace. If, therefore, this Pcninsit racer (wan,. tea. Its
purifying, -bending power what impure Mace. of tyre Ntiod'esti
it not care? Rohm rare experience and triumph says three are
soap but what it will-cure.
The Hew. RICHARD DI,INS/ND,; Pastor of the Preebytcrina
thatch,..)l4ants Bun, Monroe county. M. T., venue toast "1 hive
past leeched • letter from Mr. DITANNEY DUNNING rektiee to th e
nwe of his Fever-sore . You may depcod cm what It states, fix he
a a Christian tom and an elder to the church. Some years sines
se had tonne one of Ms lees est 4, to were his life. to consequeran
of a Fovereurre. Tho other leg hems now effected, and shout to
se amputattel, I recounumuled harm's Museum. Read the re
sult. Ue says: '1 Arne wed only uteri. acrrehes of 111 LA NTS
MEDICINE. / phant ALL Bart, from, year remenarredatios, tat Melictas, and I can now say duo, with 4he Wowing, of (so d , it nu
agerted a ears peg kg). Sae katophicts for tall particulars.
Ot. NATHAN HUBBARD. of Stantford, one of the oldest
Lad' most respectable physicians. was afilhaert with iirer-Geer
ptahtt tunny years, and was patertts cured bs wrist! BRABDS PU
RHITINO RACT. We could name hundreds of other CAL-oe,
also cured.
No mina:ly offered to the public btu ever Teen half as toin erred
ctr•rma to storing Al.t the incelecrial a... Amman end Lenge-lc/oilier,
of the hex, es Burr's PULMONARY lLeLsam. It makes 'no differ
epee 'whether the deranzetnent be .•pprelkaiqz, or o th er lard..
acre—n REGULATES ALL, by etrewithenieg
the a ROULATIoN, , ANAI wohttlor cad aßawiaf RICRYOUA IRRIYABILIYY.
ar See pamphlets.
horn the lid to the woman, Si the mores at with& r.,.—the one
awe ts ansieratad, sal the other .o proJoolly wfrprened, as to pos.
stoat any of the Jain! diseases that frequantly arise in consequence of
sods thongs.
Dyspepsia—Boar Stomach ! •
-Arm, Feb.., Loh.
dm. T. - WALLACE k CO.--timamaca: I was. fOr more than
a year, afflicted with a disease of the stomach. 1 could not eat any
fat or greisy substonee wld,out causing great pain, Weimer" aod
notrdthsg and wan conthroally afflicted P !Mr rOMPCb. I L es
an experiment, tried one bottle of unvirs MEDICINE, whsch,
to my utter dkapponnument, ward end refined Me usual pain afire
wlay, I therefore uttecieserandbottie, which haa completely anted
the df.nae. I am now wen and hearty, and an rat almost any
thing without being pained, or tbe stomach htvotointr sear.
Mr. Wi lc ox is a r
.oara s
pccuade pectfitli .
menthe= of Attica T..
"Hamm Omeaski T. Oct. In, SM.
"Mantua. IL T. WALLACE lk. CO. Some time but winter
aids became sodebilitated from the effects of LeroreAse and Aim.
tog Ekroe that'll* toulduat lift ber.44 et per kern any llamas
wild labor. Her !neaten! treatment wateTarien occgodinz 1.0 th e
wttier and presmiptions of the most eminent phystrinna, until ow ,
.tea was extarattedln useless effort'. She bemme to seq e ,
.& skel
ton, Sea at the thee she enonneneed tak hes Thwart ,liTef me she
weighed no more Sum sriptity.dre pounds ; but by the time she bad
taken Awe bottles, ;the became perfectly well. The cure is so {etr -
that she is now Enabled to do all necessary household work, and
seined thirty poen& of desk in four weeks.
• Yours truly, e C. B. GALENTI:s.:E."
The readersrlll obeeme that Mr. GALarra
He, we are Wormed by Z. S. Tr.natt, Esq.. of the maim place. has
studied medic:tn..
it*Arfril Pftfurrrsra raw rho • "...prig& If IliOnnrek d
rater 01.111 the efiel"qtaftreore, or Ray of the mimeo repos
hoes of Couloir',/,' Mitactoor,jom the swine and it restore, the
bk.d. eltratlet, and in owes diarist, to their ortatisial.Hrovisiv
AAKILTIVICINDER., eine:bait. 'newt/a, LanAin Cb., ( MN
wrote.,lloel9,4Ut. and aftertaetaratated bale Vika a damn
TULYONART - DA 14 4 AM had edhcted the tare of ine writes
eoasontetivecourbotaid : .1 have rersonally nand BRANT'S PLG
Rirynx; EXTRACT. fur 'general dehtlity acis . wane, and
lave nolvearitattotiln =Lytle: that iP Opp beat medico to RESTOS?.
mad IPIVIGOIATE TOT. PraTEM fital I have erer n.erl mrrit
.taan lebereAtes_haeer DO M BRANT'S hf KINICTWES, they tot.
Proved their dliAtep, cad glens the tEST ErftalreCTlON:'
and all imre lihansas qf ter er,ooD, are !limy. curl by
/111A.VT'S pu XXTRACT. -
For sale by HUSTON eir * PORTER, Towanda ;
C. if: Hereiek, Athens"; C. E. Rathberii. Canton; D.
D. Parktiurst. Leßoy; Brown & ,Honroo.
ton ; E. W, Baird, Bummerfirld /CA. Welles, Wy.
:losing; D.Reiley &Von, LiVajiiille ; I'.. Huwpbry;
Orwell; Maynard & Woodburn, Rome; E. 8. Tracey
smithfield Correll de Gee, Burlington; L. &E.Ruse
QAll lepers and orders must be addressed to Wid•
lore & Co.,
.108 Broadway, N. T. -I3y
ALL Collectors whose duplicates am not paid (lo
chiding 1848), within thirty days, will have the
pleamire otbeing visited upon. by thou in Authority
The tares for 1849 are epected to be pela in full at
September Court. Likewise all limn*a within tbiity
days, as the demauds are such as require prompt col
lections, JAMBE W. PECK,
' ' Treasurer of Bradford County.
