Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 04, 1849, Image 3

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    Life in CaifierniL
A co rrgspondent of the Wheeling Gazette, wri
ung from .11citerey of the disorganization of some.
tv at that place, mentions the following facts. Some
,;( them have never been so fully given. ,
A day or two since, a notorious rAital, s u s pe cte d
o f several murders, and known to be guilty of re
, ated horse and cattle stealing's, was caught, and
and sentenced to be bung. all in a very allot t
..,ace of time, and without waiting for much proof.
a lawyer, called a meeting, which was
composed principally of disbanded volunteers, to
I 'event the execution of so unjust a sentence by
means or foul. In the course of the erening,
, ca b o dy said there were not men enough in Mon
ter to hang the man. While they were gassing
t,:id.tussing about it, a file of soldiers took the pris
oncr from the prison to the guard house in the tort,
ant day Captain Burton went down with
.ome twelve or fifteen men as a guard. Some six
rowdies, it is said, had armeij themselves with
tom i vers. &c., to rescue the criminal, but on seeing
:tat baiOtit.l4, they dispersed. The maa was hung,
„h et , as they always bungle the matter bete,
~n e broke. and according to the custom of the
o on r , (the ililftalde being a Californian,) he was
tent kirk to Rtisbit until it could be decided wheth
er to kii,h the Business or not..
tome three months ago, a horrid murder was
committed about one hundred and twenty miles
stynth ot this. A month previons, - several men had
,i es oned from the U. S. ship Warren, at night, in
a t,. ;;t. They were fired upon, and one man se
ii,telv wounded.. The rest escaped.
Three of them. with a disbanded volunteer and
nmchrirry d o ,.(the last two-had been concerned in
.eme murder in the gold mines.) went to the house
of an Ettgli-liman named Read. at the Mission of
San Miguel. and rourderel the whole family, iii
ek,htig babies, servants and a midwife whoke ser
I.c e 4 were daily expected to he required. Imme
diately upon hearing of it. Lieut Ord was sent down
a-sist in capturing the murderers. lie arrived
Santa Barbara shortly after the people had taken
"trin. two being killed in the operation. There
uii no A lcalde, and the people did not know what
da. Lieut Ord pushed..the matter, and pursua-
. . _
e,l diem to try and execute the prt , oners, who
‘,Pre aoeordingly shot. At San Jose, a man
. - 'r,'"attarkerl on the road and badly wounded.
l aree men were found guilty by a jury an.l hung.
These executions have had a good effect.
ii.imang the steamer Kansns arrived from St. Jo
., h She had on boarcl as passengers some ten
txclve persons who are just in from the encamp
ment of the emigrants now crossing the plains for
eahlorma. Sortie of these persons went as far as
hires hundred miles out, when. becoming discour
;,2o,l from the fatigue and hardships of the journey,
ita•V ..Z.IVP pp the trip. and are now on their way
1 3 ,1, to their.ll tends. Two or three are' from the
,ienittv at Chicago, others reside inr Ohio and Ken
t .cla. and all agree that the undertaking was more
can could conveniently stand. They a 1.,,
.,, _ ,re anything hot flattering account of the
a nd haimony prevailing in the differen .
~iinpanies. and seem to think that large numbers
„ li i tie returning before the main body gets. beyond
1 . ,,t Laramie. These rumors, however ; are to he
oh some degree of allowance, as the dis
...ei-tied one- nikv coming back may view matter,
wi i e .e condemn than really evi-ts. They al
:La the i•ickness was not as bad a,; when the
1:1-1 t.ut their accounts about th 3 gras., Ica.
ter. N.,• matt•thtily ih=a , gree. Some say Mu forme
tirio' - :11111 the latter in great abundance, others
arid mules were starving for the
both —9. Louts Rrpublierin.
) id. the Bth inst. has the following
• .n.V. • ',he Lleiell Credibly informed that there is
-1 iv.,suint trade iu the kidnapping of negroes going
!I ;eta eon Africa and Texas Year before la,t,
Len , t‘ ore .everal resrsels,•well loaded with
hrought.from Afilea, and landed near the
,i,,q1;1 of me San flaruaul, and the negroes there
I 'Eli , sclietne should be hiked into by
t:,e Government, and iliose engaged in it, punished
.ecor;tn,, to law."
LIE CROPS 01.' VOILE -11° York (Pa ) Rrl,ubli
says.: '• The mowers and ialiers are already in
the grass: and the air is la-den 1% nh the fiagiance
of the curing hay and the clover liliisiorns.! This .
.crop will be abundant. The ryeialid wheat, i.t hull
1 cad, promire to the farmer an ample harvest :
arid though the corn stands small in the furrows,
t.” genial sun-hine will can-c it now to grow rap
The year gives every indication of being
crtiwired . with plenty, and for some time to come,
itie farmers will be kept busy in gathering the fruits
nt their labors."
