Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 04, 1849, Image 4
:: itlebical. DR. TOWNSEND'S et/M . OOM IeXTRACT OP SARSAPARILLA. The meet extraordinary Medicine in the World I Criraut iu put wp in Qx*rt Reties • it is six tette 0419167, pleastuarr. snit wroutetl ouptriur is sup sell. It cures without neatitiag, psulsing. eicksosise or &bin. gaging Ike Patient. • • The great beauty end superiority of this Staletterahl Wier all other medicines ill. that While it eradiate the diessee, it invigorates the body. It is one of the very best SPRING AND SUMMER lIIIRDICINES ewer known; it not only purifies the whole system And strengthens the person. but it creates lies, pore and rich Mood ; • power possemeil by no other medicine. Aad is ibis list the fraud secret of it. wooderfuf slier.. It has perforated within the last two years more time 100,000 owns of rouses of disease ; at - least 1.1001 were emendated incurable. It has saved the fires of more than 10,000 clindrea the past Lag serous is the City of Now York IDA.. esteems( DesterOl Debility vied wool ern energy Or. Townsend'. Sursspnrilla inviroinles the whole system permunently. To those who liar., lost their ininicular Mien cy by the effects of medicine or iudiscretion . corainitted in youth or the excessive indulgence of do pusvions. and brought ou by physical pro oo nn of the nervous system, lassitude,want of eurtiliniii, (aiming seusaiiiiiis premature decay "Ind decline basteuing towried• that Niel di Consumption. eon lee entirely restored by this ideas• set remedy. This Sarsaparilla in Cur •liperior to any • Im•igoratiai d'erdinl. • A. II Cr,,,.. and oleo the • gives ertirhy is the loolto pool to the utueeular system to swot eatiaordiehry degree. • - , „ :'%~. C.o.owr4ieo Cored. Oletbee•eel Strengthen. Consamitttoot rats be erred Pt fel.- 4hitta Orms.mpteole, (Aver Camp/atm, Odb, Catarrh Ctanchte, Asthma Sptifing Bleed, c in the Cbeet, /Pass Fleet. Nteht Sweet's, tiding lt ter Prejner Re lfecteraUea, Pane in the Side, 4c, have bees and can he 1111. ed. Male Pork, April 29, lan .DL TOWPMEIeII.—I verily believe your Rsrmalmrill• has urea the means, throngli Providence. of saving my ife. I bare for severs' yean bad A bad Cnovh. It br omine eerie end worse At last I raised large yield.- tie, of blood, hod night •we.ts, anti eel greatly drbilita tail and reduced, and did not expect to live. I bare °sly well your Sar•apardla a short time, mid there bas • won. derfoil change loom wrought in me I am now alite to walk all over the city. I rinse no blood and my eough boo left me. Ton eaa well insamine that I ate thankful for thaw results. Tour obedient servant. 'WS. RUSSELL, fls Cathartic at. II Isr.m a li.on This mils an. °rotors lino four Itionenll4 e1...M0t Rheu matism that Ur. Tow ii•ea•fs Sarespnrille. Th. revere soil chronic Cll.. are -a enkly eradicated by its astraorilinary virtues. c, on • eur ,.. F• 1.. one or the ne.ktrintik in the Lena tie Aselom, illarkwelf• 1-land, I. the 'gentleman spoken of in the following letter. RI A w. 1 1 .• Won& Soni. 14. I Ql7 D r Town...not —Doonr Sir: I have mirrored terribly Ow mow venial with the Ithroonatiain entrosileraltle of the Wile II could not eat. elemi or walk. I hail the abet divtrevvicit paint and onv bosh. .0 • terribly I Mire ward four of p.m Sarimoarillv and they liner done ine more than a thoomand dollar. wonb 0re.0.1, i nun • nitleh 1.440 r Indood lam (towel,. reliet ed. You are at liberty to isn't tlllll fior the benefit of Ito adlirted. V "tor. re. rwri 1 %II FA Cll3l Nil Fever and %zae Dr TO .f1i4M1.1 . 41 Sara...l'l4 14 osatsrusAlled so of the ChM,. and Frs.., atut Asa• Toe r011...t0/lett, i. only no. of huct.lre.l• flint are have rccs (roil from the South awl Weat of like charactrtr. Dr. Townsend : near 14,-1 poinf..• 012 ribtwo bottles of•iniourilla of your %rent Mr McVpir. of Koila• riinzoo to try it for the Fever and Ann^ Delo-el hod fini.,ll - the first bottle. it •poeare.l to W•riti the lihmsd. soul every other play when the Cl,!!.i 20.1 the F,ver sposars.l they ware lees vinleut . not I. •fore sit • Nast liaisherl the bottle she well entirely relievrol. avail she was touch batter that, she heti lirtioi before •hr took the A.m.. A holy that had been eon rick with the Chille aO.l Fever. but had broke them w lilt (jumbo.. must 14,11, left 111 a very week and do-tresPio; ante: pool troubled etcroolst,lv w ith the Azite Cake. seeing the rffeet it had on Inv wile. phe peat mud procured a few hottle•, tool ti thzatltell hero a Iris Reek. to roniplete health Your Sarsaparilla is itholit iloaltt ailettualled in dierris. s mettlest to the We,t end if unit think that this yowl motile. 1100 will be of use, )i.itt are ut !then) to use It a 30a - , Female Medicine IN.. Tow noen.E. to a •fil eretrie tool ap.....11. awry for iiiriiiirvit Cooffuloption. Itarreime.. r ro i. r ." loanOh Falhug of the 1.% . 1., efrti.PO., rho or or White• fhlf Memornsorm. In' c 00000 sue im• of I'. - y or itirollsolory discharge tleereo( end-fn the generot proetratma of the ayatetu—no matter %Kettle, the 111•1111 of otheresit woe or ram. produced by irregularity. Ohm.. or acculmit Noillifig ran he more tool g than it. in. it:orating effert• nu the loonan frame. Persons of all wealine....l from t•kuip n al woce het c 01..., nod full of merge under its isollneure. It immedwiely 011 ti t e noel the nen folesene. of the female frame, which is the great i - 0110 , 1 of Barrenne.. It will not he expected of to., in caves of no debrate a nature. to exhibit certificate. of core* performed, but we ran assure the afflicteff, that Ifosndreflo pare been reported to Or Thouranda of cares where (mottosa bare been without children. after loons a few lowiles whin ossaltiable llll4/i• ewe, hare hero 1.1..e.1 floe. healthy offspring. It ha• hero prepared to ref.