Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 04, 1849, Image 2

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    Wretigaro M(pervt(v.
---- -
Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Men!
Freedoms for Pre, Territory.
Towanda, Wednesday, July 4, 1849.
Advertisements. Irr., intcnileil f,r publicatinia, in
the Reporter, should In , haluled Ui byMondapiight,
to ellYtfre their insertion.
,(j Our readers will find, on our first pep the
commencement of an excellent tale—being the
translation of Madame D'Arlxtuville's 1.07„r.r.r
Medicine. It will be completed in two more !lum
0;:r The Cotrimunicatiori Rom - F:0:' is vrel
- We shall bo glad to hear from ingt upon
the . terme proposed.
t- We are requested to state, that the Rt. Rev.
Bishop Kestoatca, of Philadelphia, will deliver a
discourse at the Catholic church, on Thursday
evenin2, at 6 o'clock
-A Timely Mint.
"It inmost sincerely to be hoped, that the demee
racy of the several counties, will be careful in the
selection of candidates; to represent them in the
coming logislattire. The party should not suffer
the mortification and disgrace of havir ' , dishonest
and purchasable materials sent to thelegislature,
as democrats. Nor should men be sent into this
body who can be made the puppets—the mere in
struments of a clique of balt conservatives in a
county—who would comproniit all the
of the party to attain their own temporary and sel
fish purposes. Men who act thus, bring reproach
and disgrace upon the party. and ought to be repu
diated by every honest man."
The Democracy of Bradford need no warning,
like the above from the Harrisburg. Keystone, to en
sure,trom our County, Representatives of undoubt•
ed character. They will again return men, whom
the seductions of bank influences cannot affect ! —
' who will support as our Representatives have done
for years, the policy of the lamented Surice.
The danger which the Keystone deprecates, is
as much the fault of the Democrats of the state, as of
their Representatives. We venture to say that the
Democratic Representative in Bradford who would ro
far forget his duty to his constituents, asto pursue'
the coarse of some in the last legislature, would find
that he hid not friends enough left at home, to even
give him a decent political burial. They, would
lo? him off as a foul excresence. But the timid
and timeserving policy punned in some counties
by encouraging corrupt and marketable Democrats,
engenders and invites recreancy to our principles.
What in time will grow out of such a course, we
cannot tell; but we fear the time is fast hastening
when the cause of Democracy will be disgraced,
unless its friends purge themselves of all such lep
The Cholera
This fearful disea * se has fairly, commenced its
ravages upon this continent. As yet kept within I
the bounds prescribed by science in the Atlantic
cities, in the South and West it appears to have
made fearful work. New Orleans ; St. Louis and
Cincinnatti are suflering severely. Their popula
tion, largely made up of emigrants is peculiarly
susceptible of this disease. Unacquainted with
the general laws fir preserving health, crowd
ed by hundreds into unhealthy localities ; not over
cleanly in their person and habits, this class who
hare sought from the troubles of the Old World a
refuge in this peaceful land, are swell off by thou
sands. At first confined to them, the disease at
length gains'a power and sw iy which respects no
condition. nor precaution, but 'sweeps indiscrimi
nately into the charnel-house, the rich and the poor
—the temperate and the intemperate—the cleanly
and the filthy.
As might be supposed, a thousand remedies are
preposed for the Cholera, and as many nostrums
vended for its prevention or cure. Our advice
would be to. trust none of the new discoveries, but
to rely upon the advice of physicians.
Our Cout ty, :in all probability, 1611 be exempt
from the vi.•itation of tlii4 dreaded ihsesse; even if
it should spread : far into the country. In 1832, we
believe, it remained unscathed. Breathing the
pure df our hills, the denizen of the crowded and
festering city, can repose in perfect security from
the epidemic which is daily cutting down its hun
dreds. Ho; then ye dwellers in the hot and un
healthy city!
From nniogened fur ye breathe m court■
And typhna la: nt••,l allies.
(.o forth. and dwell where health rekorts,
In ferule hullo and vadirw."
',MCRAE. EhNA - rios.—James Buchanan has pre
sented .to the city councils of Lancaster the sum of
$4OOO, to remain a perpetual fund, the . interest
whereof is fo be annually expended in the purchase
of fuel for the MSC of poor and indagent women du
ring inclement winter •seasons.
We are sorry to see a bequest so honorable to the
donor, made the subject of so much publici•y as
_ this has been by some of the over-jealous friends
of Mr. B. Their indecent haste and zeal to blazon
' forth to the worth this gratuity—their fulsome and
sickening praise—disgusts us with the whole affair.
Trite charity needs no heralds—it seeks none—it
would deprecate the folly which held up its act to
the public gaze, and plastered it over with servile
flattery : it does good in private, for the sake of the
good, not for the notoriety which newspaper puffs
may a tach to the act.
();;;;S• Our citizens will do well to avail themselves
of the visits of T. E. Gatuf.r.v, General Book Agent,
to this place, to secure copies of such worksas they
may desire to order. We can bear testimony to
Mr. G's. puntualitv and his favorable manner of
dealing with his customers. He delivers, also, the
various periodicals and reviews which can be pro
cured through his hands free of postage. His next
vurit will be abort the toth inst.
THE Pitiff‘TLVANIA RAILROAD is to be put in op•
eration as lar as Nlillerstowt, sixteen miles above
the mouth of the Juniata, en the 15th of this
month, and the entire line to Lewistown by the
middle ot 'Auguft. •
Otr- The I emocratic State Convention meets at
Pittsburg, to-ilay.