I;nvr.r.Nott Carr - rctinv.x.—The last Kentucky pa
finnish the gratifying intellizence that the pain
t.ll report which has been a circulation in trier
c:;ce to Gov. Crittenden's alarming ilhiess, had
bent -uperceded by satisfactory info: mation of Lis
roenvery from a severe attack of cholera morhus
The latest papers state that althotigh yet feeble he
h now entirely free frcrn disease."
rIiLL SOIL IN TENNk- , EL.—.‘ _paper in 'relines
,e gives this accent of a candiflate tur the Legit•la-
I.:re in 'Maury County;
Mr mounted the Hock. announced him
?,l as independent Free Sod Cutubiluie lie was
in favor 01 prolecting Slavery iii the State, but against
1k farther ettension. lie was a Democrat—he
'rated fn Cio-s—and he pronounced the Nicholson
letter a forgery—Cass never wrote it
TlifEarf;,f Eig-vi l is about to start on an election
(4'11'1 . 4 ex pedltimi to Upper Canada. It is said tha
h~ pledued himself to Earl Grey that the go-a
mat 'toy of the inhabitants of Canada of the Britisl
~i l. l ll are in favor of the Rebel Paying bill.
Un it s E s —L e t it be a matter of duty with yon To
j.ur .tables daily, ewe that theyare kept dean,
tl:at ample beds of straw are provided.' the horses
a. each meal actually receive their allowances of
fun I. and last but trot lent, that a bottle o 1 Mer
c'r.iut•b GARGLING OM is always kept in the stable,
he applied on the tirat appearance of any injury
See advertisement in another column. Get a
pamphlet of the agent and bee what it has done for
Constables i Salex.
.6 Metelpts,
!.; nm mon",
l'r rued on superior paper, for sale at this office. Blanks, o
et cry description, printed to order.
will be held at WM.GRIFFIB', Rummer
field Creek, at 12 o'clock, M., when Rev. F. _ C
will deliver an Oration, and a returned officer of ihe
Mexican war will address the people, and give a
history of his campaignings.
lo Rome, on the 28th, by the Rey. P. Bartlett, Mr
nris J. CHVIIIIIVeR., of Orwell, to Miss Bus ire
}Bred, of the former place.
In ihis borough, on Tuesday morning last by Rel
Nis, all of this place.
N, TOW opening at the ..above establishment • very
IN large and desirable assortment of SPRING &
ht:NIIIER GOODS, which. will be sold at very low
rates. Business at this establishment conducted upon
lair and honest principles. You have our thanks for
past favors and we hope for a continuance of the same
save are bound to sell Goods Cheap•
Toi and, , July 4, 1819. IN. N. BETTS.
On the 7th ult., after a short and severe illness,
Puss MANIA, daughter of Chimney Frisbie.Esq.
Aid wilt. of Elisha B. Harvey, Esq, of i lkr
The deceased: was born in Orwell, Bradfcird Co.
Pa., holy. 16th, 1821, and since the age of ten years
she has made a public profession which was unob
trusively and consistently exemplified in all the
walks and relations of domestic and social life.—
She was a member of the Presbyterian Church in
Orwell. A residence.of a little more than a year
in this Community, had served to impress all who
knew her with a high estimate of the worth of her
character, the amiableness of her temper. at d the
strict consistency of her piety. To many who
knew her but to lore, her death is a - deeply pain•
ful berervemeut, and it would be' utterly unscruta
ble were it not for faith in that wise and gracious
Providence, who smiles bgt to heal the more com
pletely, who chastens but to!;ender his people par
takers of his holiness, and who proinises to com
pensate with "a far more exceeding and -eternal
weight of glory" the light and momentary affliction.
Unwavering. faith in God, lent its power to bless and
irradiate the otherwise gloomy ehamber of sickness
and-death, while the triumphant confidence with
which :Ws. H. committed her Husband and child, a
son of some three years of age, to the divtne pro
tection, and her spirit into the, hands of her creator,
affords a solace to thebereaved and sorrowing.
[Co..] .
In Rome of consumption, on the morning of the
17th Mr. Divin Warm's, aged 31 years.
Thus the sun of this man's earthly existence, in
the prime of manhood, after long and patient suf
fering, has set forever, leaving his family to mourn
a dutiful husband, son and brother and our village
a good citiien, an honest man, and the wide circle
of his 'friends an esteemed acquaintance.
To his widow, parents, brothers and sisters, sev
eral or all of whom reside in Rome, the blow if un
doubtedly painful and trying to their feelings. But
such we believe are the religions views of most of
them, that we trust they do not sorrow as those
without hope. They have a confidence in their
Heavenly Father, both for time and . eternity, and
however painful this parting may be to the feelings
of humanity, they will feel assured that their depart
ed friend is in the hands of Him who doeth all
things well, and who does not afflict willingly nor
grieve the children of men.
May they be abundantly sustained by the conso
lation of that gospel in which they joy and rejoice,
and which alone of all others can give in seasons
of trial like this. A large concourse of friends at
tended the funeral discourse in the Baptist church,
konday 18th inst. sermon by the pastor, Elder
Stone; text Psalms, chap. 46, God is our refuge, &c.