-more to female coin. ptriota. No Seisial• who hn- reatma to .nppoae she to op. prom-hint that Cf utrul period. Ti.. tarsi of bfie." •linteld next. t to fake it. ar it is a certain preventive for any of tbe nuttier°. and horrible downs. to 4Shoeh females Tow foiblert at tho time of life. Ti,,. period way ha lio lotyrel fur *earn,' year. by an/y lA,, inreficiar. NOT IA it le. raloatile for those WIIO are appruachine wtonsie hood. rit calculated to aasist %attire br nuirkeido= th% b lOllll end the system. lisflooftl, this made rum m t0ta1...1.1e for ail the delicate dismows to Sloth lemur", are 1.419ret., - Great to Mother. and Chi It is the safetra and most elTecteul inetticlun for purifyinc the syrarint. awl relies .7: the itullirt togs etteatlusit neon birth ever thrativrat.d. It uretraniess 1.4.01 rile ninth., awl chili!, prevent- p.m and ilorara, increases and runic:he, the r,...,1 Um, a I n . it 01111 k is Mthly useful tenth le owe and titter euttfteceoted a: it prevents di. attendant intent cludllartil. to reetileiteen. Cretin a, Swelling of the F ee t. Le -1 'envy, Ilearalturn, Pain le the Itack nil Loru.. relse iLos lienmr• rhu end iu the See,ll.ori• ant etpie t tintnit the eirrele•ina n lies no The erect !scanty of thu. medi cine Si It in aillia)• aide, anti the Laura doliClitil tae it Witt • - Y - 1,3, f • . ' \ . 'V r .• Mcrae ...lit Cowell. Tlti. tOrtll6l4to 0011 1 11111•1•01 V prows. that 'this liers•partl • ha. perfect eootrol over the mo.t °lodinate dne•aes of the Three perimur cured 10 tom house is uoprec•- dewed. r Three Children Dr. Townsend : Dear tstr.—l hare the pleasure to lafone you that three ..foly lur e been cured 1.1 the gene fide by the hee of your ereelleni inrolietne. They were af flicted very severely a ith had sores, haVe taken lour bat tler; it took them away, for which I feel myself under great obligattou. roan, rn•prrlfallr, ISAAC IV. CHAIN. 1011 Woosteual Opinions •f Phy.felooo. Twornspn.l t. nlenn.t dotty rersivitqf order, from Phseutiews to sittfereto perm of 14, I liel.trg, TII3I e• to serttly *hit we. the osotersigned, Physic/see of (leo cdy or Ati.oy. here ettmesons Iw...erasing, lir. Toonsentre Starsepsmlle. end believe ot to be owe 01 the most vslooltle properstoom to Om mint It eL I. P. 1 %%ALSIP:, M.l), It. R. BRIGGS, M. M. P. E. ELMENDORP, M ' Albany, April, CAUTION. Owing in the great oUrrr•ol no.l innriensw sole lr Or. Town.en.f• li.c.aparilln. a motel., of men who were for. Merle one Aenteb hare entitmenceil Intik one Snrimpur,lls Extrert, Ettatr. Itto,r, Extract. of fellow Ilnek. iini'Lnoterall 1.01 0 the owner 9 , 1"A1/et' bottle.. sod :porno 'of theta %olio stolen owl eopie.l nor 111.1YoflOOMOOl, they ewe only worthier , . . sml ehotild be avoided. Nome genuine utiles. ingurel by S. I'. Townsend. • Pirineirvil (Mee. 118 FI'I.TON Street, Rue Readier. N. Y.: R.. 14 0 & Co. PI Stair etreet, Bosuns ; Deolt Scare, Illtl North Seernol .treat. Philadelphia . S. S. ll•nre, Dniite:et. Zullionoe : P. II Cohen, Cherie:ton VVriebt & Co., IM Chartr. Street, N. 0.: 105 Routh Pearl Street Albany ; 1,..1 I.y . .1; the prinripo l/ruggieu and War chants gor•vallv throughout the United States, West lad* me the Crudes. • Maid in Towanda,' Pa.. by 1117 S rt)v, & PV TER •n' by JUSTICES' BLANKS A FELL ASSORTMENT, JUST PRINTED. FOR SALE o.wezot. Oct 21 IRV. tUcaical. lUAUTION EXTRA. A man by the name of CLAPP has engaged with a MM. 'sows of the name of 8. P. Townsend. and use his name to put up a Sarsaparilla, whiCh they call Dr. Townsend'. Sarsaparilla, deamninatlite it ORXOINF, Original, ere. This Towered is au doctor, and never was; but was formerly a worker on rag roads,caeals, and the like. Yel he mouses the title et gr.. be the purpose of plaing credit fie what he I. ant. This is to can tina the public not to he deceived, and purchase none hat the GENCINW ORIGINAL 01.13 Dr. Jacob Towasemrs Sane wills, having on. It the Old Ws. likeness. his (salty omit id lam, and his signature mamas the gnat of anns. Prisstqat Office, lel Naa•ar st., Ness York alp OLD HR. JACOB TOW . THE IGI AI. 1194.,0VER ER 01 , TIIE - • Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Ile Townsend is tiosopliont 111 t ears of :est. and has long been known en th e .4 1.1 , 1///B ER of the; (41 1, if - .Vs H.Y.IPAR IL -1.4." Being pine. he was compelled lAD Irvines •nufactore, by which means ti h heeit kept Deg{ ..f iii,rkrt. rind the salon eye tans...fined in thi.e only is ID.. 14.1 proved its worth. and known it, value It had reirtiool the ••rii .of tunny. nevertheless, as [hoes persona who had healeil wf viper di-ease., end saved Gum death, . r. crl.rnecnod wonderful POWER. Knowing. wintry vrare thiti h whnil. by his skill. science and experience .belied nu wilirlo which Inceletr lalok iiiisanuice to mankind w hen the means would be for ti. brine it into univers-11 notice. when Its inestimable VlTttle• willellll be know n and appreciated. This tame has come, the means are supplied : O 11.4X11 NI PR R 1.4 R. 4 TIOX a , a aa a ,orat on the i .rest scale. and is exiled for through not the length and lire.tilth of the hovel te•pectelly as it is found lee/gelid , . of deCepeettese or detenorntion. Unlike young S. r Tow naenir.i. it ...proper, with age, and never chances. hut toe the letter; beranse it is prepared Mt eeltele. tific principles by a sctrnt,fic 0.111. The highest knowledge of Cher...try, and the late-t di.oseries .1 the art have all been seincif. no. ..pikttion in the itiarinfo-tnce of the Old lik's g eree r ie r,li ze . Th e riareeer role root. it ts well known to medical men. ninny Illedzelpel properties, unit some properties which are Ine rt air airless. and which if retuned in pee "i y, nt it ~pealnre freer-eta...a and end. which I. in lueious to the Some of the propertim of Sarsapartlla are ail no'nei lint they eDoIDTPII ellapeenle and are loot in the prepuratton. if they are not preserved by a protein. known unit to those experienced in its mantiNctioe. doreover these manta, principles. which fly ninth vnpr, or as an exhilla Sinn. under brat. are the eery 'smelts medical pmpertst4 the per ',hie.. -tee •• all .1• e-Ott, Any person can boil or stew the mot till they get a &Armload liquid.. which is mom from the coloring matter In the root than from any thing elm; they can then strain this insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with son, molasses. mid then call It ••SAlt SAPARII.F.A EXTRACT or SERI:P." tint such it not the &Melt knower es the , GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. This Is to prefaced. that ail the inert properties of the Par sapanila mot i.e. first removed every Miter ratable alter:omM, acid or of fermentation. is extracted and selected; then every particle of medical virtue in secured inn piste and concentrated form; and thus it is rendered incoipahle of being any of Its valu able and healing properties. Prepared in this way, it is made ale most powerful agent in the Cure of innumerable diseases. Hence the reason why we bear cottonseed:twins on