Wh at has become of the Noah Branch canal? The sinking fund is gradually growing while it neee a n ary to borrow money to pay interest. True wisdom with a veroMnek . Th e North Mulch it s 111 sleep this soason, at a coact the state dome , 200 ,000, but who is to blame for all thiif We wm. F. Johnson the man who stamped the Rate o n pledges met violates - theta now, we pies me, without even a shrug of the ilhOdkitn.-Luz. D a rn nom Dantinte Cote imx , pia of theeountry deaths have cm:wed from the imprudent indulgence in cold iiratbr "when this. b o dy was overheated. Too With caution cannot lx used cipecially by laboring persons exposed to the d uec t r ays of the sun. if care is taken to bathe the b an ds and face before drinking, no evil conse ace is likely to rise. iir.ara A. WlSE—hes written a letter to General Foote ; in reply to the recent epistle of the latter gen neman in which he declares that he has entirely renounced politics and will take no part in the sub reds to which Geri F. has directed his attention. NO c . HOLEIZA AMONG THE Snsaca6.4-.The Leban en(Oliio)Star says that no case has ever occurred in one nt the 17 Shaker villages of our county—a ireumstance indicating the value ofcleanliness,and e mperance in all things. CALIFORNIA Civazxrums.—The comtnon article (dress in California is a coffee sack, with holes ut for the head and arms of the wearer. Another ridence of anglo-Saxon ingenuity and energy. BEER.—It has been decided by Justice .Cushing Boston. that beer is liquor and a more madden ning variety of it than any other. thIL-ROAD laoN.—The Montour Rolling Mill Is ow in full operation and the work of making Rail• toad Iron has been resumed. We trust that the liII may now have a long anirpmsperous run of it. CHEMICAL Avvmtnr.—This law in Chemistry is markably,illustrated in the restoration of the equil ibnutri between the supply and waste in diseased final matter through the agency of G. W. Mer nant's Celebrated Gattougo Om. It is well known 'at actions taken place only under certainfcircum ance : that some bodies have no tendency to site chemically and that others strongly influence aril other, their mixture is merely mechanical, at no change takes place. The latter class of *dies in which is included the Gargling Oil in is application to morbid animal matter, act by their ilinity.for each. other, their action being productive I chemical phenomena, and the properties of one t both are altered. Hence to the strong affinity of he constitution of the morbific matter may be re erred the beneficiel influence exerted over so great variety of diseases most of which were consider das incurable. His advertisement may be found II another column. BLANKS! sngt able's Salts, Attar-let Ettetutions, Receipts, Executions, itsehments, -. Deeds, s nsimons, . Mortgages, uhpgenas, litotes, 41,c., n 0.41 on •npcnor pnt,et, (06 6 -0., de .er , rllo,l. panted to,or - OBITUARY. • wwm 1. • ;n SilePheqnsn. on the 11th of June last. f;FX)RC;F: \ .n 01 1.. D. and Enteltue Tyrrell,'itt the second year of Thar parr the early bads away— The fragrant flowers of Spriofg, Brtore the blight of Autumn's ddy Corrupts the offeridg. • liou - ,Lichfield—J. R. Brown ; Conroe—j. L. Rockwell, josiah Lawrence ; • /r \IL ell—Earl Howe; l'ike—Jackson Pierce: idgbery—Jonathan Allen, John Wallace ; ' me—H. J. Chobbock •mithfield—Luther Adams, Shelton French, George King; pringhtll—D. L. Crawford 'hesheqpin—Darwin Gillett; 'owanda Tp.—Williant Barnes; Boro—L. M. Nye ; my Tp.--Hirarp Case ; 'arren—S. C. Brainard, Jeremiah Canfield; 'yalusing—Borton Edwards, L. P. Stafford 'Windham—James Finch; Vysoz—James M. Reed ; ''ells—John A. Roy, Samuel Wright; • - gamey . *nen.. Athens Tp.--Solonfon Bovirortit, Wm. g. Overton, C. F. Welles, Jr. • - Albany—Rollin Wilcox: itutlington-1. V. Daniels, Sirerman H. Will; eolumbiaL—L. Le Gregory 7 Durel—Wm. Coolteaugh, D. W. Coolbaughs Granville—John McNatrgb't Leroy—James Lamont. Moese - Monroe—Geo. H. Bull, H. S. Salsbury Orwell--Cheoter Chaffee: Pike—l. A. Codding ; Ridgbery—George Cooper, lames H. Webb, Aisetde Colby rn ; Rome-8. W. Elliott, Philander Towntr S pringhill—Hiram Horton; S heshequin—Elisha Satterlee; Southfieid—Alvin Seward; • Towanda Tp.