[For the Bragged Reporter.]
,fragments from g fortfolio.—No. •1.
Brother coma home ! you have wandered long
Fur away, far sway, 'mid a-careless throng;
You have gazed on scenes both grand and wild ;
You have been where the Hower-decked prairie smiled ;
You have listened to birds of plumage gay
That warbled sweet motel the. livelong day ;
You have strayed where the light-winged zephyrs roam
rhrough sweet, southern bowers —now, brother, come home
Brother, come home' a sister would win
You away. Mr awry. front the city's ;
You have:trod through the hails where splendor beamed,
And the light of a thousand bright eyes gleamed ,
You have listened to music, whose cadence fell
In voluptuous macs oil your car Like a atoll :
As the jeweled band of a dark eyed maid •
You pressed—while you smoothed down her glossy braid;
From an scenes of gaiety would you might come :
Your sister's one prayer i>~ n brother, come home '^
Hmther. come home'—Ton have sung the lay
Of love to a mud with a step like a fay ;
Oh. let her not win you from It= once so dear,
For sue of the light step, and soft voice to lien..
Oh. lit:as—and the . tears of a sister %at,
You have beru far out on the wild, wild wave :
You have watched from your boat the sparkling foam,
But wander no longer ;—oh, brother, conic home !
Brother. come home I—weary months have passed
Smec I gazed on your face. in its brightness. lust :
Von lingered when paring, and seemed to gr.evo
sme and its thormand‘mdearments so leave :
And I—oh, I mussed you, when morn first . bruke,
A ud .all to their day -time duties awule ;
And when the sweet hours of twilight none
Tuts I wept tu my aeduea•, and w)abed yon home
Then come bark. oh. come back from that Southern land
Though its flowers may be br,gin, and hs zrphyrs bland ;
FnT 1 !Ong to print 011 Rif brattier's chee
The wttic l k tells more than words can speak.
And wizen I bare gazed in your smt•ht eyes.
I oral smg you those olden melodies
{Vlach you loved *0 wed ere thence you dtd main,
And joy will return to our lone!) home.
Herrick, Pa. June Nth.
Pun+.Stroke, or •• Coup de doled:,
To the Editor of the Tribune
As many deaths hairs occurred during the ex
treme heat of the last tew days by - what is com
moldy called "Sun-stroke,'' a few iemaiks upon
its nature and treatment may be productive of bene
ficial, practical results.
Sun-stroke consists essentially in a paralysis of
the nerves that supply the heart_ These nerves
are principally from the eight pair or "par ea gum,"
which arise from the medulla oblong ata. at the base
ofkilie brain. Hence it is that in ibis affection we
get symptoms similar to those that result from
" concussion of the brain 2 The danger in this de
cease is just in proportion to the degree 01 paralysis
As the disease consists in a- want of action of the
heart, common sense, xvithont any physiological
. knowledge, would suggest the appropriate mode of
treatment, viz. stimblants and counter-irritation.
Place the patient oil his back, in a horizontal posi
tion—give him flesh air: keep him well covered
and warm : apply cold water to his lieadhot
. bricks, sand, &c. to his feet and around him—fric
tions, mustard- to the pit of the stomach and extrem.
ities. Imermilly give stimulants--as brandy ; ether ;
ammonia, capsicum ; &c.
I have thus hi iefiy given above the nature of the
disease and indications of cure. As the danger al
ways is great, the case should be intrusted to a
physician who's qualified to act understandingly
in any emerge cy.
Should the a ore remarks he the'means of pre
serving even one Ille, my - object will be gained.
1 J. SAGE: li I L BOURN E, M. D.,
13ORTA NT RAIL.: com) iVEMENT.—We under
standthat the stoc . of the Ca . ga and Susquehan
na Railroad. este ding from the New York and
Erie road, at Owego, to the Cayuga Lake, Ithaca,
has been taken-by the patties engaged in construct
ing the Liggett's Gap Railroad: lite latter extends
from the coal fields of the Lackawanna Valley, in
Pa., to the Et le Railroad, at Great Bend. Thus, by
the use of a section of the Erie Railroad. the pro
prietors of the two Roads just mentioned wty have
a continuous line of the Lackawanna
Valley to the South end of Cayuga Lake, which
they intend to make their channel fur distributing
I anthracite coal throughout central New York.
t The importance of this undertaking will be ap
preciated, whew it is understood that coal Can be
sold at Utica, Syracuse, Auburn and Rochester, at
about New. York prices. This company have se
cured one thousand acres cf coal lands in the Lack
awanna valley, and their charter gives them the
privilege of mining and selling their own coal
Their supply is inexhaustible, and the demand al
most unlimited. They will be able to supply to
Pennsylvania, in return, plaster and salt in large
quantities.—N. N. Journal qf Commerce.