every side .n its favor by men, women, and children. We find it doing wonders in the core of C'ONS 17-VPD lON. It YSP FPS L and LIVER PLA tier • not in 11 itEfl.if.l Tf.a.Al. SCR OVVL..II. PILES, COS TIP EWES'S. nil et 'T. IX?: fl IS ER ('P TI VAT, )'/.11- ELKS. BLOC - 7'IIVA. and all affections arisinr from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It prreseases a tharvellou•raicarV in all ouniplaints arising from frofirres ree. f ei roc Slowark. from unequal tinpla te.. deternmet nem of wood o the . head. palpitation of the heart. cold fret sod bands, raid chilli and hot dashes over the body. it has ant its equal in Cads nod Courits ; and prionssitini easy ex pectontion and tenthe, relaxing stricture u( de ' thrnnt nod every other tort. lint in notb Tic is its /An lir are more manifestly men and IC knee lidged than in ell kinds and singe. of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in cases of Freer .411kes or Warted. nibv the Womb (Ifistrarted, Samereseed or Private/ Messes. terepeihie erg of the menstrual periods, and the like , and is .s effectual In curing nil the forum of /Colley Thee..., By rem,.inq oletructiore, rind deutating the general dr tem, it dives tone and strength to the whole body, and thus dues all forms of Nervous diseases and debility, and thus prevent, or rebesss a grewt vaneti of other maladies, as spored trritars•a. Xratralgia, 51. Vitas !/arse, Sterirritorm Aprdeptst Fate. Casralstaxe, It demusei the blood, exrues the liver to healthy action, tones the stomach. and gives geel digestion. relieves the bowels of torpor end con.intotion. ails, ingenoinition. (singles the akin, equrtlisett the circulation of the blood producing gentle warmth ettnally all liter the body. and the insensible perspinition , re lates all Ozirtures Spud Dribbles,. rennoes all riliattuctiona, and invigorate. the entire nervous system. In matte then 'The medicine you pre-eminently need I Rat ens hay of them things be said of S. P. Town-end's infs. nor eruct.. r This young neri•s mould t. not tn COMPARED WITH THE OLD DRS, berause id one tr it AND F that the one is INCAPABLE. of 11X.TEILIORATIPrS, and NEVER SPOILS, while the other DOES . enscrrep, frriederirp, and Memel Ma berries roothinint It into !pigments , the sons, acid liquid explo dreg. and damaging other goods ! Must not this homble coot pound he poisonous to the system 1 — /Prim ' pet acid iota a eyeing already doseaged rad avid What reuses Dyspepsia bat and I Dn we not all know that when food enure In oar mien ache. what mischiefs It powder:eat dotuenre, heartburn, paid tenon of the heart, liver platilt. diarrhea, d 3 rentery. cold, and romiption of the blood 1 What is Scrofula but as add humor in the body 1 What produces all the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, scald Head. dale Rheum. Err gimlets. White Swellings. Pester Sores, and all nleeratloesln ternal and external t It is nothing tinder heaven. but an add substance, which sours, and thus spoils all the fluids of 'bib body, more or IC. , Whet causes Rhentnati•rn but Spur at acid fluid, which Insinuates Itself lemma the joints and elm where. writs bag and inflaming tid delicate tissues upon which It acts 1 sot of nervous diseases, of impunty of the blood, of demigod circulations, and nearly all the allenenui 'which WSW' human ordure. plow Is It nut 'zombie to untie and sell, and sakestely ~se So use this 801JILING, FERMENTING, ACT!) " (..'OMPOUNLY , OF S. P. TOWNSEND. and yet he mould fain have it understood that Oh, In. Jeri* Too is...lM's tifl.Vlll, Ortginal Sarsaparilla, a an liiirrATlon of his inferior preparation ' Heaven foriod that we should deal In an article which would *ear the most dist Ant resemblance en P. P. TIMIIIMPIM'S artscial and which OMNI.. t0f11.6 itosn upon the Old Dr. such a mnuntain had of ennipla inis end cr.mmat.nns from Agents o tin have cold, and purr to. sers ono bus e used : 1 . P.Ton siscud's &WING COMPOV:\ D. We with it understood. because it is the a6s..latr murk that B. P. l'uticosend's article and teld Or. Jacob Townsend's Hal- Angier - din are hearice-irolii apart, and tedairely ds.•.1011.1"; that they are libidos in ever) penicillin., having not one single thing in C 01111111111,.. As M. P. Townsend is no dortnr, and never was, Is no chemist. no pharmaceutist—knows nn more of medicine or &s -erum t h an 111.1: tither 1 , 1011111.111. 111111fiefItilif.111.1Mg*mogIK..... note, what aranrantre con the public have that they are receiving • genuine NC movie containing NU the virtues of the artiern used in prernring it and which are incapable "(changes ts ho Rt night render thrisi the AGENTS ut Disease instead of health. Rut rwha els e shout.' to (mm one o h.. knows note ing cump•ra ii' medicine or disease ! ItlmPtires a ... I, :ttn to conk sad tgeffei up even a fgtllllll.ll decent ti teat. How inure impoimet is it that the persons who wan ufacture medicine, designed i.e WEAK STOMACHS AND EI(TEE2ILID SYSTEMS, should know 'well the medical imperils, of plants. the best 'manner of securing and concentrating their healing virtue*, alai an extensive knowledge of the venous douses which.nNect the human system. and bow in adapt remedies u. those diseases! It is to arne.i Ir:outs upon the inifnrtuti.lle, t.. pour balm Into wounded humanity. hi kindle louse in the despairing bosom. US restore health and bloom, Mtg. Vtlttf mt. the Crllslll.d and bro. ken. and to banish infirmity tliai 111.11 airs.J 11'141 TtAYNNIF.Pi • has fiUt.*CitiT and Oil M) We opteinunit) and means to bring his Grand Universal Concentrated Remedy within the rent+, and tar the kmmledse of all who need It, that they may learn rind know, by _metal ei.perience, its ranscendent. Power to Ilea]. ea.Javoll Tow nonsin, New 11548- BIR :•-.4 in the tlith of July, !Pr. I was ngoin •uncked with rheumnfism. and continued, tinder wiring% prescriptions. to grow Wotan , for at lineal trio the. I became entirely helpless, incapnble oI free. .4 wprelf, or turning In bed or helping myself tiny way. In this state I eon tinned until J nnUnry. t 544, when I began to mend a little and Improve gradually till the Ist May. This amendment was only MI tor an to be nide toped evolf, though stall incapable of rotting in or not of bed or even rerun/ remai n ed in this emolition. with little of no change, until I fairly dropnired of getting 'hoot r , :nin this season. Oa the .21st July. I was Induced to tryyour Swrnrepartila ; On the 94th. three day. after hiking the first dose, / It OMR I.M HEIN In hick I had not done before in ten months, and in less than a week, I WA 16F-1J .frnnss rur with the aid of crutches. Shier then. I hove walked in the street: have g,,00 alone from 99 Spruce street to the Park; thence to loveioy's 'Motel and hick I have been to P:i Nassau-street two dlirelielit Linen, and nin now ri-itinn my neigh bors; During s 9 this tine. I have tauten but taw auttim of Old Dr. Townsend', lqnr , intotrilla I ict 4. I prnenred another bottle (sth Oct 1 and I walked twice n, rims tLe door is ill the aid of crutches. I have also Dearly recovered from obstruction of water. which gave n.e great distress. The pain in nay back kale likewise left me. I and my faintly bare no enrthly reason to am:loe my recovery in any other cause but tn OLD DR. J.ICOR TO WifSF—VD'S 8AR5A1".41211.1.4. • ALEX. WELSH, XI Spruce-p- T. B.