—G. M. Holtman, W. W. Easter brook's, Wm. H. Foster, tr. H. Mace. H. M.Myet Troy TN—William Batto, Leonard Upham; noter—Jeduthan Simone:, Thomas Scott ; wysox—resabriel King, Bertrand Whitney' Timis wiry,. Athens I'p.—P:. H. Spalding;' Firtrlingtoniarhes N't Hera; Cantor—Justin Bothwell, J. A. Bothwell; • Coltimbia•L•L. M. Cornell, Hiram Edwin; Durel—J. M. Bishop. Jacob Kerrick, Isaac Mace; Herrick—N. B. Wetmore; Litchfield4—Renbed Parks; nrweli--komeon Dimick, Christopher Hincy ; ?Ace—Stephen Gregory, H. S. Warner; Riegbery—Dan. A. Gillett RNse—W. W. Goodrich ; t `prin;hlll—Robert Bardwell, J. B. Cohort, Wiliam Ciaggitt; klub Creek—George Dunham, Daniel Hildreth ; hhestieq uin —A braham Give. John N. Horton, Hen ry Kingsbery; • g _prlngfield—Walter Mattocks, D. M. Strotid ; S mithfield—James H. Rice, Gordon Wilcox; F ilandin. Stone—George Viumess,-2d To 4 and 6 a boro—Stephen Felton, Win. Trent W Ysol—HenryPassmore; W iadham—Netsort Tyrrell, Minh Wright t' W lalssing—Bdirtied HoMtet ll t r l iNETB--A large aseartarentuf Ladies ansiNia. re! Ploreoee., patent, hose, gimp,. pearl, Coburg, "e*Polnan and Leghorn Bonnets. Alan, wreaths and were, fur sale at ap2O MERCL*IIB'. BLANKS! sale at this Wanks, of tier. (Coat Nan rAbverftstmentr. 'NEW GOODS AT THE CENTRAL STORE ! 'OW opening at the; above establishment a very 'lll large and ,dasauble assortment -of SPRING dr. SUMMER GOODS,' which will be sold at very low rates. Irminriii at this establishment conducted upon heir and boned priniiiples. You have our Monks for past favors and we hope for a euntuntance of the same awe are bound to Aall doOds Cheap. Towanda, July 4, 1849. •Pi. N. BETTS. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in Pan Office at Ridgbery, Braltfohl Countf, Pa., June 30,'49. 'John Brown Edward Delany Silas Baldwin Peter A Evens Daniel Brockway ' D Frutchy Parvin D Covell , Asa Farnsworth 2 Joel Chapen E 1 Henry George Cooper Edward Hernon • Caroline Covell ' Edward Hanlon E Covell , Abner Hall Almyl Carr David Hapemait - D Carey Wm bteentire Gilbert Coleman Nomiab Smith Sally Ann-Doty James Strobridg Ridgbery, July 2d, 1849. JOHN BURT, P. M. 1 To Owners of, and Dealers in 'forms. CARL TON'S FOUNDER . OINTMENT, for the cure ) - Founder, Split Hoof, end (f / Hoof bound Hotsea,contrae- ted and Feverish Feet, Brui- Ahh sea in the Flesh, Wounds, Galled Backs, Cots, Kicks, fn Mt_ , Cracked Heels, Stretches, &c., on Horace. CARLTON'S a!NG-BONE CURE, For the cure of Ring-bone, Blood Sporran, Bone Spa- Windgalls and Splint—a certain remedy. CC' Thu. Ring-bone cure and the Founder Ointment are prepared from the recipe of a very celebrated Eng lish Farrier, and will cure in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred any of the above complaints, They have been used by farmers, livery-men, stage proprietors and others, with the most marked and decided success. Sold in New York -hy Comstock', 37 John at-, and in Towanda, by HUSTON & PORTER. 5m6- In the matter of the Estate of Pder Wailer ddeased. AND now,to wit; May 7th, 1849. On petition of E. W, Baird, the court vacate so much of the order made on the 7th day of September, A. D. 1848, as describes the lands to be sold, and order and di rect that forty acres and two perches of land from the farm of said Peter Walter dec'd..besold, bound ed and described as follows to wit Beginning at a soft maple the south west corner of Merritts Knapp, lot on -the bank of Towanda creek, thence north along said Knapp's line two hundred and forty perches to a hemlock,The north west corner of said Knapp's land, thence west twenty six and three tenth perches to a beech, thence south along the lands of Peter Walter dec'd. two hundred and forty seven perches to a post, on the bank of said Towan da creek, thence down said creek the several emir res and distances to the place of beginning. Con taining forty acres and two perches. strict measure. Towanda, July 3, '49. 1L BLACK, Clerk 0. C. By virtue of the above decree, the said premises, will be exposed to public sale,un Saturday, the llth day of August, 1849, upon the premises, at 2 'o'- clock P. M. Attendance given and terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN VANDYKE, July 4, 1849. MARDALENA WAITERS. Administrators. =EtZo Z