DEATII ..4 ND 111:111A L OF Ex-Pa ESIDENT POLE .--.-
Under. this head the Nashville Troe Whig gives
some account of the last hours of Mr. Polk, from
which we make the following extract:
" He retain _d his cons:iousnes.s, we learn, up al
most to the moment of dissolution. We saw him
at a period when his physicians conside:ed his case
very critical. lie happened to hear that we were
going to Columbia, where his good old mother re
sides, and sent for us. Upon entering the room he
aL-keil us to take a seat by his bed-side, he pro
, ceeded in a very calm, deliberate manner to say
that the exhausted condition of his body was not
alarming to him—that he felt sadsfied that his
I earthly career was fast approaching to an end—that
he wished to send some word to his beloved m
ther, who was so unwell, as he understood, t .1 it
was probable that she might not be able to ome
and see him—he spoke of her and other me bers
of the family most affectionately—amonts other
messages delivered in the same calm, resigned
tone, he requested us to tell his mother that should
they not be permitted to meet on earth again that
he an abiding hope that, through Divine mercy,
they would meet hereafter. Early in his sickness,
we understand, lie connected himself with the
Methodist Episcopal Church. A funeral sermon
was delivered by Rev. J. B. McFerrin of that church,
and his remains followed to their last resting-place
by a large concourse of citizens. • He was interred
with Masonic ceremonies, having been a member
of that fraternity."
New-Orleans is at last free from the desrmctive in
roads of the Mississippi. if e Sauve Crevasse hav•
in^ been cfosed.on the 26th lost, as we learn by a
telepraphic despatch. Ott the 20th a reqiiiriticn
was made wa the city by the Engineer, Mr Dunbar
for 10,000 more sacks to be filled with earth and
thrown iu between the double line of piling arid
this it' appears, has been sufficient to complete the
stoppage of the water. The conclusion of the work
was the most difficult of all: for when the lines of
piling from each bank ofthe crevasse were brought
within 30 feel of each other, the water, in the open
space was 20 feet deep, and it rushed through with
such a velocity that a steamboat, drawn into the
current was clashed violently against the works.—
Fortunately she was removed before any serious
damage Was done. The authorities and residents
of the inundated districts were milking the most
active efforts to prevent sickness arising in conse
quence of the deposits left by the receding flood.
Every precautionary measures bad been put in
THE PRESIDENTIAL Tova.—We understand that
the President will leave Washington on his tour to
the North, about the middle of Magma. He will
proceed from Baltimore to York, and. from thence
visit Lancaster, Harrisburg, Chambersburg, and the
Bedford• Springs, Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg. He
will then pass through Ohio to Cleveland, where
he will embark fot Buffalo, and will be at the New
York State Agricultural Fair at Syracuse on the 10th.
From Albany he will proceed east to Boston, and
after visiting the capitals of New Hampshire and
Maine, will return south via Providence, New
York and this city,- his purpose being to reach
Washington about the close of September.—Piiita-
Mita Ncirs.
Arrival of the Steamship Hibernia 1
' • Bonney 'stirrings at France—MAW lino
Prodaimed--Suppression if the /aurae/a—Arrest
dedrago and Lerfra:Rollin—lnsurrection at Rheims
—Great Battle at Rome—The Romantstia muXul
ouered--Reoobition active in South Grammy—
Hungarians stilt Victors !
ST. ions, N: B. Thursday-11 o'clock.
The wires have been down since last night until
The steamer Hibernia, Capt. Srour., arrived at
Halifax yesterday afternoon with 70 passengers for
New York and 22 for Halifax. She left for New
York at about 4 o'clock, and will, be at her wharf
at an early hour on Saturday morning. By her we
have dates one week later from all pads of Europe.
Esoutsm.—Naeigation Law Passed.—The bill for
the abrog,a.ion of the Navigation Laws passed the
House of Lon% without material amendment on
the 12th and has received the royal sanction. The
bill will go into effect in January.
disabilities bill passe I the House of Commons by
a majority of 66. Its success iu the House of Lords
is consUmed very• doubtful.
ENGLAND AND TII L Rost NS.—Tbe British Govern
ment repudiate all cognizance or sanction of the
proceedings of the French in their treatment of the
Case. or Sstrrn O'Binviv.—Smith O'Brien, through
his counsel, denies the legality of the commutation
of his sentence of death to transportation', and the
Government have to provide for the unlooked•for
difficulty by special act of Parliament.
THE Rua:Lunt; Losses —ln the debate in Parlia
ment upon the Canadian Loeses bill, Mr. Gladstone
interposed a most furious opposition to the meas
ure, and his remarks are said to have made a
marked impression in the House. He contended
that the passage of the bill involved imperial as well
as considerations. and that its provisions were
at variancewith the honor and dignity of the Crown.
He denied that the sense of the Canadian people
had been proi.ounced in fitvor cf the measure—
that even if it had, lie did not admit that this should
be an ultimate criterion. it involved the highest
imperial considerations, and should be subject to
the decision of the imperial Parliament alone. lie
did not ask the Government to disallow theract, but
for an assurance that under the act rebels should
not be compensated. but that the parties should pro
duce reasonable prima facie evidence before receiv
ing any public motley, that they had not taken any
part in the rebellion.
Lord John Russell comjlained orate tendency of
Mr. Gladstone's speech to aggravate the dissensions
in Canady, embitter the feelings of hostile parties,
and said that he had stated the case of one party,
that of the opposition, supplying them with argu
ments and mending their case. After paying a
warm tribute to the talents of Lord Elgin and the
spirit of his administration he avowed that it would
be the duty of Government to leave this act in op
eration., trusting that its opponents. whom he be r '
lieved to be royal men, would, when the present
excitement was over, endeavor to arrest its evil
consequences: that a direct action would be most
likely to satisfy Canada, and he had accordingly
declared at once the policy which the Government
meant to pursue.