Treasury. Office, July Ilk 1849. ,
7 - 2 KINGSBEIrt & CO. are now receiving direct
Jinni New York' another assortment of GOODS,
`ciAtAii, • sold extremely low for elek: Among
theicDrees Goods tor the Ladies, may be found adroit*
1.4 col:pna'Atarages,Linearehambree, "Embroidered
Latitirjr444;Tremell and American °Wilma's; also
the prettiest' Calicoes in tnarket. Please call and e:-
:urinal ,Taiiiiiidifauly IT. 184 e.
41 - Cfr % PB. GINGHAM% goad fast cols* at lg.; and
.k3i4el4, ItiniPAN"lrelf4 NW% .
(LO4Visignis#l, tiamisito
.us 'tiaSaikjust_o44llll4 - isirsialerig'
_ 11
.1 12 V _ SfEY-kr;
A . m. by tbe PP,bil , ingsged widi ajar.,
panclar,Sl 3 9!., 04 0 1 V—T0r1i wag, b1a v 5 .e .1 1 1 3 1 . 1
ilitigi F ispeduciAlt% daily tiF t Tewirisirspeinlyloll.
1111 . 10111 1 1 ) 1 6 4 EM* 11 0 1 ftlaVote.' a tlita
411 / "Mt es Pa
rassli,cl lb. iike...3talata ammo die Ws ODA, Eby
t ea os "4 " 4 0 " 1114 . 10 •18.1 TUN lA*
R • 11
ut• lawn mot wits doeitlT,muld yerahstaa mos lot Ur I
'li o PrAkirit V. 40 lk,Jaatir Tango" Jima
Ps ll3 44*lLOmiPtit'nea. kW* Slaat.el
aeIMA, 114 d llteliiii . 114 a Ural 11111 ' itlat at WV"
" dl4llll i f ia i ll !" 6BB6P 4 0 7.4 1 9 nl rfrkali
.fr• THE CaIOIBAL uktomurs Or nig ,
• :A.Cennlne Townsend 9arsgparilla.... l .
Oil Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years tilt:test. Sad bllkltiet
been known as the 4UTNUE and Dartorzstra of tbe
0 ENV INF: 01140L.V.1 "TO IV-IMMO 41114113P-1111L-
Bet , he wastempelledlerihnit tai insaidlictarsy by
which It has been kept ant of Market: and the males elr
enniscripodlie these only who bad proved Its worth; and kenos
its vaine,..44t bad seethed the eats of misty, neverthellses, as
UMW perinthe whetkluljbeen bmileg of - sollitediewar4 arCiored
fromwondera -
ICnlcio ll erry years age, that bathed, by lthilitillomienc•
and etperietee. devised an article which -grata IBM( hieldcw.
table ruivaninge rannkied when thiliseillartiOulehe tar
nished to Wirmit Into nelson* settke.frishOm IMFlnestliemble
the theantiggieoppilegftba ,,,
a tnanolketned on the huMeggiatele; and Is called)
out the length , and broadtb, of the land. sepeciallyns it le Sound
incamtbleAdegenetatiOn or deterkeratlon. ,
Unlike ytineig.L.'l , 4lbawasseirs,,lt ileproves Aida - sift and
nevem charisma ba (or thelisticilheandiet It la prepared as mien-
Ofielyirkseipieeßre-refetn:ifOgingZ Tberldtthert 'knowledge of
Cheno.rry, amt - the latest aweigh.; rd4he art'llnive all bees
amuck . hos' tenni:llion In Abe maitrectem of the Old We
Saramer.lia. The Sarsityeriila root. itis well known to medical
mem.conuati many medicinal properties. and some
whigti :ro Inert or unclean. and others. which if retain=
tteriny it for non. produce frestathities and mid which is 1.11-
lurint to the system. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla
ace m estates, that they entirely temperate and are lest In the
preparation. if they are not powerged by a seem* pews.
known oily to-those etperienectl In its notoutharce. Moreover
these volatile principles. which By V. 4101. or an an exhale
non, tinder heat, am the very esirattet medical propertois at the
ir nil it.
Any person can boil or stew the motel they psi a dark colonel
liquid. which le soma from the coloring matter le the root Ruts
from any thing elm; they can the swain this Insipid or vapid
liquid, sweeten with sour molasses and then Call It "BAR
BAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYRUP:" Bat such Is notate
ankle bower, as the
This is so pretored, that all the Inert properties of the Sat
sawmill& root are first removed, everry_thirm capable of becoming
acid or of fermentatlea, is extracted, and rejected; then sonsty
particle of medlcal virtue 1a secure d •in a pure and concentrated
ferns; and tune his rendered Incapable of losing any flr Its valu
able and healing properties. Prepared in this way, It Is made the
Must powerful agent In the
' Cure of innumerable diseases.
Bence the renmei why we bear commendations on every side
at its favor by men, mama, and children. We ded it &tag
wonders In the care of
PLEB, ilLocritES, and all neettlons arising limn
Itposseseas MILITIMOUII efficacy In all complaints arising Iron
bulirrstisa, hoot Acidity e Sonstra, from unequal elmals
hon. detenninatlon of blood to the bcad,palphatlon of the bean.
cold feet and heads, cold chili aed hot &abet over the body. It
has not ha equal I. Otte and aright: sad promotes many en
preteratkin sad trends perspiration; muting ahem, at the
lama, throat and every other part.
Rut la eolith* Is lie excellent* -NMI, emanliantly sad as
know lodged than ha all Wade aad sPLAINown of
It troika acrodeat to mama rtturr.athis or Mita, fEll
the Wes* Otwtracted. Usapressed. or Pansfal Mosses i
its of the woman! patio* and the like; and is as
la eating all the tomtit of Kidney Diseases.
Ry unmoving obatrueduas, aad tegatathoi ate wood sys
tem, le gees tons and steunitb to lb. lOW*p, body, and Om
elms all rums of
Nervous disearleis and debility.
ft.d thus prevents or relieves a re variety of other melodies,
as Snorter irntruifint, Xasrateka. Et. irises Deuce, Sweinsim.
Epileptic flits. Commie:iv, gee.
