Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 22, 1849, Image 4

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. •
34 ; • Jr 1 ,1
111001 " Mpp
IIIN ,i 1
111/ " . -.. 77 ; 10 .•
OR. T• W 1 1 1181111110 9 11
Ths Iliad ears wit iwr Miedielas i•• ell • Wilde I
Iftis extract is put 19r ta Q■art Hades: it 4 sis heti
siaspt►. stSsasster, s■f rerrestai a■sortsr ts
any Jolt II twat aritis■t ressitisyr,
r■rging, gaming s► la~ilL
toting the PisiisaL
great boa■y and superiority of ibis SarssporNis
ever all ? other rosilieines is. tisat while it onulleatio the
disease, ii foriorrates the body. It is ase of lb. eery best
ewer koseere; it ant only purifies the whale system and
Mresigtliens the person, but it creates new, pore and rich
blood • a power possessed by no ether medicine. And
dal flee the mind secret of its wonderful *scenic It
ha. performed within tie last two years more than 1011,000
aunts of severe ewes of disease: at leant 13.000 were
esosidened isocutabin. It has eared the live. of more than
10,000 children the pest two mantas in the City et New
1041,11111111 cage* of Q . 1 Ifirbility *No4 least
of N B winray.
nr.Towneen.f• Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole- system
oariaammily. To Some •no have heat their inineeelar ener
gy by the infects of medicine or indiscretion committed is
Vostli iv the etc...ire tudiiiimuce of the pas.ipria„ end
Inweght en lay physical prostration of the matrons system,
leusitudia want of ambition, (elating sensation., presmiture
allicay and deline haidenlng towards that fatal disease
Irdssomption, can 1.. entirely "moored hy, thin plow
wt ',moody. This Sarseparilis id far maperior to any
ut renews eel inalsorefon the system, sires arthily
Is the hooka, and atreestb to the mimesis: system in •
mom lat.e.wdisary delves.
,/p • '.- -
•1 4
// 4 . -
Consuoiordose oirooar
0744.111 mod Aram/the. C•olarenplial• raw ha rrrod grow
chili., Coamonyttoon, torn. Child* CalArril
0.. 4 01., Atoka., Spa . 'UV Wood, &ore... in the Chyrt,
ffactit Flush. firsoria Sprat., Dijirott or Profoor Es
pecithralitm, Psis iw tirs Side, 4c., Aloot Joan flood tax Its
n.. nick, Orel SS, 181 t.
no. TOIIMIIIPID.-1 verily >our Fermin...elle
km been the 'lumina, tiirongh Providence, of nviny my
tire. I hare for "Metal pear had a bad Cough. It be•
imme worm and worse. At last I raised large nisepti
tioi or blond. hail night sweets, owl was greatly deldlitai
led and 1.4.3e,f01, and did not expect Ia live. I bay. Gordy
seed year Sarsaparilla a short tune, end there inm a no.
derfnl change been wrought in me. I am now able to o olk
.11 over th. city. I raise no blood and w. conch lies
left use, Yea am well imagine that I 'AV thankful far
Chin MUNI. lair al...heist nerveut.
.Wlll. RUSSIKI.L, d S Catherio• st.
_ .
This only one of more than liter thonwand gnome( Rhon
a:aims that Or. Townaen,l'a telArsaparilla has carrel. The
moat se.ere an.l chronic case. ale weakly eradicated by its
•straordinary •irtugs.
James c.mintiogg. 01' lb. a...tat:int. in the Len:
tie :odium - Marlow:lra Island, Is lbw gentleman .apokna of
iu the following letter.
Blacitsrell'• Seat. 11. 18r.
'Dr Tomipoind—llehr Sir , I hare sufferer! terribly for
wine wean with the Rheumatism: considerable of the time
1' nor eat, Sleep or wait. I had the moat distressing
pals.. and my iillnlll ware terribly swollen. I have maid
Inner bottles of your Sarsaparilla. and they have Anne me more
Assn a demean.] dollar. worth a rad. 1 em w mach herter—•
ro•leed I inn entirely relieved. I rui are at liberty to one this
fur the Mum& of the afflicted.
Tours rropeetfally. JA NIES CUSIMINGISI.
Fever iituml Avis.
Dr Town...non! Sarsaparilla Or unequalled in eases of the
Chll. and rover and Agee., Toe followies letter is only
tole of hundred. that we hare received (rein the South end
Went of like character. ,
(lover,. Mheh. Oet. 27, 18 17
Or. Torrasead : Their Bir-1 purchased for illy off. two
bottles of Sarsaparilla of your Agent, Mr, MeMeir, of Kali.
mason. to try it for the Fever and Ague. Before I had finish
ed the &It bottle. it appear t to war' the blood, and
ethei day when the Chills and the Fever appeared. they
ear law Oblast and berm.e she had finished the bottle
she woe entirely relieved. zed she wag. much better than she
t,.4 bees before she took the Ague. , A lady that had been
v,rt sick with the Chills and Fever, bet had broke them
s.O quinine. and a• left to a very Week and distressing
stAe. and troubled exceedingly with the Ague Cake. inning
t:oi rifest it had or my wife, atm sent and procured a few
bottles, and it reetrne4 her in ■ few weeks to complete
health. Your Sarsaparilla is withrrot doubt. uneitualled is to the Won and if you think Most this corn.
..... oioi.tion will be of 11., sae are at liberty to nee it if yes
Fermate nediciele.
rownimmrs Serasperilla is • unmet's and speedy
care fur incipient Consumption, Ilarrentiese. Protallow.