—Serrersl able physicians despaired of my ever walking W even taising myself from my bed nun. Principal Office 101 . Nassamtreet, N. T. City. Sold wholesale and retail. in Towanda, Pit., by HI RAM MIX, agent for Northern Pennsylvania. 34y Sold also in Troy by Pr. Pufus King ; Burlington, Coryell & Gee : Orwell, C. 6. Gridley. I . ) ALM LEAF HATS, Leghorn Illonnet, Ribbons L 4:c. at FOX'S, Nu. 2. [LIZ. itlebiral. MYERS' UQUID CURE, ♦ POSIT! fa AND NEyER.F'AILING REMEDY FOR PILES. VIT HET ER Internal. External, Blind or Bleeding. V Scrofula, White Swellings, Meese, and Ulcerated Sore Throat. Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cuts : neous Diseases, Mercurial Affections, &c. Also for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, &c. We feel justified in proclaiming THE FACT TO' THE WORLD that of all medicines ever brought before the Public NONE have ever been more berieficial to afflic ted humantiy than • • Akers' Liquid Cure." We know that this is saying a great deal, but if we were to write ratinges, we could not say too much in praise ol this H KILTII.-*LFTORING. LIFII.-PnOLONOING RZNITT. Hundreds, nay thomands, Wreathe happy hour when tint they were made acquainted with its tranicendaul virtues; and our parent purism Is to inform other thou sands, how and where they may obtain thet relief, which they perhaps, have long sought for in vain. Thn wuperto, escellence of this preparation over all other meolicines for the smedy and permanent cure of PII.ES is well known to all who have tested it. It has been proved in thousands of instances, and has Pi EV Elt FA U.EL) to cure the MOST OBSTINATE CASES, and we are confident it NEVER WILT. FAIL if used a proper length of time according to directions As a proof of our entire confidence in its efficacy, we assure all purchasers that, if, after a proper trial, it prove ineffectual. Me Mane?, pgid for it unll be Returned The '• Liquid Cure" isan effectual Remedy for RI se- WORMS, BILK*, PIMPLY*, BAN BRIM Ire* PIIOSITIM I•1 , 111/1, CU I LULA P, SALT Rusum, Muriel /T 0 BITE*, Stioes of Pois.ineus Insects, &c., and for Cutaneous Diseases of every desenption It is both safe and effectual for RHEUMATISM, giving immediate and permanent No preparations now before the Public ran surpass the excellence of the" Liquid Cure" for Scalds, Burns, ruts, Sprains, BrniAes, Swellings, &e. Its effects as a REAL PAIN KILLER are MAGICAL. Erery Family in the bind shonlil provide themselves with thin Invaluable Pre petal ion, the cheapness of which places it wi hin the reach of all. Full Directions accompany each bottli. Pamphlets containing copies of certificates from those who have tested the Liquid Cure," may be s had Gratis of our autherised agents. " Myers Liquid Cure" ia.prepared only by J E ROM E & CO.. 2l Spruce Street, New York. For sale by HIRAM MIX, Towanda, agent for this county, and by C. H.lHerrick, Athens; Rufus King, Troy ; James H. Phiuney, Itloureeton ; Henry Gibbs. Orwell. 5 teowy Silence that Dreadful Cough ! THE Lunge are in danger, the work of the destroy er has been begun, the cough of Cunsutnption has in it a sound of death. Are . you a 3lother . 2 Your darling child, your idol and earthly joy, is now perhaps confined totter chamber by a daneerous cold—her pale cheeks, her thin shrunk en fingers, hell the hold disease has already Icained upon her the sound of her sepulchrel cough pierces your soul. Young roan, when jest about to enter life, disease sheds a heart-crushing blight over the fair prospects of the future—your hectic enugh and feeble limbs tell of your loss of hop". hut von nerd not despair.—Thee is a balm which will held the wounded lungs, it is SHERMAN'S ALL-HEALIING BALSAM. Mrs. A Wee, the wife of Win. H. Attree, Esq. was gi• "en up by Dr. Sewall of-Washington. Dr. Roe and Mc Clellan of Philadelphia, Drs. Roe and Mott of New York. Her friends all thought she must die. She had every appearance of being in consmnoior and was so pronounced by her physicians--Shertnan's Balsam was given a id it cured her. Mrs. Garrabrantz. of Bull's Ferry was also eared of consumption by this Balsam when all other reme.lies failed to give relief -she was reduced toa skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist, 291 Broadway, has witnessed its affects in several ra ea where no other Medicine affor ded relief—but the Balsam orerated like' charm. Dr. C. also witnessed its wonderful effects in curing Asth ma, which it never fails of doing. /spitting Blood. alarming Be it, May be, is effectually cured by this Bal sam. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and makes the lungs sound aeein- Rev. Henry Jones, 109 Eighth avenue, was ru•e.l of cough and rat a rrha I affections of SO years standing. The find do, e gave him more relief than all the other medi cine he had ever taken, !Dr. L. J. Beals, 19 De'ancy street, gave it to a sister-in-law who was laboring under consumption. and to another sorely milli-tad oirith the asthma. In both cases its effects were lakine.liate, wan restoring them to comfortable health. Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Chrimie at, arffered from Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam relieved her - at once, and she is comparatively well, being enabled to subdue every attack by a timely use of this medicine. This indeed is, the timely remedy for Coughs, Cold s , Spitting blood. Liver complaints and all affections of the throat, and even•Arithme and Consumption. Price 25 rents and SI a bottle. Sold in Towanda, by HUSTON & PORTER, No. 1, Brick row. The •bove medicines can he purchased of the follow• ing named agents: Leßaysvillo. G. H. Little; Orwell, Henry Gibbs: Rome. U. M. Wattles 4 Ulster. Peck ham & Co.: Milan. G. Trarey ; Athens. C.H.Hereck Smithfield. E. S. Tracey ; Burlington, Correll & Gee; Troy, G. F. Redinaton; Canton, Charles Raibbotte ; Monroeton. B. Coolbaugh Standing Stone, Wm. R. Storrs & Co.; Wyalusing, C. B. Fisher. Boot and Shoe Shop Removed ! msToi, & SMITH have removed their shop I/ across the street, a few doors above their late lOCa tion, in the room lately oci•npied by B. A. Smith's I'lnthina Store, one door north of Herder's Harness Shop, where they will be pleased to see their customers. Towanda, May 1, 1849. . _ EST-IBLISIIMENT CD•11 tip _6' IL owl L. M. NYE & CO., wouhl re. spectlly inform the citizen■ of Tow. mole and the public generally, that they have on hand dr manufacture to order all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, of the best male. 3MIN '•• to riala, and workmanship that cannot be surpassed, in addition to the usual assortment in country shops, we will keep on hand and make m order SOFAS, of various and most approved patterns ; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior style. and fur ease and durability cannot be surpassed even in our large cities. Alan, the half French Ma hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair, which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that' having had much experience in the bnsinsas, we shall be able to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to quality and price, and by strict attention to business hope to merit and receive'the patronage of a liberal cum munity. L. M. NYE & CO. Tovrtmaa, September 1. 1947 C 111.4*ET U ILI' IT I; R E MAY BE, HAD at our shop much lower than it tuts ever been mild in Towanda. 'Goods are cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we can afford all for to do it. All kinds of prodirce will be received in payment. Also, T.O ITDF . II of all kinds. Sept. r. 1.. M. NYE 4. CO. art tvc '3 .11:1\f 2311i0B`,,Veif1_tkc_O THE subscriber still centimes manufacture and keep on hand t the old stand of Torok - ins and gakinsrm, all kir. ds of cane and 'nod seat CHAIRS; and SET 'RES of various kinds, . & BED. "TEARS of every description, thich I *ill sell low for cash Produce, or Pine or Cherry Lumber, or el air plank, wiil be received for work. TURNING done to order in the neatest manner. Also, CABINET WORK, make indltepton hand, or made to order. im the heat =2 Towanda, January 4, ISI9 EEC JAMES MAKI.NOS F1 . M711 Great & Important Chemical Discovery. Chemical Combination from. the Vegetable Kingdcim to repel Disease. Dr.G UYS 0 TT 'S yELI. 4 se TINS IniACT 0 tut rr • . ns 22:=XM g II Villt asl- The Most succeyfid Medicine in the World! PHIS CHEMICAL. COMPOUND. containing ats it does, Yellow Dock, so 'highly esteemed by the faculty—with other vegetable produ:tions, is one of the most important discoveries of the age, and far superior to all simple sarsaparilla preparations in use. Although lees than two years base elapsed since its discovery, it has already effected over 15,000 cures. The unrivalled power disease which this Syrup produ ces may he attnhuted to the fact that it is composed purely of vegetable extracts, each one basing a direct reference to some internal organ; consequently the whole eystem is benefited; and the fact thit, in Its operition. it occasions neither sickness nor pain, and can be taken under all circumstances without reganl to business or diet, and by the aged and the infant with equal efficacy, is certainly a consideration in the history of Medicines. This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles. arid is the most highly concentrated Syrup in use. It is offered at the low price of one dollar per Bottle, the object of being to give the orient an opportunity by the purchase of one bottle, to test its valuable medical properties and its power over disease. This compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsa parilla is ■ positive. speedy, and permanent cure for Consumption, Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Solt Rheum, Pimples on the face, Rheumatism, Gout,-Gen real Debility, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Spinal Af teething. Female Complains., Ulcers, Syphila in its worst form, Affections of fhb Bladder and Kidneys, Bilious Colic end serous Looseness, Bilew, Costfireness, Colds. corrupt Humors, Asthma. Dropsy, enlargement of the Bones, Fever and Ague, Giddiness. Gravel, Heads - hes, or every kind. Impure blood, Jaundice, Loss if Appetite. Leprosy, Mercurial Diseascs,Night Sweats. Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Neuralgia, Organic Affections, Palpitation of the Heart, Painter's Colic, Piles, rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy. Swellings, Siek Headache. Stiffness of the joints, Exposure and Imprudence of Life. It extracts nervous disease, purifies and ennehes the Blond, and invigorates the body more effectually than any medicine hitherto offered to the public. In the Vegetable Kingdom. an All wise Being has deposited such plants and herbs es are congenial to our constitutions, and adapted to the cure of all curable diseases to which human nature is ineicent. tall this Compound Syrup is composed of all those valuable plants, some of which have lately been discovered and used, arid found to be certain specifies in thousands of diseases that before defied the best of medical skill. OPINIONS OF PHV4ICIANS This is to certify that we. the undersignel Physi cians of the city of New York, hive in a very great many cases prrwriked Doctor Curates Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. and ore fully assured that it has nn equal amone the varied Syrups and Sac. saparilla preparations that have, over been sold. Octo ber 10.'47. John F. Strd,bina, M. D.; F. R. Thome*, M. I). P. 8. Maynard, M. D.; Jarr!ex E. Morgan, M. I) Samuel T. Wells, M. D.. 8. M. Johnaon, 1). READ TIIE TESTIMONI lirnre'.leNtimnny in turn- ehr super. of Dr Guy‘oll'ir Extract of Yrlimn Dock and Sarsapard la orrr all othrr simrlar ,ernedirs. Pv.r.l ! Read ! ! F..rta sicts rf OW( rereired. DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Are. Ws.riowrowsr, Jefferson Co., Nov. 4, 1847 Mr. 8. F. BEA RTT Dear Sir—l am at a loss to express with