Much credi t is due the venerable Elder fur the
ords of consolfftion and instruction given the
, urners on the solemn occasion.
A itSiCh 9 i EXeCnilOllA,
Rotes, Aix.,
Ncto 2bncriiscmcnis
T IST OF -LETTERS remaining in Post Office at
Ridgbery, Bradford County, Pa., June 30, '49.
John Brown Edward Delany
5113.5 Baldwin . Peter A Evens
Daniel Brockway' D Fru tchy -
Parvin 1) Covell Asa Farnsworth 2
Joel Chapen E J Henry
George Cooper Ed ward Het non
Caroline Covell . Edward Hanlon
E Covell Abner Hall
A Imy J Carr I_ David Hapeman
D Carey Wm Mcentire
Gilbert Coleman Nomiah Smith
Sally Ann Doty James Sirobridg
Ridgbery, July 2d, 1R49. JOHN BURT, P.M.
To Owners of, and Dealers in Horses.
ENT: for the cure
of Fountjer, Split Hoof, end
Hoof bound Hoi ses,conttac
:4l and Feverish Feet, Brui
ses in the Flesh, Wounds,
Galled Backs, Cuts, Kicks,
'Heels, Stretches,
" &C., on Horses.
For the cure of Ring-bone, Blood Bpavin, Bone Spa
vin, Windgalls and Sprint—a certain remedy.
-0" Thi. Ring-bone cure and the Founder Ointment
are prepared from the recipe of vi very celebrated Eng
lish Farrier, and will cure in ninety-nine easeu out of
one hundred any of the above cemplaints. They have
been used by fanners., stage proprietors and
others, with the most marked and dreaded success.
Sold in New York by Commonkir, 37 John st., end
n Towanda, by HUSTON & Port-'Eft. 5m6
In Ike molter of the Fatale of l'Ker Walter derenstd.
A2%;D now to wit; May 7th, 1849. On petition of
E. W, Baird. the court vacate so much of the
order made on the 7th day of September, A. D. 1818,
as describes the lands to be sold, and orderland di
rect that forty acres and two perches of land from
the farth of said Peter Walter dec'd. be sold, bound
ed and descr . bed as follows to wit: Beginning at a
soft maple the south west corner of Merritts Knapp,
lot on the bank of Towanda creek, thence north
along said Knapp's line two hundred and forty
perches to a hemlock, the north west corner of said
Knapp's land, thence west twenty six and three
tenth perches to a beech, thence south along the
lands of peter Walter dec'd. two hundred and forty
seven perches to a post, on the bank ofsaid Towan
da creek, thrice down said creek the several emir
(Ts and (finances to the place of beginning. Con
taining fort acres and two perches. strict measure.
Towanda, J uly 3, '49. H. BLACK, Clerk O. C.
By virtue of the above decree, the said premises,
will he exposed to public sale, on Saturday, the llth
day of August, 1849, upon the premises, at 2 o'-
clock P. M.
- Attendance given and terms made known on the
day of sales JOHN VANDYKE,
AND Classification of the amount of the sales
of the persons engaged in the sale of Goods,
Wares and Merchandise, in and for Btadford Coun
ty, with the amount of License hereunto annexed,
in and for the year 1849.
With or I Class
Names of Retailers. I wiih't lig.
DO liq 14
do 14
John Horton
Elmer Horton ,
Biddleman & Brown do 14
Wincngs & Gardner do 14
John Watkins do 14
do 12
do 11
do 13
do 13
do 13
liq 13
no 1&q 14
do 14
do • 14
W H Baird
Welles & Harris
H 8 Comstock
J H Welles & Ca
A Perkins
Phelps & Walker
C Park
George Merrill
Horace Career •
lig 13
no hi 1 3
do .14
do 14
do 14
lig 13
do 13
Coryell & Gee
A &S H Morley
J V Daniels
Job Morley
E Overton •
Newman & Co
C E Rathbone
Augustus Austin
G N Carol • -
U Moody & Co. no lilt 14
0 Dyhamberlain do 14
ao liq •
Bullock & Prekho. do
up- liq
3 W Mercor
E Hawley
L Et Brownson
Holcomb & Leland
Parkhurst & kkh
.1 J Warford
J H Phinney
8 8 & 4.8 JR Hillman
Roger Fowler
.1 11 & U Smith
Alden & Cuolbaugh
John Hanson I do
Brown & Rockwell i do
D 4.: Nagle
Vaanostrum & Northrop
Theophilus Humphrey do
. hq
no Itq
A 8 Smith
O H Little
D Bailey & Sua
H Webb
Calvin West
L S Maynard
D M Wattles
F W Maynard & Co do
E & G Nichols
Wm. Campbell
Kinney & Salience do
no liq
Hiram Spear do
Pine & Bennet liq
W T Daly do
Enos Hubbard no liq
Lucius French do
H W Tracy liq 12
E W Baird no liq 13
Means, Storrs & Co. do 14
H 8 & M C Tilercur do
Montanyes & Co. do
J King fiery do
N N Betts do
Daniei Lord do
Lyman Durfey,
M Bullock & Co
E S Tracy
Tracy & Moore liq
E T Fox no liq
KinTsbery & Co. du
0 I) Bartlett du
Elliott & Tomkins do
DC Hall do
9 9 Bailey do
Titranv & Kingsbcry liq
Hiram Mix . du
& Porter do
H W Tracy. Assignee
of C Reed
P Bnll
H O'Hara
C Coleman
Miles Carter
G F Reddincton loi 11 22 50
SW& D F Pomeroy do II ; 22 60
L & E Runyon do 12 18 75
Baird & Stephens no liq IL 15 00
T Maxwelk do 12 12 50
Herrick—Watt & Pomeroy do 12 12 50
E F & 1' L Ballard do 13 10 00
Fitch & Ballard - do 13 10 00
M W Jones
W Paine,
Gay Tracy
Wm Gibson
Peckham and Mather do
Welles & Co, do 13 10 00
D Myer do 14 . 700
do 14 7 00
do 14 7 00
lames P Taylor _ do 14 T 00
Benj Bnffington
Robert (;upper
E h A I.ewic
MH&GIi Wepes do 13 10 00
CB Fisher do 13 10 00
In(Ison Holcomb
Coolbaugh &Co
of lie.
