Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 05, 1849, Image 3

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    Th e Delhi (Delaware CiL) Freeman's Advo- .
ca te publishes the proceedings of 4111410 r, spitted.
we e v er the friends of "FeQtal Rightsn,ta Col-.
cheate r, that County. COL KNOCII 11131110111 Into ,
Wei Resolutions *lee unanimously. adopted
against disbanding , the party,.and for palomino°,
bu n ging the question to a just and honorable in-
Tea tigation, refusiNg to suppott any Candidate for a
Salt! or county office who Will not first pledg e
himself to use aft fiir anti legal masts rid the
c oun ty of the blighting system of feudalism; de
claring that recent developments lead to the be
lief that the de facto landlords have no title no
to the hinds they claim. 'Dissatisfaction is also
expressed with the p:ea of title by possession, such
claims being considered fraudulent unless estab
lished by a goodj and valid. title. • The following
ma d o n an s we publish entire:
Resolved, that we recommend to the next Coo
pers to enact a law to prohibit the extension- of
Slave) , io the.newlequired territory.
Resolved, That inasmuch as this is an age of re
morse, that while the Old World in shaking from
center to circumference—men conteriding for their
inherent rights, sacrificing their lives and property
to rid themselves of oppression and tyranny—we
who are the children of the Patriots of the Revolu
tion, whose blood was poured out to obtain the
blessings of, freedom, if we submit to this relic of
feudalism, handed down from the Old World from
the dark ages of barbarism, and stand still with the
f e et of Aristocracy and Tyranny upon our necks,
we are not worthy to be called the sons of our fore:
fathers, and prove recreant to the -principles tha t .
prompted them to engage in the m ighty struggle
for "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,"
against oppression, tyranny and slavery.
The Cincituoti Daily Commercial contains a letter
a ddressed from Puebla, June 1, by W. M. McEl.
hang to his father, J. McElhany, a keeper of the
Cincinnati and Harrison turnpike, from which it
would appear that young McElhany and ten other
Americium are held in close confinement there on
a charge of r6bbing. His version of the affair runs
" On or about the sth of June, 1848, 1, went with
about twenty more young men, set out for Vera
Cruz on horseback. We were very badly armed.
When we arrived at a small town about twelve
miles from this city, we were persuaded to leave
the main mad, and take a nigher cut to Jalapa.—
We proceeded on this new road about forty miles
w hea - ue are attacked by a party of lancers, and all
ter killing eight of our party they made us prison
ers. Aftr securing us, we %ere robbed of every
thing but our shirts and pantaloons. and then taken
to a small town called St. Andres , 'where they held
a consultation whether they should shoot us or not,
and concluded to shoot us the next afternoon, but
they did not; some Colonel interceded for us.—
From that town tbev marched' us to another, and
kept us until Gen. Worth, with the remainder of
the American army, bad left for Jalapa, and then
marched us to this city. When we were coming
here we could see the last of the Art ericans going
on another road, about two miles distance from us,
but we could give them no sign. After we had
been here fifteen days they took us out and.tried us
for highway. robbery. Such a trial and court was
never seen before. The whole court consisted of
the judge and interpreter—no jury or witness. Af
ter trying us he sent us back to prison, where we
remained for seven months_ more, when we were
called nut again and tried after the same manner.
No witnesses have ever appeared. What ground
they have for charging us with this crime we can
not see. Yesterday we were told that they were
going to send our cause to another town, and have
it settled by, another court."
received a cops' of the Minutes of the General As
sembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United
States, and find in it many statements which slititv
that the past year has added largely to the number
of communicants, and in every sense been condu
sire to the advancement of the chirrch interests.
The following statement show; the character of
the progress during the past ten years
. • 1839 1849. increase.
synods ri 23 6
Presbyteries ,96 122 26
Candidates for the Ministry 175 364 189
Licentiates 192 252 ' 6O
Ministers 1243 1860 617
Churches 1823 2512 . 689
*Licensuies 72
*Ordinations -- 82
*lnstallations 91 —_
*Pastors dismissed 60
*Churches organised • 55 --
Members added on_ examina
tion 6377 89 7 6 2599
Members added on certificate 4127 6351 2224
Adulti baptised 1644 2412 768
Children . 7712 9895 2183
Whole number of commani-
cants reported 128,043 200,830 72,718
Amount contributed for reli-
$123,436 $369,371 $245,935
gious perposes
'These item are not noted in the report for , lah.
The average annual increase of the Church du
ring the past ten years has beenMinisters.6l :
Churches, 68; Communicants, 7,271, anirin pew
nip), contributiocui,624,s93.—Philadelphia North
Amer. 27th.
Tstioa Ass:marg.—A few weeks ago, an agent
was dispatched to our Government by the Cana
dian authorities, for the purpose of settling upon
some plan for the most effectual " reciprocity of
trade between the United States and Canada."—
The agent having had a lengthy interview with our
Secretary of State, was conducted' into the pres
ence of Old Zach. After the usual introduction
and civilities, the agent narrated to the Presi lent
the object of his mission.Aleciprocity of trade be
tween the two Governments. The words " Recip
rocity of trade,". seemed to have struck the old
General with awe and astonishment. He had
heard of "reciprocity of affections," " reciprocity
of kindness," etc., but never, reciprocity of trade.
in this dilemma, the General` directed attentitm to
his Secretary of State, and informed the agent that
Clayton attended to all reciprocities," and, in al
most the same breath, asked the agent whether
the " potato rot had vuited Canada." The sudden
change of the subject bewildered the intelligent
agent, and bidding Old Zech adieu he left the
White House.—Baft. Argus.
