Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 11, 1849, Image 2
roabravt V eporter. Free Soil, Free Speech, Wree Mew pYeelew fair Pro* Verefferip. E. 0. GOODRICH, ENTOIL Towanda, Wednesday,_ July 11, 1849. . Democratic Nomiciation. FOR CANAL costattemprma, foltAf A. GIME, of Lyconing County. cttr- Aihertiscmerits. bc., intendel Ifor puldication in the Reporter. elimild be handed in try Monday night ; to assure their insertion. - benaseritll It Cenvtalled. Chit accounts from the Pittsburg 4th of July Con vention are very meagre. We learn however, that Jona A. GssusLe of Lycoming County, was nomi nated as the Democratic candidate for • Canal Com missioner, on,the second ballot, as follows: FIRST BALLOT. SBCOBD Gamble, 52 I Gamble, • 70 Mason 24 I Bowman, 34 Dintock, . * 17 I Brodhead, 10 the North Branch Canal. Tile friends of the North Branch have been most outrageously swindled, and now our; offi cers,- are endeavoring to keep up the delasion— ride Mr. Ball's letter tol. C. Adams, which we pp!): fished Weeic before last. The Harrisburg Keystone publishes the letter, with the following reinarks. "It is amusing to see how Mr. Bail is trying to find apologies, to hide and palliate the deception which' has been perpetrated, by the present federal administration and its friends, in regard to the com pletion of the North Branch canal. On examina tion of this letter, it will be perceived that the state treasurer tries to find an excuse for the anticipated deficiency of funds in the treasury, by referring , to the cholera and the temporary disturbance of' busi ness on the Delaware division ; but is exceedingly careful to omit to tell, that a large amount of money is already in the treasury, and will be increased by the 15th August, the time mentioned for the pre ptratory steps toward the completion of the -canal, Which ought to be applied to this Work, and would be, had not Governor Johnson recommended, and his friends.advoeated, its application to a sinking fura. In another circular of the Mate treasurer, under date of May the 16th, to the county officers, which ,is of quite a partizan characte, although addressed to men - of all parties, full of reflections upon the past, and boasting of the present efforts of the depart ment, he remarks:, "The general assembly, at its late sessinn, act ing under the patriotic and salutary recommenda Lion of the Governor, established a einkihg fund, With a revenue sufficiently large to make it practi cally and efficiently useful. Under its auspices the state debt will be reduced ; the public credit per manently restored ; and the people at no distant day relieved from the taxes now levied upon their pap eny." Now the administration, and the state treasurer, inust have most extraordinary creative faculties, if they can complete the canal and pay off the state debt, at the same time. However absurd such a pro' osition may appear, it is .ther humbug which the admmistration is attempting to impose on the People, and in which Mr. Ball is aiding and 11565 . 16- Ong. But again the state treasurer speaks in a com plaining tone Dl the legislature, for making such large appropriations to pay the old debts on the pub lic works, without knowing where the money is to tome from. We would like to know whether he. is in favor of taking the money out of the treasury, abd apprying it to the sinking fund, instead of pay ing the debts due on the improvements. This was the course of policy he advocated, as a member of the legislature, and the ono which he would still wish to pursue, so far as we can judge by his letter ; and by, his conduct generally. At the conclusion • of this Simons letter, the state treasurer say e--" Rest assured that all in my power to do to secure the re-commencement of the North Branch canal, shall be done." Now Ave would recommend the friends of that measure ; to ask him, whether he is willing to take the responsibility of retaining in the treasu ry, the money now there belonging to the sinking fond, and such as may come into that fund between this and the meeting of the next l eg islature, and recommend to that body, the appropriation of them to the completion of the canal, and also to suspend the operation of the sinking fund act, until the ca nal shall be completed ? This is a simple, direct and practical proposition, easily understood' by every body. Let the friends of the measure pro pose it to the governor and treasurer, and see what they will say to it." .11111tar7 _eons. We are enabled at last, to give the result of the late Military election, as also of the election for Major General, which came off on Monday, 2d irett. The following is a list of the officers Major Gesteral.-..Wat. E. %kiwi, of Bradkwd. Brigadier Gancrul.—Theodore Wilder, of Spring field. Brigade Inspector.—John A. Codling, of Pike. INT VOLUNTEER BILTALLZON• Lied Coloncl.—H. W. Root. Major.—Geo. K. M'Vannan. 213 VD:Am-rags BATALLION. Lind Colonel —Amos B. Eddy. Major.---Gayloni Fnabie. 4TH VOLUNTEER RATA LLION. Liedf Colomd.-43ennend L. Whitney. First Major.—Jonathan Hornet. Second Major.—W. W. Woodburn. DEutrewir.