words what has been sad in praise of your Compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla ; all who have had the pressure of using it speak of its marvellous effects in removing diseases, with so much feelinz and heartfelt eau...faction. that I am confident now that no medicine in tie can boast of its superior qualities. Many who have been complaining for years with pain in the side, horning arid pain in the chest, dyspep.ia. general debili ty, loss of appetite, chills, sweats, wilt rheum, scrofula, in fa. t all the diseas es that we in this .climate are heir to, fail in the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, all that is requisite to make theui what they were in their dvys of health &c. We have had twelve dozen bottles in three months and find we are nearly out. Please send an equal amount, and 0 lige your., HOYT & GREGORY. DYSPEPSIA CCRED, OF 30 V'RS STANDING Sr. 10,17 , 5t - 11.1J.. Montgomery Co. Jan. 3, '4B S. F. BENNE - re—Dear Str—Some four weeks since I was induced to try yolir Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla for Dyspepsia; haa beer; afflicted about 40 ears, most part of the time unable to eat anyrthing without suffer. ing intensely from its effects. I have used now only one bottle of your intllll"We metlicurie, and consider mY'self entirely cured solely by its use. Can now eat a hearty meal, without the eltutdeet itiennverdence, Very truly y.,urs, ANTHONY' DEEKMAN, THE GREATEST FEMALE MEDICINE NOW KNOWN The mild alterative properties of Dr. Guesott's ex tinct of Yellow Dock and Marsaparilla. render it pecu liarly applicable to the slouder and delicate constitution of the female. It is unrivalled in its effects upon such disesses as Insipierit Consumption, B arenness„ Leu corrhoca or Whites, Irregular Menstruation, Inconti nence of thine, mid general Prostration of the system. It immealiately counteracts that distressing nervousness and sn common to the female frame, and im parts nn energy and buoyancy as surptising as they are grateful. We cannot, of course. exhibit certificates to any ex tent in this cla.s of eonnolaints, but the two Iro l l o % tog extracts of letters recently receive'', indicate sufficient ly the grant virtue of the medicine t as a remedy for the disemies refered to. Mr. Bra .rri-r—We take pleasure in stating that your Yellow D. , ck and Sarrapenlle gives great salts• faction in every else. We shall try and send you some certificates. A very respectable gentleman informs us that his daughter was troubled with difficult menstruation. and other discuses peculiar to her UM. She had not had her regular menstrual discharges for • long time but by the use of Pr. (.uv2rtes Yellow Dock and Sancapindla, was radically cured. If od used Townsend's and others'. without receiving the slightest benefit. He had one daughter die from the same cause. Please send us an additional supply.• Very respectfully yours, J. E. TRIPPE & Go. CAUTION EXTRAORDINARY There are counterfeit medicines afloat; therefore the reader is particularly cautioned not to allow (himself to be imposed upon. Beware how you buy medicine put up in square quart boric*. Be very sure and ark for Dr. ! Cup-nes Compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Satrap:villa, bearing the written signature of S. F. Bennett. un each outside wrapper, written with. black ink ; and do not, on any account, he induced to buy any other coil cle—as it is this preparation only that is performing wick marvelous and astonishing cures. Take no mans word as persona having the counterfeit medicine and not genuine, are of course desirous of making their are liable to buy worthless trash, unless you examine for yourselses, (0- Remember. Dr. GI YSOTT'S YELLOW DOCK AND SA RSA PAR I IsliA. Prepared at 8. F. Bennett's Labratory. Little Fail., lietkimer county, N. Y.. and salt! at wholesale in N. York City by Trippe, 128 Maiden Lane: atm by Tracy Beadle, Elmira, 1.. M. Berton!, Binghamton, b• L. Pinney. & Son, Cargo, and by the principal druggists end merchants; throughout the Mates, Week Indies and Canada. .•• Nene genuine unless put up in large square bottles containing a quart, with the name of the syrup hlream in the glass, with the written signature of 8. F BENNETT on each outside wrapper. Solid Wholesale and Retail by •C. H. HERRICK lIIJIAM MIX ,Tuter: 141 y NEWARK. Jan. 25th. IRIB miscduduirons TERMS OF THE OINGRAMTOR 'ROARING SCHOOL FOR board and tution,including Ortbography, Reid ing Writing, Aritmetic, Algebra, Book-keeping, English Grammar. Ebetotie, Composition, Geography. Use of theGlobea.Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. (with the use of a good apparatus to illus trate those studies,) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry, payable quarterly i n advance , per annum, $lOO 00 Day scholars, per quarter, 4i 00 'ATZ*. CHARGIII. French, per quartet, !, s4 00 Latin, " 400 Spanish, " 4 00 Music. (nn the piano.) per quarter, 10 00 Embroidery and rug work, " - 2 00 Any young lady 'receiving inatruetion on the piano, a privileged to learn rug-work, or any one of the above anguagea, and the same time, without additional charge. To a young lady who studies the English branches, the terms of learning each of the above branches, are • per quarter, $3 00 Instructions on the thiitar, ' 4 00 Use of Pianos, - lb DraWing and painting in water colors, including the use of materials, such as drawing paper, paints, pencils, &c. Oil painting on canvass. • u Painting transparent window shades, including . _ the supply of materials, each Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per twelve leisons. Gilding on silk, crape. he Wax flowers, per 'quarter, erns and ink, " Washing, Board Ira varation, $2 00 per week, 1 , Letters polo-paid. addressed to the Misses WHITE &GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Broom co., N. Y., will re ceive prompt attention. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY eadh.. .404 TIMEX W. WILCOX. has removed his establish .; ment to the shop between Kingsbery's and Bart lett's stores, and where he still solicits a sham of public patronage. Ile iMends, by a careful selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of his custo. men to make tet neat d durable work as can be ma nufactured in this pact the country. He will keep constaney on band, and manufactnre to order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse Boots and Shoes ; I.aditst Gaiters. Shoes and Slips ; Children's do. ; Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, ¢e. o:3b Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken in payment for work, at the market price. Towanda. April 26.1847 dl 0, 00 0 AZSITLEI.3 :11'04.1t. GREAT REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, _i►ercly for the ?rant of cheap Clock-s. Watches and Jrircley! Great Rosh at th e NEW CLOCK AND WATCH STORE! JTAMES P. MIA, respectfully informs the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, that ha has lately return ed from Philadelphia, and permanently located in To wanda, one door below the Brick Row, in the room for merly occupied by ?tlercur!s Hat Store, where may he-' found gold and silver watches, gold, fob and guard chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pens, breast pins, finger rings, &c., cheap for cash, and every article war ranted. A large supply of CI. , WKS, of the latest im proved patterns, running from 30 hours to 8 days and -a month, with one winding. (ri• Particular attention paid to repairing CLOCKS. WATCHES & JEWELRY, of every description, and from the long experience which he has had in the bu siness, work left in his care will be done in the best workm a nlik e manner. Old gold and silver taken in exchange. Towanda, August 16, 1848. y Removed to north side Public Square! Yr .4. Chamberiin, ww TI AS-just returned from the city Ak -1-1- of New York with a large supply of Watches. Jewelry and 2 , Silver ware, comprising in part, * C the following articles :—Lever. . L'Epinc and Plain Watches, with a complete assortment of Gold Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin ger Rin ts, Breast Pins, Braceleis, Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware, and nny quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he offer for sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH. N'a•chcs repaired on short notice, and warranted torun welt, or the money will he refunded. and a writ • regiment given to that elTect if required. • B.—til A It,LE SUGAR, and Country Produce en in payment for work ; and alai. learn now, and orerer, that the Produce must be paid when Me work is done—l war against credit in all its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. April 4 211. lnsß. THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, n .7h I.IIV IT I. V7._TE 0 I - 9 5 r ri'r, ,1.1.11t11:3I1 ‘l7.9:_f) CF. HARDER respectfully wishes to inform the • eitizemeof Miranda, and the public that he has commenced the HARNESS AND TRUNK MAKING BUSINESS, • in Towanda, on Main street, a few doors above Bridge street, where he will keep constantly on hand or make to orih-r. Plated and common Harness, Trunks and Trunk ranee., find xll kinds of work in his fine. cAR RIAGE TRIMMING and MII.ITARY. WORK done to ordcr. . From his experience in the, and punctuality in attending to it, he hopes he may receive a char of pul.lie patronage. i rr All kin,} i of work may he had at his shop cheap aor thin at any other Phop in this county. Towanda, June 12. :8U I BOOTS AND SHOES. What me yon about here' Arn't ye Yes, t guess so TllO t't.3ANDS of times the question has been asked, Where on earth are all the Boots cud Shoes ma nufactured that supply the continual rush at the corner of Main and Bridge streets? O'Hara answers that this is the place, acid these are the things we do it with ! • \Nu/ • • Seveog-derennorfashions ertry two accontbq Put OM Ike Steam! Hear ! hrar ye! and understand, that O'Hara, at she corner of Main and Briduestreetii, will sell at retail this season. 39,781 pairs of Boots. goes tom Brogan'', at a less pike than ever was or probably ever will be of fered again in Towanda. The Ladies' Department in this establishment is richly furni-bed with fashions; Ladies', „misses' and children'a fancy and common hoots and shoes, even to the extremity-of the latest fashions. Mistake not the place —Corner Tif Main and Rrid,ge streets, the on% Shoe Store in Broolford County. Half cash and halt trade for Butter. H. O'IIARA. Towanda. June 16, £R47. Completion or the North Brandt Canal BRISTOL & SMITH HYIN formed a co-partnership in the tnanufac: tare of BOOTS dt SIMI>, et the old stand three doors nerthrof Rridlze at. would reepectrullY inform their friends and the puhlie, that their will carry on the business in all its [wenches—keep on handand make to nnler, everything in their line in the rattan manner and in their latest style. Beleiring that they can do as . gnod or better work than can he had elsewhere they would say to those wish ing good article in their line to give them a call: and they shall be sati.fieti. Repairing-done on short notice. Produre of all kinds taken for work. Hides wanted in exchange for Boots and Shoes and Leather. Towanda Dec. 14, DM. B. & _ _ 13AINTS, OILS . & f 2-STUFFS , alsoldateoh by the grins, at No. 2, B. 12. rwczti. philabelybia bvertistshents PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL 110U5E.....E 46. ti s h e d tb year. ago, by DR. KIN K ELIN:Th okt , esr,surest,and best. hand to cure all forms of rec ret4. ease, of the akin, and solitary habits of youth, DR. KINKELIN, Northwest corner of THIRD UNION _Streets. between Spruce and Pine, a Ilips te. and-a-half from the Exchange. Philadelphia. TAKETARTICULAR NOTICE There is:a habit which boys teach eaehother the A N emy or , College.—mt habits indulged in, when by h„, self, in solitude, growing up with the boy to manhood ; few of those who indulge in this pernicious pra tkt are aware of the consequenses, until' those find l y, nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaceo 4 table feelingr,- vague fears in the mind. The. iodin e , feeble, he is unable to labor with accusto te i vigor or to apply his mind to study ; his step is t a t and weak, he is dull, irresolute. IF THE SOLITARY VICE. Is continued, the procreative power 'is destroyed, marriage rendered impossible, a long train of n e ,„„ affections follow, the countenance is downcast, the ha without natural lustre, shamefacedness is apparent. Terse ARE STHUTCOIS WHICH SHOULD ASIALLI th e attention of those similarly IF THE VICTIM Be - conscious of the cause of his decay, and gait it, suffers under those terrib'e nocturnal and involante, emissions, which waken and shame him prod uen ,„ mental and physical prostration. If he emancipateriU m ; self before the practice has