$7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
15 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
15 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
lb 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
15 00
15 00.
7 00
10 50
do 14
no liq
do 14 7 00
do 14 7 00
do 14 7 00
E Smith & Co. do 14 10 50
Mercantile Appraiser.
_ . _
AND Classification of the persons enpgrid in the
sale of Nostrums. Patent Medicines &c., in
Bradford, County, undor Act of of assembly of the
10111 of April, 1848.
Residence'. l'lass . A in't2ol
Cli Herrick, Athens ho
t: A Perkins, do 4', 5 00
Huston & Porter Towanda bo. 3" 10 00
Hiram Mix, do 3 10 00
. .
Mnntanye 41 Co, ' do 4 5 00
J Kingsbery. do '4 5 00
R King, Troy ho. 3 5 00
Mercantile Appraiser.
AND Classification of the Beer Houses, Eating
Houses &c., of Bradford County according to
Act of Assembly of 10th April, 1849, entitled an
act to create a sinking fund, &c.
Geo. Merrill, . Athens bor. -8 $5 00
H earner do 8 5 6o
J E Vosburg. Burlington, 8 5 (10
B Palmer, Canton. 8 5 00
Daniel Kellogg, Monroe, . 8 • 500
S,Bornham. do 8 5 00
Chas French, Ridgbery 8 600
G W Cole, Barri!. 8 5 00
J L Gerould, Smithfield, 8 500
M Phillips do 8 5 Op
Aaron Thomas, Springfield, 8 500
Miles Carter, Towanda, 8 • 600
Zerulah Cross, do 8 5 00
P O'Slain do 8 5 00
C Coleman, do 8 5 00
8 8 Bailey, do 8 . 600
8 Hathaway, do 8 6 00
J M Gilson, do 8 500
Wm Kelley, do 8 5 00
M W Jones Tiny Born. 8 500
Me mile Appraiser,
A ND Clailification of thedifferimt Distilleries in
It Bradford County. for the year 1840, as directed
by Act of Assembly of the 10th of April 1849.
Names. Residence. Class. Anil. of Lic,
Guy Tozer, Athens, -10
James Payne, Monroe, 10
Wm. Brace, Springfield 10
J. E Goodrich, Troy boron 10
Mercantile Appraises,
NOTIC} is hereby given, that an appeal will be
bold at the Commissioners Office, on the 13th day
of July next, at which time and place any person
aggrieved by the foregoing Classifications, can at
tend if they think proper. Witness toy hand at
Towanda, the lat day of lone, A. D. 1849.
Mercantile Appraiser.
VlNfld the pasture of the mubscriber on the night of
1: the 27th, inn a dark chesout mare, about 16 bands
high with a long tail, and believed to berg a man star
in the fotehead. Whoever will return said anknelehall
be liberally rewarded.
Tamils, May =6th, 1649. J. F.MLEANS.
7 00
7 00
14 10 5(1
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 10 50
13 15 00
. 13 15 00
11 8 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
13 10.00
13 10 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
13 15 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
12 . 18 75
12 18 75
12 12 50
13 10 00
14 10 51
14 10 50
14 7 00
14 7 90
18 57
10 . 00
10 20 00,
10 20 004
13 10 00
13 10 00'
13 10 00,1
12 18 751
12 12 501
12 12 M .
13 10 00
12 12 50
12 12 50
14 . 7 00
14 10 50
14 10 50
14 10 50
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
no liq 14 7 00
'do 13 10 00
13 10 00
lig 14 10 50
do 14 10 50
$lO 00
Clasq. Am't. of I.ic
$5 00
6 00
5 00
6 00
Inerrhatibig, gy.
H. S. & M. C. MERCUR, ,
aataVessu 11S01111/111 ►saorrxaLT or
which were purchased since the late reduction in pried;;
they will therefore be sold unusually cheap.