Ilion or ralliog of the Woinh, C.utirwnaa , Pile.. lamenr
sham, or Whites, obetructed or difficult Nicniarnation, le
egotallenaa of Urine, or inaoluntary diacharthr Menet
.ad fur the g Iproatnaitto or the aystent—no natter
w /onkel tin malt of Whereat coo. or scolee produred
hy firregulerity. illness or .trident. Nothint eau be more
mirpririeg thee Its invigorating egrets on the batman frame.
l'i,sotr of all *esteem and lassitude, from taking it at
ruler become !whoa and full of eosin" soder it.
le Immediately counteract. the ner•elmsueve of the female
frame, which hi the greet coven of ftarrentiem. It will
oat ie espimted of isy is eases Of .o delicate a nature, to
cshiliit certificates of cures performed. 4st se eye aaaora
the afflicted, that husdnerle of team have bees reported to
UP Tbouvatois of eases where families haira bee. without
children,. after owing a few heaths of this isorelonlile wadi
mite. have loom lilmoral with Gee. healthy elfapring. It
1...• linen expressly prepared' is reference to female eon.
plaints. No foetal* who hos reason to 'oppose she is ep
'ranching that critical period. nos of Ws,
ahould neglect to take it, no et is a assegais prow...titre for
auy of the oanterous sod horrside iliac.. to which Wailes
era subject at this time of life. 'Phi. period way be de
layed for several year* by seas" this eseifteise. Nor ts
it lase valuable 'for those who are approaching u tosistc
bond. as tt is calculated to esters by gawk...sing
the blood and invigorating the system. Indeed, this wed.
elite I. inealoolda for all the delicate disarm to whisk
women are subject
t-: ~_ r=
~ `~~~-_
Groat blobs to Mother* steel 44ildlelenis
It is the matfett end most effectual medicine for purifying
for ..Y.teek and relieving the oufferners, attiondint upon child
birth ever discovered. It uresigthens both the .mother and
child. prevent* pain Mid increases sod Goulette' the
fund those who have used it think it la indispensable. It in
biehly useful both before and she, eonfinement, es it prevent,
Absentee attendant upon childbirth. In Costiveness. Piles,
ernintai, Swelling of the Feet, Despondence. Heartburn,.
%%mating. Pain in the Rack and Loins, False Paine, Beam.-
sii4 in regulating the &terminus sad equalising the
I ..imule.lois it has no equal. Thu greet beauty of this usedi.
sic' is, it is always ea., and the oust delicate ono it mast
Nerefala Cared.
Title earliest. eonchisively proves that 'this *ampull
a lumped:et eastrol over the moat obstinate diseases of
out Mood. Titres parsers cured in see hers is isornses
Timms VllSitiliseist"
IllheTeansesa Dear hem the plower* Ii inform
pee Ilret three or ay 44Wea have boss eared of the Sere.
Olahrby the Pe d yssr seemliest stertielna They sere al
*lewd very severely with bud wok have takes leer hoe.
11 ".: It tusk them sway. Sir which hid myself elder
pest slilliptins.
. Tosrs respeettelly.
MAC W. CIBIII, b e Wessuir-st
0pa1... of Vbgaielloser
V., Tvvrevvv.i le deny receiving orders hes
IfkreEdam is dir.prot parts of the
t. i• to certify that aro, tie eadorobreed, Phyaleiout
of tris City of Allthity. Wye is aemoreet moo proscribed
Tnererernre Soraaporillo, and balliret ft to be one al
tototoohitetla proponithon 1.. th.f nodule.
41. D, P. ft. 6LAIDIDOILP, DL V. 4 Ahem', apt, Let 7•
tub to Ik. peat sooner sad Inaseetiee solo 11-410.
Ten omuid's loresperlits, • onothacof men who wore fos
newts our Agents beta enuotosneed -inablog ISsrusporills
Estroeu. Vining, Ritter.. Igntracte of Yellow Peel% Ire.
Theoireeerelly pot it op in the mom shaped bottles. and
some of bets SWIM and copied our egvertinesietsts,
they spt only worthlema boibitions, end Amid*, avoided.
lttiocipiodoo aglow :avoid by S. P. Tourist/1
eriseissi nsi... - its FULTON Sweat, oat tailtiat,
K. T.: neaaisa & CO. e suss sense. swam t Drett
133 Noah Ileesed etreel, Philaalailia as. flue.,
Minim flaktaise.: P. U. Colon, Charism,. Wright
& annum guess. N. co.: iss &nth. rem st,
Whoop ; yid by ea the principal &maim sad Use.
Vaaata lowasny threefilmit the (WWI Ikaiee, Wow Wass
'as/ - NW Cleilartaa
ISOM - it Towanda, Ps., b UMW: &
THIS , es 1' by S. KINGBIItRY, JR.
- A:MieicaL
A me lir Os imiikaeobair kr fopppd idk aka*
ore 0,166_ inikkOkili. sod sik lib kik le PIN
up a IllarenpiriltOrWilloiO cap DrArlownmorip kospeollk
dealai l l" a ik;eratCrafir.todlikel. Tblekikkond
as Mein. sad lanaelly a wafer se aY
seadkaimak satldlenr. - Tri mosisik *L elltbeak.ll 4
OM prime of Wirt IN is ass. 110 Is ss&
ft" do WO, e_44o sad pordisse saw bun Yr
er.xvimr, 0104 . 1:102L 01.0 Or. Jamb Timesmora
Patina. tkairies. likeems. btu badly sok di
iiiil44ll* lie am at ems.
itisalligAlSak . ' Xassiss-st., Xt. York aft
• . ' • .
Genuine- Townsend Sarsaparilla.
MI Dr. Townsend p now abnnt year* nr nee, and has Inez
been known as the 4 UTflatt and D/SCOY Kit .4 the
1.1." Beim mum be was rompelled to limit its manisfartuse. by
whirl means it haeheen kept nit of market, and the sales sir
totnicribed u. those only who had proved its wroth, sad knows
sus value. It bed reached the ears of many. neverthelesa, as
those pers. - mew hn . bnd been healed of sore dixerAmm and saved
than death, proclnimed its elroltenM and wonderful
anlnosier. seamy v,,,, ere, that be bad, by hie skill. WWII*
experience, devised an article which would be of incalete
hide advantage to etinkiod when the weans would be fur
nished to bring It Into universal notice, when its inestleisbie
virtues rimed he Amore and appreciated. This time Yu sane,
the tureen err soppiled this
g.r.frff .4Xii (;)111ti Ri 1.1. F. I) PR EAR RA nay
o reannfaciored nn the smile, end is called for themes
out the length and breadth of the hind. especially en It Is found
Inaspable of degeneration or dewrionsion. •
Unlike yeasty H. P Townsend's, It hemmers with see, and
never changes, but Gs the better :looms It Is prepsfed en sees
egpriavntis by a scisettife men- iris highest knowledge e l
ietnistor. and the truest di.coverie. of the art. Mgr, ell been
orongli. sun requiaition in the mannfacture of Us Old Ih's
Barsaptalln. The foraaptriila root. it is e ell known to medical
nee*. ronutins many medicinal pmpertlet, end some pmparties
spel l s ee 'gni or useless, and others, which If rem nod in Pre
mein It for use, produce feestsfetten sod est! , which is Si
lurian. to the system. Some of the properties of Parepusila
are an redstiZe. that they entirely evepornie sod we lost in the
prepanstion. If they ere not preserved by a 'newt* pewee..