Miss Ross: Gianni.; alias Mrs. James alias Lo
la Montez, alias Countess of Lima%lA alias Mrs.
Heald, has been arrested in London for biga?py.—
Her first husband, a Mr. James, an officer as the
British East India service, is said to be living s and
she was not divorced at the time of her marriage
With Capt. Reek!. This woman has• .probably
achieved a greater notoriety than any other woman
of modern times. A danseuse, a mistress of lawns
—plebeian by birth, and yet raised to the title and
rank as the wages of her shame, She is now only
twenty-five years of age. She was belied, until it
could be ascertained that Mr. James had not died
precedent to her union with Mr. Heald.
Haulm Auvc.—Upon depositing a coffin in the
receiving vault of the-Light street burial ground, on
Sunday, a human hand was found protruding from
one of the coffins, which had been there since Fri
day last. When examintd closely, the coffin was
found berated open, and the body turned entirely
round. The hand was firmly clenched, and from
appearances, there can be no doubt that the unfor
tunate man was buried alive. lie had died sud
denly, and was buried' too soon.—Phaaddpina
Louis' Republican ‘ notices a letter recently circulated
in that city purporting to have been written at the
South Pawl on the 15th of June disacribiag a battle
said to hive been fought at Fort Hall, between
Fetal hundred Indian warriors:tad a large body
of emigrants, and prontioncea k a villainous hoax.
h represented that 20 Of the emigrants had been
ktQed and a great number of Indiana.
Nana antalkali
- It'slip from tho'St. • Leta; Reoeg/r of hq Xl9
brings a lanai Ufline 15 from 'Mites liarriset I.
dependence, giving a rumor receirafreifi tattie r
sting California emignuit, of a serial of bitiody an
gagelients between some companies oriruigrintp
MiderCiptiiii Cunningham of, and ;200
Indians at. Fort Hal Lon the Plains. 'The 'Mai -
set of the savage!, about day.bieakial i a Sunday
morning was rePelted, Itut.Whila the emigrants
were colteclinglheir **laidaelleaUs member: at
tack wis made in whiCh elite o 7 :the company
were killed. The writer then proceeds with the
narrative :
The emigrants at this lime mustered all their
men together, numbering from 150 to 200.. They
stationed themeelvea in and around their camp ;
mid about 4 o'clock in lbe A(lternoon, lbw, Indians
made their appearance end stnicknp atnimendous
yell, -which wild have been heard a -mile on - the
plains and rushed into the camp, whereupon Capt.
G. ordered his men to fire, which they Aid -with
great eflect-,killing-4 or 5 and-wounding some 18
or 20. The Indians sent up-their war-whoop, and
fought bravery, and caused the emigrants to retreat
some distance, killing John Ransom Joseph Spars,
Joseph Nevland and 2 or 8 others, whose 'names
are.not recollected; wounding Capt. C. Todd, Gray,
Dunlap and King.
hi the course of half an hour after their retreat,
the emigrants again rallied, and with renewedvig
or, met the red-skins face to face in open combat,
but were again repulsed; nothing daunted, the Yap.
preached the Indians the third time, and commenc
es a deadly attack, and, after a fierce struggle for
forty minutes, the red-skins were obliged' to retreat.
When he left the camp, the dead and dying In
dians were still on the ground. He also states that,
while the express was coming in, three wagons
that were some few miles behind the main train
were attacked by the India4s, and the emigrants
completely stripped.
It might here be proper to say that Capt. Cunn
ingham acted the part of a brave and daring officer ;
he never once flinched from his duty, but with the
most encouraging and consoling words urged his
men on, and like a true Christa in as4well a. a sot.
dier bade them to be merciful if possile. He is
brave as he is , daring, and as noble es he is patriot
ic. Messrs. Grey, Slose, Hetchingson,• and others
are spoken of in the most flatering terms, and in a
word tent whole company fought bravely and patri
We will now posh forward at as rapid a pace as
possible, and hope, that we may overtake ttrbse
ahead of us and be of some assistance to—them, lo
those who are fighting the battles before. We are
but few in number, 118, and ready.for a brush with
the red men any time. .
This information of this terrible battle comes from
an express rider who brought the intelligence from
where the other stopped off. An express rider
travels fnivn 30 to 40 miles, he then stops and an
other takes his place, and so on all through. I cop.
ied the greater part of this letter from the memo
randum of the rider I hope my next will g ive a
full account of the fight vridi the Indians. . Yours
in haste, JAMES 11•RRIS.
ONi or Tor. PatarMts..—There is a good practi
cal' printer by the name of James Evans, who lives
at Batavia, Ohio, who educated himself at a distin
guished Literary Institution in New Hampsheir, is
a practical farmer, has taught schools of various
grades in New England, travelled through most of
the States of the Union, taught an " Academyf in
Illinois and one in Missouri; been Superintendent
of Common Schools and School Examiner, a Presi
dent of a College of Teachers, and of a literary As
sociation, who once offered a prize Of S5O for the
best method of teaching the branches usually taught
in a High Jchopl, Ord 825 for those taught in Com
mon Schools ' - who has acted in the capacity of Edi
tor of three different newspapers, and snore or less.
in the capacity of Constable. Sheriff, Qom!) , Treas.
