Wh at has become of the Noah Branch canal? The sinking fund is gradually growing while it neee a n ary to borrow money to pay interest. True wisdom with a veroMnek . Th e North Mulch it s 111 sleep this soason, at a coact the state dome , 200 ,000, but who is to blame for all thiif We wm. F. Johnson the man who stamped the Rate o n pledges met violates - theta now, we pies me, without even a shrug of the ilhOdkitn.-Luz. D a rn nom Dantinte Cote imx , pia of theeountry deaths have cm:wed from the imprudent indulgence in cold iiratbr "when this. b o dy was overheated. Too With caution cannot lx used cipecially by laboring persons exposed to the d uec t r ays of the sun. if care is taken to bathe the b an ds and face before drinking, no evil conse ace is likely to rise. iir.ara A. WlSE—hes written a letter to General Foote ; in reply to the recent epistle of the latter gen neman in which he declares that he has entirely renounced politics and will take no part in the sub reds to which Geri F. has directed his attention. NO c . HOLEIZA AMONG THE Snsaca6.4-.The Leban en(Oliio)Star says that no case has ever occurred in one nt the 17 Shaker villages of our county—a ireumstance indicating the value ofcleanliness,and e mperance in all things. CALIFORNIA Civazxrums.—The comtnon article (dress in California is a coffee sack, with holes ut for the head and arms of the wearer. Another ridence of anglo-Saxon ingenuity and energy. BEER.—It has been decided by Justice .Cushing Boston. that beer is liquor and a more madden ning variety of it than any other. thIL-ROAD laoN.—The Montour Rolling Mill Is ow in full operation and the work of making Rail• toad Iron has been resumed. We trust that the liII may now have a long anirpmsperous run of it. CHEMICAL Avvmtnr.—This law in Chemistry is markably,illustrated in the restoration of the equil ibnutri between the supply and waste in diseased final matter through the agency of G. W. Mer nant's Celebrated Gattougo Om. It is well known 'at actions taken place only under certainfcircum ance : that some bodies have no tendency to site chemically and that others strongly influence aril other, their mixture is merely mechanical, at no change takes place. The latter class of *dies in which is included the Gargling Oil in is application to morbid animal matter, act by their ilinity.for each. other, their action being productive I chemical phenomena, and the properties of one t both are altered. Hence to the strong affinity of he constitution of the morbific matter may be re erred the beneficiel influence exerted over so great variety of diseases most of which were consider das incurable. His advertisement may be found II another column. BLANKS! sngt able's Salts, Attar-let Ettetutions, Receipts, Executions, itsehments, -. Deeds, s nsimons, . Mortgages, uhpgenas, litotes, 41,c., n 0.41 on •npcnor pnt,et, (06 6 -0., de .er , rllo,l. panted to,or - OBITUARY. • wwm 1. • ;n SilePheqnsn. on the 11th of June last. f;FX)RC;F: \ .n 01 1.. D. and Enteltue Tyrrell,'itt the second year of Thar parr the early bads away— The fragrant flowers of Spriofg, Brtore the blight of Autumn's ddy Corrupts the offeridg. • liou - ,Lichfield—J. R. Brown ; Conroe—j. L. Rockwell, josiah Lawrence ; • /r \IL ell—Earl Howe; l'ike—Jackson Pierce: idgbery—Jonathan Allen, John Wallace ; ' me—H. J. Chobbock •mithfield—Luther Adams, Shelton French, George King; pringhtll—D. L. Crawford 'hesheqpin—Darwin Gillett; 'owanda Tp.—Williant Barnes; Boro—L. M. Nye ; my Tp.--Hirarp Case ; 'arren—S. C. Brainard, Jeremiah Canfield; 'yalusing—Borton Edwards, L. P. Stafford 'Windham—James Finch; Vysoz—James M. Reed ; ''ells—John A. Roy, Samuel Wright; • - gamey . *nen.. Athens Tp.--Solonfon Bovirortit, Wm. g. Overton, C. F. Welles, Jr. • - Albany—Rollin Wilcox: itutlington-1. V. Daniels, Sirerman H. Will; eolumbiaL—L. Le Gregory 7 Durel—Wm. Coolteaugh, D. W. Coolbaughs Granville—John McNatrgb't Leroy—James Lamont. Moese - Monroe—Geo. H. Bull, H. S. Salsbury Orwell--Cheoter Chaffee: Pike—l. A. Codding ; Ridgbery—George Cooper, lames H. Webb, Aisetde Colby rn ; Rome-8. W. Elliott, Philander Towntr S pringhill—Hiram Horton; S heshequin—Elisha Satterlee; Southfieid—Alvin Seward; • Towanda Tp.—G. M. Holtman, W. W. Easter brook's, Wm. H. Foster, tr. H. Mace. H. M.Myet Troy TN—William Batto, Leonard Upham; noter—Jeduthan Simone:, Thomas Scott ; wysox—resabriel King, Bertrand Whitney' Timis wiry,. Athens I'p.