Towanda, June 15, 1549;
=tonal Ik, U.Rf MNEr.4M9AIo
TIFFANY i!le . KINGHBHRY hifunn the public
that they err now receiving direct from New York
and opertion in the store Int,ly occupied by H.Mix.onit
dose south of. B. Kingsbery ¢ Co., a Isrge and general
aenortment of
rdacce Aotton., e.
in which the mention or purchasers is Mailed. Their
assortment Grocerierr end Liquors is complete. and
will he sold at unusually low rates. Call and examine.
Towanda. Jane In. '49. B. L. KINGSIMRY.
GROCERS & Landlords supplied with rdrnne Beer
by the bbd. TIFFANY do KINGSBERY.
AV. 1, Brick Row.
HusTos , h PORTER are now receiving. at No.
I, Brick R•tar, a large addition to their former
flock, C01:11.16lIng of
Drugs, Medicines. Groceries, Liquors,
01la, Paints, Dyestuffs. Fancy Goods, fie.
which will be sold at unusually low rams. They alma
offers for sale the splendid and genuine Teas of the PE-
K IN TEA COM PAN Y, for which they are •gents, end
which they do nut hesitate to recommend as being su
perior to any oilier imported.
Having been sprinted agent for most all the genu
ine Popular Patrol 31ellicinr4, we assure the public we
will not offer any that are counts., frit, as we will not buy
or accept an agency from those speculators, who, by
base imitations impose upon the country with their
spui Mug Drugs-
Towanda. June IS, IS:9.
II II 111 i.".: 111117
E. T. FOX,
Ts now 'tee/icing • lull supply of spitMG AND
J HUMMER GOODS which are offered for sale as
low as the same can he purchased at any place this side
of the city of Nes i s York. Thankful for the very' liber
ral Patronage extended to him heretofore, he would
respectfully ask a call from all who wi-h to purchas
Goode cheep as this stock is to la disposed of at• the
lowest notch, please dont neglect In call an d dont forget
the place. Nonh Store Xrrner of Main anti Pine-in.
JUST opening a apknded assortment of fashionable
DRESS GOODS consisting of Worsted and Linen
Threw... Sinn...nes, Linen, and Chanagehle Luster..
o.gandirs and Printed Muslin., Scotch. French, and
American Gingham., Chambra's Small Figured Blue
and Green DeLanes and the Pretteot assortment of
Prtuta in town at FOX'S.
GLOVES -50 dozen Kid silk, lesle thread and cot
ton gloves of every possible size and color et
my 23
3fi DOZEN more of those linen Hankerchteli at 123
Cl'. at my 23 , FOX'S
HATS --Moleskin, fur, silk, colored and white Mezi
can, wool, Paean's, Leghorn, pedal and palm leaf
Hats, on hand and for sale at MERCURS'.
rIAPIS—A good assortment of MCII . I. eld Bov's raps,
from Ili cents up, for sale at MERCIAN'.
LT AI 135. Zr I :_§Uiu 0
THE subscriber, intending to leave town soon, res
pectfully presents, his thanks, and sekn ow ledginents
to the citizens of this village, and vicinity ; for their kind,
and extensive patronage; and will be happy to secure
a continuation of calls. Should there be those, wish
ing fora likene'ss," penciled by a ray of light." he will
endeavor to satisfy them, by producing a perrelly cor
rect representation. of features, and expression.
• Calloorn over Mr. J. Kingsbery's store.
Towanda, May 81h, 1819. . W. R. SMALL.
'VOW of Bradford County, Pa.. will make a periodi-
J_ll eat visit to TOWANDA,remainint a week or ten
days, commencing 9th of May next. Will be found at
the Bradford Hotel.
Satisfactory references and moderate prices. Teeth
inserted. from one to a whole sett, and warranted t be
executed as well as can be dane:m the cities.
The following villages will be i:erii.xlically visited:—
Towagela, Athens, Troy, Leßaysville, &c. Informs-.
Lion will be given a week or so in advance, through the
Reporter, and by small advertisements. ap2l
eiILS! OILS !—Lamp and Linseed Oil, in quantities
to suit petettarten, for snle at MERCURS'.
NAILS AND SPIKES-4, 5,6, 8.10, :0, 30, and
40d Nails, and 4, 44, and ki inch SpiVea, for sale
by the pound, keg or lon, at MERCERS'.
CLOTHS, Cassimerec, Satmetta and Vesting, a ae
neral assortment, just received and for sale right ,
at' 01,20 • MERC
SMMER Cl,O rHING.—A large assortment of
Goods for Mena' and llirys' Summer Clothe% now
opening and for sale at apr.o MERCITRS'.
IMPERIAL, Young Hymn, Hyson Skin and Black
Teas, of superior flavor, for sale at prices that will
suit judges of the article, at MERCURS'.