known only to those experienced in Items's:l,state. blioretaer
these *Seas principles, which Ay nets vapor, or es an extr:la
hen, under best. are the very eseentialeurtiral pesperfees sd the
eke s kies, pies i• all is es in
Any pones east boil or stew the stmt till they yet it daft colored
liquid, which isree from die coloring must in ON MX than
from any, thing s e ; they ate th ee strain this insipid a stip./
liquid, senseuse tb sour molAmmis, sad the. call it BAR
BAPARII.t.A ZITILACT or tri'KUP." Ent such is sot the
skit!, bonfire as the
Thee an prepared, that all the inert properties of the gar
townie non Fne that wirinved. every thins capable of becoming
acid or of kvesentatlon, L extracted and rejected; then every
particle of medical vino. is secured hi a pore and coaceatrawd
farm ; and thus It is rendered incapable of losing any of vale
able and beefier properties. Prepared In the way, It is made the
mu s t per with .rent in the
Cure of innumerable diseases.
_ . .
Mend the reawn why we bear con.mendation• on every side
di Un favor by men, women, end children- We And it doing
wonders to the cone of
fONS MVP TION, r EPS 1.4, and I.IVP R
P 1.4 MM. and le RHECWITIS.W. SCR OW I-4. rmas.
COS TIFF.XESS, ail ccr.fx,:octs ER UP TICAIt, PLIF
P LES, 111.01 •T If Kx. and all affectinn• arnang from
it pommies a arametions rflimmy in an menplamts arising *em
frodiromena, fines .ItisLit, 0 .. eke Ittemaaa. fens nemptal earcula,
tion. detannimelott of blood to the head. palpitation of the beary
cold flat and hands. cold chins and hot ilbehes ewer the body. It
has ant lts tonal in Cohts and Clovis ; and promotes may ez
pectomtlon sad send. perspiration. Makin; 'triodes Of ibs
langs, throat. and every othsr part.
Boot in enohins is itsmsevlience mom manifestly rata and ac
kinceriediped thee in all kinds and stoma. of •
It n•nrlca nnadars In eases of Kusr.4Thas fir Whits. rallnyr 4
the Womb. Ciestryttsd. Siisressed. Panful Neilson. irrevidar
ity at the nrinistrual perhida, and the like ; and Is us efeetual
caviar all dri twins or Riley Mamma.
By leninshil abstractions, sad renniiitiag the seneral ars
Win. it eines tons and strength to the whale body, and thus
COWS all foams or
Nervous diseases and debility,
mod thus prevents ry relieves a Ine.l , illetr of other Rottman,
as Spire( irmaifien. Noseeigia, df. Vita, Daus, asonkiNir,
Lpeleptic fits. Coaratirings.
Iteiminses the blond. excises the liver to healthy WHIN.. Meet
the stomach. and gives good digestion. relieves the bowels of
torpor rind emistipetims. allays inflammation. mines the skis.
equalises the etredistine of the blood. prudoclng issue warmth
equally all over the body. sad the imemasible perspinitios; re
laxes all strictures and tightness, removes all obetructioes, sad
Invigorates the sense nervous Bynum. its ant this lb..
The medicine yon pre-eminently need I
Bet can any of these them be said of 8. P. Towneend's bais.
Our sruele I This Tonne man's lignld Is MA In be
because of oee GR AND FACT, that the use la
while the other DOES ; atinrite. fcresetnig. cad the
booties awaiting k into Reymann ; the four, ace liquid Inure
dom. and Annealing other goods! Nun not this horns& com
pseud he poisonous In the system 7 What! pet and Mr •
epees eirestiti diseasol. yid acid! What causes Dyspepsia but
acid 11 Do we sot all know that when food some hi our sum
ache. what mischith it produces 1 elatossee, heattbwn. Wel
tattoo of the been. Ilse, complaint, dieurriera, dyerstary. colic,
and corruption of Um blood I What is ecestela but aa
humor in the body 1 What produces all the humors which
bring on Duplicate of the Phi., Beak! Dead, Salt Rheum. Err
siPsias• White Dwellings, !Fever Sores, sad all ulteratess 111-
tarsal and enema 1 It Is nothing Nader beeves. het as acid
substance. which soon. and that spoils all the Raids of the
hotly. more or lesa. What canon Rheumatism but a mot or
and Said. which Isesuates Itself between dee MMus and elat
e hen. Irritating tad inflaming the delicate tissues apes which
It acts I No of siersons diseases, of Impurity of the bled.
deranged circulations, tad nearly all the ellassats which dill
hamas immure.
Now talc eta saveable aa =Ow sad as% aad *Ada" maws
as Ito•
end yet he week: We have It enderstoad that OM Dr. "cot
Townsend's ;intone Original Ssrasperdia. is am IMITATION
hts infenar preparation
Heaven forbid that we should deal le sa article whieb would
the neat clamant resemblance to S. P. Tawasend's arnielel
tied Which should bring ilke ■ upon the Old Dr. such a maculate
load of tomplalros sunienminations lane Agents who have said,
and partbeeers who have used gI.P.TowesentrsFERIIISTING
we wish it und►ntmd, beeanse It Is the a►alab alma that
B. P. Townsend's ankle end Old Dr. Jacob Trionsend`a
saporilla are honese-mode .pan. sad imfbutaly diesieritor; that
they are unlike in every particular, hawing &otos' might Woe
fa enaunon.
As B. P. Townsend Is nn doctor. and weer whs. I. to
demist. oo.phannateutiet—knoire on mere of medicine vir db.
saw than any other emumno, uswelendrie, ustenteselosal loan,
what piaraelfB one the penile have that they are receiving •
genuine eventide medicine. enetatelos aft the virtues of the
articles used In preparing IL and which are ineepablis of cha nge.
huh might tender them the AGILITO et thosean Is.aad at
Sat who , oho dmold Ito onteeted flan nue who toners - and,
IR enemeesrthely of inedlehie of dismal It requites a person
among experience to cook sad we,. up even a merman items'
steel. How much wee Important is it that the persona who Ma
Uthettlall medietne, designed fur
should know well the medal properties of pleats. the heat
master of eethring and emicentrating their healing vireste.
atm ea estfeasive knowledge of the Miriam Owasso which sled
the harm" eyatem, and how to adapt mmetturs to Mews diseases!