—P:. H. Spalding;' Firtrlingtoniarhes N't Hera; Cantor—Justin Bothwell, J. A. Bothwell; • Coltimbia•L•L. M. Cornell, Hiram Edwin; Durel—J. M. Bishop. Jacob Kerrick, Isaac Mace; Herrick—N. B. Wetmore; Litchfield4—Renbed Parks; nrweli--komeon Dimick, Christopher Hincy ; ?Ace—Stephen Gregory, H. S. Warner; Riegbery—Dan. A. Gillett RNse—W. W. Goodrich ; t `prin;hlll—Robert Bardwell, J. B. Cohort, Wiliam Ciaggitt; klub Creek—George Dunham, Daniel Hildreth ; hhestieq uin —A braham Give. John N. Horton, Hen ry Kingsbery; • g _prlngfield—Walter Mattocks, D. M. Strotid ; S mithfield—James H. Rice, Gordon Wilcox; F ilandin. Stone—George Viumess,-2d To 4 and 6 a boro—Stephen Felton, Win. Trent W Ysol—HenryPassmore; W iadham—Netsort Tyrrell, Minh Wright t' W lalssing—Bdirtied HoMtet ll t r l iNETB--A large aseartarentuf Ladies ansiNia. re! Ploreoee., patent, hose, gimp,. pearl, Coburg, "e*Polnan and Leghorn Bonnets. Alan, wreaths and were, fur sale at ap2O MERCL*IIB'. BLANKS! sale at this Wanks, of tier. (Coat Nan rAbverftstmentr. 'NEW GOODS AT THE CENTRAL STORE ! 'OW opening at the; above establishment a very 'lll large and ,dasauble assortment -of SPRING dr. SUMMER GOODS,' which will be sold at very low rates. Irminriii at this establishment conducted upon heir and boned priniiiples. You have our Monks for past favors and we hope for a euntuntance of the same awe are bound to Aall doOds Cheap. Towanda, July 4, 1849. •Pi. N. BETTS. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in Pan Office at Ridgbery, Braltfohl Countf, Pa., June 30,'49. 'John Brown Edward Delany Silas Baldwin Peter A Evens Daniel Brockway ' D Frutchy Parvin D Covell , Asa Farnsworth 2 Joel Chapen E 1 Henry George Cooper Edward Hernon • Caroline Covell ' Edward Hanlon E Covell , Abner Hall Almyl Carr David Hapemait - D Carey Wm bteentire Gilbert Coleman Nomiab Smith Sally Ann-Doty James Strobridg Ridgbery, July 2d, 1849. JOHN BURT, P. M. 1 To Owners of, and Dealers in 'forms. CARL TON'S FOUNDER . OINTMENT, for the cure ) - Founder, Split Hoof, end (f / Hoof bound Hotsea,contrae- ted and Feverish Feet, Brui- Ahh sea in the Flesh, Wounds, Galled Backs, Cots, Kicks, fn Mt_ , Cracked Heels, Stretches, &c., on Horace. CARLTON'S a!NG-BONE CURE, For the cure of Ring-bone, Blood Sporran, Bone Spa- Windgalls and Splint—a certain remedy. CC' Thu. Ring-bone cure and the Founder Ointment are prepared from the recipe of a very celebrated Eng lish Farrier, and will cure in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred any of the above complaints, They have been used by farmers, livery-men, stage proprietors and others, with the most marked and decided success. Sold in New York -hy Comstock', 37 John at-, and in Towanda, by HUSTON & PORTER. 5m6- In the matter of the Estate of Pder Wailer ddeased. AND now,to wit; May 7th, 1849. On petition of E. W, Baird, the court vacate so much of the order made on the 7th day of September, A. D. 1848, as describes the lands to be sold, and order and di rect that forty acres and two perches of land from the farm of said Peter Walter dec'd..besold, bound ed and described as follows to wit Beginning at a soft maple the south west corner of Merritts Knapp, lot on -the bank of Towanda creek, thence north along said Knapp's line two hundred and forty perches to a hemlock,The north west corner of said Knapp's land, thence west twenty six and three tenth perches to a beech, thence south along the lands of Peter Walter dec'd. two hundred and forty seven perches to a post, on the bank of said Towan da creek, thence down said creek the several emir res and distances to the place of beginning. Con taining forty acres and two perches. strict measure. Towanda, July 3, '49. 1L BLACK, Clerk 0. C. By virtue of the above decree, the said premises, will be exposed to public sale,un Saturday, the llth day of August, 1849, upon the premises, at 2 'o'- clock P. M. Attendance given and terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN VANDYKE, July 4, 1849. MARDALENA WAITERS. Administrators. =EtZo Z<l.ilgras MILLINER AND MANTUA MAKER Rooms in Mavis,* Buildings, TOW ANDA. HAVING received New Tailbone god New Goods gnd being in all respects prepared promptly and satisfactorily to respond to the calls of her customers 'solicts a continuation of their patronage. May 10, '49 STOVES, STOVES ! PREPARE FOR WINTER! Monbroyes' Nevi Mock, dime Mama', on the eebth side of the ptiblie Acme, to better advantage, perhaps, than at ant othei place in or out of Bradford eotthty. TX C. HALL rdepaethillyindsreas his frienddend the Fred*, that be has now for sale at bin REW STORE, • general and choice assortment of STOVES, of all sizes and patterns, which he is prepared to sell at whole sale or retail, or exchange fot country produce Upon the most accommodating terms. Among his Sock are the Air tight Complete,(all sires) Stewart's Air tight, Rough and Rea dy do.. Revolving flue do., Albany city do., Republican do., Central N. Y. da.; Boa eye, hot air oven s with rotary top, Premium Storks, No. 