—A man by the name of. fluseell Cook,oonthred in the county Sall for horse stealing, made his escape on Wedrresdny night last s by cut ting through the door, to the boll of the rock. He left a note , for the Sheriff,. expressing his entire satisfitction with himself his family and his board. A horse belonging to James Elliott was taken the same night, and being found on the road by which .Cook was tracked, is supposed to }gave been taken by him. Mr. Coot was traced to the westentirart of the county—and was retaken and brought hark ott Saturday last. Hon. Jour C. CLAIM of New York, ;aye the Washington correspondent of the flaitimore Pr/fri er, declines taking an Anditondrip. rearek 7 ire July at.lfreaskes AIM, re. The celebration at French's Mille, gate marten. dal proof that the inhabitants of Northern Penn sylvan* have - not lorgotlen the *Mks of their forefathers, and that their hearts are yet warmed by the the of Patriodam and the lo,e of liberty. The day *se beautiful, ar;rl as "Ftesti woo lowan to wreak en East With first opprowelt of Ittritt,"' the AIM and strip . .. were floating io the breeze, and the deep-toned thunder front "the brazen throat of war," as it rein) away o'er hill and vale, proclaimed the seventy-third anniversary of the declaration of American Independence. At son rise a national salute was Bred. The people be gan to collect at an early hoer, and, by twelve o'clock a large .concourse had assembled, when .• e roar of the cannon announced the arrival of the Hon. David Witinot, Orator of the day. The pro cession was soon vrganis,ed under the direction of L. Copley Esq. Marshall, and conducted to the ground prepared for the occasion. • The exercises were commenced by an eloquent prayer from the Rel. S. R. Jones, a Chaplain in the Americiin Army during the last war- with Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence was read by the Rev. Wm Haskell. Mr. Wilmot then took the stand. His Olition was eloquent and pa triotic, breathing in every sentence the advancing spirit of the age. Without dwelling upon the past, he portrayed in pleasing style, the flowery paths, and cheering prospects of the promising future.— He said that with the settlement of this country, a new spirit sprang into existence. Then the true objects 01 human governments began to be under stood, and the individual rights of mankind came to be acknowledged and respected. This spirit still exists, and under the influence of the- chris tian religion is destined ere long to renovate the world. in this onward march of knowledge and of liberty, our country must take the lead, and the omnipotent arm of that same God which deliver ed Moses from the thraldom orEgypt, will yet de liver our world from the dominion of ignorance and every species of oppression. The following were among the regular toasts, which were well suited to the occasion, and drank with becoming zeal, and patriotism. The memory of Washington ; before whose name a joyful nation bows - in gratitude ; justly styled the ,Father of his country. Let none usurp the title'. ' The, Orator of the day. A champion of lijaerty the bold defender of the unalienable rights of mane kind. ' These sacred rights he'll never yield, Nor bribes, nor threats. can make him falter, " When every arm is Freedom's shield, And every bean is Freedom's altar." Emancipation from every species of tyranny and from all manner of tyrants. May the time soon come " When .theland of the free, and the home of the brave, Shall bear on its bosom, nor master. nor slave." John Mitchell and his banished countrymen.— The last sound that reached their eats when Ty. rants forced them from their native shore, was their country's piercing ery for bread: Those exiles shall yet return. and the first sound that welcomes them to Erin, will be the exulting shout of Liberty. The American Ladies, beautiful, eirturna, and intelligent. May their approving smiles ever cheer us onward in the paths of sobriety and patriotism. Many excellent volunteer toasts were drank, and the exercises of the day closed only with the set ting sun. Melaseliely Maleldle. An inquest was holden on Saturday last, in this borough, upon the body of ktec Foam., and from the testimony we elicit the kdlowing particulars.— He has been staying in this place for a few weeks past, and boarding at the _Bradford Hotel. On Fri day night last, Mr. Stephens' attention was attract ed to his room, by the burning of a light at an un usual hour. He immediately knocked at the door, but receiving no answer, and finding it fast, sus pecting that something was wrong, gained an entrance by the window, when he found Foster lying upon the bed, entirely senseless, and suffer ing from the effects of the mineral poison he had taken. P l hysicians were immediately called, but the poison bad already done its work, and all ef forts to counteract their effects were unavailing.— He died in about four hours from the time he was first discovered. His death was caused lir Arsenic and Morphine, a large quantity of which was found in his trunk, brought to this place with him, probsi. bly for the purpose for which it was used, as he has heretofore, upon two or three occasions, when laboring under mental depression, made fruitless attempts upon his life. Among his effects were found the following lines: “ Farewell brother, sister, mother, and love. Ito dust from whence I came. " This from one that loves you all. No reason is knowa which should induce him *to commit this dreadful deed. Wb are . informed, however, that he was subject to intervals of ex treme mental depression, daring which he spoke freely of the folly of living, which feeling joined with his peculiar disbelief of a future state, may have caused him to take his own life as in act cal