It cleanses the blood. excites the liver to healthy action. tomes
the stomach. Sad gives good digestion. relieves the bowels of
torpor sad coustipatioe. allays indstomatlon. widen the Ohs,
equalises. the circulation of the blood, producing geode warodli
equally all over the body, and the Insensible perspiration ; to.
lazes alkstricomes and tightness. removes in obstruetiess, sung
invhronters the entire nervous system. Is not this theta
The medicine you pre-eminently need I
nut ean.any of these things be said of & P. Townsend's lags
rim nn.rle 7 This Yount niates liquid is not to he
because of one GRAND FACT, that the oats Is INCAFARLII
while the other DOES 'aeries, feraimitisg. and brinciap
Sasties containing it into fragments; the soar, add Iliodd eggs
drag. sad damaging other goods: Mast no; this Mord& Call
pound he poisonous to the systeml Mat/ pat acid tate a
rystemn .h-tair diseased with acid! What MUMS Drlspda bet
eddi Do we not all knee that when food sows In oar stoat
ache, what mischlebi It produces Histaeoce, heartburn. path'
laden of the heart, liver complaint. Matthew, dyaentery. colic
and marraption of the blood I Whet Is Reroftila bat as add
hamar la the body 1 What produces all the hostas width
Ming on Eruptions of the [Skin, Heald Head. Belt Rheum. Rry
simile; White swellitiga Fever Stites, and all ulcerations in
ternal and external 1 It is nothing tinder heaven. bat an acid
substance. which ewes, and thus spoils all the Ruble of the
body, can or less. What canoes Rheumatism bar a sour of
arid Sold, which insinuates DWI' between the joints and ela•
here. irritating and inflaming the delicate tissues upon which
it scu 1 So of nervous diseases, of in:Parity of the bloat of
deranged chctilmions, and nearly all the allmoats which abet
human nature.
Now t■ It not norrible to mobs and sell, and fitdoitoy terra
to ow lbw•
and yet he would fall hove It understood that Ola Dr. Jacob
Townsend's Osetrine rhipiaal SarrepariUa. is an IMITATION
of his Intense propenoion !!
'leaven forced that 11 • should &elle en ankle which would
'rear the most distant resemblance to R. P. Townsend', ankle,
and 'which should brine Morn upon the Old nr. such • Moustale
toed of complal n aro crinslnettens from Anent, %rho have sold,
end purchasers who hat used 4. P.Tea imetarsirJiLMENTlNG
We Willi it under-toad.. becalm It It the ateuhrte tritit. that
P. P. Tow aserata article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend% Par•
baparilla are krona-rids apart; and igfinitaly disaintitar; that
they are unlike in inlay funicular, having not one tingle thing
la common.
.As S. P. Townsend . is on doctor. and neva was, Is se
chemist no pharineceottst—knows no mare of medicine or dis
ease than any other anonym. unscientific, nap bean,
what istaraatot can. the public have that they ato receiving a
genuine acientifia medicine. containing all the virtues of the
snicks lewd in preparing It, and which ate incapable of chasten
which might reader them the AGE STS tiT 6L.aae instead of
But what alw3 aboutd boa:pentad from MIS who knows waft
Ina compandlvely of modlcine or &anus! It nuiainei a canon
of mom experience to rook and ions oparven a comma &weal
s mai. How mud' mow imporuou bit um the painows who luau
nfactone medicine, &steed Cm
LiK sToltsCiis ARP . 11711=1111,
shmild know a - ell the medical prertlea of pianta, the bast
manner nr &ermine and ettorentratthg their health* linnet.
slot au esteem% e Momiedm of the visions dimmest which affect
the human vateni. anti bow to adapt remedies to these dimmest
It hi to amid frauds upon the unthrtonauk to yntte balm Into
wountlod humanity. to kindle hope huhe des ps bosom, to
ream health and !them and rigor lath the crushed and awo
ken. and b. banish Infirmity that OLD TOWNSECNO
has BOUGHT and FUCA U the opporttuutp and mesas Wiring
Grand Universal Con centrated
within thereach, the knowledge WWI who weed ltptitai
they awl learn ao4l;nuar. by . yurouoscp u s saus its
'1 ronseendent Power to neat.
Da. hoes Towsnome. NnivToan. Oct. H.
eta :--On the 20th of -Joly:1847. l'stnis4adif ausithed Orith
rheumatism. and continued. sus* enalistm preseelptamitzto gnaw
won,e for at Least two niiinthi. 1 temente. entirely
Incapable offeedite egradf, or oirehg le tett or belpingatyllelf
any way. In this slate 1 conthreed natllitannary. TOW whom
began in mends little and iniptwee gradually slit the
Tbiardnendarent was only so as to be Ibis tojewl
though still lamp ble,orgettLeg is afoot pf hat er ewes turtim - u;
rata. I remained In this condilynn, with little air tl
anal I rattly despaired of getting about again thin semon cli nt
the lastsloly. I sour Induced Us try 'roar Harmparlibt,' aitbe
44th. three days after taking tbe Host dom. /../tOlfig /X "KA
which I had nut done before In lea months, and I •••• a
week, I
. _
with the eld of eratehm. Rime time, them wellowl lathe Moot
bars gnne alone nom 76. Sy:ace-sued .au des Perk I theme le
l‘wejors Hole) Jai bath. have loam ta IS lisimaccuieet
Iwo d int titnei, and lam mow. Cciteeettfeholdell far Delo.
bore. Oaring ell this time. I hem *km pit-tirr bottles of OW
Pr. Townsend'. Esnaparllls, Oct 4. I strommil umber bomb
(bib tmt.) mod I Mitiml , twiee actor-thi door *taro* the aid -
4 crutches. l beim also artily reiMminid ham abairceihm of
warm. *Web gamma irreatdistress. The pals la my Melt Me
blortiliw telt ma I eat My famfly-likee so sea* roam is
ascribe my mammy trimly *her mins but to
. ALEVWXLSII O 36 Bpeep ab
to • *
T.14-ifeverelati Oriels's dagyhtial army aslichhillt
area ralsiej mysel f tremor, hal Apia.
Ottiegant samairdreet. x. T. City.
Sold *licked. sail. nail. ie TorWa, Rt.; by A(:
RAM JAM, .gent tot Stottlipm,raelitOvittia: '114,"
Bahl *lst! is Tioy bybr:Refisiiiingt /bullies*
Corlia4 Ges.v-Orwell o.lUrklifiey. ' _
' FOXI,,Nti. 2.11. gat
ZtrigN244,V=V - Clatninan%
I' br p.m Exyzincti..ooßEB,
'netteni; and theekhank - tbis 7rva.
It is rightliMni*f4l•ll,9llllAUßG, for then ii
-scarcely a disease; est 'erns' or inter* * that k wit. poi
reVonffietiriqa and-Likelain
that not in one two Ms it ANI ta)r whoa At pi.