done its worst, and ru n matrimony. his marriage is unfruitfnl. and hiss es „ tells him that this is caused by his.early %office. YOUNG MEN Let no false modesty deter Jou from making fi r . case known to one who, from education and rap ed bility, can alone befriend you. He who places L z „ self under DR. K I NKELUN 'S treatment, may religu u , ly confide in his honor as a gentlenian, and in bosom will be forever locked the secret of the patie u . Thousands have been restored to health foam three. vastations of these terriffic maladies, by 1.4. German Physician. Packages of Msdicines. Advices, &e., farerardoLb sending a remittance; and put'up secure from In v or curiosity. Post paid letters answered forthwith. • rintat 4 00 10 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 50 2 50 MARRIAGE. IMF A NEW BOOK BY DR. WM. I'OrNG . second edition, just publirlied. price 2 cl,, THE !EOM OF UFE A Treatise on Affection, Love and Merriam r „ . . the Disessis of Youth, Maturity and Old Arm Lights end Shades of Married Lifd, (its infeliu:s, and enjoyments.) " To be or not to be, that is the q•testion." (With curious cases, illustrations, 451.e.) - There are morethinas %wilt heaven and earth. Flor, 44 Than are tlieamt of in our philosopliy. kit MAIL This book should be in the bands of every vo n; man or woman contemplating, NIARRI•GE. Ern school-boy, and indeed every man or woman, 11',arm or single should read with care and attention, this tr, useful work: as we consider it well adapted to aWilleq . attention to a subject more blighting to body, mind at; soul, than any other v res. Youug or midde aged persons, suffering from D,, peptic and Comumptivesymtams of long staang, , careful pernAal of this most wonderful w..rk,, the. cause of such symptoms in the baneful hist hr. described. cO - Any one sending twenty-five rents cnelcseri letter, will receive one copy of this look lv mail five copies will he scut for one dollar. (T2 - Alt. letters are ocrected to he rover r uin. et-'K those containing a remittance, and addressed. UR.,WM. YOUNG, 152 'SPRUCE 'Street. Ss. ween Fourth and Fifth, PHI LATICLPHTA. " 1,34 Warranted under .a Penalty of 5.1.000, (ere Mercury and other Mineral Substancts! 77w (July Original and Gcnninc Indian " EVERY day a lebrated me! .: e ading the s , here ;. efulnem; ;- .3Y to the p f i• talogne of mune , A Mit:mos di4ributed nnnta= ItliOUt (Li: c met'-; le demand ! For 5. 4 . 'Me pa,t. the . a l es yen Ittmteti, Folett. it., Of P. Truly. this FI tiyrnal rrimtly ! to araldetl, the,e ound their way nac ote,t• flamers of :a Untoit. every w"ere proving Ow title ‘lt Tit) Pot MAN ' S FIIIANG—SICK. MAN ' S liurL—THE MA:G. AND BILESsING OF TILE AGE. For a trifling sum, every intii‘idua! and every facv may have WEALTH INSURED 10 diet:. la e n gldeacti period; and what is life without, but a misa tile existence ! • It i too precious a• boon to be tarnpp-r.l ing alt sorts of experiments upon u. Tic sici. use those meilittues only which experience has lass to be the best. A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. [From Catskill. Greene County. e w York Dr. W. Wright—Dear sir : I h a ve fmmd ra.r fad. an Vegetable Pills a valuable remedy in ea:R.,: of G , Tr. ral Debility of the System and of all thihm , th4c , dml . I am also in the habit of ricommendinz I. L. males in peculiar cases. I observe them t.. ovrvt the eptem, without producing debiltty or run, Ins it in a heal'hy condition. • JOHN DoNNE )LA THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. frrom Norton Hill. Greene County. N,tv Mr.' Wright-We have used and sold pier riss . . Vegetable Pill for three years past, and do not to recommend them to our friends and ru , romer , best family medicine in use. N. &1.. R ‘1 , 111:11 TES I'IMI IN YOF A NI/TILER PH 10. 6. The following to an answer in reply to rr n, tr • - sz - our agent asking Dr. Bouton's opinion of this • Tva - kuiN:vock, Aug... 29. it-It: 7 Air. A .Durham—Dear thr : In reply to v our tsosi' i : yesterday. I would state, that I have;trhot ,. It convenient to use the various Poirot 1.',11, sea at the shop,: ; and while I am unwilliitc, am: • 7' to depreciate th'e value of others, I am trey to row^ . r . that I consider Dr. Wright's Indian Vegeta!,e parlor to all others with which I am acquaiwel. 1 -$ 1 " used them for many years both in my own fam,.y in my practice generally. and they have Unnoruo:-. certain and safe in their operations. The ran' v : skill with .which these Pills have been hithertssiv , fiteturetbare, in my optt l i 111 l , a sufficient guaran:;!: like good mantis in future, Very respectfull. B ;-?;:!• B. A. OCTON. M . . Dr. B. is a practioner of toov, expoimee.vv . ei: kar . " 4 in and even beyond the lines of NS' voniji , g 9 is a graduate of the University of Penn' aria ! '`' highly popular with the peop:e among whom ere RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD. n [From Preston Kitt3, N. Yrr•rk:' • Dr. V. Wright—Bear sir: I was, a u jic iai wok• vinlentkpain int my bead and rush of blood on the IU which confined me to my room for six wrek• , .art /fie Night of my eyes. so as to prevent me tram with it, and left the with a dizziness in my heel about six months. By taking three orfour h.tri your Pills. I was restored to health again. June.l:t. 1848. PETER VAN WA ;NO . , lisse Ann OP Sup AR COA:ran COUNTVnirri , Remember, that the !original and only - genuine 196 ' Vegetable Pills havelhe written signature of stmt Wright on the top of each box. • The genuine is for solo by MONTAN YES 6 . k: " sole agents for Towanda; and by agents in at! ot`r parts of the State. ()thee devoted exclusively to- the sale of Vt . rit 7 ''''' Indian Vegetable Pills. wholeside and retail, io r , ‘" Philadelphia, 288 c;ieenwich st., New 1 e , k. 198 Tremont. Boston. WI. M' 11f47.!011.111k7 rVILL be kept on hand a large assortment. made to order on shorter notiecan , : ney than can be produced al any other establisinne o the land. Those , who are under the necessity ,01 . Pr": curing that article will and shall be saMfied. Ag* hearse and pall maybe had in attendance when ileses. September I, 1847 L. M. NYE & HllT itu l . tc , li k, n b e lu n e w an r and green and t or F ked , i? h en i l a i ee V rt o: also tars a splendid lot of • Ivory Handled Fans, also whir sun Bonnets, Bonnet fronts, linen and cotton 1 16 ' swiss and jacouct Muslin edgings and insertine• rtg i i at my 23 Ft