LEVELING, Lying out Road. and Lota, Dividing
Estates.; Measuring Masonry. Embanks enta, &c.,
accurately done by E.G. NICHOLS. Office at Rome
Bradford county, Pa. Bin4B
Min books of the late firma of HUSTON & MA•
SON and of HUSTON At LADD, hare been
p'aced in my hands for settlement. lam instructed to
say, It at prompt attention on the part of debtors will
rave them COST. D. VANDERCOOK, J. P.
Towanda, May 19, 1899. Argus copy.
MIK MAlt AV 311:. 11, lIIIT 1' •
T D. WEST Would inform the citizens of To
ll. wands, that be has located on the comer of Ws.
ter and !oath sta., where be will attend etclusively to
Mending Boots h. Shoes,
and at the shoemakers hate to mend, he flatters himself
that by cars and attention, he shall get ptenty of work.
Towanda, June 12,1849.
and English milan braid new shape, infants an
ehildretts do. also gents fine mole skin Hats at
mrld FOX'S.
GIDIGHAMS—Good patterns and good colors for 12
eta. at my 23 FOX'S.
es. Pedal braid and French lace Bonnets and the
best assortment of Ribbons PloWers, white, black, blue,
row, and straw color base and crape in fact everything
deaireable in the shape of Bonnet Trims. at PDX'S.
ri REM! GREEN OR BLACK 'TEAS—warranted
Rood or no sale, tha money returned in eases,
wham Tea does not suit at usy23 FO'XS.
tsga; 9ftediseninus.
BY virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo..bialied out of the
t •Couirt of Common Pleas of Bradford comity and to
me directed will be expoded to public sale at the Court
House in the born.. of Towanda, on Saturday the
7th day of JULY, 1849, at one o'clock, P. M., the
following lot piece or parcel of land situate in the
!tranship of Athens bounded and described as fob
lours Beginning at a hemlock for ti comer, on the
south east Cornet of a lot formerly occupied. by
Richard Elston, and now or lately ovened by N. J.
Wynkoop thence south 881 . degrees 106 & live-tenth
perches to a stake for a corner, thence north de
grees east 155 rods to a corner, thence north 88i
degrees west 106 & fire-tentbs perches to a corner,
thence south 1 degrees west 15.5 & live-tenth
perches to the place of begining; being lot No. 9.
on warrant 1496 granted to Charles Carroll. Con
taining one hundred and three acres and eighty
perches of land, he the salve more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sa
bina Dewitt to the use of ?Mica Prince, vs. VI iitiaut
Sherifr , Office, Towanda p 15, 1849.
101 Y yirtueof wilt of a Ans. vrea. Expo.ieatted out of
the Court of Common Pleaslof Bradford county, to
me directed, I shall expose to pudic sale'at the 1 . 1.11f1
HUlllf.e, in the boro. of Towanda. on Sattmlay the 2lst
day of JULY. 181,9, et one o'clock, P. M.. the follow ing
piece or parcel of land situate in Boum towuship. Brad
ford county, and hounded as follows, to wit: Bezir.-
Inn:: at a post on the main street upon the east side
o f the said Greet running from Towanda through
the village of Rome, and from thence an ea,terly
course along the line of a lot belimgine . to Peter Al
len, 175 feel to a corner of J. PasAnatire's land, thence
a northerly course 50 feet to a corner, thence a wes
terly course alone. the line of Lewis G.. 0; 175 feet
to the highway to a corner, thence a southerly course
50 feet to the place of beginning. Containing /of
an acre. All improved, with Jute two awry framed
hon-e an I framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution a: the snit at LE.
DeWolf vs. J. D. Drake and 1. R. Drake.
WM.'S. DOBBINS, Sh'ff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda. Jude 1549.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of WILLIAM
GRACE, deceared, late of Springfield twp.. are
hereby requested to make payment without delayound
Iheoe having claims 'summit said estate will please pre
sent them duly aathenlested fur settlement.
W. S. GRACE, Execuior;
Sprinufiehl, June 12, 1949.
Au.persons indebted to the estate of JOSEPH EL
uorr deceased late of Wyalneing township, are
Iterelxy requested to make payment without delay. and
theAe having claims against said estate will please pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement
Wyslusitut. May 26, 18.19. Executors.
A".persona indebted to the estate of ELL AZER
NORMAN, deceased, late of Springfield township,
are hereby requested to make payment withouldelay, and
those hasing claims against said estate will please pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Springfield, May 211. 1819. Administrator.
ALLpersams indebted to the estate of DAVID M.
WAT 11.E 4 , deceased, late of Rome township.
are hereby requested to ^make paymen without delay,
and those having claims affaiust 'Mid estate will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
J .M. vyATTLes,I
R.,me, July 26, Isla
By the New York and Erie Railroad.
BKINGSBERY & CO., are now receiving •large
. and most desirable stock of Goods. Having been
purchased at the most reduced prices, they can confi
dently say to the citizens. of Bradford County,tha t
they will not be undersold. ' la will posi
tively be sold for cash, c er than they can be bought
at Owego, Elmira or Binghamton. To prose this call
and examine our goods and prices. Among our Dry
Goods may he found the folloWing :
Super real French black, Blue, Olive green and
brown Clothe; desaable Beaver, French Due-Skin,
and fancy Caesimeres; Tweeds, Sattineta, and full
cloth , Worsted and Silk Serge.'; Satin, Cashmere and
a great variety of Vestingo, plain andirilaid liuings, &c.