urer, Recorder, Auctioneer, and Merchant, whole
sale Peddler, and Postmaster at three :different pla
ces ; who is a practical Surveyor. Engineer, Map
maker, also a regular member of the Har , , and Nota
ry Public, &c. &c ; and who avorkir at the printing
business more or less nearly every day His father
died very poor, when he was young, and hin moth
er supported the family several years by hard la
bor. - He has made himself what he is.—Cincinnati
Friox THE PLAlxe.—The officers of the steamer
Cora informs us that they heard it Mated at Inde
pendence that a train of 1813 wagons, belonging to
companies that had started out last Spring for Cali
fornia, might soon be expected back. The infor
mation was brought down by a mountainer, who
gives as a reason for the return of these emigrants
the sickness and among them. Although,
on account of its having ercited some interest -at
Independence, yet we cannot give it implicit cre
Another California train, comprising five wagons,
crossed the Missouri River on their way to the
plains on last Thursday. The emigrants are from
Niue and some of the adjoining counties. They
purpose to winter in the mountains.
It is stated that the Cholera has been raging to
some extent among the Indians, a short distance
back of Kansas. Thet_Sac, Fox and Kaw Indians
have all felt its effects seierely. While the dis
ease was at its worst, thirty Kaw Indians are said
to have died in a single day. The disease has on
ly very recently begun to abate.—St. Louis Rev.
The National Intelligencer, of Yesterday, contains a
correspondence between the Mexican Envoy at
Washington and the Secretary of State relative to
outraxes committee by parties of armed Americans
passing through Mexico for California. Senor de
la Rosa says that at Paso, in the State of Chihua
hua, numerous parties have entered the country
without passports, destroyed the fields of grain of
the imbacetul inhabitants, and insulted the Mexican
officers so far as to oblige them to place guards for
the protection of theit houses. In some cases, these
adventurers have fired upon the people, under pre
tense that they have been robbed of beast of bur
den. In consequence, the Mexican Government
has given orders for arming the people of the set
tlements, and in future, unless such parties submit
to the laws of the country, they will be pursued
like highway robbers, and, if apprehended, duly
tried for their offenses. If . a bloody encounter
should ensue in consequence, Mexico will have
done no mom than use her legitimate right of resis
tance to aggression. The Envoy, however, hopes
that the United Slates will order such measures eh
will prevent these excesses, and obviate the dan
ger of conflict.
Ma. CLArrox, in reply, says he has Winded the
Envoy's letter to the Secretary of War, with a rec
ommendation that orders to meet the case should
be issued. Mr. CaswroaD, in a letter to Mr. Clay
ton, says that the U. S. Government , cannot inter
tare in the matter. It hastencounTed and" armed
emigration to the Pacific, and if the emigrants go
across the Mexican frontier to do mischief Mexico
must treat them like any other criminals that she
catches ; they must abide the consequences of
their rashness and violence, Mr. Crawford sug
gests finally that if Mexico objects to armed par
ties crossing het territory,, she should give due no
tice to that eflect.
Tel.r.casfutc lif,arrsas.--ThertelegraPh last night
brought ns something more about the Rey abduc
tion case. ft mums from his statement, publisfrted
in the New Orleans papers, that he was abduited,
that he stated to the American Consul at Havana
that he was not, that he applied to the Consul af
terward to be released, and that the Captiin-Gene
ral of Cuba gave him up without a formal demand.
He win now be used as a witness on the trial of
the Spanish Consul at 'New-Orleans; and at fast
we shall probably get at the truth Of :this eittrulai
The damage lo the Cation crop from ; ate. resent
overifcryi of Red River, is estimated at Me millions
of dollars. Where 130;000 , bides were raised lad
year but 30;000 will be gathered ibis:
Front SaLta Fe we hear that. there liar hop
numbers olimewmitsiherit„ bonntforEf ealikommy
all in•good health andropires.-4F.4. Tritsete'Airg.
UNCLAIMED I.EMPANIL.-11 It r illMJokl1 3 it is a mei, that,* musbau of .4stas, - geed
bodies- the:o.4th* *Mains-of - pliant
American soldiem who Tell in Mexico— vabsers'
iorid at tie* Orliaas* a keg
,tme 7iridt
nobody tio'claim them. 'One of Om;
M. Pryor," cotitalis," it seamey
t he
- McPhail! of Tennessee, ami'vraS briritiitso,lfirier
Orlearui two 'year's Otpre. •
Boosts ilia Caiskisies4-. abs
Lni me Detract*, Ala W. agismkw, of
Teekhouinock, Wyoming eoutuy i - hmi gaited-at-
Wilkesharre with frames and fixtures :complete for
ffirnine duelling houses destined for
The buildings whesi eteetedocilljoreilnite.le
lags of themselves, and stand en these fardi
tant plains- as monuments , of the enterprise of
Nathan Pennsylvania:. Wit: will
Malin his fall expectations from-his ventute.t,
—A 'Washingtou correspondent of the Journal of
Commerce, telegraphed that paper on Monday as
follows: "Since I have arrived here, I have heard
much-more than lam willing to tell in regard to
the movements iv this eotmtry-for the conquest of
Cuba. I know the place where and the the time
when the offer was made to General Worth to head
the enterprise. I know the term offered, Ste. But
I write to say, that he and others refused to go into
the enterprise, unless the people of Cabs should
encourage it."
ence have fully proved that - this Ustrteasst. tu
mor has not its equal on u e list of popular medi
cines. It - Testimony of the most disinterested char
icier of its Wonderful effects on the animal econo
my is almost daily presebted to"the proprietor.
A- young - man in the town of Wilson,_ whose,
clothes were burnt off bim, was restored (without
suffering,) by the timely of this Oil. See ad
vertisment in this paper. A pamphlet of descrip
tion may be had GRATIS of the agent.