culated at once to free him from the troubles which seeded at times to oppress him. Mi.yoster was formerly a resident of thii place and his connexions in this vicinity. Within the last two or three years he has resided in Port Jer vis, N. Y. His remains were taken to Mouroaton, on Sunday last, for interment. • llemervals. We learn by the Bradford Argus that the fol lowing appointments and removals have been made by the Post Office Department for this County.:— . Daniel Bady, P. M. at Leraysville tics A. S. Smith, removed. I. H. Ross, Pike, •ice Edward Crandal removed. Peter Allen, Rome, vice Wm. E. Maynard, re moved. These gentleman who have been removed, are all efficient, honest and capable officers, and must have been ousted by the administration which "hates and lomberpresuiption" solely on partizan grounds. Dcrra or nos. Calvin Burg.."'-Welasarwith regret the dezerae of the Hon. Cams Burma, which took place in Fairfield, Adams comity on t he 20th ultimo / aged 67 yeine. Judge B. Ina a commissioned officer in the war of 3812 ; was in the bales of Chippewa, Niagara, Sur , and betaed with great gallantry. He was early in life a member of the Hoene of Representatives from Mif. fin (now Juniata) county, then Secretary of the Commoareultb, under Gov.anran, AneeneyGet• ueral, Judge of the Dauphin, Lehman end Schuy lkill district, and Collator a the port of Phihtdel phin. He was to ansktie and generonsgentletnau., The seventy.third annivemary of our National Independesee was ce'ebrated in this place by the scholars of the different Sunday Schools; who Met at the Methodist dm* and after Batwing to mho able addresses from the elergy, was muthed to the Court House, *bent a plentiful ooltsi en bad been prepared, after discussing which, tbey were disgusted, apparently inghlydelighted with the ex ercises of the day. At Wm. Odflisi, at Runitnerield Creek, the day was made the oneasiceiof on "old-fashioned" cel ebration, Which *era re with gnat aid. We re• gret we were net there in time to be able to pm , pare a full amount of this spirited oceasion, A re turned soldier of the Metican •wer, Mr, LOX= Myrna, gave a most humoroas spd interesting ammo of his campaigning@ hi theists war, hay ing served through the snare war, and been in nearly every battle. Rev. 8. F. COLT then address ed the audience, at the iseeclurion of whose ad dress, several hundred sat down to an elegant din ner prepared by Griffis, while a six-pounder made the surromiding hills reverberate with its echoes.— We must not forget a patriotic poem, read at the conclusion of the ceremonies by a Mr. Circa, which we have been promised for publication. The sound of music, before we left, announced that the votaries of Terpischore, were tripping it on "the light fantastic toe ;" while to ill appear. once the patriotism of the crowd, had hardly helm to evaporate. A large delegatiop from this place, were highly pleased with the celebration. Mr. C. L. WARD has been erecting in this bo rough, a large public house which in a few weeks, will be opened to the public. It is unequalled in size, or in arrangement, by any hotel in our vicini ty, and will be furnished in elegant style. We shall give_a more minute description in some fu ture number, of this building, which is really an ornament to our place. It will be seen by the cm , respondence which we publish below, that the unanimous voice of oar community that it should be denominated the I , Word House," has prevailed over the delicacy which might otherwise have giv ing it a name notso fining. The letter displays very trimly the general feeling which existed, tha the public spirit and liberality of the builder should have at least this slight testimonial: a feeling which all of citizens who have not had an opportunity to sign the letter, concur in. • CORRESPONDENCE. Towssns. June 21st, 1842. C. L. Wass, Est: Dear Sir h -The undersigned, your fellow citizens of the bow' of Towanda, have just heard of your intention to designate the splen did House built by you here. as the "Franklin House," take the liberty so far to interfere with your private concernmebts, as to ask you to change the name to that of the "Ward House," This place has been heretofore. largely benefitted by your liberal spirit, and the taste displayed in your various buildings and improvements; and we should feel gratified if you would forego your private wishes and yield to this request. This large and splendid Hotel, where one was so much needed, would thus be appropriately namedeand would be the fitting and just monument of your public spirit and enter prise. We hope you will feel no delicacy in yield ing your own desire, to the unanimous wishes of your fellow townsmen. We are, dear .11r, Your ob't. serv'ts., Edw. Overton, .1. W. Hereto', Thomas Elliott, U. Mercer, gain% Huston, J. K. Smith, 0. D. Bartlett, Win. Scott, J. D. Mootanye, E. T. For, - H. S. Mercer, M. C. Mercer. K. P. Moore, Miles Carter, Elkanah Smith, Wm. Briggs, Jerry Culp, W. A. Chamberlin, D. C. Hall, J. C. Adams, Daniel Bartlett, Jon. F. Means, William Mix, • D. Wilmot, Tito's. P. Woodruff, Win. 8. Dobbins, J. B. Ford, L H. Stephens, July, lib. HMO. Grarrierria....On my return from New rock last evening, t received your esteemed favor of the 3lst ultimo; and hasten te reply. The appellation given to either a public hens% or a private residence, is purely a matter of taste. In reference to the new Hotel to which ion refer— it