French and American Cloaking; Scotch, French end
American Gingham*: French p•titla,ohangeable, plain
and plaid Alpacas; Queen's Lustre embroidered Thibet
Cloth, Silk and Satin Stripes, Plaid, plain Mohair,
Basket, French and Long Shawls : also pink, and blue
Bonnets of the la test style. Cashmere, Hamilton, Coat
echo, Mourning, blue and wb;:e orange rid blue, anil
almost every variety of Englis'a, American and French
Print., changeable Coberg. black Orode Rhine, plain
and plaid S lk, Silk and Cotton Velvet,ciambrie
book. Swiss and Bishop Lawns, Brussels Lace, plain
and figured Boenetts, cotton edging* and inaertings;
pure Silks, Gimps. Trimming Buttons ; a large assort
ment of ribands. linen cambrics, ladrc« needle worked
cuffs, French collars, lace capes, curb. mitts, brosita
Shaw s, 4c.
Alpo—Blown and bleached Sheeting, brawn and
bleached HoSands. hangup Cords, white, red, mixed
and Salsbury Flannels, satin Corse., brown and bleach
ed Jeans' Canton Flannel, cotton yarns, baits, &c. In
short, almost every article in the Dry Goods line in use.
A large assortment of cuulery from the hest menu
factorers ; Iron, .Nails, cast and German S•eel, Ames
& Co.'s Shovels, mill, cross-cueand wood St ws, panel
and back Saws, cast, wrought and brass B.ifta, thumb.
and drop Latches, Squire's, Dividers, Chisels, Augurs,
Brace and Bitta of the best 11,3104, Wrenches, Bolts
German 'liver. Brittannia nud Iron Table and Tea
Spoons, Candlesticks, Lamps, all kinds of locks, drills,
files, tacks, dce.
Flowing blue, lit do, and white setts to suit pnr
ehasers—bird patterns, plain and every article in this
line wanted.
The largest and moat fashionable assortment of La
dies' and Misses' Boots. Buskins and Slippers, to be
found this aide of New York. Gents' and Boyd' Boots
and Shoes in great ♦ariety.
Also a good lot of SOLE LEATHER on hard.
The Cheapest Groceries can be had at
Towanda, May Ist., 1949. E. K. 4. Co.
HAVE this day entered into orpartnerphip in the
practice of Law, and they take this method of infor
ming the public of the faer,
Office—No. 3, Brick Row, (up stairs) where one of
them can at all times be found.
Towanda, lone 1.'49. 0. IL P. It.I.NNEY.
ALL persons indebted t 9 the subscriber , either by
Note, Judgment, or gook account, must settle the
same immedistely, or Esquire Vandercook will tend to
their care, so look out for Rufus Masons old boh-tailed
horse. WM. TROUT.
Towanda, June sth, 1849.
I~TOULD inform the Ladies that she haa received a
large assortment of HATS, omitting of a varie
ty of styles, and also a good assortment of Flowers.
Ribbons. Belts, &c., and a variety of MILLINERY
ARTICLES, all of which will be offered at a low price,
Towanda, May 15, 1849.
MHIS'S children., and Infants Glove. and Hose
at my 23 FOX'S.
2000 DO7 EGGS wanted at For s, at 10
cents ecr dozen. June 12.
4- - -- ftlettionsbilt i &fir:
mug Gs
MlX:kialiriallinved his Drug Shire LSI tbsi north' .
_ cores[ of the Public Apure. Welt occtSpittd by
James H. Sire, ■od having Oucil . oybis -stile, has
added to his former sgsortilieut a large supply of
LIAL'CIZM .ERID 111111VIlerESrailq:e•
willow L Wmleft II arr, Glassware, Fishing %dile,-
Faucy Goods, Perfumery, &c.
HP is went fur moot of the voltraitle POPFLAU
MEIJI N of die day, which can he ptirchased of
hlni with a certainty of powwow gessUlllo
He is also agent for the CAN rt)N , TEA COM-
P 111 Y of New fork: whose Teak hail' attained's' Wide
spend repotatir t in for aetioineness and their loar price.
Au ettaaiiisanors 01 his stock, to which he unites tbd
atteutuin 01' the public.. will satisfy every tine thltil
haw Wert I-elected with a view of precur.t.g the best add
moat desirable attieleitii mod purchased at the. l eer ed
'rowan/hi. May I. 1949. . • .
er p.rtne►ship heretofore relating between M.
11. & (; . H. W ELL Ea, is this day dissolved by
mutual convent. Those having account.. with the flew
aro rey.tebted to beitle diem without delay.
M. H. WELLP:I 4 ,
Wyslusing, May 30, 1319. G. H. WELLES.