Lord John was followed by several other speak
ers, and after a warm thscussion a division was
taken upon the question that the debate should be
adjourned to the 15th inst. which was carried. LORI
John Russell has given notice in Parliament that
the financial statement of the. Chancellor of the Ex
chequer would he deferred till another week.
Fassca—Attempted Insurrection at Paris.—On
Wednesday an incipient insurrection was attempt
ed in Perils by about 25.000 of the Mountain party,
headed by Al Etienne Arago. It was dispersed by
the troops, whose numbers amountedr to 70,000.
Several attempts were made to erect barricades.
In the evening the Assembly declared itself en per
manence and passed a decree declaring Paris and
the first military division in a state of siege. On
Thursday the alarm had considerably subsided and
business, which was entirely suspended the day
previous, wasgenerally resumed. At one time the .
peril was imminent and nothing but the courage
and rodence of the President, aided by the firm•
ness and sagacity, prevented the most serious con
sequences. Numerous arrests have taken place,
including several members of the Assembly, M.
Argo and Ledru Rollin. The last accounts report
a state of tranquility, but there was an uneasy heel
ing afloat that a renewed attempt would be made to
upset the Government. and that when it comes to
the point the troops will not prove steady.
St , PpRFSFOON OF NF:WSPAPEIVI —All the Sociali'ts
or Red Republican journals at Paris except the Nu
howl have been suppressed since the disturbance
on Wednestliy.
is reported to be in full insurrection, and to have
established a Govtrument of Red Republicans.
again appeared in England, and several cases have
occurred in Manchester and other parts of the coun
try. At Paris the disease is making most frialitlul
havoc, even more so than in 1837. Upward 01 11,-
000 deaths have already occurred, and in one day
there were about 900 cases and 600 deaths report
ed. Marshal Bugeand and many other persons of
eminence have fallen before this asourge, which
has also broken out anew in Silicia, Vienna and
Presburg, and is raging most fearfully at Alexan
dria and Cairo in Egypt.
la - ALT.—The Romans Unconquerable.—From Rosie
We learn that the French Army' commenced the
attack . upon the city on the 30th inst. and after a
sanguinary engagement in which the Romans lost
800 men. succeeded. in carrying several important
pmsts. A series of attacks has since taken place,
in which the victory is variously stated, but in
which the invading army has suffered most. The
French papers publish conflicting reports of the
operations of the army, but from the accounts to the
sth inst. h is clear that Outlinot had not then gained
access to the city, though he hail gained a position
at the north of Rome which would enable him to
command the city. The latest dispatch from Gen.
Ouchnot is to the 6th inst. at which time he opened
his trenches and hail regularly beseiged the city.
l'here is no appearance of yielding on the part of
the Romans,
but on the contrary everything goes to
confirm the belief that they would make a mostoe
termined resistance and fight to the last.
lIVNGARY AND AUSTRIA.— No Decisive Engage
ment.—Kosenth has arrived in Petah and has been
received as President in the capital of the Hungit
rAin Republic. It would seem that hostilities are
stilrearried on in the. South between the Hungarians
and the shattered remains of the Austrian army
supported by the Russians, but the reports which
reach us are so vw,me and contradictory it is not
deeined advisable to transmit them by Telegraph.
Ressasx Paocwairrtus.—The Russian General
has issued a proclamation to the Hun,prians, the
pith' of which is that it they do not lay down their
arms and submit to their fate with a good grace,
they will be made to feel the consequences of their
presumption. lEvery effort is being made to rouse
the people, and the Magyar Government have .or
dered clergymen to march against the Russians.
GERMINT.--The Revolution in the South.—ln Ba
den the revolutionary stnup.,le is now it. full play.
The Prince of Prussia has left Berlin to take com
mand of the army' of the Rhine, and in Baden and
Wirtemherg and Bavaria the Democrats are pre
paring for a conflict.
DROCTH IN THE W EST I NDIES.—The dmuth which
has been experienced on the Islaudjof St. Thomas.
this season is, in point of duration!almost without
a parallel. For the last five months, with the ex
ception of a single shower lately, there had not
been a particle of rain. The vegetation was all
dried up, and the earth was covered with a coating
of dust. A similar state of things had existed on
many of the neighboring islands. In the Island of
Mayaguez, I'. R. the crop - will fall short fully one•
druid on an average.—N. U. Picayune.
r ir r -1-7.1
, In the failure of this great work, we feel pain
d sorrovi It is an act of injustice to the North
lord her interests that calls "trumpet tongued" for
ress. tt is a wrong to the North, that the north
must avenge. If true to ourselves, we have but
one course to pursue. that course is definitely
marked out—and easily followed-rageation—w
tation, till the politicians of other parts of the state
are made to feel that an injured laud insulted peo
ple will writhe under the lash: •
What have the people of the north done that
they are to be disappointed in all their hopes and
all their prosperity ! What have they done to meet
,so keen and so vindictive a reproof? Ye wise
1 heads, who control the destinies of the state an
swer this, will ye?
The track of the rail road at the S.chaylk ill plane
can be taken up and the route Changed at the cast of
400,000,00 and the money borrowed for that; but
when we talk about a loan to complete the best
portion, of the Pennsylvania canal, it is thrown in our
teeth, tat is bad policy to increase the State debt !