I have > . hert..,physieiene
l eorpjti. in the gienleatiset,rl
hive had iniuMern of
. pir:gitapri f jidgesg thiibrgiett,
aldermen, liwyire; gentietneiVetthe hi, s& rinitlition,
and multitude. of(tbn iwor aer=it is ray mist) . or
*ay, and there' hat been bteciii - voies—one universal
u.McitUfster rut' 'Oink/at:if 800/7J"
anfttnyndinn.—::it'amonass' machate ly th e
inflammation and swelling' When the 46114011,--
Read the ditictimma.mand „
,lelites:-?b.Uletbar%ettiedpeiioeioitbSL ad
ache of twelve years stawiling.i andirbo had it regular
every week's, that,vornitiug took plan. -
..Deafitess, Ea:-ay/le i 7:m4-ads , and 4guc in the
F o ci, F. 5 . t .1 4p . e4 witias Ammo. •
;v ea jd T ha d....-We Imre cured cam diet actually dirk
fied every:ll4 . l knownxes asliniability of fifteen
to twenty.doctors.. One man told mhe bad spent $3OO
on his children withinflanflisfinfiti When a few boxes
4ielle ointment.cared thaw • • • •
Boldaess.—h will testae' the hair sooner than itny
other thing.
7d/cr.—There is, nothing:Wet* frith° cat e of teller
puryis.. 7 -lit*nne of* beatfitings, in thkweelittiw
4 ' , 4 I f . 24.
".•'Pilot.-2Tboitsaas ate yea ' L iredly this ointment.
..v an kite:Waiving relief foietimitiles.
TY' Around the box era directions, for using MeAllis
ter's Ointment fir Sernfida. LW es. Complaint, Ery
sipelas, Tetler, Mara, Scald Head, Sore Eyes,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Nervous offedioar,
diseesseofahiriSpiqe, Neataelte, Asthma. Era
ache, Borns, Coro; all Icrises if the akin.Akse tips
Pimples, 6.e. ; stiff iess Of the joudi. Swelliei of the
Limbs, Sole Combs. Sores. Rheumatism, Piles, told feet,
Croup, swelled or broth* Ilreait, Tooth aehe, Agra in
the Fate, kr-, 4re•
al" Aged persons' And peat relief in tudni this Oint
ment freely.
Corns.--Cleessional ate of the Ointment Will always
keep eerie from growing. People need neter be trou
bled with them if they CM it frequently. '
qtr This Ointment is good for any part of the body
or limb, that are inflamed. In some cases it should be
applied often.
CArreto e —No ointment will be genuine unless the
name of James McAllister is/written with a pen upon
every label. JAMEIit MSALLISCER.
Bole Proprietor of the *Voce medicine.
& M.O WERCUR, Towanda ; 8.
H. & N. Newman & Uo., Canton ; Elmore Hor
ton..* Sugar Rein. 45y
Pnncipal Office. et No. 28, North, Phila•
delphio, where applications for agencies may be made.
•Cllcknees Vegetable PurgaUve Pills,
A RE the first and only medicine ever discovered that
will . positively cure Headache. Giddiness, Piles.
Dyspepsia, Scurvy. Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the
Back. Inward Weakness, Palpitation of, tbe Heart,
sing in the Throat; Dropsy,Asthmet. Fevers of all kinds
Female Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heart De . rn,
Worms. Cholera, Marlins, Coughs. quinsy, Whoopee
cough, Consumption, Fits, Liver Complaint,Prysiuelas,
Deafness, ltehings of the Skin, Colds, Neryote. Cow
plaints, and a vine!, of other Diseases arising from im
purities of Indigestion.
It has been proved that nearly eves 7 disease to which
die human frame is subject, originates Iran impurities
of the Blood or Derangements of the Digestive Organs:
and to secure Health. we oneeilemenaboie ebstractione
or restore the Moodie its natural ,This feet 'to
universally known .but people have such en eversion
to medicine, that, unless the ease is urgent, they prefer
the diseale to the cure. until an impaired Constitution
or a fit oral-kens relishes them for the folly of 'twin:en
due. Still they had some excuse. for heretofore, med
icine in almost all its forme, was nearly as disgusting
as it was beneficial. Now, however, the evil is moat el
feetually removed ; for ClietecruesVegdahle Purgative
Pins, being completely enveloped with A COATING Of
runs-wares tea •n.(which is distinct from the kernel)
have no taste of medicine, but are as easily swallowed
as bits of candy. Moreover they do not nauseate or
gripe in the slightest degree, which is occasioned by the
tact that are compounded ma scientific principle*, and
operate equally on all the diseased parts of ,the system,
instead of confining themselves to, and racking any par'
titular region, (which is the great and admitted evil of
every other purgative.) Hence,they strike at the root
of Disease, remove all impure humors from the blood,
open the pores externally and internally, promote the
Insensible. Perspiration, obviate ilatuleury, Headache,
&c.--separate all foreign and obnoxious particles from
chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the -origin, must
he thoroughly pure--secure a fretesselbeeltby action to
the Heart. Lanza and Liver, and thereby restore health
even when all other means hare failed.
GZ7' A l letters of inquiry 'or for advice must be ad
dressed (post paid) to Dr.C.V.OI.ICKENER.No.fiII
Vesey-st., New York, or his authorized agents through
out the country. For sale in Towanda, by
HUSTON & PORTER, No. I, Brick itow.r
N. R. Remember, Dr. C.V. Clickener is the inventor
of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing - of the sort was
ever heard of, until he introJneed them in June, 1843
Portholes should therefore ask. for Clickener's Sugar-
Coated-Pills, and take no other. or they will be made
the victims of a fraud. by
ThesibOve medicines can be pnrchaed of the fellow.
ing named agents: Leßayiville, 0. H. ,Liule ; Orwell,
Henry Gibbs; 'Rorie. D. M. Wattles ; Ulster, Peck
ham & Co.; Milan. G. Tram ; Athens. C.H.Herrick ;
Smithfield, E. S. Tracey ; Burlington. Coryell & Gee;
Troy, G. F. Redington ; Canton. Cbarles-Rathbone;
Monroeton. B. Coolbaugh ; Standing Stone, Win. R.
.Btorrs & Co.; Wyalasittg, C. B. Flusher.