It Is to arrest fraud. eism the unfortunate. to poor bairn tete
wounded Imarianlty. to kindle hops In the despstreg Wanes. se
Amines. health end bloom. end mew met the crushed and kery
ken, and in banish infirmity that ciLl) DR. MODS TOWNelZkiO
has dOIX/HT and FOUND the opportunity and means Ile MINI
Grand Universal Concentrated
--•- - -
withla the reach. and In the linowirden of lin who sand U. Ord
*bey may Mara and know, by Joyful esperiewea. Me
Transcendent Power to Heal.
Da. James New You,. Ott 5. MIL
Rot i—On the 90th of July, PifT. I was again nuarbod with
rheumatirm, emit co:alumni. under venous pneserintbermiale POW
worse few at bona two mouths. f became entlrety helping.
Incapable of.feedber rawly; or turning I. bed, nr helping mynd
say way. is thin mate I continued until Janssen IMO. wham
I berm to "mead afilde and Improve gradually 118 the let
Thin .11.1411141311 was only on the as to be abbe befirid
though lataptble of getting In nor out of bed, or ens bosigi
re Mt I reurnhied in this miudttion, with little or no
until falrly despaired of getting about again ails mememlt
the 21st July. I was Induced In try your Sanaperilla on the
sub. aim emirs after taking the Ent dom. / dROsR LJtf ern
wweak, hich I
l had out diem before la tea mamba sad la igen Una •
with the aid otcrutcbea fends Own. I have walked In the attest
have pee aloae (mot ejrneeattest to the hut ; thence la
Lovejoys Hoed end back. Heave hien to 65 Names-sow
two different tune,. and ah sow Ossontly chitin* hy
lien. During all this time. have takes but two beers of Ohl
Pr. Tsweestia's fatialiarins, Oct. 4. I procured ameba/ bottle
(6th Oct.) aM I trained twice acraw the dam without dee lad
of clutches. Lime aho nearty rammed nest skonseSsa se
maw, which give me peat distress. The pale la my back Ms
ukelele left as. l avid my fishy have no senility mason bi
seseibe ley aterreety so any whey cans but to
OLD Di..I4COS rpinirsEarLes s.stasurAiut.l.4.
ALEX. WILLIOL iielsaatraa
P. 6-411WheH . deapabed of ray SIM walk*,
stem seeded Wed: fros nay had again.
Primal !flies 101 lassamtreet. L T. City.
Sold wholesale and retail, in Towanda, Pa., by HI
RAM MIX, agent for Northern Pennsylvania. 84y
Sold she in Troy by Dr. Rufus King ; Burlington,
Coryeli is Gee Orwell, C. G. Gridley.
DALM LEAP HATS, Leghorn Bonnets, Ribbons
L Flowers, de• at FOX'S, No. 7..11.6.
rifl h,
7 man wart onlriazainne.
Nahum is Ikreary or etiker Mande
I hoopoweeis cool &I EXTERNAL. tKIREN.
sONOUS - WOUNI:08, a ilischolis their putrid
'item sod then bask theta.
4is rightly tensed ALL-HEALING, for there is
if a dims., internal or irnansal, that it will dot
t. I haws aged it for the tat sixteen yeses, for all
ttiofteap of tbs chest, invalviog t h e sunset draw sod
nesioasibility, and I declare. Woes hams aced man.
LINO asit-ia ens ease has it failed tobasofit whew the pa
ii at was within reach of mortal means.
l e
have boo physicians learned in the profirisksar-I
ba had ministem - ol the gospel, judges of the'bermb,
al mown, lawyers, gentlemen of the Memel erudition.
.na multitudes of the poor use, It in every variety of
Way, and then lies been but one voice—one universal
rake—saving ...
" AfcAlliiier your Ointment is good I"
!Rheurnatistu.—ft VPIDOvall almost immediately the
infistrunatinn and swelling when the pain ceases.—
Read the directions I round the hos.
Read Aehr.--Tbe salve has cored persons of the bead
ache of twelve years standing, and who had it regular
eeery week so that vomiting took place.
Deaf.. eta, &u-ache, Toofh•acke and Antic in the
Puce, are helped with like *omega. •
:scald Head.—We have cured cases thet actually de
fied every -thing known, es well u the ability of Aileen
to twenty doctors. One man told us he had spent t3OO
on his children without any benefit, when • few hues
of the ointment cored them.
lialtlaess.—lt will restore the hair sooner thiut any
other thing.
Teltee.—Tbere is nothing better for tho cui r of triter
Burns.-I,t is one of the brat things in the avotki for
Piles.--Thousands are 'wilily mired by this ointment.
It smelts Arils in giving relief for the Piles.
CC Around Me bosses 01 ec•ines for using MeAllis
ter's Ointment for .Serofirkt. Liver Complaint, Ery
sipelas, Teller. Chill Glum. Scald Head„, Sore Eyes,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Nerroue offedions,
Pains. disease of (he Spine. Head oche, Asthma, Ear
ache, Burnt, Corns, all Diseases of Me this. Sure lips .
Pimples, t r e- ; &pas of the joints, Sire!ling of the
Sore limbs. Sores. Rheumatism, Piles. ev/dfn
Croup, swelled or broken Breast, Tooth ache. Ague in
the Face, .ke., ¢e.
c [ l6 Aged persons find rest relief in using this Oint
ment freely.
corna.--itegasional nee of the Ointment will alwayv
keep cane front Qroaing. People need never be trou
bled with them if they uee it frequently.
(10" This Ointment is gond for any part of the body
or limbs that are inflamed. In some cases it
applied often.
eacTinv.—No nititment will be genuine tinlints the
name of James MrAilister iv written with a pen upon
every label. .1 A M ES ;WALLIS PER.
Role Proprietor of the above medicine.
AGENsiI—H M.O MEHCCR, Towanda ; 8
II & ‘ll , . S. Newman & Co., Canton ; Elmore HOT
lon, Suriar 45y
Office, at No. 28, North Third-Pc—Phil,
applientinno tor henries Rimy he'mmele.
Cllekner's Vegetable Purgative Plll%,
ARE the first and only medicine ever discovered that
will positively cure Headache, Giddiness, Piles,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the
Back. Inward Weakness. Palpitation of the Heart, Ri
sing in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of all kinds
Female CcnipMinis. Measles, Salt Rhecm, Heart Burn.
Worms. Cholera, Morhus, Coughs, Quinsy, Whooping
cough, Consumption, Fite, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Deafness, Itching, of the Skin. Colds, Nerveot Com
plaints, and a variety of other Diseases arising from im
purities of Indigestion.