• .. .
Constable's( Sakes, 'Atli &shit It testelatioss,
GS Receipts, lexeentianas,
Attachments, Deeds.
gum soothe, IN reetigaest,
Subpstaaa t Motes, *e.,
Printed on soperner paper, for sale at this others Magarth of
every description, printed to order.
ClETY.—There tll be a meeting held at
rt. Wanda on Thusday Sept, 2Otlt.,for the organize
tion of a county Medical Society, and an adoption
of a constitution recognisable by the Stets Medical
society. Every Physician in the county is request
ed to attend.
- Doctor Baker, Doctor Drake,
" Biggs, " Merton,
" Newton, " Ladd.
" Barnes, .d Wells,
as Hon "
" Allen. August 27.
OF lINIVERSALISTS, will :hold its an
nual meeting in Burlington, on the !bird - Wednes
day and following Thursday (19th and 20th of Bep
Services will commence Wednesday Morning, at
o'clock. 'Occasional Sermon by Rev.S.J. Gib
All are respectfully invited to attend and partake
of the gospel feast.
H. E. WIIITNICT, Standing
New cabvertisements.
ALL persons indebted L to the estate of M. HO
COMB, deceased, late of the township of Leßoy,
are hereby requested to subs peyasen without delay,
and those having claims against said estate will please
present them duly authenticated for underwent.
Canton, Sept. 6, 1 SO. Adudnistraters.
THE public are hereby cautioned spinet purchasing
a note given by me on Thursday last, fir the sum
of Thirty Dollars, to Henry Hill. or bearer, payable by..
the middle of October. As I have received no value
for the same, I shall not pay it oaks, compelled by law.
Leßaysville, September 5, 1549.
NOTICE is hereby given tbst the copartnership
hemtoforermisting between BRISTOL & SMITH
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. :The amounts
of the late firm will be seuled by L. Bristol.
' Sept. I. 1849. L H. SMITH.
THIS Institution having been placed in charge
G. R. B aaaaa and H. M. Bovv, A. B. will
commenca oil Monday the Bth day of October neat.
The Academical year will .r.onsist of four terms
of eleven weeks each: ComTnencing respectively,
October Bth. 1849, January "2:1, March 23th and
June 17th, 1850.
Tuition per Term,
Common English Studies, including Geogra- .
raphy and Mental Arithmetic, 1 .00
same with English Grammar, and Mam's
Ariiltmatic, 8 00
Higher English branches, including Mental.
Moral and Intellectual Sciences, 4 00
Algebra, Geometry., /Surveying, &c., 4 50
Latin,. Greek and French Languages, 5 00
Fuel, Ist and god terms. 25
Board can be obtained in private families on rea•
sonable terms.
C. L. WARD, Of Board of Trustees.
Towanda, Sept. 1. 1849.
Wholesale dealers ht
192 Peertet. one *metres Maiden
TNVITE ttie attentionat parehases to disii*lema
.1 and exreashie assortment if Betilm & elaissoisem
prising every satiety of fne and arains7itaiilt; which
they are enabled to offer upon es *arable laniateseny
home in the trade. Men a, BemV, antrinth's Shish
and kip Boots sod Divisor, meorMlipselides t ielthat at
the lowest rem. -• sedlegaill
MHZ subsenlers respectfully entieusee to the pub.
he, that they have leased this sew sad splendid
Hotel, and that it is now open for the monition of •K.
This House has been famished - with new famiteire
throes:boat, sad passes visiting Towanda either en
Walesa or phials'*, will Ind this. desirable bastion;
and sa it is the desenaistatioa of tM -prophases to keep
Such an establidusent es will gieisinity
they nupsetislly solicit the public to glee theses all.
P.' C. WARD,
Towanda, Aug. 27.1841, R. C. BALDWIN.
BUBII.IIEBEI WHEAT. perfectly Imams
WU every ding bat the pure whist itself for eels
J. .1: WARMED.
Monroeten t August 97, 1819
T EVELING, taylog out Boas sod. Lots, Dividing
1...0 Estates, Measofing alrasoory.tabankattotts.
accurately dame by E.G. NICEOLB. Mee i i tome
Bradford covnty,. }... • Gallo ,
PIPERIAT, lreitogifimin„ Spa Skiitiud Brsek
Tow, it sopiderloll/of, OKA* dui sift
nit *es bt dia - sideqi, at , ;,
SPX GRIM M& BLACK TX4llWfievente4
"1"lood tens tnintraid ng
valets Too does not suitin 1011' 70'X8.
lagn*AiW, - Skt.
7, -7 .. • .
411‘.- - • L '
241.44;411141, C. NERCII,R,
AlUumnr6 taISTIM 4011111.117/1111PW
, r r
k 261 Ahe 661 i t. do etfaa ptkos;
Towsnas;Jaoir Ig4ll.
onasuamizix,v , ,irow.ono.kio
TIFFANY & KINGBBERY intim the public
that they are now receiving direct from New York
and opening in the store lately occupied by H.
dose sahib of B. Kingsbery C 0.,. Urge 111111 imam'
misoninent of
Yankee Notions, Confectionary, 4c.
to which the stention of porehaems Is invited. Their
assottment of Groceries and Liquors is complete, and
-will be sold at unusually low rates. Call and examine.
Towanda. inns 18,'49. B. 1.. KINGSBERY.
GROCERS & Landlords supplied with Stunts Beer
-re. I..llrick, Room
LTUEITON & PORTER are now receiving. at No.