L. M. NYE dt. CO., wouldre-
Pper4py informtheeithen&ot Tow
, ands and the publicienerally. mat
th havo hand & manpfacture
t en order all on
:FURNITURE. of the beat mate
riala, and workinsnaldpiliateannot
Le so eddition to the usual
smortment in country shops, are will import hand.and
make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns: Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superhe
at*. and for ease and durability cannot be sareamerf
even in our. large cities. Also, dm half French Ma
hogany:Chair, bearstifullyvpholstered, with marled hair,
whir-hi:wirer loses its elestieily. and finished with the..
bathair seating. We latter - gumbos ; that hafiat,
had rvincirexperiencilti the r trusininia. this
to satisfy Owlet nisi hieVinspriedif to' all; both as to
quality mid pride, abd by strict litiebtion to buviewer
hope to merit and receive the Ratronage of a fibend - corn
inanity. -t ' dk. CO.
Towands.,Septembst 11147: •
, -.s Camt,zrer_perar.r,i'rvaz ,
MAY HAD at tnir shop much lower than it
has esti besii sold : in
,Towanda. "Goods ase
cheap, sod wheat am lowered, and that in ill; reason we
can afford miliaria do it. Linda piailuce will
be leasivediit Payment. A hio. =MBE R of, WI hinds
&EC'. "'Lit - N. Xadt`,44l.-
THE ilubieriber:
tyinufeetave and keep "oa hied
the old lurid of aid
Matinsoo; all Ilk& oriene and
iarood,siegt CHAIRS; ind SET
TEES of 'Tiarlotalltiade,.& BED.
EMADS of every deeeiliatiogi,
whitkJ I swill - melt low for cash
Ot Tradote — , &Via - or ,C!iinrx
Loather. fir_a*- plank 14 ba
TRNINC; &mei. kt, Wain libe
'lliliftiisia . ipier. r4 ":Alio;• :- • • •.,
' i •, • • - .. 't , CABINCT-WORKi . :
:**.kcana kip6in liiiid i i iii**lits* !WA. brif
-sumer. .- - - -', ' -1
~ MIII:!F*AJIMOr, e .% •
A l*fagoilaiiriy-40pilm --- --- --- , z, , . : ,
- - - - - - - - - - _ •
• -3,,,evtado. Atitkietfro;•4474 ll %. ,
ant00.10 1 4.;,;i 4 Ma*
tote those isetha4l:llforir t4dtY and Cr:istaditiY.
payebie finertatil atoms ? A 1.90. 00
Do/ PO
'FON* is logignik 0 - 4
lads; ;too
Moo. (at do ploks.j.psegatutaff • - 10 00
,111 •ftwnifis - and rug watt. •• 11,00
Awls,. lady neesisingimasnetioni on die . pisot,
s ptisflagai to IsessinapoollowsisyaneWthe above
angasanso sad the seaotios. Rhbootadiinonal *wt.
Too yams lady who, studies the English branches.
• alb* ternout lesdoispy seek of the above •branehO, — 'ars
Instructions on • 400
Use of Pianos, , . • , • 76
Vowing and *gift in watereolOrs.-includiste
• • %hokum of rostelials. suck as +hawing rpm
• • - - 4 00
Cationaingritn.9 lo 7 oll l. • 44 • 10 00
Painting Itsinpaseat pindow-shades. infiedial • -
Oto./!ni)l 4 7 ntatodok: Moth- 4,:00.
uPI fon,Poiers miliCend velum, pit '
twelve Vissirs. 600
irddincon silk. dta. 3 00
Ws: '
m Epso pie quarter, • - 600
Pens and jisb, a - 61)
2 50
Board in.ystailoa,s2 00 par will.,
Lifter. post-paid ; addressed to the Misses WHITE
/kORIPPIN. Ifinglnunton.. Boost es., N. Y., will a
crive, prompt attention.
SIII6 , .ait"
TOHN W. WILCOX, has removed his establish-
J ereorto the shop between Kingsbery's end Bart
leU's stores, and where he still solicits • share of
poblic patronage. He intends, by • careful selection
of mock/ and by *Hannon to the interests of his auto.
mere to lulus u neat ird durable work as can be um
nofacttared in this part v the country.
He will keep constant y on hand. and m•nufectnre
to order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse Buts mid Slues
Ladies' Gaiters, Shoes mid Slims Ckildnin's do.
Gents Gaiters and Pumps,
crr Conotry Produce, of most deveriptions; liken in
payuient for work, at the market price.
Towanda. April 26, 1847.
411,1= 1NT7.1123 WitIBV
Merely for the total of cheap Clods, Watches and
Awdry ! Great Rush at du
JAMES P. BULL respectfully informs the citizens
of Towanda and vicinity. that ha has lately return
ed from Philadelphia, and permanently located in To.
wands, one door below the Brick Rovr,in the room for
merly occupied by Mercues Hat Store, where may: be
found gold and silver watches, gold, fob end guard
chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pen., breast pins,
finger rings, &c., cheap for cash. and every artlde war
ranted. A large supply of CL of the kteat im
proved patterns, running from :to hours to 8 days and
a alool4li With one winding.
Patticlalar attention paid to repairing CLOCKS,
WATCHES & JEWELRY, of every descriptkon, and
from the long experience whit*, he has bad in the boo
aineas, work left in his can will he done in the best
workmanlike fltatlller. Old gold sod liver Ashen in
ezchange. Towanda. August 16, 1848.7
Removed to north side Public Square !
ll' at. Chamber/in*
0.1 T_l A 8 just returned from the city
IC 11 of New York with a large
C ul ' lib supply of Watches. Jewelry and
. , Either ware, comprising in pert,
)(.. the ' following anklet; :—Lever,
•—• , L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
,\) .. )1 6 .,, -
.f , •
, Jewelry. such as Ear Rings. Fin
ger Rio ;a, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens. Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which be offers
for sale exeeeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on abort notice, and warranted
to run well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ
ten agMement given to that effect if required.
N. 8. - MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in payment fat work ; and els). learn now, and
forever, that the Produce must he paid when Me work
it done—l war against ereditin all its forms,
Towanda. April 28. Inen.
♦ND 110 W IT IL
el F. HARDER respectfully wishes to inform the
V./ • citizens of Towanda, and the public that he has
commenced the
in Towanda, on Main street,.. few doors above Bridge
street, where he will keep constantly on band or make
to order. Plated and common Harnese.''Prunks and
Trunk Valices, and ell kinds of work in his line. CAR
to order. From his experience in the business, and
punctuality in attending to it, he hopes be may receive
a attar •of pat& patronage.