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, of most improved patterns • Air tight Parlor Stoves, all sizes ; plates. all sizes ; Cannon Stoves, an =elk's( artiek for elm, taverns stores, kc.; Radiator Parlor store; Key stone patent stoves ; all sizes Band bot store, te. • 4,000 lbs.' of Roads and American STOVE-PIPE, ready-made; also, Bran and Copper Kettles, of various patterns, together with a pneral traortsivent of Sam and Copper le kb Ilk lit t. %dn. lb ,1 tiv__o9 500 Lard Tubs, with a choice amostment of evefy article iv the 'lin ware line, to which the sue ties of Merchants, Pedlars, Families and Housekeepers gene rally is invited. a;:r The highest rice will be piid for old castings. copper and brass. Grain, Turkeys, Chickens, and all kinds of realketible produce wilt be received in pay meat for Stoves, Tinware, &c. FOr stoves, sheetiron, copper and tinware, his assort ment is complete. 11e returns his thanks to his old customers, to whom, and the public be rearms his invi tation to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere; Don't mistake the o&zecbut remombet HALL'S south side of the Public Square. in Moirtanyea Block. Towanda Dee. 11, 1848. 1). C. HALL. AN APPRAISEMENT AND Classification of the amount of the sales of the persons engaged in the sale of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, in and for Btadford Coun ty, with the amount of License hereunto annexed, in and' for the year 1819. . , Names of Retaileis. I I wi W 't t o i+ r class ' I Am't of lie. /MY?,Ulif. John - Horton' Eimer Horton ATHENS TP Biddleman & Brown do Winengs & Gardner do John Watkins do ATIOENB MAO do I'3 li 50 do Ii 15 00 do . la' 16 06* ilo 13 10 qo db 13 10 00 liif 13 15 00 tio liq • A 700 do Yir 7 61f doe fit t 6b BURLINGTON. ~ , Coryell & Gee lia 13' 15 00 A& 8 H Morley no liir I'3 IQ 06 J V Daniels do 14' 7 00 W ff Baird . Welles & Harris H 8 Comstock H Welles & G A Perkins Phelps & Welker' C Park George Merrill notate Carnet fob Motley F's Overtoir CANTON liq le tro catmints. Nevecebn & CO C E Raibbone Miranda Atistin G X Card WHICH TOD CAN DO AT D. C. HALL'S ,ove, Tin, Copper, SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY ab 14 14 $7 00 der .14 700 P; 7 00 14 7 00 rt 700 is X6O rt Oo a Oa is do do • 14 7 00 liq. 14 10 to Slifxdbatous. DUBELL. U Moody & Co. ' mliq 0 D.Chamberlain do 1114MIMPL, to_ll . l_ GRANVILLZ: J W Hereon E Hawley Bullock & Pasha do 111111JUCE. do LEROY. do do MONROE. lig do • do L H Brownson Ifolcoepb lk,Leland Parkbirsi lk Co. J J Warfcrt4 J H Pbriney_ 88 dc I B M Hinman Roger Fowler no 114 J B & G Smith do Alden & Coolbaugh do John Hanson do Brown & Rockwell • do D C Nagle do Vannostrum& Northrop do ORWELLs 'Fheophilos Humphrey do PIKE. do do do RIDGBERY. do liq ROME. L 8 Maynard no liq M Wattles do F W Maynard & Cb do E & 0 Nichols do SHESHEQUINi Win. Campbell do Kinney & Satterlee do SMITHFIELD. liq do bo, liq SPRINGFIELD. Hiram Spear do Pine & Bennet lig W T Daly do Enos Hubbard no lig Lucius French do STANDING STONE. H W 'Frac d y lig A 8 Smith El H Little D Bailey & Son I H Webb Calvin West Lyman Durfey M Bullock &, Co. C'S Tracy E W Bair no liq 13 Means, Storrs & Co. do 14 TOWANDA BORO. HS&M C Mercur do Montanyes & Co. do Kingsbery do N N Betts do Daniel Lord do Tracy & Moore liq 4 T Fox no liq Kingsbery & Co. do 0 D Bartlett do Elliott & Tomkins do D C Hall do 8 S Bailey do Tiffany & Kingsbery lig Hiram Mix du Huston & Porter do H W Tracy. Assignee of-C Reed J P 801 l H O'Hara. C .Coleman Miles Caner no liq 14 7 00 do • 14 7.00 do 14 7 00 do 14 7 00 do 14 7 00 TROY MIRO. G F Reddinglon liq II 22 60 8. W & D F Pomeroy. do II 22• 50 L& E Runyon do 12 •18 75 Baird & Stephens no liq 11 15 00 T Maxwell do 12 19 50 Herrick, Hyatt & Pomeroy do 12 12 50 EF&FL Ballard do 13 10 00 Fitch & Ballard do 13 10 00 114 W lopes do . 14 7-00 ti W Paine do 14 . 700 ULSTER- Guy Tracy no liq 14 7 00 Wen Gibson Peckham and Mather do 13 10 00 Welles & Co, do 14 7 00 WARREN. •D ?flyer Benj Buffington do 14 7 00 Robert Cooper do . 