was my intention to have called it the silredford Conn( Ham," as a testimonial of my rgspect for the citizens of one of the finest border counties of Pennsylvania; and I felt no little disapPointment, when I &nod the name appropriated bY. another public house in our borough. After this. it became in a great degree a subject of indifference to me, what appellation was given it. I certabi l ly should not have ventured to. adopt the one youillesire, as dictated by my own choice. The building, however, being for public accom modation, I recognize fully, the right of my fellow citizens, to be consulted in the name it shall bear; and the great unaiimity with which your request is arced. as well as the very Battering terms in which it is conveyed, leave me no alternative. I there fore yield my own preferences 'on the subject,, and remain. with much esteem. Your grateful fellow citizen. C. L. WARD. "L FOSTRIL" To Messrs. E. Overton, Thos. Elliott, D. Wilmot, Win. Elwell, J. C. Adams, 11. Merear, and cabers. Ears Rampart...4le money article of die Trib une, has the following paragraph in regard to the Erie Railroad and cholera:— The receiptsof the Erie Railroad for June have not yet been made op, but they will exceed fit6o,-- 000. In view of the Winged of travel on all rail roads this season, by mason .of the visit of the Cholera, this is dung better than we anticipated. The extebt to which the fear of Cholera has influ enced travel this year on the river as wed as on the railroads ? is not suspe c ted by those wbo have paid no attention to the subject. The people in the_ in terior have been unnecessarily alarmed by the Chol era reports, and as a general thing, cannot be indu ced to approach the City, either on pleasure or business. The stone cause prevents the departure of many of our citizens who have usually made a Summer tour, as they are alarmed at the chance of being attacked by Cholera away from their family physician. The June or July . reports of the vari ous railroads will show that, to this way, the influ ence of the Cholera excitement has been very ex. lenitive and injurious to triuraportarion companies of all kinds. T. The well-hotoira Boot dealer, will be is town Cu this % last. with an asionment of asks Qr superior lousy aver ofersd so the people orilowanda, by the best lima walloro—Useaalers History of bland, baud and nabood ; Hebbs% Universal /Gaiety ; Haney's, amino'. and Sortiors Magitaitie for July. And as to Cheap Pabilankos, he will loins all the Saw *hip out, by Thaw, lasi& Wise Plekeriash Wirer, May, Fiore, N e d mundise, Reynolds , AA We would say, lo those wits walibt a alisioalet of rind* sad *heap, eall au OtitUny at Crws;. wimps be wilt be happy in wait au all Ititi twastaso emseasera' . AU sebornian ell ammo' lee the lily No. of ilatillissietr. Toe Vememos of dmroper ofillhode bleed, io, seemdingio the mode in mumem, S3,000,89;000. berme tom Milo Sfe,ooo. !Multi of July. Tk. Ward ileuse. B. Kingsbury, E. 8. Goodrich, H. Booth, James P. Bull,. H. F. Powell. Chas. K. Ladd, Hiram Mix, D. Vandemook, Wm.Elwell, E. A. Paramus. LA:IT PEWS BY 11E113111RARL la Anomal Castors y; ' A.Lustv, Friday, July' 6-5 P. .M The rd of health report three new cabin of Chelem_aince yesterday, hal 6o deaths. Cholera la •prl iyf . Srarearisze, (Mass.) Idly 6. A lutraiman on the New-Haten road died this of Cholera. This is the' !interne that has in this town. Caaaalaa Allstre. Moirrant., July 6. No eases of Cholera_have been reported today. A meeting is now being held of the &Wish Club to loan a branch of the League. There is a huge attendance. The Magistrates direct the Troops to be on the alert, but I am happy to inform you that there is no need of their minim—all being perfect.' ly quiet. A great meeting in favor of the Halifax Railroad was bold at Quebec to day. The ships Boreas and. Millicete have invited at Quebec, from New York.. Castors la Clakelawatit •Ctaaeeary July 6. The Cholera interments to noon to-day were 91. other diseases tit The . weather is very wet, and coal fires are necessary for one's comfort. The wires to St, Louis are not working. tlkailard at 11.1sameasa. BALTIKORIE, Ittly 6. There were 27 cases and I 1 deaths 6y Cholera at Richmond on the 4th and sth of July. Tao Cholera amid Nonuse 01'01461gal*. • PAILADICLPLIU, July 6. el. Board of Health report 34 cases . , and 12 s from Cholera within the past 24 &lute. The weather is very pleasant. Ham. Usury Clay's Illabss. Cricamsrt, July 6. In consequence of the wires being down beyond this city, we have nothing further in relation to the illness of Hon{ Henry Clay. A rumor prevailed there this afternoon that be was dead, but it was wholly without- foundation. A Reconisizsaisuoi.—At a season when the 1 providence of God has manifested itself in the vis itation of a fearful pestilence whidi is spreading its ravages throughout the land, it is fitting that a people whose reliance has ever been in His pro. techon should humble themselves before His throne, and while acknowledging past transgres sions, ask a continuance of the Divine Mercy. It is therefore earnestly recommended that the _first Friday in August be obseried throughout the United States as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer. All business will be suspended in the ve nous branches of the public service on that day; and it is recommended to persons of all religions denominations to abstain as far as practicable from all secular occupations, and to aSSemble in their respective places of public worship, to acknowl edge the Infinite Goodness which has watched over our existence as a nation, and so long crown ed us with manifold blessing's, and to implore the Almighty in His own good time to stay the de stroying baud which is now lifted up against us. Washington, July 3, 1849. Z. TAYLOR. Fxruia Mrrnm's Livr.E.