In other words it is a very fine thing to increase
the state debt for the benefit of the people of Phil
adelphia—but this wild scheme will never ansiver
when applied to the North. Her coal fields, and
iron banks—and forest* may stay where they are.
- It wont do to add one cent to the state debt for your
northern hordes ; bdt when the civilized and en
lightened east demand—they must be considered.
This is the way in sSiinch the matter is to be dis
posed of. Very well, it may do for a day but we
doubt if it will answer always.
It is good policy to create a sinking fund one day
and the nest a loan of S 400,000! It goes into the
pocket of Philadelphians ! They, forsooth, are
made of finer clay than the stout yeomany of the
north! Their petition is certainly heard in the day
of trial, when ours is unheeded.
If the people along the North Branch are guilty of
any sin to be accounted for—let us hear it. Put us
upon trial, and give us the charges and- specifica
tion. Have we failed in raising our quota of taxes I
In the day of invasion have they concealed the
muster roll? In three wars, the - north has been
represented in the rank and file of the service.—
Have they lacked in duty to the g overnment?—
Have they gained the name and reputation of
Goths and Vandals! Are they the subjects of re
proach—and have they become a by-word ! Speak
out !
There is not a rail road or canal in the common
wealth but what was made by northern votes.—
The north has always pursued ' a liberal policy—
liberal to a fault in taking care of others at her own
cost The day of returning good far good has not
yet dawned on the - north. When will it ; The
question is easily answered. It others do a wrong,
let them in return do a wrung. The day for doing
good for evil is passed by. Let the people of
the north join in a solemn league, that they
will cast then vole in future 'for no man praying
office, who refuses to give his written pledge
to complete, as tar as his influence goes, the North
Branch canal. Let it be in acting—take no word
of promise pmelaimeil from the stump! Of>this
we have had enough. Too much for the wellare
of northern Pennsylvania.
But people of Luzeme, dont give up this great
measure—hold meetings, petition, send your men
lo the capital—demand in the boldness of injured
men. Speak out and speak plainly. Your cause
is a good one. Not confined -to the prosperity of
the north : but including the interest of the whole
commonwealth. In the completion of the North
Branch. there would be a sinking fund,—that well
might be worthy of all that word implies, But
men who have eyes, cannot zee and men who
should have ears too, are deaf. But we will give
them a peal in future.—Lezerne Demoeral.
THE CHOLERA.—A committee of highly respect
able lloincepathic Physicians in this city have Issu
ed the following instructions with reference to the
existing epidemic. Whales , ler be the opinion
which the reader may entenaih of the Homcepathic
system, he will nowhere findore judicious gen
eral directions for the presery non at health at this
Lion o 1
crisis or at any other.—N. Y. [The.
I. Avoid crowded asemblie and cmwded stet p
ing apartments. and as much possible shun the
presence of filthy persons. The disease is mostly •
developed in crowded dwellings, ships, prisons,
ramp, &c., and it very seldom appears in houses
occupied by a single family.
2. Observe cleanliness of person and advise your
domestics to wash themsclve. , , especially the feet
i in cold water daily.
1 3. Dwellings especially sleeping rooms, should
I in all casesbe thoroughly ventilated.
4. Pursue your ordinary course of eiet—observ
ing some moderation as to vegetable and fruits.—
Night meals are to be avoided. Regularity in the
hours of eating di very desireable. Tobacco? and.
alcolilic drinks should be continued by personS ful
ly addicted to them ; but the quantity should be
somewhat less than is the custom of the patity.—
Articles of diet known to disagree with the rekular
ac ion of the bowels should be most scrupulously
5. Avoid fatigne. Keep the person warmly clad
without over clothing.
G. Mental agitation and undue indulgence of
passions should be avoided. Profersional excite
ment should as fat as pos.tble be shunne.l. It is well
to reflect that many thousands who should careful
ly observe the foregoing suggestion not more than
one or two would be seriously affected by the
cholera m izism, even where it is seriously epidemic•
7. Cathartics and laxatives must be avoided
. -
wholly. No means should be taken to remove
costiveness, except such as are prescribed by a
physician. The use of opium m any form is ex
ceedingly injurious.
8. During the presence of cholera as an epid
emic persons disposed to use every precaution
may take Fern/ruin and Cuprum as prophylactic
means. These should be taken every fourth day,
one dose at bed tune. The dose may be about
one drop or one grain. They are Ito be taken in
9• It there should be slight disturbance of the
system, a nausea., shiverings, vertigo or oppression
at the stomach, take a powder of ipscnc of the third
trituration every three hours until these symptoms
10. If there be watery• looseness of the bowels
without pain or cramps, take one drop of Veratrum
every third hour until it is removed.
11. If the looseness be accompanied by cramps,
take Cuprum, and much as wilt he on a half-dime
and repeat it every two hours.
12. If the diarrhea should become profuse (with
or without pain and sem Mag i ) the discharge being
watery and whitish, and the strength rapidly (ailing,
take fire drops of the spirits of camphor every half
hoursiantil it is effectually stopped. Should these
symptoms become very severe three dropsof cam
phor may be administered every five minutes.
13. From the moment - that the diarrhea become
urgent the person should cease to move about. He
should be put to bed and Kept warm and wrapped
in blankets. Übe complains of cold, he may be
surrounded with bottles of hot n tater, and his skin
may be rubbed with the hand Glistened with spirits
of zamphor ; avoid uncoverin„ any part lest the
eirpusure and evaporation should increase the cold.