14 7 00 WE1.1.8. ames P Taylor WYALUSING. E & A Lewis MH&GH Welles do 13 10 00 WYI3I3X. C B Fisher Indson Holdotob liq 14 10 50 Coolbaugh & Co. do 14 le AO WINDHAM. E Smith & Ow A LIST AND Classification of the persons engagod in the sale of Nostrums, Patent Medicines dm, in Bradford, Comity, nndor Act of of assembly of the 10th of April, 1841 k Names Residences. Class. Am't of Lic: lierriek, Athens bo. 3 G A Perkins, do 4 = 500 Huston dr. Porter Towanda too. 3 10 00 Hiram Mix, do 3 - 10 00 Montanye it Co, do 4 b 00 J Kingsbery, do 4 - 500 R King, Troy bo. • 3 500 THOII. 834 HAD. ‘ Mercantile Awraisett A ueff ANb Classification of the Betr ifotires, gating Nooses &c., of Bradford County according to Act of Assembly of 10th Aprilr Is4l, tittided an act to create • sinking fund, itc. Names. Residence. Oast. Am't. of Lie Geo. Merrill, Athens bor: 8 $5 00 H Career do • 0 600 .1 E Vosburg, Dtirlington, 8 600 B Palmer; Cluton. a 5 00. Daniel Kellogg, Monroe, 8 6 011 8 Burnham. do 8 600 Chas French, Bidgbery 9 500 G W Cole, - poren, d 500 .1 L•Gerould, Sinlithlteld, 0 6 00 M Phillips do a 600 Aaron Thomas, Springfield, 5 600 Miles dotter, Towanda, 8 5-00 Eergiah Cross, do a b 00 P 11181aitt • do a 5 00 C Coleman, do 5 5 00 8 8 Bailey, do 8 600 S Hathaway, do 8 5 00 I 1111 Gilson. • do 8 600 Win Kelley, - do . S - 5 'OO It W ion's Trot Dote. 9 • 600 THO'S. BMEAD. Mereintile Appraiset, UST AND Classification of the diffetertilDistilleriesla Bradford Conpty. for the year IM9, at directed by Aet of Ainembiy of the 10th of April 1849. Names. Residence'. lass. Ain't. of Guy Tozer, Athedsi •ri James Payne, Monroe, . fed W M.. B race. f(pringfield ftr 1 E Goodrich, Troy bore. 10 THO'B. BMa r Ag. Mercantile Appntista. NOTICt - is hereby given', that an appeal will be bold at the Commissioners Office, on the 13th day of July ne=t, at which time and place. any person aggrieved by the foregoing Clasifficationis, can at. tend if they think proper. Wheeze my hied of Totrandk, the Ist dky of, ue, A:DAUM • nkra. 811ZAD. • Mercantile Appraiser. STRAYED. OR STOLEN. FR dioug pagan or die abbsaiber niebt of * , Wit a asit ellsonarmiltiatabet Mtbaadi WO With a long' Ott- ntbstaaad is Weil a War* be the irsitimil. Wilreiefyrifi ramie oil aarrardaball be ice, rambled. Towanda, May 286, NO. 014 7 00 14 7 00 1,4 10 50 14 . 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 10 60 13 ' 15 00 13 15 00 14 8 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00. 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 15 00 19 10 00 18 10 00 14 • 700 14 7 00 14 7 00 IS' 10 00 12 18 75 12 IS 75 12 12 50 13 10 00 14 10 51 14 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 90 18 57 10:00 7;00 10 20 00 10 20 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 12 Ifl 75 12 12 50 12 12 60 13 10 00 12 12 50 12 12 50 14 7 00 14 40 50 14 10 50 14 10 50 18 10 00 do 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 do 14 10 All THO'& MEAD. Mercantile Appraiser. 1110 00 $0 00 6 ob aOO IV 00 -r. t.. illentanbir. ST. A C Al NI - FL 8. & M. C. MERCUR, £M ow azestente examen easeaTorsei. - 01101101na which were purchased sines the late redoetkeis pines; they will tbeteiont be sold anomaly cheap. Towanda, Jeoe 15, 1849. (1)111011113.41 9NIVErAIiSMEho NEW GROCERY Si, VARIETY STORE. • rrirrAxT KINGSBERY inform the public that they are now receiving direct from New Ydrk and opening in the store lowly occupied by II .Mix.ane doer south of B. Kingsbery ¢ Co., a large and general assortment of GROCERES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, FANCY GOODS, Yankee Notions, Confedionary, to which the amnion of purchasers is invited. Their assortment of Groceries and Liquors is complete, and will be add at unusual, low rates. Call and examine. L. W. TIFFANY, Toward.. June 19,'49. B: L. KINGSBERY. STRONG Ettill. 471_ROCER8 & Landlords supplied with Strong Beer by the bbl. TIFFANY & KINGSBERY. NEW ARRIVAL AT TIE OLD DRUG STORE, .ro. 1, litek Row. HUSTON & PORTER are now remising. at No. I, Brick Row, a large addition to their former stock, consisting of Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, Liquors, Oils, Paints, Dyestuffs, Fairy Goods, h. which will be sold at enusually low rates. They alas offers for yak the splendid sod genuine Teas of the PE KIN TEA COM PAN Y, for which they are agents. and which they do not tinitate to recommend as being su perior to any other imported. Having been appointed agent for most all the genu ine Popular Potty! Medicines, we assure the public we will not offer any that are emote' frit, as we will not buy or accept an