The bush-wee will be continued by M. vrELLEs
et theold xtxtid, whrre a wall seieried stock of GOODS
ix now artivtog; ronstating of Dry Goode, Grorerira,
Hardware, Salt, Neils, &c. &c. To be Fold cheap for
pro npt pay. M. H. WELLES.
G. W. Itlercbant's Celebrated
Which is also a Colversal Family Embroealias for
Diseases of the Ilamari
TIME and e!perienre have fully provenhat thetthis
UNIVFhSAL REMEDY has not not its equal
on the list of popular medicines, having been morethau
14 years before the public.
Testimony of the most disinterested el:ottani& of its
wonderfol effects on the animal economy is almost dai
ly presented to the proprietor.
A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes
were burn! off of him, was restored (witboat suffering)
by the timely use of the Oil.
: Ntureerous are the unsolicited statements of patients
theinselves, and others who have used the Oil, of cures
which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at
all interested in a pecuniary point, they could hardly
have been credited.
The following diseases ate among many others in the
cure of which this Oil has been completely successful
and in which others had entirely. failed:—
Spavids, Sweeney, il'ingtene, Windgalls, Poll Evil, Cal
lous. Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness,
Ffresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Sand Cracks,
• Foundered Feet, Scratches, or Grease Mange, Rhen
, matism. Bites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful
Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns, Whit
lows, Burns and Scalds, ehi:blainsi, Chaprd hands,
Crain p, -Contrariions of the Muscles; Swellings,
NVeakness of the fonds, Caked Breasts. &c.
Beware of (7(JUN - rut:FL:ITS, and be sure the name
of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W.IIIERCH ANT.,
LOCKPORT. N. Y., is blown in the side of the bot
tle, or in his hand wring over the cork. Don't bo
persuaded to take any thing else with the promise it is
just an geed, &c., &c. This is practised by those un
principled deaiers whose conscience will stretch like
India R. bber, and who are of a kindled spirit of those
in our large cities, who'se nefarious practices have so re
cently been exposed to the action of Congress.
Those who attempt to Counterfeit this article are re
ferred to the law of New York, of May 1845, by which
it will he seen that every parson meddling in these.
counterfeits is solijrect to indictment, iroptisonment, and
fine. \14%0
A person selling f this state, will be liable foot
rest when in the state, and also to he held as a witness
against those ho bought of OT sold for.
All Orders addressed to the proprietor will be respond
ed to.
Gets pamphlet of the Agent and see what wonder.
are accomplished by the use of this medicine.
Sold by revectable dealers generally in the United
Stites and Canada.
For sale by HUSTON & PCRTER,Towands,
Wells, Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer, Covington. Abel
Turrell. Montrose. romp & Kinsey, nston, Lewis
Smith Co., Allentown, H. B. puffin South Easton.
Oct. 15th 1843. n 2 U yl,
Corning, Elmira and Duffalo Line.
ti 'ELMIRA for BUFFALO, every week during
the season, in the Wowing order :
Leave Corning Tueaddys, at 10
.o'Clock, A. 'III.
Leave Corning Wednesdays, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Leave Havanna Taursdsys P. M.
Tow Down Seneca - .Lake on Fri &Y, touching at
Big Stream, Starkey, Lodi. Dresden, passing Geneva,
Waterloo and Seneca Falls, on Saturday.
Leave Buffalo for Elmira and Corning, every Saturday
Morning. Leave-Rochester 'every Monday morning.
BOAT 8UFFAL0...... E. H.,
For freight or Passage apply to the Captains on
board, or to the following Agents:
W. M. Mallory. Corning. Price & Molly, Geneva.
S. B. Strang & Co. Elmira; Hastings & Field, do
J. Wintermnit , Horse heads J. Miller, Seneca, Fait,.
E. S. Hinman, Havanna. L. Boatedo, Montezuma. -
L G. Townsend, big Stream. H. L. Fish. 'Rochester.
Woodworth & Post, Lodi.' :idea & Wheeler, ilaffslo
Gay & Sweet, Waterloo. I April 12, 1949.
AIL Concerned will please take Notice !
THE co. partnership heretofore existing between Tho
mas Elliott and N. C. Torukins, under the name
of ELLIOTT & TOMKINS, is this day dissolved by
mutual consen•. All debts dee to said firm are to be
paid to the subscriber, who is authorixed to receive the
same. All liabilities of said firm are to be paid by him.
All indebted are requested to call and settle their respec
tive accounts, klso,„ all indebted to the late firm of.
Elliott & Mercur are desired to call and settle without
' The subscriber will continue the business in his own
name. and will be happy to accommodate his old friends
and the public generally. on the most reasonable terms.
Towanda, June 7, 1849. THOS. ELLIOTT.
ALL persons Indebted to the late firm of
TON Zar. ELWELL, are hereby requested to oir,
and settle with WM. ELWELL without delay.
To"ands. May. 27, 1849
TOINEWS. TOOLS.—A good assortment of: Bead.
a , Moulding and Bench PLANES, grooving plowu
and other Joiner's Tools, just received from the min-,
factory, and for sale low by • 0. D BARTLETT_