T 7 All kinds of work may be had at his shop cheap
aer than at any other shop in this county. •
Towanda. June 12, 1242 • lyl
What 'repel about here ? Aral ye: Teat I goats°
rPROMANDO of times the 4uestion has been asked.
A. Where on earth are all ihe Boots sod Shoes ma.
nufsetured that supply the continual rush at the corner
of Main and Bridge streets! O'Hare answers that this
is the place, and these are the thingi we do it with !
• -
Seventy-eleven new /nations
_ every two second!! .
Put on the Steam! .
Hesieietleitriel-Inod , iniderstatel. that O'Hara; et
the corner of Main and Bridgestreets, will sell at retail
Minimum. 39,11111 peke of Boom. Sham ann
at allessrice Man ever.was or probably - km will bi of
fetednigatn in . Towanda.
The Ladies' Department in this establishment is•
tichlY furnished with hellions. LOW. mimes' and
children's fancy and Common boots and shoes. elm to
the estrentity of the Latest illations. Mistake not the
place —Cosserel Mein and .Bridge streets. the only
Sloss Siers is Bradford County. Half eash and half
trade ferantter. B. O'HARA.
Towanda, Itnie 16, 1847.
L ). { 1. n.sorrn.
Completion of the ifortliartmelt Canal
AVlNO.formed eopartnership in the mantifte.
tore of BOOTS & BROD% et the ld Nan a
-three-doors nortirof Rridge would respeerully inform
their friends and the Imblis r that they, *Maury on the
bnainess io &snack—keep On balort make-to
°rase, isierything in their fins in the leated Manner and
in their lateifityW
Beletelog that they an do ea we or better , Work
than die ha had elsewhere they weutirsay tho.ta wiih
his good ankle in their lion to girethent a eall, and they
sben t rithAld., RejetlitilirAormint Aiwa no**.
Prhdeei Of nit. kin& taken; fit;tiorlL Rids.
. :h(
il Tina& 141.11118.' ' ' $.-`di '
torProrm tie&
ai '2' FOPEC:
:R~~ : .
-DHLLADttrAIR . 1111400A1.11101/BE.-.4014-
1 X
4.1 4 0... 1 1 WNW oft.sanrinum, tits Am.
FM* iiirlilol6o"• boMado,4l" .ap.fri•if aeemeti p. I
eiee;;tifl~e in, and soliteli bgips.. at yfrvil . l4,lo
1:1114101. cams , 011,RD mad
=O?(Swan; bittWeenAlpninned.rion, trnonne ,
21046,41.111frodiliiiC'Exehine,; , ~•,;
'inter° fi e a hag irlack*iiesAioa ) _od:
aior C°lllll,4;4ll46l:indid- _ Vig ./!*
iiiritude;grindaeriti'inth tie boy "to
leWit thanithe Inbar
ii 'd s 4 l l londalts
en aware or the enneni natal thne
nervous erten shattered. strange endltinceitn.
able feelingucinini flue in the plod. Tha indivional
Insinee ihoble; In le iintili to Moir with eeenstotied
siren in tafply Wand to,his Itep is tnigy
se week; be - "
eminent, the peen- eethe- power is destroyed, and
age maned e long train a oen
OM. Mew, the conntenswn is dewneest, the eyen
with . out_nonni lowly; ahanteliewlitees breppannit.
Taus tali ainernste MUCK " NOMA /LW* VAN the'
Itittnikh of those Quito* alien& '
Be conscious of the eaues44 , his decay. and gni' it, be
staters under those terrible Nocturnal and involuntar y
emissions. which 'waken and shams him producing
mental and physical poustratitri. If be emancipeneribbn.
self before the practicebas , done its woist, and . enter*
uistnmony, his marriage, ia,pstfruitfol. and his sense 1
tellshim that this iesausett by big early tali*.
Let no; fibre modesty deter you from making, your
tags tignrwo to one who. frotandecition and respects.
bility, can alone befriend you. Ks who places him.
wlf under DR. KINKELINII thulium g; 1122 .1 refit: l3ol r
ty confide in his honor as a. gentleman '
and in whose
bosom will he forever locked the secret of the patient.
Thousands hare been isehireil to health feom thelle•
vastatiot" is of these terriffic malittots, by Dr. Kinkelin,
German Physician.
Packages of Medicines, Adele's,' &e., forwarded, by
sending a remittance,' and put up secure from damage
or coribeity.
Poet raid letters neutered forthwith.
......... AIIiiiIAGE. Kc. •
Second ed "pudica published. 00,28 cta.
A Treatise on ion, Lame and Marriage, and
the Dismal, of Youth. Maturity and Old. Age or the
Lights and 'Shades of Married Life, (its infelicities
and enjoyments.) •
" To be or not to be. that is the qnestion."
(With curious caites,illnatrationsokc.)
There are =settlings 'twist heaven and earth, Horatio
Than are dreamt of in oar philosophy.'—fteamaesaaa.
• This book should be in the bands of every young
man or woman contemplating MAIIMIAGS. Ever,
school-boy, and indeed every man or woman, married
or single should read with care sod - attention, tins truly
useful work as we consider it well adapted to awaken
attention to a subject more
_igighting to body, mind and
soul, than any other vrcs. •
Young or midde aged persons, suffering from Dys
peptic and Consumptive synnoma of longstanding, by a
careful pernsal of this most wonderful work, will find
the cause of such symptoms iri the baneful habit here
C•Any one sending twenty:five cents enclosed in
letter. will receive .me copy of this book by mail, co,
five copies will be scut for one dollar.
Q7AII letters are exrecied lobe Pore Pant, except
those containing a remittance. and addressed.
•• DR. WM. YOUNG, i 59. RPRUCE Sthet, bet
ween 'Fourth and Fifth, PRILA ngt.rin a." em 34
Warrauird andel a Penalty of $l.OOO, free from
Memory and other Mineral Substaners
The Only Original and Ghalitle Indian Merlicine
EVERY day is this
lebrated medicinwez.
Aiding the 'phew' of its
asefuluesal and every
rear to tha long
Walogue of triumphs.
A litigate: Bosse!
distributed annually
about folly meeting
demand ! For some
ie past, the sales. here
in limited, solely lot .
sat of facilities of sup.