A physician should be summoned as speedily
as possible and his direction scrupulous!) obeyed.
H. G. DUNNEL, M. u.
Committee of the New York.
Honurpothic Physicians' Society.
SALT.—The activity in the salt manufacture has
not been surpassed in any former year. The quan
tity manufactured. since Ist . January, is given by a
Syracuse paper al 1,171,136,16 bushels, or en in
crease of 40,488,38 bushels over the previous year.
Owing to the low price of the article, the manufac
turer is said to have scarcely paid his expenses.
Symsp of CN. Speed' at VI - silica,
delivered Ilk June ult.
titirroiecorninensed his address by tvefisr-•
e&b to his latesperech tit Jefferson Cityi deelarbg .
thslinolidag lie substracted from it,cif 19
gUltlifieffrand. if anything in the presstnt speech .
shcrold Wundeirstood as varying from that in any
patficular, it *bold t a mistake. Hb meant now
to speaVon a diffiretif parr of the subject : to speak
of his appeal to the people, and to vindicate his
' , right and their rights in making it. The appeal
was more in favor of their rights than his. They,
were the supreme judge, and bad a right to retain
jurisdiction of the case. The members of the Gen
eral Assembly and the Senators and Representa
tives in Congress were, all,the agents of the peo
pie, and the people had authority -over them all,
and especially when there was' any question be
tween-them as to the manner of doing 7 the people's.
business. His appeal was to the people on the
question Cif their own will :it was to the-whole peo
ple, for the instructions to him were b the name of
the whole. They were not party iristruclions, but
State instructions. They were in the name ,of the
State, and to the State only could the question of
their correctness be directed.
Mr. Benton made nine points or propositions as
reasons why the appeal should not be sustained,
speaking to each folly in an address of two hours.
Ist. The instructions; were in conflict with the
instructions given by the previous General Assem
bly, and complied with by him.. -
2d. The second objection was that these resolu
tions did not emanate from the known will or de
sire of the people : but as the subsequent attempts
made to support thein 'now, Were c7ntiary to their
3d. The third paint taken it Mr Benton, was
that the instructions were unconstitutional yand
therefore of no force : because, no instructions can
enforce a violation of the constitution. This was
ground for disobeying them. But he had not taken •
the ground of a refusal to obey, but merely appeal
ed to the people to say whether he should obey.
He was ready to quit his place if they sanctioned
them. for he had too much self-respect to retain his
place if he disagreed with his constituents.
4th. The instructions deniedlhe power of Con-,
gresa to legislate on the subject of Slavery in Terri
tories, because slaves were not named in that con
nection in the Constitution. This was the particu
lar part to which the former objection of unconsti
tutionality was made. He said the same lesson
would deprive Congress of all jurisdiction in Terri
tories over persons and property, as neither white
men, nor any kind of property were mentioned in
it in that connection.
• The fifth objection to the instruction" is that they
tend to promote dissensions between the States and,
disunion, upon unfoimied and erroneous views of
fact and law. This is found in the assertion of the
right to remove with property to the Territories, and
the insult concetyed to the Slave States by the res
triction of that right. The word eisurcios is used in
them as a remedy for the supposed insult, which is
no insult.
6th. 'These resolutions bound the Slate to cooperate
trills other States in the event of a ciril tear. He
showed this by the fifth set:obi:on. And denied
the right of the iegi-lature to make such pledge.
7th. Pledging the State' to a •combination to re
sist, overawe, and control the constitute authorities,
was another objection. It was, destructive to Gos
ernment, and to the Democratic principle that the
majority should govern.
81h. The Resolutions were digested from those
of Calhoun oflered in the Senate two years before.
9th. These Resolutions were trot passed for the
bonafide purpose of instructing him at Washinmon,
but fur the purpose of attacking - him at home. Facts
an dates prove this. They were passed on the
7th larch. and Congress had adjourned on the 3d.
The Senator then took a view of the state of
things in Carolina and Virginia, and expressed the
wish that Missouri should disengage herself from
her false position as speedily as possible. Having
vindicated his appeal he passed to the subject of the
Pacific Railroad —St. Lotus Union.