LI. I. Brick Row, • large addition to their former
stock. consisting of
Drop, Medicines, Groceries, 'Liquors,
Sil; Patel.; Dyestuffs. Paley Good; ke.
which will be sold at anumally low rates. They als3
offers for sale the splendid and pauine Teas of the PE
KIN TEA COMPANY, for which they are agents, and
which they do not hesitate to recommend as being so
perio. to any other imported.
Haring been appointed agent for most all the genu
ine Popular Patent Medicine*, we assure the public we
will not offer any that are counterfeit, as we will not buy
or accept an agency from those speculators, who, by
base imitations impose upon the country with their
spot iota Drugs.
Towanda, June 18, 1849.
4. NI =Hi. •. 11
Ts now receiving a full eupply of SPRING AND
J SUMMER GOODS which ire offered for a to as
tow is the same can be purchased at any place th a side
of the city of New York. Thankful Go the very liber.
ral Patronage extended to him heretofore, be would
respectfully ask ■ call from all who wish to parches
Goods cheap as this stock is to be disposed of at the
lowest notch, please dont neglect to call and dont forget
the place. North Store corner of Main and Pine-at.
JUST openings splended assortment of fashionable
DRESS GOODS consisting of Worsted and Linen
Bereges, Silk Tissues, Linen, add Ghsnageble Lusters,
thglindies and Printed lisinslins, Scotch, French. and
American Ginehams, Chstnbra's Small Figured Blue
and Green DeLanas and the Prettest assortment of
Prints in town at FOX'S.
GLOVES -50 dozen Kid silk, leak thread and cot
ton gloves Maven , possible site and color at
tnyra • FOrS.
30 DOZEN mote of those linen II earthen:beefs at 12
ets. at tny23 FOX'S
HATS --Moleskin. far, silk, colceed and whits Masi
eon, wool, Parana, Leghorn, pedal and palm leaf
Hats, on band and for sale at MERCURS'.
CI APS—A good snortment of Meet sod Boy's ceps,
from 2i cents up, for isle at MERCUBS'. •
NOTICE is hereby given in the several collector, in
Bradford County, that the Commissioners will at
t their office in Towanda. on Thursday, Friday. and
Saturday the 20.21, and 22d day. of Sept. next to
make extmierstions from their Duplicates of State and
County Tomei ter 1949 at which time they are respect.;
fully reqcested to attend and lay their claims before
the Board.
By order of the Commissioner..
Towanda Aug. 20.1949 C, B. RUSSELL C lk.
ALL persons indebted 'to the estate of SMITH PIN
BLETON. demised, lau of Ridgberrr township,
are hereby requested to nuke psyolcut without delay,
and those having claims against said estate will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
D. B.l3ROvi N •
Ride/any, July'2B, 1849
Of Tray, Bradford county, Pa.,
PROPOSES making ;periodical. visiis at Towanda
during the session of every court. He may be
found at the house of J. B. Cross, commencing on the
21d of September. Reference can be had from any part
of the county. All work warranted. an Eirna
MRACY & MOORE are now receiving another
11 amortment of
whirl have beau purehised sines the late tall in prices,
and will be ea hl remarkably low.
-ToWeeds; July 13; 1849..
11).WHISKEY-40 bbk Old Whiskeydast re
01:7104BR -CLOTHING.—A largo assortment of
1.7 Goads for Maas' and Boys' Bummer Clothes. now
*posh* tied BR salo as ap2o MERCURS'.
I:llo2dliftTB—A brie ornottament of Ledies and Mr.
44 , 40.-Ilatenes. Intent.l rap. Paul, Cabe%
Nairnlkea and Litikern Baum& A 1.., maths and
downs. foe oak et • uqdlo MEIICURV.
JLIERiI TDOLB.--A 'mood eseortasent of Deed.
lilooldbi aid Berth PLANE*, grooving Phswo
end ether Jthw's Teo* lost received from the was
(Nog, ending age low by 0.. D. BARTLE £T
ONE Mile, and two koalas. to teach the Comment
Sebatt:s t thcberangh of Towanda. Schools to
twounseue on the lith Of 'August, and continue four
months. Ity order ease School Medan,
. July 17,184 L WM. SCOTT, fiectetary.
N c1 4. 4. &. ‘ s` Is sh°"
ot or . dimi.t SPRAG
stonsEß GOODS, which . will be sold at wry low
losimus at this establishment conducted upon
Wand' Inniest principles: You hive out Monks for
peat rayon and ws hops for it announce of dm same
as Ms do bonsai to sell Goads Map.
ToW* l .l. JAY 4 , lOC N. It VETT&
FrEsc.r.gliv .
, ,
ON I l se trainebeion of 'blowy, and ell kinds al
Nerettatakie. leave. New York dot it 6 o'clock
M. (Mew WAR fatUoiliaanitaiCt Wall us.,
N.L. onleli or goods left at our ooiarpt, with.
swede& to wih etek.
agent, Towanda.; L. NANKINO,4II : NON
Owego. Im9
111 I ' l
••• • ' •
WIZ boil ressovettis Dry Stor•
• corner of die . Pattlie Squire, lardy immitietby
Jambes H. Sam and baying tilted up tis 41011; bib
knier anorbleat a byg4liippli of
Willow k Wooden warr,ol4wor, Vl hiig Tickle;
He is agent for ineet of the valuable POPULAR
MEDICINES of the day, which can he pordissed of
him with a certainty of proOring genumo articles.