agency from those speculators, who, by base imitations impose upon the country with their spurious Drugs. Towanda. trine 18, 1819. NIT MAIIIIII.IILr SPRING COODS! E. T. FOX,' Ts now receiving a full supply of SPRfNG AND SUMMER GOODS which are oftived for sale as low as the same can he purchased at any place this side of the city of New York. Thankful fur the very liber cal Patronage estended to him heretofore, he would respectfully ask a call from all who wi-h to porches Goods cheap as this stock is to be disposed of at the lowest natl. please dont neglect to call and dont forget the place. North Store corner of Mahe and Pine-wt. RICH DRESS GOODS JUST opening a splended assortment of fashionable DRESS GOODS consisting of Worsted and Linen Basegea, Silk Timms, Linen, and Chanageble Lusters, Organdies and Printed Muslims, Scotch, French, and American Gingham's, Chambra's Small Figured Blue and Green DeLanes and the Fretless assortment of Prints in town at FOX'S. GLOVES 50 dozen Kid milk, leak thread an 4 cot ton gloves of every porikile size end color et my 23 FOX'S. 30 DOZEN mon of those linen Hankerctitets at 121 es. at my 23 ,Fors HATS—Moleskin, fur, silk, collated and white Maxi 'ean, wool, Pseama, Leghorti, pedal and palm leaf Hats, on hand and fur sale at MERCURS% OAPS—A good assortment of Men's End Boy's caps, from 121 cents up. for sale at MERCURS'. ED L.(6ll:lLti DB 11111.110 IP isi .1 A CARD, • Tsobscribmintending to leave town aeon, Ter' -1 pectfully presents, his thanks, and acknowledgments to the citizens of this village, and vicinity ; for their kind, and esten4ve patronage; and will be happy to secure • continuation of calla. Should there he those, wish ing for titanium, " penciled by a fly of light," he will endeavor to satisfy them, by producing • p•riertly me net representation, of Wane, and expression. Cr ROOM over Mr. J. Mingebeire store. Towanda. May Bth, 1849: W. R. SMALL. J. M'INTOSH, DtNTIST, reels Naar Teta. NOW of Bradford County. Pa., will make a periadi eal Weft to TOWANDA,remaining a week or ten dam commenting Bth of May next. 'Will be found at the Bradford Hotel. Satisfactory references and moderate prices. Teeth inserted. from one to a whole rest, and warranted to Ike executed as well as can be derte:in the cities. The following villages will be periodically visited : Towanda, Athens, Troy, Leßaysvale, &e. Informa tion will be given* week or so in advance, through the Reporter, and by small advertisements. ap2y 1 - 1 11.8 OIL& l—Lattip and Linseed Oil, in quantities ‘.-1 to snit purchasers, for sale at NEROURS'. N. AND 8P 8-4, IN 6,3, 10, TO, 30, and 40d Neils; and 4, 44, and 14 breb Spikes, for sale by tile pound, keg or too, at MERCURB'. CLOTHS. Caseimeres, Nannette and Veiling., a ge- Oird just received and for sale right , at .11440 MERC URte. SIIMMItR CLOTIIINd.—A large asaortmaist of Goods for Mena' and Boys' &tomer Clothes. now opening sod for sale at ap2o MERCURB'. TE - AB. 'IMPERIAL, Young 14son , Hymn Skin and Black .1 Teak of superior &son rot sale at prkes that tiyifi ash judges of the article, at MERCURS'. ter M VIE V ;I Er Zit LDIMLING, Laying out Needs and Lots, Dividing Dames. Idessining Masonry. Embankments. &c., aecarsiely done by E.G. NICHOL& Office at Roane Bradford county, P.. 60148 TAKE NOTICE amit lawits of the late firms of HUSTON & MA .I SON Mad of HUSTON & LADD. hays been plead in my bands for settlement. I sib iffstroani to say, that prompt attention on the part of debtors will finis them COST. D. TANDEMCOOK,.. J. P. T. 0 1 ,10414 May 14; 1849. Argus copy. GREAT POVERTY IN TOWANDA, UZZILT FOR TUZ WSW? Or ♦ irrns AM AIM AV zr lot ina- • L. WEST lipoid inform the citizens el To . mat, that he haa leafed oo the corner of Wa tef aM South ma., -where tui will sitend eielosively to MeliaHag Boots - tr Shoes, end et the Amami-on bate to mend. be &deo &meal diet by comma attention. be than ga plenty or work. Towanda. Jen. 12. Mg. TEGBORN AND PALM LEA ' RATS—Pedal and English milin braid new shape ' infants end ehildnins also gents fine 'mole akin thlssit niy2d Fox's,, GlN6tiAida—Good patterns and good caws for Ist ets. at. rey23 FOX'S. ONNBTB AND BONNET TRIBINO—FIotee -LP a. raw wee sea newts lace Beeseissed tie beet eirerteient•of in'bboos AMIN; 'ARO, bleak. 