It has been proved that nearly every disease to which
the human frame is subject, originates from impurities
of the Blood or Derangements of the Digestive Organs;
and to secure Health, we must remove those oheitiumimui
Of restore the blood to its natural item. This fact re
universally known, but people have such an aversion
to medicine, that, unless the case is urgent, they prefer
the disease to the cure, until an impaired Coniiiitution .
or a fit of sickness rebukes them for the folly of their con
duct, Still they had prime excuse, for heretofore. med
icine in almost all its forms, was nearly as disgusting
as it was !beneficial. Now. however, the evil is most ef
fectually removed ; for Clickener's *lv-table Purgative
Pitts, being completely enveloped with a covet:oo or
ecee wurrx swat (which is distinct from the kernel)
have no taste of medicine, but are as easily swallowed
as bits of candy. Moreover they do not nauseate or
gripe in the slightest degree, which is occasioned by the
fact that are compounded on scientific principles, and
operate equally on all the diseased parts of the system,
instead of confining themselves to, and racking any par
iCULtf region, (which is the great and admitted evil of
every other purgative.) Hence .they strike at the Nat
of Disease, remove all impure, humors from the blood,
open the pores externally and internally, promote the
Insensible Perspiration, obviate flatulency, Headache,
die; separate all foreign anal ohnotious panicles from
chyle, an that the blood, of which it is the origin, must
be thoroughly pure—secure a free and healthy action to
the Heart, Lungs and Liver, and thereby restore health
eren - when all other means hare ja i led.
Al. letters of inquiry or for advice must be ad
dressed (post paid) to Dr.C. V .CLICKENER. N 0.66
Vesey-st., New York, or his authorized agents through
out the country. For sole in Towanda, by
HUSTON & PORTER, No. 1, Brick Row.
N. R. Remember, Dr. C.V. Clickener is the inventor
of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the sort was
ever heard of, until he introduced them in June, 1843.
Purchasers should therefore ask for Clickener's Sugar-
Coated Pills, mid take no other, or they will be made
tha victims of a fraud. by
The above medicines can he purchased of the follow
ing named agents: Leßaysville. G. H. Little; Orwell,
Henry Gibbs; Rome, D. M. Wattles ; Ulster. Peck
ham & Co.; Milan. G. Tracey ; Athens, C.H.Herrick ;
Smithfield; E. S. Tracey ; Burlington, Coryell & Gee;
Troy, 0. F. Redingtren ; Canton, Charles Rathhone;
Monroeton, B. Coolbaugh ; Standing Stone, Wm. R.
Storrs elk Co.; Wyalusing, C. B. Fisher.
..712%15EC 11111.111 LC 31-..1111ii •
L. M. NYE & CO., would re
spemlly inform the citizens ot Tow
anda and the publicimoerally, that
they have on hand & manufacture
to order all kinds of CABINET
FURNITURE, of the best mice.
lisle, and workmanship that cannot
be surpassed. i n addi lion to the usual
assortment in country shops, ws will keep on hand and
make to order sorAti, of various and most approved
patterns ; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior
style, and fur ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our . large cities. Also, the half French Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the
best heir seating. We flatter ourselves that having
had much experience in the business, we shall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to all. both as to
quality and price, and by strict attention to business
hops to merit and receive the patronage of* libEral coin
=unity. L. 14. NYE It 'CO.
Towanda, September 1.1847.
AirAy BE HAD at oar shop much lamer than
ITIL has ever been sold in Towanda. 'Goods are
cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the mason we
can afoul all for to do it. All kinds of produce will
be received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds.
- Sept. 1. L. M, NYE it CO.
132 4 .=9.0 A D
THE subscriber still continues
manufacture and keep on band
At the old stand of Toudrins and
Heldman, all kis& of cane and
food seat CHAIR E; and SET.
PEES of varkiWikinds, & BED.
STEADS or eve* deseriptkon,
Ada I will sell low for cash
Produce, or Pine or Cherry
Lumber. or el sir Plank, will he
received for work. TITIINUtici dose 10 order in the
neatest manner. Also.
make and kept on hand. or made to onkr. im the beat
Towanda, January 4, 1849.
VON limed undtstlan, indents. Osthograpby, Rad
-1: lug Writing, Arithmetic, Algebra. I/wk./MOM
; Enna Eltmanner. Rbetotie, Composition, Osegrapby.
Um of the Ode% Mineralogy. Natural Pbilainphy end
Admmay. (with dm use of aimed opportune Mills. ,
trate those Ondists,) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry,
payable qsanerly in advance, per aansm, 11100-00
Day scholars, par quieter, 4 00
11271.& 101.1211111/4
• French. per quantal, $4 00
Latin. 4.00
Spanish, " ' 400
Meese. (on the Memo) per quarter. 10 00
Embroidery and rug work." 200
Any-young lady receiving instruction on the piano,
a privileged to team rag-work, Si any oese of Mom
any:ogee, and the some time, wittiest additiond Atom.
To a young lady who studies the English Month*
the terms of teaming each of the shove branches, are
per quarter, i 3 00,
1 Instructions on the Oskar, 4 00
Use of Pianos, 75
Drawing and painting in water Won. including
the uss of materials, such as drawing paper,
paints, pencils, &c. 4 00
Oil painting on novas& 64 10 00
Painting transparent window abodes, itselasimg
1 the supply of materials, cash 400
Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per
twelo. lessons. 0 00
Gilding on silk, crape. die. do. 3'oo
Was Bowers, per quarter, 6 00
Pens and ink, "- 50
Washing, , 2 50
Board in vacation. $2 00 par weak,
Lentos post-paid, addressed to the Mims WRITE
&GRIFFIN. Binghamton, Broom co.. N. Y., will re
ceive prompt attention.
JOHN W. wri.cox, has removed his establish
meet to the shop between Kingsbery'a and Bart
lett's stores, and where he mill solicits • share td
public patronage. He intends, by • careful selectiOn
of stock, and by attention to the interests of his eolith.
mars to make as neat 1r d durable work as can be m -
nufectured in this mot -I the country.
He will keep constant'y on hand, and manufacture
to order, mornero, ref and Coarse Boots and Shoes ;
Ladies' Goiters, Shoes and Slips ; Children's do. ;
Genes Callers and Pumps, 4'e.
c ry Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken in
payment for work, at the market price.
Towanda. April 26. 1847.