Truly, this is a
livetsal remedy !
'raided, these pills have
found their way into the
Union. every einere proving their title as The Pons .
Moiv's Flllllllll— , -81C11 Woes Hore—Tae 11.4avzi
For a trifling sum, every individual and every family
may have bisavnt Lustraan to their for an indefinite
period and what is life -without health, but • misera
ble existence !
It is too precious a boon to be tampered with, by tty
ing all sorts of experiments .upon it. The sick should
use those medicines only which experience tuts known
to be the best.
"[From Catalan. Greene County. New York.]
Dr. W. Wright—Dear sir: I have found your Indi
an Vegetable Piths valuableremedy in cues of Gene
ral Debility of the System and of all Dinka; disorders.
I am also in the habit of recommending them to lb.
moles in peculiar eases. I Observe them LI operate in
the sy*tem, without producihg debility or pain, Issuing
it in a heal hy condition. JOHN DOANE. M.D..,
[from Norton Hill, Greene County, New York.]
Mr. Wright—We have used and sold your Indian
Vegetable Pill for thres yearispast, and do not **MO
to recommend them to our frtends and customers aids,'
best family medicine in use. N. & L.RAMSDELL.
The following is an answer in reply to a note from.
our agent asking Dr. Boston's opinion of this medicine
TUNEOANSOCK. Aug. 29, 1848.
Mr. A: Durham—Bear Sir : In reply to your note of
yesterday, I would state,that I have occasionally found
it convenient to use the various "Patent Pills" vended'
at the shops ; and while I am unwilling to say arguing
to depreciate the value. of others, I am free to ein e m .
that I consider Dr.- Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills su
perior to all others with which I sin acquainted. I have
used them for many years both in my own family and
in my practice generally, and they have uniformly Mild
certain and safe in their operations. The care 'and
skill with which these Pills have been hitherto manu
factured are, in my opinion, e ',sufficient guarantee for
like good ranks in future, - Very respectfully-.
' . B. A BOUTON, M. D.
Dr. B. is apractionerof long experience,well known
in and even beyond the lines of county. He
is a gradnate , of the University of Pennsylvania. and
highly popular with the people among whom be resides.
[From Preston Kills, York.) •
Dr. W. Wright—Dear Sir: I was attacked with
violent pain in my head and rusher brood on the brain,
which confined ma May' room for Ha weeks.and drew,
the sight of my eyes to precept me from seeing
with it. and left me with a dbmineis in my bead for
shoat six months. By taking three or four boxes •
your Pills. I was restored tolealth.agaim
June 13, 1848. . PETER VANAGINER;
Rettimobekthat the milady genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills have the writtemaignature of William
Wright on the top'eteriCli box.
The genuine is for sale by MONTANYES & Co.,
sole agents fee Towande; and by agents in all other,
parts of the State. „
Office 'decided exchudirely tq the sale of Wright's
Indiai"Vigetable Pills, iltbolestale and retail, 169 Race.
st ,' Philadelphia, 28S Gieen*ich . a., New York, sad
198 Traniont, Boston. 99y ,
1 11C 11 1:11131BrIEr i X1111711511 • •
WWILL be kept, on band a:larite , asairrtaaent, and
\NY made topplerop, shorter riOort sod for leas ADO.
oej thin can be produo4 et apj other ertabliatuasitin
the bind. Thome who,are uttdetaba ineeiaity
that article will arid alialtba . iatialbal. *A to :
.hearse and my : hot .h#, li s tteadaace vibes desired:
8 4"Inh" VW:: I NYE &
AV -HITS, taaeki. hiesiogreidweektatimia-vak
also Muslin. limo wroolght sod Fiona latoeol.
Was opteedid•lot of Ivorrilaitaillod Pow oho wtkito
Boitom- frobtaAoitrinol: mum
'who vadjactinot iltattfotAlligior twri ionortiosoi Asap
at atiti . . FOX'S..
. - ,
" ii .; medget Ifeibeistiwet 14114,14.
GiAMeseilied - . WS' it *bow
- *idiom "
heroWtilsistig ask•
sat „ auto will
leisatisimft °"8.11 `
. w., 8. - GRACE, tuck ,
, ,
- Lion ikeiriaiailii°r.!frOsuili bvs "ita t
fki ra bi sipilfisted to ` mali without deityi l i
will ph i*
Blom ba y ing alma
let*, theta d4iy.. Edam
to ilebett tbwootate of DAVID i t A*""win
WATTlOBilii•doeitioish - Woof Roar.tow. t ,
sot lietrobr reqOatid . to looks p/Omes without ath y,
&pi thaw having'claholo *hit and mono *in p h.
%book:duly oothooliosWOorAmotko_sem
~, ...- • -., ~ I t -, 1
, Rose;,
Roloio;jUlt 26.11849. - : i.Y, !.<4.1 . . - • Adadoistriki.
NO, OF . -4 Etit°kali drawn; - Pit '' l l eP t elatlet tet
Aciits;4l'. D. 1849.1
Alkilkoi;-!inlea Lee: 1 41.ivietifit.-JOntei Lyon;
Grahirille - Maretts thriton ;
Liiebieht-Agishop - Iterricir,B. MilrectierOLMo ti;
Notuisce.-41Prancite B fl'ikenrlllairis Beecher;
or l ook-.41:.0: Mathew:4. Mosso Potter rr"
Weill:thorn ; ' - •
Sheshequin—llorace - Kioney. , Plinith;
Standing Stone-43.10ne1. &engin ;•
Troy bee—W. IEL Nichols ; Trottp- - -Itenbeo stile s ;
Ulster—Ed. Wallretilicue Wieffeeel G. &Vandyke ,
Warren—.R.D: IhntOttekddaseics-Tyrreil ;
Wyaltaking-4tephen Lyons: , Wysox—R. W.
Tstovsoss- streOss—inicer.
Albany—Daniel JP:Miller, Peres'Miria L. m 7
Burlington--emUMICeld ;Canibm.f And r i".
Colembiaßenjarnin•Calkins, George - Hau ; '
Durel—Daniel Coledstrathlin Stream, Sr. • ,
Franklin—J. C. Ridgeway;
Herrick—L. B. Broarnion, bane •Camp,..Reen t .
• Elliott; •
Litchfield—J. R: Btown •
Monroe-4. L. Rockwell; Josiah Lawrence ;
Orwell—Ear/Bowe; •
Pike—Jackson Pierce: .