601111, Am. and straw aittii him ma crap* hams Clr . Aseiteeble is the elope ol Emmet Wei. at 7421 FlttilittilttEN OR litAelt TEAII-Ikrottattiii good woe age, the money regintlee bran cm* where Teo does not mutat my 23 nr.xs, Eqpt %battlements. SHERIFF- SALE. BT virtutkof snit of Vaud. Expo. Weil Obi of th e Court of ("swoon Pleas of Bradfoid misty and.lo me sheeted. will be exposed to pOlic sale et the Cosa House the born. of Towanda, on hainnlay the 7i gi of JULY, 1649, at one, o'clock, P. M., the &Bowing lot piece or parcel of land situate la the township of Athens bound6d and described as fol. lows J Beginaffig at a bettifeck for a corner, on the south east corner of t lot fotmerly occupied by Richard Elston, and Dow or lately owned by N. L Wynkoop thence :moth 884 degrees 106& five-tenth perches to a stake kit a corner, thence north I f de grees east 155 rodi lo a corner, thence north 884 degrees west 106 & five-tenths perches to a corner, thence south l degtees west 155 & five-tenth perches to the place of beginning; being lot No: 9. on warrant 1496 granted to Charles Carroll. Con taining one huated and; three acres and eighty perches of land. be the some more or less. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Fla bina.Dewitt to the use of Miles Prince, vs. William Averill. • WM. & DOBBINS, %T. Sherirs Office, Towanda Ma} 15, 1849. SHERIFF SALE. BY virtue of wok of a Ars. Vend. Expo. leaned out of the Court of Common Plessof Bradford county, to me direetsd, I shall expose to public vale at the Court House, in the born. of Towanda, on Saturday the 2lst day of JULY. 1849, at one o'clock. P. M.,the following piece or parent of land situate in dome township, Brad ford county, and bounded as follows, to wit : Begin ning at a post on the main street upon the east side of the said street running from Towanda through the village of Rome, and from thence an easterly course along the line of a lot belonging to Peter Al len. 175 feet to a corner of .1. Passniore's land, thence ano erly course 50 feet to a corner, thence a wes terly course aloe= the line of Lewis Goff, 175 feet to th highway to a corner, thence a soritherlv course 50 f tto the place of • beginning. tkintaining lof an are . AH improved, with one two story framed bun a nd framed haw thereon. 8 ized and taken in ezectition at the stilt of 1.. E. De olf vs: J. B. Drake and I. IL Drake. WM. 8. DOBBINS, Elh'ff. Sheriffs Office, Towanda, lone I-2, 1849. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ALT. persons indebted to the estate of WILLIAM GRACE, deemed, late of Springfield twp.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those hawing claims alienist said estate will please pre sent them duly authenlested for settlement. W. 8. GRACE, Executor: Springfield, June 12, 1849. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOSt PH EL LIOTT deceased late of Wyalusing tnerashiP.Fre hereby requested to make payment without delay. Ind those haring claims against said estate will pkase pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement JAI3EZ ELLIOTT. HARRY ELLIOTT. Wyslutnng, May SR, 1R49. Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. • A".pergrins indebted to the estate of ELLAZER NORM A N, deceased, late of Springfield township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate will please pre- sent them duly authenticated for settlement. ELAM BENNETT, Rpringfield, May 96, 1849. Administrator. _ _ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate a DAVID M, WATTLE 4, deceased, late Of Rome township, are hereby requested to make psymen without delay, and those hiving claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated ft* settlement. .M. W ATTLES, Administrator. Rome, July 26, 1839 NEW SPRING GOODS B the New York and Erie Railroad. Kt? GSBERY & CO., are now receiving a large . and moat desirable stock of Goods. Easing been purchased at the most.reduced prices, they can confi dently asy to the citizen, of Bradford County, that they will not be undei.obL Their Goads_ will posi tively be sold for easA, cheiper than they can be bought at Owego, Elmira or jiinghsoilori. To prove Ibis call and examine our gopds and prices. Articrng otii Dry Goods may be teirind the folltriang CIENTLEMERS ORES§ 05008, Super real French black, Blue, Olive yam and brown Clotho; desoable Beaver, French Doe.Skiii, and fanc# Cingimeiesi "tweeds, Sattinets, and full cloth , Worstqd and Silk flaws': Satin, Cashmere and a great vorielf of Yestings, plaid and plaid iihings, LADIES' DRESS CeDOCie: Patina and American Cloaking Scotch, Amid and Atnericun Gingham': French plaids, changeable;,plain aid plaid Alpacas; Queen's Lowe embroidered Thibst Cloth, Silk and Satin Stripes, Platt phtin Mohair, Baiket, French. and Long Shawls