40,DD0 ga\VIEM .1 - 131)35V Z
Merely for the taint of cheap Clocks, Watches and
Jewelry! Great Rush at the
JAMES P. BULI. respectfully informs the citizens
of Towanda and vicinity. that ha has lately return
ed from Philadelphia, and permanently located in To•
wands, one door bebre the Brick Row, in the room fur.
merly occupied by Mercer's HafBtore, when" may be
found gold and silver watches, gold. fob and guard
chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pens, breast pins,
finger rings; arc., cheap fur ca•th, and every article war
ranted. A large supply of Cl.'ll:KBf, of elm latest im
proved patterns, sunning
.from 30 bows to 8 days and
• month, with Ono winding.
c 0". Partiteler attention paid to repairing cLocKs,
WATCHES dt JEWELRY. of every description, and
from the long experience which he has had in the ho•
sins, work left in his ears will be done in the beat
workmanlike manner. Old gold and silver token in
sxrdianne. Towanda, A omelet 16, 184 84
Removed to north side Public Square !
lir 4. Chamber/in,
41.1. U A 8 just returned fmm the city
.1.1. of New York with a large
C • - • .11 supply of Weinberg... Jewelry and
nv. Silver were, compruang in part,
',( the following •rtieles:—Lever.
. L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
'I X ar• a complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such u Ear Rings, Fin
ger Rin Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, ete. Mao, all none of Silverware,
and any gummy of Steel Beads—all of which be offers
for sale esceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Weches repaired on short notice, and warranted
to ron well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. 8.--MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in payment for work ; and alsi, learn now, and
forever, that the Produce must be paid when the work
is done—l war against credit in all its forma.
Tograrpl*,• A pril 1848.
ri• F. HARDER respectfully *tithes to inform the
%J. citizens of Towanda, end the public that be has
commenced the
in Towanda, on Main street, • few downs above Bridge
street, where he will keep constantly on hand or make
to ord.r, haled and common, Trunks and
Trunk rakes, and all kinds of work in his line. CAR
to order. From his experience in the business,. and
punctuality. in attending to it, he hopes he may receive
shay of poldie patronage. .
0:7 Ali kinds of work may he had at hie shop cheap
oar theta seiny other shop in this county.
Towanda. June 12, 1848 1,1
What Ur you about hero! Iro't ye! Tea, I goeusol
THOUSANDS of times the question has been asked.
Where on earth are all the Boots and Shoes ma
nufactured that supply the continual rush at the corner
of Main and Bridge streets O'Hara earners that this
is the place, and these are the things we do it with !
Seventy- deven netvfashiona
• •
every Iwo seconds!
- z=••• _ Put din the Steam! !
Hear ye ! hear ye ! and understand, that O'Hara, at
the corner of Main and Bridge strata, will sell at retail
this season. 39.781 paint of Boots, Shoes ma Braemar,
at a leas price than aver moor probably aver will be of
feted again in Towanda.
The Ladies' Department in this establishment is
richly furnished with fashions. Ladies', atlases' and
children's fancy and common boots and shoes, even to
the extremity of the latest fashions. Mistake not the
place —Corner of Main and Bridge streets, the only
Shoe Store in Bradford County. Half cash and hall
trade for Butter. H. O'aARA.
Towanda, Jane 1 B. 1E147.
L. memo& I. I. ann.
Completion.of the North Broach Canal !
AVING formed eolartnenship in the mannfaeri.
/I lure of BOOTS & 8110118, at the old stand
dome doors nort/rof Rridge .t . would respeeteally Wm *
their friends and - the public, that they will carry on the
Wainer in all its branches—keep on barmland make to
order, everything in their line in the neatest manner and
in their latest style.
Beleiving that they an do se geed or better work
than an be had . elsewbenr they would my inshore wish
ing good article in their line to give them seat Niftily
shall be .atie6ed. !kinking dontion abort notice.
(1' Prods, of all kinds taken for work. Hides
wanted in ezehange for Root* and Jilhoes and Leather.
Towanda Dec. 14, 1 818. B. & 8.
11110AINTe. OILB. & DYR-BTUFF2'. I , also Match',
by th. gross, *No. 2, B. R. FOI'B.
X baba pets op, try DE KINKELIN. yid+
ay west sad best bawl ti ewe al Wow of seent.diao:
sr. if lb. skis, awl militaly Wits at youth ' se
DR. KINKELIN. Nedisrageorstor orTHIRD got
UNION limisesi.lpetwees Bpi... sad P6i4 a -num
saiki.ealfiroot the Exchange. Philsialplia"
Then is a habit which boysinseh sechather time Arid
soy oe• hibite indulged in when by- him.
esIG ineafineds. growing op with the boy to manhood;
few of those who indulge in this pernicious pmettee
are swam et- the courequeness, Mill tbsw•
somas system shattered. feel sillette end eissawelk
table hidings. sagas fors in the mind. The indivicual
becomes fable. be is unable to labor with accustomed
vigor or to apply hie mind to -study; bis step is tardy
sod week; be I, dull, inverdote. • •
coutiosed, the pto amities power is destroyed, and
'marriage ern&red ispoosible. a lung train al nervous
affections Gellow, that eountematim is dowaeost, the eyes
without natural hears, eltansfseedueseis apparent.
Tease •sa martens wows Stoup' AWAILIII the
eteeetion of these shelled, eMietee.
Be conscious albs ems of hisdecity.and quit it. he
suffers under this_ temlde !Dictums' and involuntary
emissions, which waken WO ilisme biro producing
mental and physical prostration. If he emancipateshine.
writ before the practice baa done its worst. and eaten
matrimony. his marriage is unfruitiol, and bir mum
tells him that this is caused by his early tellies.
Let no false modesty deter you - from making your
cue known to one who, from education ar.d te•pects
bility, can alone befriend you. Ha who places him
eel( under DR. KINIKELINIS treatment, may religious
ly confide in his honor as gentleman, an d in whose
bosom will be fotever locked the secret of the patient.
Thousands have been restored to health korn the de.
venation* of these terrific maladies, by Dr. Kinkerin.
German Physician.
Packages of Medicines. Advices, dm, forwarded, by
sending • remittance, and put up secure from damage
or curiosity.
Post paid fetters answered forthwith. 6m3l
Second edition, just pattliffilied, rice 21 , as.
A Treatise on Affection, Love and Marriage. and
the Dieresis of Youth. Maturity and Old Age• or the
Lights and Shades of Married Life, (its infelicities
and enjoyments.)
" To be or not to be, that is the Titration."
(With curious calms. ithistrations, Ate.)