Ridgbery—Jongtban Allendohys We ;
Rome—E. J. Ckabbiek .; -•.: •
Sinitkaela.4nlherAdams;Allielion French, Rek e
• .
Springhill - .43 .1L, Crawfor d ;• .
Towanda Barnes;
" M. Nye
Troy Tp.--Hirani. Case ;
WarrenB. C. Brainard; Jeremiah Canfield; .
Wyalustrig—BOrtart Edward's, L. P. Stalforti;
' Windbags—James Finch;
Wysoz--James M. Reed;
Wells—John A. Roy, Samuel Wright;
Athens Tp.--Solomiin Boswortn, Wm. H. Overton,
. C. F. Weiler, Jr.
Albany-- : Bollin Wilcox 4 .
Burlington-1;Y. Daniels„ Sherman It Hill;
Columbia—LA. Gregory;
o •
Dirett-Wm'.'Coolbaugh, G. W. Coolbaugh ;
Granville—John MeNaught ;
Leroy—James Lamm, Sullitin Morse;
MonroeGeO. IL Bull. H. S. Salsbury ;
Orwell—Chester Chaffee:
,Pike-J. A. Codding -;
Ridgbery—George Cooper; James IL Webb, Aseph
Colbnrn ;
Rome—S.. W-Elliott, Philander/Towner:.
Springhill—Hiram Horton;
Bheshegain—glisha Statterleq
Smithfield--Alvin Bewsu l d'i
Tosrandairp.-0. IL Howinturi W. W. Eiger.
brooks. Wm: H. Poster, H. H. Mnee.H. 11.31ps
Troy Tp.—William Barto, and Uphanet
131sfer--Jedothan Simons, Th 3
as &IS:
Wysoz—Gabriel King, Bertra MAW:
vamp irssare
Athens Tp.--A, H. Spaldinroi
Burlington—James 1.
Cariton—Justin Bothwell, L'Atitolhwell
Columbia—L.s. Cornell. Hiram Edsall;
Dorel—J. M. Bishop. Jonah %thick, Isaac Piaeq
Herrick—N. IL- Wetmore
Litchfießeuhen Parks;
ld •
Orwell—Simeon Diroick, Christopher Olney;
Pike—Stephen Gregory, H. S. Warner ;
Ridgbery—Dan. A. Gillen;
Rome—W. W. Goodrich;
Springhill—Robert Bardwell,J. 8. - Coburn, Willies
Claggin; - -
South Creek—George Dunham, Daniel Hildreth;
Bheshequin—Abraham Gore. John N. Horton, Hen
• - ry Kingsbery ;
Sprirtefield;—Walter Mattocks, D. M. Stroud;
Ihnitbfield—Jardes H. Rice, Gordon Wilcox;
Standing Stone-:—George Vanness, 2d ;
Towanda bora—Stephen Felton, Wm. Trout;.
Wysoz—Heury rassmore;
'Windharet—Nelson Tyrrell, Uriah Wright;
Wyabasing—Edwant Hornet; -
11011ItURSIIANT to as order of the Orphsn's coon of!
1 Scalise county, willbe exposed to cite on Tboo
day, the 6th day of September next, at one o'clock. P.
M., at the house of Hanoi& Fairchild, in the lowans
of Cherry, county aforesaid, a certaixr tract of land cro
tabling 1023 ems, on which is erected • log book
and about 20 - acres improved,'-situated in the On*
aforesaid..adjoininclandawf the heirs of Mows Don
Thomas Evans and vgbentilate the estate of aid tib .
ceased. Attendance minim given, and terms dal
made known by . A. J, Dissrick, administrator of 4114 k
of Samba' Thonwu r iate of Cherry tp., deceased,
MULLAN, Clerk O.C.
Laportequly2o; 1841 h. te.
Corning, :Elmira and Buffalo tin
the season, in the &Mowing- order 1,
Leave Oornina.........Tuesdayk at 10 o'clock. A.
Leave Cornukg..-.... Wednesdays, at 3 o'clock'''. Ii•
Leavellovenna.. .T4riradaya, ..-.. • • •• -P. 4 .
Tow Down. Settret . ik Lake cat Friday, touching 81
Big Stream, Siallial,'Lruli; Dresden, Scum
Waterloo and Seneca Falls. en Saturday.
Leave Bralialo.for-Eltnira and .Coruinvevery Sato;*
'Morning. LeaießOciwitnr every Monday room*.
.. ..:Quic A. K.:nines..
BOAr.E LMI,RA ' Carr. R. P. - Fasso,
BOAT BUFFALO . . . . . .0 4n ,,, E. H. CAL" ,
For freight or 'Passage apply- , scr 0,0, oi l man. 0 s
board; or to the following Agguti: -
W. M. Mellory•Uotiditt PRO a. 11.3 -nii.p... -
8. BAllning & Co. Elraira Hastings dr: reld, do
J. Winteirnnit , Itorsibelds J . Millar i *ilia Fails
E. B.'llintruin; Ravenna. L. BOatedOlonteunce
LO:Townewatlig Stream 11 , Ti'. Fiiii:tochecter•
Woridworth . dc-FW ' Mitior*Wh'eekr t Baal,.
tea l
Oar& Sweet, Water*: "' ''April 11, ISM..
To - Owners of - And Dealers in Horses
OuvrioNT, for l the car
("/ ) , s• . r of Founder, Split Hoof, ma
, Hon( bOnnti licitsoseoeoso
tetrind Feverish Feet, Bri.
4 114 1 s c ir ' the Fl es h, Wounds.
LL Galiettßacite. Outs, Kic l4
Crailre4 Heels, Stratchts,
- Ike., on Home,.
For the Onto of Ring-bope, Blood Spivitt, Boas BP
rith . Windielh end'Splint cosign monetty. , •
CP TM* Rine ewe and the Founder Ointment
are PrePeral fieetibeiteiPo of in very idebratio Bag;
gob rearier.:snor;lvilt nun in threty,nine corn oot of
one hundred inny,# the idr*ii 'complaints. 'Mel bare
beenoied - brfarenneei *region, Stere-propfirto""'
others. with theiniermarkatend &Wed SUIXIII I .
4 &MU Nespraefoorom a teeksi; 37 John it, ael
Towanda, by HORTON & PORTER. ' Oaf