-Rev. Theobold Math ew received several thousands of visitors to-day in the Governor's Room, City Hall. An interminable stream of human being s of all grades, men, women and children, continu ed to pour through the room from 10 o'clock, A. M , entering at the cents door, passing the honored guest, and giving him a hearty shake of welcome and makire.b the exits on the right. - Scrucely one person passed the distinguished Apostle without giving utterance to some word of congratulation, end several Jrish were moved to tears on . beholding their celebrated isountryman. One man, apparently of the laboring class, in his shirt sleeves, rushing in and falling on his knees before the holy father, bark into a flood of tears. Others passed steadily with the- teat of joy item- Wing in their eye, but had scarce reached the outer door when they gave vent to their emotion in a par oxysm of weeping. There were five or six persons who took the pledge, it was not Father Mathew's intention to give it here but be could not refuse the request. The first persons who received the pledge from him in America were Francis (Moaner and Mary Fagan, both thoroughly Irish. When we left at half-past 12, the tide of enthusi astic visiters that flowed in to be presented to the observed of all observers , was full and swelling u at the first.—N. Y. Tribune. Pcwrtrae Donau Pervea.—Presbytery of Phila delphia having Amsted the Presbyterian General Assembly recently in session at Pittsburg, " to adopt measures for arresting and abating the growing evil of sitting in public prayer,l' tbe committee to whom the reader was referred recommended the follow= ing action : That, while the posture of standing in public player, and that of . kneeling in private prayer, are indicated by examples in Scripture and the general practice of the ancient Chnstain Church, the posture of siuing in public prayer, is no where Mentioned, and by no usage allowed; hut on the contrary was universally regarded by the early church as heathenish and irreverent; and is still, even in the customs of modem and Western nations an attitude obviously wanting in due expression of reverence ; therefore this General Assembly resolv That the , practice in questiou be considered griev ously improper, whenever the infirmities of the worshipper do not render it necessary ; and that Ministers be required to reprove ii, with earnest and persevering admonition. The recommenda tion was adopted. Smarm Barrow.—Governor King, of Missouri, has published a lever in the Lexington Journal, in which be comities with Senator Benton In his views of slavery. OW Bullion is being backed up by good Democratic support. At a meeting held in Chariton county CoL Benton's course was endor sed ; whilst mother, held at Springfield, got up to denounce 01. Benton, Major Phelps, a member of tiered for adoption the resolutions of e titt a Ctiltintore National Convention on the sub. ject of slavery, but they were voted down as being unsuited to the occasion. In Jefferson county, at the meeting called to second the resolutions of the State Legislature and Calhoun's Southern address, Benton's friends assembled mid being in a majori ty, passed resolutions fully sustaining his appeal to the.people upon the subject of the resolutions pas sed at the last session of the Legislature. As Own= Posrmiuriza.—Wm. H.. Chandler, Esq., editor of the Evansville Journal, has been ap. pointed Postmaster of that place. Mr. C. says in a card which he publishes in the Journal : " I will open; distribute, and deliver the mails no matter at what hour of the night they, may ar r rive, and give those who may desire it an oppor. tunity to answer their letters by return mail—will keep the office open on Sunday at least four hours, and longer if requested--will procure a more cen tral office as soon as it can be done, and in fact do •all and more than any reasohable man would ask and if I fail to give satisfaction will resign." , • Accumwr av - Maxlearr, Corra.—Andrew Clark was firing a swivel at Milford, Conn., on the night of the 3d inst., when it burst and tore off a large piece of hisleftside.and killed him. A Mr. Hill was also wounded by the explosion, an that his life was despaired ot'wben Our informant left. A frag ment of the gun flew one fourth of a mile and broke off the limb of a tree which it struck. The swivel was rammed fall to the motile. Clark was warned to fire it with a slow much, bat persisted in teaching ell with a red hot , iron hel d . in his hand. Tut Gam—Thntahundred , and sixty thousand Aye hoed end thiny=d p azdats have been wined aids* idiot . io u p to the 211th alt. The tiny coin is envy. white wired fat it. beauty andeebveniewe. TM Onrimil Farm Tea - Puns —The CiaciUncili Ckronicle published a letter bum a correspondent' giving sad news from the Plaiibs. The emigrantsiralral very , slowly, in coase4netece of the beavy rain ii so' moistened the sed that the wheels of the Wag"' offt it through. : . Dissensions, eladeret, unfit equip. meets and wat of revisions resulting from impru