' There are more things 'twist heaven and earth, Horatio
Than are dreamt of in our philosophy:--Snstisrasits.
This book should be in the beads of every young
man or woman contemplating laAallilatel. Every
school-boy, and indeed every man or woman, married
or single should read with care and attention, this truly
useful work es we consider it well adapted to awaken
attention to a subject more• blighting to body, mind and
soul, than any other ems.
Youug or midde aged persons. suffering from Dys-
peptic and Consumptive sy mtome Of longstanding, by a
careful pemsal of this most wonderful work. will find
the cause of such symptoms in the baneful habit here
g3'Any one sending ,twenty-fire cents enclosed in
letter, will rcc.eive sine copy of thii book by mail, o
five copies will be seat for' ne dollar.
(0•All letters are exrected to be tore raTo, except
those containing • remittance, and addressed,
'• DR. WM. YOUNG, 152 SPRUCE Street, bet
ween Fourth and Fifth, Pot bm34
Warranted ander a Penalty of $l.OOO, fire from
Mercury aid other Mineral Mubstaucra!
The Only Original gad Gamine Indian Medicine
EVERY day is this
•-.lirated medicine ex
'ding the sphere of ire
:fulness ; and every
tr to the long
ilogue of triumphs.
-A !devils:lr Beggs!
distributed annually
Moot folly meeting
demand ! For some
te past, the sales have
in limited. solely fot
int of facilities of sop
r. Truly, this is a
Menial remedy ! Un
raided, these pills bare
mid their way into the
Joint comets of the
Union, every wtiere proving their title AS yes Poor
MAN'S Filitun--Sicu Man's Hors--Teti Marvel
Bigssiere or Yea Ans.
For a trifling Pont, every individual and every family
may have Hsavra hestince to them for an indefinite
period and what is life without health, but • misera
ble existence!
It is too precious a boon to be tampered with, by try
ing all sorts of experiments opon it. The sick should
use those medicines only which experience has known
to be the best.
[From Catskill. Greene County. New York.]
Dr. W. Wright—Deer Sir: I have found your Indi
an Vegetable Pills a valuable remedy in cases of Gene
ral Debility of the System and of all Billions disorders.
I am also in the habit of recommending them to fe
males in peculiar eases. I observe them to operate in
the ay-tem, without producing debility or pain, leaving
it in a hesPhy condition. JOHN - EOANE. M.D.
[From Norton Hill, Greene County, New York.]
Mt. Wright—We have used and sold your Indian
Vegetable Pill for three years past, and do not helium
to recommend them to our friends end customers as the
best family medicine in WNW & 1.. RAMSDELL.
The following is an answer' in reply to a note from
our agent asking Dr. Bouton's Opinion of this medicine :
Triegnaie;torg, Aug. 29, 1848.
Mr. A .Durham—Dear Sir: In reply to your note of
yesterday. I would state, that I have occasionally found
it convenient to use the various ". Patent Pills" vended
at the' shops ; and while I am unwilling to my anytiing
to depreciate the value of others. I arn:free to confess
that I consider Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills su
perior to all others with which lam acquainted. I have
used them for many - years both in my own family and
in my practice generally. and they have uniformly mild
certain and safe in their operetta-mi. The care and
skill with which these Pills have been hitherto menu-
factored am in my opinion, a sufficient guarenteefor
like goad results in future, Very respectfully,
Dr. B. M a prectioner of long experienee,well known
in and even beyond the lines of Wyoming county. He
is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, sod
highly popular with the pimp!, apron` whom he resides.
[From Preston Kills, N. if•nk.]
dDr. W. Wright—Dear:Sir: I was attacked with a
violent pain in my heed and rush of blood on the brain,
which confined me tom room kw six weeks, and drew
the sight of my eyes so as to prevent me from seeing
withit. sad left me with a dissiness in my bead' for
about six months. By taking three or Rum boxier
your Pills. I was mewed to health again.
June 18.1848. • - PETER VAN WAGNER.
BSWIIII or Baser 11.741sTitti CollNTltiteltille!
Remember. that the original end only- genuine Indian
Vegetal* Pills hem the written signature of William
Wright en the top of each box. •
The genuine is for sale by MONTANYES & Coy
sole agents for Towanda; and by agent§ in.all other
parts of the State. -
Office devoted eseJusively to the sale of Wiiidit's
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 169 Rich {
st., Philadelphia, 288 Greenwich et.. New York. ilea
198 Treeroat, Boston. .
1111C101311Er`lErnlusT.NSIN •
15y9LL-be kept on band a large essortment, at d
made to order on shorter notice and (miens Ma:
nay the. cars be Twanged at any other eskablisbmeatits
the land. Those who are under the necessity of 'Pro
curing that article will and shall be eatisiled. • A good
hearse and paN may be had in attendance whenriesited.
September 1, 1847 . L. M. NYE_ do CO.
1 - 4711112. bllck,blue andgreanworhed Demi Yale.
V aka Idnalin.thien wrought and French Lwow*
farm a splendid lot of Ivory Handled Pans, obo Istito
.an Scums's. Boinit fronts. linen and cotton lam.'
twin and jacronet Nadia edginp and invortings clew
at - roy22 FOX-13,
*an inarboa Mlle'"mg'isf WIL
A°KAM iliwiesed. r ef erieglida 1 , 0
morsosit t ear iank.4t payment v!illiosi delay, a w
Room lanai Al= opus% osid• Me va Plums pre.
ifs*dbein 414 imandesMillor' w
W. S. BRACE, Ese ct i,; .
8 0 4 0 ilaacile
ItLL perimme leallebtai to mote ofJOSEpH
MOTT distwised at. .t Wyslissiagtomb*
Wes nwiewsted saki,• paymeat deiam md
thaw haviareudiacogniesi alum will phew r e ,
sost thaw dilly solliondawed 2w poulemeat.
Wyenstair. Mei 26. 164 2 . &wow.,
ALL persona indebted to the estate Of DAVID it.
WATTLES,. *awed, We of Rowe townshi p ,
are hereby resfuested to make mann without delay,
and those baying, claims whist NY estate will platy
present them duly autheaticsted for ',dilemma.
Rowe .Tujj 21". 1849.
LIST OF JURORS drawn for September Ser.
MOWS. A. D 6 1849. ,
. 1111AiD JC110313.
Albaay—Janses Lee; Armenia—James Lyon;
Granville-44mm Apes. Benjamin Saxton ;
Liteb6el4—Blishop Herriel4B. kr Kinney. E. Mona;
Monroe—Francis Bull;
Orarell—A. G. Mathews, Alonz*R m ter ;
Rome—J. W. Woodburn.