alski pink, add filf.Th Bonnets of tha latest stilt', easlimare,, Elidaiikoa;Cocie echo, Mourning, blue and . White "limp and blue, and almost every variety Of English, American and French Prints, changeable Coberg, black Grade Rhine, plain and plaid Silk, Silk dud Cotton Velvet, cambric Muslin, book, Swiss and Bishop Lawns, Brussels Lace, 'plain and figured Bobinetts, cotton edgings and inserting': pore Silks, Gimps, Trimming Buttons ; a large assort; went of rihands, linon cambric*, ladies' needle worked cuffs, French collar% lathi apes,' emb, units, broad thaw. a, 4.c. A lso--Stowit and bleached Sheeting, brown and bleached nollands, bangup Cords, white, red, railed andSabbary Flantels, satin Corset. brown and bleach ed Jeans' Canton Flannel, cotton yarns, bans, &c. Id short, dams every ortecle id the rhyt Goods kw in else. HARDWARE: A large assortment of cutlery from the bed menu filClONTO ; Iron. Nails, east and German Steel, Ames Co?.do %WON,. ant, croinhett:shd wood Saws, panel and biek Saws, cut, wrought and brass Botts, thumb and drop Latches, Squires ? Dividers, Chisels, Augurs,- &lee and Nitta of the best duality, Wrenches. Dolts German NOWT. Brittannia and Iron Table and Ted Spoons, Cendlleetielu,• Lamps, all kinds of Inas, &ills, files, tacks, Act. aFioCKER.V; • *lovingla n e, tight do, and white an& to dolt per chewers—bird peuemvadain and every ankle itr thii line wanted. BOOTS AND SHOES: The hugest and most fashionable assoiteient ot', dies' and Mows' Bows. Buskins and. Slippers, to Le (owed ale aid. of New York. emits' and Boys' Boots and *Tholepin greet variety, . , Alma Biped late BOLE LEATHER on hard. . • The Cheapest roceries can be tad at • • Towanda. May Ist.. 1849. B. K. dr co. LAW Co—fARtfstERSHIP. O AYE this day elit e into co-pa rt nership in tits peacties of tsw, and take this method *Hahn wing AD public of • Office—Wm 3, Mirk Row; (up .airs) niters ens of theta' do at sII times bo E. W. BAHIH. Tolowands. Jane 1.'48: 0. H. P. KINNEY. RUNAWAY FROM TOWANDA. AILL moons indebted. to the Subserdwer. either by Note; Judgment. of Benk . eneotrot, mint mule the nude immediately, or Esquire Venderooolt mai tend to their ermine look out feu lbahe Masons old boduuled horse. Wit. tßotrr. Tooluidsaune stb. ISO: • 33CDZSTIFItin 113COUritin milts attrnm, immix %knit thelAireeitthat sititlltoonsobroa VW tuts. sosortuostof HATS, oosiNg ofs voiSe tyOtylos, god Riblilios. Ike., sal s ostiety of MILLINERY Amaze, of toltithwill bit olMrotait alospios. • Toonatio,, May 10, Isl • M 1.151 5 di " 411.4 .14 flits" Ciiksga .11 3411 1 . 1101 1 . 4 1E11111 T001,13.—A pal assatilient of B.ad, _ • 000 /*Z. 8 4 3618 writ"' at FMB. 111•111. teisiv•d f ro m cht Min' 6 , " lam 12. . ' .fictsty. al&toi We low by A. D. BARTLitt.P Al~itepat[ai~, i~t.` ~... . _ iiii**.'h** , .. - _. _. ... ID VIVIC.":OV. 40.4521 ~~~~- opt is l oWiiiii4d io A.L. corner sf tbs Pablielquire, lotely_occo,o4 Jaime A. titoiret his sto&o , ba added to bis fo4/14 aiiortoirot a how) tiupplill EDIIO6O .arLD X 1141326141701 GWEllies 0i,4 i AEA , willow & Wooden seem Wass*nr . e, Risklig Tickle; Peaty Goods,- Perfnatery, He is a r k mt for mod of the valuable POPULAR billblell4 ES of the dat, which can be . jimiltattuf or him with CertaintY of prOehring grenine He is also egrnt .for the CANTON TEA vow PAN I of New York. whose Tess Itßie.dttaigiira wide speed tritutelittit fot genulnetiesti end 'dim Idw Vnisi An efemitialltih of Mitatoat, to which be Jai*, lie attention of the publiC, will seta, ever one if two been 'fleeted wUh a . iiew proCurtut low' most desirable sulkies, and purchased at the Its rates, Towanda. May 1, 1849. biSSOLUTION. T IIE co-partnership heretofore etietipl 6~etureen N' H. &G. H. 111 HUES, is Oa Je ditkiolved mutual cottuebt. Those ba4ing ticioiints witbdai ft are ruleested tb 'dub M. H. WEiLEI3; Wyalueing, May 30, 1349. C. H. wruzer The Wiriness will be continued by M. M. *ELL IS W the old stand, where a well selected Week of 0001* is now arriving; consisting of Dry Goode, Groceries; Hardware, Salt, Nails, dtc. &c. I'd be iohl cheap rwi prompt pay. H: WELLES.' G. W Which Is also a Univenal Family Embretathni fif Diteaset of the ihmian IMF, and experience have fully proved that kitat tide T UNIVFItSAL ItEMED? has nOt rib' its wind on the list of popular medicines, having been lima than 14 'esti before the public. Testimony of the Mari disinterested charade, et ifs wonderful effects on the animal economy is altdoei dai ly presented to the proplietoi. A young man in the town