He is also agent for the . -CANTON TEA COM-
P.% NT of New Yoth.vrtiaos Teas bays aflaVavls wide
spread reputation for genuineness and their low price.
An ezeuiirrition of his moth, to whit& be unites the
attention of the public, will satisfy every one that it
has been selected with a view of procuring diebilot and
?Most desirable articles. end Purchased at thh.lowest
rates. Towanda, May I. 18411.
Which is also a Universal Family Embratatielifer
Diannes at the Woman Flesh., •
TIME snd experience haws fully proved that that t•
UNIVFB.SAfs REMEDY has not not its eq
'on the list of popular medicines, having been more thin
14 years before the public.
Testimony of the most disinterested charratfer of ha
wonderful effects on-the animal economy is altbost dai
ly presented to the proprietor.
A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes
were burnt off of him, was restored (without suffering)
by the timely use of the Oil.
Numerous are thc4insolicited statements of patients
themselves, .std others who have 'used the Oil, of cams
which in themselves appear remarkable, that they Vit
all interested in a pccunipry r point, they could hastily
have been credited.
The folio wing diseases are amo'og many others in the
cure of which this 011 has hero completely successful
and in which others had entirely
. . .
Spasms, Sweeney, Hingham, Windgalls, Pull Evil; Cal
lous, Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds. Ltmeness,
Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Sand Cracks,
Foundered Feet, Scratches. or Grease Mange, Rheu
matism, Bites of Animals, Eatemal Poisons, Painful
Nervous Affections, Vinst Bite*, Boils, Comic Whit
lows. Burns and Scala, Chilblains, Chaped hands.
Cramp, Contractions of the Mamie*, tvellargit,
Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, ese.
Beware of COUNTERFEITS. and be IMO the name
of the Solo Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT.
LOCIOORT, N. Y., is blown• in the side of the bet.
tle, or in his band afiriting• over the cork. Boni .be
persuaded to take any thing else with the promise it is
just 'as goed, &c., dec. This is practised by therm on
principled desieri whose conscience will stretch like
India R bber, and who are of a kindred spirit of those
in our large cities. whose-nefarious practices bane iro re
candy been exposed to the action of Congrest,
Those who attempt to Counterfeit this article are is
(erred to the law of New York. of May 1845, by which
it will be seen that every person meddling in these
counierfrits is subject to indictment, imprisonment, and
A person selling oat of this state, will be !hide to ar—
rest when in the state, and raw to be held as a whines§
against those he toseght of or sold for,
All Order's addressed to the proprietor will.beresporni
ed to.
Get a pamphlet of the Agent 'and see what wonde!.
are accomplished by the one alibis medicine.
Sold by respectable dealers , generally in the United
Stites and Canada. "
For sale by HUSTON & PCRTER,Towanda,
Wells, Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer, Covington. Abel
TurreU, Montrose. Pomp & Kinsey. Easton. Lewis
Smith & Co., Allentown, H. D. Dulfin, South Easton,
Oct. 18th 1348. n2O.y I.
J. A. Kane's Clothing Store, Elmira
Come listen now while I relate
A tale Vat bound to tell,
Of clothing sold at each a rate •
That none can undersell,
One day I called on John A. Kane . -
A snit of clothes to buy,
They *ere so cheap that I would Paid
Persuade you all to try.
Hum fcr John A. Kane, Hum for John A. Kos !
We'll buy OUT clothing all of him,
For beat him no one cam
His Stock consists of every kind, ,
And piled, my ayes! how high, .
You certainly can't help but-find, • •
The thing tp suit your eye.
There's Suits to suit all sorts of men,
For Wedding Church, or Shop
There's Nemo Vests, there's Cloaks
Of Coats a thtuiderin lot
Hum for John A. Kane, Hum for J. A. Kane.
If once jou buy a snit - of-him
You're sure to cell again.
There's Dress end Seek. and frock Coats tOo
Of Cloth the very best.
There's under:Clothing, Craratstoo,
Silk, Wool end Satin Vests.
And as fitting to a fit
I need not here to tell,
His clothing on each man will set first rate—
none better for he personally oversees the rutting
Department. end has his goods made in the best
manner. mid the best style.
Hum for John A. Kane, Mine for J. A. Kane
For when I want a first rata fit, •
Fit calf on higimmin.
Scene other titnelll tell you more
But this before' close, •
He tutslin band now in the Store
• •
A Stock of first rate clothes.
So wheel you have a little time
And cash on hand to spore. •
Remember that you'll always find
- John A. Kane ready to give you the wtirth.of yen:
Money at No. 8, Water Street, fifth door west tag
the Bridge.
Harm for John A. Kane, Hum fdr J. A. Katie
We'll buy our clothing all of him
For Beat him no one can: • ,
175 hinds wanted-for all kinds of work, Immediate.
JOHN A. KANE, Eltdtrr, Aug. 21 '494,
• FROM taw TOR '
NOW of Bradford Coonty.Pa., • I mate, periodi %
cal visit to TOWANDA, ' a.wsek or ten
days, commencing 9th of May nut. Will be faced at
the lifadfoni Hotel.
Sattsfsetory references and moderato pdoes. ' Teeth
inserted. from one to a whole rem end warranta) to be
executed el well es can be dene in the cities.
The following Tillages will be periodically yisited :—?