land emigrants are having many wild and singular
advantuies on their way to California. ‘• Chappar
al" of the N. ()event, writina from Chihba
boa, May 4, thus described one of them :
A few days before we reached the last town pre
vious to entering the Boston, the Canianclies had
Vaid•ita visit and di iven off a lar , e number of fine
horses. Althongh the Mexicans knew where the
Indians were with their own and some 300 other
horses they were KO cowardly to pursue them
They agreed however to furnish Me with fresh
horses and guides if I would make a descent, upon
the Indians' camp and to give me all the horses I
could recapture. Acconlingly I took sixteen men
and started after dark. By rifling nearly all night
and a part of the- next morning, we reached the
place where it was supposed the Indians were, but
they were off Being well mounted we started in
pnrsuit, passing over mountains and through deep
ravines, and atter about twenty leagues' ride were
forced to-return without corninil up with them, as
it was necessary for us to reach Catarina before day
light, the time appointed for our dep-irture. A
country mixe broken and wild than we passed over
on that day cannot possibly be conjectured, and had
we been mounted on. American horses it would
have been impOssil;le to have proceeded. Along
one ravine particularly it seemed an impossibility
to progress. It was between the bases ot two lof
ty mountains that towered up into the clouds and
whose jutting rocks under other circumstances
would have inspired awe if not terror. The bed
of the ravine was piled with huge stones, and
sometimes so far apart that the animals would have
-to jump from one to the other to clear the chasm
between; but they were sure-footed and true, and
during the day but two of .them fell. Now and
then a rock or chasm would cause us to leave the
ravirte, when we would fbe forced to ride alone
the sidessof the mountains so sloping that the ani
mals would lean toward the accent so tar that the
upper toot Wonld frequently-come in contact with
the rocks. . Had the auirr al made the least slip or
mistep at such times itself and rider ti ould have
been honied below upon the rocks and probably
both dashed to pieces. It was while on the side
of one of these mountains that we were first inspir
ed with any thine like fear. Two rocks lay about
six feet apart, and and it was necessary to jump
from one to the other in order to proceed. I im•
mediately Wrought of dismouritlng, but the Mexi-
cans having cleared with their animals, the sense
-of shame predominated over fear, and ntt to be
behind them we made the jump, and cleared it
without accident. We were some four hours trav
eling in and.near this ravine. If I had the time and
ability a full description of thepountiy we passed
over would be of more interest to you and your
readers than anything that could be written from
this country,
A SFLENDID METTAR.-A meteor, brighter than
the planet Venus was seen by Mr. Bond, from the
Observatory at Cambridge, on Sunday evening.
17 June, at 96. 12m. lts middle course which was
without apparent curvature, bore about East. At
first the meteor was seen in the right shoulder of
Antinous, near the star Eta Acruila. It was then
not brighter than a star of the filth magnitude; in
creased gradually during the first half of its visible
course and during the latter part very rapidly : pas
aing over about fifteen (tepees, ana fading from
the Sight near the star Epsilon in the Dolphin. W hen
near the apparent termination of its course, a large
frarment was detached or thrown off, which seem
ed at first just to lag behind for a moment anti then
to keep pace, with the principal mass. Other small
fragments were also separated, which also • follow
ed in the train. The color was white, slightly tin
ged with orange, and it resembled a-mass of inten
rely heated iron. All the appearances were
factorily determined.—Boston Traveller 2. Isl.
Three Ladies were drowned at Fredonia, I%l‘ Y.,
on the 4th. They were attempting to crof.s the
French Bridge," when the man drove them into
twelve feet of water. The carriage was carried
under a boat and the ladies drowned, though the
man and 'horses were eared.
lade item Yew
By the arrival here, this morning, otthe ifeamer
Yale& from Galveston we have received the Crei
lionapd Gazette and the New: of thathity of the 14%
• We regret to learn that the Indians in large nom,
hers continue their depredations upon our Motel
defenceless frontier. The inhabitants hare recent.
ly made a strong representation to Gov. Wood or
the evils to which they and their property are ex
posed by the incursions of these savages, and cal.
ling for protection. To show how daring the In.
diens have become we append the following, furn
ished by the gentlemen of whom it speaks;
On the 11th inst. Mr.. J. B. M. Crooks, a merchant
of New-Orleans, left San Antonio for Port Lavaca.
The Indians having been represented ai ravaging
the. country on the Civilio river, about 40 mites
of San Atonio, that gentleman was induced by the
passengers in the stage, with whom he- had- fallen .
in on the route to join theni. After leaving the C.
vilo, ind coming out on the- prairie, the stav e
was attacked by twelve Indians. They. were so
warmly received by the travelers with Colt's"revol
ers N 0.5 that they beat retreat, only succeeding i n
carrying off Mr. Crook's horse, which was tied to
the back of the stage.' Mr. Crook states - that the
people throughout the country loudly complain of
the iuefficiency of the troopetiow on the frontier,
and say that one good troop of old Texan Rangers
would be of more service. in -acting against 4,e
Camanches than all the infantry in 'he C. States,
We take the following from the I"ars of the
14th Met:
. .
FROM THE Wvsr.—A gentleman who resides in '
this city returned from the Rio Grande on Tuesday
evening. He lett Monclova on the 23d ult. at whi c h
time that place was quite healthy, but the inliabl.
tants were in great dread of the cholera. All bus
iness was suspended, and the chinch crowded. it
was also reported 'that in. all five hundred Amen.
can emigrants to California had beeri killed by the
Indians - while traveling through Mexico. This ie
port was generally credited as the Indians were
known to be very numerous in that part of Mexica.
The Cholera was making sad havoc in many ni
'the interior towns.
The crops were-generally good and an abundance
of rain had fallen in the valley of the Rio Grande,
but so great was the danger and droad of the in.
diens, that the Mexicans generally were afraid to
leave home except in strong parties well armed.
The Indians, about 20 in limber had altacket!
• a rancho about two miles from Sabinas in midday
and killed over e. hundred' Mexicans. None es.
taped who did not take to refuge in the stone lions..
es. The Indians carried off all the horses aid inn.
les btu no attempt was made to follow them..
Ou 'the eash bank of the Rio Grande, 'between
the mouth and Roma, it is considered unsafe to
travel, except in strong parties well armed. ' The
Indians have shown themselves in sight of the milt
itary stations on the Rio Grandecand thole off - bor.
ses and mules.
Harry Love the daring express rider made his ap:
pearenee at the mouth of the Rio Grande last Sat
urday well and hearty. DIT.Love accompanied the
U.S. Engineers from Presidio del None to S an An.
tonio and was the first person who made the trip
from El paso to-San Antono by the new uite..