dente and waste, have broken up many companies. Nothing of the pm" kindlatger than pmiriechick ens, can he discovered for 400 miles out. Turner and Allen's first train had suffered severely, and the deaths were very numerous. The second train was about to start early in June, and would carry a U. S. mail across ;• but it was probable a number of those who bad engaged to go would fail to do so, as there was mach disratisfaetion and' charges of misrepresentation against the proprietors of the trains. The wagons carry six passengers, and are worth, with the mules, 11700. The passengers pay 51,200 fin the privilege of taking them to Califor nia. I has been found that pack mules ansvri3r bet ter, for they can carry more than they draw, with the additional weight of the wagon t and their move ment is more rapid.. The grass is in very fine con dition. CALIPORWII Erttos rrrstWe promised weeks since to give an estimate of the number of wagons a*d persons that would probably cross the plains ibis season. In making this estimate we give the number of wagons, and from this make our caleulatioes as to the number of persons now on the plains. The wagons that „crowd the river at this place, by ferry and steMnboats, number 1,508 ; at can's Ferry four miles above St. Joseph, 6854 at Sontown Savannah and the terries as far up es the Ruffs, say 2,000. This makes the num ber of wagons 4,193. A fair average would be about fixer men, and eight mules or oxen to each wagon. From this statement it would appear that them are 16,762 persons on the plains—beside 33,- 544 mules mid oxen. A number of emigrant', an ticipating some difficulty in getting through with wagons, went with pack mules, which would prob ably increase the emigration to at.reast 17,000, and the number of cattle and moles to at least 34,600. From the best information we can get, about 10; 000 persona have left Independence which will in crease the number of persons to -27,000.—5 t. Jo sept (Mo ) Qat 15th. Ilimustrum Einoaswrs.—Several emigrants have lately" returned from the Plains, perfectly satisfied with Prairie life. They report a great deal of sick ness on the Plains, frequent loss of oxen and mules, and everything else calculated to deter persons from crossing the Plains. Whether those tales are told for the purpose of justifying them in returning, or to deter others from venturing on the Plains we know not. We have seen letters Irom wend per. song, some written at Grand Island, which state that the health of companies were good, and all-getting along as well as could be expected—but that large numbers are daily dying with cholera on the Plains we don't exactly believe.—St. Josephs (Mu.) Gat. 15th ult. ORIZION Miscast. Wzatzu.—lron ore is known to exist in this country. It is said that there is an extensive bed of good pipe ore ten miles below the city and one mile from the Willamette river. Other beds of iron ore, more or less extensive, are said to have been discovered. Extensive beds of rich lead ore have been discovered in diffek.nt portions of the territory. Black lead of is:superior quality is known to exist in abundance in tile middle portion of Oregon, between the Columbia and the. ions. Copper of a very pure quality is said to ex ist in the western portion of the Territory, between the British possessions and the Columbia. Eastern and northeastern Oregon abounds in granite and marble. Sandstone is found in different portions of the country, some beds of which are sufficiently hard for building purposes, while others are soft. Limestone is also 'eland in different portions of country. Stone coal at the Cascade mountains, in the neighborhood of the Columbia, on the Cow litz river on the Columbia in Catalamet bay and in the vicinity of the coast, about 70 miles below the mouth of the. Columbia. The coal from these acetifies has been but imperfectly tested. A good article of coal exists in abundance on Vancouver's Island, and the same vein crops out on the coast south of the 49th parallel. Platinum is said to exist in quantities in the Flat. heatteountry,in the neighborhood of Fort Okanagan. Gold has been- discovered in several different places in Omen bat nowhere as yet in great afinn dance. Within the last three weeks gold has been discovered on the Santain riser a tributary of the Willamettee, taking its rise in the neighborhood of Mount Jefferson. • Some persons engaged in gold digging on the Santiam -are milking S 4 per day, and think the pros good for fi nding the gotd considerably abundant when from the disappear. ance of the snow, they shall be able to penetrate into the moentains. • We have conversed with se veral who have returned from the California gold mines ; and all agree in ascribing a Striking similar. laxity in the 'geographical character of several por tions of Eastern and Southern Oregon and the gold regions of California, and they all unitein the con fident opinion that gold will be-found hi glees abun dance in Oregon —Oregon Spectator. Coax.