Towanda, Mai; Trdy;Leßayiville,' 4 . 2 M Infirrai?'
tion widths given • week of Bola abeam through the
Reporter, sad by mail lidvertisearats: apt
VAR AND -!!PIKES-,10. wag,
__ _
40d Nails, sal 4; 4j, and Winch Spikes, &Cub
toy !Ito poussi . l. k 4 or too, at ' AtERcURK,
Orijl!VlA f—Lamp Red Linseed Oil, gemsities
i to purchasers, for sale it ME RCURS'.
s~i~. •fit:—.._.._" ~:.,~
i.;i*.!3, , ,-...- - ,„,-.
~y:;f r
FacerGo*,iery, kc.
G. W. MerclauWa Celebrated
~ • ~ h
..- ,
.„. . ... ..-
, • :,,,,,.
. ,l'-'- -...,-+ t: •,i • .
` • : '— ............sssff•y7B.-
. • . . f ' rACTORY-.) . ,.. -
-A.a• it. pr. • aim* , g f r
S S XI" A kJ. T&
Th. i.sewsordisluy Meadow is dir M.vid
• . ,
VW. ititraat L rit
• sleeper. pteesstater. mut seerivsits4 stiNtrioi
• any set It seise ?Willa
PKrifixt. .sicholy e 4 ,4 i
The Amite beauty lia•I-saperiatir4•of deli .16111111i1
eVer au Mina utedielose , is.. that, wititalt otadisatat the •
iribeue..itbsvirru. lite body: .k it sap at OW Tali lalaa'
ariteto miu sumo*, MODICUMS
slier hear* eat silts wilier dor 'wholit'systro wed
.. strengthens the Yoreon, bee ts, moss now, rem and *lV
blood ; porter einguesed by so other asetlitios. And
in thre bs Dm snood secret rye its troutlegtot soma* Q_
hasperforated within the lest two yeas Imre thee IMAM.
vine of Somme aims of 'd 'imetse t . stt •Ittait ~111010, wens -
....„.id griu t insurable. It Etas savor. t h e li. at ions,* Via*
10,000 eltiblreA .the past tWirseasginr .'of N u *
fort aloes.
MIMI Nicol gir.ilestrall YeM IS tYIfY milli
• of
Dr. Toworomrs Somporilla isorigereteetheoltello systese ,
peronboandy. To Moss oho hate lost their anunalbsr sow
. jy by den effects of riedleitte• or indiscretiest eniseitted nit
youth or die siens.he tohdrosor of Ake porrairr. mai
fueoglo on by physical preigreiesis Sr the nervous eystewr,
WOW of sonbilloo. faistiattsastatiaw. primmer.
decay end decline itesteereg iowatols that Nod Ammo
Cuesetiptleth'. gate be entirely mewed by this pima.
set remedy. Thu Bogsayarilla is for setetlistrte any
As it mums and insiyorsiiin the system.. giver activiey .
to One limbs, and strewth b the senscodas germ is Js
want estssordlenry Ogres. •
Maass and Strengthen. Cosiaroptis• emu be cote. 11Prini;
Caneanebtiaa, Mann anainteiner Oath' Oatarri
Gawks. isikata. Soreaerho t e Chad,{
Reale PIRA treghe itilltati,.llillicult or trifled* Itt
peeearatiena, Pais ii.ehe Side.; hub bees and gam H
Pa: Tommowerb.—l verily believe your Simper'lht
has Immo the mean,, through ProviSesi*A, sable( ofyl
.ife. I bare for searrei years had a Mel Cone* It bd.
mare memo mul .erne. At lam I =bad large gmsnti=
ties of blood. hod Mehl snout; sad was Areetly
te aml rinbieed, 'au d did ant ezpeet tb Ilia. I balm endt
mad year S■reaparillo k •hurt time, and there his ■ men.
derfal chrome lama wrought in me. I ma ant ebtelo elatY
MI over the city. I raise no blood and 'my math hue
leR ens. Yoe at well imagine that I am thankful' AM
thmee revolts. Your obedient unmeant.
Milt 'RUSSEL!, OS Cet!'■rialed.
This only one or aware Uwe fuer thousand eaaeref Rhea
nailer that Dr. Townreaure Dareapcilla lac eared. The
mew aerrre mul ahroulo cases are weekly eradicated br 1(1
/caws Coro nice. Key_ nue of the wel.tants is the Luse
tie Asylum Markwelfe hhind, 6 tire geuttacas spoked or
au the folkering leder. ,
Blaelrarelre Islas& Dept T 4. DDT.
th7Talrooß Sir: I have nolfered IttrriblY fir
aim. veer* *tido the R lontoodiste considerable of the time
! could not eat...leen or walk.. I hod the niost dietrender,
and toy limb* were terribly **ellen. I have ttmol
.Liar bottle. of your Sarrspnrilla. nod they here done m 6 mbra
thin ati ~,,, *owl dollurn worth Of rood, I em .n nisch befit,—
indoed I s entirelyreliered. You era at liberty to ire thin
Atr the benefit of the *filleted.
r.•peetfufy, JA 31E8 CUlll.lfiNGif..
Beth mead Aims.
lir Townsend's Saroyarila is uneqii.dlnd is mum of the
Chill. and Fever nod Arun. Toe following letter is Maly.
elm of hundreds that we have messed frem the
B ynum Mid
West of like character.
nevrern. Mich.. Oet. 21: 1E47, „.,
Dr. Townieend : Dear Sir—l purchased for my wife tuna
kettles ofparsaparilla of your Azest; glir. WAD, of tale.
memo. to's:" it for the Fever and Ague. Before 1 had Mil,-
ed the Arm bottle, it appeared to warns the blood, streiniery
Other day when the Chills and the Fever appesred, tfiew
were left violent mid before she had finished the tibtilit
oho was entirely relieved, mid she was mach better thak
had beim before site took the Arwe. A lady that bad kiwis
very wick with the Chills and Fever, but had broke thus
with geishas. and mac Wt . he a Mali weak and dlistriialikr
state. lad troubled exceedingty with the Ague Cake teeing
the effect it had on my wife. Idle met and procureJ • few
bottler, and it restored her an a few weeks to itplet.a
health. Tour Sarsaparilla Is without doubt. Illielfedft .