Sheshequin—Horace Kinney. Calvin Smith;
Standing StoneSatiatiel Kellura ;
Troy b.—W. H. NiCholis ; Troy tp—Renben
Ulster—Ed. Walker, Geo. Walker. G.B.Vantlyke ;
Warren—J. D. Burbank, Marcus Tyrrell;
Wyalusing--Stephen Lyons; Virrox—R. W. Eddy.
Albany—Daniel F. Miller, Peter Steriaere ;
Burlington—Ainl M'Keao ; Canton—L. J. Andrews;
Milumbia--Benjimin Calkins, George Hall ;
Durel—Daniel Cole, Jonathan Stevens, Jr.
Franklin—l. C. Ridgeway;
Herrick—L. H. Brownson, Isaac Camp, George It
Litchfield—J. R. Brown ;
Monroe—J. L. Rockwell, Josiah Lawrence;
Orwell—Earl Hawe;
Pike—;lackvon Pierer.:
Ridgbety—Jonathan- Allen, John Wallace ;
Rome—H. J: Chubbock ;
Smithfield—Luther Adams, libeller' French, George
LL•Crawford ;
Sheshequin—rDarwin.Clillen ;
Towanda Tm—William Barnes;
" Boro-.-L. M. Nye ;
Troy Tp.—Hirani Case;
Warren—S. C. Brainar d, Jeremiah - Canfield;
Wyalctsing—Berton Edwards, L. P. Stallard;
Windham—James Finch; •
Wysox—James M. Reed;
Wells—John A. Roy, Samuel-Wright ;
Athens Tp.—Solomon Bosworus, Wm. IL Gyms,.
C. P. Welles:Jr.
Albany—Rolliii Wilcox;
Burlington-4: V. Daniels. Sherman 11. Hill;
Columbia—L. L. Gregory ;
Durel—Wm. Coolbatigh, G. W. Coolbatigh ;
Granville—John McNaoght;
Leroy—James Larcom. Sullivan Morse;
Monroe—Geo. H. Bull. H. S. Salsbury ;
Orwell—Chester Chaffee;
Pike—J. A. Codding ;
Ridgbery—George Cooper. lames H. Webb, Aire'
Colburn ;
Rome—S. W. Elliott. Philander Towner;
Springhill—Hiram Horton;:
Smithfield-4111n Seward; •
Towanda Tp.-13. M. Holman, W. W. Easter. ;
brooks. WM. H. Poster, H. H..M ace, H. M,3lyn
.Trov Tp.—Witliam Barto, Leonard Upham
lrlster—Jeduthan Simons, Thomas Scott;
Wysoz—Gabriel King, Bertrand Whitney:
DURSUAN7tO Int Older of the Orphan's coon
.1 Sullivan county, will be exposed to rate annum
day, the 6th day of ,September next. at one o'clock, P.
M., at the house of Hannah Fairchild, in the town,
of Cherry, county aforesaid, a certain tract of laud a* 1
taining 11:12b Kern, on which is , erected a log hotel
and about 25 acres improved, situated in the towable
aforesaid. adjoining lands of the heirs of Moses Dank
Thorns Evans and others„ late tits estate of said dt.
ceased. Attendance will be given, and terms of 10
made known by A. J. Dietrick administrator of all di
of Samuel Thomas, late of Cherry tp.. defeated.
WM. MULLAN, Clerk 0. C.
Laporte, Jul 4 28, 1849. is.
TAE undersigned having been appointed an Aldan
by the Orphan's Court of the County of Bridal
to marshal anretts and distribute the funds rtisedniis
safe of the real and personal emits of Isaac 8, Wan.
late of Monroe township deceased, will attend telhe da
ties.of mid appointment at his office in the Borough of
Towanda. on Thursday, the Ai It day of A up/soma
t o'clock P. M.. at which time and place all• Ira*
interested will please present their claims, or to debar"
from coming in fors share of said fond.
Towanda, July SO. 1849.. W91.8C0.,TT, /odium
Corning, Elmira and Buffalo Lie
t 23
&ELMIRA for BUFFALO, every week dim
the season, in the following order :
Leave Corning Tuesdays, at 10 o'clock, A.%
Leavb Coming Wednesdays, at 2 o'clock, f'.%
Leave Havanna Timrsdays, ....P.%
Tow Down Seneca Lake cm Friday, touching .2
Big Stream; Starkey, lmdi, Dresden, passing Ger
Waterloo and Seneca Felts, on Saturday.
Leave Buffalo for Elmira end Coming.every der*
Morning. Leave Roebester every Monday morns}
BOAT CORNING, —....oser. A. M. To '
BOAT ELMIRA ..... .. R. P. From .!
For freight or Passage
,_apply to the_taptaiar
board, or to the following Agents:
W. M. Mallory, Corning.lPrice & Holly, Geer%
S. B. String & Co. Eimirattlaitings & Field, do
.1. Wintermuit, florae heads J. Miller, Seneca Fills.
E. 8. Mirthful, Havanna. L. Baited°, Mollie:am'
I.G.Townserid(hig Stream H. L. Fish. Rochester.
Woodworth & Poet, LaIL Niles & Wheeler, 13. 10 .
Gay & Dorset, Waterloo. April I% 18441
To'Owners of, and Dealers m Harz
• OINTMENT,' for the arg
) P°under. Split Had, rel
ted il°°r air f i eve H rieV e :Feefrnt
faes in the Flesh. Woaa'• l / 4 '
h Celledßaeks.• Cuts, Kin.
Cracked Heels, ttustan
ilkc.„ on Horses.
`Fla the cure of Ring-base. %aid Spavio, Boost?
vinkWindgalla and Splint...a certain remedy. • .
a3•Thiv Ring-bone cure and the Founder °how
unprompted from the recimofi.a rery celebrated Et
'Rah Farrier, end will cure in ninety-nine cased as d
one hundred any of the above complai&L They lie
been awed by fano* livery-men, am, fooPriew""
-ahem, 'with the most marked and decided wawa
Sold in New York hy' Comanche, •31 Jobe st
in Towanda. by HUSTON & PORTER. 564
HAVE this day entered into ceppertnenthiP i °
pireetieteof Lew. and they take this method ofinfr
intr‘to public of that het,
Ofilaa—Neal, Brick Row. (op dairi) where . o o
tbeareanat Wiliam be fauna.
Towanda, Junel9