—Many persons see corks used daily with out knowing whence come those useful materials. Corks are cut from large slabs of the cork tree, a species of oak which grows wild in the countries of Europe. The tree is stripped of its bark at about t 5 years old, but before stopping it off the tree is not cut down as in the case of the oak. It is taken while the tree is growing, and - the operation may be repeated every eighth or ninth year—the naafi ie ty of the bark continutiugeach time to improve as the age of the tree incre & When the bark is taken off it is singed in th flames of a strong are, and after being soaked f 'a considerable time in water it is placed tinder hiary weights in order to render it straight. Its ext me lightness, the ease with which it can be compressed and its elasticity are properties so peculiar to this substance, that no efficient substitute for it has been discovered. The valuable properties of cork were - known to the Creeks and Romans, who employed it for all the purposes for which it is used at present with the exception of stopples; the ancients mostly used ce ment for - stoppin,g the mouthaiiil bottles iir vessels. The Egyptians are said to have made coffins' of cork, which being spread on the inside with reed ' nous subsianeepreserved dead bodies fawn decay. In modem times cork was not generally used for stopples to honks tilt about the close of the 17th century, wax being used till then for that • g ierpose. The cork' imported - into Great Britain is - brought principally from Italy, Spain and Portugal. The quantit3 annually consumed is upward of 800 tour, Tiaz Wvostnen Szessencar.—The Wilkes-Barre Advocate of the 4th inst., gives the following notice. ARRIVAL OF TliC STEAMBOAT.—AfTiFed at this Port on Monday evening last, Steamboat Wyoming Cat i lonvease, -direct from Ttmkhannoek, vrith a of passengers, ladies and gentleman, horn the latter place. The Wyoming left her moorin"a, at Tunkbannock at half past 2 o , cleck P. M., and arrived at this placeat 9. Deducting for stoppages, she was 231 hours making the trip. It is a beautiful boat, and attests the energy, enterprize and public spirit, of the citizens of Tenkhannciek.— We learn from a gentleman who came on the boat that it encountered no impediments the water even in its present low state being abandentry sufficient to admit of the Tunkhannnck navigating the Sus quehanna between the points mentioned, with° , difficulty. EXTEXIIIPS Mseurrerour or Gime A• correspondent of the Philadelphia North American,. witting from Syracuse!, New York, says; There are more gold pens manufactured here in this place than in all other places beside in this co l udiy. There are fire or six large establishments employed solely in this business. The principalX those ta the well known firm of Benedict & Barfly; they enjoy an extended and deservedly high.repu tation. and mairefacture more tfum any other este& lishineet in the United &Mee Besides the great quantity bearing their own Mme, they manufacture to order pens having the mune of some fifteen or twenty tither Arnie scattered all .`over the country,. Wows Nate by a ItatUrakt ;._Coot o opoodanie of The Trainee. ' Two Arvetes, Pa lane 27, 1849, Mt. Gantt sr: Dear Sir—One of our neighbo le , Hawk Masthope, was bitten by a rails: snake on the 21st inst. under very miaow: circus. souwits. Re went down cellar to the pork bum to take mit some- pork- for cooking, and put h e , band into the banal, when a Lugs rattlesnake sett: edit and inflicted its p 0 i 10110 . 138 bite.' As th e banal stood VeiWthis wall, it is_suPposed that the tope;(; had made its way into it by pplungilkettlfh MOO maim in the stones. Mrs. H.-endured the see e , intense agony from th e bite ; he hand and am swelled to about three tunes di usual Sire. Val. ons remedies were used, but the most efficadons were a plant, snake weed, and indigo. Th e ' ru g e is this morning pronounced out of danger. y ore respectfully. • • J. D. PLANZ BOsna.,--The first plank road we hear f was built in Russia; the first built in America, one laid in Canada daring the ,administration o f Lord Sydenhain ; and the hist in the United st ates was that leading from Syracuse, New York, t o Qiiedia Lake ? a •distant of Fourteen miles. th e success of this work during the - past tont years to itestock holders and beiidee in givmgper le e t say s . factory to the public haistatted several otherso l o in the state of New'Yoslc atone, there are now la ;reawards of one hundred plank mads, , fteas m fifty-three Mike in length. These toads hate risen to such favor that from being mere teed. era of railroads and canals, or connecting isolated points where mote costly works are not warranted they are actually -run parallel to, and In tom . petition-with both railroads and Canal. In deed, t h e plank road connecting Utica and Syracuse runs f or the whole distance (over K,Miles) alongside of the State canal and railway. The system—its econo m y in the prime cost, and certainty of profit in pre eel ;. Ling ample- equivalents to secure travel on a p a , with' its -formaable rivals—taunt have been well tested before such an ectunprize could have be en at altinstifted. Rtertrzow or Frruita.Mirimir.—Fatbet Ma their arrifed at Casale Garden about 5 diebck P. M. on Molsday endives received by the mayor.