&sears a incident to the Worst and if pia think thatthbacols
emote: don will be of me, you are at liberty to Ps it if JAL
Towasears Saisaparilla-is • sovereign smi speedy
sore for incipient Cosrunuptioa, Itarresnna. Prolepeite
Viso or Falling of the Womb., CI ))) I ) ones; File; Leann
rhom, or White; obstructed or difficult Menstruation, In
eoati of Chine,' or involuntary discharge tinirtot
and for the general prostration of the egetein—ito minter
whether tha result of iith cause or cause, produced
by irrepdarity : illness or accident. Nothing can too mote
surprising than Its inilgorating effects on the humeri trains.
Persons of all weskits's and lassitude. from takingit at
ante become robust and fall *renew nadir its hilireftte.
immediately counteracts the nerrelessitesi of the female
frame, which is the great cause of Barrenness." IY *ill
ern be expected of mar. is cases or so defeats a suture, to
exhibit _eettilcatos of carn. performed. bat we eats amino '
the minuted, that hawked. *teases have been reported be
vs. Tboasauda of came where farullirs bare been uolthlma
children, alter using a raw betties °nide iniraluahre wadi.
eine. Mee heen blessed with Sae. healthy elforing. It
has been etpressly prepared in refereees to fonds tom. .
plaints. No female who hen mien to suppose elm is ap
proaching that eritirai period. " 9 t h fur* itik"
should neglect. to take it. as it is • certain preventive for
any of the numerous and horrible diseases to whisk Ibmakes
are subject it this time of lifb. This period map •Ito des
bayed ter mere/ years by using ibis nteditine. Nor eb
it Iron valuable for those mho are approsebins-1161113311•
bred, as It is calculated to assist Nature by quickening
the blood and Invigorating the 'system Indeed. this midi
else is introit:able Air all the delicate diseased to whirl
Women are subject.
161 rem 1 II lenaimag tm Mitieerie lad Ellindireis.
It the rafirm and most e meth% medicine fb, ririfyirm
the system. and relleyirmthe sufferings agetninat nresehild.
birth ever disfavored. it strengthens both the modem and
child; prevents pain and disease. ineferes and enriches the
fond. those who hare used it think it it indispensable. It is
highly maid both hefors and coutheitatint; tilt preasate
diseases attendant spas childbirth. in Costiveness, Flits,
Cram 's, Swelling of the Feet. Deepondbang. Beeremen-
Vomiting. Nis la the Sack and Loins, Filmrules. Hapaor
rhage. and la regaliting the Seeratioes seed equalising the
circa...ion it bas an equal. The rest heathy of this Medi
eke is, it Is slays safe, and the mom delicate me ft OM
Neroftelis CormlL
TlilL " cattiness* conclusively proses that We aresperit;
a has perfeet mournl over the mast - °Waite diseases a
the Blood. TM's* peewee cared in the. house L sure...
Dr. Townsend : Dear W-4 ban the Omen t. leans
you that three of my ehildren Inn tine eared of the Sato.
Gila by the nee of yen excellent medicine. They were ell
dieted terysiaverely with bad sena bare takes liar bot
ties ; it took them away, for which I. feel myself seder
gnat oblige:lea.
Tun, renpeetfhliV.
ISAAC W. CRAM I Wooster-sa,
Opiwt•ns Plinkloom. . .
Dr. Townsend is almost daily reeeivint orders frau
Physicians in different parts et the Oaten, -
This is to certify that we. tbs•oed.ri(oed. Phrettiene
sr the City of Atheny. have to enseerees Cases prescribed
Dr. Towastouffe Banaparilla, sad believe it to be eel ad
the Nast Wag& preperelinne In the market. -
11. B, P. E. EI:b(F J It. U. • Albaity. April, MT.
Oplithat shied.
Mr reA, April is; 11117
• • -2 .'5W-r€LZ-', •
Fe•ale Medlair,
Three Chthlrest.
Owing to the :prat gneiss and hamense ale of Dr.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla. a number of men who wore for--
warty our *mints, have eommoned making - Seniaperilta
Curers& Maim 'WPM fa ITU OP of Tallow , Dank. Ike.
Theygenerally pat it itp in the samel shaped Wain - Ord
ems of these ham stoke and espied en eidentissisnenin,
they are only worthlean imitations, and should tie tended.
Nos. genuine unless signed by t. T. Townsend.
lialeeipat (Are. 126 FULTON Street. ill" &alio&
N. T.: Redding S. Co., S State street. Seitoi 1, &
Sera. ISt North Sheend street, Phih h
del et a: Risen, lleasirit.• Salesian 1 P. IL :09101%.. Cbbd.aM . l IFNI&
& Co., 151 Cbartres Street. X, .105/3esthf - IPsatil Street
Albany ; tad by all Os priseipai Mr
, abuts ratenalty thretibeet thi Vetted am* Wise ham
sad theAciadas....
Bold in Towanda. N., by 14 KINGSRERY, JR
and by RUSTO* I &. Poarm.
' : FULL Assitittawr, '