The following is irom the Sun Antonia tcritn of
the 7th lost:
By-the last mail we learn that the ('Fulcra 1, 3 ,
again appeared in New-Braunfels. it hail rne,l
there with considerable violence but our last ay
counts from that place reported that it had ceases;..
Farm Coneys Cnius - ri.—A reputation of g T n ;, e .
men from Corpus Christi consisting of Vol. K en ,.
ey, Gen. Caxneau, Wm. Man , EN. E. 01.1e-f.E,„
and eeveral - °Theis arrived at an Antonio on Ti,,-:.
day. sth inst. on a visit to the Commander-in-onel
of that post, relative to iii• recent depiedicinin
committed by the Indians ia that portion ott..i.;
State between the Nueces and the Rio GrativlT
The continued depredation by the Indians with J 7.
punity at Corpus Christi and its vicinity - has attire
destroyed that fair portion of the State—depoptilJ
ting neielibot hoods and settlements that were -5i
springing, into existence. Near Corpus Chris - - :ii
San P.itricio they have murdered citizens main
gun' shot of those places and driven awn, tare
quantitiei; of "lock. Beside destroying other pro
perly to a eonsidera`ole amount. . .
'tile loss of Cot Finney alone is several thousand
dollars ; at one rancho belonging to that ::. , -n , let7r
they drove o ff t2O head or gentle Lorses beside
killing and (hiving away a great math cattle.
A lew raw recruits and tattered hazrnet;:s r:
companies and those on foot continue - 1.C3111 , a::
the military force nosy on our -frontiers. 1: is * tine
there are two or-Three companies of .tra, , on , . big
how can' they protect a frontier exten.b: , .: d liKlW
and miles against the warlike and treacheroui•lr:v
of Indians on the North Anierican run:,neat 7 0:::
Government must do- semething or Tex.t. tri:; 1.
thrown back upon her original elements for protec
tion. Gen. Ramey, from his lona experience. is
the man to quiet the Indian italic-Mt:Ts on iv
frontier it the. Goveramenfouldl
Limy tare ilia
'te right kind of troops.—N. 0: P Ica li..llC:l9th.
ACCTDEAT AT NlSSital RA. FA I. 1.5. The /Infra ,
Express of Saturday haS the follovrimt paitteutdi--
a sad accident at the falls which brieth itnnt.-c
Telegraph in The Trtuni of Sa:urklar inr
A gloom was cast over this city vestertini
ing by the sad inteligence of an accident tit N..t.-aq
Falls the evening previous re;ultirg t. the ,eitz
of two persons from this city under the n e-tzitt.•
tingcirbumstances. The pariculais ~ f
fat affair are contained in the followi-ig telegir'n
patch, received yesterday afternoon :
at a quarter before 8 o'clock n it.ic a party et
dies and gentlemen were'visiting the
among whom were the lady and little datt:,te: -
Mr. De-Forest and young - Charles C
and several others and while the little nr: ‘r•t!
standing on 'the very brink of the river aiai not
some 20 feet from the Fails, and 1i01,14
hand of a young gentleman whose name 1 1,4
not learned. Yount Addirrrton come tip and sti
playfully, "I am going o throw you in. -
her lightly on the shoulder—When she spiniti
ward with asufliment force to slip irorn . the nr,
of.the young gentleman who held her. St e ‘‘l
instantly followed by Addington who canzta
and in the effort was prostrated by the torte nt;:e
water throwing the little giri at the sane tone f -t
near the shore that the young gentleman wh - t
her by the hand nearly caught her but 10- , t
ance only saving himself by catching hold 01
brush on shore. In a instant young Addington tix
the little girl were swept over the Falls:
No human etiorts could avail them.
moment threw them beyond the reach of
tal aid. Young Addingion was a young - ".
excellent character, of high and generous inpuie
He was the only son of the bereaved family test
ding in Buffalo. They are nosy here—their . ; net
intense—no event has ever cast snch a gloom tire'
our village. The body of the little gitihas jpst hes
recovered and will be sent to Buffalo by tht ,
noon's trains It was carried to.the house of
Hewlett where it was laid but and prepared
sending up by the cars.
14th says : Capt. Harrison, with his fortitica:,en '
tascines ; Linet. Shatinessy with his .bag. of
Marshal Gobet. with his rare piles all seem
mined to give the "'Father of waters" a Biwna ‘i• -
ta Bglt. Twmthirds of 'the volume of water > now
cut oft. The steamer Hunter arrived this a:teraoc'
with hay and stores. The steamer AtinawAii .e:
this morning with Mr. Surgi and thirty men. d•
coast for the purpose of obtaining twines
upper part of this crevasse was completely stopet.:
in the rear of which in a small bed of w.:` .
found a great quantity of fish bearite: the iLitne
"buffaloes Captain . Harrison who is a
" sea•driti", caught in his arms three of tl . c
tribe and. ha sent the same to von for nisper:! l, "'
"Ahere are a few more left of the same soil. a";
should the anglers of the dry portion of your city
great sport let them come up to the crevasse.
THE Oveartow.—The river contiiiiies to fill. ar
the water to recele from the rear of the city.
Th e
authorities we are glad to perceive are active i!
having thadeposite removeo from the . .tieeis , ;tal
tune ibuted.—Y. 0. Corn. Butt !Ile lA.