— A large procession Was footled and accompsuued him to the Irving House There was muchezese. went, and cheering, &e. The following is Father Mathew's mply. to th e address of the Mayor of the-city of New Tork, i 3 his reception : " I have long wished for the pleasures I now enjoy. Providence ray-Anted me from fulfiling 'my promise of fisitmg Arnerida l but thank God ; I now slued among you, and am only sorry th at this extreme felicity has never been my fortune before now. I cannot promise you much exertion, bur what I can do I shall do freely. I feel prouder on this day than I can give nut-r -anee S gratitude is too swelling to find words of suf. ficient "expanse to convey my sense of it. All I can say is, I thank you—from my heart I thank you. You have received me as you receive your greatest citizens; you have - received me as you receive your ~most renowned generals - and most envied friends of your happiness and your race. I deeply feel the honor; but my-friends I am undeserving of it. If deserve anything for my perseverance in the cause which I have followed, the reception you have given me this day repays me for all. ' I have been witnessing the beautiful scenery which surrounds your city . and have been lost in astonishment looking at the vast cqminercial fleets which flow in here from all parts -of the globe., it is too grand to be" comprehended at Sight. I am only sorry that ill health prevents me from addres. sing you as I ought : the intensity Cif my feelings precludes the possibility of giving utterance to them but again receive my sincere thanks for the n great est honor I hive ever received!, STATE ISSAIIIIL HOSPITAL —We paid a visit to be Insane Hospital now being ereetednem Harrisburg, and were gratified to find n so far advanced ask r, notwithstanding some delay in obtaining Vie trick in consequent* of emmiphitins *cagier- The kitrildingm 300 feet in length when comple ted agreeably - tothe plan and draft of the architect and builder Mr. Haviland,and will present a heauti fat and imposing appearance, and can be seen fcr Many •miles around. The walls of the tonndatterr and first story of the building acts erected np to the floor of the first story, with the exception of the north wing which is rapidly going rip, there vein; a strong force of workmen 'engaged upon it. The interior plan of the first story is each at will combine convenience and utility in the highest degree. They appear, as pointed out, complete, nothing being otnitteltbat could add to the palm tion of the arrangers Heispital is being erected odder the stfperisdendenee of' Mr. Wells, a gentle man evidently well qualified for the task, and who gives the most assiduous attention td the duty be has assumed. When Completed if will be one of the finest, best and most bettnfifnl public btnlilings in ant eoeintry.--Anusa. Telegrapk. , DIN S TIDINGS by ~141 -Of—teuert were received yestetday from the Hudson's Ray Territory by wuy of the Saut St. Marie bringing, in telligence from Fort Simpson of date the 4th ofOt• toter last. The writer of a letter from. that lost. eayet, " eighteen men of 'the expedition arrived here yesterday from Fort Confidence sent to be kept dor. mg winter. They went round from the mouth of the_ McKenzie to the Coppermine but no vestige or word of Sir John Franklin, or any one else excel* Esquiroanx whom they - saw in large number. A very large party of those daring rascals met the et peditkin at the mouth of the McKenzie and as on kno' occasion, wanted to make a prize of the ,boats and ad that wasin them. But nothing saint happened. Sir John Richardson is to proceed to Canada as soon as the McKen zi e breaks op nen. Spring. Rae is ;piing with one boat again to th e Coast. Gov: KING OF MO. AND SENATOS., BF:rros• -1 short time since we f stated, what we deemed pot authority, that one estimable Governor conoded with Col. Benton, in his views of Stavery,i and of the Jackson resoletions. We rejoice to be able nor to announce that the Governor has published, the Lexington Journal, an able letter or address na the subject, which confirms .. all we- stated. Thi we shall publish shortly, for the especial benefit Ot the Calhotatites ;. and we now ask them to recol lect, hereafter ' that the State Administration and Cot. Benton stand together against the Jackson re-° lutions--that the pleopte of Missouri, also, are yob Gov. sing and Senator Benton will soon be err dented beyond the possibility of a doubt.—St. Is is Union. Official notice has been published, under dim , tion of the State-Treasurer, that the notes of toe !lank of Susquehanna county, the lkinesdale Bank, and the West Branch Bank, will not be received 10 payment of tolls due the Commonwealth. All the other banks in the State have officialff, informed the Treasury Department that they n%a redeem their notes in specie in Philideli,Tha. The following note* of other States. will be taken for tolls :—State of Delaware, New Jersey, and th e city of Bhltimore, which may be Marked. par in the city of Philadelphia. Grouting Bosnia Xcrrmia.—The Bostians talk of fitting mat an expedition to go in search of Sir Jolts Fasseraa. One Of thepublic spirited citizen , : writes: "Let us then no long er Wait for the movement of - United States temrnent: Let us In Ret' to. rise by subscription the awn of ono- humlreil thousand dollars to cover contingencies and let us ill out the expedition without delay. If Bostonians will it, their veseetatnay, sail out of the harbor in this bel ly cause before three weeks arepassed." SVANnot Iftsvoay.—When Gen. &Olt WaS Mexico he seized and brought 'home near SAW volumes of )triad wake, all, iir the. Spanish lacy parr. Some of these "are said to be three hint t.he a year ofLancf contain a perfect history of sles lc° from its geetit by the Spaniards. It >3 the intention of the government •toustract front these' velamecall-that may be useful in kerning 1± 'on'' Nets history of New Mexico and California, 30 0 the works will then tie returned to Mexico.