of Wilson, whose ClUtiree were burnt off of him, was restored (without suffering) by the timely use of the Oil. - Numerous are the unsolicited statements.of patients themselves, and others who have used the Oil, of.cures which in themselves tippet', remarkable, that the et all interested-in a pectinfary point, they COME Wary hive been credited: - The foiloiting diseases are among ininY oitirs in tie - cure of which this Oil has been coripletely strednifilt and in which others had entirely . . S'petrms, Sweeney, Ringtions, Windgalla, Poll Evil; Cal - taus, Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness, Irma Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Sand tracks, Foundered Feet; Bctitches, or Grease Mange, Pen . thriiitim. Bites of Animals, Ezteinril Poisiiiii,lbeinful • Vervons Affections, Fast Rite(' , Boils, Corns, lows, Bunn end S cales, Chilblain,, Chapedftendri: Cramp, Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings; . Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, itc: CAUTION TO PURCHASERS., Beware% of COUNTERFEITS, and be sure* item(' of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W: HERCH ANT, LOCKPORT, A. V., is (down in the side of the bot tle, or in his hand writing over the cork. Don't he persuaded to take AMY thing else With the prairie it is just as itneil, dce., die. This is practised fiy' ihese en psincipleil dealers Morse ionseiestak_vilit stretch like India 11..blier, rind who are of a kinihed spirit of those in Oft la* cities, whose nettiiiobi tices have so re.: molly been eipneed to the sell'Onir Congress. Those win atterripi to conitirfel this article are re ferred to the nifty. York, of May 1843, by which it will be seen 'Oat ices); person meddling in these eionmerteits ii anbject to indictment, imprisonment,-and fine: • .. . A person selling : Out of this state. will be liable loai rest whim in the etale,:end also-to be hillf et a witness against those be bought of of sblY'roP. •• All Orders addressed to the proprietoiwillhe respoitiz ed to. Get • rulipmeli, of lit Aeon flud sett whet weindef: are acernidPlished by the use ofthis nieditfne.. Sold by inapeetable (fluters generally in -the United' Biqa!a and t For sale by lIUSTOiNf& PCitTEff.Towancla,E.D. Wells. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer, Covington, Abel Tuna, Montrose, Pomp & Kinsey, Easton, L,wis Smith & Co., Allentown; li. n: Darin, South Easton. dot. 15th 184 W. , rllO. Corning, Elatira and Buffalo Line. Cgc C 3 Ch A BOAT OP TIM LINE yrdt Nevi CIMINO A & ELMInA for M7FFALO, rimy week rinririg the season,in the following order r Leave Coring ... . Tuesdays , at fo o'clock; A. M. Leave Corning Wednesdays, at 2 o'clock. P. g. Leave Havanna Tanisdaya, - P. . Tow Doyen &near', Lake on Friday, -- .touching at: Big Stream, Starkey, Lodi, Breafen, passing Geneva, Witerkm and Seneca Felts, on .SafurrYay : Leave Buffalo for theirs aid Coining, every . Saturdiy Mom .in Leave Rochester every Monda3 morning. BOAI C RNING, Carr. A. M. Tartan. BOA g MIRA ' Carr. R. P. Psalm, BOAT BUFFALO 'PAM . F.„ . H. CoiLII4 . For freight or P.assage apply to the Captains oaf beard, or to the following Amnia: . , W. M. Mallory. Corniegj & Price & Holly, Geneva: 8. B.Strang & go: Elnilia Hastings Fiat • J. Wintetmuit,Hotwifieit' J. Miller, - &angel' Fajta. E. 8. Hinman, Havanna. L. Boatedo, Monte:mum . L G.Townsend, big Streim H, L. Irish; Rochester'. Woodworth & Pint, Lodi. Niles d¢ Wheeler, Buffalo. Gay & Sweet, Waterloo. _ April - 12, 1849. Alt Concerned wilt please take Notice rroc capsrinershiPlieretofora etlarmilbctereen Tho mos Elliott and N.e.Tomkinit, under the name 8, of ELLIOTT & TOMKIN. this day ifiraolved by' mutual carmen% All debts due to said firm are to be paid to dur inibscriber, who is authorized to receive the Nunn, All liabilities of said firm are bo ptild'hy him. All indebted Ire nerprisfed to calrawf settle their respec tive accoants, Use, , ill indebted to the late firm of Elliott & Mercur are desired to call and settle without &ley. The subscriber will continue the-business owti name, and will be happy to icconimailate bilold friends' and 11w public . nenerelly. on the mare-reasonable terms:. ToWsisds, Julie 7, 1849: THOS. ELLIOTT. . . ' NoTioE.: • AL/t ) rg i t ri ltr E ttl 40.4ha4ate Gm' of WILL % sod rattle Wi th Niki. Ehlra ll"Y ithr pig delay. t° Ca •, . . , ... , .. IL WIL. 1:16TO, N. - ToleuldlOggity.:l7. 1649. -wm, Wirma,, - T t bra r, t Ell co et g z .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers